BBB Month 9 Workout Plan

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The key takeaways are that this workout plan focuses on hip thrust and military press exercises. It provides instructions for multi-week workout routines that include exercises like hip thrusts, squats, rows and abduction work.

The main exercises covered in the workout plan include barbell hip thrusts, military presses, goblet squats, inverted rows, back squats, chest-supported rows, deadlifts, and various band exercises.

For the barbell hip thrust pyramid exercise, you are instructed to select weights allowing 12, 8 and 4 reps for each set while maintaining proper form like keeping the chin tucked and driving through the heels. You are to rest 2 minutes between sets.


MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


Barbell hip thrust pyramid* Pause B-stance hip thrust

Barbell hip thrust dropset
(2-minute rest) (3-second pause)
2 x 10/10/10
12/8/4/20 3x6
Military press Close-grip bench press Push press
10/8/6 10/8/6 3x6
Goblet squat Reverse lunge isohold Back squat
3x8 2 x :60 seconds 3x5
Inverted row Neutral-grip pull-up Chest-supported row
3 x AMRAP 3 x AMRAP 3 x 10
B-stance good morning Single-leg RDL
(ramp up)
3x8 3x8
Extra range
Nordic ham curl Valgus seated hip abduction
side-lying hip raise
3x3 2 x 30
3 x 10


*1st set: Select a weight that allows you to perform 12 reps.

2nd set: Select a weight that allows you to perform 8 reps.
3rd set: Select a weight that allows you to perform 4 reps.
4th set: Select a weight that allows you to perform 20 reps with good form .

Set a timer on your phone and stick to the strict 2 -minute rest between

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MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


(Optional) (Optional)

Frog pump Lateral band walk
80 20 each leg
Extra range side-lying
Band hip hinge abduction
hip abduction
30 each leg
Frog pump Band standing kickback
60 20 each leg
Extra range side-lying
Band standing hip abduction
hip abduction
20 each leg
25 each leg
Frog pump Standing glute squeeze
40 :30 seconds
Extra range side-lying
hip abduction ---------
20 each leg
Frog pump

Perform Glute Day 1 only ONCE through and Glute Day 2 as a

circuit for 3 rounds – rest 90 seconds between each round.


Detailed exercise demonstrations can be found in the
Exercise Library.

This month is a hip thrust and military press focus .

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MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


Barbell hip thrust pyramid: Follow the asterisk instructions for the pyramid
protocol. Keep a forward eye gaze while keeping the chin tucked. Maintain a flat torso,
and make sure to reach full hip extension with a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Drive through
the heels and don’t let your knees cave in. You can either come down and touch the bar
to the ground or reverse in midair, whichever you prefer. If you do reverse in midair,
make sure you come down deep.
Military press: Start with a narrow grip on the bar. Keep elbows in, lean back
slightly, and place the bar close to the suprasternal notch. Once the bar passes your
head, push your head through and stand tall. Skim the face on the way up. While
locking out, push the shoulders high. Choose a load that will allow you to get 10 reps.
Increase the load to allow you to only get to 8 reps. For the last set, choose a load to
perform 6 reps.
Goblet squat: You will want to be in a neutral stance. Keep your elbows
tucked because they need to go between the legs. Sit down (not back), let your knees
drive forward and drop your hips straight down.
Inverted row: If possible, elevate your feet to increase difficulty. If it’s difficult to
maintain form or reach full range of motion, your feet can be planted on the
floor. Regardless, keep your chest and hips up so that your entire body moves together
as your arms pull you upward. If necessary, place a dumbbell on the floor to prevent
your feet from sliding.
B-stance good morning: This is a single-leg emphasized lift. Ensure the hands
are symmetrical on the bar. The bar should be placed high on your shoulders. Keep a
narrow stance with the main foot straight ahead and the aiding foot slightly flared out.
Make sure the toe of the aiding foot lines up with the heel of the working foot. Sit back
and drop the torso down – imagine there’s a rope around your hips and you’re being
pulled backwards. You want to feel a deep stretch in the hamstring. Keep your shins
vertical and your gaze down at the bottom of the movement. Ensure your back is flat
with no rounding or hyperextending. 70% of the weight will be moved with the working
leg, and 30% with the supporting leg.
Extra range side-lying hip raise: Post up on your elbow in a side-lying plank
position. Position the hips and knees at a 90-90° angle. Place the knee of the working
leg on a 2-inch pad. Drive through the knee with maximum hip separation at the top of
each rep. Extend up as high as you can! You’ll feel the exercise in both glutes. Take
your time with the eccentric (lowering) phase.

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MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


Pause B-stance hip thrust (3-second pause): This is a single-leg emphasized

lift. If you have access to an EZ bar or a smith machine, you may prefer these since
they are more stable. Set up for a normal hip thrust, then center your working leg. Line
up the heel of the supporting leg with the toe of the working leg and perform the thrust
movement. Pause for 3 seconds at the top. 70% of the weight will be moved with the
working leg, and 30% with the supporting leg.
Close-grip bench press: To figure out your optimal grip, bring your hands in one
hand space in from your normal bench press grip. Keep the elbows tucked. You’ll feel it
more in your triceps, front delts, and upper pec area. Make sure you come down all the
way and touch your torso. Choose a load that will allow you to get 10 reps. Then
increase the load to allow you to only get to 8 reps. For the last set, choose a load to
perform 6 reps.
Reverse lunge isohold: Take a far step back, sink back deep, and lean forward.
The back knee should almost touch the ground. To make this more quad-dominant,
take a short stride back, and stay very upright while the knee travels very far forward.
Sink into the back hip. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
Neutral-grip pull-up: Perform with a neutral grip. Starting from a dead hang, rise up
and touch the top of your chest to the bar, then come down to a full stretch. Do not relax
all your muscles at the bottom of the movement; keep tension in your shoulders. Do as
many reps as possible.
Single-leg RDL: You can use two dumbbells at the same time. Keep the back leg
locked in extension and follow with the torso. Your shin should be vertical at the bottom
of the movement. You want this to be the single-leg form of a bilateral Romanian
deadlift. Brace for stability if needed.
Nordic ham curl: Lower slowly, focusing on the eccentric phase and then push back
up explosively or crawl back up to the starting position. CLICK HERE to see the video
on how to do this without a partner. CLICK HERE to see the video demonstrating band
assistance. If you do have a training partner, they will put their thighs up against the
soles of your feet and place most of their weight over your ankles during the movement.

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MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


Barbell hip thrust dropset: Keep a forward eye gaze while keeping the chin
tucked. Maintain a flat torso, and make sure to reach full hip extension with a slight
posterior pelvic tilt. Drive through the heels and don’t let your knees cave in. You can
either come down and touch the bar to the ground or reverse in midair, whichever you
prefer. If you do reverse in midair, make sure you come down deep. Drop weight with
each set. You don’t go to failure on every load. Numbers don’t need to be perfect.
Push press: Perform the dip portion of this movement by bending primarily at the
knees, NOT by hinging at the hip. This leg drive will allow you to move more weight
than a standard military press, all while remaining upright.
Back squat: Choose which variation works best for you. Keep your feet flat during
the whole movement and make sure your knees don’t cave in. Avoid buttwinking at the
bottom of the squat. Do not shoot the hips up as you rise up.
Chest-supported row: Focus on squeezing the upper back muscles together,
getting a full stretch at the bottom. At the top of the movement, your forearms should be
Deadlift (ramp up): Choose the pull that you want to build this month. This could be
conventional, sumo, semi-sumo, etc. Check the exercise library for form instruction for
the lift you’d like to perform. Ramp up the weight each set.
Valgus seated hip abduction: Seated with a 90° hip and knee angle (upright).
Begin in knee valgus (bring your knees closer than normal). Go as wide as you can on
your way out.

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MONTH 9 / April - May 2019


Frog pump: If possible, set up with a Bosu ball under your head (not shoulders) to
help keep your chin tucked. Don’t let your knees fall too far apart, and make sure to
drive through your heels into the ground (versus the full foot). If you don’t feel adequate
glute activation, feel free to try a Glute Loop around your knees.
Extra range side-lying hip abduction: Lie on your side on a bench with your
legs (from the knee down) hanging past the edge of the bench. If possible, get another
seat or box of equal height for your bottom leg to rest on. Make sure that you keep the
hip internally rotated (toes pointing down) and that you achieve a deep stretch at the
bottom of the movement. Position your top arm so that you can feel your upper glute
with your palm. This will ensure that you’re activating the target muscle throughout the
entire range of motion.


Lateral band walk: Stay upright; do not squat through the movement. Think of
pushing laterally off the ground with your leg, not reaching with the leg that’s up in the
Band hip hinge abduction: Place the mini-band right above the knees. You will
start slightly wider than shoulder width stance with your feet straight ahead. Get into a
hip hinge position (sit back and have your torso fall forward). Cave your knees in and
drive them out while rolling to the lateral edges of your feet.
Band standing kickback: Stand on one foot and kick one leg back. As you kick
back, flare out your foot to externally rotate and abduct the leg slightly. Squeeze the
glutes at the top of the rep. If you want more range of motion, you can put the band up
higher on your legs.
Band standing hip abduction: Use a mini-band around the top of your knees.
Both legs are working during this movement (the working leg dynamically, the standing
leg statically) so you will want to rest 30 seconds between each leg. Make sure you are
bringing your working leg out as far as you can.
Standing glute squeeze: Stand up straight and contract your glutes as hard as
possible. You will want to posterior pelvic tilt to achieve this (imagine tucking your
tailbone under). Hold this contraction for 30 seconds.

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