Spontaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants 1500 G
Spontaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants 1500 G
Spontaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants 1500 G
OBJECTIVES: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) remains a challenging issue in very low birth abstract
RESULTS: A total of 368 VLBW infants were born within the study period. Two hundred and
ninety-seven infants were free of congenital malformations or heart defects and survived to
hospital discharge. Out of those, 280 infants received truly conservative PDA management.
In 237 (85%) of nontreated infants, the PDA closed before hospital discharge. The Kaplan-
Meier model was used to document the incidence proportion of PDA closure over time for
different gestational age groups. The median time to ductal closure was 71, 13, 8, and 6
days in <26+0, 26+0 to 27+6, 28+0 to 29+6, and ≥30 weeks, respectively. For different birth
weight groups, the median was 48, 22, 9, and 8 days in infants weighing <750, 750 to 999,
1000 to 1249, and 1250 to 1500 g, respectively. No statistically significant relationship was
found between PDA closure before hospital discharge and neonatal morbidities.
CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of PDA spontaneous closure in VLBW infants is extremely high.
We provide in our findings a platform for future placebo-controlled trials focused on the
smallest and youngest infants.
aDepartment of Neonatology, Coombe Women and Infants Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; bInstitute for the Care What’s Known on This Subject: The management
of Mother and Child, Prague, Czech Republic; cThird Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech of patent ductus arteriosus in very low birth weight
Republic; dUCD School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Dublin, Ireland; and eDepartment of Paediatric
Cardiology, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
infants remains controversial. Spontaneous closure
occurs frequently, and therefore many infants
Dr Semberova designed the study, contributed substantially to the echocardiography, might receive unnecessary treatment. Data from
demographic, and outcome data acquisition and analysis, and drafted the initial manuscript; small cohort studies suggest that noninterventional
Dr Sirc designed the study, contributed substantially to the echocardiography, demographic, and management is a feasible option.
outcome data acquisition and analysis, and reviewed and revised the manuscript; Dr Miletin
conceptualized and designed the study, contributed to data collection and analysis, and reviewed What This Study Adds: Spontaneous closure of
and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; Dr Kucera contributed ductus arteriosus is extremely prevalent in very low
substantially to the study concept and design and echocardiography data acquisition and birth weight infants. Infants born before 26 weeks
analysis, and reviewed and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; and <750 g have significantly higher rates of patent
Drs Berka and Sebkova contributed substantially to the echocardiography and demographic ductus arteriosus at hospital discharge. Future
data acquisition and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript; Dr O’Sullivan contributed
studies should focus on this population.
substantially to the demographic and outcome data collection (particularly the postdischarge
outcomes) and analysis and reviewed the manuscript; Dr Franklin contributed substantially to
the study design, supervised the echocardiography data collection, and reviewed and revised
the manuscript; Dr Stranak supervised the conduct of the study, contributed substantially to the
study design, coordinated the data analysis, and reviewed and revised the manuscript critically
for important intellectual content; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted To cite: Semberova J, Sirc J, Miletin J, et al. Spontaneous
and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants ≤1500 g.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2016-4258 Pediatrics. 2017;140(2):e20164258
2 Semberova et al
of the parameters were recorded into Outcomes group) were eligible for analysis. The
the infant’s documentation and were mean weight and GA in the study
The primary outcome was the
available for clinical decisions. For group were 1112 ± 269 g and 29 ±
documentation of the time of the
the purpose of this article, only the 2 weeks, respectively. Forty-eight
closure or permanent patency of
information on ductal patency was percent were boys, 42% were from
the PDA in a large cohort of VLBW
used. multiple pregnancies, 17% were
infants who did not receive medical
small for GA, and 89% were partially
or surgical treatment and therefore
The decision to treat and the or fully exposed to ANSs.
document the “natural history” of
mode of therapy remained at the PDA. The secondary outcome was the
discretion of the attending physician PDA-Treated Patients
comparison of the demographics and
and were based on the clinical the outcomes of infants who achieved Out of the 297 infants in the study
4 Semberova et al
patients. Pulmonary hemorrhage
occurred in 4 infants, and in 1 infant
it was stated to be the main cause of
death. Ten out of 19 infants who died
before 7 days of age had a point-of-
care ECHO done, and all of them had
documented PDA. None of them was
medically treated. Out of 7 infants
who died after day 7, 3 of them had
NEC stated as the cause of death. Six
out of these 7 infants died with open
Prevalence of ductal patency stratified by BW over time before hospital discharge. The horizontal line Discussion
represents 50% closure. The plus sign signifies censored patients who were discharged from the
hospital before closure.
The data represent the true “natural
history” of PDA derived from a robust
retrospective cohort of VLBW infants
who underwent noninterventional,
conservative management. The
likelihood of spontaneous closure
before hospital discharge is age- and
weight-dependent as documented in
the Kaplan-Meier figures. Although
the rate of spontaneous closure
differs significantly among some
of the weight and GA categories,
spontaneous closure before hospital
discharge occurs in the majority
of even the youngest and smallest
infants, specifically those with a GA
<26 weeks’ gestation (68%) and a
BW <750 g (76%).
We have excluded the deceased
infants from the analysis. However,
out of 26 infants who died, 16 had a
recorded cause of death that could
Prevalence of ductal patency stratified by GA over time before hospital discharge. The horizontal line be potentially related to PDA: IVH
represents 50% closure. The plus sign signifies censored patients who were discharged from the (n = 7), NEC (n = 5), and pulmonary
hospital before closure. hemorrhage either associated with
IVH or alone (n = 4). Ten infants who
group (789 ± 256 g and 25.5 ± 2 However, the main cause of death died before 7 days of age had point-
weeks, respectively, P < .0001). The was early- or late-onset infection of-care ECHO done, and all of them
incidence of IVH and NEC was also in 10 infants followed by severe had documented PDA; none of them
significantly higher in comparison IVH (which influenced further were medically treated for PDA. We
with survivors (52% vs 2% and management of already critically ill could speculate that the outcome
26% vs 1%, respectively, P < .0001). infants) in 7 patients and NEC in 5 of some deceased infants could be
6 Semberova et al
TABLE 3 Comparison of the Neonatal Outcomes of All the Infants Eligible for the Study (BW ≤1500 g) is inversely related to GA and BW.
Including Deaths and Congenital Anomalies to the Vermont-Oxford Network (BW 401–1500 g The results support the existing data
or GA From 22 Weeks, 0 Days to 29 Weeks, 6 Days) on the feasibility of conservative
Eligible Infants (n = 368) Vermont-Oxford Network 2013 (n management without an increase in
= 60 562) neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Mortality (%) [Q1, Q3] 9.0 14.6 [9.0, 18.4] However, it is physiologically
CLD (%) [Q1, Q3] 14.6 24.5 [10.5, 30.7] plausible that some infants might
Severe IVH (grade III and IV) (%) [Q1, Q3] 5.0 8.1 [3.5, 10.6] benefit from PDA treatment. The
PVL (%) [Q1, Q3] 2.4 2.9 [0.0, 4.1]
NEC ≥IIb (%) [Q1, Q3] 3.6 4.6 [0.0, 6.5] criteria for which infants will benefit
Severe ROP (stage ≥III) (%) [Q1, Q3] 2.4 6.2 [0.0, 8.3] from the treatment are not currently
defined. Such criteria could be
8 Semberova et al