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A platform for success
Temenos has made a significant investment over T24 has been and continues to be enriched by
the years in banking solutions for the retail sector the wealth of banking experience from our clients
to ensure the different needs of all banks around the world and is delivered with a ‘local
operating in the sector can be met. Temenos footprint’ which takes account of country or
serves over 580 clients - nearly 50% are based region-specific differences in banking practice
in retail banking, with the remainder coming from and cultural requirements.
the universal banking, corporate banking, private
wealth management and microfinance sectors.
ARC - Achieving more from less
TEMENOS T24 (referred to as T24) offers a
breadth of functionality, focussed around the TEMENOS ARC (referred to as ARC) brings
customer, in a scalable, open systems together a suite of front-office functionality,
environment. It is a complete banking system delivered from the same core platform and
that can be deployed either as a highly flexible, database that has traditionally been limited to
tailored solution, or through T24 Model Bank. supporting back-office activity. ARC is integral to
the T24 core banking platform and provides a
T24 provides functional coverage across what front office suite with:
are sometimes referred to as the front, middle
and back office, although increasingly these • Multi-channel banking
definitions within the marketplace are becoming • Operational CRM
• Analytical CRM
T24 provides comprehensive and flexible • Workflow processing
business functionality with the most advanced
and scalable architecture. Forrester, in their This functionality supports the needs of retail
Wave™ Core Banking Suites, state T24 “offers banking, corporate banking, universal banking
the strongest overall core banking functionality, and private wealth management - markets where
without particular functional weak spots”. T24 is already proven.

T24 coverage - front to back

Putting the customer first
T24 and ARC address a banking market that will ARC provides:
continue to become considerably more
competitive. The buoyant conditions in some • Highly efficient real-time, 24x7, multi-
markets over recent years may subside - channel delivery on the single, T24 core
presenting new challenges which reinforce the banking platform
need to remain competitive and increase total
shareholder return. • Improved customer intimacy and retention
Against a background of increased competition, • Improved customer acquisition and cross-
commoditisation of products and less favourable sales
economic conditions, banks will pursue with
renewed vigour strategies that: • Improved cost effectiveness of Sales and
• Improve customer service and retention
• Bring innovative products and services to Multi-channel delivery on a single
• Provide efficient multi-channel delivery
Whilst the growth of banking channels has been
• Identify customer value and implement
relatively slow, it has nonetheless resulted in
bespoke propositions for each segment
many banks building “stacks” of multiple
• Increase share of customer business applications, platforms and databases. The
• Drive the right (economically profitable) resulting IT landscape is often the consequence
growth of a lack of business functionality in either back-
office or front office systems or both.
ARC will help banks address these strategies
Whilst this complexity may have provided short
with specific business functionality.
term solutions to the needs of the business, the
longer term need for differentiated customer
ARC Business Functionality
service and the agility to deliver products and
Customer A single view of the customer, services quickly, means this complexity is a
Relationship that can be efficiently managed, barrier to delivering customer focused strategies.
Management presented and updated across
(CRM) multiple channels. To treat the The use of internet banking will increase due to
customer as a relationship as changing demographics and the customer’s
opposed to an account number. desire to transact business at any time of the day
or night. But this increased internet banking
usage will uncover weaknesses in the way that
Sales and Appropriate data consolidated
these disparate applications operate – customers
Performance into value-added reports that can
will expect more than can be delivered from
Management be used to drive and reward the
legacy applications. Breadth of functions,
appropriate staff activity.
timeliness, the single customer view and
transacting across channels will provide a few of
Campaign End-to-end management of sales
the challenges.
Management campaign processes, both from
customer initiated contact, or
ARC provides the information, processes and
outbound marketing activity.
business logic required by a bank to service its
customers over the internet, mobile devices, call
Delivery Cost effective provision of centres and IVR as well as the traditional method
Channel products and services across of just walking into a branch.
Management multiple channels in a way that
meets the needs of the business. T24 - the core banking system behind ARC - is
agnostic about the channels and “offices” (back/
middle/front) that it supports. Banking

functionality is available to staff and customers Customer intimacy and retention
via their preferred interactive banking channel, in
A bank’s value proposition to its customers may
real time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
comprise a number of components which
Access is only limited by the rights a bank
include customer intimacy, operational
chooses to make available to either its
excellence and product innovation. Together
customers or its own staff. When customers
these contribute towards customer satisfaction,
access their account information they are
loyalty and life-time value.
essentially undertaking the same enquiry on the
bank’s system as a member of staff.
In a drive to move closer to the customer and
increase retention rates, banks have
This multi-channel, multiple use of functionality
implemented a variety of CRM projects, most of
extends to other areas such as:
which have not succeeded. Reasons for failure
vary, but the most common causes include
• Single list of payment beneficiaries focusing on the IT aspects of CRM and not
• Diary and contact information involving the business sufficiently in defining the
business requirements and benefits. T24 breaks
• Transaction histories
down those barriers by providing a user-friendly
• Portfolio holdings set of tools that remove the need for deep
• Standing orders and direct debits programming skills when setting up for example
new products.
• Account nicknames / abbreviations
ARC breaks down some of the barriers to
ARC supports a true multi-channel environment building customer intimacy and improving
by providing: retention rates by providing:

• The same business functionality delivered • The ability, to see a single version of the
to multiple channels, without the need to customer’s records across all channels, on
replicate all business logic and functionality the same core application
in different channels
• Key customer information, both
• A single database that is accessed by any transactional and non-financial, delivered in
channel, without the need for data real-time to staff via user friendly screens,
replication with drill down capabilities
• Data that reflects all channel activity and is • Access to product and service information
available in real-time from systems outside the T24 core banking
• The same core application for the build of system on a single extensible data-base
channel functionality, reducing the need to • Customer contact and diary management
acquire and maintain multiple skill-sets across multiple channels
• Highly flexible configuration capabilities that • Interaction with customers that reflects
allow functionality and user interface their stated preferences, for example
tailoring for each channel phone, mail
• A history of past contacts and the
It is for the bank to decide the functionality that customer’s reaction, for example, to a
should be provided to each category of user sales campaign, irrespective of the channel
through each channel. ARC provides broad in which it occurred
functionality for:
• Customer self-service capabilities. ARC
can reflect the same bank procedures
• Sales, service and relationship
through self service channels, adjusted by
management in branches and service
rules specific to the channel and type of
• Automated services through Internet
Banking, Interactive Voice Recognition
systems or telephone banking
• Branch teller / cashiers

Customer acquisition and cross-
Whilst customer acquisition and cross-sales Having started a process that could eventually
may be seen as directing the sale and the lead to a sale, it is important to record the full
servicing of products and services, an details of the customer’s and bank’s
alternative view is to see it as managing the interactions. All too often, this takes place in
demand for banking products. disparate applications that may not be visible to
each delivery channel. ARC can record these
In a highly competitive environment, simply non-financial “transactions” with the client on the
waiting for the demand to arrive and manifest single database within T24. In doing so, this
itself in revenue is not a strategy. This does not information is available to all users, in any
deliver long-term value or maximise the value of channel. Indeed there is no reason why this
the customer base, nor produce an acceptable information could not be shared with the
return on investment in the products and customer, through for example, the internet
services that have been created. channel.

For customer acquisition and cross-sales to The ability to record and share contact
succeed, sales opportunities need to be created. information across channels is helpful, but the
When these generate a buying signal this has to successful execution of the process is of
be captured, analysed and if cost effective, paramount importance. ARC can take the
moved to a completed sale. processes designed by a bank, for example in
Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
All too often, the steps in this process of and:
managing demand are disparate and executed
in multiple applications that have limited • Reflect the workflows associated with a
knowledge of each other. Furthermore, the flow given operation or sales process
of information between applications is often
broken, requiring the re-keying of data which • Orchestrate both simple and complex
builds in the potential for errors. The “moment of process steps involving both T24
truth” in the sales process can mean the interactions and human activity across
difference between completing the sale or losing multiple channels
the opportunity forever. • Run processes that are “nested” inside
another process
ARC provides support for this by orchestrating • Populate the user screens with the relevant
the long running processes that drive sales and information carried forward from the
customer acquisition. Unlike core systems that previous step in a process, removing the
are account based, T24 is also able to capture need for re-keying
information on potential customers - which
ARC exploits by driving the process to the point • Manage processes involving both front and
where the product is sold and the prospect back office activities
becomes a customer. This ability to drive similar • Move tasks between bank staff “to do” lists
processes on the same system for both
customers and prospects can be important • Shift activity between staff to balance
when trying to efficiently manage the sale of workload and improve service levels and
regulated products. resource utilisation
• Report processes that have become
Quickly understanding the characteristics of a “dormant”
customer can be critical in maximising a sales
• Provide management information on
opportunity. Banks will therefore often record a
process activities
segment or profile against each customer. ARC
can automatically apply segmentation profiles to
customer records, based upon rules established Efficient and unique processes are increasingly
by the bank and applied to the single T24 used by banks to differentiate themselves from
database. As customer circumstances change, their competitors, so whilst a number of pre-
the profile can be refreshed dynamically or at a configured processes are available with ARC,
frequency of the bank’s choosing. these may also be used as a base-line from
which to build further bespoke processes.

Effective Sales and Marketing
Earlier sections of this overview have This campaign information can be presented to
described how a core banking system can sales and service staff within their terminal
provide a multi-channel solution that provides screens, with links to appropriate product and
the tools to those in the front to back office to service information.
improve customer acquisition, retention and
cross-sales. Not only can ARC generate the sales
opportunities and orchestrate the subsequent
ARC also provides tools that directly help staff sales processes, it also provides support to
responsible for running sales and marketing staff designing campaigns:
campaigns – the type of head office activity
that may often be supported in separate • Rules may be applied to specific groups
applications and databases. Specifically, ARC of customers
provides the ability to:
• Campaigns can be applied to subsets of
the total list of opportunities, to allow
• Capture rules that will be used to define campaigns to be piloted prior to full roll-
sales opportunities out
• Apply those rules to the multi-channel • Multiple campaigns can be run with small
database variations to assess alternate strategies
• Generate “opportunities”, which may be
applied to proactive campaigns or placed Summary
as notes on the customer’s record for use
in subsequent interactions ARC is integral to the T24 core banking
platform - proven across multiple banking
• Present “opportunities” to staff and sectors - including retail, corporate, universal,
customers against predetermined rules, private and microfinance banking. This single
which could be channel or event specific platform makes ARC a unique offering,
• Orchestrate the sales process once the including:
“opportunity” has been presented
• Record the outcome of the sales process, 1. Better business efficiency through
which can then be reflected in subsequent front to back office, transaction handling
sales campaigns, for instance in avoiding and servicing capabilities
repeated requests following a decline 2. Improved customer experience from a
• Run the campaign for a finite period and real-time, single view of the customer
provide management reports at the end across multiple channels
3. Increased business performance from
As one application, operating across multiple the inherent customer centricity and
channels on a single database, these CRM tools that improve customer
opportunities can be presented through any acquisition, retention and cross-sale
channel. The subsequent workflow steps are rates
similarly orchestrated across multiple channels.

Multiple campaign rules can be established

and applied to the database at frequencies
determined by the sales and marketing
department to automatically record
“opportunity” information. Staff identifying
potential sales during the course of their
normal work may also record opportunities
against the customer record and initiate
workflows associated with the appropriate

TEMENOS T24 (referred to as T24) and TEMENOS are registered trademarks of the TEMENOS GROUP of companies. TEMENOS ARC is referred to as ARC.

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