Summative 1 Fourth Quarter

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Region VII, Central Visayas


IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
District of San Remigio II

Summative Assessment in Science 10

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the letter of your choice
on the answer sheet provided. Strictly NO ERASURES for proper checking of your papers. Write your name
legibly and shade properly. Do not crumple the paper and DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THE
QUESTIONAIRE. Please shade like this and start answering form number 1. Stay safe and enjoy
1. Jane can still pump air in the party balloon even though it is already inflated. What explains this
A. balloons look better if its size is bigger B. balloons are made up of plastic
C. the air inside the balloon is hot D. air molecules can be compressed
2. Determine what will happen to the temperature of a confined gas as the pressure decreases.
A. the gas temperature stays the same B. the gas temperature decreases
C. the gas temperature increases D. there is not enough data
3. What do you expect to happen to the volume of a gas if its pressure is doubled and its temperature is
reduced to half?
A. its volume is increased B. its volume is doubled
C. its volume is decreased D. its volume remains unchanged
4. Which example has particles that can be drawn closer to occupy smaller volume?
A. block of wood B. ice cube C. fruit juice D. air inside the syringe
5. Which of the following phenomena does NOT involve the application of gas pressure?
A. burning fuel B. falling leaves C. vulcanizing tire D. rising hot air balloon
6. Last summer vacation, the Cruz family decided to go to Pagudpod, Ilocos Norte to have a beach
party. On their way to Ilocos, all of them were surprised when the tire suddenly exploded. What is
the probable explanation for the blown-out tire during a long summer drive?
A. High temperature causes a decrease in volume.
B. The amount of the gases inside the tire is increased.
C. The mass of the gases inside the tire increases causing a blown-up tire.
D. The volume of gases increases as the temperature increases, causing a blown-up tire.
7. How can you possibly prove that gases have negligible mass?
A. put a balloon in a digital balance before and after you fill it with air
B. feel the weight of the samples on both hands
C. ask two persons to hold a box filled with air
D. support your claim of through equation
8. What kind of movement is exhibited by gas molecules?
A. vibrational movement B. rotational movement
C. translational movement D. combination of a, b and c
9. What will happen to the gas pressure as the temperature increases, if the amount and volume of the
gas are kept constant?
A. the gas pressure remains the same B. the gas pressure decreases
C. the gas pressure increases D. there is no significant effect
10. What law explains the mechanism of gas compressor?
A. Boyle’s Law B. Ideal Gas Law C. Charles’ Law D. Combined Gas Law
For items 11-15, identify the gas property illustrated in each description. Shade the letter of the correct

A. compressibility B. diffuses through other gases C. exerts pressure

D. fills container E. has mass
11. the fragrance of perfume spreads through the room
12. a cylinder of oxygen used in a hospital
13. the shrink wrap demonstration
14. a balloon is inflated with helium
15. a balloon filled with air weighs more than an empty balloon

For items 16-20, complete the following statements about the nature of gases as presented in the kinetic
molecular theory by filling in the appropriate word(s) listed below. Shade the letter of the letter of the

A. kinetic energy B. zero C. perfectly elastic

D. potential energy E. pressure
correct answer.
16. Gas particles exert ____________________________ on one another.
17. Gas molecules are said to be in ________________________.
18. The volume of gas particles themselves is said to be ____________.
19. The collisions between gas particles are _______________________.
20. The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average _________of the gas particles.

Problem Solving Activity

Answer the following problems and provide solutions on the empty spaces of this questionnaire.
1. A gas occupies 12.3 liters at a pressure of 40.0 mmHg. What is the volume when the pressure is
increased to 60.0 mmHg?
2. If a gas at 25.0 °C occupies 3.60 liters at a pressure of 1.00 atm, what will be its volume at a pressure
of 2.50 atm?
3. To what pressure must a gas be compressed to get into a 3.00 cubic foot tank the entire weight of a
gas that occupies 400.0 cu. ft. at standard pressure?
4. A gas occupies 1.56 L at 1.00 atm. What will be the volume of this gas if the pressure becomes 3.00
5. A gas occupies 4.31 liters at a pressure of 0.755 atm. Determine the volume if the pressure is
increased to 1.25 atm.

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