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TR7007 Series

Automated Solder Paste Inspection System

User Guide – TR7007i Software (DL)

ver. 1.3
June 01, 2015

Original Instructions
Test Research, Inc.

TR7007 – Automated Solder Paste Inspection System

User Guide – TR7007i Software
ver. 1.3

Original Instructions

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TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

WARNING: Risk of electric shock and mechanical injury. Only fully

trained persons should be allowed to take part in the installation

WARNING: Do not reach in the machine when it is operating.

WARNING: When TRI created the test system software CD, it contained
no known viruses. The software on the TRI CD was checked by the
latest anti-virus software before being copied to the disk. Customers
should use a good, up-to-date virus checker on this TRI software, and
any other file you import from an outside source before using the
software. Please also ensure your virus checker’s data files are up to

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

1.1 Introduction to SPI .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Basic Principle................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Program Creation Method and Requirements ................................................ 2
1.4 Related files of SPI ......................................................................................... 2
1.5 Applicable Machines ...................................................................................... 2
1.6 Optional Equipment or Software ..................................................................... 2

2 INTRODUCE OF SOFTWARE INTERFACE ______________________________ 3

2.1 Basic introduce of software interface .............................................................. 3
2.1.1 Drop Down Menu ........................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Inspection Status Bar..................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Access Authority ............................................................................ 6
2.1.4 Main Control .................................................................................. 6
2.1.5 Model and Lot ID ........................................................................... 6
2.1.6 Function Control ............................................................................ 7
2.1.7 Panel Map ..................................................................................... 7
2.1.8 Executive FOV............................................................................... 9
2.1.9 Inspection Result ..........................................................................12
2.1.10 Historical Tracing Bar ...................................................................17
2.1.11 Ruler.............................................................................................20
2.2 Interface of Dual Lane Machine .................................................................... 20
2.2.1 Mirror Screen: Up / Down .............................................................21
2.2.2 Mirror Screen: Left / Right .............................................................22

3 FUNCTION CONTROL__________________________________________ 23
3.1 Cut Mask Settings ........................................................................................ 23
3.2 Skip Mark ..................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Software Barcode......................................................................................... 30
3.4 Fiducial Mark ................................................................................................ 40
3.5 CAD Rect. .................................................................................................... 50
3.6 H.A.V. Profile................................................................................................ 51
3.7 2D Board View ............................................................................................. 52
3.8 Warpage View .............................................................................................. 53
3.9 Box View 3D ................................................................................................ 53
3.10 Live Image ................................................................................................... 55
3.10.1 Live image – the function in common use .....................................55
3.10.2 Live image – Dynamic Image Design............................................57
3.10.3 Live image – Stop-and-Go Design ................................................60

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Test Research, Inc.

4 MAIN CONTROL _____________________________________________ 64

4.1 Gerber .......................................................................................................... 64
4.2 Wizard .......................................................................................................... 64
4.3 Spec ............................................................................................................. 73
4.4 Open ............................................................................................................ 89
4.5 Save ............................................................................................................. 89
4.6 Scan ............................................................................................................. 90
4.7 Inspect ......................................................................................................... 90
4.8 SPC ............................................................................................................. 90
4.9 About ........................................................................................................... 90

5 DROP DOWN MENU __________________________________________ 91

5.1 File ............................................................................................................... 91
5.1.1 Open file .......................................................................................91
5.1.2 Load xml File by Barcode .............................................................91
5.1.3 Save file .......................................................................................93
5.1.4 System Settings............................................................................93
5.1.5 Restore Default Settings .............................................................100
5.1.6 Exit TR7007i ...............................................................................100
5.2 Program ......................................................................................................101
5.2.1 Wizard ........................................................................................101
5.2.2 Library ........................................................................................101
5.2.3 Box Grouping Editor ...................................................................103
5.2.4 Select Boxes ..............................................................................105
5.2.5 Settings ......................................................................................108
5.2.6 Histogram View ..........................................................................113
5.2.7 Search Fiducial Mark ..................................................................117
5.2.8 Barcode ......................................................................................117
5.2.9 Delete Items ...............................................................................121
5.2.10 Skip Mark ...................................................................................121
5.2.11 Non-Gerber Program ..................................................................122
5.3 Inspection....................................................................................................123
5.3.1 Start Inspection...........................................................................123
5.3.2 Mode Settings ............................................................................123
5.3.3 Action Settings ...........................................................................124
5.3.4 Defect Priority .............................................................................125
5.3.5 Adjust Conveyor Width ...............................................................126
5.3.6 Solder Control ............................................................................127
5.4 Tools ...........................................................................................................128
5.4.1 GRR Analysis .............................................................................128
5.4.2 Bare Board Analysis ...................................................................134
5.4.3 Offline Editor...............................................................................136
5.4.4 User Management ......................................................................136
5.4.5 Set Password .............................................................................137
5.4.6 Menu Configuration ....................................................................137

ii TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

5.4.7 Log Out ......................................................................................138

5.4.8 Calibration ..................................................................................139
5.4.9 IO Control ...................................................................................141
5.5 Links ...........................................................................................................152
5.5.1 SPC Settings ..............................................................................153
5.5.2 Closed Loop ...............................................................................154
5.5.3 Remote Control ..........................................................................164
5.6 Help ............................................................................................................165

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Table of Figures
Figure 2.1 Interface of software .......................................................................3
Figure 2.2 Inspection Status Bar and PLC Interface ........................................4
Figure 2.3 Inspection Status ............................................................................4
Figure 2.4 All Situation of Barcode Field ..........................................................4
Figure 2.5 Board In Position and Scanning Coverage Percentage ..................5
Figure 2.6 PLC Settings ..................................................................................5
Figure 2.7 Scan / Inspection / Cycle time.........................................................5
Figure 2.8 User Login interface .......................................................................6
Figure 2.9 Supplier name ................................................................................6
Figure 2.10 Lot ID Modifications ........................................................................7
Figure 2.11 Colors of CAD Diagrams ................................................................7
Figure 2.12 Select the Single Inspection Box ....................................................8
Figure 2.13 Select / Discard the inspection box .................................................8
Figure 2.14 The FOV Frame line .......................................................................9
Figure 2.15 Zoom in / Zoom out the panel map .................................................9
Figure 2.16 Add Box and Add Reference Box ................................................. 10
Figure 2.17 Interface of Add Box ..................................................................... 10
Figure 2.18 Pop-up Menu of Inspection Box .................................................... 11
Figure 2.19 Setting of Component Coplanarity ................................................ 11
Figure 2.20 Failed Item List ............................................................................. 12
Figure 2.21 The Result of Pass rate ................................................................ 12
Figure 2.22 Pass rate in Histogram Diagram ................................................... 13
Figure 2.23 Top Ten Failed Items .................................................................... 13
Figure 2.24 Failed Type Statistics.................................................................... 13
Figure 2.25 Image of Fiducial Mark ................................................................. 14
Figure 2.26 Failure of Search Fiducial Mark .................................................... 14
Figure 2.27 Information Bar of Solder Inspection Result .................................. 14
Figure 2.28 Solder Inspection Result of Current Inspection Box ...................... 15
Figure 2.29 Histogram of Height ...................................................................... 15
Figure 2.30 Histogram of Area......................................................................... 16
Figure 2.31 Histogram of Volume .................................................................... 16
Figure 2.32 Offset Scatter Plot ........................................................................ 17
Figure 2.33 Offset Scatter Plot ........................................................................ 17
Figure 2.34 Interface of Confirm Buttons ......................................................... 17
Figure 2.35 Histogram of Statistic data ............................................................ 18
Figure 2.36 Show the mean value and the standard deviation......................... 18
Figure 2.37 Select the Maximum Scale Value ................................................. 19
Figure 2.38 Detailed Information of Histogram ................................................ 19
Figure 2.39 Interface of Dual Lane Machine_Lane1 ........................................ 20
Figure 2.40 Interface of Dual Lane Machine_Lane2 ........................................ 20

iv TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

Figure 2.41 Different Modes of Dual Lane Machine Screen ............................. 21

Figure 2.42 Mirror Screen: Lane1 Up / Lane2 Down ........................................ 21
Figure 2.43 Mirror Screen: Lane1 Left / Lane2 Right ....................................... 22
Figure 3.1 Two Icons Used when User Opens the Software .......................... 23
Figure 3.2 Eight Icons Used after Scanning the Panel ................................... 23
Figure 3.3 Add a Cut Mask on Panel Map ..................................................... 24
Figure 3.4 Add a Cut Mask on Executive FOV............................................... 24
Figure 3.5 Adjust the Area of cut mask .......................................................... 24
Figure 3.6 Set the Applied Range .................................................................. 25
Figure 3.7 Complete the Cut Mask Setting .................................................... 25
Figure 3.8 Add a New Skip Mark ................................................................... 26
Figure 3.9 Set the Size and the Position of Skip Mark ................................... 26
Figure 3.10 Set the Shape of Skip Mark .......................................................... 27
Figure 3.11 Set the Applied Range .................................................................. 27
Figure 3.12 Apply to All Boards ....................................................................... 28
Figure 3.13 Apply to the Specified Board......................................................... 28
Figure 3.14 Complete the Setting of Skip Mark ............................................... 28
Figure 3.15 Skip Mark Spec ............................................................................ 29
Figure 3.16 Skip Mark Settings........................................................................ 29
Figure 3.17 Polarity ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.18 The “Apply to” Option.................................................................... 30
Figure 3.19 Add a Barcode Window ................................................................ 30
Figure 3.20 Set Position and Area of Barcode Windows.................................. 31
Figure 3.21 Select the Decode Type of Barcode ............................................. 31
Figure 3.22 The Result of Decode Test ........................................................... 31
Figure 3.23 Enable Barcode ............................................................................ 32
Figure 3.24 Decode Confirm Window .............................................................. 32
Figure 3.25 Two Interfaces of Decode ............................................................. 32
Figure 3.26 Decode of Software Barcode ........................................................ 33
Figure 3.27 Enable Barcode ............................................................................ 33
Figure 3.28 Assign a Board Number to a Barcode........................................... 33
Figure 3.29 Switch the Decode Type ............................................................... 34
Figure 3.30 Barcode Type of 1D Barcode........................................................ 34
Figure 3.31 Barcode Type of 2D Barcode........................................................ 34
Figure 3.32 Option of Software Barcode .......................................................... 35
Figure 3.33 Set the Barcode Length ................................................................ 35
Figure 3.34 Key In Window with User doesn’t Set the Barcode Length ........... 36
Figure 3.35 Key In Window with User Sets the Barcode Length ...................... 36
Figure 3.36 Trim the Special Characters ......................................................... 36
Figure 3.37 Turn on/off the Inspect When Barcode Fail ................................... 37
Figure 3.38 Parameters of Software Barcode .................................................. 37
Figure 3.39 Different Methods of Smoothing ................................................... 38

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Figure 3.40 The Media Filter............................................................................ 38

Figure 3.41 Adjust the Brightness .................................................................... 38
Figure 3.42 Joined Image Scale (%)................................................................ 39
Figure 3.43 Before-and-After of Invert Option .................................................. 39
Figure 3.44 Different Threshold Value of Barcode ........................................... 40
Figure 3.45 Edit the Barcode Rectangle Setting .............................................. 40
Figure 3.46 Realign Fiducial Mark Menu ......................................................... 41
Figure 3.47 Realign 1st Fiducial Mark .............................................................. 41
Figure 3.48 Fiducial Mark Search Successfully ............................................... 41
Figure 3.49 Score of Fiducial Mark .................................................................. 42
Figure 3.50 Realign All Fiducial Marks ............................................................ 42
Figure 3.51 Add Fiducial Mark ......................................................................... 42
Figure 3.52 Set the Board No. ......................................................................... 43
Figure 3.53 Shape and CAD Settings .............................................................. 43
Figure 3.54 Menu of Search Rectangle ........................................................... 44
Figure 3.55 Delete the Fiducial Mark ............................................................... 44
Figure 3.56 Result of Test ............................................................................... 44
Figure 3.57 Adjust Search Rect ....................................................................... 45
Figure 3.58 Common Settings of Alignment Spec ........................................... 46
Figure 3.59 Scores of Fiducial Mark with Different Lengths ............................. 46
Figure 3.60 Process Settings........................................................................... 47
Figure 3.61 Different Gain Settings of Fiducial Mark ........................................ 47
Figure 3.62 Different Edge Settings of Fiducial Mark ....................................... 49
Figure 3.63 Different Threshold Settings of Fiducial Mark ............................... 50
Figure 3.64 The Current CAD Diagram ........................................................... 50
Figure 3.65 H.A.V. Profile in Value Scale (µm) ................................................ 51
Figure 3.66 Distribution of H.A.V. Profile in Value Scale .................................. 51
Figure 3.67 H.A.V. Profile in Percentage Scale ............................................... 51
Figure 3.68 Distribution of H.A.V. Profile in Percentage Scale ......................... 52
Figure 3.69 The Panel Map of 2D Board View ................................................. 52
Figure 3.70 The Panel Map of Warpage View ................................................. 53
Figure 3.71 The 3D View ................................................................................. 53
Figure 3.72 The 3D View Section .................................................................... 54
Figure 3.73 3D View of Current Inspection Box ............................................... 54
Figure 3.74 Move (X-Y) of Motion Control ....................................................... 55
Figure 3.75 Move (Z) of Motion Control ........................................................... 56
Figure 3.76 Choose Stopper Location ............................................................. 56
Figure 3.77 Motion Control .............................................................................. 57
Figure 3.78 Fringe Pattern Image .................................................................... 57
Figure 3.79 White Light Image......................................................................... 57
Figure 3.80 RGB Image................................................................................... 58
Figure 3.81 Lighting Adjustment with Different Image Mode ............................ 58

vi TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

Figure 3.82 The Types of Search Light in Different Modes .............................. 59

Figure 3.83 The Comparative Image in Speed Mode and Color Mode ............ 59
Figure 3.84 The Comparative Image of Different Light .................................... 60
Figure 3.85 Switch Control Panel .................................................................... 60
Figure 3.86 Projection Light Image .................................................................. 60
Figure 3.87 Adjustment of 3D Projection Light ................................................. 61
Figure 3.88 Paraxial Light Image ..................................................................... 61
Figure 3.89 Adjustment of 3D Paraxial Light.................................................... 61
Figure 3.90 Angle Light Image......................................................................... 62
Figure 3.91 Adjustment of Angle Light ............................................................. 62
Figure 3.92 Fiducial Mark Image ..................................................................... 63
Figure 3.93 Adjustment of Ambient.................................................................. 63
Figure 3.94 The Comparative Image of Different Light .................................... 63
Figure 4.1 Five Buttons Used when User Opens the Software ...................... 64
Figure 4.2 Four Buttons Used when User Finishes the Wizard Setting .......... 64
Figure 4.3 Load the SPI File .......................................................................... 65
Figure 4.4 Set Thickness of Stencil and Carrier Dimension ........................... 65
Figure 4.5 Ruler............................................................................................. 66
Figure 4.6 Dx / Dy Values .............................................................................. 66
Figure 4.7 Dx / Dy to the Panel Fiducial Mark ................................................ 67
Figure 4.8 Get Dx / Dy ................................................................................... 67
Figure 4.9 Current Location and Absolute Move ............................................ 68
Figure 4.10 Move (X-Y) of Get Size ................................................................. 68
Figure 4.11 Fiducial Mark Deviates from the Cross Line Center ...................... 68
Figure 4.12 Before / After Moving the Cross Line Center................................. 69
Figure 4.13 Step 4 of Wizard ........................................................................... 69
Figure 4.14 The guide of Select Tool ............................................................... 70
Figure 4.15 Color Shape Alter ......................................................................... 70
Figure 4.16 Color and Shape Settings of Fiducial Mark ................................... 70
Figure 4.17 The Tolerance of Height / Area / Volume / X and Y Offset. ........... 71
Figure 4.18 The Tolerance of Pass / Fail ......................................................... 71
Figure 4.19 The Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Over Warning) / Fail ................ 72
Figure 4.20 The Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Under Warning) / Fail .............. 72
Figure 4.21 Interface of Spec .......................................................................... 73
Figure 4.22 The Name of Box and Component................................................ 73
Figure 4.23 The Basic Settings........................................................................ 74
Figure 4.24 The Detailed Information of Height Settings.................................. 74
Figure 4.25 The Detailed Information of Area Settings .................................... 75
Figure 4.26 The Detailed Information of Volume Settings ................................ 75
Figure 4.27 The Tolerance of Pass / Fail ......................................................... 76
Figure 4.28 Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Over Warning) / Fail ....................... 76
Figure 4.29 Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Under and Over Warning) / Fail ..... 76

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL) vii

Test Research, Inc.

Figure 4.30 Offset Settings .............................................................................. 77

Figure 4.31 Interface of Algorithm.................................................................... 77
Figure 4.32 Boundary Ref. .............................................................................. 78
Figure 4.33 Minimum Height of Boundary Reference ...................................... 78
Figure 4.34 Intensity Analysis of Different Color Light...................................... 78
Figure 4.35 Automatically Calculation of Threshold ......................................... 79
Figure 4.36 Relative Height of Solder Paste in Different Algorithms ................ 79
Figure 4.37 Relative Height of Base in Different Algorithms............................. 80
Figure 4.38 Offset of Gravity Method ............................................................... 80
Figure 4.39 Offset of Centroid Method ............................................................. 81
Figure 4.40 Offset of By Side Method .............................................................. 81
Figure 4.41 Interface of Vendor Settings ......................................................... 82
Figure 4.42 White Line Threshold .................................................................... 82
Figure 4.43 Interface of Bridge ........................................................................ 83
Figure 4.44 Color Segmentation Settings ........................................................ 83
Figure 4.45 The Result of Different Segmentation Method .............................. 84
Figure 4.46 Invert Region ................................................................................ 84
Figure 4.47 The Setting of Mode0 ................................................................... 85
Figure 4.48 The Parameters of the Mode0 Setting .......................................... 85
Figure 4.49 The Setting of Mode1 ................................................................... 86
Figure 4.50 The Parameters of the Mode1 Setting .......................................... 86
Figure 4.51 Low Bridge Settings ...................................................................... 87
Figure 4.52 Interface of Other Settings ............................................................ 87
Figure 4.53 Switch the unit of Search Rectangle ............................................. 88
Figure 4.54 The Settings of Apply to................................................................ 88
Figure 4.55 The Detailed Information of Apply to Settings ............................... 89
Figure 4.56 Confirm Window – Save Images................................................... 89
Figure 4.57 Information of Current Software Version ....................................... 90
Figure 5.1 File Menu...................................................................................... 91
Figure 5.2 The Flow Chart of Load Xml File by Mapping File......................... 91
Figure 5.3 Load Xml File by Mapping File...................................................... 92
Figure 5.4 Load xml File by Barcode ............................................................. 92
Figure 5.5 System Settings of Dynamic Image Design SPI............................ 93
Figure 5.6 Use One Offset to Eliminate the Unfocused Condition ................. 94
Figure 5.7 Use many Offsets to Eliminate the Unfocused Condition ............. 95
Figure 5.8 Pre-Find Mode : One Fiducial Mark .............................................. 95
Figure 5.9 The Types of Search Light in Different Modes .............................. 96
Figure 5.10 The Path of Optimal Scan ............................................................. 96
Figure 5.11 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Lower Left ..................... 97
Figure 5.12 Align the Cross line to the Border in the Upper Right .................... 97
Figure 5.13 The Different Parameter of Get Scan size .................................... 97
Figure 5.14 System Settings of Stop-and-Go Design SPI ................................ 98

viii TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

Figure 5.15 Introduction of the Warp Mode ...................................................... 98

Figure 5.16 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Lower Left ..................... 99
Figure 5.17 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Upper Right ................. 100
Figure 5.18 The Different Parameter of Get Scan size .................................. 100
Figure 5.19 The Program Menu ..................................................................... 101
Figure 5.20 Interface of Library...................................................................... 101
Figure 5.21 All Items in Retrieve Menu .......................................................... 102
Figure 5.22 All Items in Library Menu ............................................................ 102
Figure 5.23 Spec Limit................................................................................... 102
Figure 5.24 Actived of Box Grouping Editor ................................................... 103
Figure 5.25 Multi-Type of Box Grouping Editor .............................................. 103
Figure 5.26 Multi-Boxes of Box Grouping Editor ............................................ 104
Figure 5.27 Flow Chart of Box Grouping Setup ............................................. 104
Figure 5.28 Retrieve of Box Grouping Setup ................................................. 105
Figure 5.29 The Flow Chart of Select Boxes ................................................. 105
Figure 5.30 Select Boxes .............................................................................. 106
Figure 5.31 Preview the Selected Inspection Boxes by Select Boxes Menu .. 107
Figure 5.32 Interface of Group Editor ............................................................ 107
Figure 5.33 Interface of To Spec ................................................................... 108
Figure 5.34 Menu of Settings......................................................................... 108
Figure 5.35 Interface of Panel ....................................................................... 109
Figure 5.36 The Confirm Window of Adjusting the Conveyor Width ............... 109
Figure 5.37 The Setting of Stencil Thickness................................................. 110
Figure 5.38 Comparative Image between Different Rotation Angle................ 110
Figure 5.39 Interface of Focus Offset ............................................................ 110
Figure 5.40 Board Setting .............................................................................. 111
Figure 5.41 S Path and Z Path ...................................................................... 111
Figure 5.42 Interface of Edit .......................................................................... 112
Figure 5.43 Interface of Find Box .................................................................. 112
Figure 5.44 Set the Pin Inspection Box Number of IC .................................... 113
Figure 5.45 Redefine the Number of Pin Inspection Box ............................... 113
Figure 5.46 3D Histogram ............................................................................. 114
Figure 5.47 Information of Image Filter .......................................................... 114
Figure 5.48 3D Data Availability .................................................................... 115
Figure 5.49 Type1 Histogram ........................................................................ 115
Figure 5.50 H0 / H1 / H1-H0 .......................................................................... 116
Figure 5.51 Type2 Histogram ........................................................................ 116
Figure 5.52 Type3 Histogram ........................................................................ 117
Figure 5.53 Barcode menu ............................................................................ 117
Figure 5.54 Hardware Barcode Settings ........................................................ 118
Figure 5.55 Warning Window of Barcode Fails .............................................. 118
Figure 5.56 Interface of Edit Settings............................................................. 119

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Figure 5.57 Multi-Barcode Settings................................................................ 119

Figure 5.58 Assign Same Barcode ................................................................ 119
Figure 5.59 Settings of Assign Same Barcode .............................................. 120
Figure 5.60 Settings of Assign Serial Barcode ............................................... 120
Figure 5.61 Number of Characters at Prefix/Suffix to Trim ............................. 121
Figure 5.62 Delete Items ............................................................................... 121
Figure 5.63 Flow Chart of Non-Gerber Program Settings .............................. 122
Figure 5.64 Settings of Panel Width and Panel Height .................................. 123
Figure 5.65 Confirm Windows of Adjust Conveyor Width............................... 123
Figure 5.66 Inspection Menu ......................................................................... 123
Figure 5.67 Items of Mode Settings ............................................................... 124
Figure 5.68 Interface of Confirm Buttons ....................................................... 124
Figure 5.69 Action Settings ........................................................................... 124
Figure 5.70 Settings of Halt on Barcode Fail ................................................. 125
Figure 5.71 Set Defect Priority....................................................................... 125
Figure 5.72 All Defects .................................................................................. 126
Figure 5.73 Failed Type Statistics and Defect Priority.................................... 126
Figure 5.74 Adjust Conveyor Width ............................................................... 127
Figure 5.75 Solder Control ............................................................................ 127
Figure 5.76 Tools Menu................................................................................. 128
Figure 5.77 Interface of GRR Analysis .......................................................... 128
Figure 5.78 Test Condition ............................................................................ 129
Figure 5.79 Component list of Selected Test Condition ................................. 129
Figure 5.80 Component List and Selected List .............................................. 129
Figure 5.81 Select Buttons ............................................................................ 130
Figure 5.82 Function Buttons......................................................................... 130
Figure 5.83 Save GRR File............................................................................ 130
Figure 5.84 Load and Unload Count and Test Count ..................................... 130
Figure 5.85 GRR Result ................................................................................ 131
Figure 5.86 Settings of Static Test ................................................................. 131
Figure 5.87 Settings of Dynamic Test ............................................................ 131
Figure 5.88 Parameters Settings ................................................................... 131
Figure 5.89 Tolerance ................................................................................... 132
Figure 5.90 GRR Result Table ...................................................................... 132
Figure 5.91 The GRR Result Table of Area Report ....................................... 132
Figure 5.92 Columns of GRR Report Table ................................................... 133
Figure 5.93 GRR Folder and GRR Inspection Data ....................................... 133
Figure 5.94 Bare Board Analysis ................................................................... 134
Figure 5.95 Color Segmentation Settings ...................................................... 135
Figure 5.96 Load and Unload Count and Test Count ..................................... 135
Figure 5.97 Confirm Window of Bare Board Analysis .................................... 135
Figure 5.98 Vendor Settings .......................................................................... 136

x TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.

Figure 5.99 Send the Result to Height Offset ................................................ 136

Figure 5.100 User Management and Add User ............................................... 137
Figure 5.101 Set Password ............................................................................. 137
Figure 5.102 Menu Configuration .................................................................... 138
Figure 5.103 User Login .................................................................................. 138
Figure 5.104 Flow Chart of Calibrate Auto Conveyor ....................................... 139
Figure 5.105 Calibrate Auto Conveyor ............................................................. 140
Figure 5.106 Align Frame1 .............................................................................. 140
Figure 5.107 Align Frame2 .............................................................................. 140
Figure 5.108 Interface of PLC.......................................................................... 141
Figure 5.109 Meaning of All Sensors ............................................................... 141
Figure 5.110 Status Descriptions for All Information ........................................ 142
Figure 5.111 Interface of Basic and Start Button ............................................. 142
Figure 5.112 Status of Delivering Process ....................................................... 143
Figure 5.113 Interface of Basic and Reset Button............................................ 143
Figure 5.114 Interface of Tests ........................................................................ 144
Figure 5.115 Turn on / off the Stop Sensors .................................................... 144
Figure 5.116 Turn on / off the Clip Sensors ..................................................... 145
Figure 5.117 Port 1 Test Button....................................................................... 145
Figure 5.118 Port 2 Test Button....................................................................... 146
Figure 5.119 Test OK Button ........................................................................... 146
Figure 5.120 Advanced Settings...................................................................... 146
Figure 5.121 Information of Inline Mode .......................................................... 147
Figure 5.122 Information of Test Mode ............................................................ 147
Figure 5.123 Flow Direction in Different Mode ................................................. 147
Figure 5.124 Flow Chart of Barcode Fail Out................................................... 148
Figure 5.125 Hardware Barcode Key In Window ............................................. 148
Figure 5.126 Flow Chart of Barcode Fail In ..................................................... 149
Figure 5.127 Flow Chart of Static Barcode Read ............................................. 150
Figure 5.128 Different Statuses Between Three Different Barcode Modes ...... 150
Figure 5.129 Interface of Signal Settings ......................................................... 151
Figure 5.130 Auto Board Width ....................................................................... 152
Figure 5.131 Control Wheel ............................................................................. 152
Figure 5.132 Links Menu ................................................................................. 152
Figure 5.133 Interface of SPC Settings ........................................................... 153
Figure 5.134 Warning Window of Folder Path Error ........................................ 153
Figure 5.135 Image Settings ........................................................................... 154
Figure 5.136 Closed Loop Menu ..................................................................... 154
Figure 5.137 Feed Back Menu ........................................................................ 155
Figure 5.138 SPI Feedback Information with Different Vendors....................... 155
Figure 5.139 Interface of Overview Settings .................................................... 155
Figure 5.140 Connected Message ................................................................... 156

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Test Research, Inc.

Figure 5.141 Select Different Squeegee to Show the Offset ............................ 156
Figure 5.142 Interface of Flow Settings ........................................................... 156
Figure 5.143 Interface of Wipe Settings ........................................................... 157
Figure 5.144 Interface of MPM Wipe Settings ................................................. 157
Figure 5.145 Interface of Advanced Settings ................................................... 158
Figure 5.146 APC System ............................................................................... 158
Figure 5.147 Interface of APC Settings ........................................................... 159
Figure 5.148 Relationship between SPI / Buffer / Repair Station (RS) ............. 160
Figure 5.149 Flow Chart of Connection with Repair Station / Buffer and SPI ... 161
Figure 5.150 EKRA SPC Settings ................................................................... 162
Figure 5.151 Open Repair Station ................................................................... 162
Figure 5.152 Slots on Repair System .............................................................. 163
Figure 5.153 Com Port Settings of SPI and Buffer........................................... 163
Figure 5.154 Interface of ASYS Buffer............................................................. 164
Figure 5.155 Remote Control Menu................................................................. 164
Figure 5.156 Control Center Menu .................................................................. 164
Figure 5.157 Confirm Result in Repair station ................................................. 165
Figure 5.158 Remote Confirm Menu................................................................ 165
Figure 5.159 Count Down Window .................................................................. 165

xii TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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1.1 Introduction to SPI

Quality at the start of the SMT process comes from improving the quality of solder paste
printing. The TR7007 Series three-dimensional solder paste inspection systems can quickly
measure the area, volume, and thickness of all solder joints and detect short circuits. It
targets very small components, preventing bad connections as a result of improper solder
joints and lack of solder, component vibrations and heat expansion. Finding these defects
early and fixing them improves both product and production quality.

The TR7007 series separates products with bad solder printing at the beginning of the SMT
process. This has two benefits: it can immediately offer the information to the solder printer to
modify the parameters, and it also helps to avoid producing defective products. Thus,
TR7007 SII series increases productivity and reduces the cost of manufacturing and repair.

TR7007 series is equipped with a linear motor X-Y Table system, a 64-bit main computer and
a 2D color camera. It provides a fast and effective defect detection capability.

1.2 Basic Principle

The basic principle of TR7007 Solder Paste Inspection is shown above. It mainly uses a
fringe pattern lighting source, and follows the four-step phase shifting technology to measure
the height, volume, offset distance and thickness of solder paste and to check if bridging

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL) 1

Test Research, Inc.

1.3 Program Creation Method and Requirements

There are two steps necessary to create a program:

Step.1 Use Gerber Tools to transform complete stencil and component information
into a .SPI file. (Please refer to Gerber Tool Manual.)

Step.2 Use the SPI Wizard and follow the five programming steps to complete SPI
program creation. (Please refer to Chapter 2.)

1.4 Related files of SPI

 File name with .XML – the main format of SPI project.

 File name with .XMLX – the format of SPI project for crossing format.

 File name with.BMP – 2D panel map.

 File name with .3D – 3D solder graph.

 InspectionTime.DAT – SPI output file for SPC software.

 File name with .SPI – The file generated by Gerber Tool for SPI

1.5 Applicable Machines

This manual is suitable for the TR7007 series (TR7007, TR7007 SII, and TR7007 SII Plus)
Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) systems with the software V1.2.

For purposes of convenience, this guide will use “TR7007” or “SPI” to refer to all models.

1.6 Optional Equipment or Software

 Gerber Tool – TRI’s in-house developed Gerber file translator. It can translate customer’s
Gerber file into a format the SPI can recognize.

 SPC System – The statistical process control software and PC. The software can collect
the inspection results from SPI, doing process analysis and then output various statistical

 Offline Editor – SPI offline editor includes software, a PC and a monitor. It allows users to
edit projects without connecting to an SPI tester; it also reduces the time spent on inline
SPI machine. The detailed function is described in Appendix A.

 YMS – YMS is a control system which allows users to check the information of any SPI
tester’s setting on the production lines. Based on its strong integration ability and large
database, users can easily search for the data they need. Hence, the yield rate can be
increased dramatically. More information on YMS is shown in the YMS manual.

2 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

Test Research, Inc.


This chapter introduces the setting of the software interface and some feature of functions.
It also introduces all the settings when using Dual Lane machine, and tell the difference
between Dual Lane and Single Lane. The detailed explanation of functions, such as drop
down box and all function buttons, will present in following chapters.

2.1 Basic introduce of software interface

Figure 2.1 Interface of software

See Figure 2.1, the corresponding area will show at below:

1. Drop Down Menu 7. Panel Map
2. Inspection Status Bar 8. Executive FOV
3. Access Authority 9. Inspection Result
4. Main Control 10. Historical Tracing Bar
5. Model and Lot ID 11. Ruler
6. Function Control

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL) 3

Test Research, Inc.

2.1.1 Drop Down Menu

The part of drop down menu will be described in following chapters in more detail.

2.1.2 Inspection Status Bar

Figure 2.2 Inspection Status Bar and PLC Interface

A. This status shows the number of PCB inspections, the direction of squeegee and the
setting of closed loop.

Figure 2.3 Inspection Status

B. Barcode Field:
If SPI enable the function “Inspect When Barcode Fails”, software will auto apply the date
of inspection as the result of barcode. If SPI disable the function “Inspect When Barcode
Fails”, the result of barcode filed will be typed in manual.

Figure 2.4 All Situation of Barcode Field

4 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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C. Position and scanning coverage percentage of current tested board:

Figure 2.5 Board In Position and Scanning Coverage Percentage

D. PLC Settings:
 Bypass: This mode is the same as “Bypass” option in “Mode Settings.” The machine
executes auto scan and determine the PCB as the good board. It can be used to
estimate the scanning time.

 Reset: It will delete all items in machine software.

Figure 2.6 PLC Settings

E. Scan and Inspection time:

 Scan time: The time of SPI machine scan the image.
 Inspection time: The time of SPI machine inspect the image with specification.
 Cycle time:The cycle time from board in→scan→inspection→board out.

Figure 2.7 Scan / Inspection / Cycle time

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2.1.3 Access Authority

The Authority shows the current account which is log in.
 It will appear “User Login” window by clicking the red rectangle of Figure 2.8. You can re-
enter the account and password.
 User name will displays in the blank.
 Switch language: You can switch to a different language by using “User Login” window.

Figure 2.8 User Login interface

 If the current inspection data uses the information of supplier, supplier name will displays
under the user name.

Figure 2.9 Supplier name

2.1.4 Main Control

The part of main control will be described in following chapters in more detail.

2.1.5 Model and Lot ID

By setting the model and lot ID, It is more convenient for querying the statistics of testing

6 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Modify the model and lot ID: Click the icon, you can edit the lot ID directly.

When you finish the modification, click the icon, and then modification will complete.

If you want to discard the modification, click the icon.

Figure 2.10 Lot ID Modifications

2.1.6 Function Control

The part of function control will be described in following chapters in more detail.
2.1.7 Panel Map
There are different displays in panel map under different conditions.
CAD image: Panel map will display in a CAD diagram format. It will show the status of all
inspection boxes.

Figure 2.11 Colors of CAD Diagrams

2D Board View: After clicking this icon, the panel map will switch to real 2D image.

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Fiducial Mark: After clicking this icon, it displays all positions of fiducial marks in panel map.

H.A.V Profile: After inspection, the panel map uses the color contour map to display height,
area and volume. It is convenient for user to check the distribution of H.A.V entirely.

User can also select the inspection boxes on the panel map to check data.

 Select the single inspection box: user can select an inspection box on the panel map

Figure 2.12 Select the Single Inspection Box

 Select the multiple inspection boxes:

A. user can click and drag the mouse to select multiple inspection boxes. (As Figure A)

B. If user wants to choose more inspection boxes, just click and drag the mouse to the
specific area directly. (As Figure B)

C. If user wants to discard the selection of specific inspection boxes, press and hold on
the CTRL key, and then click and drag the mouse to the area which user wants to
discard. (As Figure C)

D. If user wants to discard all selection of inspection boxes, just click the left button of
mouse in red area. All selection of inspection boxes will be discarded. (As Figure D)

Figure 2.13 Select / Discard the inspection box

8 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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2.1.8 Executive FOV

Executive FOV shows the current image of FOV. There are two different color frame lines in
Executive FOV, which are yellow dotted line and purple solid line.
 Yellow dotted line: The yellow line defines the search area of data when inspection.
 Purple solid line: The purple line defines the size and the position of stencil screen
image in SPI file. It also presents the inspection box.

Figure 2.14 The FOV Frame line

The zoom slider is on the left of Executive FOV. User can use this bar to zoom in / zoom out
the CAD image, so it can be much easier to select the pads.
 Zoom in / zoom out the panel map:

Figure 2.15 Zoom in / Zoom out the panel map

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On panel map, user can right click the mouse to add the items. There are two options in the
pop-up menu, which is called ”Add Box” and “Add Reference Box.”

 Add Reference Box: This function adds one reference box to the pad. The reference
box reads the pad height which is input as the offset into height offset field.

Figure 2.16 Add Box and Add Reference Box

Figure 2.17 Interface of Add Box

10 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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The pop-up menu appears when user can right click the mouse on the inspection box:
A. Adjust: User can adjust the size of current inspection box.
B. Copy: User can copy the information of current inspection box, and applied to the
range which is set up by user. User can use the setting interface to decide the range.
C. Show Neighbors:Click this option, user will auto select the neighbor pads next to the
inspection box.

Figure 2.18 Pop-up Menu of Inspection Box

D. Component Coplanarity: User can tick off the inspect item such as height, area and
volume. The setting will present as Figure 2.19. User can set the tolerance interval
value between Max. Inspection Value and Min. Inspection Value. For example: If the
height is set to 25 µm, it represents the difference of component height between
maximum height and minimum height cannot exceed 25 µm. User can apply this
setting to the specific component or all same type components.

Figure 2.19 Setting of Component Coplanarity

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2.1.9 Inspection Result Production Status of Inspection Result
Failed Item List: This area lists the failure type of all defect points. It also lists the
value of height (um), volume (%), area (%) and X/Y offset. If user clicks the defect
points directly, it will show 3D View diagram. User also can sort the column data by
clicking the column name.

The blue number under icon is the number of all defect point.

Figure 2.20 Failed Item List

Pass rate: This area displays the pass quantity, failure quantity, yield rate and
DPPM (Defective Parts Per Million) according to panel, board, component and pad.

Figure 2.21 The Result of Pass rate

User can double click the text of all categories, and the pass rate result will transfer
to a histogram diagram.

12 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 2.22 Pass rate in Histogram Diagram

Top Ten Failed Items: This area lists the top 10 defective components. It shows the
component name, type, failure quantity and failed rate (%).

Figure 2.23 Top Ten Failed Items

Failed Type Statistics: This area displays 25 failed types, failure quantity and failed
rate (%).

Figure 2.24 Failed Type Statistics

Reset:Clean all data in production status of inspection result.

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL) 13

Test Research, Inc. Fiducial Mark Status

This Area displays the image and score of fiducial mark. TRISPI suggests that it might be
better to use three or four fiducial mark on the panel map. If user does image processing to
the fiducial mark, the result of image can be presented directly.

Figure 2.25 Image of Fiducial Mark

If user fails to search the fiducial marks in inspection, the warning message will appears as
Figure 2.26. User can click the warning message to revise the parameters of fiducial mark.

Figure 2.26 Failure of Search Fiducial Mark Solder Inspection Result and Histogram / Offset Diagram

Solder Inspection Result of Current Inspection Box: After Inspection, Solder Inspection Result
displays the information of current inspection box. (After inspection, information bar will
automatic locates at the options B.) It displays the information of current inspection box,
which includes box name, component type and the measurement of height / area / volume /
X, Y offset. The result displays different values by using different colors.

Figure 2.27 Information Bar of Solder Inspection Result

 Green value: The green values represent inspection values are within regulations.
The green value means pass value. If there are bridges on panel, red caution text
with underline appears at the lower left of information field. (As part B of Figure 2.28.)
 Red value: The red values represent inspection values violate the regulations.
The red value means failed value. Information field can display multiple inspection
values and their categories which violate the regulation. If there are bridges on panel,
red caution text with underline also appears at the lower left of information field.
(As part A of Figure 2.28.)
 Yellow value:The yellow values represent inspection values are in the warning
range. The yellow value means warning value. (As the part C of Figure 2.28)

14 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 2.28 Solder Inspection Result of Current Inspection Box

User can use the information bar to switch the histogram and offset diagram.
 Height of pads: X-axis is the percentage. Y-axis is the cumulative amount of pads.
Figure 2.29 displays the mean and the range within two deviations of pads’ height.

Figure 2.29 Histogram of Height

 Area of pads: X-axis is the percentage. Y-axis is the cumulative amount of pads.
Figure 2.30 displays the mean and the range within two deviations of pads’ area.

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Figure 2.30 Histogram of Area

 Volume of pads: X-axis is the percentage. Y-axis is the cumulative amount of pads.
Figure 2.31 displays the mean and the range within two deviations of pads’ volume.

Figure 2.31 Histogram of Volume

16 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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 Offset: The offset scatter plot could find the distribution and the trend of X/Y offset.

Figure 2.32 Offset Scatter Plot Inspect Button and Confirm Button

User can click the INSPECT / ESCAPE button to start or cancel the inspection.

Figure 2.33 Offset Scatter Plot

After Inspection, if the mode setting selects the “Confirm Pass” mode, there appears the
confirm buttons. User needs to click the buttons to confirm the failed board.

 FAIL: Machine detects a failed solder, and user determine the board as failed board.

 PASS: Machine detects a failed solder, and user determine the board as pass board.

 STOP: Click the stop button when user needs to edit the data.

Figure 2.34 Interface of Confirm Buttons

2.1.10 Historical Tracing Bar

Historical tracing bar provides information about the last 10 inspected board. This information
includes the histogram diagram and the offset scatter plot. Historical tracing bar also provides
the inspection result and the direction of squeegee. It can be much easier for user to analyze
the problem of processing.

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Figure 2.35 Histogram of Statistic data

Select the type of display: User can use scroll wheel to select the type of display.
The type of display divides into three parts: Height / Area / Volume.

Show the mean value and the standard deviation:

By clicking the icon, it will show the mean value and the standard deviation.

Figure 2.36 Show the mean value and the standard deviation

Select the maximum value of cumulative amount: By clicking the icon, user can select
the value from 100 to 5000. This value represents the maximum value of cumulative amount
of histogram. Even if the maximum scale value is selected far more than the largest value of
histogram, the software will adjust the display range automatically to an acceptable condition.

18 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 2.37 Select the Maximum Scale Value

User can double click the mouse to the specific histogram. The histogram with detailed
information will pop up.

Figure 2.38 Detailed Information of Histogram

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2.1.11 Ruler
When user sets the size of stencil and carrier, there is the ruler at the bottom of interface.
User can use this ruler to measure the size of carrier.
2.2 Interface of Dual Lane Machine
There are two screens on the TRI SPI Dual Lane machine. One is in the front side and the
other is in the rear side. Each of them can monitor the inspection result and adjust the
inspection parameters of the selected lane. Lane1 uses the blue interface and Lane2 uses
the green interface to separate each other.

Figure 2.39 Interface of Dual Lane Machine_Lane1

Figure 2.40 Interface of Dual Lane Machine_Lane2

20 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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There are two display modes. One is each lane displays on each screen one by one, the
other is the mirror screen mode that each screen can display two lanes at the same time.
User can adjust the display settings by clicking different icons.

Figure 2.41 Different Modes of Dual Lane Machine Screen

2.2.1 Mirror Screen: Up / Down

Figure 2.42 Mirror Screen: Lane1 Up / Lane2 Down

See Figure 2.42, the corresponding area will show at below:

1. Switch icons: The switch icons show on both interfaces, it can be shown or
2. Main Control: The main control shows on both interfaces, it can be shown or
3. Panel Map: It shows on both interfaces.
4. Executive FOV: It shows on both interfaces.
5. Function Control: The function control shows on both interfaces, it can be
shown or hidden.
6. Solder Inspection Result: It shows on both interfaces.
7. Production Status of Inspection Result: It shows on both interfaces.

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8. Inspection Button: It shows on both interfaces.

9. Inspection Status Bar: It shows on both interfaces.
10. Confirm Buttons: It shows on both interfaces.
11. Historical Tracing Bar: It shows on both interfaces.

2.2.2 Mirror Screen: Left / Right

Figure 2.43 Mirror Screen: Lane1 Left / Lane2 Right

See Figure 2.43, the corresponding area will show at below::

1. Switch icons: The switch icons show on both interfaces, it can be shown or
2. Main Control: The main control shows on both interfaces, it can be shown or
3. Panel Map: It shows on both interfaces.
4. Executive FOV: It shows on both interfaces.
5. Function Control: The function control shows on both interfaces, it can be
shown or hidden.
6. Solder Inspection Result: It shows on both interfaces.
7. Production Status of Inspection Result: It shows on both interfaces.
8. Inspection Button: It shows on both interfaces.
9. Inspection Status Bar: It shows on both interfaces.
10. Confirm Buttons: It shows on both interfaces.
11. Historical Tracing Bar: It shows on both interfaces.

22 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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This Chapter will introduce all express icons displayed on the function control section of the
SPI interface. There are 10 icons which provide access to the most common functions. User
can check Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2. These two figures show two different group of functions
which are using at different timing. Figure 3.1 shows the functions used when user opens the
software. Figure 3.2 shows the functions used after user scans the panel.

There are two function icons used when user opens the software. See Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Two Icons Used when User Opens the Software

There are eight function icons used after user scans the panel. See Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Eight Icons Used after Scanning the Panel

3.1 Cut Mask Settings

Cut mask function helps user to make a mask, which can cover all the information
in the mask area. Users can use the mask to cover the area which affects the
infection result, such as white lines with excessive height and some holes on the
panel. SPI Software will ignore the information of masked area.

There are few steps to set the cut mask:

Step1 User can right click the mouse on panel map or on executive FOV
window to add the cut mask. Click the “Add” function, and then choose
the shape of mask. The following figures take the rectangular mask for
an example.

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Figure 3.3 Add a Cut Mask on Panel Map

Figure 3.4 Add a Cut Mask on Executive FOV

Step2 Set the area of a cut mask:The blue rectangle is the area of cut mask.
User can drag and click the mouse to adjust the size and the location of
the cut mask.

Figure 3.5 Adjust the Area of cut mask

24 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Step3 Set the applied range: User can select the option “Panel” or “This
Position on All Boards” to assign the applied range of mask. Click the
“Apply” button to complete cut mask setting.

 Panel: This option makes user apply the setting of cut mask to the
current position.

 This Position on All Boards: If the tested board is a multi-board, this

option makes user apply the setting of cut mask to the same position
on all boards.

Figure 3.6 Set the Applied Range

Complete the cut mask setting: The red frame line represents the setting
of cut mask is completed. The information inside the area of red
rectangle will be ignored when inspection.

Figure 3.7 Complete the Cut Mask Setting

TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL) 25

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3.2 Skip Mark

User can define a skip mark as the characteristic of the bad board. User can
set the specification of skip mark to tell apart whether the tested board is a bad
board or not. If the tested board is considered as a bad board, SPI software will
not do any inspection on this tested board.

Add a new skip mark:

Step1 Right click the mouse on FOV window, and then click the “New Skip
Mark” option. It will add a new skip mark on the panel.

Figure 3.8 Add a New Skip Mark

Step2 Use mouse to adjust the size and the position of yellow dotted rectangle
to resize the skip mark.

Figure 3.9 Set the Size and the Position of Skip Mark

26 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Set the shape of skip mark: User can choose the shape of skip mark to
correspond the real skip mark on the tested board. User also can choose
the real image of this skip mark.

Figure 3.10 Set the Shape of Skip Mark

Step4 Apply the setting to all boards or specified board.

 All boards: Apply the skip mark setting to all skip marks which are
on the same position of all boards. The red rectangles on Figure
3.12 show the result.

 Specified board: Input the board number to the upper left of panel to
apply the skip mark setting to the specified board. The green
rectangle on Figure 3.13 shows the result.

Figure 3.11 Set the Applied Range

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Figure 3.12 Apply to All Boards

Figure 3.13 Apply to the Specified Board

Step5 There is some information on FOV window when completing the skip
mark settings: the board number and the score of skip mark.

Figure 3.14 Complete the Setting of Skip Mark

28 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Skip Mark Spec: user can set the specification of skip mark to tell apart whether the tested
board is a bad board or not.

Step1 Right click the mouse on the position of skip mark, and then select the
“Skip Mark Spec” option.

Figure 3.15 Skip Mark Spec

Skip Mark Settings: This setting window displays some information:

Board No. / Threshold / Score / Status / Polarity. User can adjust the
settings and select the applied range by this window.

Figure 3.16 Skip Mark Settings

 Board No.: The number of board which contains the skip mark.
 Threshold: The standard to determine the board is Pass or Skip.
 Score: It is a level of the skip mark. This score value can be used
to determine the threshold value.
 Status: There are two results of the skip mark judgement: Pass (It
means the tested board needs to inspect) or Skip (It means the
tested board skips the inspection.)
 Polarity: The explanation is as Figure 3.17.

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Figure 3.17 Polarity

Step3 Apply to:

 Only Selected: The setting is only applied to current skip mark.
 All: The setting is applied to all skip mark.

Figure 3.18 The “Apply to” Option

3.3 Software Barcode

Define the barcode areas on PCB and set the specific barcode form which user
wants to read. When user inspects the tested board, the barcode area will start
to decode, and record the value.

There are few steps to set up the barcode:

Step1 Right click the mouse on panel and click Add to add a barcode window.

Figure 3.19 Add a Barcode Window

Set position and area of barcode windows: Use the mouse to adjust the
size and the position of blue rectangle. The blue rectangle needs to cover
the whole area of barcode on panel, because the size of captured image
of barcode is defined by the size of the blue rectangle.

30 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 3.20 Set Position and Area of Barcode Windows

Select the decode type of barcode and input the board number which
corresponds to the barcode. If the decode type is 1D, user can select
more than one barcode types at a time. If user doesn’t sure the barcode
type, it is acceptable to choose “Select All.” If the decode type is 2D, user
can only select one barcode type at a time.

Figure 3.21 Select the Decode Type of Barcode

The result of decode test: Click “Test” button and the result of barcode
decoding will show at the bottom of barcode image.

Figure 3.22 The Result of Decode Test

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Turn on the “Enable Barcode” option, and then click the OK button to apply
Step5 settings. There will appear a confirm window to check whether the barcode
decoding is correct or not.

Figure 3.23 Enable Barcode

Figure 3.24 Decode Confirm Window

The software barcode settings are classified to three parts:

Decode / Option / Parameters

Decode: There are two Interfaces, Live Image and Load Image. We take the Load Image for
an example to introduce the software barcode settings.

Figure 3.25 Two Interfaces of Decode

32 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 3.26 Decode of Software Barcode

1. Enable Barcode: Turn on/off the barcode function.

Figure 3.27 Enable Barcode

2. Barcode Image: User can select the barcode image from Live Image or Load Image.
 Live Image: It shows the real barcode image from the blue rectangle.
 Load Image: User can load the barcode image from the file. Click the “Open”
button, and then user can choose the barcode image file.
3. The result of decoding: Click the “Test” button and the result of decode will show.
User can use the result to check whether the barcode decoding works out or not.
4. Assign the board number to the barcode: Input the board number to the assigned
barcode. If user adds a new barcode, the board number will automatically change to
next one.

Figure 3.28 Assign a Board Number to a Barcode

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5. Decode Type: A barcode may be 1D or 2D. User can select the decode type.

Figure 3.29 Switch the Decode Type

 1D Barcode: There are all selectable barcode types of 1D Barcode. User can
select more than one item at a time if the barcode is 1D. The detailed explanation
of all barcode type in 1D will be in the Appendix.

Figure 3.30 Barcode Type of 1D Barcode

 2D Barcode: There are only two barcode types in 2D barcode, which are QR
Code and Data Matrix. If the decode type is 2D, user can only select one
barcode type at a time.

Figure 3.31 Barcode Type of 2D Barcode

 Click icon to save the current setting as the default setting.

34 TR7007 Series User Guide – TR7007i Software(DL)

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Figure 3.32 Option of Software Barcode

 Barcode Length: Tick off the option and set the length of barcode. (This barcode
length includes all special characters and the blank space.) If the length of barcode
does not fit the input length, the barcode will be considered as “Decode Fail.”
There will appear the key in window, so user has to key in the barcode manually.
If user doesn’t tick off this option, the software will decode the barcode at any

Figure 3.33 Set the Barcode Length

 The key in window: There are two key in windows.

A. Key in window with user doesn’t set the barcode length.

User has to key in the barcode data manually when decode fail. The item of
right side will change color from red to green after user key in the barcode data.
Click the Apply button, so the barcode key in is complete.

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Figure 3.34 Key In Window with User doesn’t Set the Barcode Length

B. Key in window with user set the barcode length.

When decode fail happens, user has to key in the barcode data at the correct
barcode length to apply the barcode function.

Figure 3.35 Key In Window with User Sets the Barcode Length

 Trim (S/E Char.): Tick off this option to trim the special characters of the barcode.
As the Figure 3.36, the first character and the last character of barcode data are
special character “ * ”. User can use this option to trim all the special characters,
and then the result of decode will not show any special character.

Figure 3.36 Trim the Special Characters

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 Trim Space: Tick off this option will trim all the blank space of barcode. The result
of decode will not show any blank space.

 Save Failed Image: Tick off this option, the software will auto save the barcode
images of decode fail, which will be analyzed in future. The images of decode fail
will be saved into the same folder with xml.
 Inspect When Barcode Fail: Tick off this option, the software will still inspect even if
the barcode is failed. The barcode record will be the calendar time when inspection.

Figure 3.37 Turn on/off the Inspect When Barcode Fail


Figure 3.38 Parameters of Software Barcode

Color Space: Software uses grayscale to show the barcode image.

Smoothing: User can use the image processing function on menu to reduce the noise.
 Low pass 2D: Use Low-pass 2D filter to reduce the noise.
 Gaussian 3X3: Use Gaussian Filter with 3X3 matrix to reduce the noise.
 Gaussian 7X7: Use Gaussian Filter with 7X7 matrix to reduce the noise.

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Figure 3.39 Different Methods of Smoothing

Median: This function is also called the median filter. The median filter algorithm ranks
the value of neighbor pixels which are in the area of filter window in gray scale.
The algorithm uses the value of midst order as the values of middle position pixels.
In other words, this algorithm is tried to find the median of pixels value in the area of filter
window, and then substitute all original pixels value to this median value. If the range of
filter window is 3X3, as Figure 3.40, the order of grayscale value in this area will be: 115,
119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127 and 150. The median is 124. The all grayscale value
in this area will be replaced by 124.
123 125 126 130 140

122 124 126 127 130

118 120 150 125 134

119 115 119 123 133

111 116 110 120 130

Figure 3.40 The Media Filter

Brightness (0~255): This option can adjust the brightness of whole barcode image and the
original value is 0. The larger value of brightness represents the brighter image.

Figure 3.41 Adjust the Brightness

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Sub-Pixel Enabled: Tick off this function, and software will extract every pixels to 1/10
pixels to decode the barcode.

Joined Image Scale (%) : User can adjust the size of captured barcode image, and its
original size is 100%.

Figure 3.42 Joined Image Scale (%)

Invert: The invert option inverts the brightness values. Dark areas become bright and
bright areas become dark.

Figure 3.43 Before-and-After of Invert Option

Threshold: There are two threshold values which are upper limit and lower limit.
Software only shows the grayscale value between the upper limit and the lower limit.
User can use the threshold option to increase the contrast of image.

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Figure 3.44 Different Threshold Value of Barcode

If user wants to reset the barcode setting, just clicks the barcode rectangle on the panel and
then the frame color will turn to blue. Right click the mouse and select “edit”, so that user can
reset the barcode setting.

Figure 3.45 Edit the Barcode Rectangle Setting

3.4 Fiducial Mark

User can click this icon to adjust the setting of fiducial mark. User can realign
the fiducial mark on the board, on the panel or add a new fiducial mark.

Realign Fiducial Mark: If user wants to realign the position of fiducial mark with the real image
of fiducial mark, there are the following steps:
Find the position of first fiducial mark on tested board.
Put the cross line center on real image of fiducial mark in FOV window,
and then right click the mouse and choose “Realign Fiducial Mark 1.”
(There is only 1st fiducial mark can do the realignment, the others can’t.)

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Figure 3.46 Realign Fiducial Mark Menu

Step2 Realign the position of a fiducial mark:

 There is a pop-up window: Are you sure you want to realign 1st
fiducial mark to current FOV?

Figure 3.47 Realign 1 Fiducial Mark

 The fiducial mark search successfully.

Figure 3.48 Fiducial Mark Search Successfully

Step 3 Set up the fiducial mark completely: The purple rectangle is the fiducial
mark and it shows its score. The score is a level of fiducial mark. It can be
used to determine the threshold value.
 User only needs to realign 1st fiducial mark, and then the other
fiducial mark will realign to the relative position automatically.
See the Figure 3.50.

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Figure 3.49 Score of Fiducial Mark

Figure 3.50 Realign All Fiducial Marks

Add Fiducial Mark: There are following steps to add a new fiducial mark.

Step1 Put the cross line center on the real image of fiducial mark in FOV window.
Right click the mouse and choose “Add Fiducial Mark.”

Figure 3.51 Add Fiducial Mark

Step2 There are settings of adding a new fiducial mark:

 Board No.: When user adds a new fiducial mark, a board number should
be assigned to the fiducial mark. A fiducial mark can be set as a panel
fiducial mark or a board fiducial mark with a specific board number by
assigning different board number.

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Figure 3.52 Set the Board No.

 Shape: Choose the shape to the new fiducial mark.

 CAD:Choose “NoneCAD”, and then this fiducial mark is considered as
a new fiducial mark.

Figure 3.53 Shape and CAD Settings

Delete the fiducial mark:

Step1 Choose a fiducial mark to delete.
 When user completes the setup of fiducial mark, the color of search
rectangle will be baby blue. Click the area of search rectangle, and then
it will change color to deep blue. See Figure 3.54. User only can delete
the fiducial mark when the color of search rectangle is deep blue.

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 Right click the mouse, and choose delete.

Figure 3.54 Menu of Search Rectangle

Step2 There is a pop-up window: Are you sure you want to delete the fiducial
mark? Click the Yes button, and then complete the delete job.

Figure 3.55 Delete the Fiducial Mark

Test: When user clicks the “Test” button, the fiducial mark shows its score. The higher
score means the better fiducial mark.

Figure 3.56 Result of Test

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Adjust Search Rect: User can adjust position and size of the blue search rectangle.
Click the “Test” button when finishing the adjustment of search rectangle, and then the
score of fiducial mark will show on the panel map.

Figure 3.57 Adjust Search Rect

Alignment Spec: There are two parts in alignment setting, Common and Process.

 Common settings of Alignment Spec:

There are four items. Click the OK button if the settings are all complete.
1. Type: The shape of the current fiducial mark.
2. Color: The current fiducial mark is brighter or darker than the background.
3. Score: The threshold value to accept the current fiducial mark.
4. Length: Set the size of the fiducial mark. The X / Y values are the lengths in
direction of X/Y axis of the fiducial mark.

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Figure 3.58 Common Settings of Alignment Spec

Figure 3.59 Scores of Fiducial Mark with Different Lengths

 Process of Alignment Spec: This option can set at most six image processing boxes
to do the image processing. Right click the mouse on the image processing boxes,
and then there are three options to choose.
Click the Apply button to test the score of fiducial mark.

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Figure 3.60 Process Settings

Enhance (Ga):
 Gain (%): Adjust the brightness of fiducial mark.
 The larger value (0%~1000%) of gain shows the brighter fiducial mark.
 Click the Apply button to test the score of fiducial mark.

Figure 3.61 Different Gain Settings of Fiducial Mark

Edge (Eg): Check if there is an edge in the search rectangle. If there is an edge in
search rectangle, software eliminates the difference of grayscale value

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inside the edge. Detects edge of the fiducial mark in order to complete
the shape recognition.
 In gray scale image processing, tick off the polarity option will invert the
brightness values. Dark areas become white and bright areas become black.

 If user ticks off the polarity option, the larger level (0~255) shows the darker
 If user doesn’t tick off the polarity option, the larger level (0~255) shows the
brighter image.
 Click the Apply button to test the score of fiducial mark.

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Figure 3.62 Different Edge Settings of Fiducial Mark

Threshold (Th): User can set the threshold to binarize the image and reduce noise.
 Level: The level is a threshold. If some grayscale values lower than the level
of threshold, they will be filtered out.
 The larger level (0~255) of threshold filters the more values.
 Click the Apply button to test the score of fiducial mark.

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Figure 3.63 Different Threshold Settings of Fiducial Mark

Delete: Delete the current image processing box.

3.5 CAD Rect.

This option is to show the current CAD rectangle.

It can show the all imported CAD rectangle on the panel map.

The panel map shows the size and the location of CAD rectangle.

Figure 3.64 The Current CAD Diagram

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3.6 H.A.V. Profile

After Inspection, the panel map will show the color contour map in height / area
/ volume by clicking this icon. It is convenient for user to check the distribution
of H.A.V. entirely.

There are two scales, value (µm) and percentage (%).

Value (µm): H.A.V. Profile uses color to classify the measurement value of height. The
interval is 25 micrometers and the corresponding colors shows as Figure 3.65.

Figure 3.65 H.A.V. Profile in Value Scale (µm)

Figure 3.66 Distribution of H.A.V. Profile in Value Scale

Percentage (%): There are five intervals. The corresponding percentage of each
interval is set by the Spec option.

Figure 3.67 H.A.V. Profile in Percentage Scale

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Figure 3.68 Distribution of H.A.V. Profile in Percentage Scale

3.7 2D Board View

The panel map will show the real image of current tested board after clicking
this icon. This option can only be used after the scanning.

The panel map shows the real image of current tested board. The white rectangle represents
the inspection box. If some inspection boxes are red, it means the solder paste inspections of
these positions are failed.

Figure 3.69 The Panel Map of 2D Board View

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3.8 Warpage View

If there is a warp in a board, the result will show at the panel map.
After Inspection, the panel map will show the color contour map in warp by
clicking this icon. It is convenient for user to check the distribution of warp.

If the warp mode is no tracking, user cannot find the icon of Warpage View at the Function
Control. The Warpage View icon will not show up until the user chooses the tracking option in
the warp mode of system settings. User can analyze the information of warp after inspection
and the distribution of warp will show on the panel map.

Figure 3.70 The Panel Map of Warpage View

3.9 Box View 3D

This option is to show the 3D View and the 3D View Section of current select
inspection box. This option can only be used after the inspection.

This option is to show the 3D View of current selected inspection box. It also shows 3D View
Section in direction of X/Y axis and the color contour map. The value in upper right of 3D
View is the height of cross line center.

The red frame lines of 3D View show the height, area and volume of solder paste in theory.

Figure 3.71 The 3D View

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User can right click the mouse twice to set the start position and the end position of 3D View
Section, and then the 3D View Section of the selecting plane will show up. The value in upper
right of 3D View Section is the height of cross line center.

Figure 3.72 The 3D View Section

Click the / buttons to expand / contract the 3D View Section.

Click the / icons to lock / unlock the screen of 3D View.

Clicks this option, there will show the corresponding 3D View when user clicks the other
inspection box.

Click this option to lock the screen of 3D View. When user clicks the other inspection
box, the window will show the 3D View of current inspection box.

Figure 3.73 3D View of Current Inspection Box

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3.10 Live Image

Show the FOV live image of current position of camera.

Click this icon, the FOV live image will show up. This live image will show the image of
current position of camera. User can see the live image of a particular place on tested board
by moving the robotic arm in direction of X / Y / Z axis. SPI switches different types of light to
observe the characteristics of tested board by using the FOV live image. In the following
content, we will introduce the functions of the FOV live image in three parts, which are the
functions of Dynamic Image Design SPI, the functions of Stop-and-Go Design SPI and the
functions in common use.

3.10.1 Live image – the function in common use

Motion on X and Y axis

Set the distance of every moving step in this mode. User can use arrow key
to move camera in direction of X/Y axis to see the particular position.

Current Location and Absolute Move:

 Current location represents the location of cross line center of Live
Image. Click the “Save Position” button, and then the location of cross
line center will be saved.
 Absolute Move indicates the moving distance of camera. Click the “Go”
button and the position of camera will move to the “Save Position.”

Figure 3.74 Move (X-Y) of Motion Control

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Motion on Z axis

Set the distance of every moving step and move camera in direction of Z axis.

Current Location and Absolute Move:

 Current location represents the location of cross line center of Live
Image. Click the “Save Position” button, and then the location of cross
line center will be saved.
 Absolute Move indicates the moving distance of camera. Click the “Go”
button and the position of camera will move to the “Save Position.”

Figure 3.75 Move (Z) of Motion Control

Choose Stopper Location

There are different directions of production line, so the software can setup the
stopper location at the left side or the right side. The stopper location has to be
set up at the fixed side of conveyor. If the product line is Left in / Right out, the
expected stopper location is in the lower right. If the product line is right in left
out, the stopper is set up in the lower left.

Figure 3.76 Choose Stopper Location

After clicking this option, the FOV window will show the image of current stopper
location. If there are difference between the current stopper location and the
actual stopper location, user can click the arrow key of FOV or double click the

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mouse at FOV window to move the cross line to the border.

Figure 3.77 Motion Control

3.10.2 Live image – Dynamic Image Design

Switch to 3D fringe pattern mode

Figure 3.78 Fringe Pattern Image

Switch to 2D mode

Figure 3.79 White Light Image

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Switch to colored mode

Figure 3.80 RGB Image

Lighting Adjustment: This option will adjust the intensity of light corresponds to
different image modes. See Figure 3.81.

Figure 3.81 Lighting Adjustment with Different Image Mode

Use the icons to enable / disable the light which is used to search the
fiducial mark. It can only turn on one type of light at a time.

The Lighting Adjustment option adjusts the type and the intensity of light which is
used to search or pre-find the fiducial mark in different scan modes.

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The following table shows the search light which is used in different scan modes.
See Figure 3.82.

Figure 3.82 The Types of Search Light in Different Modes

 If user selects “None” in pre-find mode, the light used to find the fiducial mark
in speed mode and in normal mode will be the fringe pattern light.
See Figure 3.83.

 If user selects “One” or “All” in pre-find mode, the light used to find the fiducial
mark in speed mode and in normal mode will be the one of R/G/B/W light.

 In color mode, if user selects “None” in pre-find mode, the light used to find the
fiducial mark will be the white light. If user selects “One” or “All” in pre-find
mode, the light used to find the fiducial mark will be the one of R/G/B/W light.

Select “None” in pre-find mode, the comparative image of fiducial mark in

speed mode and color mode will show as Figure 3.83.

Figure 3.83 The Comparative Image in Speed Mode and Color Mode

Use the red light, green light and blue light to scan the fiducial mark respectively,
the comparative image of fiducial mark in speed mode and color mode will show
as Figure 3.84.

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Figure 3.84 The Comparative Image of Different Light

Switch Control Panel:

This option is set to adjust the machine by TRI service engineers.

Figure 3.85 Switch Control Panel

Calibrate Laser Bias X and Y: Move the CCD to upper-right of the PCB then click
this function, the system will calibrate the laser parameter automatically. This
option need to use the calibrate tool, so it is advised to notice the TRI service
engineers to calibrate it.
White balance: Re-adjust the white balance of the color image. Place a white
paper on the tested board, move the camera above the white paper and click
this icon. The system will calibrate white balance automatically.

3.10.3 Live image – Stop-and-Go Design

Switch to Projection LED mode

Figure 3.86 Projection Light Image

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Lighting Adjustment: Adjust the intensity of 3D projection light.

Figure 3.87 Adjustment of 3D Projection Light

Switch to Paraxial LED mode

Figure 3.88 Paraxial Light Image

Lighting Adjustment: Adjust the intensity of paraxial light.

Figure 3.89 Adjustment of 3D Paraxial Light

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Switch to Angle LED mode

Figure 3.90 Angle Light Image

Lighting Adjustment: Adjust the intensity of angle light.

Figure 3.91 Adjustment of Angle Light

Switch to Fiducial Mark Light mode.

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Figure 3.92 Fiducial Mark Image

Figure 3.93 Adjustment of Ambient

Use the icons to enable/disable the light which is used to search the
fiducial mark. It can only turn on one type of light at a time.

Use the red light, green light and blue light to scan the fiducial mark
respectively, the comparative image of fiducial mark will show as Figure 3.94.

Figure 3.94 The Comparative Image of Different Light

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This chapter will introduce the main control functions on the left side of software interface.
There are 9 main control buttons. User can check Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. These two
figures show two different group of control buttons which are using at different timing.
Figure 4.1 shows the functions used when user opens the software. Figure 4.2 shows the
functions used after user finishes the wizard setting.

The functions used when user opens the software:

Figure 4.1 Five Buttons Used when User Opens the Software

The functions used after user finishes the wizard setting:

Figure 4.2 Four Buttons Used when User Finishes the Wizard Setting

We will introduce all the icons of function control at below.

4.1 Gerber

Click this buttons, GC Tool software will show up directly.

The operation of GC tool will be described in “GC Tool Software Manual” in more detail.
4.2 Wizard
Follow the steps to import the SPI file, this function helps user to finish the
setting of initial program.

There are five steps to set up the wizard:

Step1. Load the SPI file:

1. Click the icon.

2. Choose the SPI file.
3. Click the “Next” button.

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Figure 4.3 Load the SPI File

Step2. Set up the stencil thickness and the carrier dimension.

Figure 4.4 Set Thickness of Stencil and Carrier Dimension

Thickness of stencil:
The value of stencil thickness is the height of solder paste in theory.

Carrier Dimension: Input the width and height of carrier.

 If user uses the carrier, the input value will be the width and height of carrier.
 If user doesn’t use the carrier, the input value will be the width and height of
tested board.

There is a ruler at the bottom of panel map. It is easy for user to measure the value.

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Figure 4.5 Ruler

Step3. Get the Dx / Dy value:

Figure 4.6 Dx / Dy Values

Definition of Dx / Dy :

The circles in Figure 4.6 are the panel fiducial marks defined by the SPI files.

The values of Dx / Dy indicate the X / Y distance from the lower left to the selected
fiducial mark.

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Figure 4.7 Dx / Dy to the Panel Fiducial Mark

Get Dx Dy: If tested board is on the carrier, user can use this option to adjust the
position of fiducial mark. User also can adjust the position of fiducial mark later by
using the Fiducial Mark option of Function Control.
Click the “Get Dx Dy” button, The “Get Size” window will show up.
The live image displays on the left side, and the small map in the lower right shows
the position of fiducial mark.

Figure 4.8 Get Dx / Dy

Current Location and Absolute Move:

 Current location represents the location of cross line center of Live Image.
Click the “Save Position” button, and then the location of cross line center will
be saved.

 Absolute Move indicates the moving distance of camera. Click the “Go”
button and the position of camera will move to the “Save Position.”

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Figure 4.9 Current Location and Absolute Move

Set the distance of every moving step in this mode. User can use arrow key to
move camera in direction of X / Y axis.

Figure 4.10 Move (X-Y) of Get Size

Move the cross line center to the center of fiducial mark:

See Figure 4.11. If the fiducial mark is not at the cross line center, double click the
mouse on the center of fiducial mark to move the cross line center.

Figure 4.11 Fiducial Mark Deviates from the Cross Line Center

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Figure 4.12 Before / After Moving the Cross Line Center

When user has finished the setting of location of fiducial mark, user can click “Next”
button and “OK” button to go back step 3 of wizard.

The “Prev” button:

Click the “Prev” button, the setting page will go back to the step 2 of wizard

The “Next” button:

Click the “Next” button, the setting page will go to the step 4 of wizard

Step4. Select the panel fiducial marks: These fiducial mark candidates are all defined
by the SPI files, and then user selects the fiducial marks which will be use in
the SPI program.

Figure 4.13 Step 4 of Wizard

1. Candidate List: All fiducial mark which are defined by the SPI file.
2. Selected Item: The fiducial marks which will use in SPI program.
3. Select tool: See Figure 4.14.

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Figure 4.14 The guide of Select Tool

4. Click the icon to setup the color and shape of fiducial mark.
See Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16.

Figure 4.15 Color Shape Alter

Figure 4.16 Color and Shape Settings of Fiducial Mark

5. If user clicks the “Prev” button, the setting will go back to the Step 3 of wizard.

6. If user clicks the “Next” button, the setting will go to the Step 5 of wizard.

Step5. Set up the tolerance of height / area / volume / X and Y offset.

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Figure 4.17 The Tolerance of Height / Area / Volume / X and Y Offset.

Adjustment: Click and drag the and icon to adjust the tolerance.

Two types of tolerance:

There are two types of tolerance, Pass / Fail and Pass / Warning / Fail.

Define the tolerance of Pass / Fail:

Figure 4.18 The Tolerance of Pass / Fail

Define the tolerance of Pass / Warning / Fail:

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Figure 4.19 The Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Over Warning) / Fail

Figure 4.20 The Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Under Warning) / Fail

X/Y Offset: Set the maximum tolerance of offset which is from the position of solder
paste to the inspection box.

Click icon to save the current settings as the default after finishing the settings
of tolerance.

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4.3 Spec

This option can only be used after finishing the wizard.

User can use this option to set up the specification of inspection box.

Figure 4.21 Interface of Spec

1. Box: This option shows the name of current selected inspection box.
2. Component: This option shows the name of current selected component.

Figure 4.22 The Name of Box and Component

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3. The settings of Spec: The settings of Spec are classified to four parts.
Basic / Algorithm / Bridge / Other
[Basic]: There are three parts of the basic settings. See Figure 4.23.

Figure 4.23 The Basic Settings

A. Standard value: The standard value is the ideal value of each inspected item.
There are three items: Height / Area / Volume.
Height: The detailed information of height settings are described in Figure 4.24.
User can adjust the percentage and the standard value of height. These two
values will change synchronously. If the item has been adjusted, the font color will
change from black to red to remind user that the item has been adjusted.

Figure 4.24 The Detailed Information of Height Settings

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Area: The detailed information of area settings are described in Figure 4.25. User
can adjust the percentage and the standard value of area. These two values will
change synchronously. If the item has been adjusted, the font color will change
from black to red to remind user that the item has been adjusted.

Figure 4.25 The Detailed Information of Area Settings

Volume: The detailed information of volume settings are described in Figure 4.26.
User can adjust the percentage and the standard value of volume. These two
values will change synchronously. If the item has been adjusted, the font color will
change from black to red to remind user that the item has been adjusted.

Figure 4.26 The Detailed Information of Volume Settings

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B. Inspection Spec: Set up the tolerance of inspection specification.

 Adjustment: Click and drag the and icons, or input the percentage
value directly to adjust the tolerance.
 Two types of tolerance:
There are two types of tolerance, Pass / Fail and Pass / Warning / Fail.
 Define the tolerance of Pass / Fail: The tolerance calculation is that the standard
value * percentage of upper / lower limit. See Figure 4.27.

Figure 4.27 The Tolerance of Pass / Fail

 Define the tolerance of Pass / Warning / Fail: There are two types of Warning
area, Over Warning and Under Warning. The tolerance calculation is that the
standard value * percentage of upper limit / lower limit / warning.
See Figure 4.28.

Figure 4.28 Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Over Warning) / Fail

Figure 4.29 Tolerance of Pass / Warning (Under and Over Warning) / Fail

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C. Offset: User can adjust the acceptable percentage and the acceptable distance of
offset. These two values will change synchronously.

Figure 4.30 Offset Settings


Figure 4.31 Interface of Algorithm

A. Height Threshold: This Height Threshold defines the threshold to separate solder
paste and base. There are three algorithms: Auto / Boundary Ref. / 2D Color.

 Auto: SPI will get all height information inside the search rectangle and find the
mean value for two separate waves. SPI uses these two mean values to find the
threshold automatically. The area is lower than the threshold is defined as the
base and the higher area is defined as the solder paste.

Min. Height: If the Min. Height is set to 0, it indicates the threshold value is
computed by auto algorithm. If the Min. Height is not set to 0, the threshold is
the value of minimum height.

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 Boundary Ref.: The Boundary Reference algorithm defines the base as the area
which is outside the CAD rectangle and inside the search rectangle. The area
inside the CAD rectangle is defined as the solder paste. See Figure 4.32.

Figure 4.32 Boundary Ref.

Min. Height: Use the Auto algorithm to find the threshold to separate the base
and the solder paste, the base is lower than the threshold. Calculate the mean
value of the base height and set the minimum height (minimum height has to be
set). The new threshold will be the mean value of base height plus the minimum
height and will define the new base area and solder paste. See Figure 4.33.

Figure 4.33 Minimum Height of Boundary Reference

 2D Color: The 2D Color algorithm shows the intensity analysis of three different
color light (RGB). User can choose each of color lights to calculate the threshold
value manually or automatically.

Figure 4.34 Intensity Analysis of Different Color Light

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Figure 4.35 Automatically Calculation of Threshold

B. Height Method: SPI uses the Height Threshold algorithm to define the area of
solder paste. There are four algorithms to define the relative height of solder paste.

 Average: The algorithm calculates the average height of all pixels in the current
solder paste area, and uses the average height to be the relative height of
solder paste. The Average algorithm is the default algorithm.
 Median: The algorithm ranks the height of all pixels in the current solder paste
area and chooses the median value to be the relative height of solder paste.
 Max Count: The algorithm counts how many of each height of all pixels in the
current solder paste area and chooses the height value that appears most often
to be the relative height of solder paste.
 Max Height: The algorithm uses the maximum height of all pixels in the current
solder paste area to be the relative height of solder paste.

Figure 4.36 Relative Height of Solder Paste in Different Algorithms

C. Base Method: SPI uses the Height Threshold algorithm to define the area of base.
There are four algorithms to define the relative height of base.

 Average: The algorithm calculates the average height of all pixels in the current
base area, and uses the average height to be the relative height of base.
The Average algorithm is the default algorithm.

 Median: The algorithm ranks the height of all pixels in the current base area and
chooses the median value to be the relative height of base.

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 Base High: If there are two different groups of height, Base High algorithm
choose the higher group to be the relative height of base.
 Base Low: If there are two different groups of height, Base Low algorithm
choose the lower group to be the relative height of base.

Figure 4.37 Relative Height of Base in Different Algorithms

D. Offset Method: The Offset Method calculates the X/Y offset between the real
solder paste and the center of inspection box.
There are three algorithms: Gravity / Centroid / By Side

 Gravity: SPI uses the volume of 3D solder paste to calculate the mass center,
and then calculates the difference between 3D mass center and CAD rectangle
center. This difference is defined as the X/Y offset.

Figure 4.38 Offset of Gravity Method

 Centroid: SPI uses the volume of 2D solder paste to calculate the mass center,
and then calculates the difference between 2D mass center and CAD rectangle
center. This difference is defined as the X/Y offset.

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Figure 4.39 Offset of Centroid Method

 By Side: SPI will calculate how much the solder paste exceeds the CAD
rectangle on each side, and then defines the maximum excessive value to be
the offset.

Figure 4.40 Offset of By Side Method

E. Height Offset: User can key in a height offset to compensate the height of solder
paste. The final height of solder paste will be the original height plus the height
offset. The different offsets can be set by different suppliers.

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Figure 4.41 Interface of Vendor Settings

F. White Line Threshold: If there are white lines in a search rectangle, the calculation
of height threshold will be affected. This option can set up the threshold to filter the
white line.

Figure 4.42 White Line Threshold

G. Misc. Control: There are five control functions.

 Ignored: Tick off this option, and then the selected inspection box will not be

 Group Solder: If there is more than one solder paste inside the search rectangle,
tick off this option, the result will show the summation data of all solder paste in
the inspection box. Otherwise, the result will show the data of largest solder
paste in the inspection box.

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 Refine: If the inspection box fails after inspection, tick off this option, the
inspection box will be double checked.

 Ramp: If the tested board is warped or the area of solder paste deposit is large,
the algorithm will compensate the area automatically.
 Gauge Mask: This function is used for user who use calibration tool to do the
calibration. This function is normally used by TRI service engineers.

Figure 4.43 Interface of Bridge

Image Type: User can choose 2D image / 3D information to test the bridge.
 3D: This mode is the default mode. It will test the bridge by using fringe pattern.
 2D: The 2D image can only be obtained by using color scan mode. It can be
configured by the color segmentation settings.

Figure 4.44 Color Segmentation Settings

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 Color Space: This option selects the blue / red / green light to show the image
 Segmentation Method: Set the threshold value automatically or manually, the
base area and the solder paste area will be defined.

Figure 4.45 The Result of Different Segmentation Method

 Invert Region: Tick off this option to switch the area of solder paste and base.

Figure 4.46 Invert Region

 Foreign Object Detection: Set the area of foreign object.

Mode Type: There are two different modes, Mode0 and Mode1.

Mode0: This mode will calculate how much the solder paste exceeds the CAD
rectangle (or mask range) and use this excess area to determine whether there are
bridges or not.
 Mask Range: User can key in the value to set the extend range from CAD
rectangle. The CAD rectangle plus this extend range is defined as the mask
range. The bridge test will be ignored in the mask range.
 Area: This option is set the upper limit to the excessive area which is defined as
how much the solder paste exceeds the CAD rectangle.

There are two conditions to determine the bridge.

1. Mask range is set to 0: The excessive area is defined as how much the solder
paste exceeds the CAD rectangle. If the excessive area is greater than the
upper limit of area, the inspection box is considered as bridge.

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2. Mask range is not set to 0: The excessive area is defined as how much the
solder paste exceeds the mask range. If the excessive area is greater than the
upper limit of area, the inspection box is considered as bridge.

Figure 4.47 The Setting of Mode0

Figure 4.48 The Parameters of the Mode0 Setting

Mode1: This mode will check if there is the overlapped solder paste between two
neighbor pads. If there are overlapped solder paste, these two neighbor pads are
considered as bridges.
 Extend Range: User can key in the value to set the extend range from CAD rectangle
(or blob rectangle). The CAD rectangle (or blob rectangle) plus this extend range is
defined as the mask range, and this mask range is considered as the actual range of
solder paste.

 There are three conditions to determine the bridge.

1. Two solder paste rectangle: if the overlapped area of two solder paste rectangles
is greater than the upper limit of area, two pads are considered as bridges.
2. The blob rectangle and the CAD rectangle: if the overlapped area of solder paste
rectangle and CAD rectangle is greater than the upper limit of area, two pads are
considered as bridges.

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3. Two CAD rectangles: if the overlapped area of two CAD rectangles is greater
than the upper limit of area, two pads are considered as bridges.

Figure 4.49 The Setting of Mode1

Figure 4.50 The Parameters of the Mode1 Setting

Low Bridge Settings: When the bridge level is very low (the bridge heights is lower
than the relative heights of pads), it suggests that user ticks off this option to inspect
the bridge. See Figure 4.51. User can set the threshold and the anti-noise mask to
see the characteristics of bridge more clearly.

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Figure 4.51 Low Bridge Settings


Figure 4.52 Interface of Other Settings

Search: User can set the size of search rectangle and switch the unit of search
rectangle. (µm or percentage)

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Figure 4.53 Switch the unit of Search Rectangle

2D Mask: User can set up the mask of 2D image.

 Low(0-255): User can set the threshold value and mask all the pixels which are
lower than the threshold in the search rectangle.
 High(0-255): User can set the threshold value and mask all the pixels which are
greater than the threshold in the search rectangle.
 Hole Mask: User can mask the hole image around the pads. SPI Software will
ignore the information of masked area.

Misc. Controls:
 Width: User can key in the width value and set the tolerance of width to the
selected solder paste.
 Length: User can key in the length value and set the tolerance of width to the
selected solder paste.
 Peak Ht.: User can tick off the peak ht. option to set the upper limit of height to
the selected solder paste.

4. Apply to: When user finishes the settings, this option is used to choose where the
settings are applied to. See Figure 4.54.

Figure 4.54 The Settings of Apply to

The detailed information of “Apply to” settings will show at Figure 4.55.

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Figure 4.55 The Detailed Information of Apply to Settings

5. Apply: If user selects where the settings are applied to, click this button to apply.
4.4 Open
Open the existing *.xml file or *.xmlx file.

4.5 Save
Save the current project in *.xml format or *.xmlx format.
This option can only be used after user finishes the wizard.

If user saves the project file before scanning the tested board, the project file will be saved
directly in *.xml format or *.xmlx format.
If user saves the project file after scanning the tested board, the confirm window will show up
to ask whether user wants to save the images or not.

Figure 4.56 Confirm Window – Save Images

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4.6 Scan
Scan the all panel of tested board. (This option can only scan the image, not
the inspection.) This option can only be used after user finishes the wizard.

4.7 Inspect
User inspects the tested board with the specific specification.
This option can only be used after user finishes the wizard.

4.8 SPC
The SPI machine has to install the SPC software in advanced.
Click this icon to open SPC software directly.

The operation of SPC software will be described in “SPC Software Manual” in more detail.

4.9 About
Show the information of current software version.

If user needs to check the version information, the board number and the date information
need to be included.

Figure 4.57 Information of Current Software Version

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5.1 File
The file menu shows as Figure 5.1. The detailed explanation of options will show at below.

Figure 5.1 File Menu

5.1.1 Open file

This function is as same as the function in chapter 4.4.
User can open the existing *.xml file or *.xmlx file.
5.1.2 Load xml File by Barcode
Load xml File by Mapping File:
The barcode needs to fit the specific character of xml file.

Figure 5.2 The Flow Chart of Load Xml File by Mapping File

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Figure 5.3 Load Xml File by Mapping File

 Current Barcode: The column will show the barcode result which is read by using the
handheld hardware barcode.
 Barcode Rules: Set the barcode rule to read the barcode and load the xml file.
Suppose the barcode rule is “????XXX*.” It means the “?” character can be any
character. The ”X” character needs to be the same as “X”. The “*” character means all
characters which after the “*” character will be ignored.
 Insert: Create the barcode rule and assign the barcode rule to the file. User can follow
the barcode rule to search the file by assigning the barcode rule to the file. The
column at the bottom shows the barcode rules and the mapping xml file.
 File Path: Set the file path of the mapping xml file.
 Result: The message window shows the barcode which is judged by the barcode rule.
 Save / Open: Save / open the settings of xml file.

Load xml File by Barcode: Load the xml file whose name is the same as barcode.

Figure 5.4 Load xml File by Barcode

 Folder Path: Set the folder path of the mapping xml file.
 Search Subfolder: User can tick off this option to find all subfolders in this folder path.
 Current Barcode: The column will show the barcode result which is read by using the
handheld hardware barcode.

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 Save: Save the folder path of current xml file.

Result: The gray area shows the barcode which is judged by the barcode rule.

5.1.3 Save file

This function is as same as the function in chapter 4.5.
User can save the current project in *.xml format or *.xmlx format.

5.1.4 System Settings

There are some differences of system settings between two different machines: Dynamic
Image Design SPI and Stop-and-Go Design SPI.
In the following content, we will introduce the system settings in two parts. System Settings – Dynamic Image Design SPI

Figure 5.5 System Settings of Dynamic Image Design SPI

Resolution: This option displays the optical resolution of this machine.

Max Speed: This option displays the max speed of scan in three different modes: speed
mode / normal mode / colored mode. The normal mode needs to collect more images than
speed mode, so in the same exposure time, the normal mode is slower than speed mode.
(The max speed value is a default system value, user cannot modify this value.)

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Scan Mode: Normal mode / Speed mode / Colored mode.

 Normal mode: When user selects this mode, SPI machine will use the normal speed
to scan the tested board. In normal mode, SPI machine slows down the scan time to
get more information of tested item. It also increases the accuracy. This mode is
adapted to the product line which needs high accuracy and do not have the stress of
time. SPI machine use two fringe pattern lights on both side of the item to collect 8
images in different project period respectively. It uses these 16 images to do the
phase-shifting method to calculate the height of scan area.
 Speed mode: In speed mode, SPI machine use the highest speed to scan the tested
board. This mode is adapted to the product line which needs high performance of
output. SPI machine use two fringe pattern lights on both side of the item to collect 4
images in different project period respectively. It uses these 8 images to do the
phase-shifting method to calculate the height of scan area.
 Colored mode: SPI machine use two fringe pattern lights on both side of the item to
collect 4 images in different project period respectively, and use these 8 images to do
the phase-shifting method to calculate the height of search area. SPI machine also
uses the R / G / B / W ring style lighting to collect 4 images to show the colored image.
In colored mode, there are 12 images. (8 fringe pattern images and 4 colored images.)
 Warp mode: There are two options in warp mode, Tracking and NoTracking.
If the warp mode is tracking, SPI machine turn on the distance laser and show the
warp condition on the panel map by clicking the Warpage View icon at the Function
Control. If there is a warp in a board, some items may be out of focus, and the
accuracy of calculation will be affected. If there are some tested items which are out
of focus when SPI machine doing the scanning job, the software will evaluate the
measurement value of laser and adjusts the height in Z axis for an appropriate offset.
There are two conditions when the tested items are out of focus:
 Use an offset of height to eliminate the unfocused condition of some tested items in
one-time process:
SPI software evaluates the height value of laser measurement to find an appropriate
offset in z axis to make sure all tested items are in the same depth of field. The
camera will move to the adjusted position to start the scan. Because the system is the
Dynamic Image Design SPI, the distance between camera and tested item cannot be
changed in one-time process of scan.

Figure 5.6 Use One Offset to Eliminate the Unfocused Condition

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 Use many offsets of height to eliminate the unfocused condition of some tested items
in one-time process:
When the tested board is warped seriously, the difference of height between two
tested items will be too large. Even if software find the offset of height by using the
distance laser, it still many tested items are out of focus. Therefore, SPI will adjust the
camera with an offset in Z axis to do the first scan that most of tested items will be in
the depth of field. After the first scan, SPI will adjust the camera with another value in
Z axis to make sure the other tested items will also in the depth of field, and then scan
the items. The scans will be executed at most three times.

Figure 5.7 Use many Offsets to Eliminate the Unfocused Condition

Pre-Find Mode: There are three parts in pre-find mode: None / One / All. The following table
shows the search light which is used in different pre-find mode and in different scan modes.
See Figure 5.9.

 None: If user selects “None” in pre-find mode, the light used to find the fiducial mark
in speed mode and in normal mode will be the fringe pattern light. In colored mode,
the light used to find the fiducial mark is the white light.

 One: SPI uses the light to scan the closest fiducial mark to the initial position of
camera. It is a offset of the light intensity.

Figure 5.8 Pre-Find Mode : One Fiducial Mark

 All: SPI uses the light to pre scan all the fiducial marks

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Figure 5.9 The Types of Search Light in Different Modes

Optimal Scan: Tick off this option, SPI machine will skip the area without inspection box when
scan the tested board. It will reduce the scan time.

Figure 5.10 The Path of Optimal Scan

Scan X Offset: The offset in X axis between original scan position and scan positon after
redefined by running the get scan size function. (No manual entry)
(The offset in the right direction is positive, and the offset in the left direction is negative.)
Scan Y Offset: The offset in Y axis between original scan position and scan positon after
redefined by running the get scan size function. (No manual entry)
(The offset in the right direction is positive, and the offset in the left direction is negative.)
Scan Width (X value): The scanning distance in X axis of current project. (No manual entry).
This width value can be imported by SPI files. It can be set by clicking “Get Scan Size” button.
Scan Height (Y value): The scanning distance in Y axis of current project. (No manual entry).
This width value can be imported by SPI files. It can be set by clicking “Get Scan Size” button.
Get Scan Size: User can redefine scan size by using get scan size function. After clicking the
“Get Scan Size” button, user can double click on the image window to align the cross line to
the border in the lower left and the upper right in order to get the full scan size.

3D Data Availability: This option can set the threshold to the image. This option reduces the
pixel data of image, so it needs to scan the image again when user finishes the setting.
 Visibility Threshold: The range of visibility threshold is set to 0 to 100. SPI will judge 3D
data informaion when image has been captured and filter out iif any pixels with value
below the threshold. (Default value is 20%)
 High Threshold:SPI will judge 3D data informaion when image has been captured and
filter out any pixels with gray level above the threshold. (Default value is 240)

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 Low Threshold:SPI will judge 3D data informaion when image has been captured
and filter out any pixels with gray level below the threshold. (Default value is 5)

Save as default settings: When user finishes the setting, click the icon. It will save the
current setting as the default setting.

Figure 5.11 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Lower Left

Figure 5.12 Align the Cross line to the Border in the Upper Right

Figure 5.13 The Different Parameter of Get Scan size

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Test Research, Inc. System Settings – Stop-and-Go Design SPI

Figure 5.14 System Settings of Stop-and-Go Design SPI

Resolution: This option displays the optical resolution of this machine.

Camera Reserved Border: If the pads are crowded and the range of pad is large, it will need
more than two FOV to cover the range. The camera reserved border is the overlapped area
of two FOV. The default setting is 30 pixels. (The range of setting is 30 to 200.)
Warp mode: User can choose turn on / off the warp mode. If the warp mode is turn on, SPI
machine will calculate the height and the warp condition of tested board for each image. If it
is necessary, SPI machine will rescan the image or make offset to the warp condition. This
option is to avoid if there is a warp in a board, some items may be out of focus, and the
accuracy of calculation will be affected.

Figure 5.15 Introduction of the Warp Mode

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Colored mode: User can turn on / off the colored mode. If the colored mode is turn on, SPI
machine not only collects the fringe pattern images to do calculate the height but collects 4
images with R / G / B / W ring style lighting to show the colored image.

Projection Mode: There are two different projection mode, Dual mode and Quad mode.
 Dual: This mode will use 2 fringe pattern lights from diagonal side to collect 4 different
project period images respectively. It uses these 8 images to do the phase-shifting
method to calculate the height of scan area.
 Quad: This mode will use 4 fringe pattern lights from 4 corners to collect 4 different
project period images respectively. It uses these 16 images to do the phase-shifting
method to calculate the height of scan area. (The quad mode needs 4 group of
projection hardware to execute the scan.)

Scan X Offset: The offset in X axis between original scan position and scan positon after
redefined by running the get scan size function. (No manual entry)
(The offset in the right direction is positive, and the offset in the left direction is negative.)

Scan Y Offset: The offset in Y axis between original scan position and scan positon after
redefined by running the get scan size function. (No manual entry)
(The offset in the right direction is positive, and the offset in the left direction is negative.)

Scan Width (X value): The scanning distance in X axis of current project. (No manual entry).
This width value can be imported by SPI files. It can be set by clicking “Get Scan Size” button.

Scan Height (Y value): The scanning distance in Y axis of current project. (No manual entry).
This width value can be imported by SPI files. It can be set by clicking “Get Scan Size” button.

Get Scan Size: User can redefine scan size by using get scan size function. After clicking the
“Get Scan Size” button, user can double click on the image window to align the cross line to
the border in the lower left and the upper right in order to get the full scan size.

Figure 5.16 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Lower Left

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Figure 5.17 Align the Cross Line to the Border in the Upper Right

Figure 5.18 The Different Parameter of Get Scan size

3D Data Availability: This option can set the threshold to the image. This option reduces the
pixel data of image, so it needs to scan the image again when user finishes the setting.
 Visibility Threshold: The range of visibility threshold is set to 0 to 100. SPI will judge 3D
data informaion when image has been captured and filter out iif any pixels with value
below the threshold. (Default value is 20%)
 High Threshold:SPI will judge 3D data informaion when image has been captured and
filter out any pixels with gray level above the threshold. (Default value is 240)
 Low Threshold:SPI will judge 3D data informaion when image has been captured
and filter out any pixels with gray level below the threshold. (Default value is 5)

Save as default settings: When user finishes the setting, click the icon. It will save the
current setting as the default setting.

5.1.5 Restore Default Settings

This option can import the default setting from the Registry Editor to the software.

5.1.6 Exit TR7007i

Exit from the TR7007i software.

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5.2 Program

Figure 5.19 The Program Menu

5.2.1 Wizard
This function is as same as the function in chapter 4.2.
The wizard function helps user to finish the setting of initial program.

5.2.2 Library
User can set the specification for all types of components and save it in the library. User can
apply the specification of component which is as same as the specification of the same type
component in the library data. There are two parts in library, Retrieve and Spec Limit.

Figure 5.20 Interface of Library

Retrieve: Select the retrieve item to set the value and the tolerance for each items, and then
save the setting to the *.lib file.

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Figure 5.21 All Items in Retrieve Menu

Figure 5.22 All Items in Library Menu

Spec Limit: This function is as same as the function in Basic part of SPEC in chapter 4.3.

Figure 5.23 Spec Limit

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5.2.3 Box Grouping Editor

Select all the inspection boxes to a group, user can apply the setting to all components in this
group. There are two parts in the Box Grouping Editor: Condition and Retrieve.

Condition: There are three methods to select the item: Actived, Multi-Type and Multi-Boxes.
User can select the items by different methods and click the “Apply” button to set the group.
The following content take the Actived method for an example:

 Actived: This option chooses the current selected inspection box. The purple and
white inspection boxes in CAD diagram will auto load in the Selected Items window.
User can type the name of group and choose the items to be a group.

Figure 5.24 Actived of Box Grouping Editor

 Multi-Type: User can select the items by different types of components.

Figure 5.25 Multi-Type of Box Grouping Editor

 Multi-Boxes: User can select the items by different inspection box name.

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Figure 5.26 Multi-Boxes of Box Grouping Editor

Figure 5.27 Flow Chart of Box Grouping Setup

Retrieve: User can check the group name and the inspection box name respectly.
 Delete Group: This option can delete the current selected group of the all groups.
 Reset Group by Box: User can delete the selected inspection box in the group.

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Figure 5.28 Retrieve of Box Grouping Setup

5.2.4 Select Boxes

User can select the inspection boxes quickly by the condition which is set up by user. After
selecting the inspection box, user can click the “To Spec” button and modify parameters,
which will be applied to all active boxes. User can also create a group from the selected
boxes, so there is no need to select them manually the next time.
See Figure 5.29.

Figure 5.29 The Flow Chart of Select Boxes

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Figure 5.30 Select Boxes

Preview: User can preview the inspection boxes by the condition which is set up by user.
Take Figure 5.31 as an example. User ticks off the “Type” option with the value to 201, and
then ticks off the “Board” option with the value to 1.
When user clicks the preview button, the corresponding inspection boxes will be selected.
If user only ticks off the “Type” option with the value to 201, there will only be the inspection
boxes which type are 201.

 All Boards: User can select the inspection boxes on all boards by the condition which
is set up by user when the panel board is a multiple-board.
 Based on Active Boxes: User can select the inspection boxes by the condition which
is set up by user based on the active boxes.

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Figure 5.31 Preview the Selected Inspection Boxes by Select Boxes Menu

Group Editor: User can group the selected inspection boxes by the Group Editor.

Figure 5.32 Interface of Group Editor

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To Spec: This option can set the Spec option of selected inspection boxes. The detailed
information of Spec is described in chapter 4.3. Click the “Apply” button will set the tolerance
to the selected inspection boxes.

Figure 5.33 Interface of To Spec

5.2.5 Settings
There are four parts of Settings: Panel / Board / Component / Spec
The detailed information will be described at below.

Figure 5.34 Menu of Settings

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Figure 5.35 Interface of Panel

Information: The value in this area is not changeable.

 Components: This column shows the number of component.
 Inspection boxes: This column shows the number of inspection boxes.
 Ignored Boxes: This column shows the number of ignored boxes.
 Overlap: This column shows the number of overlap lines.


 Carrier Size: After clicking the “Get Carrier Size” button, user can double click on the
image window to align the cross line to the border in the lower left and the upper right
in order to get the full carrier size. If user adjusted the conveyor width manually, the
confirm window will show up when user key in the new carrier size or change the
conveyor width.

Figure 5.36 The Confirm Window of Adjusting the Conveyor Width

 Stencil Thickness: The value of stencil thickness and the height value in Spec will
change synchronously, so the standard value of volume will also change.

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Figure 5.37 The Setting of Stencil Thickness

 Rotation Angle: User can rotate the whole CAD rectangles according to the board in
direction of tested board: 0 / 90 / 180 / 270 (The default rotation direction is
counterclockwise.) If the rectangular tested board rotates its angle to 90 or 270, the
conveyor width needs to be adjusted. (When adjusting the conveyor width, user
needs to check if there is no board on the conveyor.) SPI machine will scan the tested
board after adjusting the conveyor width.

Figure 5.38 Comparative Image between Different Rotation Angle

 Focus Offset:
Click the “Get Focus Offset” button, The Focus Offset option will show up.
a. Auto Focus: Choose the area to make an offset: Click the mouse and drag the
blue rectangle, (As the blue rectangle in Figure 5.39), this blue rectangle is used
to calculate the current position in Z axis and make an offset.
b. Use Current Z: Adjust the position in Z axis manually, and then save the position.

Figure 5.39 Interface of Focus Offset

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Cancel (Cancel current setting.) / Apply (Apply current setting.) / OK (Complete the setting.) Board:
Board Data: Show the column / row information of current multi-board.

Select Layout Solution: Select the board sequence of the multi-board.

There are two paths: S path and Z path.

After selecting the layout of path, user can set up the board to skip the inspection. User can
click the board on the window, and it will show the X symbol on the board. As Figure 5.58,
the X symbol on the board number one indicates that the board number one of multi-board
will not be inspected.

Cancel (Cancel current setting.) / Apply (Apply current setting.) / OK (Complete the setting.)

Figure 5.40 Board Setting

Figure 5.41 S Path and Z Path

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Test Research, Inc. Component
Edit: Redefine the name and the component type of current inspection box, this setting can
be applied to other boards of the multi-board.

Figure 5.42 Interface of Edit

Find Box: Type the name or the component type of inspection box to find the box. See Figure
5.43. User key in “RA11” to the text box of component name and there will show the RA11
components at lower right column.

Figure 5.43 Interface of Find Box

Update Spec to Others: Apply the Spec settings to the same position inspection box on same
type components. The settings include the parameters of inspection box, the size of
inspection box and the size of search rectangle.

Pin Name Editor: Define the pin inspection box number of IC or BGA. Figure 5.44 shows the
pins of IC component.

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Figure 5.44 Set the Pin Inspection Box Number of IC

Figure 5.45 Redefine the Number of Pin Inspection Box

Spec: This function is as same as the function in chapter 4.3.

5.2.6 Histogram View

3D Histogram:

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Figure 5.46 3D Histogram

1. Image Result: Software transforms the height value into grayscale value. Image
Result shows the relationship between the height value and the grayscale value.
2. Show the statistic information of Image processing: Calculate the number of pixels
reduced by the image filter during image preprocessing and image processing.

Figure 5.47 Information of Image Filter

 2D ImageMask (Left / Right): There is a 2D Mask option in the Other page of

Spec. User can use this option to set the threshold to reduce the noise, and
calculate the number of pixels in the search rectangle which are reduce by
image filter. There are three levels of 2D ImageMask:
A. Good: If the mask percentage is lower than 25%, 2D ImageMask shows “Good.”
B. Fair: If the percentage is between 25% and 50%, 2D ImageMask shows “Fair.”
C. Bad: If the mask percentage is upper than 50%, 2D ImageMask shows “Bad.”.

 Visibility Mask (Left / Right): User can set the threshold value to do the image
preprocessing in “File”>”System Setting”>”3D Data Availability.” Calculate the
number of pixels in the search rectangle which are reduced by image filter.
There are three levels of Visibility Mask, and there are two results with left fringe
pattern light and right fringe pattern light.

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A. Good: If the mask percentage is lower than 25%, Visibility Mask shows “Good.”
B. Fair: If the percentage is between 25% and 50%, Visibility Mask shows “Fair.”
C. Bad: If the mask percentage is upper than 50%, Visibility Mask shows “Bad.”

Figure 5.48 3D Data Availability

3. Histogram and Information: There are three types of histogram diagrams.

Figure 5.49 Type1 Histogram

 Type1. Height value of pixels in search rectangles: Histogram shows the height
value distribution of all pixels in search rectangles. User can use this histogram to
define the area of solder paste and base by the threshold value.

The X axis in histogram is the grayscale value and the Y axis is the counts of
pixels. If the histogram is look likes the bimodal graph, it means the solder paste
and the base are easy to distinguish.

The information of histogram:

Search Rect.: It shows the total pixels in search rectangle. See Figure 5.49. The
total number of pixels in Figure 5.49 is 8212.

Range (Gray): It shows the range of grayscale value. The values in [ ] are the
smallest value and the largest value of grayscale value.

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Range(µm): It shows the range of height value. The values in [ ] are the smallest
value and the largest value of height value.

Th: The threshold of height defined by auto mode. This threshold value is the
reference. If the area is lower than the threshold is defined as the base and the
higher area is defined as the solder paste.

H0: The average height of base in grayscale value. The values in [ ] are the
smallest value and the largest value of base grayscale value.

H1: The average height of solder paste in grayscale value. The values in [ ] are
the smallest value and the largest value of grayscale value of solder paste.

H1-H0: The relative average height between the solder paste and the base.

Figure 5.50 H0 / H1 / H1-H0

 Type2. Height value of pixels in CAD rectangle: Histogram shows the height value
distribution of all pixels in CAD rectangles. User can use this histogram to see the height
and the planarity of solder paste.

Figure 5.51 Type2 Histogram

 Type3. Height value of pixels between search rectangles and CAD rectangles:
Histogram shows the height value distribution of all pixels between search

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rectangles and CAD rectangles. User can use this histogram to see the height
distribution of base.

Figure 5.52 Type3 Histogram

2D Histogram: X axis in histogram is the grayscale value and Y axis is the counts of pixels.
There are three results with different side lights: Gray(Left + Right), Gray(Left), Gray(Right).

5.2.7 Search Fiducial Mark

User can use this option to search fiducial marks. Software only allows user to add the new
fiducial mark until user searches fiducial marks successfully.
 Fiducial mark search successful: When user searches fiducial mark successfully,
there are the fiducial mark scores in Fiducial Mark Status and the confirm window will
shows up.
 If the number of successful fiducial marks is less than two, the search of fiducial mark
will fail and the warning message will show up.

5.2.8 Barcode
There are three settings of barcode.

Figure 5.53 Barcode menu

Hardware Barcode Settings: If user wants to adjust the settings of hardware barcode, there is
where user adjusts the settings.

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Figure 5.54 Hardware Barcode Settings

 Enable Barcode: Read the result of hardware barcode.

 PLC Mode: Set the hardware barcode mode. There are three different modes:
Barcode Fail In / Barcode Fail Out / Static barcode read. This mode will change with
Barcode Mode in PLC Controller synchronously.
 Inspect When Barcode Fails: If user ticks off this option, software will still inspect the
tested board even if barcode fails. The record of failed barcode will be the calendar
time when inspection.
 Test: Test the barcode reader and check if the option is working. If hardware barcode
machine cannot read the barcode normally, there will show up the warning window.

Figure 5.55 Warning Window of Barcode Fails

 Edit: Candidate List shows the COM Port items of current computer. User can select
the COM Port items which link to current hardware barcode into the Selected Items.
(User can search the current COM Port in “Control Panel” > “Device Manager.”)
Click the “advanced” button and the option can set Baud Rate and Parity:
1. Baud Rate: Set the transmission speed. (Transmission speed has to be the
same as the parameter of hardware barcode. The speed unit is bits / second.)
2. Parity: This option is to check whether the last character is correct or not. (It
should be the same as the parameter of hardware barcode.) If the last
character is not necessary to be the same as the parameter of hardware
barcode, choose the “none” option.

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Figure 5.56 Interface of Edit Settings

Software Barcode: This function is as same as the function in chapter 3.3.

Assign Multi-Barcode: Set the assignment methods of multi-boards. There are three methods:

Figure 5.57 Multi-Barcode Settings

 Assign Same Barcode: If there is the only barcode in one single board of multi-boards,
user can assign this barcode to every single board and this barcode will be the main
barcode. See Figure 5.57. There is one multi-board with two single boards. The
barcode locates at the board number one, so this barcode will be the main barcode,
and the main barcode will be assigned to board number two directly. The following
steps are as below:

Figure 5.58 Assign Same Barcode

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Figure 5.59 Settings of Assign Same Barcode

After user finishes the barcode setting, user can choose “Assign Same Barcode” in
the drop down menu and click the “Next” Button. Choose the primary board and click
“OK” button to finish the settings.
 Assign Serial Barcode: If there is the only barcode in one single board of multi-boards,
this barcode will be the main barcode and will be applied to the board number one.
Software will set serial barcodes to other boards on the basis of main barcode and
user can set the serial barcode rules to assign the serial barcode to other boards.

Figure 5.60 Settings of Assign Serial Barcode

1. After user finishes the barcode setting, user can choose “Assign Serial Barcode”
in the drop down menu and click the “Next” Button.
2. Choose the primary board and click “OK” button to finish the settings.

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3. Set the serial barcode rule. Click the “OK” button after user finishes the settings.

a. Serial Barcode Carry: There are three naming rule for every single board of
multi-boards: Decimal / Hexadecimal / 36-bit (0 to Z).

b. Barcode Length: Set the length of barcode.

c. Auto Read Barcode: user can click to read the barcode in the barcode length.

d. Number of Characters at Prefix/Suffix to Trim: Set the fix characters at prefix

or suffix of barcode. There is an example: There is one multi-board with two
single boards. The barcode of board number one is TRI1234567P. If user wants
to assign the barcode TRI1234568P to the board number two, user can trim 3
prefix characters and 1 suffix character to finish this setting.

Figure 5.61 Number of Characters at Prefix/Suffix to Trim

5.2.9 Delete Items

Choose the inspection boxes or items to delete. (The items show as Figure 5.80.)

Figure 5.62 Delete Items

5.2.10 Skip Mark

This function is as same as the function in chapter 3.2.

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5.2.11 Non-Gerber Program

If there is no Gerber file to use, user cannot use Gerber Tool software to make the SPI file. If
there is no SPI file, SPI machine cannot do the inspection to tested board. Thus, user can
use this Non-Gerber Program to set up the inspection data. See Figure 5.63.

Figure 5.63 Flow Chart of Non-Gerber Program Settings

Input the panel width and the panel height, and then click the “OK” button. SPI machine will
adjust the width of conveyor automatically.

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Figure 5.64 Settings of Panel Width and Panel Height

Figure 5.65 Confirm Windows of Adjust Conveyor Width

After tested board is delivered into machine and cramped completely, user can scan the
tested board. If the scan image is not clear, user needs to make an offset in Z axis. User can
use the “Get Focus Offset” option to make an offset. The related settings can be found in
chapter After making an offset in Z axis, user needs to rescan the tested board. If the
scan image is clear, user do not need to adjust the offset in Z axis. After scanning, user
needs to add fiducial marks manually. The detailed information is described in chapter 3.4.
Finally, user needs to add inspection boxes manually. See chapter 2.1.8.
5.3 Inspection

Figure 5.66 Inspection Menu

5.3.1 Start Inspection

User inspects the tested board with the specific specification. This function is as same as the
function in chapter 4.7.

5.3.2 Mode Settings

There are three different inspection modes:

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Figure 5.67 Items of Mode Settings

Confirm Pass:
 There is no failed solder in inspection: If there is no failed solder in inspection, SPI
machine will consider the tested board as a pass board, and the tested board will go
to the next stop.
 There are failed solders: If there are failed solders, SPI machine will stop working and
show the confirm buttons. User has to check the situation and manually confirm the
failed tested board which is determined by machine. The tested board will not go to
the next stop until user confirms it.

FAIL: Machine detects a failed solder, and user determine the board as failed board.

PASS: Machine detects a failed solder, and user determine the board as pass board.

STOP: Click the stop button when user needs to edit the data.

Figure 5.68 Interface of Confirm Buttons

Auto Pass: SPI machine inspects the tested board and will determine it automatically. If there
is no failed solder, SPI machine will consider the tested board as a pass board. If there are
failed solders, SPI machine will consider the tested board as a failed board. Finally, the
tested board will go to the next stop automatically.

When user turns on the “Control Center” option, SPI machine will automatically switch to the
“Auto Pass” mode. No matter there is any failed solder or not, the tested board will be sent to
the unloader after inspection. The unloader will distinguish pass boards and failed boards by
the software result. (The unloader needs to connect the SMEMA Port2.) After inspection,
user can reconfirm the failed board with the inspection data.

Bypass: After inspection, SPI machine determines the tested board as pass board. This
mode can only estimate the scan time and the inspection time.

5.3.3 Action Settings

Figure 5.69 Action Settings

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Halt on Barcode Fail: Tick off this option, SPI machine will not start inspection if hardware
barcode fails. The inspection will not start until user key in the barcode. If user does not tick
this option, SPI machine will still inspect the tested board even if hardware barcode fails.
Software will auto apply the calendar time of inspection as the result of barcode.

Figure 5.70 Settings of Halt on Barcode Fail

Alarm on Fail: If user ticks off this option, the alarm went off when the inspection is failed.

5.3.4 Defect Priority

If there are some defects in one inspection box, software will sort the defects by priority of
user. The highest priority failed type will be the delegate of inspection box. There are 25

failed types from top to bottom and priority is from high to low. User can use the
buttons to change the priority of items.

Figure 5.71 Set Defect Priority

If there are some defects in one inspection box, software will sort the priority for defects and
the highest priority failed type will be the delegate of inspection box. This order of failed type
will be the same as the order of failed type in “Failed Type Statistics.”

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Figure 5.72 All Defects

Figure 5.73 Failed Type Statistics and Defect Priority

5.3.5 Adjust Conveyor Width

If the “Board Width” option chooses the “Auto” in PLC Controller, the “Adjust Conveyor Width”
will show in “Inspection” menu. If there is the bias between the conveyor width and the panel
width, user can use this option to adjust the setting. Finally, user can click the “OK” button to
apply this setting.

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Figure 5.74 Adjust Conveyor Width

5.3.6 Solder Control

This option can let user record the solder opening time. (Click the “Get Current Time” button
and the current calendar time will be saved automatically.) User can set the expired time of
solder paste and the remaining time will show up. If user ticks off the “Halt when Solder
Expired”, SPI machine will stop working when solder expired. This option may help user to
control the solder paste.

Figure 5.75 Solder Control

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5.4 Tools

Figure 5.76 Tools Menu

5.4.1 GRR Analysis

This option let user do the GRR test and analyze the GRR data. See Figure 5.77. The
following content will describe the detailed information for this option.

Figure 5.77 Interface of GRR Analysis

1. Select Sample: User can select the sample by different types of inspection boxes,
different types of components and different board number.

Test Condition: User can choose the test condition by select the components and the
active boxes, and user can decide whether the ignored items should be selected or
not. Test condition will change synchronously with the component list. As Figure 5.79.
If user selects “All Active Boxes”, the all components of all active inspection boxes will
be loaded to the component list.

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Figure 5.78 Test Condition

Figure 5.79 Component list of Selected Test Condition

Panel: The number of tested panel. If one panel board finishes the GRR analysis, this
column will show Panel1.

Component List: There are all components which are filtered by the test condition.
User can select the components to do the GRR test.

Figure 5.80 Component List and Selected List

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Figure 5.81 Select Buttons

2. Function Buttons: There are three different function buttons.

Figure 5.82 Function Buttons

Save File: Save the current component list to the hard disk. (The filename extension
is .GRR.) User can save the *.GRR files if user wants to test the same tested board at
next time.

Figure 5.83 Save GRR File

Load File: When user wants to test the same tested board at next time, user can load
the saved GRR files. User does not need to select the samples again.

Start: Start the GRR test. When SPI starts the GRR test, the “Load and Unload
Count“ and “Test Count” will display on the top of window. (User needs to finish the
settings of GRR Result before clicks the “Start” button.)

Figure 5.84 Load and Unload Count and Test Count

3. GRR Result: Set the test setting of GRR Analysis.

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Figure 5.85 GRR Result

If user does not tick off the “Auto Load and Unload” option, the tested board will be
delivered into SPI machine only one time when doing the first test. After inspection,
the tested board will not be delivered out. (If user does not tick this option, the count
of load and unload will be only one and user cannot adjust this setting.) See Figure
5.86. “Load and Unload Count” will be one time, and “Test Count” will be three times.

Figure 5.86 Settings of Static Test

If user ticks off the “Auto Load and Unload” option, the tested board will board in and
board out for one test. See Figure 5.87. The tested board is delivered into machine to
test three times and will be delivered out. If the number of “Load and Unload Count” is
three, the test will be done nine times.

Figure 5.87 Settings of Dynamic Test

Find Fiducial Mark per Test: Tick off this option, SPI will find fiducial mark before
4. Parameters Settings: Set the parameters of GRR Analysis.

Figure 5.88 Parameters Settings

H.V.A. Percentage: Set the tolerance. If H.V.A. Percentage is set to 60%, it indicates
the tolerance is average value ± 30% or spec value ± 30%.

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Tolerance: User can choose spec or average value to be the reference of tolerance.

Figure 5.89 Tolerance

Dx / Dy Spec: Set the tolerance of Dx / Dy.

Number of Sigma (σ): If the tested data is normal distribution, the number of sigma is
to set the tolerance for tested data. The default value is 6.
5. GRR Result Table: User can check the result of GRR Analysis and the inspection
data by users need. The selected result will show at the bottom area.
There are two parts of GRR Report Table, Report (The report includes the result of
GRR Analysis.) and Data (The data only includes the inspection data.).

Figure 5.90 GRR Result Table

If user selects the report part of result table, the Avg. will show at upper right of
window. See Figure 5.91. The Avg. value indicates the average percentage of GRR.

Figure 5.91 The GRR Result Table of Area Report

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There is the GRR Result Table in Figure 5.92. The GRR function is:

GRR for H. A. V  ∶
   !  "

GRR for offset  ∶
  " &

Figure 5.92 Columns of GRR Report Table

The inspection data and the analysis data will be saved at the folder under the current
inspection folder. This folder name has 14 characters. The naming rule of this folder is
GRR XXXX XX XX XX XX XX. (The naming rule is GRR Year MM DD hh mm ss,
the inspection date and the inspection calendar time.) The GRR Report file includes
all tested data and the Height / Area / Volume / Dx / Dy will be saved respectively.

Figure 5.93 GRR Folder and GRR Inspection Data

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5.4.2 Bare Board Analysis

User can use this option to set the height offset. User can calculate the height of pads, and
send the result to “Spec” > “Height Offset” to make an offset of height. The Final height value
will be the inspection height value plus the offset value. The following steps as Figure 5.94.

Figure 5.94 Bare Board Analysis

After User select the inspection box, click the “Color Segmentation Settings.” User can define
the pad area and the base area automatically. However, user can also define the pad area
and the base area in manual. The detailed information is described in chapter 4.3.

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Figure 5.95 Color Segmentation Settings

User can set the value of “Load and Unload Count” and the value of “Test Count” and then
click the “Start” button. See Figure 5.96. After tested board load in one time, SPI machine
tests the board repeatedly three times. If the tested board is already in the machine, user can
key in the value 0 into “Load and Unload Count” textbox.

Figure 5.96 Load and Unload Count and Test Count

After finishing “Bare Board Analysis”, the confirm window will show up. Click the “OK” button.

Figure 5.97 Confirm Window of Bare Board Analysis

Enter the Vendor Name and click the “Record” button. The Vendor name will show at the
bottom of “Access Authority.”

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Figure 5.98 Vendor Settings

The result will send to the “Height Offset” column automatically. User can click the “Vendor
Settings” option to check or edit the current vendor data.

Figure 5.99 Send the Result to Height Offset

5.4.3 Offline Editor

This function is optional. If offline computers and machines want to use this option, the USB
software key is requirement. User can execute the software at offline computer, and then
open the .xml or .xmlx files in online machine by internet. User can edit the specification of
inspection files at offline computer.

5.4.4 User Management

This option can edit user password. It can also add or delete users.

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Figure 5.100 User Management and Add User

5.4.5 Set Password

Edit the pass word of current user.

Figure 5.101 Set Password

5.4.6 Menu Configuration

User can click the rectangle to enable or disable the functions. Supervisor can set up the
authority by this option. Supervisor can enable or disable some function for different authority.
See Figure 5.102. The left column shows the main item and the right column shows the
detailed items of the main item.

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Figure 5.102 Menu Configuration

5.4.7 Log Out

Log out the current user: After log out the software, user needs to re-enter the user name and
the password to login the software. The software language can be switched when user login.

Figure 5.103 User Login

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5.4.8 Calibration
Calibration Auto Conveyor: This option is suggested to be done by TRI Engineers. There is
the flow chart as Figure 5.104.

Figure 5.104 Flow Chart of Calibrate Auto Conveyor

Before the execution of this option: User needs to check there is no PCB board on lane and
to check “Board Width” is “Auto” in PLC controller. User can only execute this option after
checking these two actions are done. Click the “Calibrate Auto Conveyor” and there is the
calibrate window. Meanwhile, SPI machine will auto reset the conveyor width and check
whether there is any board inside the machine or not. See Figure 5.105. The red rectangle
will show the largest width of lane. (The largest width of lane means the largest movement of
frame 2.)

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Figure 5.105 Calibrate Auto Conveyor

 Align frame1 (fixed frame): After SPI machine reset the conveyor width, user can
click the FOV window to align live image on frame1. See Figure 5.106. User can
move the red cross line to the intersection of lane1 and conveyor belt to align live
image on frame1, and then click the “next” button to the next step.

Figure 5.106 Align Frame1

 Align frame2: User can key in the moving distance (mm) to the column of “Frame
move step” and click the “Move backward” or “Move forward” button to adjust the
position of frame2. User can use this method to move frame2 to align cross line at
live image. (This position is the largest conveyor width of machine.)

Figure 5.107 Align Frame2

After finishing the settings, click the “OK” button.

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5.4.9 IO Control
Interface of PLC:

Figure 5.108 Interface of PLC

This function shows the position of tested board and machine information illustration. All
information is shown as Figure 5.108.

Figure 5.109 Meaning of All Sensors

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Figure 5.110 Status Descriptions for All Information

There are five parts in PLC Controller. In the following content, we will introduce the detailed
information for each part.

Start: User can click the “Start” button and the tested board is delivered into SPI machine.

Figure 5.111 Interface of Basic and Start Button

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 Status description for mechanism actions and the corresponding sensors:

The flow direction of tested board is Left in / Right out. Figure 5.112 shows the
status description for all mechanism actions and the corresponding sensors.

Figure 5.112 Status of Delivering Process

Reset: User can click the “Reset” button to deliver the tested board out of SPI machine.

Figure 5.113 Interface of Basic and Reset Button

Bypass: When board in sensor detects the tested board, it will be sent to unloader
directly and will not do the inspection.

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Figure 5.114 Interface of Tests

Lane 1 Stop Pin: This button is to test the stop pin. When user clicks this button, the stop
pin will be executed and the light of stop sensor will change from green to gray.

Figure 5.115 Turn on / off the Stop Sensors

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Lane 1 Board: This button is to test the clip. When user clicks this button, the clip will be
executed and the light of clip sensor will change from green to gray.

Figure 5.116 Turn on / off the Clip Sensors

Conveyor Test: This button is to test the conveyor. User can test the conveyor to see
whether it can turn forward or turn backward.

Signal Test: This button is to test the signal light and the buzzer. When user clicks this
button, the signal light or the buzzer will turn on. The all situation of corresponding signal
will be described in “Signal Setting.”

Barcode Trigger: This button is to test the external hardware barcode reader. When user
clicks this button, the barcode reader will start detecting.

Support Pin test: This button is to test whether the support pin is working or not.

Link test: This button is to test whether the information delivering is working or not.
 Port 1 test button: Test Port 1 machine and transfer the board in message to the
loader. The light of L140 Ask Front will be turned on.

Figure 5.117 Port 1 Test Button

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 Port 2 test button: Test Port 2 machine and transfer the board-out message to the
unloader. The light of L141 Ready out will be turned on.

Figure 5.118 Port 2 Test Button

 Test OK Button: Test Port 2 machine and transfer the “Pass” message to the
unloader. The “Pass” light on interface will be turned on.

Figure 5.119 Test OK Button

Advanced Settings

Figure 5.120 Advanced Settings

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Test Mode: There are two different modes, Inline Mode and Test Mode.
 Inline Mode: SPI machine will accept the information from the front side and transfer
the information to the rear side when the machine is connected with loader and
unloader. The interface will show the position of tested board and the corresponding

Figure 5.121 Information of Inline Mode

 Test Mode: This is an offline mode. User has to put the tested board on the conveyor.

Figure 5.122 Information of Test Mode

Flow Direction: Set the flow direction of tested board on the conveyor.
 Test Mode: Left in / Left out
 Inline Mode: Left in / Left out, Right in / Right out, Left in / Right out, Right in / Left out.

Figure 5.123 Flow Direction in Different Mode

Flow Speed (mm/sec): The flow speed of tested board in three different area of track.

 Board In: The area from the board in sensor to the decelerate sensor.

 Slow Down: The area from the decelerate sensor to the stop sensor.

 Board Out: The area from the stop sensor to the board sensor.

Barcode Mode: This option is to set the external hardware barcode reader. After the
inspection, user will decide the reading time of barcode and the corresponding hardware
action by setting the barcode mode.

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Barcode Fail Out: Figure 5.124 shows the flow chart.

Figure 5.124 Flow Chart of Barcode Fail Out

The triggering time and the stop time of hardware barcode reader: SPI sends the
“board in” message to the front side and the hardware barcode starts to trigger. The
barcode reader will not stop triggering until board in sensor (S1) detects the tested

If barcode fail, the tested board will still be delivered toward to SPI machine. It will not
stop until the board in sensor (S1) detects the tested board. The key in window will
show up. (See Figure 5.125.) The tested board will start delivered into stop board
position after user key in the barcode.

Figure 5.125 Hardware Barcode Key In Window

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1. Barcode Fail In: Figure 5.126 shows the flow chart.

Figure 5.126 Flow Chart of Barcode Fail In

The triggering time and the stop time of hardware barcode reader: SPI sends the
“board in” message to the front side and the hardware barcode starts triggering. The
barcode reader will not stop triggering until the tested board is delivered to the stop
board position and the tested board is clipped with machine.

If barcode fail, the tested board will still be delivered into the stop board position of
SPI and the inspection will be start. After the inspection is finish, the key in window
will show up.

2. Static barcode read: The flow chart as Figure 5.127.

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Figure 5.127 Flow Chart of Static Barcode Read

The triggering time and the stop time of hardware barcode reader: SPI receives the
“board out” message from the front side and the hardware barcode starts to trigger for
two seconds. After two seconds, the hardware barcode will stop triggering.
If barcode fail, the key in window will show up. After key in the barcode, the tested
board will be delivered into the stop board position of SPI and the inspection will be
There are different corresponding statuses between three different barcode modes:

Figure 5.128 Different Statuses Between Three Different Barcode Modes

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Rear: User can set the rear is exist or not exist.

Control Center: This function is optional. If user wants to use this option, the USB
software key is requirement. If this option is turn on, the tested board will be delivered to
the unloader, and then the repair station will determine the board is pass board or bad

No Buffer Control Center: If there is no unloader connected at the rear side, the tested
board will stop at machine conveyor after inspection. The tested board will not be
delivered until the repair station determines the tested board.

Support Pin: User can enable or disable the support pin.

Synchronous Board in and Board out: If this option is turn on, the tested board from the
front side will be delivered into machine and the tested board which has been inspected
will be delivered outside machine synchronously. (The Port 1 “L13D Ready in” SEMEA of
SPI machine needs to connect to the front side.)

Sampling Test: If the test count is two and the sampling bypass counts is two, and front
side delivers the tested board continuously. SPI machine will inspect two tested board
and next two tested board will not be inspected. SPI machine will follow this rule to do
the job cyclically.
 Test Count: User can set the test count.
 Sampling Bypass Counts: SPI machine will not do the inspection and determine this
tested board as the pass board. The tested board will be delivered to the rear side.

Signal Settings

Figure 5.129 Interface of Signal Settings

User can use this option to set three signal light and the buzzer in every kind of
situations. The direct light and the flash light option cannot be ticked at the same time.

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Auto Board Width

Figure 5.130 Auto Board Width

There are three parts of Board Width: Auto / Disable / Manually

 Auto: The board width is controlled by the software. The “adjust frame” option can
choose three different intervals: Large Step, Medium Step and Tiny Step. User can
use the “Move forward” and “Move backward” buttons to adjust the board width. If the
machine power is reset or user adjusts the board width manually, the machine needs
to reset the tested board before auto adjustment of board width.
 Disable: The board width is lock. User cannot adjust the board width.
 Manually: User needs to rotate the control wheel manually to adjust the board width.
After finishing the setting, user needs to set the board width to the disable status.

Figure 5.131 Control Wheel

5.5 Links

Figure 5.132 Links Menu

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5.5.1 SPC Settings

SPC Settings:

Figure 5.133 Interface of SPC Settings

Station ID: If there are multiple production lines with multiple SPI machine, user can define
numbers to each machines. SPC system can distinguish the output data from different

Export File to SPC: If user turns on this option, the inspection data will transfer to SPC
system directly.

Folder Path: The folder path of inspection data. If the folder path is wrong, SPC system
cannot search the inspection data. If the folder path doesn’t exist, software will show the
warning window.

Figure 5.134 Warning Window of Folder Path Error

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Select Always Output Components: Output the inspection image of specific components. If
user select the specific components, the image of these components will be output no matter
the test is pass or not.

Image Settings: Select the type of output images.

Figure 5.135 Image Settings

 Do Not Output Images: Only output the data. Do not output the image.

 Output Defect Images: Output the inspection data and includes the defect images.

 Output All Images: Output all the images of inspection.

 Output All Images (Only Defect Image Will Contain 3D Image): Output all the images
of inspection and only the defect image will contain 3D image.

YMS Alarm: The option is turn on alarm and halt on YMS system. It is an optional item.

Limit Defect Image Count: Set the maximum number of output image. If the number of
images exceeds the maximum number, the excessive image will not be saved.

5.5.2 Closed Loop

Solder Printer, SPI machine and placer can connect to be a closed loop. The machines can
transfer the inspection information to each other by using this closed loop. For example, SPI
machine can transfer feedback such as the offset of solder paste or the information of defect
to the front side (solder printer) or the rear side (placer).

Figure 5.136 Closed Loop Menu

Feed Back: User can set the vendor of corresponding front side machine (solder printer).
User selects the vendor of corresponding machine and SPI machine will send the feedback
to the front side. See Figure 5.137.

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Figure 5.137 Feed Back Menu

Figure 5.138 SPI Feedback Information with Different Vendors

Printer Settings: The detailed information for each part of settings will show at below.

Figure 5.139 Interface of Overview Settings

1. Vendor Name: This option will show the vendor name of solder printer.
2. Set the IP address of Solder Printer.
3. User can click the “Connect” button when finishing the setup. There will show the
“connected” message. If the connection is failed, user needs to check the IP address
of solder printer and to check whether connect setting is correct or not.

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Figure 5.140 Connected Message

4. Show the solder paste offset of Dx / Dy and rotate angle (θ) of 20 tested boards

5. This part will show the solder paste offset by selecting the Front, Rear and Middle
of squeegee.

Figure 5.141 Select Different Squeegee to Show the Offset

 Flow: This page shows two data sets, Non-Matched Data and Matched Data.
The meaning of “Non-Matched” means that SPI machine hasn’t matched with the
solder printer. Non-Matched Data shows the inspection data of SPI at the inline

column. If user wants to delete the inline data, user can use buttons to
move data to the “Removed” column, and click “Remove” button to delete the data.
Matched Data will show the matched data with SPI machine and solder printer.
Identifier can select the matched condition, there are three different condition:
Barcode, Batch Count (Serial Number) or Both.

Figure 5.142 Interface of Flow Settings

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 Wipe: Set the condition of wipe. The “Wipe” button is only on the interface of MPM.

Average Volume Percentage: Set the tolerance of solder paste average volume.
If the current average volume exceeds the tolerance, SPI machine will inform solder
printer that the stencil needs to be wiped. (MPM has the “Wipe” button and only
MPM can inform the solder printer to wipe the stencil.)

Peak of Single Pad Volume: Set the tolerance of solder paste peak height. If the
current peak height exceeds the tolerance, SPI machine will inform solder printer
that the stencil needs to be wiped. (MPM has the “Wipe” button and only MPM can
inform the solder printer to wipe the stencil.)

Bridge Defect: If SPI machine finds the bridge when inspection, SPI machine will
inform solder printer that the stencil needs to be wiped.

Figure 5.143 Interface of Wipe Settings

Figure 5.144 Interface of MPM Wipe Settings

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Figure 5.145 Interface of Advanced Settings

a. Skip Candidate by Fail Type: Set the pads which will not be included in the
calculation of solder paste offset. See Figure 5.145. If Area, Height or Volume of
pads is out of the tolerance, the pads will not be included in the calculation of the
solder paste offset of whole panel.

b. Batch Count Setting: Show the current batch count (serial number), this option
can set the maximum batch count.

APC System: Enable this option indicates that the current closed loop with SPI machine is
Panasonic solder printer and Panasonic placer. See Figure 5.146.

Figure 5.146 APC System

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APC settings:

Figure 5.147 Interface of APC Settings

 IP Address: Set the IP address of Panasonic server.

 Lane Type: Select the lane type of printer and placer.
 Allow Receiving File: User ticks off this option means that the solder printer is allowed
to receive file from SPI machine. (SPI machine sends feedback file to solder printer.)
 Allow Sending File: User ticks off this option means that the SPI machine is allowed to
send file to placer. (SPI machine sends feed forward file to placer.)
 Board Sequence: Set the board sequence of placer.
 Offset Confidence: If the offset confidence is 80%, placer will use 80% of offset which
is inspected by SPI machine to place the component.
 Panel Size: The size of panel. (Including the carrier.)
 Origin Offset: Set the offset between bottom left of carrier and bottom left of board.

Slip Board: Skip the bad board which is determined by SPI machine.

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ASYS Buffer:

 SPI / Buffer / Repair Station (RS):

Figure 5.148 Relationship between SPI / Buffer / Repair Station (RS)

 Connection settings:

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Figure 5.149 Flow Chart of Connection with Repair Station / Buffer and SPI

1. EKRA SPC folder path settings:

a Click the “Start” button of Windows and key in the path into regedit:


If OS is 64 bits, path is HKEY_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SPISPC\

b Set the value “EKRA” into the ”Company” column.

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Figure 5.150 EKRA SPC Settings

2. After user clicks the SPC icon on Main Control, find the “setting” option under the
“Other” page. Select the item “True” in “Repair Station” option, it means that user
will turn on the Repair Station (RS). After finishing these settings, SPC software
needs to restart.

Figure 5.151 Open Repair Station

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3. See Figure 5.152. The slot option will show up at right side of Repair Station.

Figure 5.152 Slots on Repair System

4. Confirm the settings of COM Port, and connect the link between SPI and Buffer.

Figure 5.153 Com Port Settings of SPI and Buffer

5. Click the “Connect” button on SPI software.

a SPI software will create a folder “dataPath = SPC Path \ Ekra Buffer” to be the
information exchange folder. SPI software will write and delete a Connect Test

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file automatically under dataPath to test whether the connection is successful or

not. (If connection is failed and folder cannot be created, check the authority.)

b SPI will open a specific Serial Port automatically. If SPI can open the Serial Port
successfully, it means that the Buffer is connecting successfully. There will
show the version number from the Buffer on interface. (If connection is failed,
user needs to check the COM Port number, line condition and parameters.)

c If these two steps are all successful, it means the connection is working. If one
of these steps is failed, it means the connection is failed. User can check the
content in the parentheses to fix the problem.

Figure 5.154 Interface of ASYS Buffer

5.5.3 Remote Control

Figure 5.155 Remote Control Menu

Control Center: User can use this option to set Repair Station and Unloader.
Click the “Enable” in Control Center option, SPI machine will change the inspection mode
automatically to the auto pass mode.

 No matter the tested board is failed or pass, the tested board which is finished the
inspection will send to the unloader directly. Unloader will use the inspection result to
classify two different groups which are the group of pass boards and the group of bad
board (This option needs to connect the white yellow line of SMEMA Port2.)

 SPI machine will send the defect information to the Repair Station with the bad board
from the unloader. User can confirm these results at Repair Station.

Figure 5.156 Control Center Menu

Remote Confirm: User can tick off this option if there is no unloader at the rear side. After
Inspection, SPI machine will not do any action. Software will show the countdown window,
and user needs to confirm the result within the countdown time. The tested board will not be
delivered out of machine until the user confirms the result of tested board.

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Figure 5.157 Confirm Result in Repair station

If the time is count down to 0 and user still not finishes the confirm job, the “Reset” button will
show up. If user clicks the “Reset” button, tested board will go back to the initial place. The
tested board will be delivered to SPI machine again. The alarm window will show up and
count down the time again.

Figure 5.158 Remote Confirm Menu

Figure 5.159 Count Down Window

5.6 Help
The “About TRI SPI” function is as same as the “About” function in chapter 4.9.

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