Synchronized Real Time Audio Streaming Over Ethernet in Embedded Systems-33

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Synchronized real time audio streaming

over ethernet in embedded systems

A thesis submitted for the degree Master of Science

in Information Technology

submitted by
Indumathi Duraipandian 926286
Fachbereich Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Fachhochschule Kiel

January 2018
Declaration of Authorship
I, Indumathi Duraipandian, declare that this thesis titled, ‘SYNCHRONIZED REAL
the work presented in it are my own. I confirm that:

 This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research degree
at this University.

 Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or any
other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has been clearly

 Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly at-

 Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given. With
the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work.

 I have acknowledged all main sources of help.

 Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have made
clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed myself.




In any complex audio video networks such as professional audio recording studios, au-
tomotive or in-flight infotainment systems, concert avenues or even home entertainment
systems, the connection between the various audio/ video sources and sinks are mostly
analog, point to point and serve a single purpose. This leads to tonnes of confusing
cables, each cable serving a specific data exchange. Even the digital solutions such as
I2 S, S/PDIF, AES3 for short distance connections, most for automotive applications and
Firewire (IEEE 1394), HDMI or audio over USB for high bandwidth applications, still
require purpose built cables and proprietary software to work correctly and still they
lack interoperability. Ethernet is now ubiquitous and offers high bandwidth for low cost
over reasonable distances, so it makes sense to use Ethernet for audio/video streaming.
The only limitation of Ethernet networks is that, since it is a packet switched network
offering reliable, real time delivery of media is a challenge. To overcome this limitation
and use the Ethernet networks for reliable, real time, flexible audio/video streaming, a
set of protocols have been developed. These set of protocols required for a synchronized
real time streaming is called the Audio Video Bridging(AVB). This is a relatively new
standard and currently there are only a handful of implementations that make use of
this standard. Our study discusses the implementation of AVB as a part of the open
source Linux kernel which can be used and improved by anyone irrespective of appli-
cations. The study aims at building AVB stack for an open source hardware Beagle
Board and study the various metrics such as latency, synchronization, throughput etc.
between devices like Beagle Bone Black and Beagle Board X15 along with documenting
the interoperability with off the shelf AVB devices such as MAC OSX laptops.
Its my pleasure to take opportunity for preparing master thesis report on ’Synchronized
real time audio streaming over Ethernet in embedded systems’ application. I thank from
the core of our heart to Fachhochschule Kiel for permitting me for carry out the project.

First of all my hearty thanks to Prof.Dr.Robert Manzke who helps me in every possible
manner that ensured a proper environment to work and allowed complete freedom and
reposed complete faith in my work. He makes me aware about all the aspect of the
system & its requirement deeply. I thank him for being a constant source of inspiration
and for his advice that will help in my future in this professional field. He ensures the
proper completion of project by reviewing my progress at the appropriate stages of the
project development. His guidance and inspiration change this project into a faithful
and meaningful exercise.

Being a newbie to all the technologies, I had really good hands on experience with these
technologies now. After completing this project I came to know that learning technology
is much more different than applying technology practically in any application.

I also owe our sincere thanks to all the friends who directly or indirectly helped me with
their valuable suggestions. Their warm-hearted guidance acted like a lamp in darkness.


Declaration of Authorship i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iii

List of Figures vi

List of Tables vii

Abbreviations viii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Audio Video Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Technical Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Established solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Audio over Ethernet Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Need for AVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Objectives and Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Open Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 Open Anvu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 XMOS Xcore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.3 Miscellaneous Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Proprietary Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Technical Background 16
3.1 BeagleBone Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.1 Ethernet Time stamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 Audio Cape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Linux Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.1 Linux Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.2 System calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.3 Device drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.4 Networking stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.5 ALSA Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Audio Video Bridging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3.1 Generalized Precision Time Protocol(gPTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Contents v

3.3.2 Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP) . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3.3 Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS) . . 37
3.3.4 AVB Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management and Con-
trol (AVDECC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.3.5 Audio Video Transfer Protocol (AVTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4 Implementation 50
4.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2 gPTP Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.2.1 Peer Delay Measurement State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2.2 Best Master Selection State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.3 Time synchronization State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3 AVB ALSA Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3.1 Loadable Kernel Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.2 Platform Device Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.3.3 ALSA Audio Driver Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.3.4 AVDECC Talker and Listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3.5 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.3.6 AVTP Talker and Listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.4 Test Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4.1 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4.2 Features and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.4.3 Design and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5 Development 86
5.1 Google Summer of Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2 Development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.3 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

6 Evaluations 90
6.1 Delay Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2 Clock Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Synchronization Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.4 Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.5 MAC AVB Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

7 Limitations 101

8 Conclusion 102

A Evaluation Logs 104

A.1 Delay variance measurement logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
A.2 Clock drift measurement logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A.3 MAC AVB Diagnosis log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Bibliography 112
List of Figures

2.1 XMOS XCore 200 with AVB [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 BeagleBone Black [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 Linux kernel Architecture [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 gPTP - Peer delay measurement [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Stream Reservation Protocol [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.5 AVDECC Entity Model [6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.1 Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.2 gPTPd - Main Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.3 gPTPd - Peer Delay Measurement State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.4 gPTPd - Best Master Selection State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.5 gPTPd - Time Synchronization State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.6 Platform device-driver initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.7 ALSA AVB audio driver initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.8 AVDECC Workqueue Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.9 AVDECC Listen and Respond Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.10 MSRP Workqueue Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.11 AVTP AVB Playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.12 AVTP AVB Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.13 Demo Setup AB - Variation 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.14 Demo Setup AB - Variation 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.15 Demo Setup XY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.16 AVB Test Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.17 AVB Test Application - Playback Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.18 AVB Test Application - Record Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6.1 gPTP Delay Variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

6.2 gPTP Delay Histogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Hardware Clock Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.4 Full Record of Synchronization test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.5 Audio Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.6 MAC AVB Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

List of Tables

3.1 gPTP Common Message Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.2 gPTP Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 SRP Common Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 SRP Attribute Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5 AVDECC Common Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.6 ADP Data Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.7 AECP Data Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.8 ACMP Data Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.9 ACMP Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.10 AVTP Data Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.11 AVTP Data Unit - AAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.12 AAF 8 channel 16 bit PCM payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


VoIP Voice over Ineternet Protocol

TRS Tip Ring Sleeve
NIC Network Interface Card
MRP Media Redundancy Protocol
MMRP Multiple MAC Registration Protocol
AVB Audio Video Bridging
gPTP generalized Precision Time Protocol
PTP Precision Time Protocol
SRP Stream Reservation Protocol
MSRP Master Stream Reservation Protocol
FQTSS Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Systems
AVDECC AVB Discovery,Enumeration Connection management and Control
CAN Control Area Network

Chapter 1


This chapter introduces the audio/video systems that we use everyday in detail along
with their various properties that they exhibit and the various requirements and lim-
itations by which they are defined by. Furthermore down the technical challenges of
designing and operating such systems are explained, which is followed by an in depth
look into the current solutions available and discuss their merits and demerits. Through
these discussions the need for a new improved solution for audio/video streaming is
explained. The Audio Video Broadcasting protocol suite is presented as a possible can-
didate which fits the requirements listed. And finally the objectives required to assess
the various features of AVB are listed.

1.1 Audio Video Systems

In the current ”Information Age” we are constantly surrounded by all kinds of infor-
mation processing systems. A most significant part of the information that we produce
and consume is in the form of Audio/Video. Although much can be said about the
audio/video information itself, here we concentrate more on the systems that are used
in the production, distribution and consumption of these audio/video data. More specif-
ically we are concerned in the embedded systems that are involved inside the several
audio/video systems anywhere in the production-distribution-consumption chain. Based
on the properties of the data and other parameters, these systems can be broadly grouped
into two different kind of categories as listed below.

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 2

• Infotainment Systems:

– Any form of audio video data produced and consumed for the purpose of
entertainment or information distribution falls in this category.

– These include movies, television, music albums, news broadcasts, educational

programs etc...

– In these systems large amounts of data are produced and consumed, hence
high bandwidth interconnections are required.

– These systems tend to me more of an one way communication.

– For a single producer there can be a multitude of consumers.

• Communication Systems:

– Real time communication via mobile telephone systems, VoIP, video confer-
encing, virtual presence devices etc... fall in this category.

– Here synchronized, low latency systems are preferred.

– These are most often two way communication systems, but there also can be
one way communications.

– Can be between two or also between a group of producers and consumers.

For any audio video system there are several parameters which needs to be considered
when designing and building a system. Some of the most important of these parameters
are described in detail below. All further discussions regarding audio video systems are
discussed in terms of these parameters.

• Bandwidth:

– Defined as the amount of data which is able to be transferred between two

devices at any given time through the connection medium.

– For systems which handle multi-channel, high resolution, high sample rate
audio streaming and high resolution video streaming higher bandwidth is

– The bandwidth required also increases if a single device is connected to several

devices through single connection medium.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 3

• Latency

– Defined as the time required for the propagation of the audio from the source
to the destination.

– In general and specifically for communication systems low latency is preferred.

• Synchronization - All the devices in the network should work as if they are part
of a one single large system.

• Cost efficiency - The cost of such an interconnect has to be affordable.

• Scalable - It should be possible to increase capacity without much complexity.

• Modular - Should be possible to be built from simple modules and should work
with a minimal set of modules.

1.2 Technical Challenges

To understand the technical challenges in designing and operating the audio video sys-
tems, some real world examples of such closed audio/video systems are given below along
with the requirements for these systems in terms of the vital parameters discussed in
the previous section.

1. Professional Studios:

• Made up of several input devices (Several musical instruments, vocals, sig-

nal/effect generators etc..).

• When a recording is live, audio data from all these devices should be syn-
chronized and then fed into the mixers/post-processors/encoders etc...

• The end result from the encoders can be either broadcasted further or stored
on a storage medium.

• The synchronization between various devices is very important here or else

we will end up with a recording with out of sync instruments which could not
be considered as pleasant music.

2. Theaters/Stadiums/Concert Halls:
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 4

• These also contain a multitude of audio inputs connected to mixers/post

processing nodes and encoders.

• The output from these mixers can be routed for the amplifier systems for live
replay or for broadcasting and also for storage

• But unlike recording studios where faults can be tolerated and any changes
to the systems done offline, these systems should be fault tolerant and should
be flexible to be reconfigured live.

3. Infotainment:

• Consists of a large number of receiver devices connected to a central media

server, a public addressing system which overrides media consumption and a
private communication system for the crew.

• The main requirement is to handle high volume of data in low priority and a
small amount of data in high priority.

• Making sure the high priority communication systems gets bandwidth over
high bandwidth media streams is vital for safety and security

• Although synchronization is not required between the different receivers, the

connections should be able to run parallel to each others.

4. Home media centers:

• These are made up of all of the consumer electronic devices typically used in a
home environment. (Home media servers, media players, television, speakers
and everything else which can send or receive media).

• The main requirements in these systems are ease of use (plug and play), high
bandwidth and fault tolerance.

1.3 Established solutions

The previous sections established the different parameters involved in designing an audio
video system and the different requirements involved in operating the various real world
audio video systems. This section documents the various solutions that are currently
available for the interconnections between various devices to transport audio/video data
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 5

in the systems. The interconnection systems are currently used are listed below along
with their unique characteristics, advantages and disadvantages [7] [8] [9].

• Analogue Connections

– Uses electrical signals over common electrical cables or twisted pair cables to
directly transfer audio video signals and uses Tip Ring Sleeve (TRS) or RCA

– Audio is transferred as either balanced or unbalanced signals, while videos is

transferred as either composite (Color, video, blank, sync), S-video or com-
ponent (RGB / YCbCr) signals.

– Advantages of analogue connections are as follows

∗ As the signals travel near the speed of light, latency is virtually non-
existent for everyday usage cable lengths

∗ Simple to setup and operate. High portability as most of the devices

support analogue connections

∗ As there is no latency, synchronization can be achieved without much

further effort and it is cost effective as it uses off the shelf and simple

– Dis-advantages of analogue connections are as follows

∗ Signal quality deteriorates quickly as the cable or connector quality re-

duces and with increasing noise

∗ No multiplexing possible, a separate connection has to be setup for every

single different media source or sink

∗ Depending on the cable quality and operating environments signal booster

and other post processing equipments are needed additionally where re-

• Digital media specific connections:

– Audio/Video signals are digitized, encoded and transmitted as binary signals

organized in a fixed frame structure

– The signals are usually transmitted over electrical, optical or coaxial cables
with RCA, TOSLINK and BNC connectors respectively [8].
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 6

– Protocols such as SPDIF, AES, ADAT, DVI and HDMI are used for the
packing and framing of the audio samples along with specification for the
electrical or optical signal levels.

– Advantages of digital audio connections are as follows

∗ Provides better bandwidth than analog connections are a single con-

nection can carry multiple channels of audio streams in higher bit and
sampling rates

∗ More resistant to noise and signal degradation because of cable length

and other factors

∗ Mature standards with support from several audio video device manu-

∗ Some kind of synchronization can still be achieved by also transmit-

ting media clocks over separate interface and synchronizing based on
the transmitted clock.

– Dis-advantages of digital audio connections are as follows

∗ Because of the additional processing required the overall system latency

increases and the exact latency value varies from device to device de-
pending on implementation

∗ Portability is little low since different protocols are not inter compatible
and additional equipment might be required to transfer signals between
different technologies

∗ Because of the additional chips required or encoding and decoding along

with the special cabling required the cost of the system increases.

• Digital general purpose connections

– These connections are designed to be general purpose to carry any kind of

data in parallel. Because of their general purpose nature they can also carry
media data

– Protocols such as USB, Firewire, Thunderbolt, Ethernet are some examples

for such general purpose connections.

– All these specifications also define their own specific kind of cabling and
connectors and all the physical layer specifications.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 7

– Advantages of digital general purpose connections are as follows

∗ Provides the best bandwidth of any kind of connections and also provides
the possibility to compress the media information and thereby increasing
the available bandwidth even more

∗ Easy to setup and operate since these protocols are used by everyone and
so many of these protocols provide plug and play functionality

– Dis-advantages of digital general purpose connections are as follows

∗ As it is not optimized for real time traffic latency can be higher and also
jitter is higher

∗ Because of the high jitter and a tendency to send data in short bursts
instead of regular streams synchronization is very difficult in these con-

1.4 Audio over Ethernet Protocols

Among the several of the digital audio interconnection mediums listed in the previ-
ous section, Ethernet has several inherent advantages. Because of this reason there
are several protocols developed under the ”Audio over Ethernet” model, some notewor-
thy protocols among them are COBRANET, Ethernet, Ravenna, AES67, Dante and
AVB/TSN [8]. And among these protocols Dante is a mature protocol which has been
well adopted by the industry and supported by several manufacturers. Some of the
advantages and disadvantages [10] [11] [12] of the Dante protocol is listed below:

• Dante has a large adaptation among other protocols in the industry with several
devices available in the market with support of the protocol.

• It supports synchronized streaming of multi-channel, high sampling rate audio

streams with low latency.

• The dante systems are easily scalable and they support plug and play functionality
in most common operating systems such as windows and MAC.

• But Dante is a closed and proprietary system developed by Audinate Inc., which
implies royalties, no flexibility in improvements and several other constraints.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 8

1.5 Need for AVB

As discussed above there are several options for interconnections for media devices avail-
able. But none of the connections provide a complete better performance over all the
parameters. For example the general purpose digital connections provide good band-
width and ease of operation, but they are very bad for latency and synchronization.
On the other hand the digital media connections provide better latency control and
synchronization but they provide only a fixed bandwidth and are difficult to setup and

Since the requirements for media streaming grows (high definition and even ultra high
definition 4K video streaming, multiple channel surround sound systems, personalized
entertainment systems becomes more common, which also increases the demand for
content creators to create more content and in some cases high bandwidth real time
content), the traditional solutions are stretched to their limits and can no longer support
the future streaming requirements in a cost effective way along with keeping the quality
of service to a high level. This leads to a conclusion that a new solution is needed to be

Among the several possible solutions proposed, AVB which is based on Ethernet net-
works has gained traction and is set to replace established media streaming solutions in
the near future. Ethernet was chosen as it provides high bandwidth in a cost effective
way and already the adaption of Ethernet is high as it is virtually available everywhere.
It is also more flexible to develop new specifications that provides the real time synchro-
nized media data transfers required. Because of these various advantages AVB is a good
solution for synchronized real time audio streaming in embedded systems.[13]

1.6 Objectives and Thesis outline

As discussed in the previous sections, Audio Video Bridging(AVB) promises to fulfill

the requirements for a synchronous real time media transfer for embedded system over
Ethernet networks. The goal of this study aims to test the various features of the
AVB media streaming in a real embedded system environment and study the various
operational parameters. To fulfill this goal the following objectives are set:
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 9

• Study of the current available solutions that implement AVB and their features
and limitations.

• Implement the various protocols in the AVB stack in the an embedded system
platform that is publicly available.

• Evaluation and documentation of the various features of the streaming and the
various parameters that define a media streaming such as synchronization, latency,
throughput etc...

• Discuss the results and provide a conclusion for the feasibility of AVB as a solution
for a synchronized real time audio streaming system on Linux embedded systems
which is cost effective, simple to use and provides a high quality of service
Chapter 2

Literature Review

The IEEE 802.1 and IEEE 1722 related specifications for Audio Video Bridging are
available as standards since the early 2010s. Since then there have been implementations
for the Audio Video Bridging systems. In this section, some of the most prominent of
such implementations are reviewed and discussed along with their offered features and
limitations along with their advantages and disadvantages.

2.1 Open Solutions

The following are some of the open source solutions for the AVB protocols implementa-

2.1.1 Open Anvu

The Anvu Alliance is an industrial consortium of various companies from different back-
grounds such as automotive, consumer electronics and industrial systems manufacturers
with common interest is media applications. It was created on 2009 by Broadcom, Cisco,
Harmann, Intel and Xlinx. The main objective of this alliance is to work together to
establish and certify the systems which implement the Audio Video Bridging systems
so that these certifies systems work together seamlessly without the need for any mod-
ifications or additional configuration. The Anvu alliance provides an Anvu logo which
assures that the device has been certified.

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 11

Additional to the certification process the Anvu alliance also sponsors the development
of the Open Anvu project. It was first initiated by Intel to encourage the collaboration
in development of AVB systems. Collaborating in development ensures standardization,
stability and interoperability between systems. The code is released under BSD and
GPLv2 Licensing terms and collaborations are always welcomed. The project is still
under development to improve and add various new features. The various components
and features and in general the advantages of this project are listed below:

4 A Network Interface Card (NIC) driver for Intel devices under Linux that supports
the various AVB requirements for a NIC driver.

4 A MRP daemon that supports the set of IEEE802Q-2011 MSRP, MVRP and
MMRP protocols which are used to stream reservation and VLAN registrations.

4 A gPTP daemon that implements the IEEE802.1AS-2011 protocol for the time

4 Apart from the libraries sample codes for a simple talker and listener are provided
as an example how to use the various provided libraries to build a AVB system.

4 As the libraries developed as a collaboration effort interoperability and stability

of the implementations are high.

Apart from the various features and obvious advantages of this project there some dis-
advantages or limitations of this project some of which are listed below.

7 Although several modules required for AVB are implemented it is not yet a com-
plete solution which can be directly used to develop a complete working system

7 The project is still under development and some modules required for a complete
AVB system such as AVDECC and AVTP are not yet implemented

7 Not compatible with all software and hardware platforms

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 12

2.1.2 XMOS Xcore

XMOS is a fabless semi conductor company which designs voice processing, music pro-
cessing and control micro controller designs. Most of the chips contain multi-core pro-
cessors capable or concurrent real time operations with DSP core and control modules.
It has several devices based on the XCore technology namely XCore Voice, Voice fusion,
for voice applications, XCore Audio for audio processing and XCore 200 and Xcore XS1-
L for multi-core applications. The XMOS XCore architecture provide various features
of real time operation systems such as scheduling, I/O operations and inter process com-
munications. As all these scheduling happens in the hardware in the end the responses
to events can be very fast in nanoseconds precision. The AVB implementation in the
XMOS XCore Audio processor [1] is the worlds first to pass the Anvu Alliance certifica-
tion and to get the Anvu logo. A basic architecture of an XMOS XCore Audio is given
the following figure

Figure 2.1: XMOS XCore 200 with AVB [1]

The software used for the XMOS XCore Audio systems are maintained by XMOS as
a open source development [14]. It is the base for the firmware code for the reference
implementation of the AVB protocols for XMOS silicon. The features and advantages
of the XMOS Xcore Audio AVB solution are as follows
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 13

4 Almost complete support for all the related protocols in the AVB protocol as a
single ready to use solution

4 The dedicated hardware provides assured performance, reliable and accurate be-

4 The first Anvu certified implementation which assures reliable performance and

The limitations and disadvantages are listed below,

7 Purpose built solution which supports only the XMOS XCore processors in sup-
ported models

7 As solutions are externally implemented as a separate and at-least partly with

hardware, it increases the hardware bill of materials and it is hard to reconfigure

7 Again as purpose built solution it is not very cost effective

2.1.3 Miscellaneous Solutions

Apart from the major AVB open source solutions described above there are some more
open source implementations [15] [16] available for the individual protocols in the AVB
protocols. Some of these protocol implementations are listed below

Ü Several implementations for the IEEE 1722.1 AVDECC controller, talker and lis-
teners as libraries and or applications [15]

Ü Several PTP daemons implementing the IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
and the IEEE 802.1AS gPTP protocols for the time synchronization [15] [16]

Although these standalone implementations provide reference implementations for sev-

eral of the protocols in the AVB stack,they do not provide a complete solution for the
synchronized media streaming requirements since they are standalone solutions. Even
though it is possible to combine several of these implementations to build a complete
AVB solution, interoperability could still be an issue.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 14

2.2 Proprietary Solutions

Apart from the open source community driven developments there are several propri-
etary solutions are available for AVB synchronized media streaming. As in most cases in
the proprietary solutions source code and most of the implementation details are not in
public domain, we look into the end products and their features. Some of these products
with proprietary solutions are listed below.

Ü Macintosh Operating System

Û The MAC OS has inbuilt support for AVB and synchronized audio streaming
over Ethernet since Mac OS version 10.9 Mavericks

Û Although the initial implementation is basic, the features has grown matured
in the latest versions

Û But not all models are supported Macbook Pro and iMac are generall sup-
ported and Macbook air and similar devices are not supported

Û OS X devices also support AVB Ethernet through the tunderbolt ports using
a Thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter

Û When a AVB connection to a AVB supported device is setup all the audio
applications in the device can stream audio through AVB

Ü MOTU Sound Cards

Û MOTU provides a range of external audio devices with Ethernet AVB support
and a range of conventional audio connections

Û MOTU also provides a collection of AVB enabled Network switches to build

a larger AVB network with many devices in it

Û MOTU devices are also certified by tha Anvu alliance and provide mature
devices which can inter-operate seamlessly with other devices

Û Most of the MOTU devices can be used for semi professional to high end
consumer audio applications


Û AVID VENUE range of devices provide professional quality audio recording

and distribution systems with inbuilt support for AVB
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 15

Û For example the AVID VENUE S3L systems has 3 Gigabit Ehternet port
with AVB support enabled

Û These devices are exclusively used for professional audio applications

Ü Excelfore eAVB Automotive Systems

Û Excelfore provides Ethernet AVB solution for Automotive applications ported

for several hardware platforms and several operating systems

Û Apart from Audio, it is also provide possibility for video streams along with
other regular Ethernet traffic and also acts as bridging network most auto-
motive network traffic such as LUN and CAN etc...
Chapter 3

Technical Background

For evaluation of AVB in an embedded system environment, AVB stack software is

developed over Linux operating software in a BeagleBone Black development platform.
This chapter elaborates the technical specifications of the various standards involved in
the AVB stack, an introduction to the Linux operating system along with the interfaces
provided for development of AVB standards and finally the features of the BeagleBone
Black platform are described in detail.

3.1 BeagleBone Black

BeagleBone Black is a low cost high performance development platform aimed at devel-
opers and hobbyists. It is extensively used to develop applications in the fields of mul-
timedia, connectivity, prototyping, robotics etc... It is mainly built around a AM335x
Sitara line of microprocessors from Texas Instruments, which are based on ARM cortex
A8 main processor running at a maximum of 1 GHz. They are optimized for image
and graphical processing applications with several inbuilt peripherals and a multitude of
interface options. Apart from the ARM cortex core, there are dedicated processing core
for 3D graphic acceleration, a NEON SIMD co-processor as floating point acceleration
and two Programmable Realtime Units (PRU) that run on a separate clocks and has
access to a different set of exclusive peripherals. Some key features of the BeagleBone
Black can be summarized as below.

• AM335x Siatra Processor. 2000 MIPS @ 1 GHz

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 17

• 500 MB DDR3L @ 800 MHz

• 4 GB embedded MMC onboard flash

• 2x USB, 1x UART, 1x mini micro SD card port, 1x HDMI and 1x 10/100 RJ45
Ethernet connector

• 2x 46 pin expansion headers through which up to 4 expansion devices can be


• Also available are headers for battery connection for stand alone operation and a 5v
power connector along with power switches, power indicators and other indicators.

Figure 3.1: BeagleBone Black [2]

The BeagleBone Black can be further enhanced via the usage of capes, which are ba-
sically expansion boards which directly connects to the 46 pin headers P8 and P9. A
special feature of these capes are that the unused pins from the headers are passed
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 18

through the capes and so further capes are added on top of other capes (with a maxi-
mum limit of four capes). These capes add additional functionality of the BeagleBone
Black with some additional hardware interfaced through the expansion headers. Some
examples of capes are as follows.

• The onboard HDMI and eMMC are also considered as virtual capes as they are
connected to the interface from the expansion headers.

• Power cape for managing any batteries connected and also monitor, charge and
regulate the battery power.

• LCD, RS232, CAN and other interface capes for connecting external display and
communication protocol.

• Audio, video expansion capes to extend the audio video interfacing options of the
BeagleBone Black.

3.1.1 Ethernet Time stamping

The Ethernet module on board the BeagleBone Black and subsequently the AM335x
processor, support hardware time stamping for Ethernet packets, which is required for
the implementation of the Precision Time Protocol as described in section 3.3.1. The
PTP is the crucial protocol required to synchronize the different devices communicating
via the Ethernet network.

There are three different possibilities for generating time stamps for Ethernet frames,
they are as listed below.

• Software Time stamping:

– In this method the time stamping is done completely in the software side in
the socket processing.

– As this is software the the variations in time measurement can be huge as this
Ethernet packets can suffer variable delays in the software Ethernet queues.

– This can be lead to time synchronization with in the such a system to only
in the range of several hundred micro seconds to few milliseconds.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 19

– Although this synchronization is sufficient to some systems it is not sufficient

enough synchronization for most real time systems and also this level of syn-
chronization can also be achieved through other existing protocols such as
Network Time Protocol (NTP).

• SFD Time stamping:

– The SFD (Start of frame Detection) time stamping works by time stamping
in the hardware at the MAC layer when the Ethernet physical transceiver
detects the start of the Ethernet frames.

– This way of time stamping provides high levels of synchronization enough for
the real time media synchronization.

• Hardware Time stamping:

– In hardware time stamping the time stamps are directly generated by the
Ethernet physical transceiver thus ensuring higher levels of accuracy.

– When low or sub nano second time synchronization accuracy is required then
hardware time stamping has to be employed.

The support for hardware time stamping of Ethernet packets in the AM335 processors
are handled by the Common Platform Time Sync (CPTS) module inside the processor
in the Start of frame Detection (SFD) time stamping method. This module will detect
the precise ingress and egress time of the various commands belonging to the PTP are
received or transmitted through the Ethernet physical layer.

3.1.2 Audio Cape

As a bare BeagleBone Black development board doesn’t contain any on-board audio out-
put (apart from the audio through HDMI which is not analog and could be compressed),
if audio output is required the functionality has to be extended via audio capes for Bea-
gleBone Black. One such audio caoe for the beagle bone black is the CTAG face 2—4
device. [17]. This device supports 2 stereo input channels and 4 stereo output channels.
Also a full featured audio ALSA driver is available to interface this device with the
beagle bone black.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 20

3.2 Linux Operating System

An operating system is a collection of software modules that are responsible for managing
a hardware platform (Initialize, start-up and manage communication to and fro the
hardware components) and provide an unique interface for user space applications (office
applications, media players, browsers and other such utilities). This way an operating
system presents an abstract view of hardware for user application developers so that
they do not need to be concerned about the underlying hardware.

Linux is a name referring to a family of operating systems that are packaged around
the Linux kernel. There are several Linux distributions (”distros” in short) available
for every kind of application and every kind of platform it will run on. Linux based
operation system are capable of running from a very basic microprocessor with few
mega bytes of RAM to state of the art super computer clusters operating at the cutting
edge of computing performance. In such way Linux is flexible and modular enough to
fit to any hardware platform. These properties come from the philosophy of open source
development where any one is able to use the existing Linux source as their starting
point and modify it according to their needs or according to their hardware platform.
This decentralized way of development means fast adaptation of new features and new
hardware platforms.

The various modules inside a Linux operating system are described in detail in the
following chapters.

3.2.1 Linux Kernel

A kernel is a small, high performance and highly optimized software component respon-
sible for the overall management of the hardware components, user level software and
all the communication between them.

Depending on how they are organized, there are several types of kernels namely

• Monolithic kernels where all the kernel operations are completely implemented in
a single kernel processing thread which increases processing speed but are prone
to stability issues as the code base grows
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 21

• Micro kernel where the kernel is as small as possible holding only the very basic of
kernel operations with every other functionalities implemented in the user space.
Although this approach leads to slower system performance, it provides much
better stability and security as the small code base can be tightly controlled.

• Hybrid kernels which are a combination of monolithic and micro kernel features

• Nano kernels which are similar to micro kernel but still smaller than micro kernels

• Exo kernels where only the hardware management is part of the kernel with no
hardware abstraction, thus forcing the application developers to directly handle
the hardware.[18]

The three main functionalities of a kernel is as follows.

• Scheduling

– Multitasking is a major feature for any operating system where the user is
able to execute several different operations at any given time

– This is usually done by time slicing the access to the main processor for the
several different applications that are executing at any given time

– There are several different approaches to how a time slicing organized such
as preemptive, fixed priority preemptive, round robin etc...

• Memory management

– Similar to the main processor, the main memory is also a very important sys-
tem resource which has to be shared among the several running applications

– There are several approaches for handling memory management such as vir-
tual addressing, segmentation and paging

• I/O management

– Apart from the main processor and the main memory the operating systems
is also responsible for management and handling of several different internal
and external hardware components
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 22

Figure 3.2: Linux kernel Architecture [3]

From the discussions above, Linux kernel can be described as a Monolithic, true pre-
emptive multitasking kernel with support for virtual memory. Devices are handled by
device drivers completely embedded in the kernel with on demand loading and manual
loading of loadable kernel modules. The various modules involved in the Linux kernel
are presented in the following figure 3.2.

3.2.2 System calls

Linux system calls are a way for the user space applications to invoke functions in the
Linux kernel. When a system call is invoked the kernel functions are not invoked directly
but the system call invokes a software interrupt which looks up the system call table and
executes the respective kernel function for the system call. The system call in Linux can
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 23

be invoked by two ways, one is through the syscall() library function where the system
call number has to be passed along with the required arguments. This library function
stores all the current registers, loads the arguments and executes the kernel function.
Upon completion the syscall() returns either 0 in success or -1 in case of failure with the
failure reason is returned in the errno global variable.

3.2.3 Device drivers

Device drivers are software components which resides inside kernel and manage a hard-
ware component. It presents a common interface for the user to operate on that device
by abstracting the device into the standard forms which are defined as follows

• Character devices

– Character devices exposes the device as a file which can be opened and closed
as a normal file. The contents of the file can be read or written as a stream
of bytes

– The difference between a normal file and character device is that the former
has the ability to seek back and forth the file, while character device driver
are not able to seek through the file, just read and write at the end of the file

– Many of the character devices are accessible in the /dev/ path of the Linux
file system

• Block devices

– Block devices are similar to character devices, but instead of providing data
as a stream of bytes block device provide data always as a fixed block

– Although block device can only handle a block of data at a time the Linux
kernel provides the possibility to read and write arbitrary length of data just
like character devices

– So the only difference between character and block devices are only inside the
kernel on how the kernel handles the device drivers

• Network devices
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 24

– Each network device is exposed as a network interface which are capable of

sending and receiving data packets

– As network devices are not stream oriented there are no file system entries
for network devices

– Network devices are nonetheless are identified by a unique identifier in the

Linux system which can be used to send or receive data packets to the device.

Although these are the major device driver models inside the Linux system, there are also
some minor device driver models available. And also developers can always implement
their own device driver model and interfaces for their proprietary devices as required.
This is required for some special purpose hardware when having an unique interface
provides a more optimized way of using the device than using the standard model of
device drivers.

Some important points to note for a Linux device driver development can be summarized
as follows,

• Traditionally all the Linux device driver development is implemented using C pro-
gramming language. Although any other programming language (like C++) could
technically be used, it is actively discouraged to try such approaches as they could
potentially lead to a cluttered sub-par kernel

• The starting point for the device driver development is to implement some pre-
defined set of device and driver management functions such as init, exit, probe,
remove etc... and then register these functions to the kernel along with the infor-
mation regarding the driver and it’s features and limitations

• The kernel will use this information to load, unload the driver as required i.e. when
the device is detected or removed etc...

• After the basic functions are implemented based on the device driver mode chosen
the required set of function such as open, read, write, ioctl, close etc... has to be
implemented and registered with the kernel

• The kernel will use these functions when the associate file is opened by a user
mode application and used through the read, write file operations system calls
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 25

• Once the development of the source code is completed, the newly developed has
to be integrated into the kernel build system by specifying the sources needed to
build the kernel in Makefile and loading options such as included, loaded or not
enabled in the configuration file Kconfig

3.2.4 Networking stack

The networking stack in the Linux kernel comprises of the following drivers or software
components such as network device drivers, kernel core networking module, separate
modules for various networking protocols etc... All these software modules interface
each other with a common data structure called the socket buffer. This socket buffer
contains all the information required to send or receive a packet data (which is also
contained inside the socket buffer). For transmitting or receiving any data through a
network device a socket has to be created and based on the protocol has to be used
and any other special features required the socket options has to be set and then the
socket can be used to send packet data or receive packets from the network through the
network device. There are several options available that can be set on a socket to enable
or disable some special features.

As explained in the section 3.1.1, the Ethernet time stamping is supported by the TI
AM335x processor. As this time stamping options is need to used the development for
the gPTP protocol in AVB stack there are some software interfaces available through
the kernel to operate this feature of the Ethernet module of the microprocessor. This
feature is implemented by the CPSW Ethernet driver for the TI AM335x processor. As
the user space application doesn’t directly use the Ethernet driver, but use the kernel
functions related to sockets. So the kernel functions has to provide an interface to use the
Ethernet time stamping from the user mode processes. As the Ethernet time stamping
options can be different in different implementations (software or hardware) the kernel
socket API provides a common interface to handle the Ethernet time stamping. Among
the several socket options available to configure the Ethernet time stamping some of the
important options are listed below.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 26

• SO TIMESTAMPING - This socket option enables the generation of timestamping

for both transmission and reception sockets. Also supports generation of time
stamps for stream scokets.

• SOF TIMESTAMPING R(T)X HARDWARE - This socket option enables the

generation of hardware time stamping where supported

• SOF TIMESTAMPING RAW HARDWARE - This socket option enables the re-
porting of the generated hardware time stamps, this should not be confused with
the previous option where only the generation is configured. This option enables
the delivery of the generated hardware time stamps to the caller

The generated time stamps are usually returned with the ancillary data feature in the
received data packets. For transmitted packets the time stamps are returned along with
the transmitted packet in the error queue of the socket.

3.2.5 ALSA Framework

Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is a software framework that is part of the
Linux kernel and provides a simple Application Programming Interface (API) for all the
audio device drivers. Apart from the audio device drivers ALSA also provides a user
space library which further simplifies the exposed API and thus simplifying the design
for any high level audio application development. This interface include simple calls
such as snd pcm open, snd pcm close, snd pcm read, snd pcm write and snd pcm ioctl
etc... through which the audio PCM data can be transmitted or received via the desired
device. ALSA also provides software plugins that provide some extra functionality such
as volume control, mixing, re-sampling etc...

3.3 Audio Video Bridging

The AVB standard consists of a set of protocols defined by IEEE 802.1 Audio/Video
Bridging Task Group to allow real time media transmission over Ethernet. AVB pro-
vides reserved Ethernet bandwidth for deterministic transmission.The purpose of AVB
is to provide time synchronized reliable data through IEEE 802(Ethernet) networks.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 27

AVB consists of

• IEEE 802.1BA: Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Systems[19]

• IEEE 802.1AS: Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications (gPTP)[4]

• IEEE 802.1Qat: Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP)[5]

• IEEE 802.1Qav: Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS).[20]

• IEEE Std 1722.1: AVB Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management and

Control (AVDECC)[6]

• IEEE 1722: Audio Video Transfer Protocol (AVTP)[21]

3.3.1 Generalized Precision Time Protocol(gPTP)

The Generalized Precision Time Protocol [4] is used for the synchronization of the media
clocks in all the Ethernet ports in a Local or a Virtual Local Area Network (V-LAN).

Although through the existing protocols such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) it is
still possible to synchronize the clocks of various devices in the network, because of
propagation delays in the network the time advertised by the time server will always
be outdated by some nano-seconds to some milli-seconds depending on the position
of the receiving node in relation to the time server. This leads to different levels of
synchronization to different devices as each device receives the time at a slightly different
time and also the setting of the time by the end devices are not standardized and so the
devices are free to apply the time whenever and however they want. The end result is
a network with the devices that are synchronized so some milli-seconds precision.

This level of precision is sufficient for most normal user applications but for media
streaming and most professional industrial systems much more rigorous synchronization
is required. For example for a 48 kHz audio streaming, a single sample duration is
20.83µs, so the time synchronization between the transmitter of this audio stream an
the receiver of this audio stream should be less than 20µs for the streaming has to result
in synchronized playback.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 28

The main drawback of the existing time synchronization protocols is that they do not
account for the propagation delay for the time announcement message to propagate
through the network from the time server to the individual time slaves. The Precision
Time Protocol aims to solve this problem by accurately measuring the propagation
delay between every hop in the network and using this value to correct the advertised
time at every hop. This way when the advertised time reaches a device the time is
correctly synchronized to the time advertised originally as it is corrected to account for
the propagation delay. The basic operation and the modules in the gPTP as described

• Peer delay measurement

– The peer delay measurement is used for measuring the propagation delay
between two participating devices

– The delay is measured by sending delay measurement request and receiving

the response

– The ingress and egress times of both the request and response are time
stamped and returned to the initiator of the delay measurement

– From these four set of time stamp values the average propagation delay

– This peer delay measurement is executed on all ports in the system for ex-
ample the routers in the network the peer delay measurement is executed on
all the ports to which supported
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 29

Figure 3.3: gPTP - Peer delay measurement [4]

• Best Master Selection

– The master device which is responsible for announcing the time is selected
dynamically based on the advertised capabilities of the devices

– The device which has the most stable and accurate clock is normally selected
as the master device

– But the master device selection can also be overridden to chose a particular
device by assigning user defined ranks for all the system in the devices such
that the master device with a higher user set priority is chosen as the master

– The best master selection is a distributed protocol where the decision for
which device should be master is individually decided by all the devices in
the network

– Each device reports the clock class, accuracy, user set clock priority and other

– On reception of this announcement message each device compares it with

the parameters of the current selected grand master device and if the new
parameters are better the current the new device is selected as the master

• Time Synchronization
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 30

– Time synchronization is achieved by the master device sending sync mes-

sages periodically and every other device correcting their clocks to match the
received time

– For routers they update the received time sync messages and add the prop-
agation delay for the port where the sync messages are received and then
forward the sync messages to all other ports

An Ethernet frame for the gPTP has a common header as specified in Table 3.1 followed
a variable length gPTP body, the contents of which are specified separately for each
gPTP message type and the frame ends with an optional suffix as required. All the
gPTP messages have an Ethertype value of 0x88F7 and are sent to the broadcast MAC
address 01-80-C2-00-00-0E.

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Transport Specific Message Type Reserved PTP version
2 Message Length
4 Domain Number Reserved
6 Flags

8 Correction field

16 Reserved

Source Port Identity

30 Sequence ID
32 Control Field Log Message Interval

Table 3.1: gPTP Common Message Header

A brief explanation for the various parameters in the gPTP header are specified below

• Transport specific parameter is a 4-bit value indication which transport is used

to transport the gPTP message. For Ethernet the option L2 is used

• Message Type is also a 4 bit value which specifies the current gPTP command.
More information and possible values for this parameter is explained in Table 3.2
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 31

• PTP Version is a 4 bit vlaue indicating the version of the gPTP used

• Message Length specifies the length of the gPTP message including the header,
data and any optional suffix and exlcuding any padding bytes at the end of the
frame. It specifies the length in terms of the number of bytes required

• Domain Number refers to the domain in which the gPTP is executing

• Flags is a bitfield value indication several parameters of the current messages

• Correction Field specified the correction value to be applied in nano seconds

• Source Port Identity is an unique identifier which is used to identity the currrent
device in the network

• Sequence ID is a running count of indicator to find the sequences of the messages.

This value increases for all the request messages and the response messages will
use the same sequence numbers as the request messages

• Control Field is a deprecated value depending on the message type specified in

the current command

• Log Message Interval specifies the log value of the timeout value for the repe-
tition of the specific message type

The various message types, their numeric value, the PTP body for the message type
etc... are documented in the following table.

gPTP Message Type Description and parameters

â The sync messages are sent by the grand master device in periodical in-

Sync 0x00
â The sync messages contain no more additional data in the gPTP body and
is used only as a trigger to synchronize the time

â The sync message is always followed up by the Follow Up message

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 32

â The Follow Up messages are also sent out by the grand master device
immediately after the sync messages are sent

â They contain the precise origin time stamp which is the egress time stamp
for the sync messages at the port measurement plane of the grand master
Follow Up 0x08
â These messages are also forwarded by the routers after correcting the time
stamp for the measured propagation delay

â When the other devices in the network receive the Follow Up message they
use the time stamp in the message and the propagation delay measured to
correct it’s internal clock

â The Pdelay Req command initiates the peer delay measurement sequence

â The peer delay measurement initiator device, when sending the Pde-
lay Req command records the command egress time stamp (t1)
Pdelay Req 0x02
â When a device in the network receives this message it records the ingress
time stamp (t2) of this message

â The Pdelay Resp command is sent as a response along with the Pdelay Req
ingress time stamp

â The Pdelay Resp command is sent in response to a Pdelay Req command


â When sending the command the peer delay measurement responder records
the egress time stamp (t3) for the command
Pdelay Resp 0x03

â When the peer delay measurement initiator receives the Pdelay Resp com-
mand, it records the ingress time stamp (t4)

â It also parses the Pdelay Resp command the copies the ingress time of the
Pdelay Req (t2) received by the peer delay measurement responder
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 33

â The peer delay measurement responder after sending the Pdelay Resp com-
mand sends the Pdelay Resp Follow Up command

â The Pdelay Resp egress time stamp (t3) recorded is packed into this com-
mand and sent

Pdelay Resp Follow Up 0x0A â The peer delay measurement initiator upon receiving the command parses
the command and extracts the Pdelay Resp egress time stamp (t3)

â At this point the peer delay measurement initiator has all the four time
stamp values (t1, t2, t3, t4)

â Using the four time stamp values the average propagation delay is calcu-
lated as ((t4 - t1) + (t2 - t3)) / 2

â Announce messages are sent by every device that are grand master capable

â Announce messages are sent only when the device has not decided upon a
grand master or when it is the grand master

â Announce messages advertise the capabilities of it’s clock source and other
Announce 0x0B
user configurable parameters that sets the clock priorities

â When a grand master capable device receives an announce message with

a better clock or a higher priority than it’s parameters it stops sending
announce messages and records the device with better parameters as grand

Table 3.2: gPTP Message Types

3.3.2 Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP)

The Stream Reservation Protocol is used to reserve the required resources in all the
devices of the network between the stream source and the stream sink so that the quality
of service for the AVB streams are assured. There are three kind of devices involved in
the Stream Reservation Protocol as listed below

â Talkers are end stations that are sources for media stream data
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 34

â Listeners are end stations that are sinks for media streams

â Bridges are the routing devices that are in the path between the Talkers and
Listeners are defined as the bridges in the system

Stream Reservation Protocol operation sequence comprises of the following steps

Figure 3.4: Stream Reservation Protocol [5]

• The Talkers in the system declare attributes that define the characteristics of the
streams they provide.

• These declarations are evaluated by the bridges that receive them and if the bridge
can allocate the requested resources for the declared stream the declarations are
forwarded to the next device in the network

• If the bridges are unable to allocate sufficient resources for the requested streams
they send back a negative response to the talker without further propagating the
original talker declarations

• When the talker declarations reach a Listener end point device, the Listener eval-
uates the declarations and if it is interested in the provided streams, they send a
Listener advertisement to register for the stream
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 35

• This listener advertisement is also propagated through all the bridges in between
the Listener and the Talker in the network

• There is a possibility that there are multiple Listeners interested in a stream by a

Talker, in that case the Talker will receive multiple Talker advertisements for the

• If the talker receives at least one successful Listener advertisement, then the stream
reservation is successful and the Talker can start the media streaming

An Ethernet frame for the SRP has a common header as specified in Table 3.3 followed
a variable length body, the contents of which are specified separately for each SRP mes-
sage type and the frame ends with an 2 byte end marker (which is set to zero). All the
SRP messages have an Ethertype value of 0x22EA and are sent to the broadcast MAC
address 01-80-C2-00-00-20.

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Protocol Version Attribute Type
2 Attribute Length Attribute List Length
4 Attribute List Length Vector Attribute

Vector Attribute

(n-4) End Marker End Marker

Table 3.3: SRP Common Message Format

A brief explanation for the various parameters in the SRP header are specified below

• Protocol Version indicates the version of the SRP protocol used

• Attribute Type indicates which attribute is being defined in the message

• Attribute Length The length of the whole message including the header and

• Attribute List Length specifies the length of the attribute list (body) of the
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 36

• Vector attribute defines the attributes for the particular attribute type

• End Markers mark the end of the attribute types and the end of the message

The various different attribute types along with their numeric values, their different
parameters and uses are described in the table below

SRP Message Type Description and parameters

â The attribute type Talker Advertise is used to advertise the stream pa-
rameters from the talker
Talker Advertise 0x01

â The parameters include the stream id, the destination MAC and VLAN
address, Maximum number of frames, stream priority and rank

â The talker failed vector is used to indicate the talker advertisements that
Talker Failed 0x01
are unable to be accepted because of resource restrictions in any of the
bridges in the stream path

â The listener advertisement attribute type is used by the listeners to indi-

cate interest in the advertised streams

â The listener advertisements carry only the stream id as a parameter for

the response

â Apart from the stream id the listener advertisement also contains the sta-
tus of the command which can be either one of the following values
Listener Advertise 0x02
â Ready indicates that for all the Listeners requested t to attach to the
stream sufficient resources are available

â Ready failed indicated that there are more than one Listeners requested
to attached to the stream, but not all requests can be reserved

â Asking failed indicates that none of the Listener advertisements that re-
quested to attach to the stream was successfully because of missing re-

Domain 0x03 â The domain vector identifies the domain boundary within which the
Stream Reservations are valid

Table 3.4: SRP Attribute Types

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 37

3.3.3 Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS)

The FQTSS [20] protocol is used to enhance the forwarding and queuing behavior of
end stations and bridges for time sensitive streams, so that the data for the time sen-
sitive streams are not buffered too long so that they meet their time constraints when
transmitted from one end station to another. To meet these requirements the following
information are required.

• The stream reservation protocol boundaries are known so that the bridges know
which traffic to prioritize and which not.

• The actual bandwidth requirement for the stream and the association of the band-
width to the size for a single frame in the stream transmission.

• The maximum bandwidth that is available for the outbound queue at each of the
ports in the bridge and the maximum bandwidth already reserved in the outbound
queue of the port.

• The priority of the audio frame transmitted for each traffic class so that the credit
based traffic shaper can order the priorities for the frames in the outbound queue.

During operation the talker end station has to transmit data streams such that the
bridges can associate the data frame priorities to the respective traffic classes. This
information is used in the credit based traffic shaper in the bridges to prioritize the
required traffic so that they meet the time constraints. The only requirement from the
listener end station is to be capable of buffering the amount of data required to reduce
any jitter in the transmission.

3.3.4 AVB Discovery, Enumeration, Connection management and Con-

trol (AVDECC)

The AVDECC [21] protocol is a comprehensive protocol used to manage several aspects
of the AVB network and helps devices in the network to know the availability and
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 38

capabilities of the other devices and manage them as required. The main operations of
the AVDECC protocol are as followed,

â Device Discovery functionality enables the devices in the AVB network to know
about the availability of other devices in the network, when they are ready, when
they are departing etc...

â Enumeration functionality enables a device to learn about the various features

and capabilities of any other device in the current AVB network

â Connection management and control functionality enables a controller device

to connect streams between talkers and listeners and then control the various
features of the devices to control the streaming

The AVDECC protocol uses the AVTP control command format to define the various
command and responses. The format of the common command header format is defined
as follows

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 sub type sv ver msg type
2 status Data length

4 Stream Id

Table 3.5: AVDECC Common Header

All the functionalities in the AVDECC protocols uses the common header above which
is derived from the AVTP common control header. The parameters in the AVDECC
Common Header are described in details below

â Subtype is a 8 bit value which indicates which functionality this command belongs
to. The following options are possible

– 0xFA - AVDECC Discovery Protocol (ADP)

– 0xFB - AVDECC Enumeration an Control Protocol (AECP)

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 39

– 0xFC - AVDECC Connection Management Protocol (ACMP)

â Stream Valid is a single bit value that can be ignored and set to 0

â Version is a 3 bits value indicating the version of the protocol used

â Message Type is a 4 bit value indicating the type of the message received

â Status is a 5 bit value used to report the result of the requested operation

â Data length indicates the length of the command excluding the Ethernet header

â Entity Id identifies the entity to which this command is directed to

An AVDECC entity could choose to implement four different possible roles of operation.
These roles are defined briefly below,

â AVDECC Controller is an entity role where the entity initiates commands to

other entities to create and manage streams

â AVDECC Talker is an entity role where the entity acts as a source for media

â AVDECC Listener is an entity role where the entity acts as a sink for media

â AVDECC responder is an entity role where the entity has no specific operation,
but just responds to any incoming AVDECC commands. AVDECC Discovery Protocol

AVDECC device discovery is a process which follows the AVDECC Discovery Protocol
(ADP), through which AVDECC entities in the network learn about the other devices
in the network and when they are available and when they are departing. The ADP
uses the common header format defined in Table 3.5. The body for the ADP command
is specified through the ADP data unit (ADPDU) defined as follows
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 40

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 Entity Model Id

8 Entity Capabilities
12 Talker Stream Sources Talker Capabilities
16 Listener Stream Sinks Listener Capabilities
20 Controller Capabilities
24 Available index

28 gPTP Grand master Id

36 gPTP Domain No Reserved

40 Identify Control Index Interface Index

44 Association Id

40 Reserved

Table 3.6: ADP Data Unit

Via the ADPDU given above an AVDECC entity can advertise it’s presence in the
network along with a basic set of it’s features. It defines the version of the device
firmware via the Entity Model Id and the features of the various aspects or roles of
the entity via the various capabilities fields. Also it provides the gPTP grand master
Id and domain number so that the network to which this entity belongs can be clearly
understood. Apart from these important parameters there are also some feature specific
parameters are also available. Based on the message type field in the AVTPDU common
header defined in Table 3.5 there are three different ADP command which are listed

â Entity Available (0x00) to indicate that the entity is available in the network
and ready for configuration and streaming

â Entity Departing (0x01) to indicate that the entity is now not in operation and
will soon be removed from the system

â Entity Discover (0x02) to trigger other entities (all entities when the requested
entity id is 0 or the specific entity requested in the entity id) in the network to
re-advertise themselves with the Entity Available command

The ADP commands contain the subtype as 0xFA, EtherType type as 0x22F0 and are
transmitted to the multicast MAC address 91-e0-f0-01-00-00.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 41 AVDECC Enumeration and Control Protocol

The AVDECC Enumeration and Control Protocol (AECP) provides two operations of
which the first is to enumerate and discover the various capabilities, formats and controls
of the AVDECC entity. The second is to control or modify these capabilities and formats
to configure the entity to an operable state.

The AVDECC entity model describes the internal structure of the entity as a hierarchical
collection of objects with each object specifying the details of it’s parameters and the
list of it’s children and the hierarchical level where the object belong. An overview of
the entity model is described in Figure 3.5 and the major objects are described briefly

Figure 3.5: AVDECC Entity Model [6]

â The entity descriptor is the root level descriptor that defines the basic model and
capabilities of the entity

â The configuration descriptor defines the one more configurations the entity sup-
ports and it further defines the other descriptors supported in each configuration.
For example if an entity is capable of sourcing 8 channels of 48 KHz audio but
only 2 channels of 192 KHz audio then it would present 2 different configurations
for these two modes of operation.

â The stream input or output descriptors define the characteristics of the streams
sourced and sinked in the entity. Here the range of parameter values of the audio
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 42

or video streams such as resolution, bit depth, number of channels, sampling rate
etc... are defined.

â Further descriptors for the AVDECC entity model include the Jack, Clock domain,
Sensor etc... descriptors each defined separately for each configuration supported
by the entity

The AECP uses several protocol data units based on the common AECPDU fomrat
defined below

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 Controller Entity Id

8 Sequence Id

12 Payload data


Table 3.7: AECP Data Unit

Here the Controller Entity Id specifies the AVDECC controller which initiates this re-
quest and the sequence id is used to track the multitude of requests and to correctly
match a command with a response.

The two main commands used for the enumeration of the entity model are AEM COMMAND
and AEM RESPONSE which are used to query and return the descriptors of individual
entity objects one by one.

The AECP commands contain the subtype as 0xFB, EtherType type as 0x22F0 and are
transmitted to the unicast MAC address of the entity requested and the responses are
sent back unicast to the MAC address of the initiator MAC address. AVDECC Connection Management Protocol

The AVDECC Connection Management Protocol (ACMP) manages the stream connec-
tions in the AVB network by connecting and removing stream connections between the
stream sources and the stream sinks in the system. The ACMP uses the common ACMP
data unit (ACMPDU) for all the commands and responses, the structure of ACMPDU
is defined below
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 43

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 Controller Entity Id

8 Talker Entity Id

16 Listener Entity Id

24 Talker unique id Listener unique id

28 Stream destination MAC
32 Connection count
36 Sequence Id Flags
32 Stream VLAN Id Reserved

Table 3.8: ACMP Data Unit

â The controller entity id identifies the controller device that is managing this con-

â The Talker entity id identifies the talker entity which sources the stream

â The listener entity id identifies the listener which provides a sink for the stream

â The talker and listener unique ids identify the particular stream from the several
possible stream sources available

â The stream destination MAC specifies the multicast MAC address to which the
streaming data would be broadcast

â The connection count counts the number of listeners already attached to the stream

â The sequence id is used to match the responses with the commands

â The stream VLAN id indicates the VLAN id of the network where the stream is
being streamed

The ACMP uses the following set of commands along with the ACMPDU described
above to start and stop streaming between the entities.

Value Message Type Description

Command to connect the talker to the
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 44

Response from the talker for the

connect request
Command to disconnect the talker
from the stream
Response from the talker for the
disconnect command
Request to get the current state of the
Response from the talker for the
current state request
Command to connect the listener to a
Response from the listener for the
connect command
Command to disconnect the listener
from the stream
Response from the listener for the
disconnect command
Request to get the current state of the
Response for the request to ge the
current state of the listener

Table 3.9: ACMP Message Types

The ACMP uses the above commands to setup a streaming matrix and start the
streaming. Based on the sequence of commands used there are four different connection
modes defined by the ACMP. The four modes of operation are defined in detail below

1. Fast Connect

- Fast connect mode is used when the Listener entity has a saved state on
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 45

- The Listener entity tries to connect the last stream source identified by the
Entity and unique Id of the Talker entity.

- The Listener sends a CONNECT TX COMMAND towards the last saved

Talker entity.

- If the Talker is present and sends a CONNECT TX RESPONSE, the con-

nection is established and streaming starts.

- If there is no reply the Listener waits for the Talker to be available again in
the network by listening to the ADP advertise command.

- When the Talker is available again (identified through ADP), the Listener
again sends the CONNECT TX COMMAND and after the Talker responds
directly proceeds with the MSRP and streaming.

- If the Talker is changed in the network the Controller can delete the saved

2. Fast Disconnect

- Fast disconnect occurs when the Listener is executing a clean power-off when
the stream is still active.

- Before the power-off the Listener device remembers the connect Talker entity
identity and sends a DISCONNECT TX COMMAND towards the Talker.

3. Controller Connect

- Controller connect mode is normally used to setup a new connection for the
first time.

- The controller first sends a CONNECT RX COMMAND towards the Lis-

tener, then the Listener will send a CONNECT TX COMMAND towards
the Talker.

- When the Listener receives the CONNECT TX RESPONSE it can start the
MSRP and then the streaming.

4. Controller Disconnect

- Controller Disconnect is the normal mode of operation for terminating a

stream for a established connection.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 46

- For the controller disconnect, the controller sends a DISCONNECT RX COMMAND

towards the talker, which in turn removes the saved state and sends a DIS-
CONNECT TX COMMAND towards the Talker.

- When the Talker responds with a DISCONNECT TX RESPONSE for the

disconnection request the connection terminated.

The ADP commands contain the subtype as 0xFC, EtherType type as 0x22F0 and are
transmitted to the multicast MAC address 91-e0-f0-01-00-00.

3.3.5 Audio Video Transfer Protocol (AVTP)

The Audio Video Transfer Protocol (AVTP) [6] enables time synchronized transfer of
audio, video and control data in a Audio Video Bridging (AVB) or Time Synchronized
Networks (TSN). AVTP uses the AVB protocols such as Generalized Precision Time Pro-
tocol (gPTP), Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP) and Framing and Queuing
Enhancements for Time Sensitive Streams (FQTSS) etc... AVTP specifies the formats
for audio video transfer along with the required information from the protocols such as
gPTP, MSRP to reproduce the audio video signals exactly with time synchronization
in the Listeners. AVTP protocol specifies one Talker device streaming data for one or
more Listener devices. AVTP data is usually encapsulated in IEEE 802.3 Ethernet net-
works and it is also possible to encapsulate it in IEEE 802.11 wifi networks and inside
IP protocols.

AVTP uses the concept of presentation time to achieve time synchronization between the
Talkers and Listeners. The presentation time is defined as the gPTP time specified in
nanoseconds at which point the audio video samples are to be presented at the Listener
to the user. Even with the enhancements for a standard quality of service for AVTP
streaming, it is still possible for the individual packets in the stream arrive at a variable
time points. The presentation time should be chosen such that to smooth out these
variations and at the same time low enough to be considered real time.

The AVTP transfers the data as the AVTP data unit (AVTPDU) of which there are
three different types. The streaming data uses the AVTPDU stream header, the control
applications uses the AVTPDU control format and the rest of the applications use the
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 47

AVTPDU alternate header format. The AVTPDU streaming header format is specified
below and it’s various parameters are discussed in detail

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Subtype sv ver mr fsd tv seqno Format specific 1 tu

4 Stream Id

12 avtp time stamp

16 format specific data 2
20 stream data length format specific data 3

24 Stream data payload

Table 3.10: AVTP Data Unit

- The 8 bit subtype field specifies the actual media data present along with it’s
encoding type such as IEEE 61883, AVTP Audio Format (AAF), Compressed
Video Format (CVF) etc...

- The 1 bit stream valid (sv) field indicates if the stream id present contains a valid
stream id or not.

- The version information specifies the protocol version of the AVTP protocol as a
3 bit value.

- The 1 bit media clock restart (mr) field indicates that there is a media source clock
change at the Talker

- The 1 bit Time stamp valid (tv) field indicates that if the avtp time stamp field
contins a valid time stamp.

- The sequence number field is a single octet filed of a running count of the AVT-
PDUs. It is incremented by the Talker and used by the Listener to identify lost

- The single bit time stamp uncertain field indicates that the time stamp specified
is not accurate and Listener has to handle the uncertainty in time media clocks
and prevent any unwanted disturbances.

- The stream id field specifies the unique identifier that identifies the stream. It
is composed of the 48 bit MAC address of the stream source entity and a 16 bit
unique identifier.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 48

- The AVTP time stamp specifies the nanoseconds value of the gPTP synchronized
time. The time stamp is calculated from the gPTP time using the following formula
ts = ((sec ∗ 109 ) + (ns))mod232 where sec is the seconds part and the ns is the
nano second part of the gPTP time.

- Stream data length contains the length of the stream data paylod field which is
the size of the entire AVTPDU minus the stream header.

- The Stream data payload field contains the actual media data to be transferred.
The format of this filed is subtype specific and it’s length is generally limited by
the maximum size of a frmae in the underlying transport protocol.

- The three format specific fields are individually defined for every subtype and carry
the stream specific parameters

AVTP Audio Format (AAF) encapsulation is a audio only format used to stream audio as
an uncompressed stream. The header for the AVTP Audio Format (AAF) encapsulation
is as follows
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Subtype sv ver mr rsv tv seqno rsv tu

4 Stream Id

12 avtp time stamp

16 format nsr rsv channels per frame bit depth
20 stream data length rsv sp evt reserved

24 Stream data payload

Table 3.11: AVTP Data Unit - AAF

The AVTPDU for the AAF encapsulation uses the same stream header common for all
the AVTPDUs. Further it defines some more parameters specific to the AAF encapsu-
lation which are described below.

- The format field specifies which kind of data format does the audio samples have.
Two major kinds are defined namely PCM and AES3.

- The nominal sampling rate filed specifies the sampling rate of the audio stream
which possible standard values from 8 kHz to 192 kHz.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 49

- The channels per frame field indicates the number of channel samples present in
each frame.

- The bit depth specifies the number of bits used to encode each audio sample.

- The payload data field contains the actual audio samples packed according the
parameters specified above.

For example a 16 bit PCM with 8 channel audio frame is packed as follows

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Sample 1 of Channel 1 Sample 1 of Channel 2
4 Sample 1 of Channel 3 Sample 1 of Channel 4
8 Sample 1 of Channel 5 Sample 1 of Channel 6
12 Sample 1 of Channel 7 Sample 1 of Channel 8
16 Sample 2 of Channel 1 Sample 2 of Channel 2
20 Sample 2 of Channel 3 Sample 2 of Channel 4
24 Sample 2 of Channel 5 Sample 2 of Channel 6
28 Sample 2 of Channel 7 Sample 2 of Channel 8
32 Sample 3 of Channel 1 Sample 3 of Channel 2
36 Sample 3 of Channel 3 Sample 3 of Channel 4
40 Sample 3 of Channel 5 Sample 3 of Channel 6
44 Sample 3 of Channel 7 Sample 3 of Channel 8

Table 3.12: AAF 8 channel 16 bit PCM payload

Chapter 4


The proposed AVB solution uses the BeagleBone Black or the BeagleBoard x15 as
development platforms. No additional hardware is required since the BeagleBoards
have an inbuilt Ethernet port with hardware time stamping support from the Texas
Instruments AM335x Sitara processors. It also can be expanded by audio capes for
analog or any traditional audio in and out. In software front the Debian distribution
with a Linux kernel modified for the BeagleBone Black and BeagleBoard x15 is used.
The design of the architecture and the details of the implementation are explained in
detail in the following sections

4.1 Design

The general software architecture of the purposed AVB stack in the BeagleBoard Debian
environment is described in the figure 4.1. It details the structure of the various modules
in the implementation along with their interconnections explaining the data and control
flow between them. The implementation is based on the Debian distribution based on
a Linux kernel where there are two modes of software operation.

Ü The first is the kernel mode operation where the software executes in a privileged
environment with full access to all the resource in the system. But development
of software for kernel mode applications is complicated, not always backwards
compatible and any issues in the kernel mode software can easily bring down the
entire system.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 51

Ü The second is the user mode operation where development is simple and portable
but lacks several privileges for access to resources such as i/o blocks system memory

The AVB solution described here has software modules implemented both in the user
mode and also the kernel mode. The various modules and their mode of operation along
with the arguments for the chosen mode of operation are described in detail. In the figure
4.1 the green coloured blocks are the modules developed under this implementation and
the gray coloured modules are software modules already available in the default debian
distribution for the BeagleBone Black and BeagleBoard x15 systems.

The individual development modules, developed as part of this project are listed below
with a sort summary with the detail explanation of the design and implementation
details of these modules are provided in the further sub sections.

1. gPTP Daemon - A Linux Daemon implementing the generalized precision time

protocol for time synchronization between nodes.

2. ALSA AVB Driver - A Linux kernel virtual audio driver for the ALSA framework
implementing the AVTP, AVDECC and MSRP protocols for the AVB Stack for a
real time synchronized audio streaming.

3. A Test Application which uses the ALSA AVB driver to demonstrate a real time
synchronized audio streaming.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 52

User Mode Test Application / Audio Applications gPTP Daemon (gPTPd)

ALSA User Library

Kernel Mode
ALSA Framework

AVB Driver

Network Framework

of Linux Kernel

Figure 4.1: Software Architecture

4.2 gPTP Daemon

A Daemon is a software program that runs in the background without any possibility
for user input and with no feedback to user of its operations. Normally the daemon
programs are identified (in Linux systems) by a letter d at the end of the program
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 53

name such as httpd, dhcpd, syslogd for responding to HTTP protocol requests, manage
DHCP connections and log the system events in a log respectively. Normally these
daemon provide a particular service which is required for the entire life time of the
system but with no input from the user. The same functionalists are known as system
extensions or services in other operating systems. Although the implementation details
may differ between different operating systems, the main objective and functionalities
of the daemons are the same.

In Linux systems a daemon is created by the following steps programmatically. When

a program starts it forks into a different process and then immediately exits the main
process. Now the forked process is adapted by the init process of the Linux and now
runs in the background with it’s standard input output file descriptors closed and so no
further input output possible.

The gPTP daemon is such a daemon implemented to execute the various protocols in
the gPTP specification such as peer delay measurement, best master selection and time
synchronization as described in 3.3.1. The implementation of the gPTP daemon is done
completely done with ’C’ programming with the individual algorithms executed as state
machines. State machine design pattern implements a state machine description of an
algorithm. State machines describe the operation of an algorithm by defining a number
of states of operation and a list of events which trigger specific operation and optionally
might trigger a state transition to a different state.[16]

Before describing the individual state machine and their operations, the main flow of
operation of the gPTP daemon is illustrated in the diagram 4.2. The main functions in
the gPTP flow diagram are described in detail below.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 54


gptp init

gptp setup

gptp start

Enable state machines

gptp timers

Read Socket

Read Count?
<= 0

Sleep(1) gptp parsemsg

gptp handleEvent


gptp exit

Figure 4.2: gPTPd - Main Flow Diagram

Û gptp init - This functions handles the initialization of the gPTP daemon. This
functions handles the initialization of the variables and state machines. It puts
the state machines into initial states. Also it parses the command line arguments
provided when the program was invoked and stores the configuration for further

Û gptp setup - This function handles the process to create the daemon based on the
configuration. It first forks the current process, closes the standard file descriptors
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 55

and exits the main process thus creating the daemon. The default configuration is
to run as a daemon, but if the command line arguments specify to run as a normal
application (for debugging or to demo the operation etc...), the steps to create a
daemon are skipped and the program continues as a normal operation.

Û gptp start - This function mainly handles the initialization of the sockets which
will be used for the Ethernet communication for the gPTP commands. First the
sockets are opened and the socket options for the hardware time stamping (refer
3.1.1) are set and the socket buffers for transmission and reception are initialized.
After this function the process enters a event loop which executes every 1 second
and always processes the following functions.

Û gptp timers - This function is the first operation in the event loop. It checks
if the any of the running timers that are started has now expired. These timers
are mainly used to execute the gPTP commands which are to be executed in
periodical time intervals. The inbuilt timers of Linux is not used as the timer
resolution need not be precise and to keep the single threaded implementation
simple. This function checks the time stamps of the last time when the timer
expired to the current time stamp to determine which timers are expired.

Û gptp parsemsg - This function parses the socket data read from the socket to
determine what gPTP command has been received. It then maps the received
command as an event for the state machines. The command parameters are also
parsed and stored separately for further use in the state machines.

Û gptp handlemsg - This functions is the main entry point for the state machines.
The current event (either the timer event or the event from the received gPTP
message) is passed on to the respective state machine for processing.

The state machines used in the gPTP daemon are described below with their respective
state diagrams.

4.2.1 Peer Delay Measurement State Machine

The Peer delay measurement is the process in which a network node measures the
propagation delay between it’s network port to the network ports of its immediate
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 56

neighbor which is described in 3.3.1. The state machine of the peer delay measurement
process is illustrated in figure 4.3. The states involved in the peer delay measurement
are as follows

• Init - The initial state of the state machine

• Idle - The state where there are no operations i.e. Between the periodic delay
measurement period and when there is no pending request from a neighbor device.

• W Dresp - The Delay Response Wait State is entered when the periodic timer for
the PDelayReq command is expired and the PDelayReq command is sent and
awaiting the response.

• W Df lw - The Delay Response Followup Wait state, where the PDelayResponse

has been received but now waiting for the PDelayReponseFollowUp command.


Rx DelayRespF lwU p

W Df lw Idle

Rx DelayReqT imer/
Rx DelayResp Tx P DelayReq
W Dresp

Figure 4.3: gPTPd - Peer Delay Measurement State Diagram

When the state machine transfers from the W Df lw state all the required time stamps
for a delay estimation is available and the delay is calculated and stored. After the next
timer event the process is repeated again and the delay is estimated again and updated.

4.2.2 Best Master Selection State Machine

The best master selection is the process in which the network nodes select a device as
the grand master device among capable devices in the network as described in 3.3.1.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 57

The state machine of the best master selection process is illustrated in figure 4.4. The
states involved in the best master selection are as follows

Enable / Start Timer

Grand master Rx AnnounceT imer/Tx Announce

Rx AnnounceandRx AnnounceT o

Rx Announce

Figure 4.4: gPTPd - Best Master Selection State Diagram

• Init - The initial state of the best master selection algorithm.

• Grandmaster - The state where this device is selected as the grand master. This
is the initial state when the process is started and it remains in the state until
an announce message with a better clock or a high priority message is received
at which point we transition to the slave state and remain there until there is a
timeout for an announce message.

• Slave - The state when there is an another device in the network with a better or
high priority clock. When there is no more high priority clock announce messages
for some time then again transition to grand master state.

4.2.3 Time synchronization State Machine

The time synchronization is the process in which the current time is synchronized from
the grand master to all the slaves in the network as described in 3.3.1. The state machine
of the time synchronizartion process is illustrated in figure 4.5. The states involved in
the time synchronization are as follows
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 58

Enable / Start Timer

Grand master Rx SyncT imer/Tx Sync

T oGrandM aster

Rx Sync/Rx SyncF ollowU p T oSlave


Figure 4.5: gPTPd - Time Synchronization State Diagram

• Init - The initial state of the time synchronization algorithm.

• Grandmaster - The state is entered when the best master algorithm selects this
device as the grand master. In this state the Sync message with the current time
is broad-casted periodically.

• Slave - The state entered when the best master algorithm selects some other device
as the grand master. In this state upon reception of the Sync and Sync FollowUp
messages the internal clock is adjusted to the grand master time by using the
received time and measured propagation delay.

4.3 AVB ALSA Driver

Audio device drivers are software modules which enable the operating system to utilize
audio hardware to stream audio in and out of the system. ALSA audio drivers are audio
drivers that are developed as part of the ALSA driver framework where the interface
to the user level software is the same irrespective of the audio device used. The ALSA
framework provides an abstraction of the audio device to the user level applications.
The AVB audio driver is termed as virtual audio driver since there is no physical audio
hardware device instead the audio data is streamed out of the Ethernet port and received
through it.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 59

The general design of the AVB Virtual ALSA Audio driver along with it’s internal
modules and their sequence of operations are described in detail in the following sub

4.3.1 Loadable Kernel Module

The AVB ALSA driver is developed as a loadable kernel module. Loadable kernel
modules are a piece of software which is executed in the kernel space, but still is not
part of the initial kernel code loaded at the time of booting. This loadable kernel code
is loaded delayed at the time of normal operation when the function of this module is
required. This module can be loaded via the command insmod, when invoked through
this command this module is loaded into the kernel and executes as a kernel mode
software. When the function is no more required this can be unloaded via the command

Loadable kernel modules have to implement two functions, one for initialization at start-
up and the other for cleanup before exit. The AVB driver implements the alsa avb init
and alsa avb exit functions for initialization and cleanup. These functions are then
registered with the kernel using the macros module init() and module exit() respectively.
With these registrations if the program is configured as a loadable kernel module in
the Linux kernel build system and compiled the resulting ”snd avb.ko” file becomes
a loadable kernel module. When loaded using the insmod function of the kernel the
program is loaded into the kernel memory and the initialization function (alsa avb init)
is invoked, where the further initialization of the module can continue leading to normal
operation. Once the module is removed using the rmmod function the cleanup function
(alsa avb exit) is invoked where the resources used by the module are freed and processes
stopped. When this function returns to the kernel, the module is removed from the kernel
memory thus completing the unloading.

4.3.2 Platform Device Driver

The AVB driver follows the ”platform device driver model” of Linux kernel device drivers.
The platform device driver model is used for unconventional devices which are not con-
nected to the established general purposes buses such as PCI, USB etc... The platform
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 60

devices are represented as stand alone devices connected to a pseudo bus inside the
Linux driver framework. This driver model is used for legacy devices, system on chips,
processors, integrated peripherals and virtual devices. To create a virtual platform de-
vice and an associated driver the following steps are executed (refer also the flow chart
in figure 4.6) in the module initialization function alsa avb init:

alsa avb init

platform driver register

platform device register simple

platform get drvdata

Create Work queues


Figure 4.6: Platform device-driver initialization

• The driver is registered with the kernel using the function platform driver register,
which passes the platform driver type variable to the kernel. This variable contains
the pointers for the probe and remove functions for the driver along with name
and the supported features of this driver. The kernel uses the functions registered
to probe for the hardware when the device is added and remove the driver when
the device is removed.

• Then as this is a virtual device the device would be found or enumerated by the
kernel and so the kernel has to be told that the device is present. This is done
using the function platform device register simple where the name of the device is
passed along the index of the device.

• After the device is registered with the kernel, the device is activated by calling the
function platform get drvdata. When this function is called, the probe function of
the driver is invoked and thus the driver can start it’s operation.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 61

When the platform device has been successfully registered and the driver is loaded the
local initialization steps can be executed. The one major initialization carried here is to
create the work queues required for the driver operation. The work queues in Linux are
way to defer some work for a later time to a kernel process. They differ from other forms
of deferred executions such as task queues in the context where the deferred functions
are executed. In the work queues the deferred functions run in a kernel process context
and not in a kernel interrupt context which enables the deferred functions to execute
any function including blocking functions. The following APIs are used to manage the
work queues:

• create workqueue is used to create a work queue instance in the kernel. The only
parameter required to create a work queue is the name for the work queue.

• INIT DELAYED WORK is used to initialize a delayed work by specifying the

function which has to be executed, the id of the delay work and the data which
has to be passed to the deferred function.

• queue delayed work is then used to actually add the delay work to the work queue
in the kernel. The added work is then executed deferred after the time provided
has been expired.

• cancel delayed work is used to remove any queued but not yet executed work items
from the work queue. Before the work queue is closed the pending items has to be
cancelled using this function.

• flush workqueue is used to clear all the work items that are started but not yet
finished. This call makes sure that there are no unfinished work pending in this
work queue. This has to executed before closing the work queue.

• destroy workqueue is used to actually close the work queue and release all the
resources associated with it.

When the device is to be removed the platform device and driver are de-registered in
the clean up function for the module alsa avb exit. Also all the resources allocated for
the driver has to be freed and cleaned up before the module is unloaded.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 62

4.3.3 ALSA Audio Driver Framework

The platform device driver model discussed in the previous section explains the model
how the hardware interface of the device is handled (device detection, enumeration,
management of resource such as interrupt lines, i/o pins, memory etc... and control
of the device) with in the kernel. There is also several models for the driver based on
the interface exposed to the user mode programs. Some examples are character drivers,
block drivers, network drivers. For audio device drivers in Linux there is one more model
of driver namely, ”ALSA Audio Device Driver”. The AVB driver is based on this ALSA
Audio Device Driver model. The ALSA audio framework manages all of these audio
device drivers in a common way be providing a common framework to which all the
drivers has to be adopted.

The initialization of an ALSA AVB sound driver is illustrated in the figure 4.7, where a
new sound card is created and the various interfaces to the sound card are described and
the sound card registered. The initialization of the AVB ALSA audio driver is executed
in the alsa avb probe function where the kernel requests for the hardware detection and
initialization. The following steps are involved in the initialization:

• At first a new sound card instance is created using the function snd card new. This
functions allocates the required resources for the sound card operation.

• After a sound card instance has been created the interface to the sound card has
to be described. ALSA supports several different interfaces such as PCM, MIDI,
control, hardware specific etc...

• A new PCM instance is created using the function snd pcm new and then the
capabilities of the playback and capture functionalists are set using the function
snd pcm set ops for both playback and capture functions. Here the range of audio
parameters (sample rates, number of channels, format etc...) supported by the
device are registered.

• A new hardware specific interface is created using the function snd hwdep new.
This hardware specific interface is used to set and get the AVTP time stamps for
the audio streaming.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 63

• And finally the newly created sound card is registered with the kernel using the
function snd card register.

alsa avb probe

snd card new

snd pcm new

snd pcm set ops(playback)

snd pcm set ops(capture)

snd hwdep new

snd card register

platform set drvdata

Create sockets


Figure 4.7: ALSA AVB audio driver initialization

When the sound card is created and registered, the card instance is set to the driver using
the function platform set drvdata. This data is returned to the driver initialization call
of platform get drvdata completing the driver initialization. After these steps the AVB
specific initialization is carried out. One important step in the AVB specific initialization
is to create the sockets for the Ethernet communication required for AVB. For AVB a
raw socket is created for the first network interface (which is traditionally called ”eth0”
in Linux systems).
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 64

When the sound card is created, two interfaces for the sound card are defined and
implemented namely the PCM interface and the hardware specific interface. Here the
PCM interface is used for audio streaming in and out of the sound card and the hardware
specific interface is used for implementing specific interface functions for this AVB ALSA
sound driver. The more detailed information regarding the interfaces are explained in
the following sub sections. PCM Interface

The PCM interface for the sound driver is the main interface for the sound driver
for streaming audio. Each sound driver can have at max up to four PCM instances.
Each of these PCM instances can carry multiple sub streams each of which can be a
playback stream or a capture stream. The PCM instance is created using the functions
snd pcm new() and for the playback and capture streams, the reference to the functions
that handle the PCM operations are registered via the function snd pcm set ops(). More
detailed explanation of the PCM interface and the required functions for the interface
are explained in the section regarding the AVTP talker and listener in section 4.3.6 Hardware dependent Interface

The hardware interface for the sound driver is used to implement an interface for the
unique features that are unique for the hardware. In case of the virtual AVB ALSA
driver, this interface is used to provide an interface to AVB specific features that are
associated with the audio streaming. More specifically this hardware specific interface is
mainly used to exchange the synchronized time stamp to and from the user space audio
application using this driver. The synchronized time (obtained from the synchronized
hardware clock) at which a sample has to be presented at the listener is sent through
this interface when the associated sample is sent via the PCM interface. In the other
way the received presentation time received from the talker along with the audio samples
are returned to the audio application along with the associated audio samples.

The hardware dependent interface is created using the function snd hwdep new() and
then the functions required for the implementation of the hardware dependent interface
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 65

are registered. The minimum required functions to be implemented for the hardware
dependent interface are listen below along with a short description:

• * hwdep open - This function is used to create and initialize the required resources
for the operation of the hardware specific interface functions. As for the AVB
ALSA virtual driver there is no hardware no hardware specific initialization is

• * hwdep ioctl - This function is used to handle the input output requests to the
hardware specific interface. For each feature specific to the hardware, an ioctl id is
declared and defined through which the hardware specific feature can be accessed.
The following hardware specific ioctl ids are defined for the AVB ALSA driver:

– AVB HWDEP IOCTL SET TS : This ioctl is used to set the presentation
time stamp for the current audio frame that is being transferred. This ioctl
has to be invoked when the associated audio frame is transferred from the
user space. The time stamp has to be collected from the gPTP hardware
clock and then any offset has to be added to generate the presentation time

– AVB HWDEP IOCTL GET TS : This ioctl is used to get the presentation
time stamp for the current audio frame received from the talker. This ioctl
is to be invoked when the audio frame is read in to the user space. This
presentation time is to be used to determine when the audio frame is to be

– AVB HWDEP IOCTL SET GRAND MASTER: This ioctl is used to set the
grand master id for the AVB network. This ioctl is invoked from the gPTP
daemon to set the id of the grand master device when the best master algo-
rithm decides a device as the grand master.

• * hwdep release - This function is used to release all the resources used for the
hardware specific interface. Hence the AVB ALSA driver does not use any hard-
ware specific resources no cleanup is required.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 66

4.3.4 AVDECC Talker and Listener

The first requirement for the AVB device in the network is to discover and enumerate
itself and other devices in the network. The AVB Device Discovery Enumeration Com-
mand and Control protocol is used 3.3.4.The AVDECC protocol is implemented in the
work queue of the AVB driver, since the execution of this protocol has to be in back-
ground with no relation to the ALSA interface of the driver. The work queue part of
the AVDECC implementation is illustrated in figure 4.8 and described in detail below:


avb avdecc init no Initialized?


Initialized? queue delayed work(t1)

avb adp advertise Time Elapsed?


avb avdecc listen and respond

queue delayed work(t2)


Figure 4.8: AVDECC Workqueue Flow Diagram

• When the work queue is invoked for the task of AVDECC, it is first checked if
the initialization is completed, if not the initialization function ”avb avdecc init”
is executed, where the socket for the AVDECC communication is initialized.

• If for some reason the initialization failed the AVDECC work task is again queued
using queue delayed work with a longer timeout (t1)
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 67

• For every cycle of the work task, after successful initialization first the transmit
opportunity checked. The AVDECC advertise command for the device discovery
is transmitted in periodic intervals using the avb adp advertise function.

• After optional transmission any incoming AVDECC commands are read and if
required responses for the command are sent out. This is handled by the function
avb avdecc listen and respond. The details of this command is described in detail

• At the end the work item is again queued in the work queue with a shorter time
out t2 and when the work task is invoked again the whole process is repeated

The avb avdecc listen and respond function is comprised of several sub funtions to han-
dle the entire AVDECC protocol. The full details are illustrated in figure 4.9 and
described in detail below:

• At start the AVDECC socket is listened to and any pending data is read through
the function avb avdecc listen. The socket read is read in blocking mode with a
short timeout.

• When there is no data read the function returns immediately, but there is some
data read the following actions are executed.

• The read data is interpreted as a AVTP common control header format and the
AVTP sub-type is extracted. If this not a known valid AVTP sub-type then
the function returns immediately. For known and valid sub-types further parsing

• Based on the sub-type the functions avb avdecc * respondToCmd are used to fur-
ther parse and respond to the commands.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 68

avb avdecc listen and respond

avb avdecc listen

<= 0
Read Size?

avb avdecc adp respondToCmd AVTP Subtype?

avb avdecc acmp respondToCmd


avb avdecc aecp respondToCmd



avb avdecc aecp respondToAEMCmd


Figure 4.9: AVDECC Listen and Respond Flow Diagram

As described above, after every work task for AVDECC another work task is queued
and thus the AVDECC listener is always available and responds to all the incoming
AVDECC commands.

4.3.5 MSRP

The Multiple Stream Reservation Protocol (MSRP) which is used to reserve for network
resources is implemented almost the same way as the AVDECC protocol implementation.
It also is executed through work taks in the work queue. The MSRP protocol is initiated
when the streaming is initiated by the ACMP protocol. The talker first sends the talker
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 69

declarations for the stream to be transmitted, waits for the responses and decides if
the stream reservations is succeeded or not. In case of listeners the incoming talker
advertisements are evaluated and listener responses are sent out. The work queue part
of the MSRP implementation is illustrated in figure 4.10 and explained in detail below:


avb msrp init Initialized?


Initialized? queue delayed work(t1)



avb msrp talkerdeclarations

avb msrp listen


queue delayed work(t2)


Figure 4.10: MSRP Workqueue Flow Diagram

• When the work queue is invoked for the task of MSRP, it is first checked if the
initialization is completed, if not the initialization function ”avb msrp init” is ex-
ecuted, where the socket for the MSRP communication is initialized.

• If for some reason the initialization failed the MSRP work task is again queued
using queue delayed work with a longer timeout (t1)
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 70

• For every cycle of the MSRP work task, after successful initialization, the MSRP
TX state is checked. When the state is not ready the MSRP talker advertise
command is sent out for the current stream requirements using the command
avb msrp talkerdeclarations.

• After the optional talker advertisements any incoming MSRP commands are read
and if required responses for the command are sent out. This is handled by the
function avb msrp listen.

• At the end the work item is again queued in the work queue with a shorter time
out t2 and when the work task is invoked again the whole process is repeated

4.3.6 AVTP Talker and Listener

The Audio Video Transmission Protocol implementation inside the AVB driver is directly
tied to the ALSA audio driver model. Hence in-order to describe the implementation of
the AVTP talker and listener protocols a good understanding of the ALSA audio driver
model and related APIs are required. The ALSA Audio driver model and the APIs it is
made up are explained in detail below:

• * open - This function is invoked by the ALSA middle-ware when the audio driver
is loaded. When this function is invoked the hardware device has to be opened
and initialized.

• * close - This function in invoked by the ALSA middle-ware when the audio
driver is unloaded. When this function is invoked the hardware device has to be
closed and terminated.

• * hw params - This functions is invoked by the ALSA middle-ware when the

user application opens and configures the device for usage (set parameters such
as sample rate, number of channels, bits per sample etc...). Here the actual audio
configuration to be used is configured to the device and the resources are allocated
and the device is set ready for streaming.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 71

• * free - This functions is invoked by the ALSA middle-ware when the user appli-
cation stops the streaming and closes the device. Here the resources allocated for
the streaming can be freed and the device can be put to idle.

• * trigger - This function is used by the ALSA middle-ware to trigger certain

events in the streaming. When the triggers are invoked the the device has to be
controlled according to the event.

• * hw pointer - The ALSA middle-ware uses this function to request the position
of the hardware pointer (i.e. the pointer of the audio buffer in the device up-to
which the audio samples are processed). Based on this hardware pointer position
the ALSA middle-ware either copies more data for playback use-cases and reads
more data for recording use-cases.

• * copy - This function is used by the ALSA middle-ware to copy the actual audio
data to and from the device. The amount of data copied is configured at the time
of configuration by the * hw params.

The functions of the driver listed above are not directly invoked by the user space
application that is using the device. Instead the user invokes the ALSA middle-ware
library which in-turn invokes the functions of the driver for the device currently under
use. But in any case the normal usage of playback or capture the following general
sequence is illustrated in the images 4.11 and 4.12 and described below:

• When the streaming starts the PCM interface is opened using the avb capture open()
for audio capture or using the avb playback open() for audio playback. In the open
functions the sub stream information is passed as an input argument which is a
placeholder for all the information required for the playback or capture of the sub

• Before either playback or capture the stream has to be configured i.e. various
parameters such as sample rate, number of channels, frame size etc... are to be
configured. For this purpose the either the function avb playback hw params for
playback or the function for avb capture hw params for capture is used. Also after
the parameters are configured the other resources required for the streaming are
also initialized. For playback the following initialization are carried out:
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 72

– The audio playback buffer for the hardware is allocated and initialized.

– The AVTP header is initialized with the playback parameters configured for
the stream.

– The time stamp array which holds the presentation time for the audio frames
to be sent out is initialized.

– A timer is allocated according to the sample rate configured in-order to send

audio frames in regular intervals. The high resolution timer of the Linux ker-
nel is used for this purpose. The API hrtimer init() is used for this purpose.

Similarly for the capture function, the following initialization are carried out in
the snd capture hw params() function:

– The audio capture buffer for the hardware is allocated and initialized.

– The time stamp array which holds the received presentation time for the
audio frames is initialized.

– A delayed work is initialized and added to the work queue for the reception
of the AVTP audio frames from the talker device. This delay work is receives
the AVTP audio frames, decodes them and adds them to the allocated buffer.

• After the PCM is opened and configured, the streaming can be controlled by the
functions avb playback trigger and avb capture trigger for playback and capture
respectively. The commands received in the trigger functions such as



are used to start and stop respectively the playback or capture of the stream.

• After starting the playback or capture using the trigger function, the ALSA middle-
ware starts to fill the hardware buffer or read from the hardware buffer using the
functions avb playback copy and avb capture copy respectively. After playback of
audio frames or capture of audio frames, the driver advances the hardware pointer
according to the number of audio samples played back or captured. The ALSA
middle-ware uses the functions avb playback pointer and the avb capture pointer
to know about the position of the playback and capture hardware pointer respec-
tively. Based on this the ALSA middle-ware calculates the free space available in
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 73

the buffer (in case of playback) or the number of audio samples available in the
buffer (in case of capture) and either copy more audio samples in the buffer (in
case of playback) and copy the captured audio samples from the buffer (in case of
capture) using the functions avb playback copy and avb capture copy respectively.
This process is repeated until the streaming is stopped.

Note: As the playback and capture buffer inside the driver are allocated in the
kernel memory space, in the functions avb playback copy and avb capture copy the
audio frames in the kernel buffer can not be directly copied to or copied from to
any user space buffers. As doing so would be a potential security violation as it
provides access to kernel memory space to user level applications. To overcome
this issue the kernel functions copy from user and copy to user are used respec-
tively to read from and to write into user space buffers from the kernel buffer.
These functions checks the validity of the user space buffer pointers, their access
privileges and then setup the processor access rights to copy the data across kernel
memory boundary.

• During playback at every invocation of the playback timer, a fixed number of audio
samples are packed together and then the AVTP header is added on top. This
AVTP frame is then transmitted over the Ethernet.

• Similarly when an AVTP frame is received, the AVTP header is extracted and
validated. The total number of audio samples available is extracted from the
header and the same number of audio samples are copied from the AVTP frame
and then copied into the hardware buffer.

• To stop the playback or capture the ALSA middle-ware first stops the stream-
ing using the trigger functions avb playback trigger and avb capture trigger and
then frees the hardware resources using the functions avb playback hw free and
avb capture hw free. Here the allocated resources such as the buffer are freed
and the running timers, delayed work entries etc... are stopped and cleared.
After the PCM interface is closed using the functions avb playback close and
avb capture close.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 74

:UserApplication :ALSA Middle-ware :AVB Driver :Kernel

snd pcm open(Playback) avb playback open() sock create()

PCM interface is opened.

When the PCM interface is
opened, a socket is created for
snd hwdep open() avb hwdep open() AVTP communication.

Hardware dependent interface is opened.

snd pcm set params() avb playback hw params() hrtimer init()

The parameters of the stream are config- During hardware parameters
ured. configuration the high resolu-
tion is initialized.

loop Priming Loop

snd hwdep ioctl(ts) avb hwdep ioctl()

Before an audio frame is transferred the
presentation time stamp is sent.

snd pcm writei() avb playback copy()

In the priming loop all the data written is When the streaming is started
just copied to the hardware buffer without the high resolution timer is
starting the streaming. started.

avb playback trigger(START) hrtimer start()

After the hardware buffer is full (i.e.
Primed) the streaming is started.

loop Playback Loop

snd hwdep ioctl(ts) avb hwdep ioctl() loop Timer Loop

avb avtp timer()

loop AVTP Loop

snd pcm writei() avb playback pointer() sock sendmsg()

Then the playback loop is started, the
ALSA middle-ware get the position of the avb playback copy()
hardware pointer and when free space is
available on the hardware buffer data is
copied again into the hardware buffer.

snd pcm close() avb playback trigger(STOP)

When the PCM interface is closed, the avb playback hw free() hrtimer try to cancel()
streaming is first stopped and then the
hardware resources are released and then During streaming for every timer tick

the PCM interface is closed. avb playback close() the available audio frames are packed
into AVTP frames and transmitted
via the socket. And finally when the
streaming is stopped the socket is

Figure 4.11: AVTP AVB Playback

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 75

:UserApplication :ALSA Middle-ware :AVB Driver :Kernel

snd pcm open(Capture) avb capture open() sock create()

PCM interface is opened.

When the PCM interface is
opened, a socket is created for
snd hwdep open() avb hwdep open() AVTP communication.

Hardware dependent interface is opened.

snd pcm set params() avb capture hw params()queue delayed work()

The parameters of the stream are config-
During hardware parameters
configuration the a delayed
avb pcm start() avb capture trigger(START) work item is added to the
work queue.
The stream capture is started.

loop Priming Loop avbWqFn()

After the stream capture is started, for
every work queue invocation, the socket is loop AVTP Loop
read and the AVTP frames are decoded
sock recvmsg()
and the audio frames are copied into the
hardware buffer. Also the presentation time
stamp from the AVTP header is extracted snd pcm period elapsed()
and stored.

loop Playback Loop loop Work Loop avbWqFn()

snd pcm readi() avb capture pointer()
Based on the hardware buffer position, the
extracted audio frames are read from the avb capture copy() loop AVTP Loop
hardware buffer, when the read is invoked sock recvmsg()
from the user application.

snd hwdep ioctl(ts) avb hwdep ioctl()

Then the associated presentation time
stamp is read from the user application. snd pcm period elapsed()

snd pcm close() avb capture trigger(STOP)

avb capture hw free() cancel delayed work()

When the PCM interface is closed, the
streaming is first stopped and then the
avb capture close()
hardware resources are released and then
the PCM interface is closed.
When the PCM interface is closed, the
delayed work is cancelled.

Figure 4.12: AVTP AVB Capture

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 76

4.4 Test Application

A test application is developed to demonstrate the various features of the AVB Stack
developed in the BeagleBone Black and x15 platforms. The test application uses the
common ALSA library interface to stream synchronized audio data via the virtual AVB
sound card. It also uses the PTP hardware clock to get the time for the synchronized au-
dio streaming. The general architecture, various features and limitations of the provided
test application are discussed in detail in the following subsections.

4.4.1 Usage

The command line usage of the AVB test application is as given in the following syntax
and it is also explained in detail below.

avbtest−[p|r|a|b|x|y]−c < num channels > −s < sample rate > −n < num f rames >
−d < device name > −l < log level >< input|output f ile >

• The first option is the operation mode of the test application. The following
operation modes are followed:

– -p: Playback: The AVB normal playback mode. The input file is streamed
through AVB ALSA virtual device.

– -r: Record: The AVB normal record mode. The audio stream received
through the AVB ALSA virtual device is written as a wav file with the name
given as the output file.

– -a: Demo Mode A: Device ’A’ operation for the demo setup ’AB’. More details
in the section 4.4.2.

– -b: Demo Mode B: Device ’B’ operation for the demo setup ’AB’. More details
in the section 4.4.2.

– -x: Demo Mode X: Device ’X’ operation for the demo setup ’XY’. More details
in the section 4.4.2.

– -y: Demo Mode Y: Device ’Y’ operation for the demo setup ’XY’. More details
in the section 4.4.2.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 77

• -c<num channels>: The number of channels to be recorded. To be used only with

operation modes -r, -b, -y (i.e. where recording of AVB stream is required).

• -s<sample rate>: The stream rate of the incoming stream to be recorded. To be

used only with operation modes -r, -b, -y (i.e. where recording of AVB stream is

• -n<num frames>: The total number of frames to be recorded from the incoming
stream to be recorded. To be used only with operation modes -r, -b, -y (i.e. where
recording of AVB stream is required).

• -d<device name>: The device to be used for streaming if it is different from the
default. Default AVB device: ”hw:CARD=avb,0”. Default analog multi-channel
device ”hw:CARD=C8CH,0”

• input—output file: The file name of the wave file that is to be played for operating
modes involving playback. Or the file name under which the recorded audio data
is to be written to the disk.

4.4.2 Features and Limitations

The features of the AVB test application generally revolves around the needed require-
ments to demonstrate the various features of the AVB ALSA virtual driver. The basic
features are to use the AVB ALSA virtual driver as any other audio driver and to play-
back and record audio streams through it. And then there are other modes of operation
which are used to test the time synchronization of the AVB streaming and to test the
multi-channel and high sample rate streaming of the AVB ALSA virtual device. The
demo modes along with their demo setup are explained in detailed below: Demo Mode ’AB’

This mode is used to demonstrate the synchronized streaming of AVB with stereo
streams. Two AVB devices running the AVB ALSA virtual driver is required for this
demonstration setup. The basic idea of this setup that the device ’B’ streams the given
wavw file as a AVB stream with a presentation time starting with a pre-determined time
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 78

and the device ’A’ will simultaneously plays-back the audio file specified through an ana-
log audio card at the same pre-determined start time and receives the AVB stream and
plays-back the AVB stream at the received presentation time through a different ana-
log audio card or through the same audio card (second stereo channel of multi-channel
card). With this setup the device ’A’ will output two analog stereo streams both should
be time synchronized according to the setup. To test the time synchronization between
the two analog streams, they are fed into a test PC and recorded and tested. The test
setup is illustrated below:

Device ’A’
AVB Port

AVB Port
Device ’B’
or x15 AVB Stream
Audio Stream
Multi- or x15
Output Port

8 Channel

audio card
(e.x. CTAG
Audio Input Port

AVB Audio Stream
Test Device (Any
Input Port
8 Channel

device with multi-

channel audio
recording support)

Figure 4.13: Demo Setup AB - Variation 1

A slight variation of this test setup is possible where the recording of the output analog
streams are not done is a separate PC, but it is done in the same device ’A’ through
a multi-channel input audio card. Thus the audio analog streams are looped back into
the device and recorded simultaneously as multi-channel recording where the synchro-
nization can be tested. This variation is illustrated below:
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 79

Device ’A’

AVB Port

AVB Port
Device ’B’
or x15 AVB Stream
Audio Stream
Multi- Output Port or x15

channel 8 Channel
audio card
(e.x. CTAG
Input Port
8 Channel

AVB Audio Stream

Figure 4.14: Demo Setup AB - Variation 2 Demo Mode ’XY’

This mode is used to demonstrate the synchronized multi-channel and high sample rate
AVB streaming between 2 devices supporting AVB ALSA virtual device. In this setup
both the devices have a multi-channel audio sound card. The device ’Y’ streams the
given wave file through AVB port with a presentation time set from a pre-determined
start time. The device ’X receives the AVB stream and loops it back to the multi-channel
audio card according to the received presentation time. The device ’Y’ also streams the
same wave file through it’s mutli-channel audio card starting at the same pre-determined
time. Both these multi-channel audio streams are fed into a test device where they are
recorded and then time synchronization is tested.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 80

Device ’X’

AVB Port

AVB Port
AVB Stream Device
’Y’ Beagle
board x15

Output Port

Output Port
8 Channel

8 Channel
Audio Stream

AVB Audio Stream

Input Port

Test Device (Any device with multi-channel audio recording support)

Figure 4.15: Demo Setup XY

4.4.3 Design and Implementation

The basic design of the test application is as follows, first the input arguments are
parsed to find out about the operational mode and other parameters. In case the input
parameters are incomplete or wring the usage instructions for the test applications are
printed out and then the test application exits the operation. Based on the input
parameters (as explained in section 4.4.1) parsed, a new playback or record instance is
configured and then the configured instance execution is started in a new thread.

Based on the operation mode required there may also be a need for multiple playback
and recording instances. In which case multiple threads are created and for each thread
a playback or record thread is configured. In this case the test application continues
operation until all the threads has stopped their execution of the required operation.

This basic design is illustrated as follows:

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 81


Valid Mode? printUsage





Figure 4.16: AVB Test Application Playback

A playback instance operation is described below and illustrated in the figure 4.17

• First the given file is opened as a binary file. If the file cannot be opened for any
reason, the playback cannot continue and the playback thread exits.

• When the file is opened the wave header is read, parsed and validated. If the wave
header is incorrect the playback thread also exits.

• If the playback is through the AVB device the PCM and hardware dependent
interfaces of the AVB AlSA virtual device are opened. Else for normal audio card
playback only the PCM interface is opened. Then the PCM interface is configured
with the audio parameters from the wave file for playback.

• After the PCM interface is configured, the playback loop is started and the audio
samples are read from the wave file and sent to the PCM interface of the driver
until all the audio samples in the wave file or until the required amount of audio
samples are streamed.

• If the time synchronization is requested, the playback loop is not started until the
pre-determined time is reached. For simplicity in the AVB test application this
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 82

pre-determined time is defined as the next second which is a full multiple of 3.

The playback loop executes a busy-wait in a loop where the PTP hardware time
is checked every 100 micro-seconds until we reach the second which is an interger
multiple of 3.

• If time stamping option is set, the hardware clock is used to calculate the presen-
tation time and it is set through the hardware dependent interface.

• It is also possible that the playback is not from a wave file, but from an audio
buffer where another thread is recording and storing audio samples. For this live
playback mode, a wave file is not opened but the audio parameters are configured
from the command line and the audio samples are read directly from the audio
buffer and streamed through the open PCM interface as described above.

• When the streaming is completed, the PCM interface is closed and the playback
thread exits.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 83


From Buffer? fopen Extract Wave Header

snd hw dep open

snd hw pcm open

snd pcm set params

clock gettime

Start Time Reached? Sleep 100 µ s


Samples Remaining?

From Buffer? snd pcm close
snd hwdep close
Copy from buffer Read from file

snd hwdep ioctl

snd pcm writei

Increment read size

Figure 4.17: AVB Test Application - Playback Thread Record

A record instance operation is described below and illustrated in the figure 4.18
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 84

• First a wave file with a temporary name is opened as a binary file. If the file cannot
be opened for any reason, the record cannot continue and the record thread exits.

• If the record is from the AVB device the PCM and hardware dependent interfaces
of the AVB AlSA virtual device are opened. Else for normal audio card playback
only the PCM interface is opened. Then the PCM interface is configured with the
audio parameters from the wave file for recording.

• After the PCM interface is configured, the record loop is started and the audio
samples are read from the driver and then written to the output file until the
required amount of audio samples are recorded.

• The time synchronization option is not applicable for the record instance as there
is no playback involved.

• If time stamping option is set, the presentation time stamp is read from the hard-
ware dependent interface and stored.

• It is also possible that the record does not store the audio samples to a wave file,
but to an audio buffer from which another thread will playback the audio samples.
For this live record mode, a wave file is not opened but the audio parameters are
configured from the command line and the audio samples are read written to the
audio bufferfrom the open PCM interface as described above.

• When the recording is completed, if the wave file audio samples are written to a
file and not to a buffer, a new wave file is opened with the given name. First a
new wave file header is cretaed using the audio parameters used for streaming and
the information regarding the total number of reocrded samples. First this new
wave header is written to the file and then the audio samples from the temporary
file is copied to the output file.

• When the output file is written the PCM interface is closed and the record thread
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 85


To Buffer? fopen(tempfile)

snd hw dep open

snd hw pcm open

snd pcm set params

snd pcm prepare

snd pcm start

Samples Remaining? snd pcm drop snd pcm close


snd pcm readi snd hwdep close

To Buffer?
snd hwdep ioctl Yes
No fclose(tempfile)
To Buffer?

Copy to buffer Write to file

Write wave header

Increment read size

Copy audio samples



Figure 4.18: AVB Test Application - Record Thread

Chapter 5


As the design and the implementation details of the various software modules used for the
AVB stack implementation are detailed in the previous chapter, this chapter discusses
the development details for these software modules including the various development
processes, development tools and development strategies used.

5.1 Google Summer of Code

The main inspiration for the ”Synchronized real time audio streaming over Ethernet in
embedded systems” project came from the involvement in the Google Summer of Code
(GSoC). This thesis is an extension of the GSoC project titled, ”BeagleBone AVB Stack”
[22]. This GSoC project was executed as one of the GSoC projects for the Beagle Board

The Google Summer of Code is an international annual program for students, in which
Google will provide stipends for successful completion of development of an open source
software project task from one of the several participating software development organi-
zations. The main aim of the program is to improve the open source software develop-
ment projects and inspire students to contribute more to the open source development

All participating organizations first have to be selected by Google and after selection
they are assigned a maximum number of projects that they can offer to students. The

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 87

organizations then come-up with a list of projects that it wishes to be taken up by

students. Students have to create a proposal for any of those list of projects wished by the
organization or also they can create a proposal of their own. The proposals are evaluated
by the respective organization and the final list of accepted students are published. When
a student is accepted by an organization for a project, the student has to complete the
project in hand during the summer within the agreed upon milestone. The organization
assigns mentors for the students to help the development and to evaluate the results of
the project.

The implementation details and the various features of the GSoC Project ”Beaglebone
AVB Stack” are listed below [23]:

• Implementation of the set of protocols required for a AVB audio streaming between
2 devices.

• Beagle bone black devices are chosen as the development environment.

• Only Stereo channel and low audio bit-rate streams are supported.

• Only the basic functionality of the AVB streaming is evaluated (i.e. no detailed
analysis of the stream parameters or no testing of compatibility to other devices)

After the successful completion of the GSoC Project, the same is expanded with new
requirements for this Thesis. The new requirements on top the work done for the GSoC
are as follows:

• Improvements to also support the Beagle board x15 devices.

• Improvements to also support multi-channel and high bit-rate streams.

• Improvements to add support for inter-operability to any other standard AVB

device (Mackbook pro laptops).

• Detailed analysis of the streaming including synchronization accuracy, latency and

other parameters and conclude regarding the merits and demerits of the AVB
protocol and the implementation of AVB stack in the beagle bone platform.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 88

5.2 Development environment

All the software components are developed on a Linux host computer running Ubuntu
operating system. The linaro cross compiler is used to cross compile the source code in
the Linux host for the beagle bone devices.

The gPTP daemon is developed platform independent and hence it is possible to also
run the gPTP daemon also in any Linux based system. But when executed in normal
x86 systems the Linux time-stamping employed is software time-stamping which is less
accurate and in these systems, for synchronization normal clocks are used instead of
hardware clocks. Irrespective of these limitations executing gPTP daemon in a x86
environment on a Linux host is useful as it supports better debugging tools and hence
the development time is shortened. The gPTP daemon source code is version controlled
under git and hosted at github here 1

As the AVB ALSA driver is developed as part of the Linux kernel, a new development
branch 2 is created from the Linux kernel repository for beagle bone black version 4.4
long term support branch 3 . The AVB ALSA driver is developed as any other loadable
kernel module and tested only in the beagle bone black device. The kernel is also cross
compiled in a Linux host. When the kernel is built the resulting loadable kernel module
file is transferred to the beagle bone black and loaded into the kernel.

The test application is a normal Linux executable which is also developed in the Linux
host machine and then cross compiled to the beagle bone black. It is version controlled
similarly in a git reprository and hosted at github here 4

5.3 Debugging

Debugging of the software is mainly done by analyzing the logs created during execution.
Based on the software component various log destinations are used.

• For gPTP daemon the logs are routed to the syslog interface, which can be viewed
using the file ”/var/log/syslog” in the Linux file system.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 89

• For the AVB ALSA driver, the logs are printed using the kernel version of printf
(i.e. printk) to the kernel log buffer. This log buffer contents are also transferred
to the syslog. Also the kernel log messages can also be viewed by the dmesg

• The test applications logs are directly printed in the console using normal printf.
Chapter 6


This section details the various setups, experiments and their results, leading to the
evaluation of the various operational parameters of the AVB software stack.

6.1 Delay Variation

The delay variation is defined as the variance the successive peer to peer delay mea-
surement values 3.3 in the gPTP protocol. Although the delay measurement process
follows the same procedure every time, random variations in the time stamping (since
the normal crystal clocks used are not perfect) leads to sightly different delay values for
every measurement. In ideal case the variance should be zero and the delay should be
the same for every measurement, but in normal working conditions this will not be the
case. The aim here is that the delay variance should be as small as possible. Since the
clock synchronization between the two devices depends on the measured delay, if the
delay variation is small the clock synchronization accuracy will be high.

Any setup described in the section 4.4.2 can be used for the delay variation measurement.
The general setup is as follows, two devices that support hardware time stamping is
connected with a cross Ethernet cable. In this case a beagle bone black and beagle
board x15 are connected via a cross Ethernet cable. The gPTP daemon is started in
both these devices using the following command

> ./gPTPd -n -l6

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 91

To view the measured delay values the gPTP daemon application is started as a normal
application using the -n switch (i.e. normal mode as opposed to daemon mode). Also
the log level is set to log level 6 using the -l6 switch to view the measured delay values
in the console. The raw log of a such execution is given in appendix A.1, from this log
50 successive measured delay values are extracted and plotted below in the figure 6.1

Measured delay for gPTP


Mean Delay: 841.88 ns
Delay (ns)

Standard deviation: 8.89 ns
Variance: 79.05 ns


0 10 20 30 40 50
Measurement Number

Figure 6.1: gPTP Delay Variance

From the above graph the average value for the measured delay value is calculated as
841.88 ns and the average standard deviation is calculated as 8.89 ns. Also from the
normal distribution 6.2 of the measured delay values we can see that it approximates a
bell curve (i.e. normal distribution) indicating that the measured delay values follow a
natural normal distribution with no other external influences.

From the above discussions it can be decided that the measured delay values does not
influence the clock synchronization too much as the variance is only in the order of 10 ns
which is negligible for most audio applications. Also this delay variance is much smaller
than other parameters which influence the synchronization.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 92



810 820 830 840 850 860 870

Figure 6.2: gPTP Delay Histogram

6.2 Clock Drift

Clock drift is defined as the amount a clock drifts away from another clock, from a defined
point in time when the both clocks have the same time value. Since the frequency of the
crystal oscillators used in the embedded systems as clock sources are highly unstable,
it increases the clock drift. Crystal oscillators are highly influenced by environmental
factors such as heat, stress, moisture and inherent factors such as age. Since clock drift
affects the clock synchronization it has to be kept low for synchronized audio streaming.

To measure the clock drift any setup described in the section 4.4.2 can be used as same
as for the delay variation measurement. The general setup is as follows, two devices that
support hardware time stamping is connected with a cross Ethernet cable. In this case
a beagle bone black and beagle board x15 are connected via a cross Ethernet cable. The
gPTP daemon is started in both these devices using the following command

> ./gPTPd -n -l5

The command is similar to that of the command required for the delay measurement
experiment, but the log level is set a little higher at level 5 with the -l5 switch to view
some more extended logs required to calculate the clock drift. The raw log of clock drift
experiment is given in appendix A.2, from this successive measured clock drift values
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 93

are extracted and plotted below in the figure 6.3

Measured Clock Drift

Clock drift (µs/s)

Mean Drift: 28.17 µs/s

Standard deviation: 0.637 µs/s

25 Variance: 0.406 µs/s

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Measurement Number

Figure 6.3: Hardware Clock Drift

A sample clock drift calculation is explained below with the pair of logs below. These
logs are generated when the gPTP slave device receives the sync follow-up command
the clock synchronization is calculated. The values are explained as follows.

• SyncTxTime - Tx time stamp when the Sync gPTP command was transmitted by
the gPTP initiator.

• SyncRxTime - Rx time stamp when the Sync gPTP command was received in the
gPTP responder.

• lDelayTime - Measured gPTP delay.

• CurrSynOff - Offset for local clock to the initiator clock.

• prSyncTime - Local time before synchronization.

• poSyncTime - Local time after synchronization.

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126212_411757622

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126212_410850350
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 94

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000908095 (-1)

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126213_411821643
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126213_412733008

[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126244_413223246

[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126244_412314482
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000909587 (-1)
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126244_412608332
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126244_413521159

The elapsed time between the two synchronizations is calculated as the difference from
the two SyncTxTime values. During this elapsed time the difference in the clock progress
between the two devices is given as the value CurrSynOff in the second log. So the drift
rate is calculated as the ratio between the CurrSynOff and the elapsed time.

From the figure 6.3 the mean clock drift rate is calculated as 28.17 µs/s and the standard
deviation is 0.637 µs/s. From these values we can see that although the drift rate is little
higher the variance is low i.e. the clock drift is always constant which can be corrected.

As in real embedded system crystal oscillator based clocks the clock drift cannot be
avoided, to has to be mitigated by some other means. This is covered by the gPTP
protocol synchronization process. By periodically synchronizing the slave devices to the
grand master device, the clock drift is reset periodically and the synchronization is re-
established. So the maximum drift the slave clock encounters is limited to the amount
of drift that is accumulated during the time before the next synchronization.

Based on the current default sync repetition time of 32 seconds, the maximum clock
drift for the slave device can be up-to a maximum value of 900 µs. Choosing a smaller
sync repetition time will limit this clock drift value to a lower value. Although this value
can affect the media synchronization it is limited to the sub milli-second range which is
still low enough to be perceived in real world scenario.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 95

6.3 Synchronization Accuracy

The synchronization accuracy is defined as the time delta between the streams output
by two devices. To test this the Demo XY setup 4.15 is used. Here both the beagle bone
black and the beagle board x15 playbacks the same stream synchronously. These streams
are recorded through an external recording device and analyzed for synchronization.

First the demo setup explained in 4.15 is setup and the AVB software stack is started
using the following series of commands,

> sudo ./gPTPd

> sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.9.50+/kernel/sound/core/snd-hwdep.ko
> sudo insmod snd-avb.ko

Where with the first command the gPTP daemon is started with it’s default arguments
and operation mode. Then the hardware dependent ALSA library is loaded which is
required for the hardware dependent interface in the AVB ALSA driver and finally the
AVB ALSA driver itself is loaded. After all these are loaded the gPTP processes such as
delay measurement and clock synchronization is started and in the AVB ALSA driver
the device detection, enumeration and control processes are started.

When the AVB stack is initialized and started the avb test application can be started
for testing the media synchronization. For this first in the beagle board x15 device the
following command is executed.

> sudo ./avbtest -y -c2 -s48000 -l2 rec.wav

And in the beagle bone black device the following command is executed

> sudo ./avbtest -x -l2 test.wav

In parallel the analog audio playback from these devices are recorded in an external
device. After the streaming is completed, the recorded file is opened in an audio edit-
ing software such as Audacity to check for the synchronization. The result of such as
experiment is given in the figure 6.5 with an explanation below it.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 96

Figure 6.4: Full Record of Synchronization test

Figure 6.5: Audio Synchronization

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 97

In the stream in the figure above two channels are recorded each one from a different
device. It is done such a way for easy comparison of the stream from both devices. This
is evident from the fact that the two wave forms are not of the exact level as they are
played back from different device with different audio cards which may be set different
volume levels the levels of these streams is not equal. But still we can see the general
waveform of these streams which can be used for comparison. For the actual comparison
select a crest or a trough in one channel and then select until the same crest or a trough
in the other channel and then count the number of samples in the selected portion of the
wave form. Then the number of samples and the sampling rate is used to calculate the
actual synchronization accuracy. So from the above figure there are 15 samples in the
selected portion of the wave form. The recording is at a sampling rate of 48000 Hz. So
according to the following calculation the synchronization accuracy is 1.437 ms between
these two streams.

Synchronization Accuracy = (15 / 48000) = 312.5 µs

As it is generally accepted that any audio delay less than 10 ms is not perceivable to
the human ear [24] [25], the synchronization accuracy of less than 1 ms is acceptable for
most streaming applications.

6.4 Latency

The latency is a measure of the time it takes for the samples to reach the destination
from the time they are transmitted. For a real time audio streaming system the latency
should be as low as possible.

To measure the latency of the AVB ALSA driver based streaming the following exper-
iment is carried out. For this purpose a AVB stream is played from one device and
recorded in the second device. The time the streaming started in the first device is
noted down and also the time when the first frames received in the second device is
noted down. The difference between these two time stamps is the latency. The two time
stamps can be directly compared and subtracted since the hardware clocks of these two
devices are synchronized and any drift between them is negligible (refer 6.3).
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 98

First the demo setup explained in 4.15 is setup and the AVB software stack is started as
explained in the previous section regarding the synchronization accuracy measurement
6.3. When the AVB stack is initialized and started the avb test application can be
started for testing the media synchronization. For this first in the beagle board x15
device the following command is executed.

> sudo ./avbtest -r -l2 rp.wav

And in the beagle bone black device the following command is executed

> sudo ./avbtest -p -l2 test.wav

debian@BeagleBoard-X15:~/avbtest$ sudo ./avbtest -p -l2 piano2.wav

AVB Test Application Oct 10 2017 21:58:03
avbtest: Playing back -1 frames from file piano2.wav (ch: 2 sr: 48000)
t0: Playback params ringbufsize: 1536, periodsize: 384
t0: Playback starting @ 1503125410 s 576817781 ns
t0: First frame transferred @ 1503125410 s 576944541 ns
avbtest: Thread t0 exit with result: 0
avbtest: Operation completed

debian@beaglebone:~/avbtest$ sudo ./avbtest -r -l2 rp.wav

avbtest: Recording -1 frames to file rp.wav (ch: 2 sr: 48000)
t0: Record params ringbufsize: 1536, periodsize: 384
ALSA lib pcm.c:7843:(snd_pcm_recover) overrun occurred
t0: First frame received @ 1503125410 s 595405977 ns
t0: Short read (expected 384, read 48)
avbtest: Thread t0 exit with result: 0
avbtest: Operation completed

With the above commands the AVB streams is played back from the beagle bone black
device. In the test application when the first frame is transmitted the time stamp is
noted and printed to the console. When the first frame is received in the beagle board
x15, again the time stamp is noted and printed out by the test application receiving the
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 99

stream. The logs of such an execution is given in above logs. The following two lines
from the image is of our interest, from these values the latency is calculated as below.

t0: First frame transferred @ 1503125410 s 576944541 ns

t0: First frame received @ 1503125410 s 595405977 ns
Latency = (1503125410 s 576944541 ns) - (1503125410 s 595405977 ns)
Latency = 0 s 18,461,436 ns = 18.46 ms

Although the measured latency of 18.46 ms is not sufficient for real time audio streaming
in live low latency applications, it is just almost sufficient for most of the real time audio
streaming for media applications. But if more lower latencies are required the size of
the hardware buffer has to be decreased. But decreasing the size of the hardware buffer
can result in frequent under-flows in the streaming which can lead to audio breaks. So
a fine balance is required to trade-off between low latency and reliable and continuous
audio streaming.

6.5 MAC AVB Detection

The AVB ALSA driver running in the Beagle Bone can also be detected as an AVB sound
device in MacBook pro computers. To test the detection, the Beagle Bone Black has to
be directly connected to the MacBook pro using a ethernet cross cable. In MacBook Pro
models where no ethernet port available a thunderbolt ethernet adapter can be used.
But a USB ethernet adapter should not be used. The AVB driver can be started using
the following commands:

> sudo ./gPTPd

> sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.9.50+/kernel/sound/core/snd-hwdep.ko
> sudo insmod snd-avb.ko

It takes some seconds for the AVDECC enumeration to take place after which the AVB
device can be seen under the ”Audio MIDI Setup - Window - Show Network Device
Browser”. The screen shot of this detection is given in the following image.
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 100

Figure 6.6: MAC AVB Detection

Also in the MacBook pro the operational parameters of the AVB connection can be seen
using the ”avbdiagnose” command, which produces a log as given appendix A.3.
Chapter 7


Apart from the various features of the AVB software stack discussed in the previous
sections for the synchronized real time audio streaming, there are also some limitations.
These limitations are listed and described briefly below:

• In gPTP daemon, only one port per device is supported, for example although
beagle board x15 contains two Ethernet ports the gPTP can communicate through
only one Ethernet port at a time. This is different from the gPTP specification
where multiple ports per device can be supported.

• Seamless changeover from between grand masters is not supported. Hence when
a grand master changes there will be an abrupt jump in the synchronized time.

• Only Ethernet physical medium (IEEE 802.3) is supported although the specifi-
cation provides support for IEEE 802.11 (Wi-fi) and IEEE 802.3 Passive optical

• The Forwarding and Queuing for Time-Sensitive Streams (FQTSS) improvement

for the networking queues are not implemented.

• Only the AVDECC responder role is implemented, but does not support the
AVDECC controller role.

• Regarding streaming a maximum of 8 channels and maximum sampling rate of

up-to 192kHz is supported.

• Only one playback and capture stream is possible in parallel.

Chapter 8


The previous sections elaborate on the objectives laid out in the introduction of this
thesis 1.6.

In the Literature review section 2 the various current implementations of the AVB
stack are listed and described in detail. It was concluded there that although several
implementations for the AVB stack are available, either they are not complete turn key
solutions or in case of complete solutions they are not available in public domain as open
source software. So there is a need for a complete open source AVB stack solution.

The technical review section 3 describes the various technical details of the AVB stan-
dards, Linux operating system and the beagle board hardware. These details are required
to be clearly understood before a AVB solution is designed and implemented.

In the next sections of implementation 4 and development 5 the implementation details of

the various modules involved in the AVB software stack are described in detail explaining
the various features of the software modules and their detailed design. The development
section describes the various development strategies, tools and environments used in the
development of the software modules for the AVB software stack.

And finally in the evaluation section 6, several experiments are carried out in order
to calculate the various operational parameters regarding the synchronization and la-
tency of the audio streaming. The experiments and their results are described in detail
and then the results are interpreted and discussed in detail regarding their impact in the

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 103

synchronized, real time streams. Here the various results pointed out that the AVB soft-
ware stack implemented is indeed sufficient for a synchronous, real time audio streaming.
Finally the limitations of the AVB software solution are listed in 7.

To summarize, AVB was proposed as a solution for a synchronized, real time audio
streaming in embedded systems. The proposed solution is researched, it’s technical de-
tails are studied and a software solution is designed and implemented. Beagle bone
devices, BeagleBone black and BeagleBoard x15 are chosen as a hardware platform for
evaluating the solution. The implemented AVB solution is evaluated on these beagle
board devices. By analyzing the results of the evaluations it is concluded that synchro-
nized, real time audio streaming is possible in embedded systems using the proposed
AVB software solution and the beagle board devices are sufficient in providing an en-
vironment for a stable and synchronized hardware clock through gPTP and sufficient
bandwidth through the integrated Ethernet ports. And because of their small form
factor, power and support for a range of Capes that extend their functionality, the
combination of the beagle board devices plus the proposed AVB solution can provide a
platform for synchronized real time audio streaming applications.

Some future enhancements for the proposed solution includes removing the limitations
found, expand for other platforms, make it more configurable and improving the overall
performance figures by even more strict implementation of the protocols and through
more testing and evaluations.
Appendix A

Evaluation Logs

A.1 Delay variance measurement logs

[000000000000] gPTPd: -------------------------------------

[000000000001] gPTPd: gPTP Init bbb Jan 3 2018 20:38:01
[000000000001] gPTPd: -------------------------------------

[000000000029] gPTPd: ---> Assuming grandmaster role

[000000010030] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 836
[000000019030] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 832
[000000028030] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 834
[000000037077] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 856
[000000046078] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 844
[000000055078] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 834
[000000064078] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 835
[000000073086] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 833
[000000082086] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 835
[000000091086] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 847
[000000100119] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 863
[000000109118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 846
[000000118118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 843
[000000127118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 838
[000000136118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 839
[000000145118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 849
[000000154118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 841
[000000163118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 848
[000000172118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 833
[000000181118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 848
[000000190118] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 836
[000000199162] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 864

Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 105

[000000208162] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 837

[000000217162] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 828
[000000226162] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 838
[000000235170] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 842
[000000244170] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 847
[000000253170] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 850
[000000262203] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 865
[000000271202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 842
[000000280202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 849
[000000289202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 845
[000000298202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 841
[000000307202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 831
[000000316202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 846
[000000325202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 835
[000000334202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 840
[000000343202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 846
[000000352202] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 840
[000000370246] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 845
[000000379246] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 845
[000000388246] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 838
[000000397258] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 833
[000000406258] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 841
[000000415258] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 842
[000000424288] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 866
[000000433286] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 836
[000000442286] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 835
[000000451286] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 832
[000000460286] gPTPd: ---> gPTP msrdDelay: 831

A.2 Clock drift measurement logs

[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125823_211258798

[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125823_210380945
[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000828
[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000878681 (-1)
[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125823_210724283
[000000094291] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125823_211606219

[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125856_243282526

[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125856_242371615
[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000828
[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000911739 (-1)
[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125856_242685968
[000000127322] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125856_243600955
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 106

[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125888_243720926

[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125888_242833794
[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000828
[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000887960 (-1)
[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125889_243800335
[000000160322] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125889_244691539

[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125920_245272246

[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125920_244381174
[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000828
[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000891900 (-1)
[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125920_244687753
[000000191322] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125920_245582743

[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125953_287256314

[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125953_286333308
[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000828
[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000923834 (-1)
[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125953_286640473
[000000224363] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125953_287567562

[000000256370] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503125985_295276674

[000000256371] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503125985_294379142
[000000256371] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000830
[000000256371] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000898362 (-1)
[000000256371] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503125985_294758845
[000000256371] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503125985_295660567

[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126018_327288266

[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126018_326359459
[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000830
[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000929637 (-1)
[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126018_326667245
[000000289402] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126018_327599968

[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126050_327723734

[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126050_326822826
[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000830
[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000901738 (-1)
[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126051_327771070
[000000322402] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126051_328676014

[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126115_371288442

[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126115_370355256
[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000830
[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000934016 (-1)
[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126115_370665034
[000000386443] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126115_371602192
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 107

[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126147_383288510

[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126147_382383076
[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000906257 (-1)
[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126147_382688614
[000000418454] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126147_383597976

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126212_411757622

[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126212_410850350
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000908095 (-1)
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126213_411821643
[000000484481] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126213_412733008

[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126244_413223246

[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126244_412314482
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000909587 (-1)
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126244_412608332
[000000515481] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126244_413521159

[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126277_455258890

[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126277_454320299
[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000823
[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000939414 (-1)
[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126277_454629596
[000000548522] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126277_455572122

[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126309_467404830

[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126309_466494533
[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000820
[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000911117 (-1)
[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126309_466808070
[000000580533] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126309_467722243

[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126390_087735838

[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126390_086816229
[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000816
[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000920425 (-1)
[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126390_087275478
[000000067065] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126390_088199109

[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126422_130197434

[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126422_129284587
[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000822
[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000913669 (-1)
[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126422_129720851
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 108

[000000099106] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126422_130637674

[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126455_139586978

[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126455_138646329
[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000822
[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000941471 (-1)
[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126455_139080660
[000000132115] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126455_140025266

[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126487_168284090

[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126487_167371203
[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000812
[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000913699 (-1)
[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126488_167969880
[000000165143] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126488_168886875

[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126520_167590854

[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126520_166650038
[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000812
[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000941628 (-1)
[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126520_167107372
[000000197141] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126520_168052176

[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ SyncTxTime: 1503126552_171112454

[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ SyncRxTime: 1503126552_170199857
[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ lDelayTime: 0_000000812
[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ CurrSynOff: 0_000913409 (-1)
[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ prSyncTime: 1503126552_170500402
[000000229143] gPTPd: @@@ poSyncTime: 1503126552_171416995

A.3 MAC AVB Diagnosis log

Ethernet Interface "en6"

Interface has AVB enabled.
gPTP Present: YES
Link Valid: YES
Link Active: YES
MAC: a8:60:b6:14:a6:3f
Wants Time Sync Service: YES
Time Sync Required: NO
Wants Streaming Service: YES
Wants ADP: YES
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 109


Time To Live: 62
Entity ID: 0x04a316fffead4156
Entity Model ID: 0x04a316ad41560001
Entity Capabilities: 0x00008508
Talker Stream Sources: 1
Talker Capabilites: 0x4001
Listener Stream Sinks: 1
Listener Capabilities: 0x4001
Controller Capabilities: 0x00000000
Available Index: 92
gPTP Grandmaster ID: 0xa860b6fffe14a63f
Association ID: 0x0000000000000000
MAC Addresses:
Wrote /tmp/avbdiagnose-2018-01-10-16-58-26-GMT+1/ALSA_AVB_Driver-0x04a316fffead4156.aemxml
Time To Live: 12
Entity ID: 0x35363bca4b08001d
Entity Model ID: 0x35363bca4b080011
Entity Capabilities: 0x00010008
Talker Stream Sources: 1
Talker Capabilites: 0x4801
Listener Stream Sinks: 1
Listener Capabilities: 0x4001
Controller Capabilities: 0x00000000
Available Index: 46
gPTP Grandmaster ID: 0xa860b6fffe14a63f
Association ID: 0x0000000000000000
MAC Addresses:
Wrote /tmp/avbdiagnose-2018-01-10-16-58-26-GMT+1/ALSA_AVB_Driver-0x35363bca4b08001d.aemxml
IOMVRP has local attributes.
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 5
IOMVRP has remote attributes.
IOMSRPListener has local attributes.
Stream ID: 0x04a316ad41560001
Four Pack: Ignore
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 5
IOMSRPListener has remote attributes.
Stream ID: 0xa860b614a63f0000
Four Pack: Ready
Registrar State: 0
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 110

Applicant State: 0
IOMSRPDomain has properties.
MSRP Capable: YES
Class A PCP: 3
Class A VLAN ID: 2
Class B PCP: 2
Class B VLAN ID: 2
IOMSRPDomain has local attributes.
Traffic Class: 6
PCP: 3
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 5
Traffic Class: 5
PCP: 2
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 5
IOMSRPDomain has remote attributes.
IOMSRPTalker has local attributes.
Stream ID: 0xa860b614a63f0000
Destination MAC: 91:e0:f0:00:ca:2a
Max Frame Size: 832
Max Interval Frames: 1
Priority: 3
Rank: 1
Accumulated Latency: 123860
Failure Bridge ID: 0x0000000000000000
Failure Code: 0
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 5
IOMSRPTalker has remote attributes.
Stream ID: 0x04a316ad41560001
Destination MAC: 91:e0:f0:00:33:4b
Max Frame Size: 80
Max Interval Frames: 1
Priority: 3
Rank: 1
Accumulated Latency: 1000000
Failure Bridge ID: 0x0000000000000000
Failure Code: 0
Registrar State: 0
Applicant State: 0
IO8021AS has properties.
AS Capable: YES
Clock Identity: 0xa860b6fffe14a63f
Synchronized real time audio streaming over ethernet in embedded systems 111

Grandmaster ID: 0xa860b6fffe14a63f

Remote Clock Identity: 0x04a316fffead4156
Remote Port Number: 1
Link Propagation Delay: 576ns
Remote is on this machine: NO
Propagation Delay Request Log Mean Interval: 0
Sync Log Mean Interval: 253
Announce Log Mean Interval: 0
Clock Priority 1: 248
Clock Class: 248
Clock Accuracy: 254
Clock Priority 2: 248
Stream ID: 0x04a316ad41560001
PCP: 3
Destination MAC: 91:e0:f0:00:33:4b
PID: 218
Stream ID: 0xa860b614a63f0000
EtherType: 0x22f0
PCP: 3
Source MAC: a8:60:b6:14:a6:3f
Destination MAC: 91:e0:f0:00:ca:2a
PID: 218
Output Frames: YES

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