2021 Nov Final Preboard Hydgeo

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Pre-board Examination

Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

NOTE: A times B is represented by A × B or A*B. A raised to the power n is

expressed as A^n. All problems are 1 point each.

1. A pressure gage at elevation 4.8 m on the side of a storage tank containing

oil reads 34.7 kPa. Another gage at elevation 2.2 m reads 57.5 kPa.
Compute the specific gravity of the liquid.
A. 0.80 C. 0.87
B. 0.89 D. 0.84

2. The natural moisture content of a soil mass is 11%, while its void ratio
is 0.63. Assuming the void ratio to remain unchanged, determine the
quantity of water to be added to 4 m3 of this soil in order to double its
moisture content. Given that the specific gravity of solids is 2.72.
A. 164 kg C. 183 kg
B. 656 kg D. 732 kg

3. An object having a weight of 8.26 kN/m3 is thrown in the Dead Sea where
water has a specific gravity of 1.20. Evaluate the percentage volume of
the object below the water surface.
A. 70.2% C. 18.3%
B. 81.7% D. 29.8%

4. A right cylindrical container 2.5 m in a diameter is 3 m tall. A 50 – mm

diameter hole is provided at the bottom of the container to drain the
water when necessary. If it is 2/3 full of water, how long in minutes
does it take to empty the container from the instant that the hole is
opened? Coefficient of velocity and coefficient of contraction both equal
to 1.0.
A. 32.5 C. 26.6
B. 23.4 D. 29.9

5. Given the following properties of a soil:

Liquid limit = 50%

Plastic limit = 20%
Natural moisture content = 40%
Determine the liquidity index.

A. 0.563 C. 0.667
B. 1.254 D. 0.783

6. In order to provide water from a nearby spring, a triangular flume of

efficient cross section was provided on a slope of 0.15 percent. Assuming
the roughness coefficient of the channel equal to 0.02, obtain the depth
of flow in meter(s) of the water in the flume if it is discharging at the
rate of 2 cu.m./sec.
A. 1.85 C. 1.31
B. 1.77 D. 1.69

7. The weight density of a mud is given by γ = 10 + 0.5h, where γ is in kN/m3

and h is in meters. Determine the pressure, in kPa, at a depth of 5 m.
A. 56.25 kPa C. 58.65 kPa
B. 62.50 kPa D. 60.15 kPa

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Preboard Examination
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 2

8. Water is to flow at a rate of 30 m3/s in the concrete channel shown. Find

the vertical drop (m) of the channel bottom per kilometer of length. n =
A. 0.865 C. 0.625
B. 0.995 D. 0.745

9. A fireman has to put out a fire but is blocked by a fire wall. To reach
over the wall, he directed the water jet from the nozzle at an angle of
30 deg to the horizontal. Evaluate the velocity of the water, in
meters/sec, leaving the nozzle of his hose to reach over the wall if he
stands 30 meters away from the wall and the wall is standing 2 m higher
than the nozzle of the hose. Neglect friction in the jet.
A. 16.8 C. 18.2
B. 20.6 D. 19.6

10. Determine the height of capillary rise of water above the ground water
table in a homogeneous ben of sand having an effective size of 0.12 mm.
The moisture content of the soil below the ground water table was found
to be 25%. Assume Gs = 2.67 and C = 0.5 cm2.
A. 70.5 cm C. 62.5 cm
B. 45.5 cm D. 54.5 cm

11. A flat-bottomed boat has vertical sides and a bottom surface area of 0.75
m2. It floats in water such that its draft (depth below the surface) is
0.3 m. What is the draft (m) when a 50-kg man stands in the center of the
A. 0.375 C. 0.350
B. 0.367 D. 0.343

Situation 1. A triaxial shear test was performed on a well-drained sand sample.

The normal stress on the failure plane and the shear stress on the failure
plane, at failure were determined to be 6,300 psf and 4,200 psf,

12. Determine the angle of internal friction of the sand.

A. 17.67° C. 25.45°
B. 20.68° D. 33.69°
13. Determine the angle of the failure plane.
A. 45.0° C. 75.2°
B. 61.8° D. 55.2°
14. Determine the maximum principal stress.
A. 15,000 psf C. 13,648 psf
B. 14,148 psf D. 12,548 psf

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Preboard Examination
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 3

Situation 2. A tank 12 m high filled with oil having unit weight of 9.4 kN/m3
is to be built on a site. The existing soil profile consists of a 3 m
sand layer underlain by a 14 m clay layer. The water table is on the
ground surface. Neglecting the weight of the tank.

15. Compute the compression index of clay.

A. 0.24 C. 0.43
B. 0.37 D. 0.52
16. Compute the settlement under the center of the tank.
A. 872 C. 655
B. 963 D. 742
17. Find the minimum depth in the ground to which the tank must be placed in
order to minimize settlement.
A. 3.2 C. 4.5
B. 4.1 D. 6.2

Situation 3. Pipelines 1, 2 and 3 are connected parallel to each other as

shown. The three pipes carry a combined discharge of 0.86 m3/sec. If
needed, the coefficient of friction is 0.02 for all pipes. Utilize Darcy
- Weizbach formula for head loss in pipes,

18. Determine the discharge in pipeline 1, in m3/s.

A. 0.169 C. 0.278
B. 0.302 D. 0.418
19. Determine the discharge in pipeline 2, in m3/s.
A. 0.350 C. 0.195
B. 0.201 D. 0.423
20. Determine the discharge in pipeline 3, in m3/s.
A. 0.167 C. 0.486

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Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 4
B. 0.364 D. 0.291

Situation 4. From the figure shown in Figure GEO_X3, the soil has a unit weight
of 17 kN/m^3 and undrained shear strength Cu = 20 kN/m^2. The slope makes
an angle of 60° with the horizontal. Assume a stability number m = 0.185.

21. Compute the stability factor.

A. 6.23 C. 5.12
B. 4.77 D. 5.41
22. Compute the maximum depth up to which the cut could be made (in m).
A. 6.4 C. 7.3
B. 6.9 D. 5.9
23. Compute the angle that the failure plane makes with the horizontal if BC
= 8 m.
A. 30.1° C. 27.5°
B. 28.6° D. 26.9°

Situation 5. A 375-mm high open cylinder, 150 mm in diameter, is filled with

water and rotated about its vertical axis at an angular speed of 33.5
24. Determine the amount of water that will be spilled out, in liters.
A. 3 C. 5
B. 0 D. 7
25. Calculate depth of water, in meters, in the cylinder when it is brought
to rest.
A. 0.214 C. 0.322
B. 0.161 D. 0.053
26. Determine the volume of water that remains in the cylinder, in liters, if
the speed is doubled.
A. 0.941 C. 4.745
B. 5.686 D. 1.854

Situation 6. The foundation of the building is 1.2 m x 1.2 m and is placed at

a depth of 0.9 m from the ground. The soil has the following properties:
Unit weight =18 kN/m3
Cohesion = 9.6 kPa
Soil bearing factors: Nc = 16 Nq = 7 Nγ = 4.5
Nc’ = 11.5 Nq’= 3.5 Nγ’ = 1.6
Use Terzaghi’s equation with factor of safety of 3.

27. Compute the gross allowable load that the footing could carry assuming
general shear failure.
A. 186.94 kN C. 194.86 kN
B. 149.68 kN D. 168.94 kN
28. Find the net allowable load that the footing could carry assuming general
shear failure.
A. 116.61 kN C. 161.16 kN
B. 166.16 kN D. 616.11 kN
29. Compute the gross allowable load that the footing could carry assuming
local shear failure in the soil.
A. 79.78 kN C. 97.87 kN
B. 87.97 kN D. 78.79 kN

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Preboard Examination
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 5

Situation 7. A vertical circular gate in a tunnel 8 m in diameter has oil (sg

= 0.80) on one side and air on the other side as shown. If oil is 12 m
above the invert and the air pressure is 40 kPa,

30. Compute the hydrostatic force (kN) acting on the gate.

A. 2,656 C. 3,156
B. 2,877 D. 2,063
31. Compute the location of this force from the top of the gate, in meters.
A. 3.75 C. 5.70
B. 4.50 D. 6.25
32. Where will a single support be located above the invert to hold the gate
in position, in meters?
A. 1.47 C. 2.62
B. 2.12 D. 3.36

Situation 8. A triaxial test conducted on a soil gives the following results:

Cohesion = 50 kPa
Deviator stress at failure = 400 kPa
Angle of shearing resistance = 30°
Determine the following:

33. The confining pressure in kPa.

A. 174.87 C. 113.40
B. 196.32 D. 181.85
34. The shear stress at failure in kPa.
A. 165.85 C. 152.48
B. 181.04 D. 173.21
35. The angle that the failure plane makes with the principal plane.
A. 51° C. 42°
B. 60° D. 65°

Situation 9. A glass having a diameter of 50 mm is filled with water to a

height of 100 mm. An ice cube with 25 mm sides is placed into the glass.
Take ρw = 1000 kg/m3 and ρice = 920 kg/m3.

36. What is the submerged depth, in millimeters?

A. 17 C. 21
B. 19 D. 23
37. Determine the new height of the water surface, in millimeters.
A. 101 C. 105
B. 103 D. 107
38. What will the water level be when the ice cube completely melts, in
A. 101 C. 105
B. 103 D. 107

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Preboard Examination
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 6

Situation 10. From the figure below:

Assume: 3K1 = K2 = 1.5K3 = 2K4 and that layer 2 & 3 are of equal height.
AB = 6 cm, BC = 10 cm and CD = 8 cm

39. Find the pressure head at point B.

A. 19.3 cm C. 16.2 cm
B. 24.0 cm D. 12.0 cm
40. Find the pressure head at point C.
A. 19.3 C. 16.2
B. 24.0 D. 12.0
41. Find the rate of flow if K1= 3.5 x 10-2 cm/sec.
A. 0.11 cm3/sec C. 0.08 cm3/sec
B. 0.15 cm3/sec D. 0.18 cm3/sec

Situation 11. The water table in soil deposit is 2 m below the ground surface.
The soil above the water table has dry unit weight of 14.85 kN/m3. The
saturated unit weight of the soil is 20.58 kN/m3. Determine the following:

42. The total vertical stress at a point 5 m below the ground in kPa.
A. 91.44 C. 89.68
B. 88.63 D. 90.45
43. The total pore water pressure at a point 5 m below the ground in kPa.
A. 29.43 C. 28.58
B. 26.54 D. 27.96
44. The effective vertical stress at a point 5 m below the ground in kPa.
A. 62.09 C. 61.1
B. 62.01 D. 62.5

Situation 12. Crude oil of density 925 kg/m3 and absolute viscosity of 0.065 N-
s/m2 is pumped through a horizontal pipeline 100 mm in diameter, at a rate
of 10 li/s.

45. Determine the Reynold’s number.

A. 925 C. 2,000
B. 3,645 D. 1,812
46. Determine the head loss (m) in each kilometer of the pipeline.
A. 20.4 C. 28.9
B. 24.8 D. 22.6
47. Calculate the shear stress at the pipe wall, in Pascals.
A. 6.56 C. 8.82
B. 7.72 D. 9.92

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CIVIL ENGINEERS Second Preboard Examination
Saturday, October 30, 2021 2:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. Page 7

Situation 13. A large tank contains compressed air, gasoline at specific gravity
of 0.68, light oil at specific 0.80, and water, as shown. The pressure
of air is 150 kPa gage. Neglecting friction.

48. What is the pressure (kPa) at the water-gasoline interface.

A. 163.3 C. 169.6
B. 157.0 D. 175.9
49. What is the velocity (m/s) of oil in the 20-mm Ø jet?
A. 16.4 C. 20.5
B. 18.7 D. 22.1
50. What is the mass flow rate (kg/s) of oil from the 20-mm Ø jet?
A. 4.12 C. 4.70
B. 5.16 D. 5.82


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