What'S New: 2) - The Conceptual Configuration Illustrates Evaluating Assemblies Include

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WHAT’S NEW ments for a particular building project, then tions and the identified parts making up a

The latest standard for window and door ASTM E2112 provides guidance. complete pan.
installation, ASTM E2112-07, Standard A complete sill pan flashing assembly is Sill flashing definitions can be found in
Practice for Installation of Exterior shown in ASTM E2112 (See Figures 1 and ASTM and other sources. Useful terms for
Windows, Doors, and Skylights, recom­ 2). The conceptual configuration illustrates evaluating assemblies include:
mends sill pan flashing under all windows and identifies the necessary parts of the • Sill pan – The horizontal bottom
and doors for low-rise residential and light flashing for a window. A door’s sill pan part of a window or door.1
commercial buildings, with a few general- flashing would be similar but adjusted for • Pan flashing – A type of flashing
ized exceptions. the substrate and floor-level conditions on used at the base of large openings or
The 2006 International Building Code either side of the threshold. The important penetrations such as doors or win­
(IBC) is now generally adopted and recog­ items in these drawings are the configura­ dows. Pan flashings are designed to
nized as the single collect water and drain water direct-
national building ly to the exterior or onto the weather-
code in the United resistive barrier. Pan flashings have
States. It has new an upturned inner leg and upturned
requirements that end legs, which form a three-sided
address the impor­ pan.2
tance of flashings • Sill Protection – A water-resistant
for the weather pro­ covering provided for sills of rough
tection of buildings.
Although ASTM
E2112-07 defers to
window and door
manufacturers for
installation instruc­
Figure 1 – Sill pan flashing configuration (based
tions, it remains the
on ASTM E2112).
default voluntary
standard if there
are no specific rec­
ommendations from
the manufacturer.
Also, if there is no
flashing design pro­ Figure 2 – Sill pan flashing
vided on the con­ configuration (excerpt from
struction docu­ ASTM E2112 -07, Figure A3.4).
include liquid-applied coatings (“liquid struction.
membrane”), i.e., Type V.
The recent use of vapor-permeable, liq­ SILL PAN FLASHING
uid-applied WRB has not yet been The compiled section on pan flashing in
addressed by ASTM E2112. Although ASTM E2112-07 is now easier to navigate.
recently promoted for commercial build­ There are minimum dimensions provided
ings, liquid-applied flashings and liquid- for pan flashings. The pan illustrations are
applied weather barriers are more common shown in three dimensions (3-D), so the
with drainage barrier EIFS applications, critical sill-jamb corners can be shown to be
primarily in the residential market. ASTM uniform and continuous (see Figure 2).
Table 5 could be modified in the future to Different materials and fabrications are
include liquid-applied flashings and identi­ illustrated (see Appendix 1).
fied as Type V. The pan configuration is shown and
defined to contain and manage water infil­
WHAT’S GOOD tration from different source locations (see
With the recent attention being paid to Figure 3). The ASTM E2112 definition for
the importance of sill pan flashings, there pan flashing includes an important defining
are more references available that address note.
the subject. The 2006 IBC and ASTM Note – Pan flashings have up­
Figure 3 – Sill pan flashing collects and E2112-07 have examples with some good turned legs at the interior edge
drains water from different sources. information. and ends of the rough opening to
form a three-sided pan. They are
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS intended to collect and drain
openings that lack a true pan fea­ 2006 IBC, Sec 106.1.3, requires con­ water toward the exterior, includ­
ture.3 struction documents to show details of the ing water that may enter through
“exterior wall envelope as required, in­ the window unit (for example,
These terms help to differentiate shapes cluding flashing,… corners, end details,… between the jambs and sill) or
and configurations of sill pan flashings. water-resistive membrane, and details around the window (between the
Other sill pan configurations without all of around openings.” This code requirement rough opening and the fenestra­
the parts may not be effective at controlling should improve the quality of building tion).
leaks. The sill pan flashing shown in ASTM plans.
E2112 is a complete assembly that does the
most to manage incidental water (see Figure PERIMETER FLASHING
3). Weather protec­
ASTM E2112-07 is intended to include tion is emphasized in
recommendations for different building con­ 2006 IBC, Section
struction types, such as barrier walls (solid 1403.2. Opening
brick, masonry, concrete, precast and flashing is spelled out
metal/composite panels) and drainage walls in 2006 IBC, Sec.
(siding, paneling, stucco, and certain veneer 1405.3, which notes,
claddings). The standard has the most com­ “[F]lashing shall be
prehensive descriptions and illustrations installed at the pe­
for framed walls – wood or metal. This paper rimeters of exterior
focuses on the pan configuration typically door and window as­
used with framed walls with sheathing sup­ semblies.” This code
porting a concealed water-resistant barrier requirement should
(WRB), e.g., building paper or housewrap improve the attention
(see Figure 4). The Field Guide (see Appendix builders apply to con- Figure 4 – Sill pan flashing in sheathed wall-framing opening.

2) will include all types of sill

pan flashing examples.
When the WRB is behind Rigid Sheet 1 piece or multiple pieces Type I
the exterior cladding with con­
Rigid Sheet Multiple pieces Type II
cealed drainage walls, the inte­
grated flashing can be chosen Flexible Membrane 1 piece or multiple pieces Type III
from a variety of materials.
Combination Systems Multiple pieces Type IV
ASTM E2112-07 recognizes four
available flashing material and Liquid Membrane Continuous coating Type V
fabrication methods. Table 1 (Based on and expanded from ASTM E2112-07,Table 5.)
shows an expanded table based

on ASTM’s Table 5, revised to Table 1 - Types of pan flashing materials.


some bad news –– or, more accurately, news
presented badly.


The latest IBC requires weather protec­
tion, window and door installation instruc­
tions, and particular instances of flashing.
However, by being both general and specif­
ic, the building code is likely to generate
confusion for both the design profession
and the construction industry. Satisfying
code requirements will likely evolve as code-
acceptable building plans and detailing
practices develop.
The 2006 IBC code, Section 106.1.3,
Figure 5 – Flat and sloped sill pans.
requires that construction documents
“include manufacturers’ installation in­
SLOPED VS. FLAT SILL PAN structions that provide supporting docu­
ASTM recommends that the pan portion A complete sill pan flashing assembly mentation that the proposed penetration
of the sill pan flashing slope toward the out­ can manage the incidental water from these and opening details described in the con­
side in order to promote drainage. It also sources (Figure 3). Excessive leakage may struction documents maintain the weather
recognizes the practicality of window and overwhelm the capacity of a sill pan. resistance of the exterior envelope.” Does
door installations that need to be installed this mean building plans need to include
plumb and level (see Figure 5). The bottoms REAR LEG HEIGHT copies of window and door manufacturers’
of most modern fenestration units are flat ASTM E2112 describes the concept of cut sheets on the plans? Are manufacturers
and typically installed to sit on a flat sill pan flashing performance related to the required to design specific instructions for a
rough opening. So a sloped pan would capacity of the pan to resist wind-blown specific project? Will reference in the project
require a sloped shim to support the fenes­ rain pressure. The pressure of the wind to specifications to the manufacturers’ general
tration unit with a flat sill bottom. The drive or draw water “uphill” is resisted by recommendations no longer suffice?
ASTM document recognizes that flat sill pan the height of the rear leg of the pan.
flashings up to and including a 6-in depth Appendix A3 of ASTM E2112 lists pressure MISLEADING STANDARD
can be effective, so slope is only recom­ differentials and the corresponding rear leg In the author’s opinion, ASTM E2112
mended and not required. When sill pan heights noted as H1 to prevent leaks over­ can be easily reviewed by construction
depths are greater than 6 in, ASTM E2122­ topping the pan (Figure 6). experts to find miscellaneous inconsisten­
07 requires the pan to slope. So sloped Implied but not stated is the opportuni­ cies, some conflicts, and many unevenly
shims would also be required for deep fen­ ty for a low-performance window/door to be developed sections. Examples of compro­
estration units with flat sill bottoms. backed up with a high-performance sill pan mises made in the original edition that were
flashing that has a high rear-leg height not revisited between the 2001 edition and
THREE-SIDED PAN WITH FRONT AND SIDE FLANGES (Figure 7). the updates to the 2007 edition are noted
The ASTM E2112-07 and E2266-04 below.
standards define a complete sill pan flash­ WHAT’S BAD
ing. Other sill protection techniques that do Along with the good information avail­
not incorporate all of the parts of the pan able for reference concerning sill pan flash­
risk leakage. A complete sill pan flashing ings, there still remains and continues to be
provides a method for con­
trolling water intrusion
from several sources of
leaks, including:
1. Water entry around
the window/door
unit into the rough
2. Water entry through
the window/door
unit through weath­
er stripping or over­
topping sill tracks.
3. Leaks from win­
dow/door unit
Figure 6 – Sill pan with rear leg height H1 (ASTM E2112-07, Figure 7 – Sill pan rear leg height, (ASTM
frame joinery.
Figure A3.1). E2112-07, Figure A3.2).
One traditional
and accepted method
of providing sill protec­
tion at door thresholds
(sills) is to bed the door
threshold in beads of
sealant or in a full,
solid bed of sealant.
This technique is not
fully described and ex­
plained in E2112.
There are a number of
considerations to re­
view before using this
technique. Unfortu­
nately, the ASTM
E2112 document
shows some ineffective
water management
features regarding the
sealants applied at
thresholds. The sill
pan flashing for doors
is problematic (see
Figure 8). Figure 8 – Sill pan seal at rough opening (excerpt from ASTM
E2112-07, Figure 13).
• The sealant must adhere to door- The other sill flashing technique for
frame and substrate. The type of doors also included in ASTM E2112 as a
threshold can vary and needs to be method for block-frame windows consists of
appropriate for sealant use. sealing angle pieces to the WRB to form a
• Placement of beads of sealant must sill pan (see Figure 9). This technique
be continuous and sufficient to appears to be an invention proposed for
maintain contact with the irregular framed membrane drainage walls that was
shapes of the bottom of milled wood carried over in concept from applications
and extruded aluminum thresholds. used for storefront subsill installations in
• Placement of sealant may trap mois­ surface drainage barrier walls. There are
ture originating behind the line of several problems with trying to make the
sealant under the sill if not allowed irregular technique work for drainage walls.
to drain. These include the following pieced subsill
• Placement of sealant may not cap­ flashing technique problems:
ture leaks originating from frame • Relies on sealant to glue the subsill
corner joinery. angle pieces to the WRB at the jamb.
• Doorframes can have thresholds Sealant adhesion is critical, but
preattached to jambs, which results there are limited sealant products
in the sealant upturn per ASTM at that can bond to both a metal or
the jamb rough openings left unad­ plastic subsill angle and an asphalt-
hered to the doorframes. The seal­ based or polymeric WRB used at
ant upturn placed at the rough drainage walls.
openings and the jamb of the door- • The flashing angle relies on a fillet
frames is spaced away from contact bead of sealant to seal to the rough
with the sealant. opening and to the end of the sill
• Doorframes assembled on site can pan. The sealant options shown in
have the threshold applied after the ASTM E2112, Table A4.1 (Appendix)
jambs, which leaves the threshold­ do not recognize a fillet sealant bead
to-jamb joint unsealed unless spe­ without a bond breaker.
cifically included with flashing • The top edge of the pieced angle at
sills.” It has not been estab­ ASTM STANDARD
lished if the IBC is requir­ ASTM E2112 is intended to gather and
ing sill pan flashing for disseminate practical knowledge. Some of
windows and doors. It the information in ASTM E2112-07 needs to
doesn’t appear that code be reviewed with a high degree of profes­
officials are interpreting sional knowledge and experience. Some of
this strictly for contempo­ the examples of problematic presentation of
rary work. The 2006 Code information include those listed below.
and Commentary, Vol. 1 by
the International Code SEALANT ADHESION
Council (ICC) provides The sealants listed in the ASTM E2112,
Figure 1405.3(3), showing Appendix Table A4.2, are rated as “Poor,”
a masonry through-wall “Fair,” and “Good” in terms of adhesion to
flashing below a windowsill various construction substrates. However,
to illustrate this code sec­ the results are not uniformly consistent
tion. However, is it a with the author’s experience regarding com­
through-wall flashing for patibility and adhesion. For example, the
the masonry sill, or is it a author believes that most silicone and poly­
sill pan flashing for the urethane sealants perform poorly with
window? The example in asphalt-based WRB and the polyethylene
the ICC commentary does facings of most self-adhering flashing (SAF)
not include the illustration products. Specific hybrid polyurethane
of the option of flashing the sealants are marketed for use with propri­
Figure 9 – Pieced sill pan (excerpt from E2112-07, Figure windowsill to the water- etary building paper and SAF. The author
31). resistive membrane, pre­ believes most silicone sealants also perform
sumably on the sheathing poorly with wood substrates and especially
the jamb is not counterflashed by shown inboard of the masonry. moist wood, whether becoming moist before
other flashing or by the WRB turned It does not appear that the building code or after construction. A few silicones are
into the rough opening. The lack of has anticipated the difficulty in providing marketed to be compatible with and adhere
counterflashing breaks one of the specific details for many of the various types to SAF. The benefits of butyl sealant as a
principles of good wall waterproof­ of wall constructions that are available and bedding sealant for metal and plastic sill
ing: Apply waterproofing in shingle the many selections of windows and doors pans in concealed locations are not described.
lap fashion. that can be installed for exterior walls. Unfortunately, sealants are a very
important component in the performance of
In the author’s opinion, the sill pan bedding sealants and flashings for success-
flashing methods for doors and win­
dows shown in Figures 8 and 9 are not
durable or practical for membrane
drainage walls, and the examples
should be removed from the ASTM

And to complete the references
that are good and bad, there is pub­
lished information that tries to be
helpful, but is not presented well or is
incomplete. It gets ugly (read “diffi­
cult”) when one tries to make sense of
it. Figure 10 – Sill pan flashing dimensions.

BUILDING CODE Pan part ASTM E2112-07 SMACNA, 2007 FEMA Tech
The 2006 IBC code Section 1968-2003 Fact Sheet No. 21
1405.3 on flashing includes the
Front flange 2 in As necessary, 4 in at decks Not specified
requirement that “[f]lashing
with projecting flanges shall be End (side) dam 2 in 4 in 3 in to 4 in
installed on both sides and the Rear leg ( back dam) H1 ½-in hook 3 in to 4 in
ends of copings, under sills, and
Side flanges 2 in 4 in Not specified
continuously above projecting
trim.” Notice the phrase “under Table 2 – Comparison of sill pan flashing dimensions, minimum inches.
ful installation, and ASTM E2112 does not “pulls” from the leeward side) rainwater into a hypothetical 50-mph wind, creating a
identify the generic sealant types in many joints, seams, and seals of windows/doors pressure of 6.4 psf, which can “push” water
places of the standard where sealants are and the opening perimeter. The wind pres­ up 1.23 inches. Therefore, a sill pan flash­
called for. Many details or descriptions of sure can drive water upwards. The height of ing’s rear leg would need to be higher (about
installations do not note that different types this raised water is known as “water head” 1 to 1¼ inches or more) in order to prevent
of sealants will be needed to complete one or “H,” noted in inches with ASTM E2112. overtopping. But, if the air path into the pan
assembly. Selection of the wrong sealant The formula for equating the wind velocity is blocked so that there is no rise in the
can result in the failure of the waterproofing [noted in miles per hour (mph)], to pressure water being forced into the pan, the pan
system. [noted in pound per square foot (psf)], can height can be lowered. One way to accom­
A better reference for sealants is still the be found in ASCE-7 and AAMA WSG.1-95. plish a pan with lower rear leg height is to
AAMA 850-91 Fenestration Sealants Guide. A brief table of wind velocity, pressure, and provide air seals (see Figure 12).
Unfortunately, it does not cover sealants water rise (H) values is listed in ASTM The concept of air seals on the interior
used for the building substrates that make E2112-07, Table A3.1. side between pan and window/door is intro­
up the wall-opening interface with windows So, for example, AAMA WSD.1-95 uses duced in ASTM E2112-07. However, it is not
and doors.

The dimensions of sill pans shown in
Figure A3.2 of the ASTM E2112 Appendix
are not consistent with the recommenda­
tions from other industry organizations. The
2-in minimum of ASTM E2112-07 will not
be adequate for certain applications with
combined high winds and rain that are not
addressed by the standard (see Figure 10).
It is not noted in ASTM, but the flanges
of premanufactured sill pans that have lim­
ited end dam heights and side flange dimen­
sions can be extended by lapping strips of
SAF over the edges to effectively increase the
pan dimensions (see Figure 11).

The performance of a sill pan is similar
to the performance of many windows or
doors in that the height of the rear leg is
related to its resistance to wind-blown rain.
Wind-blown rain and wind velocity vary in
different geographical regions. The wind
velocity generates a differential pressure
against a building, wall, window, or door
opening. The wind pressure “pushes” (or

Figure 11 – Increasing pan dimensions with

supplemental flashing.
Figure 12 – Air seal reduces rear leg height. Figure 13 - Windowsill pan with air seal.

fully explained, described, or illustrated for ple of methods.

nonexperts to find useful. In ASTM E2112­ Having a perimeter air seal around the
07, Appendix Section A3, a small note is interior (room side) of the window frame will Figure 14 – Windowsill pan with air seal –
added after the discussion of rear leg pan also prevent other air infiltration to reduce extended rear leg.
height. energy loss. A method of providing a peri­
meter air seal is with the use of low-expand­ A continuous perimeter air seal provid­
Note A3.1 – Rear leg pan heights can
ing aerosol foam or foam tape. Urethane ed by low-expanding foam, tape, or sealant
be reduced by the use of continuous
foams can also seal well to metal frames also blocks the rise of water in the sill pan.
air infiltration seals or engineered
and most rough opening substrate materi­ It has the advantage of completing the air-
sealant joints.
als. Foam aerosol and foam tape air seals infiltration blockage needed to have a con­
An air seal can reduce the height need­ are included in ASTM E2112, Appendix A1, tinuous air barrier system as part of the
ed for a rear leg on a sill pan to resist a but the prevention of water leakage is not wall assembly (see Figure 15).
given wind pressure that would otherwise discussed with the coordination of sill pans. With the recommendation that all win­
“push” or “pull” wind-blown rain over the Additional backer rod and sealant dows and doors have sill pan flashings,
top of the pan at the rear. A rear leg sealed extending up the vertical shim space there was no recognition that the sill pan
to the back of the window frame blocks air­ approximately 6 in will be required to bridge drainage challenges are different with block
flow between sill frame and sill pan and across the shim space gap to effectively cre­ frames and mounting flange (a/k/a nail-fin
therefore prevents water from flowing into ate an equivalent raised rear pan leg or nail-on) frames. The drainage of the sill
the sill pan and breaching over the top rear (Figures 13 and 14). The sealant will need to pan flashing with a block frame unit is
leg. adhere to the frame jamb and end dam of described and shown in E2112 with a dis­
The air seal has to be continuous across the pan at the side of the rough opening. continuous bead of sealant at the forward
the back of the window frame and extend Having the pan end dam dimension extend edge. But the nail-fin installation was not
across any gap between the ends of the sill up at least 4 to 6 in can provide a better described or shown in the ASTM standard.
frame and any shim space in the rough substrate for the air seal sealant adhesion In order for a sill pan to drain when
opening (See Figures 13 and 14). The air than wood framing or other nonmetal using a nail-fin frame, the joint between
seal application can be addressed by a cou- sheathing material. them needs to open. This can be accom­
plished in several ways. The perimeter bed­
ding sealant typically applied behind the
mounting flange can be omitted along the
sill; holes or slots in the sill flange can be
drilled or cut (with the manufacturer’s per­
mission); or the sill fin of doors can be
ordered to be removed at the factory or field
cut (with manufacturer’s permission). A
practical method of allowing drainage is to
provide intermittent shims between sill
flanges and sill pan front flanges. Solid
plastic shims set in sealant or strips of SAF
through which fasteners are driven can be
applied behind the mounting flange (See
Figure 16).


Figure 15 – Continuous air seal at interior window perimeter. Figure 16 – Block frame and nail–fin frame drainage at sill pan


CONCLUSION nessed the evolution of the document for 01. It includes more background
Sill pan flashing is currently being ten years. The opinions expressed here are information directed towards win­
reconsidered by the construction industry solely the responsibility of the author. dow installers.)
as a necessary backup to windows and The following references are useful for AAMA WSG.1-95, Window Selection
doors for low-rise residential and light com­ studying the subject of flashings and sill Guide, 1995, AAMA, Schaumburg,
mercial buildings, although debate contin­ pans. IL, www.aamanet.org.
ues on whether or not it must be universal­ Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 1965
ly required. A sill pan flashing for windows BIBLIOGRAPHY (1st ed.), 1968, 1979, 1987, 1993,
and doors can certainly be included to 2006 International Building Code, In­ 2003 (6th ed.), SMACNA, Chantilly,
improve the water-resistance performance ternational Code Council, Country VA, www.smacna.org.
of all building types. Club Hills, IL, www.iccsafe.org. ASTM E112-01, Standard Practice for
Despite the good, the bad, and the ugly, 2006 International Building Code and the Installation of Exterior Windows,
the 2006 IBC and ASTM E2112 can be use­ Commentary, Vol.1, Country Club Doors, and Skylights, 2001, ASTM
ful references for important flashing infor­ Hills, IL, www.iccsafe.org. International, Conshohocken, PA,
mation. Designers, specifiers, and builders AAMA 711-05, Voluntary Specification www.astm.org.
can use ASTM E2112 to recognize many for Self-Adhering Flashing Used for Robert Bateman, “Designing and Speci­
important concepts and features when Installation of Exterior Wall Fene­ fying Self-Adhering Flashings for the
deciding to include a sill pan flashing for a stration Products, 2005, AAMA Window-Wall Interface,” Journal of
strategy to improve the performance of Schaumburg, IL, www.aamanet.org. ASTM International, Nov./Dec. 2005,
perimeter wall opening flashings. AAMA 850-91, Fenestration Sealants Vol. 2, No. 10, www.astm.org.
Other methods are available besides Guide, 1991, AAMA, Schaumburg, Robert Bateman, Nail-on Windows –
those that are included or not fully IL, www.astm.org. Installation and Flashing Procedures
explained by ASTM E2112. Some advice AAMA 2400-02, Standard Practice for for Windows and Sliding Glass
needs to be independently judged and sort­ Installation of Windows With a Doors, 1995, DTA, Inc.,
ed out by knowledgeable professionals. This Mounting Flange in Stud Frame www.buildersbooks.com.
article is intended to point out some of the Construction, 2002, AAMA, Schaum­ Robert Bateman, “Sill Pan Flashing for
positive and negative aspects of the infor­ burg, IL, www.astm.org. (This stan­ Block-Frame Windows in Recessed
mation currently available, from the dard was based on CAWM 400-95 Concrete Openings – Case Studies,”
author’s perspective as an insider helping to but omitted the critical requirement Journal of ASTM International,
develop industry standards. The Field for the vertical edges of the WRB to March 2008, Vol. 5, No. 3,
Guide sidebar to this paper (Appendix 2) be sealed along the window jamb.) www.astm.org.
can illustrate how the concepts in ASTM AAMA 2410-99, Standard Practice for T.K. Butt, “Window Installation – An
E2112 can be implemented and how sill Installation of Windows With a Evolving Challenge,” November 8,
pan flashings can be incorporated into var­ Mounting Flange in Stud-Frame 2004, unpublished manuscript,
ious types of construction. Construction, 2002, AAMA, Schaum­ Interactive Resources, Inc., Pt.
burg, IL, www.astm.org. (This stan­ Richmond, CA, www.intres.com.
REFERENCES dard was based on CAWM 410-97.) CAWM 400-95, Standard Practice for
The author was involved in the CAWM AAMA IM-TM, Installation Masters Installation of Exterior Windows
committee that issued CAWM 400-95 and Training Manual, 2000, AAMA, With Integral Mounting Flange in
CAWM 410-97. He participated as a mem­ Schaumburg, IL, www.aamanet.org. Wood Construction, 1995, CAWM
ber of the ASTM Task Group E6.51.11, (This manual was based on the pre­ (defunct; some members reorga­
which developed ASTM E2112, and wit­ publication work of ASTM E2112­ nized into AAMA, Western Region),
Los Angeles, CA. (See AAMA 2400­
02 for similar but not identical stan­
CAWM 410-97, Standard Practice for
Installation of Sliding Glass Doors
With Integral Mounting Flange in
Wood Construction, 1997, CAWM
(defunct; some members reorga­
nized into AAMA, Western Region),
Los Angeles, CA. (This standard
illustrated different sill pan flash­
R.W. L aTona and T.A. Schwartz,
“Against the Wall,” Architecture
Magazine, May 1990. www.sgh.com.
Residential Sheet Metal Guidelines,
2001, SMACNA, Chantilly, VA,
S.S. Ruggiero, and J.C. Myers, D esign
and Construction of Watertight
Exterior Building Walls, 1992, ASTM
STP 1107, ASTM International,
Conshohocken, PA, www.astm.org.
“Walls - Avoiding Moisture Accumula­
tion in Walls,” Form A530A, revised
October 2002, APA, Tacoma, WA,
“Window a nd Door Installation -
Homebuilders Guide to Coastal
Construction,” Technical Fact Sheet
No. 21, circa 2007, FEMA,

1. ASTM E2112-07, Standard Practice
for the Installation of Exterior Win­
dows, Doors, and Skylights, 2007,
ASTM International, Conshohocken,
PA, www.astm.org.
2. ASTM E2266-04, Standard Guide
for Design and Construction of Low-
Rise Frame Building Wall Systems to
Resist Water Intrusion, 2004, ASTM
International, Conshohocken, PA,
3. “Laboratory and Field Evaluation of
Pan Flashing/Sill Protection and
Water-Resistive Barriers,” April
2006, Williams Building Diagnostics
– NAHB Research Center, Inc.,
PATH/HUD, Washington, DC,
www.huduser.org. and www.pathnet.org.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was first

published and presented as part of the
Proceedings of the RCI Building Envelope
Technology Symposium, October 27-28,
2008, in Atlanta, GA.


Types of Sill Pan Flashing – Fabrication
(Based on ASTM E2112-07,Table 5)
Type I Rigid sheet – metal or plastic One piece

Multiple pieces – soldered or welded watertight

Type II Rigid sheet – metal or plastic Multiple pieces – solid preformed corners lapped
and sealed or joined to a solid center section with
watertight seal

Type III Flexible membrane One-piece, formable membrane

– self-adhering flashing

Multiple pieces, membrane pieces lapped watertight

Type IV Combination – rigid + Multiple pieces – usually preformed rigid corners joined
membrane flashing with lapped self-adhering membrane sheet(s)

Type V Liquid – membrane coating One piece – spray-, brush-, or roller-applied coating
applied directly to the substrate. Note: integrate with
any separate flashing & WRB



There are various types and shapes of sill protection and different methods of constructing and installing a sill pan flashing for win­
dows and doors.The Field Guide shows some of the examples of the types of sill pan flashings used for windows and doors in vari­
ous types of wall openings and combined with different wall claddings.
1: Type III – SAF
Field Guide Notes: pan – concealed for
• Concealed – refers to a sill pan that is nail-fin window in
under the wall cladding and integrated with a recessed metal
drainage-type water-resistive barrier (WRB) siding opening.
• Direct Drain – refers to a sill pan that
drains under the window/door immediately
to the outside of the exterior wall cladding
and can be used with barrier walls or
drainage walls
• GSM – galvanized sheet metal
• SAF – self-adhering flashing
• Type I, II ,III, IV – refers to ASTM
E2112-07, Table 5
• Type V – refers to Table 1 liquid membrane
coating (Appendix 1)
• WRB – water-resistive barrier

(Left) 3: Type I – GSM

pan – concealed, for
block-frame window in
recessed stucco opening.

2: Type I – GSM pan – direct drain for block-frame

window in recessed stucco opening.

4: Type I – Aluminum pan and sill

cover – direct drain for block-frame

window in recessed stucco opening.

6: Type I – GSM pan – direct

drain for block-frame
window in concrete opening.

5: Type I – GSM pan –

concealed, for block-
frame door in flush
stucco opening and
elastomeric deck.

(Below) 8: Type III - SAF pan –

concealed, for block-frame win­
dow in recessed stucco opening.

7: Type I – GSM pan – Concealed, for block-

frame window in recessed stucco opening. 9: Type III – GSM pan – direct drain for
Type III SAF sill pan under the metal pan. block-frame window in masonry opening.

(Left) 1: Type IV – Stainless

steel pan corners and
separate rear leg with
Neoprene sheet membrane
center section and urethane
deck coating. Block-frame
sliding glass door in
recessed stucco opening.

11: Type III – SAF pan – concealed

for block-frame window in metal
panel cladding. Aluminum sill
cover protection over pan flashing.

12: Type III – SAF pan – concealed

for block-frame window in brick
veneer cladding. Aluminum sill
cover protection.
13: Type III – SAF pan – concealed, for
block-frame window in recessed stucco Robert Bateman
opening. Aluminum sill cover protection. Robert Bateman has worked as an architect for several A/E firms
over the past 25 years and currently practices as a staff consul­
tant specializing in waterproofing the exterior building envelope.
He has been involved in forensic investigation and repair design
for residential, multifamily, commercial, and institutional build­
ings, including litigation support and expert witness testimony.
Bateman has a B-1 general building contractor license from
California and has been certified as a building inspector and
plans examiner by the International Code Council. He has active­
ly participated with standards development for ASTM E2112-01 and the details and
appendices on sill pan flashing for ASTM E2112-07. Robert has presented at national
building and design organizations and trade shows, including RCI’s Affiliated SoCal
14: Type V – Liquid-applied sill protection to Chapter. He has published peer-reviewed papers for ASTM and BETEC on building enve­
flush opening. A Type I – multiple pieces lope detailing and window flashing. Bateman is the author of Nail-on Windows –
pan will go over the sill. Installation Procedures for Windows and Sliding Glass Doors, published in 1995.

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