Microservice Transaction Patterns
Microservice Transaction Patterns
Microservice Transaction Patterns
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© 2020 guypardon
To my family.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Some Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
What’s Next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Help me improve this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
We all know microservices and cloud are shaking up the IT industry. It’s happening at an ever faster
pace, and for sure it’s hard to stay on top of things. So we’re all trying to find out how to do things
in this new world.
What about transactions and data consistency? We keep hearing that things don’t work the way
they used to.
Are you wondering what to do instead? Most experts will recommend workaround patterns that are
either code- or design-intensive, like:
• eventual consistency
• idempotent consumer
• event store
• saga
These are all interesting patterns in their own right, but often overkill. They demand a custom design
that is in itself challenging to say the least. The resulting architectures are often easy to break by
accidental code commits.
Moreover, most implementations suffer from risk of lost transactions or duplicate transactions.
Developers often don’t know, because they are under stress to deliver working code. They rarely get
time to think about what could go wrong.
For many projects there is a simpler way, like I will show you in this book.
Like you, I was once puzzled by the mystery of reliable distributed systems, back in 1993 already. I
started learning about it and even went on to get a PhD from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. I didn’t stop
there: I founded a company (Atomikos) and the only thing we do is transaction management. I still
do some research today, and try to publish a paper every now and then.
At Atomikos, our story is one of ruthless simplification by keeping only the things that work. For
instance, we pioneered JEE without application server in 2006. Later we adhered to SOA without
ESB. I am proud to say that we got Gartner’s “Cool Vendor” award for our work.
Today we help our customers move away from the application server. We help them transition
to enterprise-grade microservices instead. With microservices, transactions become distributed
transactions whether you like it or not. For most people that is a challenge. Not for us: we have
decades of pioneering experience under our belt.
5 simple patterns are at the core of what we do today, battle-tested solutions that stood the test of
time. They demand little or no coding and work even for (and especially with) microservices. They
Introduction 2
are cloud-ready. They work for our customers, mainly in financial services. I wanted to share these
with you by means of this book. I have tried to keep it short and practical: this book contains only
what you need to know, nothing else. Busy readers will appreciate the brevity for sure.
Disclaimer: I am not saying that the solutions in this book will work for everyone. There will be
situations where you have to make trade-offs. All I want to show you is that there are a few simple
(but little-known) solutions that may work for you. For simplicity’s sake: try these first and resort
to more complex solutions only if you really have to. That way, you will minimise the accidental
complexity of your microservice architecture.
If that sounds interesting to you then please read on to get started!
Some Terminology
I will use the words request and message interchangeably depending on the context. To me, either
word means the same thing: data flowing from one microservice to another to update state.
We could distinguish between read requests and update requests. But: the patterns in this book
concern updates, so the word request means updateto me. Same thing for a message.
In a distributed system the following are always interesting questions:
• Can we lose messages? For instance, can a payment order get lost after a crash or a bug?
• Can we receive duplicate messages? For instance, can we accidentally process the same
payment request twice?
Failures usually imply that you can lose requests. In practice, the common approach is to retry when
there is uncertainty about the outcome of a request. This in turn means you can get duplicate requests.
We’ll see that this is a common theme in this book.
The only way to avoid that is to use the patterns presented in the rest of this book (so if that is what
you need then feel free to skip this chapter)…
Eventual Consistency
Eventual consistency is a basic and very important notion so let’s start with this one. What does
eventual consistency mean? It sounds complicated but it’s really simple:
Rather than updating related data in each microservice, you let changes ripple through. Eventually
everything gets updated.
For non-native English readers: eventually means “in the end” or “sooner or later”, not “maybe”. It’s
a common misunderstanding so I thought I’d point that out.
Introduction 3
Let’s say you make a payment by wire transfer. The money will leave your account right-away.
But does the receiver get the money immediately? Usually not: for various reasons (technical and
commercial ones) it takes time. The money gets there, eventually.
That is the meaning of eventual consistency. The desired end state is that money from your account
appears at the receiver’s end. But it takes a while for that to happen.
In the meantime, the money is gone from your account but not yet at its destination. So if you look
at both accounts then you only see half of the desired end state. It’s not consistent yet.
Messages that travel from one computer to another are typical for eventual consistency. This usually
requires messaging middleware (like ActiveMQ, MQSeries or Kafka) as the backbone. This type of
messaging middleware is also called a “broker”.
Needless to say, if you lose requests (or messages) along the way then a consistent end state may
never happen. Like debiting your account without the receiver ever getting anything.
If the receiver’s bank is not reachable then the system may retry later. Without extra care, the receiver
may see his account credited more than once. How? I won’t go into the details here since I dedicate
a whole chapter to this, so please be patient.
For now, just take note of the following:
Eventual consistency can yield inconsistent end states when there are failures. Our simple patterns
can prevent this - this book will show you how.
Of course this is not the whole story, we will see more about this in the part of this book dedicated
to synchronous microservices.
This type of scenario is one of the only cases where I would recommend synchronous microservices.
Synchronous versus Asynchronous Microservices 5
Asynchronous Microservices
Asynchronous microservices don’t wait for the result of interactions with other microservices. They
issue a message that goes onto the network and immediately continue doing something else.
In asynchronous systems, it is left to other microservices to pick up the message and process it on
their own pace. Hence the term ‘asynchronous’: both ends of the message operate on their own. It is
like humans sending email to each other: you don’t sit around wait for the reply do you? I do hope
not! Just like humans send emails, asynchronous microservices send messages, too. They don’t wait
for any result either.
Usually this means that the sending microservice is unaware about the outcome of the request.
Basically this can mean two things:
1. Best effort: the sending microservice doesn’t care whether the remote receiver can process
things, or
2. Reliable messaging: the sending microservice counts on the remote receive processing the
message at some time
Option 1 is what platforms like social media do: they don’t guarantee that updates / posts make it
through. Sometimes you can lose updates.
Option 2 is what financial services prefer: if you send a payment to a different bank, you don’t want
it to get lost underway.
This book is concerned mostly about asynchronous in the sense of option 2. We can even make a
distinction between processing the message exactly-once of processing it twice or more – more on
that later.
Polyglot programming
If messages are formatted in an open way (text, XML, JSON, …) then the sender and receiver can be
implemented in different languages and run on different platforms. As long as the message broker
has “client connector” libraries for the languages / platforms used, this works.
For clients written in Java, many brokers offer the JMS (Java Message Service) API. This is a
standardized way of sending and receiving messages from Java programs. Many brokers implement
it and are automatically compatible with Java microservices. Many brokers also offer other access
options like C++, .Net or other. This supports polyglot architectures – which can be handy for
integration with legacy systems that are not necessarily API-based.
Extensible Architectures
Messaging systems are easily extensible: the sender of a message does not need to know who
processes it or how it is processed (although we may want to count on the fact that it IS processed
sooner or later).
This enables extensibility: if you develop a microservice that sends a message, you can have other
teams “extend” the scope of processing by adding one or more backend processing microservices.
These can evolve at their own pace – as long as the message format stays more or less stable.
Loose Coupling
Finally, message brokers enable loose coupling between different microservices and/or other legacy
systems. This really follows from the other characteristics we discussed. It means that each part of
the system can evolve more or less independently.
• If the restart of MS 2 happens before it gets the invocation then the result will be produced
once it has restarted (the request will just be waiting in the broker).
• If the restart of MS 2 happens after it gets the invocation then either it will already be underway
in the broker – back towards MS 1.
• If the restart of MS 2 happens during the processing of the invocation then it depends on how
well MS 2 was designed. If MS 2 follows the patterns in this book then it will still produce the
result, exactly once.
However, keep in mind that this style is still inherently synchronous: MS 1 waits for a result from MS
2. This means that the same transaction problems apply as for a regular synchronous architecture –
as outlined in the rest of this book.
Asynchronous Microservice Patterns
Pattern: Exactly-Once Sender
The problem
Asynchronous microservices send messages to each other. It turns out that a lot can go wrong and
messages can be either lost or sent multiple times. In addition, we can have “phantom” messages.
Let’s go over some examples to show how this can happen…
Example: Order Processing Microservice
Let’s take a simple microservice that processes orders with the following workflow:
Other microservices like a delivery service can then arrange their part of the overall business
transaction, like planning delivery to the customer.
How messages can be lost
If there is a crash in between 1 and 2, then the database will contain the order but no message has
been sent out. Delivery will not get anything, nor will the customer.
How messages can be phantoms
In order to prevent message loss, developers could change the logic to this one:
Now image the system’s user enters an order via the user interface of the order processing
microservice. While processing this order, there is a crash in between 1 and 2. Now the message
has been sent (and delivery arranged) but there is no record of any order. This is probably not what
the business wants.
How messages can be sent multiple times
Let’s take the phantom case again, and now image that the user retries after things failed (and a
phantom message was sent). Upon retry things now work and the order is inserted in the database.
But the message was also sent out twice, which may lead to problems.
Asynchronous Microservice Patterns 9
Why does this work? Because of the transaction manager doing all the hard work behind the scenes.
Explaining all the details is beyond the scope of this pattern but suffice it to say that the XA
transaction makes steps 2 and 3 tentative until the commit in step 4 succeeds. Any failure will lead
to XA rollback, in which case the database update will not be persisted and the broker message will
not be made visible to any other microservice.
Concluding Thoughts
Many people claim that XA technology is not readily available for cloud or microservices. That is
fake news: implementations such as Atomikos exist (https://www.atomikos.com² ).
This pattern only works if you have XA transactions, which excludes popular brokers like Kafka or
Without broker support for XA you risk all the anomalies described in this chapter. The same is true
for the database, but luckily most enterprise databases support XA.
The problem
Receiving a message from a broker turns out to be more complex than you would expect. Losing a
message, or processing it multiple times are more common than most people think.
Example: Delivery Service
Let’s look at a simple microservice that processes incoming “OrderCreated” messages as follows:
It is likely that other messages will get created in a real-world example, but for the sake of showing
the problem we will stick with simplicity.
How messages can be lost
If there is a crash between 1 and 2 then the message is gone, but no delivery data was inserted. The
message is effectively lost. That is because in step 1 we implicitly delete the message from the broker.
How messages can be processed multiple times
To avoid message loss, developers change the processing flow to the following:
The difference here is that we split the actions of reading a message versus removing it from the
broker. Most brokers allow this.
What happens if there is a crash?
If the crash happens before step 2 then the message is still on the broker and will be re-read later
(assuming the system is still available or restarts). So that should be fine.
If the crash happens after step 3 then the results are already in the database, so that is fine too.
The problem is with a crash between 2 and 3: in that case the message stays on the broker, will be
re-read later and inserted again in to the database. We have a message that is processed twice. For
repeat failures, this can become 3 or more times.
The trick is that the XA transaction and the transaction manager do the hard work for us: steps 2
and 3 now coincide with the commit in step 4. If there are any failures then the outcome will be
rollback instead, and step 2 will leave the message on the broker whereas step 3 does not really save
anything in the database.
Many people claim that XA transactions are slow, but actually it is quite the opposite. Our
implementations with XA are usually quite faster than the non-XA alternatives discussed later in
this book.
Asynchronous Microservice Patterns 11
The problem
Consider a payment from one bank to a different bank. Each bank has its own accounts database.
How can we make sure money transfers are processed exactly once, without message loss or
We won’t say a lot more about this because it reuses concepts we’ve outlined in the earlier parts of
this book.
Synchronous Microservice Patterns
Pattern: Transactional Call
The problems
Network timeouts
One microservice (MS 1) invokes another microservice (MS 2) via some synchronous mechanism
like JSON-RPC, HTTP POST or any other remoting protocol. What happens if the call times out?
MS 2 could be in either of two states:
• It has received the call and processed it (possibly leaving persistent state changes in its
database), or
• It may not have received anything.
The difference can be significant, and it introduces uncertainty at the level of MS 1. A common
approach with REST purists is to start retrying (except for HTTP POST), but that introduces a lot
of complexities that we want to avoid here. Besides that, retries don’t work for the second problem
addressed here:
Calling 2 microservices
Let’s add another microservice (MS 3) in the mix. The overall flow now looks like this:
1. MS 1 calls MS 2
2. MS 1 then calls MS 3
Suppose step 1 updates database of MS 2. Now what happens if step 2 fails and we can’t retry? This
can happen if step 2 encounters a fundamental business exception - where retrying simply won’t
What can we do? If we can’t go forward with step 2 then a nice alternative would be to “rollback”
step 1. But how can we do that?
Synchronous Microservice Patterns 13
If step 4 fails then MS 1 can still rollback, and this will wipe out the changes of MS 2. This leaves
the system in a globally consistent state – even if there are errors.
What happens in case of a timeout at step 2? MS 1 will perform rollback of its transaction. There are
2 possibilities in this case:
• MS 2 was never reached by the call. In that case, no data was updated so rollback does not have
to do anything except wipe out the changes locally in MS 1.
• MS 2 was reached by the call and made some data changes, meaning the response / acknowl-
edgement to MS 1 was lost. MS 2 is aware of the pending transaction of the call and after some
internal timeout it performs autonomous rollback.
In any case, the overall result is that all changes undergo rollback. So timeouts leave the system in
a globally consistent state.
See this blog post³ for how to implement / use this pattern.
Pattern: TCC
The problem
Consider Internet-wide service collaborations across multiple independent websites. How can they
be made reliable so we’re not stuck with a partial business transaction?
Example: Booking Connecting Flights
Let’s take the booking of a long-distance flight involving connecting flights between two airlines. In
order to book the whole flight, we need to book at two independent airline websites, say Swiss and
British Airways. What happens if we end up with one booking, but the other one fails somehow?
Synchronous Microservice Patterns 14
This problem is similar to the “transactional call” pattern in the previous chapter. However, the
participating services are not just microservices but completely independent stand-alone services
offered via independent websites. This makes the simple solution of the “transactional call” less
Solution: TCC
TCC stands for Try-Confirm/Cancel (or Try-Cancel/Confirm – which means the same thing). It
works well for all scenarios where the business works with some kind of “reservation” model. It is
a bit like the Saga pattern, but superior because it does not leave the participating services in-doubt
about the possibility of later undo.
TCC was developed by me and my ex-colleague Cesare Pautasso (we both worked in the same
research group at ETH Zürich while doing our PhD).
TCC is defined as a complete REST API contract along the following lines:
We won’t mention all the details here because the market is not yet ready for doing the kind of
service interactions that TCC offers. Let’s just say it’s ideal for microservices: just like Sagas, it
implies significant coding overhead because cancellation operations have to be defined and invoked.
That is why our customers have been asking us to support the “transactional call” pattern instead.
People like the simplicity.
If you’re interested in finding out more about TCC, check https://www.atomikos.com/Blog/TransactionsForRestApiD
for all the details.
Legacy Microservice Patterns
Most people take “legacy” with a negative meaning. I don’t, to me legacy is what’s working in
production today.
That’s why this chapter is about “legacy patterns” – because you are likely using some of these
The goal here is not to outline every detail of each, but just to do a review of existing “well-known”
patterns for microservice transactions and how they differ from what I propose in this little book.
The problem
Let’s revisit the problem of sending messages reliably. How could you go about it when you don’t
have XA transactions available?
Example: Order Processing Microservice
Let’s take a simple microservice that processes orders with the following workflow:
We’ve discussed possible anomalies and problems in the section that introduced our “exactly-once
sender” pattern – so I will not repeat the whole discussion here. Let’s just introduce what is a
common pattern that people advocated before this book.
Some variations of this pattern are possible, for instance brokers like Kafka can extract log records
from the database instead of reading an outbox table.
This pattern works but only offers at-least-once sending [cc1] – making it less reliable than our
exactly-once sender pattern. This may seem like no big deal, but the consequences are huge for the
consumers: they now need to implement the “idempotent consumer” pattern, discussed next.
In addition, this pattern implies that your developers are now responsible for implementing and
maintaining and testing their own “message broker” infrastructure code. That may not be what you
want (nor what they want).
The problem
Let’s revisit the problem of receiving messages reliably. How could you go about it when you don’t
have XA transactions available?
Example: Delivery Service
Let’s look at a simple microservice that processes incoming “OrderCreated” messages as follows:
In the discussion of our “exactly-once receiver” pattern we have shown some possible anomalies
that can arise for this case. I will not repeat the details here, rather let me just present a common
pattern that people used before this book.
More refined variations are but the essence stays the same. Failures between 3 and 4 will trigger
redelivery of the message at a later time, so care is needed to avoid duplicate DB inserts / updates
at 3.
Idempotent processing is a way of tackling this problem. Idempotent means: the result of doing
something twice (or more) is no different from doing it once. So if we write our program such that
step 2 is idempotent, then we are good to go.
The problem with this is: writing idempotent software is harder than it looks. It is what Google’s
Adwords team means with “complexity” (see the intro of this book). You can find some more details
in this blog post⁵.
Somewhat surprisingly, implementations of this pattern tend to be slower than with XA – where
you avoid the need for idempotent processing in the first place.
The idempotent consumer is an essential pattern: many microservices depend on it. This book has
shown you a simpler solution. So if you read this book, you will be able to simplify many of your
The problem
Let’s revisit the problem of receiving messages reliably. If you assume that the consumer can lose
messages, then how can it still get them back afterwards?
Example: Your Bank Account
Did you forget the balance of your bank account? If you consult the statements then you will see the
chronological history of withdrawals and deposits. The end balance at any moment is simply what
you get when you replay the history of operations on the account. Each operation is an “event” and
the event store is this history – stored somewhere on stable storage.
Pattern: Saga
The problem
Let’s revisit the problem of the transactional call (or of TCC for that matter).
Calling 2 microservices
Let’s reconsider 3 microservices MS 1, MS 2 and MS 3:
1. MS 1 calls MS 2
2. MS 1 then calls MS 3
Suppose step 1 updates database of MS 2. Now what happens if step 2 fails and we can’t retry? This
can happen if step 2 encounters a fundamental business exception - where retrying simply won’t
What can we do? If we can’t go forward with step 2 then a nice alternative would be to “rollback”
step 1. But how can we do that?
• You have to code the undo logic in each service and this can be expensive and complex (or
even impossible) to get right – particularly in case of concurrent requests on the same data.
• Failed requests (both undo and regular ones) can leave the system in a state of doubt – generally
requiring idempotent consumers and retries. Each of these add some more complexity to the
• A service never knows if it will get a “Undo” request for a prior invocation, making it hard to
do correct reporting queries (among other things).
• As always, duplicate messages and/or message loss make it much more complex than needed.
After reading this book, you now know you can resort to the “transactional call” or TCC instead.
If you’re still interested in Sagas then you can get a feel of the complexity here⁶. I know I sometimes
exaggerate, but I feel like it almost takes a PhD to understand the high-level diagram.
Here we are! 5 simple patterns are what I wanted you to know: exactly-once sender, exactly-once
receiver, exactly-once messaging, transactional call and TCC. If you understand these then you will
have a good solution ready for every data consistency challenge in your microservices. No need to
bother with the complex and error-prone techniques that most people are advocating. Use these 5
simple patterns instead!
What’s Next?
Ready to put these patterns into practice? This book has a more elaborate companion course -
available online and intended to help you implement the patterns covered here. It also includes
some one-on-one time with me.
BONUS OFFER: As a reader of this book I can offer you a time-limited welcome offer of 80% off the
official course price. To claim this offer, please go here⁷.