Matakuliah Di ICE

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No Kode PT Nama PT Mata Kuliah Jenis pembelajaran Platform

1 002003 IPB Matematika dan Berpikir Logis Blended Learning Moodle
2 Biologi Umum Blended Learning Moodle
3 Pertanian Inovatif Blended Learning Moodle
Instrumen Pengambilan Keputusan Blended Learning
4 Moodle
5 Analisis Peluang Bisnis Blended Learning Moodle
6 Mikrobiologi Blended Learning Moodle
7 Ekologi Pangan dan Gizi Blended Learning Moodle
8 Keamanan dan Sanitasi Pangan Blended Learning Moodle
9 Omics Hasil Ternak Blended Learning Moodle
10 Syn-Ekologi Hutan Blended Learning Moodle
11 Ekologi Laut Tropis Blended Learning Moodle
12 001037 UNJ Belajar Berbasis Komputer Blended Learning Moodle
13 Media Pembelajaran Blended Learning Moodle
Designing E-learning (Desain Blended Learning
14 Moodle
Pembelajaran Daring)
Pemanfaatan Media dan Sumber Blended Learning
15 Moodle
16 Pendidikan Karakter Online Learning Moodle
Orientasi Baru dalam Pedagogi Blended Learning
17 Moodle
Bahasa & Sastra
18 Advanced Animation Blended Learning Moodle
19 Otonomi Daerah Blended Learning Moodle
20 Tekstil Blended Learning Moodle
21 Pengembangan Media Presentasi Blended Learning Moodle
22 Image Processing Blended Learning Moodle
23 Orientasi Baru dalam Pedagogi Blended Learning Moodle
Penanganan dan Pengolahan Hasil
24 001031 UT Moodle
Perikanan Online Learning
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa
25 Moodle
Indonesia Online Learning
26 Administrasi Pemerintah Daerah Online Learning Moodle
27 Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Online Learning Moodle
28 Interpretasi dan Penalaran Hukum Online Learning Moodle
29 Administrasi Pertanahan Online Learning Moodle
30 Akuisisi Arsip Online Learning Moodle
31 Manajemen Rekod Aktif Online Learning Moodle
32 Hukum Adat Online Learning Moodle
33 Penyuntingan Online Learning Moodle
34 Pemasaran Jasa Online Learning Moodle
35 Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Online Learning Moodle
36 Ekonomi Internasional Online Learning Moodle
37 Sistem Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah Online Learning Moodle
38 Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Online Learning Moodle
39 Auditing I Online Learning Moodle
40 Tataniaga Pertanian Online Learning Moodle
41 Dinamika Kelompok Online Learning Moodle
Hukum Pidana dan Hukum Acara
42 Moodle
Pidana Online Learning
43 Regulasi Pangan Online Learning Moodle
44 001001 UGM Transformasi Digital Blended Learning eLOK (Moodle)
45 Persamaan Diferensial Elementer Blended Learning eLOK (Moodle)
46 Ekowisata MOOCs eLOK (Moodle)
47 Hidrometeorologi MOOCs eLOK (Moodle)
48 Entrepreneurship & Success Skills MOOCs eLOK (Moodle)
49 Mikroteknik Hewan Blended Learning eLOK (Moodle)
50 Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi MOOCs eLOK (Moodle)
51 Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Blended Learning eLOK (Moodle)
52 Kewirausahaan Teknologi MOOCs eLOK (Moodle)
53 Kesehatan Mental Blended Learning eLOK (Moodle)
54 031034 UPH Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Blended Learning Moodle
55 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat dan Blended Learning Moodle
56 Psikologi Kepribadian 1 MOOCs Moodle
57 Komputer dan Media Pembelajaran MOOCs Moodle
58 Bahasa Indonesia MOOCs Moodle
59 Bisnis Teknologi dan Industri 4.0 MOOCs Moodle
Komputasi Awan (Cloud Computing ) MOOCs Moodle
61 Pengantar Sosiologi dan Antropologi MOOCs Moodle
62 Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi MOOCs Moodle
63 Pengantar Ilmu Politik MOOCs Moodle
64 031007 UAJ Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Full online OpenEDX
65 Properti Alat Ukur Psikologis Full online OpenEDX
Penyelesaian Sengketa di Luar Full online OpenEDX
67 Fisika Dasar 1 Dinamis Full online OpenEDX
68 Sistem Energi Terbarukan Full online OpenEDX
69 Mesin -Mesin Listrik Full online OpenEDX
Pengantar Akuntansi Blended Learning (sebagian OpenEDX
70 Bisnis/Akuntansi Bisnis 1 ada pembelajaran
71 HACCP Full online OpenEDX
Termodinamika Teknik / Engineering Blended Learning (sebagian OpenEDX
72 Thermodynamics ada pembelajaran
Teknologi DNA Blended Learning (sebagian OpenEDX
73 ada pembelajaran
Komunikasi Sains Blended Learning (sebagian OpenEDX
74 ada pembelajaran
75 '031067 Universitas Pradita Financial Technology MOOCs edX
76 Digital Marketing MOOCs edX
77 Pemrograman Dasar MOOCs edX
78 Arsitektur Berkelanjutan Blended Learning edX
Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Blended Learning edX
(Control Management Sistem)
80 Cybersecurity MOOCs edX
81 Digital Transformation MOOCs edX
82 Enterprise Architecture MOOCs edX
83 Design Thinking MOOCs edX
84 Agile Project Management MOOCs edX
85 001002 UI Tanggap Pandemi Covid 19 MOOCs OCW UI(
86 Praktik Ilmu Forensik MOOCs OCW UI (
Hematologi MOOCs OCW UI (
- Onkologi
88 Kapita Selekta (Kewiraus ahaan) MOOCs OCW UI (
89 Islamic Business MOOCs OCW UI (
90 Sistem Interaksi MOOCs OCW UI (
91 Teknik Perangkat Lunak MOOCs OCW UI (
Psikologi Pendidikan Anak MOOCs OCW UI (
Sistem Pemotonga n dan Pemunguta MOOCs OCW UI (
n Pajak
94 Matematika Keuangan MOOCs OCW UI (
95 Metode Riset Bisnis MOOCs OCW UI (
Rekayasa Bio Energi Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
96 '02002 ITS
Metode Statistik pada Riset Sosial Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Metode Matrik untuk Analisa Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Struktur Classroom)
Metode Komputasi Fluida Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Sistem Pengendalian Otomatis MOOC Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Teknik Keandalan Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
DCS dan SCADA MOOC Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Analisis Sinyal dan Sistem MOOC Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Pemodelan Sistem Dinamik Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
Sistem Pengukuran dan Kalibrasi Blended Learning Moodle 3.8 (myITS
106 '001027 UNS Language Testing and Assessment Blended Learning Moodle
107 English for Mathematics Blended Learning Moodle
108 Perpindahan Panas 1 Blended Learning Moodle
109 Struktur Beton Blended Learning Moodle
110 Pendidikan Agama Islam Blended Learning Moodle
111 Budaya Jawa Blended Learning Moodle
112 Kebudayaan Jawa Blended Learning Moodle
113 Manajemen Pangan Halal Blended Learning Moodle
114 Hukum Internasional Blended Learning Moodle
Manajemen Obyek dan Atraksi Blended Learning Moodle
116 Fisika Lingkungan Blended Learning Moodle
117 Elektrokimia dan Baterai Blended Learning Moodle
118 Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan SD Blended Learning Moodle
119 Manajemen Konstruksi Blended Learning Moodle
120 Orientasi dan Mobilitas Blended Learning Moodle
121 Pengelolaan Kelas Digital Blended Learning Moodle
122 Writing for Scholarly Publication Blended Learning Moodle
Blok Elektif Kesehatan Kerja Sektor Blended Learning Moodle
Informal (Kedokteran)
124 '031038 Binus Accounting for Business Blended Learning EdX Platform
125 Business Statistics Blended Learning EdX Platform
126 Enterprise Architecture Blended Learning EdX Platform
Engineering Economy and System Blended Learning EdX Platform
128 Compilation Technique Blended Learning EdX Platform
Min Max
Partner Program Program Length Short
Title Pacing Level Effort Effort Language What You'll Learn Prerequisites Subjects
Name Type Name (Weeks) Description
(hrs/wk) (hrs/wk)
Amazon Amazon Learn how to How NoSQL databases differ from Prior application computer-science
DynamoDB: Building Web build scalable relational databases and the development
NoSQL Database- Services applications using challenges they solveHow to experienceExperien
Driven Applications Amazon provision, manage and interact ce with the AWS
DynamoDB. with a DynamoDB tableHow to Management
secure your DynamoDB ConsoleRecommen
Non- Non- Intermediat databaseHow to use partition keys ded: AWS
self_paced 2 5 4 en-us
Program Program e and scaling options to ensure Developer
optimal performance Professional Series
(Building on AWS,
Deploying on AWS,
Optimizing on AWS)

Amazon Amazon Learn to integrate Key problems that Machine Prior application computer-science
SageMaker: Web Machine Learning Learning can address and development
Simplifying Machine Services into your apps ultimately help solveHow to train a experienceExperien
Learning Application with training from model using Amazon ce with the AWS
Development AWS experts-- SageMaker’s built-in algorithms ConsoleRecommen
Non- Non- Intermediat and without a and a Jupyter Notebook ded: AWS
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us data science instanceHow to publish a model Developer
Program Program e
background. using Amazon SageMakerHow to Professional Series
integrate the published (Building on AWS,
SageMaker endpoint with an Deploying on AWS,
application Optimizing on AWS)

AWS Cloud Amazon Jumpstart your Define the cloud and how it There are no computer-science,
Practitioner Web journey within the worksDifferentiate between cloud prerequisites for this business-
Essentials Services AWS Cloud! computing and deployment course. management
Whether you are modelsExplain the benefits of the
new to the cloud AWS CloudDescribe the basic
or familiar with global infrastructure of the
cloud cloudCompare the different
technologies this methods of interacting with
course will AWSDescribe and differentiate
introduce you to between AWS service
cloud concepts domainsIdentify an appropriate
and core AWS solution using AWS Cloud
services, security services with various use
Non- Non- Introductor and architecture casesDescribe the Well-
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program y to advance your Architected FrameworkExplain the
cloud knowledge Shared Responsibility model
and solve Describe security services with the
business AWS CloudUnderstand how an
challenges. AWS Cloud migration strategy can
help you meet your business
objectivesArticulate the financial
benefits of the AWS Cloud for an
organization’s cost
managementDefine the billing,
account management, and pricing
modelsUnderstand how to use
pricing tools to make cost-effective
choices for AWS
AWS Cloud Amazon Kick off your Terminology and concepts related There are no computer-science,
Technical Essentials Web cloud career by to the AWS platformHow to prerequisites for this business-
Services learning the navigate the AWS Management course. management
fundamentals of ConsoleKey concepts of AWS
AWS products, security measures and AWS
services, and Identity and Access Management
solutions and (IAM)Several AWS compute
basic concepts of services including Amazon EC2,
Non- Non- Introductor database, Amazon Lambda, Amazon ECS
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us storage, and Amazon EKSAWS storage
Program Program y
networking, and database offerings such as
security and Amazon RDS, Amazon Dynamo
cloud computing. DB and Amazon S3Further
insights into AWS' networking
capabiltiesThe monitoirng
capabilities of Amazon

AWS Developer: Amazon AWS experts How to create and manage an 1-3 years of computer-science
Building on AWS Web show how to AWS accountAWS fundamental software
Services leverage your concepts including Regions, development
developer skills to Availability Zones, and Virtual experience*You will
build and run Private Clouds (VPCs)How to need a credit card
applications in install and use the AWS to create an AWS
the AWS Cloud. SDKsHow to use AWS compute account.
AWS services, both via the AWS
XSeries Developer self_paced Advanced 3 4 6 en-us Console and
Series programmaticallyHow to use AWS
managed services such as
Amazon RDSHow to use Amazon
AI image and text-to-speech
applicationsHow to make your
applications more durable,
distributed, and highly available
AWS Developer: Amazon AWS experts How to use AWS developer tools 1-3 years of computer-science
Deploying on AWS Web show how to including AWS Elastic Beanstalk, software
Services leverage your AWS CloudFormation, AWS development
developer skills CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, experience.Completi
to deploy and AWS CodePipeline.How to on of the first class
applications in use AWS tools to monitor your in this program;
the AWS Cloud. development and production “AWS
AWS environments. How to monitor Developer: Building
XSeries Developer self_paced Advanced 3 4 6 en-us application performance using on AWS”
Series AWS tools including Amazon
CloudWatch and Amazon
ElasticsearchHow to automate the
AWS Developer: Amazon AWS experts How to use AWS Container 1-3 years of computer-science
Optimizing on AWS Web show how to ServicesHow to improve software
Services leverage your application performance through development
developer skills techniques such as cachingHow experience.Completi
to optimize to optimize your applications by on of the first class
applications in using serverless technologies and in this series;
the AWS Cloud. autoscaling.How to use content “AWS
AWS distribution to improve the end- Developer:
XSeries Developer self_paced Advanced 3 4 6 en-us user experienceHow to use the Building on
Series AWS Command Line Interface AWS”.Compl
(CLI)How to encrypt data at rest etion of  the
and in transit using the AWS Key second course in
Management Service this series, "AWS
Deploying on AWS",
is strongly

AWS IoT: Amazon Learn how to What the Internet of Things is and Prior application computer-science
Developing and Web build, deploy and how it worksHow to deploy IoT development
Deploying an Services analyze secure devices that are integrated with experienceExperien
Internet of Things IoT solutions in services such as AWS IoT ce with the AWS
the AWS cloud Core,  AWS IoT Device ConsoleRecommen
Management, and AWS IoT ded: AWS
Non- Non- Intermediat AnalyticsUse the AWS IoT APIs Developer
self_paced 2 5 4 en-us
Program Program e and SDKs.How to collect, process Professional Series
and analyze data from IoT devices (Building on AWS,
in the CloudHow to use Deploying on AWS,
AWS IoT Greengrass to process Optimizing on AWS)
and analyze data at the edge

AWS: Getting Amazon Let AWS How the AWS Shared None computer-science
Started with Cloud Web Solutions Responsibility Model is used to
Security Services Architects start differentiate between security of
you on your the cloud and security in the
journey to secure cloudHow to use network isolation
your cloud to protect cloud resourcesHow to
resources. audit and monitor applications
using services such as Amazon
Non- Non- Introductor CloudWatch, Amazon GuardDuty
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program y and AWS Security HubThe
difference between
encryption of data at rest
and data in transitHow to protect
compute resourcesHow to
manage secrets
Building Amazon Learn how to What containers areHow Prior application computer-science
Containerized Web utilize container containers differ from virtual development
Applications on AWS Services technologies and machines (VMs)How Docker experienceExperien
AWS services to containers can be used to build ce with the AWS
modernize your and deploy microservices-based Management
applications applicationsHow to simplify ConsoleRecommen
container management and ded: AWS
orchestration with Amazon Elastic Developer
Cloud Service (ECS) and Amazon Professional Series
Non- Non- Intermediat Elastic Kubernetes Service (Building on AWS,
self_paced 2 4 5 en-us (EKS)How AWS Fargate simplifies Deploying on AWS,
Program Program e
cluster managementHow AWS Optimizing on AWS)
AppMesh facilitates the
communication between
application componentsUse
Amazon CloudWatch Container
Insights to collect performance
metrics and log them to a
centralized location

Building Modern Amazon In this course, we How to build a modern, greenfield We expect that you computer-science,
Java Applications on Web will be covering serverless backend on AWSHow have basic data-analysis-
AWS Services how to build a to build an API driven application knowledge of AWS statistics
modern, using Amazon API Gateway for already. Some
greenfield serverless API hostingHow to examples of
serverless build an API driven application concepts you
backend on AWS. using AWS Lambda for serverless should be familiar
computeHow to build an API with are: you should
driven application using Amazon know the basics of
Cognito for serverless the AWS Global
authentication infrastructure, like
what regions and
availability zones
Non- Non- Introductor are. You also
self_paced 1 4 6 en-us
Program Program y should know the at
a high-level AWS
Identity and Access
Management, or
IAM, and how it is
used to control
access to AWS
resources. You
should also
understand what an
Amazon EC2
instance is, what
Amazon S3 is, what
a VPC is, as well as
Building Modern Amazon In this course, we How to build a modern, greenfieldWe expect that you computer-science,
Node.js Applications Web will be covering serverless backend on AWSHow have basic data-analysis-
on AWS Services how to build a to build an API driven application
knowledge of AWS statistics
modern, using Amazon API Gateway for already. Some
greenfield serverless API hostingHow to examples of
serverless build an API driven application concepts you
backend on AWS. using AWS Lambda for serverless should be familiar
computeHow to build an API with are: you should
driven application using Amazon know the basics of
Cognito for serverless the AWS Global
authentication infrastructure, like
what regions and
availability zones
Non- Non- Introductor are. You also
self_paced 1 4 6 en-us
Program Program y should know the at
a high-level AWS
Identity and Access
Management, or
IAM, and how it is
used to control
access to AWS
resources. You
should also
understand what an
Amazon EC2
instance is, what
Amazon S3 is, what
a VPC is, as well as
Building Modern Amazon In this course, we How to build a modern, greenfield We expect that you computer-science,
Python Applications Web will be covering serverless backend on AWSHow have basic data-analysis-
on AWS Services how to build a to build an API driven application knowledge of AWS statistics
modern, using Amazon API Gateway for already. Some
greenfield serverless API hostingHow to examples of
serverless build an API driven application concepts you
backend on AWS. using AWS Lambda for serverless should be familiar
computeHow to build an API with are: you should
driven application using Amazon know the basics of
Cognito for serverless the AWS Global
authentication infrastructure, like
what regions and
availability zones
Non- Non- Introductor are. You also
self_paced 1 4 6 en-us
Program Program y should know the at
a high-level AWS
Identity and Access
Management, or
IAM, and how it is
used to control
access to AWS
resources. You
should also
understand what an
Amazon EC2
instance is, what
Amazon S3 is, what
a VPC is, as well as
Getting Started with Amazon Learn how to go Understand what data analytics data-analysis-
Data Analytics on Web from raw data to means in the modern world and statistics,
AWS Services meaningful how to do data analytics in the computer-science
insights using cloudExplain different types of
AWS with this data analyses – descriptive,
one-week course. diagnostic, predictive,
prescriptiveUnderstand how to do
descriptive data analytics in the
Non- Non- Introductor cloud, with typical data
self_paced 1 3 2 en-us
Program Program y setsUnderstand at a very high
level different aspects of data
analytics – such as ingestion,
cleaning, processing, querying,
visualizationBuild simple
visualizations in AWS QuickSight
to do descriptive analytics (using
S3, Cloudtrail, Athena)

Introduction to AWS Amazon This course will Understand the need for AWS We expect that you computer-science,
Identity and Access Web focus on one of IAMCreate AWS IAM users, have basic data-analysis-
Management Services the key security groups, roles, and policiesIdentify knowledge of AWS statistics
services, AWS best practices for using AWS already. Some
Identity and IAMTroubleshoot access examples of
Access permission issues concepts you
Management should be familiar
(IAM). It is meant with are: you should
to provide know the basics of
learners with an the AWS Global
introduction to infrastructure, like
and some deeper what regions and
level content on availability zones
Non- Non- Introductor AWS IAM are. You also
self_paced 1 4 4 en-us
Program Program y should know the at
a high-level AWS
Identity and Access
Management, or
IAM, and how it is
used to control
access to AWS
resources. You
should also
understand what an
Amazon EC2
instance is, what
Amazon S3 is, what
a VPC is, as well as
Introduction to Amazon In this class, we Where to start with a Data 1-3 years of data-analysis-
Designing Data Web will help you Lake?How to build a secure and software statistics,
Lakes on AWS Services understand how scalable Data Lake?What are the development computer-science
Non- Non- Intermediat to create and common components of a Data experience *You will
self_paced 1 4 5 en-us operate a data Lake?Why do you need a Data need a credit card
Program Program e
lake in a secure Lake and what it's value? to create an AWS
and scalable way, account.
without previous
knowledge of
Migrating to the Amazon Learn how to Conduct portfolio discovery and computer-science
AWS Cloud Web migrate your on- analyze the infrastructure and
Services premises workloads of an on-premises
applications and environment Describe strategies
Non- Non- Intermediat workloads to the for planning and migrating
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program e AWS Cloud workloads to the AWS
CloudDiscuss AWS services
commonly used for cloud migration

Advancing Equity Catalyst Understand and The definition of gender None communication,
and Inclusion harness the partnership.Why gender business-
Through Gender power of gender partnership matters.What effective management,
Partnership partnership to gender partnership looks like and social-sciences
foster greater how it connects with Catalyst’s
inclusion both Model of Inclusive
Non- Non- Introductor inside and Leadership.How to hold yourself
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us outside your and others accountable for
Program Program y
workplace. achieving effective gender
partnership.Bonus! Free Gender
Partnership “Workplace
Facilitation Guide” provided to all
employees from Catalyst
Supporter companies.
Becoming a Catalyst Become a What successful 21st-century None communication,
Successful Leader successful leader leaders doHow to develop and business-
(Inclusive by learning 21st- refine the key inclusive leadership management
Leadership Training) century skills of Empowerment,
leadership skills Accountability, Courage, and
Inclusive and applying Humility—known as the “EACH”
Leadership concepts to the framework.How to apply your new
al Introductor
Inclusive self_paced 1 2 4 en-us real world. skills to case studies and in real-
Certificate y
Leadership life situationsWhy creating your
Training own Personal Leadership Plan is
integral to success and weekly
guidance around developing yours

Communication Catalyst Develop practical Communication skills to help you None communication,
Skills for Bridging communication engage in dialogue instead of business-
Divides skills to mend debateHow small but powerful management,
Race, divides and build acts of kindness (micro- social-sciences
Profession Gender a more tolerant affirmations) can lead to positive
al and self_paced 1 2 1 en-us and inclusive behavior changesHow to be a
Certificate Workplace world. meaningful allyStrategies to bridge
Equity divides, build inclusion, and create
places where everyone feels
Communication Catalyst Develop practical Communication skills to help you None communication,
Skills for Dialoguing communication engage in dialogue instead of business-
Across Difference skills to mend debateHow small but powerful management,
Race, divides and build acts of kindness (micro- social-sciences
Profession Gender a more tolerant affirmations) can lead to positive
al and self_paced 1 2 1 en-us and inclusive behavior changesHow to be a
Certificate Workplace world. meaningful allyStrategies to bridge
Equity divides, build inclusion, and create
places where everyone feels
Cómo Convertirse Catalyst Convertirse en un Qué hacen los lideres exitosos del Ninguno business-
en un Líder Exitoso líder exitoso al siglo 21Cómo desarrollar y management
(Entrenamiento de aprender mejorar las habilidades claves de
Liderazgo Inclusivo) habilidades de Empoderamiento,
liderazgo del siglo Responsabilidad, Valor, e
21 y aplicar Humildad—conocido como el
Non- Non- Introductor conceptos en el marco “EACH”Cómo aplicar sus
self_paced 1 2 4 es-mx mundo actual. nuevas habilidades a los estudios
Program Program y
de caso prácticos y en situaciones
de la vida actualPor qué crear su
propio Plan Personal de Liderazgo
es integral al éxito y guía semanal
para ayudarle con el suyo

Facing Racism and Catalyst As part of our Begin reflecting on aspects of your None communication,
Emotional Tax in the CatalystX series identity, including your racial and business-
Workplace on Race, Gender ethnic identity, and the lived management,
and Workplace experiences you bring to social-sciences
Equity, this work.Explore what anti-racism and
course is intersectionality mean and how
Race, designed to help they play a role in workplaces and
Profession Gender you understand society.Understand what
al and self_paced 1 2 1 en-us the impact of Emotional Tax is, and its impact
Certificate Workplace racism and some on marginalized racial and ethnic
Equity strategies to groups.Identify actions you can
address it. This take to address racial inequities in
introductory your workplace and community.
course will help
you advance your
individual learning
by focusing on
Get Beyond Work- Catalyst Develop skills to How to support flexible work None business-
Life Balance go beyond environments and better work-life management
(Inclusive Inclusive balance and integration.Inclusive leadership
Leadership Training) Leadership better manage behaviors that make you a more
Profession Introductor
Training self_paced 1 2 4 en-us work-life priorities successful leader.How to identify
al y
Inclusive as individuals and barriers to work-life effectiveness
Leadership leaders. and create solutions.
Leading With Catalyst Develop Approaches, frameworks, and None communication,
Effective communication tools for communicating business-
Communication skills that bring effectively.How inclusive management
(Inclusive out the best in leadership and effective
Leadership Training) you — and in communication are
others. intertwined.How to work through
Inclusive everyday communication
XSeries roadblocks.Strategies to create
Profession Introductor space for transparent and
Training self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
al y authentic communication, where
Certificate people across differences feel
safe to speak up and share
ideas.Discover your own
communication strengths to build
effective relationships in your
professional or personal lives.

Unconscious Bias: Catalyst Learn in-demand Build awareness to understand None communication,
From Awareness to leadership skills what unconscious bias is and why business-
Action necessary to it matters.Understand the impact management,
manage of unconscious bias at work and social-sciences
unconscious bias the impact it has on your decision
in your workplace. making.Develop skills to help you
Race, recognize and take action to
Profession Gender manage bias.Create a goal-setting
al and self_paced 1 2 3 en-us plan to work toward becoming an
Certificate Workplace inclusive leader by managing your
Equity unconscious bias.Bonus! Free
unconscious bias “Workplace
Facilitation Guide” provided to all
employees from Catalyst
Supporter companies.

Unconscious Bias: Catalyst Learn in-demand Build awareness to understand None communication,
From Awareness to leadership skills what unconscious bias is and why business-
Action necessary to it matters.Understand the impact management,
manage of unconscious bias at work and social-sciences
unconscious bias the impact it has on your decision
in your workplace. making.Develop skills to help you
Race, recognize and take action to
Profession Gender manage bias.Create a goal-setting
al and self_paced 1 2 3 en-us plan to work toward becoming an
Certificate Workplace inclusive leader by managing your
Equity unconscious bias.Bonus! Free
unconscious bias “Workplace
Facilitation Guide” provided to all
employees from Catalyst
Supporter companies.
Understanding Catalyst Understand what Understand what gender equity None communication,
Gender Equity gender equity is, and gender equality are, the business-
Race, the difference differences between them, and management,
Profession Gender between gender why it matters.Recognize gender social-sciences
Introductor equity and gender inequity in the workplace.Acquire
al and self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
y equality, why it examples of gender equity
Certificate Workplace
Equity matters, and how practices.Identify actions you can
to recognize and take to address gender equity in
address gender your workplace.
Crisis Resource Columbia inequity
Learn thein skills
the The history of crisis resource health-safety,
Management University critical for management in the context of the medicine
effective aviation industryFactors that affect
teamwork in a the performance of complex tasks
crisis situation (Individual, Team,
with focus on Environment)The principles of
Non- Non- Introductor preparation, crisis resource management in the
self_paced 3 6 12 en-us decision-making, health care
Program Program y
and reflection environmentIdentification of crisis
across resource management principles
multidisciplinary during simulation of health care
teams. crisesThe controversies and
evidence related to crisis resource
Enabling Columbia Discover the Networks, protocols and basic High school computer-science,
Technologies for University relationship software for the Internet of Things mathSome business-
Data Science and between Big Data (IoT)How automated decision and exposure to management,
Analytics: The and the Internet control can be done with IoT computer data-analysis-
Internet of Things of Things (IoT). technologiesDiscuss devices programming statistics
including sensors, low power
processors, hubs/gateways and
cloud computing platformsLearn
about the relationship between
Data data science and natural language
Science and audio-visual content
and processingStudy research projects
XSeries drawn from scientific journals,
Profession Introductor online media, and novelsReview
in Context self_paced 7 10 5 en-us
al y fundamental techniques for visual
Certificate feature extraction, content
for classification and high-
Executives dimensional indexingTechniques
that can be applied to solve
problems in web-scale image
search engines, face recognition,
copy detection, mobile product
search, and security
surveillanceExamine data
collection, processing and analysis
Enabling Columbia Discover the Networks, protocols and basic High school computer-science,
Technologies for University relationship software for the Internet of Things mathSome business-
Data Science and between Big Data (IoT)How automated decision and exposure to management,
Analytics: The and the Internet control can be done with IoT computer data-analysis-
Internet of Things of Things (IoT). technologiesDiscuss devices programming statistics
including sensors, low power
processors, hubs/gateways and
cloud computing platformsLearn
about the relationship between
Data data science and natural language
Science and audio-visual content
for processingStudy research projects
Profession drawn from scientific journals,
al Introductor online media, and novelsReview
Data self_paced 7 10 5 en-us
Certificate y fundamental techniques for visual
XSeries feature extraction, content
Analytics classification and high-
in Context dimensional indexingTechniques
that can be applied to solve
problems in web-scale image
search engines, face recognition,
copy detection, mobile product
search, and security
surveillanceExamine data
collection, processing and analysis

Fighting for Equality: Columbia This course How the middle-class, suburban Recommended for history, humanities
1950–2018 University begins with an housewife was considered a those with an
examination of buffer against the ideological undergraduate level
how the Cold threats of communismHow interest in history,
War reinforced women's participation in activism labor, and gender.
the ideals of the and wage work led up to the
suburban, events of the 1960sHow gender-
nuclear family based discrimination in activism
and how these prompted women to begin voicing
ideals impacted their discontent with the
women's perception of women’s
trajectory towards “natural” rolesHow
Women independence different groups of feminists
Have Intermediat and equality, and challenged old systems of thought
XSeries self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
Always e ends with the rise and questioned gendered
Worked of the Me Too definitions and interpretations of
movement and a democracy, equality, and
look at how the freedomHow working women
2018 midterm encountered different experiences
election ushered based on class, race, and
in a new era of citizenship status as they faced
women in politics. the challenges of meeting the
demands of an increasingly
consumerist societyHow and why
women's labor force participation
rate declined in the 21st century,
including the impact of
globalizationHow women's
Fighting HIV with Columbia Focused on Key recommendations for HIV Degree in clinical medicine, health-
Antiretroviral University antiretroviral testing services, treatment and medicine, nursing, safety, education-
Therapy: therapy for preventionHow to conduct initial pharmacy, or lab teacher-training
Implementing the treating and evaluation and follow-up for Basic training and
Treat-All Approach preventing HIV, PLHIVThe standard package of clinical experience
Non- Non- Intermediat this is the first care for PLHIVAdherence in HIV prevention,
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us MOOC to train preparation, monitoring and care, and treatment
Program Program e
healthcare supportAntiretroviral therapies for
providers in the various agesCo-infection
latest usage prevention and managementARV
guidelines. usage for post-exposure
Free Cash Flow Columbia Learn how to use How to value a firm using the Students must be business-
Analysis University the free cash flow Enterprise Discounted Cash Flow familiar with basic management,
method for firm MethodProject a firm's cash concepts of economics-finance
valuation and flowsCalculate residual valueHow Accounting; basic
Profession how to compute to value a firm using multiples skills in Microsoft
Corporate Introductor and project free Excel (or
al self_paced 3 4 5 en-us
Finance y cash flows. equivalent);
Students should
have completed
Introduction to
Corporate Finance.
Free Cash Flow Columbia Learn how to use How to value a firm using the Students must be business-
Analysis University the free cash flow Enterprise Discounted Cash Flow familiar with basic management,
method for firm MethodProject a firm's cash concepts of economics-finance
valuation and flowsCalculate residual valueHow Accounting; basic
Profession how to compute to value a firm using multiples skills in Microsoft
Corporate Introductor and project free Excel (or
al self_paced 3 4 5 en-us
Finance y cash flows. equivalent);
Students should
have completed
Introduction to
Corporate Finance.
Inclusive Teaching: Columbia Explore the Identify instructor assumptions education-teacher-
Supporting All University principles of about students and how these training
Students in the inclusive teaching assumptions impact teaching
College Classroom and learn how to practicesDevelop an awareness of
apply them in critical self-reflection and its value
your classroom to in teaching diverse learnersDefine
Non- Non- Introductor support diverse the key components that impact
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us learners. inclusive classroomsApply
Program Program y
inclusive teaching strategies in
individual teaching
contextsIdentify resources needed
to continually improve inclusive
teaching practice
Indian & Tibetan Columbia Explore an Module 1 The main elements of None humanities, history
River of Buddhism University overview of the the Buddha's biographThe Four
history and Noble Truths and the Three Super
philosophy of EducationsModule 2 The
Buddhism branches of the Eightfold Path
throughout India, & how they relate to the
South and Three Super EducationsThe five
Southeast Asia, principles of enlightenment social
Tibet, and Central policy and political activismModule
Asia, featuring 3 The Universal Vehicle and the
the basics of the Individual Vehicle principles and
Buddhist view of institutionsThe concept of non-
reality and its duality and its core logic of
Non- Non- Intermediat educational emptiness as absolute
self_paced 2 4 12 en-us
Program Program e principles of relativityModule 4 The
sciences, mind periodization and principal aspects
and social ethics. of the three styles of Indian
BuddhismThe process of the
Three Super Educations by
outlining the reasoning underlying
emptiness, relativity, and
interconnectedness of all
beingsThe central features of the
esoteric or apocalyptic
vehicleModule 5
Thetransformation of Tibet from
imperialist conquest culture to
relatively nonviolent mass
Indigenous Peoples' Columbia Examine how Learners in the course will be able social-sciences
Rights University Indigenous to:discuss how Indigenous
Peoples have Peoples, through their global
been contesting movement, have been contesting
norms, and reshaping international norms
institutions and and institutions.understand how
global debates in Indigenous Peoples have been
the past 50 years, working with the UN system,
and how they States and others to advance their
have been re- rights on the ground.explain the
shaping and three pillars of the United Nations
gradually Declaration on the Rights of
decolonizing Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us these systems at analyze how Indigenous Peoples
Program Program y
international and have impacted and contributed to
national levels. some of the most important
contemporary global debates,
including human rights,
development, and climate
change—specifically through the
concepts of self-determination,
group rights, land rights,
environmental rights, inter-
culturality and cultural rights.
Introduction to Columbia Learn key How to value any assetDecide Students must be business-
Corporate Finance University financial concepts which projects to take out of the familiar with basic management,
for evaluating and many a corporation might be concepts of economics-finance
valuing consideringCompute the return on Accounting and
Profession investment any projectCompute the value that possess basic skills
Corporate Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us opportunities, a project addsValue a bond and in Microsoft Excel
Finance y
Certificate including how to compute its yieldValue a stock (or equivalent.)
value stocks and using a simple model (i.e.,
bonds. determine the fair price of a stock)

Introduction to Columbia Learn key How to value any assetDecide Students must be business-
Corporate Finance University financial concepts which projects to take out of the familiar with basic management,
for evaluating and many a corporation might be concepts of economics-finance
valuing consideringCompute the return on Accounting and
Profession investment any projectCompute the value that possess basic skills
Corporate Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us opportunities, a project addsValue a bond and in Microsoft Excel
Finance y
Certificate including how to compute its yieldValue a stock (or equivalent.)
value stocks and using a simple model (i.e.,
bonds. determine the fair price of a stock)

Learning Success Columbia Learn successful Foundational academic and study education-teacher-
University strategies that will skills for achieving academic training
help you achieve success in collegeStrategies for
your academic more effective reading, writing,
Non- Non- Introductor goals, allowing test preparation, and time
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us you to make the managementProven tips for
Program Program y
most of your students taking STEM and other
college education. technical coursesMetacognition
and academic mindset

Machine Learning Columbia Learn the What machine learning is and how High school computer-science,
for Data Science University principles of it is related to statistics and data mathSome business-
and Analytics machine learning analysisHow machine learning exposure to management,
and the uses computer algorithms to computer data-analysis-
importance of search for patterns in dataHow to programming statistics
algorithms. use data patterns to make
decisions and predictions with real-
Data world examples from healthcare
Science involving genomics and preterm
for birthHow to uncover hidden
Executives themes in large collections of
al Introductor
Data self_paced 7 10 5 en-us documents using topic
Certificate y
Science modelingHow to prepare data,
and deal with missing data and create
Analytics custom data analysis solutions for
in Context different industriesBasic and
frequently used algorithmic
techniques including sorting,
searching, greedy algorithms and
dynamic programming
Machine Learning Columbia Learn the What machine learning is and how High school computer-science,
for Data Science University principles of it is related to statistics and data mathSome business-
and Analytics machine learning analysisHow machine learning exposure to management,
and the uses computer algorithms to computer data-analysis-
importance of search for patterns in dataHow to programming statistics
algorithms. use data patterns to make
decisions and predictions with real-
Data world examples from healthcare
Science involving genomics and preterm
for birthHow to uncover hidden
Executives themes in large collections of
al Introductor
Data self_paced 7 10 5 en-us documents using topic
Certificate y
Science modelingHow to prepare data,
and deal with missing data and create
Analytics custom data analysis solutions for
in Context different industriesBasic and
frequently used algorithmic
techniques including sorting,
searching, greedy algorithms and
dynamic programming

Negotiating a Columbia Beginning with How the the passage of the 19th history, humanities
Changing World: University the passing of the Amendment to the Constitution,
1920-1950 19th Amendment which formally established
and on through women’s right to vote,
World War II, impacted women's political
explore the new participation and created
cultural and competing understandings of
economic equality in the 1920sHow the
opportunities that emergence of two different groups
emerged for of feminists (equality feminists and
women in this social feminists) came aboutHow
period while the laws of coverture, domesticity,
Women gaining an and citizenship continued to
Have Intermediat understanding of constrain women's independence
XSeries self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
Always e how racial, in the early 20th CenturyHow
Worked familial, and legal protective labor legislation sealed
structures placed women's positions in a segmented
constraints on labor forceHow Depression-era
that unemployment impacted
independence.&n masculine identities, family life,
bsp;Learn how and marriageHow women played
women's a critical role in strikes to improve
contributions to working conditionsHow attitudes
the war effort about married women and women
provided both with children in the workforce
new opportunities changed from the Great
and new barriers. Depression to World War IIHow
women experienced discrimination
Pediatric HIV Columbia Learn pediatric Early infant diagnosisPediatric HIV Diploma or bachelor medicine, health-
Nursing University HIV nursing care case identificationCare and degree in nursing or safety
and treatment treatment of children infected with midwifery
according to up- HIVCare of adolescents infected
Non- Non- Intermediat to-date World with HIVPediatric tuberculosis and
self_paced 2 3 8 en-us
Program Program e Health opportunistic
Organization infectionsPsychosocial support
clinical guidelines. and careAdherence and
Protecting Children Columbia Strengthen your How humanitarian crises can social-sciences,
in Humanitarian University approach to affect children’s wellbeing health-safety
Settings protecting and and developmentWhat risk and
promoting the resilience mean in the context of
wellbeing of child development and child
children in protection and what factors
humanitarian influence these at the individual,
settings using the family, community and societal
Non- Non- Intermediat latest evidence levelsThe importance of taking
self_paced 3 5 12 en-us
Program Program e on childhood issues of context, agency,
adversity and relationships and prevention into
drawing on account when designing
experiences from interventionsHow to think critically
child protection about different approaches to child
practitioners. protection in humanitarian crises
and identify improvements for

Risk & Return Columbia Learn how to How to measure riskEstimate the Students must be business-
University measure the risk expected return of an asset based familiar with basic management,
and return of on its riskAdjust the risk of the concepts of economics-finance
equity and debt; equity and debt of a firm when the Accounting; basic
and compute the firm changes its capital skills in Microsoft
weighted average structureCalculate the weighted Excel (or
Profession of cost of capital. average cost of capital (essential equivalent);
Corporate Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us input to value of firm) Students should
Finance y
Certificate have completed
Introduction to
Corporate Finance
and The Free Cash
Flow Method for
Firm Valuation.
Risk & Return Columbia Learn how to How to measure riskEstimate the Students must be business-
University measure the risk expected return of an asset based familiar with basic management,
and return of on its riskAdjust the risk of the concepts of economics-finance
equity and debt; equity and debt of a firm when the Accounting; basic
and compute the firm changes its capital skills in Microsoft
weighted average structureCalculate the weighted Excel (or
Profession of cost of capital. average cost of capital (essential equivalent);
Corporate Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us input to value of firm) Students should
Finance y
Certificate have completed
Introduction to
Corporate Finance
and The Free Cash
Flow Method for
Firm Valuation.
Seeking Women’s Columbia Learn about the How we account for the rise of the Recommended for history, humanities
Rights: Colonial University emergence of women's history as an academic those with an
Period to the Civil women's history fieldHow the relationship between undergraduate level
War and its impact on race, class, and gender has interest in history,
the study of impacted the kinds of work that labor, and gender.
history as a different women doWhat
whole. Then, institutions and practices
examine the governed gender dynamics in
experiences of Colonial AmericaThe ways in
women in which women shaped and
Colonial America. participated in the American
We will learn the Revolution, and what the
Women ways that women American Revolution meant for
Have Intermediat struggled to American womenHow the
XSeries self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
Always e loosen the ideologies of separate spheres
Worked constraints of and domesticity originatedHow
family by women began their involvement in
proclaiming that political activity and moral reform
they, like men, campaigns and how the rise of an
possessed independent movement for
individual rights. women's rights in the United
States came aboutHow the shift to
women's work as paid work
influenced family life, power
relationships within the family, and
the ability for women to organize
Statistical Thinking Columbia Learn how Data collection, analysis and High School Math. computer-science,
for Data Science University statistics plays a inferenceData classification to Some exposure to business-
and Analytics Data central role in the identify key traits and computer management,
Science data science customersConditional Probability- programming. data-analysis-
and approach. How to judge the probability of an statistics
XSeries event, based on certain
Profession Introductor conditionsHow to use Bayesian
in Context self_paced 7 10 5 en-us
al y modeling and inference for
Certificate forecasting and studying public
for opinionBasics of Linear
Executives RegressionData Visualization:
How to create use data to create
compelling graphics
Statistical Thinking Columbia Learn how Data collection, analysis and High School Math. computer-science,
for Data Science University statistics plays a inferenceData classification to Some exposure to business-
and Analytics Data central role in the identify key traits and computer management,
Science data science customersConditional Probability- programming. data-analysis-
for approach. How to judge the probability of an statistics
Profession event, based on certain
al Introductor conditionsHow to use Bayesian
Data self_paced 7 10 5 en-us
Certificate y modeling and inference for
XSeries forecasting and studying public
Analytics opinionBasics of Linear
in Context RegressionData Visualization:
How to create use data to create
compelling graphics
The Civil War and Columbia Discover how the An overview of the political and None history, humanities
Reconstruction - University issue of slavery social history of the 1850sHow
1850-1861: A House came to dominate generations of historians have
Divided American politics, explained the crisis of the
and how political UnionSlavery’s central role in the
leaders struggled southern and national
and failed to economiesHow the issue of the
resolve the expansion of slavery came to
growing crisis in dominate national politicsReasons
the nation. for Lincoln’s rise to national
prominenceHow political leaders
The Civil
struggled, unsuccessfully, to
War and Introductor
XSeries self_paced 6 8 15 en-us resolve the growing crisis in the
Reconstruc y
nation. Key events in history, such
as: Bleeding KansasThe Dred
Scott decisionThe Lincoln-
Douglas debatesJohn Brown’s
raid on Harpers FerryDissolution
of the Union in the winter of 1860-
61Interrogation of primary sources
using material from Columbia's
Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

The Civil War and Columbia Learn about the Individual engagements and the None history, humanities
Reconstruction - University political, social, overall nature of the military
1861 - 1865: A New and economic conflictPolitical, social, and
Birth of Freedom changes in the economic change in the Union
Union and the and the ConfederacyThe road to
The Civil Confederacy and emancipationThe role of black
War and Introductor the Civil War’s soldiers in the Civil WarThe nature
XSeries self_paced 6 8 12 en-us long-term of Abraham Lincoln’s wartime
Reconstruc y
tion economic and leadershipInternal dissent in both
intellectual impact. the North and SouthThe changing
position of women in both
societiesThe war’s long-term
economic and intellectual impact
The Civil War and Columbia Learn about the The dramatic change in historians’ None humanities, history
Reconstruction – University political, social, interpretations of the period in the
1865-1890: The and economic last two generationsHow
Unfinished changes in the Reconstruction turned on issues
Revolution Union and the of continued relevance today,
Confederacy and such as: Who is an American
the Civil War’s citizen and what are citizens’
long-term rights?What is the relationship
economic and between political and economic
intellectual impact. freedom?Which has the primary
responsibility for protecting
Americans’ rights – the federal or
The Civil state governments?How should
War and Intermediat public authorities respond to
XSeries self_paced 6 8 15 en-us
Reconstruc e episodes of terrorism?Rewriting of
tion the laws and Constitution to
incorporate the principle of
equality regardless of raceThe
accomplishments and failings of
Reconstruction governments in
the SouthThe reasons for violent
opposition in the South and for the
northern retreat from
ReconstructionThe consolidation
at the end of the nineteenth
century of a new system of white
University Studies Columbia This course helps Foundational academic and study education-teacher-
for Student Veterans University veterans skills for achieving academic training
Veteran transition success in collegeStrategies for
Transition: smoothly from more effective reading, writing,
Academic military service to test preparation, and time
XSeries Excellence self_paced 3 4 6 en-us college, and managementProven tips for
and helps them students taking STEM and other
Career maximize their technical coursesMetacognition
Readiness success once and academic mindset
they arrive.
Wage Work for Columbia Departing from How ideas of independent Recommended for history, humanities
Women Citizens: University the Civil War womanhood emerged in the age those with an
1870-1920 years, examine of industrializationHow the 13th, undergraduate level
how gender 14th, and 15th Amendments to the interest in history,
shaped women's Constitution impacted women's labor, and gender.
work outside the political organizing and
home in the late participationHow women worked
19th century. to gain legal independenceHow
Explore efforts to women endeavored to improve
affirm domesticity the lives of industrial workersThe
while providing ways in which women's
Women women with labor organizing efforts impacted
Have Intermediat paths to trade unions, protective labor
XSeries self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
Always e independence, legislation, and regulation of
Worked and uncover how capitalHow married and unmarried
the 13th, 14th, women conceptualized their public
and 15th roles as women, mothers,
Amendments daughters, and political actors in
impacted the early 20th CenturyWhat the
women’s generational and racial tensions
political were around strategies and
participation. arguments for women's
suffrageHow feminism arose as a
word, concept and movement

Developing Dartmouth An introduction Module 1 Strategy is Innovation: None business-

Breakthrough College to strategy Understand the Three Box management
Innovations with the and innovation framework and see examples of it
Three Box Solution expert Vijay in actionModule 2 Strategic Intent:
Govindarajan's Understand how to set long-term
Three Box strategic direction that can provide
Leading framework that context for employees to
Profession Innovation has the potential brainstorm and identify Box 3
Introductor to transform any breakthrough ideasModule 3 Core
al with Vijay self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
y organization that Competencies: Understand what
Certificate Govindaraj
an embraces it. core competencies are and how
they can be leveraged in Box 3
innovation ideasModule 4 Box 3
Ideation: Explore Reverse
Innovation through a series of
Executing Dartmouth Learn how to Module 1 Overcome the Completing Three business-
Breakthrough College execute the Forgetting Challenge: Building a Box Solution: management
Innovations with the Three Box Dedicated Team for the Box 3 Devoping
Three Box Solution framework to help innovation initiativeModule 2 Breakthrough
transform your Overcome the Borrow Challenge: Innovations, the first
Leading organization and Creating a healthy partnership course in this
Profession Innovation prepare for the between the Dedicated Team and series, is
al with Vijay self_paced 3 5 3 en-us future. the Core Business and managing recommended.
Certificate Govindaraj the resulting conflictsModule 3
an Overcome the Learn Challenge: course/developing-
How to amplify weak signals and breakthrough-
test critical assumptions that are innovations
inherent in Box 3 experiments

Omnichannel Dartmouth Understand the How to understand the needs of Basic business-
Strategy and College needs of omnichannel customersHow to undergraduate management
Management Retail and omnichannel fulfill omnichannel demandHow mathematics
Profession Omnichann customers and leading retailers are navigating
Intermediat how to make the their omnichannel journeysHow to
al el self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
e transition from a support an omnichannel strategy
Certificate Manageme
nt traditional retailer
to omnichannel
from TuckX and
Retail Fundamentals Dartmouth the Tuck
Learn keySchool How to generate and evaluate Basic business-
College components of Sales ForecastsHow to plan and undergraduate management
Retail and the retail optimize your Inventory mathematics
Profession Omnichann business, ManagementHow to think and
Intermediat including decide on Product
al el self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
e forecasting, AssortmentHow to find the best
Certificate Manageme
nt inventory prices for your products
The Engineering of Dartmouth assortment
Explore how How and why the world's High school engineering
Structures Around College engineers design structures (including structures in algebraHigh school
Us bridges and the natural and biological world) geometry
buildings in our were designed and constructed
communities and the way they wereTo conceptually
iconic structures design and build prototypes of
around the world. structuresThat engineering goes
Non- Non- Introductor beyond math and science and
self_paced 3 6 5 en-us
Program Program y involves much creativity and
innovationTo identify and compare
structural elements, forms, and
systemsTo describe the loads
expected on a structure and the
resulting flow of forces through the
Analyzing and Davidson Step up your Identify and work with business- data-analysis-
Visualizing Data with College analytics game oriented data sets Import and statistics
Power BI Fundament and learn one of prepare data for loading into a
Profession als of Data the most in- data modelIdentify different types
al Visualizatio self_paced 10 20 4 en-us demand job skills of data visualizations and their
Certificate n with in the United purposeCreate and share fully
Power BI States. functional Power BI reports and
Analyzing and Davidson Step up your Identify and work with business- data-analysis-
Visualizing Data with College analytics game oriented data sets Import and statistics
Power BI Fundament and learn one of prepare data for loading into a
Profession als of Data the most in- data modelIdentify different types
al Visualizatio self_paced 10 20 4 en-us demand job skills of data visualizations and their
Certificate n with in the United purposeCreate and share fully
Power BI States. functional Power BI reports and
Drug Discovery & Davidson Learn how After completing this course, Students planning medicine,
Medicinal Chemistry College scientists in drug students will be able to...contrast
to complete the chemistry, biology-
development the different steps of the drug course should have life-sciences
modify and test discovery process,summarize the the prerequisites
molecules to relationship between patents and listed below.high
improve potency generic drugs,interpret dose- school algebra -
and reduce response curves from the action logarithmic and
toxicity. Discover of drugs on proteins,calculate exponential
the criteria that drug-target binding energies fromfunctionshigh
regulatory potency measures,describe school biology -
agencies use to factors that affect the flow of ageneral anatomy
approve drug through the body,predict and basic cell
molecules that structural changes in a molecule structurehigh school
Non- Non- Intermediat are shown to be to influence half-life,priorize general chemistry -
self_paced 5 7 5 en-us
Program Program e both safe and weakly active molecules as equilibrium and
effective as potential drug intermolecular
pharmaceuticals candidates,implement forcesintroductory
for the treatment modifications to improve the organic chemistry -
and prevention of properties of drug-like molecules,
functional group
diseases. andassess literature reports of recognition and line-
drug development programs. angle
who do not have
these prerequisites
will understand
much of the course
content but may
have difficulty
Essentials of Data Davidson Learn how to The six steps of the data lifecycle data-analysis-
Literacy College read, work with, and how to apply them in RHow to statistics
Fundament and analyze data. analyze, manage, and
Profession als of Data Future-proof your communicate dataHow to be a
al Visualizatio self_paced 5 10 4 en-us career. critical consumer and producer of
Certificate n with data visualizationsHow to market
Power BI your data skills to employers
AP® Calculus BC Davidson Learn AP® Mastery of concepts from the AP® Foundational/prereq math
Next Calculus BC Calculus BC curriculumBuild uisite knowledge in
topics from highly confidence in the material as you Calculus AB and/or
respected AP learn concepts from experienced BC before
Non- Non- Introductor Calculus AP® Calculus teachersBuild attempting these
self_paced 2 4 11 en-us instructors to graphical intuition through units.
Program Program y
prepare for the interactive graphingPractice for
AP® Calculus BC your exam with graded exam-style
exam. questions (with explanations)

AP® Calculus: Davidson Master the most Mastery of challenging concepts Foundational/prereq math
Challenging Next difficult topics in from the AP® Calculus AB & uisite knowledge in
Concepts from your AP® BC curriculaBuild confidence in Calculus AB and/or
Calculus AB & Calculus AB the material as you learn concepts BCbefore
Calculus BC & Calculus from experienced AP® Calculus attempting these
Non- Non- Introductor BC courses. teachersBuild graphical intuition units.
self_paced 2 4 14 en-us
Program Program y through interactive
graphingPractice for your exam
with graded exam-style questions
(with explanations)

AP® Davidson Learn all material Mastery of the AP® None. economics-finance
Macroeconomics Next in the AP® Macroeconomics curriculumBuild
Macroeconomics confidence in the material as you
curriculum from learn key concepts from
highly regarded experienced AP®
Non- Non- Introductor AP instructors Macroeconomics teachersBuild
self_paced 2 4 18 en-us
Program Program y and college graphical intuition through
professors. interactive graphingPractice for
your exam with graded exam-style
questions (with explanations)

AP® Davidson Master the most Mastery of 14 challenging Basic economics-finance

Macroeconomics: Next challenging topics concepts from the AP® understanding of
Challenging in your AP® Macroeconomics curriculumBuild macroeconomic
Concepts Macroeconomics confidence in the material as you terms and concepts.
course. learn key concepts from
experienced AP®
Non- Non- Introductor Macroeconomics teachersBuild
self_paced 2 4 14 en-us
Program Program y graphical intuition through
interactive graphingPractice for
your exam with graded exam-style
questions (with automated
assessment, explanations and
sample answers)
AP® Physics 1: Davidson Master the most Mastery of challenging concepts These units—by physics, science
Challenging Next difficult topics in from the AP® Physics 1 design—address
Concepts your AP® curriculumLearn from experienced only the most
Physics 1 course AP® Physics teachersBuilding challenging
with help from skills and intuition through concepts within the
experienced AP® interactive simulations, graphing, AP® Physics 1
Physics teachers. data analysis and curriculum
experimentsPractice with graded framework. Thus,
exam-style questions (with you will need
explanations)Preparing for the foundational/
AP® Physics 1 exam! prerequisite
knowledge in
Non- Non- Introductor Physics 1 to work
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Program Program y through these units.
Davidson Next
modules are
designed for
blended learning in
AP classrooms, but
can also be used by
AP students
independently as
supplementary help
and exam review.

AP® Physics 2: Davidson Master the most Mastery of challenging concepts These units—by physics, science
Challenging Next difficult topics in from the AP® Physics 2 design—address
Concepts your AP® curriculumLearn from experienced only the most
Physics 2 course AP® Physics teachersBuilding challenging
with help from skills and intuition through concepts within the
experienced AP® interactive simulations, graphing, AP® Physics 2
Physics teachers. data analysis and curriculum
experimentsPractice with graded framework. Thus,
exam-style questions (with you will need
explanations)Preparing for the foundational/
AP® Physics 2 exam! prerequisite
knowledge in
Physics 1 and
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 4 9 en-us Physics 2 to work
Program Program y
through these units.
Davidson Next
modules are
designed for
blended learning in
AP classrooms, but
can also be used by
AP students
independently as
supplementary help
and exam review.
Advanced Transport Delft Learn how to Microbalance and an overview of We strongly engineering,
Phenomena University tackle complex heat conduction and diffusion recommend physics, biology-
of mass and heat problemsTo calculate the pressure TP101x as a life-sciences
Technology transfer problems loss over pipe and pipeline prerequisite for this
and apply the systemsThe definition of MOOC, but if you
results in your convective transport of heat and are familiar with
own environment. mass transfer and how you can mass and heat
apply itThe distribution of transport
components over immiscible phenomena you will
phase and the importance of this be able to follow the
distribution for many course as wellBasic
applicationsThe difference in flow knowledge of
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 8 10 6 en-us behaviour of water and toothpaste calculus (derivative,
Program Program e
and the reasons of this integral, simple
differenceThe definitions of heat differential
radiation, black and grey equations)Thermody
bodiesHow to calculate the heat namics (concepts of
loss by radiation first and second
law, properties of
fluids, heat
effects)High school

AI in Practice: Delft Learn about the After taking this course you will be ‘AI in Practice’ is for business-
Applying AI University implementation able to:Describe the benefits and everyone, no management,
of and practical challenges of implementing AI in complicated math computer-science,
Technology aspects of organizations, in terms of context, or programming data-analysis-
Artificial organizational background, expertise is required. statistics
Intelligence and problems, research approach and
how to write a results.Identify the conditions and
plan for applying requirements for the
Profession AI in your own implementation of AI in terms of
AI in Intermediat
al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us organization in a improvement strategies for
Practice e
Certificate step-by-step organizations in industry,
manner. academia and
education.Understand the
implementation aspects of AI and
their significance for your own
organization.Write a plan for the
application of AI in your own
AI in Practice: Delft Learn to After taking this course you will be ‘AI in Practice’ is for business-
Preparing for AI University recognize and able to:Describe the benefits of everyone, no management,
of understand the implementing AI in organizations, complicated math computer-science,
Technology implications of in terms of context, problems, or programming data-analysis-
Artificial research approach and expertise is required. statistics
Intelligence for results.Identify the implications of
organizations, implementing AI in terms of
Profession and the improvement strategies for
AI in Intermediat importance of organizations in industry,
al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
Practice e compliance and academia and
ethics when AI is education.Understand the aspects
applied in of AI compliance and ethics and
practice. their significance for your own
organization.Write about the
implications of AI for industry,
academia, education, or
compliance and ethics.

Análisis de datos: Delft Aprende cómo Cómo hacer que los datos cobren Conceptos computer-science,
Diseño y University transformar datos vida por medio de tipos de matemáticos data-analysis-
Visualización de of sin procesar, con visualizaciones conocidas como básicos de statistics
Tableros Technology el uso de tableros gráficos de líneas y barras y educación
en Excel, para nuevos tipos de visualizaciones secundariaRecomen
apoyar las como líneas de tendencia, gráfico damos hacer el
decisiones de de superficie y pirámides de curso EX101x como
negocio. poblaciónCómo crear tableros en prerrequisito de
Microsoft Excel basados en datos este MOOC, pero
reales que pueden cubrir los estudiantes con
Análisis y necesidades de gestión y de experiencia previa
Profession Visualizaci negocioCómo conectar datos en hojas de cálculo
al ón de self_paced 4 6 8 es-es desde distintos orígenes, como la podrán hacer el
Certificate Datos con web y extracciones de tu CRM, curso también
Excel ERP, SAP o
datawarehouseAlgunas prácticas
de ciencias de datos y cómo
utilizar herramientas de análisis
viablesProfundizar en
herramientas estadísticas
conocidas como Tablas
Dinámicas e introducir nuevas
como herramientas para el
análisis de los datos
Análisis de datos: Delft Incrementa tus Superar los desafíos del análisis Algo de experiencia data-analysis-
Llévalo al MAX() University habilidades de de datos en tu trabajo e trabajando con statistics, math
of análisis de datos investigaciónAumentar la hojas de cálculo
Technology utilizando hojas productividad y tomar mejores (con software como
de cálculo y decisiones de negocio usando Excel, OpenOffice
visualización de técnicas de análisis de Calc, Hojas de
datos en Excel. datosMejorar tus habilidades de Cálculo de Google,
Análisis y Aumenta tu análisis de datos utilizando hojas etc).
Profession Visualizaci productividad y de cálculoPosibilidades
al ón de self_paced 4 6 8 es-es produce mejores avanzadas de las hojas de cálculo
Certificate Datos con decisiones de como fórmulas de matrices y
Excel negocio. tablas dinámicasCaracterísticas
de Excel 2013 como PowerPivot
& PowerMapUtilizar Python
para analizar y manipular
datosOrganizar y evaluar tus
hojas de cálculo

Architecture, Delft Learn the basics Interfacing quantum processors You should have a physics, science,
Algorithms, and University of quantum with classical control background in or computer-science
Protocols of a of algorithms, circuitry;Micro-architectures, deep interest in
Quantum Computer Technology quantum error- compiles, and programming technology and
and Quantum correction, micro- languages for quantum familiarity with
Internet architectures, processors;Quantum error- math. You should
compilers, and correction;Quantum algorithms;A be able to read and
programming deeper understanding of the understand popular
languages for building blocks of a quantum written scientific
quantum internet, and the protocols and contents, such as
Quantum processors, and networks needed to realize this. articles in New
101: protocols for the Scientist.
Profession Quantum quantum internet. Completion of the
Intermediat first course in the
al Computing self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
e program, The
Certificate &
Quantum Hardware of a
Internet Quantum Computer
, is recommended.
If you are not yet
familiar with
technology, enrol in
our introductory
course The
Quantum Internet
and Quantum
Computers: How
Will They Change
Automated Software Delft Learn the The key ideas behind advanced Familiar with the computer-science
Testing: Model and University advanced software testing techniques, such outline of the first
State-based Testing of software testing as mutation and property-based coursePractical
Technology techniques, tools, testingThe current state-of-the-art experience with
Profession Automated and best in software testing research, such testing
al Software self_paced Advanced 3 5 5 en-us practices required as the usage of artificial
Certificate Testing to deliver high- intelligence to automate testing
quality software. activitiesThe limitations of current
testing techniques, and how
todetermine the best testing
strategies for a given context
Automated Software Delft Learn the How to test any software system Introductory computer-science
Testing: Unit University software testing using current state-of-the- knowledge of
Testing, Coverage of techniques, tools, arttechniquesHow to derive test programming,
Criteria and Design Technology and best cases that deal with exceptional, specifically with
for Testability practices required corner, and bad-weather cases by Java.
Profession Automated to deliver high- means of several different
Intermediat quality software. techniquesThe limitations of
al Software self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
e current testing techniques and
Certificate Testing
how to decide on the best testing
strategies for a given contextHow
to develop testable architectures
and to write maintainable test code

Automóviles Delft Obtenga una El papel de los vehículos Ninguno, pero se engineering,
eléctricos: University comprensión eléctricos en la transición recomienda tener business-
Introducción of básica de los energética.Conceptos básicos del afinidad con los management,
Technology automóviles automóvil eléctrico y la tecnología conceptos básicos electronics
eléctricos y de carga.Tipos de automóviles de los diferentes
Profession aprenda sobre eléctricos y cómo cursos ofrecidos
Automóvile Intermediat
al self_paced 4 5 4 es-es tecnologías funcionan.Introducción al negocio (tecnología de
s eléctricos e
Certificate líderes, desarrollo de los vehículos eléctricos y su automóviles
de modelos de potencial futuro.Ambiciones eléctricos, negocios
negocio rentables políticas e instrumentos políticos o política).
y políticas para la movilidad eléctrica.
Automóviles Delft Obtenga una Cómo los automóviles eléctricos Se recomienda que business-
eléctricos: Negocios University comprensión están alterando los modelos de los estudiantes management,
of profunda de los negocio convencionales.Cómo completen el primer engineering
Technology variados modelos aplicar herramientas avanzadas curso, Automóviles
de negocio de innovación empresarial.Cómo eléctricos:
rentables para desarrollar modelos de negocio Introducción (DelftX-
Profession automóviles rentables de movilidad eCars1x) antes de
Automóvile Intermediat
al self_paced 4 5 4 es-es eléctricos. eléctrica.Innovación en la comenzar este
s eléctricos e
Certificate movilidad futura. curso para
familiarizarse con
los conceptos
Automóviles Delft Conozca el papel Distinción entre diferentes Se recomienda que engineering,
eléctricos: Política University de las políticas perspectivas políticas y diferentes los alumnos business-
of públicas en la niveles de gobierno en relación completen el primer management
Technology dirección de la con vehículos eléctricos.Manejo curso, Automóviles
innovación dilemas de políticas y valores eléctricos:
Profession tecnológica y el públicos en competencia entre Introducción (DelftX-
Automóvile Intermediat cambio de sí.Teoría institucional y eCars1x) antes de
al self_paced 4 5 4 es-es
s eléctricos e infraestructura transacciones críticas en el futuro comenzar este
hacia la movilidad sistema de movilidad eléctrica/ curso para
sin emisiones. potencia.Desarrollo y evaluación familiarizarse con
de esquemas de incentivos los conceptos
efectivos de movilidad eléctrica. básicos.

Automóviles Delft Obtenga una Principio de funcionamiento de los Se recomienda que engineering,
eléctricos: University comprensión coches eléctricos.Motores y los alumnos business-
Tecnología of profunda de la electrónica de potencia en completen el primer management
Technology tecnología detrás automóviles eléctricos.Tecnología curso, Automóviles
de los de baterías.Tecnologías e eléctricos:
Profession automóviles innovaciones de infraestructura de Introducción (DelftX-
Automóvile Intermediat eléctricos. carga relevantes, tales como la eCars1x) antes de
al self_paced 4 5 4 es-es
s eléctricos e carga inteligente.Tecnología futura comenzar este
para vehículos eléctricos, como curso para
carga inalámbrica y vehículos familiarizarse con
solares. los conceptos

Big Data Strategies Delft Make your Identify the stakeholders and Secondary school business-
to Transform Your University organization’s characteristics of your sector in giving access to management,
Business of business strategy the era of big dataIdentify potential university studies economics-
Technology and model, as big data induced changes in required. Bachelor finance, data-
well as your own strategy, business model, degree would be an analysis-statistics
career path, organization and job advantage.
Non- Non- Intermediat future-proof by descriptionsSubstantially change
self_paced 7 10 6 en-us
Program Program e using big data’s existing strategy, business model,
disruptive power. organization or adopt new ones as
requiredFind and develop
strategically important tasks for
yourself in your organization
Building Inclusive Delft Discover how After taking this course you will be We recommend for social-sciences,
Cities: Tackling University urban design can able to:Identify the main drivers of you to take the humanities,
Urban Inequality and of help tackle urban inequality and socio- Rethink the City architecture
Segregation Technology inequality and economic segregation and the MOOC as an
socio-economic links between themUnderstand introduction to this
segregation in how segregation can be course.
cities. Learn how measuredExamine the
Inclusive to use analytical consequences of urban inequality
and Intermediat tools to measure and segregation based on the
al self_paced 4 5 7 en-us
Sustainabl e these two case studies presentedEvaluate
e Cities phenomena and the urban inequality and
make urban segregation aspects of your own
design part of the urban contextDevelop urban
solution. design and policy solutions to suit
your own urban context

Business Model Delft Business Learn how to How to create a business model Secondary school; business-
Implementation University XSeries Model successfully roadmapHow to plan concrete basic notions about management
of Profession Innovation Introductor implement a new actions to realize a new business business and/or
Technology al self_paced 2 4 8 en-us business model modelHow to find partners to practical business
Business y
Certificate Model by creating a realize a new business model experience
Innovation practical action
Business Model Delft plan
how to How to identify which trends and Secondary school; business-
Testing University Business stress test your uncertainties will affect your basic notions about management
of XSeries Model business model business modelEvaluate how business and/or
Technology Profession Innovation Introductor to help you robust your business model is practical business
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us anticipate change given trends and experience
al Business y
Certificate Model and harness your uncertaintiesFormulate concrete
Innovation business model’s actions to make your business
success. model more robust
Circular Economy Delft Learn how the At the end of the course you will The course will be architecture,
for a Sustainable University principles of the be able to: Recognize the of interest and value engineering,
Built Environment of Circular Economy principles of circularity and their to students and environmental-
Technology can be applied to application to the built working studies
the built environmentIdentify the scales of professionals in the
environment the built environment from fields of
ranging from materials and products to cities architecture,
products and and regionsIdentify the life-cycle urbanism, and
buildings to phases of building products and building/infrastructur
metropolitan and how they can be circularDiscuss e engineering. The
regional design principles in building of course builds upon
development products and key aspects such as basic knowledge of
strategies. stakeholders, incentives, time- architectural and
Non- Non- Intermediat frames, business modelsDiscuss urban design and
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program e the circular design and engineering, as well
development approach for as general
buildings and recognize the impact knowledge of
of a building on society and the Circular Economy
environment during its life- theory. For
cycleRecognize the flows at background
different city scales and how they information we
differ depending on the actors and recommend you
the local contextReflect on the follow the
complexity and variety of possible courses:“Circular
circular solutions in terms of Economy: An
energy, water and waste Introduction” and/or
managementAnalyze and map the “Engineering
different stages and value webs of Design for a
Circular Economy Delft Learn how the At the end of the course you will The course will be architecture,
for a Sustainable University principles of the be able to: Recognize the of interest and value engineering,
Built Environment of Circular Economy principles of circularity and their to students and environmental-
Technology can be applied to application to the built working studies
the built environmentIdentify the scales of professionals in the
environment the built environment from fields of
ranging from materials and products to cities architecture,
products and and regionsIdentify the life-cycle urbanism, and
buildings to phases of building products and building/infrastructur
metropolitan and how they can be circularDiscuss e engineering. The
regional design principles in building of course builds upon
development products and key aspects such as basic knowledge of
strategies. stakeholders, incentives, time- architectural and
Non- Non- Intermediat frames, business modelsDiscuss urban design and
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program e the circular design and engineering, as well
development approach for as general
buildings and recognize the impact knowledge of
of a building on society and the Circular Economy
environment during its life- theory. For
cycleRecognize the flows at background
different city scales and how they information we
differ depending on the actors and recommend you
the local contextReflect on the follow the
complexity and variety of possible courses:“Circular
circular solutions in terms of Economy: An
energy, water and waste Introduction” and/or
managementAnalyze and map the “Engineering
different stages and value webs of Design for a
Circular Economy: Delft Learn how to Episode 1: What is the circular None business-
An Introduction University contribute to a economy?How can the circular management,
of sustainable economy provide solutions to the engineering,
Technology economic system challenges our current, linear design
by implementing economy brings? We explore the
novel business roots of the circular economy
and design together with experts in the fields
approaches of industrial ecology, cradle to
cradle and biomimicry.Episode 2:
Business value in a circular
economyThrough closed loop
supply chains and reversed
logistics, new opportunities for
Non- Non- Introductor business are created. This
self_paced 3 6 7 en-us
Program Program y episode explores value creation
andnew business modelsin a
circular economy.Episode 3:
Longer lasting productsThe
smaller the loop, the greater the
profitability of the system. We look
at product life extension through
the eyes of designers and
entrepreneurs. Join us in our
repair café!Episode 4:
enables companies to recapture
value on a product or component
level. It is currently being
Circular Economy: Delft Learn how to Episode 1: What is the circular None business-
An Introduction University contribute to a economy?How can the circular management,
of sustainable economy provide solutions to the engineering,
Technology economic system challenges our current, linear design
by implementing economy brings? We explore the
novel business roots of the circular economy
and design together with experts in the fields
approaches of industrial ecology, cradle to
cradle and biomimicry.Episode 2:
Business value in a circular
economyThrough closed loop
supply chains and reversed
logistics, new opportunities for
Non- Non- Introductor business are created. This
self_paced 3 6 7 en-us
Program Program y episode explores value creation
andnew business modelsin a
circular economy.Episode 3:
Longer lasting productsThe
smaller the loop, the greater the
profitability of the system. We look
at product life extension through
the eyes of designers and
entrepreneurs. Join us in our
repair café!Episode 4:
enables companies to recapture
value on a product or component
level. It is currently being
Decision Making Delft Don't let the By the end of the course all Basic concepts in business-
Under Uncertainty: University absence of data learners will be able to: Recognize Probability Theory management
Introduction to of or the lack of and advise on when and in which and Statistics. Links
Structured Expert Technology appropriate data settings to use the Classical Model to videos
Judgment affect your (CM) for performing Structured introducing the
decision-making. Expert JudgmentAccount for concepts will be
Learn how expert uncertainty assessments in provided.
opinion can be complex decision-making context
used rigorously when data pose issuesUse the
for uncertainty CM to analyze expert data and
quantification. obtain answers to questions of
interestParticipate in an optional
IDEA Protocol module, which uses
Non- Non- Introductor a different method of performing
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Program Program y Structured Expert
Judgment.Verified learners will
have the added benefit of being
able to: Get an in-depth
perspective on the CM
methodAnalyze expert data to
apply Structured Expert
Judgement methods to real world
scenariosParticipate in optional
modules about dependence
elicitation and eliciting probabilities.

Design in Delft Learn about the The Patient Journey Mapping None design, medicine
Healthcare: Using University Patient Journey methodUnderstand the different
Patient Journey of Mapping method stages of a patient's experience
Mapping Technology Profession Product Introductor for innovative and treatment journeyWhen and
al Design & self_paced 3 4 8 en-us product and where Patient Journey Mapping
Certificate Health service design in can be appliedHow to identify
healthcare. opportunities from a patient's
journeyHealthcare trends
Drinking Water Delft Learn about Recognize the process units in High school level of engineering
Treatment University urban water urban water services, focusing on mathematics and
of services, basic drinking water chemistry is
Technology focusing on technologiesDescribe the function recommended.
Water conventional of these process unitsDescribe the
XSeries Manageme self_paced 6 8 7 en-us technologies for physical and chemical processes
nt drinking water involvedMake simple design
treatment. calculations on drinking water
treatment plants

Electric Cars: Delft Get an in-depth How electric cars are disrupting It is recommended business-
Business University understanding of conventionalbusiness modelsHow that learners management,
of varied profitable to apply advanced business complete the first engineering
Technology business models innovation toolsHow to develop course, Electric
Profession for electric cars. profitable e-mobility business cars: Introduction
Electric Intermediat
al self_paced 4 5 4 en-us modelsInnovation in future mobility (DelftX- eCars1x)
Cars e
Certificate before beginning
this course to be
familiar with the
basic concepts.
Electric Cars: Delft Get a basic Role of electric vehicles in the None, but affinity engineering,
Introduction University understanding of energy transitionBasics of electric with thebasic business-
of electric cars and car and charging technologyTypes concepts that the management,
Technology learn about of electric cars and how do they different tracks electronics
Profession leading workIntroduction to the business (technology of
Electric Intermediat
al self_paced 4 5 4 en-us technologies, of electric vehicles and its future electric cars,
Cars e
Certificate development of potentialPolicy ambitions and business or policy)
profitable policy instruments for electric offer is
business models mobility recommended.
and effective
Electric Cars: Policy Delft policies.
Learn about the Distinguishing between different It is recommended engineering,
University role of public policy perspectives and different that learners business-
of policy in steering levels of government pertaining to complete the first management
Technology technological electric vehiclesDealing with policy course, Electric
Profession innovation and dilemmas and competing public cars: Introduction
Electric Intermediat infrastructural valuesInstitutional theory and (DelftX- eCars1x)
al self_paced 4 5 4 en-us
Cars e change toward critical transactions in the future e- before beginning
zero-emission mobility/power this course to be
mobility. systemDevelopment and familiar with the
evaluation of effective e-mobility basic concepts.
incentive schemes
Electric Cars: Delft Get an in-depth Operation principle of electric It is recommended engineering,
Technology University understanding of carsMotors and power electronics that learners business-
of the technology in an electric carsBattery complete the first management
Technology behind electric technologyRelevant charging course, Electric
Profession cars. infrastructure technologies and cars: Introduction
Electric Intermediat
al self_paced 4 5 4 en-us innovations, such as smart (DelftX- eCars1x)
Cars e
Certificate chargingFuture technology for EVs before beginning
such as wireless charging and this course to be
solar EVs familiar with the
basic concepts.
Energy Demand in Delft Discover how All about the energy chain None architecture,
Buildings University building design approach, which is a powerful tool engineering,
of and occupancy to achieve low energy and low energy-earth-
Technology determines the carbon buildings.To estimate the sciences
energy demand most important heat losses and
in buildings and gains in a building.How to achieve
learn how to thermal balance of the building
Buildings (re)design low and determine its space heating
Profession as energy buildings. and cooling needs.How to
al Sustainabl self_paced 4 6 5 en-us estimate the heating energy
Certificate e Energy demand for hot tap water and the
Systems electricity needs for appliances
and lighting.How to achieve a low
energy demand by optimizing
window size, insulation, orientation
and ventilation while taking into
account building occupancy.
Energy Markets of Delft Understand the How energy markets operate, None business-
Today University European energy including regulation and market management,
of market and the organization;To identify different economics-
Technology economic market models and understand finance, energy-
The principles behind what affects the operation of the earth-sciences
Economics Intermediat it. electricity sector;Why policy
al self_paced 4 6 5 en-us
of Energy e makers need to incentivize
Transition investment and how it can be
done;How the electricity network
operates and how network tariffs
are determined.
Energy Markets of Delft Understand the How energy markets operate, None business-
Today University European energy including regulation and market management,
of market and the organization;To identify different economics-
Technology economic market models and understand finance, energy-
The principles behind what affects the operation of the earth-sciences
Economics Intermediat it. electricity sector;Why policy
al self_paced 4 6 5 en-us
of Energy e makers need to incentivize
Transition investment and how it can be
done;How the electricity network
operates and how network tariffs
are determined.
Energy Supply Delft Discover how to What the different heating, cooling None architecture,
Systems for University convert natural and electricity generation systems engineering,
Buildings of resources into are and what their working energy-earth-
Technology heat, cold and principles are.How to combine the sciences
electricity, what concept of efficiency with the
the capabilities of building’s energy demand to
renewable estimate primary energy usage
Buildings systems are, how and carbon emissions.How
Profession as to match energy cogeneration of heat/cold and
al Sustainabl self_paced 4 6 6 en-us supply with heat/power works and how to
Certificate e Energy buildings’ energy cope with mismatches between
Systems demand, and supply and demand.What rational
what that means use of energy entails in
for energy practice.How to use load curves
efficiency and from energy demand profiles to
carbon emissions. decide on the right combinations
of energy conversion systems.
Ethical Dilemmas in Delft Learn how Understand the professional rules engineering
Professional University engineers of conduct for engineers and how
Engineering of worldwide can to apply themAppreciate codes of
Technology deal with ethical conduct as an expression of the
dilemmas. These professional rules of
can include conductUnderstand the conditions
conflicts of under which whistleblowing is
interests, bribery, warrantedRecognize conflicts of
Non- Non- Intermediat whistleblowing interest and develop strategies for
self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Program Program e and inadequate handling themUnderstand the
information about importance of communication with
potential negative all stakeholdersDevelop practical
effects of strategies for handling ethical
products and dilemmas and apply them

Forensic Delft Don't let good The basic steps in a forensic Secondary school engineering,
Engineering: University failures go to investigationEssential forensic (high school) health-safety
Learning from of waste! Identify engineering methods and
Failures Technology the causes of techniquesHow to apply the TU
failure and use Delft Forensic Engineering mind-
Non- Non- Introductor this knowledge to set in the fields of Building
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Program Program y enhance safety Engineering, Aeronautical
and improve Engineering and Biomechanical
performance. EngineeringWays to develop a
positive attitude and the right mind-
set to learn from failures
Global Housing Delft Learn about the Identify social practices and Undergraduate- architecture,
Design University key design spatial configurations that level education in environmental-
of strategies determine the qualities of existing architecture, urban studies, social-
Technology required to dwelling communities.Understand design, or sciences
develop adequate how incrementality, typologyical planning;orPrevious
housing and mix and clustering can become knowledge in
inclusive dwelling key design approaches in disciplines that deal
environments for enhancing the living conditions of with the built
sustainable urban urban communities.Recognize environment in
development. design approaches that can general, and the
contribute to the development of development of
adequate housing housing in particular
Inclusive neighbourhoods.Compare the in social sciences
and Intermediat characteristics of housing (e.g. art and
al self_paced 4 5 6 en-us
Sustainabl e schemes designed by different architectural history,
e Cities architects taking account of anthropology,
different social, political and sociology) or
geographical contexts.Evaluate applied sciences
the performance of dwelling (e.g. civil
communities taking into engineering).
consideration the relation between
social, economic and
environmental factors.Formulate a
design hypothesis and/or a
managerial strategy to develop an
inclusive housing clusterdwelling
community based on
incrementality, typology mix and
How to Design a Delft Learn how to How to design a business model Secondary school; business-
Successful University create value for in a structured wayHow to select basic notions about management
Business Model of Business your customers the appropriate tools for designing business and/or
Technology Profession Model and grow your or innovating a business practical business
al Innovation Introductor business by modelHow to present your experience
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Certificate Business y designing a business model in a single
XSeries Model successful and sheetHow to reason from your
Innovation sustainable needs (“I want to’s”) to a business
business model. model solution
Inclusive Energy Delft Explore the Identify key institutional None energy-earth-
Systems - Exploring University impact of social characteristics of universal access sciences,
Sustainable Energy of and technological to energy services;See energy environmental-
for All Technology changes on the services in an ethical perspective studies,
future provision of and reflect on trade-offs between engineering
clean and access, availability, affordability
affordable energy and acceptability;Understand the
services. Learn Water-Energy-Food security
how to navigate nexus;Analyze the security of
towards an supply and reliability of energy
inclusive energy services in various energy
Non- Non- Intermediat system for all systems and the related short-
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Program Program e world citizens, term versus long-term
while satisfying considerations;Evaluate the
greenhouse gas consequences of change(s) in the
emission energy system for its social
reduction targets. impacts on various user
groups;Evaluate the social and
environmental acceptability of
energy services provision in
different economic and socio-
cultural contexts.

Introduction to Delft Discover the The impact of the history of flight High school level engineering
Aeronautical University science behind on aircraft today.How the earth's mathematics &
Engineering of flying by atmosphere can be modelled and physics
Technology investigating how we can use this for aircraft
aeronautics, design.Stability, structures,
aerodynamics navigation and propulsion of
Non- Non- Introductor and flight aircraft.The fundamental
self_paced 10 12 7 en-us mechanics. aerodynamic concepts for flying
Program Program y
an aircraft.How airfoils and wings
generate lift.Flight mechanics of
aircraft.How aircraft can optimally
climb, descend and cruise.
Introduction to Delft Explore the How aerospace structures are Basic knowledge of engineering,
Aerospace University structural and designed and why particular Physics (concepts physics, design
Structures and of material design of choices are madeWhich materials of forces and
Materials Technology aircraft and are used and the reasons for moments, springs
spacecraft from using themHow to explain loads and temperature)
the viewpoint of and stresses aerospace structures and some familiarity
an aerospace have to withstandHow aircraft and with aircraft and
Non- Non- Introductor engineer. spacecraft are manufacturedThe spacecraft
self_paced 4 6 8 en-us
Program Program y safety philosophies that are used terminology: (e.g.
in aerospace structural design and wing, fuselage, tail
how they affect design plane, rocket,
choicesHow to create preliminary launcher).
design solutions for structural
design problems

Managing Building Delft Learn how to Understand building adaptation Undergraduate level business-
Adaptation: A University adapt buildings management as a cyclical of studies in the management,
Sustainable of sustainably by process;Identify various field of built engineering,
Approach Technology applying sustainability challenges that environment. environmental-
management occur in building studies
tools to real-life adaptations;Distinguish between
cases in the built multiple actor perspectives and
Non- Non- Intermediat environment. interests related to building
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Program Program e adaptation;Apply project
management tools that assist in
making decisions about building
adaptation;Translate design
concepts into practical solutions
for sustainable building adaptation.

Mind of the Universe Delft Learn about the Identify the ethical questions about engineering,
- Robots in Society: University societal impact of artificially intelligent robots.Identify philosophy-ethics
Blessing or Curse? of artificially the various areas where concern
Technology intelligent robots is in place.Reflect critically upon
andwhat you can developments with regard to
Non- Non- Introductor do about it. Artificially intelligent robots and the
self_paced 1 2 5 en-us
Program Program y impact it has on society.Express a
nuanced point of view towards the
issue of Artificially intelligent
robots in society.
Observation Theory: Delft Learn how to How to translate real-life Calculus (high data-analysis-
Estimating the University estimate estimation problems to easy school statistics,
Unknown of parameters from mathematical modelsPractical level)Probability engineering,
Technology observational understanding of least squares concepts like science
data for real- estimation and best linear expectation,
world engineering unbiased estimation, and how to variance, the
Non- Non- Intermediat applications and apply these methodsHow to normal distribution
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us assess the quality assess and describe the quality of and other probability
Program Program e
of the results. your estimators in the form of density
precision and confidence functionsBasic
intervalHow to check the validity of matrix manipulation
your estimation results (by hand and with
e.g. Python or
Pre-University Delft Prepare for Understand, visualize and This course revises math
Calculus University Introductory manipulate different elementary high school level
of Calculus courses. functions, like power functions, mathematics and is
Technology roots, polynomials, trigonometric aimed to close the
functions, exponential and readiness gap
logarithmic functions;Understand, between high
visualize and solve equations and school and
Science inequalities involving these university.
and elementary functions;Understand
Engineerin the concept of differentiation and
Profession g Prep: calculate the derivatives of
al Pre- self_paced 6 8 8 en-us compositions of elementary
Certificate university functions;Understand the concept
Calculus of integration and to use some
and elementary integration
Physics. techniques;Understand, visualize
and manipulate geometric objects
in the plane, such as vectors,
lines, circles and more general

Product Design: The Delft Learn to design How to study users in their own Some familiarity business-
Delft Design University meaningful environment;How to translate user with concepts like management,
Approach of products and insights into a design challenge 'design thinking', social-sciences,
Technology services in this that will spark creativity;How to 'User-centered engineering
introductory create a meaningful design to design' and 'Design
Profession Product design course. meet your challenge;How to process' is
al Design & self_paced 6 8 7 en-us design and to structure your advised.Some
Certificate Health projects with the support of design experience with
thinking, a model and several designing
methods;How to evaluate and something (even for
present your design. yourself) will be
Responsible Delft How to deal with Understand the urgent need to None.Analytical engineering,
Innovation: Ethics, University risks and ethical include ethical questions with skills, experience energy-earth-
Safety and of questions raised respect to (new) technology.Know with IT or sciences, ethics
Technology Technology by development various ways/instruments to entrepreneurship is
of new analyze risks of new technologies, beneficial.
technologies. both forward looking as backward
looking (causes of
accidents)Understand various
types of innovation (like radical,
niche, incremental, frugal ) and
the conditions for successKnow
Non- Non- Intermediat how to deal with unknown risks
self_paced 4 6 7 en-us
Program Program e (deep uncertainty) when it comes
to new technologiesAre able to
critically reflect on new
technologies from an ethical and
risk perspective (case
studies).Understand the concept
of responsible innovation and
Value Sensitive Design (VSD) and
the implications for the design

Rethink the City: Delft How do you plan Alternative theories in spatial This course is humanities, social-
New Approaches to University future cities? justice, housing provision and designed for sciences
Global and Local of Explore management, and urban undergraduate and
Urban Challenges Technology alternative resilience.Application of analytical master's level
theories and tools and innovative solutions to students of
innovative contemporary urban architecture, urban
solutions for challengesDevelop a critical planning and
urban challenges perspective about your own urban disciplines related
in the Global environment.New perspectives to to urban themes.
South. understand and analyse the urban Nevertheless,
Inclusive challenges of the Global South. anyone interested in
and Introductor debating spatial
al self_paced 3 4 7 en-us
Sustainabl y justice, urban
e Cities resilience, and
housing provision
and management
are welcome.No
previous knowledge
in urban planning or
the Global South is
required, just your
eagerness to learn!
Smart Grids: The Delft Understand the Identify the impact of variable Basic linear engineering
Basics University basics of smart renewable energy sources algebra, basic
of grids. Learn (VRES) and smart energy demand electrical circuit
Technology about their on electrical power grids,Identify theory
heterogeneity, different tools and approaches to
dynamics, design a smart grid,Apply optimal
control, and power flow (OPF) solutions to
about security evaluate the performance of an
Smart and assessment electrical power system with
Profession Grids strategies. integrated renewable energy
al Integration self_paced 4 6 6 en-us sources,Analyze intelligent
Certificate and electrical power system dynamics
Modeling (frequency stability) to achieve
active power balance, andIdentify
control-room technologies for
system-wide remote monitoring,
protection and risk management
of smart grid cyber security.

Solar Energy Delft Discover the The various methods of converting Basic knowledge of engineering,
University power of solar solar energy into electricity, heat physics and physics, energy-
of energy and learn and solar fuelsThe physical mathematical skills, earth-sciences
Technology how to design a working principles of photovoltaic such as integration
complete conversion in solar cellsHow to and differentiation,
photovoltaic recognize and describe the are preferred.
system. various solar cell technologies,
Non- Non- Introductor their current status and future
self_paced 6 8 8 en-us
Program Program y technological challengesHow to
analyze the performance of solar
cells and modulesHow to design a
complete photovoltaic system for
any particular application on paper
Sustainable Delft Learn how to How circular design principles can Intended for design,
Packaging in a University apply the be applied to create 'closed loop' students and environmental-
Circular Economy of principles of the packaging systemsBusiness professionals with studies, business-
Technology circular economy strategies that support these basic knowledge of management
to sustainable systemsOpportunities of designing the circular
packaging with renewable, bio-based economy with an
systems. materialsBest practices through interest in
case studies with industry packaging, or
frontrunners students and
experienced in
Non- Non- Intermediat packaging looking
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Program Program e for circular
opportunities. If you
want to learn the
basics of a Circular
Economy we invite
you to take a look at
the Circular
Economy: An
introduction MOOC
before the start of
this course.

Sustainable Urban Delft Learn key To identify the main logistics None engineering,
Freight Transport: A University strategies for challenges facing cities around the environmental-
Global Perspective of optimizing urban worldTo understand the complex studies
Technology freight transport nature of urban freight transport
based on recent systemsTo evaluate freight traffic
Non- Non- Introductor developments in impactsTo explore the different
self_paced 4 6 5 en-us
Program Program y market approaches to solving urban
understanding, freight transport problemsTo
vehicle identify the research methods
technology and used to develop and apply
cooperative knowledge in this field
The Basics of Delft Learn the basic Identify heat transfer, mass High School physics engineering,
Transport University framework to transfer and fluid flow phenomena and basic physics, biology-
Phenomena of work on a broad in lab, industrial and daily knowledge of life-sciences
Technology spectrum of environment.Identify quantities calculus (derivative,
engineering and subjects used in transport integral, simple
problems phenomena.Use balances to solve differential
concerning problems.Apply the concepts of equations) and
Non- Non- Introductor transfer of heat, transport phenomena to a variety thermodynamics
self_paced 6 8 7 en-us mass and of real life problems.Make the (concepts of first
Program Program y
momentum. correct assumptions to put real-life law and second law,
Learn through situations into mathematical properties of fluids,
examples of model.Solve and assess a model heat effects).
everyday from a quantitative
processes at perspective.See the world through
home, in the lab different eyes.
and in industry.
The Hardware of a Delft Learn how a An overview of the building blocks You should have a physics, computer-
Quantum Computer University quantum of a quantum computer;How four background in or science,
of computer could of the most promising types of deep interest in engineering
Technology be physically solid-state qubits work: technology and
build, and how it superconducting Transmon qubits, familiarity with
could be Silicon spin qubits, diamond NV math. You should
controlled. center qubits, and topological be able to read and
qubits;How quantum gates are understand popular
performedon each of these qubit written scientific
implementations. contents, such as
articles in New
Profession Quantum
Intermediat Scientist. If you are
al Computing self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
e not yet familiar with
Certificate &
technology, enrol in
our introductory
course The
Quantum Internet
and Quantum
Computers: How
Will They Change
the World?

The Quantum Delft Discover The basics of quantum computing Students should science, physics
Internet and University quantum and the quantum internetThe key have a strong
Quantum of computers and application areas in which interest in the topic
Computers: How Technology the quantum quantum technologies will change and enter the
Will They Change internet. Learn the world.The potential course with an open
the World? Non- Non- Introductor the principles and advantages of quantum mind. A technical
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y promises behind technologies but also the background is not
these challenges in realizing them.The necessary.
developments basic quantum phenomena that
and how they will make quantum technologies
impact our future. possible.
The Transition to the Delft Dive into the The impact of the energy transition None. Following the energy-earth-
Decarbonised University economic on energy markets, including the MOOC ""Energy sciences,
Economy of of strategies for introduction of renewable energy Markets of Today"" business-
Tomorrow Technology promoting the sources and storage beforehand is management,
energy transition: technologies;To understand the recommended but economics-finance
technologies, business case for renewable not required.
policies, pricing, energy technologies and to detail
emission trading different support schemes for
The and more. renewable energy sources;To
Profession discuss different methods of
Economics Intermediat
al self_paced 4 6 5 en-us carbon pricing, including
of Energy e
Certificate discussing the origin and the
implementation of the emission
trading scheme;To describe the
goals and appearance of the
European energy system and
energy market of 2050, discussing
the steps necessary to achieve
these goals.
The Value of Delft Learn the value What a business model isWhy Secondary school; business-
Business Models University Business of business business models matter to your basic notions about management
of Profession Model models and firm and the value they bringHow business and/or
Technology al Innovation Introductor essential tools to business model innovation practical business
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us help you develop improves business experience
Certificate Business y
XSeries Model a sound business performanceHow tooling can help
Innovation model for you to innovate your business
sustainable model
Understanding Delft success.
Learn the science The basics of nuclear science and University level engineering,
Nuclear Energy University and technology nuclear energyThe operating mathematics and physics, science
of behind nuclear principles of nuclear reactorsThe physics
Technology Non- Non- Intermediat energy and the various steps in the nuclear fuel
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us special features cycleThe differences between
Program Program e
of this energy current and future reactorsThe
source. pros and cons of nuclear energy

Unix Tools: Data, Delft Grow from being After completing the course you’ll An understanding of computer-science,
Software and University a Unix novice to be able toEnter and combine basic programming data-analysis-
Production of Unix wizard commands in the Unix command structures, such as statistics
Engineering Technology status! Process lineUse files, data pipelines, conditions and
big data, analyze variables and control loopsAn
software code, structuresSelect the most useful appreciation of
run DevOps tools and commands for fetching, variables and their
tasks and excel in selecting, generating, processing, use in simple
your everyday job summarizing and reporting expressionsThe
through the dataObtain data from databases, ability to create a
amazing power of cloud-based hosts, version control text file using an
the Unix shell and systems, object files, archives and editorAn
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us command-line your desktop filesAccomplish understanding of
Program Program e
tools. diverse processing tasks by the concepts of
putting together suitable files, directories and
commands and configuring their the file system’s
execution parameters tree
structureAccess to
a computer running
Windows, macOS,
or a Unix/Linux
Unix Tools: Data, Delft Grow from being After completing the course you’ll An understanding of computer-science,
Software and University a Unix novice to be able toEnter and combine basic programming data-analysis-
Production of Unix wizard commands in the Unix command structures, such as statistics
Engineering Technology status! Process lineUse files, data pipelines, conditions and
big data, analyze variables and control loopsAn
software code, structuresSelect the most useful appreciation of
run DevOps tools and commands for fetching, variables and their
tasks and excel in selecting, generating, processing, use in simple
your everyday job summarizing and reporting expressionsThe
through the dataObtain data from databases, ability to create a
amazing power of cloud-based hosts, version control text file using an
the Unix shell and systems, object files, archives and editorAn
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us command-line your desktop filesAccomplish understanding of
Program Program e
tools. diverse processing tasks by the concepts of
putting together suitable files, directories and
commands and configuring their the file system’s
execution parameters tree
structureAccess to
a computer running
Windows, macOS,
or a Unix/Linux

Urban Sewage Delft Learn about Recognize the process units in High school level of engineering
Treatment University urban water urban wastewater treatment mathematics and
of services, technologiesDescribe the function chemistry is
Technology Water focusing on basic of these process unitsDescribe the recommended.
Intermediat sewage treatment physical, chemical and biological
XSeries Manageme self_paced 6 8 7 en-us
e technologies. processes involvedMake simple
design calculations on wastewater
treatment plants

Zero-Energy Delft Learn how to get Apply a stepped approach to find Bachelor Technical architecture,
Design: an University to a net zero energy reducing measuresAnalyse Study 1st year energy-earth-
approach to make of energy use of an the energy use of a sciences
your building Technology Non- Non- Intermediat existing building. buildingAnalyse the local climate
sustainable self_paced 4 6 7 en-us and select appropriate
Program Program e
measuresDevelop an integrated
net-zero-energy concept for the
Abnormal Doane A study of 1. Evaluate abnormal behavior humanities, social-
Psychology University abnormal human from the diversity of normal sciences
behaviors within human behavior. 2. Apply DSM
the diversity of diagnostic criteria to identify and
human behavior. differentiate between various
psychological disorders. 3.
Evaluate various influences and
causes of psychological disorders.
Non- Non- Intermediat 4. Assess and demonstrate
self_paced 8 12 8 en-us
Program Program e various theoretical models for
conceptualizing disorders and how
they influence treatment. 5. Relate
knowledge of psychological
disorders with current or future
occupational needs and practices.

Agricultural Doane Learn how to Discern how variables impact Bachelor's degree business-
Economic Modeling University utilize Agriculture outcomes within specific or5 years management,
Tools Sustainabl Modeling tools to contextsArticulate how models experience in a economics-
MicroMast e Intermediat achieve can be used to maximize related field finance,
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us economic and sustainabilityUtilize sustainable environmental-
ers Agribusine e
ss sustainability agricultural models to achieve studies
outcomes. economic and sustainability
Agronomy of Hemp Doane This course By the end of the course learners environmental-
University provides an in- will:Differentiate hemp cultivation studies, energy-
depth practices according to primary earth-sciences,
investigation of harvestable product (flower, seed, biology-life-
hemp as an fiber, etc.)Design a soil and sciences
agronomic and nutrient management plan that
horticultural crop. includes site selection, necessary
soil amendments, and fertilizer
use required for optimal hemp
productionAssess why light, water,
and air are important
considerations in the growing
environmentDesign a hemp
Non- Non- Introductor propagation and monitoring plan
self_paced 8 10 8 en-us
Program Program y for indoor or outdoor
productionIdentify common pests
(insects, weeds, fungi, disease)
combating hemp
productionDesign an Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) plan for
hemp cultivation that includes
biological, mechanical, cultural,
and chemical controlsDesign a
harvesting and storing plan for
hemp cultivationExplain how
growers can adapt decision
making according to changes in
infrastructure, consumer demand,
Applying Health Doane Learn essential • Recognize why health and none medicine, health-
Coaching in Patient University coaching wellness coaching is important.• safety, social-
Care Lifestyle techniques to Demonstrate how to effectively sciences
Medicine: assist patients motivate and coach your patients.•
Improving Introductor with behavior and Identify the health coaching
al self_paced 5 10 3 en-us
the Future y lifestyle process, from establishing trust,
of Health modifications. setting goals, and conducting a
Care coaching session.

Applying Leadership Doane Develop a Discuss how individual Bachelor’s degree business-
and Strategy University personal development including orMinimum 5 years management,
Fundamentals in leadership style communication skills, coaching, work experience in medicine
Healthcare while acquiring mentoring, negotiation, and a healthcare related
strategies for motivation theory works.Examine fieldBasic
Certified individual and individual and team understanding of
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat team development.Conduct self- economics and
self_paced 5 10 5 en-us development. evaluationof leadership style, finance
ers Medicine e
Executive strengths and areas of
improvement.Apply practical
strategic thinking practices and
leadership theories.Compare how
different leadership styles think
and act strategically.
BioStatistics Doane This college- Identify different types of data, and biology-life-
University level,credit- how it can be collectedRecognize sciences, math
eligibleBiostatistic and design simple
s course will experimentsSummarize data
teach you the numerically and graphically using
Non- Non- Introductor skills required for RUnderstand the difference
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us
Program Program y success in future between point and interval
analytical studies estimationDetermine and perform
in biology. correct statistical testConclude
and interpret the results from
those tests
Business Doane In this course, By the end of this course learners communication,
Communications - University learners will will be able to:● Define business-
The Basics engage with the communication● Examine the management
fundamentals of communication principles● Identify
business the Communication Model●
Business communication. Identify ways to effectively listen●
and Learners will Identify their communication style●
Profession discover different Examine Emotional Intelligence
MicroBach Introductor
al self_paced 5 8 4 en-us communication and its use in communication
elors y
Communic styles and how to
ation for address them in a
Success business setting.
Learners will also
assess their
listening styles
and emotional
intelligence, and
Business Writing Doane Business Writing By the end of this course learners communication,
Techniques University Techniques, will will be able to:● Identify Parts of a business-
expand on the business letter● Examine the 6 management
different C's for business messages●
communication Evaluate Direct Vs. Indirect
styles and messages● Examine the use of
Business discuss the best emojis in the business setting
and practices of
Profession business writing
MicroBach Introductor
al self_paced 5 8 4 en-us by providing real-
elors y
Communic world scenarios
ation for and applications.
Success Learners will
examine how to
use the 6 C's to
enhance their
Learners will also
Cannabis Doane Identify legal Cannabis testing for potency, environmental-
Compliance, University operations in the residual solvents, pesticides, studies, law,
Testing, and Cannabis cannabis industry heavy metals, terpenes, yeasts health-safety
Research Science and investigate and molds, E.coli, and
Profession how research and salmonellaAnalytical
and Introductor
al self_paced 5 10 3 en-us development can instrumentation for testingRules
Industries: y
Certificate advance and regulations in the cannabis
Seeds to
Needs cannabis science. industryResearch and
development for advancing
cannabis science
Cannabis Cultivation Doane Investigate the Genetics, breeding, tissue culture, environmental-
and Processing University cultivation and and creating strainsGrowing studies,
Cannabis processing of techniques for small and large chemistry, health-
Science cannabis, starting scale growsCannabis plant needs safety
Profession from seeds to a (marijuana versus hemp)Cannabis
and Introductor
al self_paced 5 10 3 en-us diversity of end extraction methodsRefinement
Industries: y
Certificate products for a and purification methodsRefined
Seeds to
Needs global market. products

Cannabis Processing Doane This course will After completion of the course, science, chemistry
University examine all students will apply their knowledge
processing and to cannabis extraction and
refinement processing and determine which
methods of traditional and new technologies
cannabis, are driving the cannabis market
Non- Non- Intermediat including and why. Students will also use
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us
Program Program e marijuana and their knowledge to identify lesser
hemp. Students known production and processing
will learn about methods and how these relate to
extraction the cannabis industry.
techniques, and
Certified Lifestyle Doane Earn the DoaneX This capstone exam is an Verified certificates business-
Medicine Executive University MicroMasters assessment of the knowledge and for the9Certified management,
Comprehensive certificate and various skills you’ve attained Lifestyle Medicine medicine
Exam demonstrate the throughout the MicroMasters Executive
knowledge and program. They include: How to MicroMasters
skills you use management and leadership courses.
acquired in frameworks, theories, and case
theCertified studies to address complex issues
Lifestyle Medicine in healthcare organizations;How to
ExecutiveMicroMa identify evidence-based methods
sters programby for planning, organizing, leading,
completing this and advocating for patients,
Certified capstone exam. families and communities in the
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat public health sector;How to
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
ers Medicine e manage the economic
Executive environment in healthcare;How to
apply Financial Management
techniques to prepare budgets,
financial forecasts, assess
investment alternatives, and
leverage capital structures within
healthcare organizations;How to
evaluate the value of new
healthcare delivery systems and
interventions on the basis of
quality, safety, efficiency and cost
effectiveness using accumulated
data;How to evaluate health policy
College Algebra Doane This College As a student in this course, math
University Algebra course students will: ****Compute with
will cover and categorize Real
fundamental numbersSolve and apply
concepts of equations and inequalities Analyze
algebra required and use graphs and functions
to interpret a Solve systems of equations and
Non- Non- Intermediat variety of inequalities Compute with and
self_paced 8 12 8 en-us functions and factor polynomials and polynomial
Program Program e
equations. functions Compute with rational
expressions and solve rational
equations Compute with and
simplify radicals, roots, and
complex numbers Solve and
graph quadratic functions
Environmental and Doane Economic Assess effects of human non- Bachelor’s degree business-
Natural Resources University analysis of judicious use of natural resources or5 years management,
Economics agricultural resulting in agricultural problems experience in a environmental-
problems and environmental related field studies,
associated with degradationApply environmental economics-finance
use of renewable economic theory to the allocation
Sustainabl and and utilization of natural
MicroMast e Intermediat nonrenewable resourcesAnalyze the effects of
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us environmental economic growth on the
ers Agribusine e
ss and natural environment and agricultural
resources. practicesThrough evaluation of
current environmental policy, the
learner will be able to propose
policy modifications to inform new
policy that realizes better
ecosystems services.
Essentials of Doane Define the Define the concept and Bachelor’s degree business-
Lifestyle Medicine University essential components of population orMinimum 5 years management,
and Population components of health.Recognize the need for a work experience in medicine
Health healthcare population health approach to a healthcare related
systems, and health care education, delivery fieldBasic
make the and policy.Discuss the integration understanding of
argument for why of the four pillars of population medical terminology
healthcare health.Describe the economic
delivery models effect of preventable health
based on these conditions.Recognize that
Certified foundational scientific and economic data
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat principles are support the business case for
self_paced 5 10 2 en-us
ers Medicine e essential to improving workforce
Executive addressing our health.Identify how workforce
healthcare crisis. health has an effect on an
organization.Identify the roles of
the health plan, purchaser,
consultant, and specialty vendors
in workforce health
improvement.Identify proven
strategies to promote good health
and increase employee
Food as Medicine: Doane Heart disease At the end of this course, learners medicine, food-
Preventing and University and many other will be able to: Identify how the nutrition, health-
Reversing Chronic common, chronic Standard American Diet causes safety
Disease diseases such as common diseases, Explore what
type 2 diabetes, to eat to prevent and reverse
many those diseases, Utilize the tools to
autoimmune transition to a plant-based diet,
disorders, and Prepare plant-based meals,Apply
even some SMART goals to make positive
cancers, are all lifestyle changes.
caused by the
same thing...the
Non- Non- Introductor American Diet.
self_paced 2 5 4 en-us
Program Program y But the good
news is that
these diseases
need never exist
and if they do
exist, they can
oftentimes be
reversed with a
plant-based diet.
In this course,
you’re going to
learn how the
Fundamentals of Doane Examine a variety How to use various methods for Bachelor’s degree business-
Advocacy in Health University of methods of advocating in healthcare orMinimum 5 years management,
Policy advocacy and systems.Identify culturally work experience in medicine
discover how competent strategies for a healthcare related
Certified health policies advocating in diverse fieldBasic
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat are developed, populations.Apply evidence based understanding of
self_paced 5 10 2 en-us adopted and methods to promote advocacy economics and
ers Medicine e
Executive implemented. within a targeted group or finance
population.Develop a health policy
change that promotes quality,
advocacy and system change.
Fundamentals of Doane A basic At the completion of this course social-sciences
Psychology University introduction of students will be able to:1.
psychology and Describe key concepts, theories,
the processes people, and themes in the areas
and methods of the history of psychology,
used within the behavioral neuroscience, human
field. development, sensation and
perception, conditioning and
learning, human memory,
cognition and intelligence,
motivation and emotion, human
Non- Non- Introductor sexuality, personality,
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us
Program Program y psychological disorders, and
social behavior. 2. Describe the
research methodology used in
each area.3. Apply key concepts
in each area to novel situations. 4.
Apply the scientific method to the
study of human behavior.5.
Identify applications of
psychology.6. Reflect on the use
of scientific reasoning to interpret
psychological phenomena

Fundamentals of Doane This course is an The student will compare and social-sciences,
Sociology University introduction to the contrast the basic assumptions humanities
study of human found in functionalist theory,
social behavior, conflict theory, and symbolic
social groups, interactionism theory.The student
and society. The will critique the advantages and
course disadvantages inherent in the
emphasizes the most prominent research design
basic concepts methods employed by
and theories sociologists.The student will
found in the explain the connection between
discipline of culture and the process of
sociology. socialization.The student will
Non- Non- Introductor discriminate between social
self_paced 8 12 8 en-us
Program Program y interaction and social
structure.The student will assess
the nature of the family as a social
institution from the functionalist
theoretical perspective, the conflict
theoretical perspective, and the
symbolic interactionist theoretical
perspective.The student will
explain the difference between
primary groups and secondary
groups.The student will assess
important implications derived
from social divisions based on
race/ethnicity, social class,
General Overview of Doane An in-depth view Cannabis historyCannabis environmental-
Cannabis and the University of cannabis and industryCannabis studies,
Industry’s Outlook its potential uses. applicationsDifferences between chemistry, health-
and Professions Marijuana and HempMajor/minor safety
Cannabis cannabinoidsTerpenes and other
Science phyto-compounds in
and Introductor cannabisCannabis benefits for
al self_paced 5 10 4 en-us
Industries: y humansMedicinal, recreational,
Seeds to and industrial
Needs cannabisProfessions in the
cannabis industryCannabis
consumer products and global
Global Food Futures Doane Learners will Analyze proposed solutions to Bachelor’s degree business-
and Agri-food University analyze proposed global agri-food systems orFive years in a management,
Systems Solutions solutions to some challengesCompare existing related field communication,
of the most distribution systems for environmental-
pressing agri- sustainabilitySurvey innovations, studies
Sustainabl food challenges scientific breakthroughs, and
MicroMast e Intermediat and participate in emerging technologiesConstruct
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us
ers Agribusine e creating viable strategies and solutions for
ss innovative the environmental, social and
solutions to build economic challenges that face the
a global food global agri-food system
system in the
face of rapidly
Growth & Doane A study of human At the completion of this course social-sciences
Development University development students will be able to:1. Identify
through the Life from the prenatal core differences between life
Span period through stages, prenatal through death2.
death. Using a Explain cognitive, emotional, and
Biopsychosocial social development in relation to
framework the life stages3. Distinguish the
lifespan is psychological, social, or physical
explored with factors that may impact an
explicit individual's development4.
consideration to Synthesize how various theories
cognitive, have influenced the development
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 8 12 8 en-us emotional, and of lifespan research 5. Apply how
Program Program y
socio-cultural lifespan development is related to
development. the student’s profession6.
Evaluate current research in the
field and analytical methods used
to gather data7. Assess whether
proper classification was utilized
during the case study analysis and
be able to offer suggestions for
future research.
Health Informatics Doane Leaders in a Understand the concepts around Bachelor’s degree business-
and Technology in University healthcare Health Informatics and how it orMinimum 5 years management,
Decision Making environment are affects Public and Population work experience in medicine
faced HealthCompare how Health a healthcare related
Healthcare withdecisions and Informatics is being used around fieldBasic
MicroMast Intermediat challenges every the world in healthcare understanding of
Administrat self_paced 5 10 3 en-us
ers e day that can systemsUse informatics to medical terminology
affect public evaluate current healthcare
health. Learn practicesDiscuss emerging trends
about health in health informatics
Health Informatics Doane Explore health Define Population Health, Health Bachelor’s degree business-
Technology in University informatics Informatics and Public orMinimum 5 years management,
Population solutions that HealthDescribe the difference and work experience in medicine
Healthcare Analytics answer connection between Population a healthcare related
population health Health and InformaticsCompare fieldBasic
challenges. how population health is being understanding of
Certified managed through Health economics and
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat InformaticsApply the concepts of finance
self_paced 5 10 3 en-us informatics to understand how
ers Medicine e
Executive healthcare is changing the health
of the populationDiscuss emerging
trends in health
informaticsRecognize informatics
solutions for public health

Health Law, Policy, Doane Explore important Discuss health lawExplain Bachelor’s degree law, medicine,
and Advocacy University issues in health physician-patient relations within a orMinimum 5 years business-
law. Discover legal contextInterpret laws that work experience in management
how health shape access to health a healthcare related
policies are careExplore informed consent for fieldBasic
developed, medical treatmentEvaluate understanding of
adopted and medical malpractice suits within economics and
Healthcare implemented, as healthcare systemsInspect the finance
MicroMast Intermediat
Administrat self_paced 5 10 5 en-us well as the utilization of bioethics in
ers e
ion factors that healthcareDescribe methods for
influence this advocating in healthcare
process. systems.Identify culturally
competent advocacy
strategiesAssess a health policy
change that promotes quality,
advocacy and system change.
Healthcare Doane Take the This capstone exam is an Certificate of business-
Administration University Comprehensive assessment of the knowledge and Completion for the 7 management,
Comprehensive Exam and various skills you’ve attained Healthcare medicine
Exam demonstrate the throughout the MicroMasters Administration
knowledge and program. They include: How to MicroMasters
skills acquired inuse management and leadership courses.
the Healthcare frameworks, theories, and case
Administration studies to address complex issues
MicroMasters in healthcare organizations;How to
program to earn identify evidence based methods
the DoaneX for planning, organizing, leading,
MicroMasters and advocating for patients,
Healthcare credential. families and communities in the
MicroMast Intermediat public health sector;How to
Administrat self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
ers e manage the economic
environment in healthcare;How to
apply Financial Management
techniques to prepare budgets,
financial forecasts, assess
investment alternatives, and
leverage capital structures within
healthcare organizations;How to
evaluate the value of new
healthcare delivery systems and
interventions on the basis of
quality, safety, efficiency and cost
effectiveness using accumulated
data;How to evaluate health policy
Healthcare Finance, Doane Gain the How to evaluate the relevance of Bachelor’s degree economics-
Economics and Risk University knowledge of economics in all aspects of orMinimum 5 years finance, medicine
financial systems healthcare.How to analyze work experience in
Certified needed to be a economic concepts and models a healthcare related
Lifestyle leader or as they apply to healthcare.How to fieldBasic
Medicine administrator in identify the diverse aspects of understanding of
MicroMast Intermediat the healthcare healthcare financing.How to economics and
Executive self_paced 5 10 5 en-us
ers e industry and how assess economic problems in finance
Administrat they impact order to develop and implement
ion strategic economic policy.How to evaluate
planning, quality the economic advantages and
assurance and policy options of healthcare
risk management market reform.
Healthcare Doane Learn how the How to analyze the structure of Bachelor’s degree business-
Organization and University structure and the United States healthcare orMinimum of 5 management,
Delivery Models delivery of system and other global years work medicine
healthcare healthcare systems to provide a experience in a
systems can comparative analysis of their healthcare related
greatly impact strength and weaknesses.How fieldBasic
health outcomes. tocompare healthcare delivery understanding of
Healthcare systems across the globe to make medical terminology
MicroMast Intermediat recommendations for disruptive
Administrat self_paced 5 10 2 en-us
ers e innovation and healthcare system
reform.How to examine healthcare
delivery systems role on patient
health outcomes.How to formulate
a plan to incorporate innovation
into high performing healthcare
delivery systems.

Introduction to Doane Gain a basic Conceptualize how lifestyle biology-life-

Lifestyle Medicine University understanding of behaviors resulted in chronic sciences, medicine
the main disease in the USChronic disease
components of epidemic affects our economic
lifestyle medicine health as a nation.What is
as well as the Lifestyle Medicine and its
importance of differences from traditional
using the coach Western medicine.Tools to
Non- Non- Introductor approach when develop a personal, healthy
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us counseling lifestyleLifestyle factors
Program Program y
patients about contribution to leading health
behavior change. killers in the USHealth
relationships between food
production, politics, economics
and the environmentCommit to
improvement in personal health
Introduction to Doane This By the end of this course learners medicine,
Pharmacology University pharmacology will be able to:Describe the chemistry, health-
course will fundamental principles of drug safety
explore the action, including: basic
mechanism of pharmacokinetics, basic
action of pharmacodynamics and receptor
pharmaceutical binding. Analyze the process of
drugs on a drug development , including the
molecular level. involvement of regulatory
agencies. Demonstrate knowledge
of major drug classes, including
therapeutic uses, mechanism of
action and various routes of drug
Non- Non- Introductor administration. Differentiate the
self_paced 10 12 8 en-us
Program Program y common side effects associated
with major therapeutic drug
classes and how they may impact
patient care. Construct an
evaluation of a recently approved
FDA medication. Compute basic
and advanced dosage calculation
problems. Differentiate the various
responsibilities of healthcare
providers in the prescribing and
administration of medications.
Design a therapeutic treatment
plan for a patient with a commonly
treated disease state or disorder.
Leading Doane Learn how to Recognize organizational behavior Bachelor’s degree business-
Organizational University apply change and change theories.Examine the orMinimum 5 years management,
Change in management change management work experience in medicine
Healthcare processes within process.Discuss methods for a healthcare related
a healthcare assessing key features of fieldBasic
Certified organization. organizational environments. understanding of
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat Discuss the diagnosis, economics and
self_paced 5 10 3 en-us
ers Medicine e development, and implementation finance
Executive of an effective organizational
culture change.Apply social,
behavioral, and organizational
science to organizational culture
Lifestyle Medicine Doane Learn key • Define the key concepts of none medicine, food-
Fundamentals University concepts of Oxidative Stress, Microbiome, and nutrition, health-
evidence-based Epigenetics• Identify the role that safety
lifestyle the Oxidative Stress, Microbiome,
Lifestyle therapeutic and Epigenetics play in human
Medicine: approaches used health• Recognize the interaction
Profession to prevent and of exercise with our overall health•
Improving Introductor
al self_paced 5 10 1 en-us treat the root Recognize how sleep and stress
the Future y
Certificate causes of lifestyle- management interacts with our
of Health
Care related, chronic overall health• Comprehend how
diseases. the physical environments impact
chronic diseases of lifestyle
Lifestyle Medicine Doane Learn specific • Recognize the core HPH-604X medicine, food-
Treatments of University lifestyle medicine competencies of Nutrition, (recommended) nutrition, health-
Chronic Disease – treatment Tobacco Cessation, and Alcohol safety
Part 1 Lifestyle protocols for a and their interaction with chronic
Medicine: variety of chronic diseases• Explain the difference in
Improving Intermediat diseases, such efficacies of traditional treatments
al self_paced 10 15 2 en-us
the Future e as breast cancer, vs. lifestyle based treatments•
of Health diabetes, and Identify effective lifestyle based
Care heart disease. treatment protocols used to
prevent and treat chronic diseases
of lifestyle
Lifestyle Medicine Doane Learn specific • Recognize the core HPH-104X and medicine, food-
Treatments of University lifestyle medicine competencies of Nutrition, HPH-105X nutrition, health-
Chronic Disease – treatment Tobacco Cessation, and Alcohol (recommended) safety
Part 2 Lifestyle protocols for a and their interaction with chronic
Medicine: variety of chronic diseases• Explain the difference in
Improving Intermediat diseases, such efficacies of traditional treatments
al self_paced 10 15 2 en-us
the Future e as prostate vs. lifestyle based treatments•
of Health cancer, Identify effective lifestyle based
Care osteoporosis, and treatment protocols used to
depression. prevent and treat chronic diseases
of lifestyle
Macroeconomics - Doane Explore Comprehend and use basic none economics-
The Basics University macroeconomics economic concepts including finance, business-
and its current supply and demand.Comprehend management
and future trends. the variations in different
economic systems.Calculate and
interpret major macroeconomic
statistics including GDP,
unemployment rates, inflation
Non- Non- Introductor rates and poverty rates.Analyze
self_paced 10 18 8 en-us and evaluate the use of both
Program Program y
monetary and fiscal policy to
stabilize the economy, including
taxing policies.Explain examples
of major macroeconomic
challenges and current trends as
well as future trends as
consumers and companies.

Management - Doane Analyze At the completion of this course business-

Becoming an University characteristics students will be able to:Describe management,
Effective Leader and qualities of management functions and the communication
an effective related skills Explain the process
leader. of strategic planningIdentify the
managerial skills to make effective
Non- Non- Introductor business decisionsApply
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us managerial skills that lead to
Program Program y
effective outcomesSelect relevant
communication skills required to
achieve organizational
goalsExplain the process of
organizational control
Marketing - Doane Examine the By the end of this course the business-
Delivering the Value University process of learner will be able to:● Explain management,
Proposition branding and its branding and value creation● communication
MicroBach Marketing Introductor relationship to Identify how to capture and deliver
self_paced 7 9 4 en-us
elors Essentials y value creation. value● Discuss integrated
marketing and value
Marketing Doane A comprehensive By the end of this course the business-
Essentials Final University exam covering learner will be able to illustrate management,
MicroBach Marketing Introductor
Exam self_paced 7 9 1 en-us the Marketing their knowledge gained in the communication
elors Essentials y
Essentials Marketing Essentials
courses. MicroBachelors Program.
Marketing Doane Examine the By the end of this course, you will● business-
Foundations University basic building Summarize the strategic overview management,
blocks of of marketing● Identify analytical communication
marketing as a tools used to assess marketing
part of the overall strategies● Recognize the
MicroBach Marketing Introductor business strategy. introductory pieces of marketing●
self_paced 7 9 4 en-us Identify the 4 Ps of Marketing●
elors Essentials y
Discuss consumer behavior and
positioning strategies● Analyze
the marketing planIdentify
marketing strategies

Marketing Doane Explore topics By the end of this course the business-
Operations University focusing on the learner will be able to: ● Identify management,
historical and evaluate the Marketplace ● communication
development of Identify historical changes and
marketing as well concepts ● Explore new
MicroBach Marketing Introductor as the effects that technologies as they apply to
self_paced 7 9 4 en-us
elors Essentials y global trade and marketing ● Explain Social Media
technology has and Value Creation ● Discuss
on marketing market segmentation, target
practices and marketing & promotion
Medical Cannabis Doane In this course, Students will gain a solid medicine,
University medical and understanding of the compounds science, health-
scientific topics in cannabis, including safety
related to cannabinoids, terpenes, and other
therapeutic uses, phytocompounds, and their
delivery methods, medicinal and therapeutic
and bioavailability applications. Students learn how
of medical these cannabinoids interact with
cannabis will be the nervous receptors in the
Non- Non- Introductor covered. endocannabinoid system.
self_paced 7 9 8 en-us Students will be able to identify
Program Program y
and distinguish the differences
and similarities of major and minor
cannabinoids and how they affect
human health. Students will be
able to interpret medical cannabis
research results and make
conclusions on their applications.

Medical Terminology Doane Medical Identify and interpret common biology-life-

University terminology is the prefixes, and suffixes used in sciences, medicine
study of the rules medical termsDetermine the
of medical word meaning of stem words to break
building. Receive down complex medical terms and
a thorough their components to decipher the
Non- Non- Introductor grounding in meaning.Use common medical
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us basic medical abbreviations in typical medical
Program Program y
terminology documents to interpret a
through a study physician’s shortened notes Write
of root words, and apply medical terms in a
prefixes and suitable context in reports and
suffixes. other forms of medical
Microeconomics & Doane Explore Evaluate the implication of supply none economics-
Business University microeconomics and demand and the effects of finance, business-
and its elasticity as it relates to various management
relationship to markets.Interpret and graphically
business decision- express cost curves to determine
making. price point or profit of all types of
markets.Differentiate the
characteristics of competitive,
monopolistically competitive,
Non- Non- Introductor oligopoly, and monopolistic market
self_paced 10 18 8 en-us
Program Program y environments.Illustrate
fundamental economic principles
by identifying economic problems
and proposing available
alternatives.Interpret the market
demand for labor and changes to
the market demand for labor.
Organizational Doane Learn social, Explain the change management Bachelor’s degree business-
Culture and Change University behavioral, and process.Identify methods for orMinimum 5 years management,
in Healthcare organizational assessing key features of an work experience in medicine
science methods organization’s cultural a healthcare related
for driving environment. Evaluate the fieldBasic
Healthcare organizational diagnosis, development, and understanding of
MicroMast Intermediat
Administrat self_paced 5 10 3 en-us change in the implementation process of an medical terminology
ers e
ion healthcare effective organizational culture
industry. change.Utilize social, behavioral,
and organizational science within
a organizational culture and
change project.
Population Health: Doane Identify key socio- Identify the three types of disease Bachelor’s degree business-
Disease Prevention University economic and prevention orMinimum 5 years management,
and Management cultural care/managementIdentify work experience in medicine
determinants of determinants of health and their a healthcare related
population health effect on healthcare outcomes and fieldBasic
outcomes, access.Discuss the social and understanding of
analyze the economic imperative of health economics and
impact of socio- promotion.Define the concept of finance
cultural factors on lifestyle medicine-based disease
access to health management and understand the
care and adjust economic case.Identify the need
health promotions for and value of integrating
Certified and interventions lifestyle medicine into the
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat accordingly. community, including worksites
self_paced 5 10 2 en-us
ers Medicine e and healthcare
Executive institutions.Characterize the
differences between chronic care
and preventive care
management.Identify key
characteristics and components of
a successful lifestyle medicine-
based population health model as
they pertain to disease prevention
and management.Describe the
factors that play a role in the shift
to population health management
and leverage points in the system
for intervention.
Principles of Health Doane Identify key Discuss health law and how it Bachelor’s degree law, medicine
Law and Regulatory University health law and shapes physician-patient orMinimum 5 years
Issues regulatory relationsExplore the subgroup of work experience in
Certified principles. laws that control access to health a healthcare related
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat care Examine the principles of fieldBasic
self_paced 5 10 2 en-us informed consent for medical understanding of
ers Medicine e
Executive treatmentEvaluation of basic economics and
medical malpractice suitsExamine finance
bioethics in healthcare
Professional Doane Professional By the end of this course learners communication,
Business University Business will be able to:● Evaluate the business-
Presentations Presentations, organizational steps of a management
will dive into the presentation● Examine various
world of supporting materials for
presenting presentations● Evaluate and
information both discuss various presentation
in written and software● Examine design
verbal form. This principles for presentations●
course discusses Discuss storytelling for
Business how to effectively presentations● Develop a
and create presentationPresent via video a
Profession presentations polished presentation
MicroBach Introductor with quality
al self_paced 5 8 5 en-us
elors y formatting, the
ation for proper design
Success elements and
organization. The
learner will
identify the proper
format and
software for their
Learners will
have the
opportunity to
utilize the skills
Strategic Leadership Doane Develop your How individual development, Bachelor’s degree business-
in Healthcare University own leadership including communication skills, orMinimum 5 years management,
style, while also coaching, mentoring, negotiation, work experience in medicine
coaching and and motivation theory, works a healthcare related
mentoring teams within a leadership role.Examine fieldBasic
to promote team development through the understanding of
individual growth topics of facilitation and medical terminology
Healthcare and improve collaboration.Analyze individual
MicroMast Intermediat organizational strengths and areas of
Administrat self_paced 5 10 5 en-us
ers e outcomes. improvement within
leadership.Assess your personal
style of leadership.Describe
practical strategic thinking
practices and leadership
theories.Evaluate how leadership
style can be used to think and act

Sustainable Agri- Doane This course Apply concepts of marketing to Bachelor’s degree business-
food Marketing University examines the sustainable agriculture and food or5 years management,
principles and innovationIdentify creative market experience in a environmental-
practices of entry strategiesUtilize economic related field studies, food-
Sustainabl sustainable principles to formulate pricing nutrition
MicroMast e Intermediat marketing in the strategies
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us
ers Agribusine e agri-food industry
ss and marketing’s
role in the
creation and
management of
relationships with
Sustainable Agri- Doane Learn how to Apply supply chain management Bachelor’s degree business-
food Supply Chain University manage a principles in a sustainable way or5 years management,
Management sustainable agri- that protects the experience in a food-nutrition,
Sustainabl food chains that environmentMeasure related field environmental-
MicroMast e Intermediat operates in a environmental sustainability studies
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us manner that performance of supply
ers Agribusine e
ss exploits and chainsAnalyze the importance of
optimizes the ethics and transparency in supply
synergies among chain management
Sustainable Doane protection,
Take the social This capstone exam is an Course completion business-
Agribusiness University Comprehensive assessment of the knowledge and certificate for all six management,
Comprehensive Exam and various skills you’ve attained courses in the environmental-
Exam demonstrate the throughout the MicroMasters Sustainable Agri- studies, food-
knowledge and program. They include how to: business nutrition
skills acquired in Discern how variables impact MicroMasters
the Sustainable outcomes within specific program.
Agribusiness contextsArticulate how models
MicroMasters can be used to maximize
program to sustainabilityUtilize sustainable
earnyour DoaneX agricultural models to achieve
MicroMasters economic and sustainability
Sustainabl credential. outcomesAssess effects of human
MicroMast e Intermediat non-judicious use of natural
self_paced 10 15 8 en-us
ers Agribusine e resources resulting in agricultural
ss problems and environmental
degradationApply environmental
economic theory to the allocation
and utilization of natural
resourcesAnalyze the effects of
economic growth on the
environment and agricultural
practicesThrough evaluation of
current environmental policy, the
learner will be able to propose
policy modifications to inform new
policy that realizes better
ecosystems services.Explain the
U.S. Healthcare Doane Examine the Analyze the structure of the United Bachelor’s degree business-
Systems University structure and States healthcare system to orMinimum 5 years management,
delivery of the provide an analysis of its strengths work experience in medicine
U.S. healthcare and weaknesses.Compare a healthcare related
system and its healthcare delivery systems fieldBasic
impact on across the globe to make understanding of
population health recommendations for disruptive economics and
Certified outcomes, and innovation and healthcare system finance
MicroMast Lifestyle Intermediat comparative reform in the United
self_paced 5 10 2 en-us
ers Medicine e analysis. States.Examine the U.S.
Executive healthcare delivery system role in
patient health
outcomes.Formulate a plan to
incorporate knowledge gained into
an existing healthcare delivery
Understanding the Doane An introduction to Students successfully completing business-
Business University the business this course will be able to:1) management
Environment environment. demonstrate a basic
understanding of business,2)
define capitalism and explain the
basics of how free markets
Non- Non- Introductor work,3) discuss the forces that
self_paced 5 10 8 en-us affect trading in global markets,4)
Program Program y
define corporate social
responsibility and its impact upon
various stakeholders, and5)
discuss the importance of small
business in the American
Vulnerable Doane Explore the ethics Examine the sociopolitical context Bachelor’s degree business-
Populations University behind global of accessible healthcare and orMinimum of 5 management,
approaches to healthcare delivery to vulnerable years work medicine
the care of populations worldwide.Discuss experience in a
diverse factors related to healthcare ethics healthcare related
vulnerable in caring for vulnerable fieldBasic
Healthcare populations in populations.Examine theethical understanding of
MicroMast Intermediat order to provide deliberation frameworks.Identify medical terminology
Administrat self_paced 5 10 2 en-us
ers e comprehensive current trends in healthcare
care to all delivery related to Vulnerable
populations within populations.Compare the
a healthcare sustainability of global healthcare
system. models as they relate to
vulnerable populations.

Be the Startup Hero: Draper Learn to build Hero Mindset - Ideas that Change Business business-
Draper University University and grow your the WorldDesign and Prototype experience useful management
Business Plan business from the Thinking – solving problems with but not required
Competition best first principle thinkingProduct
entrepreneurs Market Fit – Customer acquisition
and operators in and marketing
the world. Meet fundamentalsStartup Finance 101
investors as they – Everything you need to know
Non- Non- Intermediat walk you through about projections and business
self_paced 4 8 2 en-us fundraising and modelsFundraising – Process,
Program Program e
diligence. Submit outreach, pitching and negotiating
your pitch and with investorsLeadership –
business plan to Building winning teamsPitching to
win a slot at investors - Submit a business plan
Draper and pitch for potential investment
accelerator in
Silicon Valley.
Be the Startup Hero: Draper Learn to build Hero Mindset - Ideas that Change Business business-
Draper University University and grow your the WorldDesign and Prototype experience useful management
Business Plan business from the Thinking – solving problems with but not required
Competition best first principle thinkingProduct
entrepreneurs Market Fit – Customer acquisition
and operators in and marketing
the world. Meet fundamentalsStartup Finance 101
investors as they – Everything you need to know
Non- Non- Intermediat walk you through about projections and business
self_paced 4 8 2 en-us fundraising and modelsFundraising – Process,
Program Program e
diligence. Submit outreach, pitching and negotiating
your pitch and with investorsLeadership –
business plan to Building winning teamsPitching to
win a slot at investors - Submit a business plan
Draper and pitch for potential investment
accelerator in
Silicon Valley.

Be the Startup Hero: Draper Learn to build Hero Mindset - Ideas that Change Business business-
Draper University University and grow your the WorldDesign and Prototype experience useful management
Business Plan business from the Thinking – solving problems with but not required
Competition best first principle thinkingProduct
entrepreneurs Market Fit – Customer acquisition
and operators in and marketing
the world. Meet fundamentalsStartup Finance 101
investors as they – Everything you need to know
Non- Non- Intermediat walk you through about projections and business
self_paced 4 8 2 en-us fundraising and modelsFundraising – Process,
Program Program e
diligence. Submit outreach, pitching and negotiating
your pitch and with investorsLeadership –
business plan to Building winning teamsPitching to
win a slot at investors - Submit a business plan
Draper and pitch for potential investment
accelerator in
Silicon Valley.

Be the Startup Hero: Draper Learn to build Hero Mindset - Ideas that Change Business business-
Draper University University and grow your the WorldDesign and Prototype experience useful management
Business Plan business from the Thinking – solving problems with but not required
Competition best first principle thinkingProduct
entrepreneurs Market Fit – Customer acquisition
and operators in and marketing
the world. Meet fundamentalsStartup Finance 101
investors as they – Everything you need to know
Non- Non- Intermediat walk you through about projections and business
self_paced 4 8 2 en-us fundraising and modelsFundraising – Process,
Program Program e
diligence. Submit outreach, pitching and negotiating
your pitch and with investorsLeadership –
business plan to Building winning teamsPitching to
win a slot at investors - Submit a business plan
Draper and pitch for potential investment
accelerator in
Silicon Valley.
Business and Data Fullbridge Learn key How to use spreadsheet business-
Analysis Skills Career business applications like Microsoft Excel to management,
Developme management execute basic analysesHow to data-analysis-
nt: Skills skills as well as determine the most appropriate statistics,
for tools and Excel functions for different economics-finance
XSeries Success methods for tasksHow to calculate and analyze
Profession Skills for Introductor analyzing data market size and market shareHow
self_paced 3 4 3 en-us and presenting to visualize and communicate data
al Success y
Certificate Career results. with charts and graphsHow to
Edge: The critically read visualized dataHow
Path to to communicate different types of
Career revenue, cost, and key profitability
Success metrics

Communication Fullbridge Effective writing How to determine the most business-

Skills and Teamwork and presentation appropriate format for different management
skills are messagesHow to use top-down
essential for thinking to structure your
Career career success. communicationsHow to manage
Developme Learn how to conflict in a professional and
nt: Skills create and deliver appropriate mannerHow to write
for high-impact clear, concise professional
XSeries Success communications, communications, including emails
Profession Skills for Introductor improve your soft and calendar invitationsHow to
self_paced 3 4 3 en-us skills, and design clear and persuasive
al Success y
Certificate Career effectively lead PowerPoint presentationsHow to
Edge: The and collaborate achieve team synergy by using the
Path to on teams. forming, storming, norming, and
Career performing methodologyHow to
Success scope, plan, execute, and reflect
on projectsHow to use project-
planning tools to track and
execute your projects

Problem Solving Fullbridge Develop your How to frame problems using a business-
and Critical Thinking Career ability to tackle systematic, repeatable management
Skills Developme complex processHow to develop and test
nt: Skills problems in the solutions using the 80/20 ruleHow
for workplace using to identify user needs and develop
XSeries Success known analytical solutions to meet themHow to use
Profession Career Introductor problem solving design thinking to generate ideas
self_paced 2 3 3 en-us
al Edge: The y techniques, and discover creative
Certificate Path to design thinking, solutionsHow to plan and execute
Career and effective primary and secondary
Success research. researchHow to design and build
Skills for effective surveys
Resume, Fullbridge Get the job you How to construct eye-catching business-
Networking, and want with resumes, cover letters, and other management
Interview Skills compelling supplementsHow to customize
resume writing application materials for different
Career and focused professional opportunitiesHow to
Edge: The interview create and curate professional
XSeries preparation. profiles on social networks like
Path to
Profession Introductor LinkedIn to showcase your
Career self_paced 2 3 3 en-us
al y strengthsHow to strategically grow
Certificate and use your networkHow to
Skills for
Success prepare for and excel in any
interviewHow to effectively follow
up with interviewers and hiring
managers throughout the
interview process
Self-Assessment – Fullbridge Learn how to How to recognize your workstyle business-
Developing Your leverage your preferences, including the way you management
Strengths strengths for relate to others in the
Career professional workplaceHow to source
Edge: The growth. Focus on professional development
Path to your interests, feedback to become a more
Career and develop a effective workplace
XSeries Success strategic career contributorHow to recognize
Profession Skills for Introductor roadmap. different organizational structures
self_paced 3 4 3 en-us and their business purposesHow
al Success y
Certificate Career to identify roles and organizations
Developme that complement your
nt: Skills strengthsHow to define your
for ambitions in a career vision
Success statementHow to create a
professional development plan
that will help you achieve your
career vision

18th-Century Opera: Harvard Study Baroque How singers and the orchestra music, art-culture,
Handel & Mozart University and Classical interactHow performances of history
opera through these works have changed since
Handel’s Giulio their premieresThe basic
Cesare and structures of Baroque
Non- Non- Introductor Mozart’s Don operaEssential characteristics of
self_paced 3 4 5 en-us
Program Program y Giovanni Classical musicMozart’s
techniques for representing
characters through musicHow to
compare the social and cultural
contexts of the two premieres
19th-Century Opera: Harvard Learn the music The technologies behind 1830s music, art-culture,
Meyerbeer, Wagner, University and cultural French opera performancesThe history
& Verdi impact of three relationships among major players
canonical operas in the premiere of Les
from the 1800s: HuguenotsHow Romanticism
Les Huguenots , differed from the optimism of the
Das Rheingold , EnlightenmentThe different
and Otello. singing styles in French Grand
Non- Non- Introductor OperaInnovations in staging
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program y between the three periods of
opera.How Wagner represented
characters and situations with
musical themesHow Wagner’s
approach to opera influenced
Verdi’s OtelloHow Act I of Otello
looked and sounded at the

Advanced Harvard Data Learn advanced Static and interactive visualization PH525.3x, data-analysis-
Bioconductor University Analysis approaches to of genomic dataReproducible PH525.4x statistics, biology-
for genomic analysis methodsMemory-sparing life-sciences,
Genomic visualization, representations of genomic science
XSeries reproducible assaysWorking with multiomic
Profession analysis, data experiments in cancerTargeted
Analysis self_paced Advanced 2 4 4 en-us
al architecture, and interrogation of cloud-scale
Certificate exploration of genomic archives
Genomics cloud-scale
Data consortium-
Analysis generated
genomic data.
American Harvard Learn how early The foundations of the American None social-sciences,
Government: University American politics political cultureHow the history, law
Constitutional informed the U.S. Constitution represented the idea
Foundations Constitution and of “limited government”Why the
why its promise Constitution’s framers felt it
of liberty and necessary to limit popular
U.S. equality has yet influenceThe history of federalism
Introductor to be fully as a constitutional issueHow
XSeries Governme self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
y realized. power is divided between the
federal and state
governmentsWhat individual rights
are held by today’s
AmericansWhich policies have
expanded the rights of
disadvantaged groups
Ancient Harvard Examine how The early history of World None literature,
Masterpieces of University cultures of the LiteratureHow literary works are humanities, art-
World Literature ancient world transformed by cultural culture
defined transmission and modern
Non- Non- Introductor themselves recoveryHow to critically analyze
self_paced 3 6 6 en-us
Program Program y through literature literary worksThe significance of
and how their major technological advances in
vision of literature writing
contributes to our
understanding of
Applications of Harvard Get the The code behind some of the Fundamentals of data-analysis-
TinyML University opportunity to see most widely used applications of TinyML course or statistics,
TinyML in TinyMLReal-word industry sufficient relevant computer-science
practice. You will applications of TinyMLPrinciples of experience: Basic
Tiny see examples of Keyword SpottingPrinciples of Scripting in
Machine Intermediat TinyML Visual Wake WordsConcept of PythonBasic usage
al self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
Learning e applications, and Anomaly DetectionPrinciples of of ColabBasics of
(TinyML) learn first-hand Dataset EngineeringResponsible Machine
how to train these AI Development LearningBasics of
models for tiny Embedded Systems
applications such
as keyword
Backyard Harvard Learn to forecast The role of air, water, and wind in None science, physics
Meteorology: The University the weather just weather systemsHow to estimate
Science of Weather by looking out local wind speed and directionHow
your window. to avoid being struck by
lightningHow to identify cloud
types and featuresHow to
describe the attributes of
Non- Non- Introductor thunderstorms and tornadoesHow
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program y to collect and interpret data and
observations to predict the next
day's weatherThe benefits and
drawbacks of weather prediction
methodsThe butterfly effect and its
application to weather systems

Bioethics: The Law, Harvard An introduction to How the reproductive technology medicine,
Medicine, and University the study of industry works, and issues raised philosophy-ethics,
Ethics of bioethics and the related to buying and selling law
Reproductive application of human reproductive materialsThe
Technologies and legal and ethical law and ethics of surrogacyCivil
Genetics reasoning. lawsuits when things go wrong
with reproductive technology:
wrongful birth and wrongful life
Non- Non- Introductor lawsuitsThe law and ethics of
self_paced 1 2 10 en-us sperm donation and the legal
Program Program y
status of sperm donorsEthical and
legal issues raised by human
enhancementThe law and ethics
of mixing human and animal
genetic materialThe ownership of
human tissue and its underlying
genetic information
Bioethics: The Law, Harvard An introduction to How the reproductive technology medicine,
Medicine, and University the study of industry works, and issues raised philosophy-ethics,
Ethics of bioethics and the related to buying and selling law
Reproductive application of human reproductive materialsThe
Technologies and legal and ethical law and ethics of surrogacyCivil
Genetics reasoning. lawsuits when things go wrong
with reproductive technology:
wrongful birth and wrongful life
Non- Non- Introductor lawsuitsThe law and ethics of
self_paced 1 2 10 en-us sperm donation and the legal
Program Program y
status of sperm donorsEthical and
legal issues raised by human
enhancementThe law and ethics
of mixing human and animal
genetic materialThe ownership of
human tissue and its underlying
genetic information

Buddhism Through Harvard Learn about the Religious/philosophical insights None humanities, history
Its Scriptures University rich and diverse conveyed in Buddhist textsHow
World beliefs and scriptures are interpreted to
Religions practices of diverse ends in different historical
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us Buddhists across contextsSensitive appreciation of
Their time and place. world religions
Scriptures Experience
Calculus Applied! Harvard through its of
Apply tools Authentic examples and case Single-variable math, biology-life-
University single-variable studies of how calculus is applied Calculus sciences, physics
calculus to create to problems in other fieldsHow to (derivatives,
and analyze analyze mathematical models, integrals and basics
Non- Non- Intermediat mathematical including variables, constants, and of differential
self_paced 3 6 10 en-us models used by parametersAppreciation for the equations); College
Program Program e
real practitioners assumptions and complications or AP/IB High
in social, life, and that go into modeling real world School Level
physical sciences. situations with mathematics

Case Studies in Harvard Genomics Perform RNA- Mapping readsQuality assessment PH525.3x, data-analysis-
Functional Genomics University Data Seq, ChIP-Seq, of Next Generation DataAnalyzing PH525.4x statistics, biology-
Analysis and DNA RNA-seq dataAnalyzing DNA life-sciences,
Data methylation data methylation dataAnalyzing ChIP science
XSeries analyses, using Seq data
Profession open source
for self_paced Advanced 2 4 5 en-us
al software,
Certificate including R and
Analysis Bioconductor.
Causal Diagrams: Harvard Learn simple How to translate expert knowledge data-analysis-
Draw Your University graphical rules into a causal diagramHow to draw statistics, health-
Assumptions Before that allow you to causal diagrams under different safety, math
Your Conclusions Non- Non- Introductor use intuitive assumptionsUsing causal
self_paced 2 3 9 en-us pictures to diagrams to identify common
Program Program y
improve study biasesUsing causal diagrams to
design and data guide data analysis
analysis for
Cell Biology: Harvard causal
A human-inference. How the internal structure and biology-life-
Mitochondria University centered organization of a cell provides an sciences, science
approach to the understanding of how and why a
fundamentals of cell worksThe role mitochondria
cell biology with a play in the cell and why it is
focus on the important for a cell to make
power plants of ATPHow cells metabolize food to
Non- Non- Introductor the cell - provide the molecules necessary
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us mitochondria. for mitochondrial functionHow the
Program Program y
structure of the F1F0 ATP
synthase leads to the production
of ATPWhat experimental
techniques are used to investigate
mitochondrial structure and
function in the laboratory

Cell Biology: Harvard A human- How the internal structure and biology-life-
Mitochondria University centered organization of a cell provides an sciences, science
approach to the understanding of how and why a
fundamentals of cell worksThe role mitochondria
cell biology with a play in the cell and why it is
focus on the important for a cell to make
power plants of ATPHow cells metabolize food to
Non- Non- Introductor the cell - provide the molecules necessary
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us mitochondria. for mitochondrial functionHow the
Program Program y
structure of the F1F0 ATP
synthase leads to the production
of ATPWhat experimental
techniques are used to investigate
mitochondrial structure and
function in the laboratory
Child Protection: Harvard Learn how to The origins of child protection in social-sciences,
Children's Rights in University protect children international human rights lawHow health-safety
Theory and Practice from violence, to analyze global child protection
exploitation, and issues and the diversity of actors
neglect through involved in child protectionThe
law, policy, and impact of violence, exploitation,
practice in a and abuse (VEA) on children’s
Non- Non- Introductor human rights emotional, social and physical
self_paced 2 6 16 en-us framework. development and strategies for
Program Program y
preventing and responding to
these harmsThe standards of
protection for children in conflict or
in contact with the lawHow to
assess and strengthen a child
protection system

China and Harvard Explore the How the rise of the Chinese history, social-
Communism University Maoist period of Communist Party came sciences
History of China, from the about.What changed under the
China: Communist Party People’s Republic under Mao
Introductor to the death of Zedong.What China’s reopening
XSeries The self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
y Mao and the and reform in the 1970s meant for
Era reopening of the country.About the cultural,
China. intellectual, political, economic
changes in this period.
China Humanities: Harvard Explore Chinese Cultural traditions that are revered humanities,
The Individual in University history and in China today.How to interpret history, art-culture
Chinese Culture culture from the Chinese philosophical texts.How
Non- Non- Introductor perspective of the to analyze and appreciate
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us individual through masterpieces of Chinese
Program Program y
philosophical literature.How to see the
texts, literary “individual voice” in visual works.
works, and art.
ChinaX Book Club: Harvard An exploration of Survey the transformation of literature, art-
Five Authors, Five University the dynamics of contemporary Chinese literature culture
Books, Five Views contemporary through direct engagement with
of China China using the five books and author
tools of close interviewsExplore contemporary
reading, China from a range of
discussion, and perspectives including politics,
analysis. ethics, culture, and
genderUnderstand how literature
(particularly in the context of
China) can become a source of
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 1 2 5 en-us political intervention and articulate
Program Program y
tensions between authoritarianism
and individual freedom.Develop
your own approaches to modern
literature, culture, and history via
close reading, critical discussion,
and analysisExpress ideas more
clearly and confidently through the
study of primary and secondary

China’s First Harvard Learn about the How the first centralized history, humanities
Empires and the University Qin and Han bureaucratic empire was
Rise of Buddhism dynasties, and created.How the foreign religion of
how Buddhism Buddhism gained prominence.The
History of and ideas of self- dynamics of political systems and
China: realization changing state-society
Bronze Introductor influenced the relations.How religion functions as
XSeries self_paced 1 3 15 en-us medieval period. a historical phenomenon.How to
Age to the y
Last develop your own approaches to
Dynasties history and gain a critical
appreciation of China’s many
resources.How to express ideas
clearly and confidently.

China’s Political and Harvard Learn about China’s history from political, None history, humanities
Intellectual University China’s origins, geographic, and cultural
Foundations: From its integral early perspectives.The beginning of
Sage Kings to thinkers, and Chinese history in archaeology
Confucius competing states and mythology.The blossoming of
History of and schools of Chinese thought, from Confucius
China: thought. to the Legalists.Historical methods
Bronze Introductor for explaining how complex
XSeries self_paced 1 3 15 en-us civilizations are formed.How to
Age to the y
Last analyze texts and
Dynasties artifacts.Methods for the analysis
of philosophical and political
arguments.A critical appreciation
of China’s literary, philosophical,
political, and cultural resources.
Christianity Through Harvard Learn about What’s in the Bible, the book humanities, history
Its Scriptures University Christianity containing the sacred scriptures of
through a study Christians.An overview of contents
of its sacred with a focus on diverse
scriptures. We interpretations of well-known
World will explore how passages.Exploration of select
Religions diverse Christians themes, such as how Christians
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us have interpreted approach diversity, attitudes
Their these writings toward non-Christian traditions,
Scriptures and practiced existential questions of suffering
their teachings and violence, the encounter with
over a 2000 year, modern science, the roles of
global history. women, liturgical time and
CitiesX: The Past, Harvard Explore what A deeper understanding of what social-sciences,
Present and Future University makes cities urbanism looks like around the economics-
of Urban Life energizing, worldA historical perspective on finance, history
amazing, the rise of cities throughout the
challenging, and worldThe role local and national
perhaps governments play in developing
Non- Non- Introductor humanity’s and distorting citiesThe cultural
self_paced 5 7 11 en-us greatest invention. contributions cities make to how
Program Program y
we live, love, and learnThe role of
transportation in creating a
liveable cityDifferent approaches
to analyzing public policy in
citiesWhat the future might hold
for urban life
Citizen Politics in Harvard Learn about the The theory and practice of None social-sciences,
America: Public University forces in pollingThe nature of today’s history, law
Opinion, Elections, American politics Republican and Democratic
Interest Groups, and that seek to partiesHow U.S. elections differ
the Media influence the from those of other
electorate and democraciesKey points of the
U.S. shift the political 2016 Trump-Clinton raceWhy
XSeries Governme self_paced 2 4 4 en-us landscape. social movements succeed or
nt failWhy some special interests are
more influential than othersHow
the news system has changed in
recent decadesThe political
consequences of a decentralized
news media
Contemporary Harvard Use the case The political and economic world None history, social-
China: The People's University study method to of Post-Mao China.The period sciences
Republic, Taiwan, study China from from Deng Xiaoping’s rise in 1978
and Hong Kong the rise of Deng to the present.How to examine
Xiaoping to the Chinese history with a
History of present. multidisciplinary approach.Five
China: important themes in modern
Introductor China’s rapid development:
XSeries The self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
y agriculture, entrepreneurship,
Era education, environment, and
literature.Taiwan’s relationship
with the People’s Republic of
China.How today’s conception of a
“Chinese Dream” is influenced by
China’s past.
Contract Law: From Harvard Contracts are a A theoretical background of None. business-
Trust to Promise to University part of our contracts, trust, and promiseHow management,
Contract everyday life, to form contracts through valid philosophy-ethics,
arising in offer and acceptanceLimits to law
collaboration, enforcing contractsIssues
trust, promise excusing contractual
and credit. How performanceAvailable remedies
are contracts for contractual breachesThird
Non- Non- Intermediat formed? What parties' ability to enforce
self_paced 3 6 8 en-us makes a contract contractsThe limitations of
Program Program e
enforceable? contract lawHow courts interpret
What happens contractsRelationship of Contracts
when one party to Agency, Partnership,
breaks a Corporations and RegulationHow
promise? to read through contracts to apply
these key concepts and
understand potential issues and

Cosmopolitan Tang: Harvard Explore the How the dynasties of north and history,
Aristocratic Culture University reunification of south were reunified under the Sui humanities, art-
in China History of China under the and Tang.How to analyze China’s culture
China: Tang with a focus first multi-ethnic empire and its
Bronze Introductor on aristocratic foreign relations.How to compose
XSeries self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
Age to the y culture — from and analyze poetry and
Last poetry to calligraphy.How to understand a
Dynasties calligraphy to romantic story as both history and
literature. literature.
Creating Modern Harvard Explore the birth What were the foreign models for history, social-
China: The University of modern China a Chinese republic?How the sciences
Republican Period with a focus on modern Chinese state was built on
to the Present History of the time between the ruins of the previous
China: the fall of the empire.The impact of China’s war
XSeries The self_paced 1 3 15 en-us Qing and the end against Japan.How China’s
Modern of World War II. relationship with the U.S. follows
Era established patterns.The role of
leaders like Sun Yat-sen, Chiang
Kai-shek, and Mao Zedong.
CS50 for Lawyers Harvard This course is a Computational None. computer-science,
University variant of Harvard ThinkingProgramming law
University's LanguagesAlgorithms, Data
introduction to StructuresCryptographyCybersecur
computer ityInternet Technologies, Cloud
Non- Non- Introductor science, CS50, ComputingWeb
self_paced 3 6 10 en-us
Program Program y designed ProgrammingDatabase
especially for DesignCybersecurity,
lawyers (and law continuedChallenges at the
students). Intersection of Law and
CS50's Computer Harvard This is CS50’s computational computer-science,
Science for University introduction to thinkingprogramming business-
Business Non- Non- Introductor computer science languagesinternet management
Professionals self_paced 2 6 6 en-us for business technologiesweb
Program Program y
professionals. developmenttechnology
stackscloud computing
CS50's Introduction Harvard Learn to use graph search CS50 or prior computer-science
to Artificial University machine learning algorithmsadversarial programming
Intelligence with in Python in this searchknowledge experience in
Python Computer introductory representationlogical Python.
Profession Science course on inferenceprobability
Introductor artificial theoryBayesian networksMarkov
al for self_paced 10 30 7 en-us
y intelligence. modelsconstraint
Certificate Artificial
Intelligence satisfactionmachine
learningneural networksnatural
language processing
CS50's Introduction Harvard An introduction to A broad and robust understanding None. computer-science,
to Computer Science University the intellectual of computer science and engineering
enterprises of programmingHow to think
computer science algorithmically and solve
for Web
and the art of programming problems
programming. efficientlyConcepts like
abstraction, algorithms, data
structures, encapsulation,
resource management, security,
software engineering, and web
developmentFamiliarity in a
number of languages, including C,
Profession Computer
Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus
al Science Introductor
self_paced 6 18 12 en-us CSS and HTMLHow to engage
Certificate for Game y
with a vibrant community of like-
XSeries Developme
minded learners from all levels of
experienceHow to develop and
present a final programming
project to your peers
and Mobile
CS50's Introduction Harvard Learn about the Via lectures and hands-on CS50 or prior computer-science
to Game University development of projects, the course explores programming
Development 2D and 3D principles of 2D and 3D graphics, experience in any
interactive games animation, sound, and collision language.
Computer in this hands-on detection using frameworks like
Profession Science course, as you Unity and LÖVE 2D, as well as
Intermediat explore the languages like Lua and C#. By
al for Game self_paced 6 9 12 en-us
e design of games class’s end,you'llhave
Certificate Developme
nt such as Super programmed several ofyour own
Mario Bros., games and gained a thorough
Pokémon, Angry understanding of the basics of
Birds, and more. game design and development.

CS50's Introduction Harvard A gentle functionseventsvaluesconditionslo computer-science,

to Programming with University introduction to opsvariablesabstraction design, education-
Non- Non- Introductor
Scratch self_paced 2 6 3 en-us programming that teacher-training
Program Program y
prepares you for
CS50's Harvard courses
This in coding.
is CS50’s internetmultimediasecurityweb computer-science,
Understanding University CS50's introduction to developmentprogramming electronics
Technology AP® technology for
XSeries Computer self_paced 2 6 6 en-us students who
Science don’t (yet!)
Principles consider
CS50's Web Harvard themselves
This course picks HTML, CSSGitPythonDjangoSQL, CS50 or prior computer-science
Programming with University up where CS50 Models, and programming
Python and leaves off, diving MigrationsJavaScriptUser experience in any
JavaScript Computer more deeply into InterfacesTesting, language.
Profession Science the design and CI/CDScalability and Security
al for Web self_paced 6 9 12 en-us implementation of
Certificate Programmi web apps with
ng Python,
JavaScript, and
SQL using
Data Science: Harvard frameworks
Show what like How to apply the knowledge base data-analysis-
Capstone University you've learned and skills learned throughout the statistics,
Profession from the series to a real-world problemHow computer-science,
Data Introductor
al self_paced 15 20 2 en-us Professional to independently work on a data math
Science y
Certificate Certificate analysis project
Program in Data
Data Science: Harvard Science.
Learn inference The concepts necessary to define Data Science: data-analysis-
Inference and University and modeling, estimates and margins of errors of Probabilityor a basic statistics,
Modeling two of the most populations, parameters, knowledge of computer-science
widely used estimates and standard errors in probability theory.
Profession statistical tools in order to make predictions about
Data Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us data analysis. dataHow to use models to
Science y
Certificate aggregatedata from different
sourcesThe very basics of
Bayesian statistics and predictive
Data Science: Harvard Learn how to use How linear regression was data-analysis-
Linear Regression University R to implement originally developed by statistics,
Profession linear regression, GaltonWhat is confounding and computer-science,
Data Introductor one of the most how to detect itHow to examine math
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us
Science y common the relationships between
statistical variables by implementing linear
modeling regression in R
Data Science: Harvard approaches
Build a moviein The basics of machine This course is part data-analysis-
Machine Learning University recommendation learningHow to perform cross- of our Professional statistics,
system and learn validation to avoid Certificate Program computer-science
Profession the science overtrainingSeveral popular in Data Science and
Data Introductor behind one of the machine learning algorithmsHow we recommend the
al self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Science y most popular and to build a recommendation preceding courses
successful data systemWhat is regularization and in the series as
science why it is useful? prerequisites.
Data Science: Harvard Learn probability Important concepts in probability data-analysis-
Probability University theory -- essential theory including random variables statistics, math
for a data and independenceHow to perform
Profession scientist -- using a Monte Carlo simulationThe
Data Introductor a case study on meaning of expected values and
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us
Science y the financial crisis standard errors and how to
of 2007-2008. compute them in RThe importance
of the Central Limit Theorem

Data Science: Harvard Keep your How to use Unix/Linux to manage data-analysis-
Productivity Tools University projects your file systemHow to perform statistics,
Profession organized and version control with gitHow to start computer-science
Data Introductor produce a repository on GitHubHow to
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us
Science y reproducible leverage the many useful features
reports using provided by RStudio
GitHub, git,
Data Science: R Harvard Unix/Linux, and
Build a foundation Basic R syntaxFoundational R An up-to-date data-analysis-
Basics University in R and learn programming concepts such as browser is statistics,
how to wrangle, data types, vectors arithmetic, and recommended to computer-science
Profession analyze, and indexingHow to perform enable
Data Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us visualize data. operations in R including sorting, programming
Science y
Certificate data wrangling using dplyr, and directly in a browser-
making plots based interface.

Data Science: Harvard Learn basic data Data visualization principlesHow An up-to-date data-analysis-
Visualization University visualization to communicate data- browser is statistics,
principles and drivenfindingsHow to use ggplot2 recommended to computer-science
Profession how to apply to create custom plotsThe enable
Data Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us them using weaknesses of several widely- programming
Science y
Certificate ggplot2. used plots and why you should directly in a browser-
avoid them based interface.
Data Science: Harvard Learn to process Importing data into R fromdifferent data-analysis-
Wrangling University and convert raw file formatsWeb scrapingHow to statistics,
data into formats tidy data using the tidyverse computer-science
needed for tobetter facilitateanalysisString
Profession analysis. processing with regular
Data Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 8 en-us expressions (regex)Wrangling
Science y
Certificate data using dplyrHow to workwith
dates and times as file
formatsText mining

Deploying TinyML Harvard Learn to program An understanding of the hardware Applications of data-analysis-
University in TensorFlow of a microcontroller-based TinyMLBasic statistics,
Lite for deviceA review of the software Programming in computer-science
microcontrollers behind a microcontroller-based C/C++TinyML
so that you can deviceHow to program your own Course Kit
Tiny write the code, TinyML deviceHow to write your
Profession and deploy your code for a microcontroller-based
Machine Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us model to your deviceHow to deploy your code to
Learning e
Certificate very own tiny a microcontroller-based
microcontroller. deviceHow to train a
Before you know microcontroller-based
it, you’ll be deviceResponsible AI Deployment
implementing an
entire TinyML
Early Childhood Harvard Examine best Gain knowledge about the state of education-teacher-
Development: University practices in child the science on effective training
Global Strategies for and family interventions for early childhood
Implementation policies, development.Learn what makes
advocacy, programs successful around the
financing, and world in supporting early childhood
pathways to development and why some
scale—learning programs fail.Reflect on changes
how to generate for your program, becoming
Non- Non- Introductor innovative, familiar with the steps to design
self_paced 1 3 7 en-us scalable successful interventions that
Program Program y
intervention support early childhood
strategies that development and understand what
supports early services you need to
childhood prioritize.Explore strategies to
development. enable widespread adaptation of
Together, quality programming and evaluate
Harvard the effectiveness of your
University and programming.
UNICEF bring
global experience
Energy Within Harvard A quantitative The basic engineering, Certificate-earners environmental-
Environmental University introduction to the environmental science, and will need chemistry studies,
Constraints energy system economics of our energy and physics at the economics-
and its system.Aworking understanding of high school level, as finance,
environmental energy well as basic engineering
Non- Non- Introductor impacts. technologies.Environmental algebra. However,
self_paced 3 5 10 en-us impacts of the energy system, the majority of the
Program Program y
focusing on air pollution, climate course is accessible
change, and land use.Techniques to anyone.
for estimating monetary costs
andcarbon impacts.

Entrepreneurship in Harvard Explore how An awareness of the opportunities None business-

Emerging University entrepreneurship for entrepreneurship in fast- management,
Economies and innovation growing emerging marketsAn economics-
tackle complex understanding of a conceptual finance, health-
Non- Non- Introductor social problems framework for evaluating such safety
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us in emerging opportunitiesAn appreciation of
Program Program y
economies. the types of problems that lend
themselves to entrepreneurial

Exercising Harvard Mobilize people In this short introductory course, None business-
Leadership: University to tackle tough you will discover a diagnostic-and- management,
Foundational problems and action process for exercising communication,
Principles build the capacity leadership that explores the philosophy-ethics
to thrive through following foundational principles
the dangers of and strategies:How to identify and
change unbundle complex challengesHow
Non- Non- Introductor to understand the role of formal
self_paced 2 3 4 en-us and informal authorityHow to
Program Program y
identify the key perspectives of
stakeholdersHow to build and
renew trust relationshipsHow to
approach conflictHow to
implement personal strategies for
surviving and thriving amidst
Exercising Harvard Mobilize people In this short introductory course, None business-
Leadership: University to tackle tough you will discover a diagnostic-and- management,
Foundational problems and action process for exercising communication,
Principles build the capacity leadership that explores the philosophy-ethics
to thrive through following foundational principles
the dangers of and strategies:How to identify and
change unbundle complex challengesHow
Non- Non- Introductor to understand the role of formal
self_paced 2 3 4 en-us and informal authorityHow to
Program Program y
identify the key perspectives of
stakeholdersHow to build and
renew trust relationshipsHow to
approach conflictHow to
implement personal strategies for
surviving and thriving amidst
Fat Chance: Harvard Increase your An increased appreciation for, and High school algebra math
Probability from the University quantitative reduced fear of, basic probability
Ground Up reasoning skills and statisticsHow to solve
through a deeper combinatorial counting
understanding of problemsHow to solve problems
probability and using basic and advanced
Non- Non- Introductor statistics. probabilityAn introductory
self_paced 3 5 7 en-us understanding of the normal
Program Program y
distribution and its many statistical
applicationsAn ability to recognize
common fallacies in probability, as
well as some of the ways in which
statistics are abused or simply
First Nights - Harvard Learn about Identify and describe the forms of humanities, art-
Beethoven's 9th University Beethoven’s 18th- and 19th- century orchestral culture, history
Symphony and the monumental 9th musicUnderstand the instruments
19th Century Classical Introductor Symphony and and voices of the orchestra and
Orchestra XSeries self_paced 3 5 3 en-us forms of choirAppreciate cultural context
Works y
orchestral music. and performance circumstances
of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

First Nights - Harvard Learn about Stylistic features of Romantic humanities, art-
Berlioz’s Symphonie University Hector Berlioz's music, including program culture, music
Fantastique and Symphonie musicTechnical details of
Program Music in Classical Introductor Fantastique , an composition and orchestration in
the 19th Century XSeries self_paced 3 5 3 en-us iconic Romantic the 19th centuryAppreciate
Works y
symphony that cultural context and performance
ushered in an era circumstances of Berlioz's
of narrative Symphonie Fantastique
First Nights - Harvard "program
Discover music." Get to know some wonderful humanities, art-
Handel's Messiah University Handel's Messiah musicIdentify genres and culture, history
and Baroque in this installment subgenres of 18th-century opera
Oratorio of First Nights, and oratorioUnderstand text-music
which will explore relationships in the Baroque
Classical Introductor five masterpieces periodDistinguish basic aspects of
XSeries self_paced 3 5 3 en-us
Works y of western music. musical texture and musical
formAppreciate cultural context
and performance circumstances
of Handel's Messiah

First Nights - Harvard Learn about Identify and describe the technical None humanities, art-
Monteverdi’s University Claudio and formal aspects of 17th century culture, music
L’Orfeo and the Monteverdi's operaUnderstand the instruments
Birth of Opera L'Orfeo, one of of Monteverdi's orchestra, as well
Classical Introductor the first operas as the voice types of the
XSeries self_paced 3 5 3 en-us
Works y ever written. singersAppreciate cultural context
and performance circumstances
of Monteverdi's L'Orfeo
First Nights - Harvard Learn the Identify and describe forms and humanities, art-
Stravinsky’s Rite of University fascinating techniques used in 20th-century culture, history
Spring: Modernism, history of Igor orchestral musicUnderstand
Ballet, and Riots Stravinsky’s The approaches to ballet choreography
Classical Introductor Rite of Spring, in the 20th centuryAppreciate
XSeries self_paced 3 5 3 en-us
Works y one of the most cultural context and performance
challenging and circumstances of Stravinsky’s The
rewarding ballets Rite of Spring
ever written.
Food Fermentation: Harvard In Food Have a greater understanding and biology-life-
The Science of University Fermentation: appreciation of fermented foods sciences, food-
Cooking with The Science of and their history, culture and nutrition
Microbes Cooking with scienceHave a deeper knowledge
Microbes, explore of beneficial microbes to preserve
the roles that food and harmful microbes that
microbes play in can contaminate foodHave
the production, examined the underlying
preservation, and chemistry and microbiology of
enhancement of different kinds of fermentation
diverse foods in a through hands-on experiments—
variety of culinary and honed your skills in
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 3 14 en-us traditions, and experimental design, data
Program Program y
learn about the analysis, and
history of food interpretation.Learned the
fermentations. scientific principles and application
of instruments used for chemical
and microbial
characterizationExplored the
chemistry of flavor molecules
including the physiology of flavor
and the microbial reactions that
produce flavor molecules and
other metabolites

Fundamentals of Harvard Learn how Fundamentals of bioelectricityThe Some familiarity biology-life-

Neuroscience, Part University electricity makes importance of resting potentialThe witharithmetic, basic sciences, science,
1: The Electrical Fundament the neurons in properties of passive algebra, and medicine
Properties of the als of Introductor your brain tick. membranesAction potentials, their working with
Neuron XSeries self_paced 3 5 5 en-us currents, and their role in the equations.
Neuroscien y
ce nervous systemHow you can do
neuroscience in your home

Fundamentals of Harvard Learn how Fundamentals of bioelectricityThe Some familiarity biology-life-

Neuroscience, Part University electricity makes importance of resting potentialThe witharithmetic, basic sciences, science,
1: The Electrical Fundament the neurons in properties of passive algebra, and medicine
Properties of the als of Introductor your brain tick. membranesAction potentials, their working with
Neuron XSeries self_paced 3 5 5 en-us currents, and their role in the equations.
Neuroscien y
ce nervous systemHow you can do
neuroscience in your home
Fundamentals of Harvard Discover how Basics of synapsesHow neurons None. biology-life-
Neuroscience, Part University neurons work communicate with each otherHow sciences, science,
2: Neurons and Fundament together to create interconnected neurons in medicine
Networks als of Introductor complex neuronal circuits interact with each
XSeries self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Neuroscien y networks inside otherThe role of neuromodulation
ce the brain. in the firing of synapses

Fundamentals of Harvard Discover how Basics of synapsesHow neurons None. biology-life-

Neuroscience, Part University neurons work communicate with each otherHow sciences, science,
2: Neurons and Fundament together to create interconnected neurons in medicine
Networks als of Introductor complex neuronal circuits interact with each
XSeries self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Neuroscien y networks inside otherThe role of neuromodulation
ce the brain. in the firing of synapses

Fundamentals of Harvard Discover what How sensory perception works in None. biology-life-
Neuroscience, Part University makes your brain the brainHow the physiology of sciences, science,
3: The Brain tick in this third vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, medicine
course in our motor control and other senses
Fundament introductory workThe basic anatomy of
als of Introductor series in functional areas of the brainThe
XSeries self_paced 3 5 8 en-us neuroscience. visual system of the brainHow the
Neuroscien y
ce motor subsystems of the brain
execute and coordinate our
movement.The critical brain
systems that keep alive

Fundamentals of Harvard Discover what How sensory perception works in None. biology-life-
Neuroscience, Part University makes your brain the brainHow the physiology of sciences, science,
3: The Brain tick in this third vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, medicine
course in our motor control and other senses
Fundament introductory workThe basic anatomy of
als of Introductor series in functional areas of the brainThe
XSeries self_paced 3 5 8 en-us neuroscience. visual system of the brainHow the
Neuroscien y
ce motor subsystems of the brain
execute and coordinate our
movement.The critical brain
systems that keep alive

Fundamentals of Harvard Focusing on the Fundamentals of Machine Basic Scripting in data-analysis-

TinyML University basics of Learning (ML)Fundamentals of Python statistics,
Tiny machine learning Deep LearningHow to gather data computer-science
Machine Introductor and embedded for MLHow to train and deploy ML
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us
Learning y systems, such as modelsUnderstanding embedded
(TinyML) smartphones, this MLResponsible AI Design
course will
introduce you to
Global China: From Harvard Explore the How the Mongols created the history, humanities
the Mongols to the University impact of the greatest empire in human
Ming conquest history.How the Ming dynasty
History of dynasties and the established a new global
China: world of the Ming. economy.How New World silver
Bronze Introductor brought together the Americas,
XSeries self_paced 1 3 15 en-us Europe, and East Asia.How the
Age to the y
Last intellectuals of the East and West
Dynasties spoke directly to each other.How
to analyze land-based versus sea-
based approaches to empire-
High-Dimensional Harvard Data A focus on Mathematical DistanceDimension PH525.1x and data-analysis-
Data Analysis University Analysis several ReductionSingular Value PH525.2x or basic statistics, biology-
XSeries for Life techniques that Decomposition and Principal programming, intro life-sciences,
Profession Science are widely used in Component AnalysisMultiple to statistics, intro to science
self_paced Advanced 2 4 4 en-us the analysis of Dimensional Scaling PlotsFactor linear algebra, OR
al Data
Certificate Analysis high-dimensional AnalysisDealing with Batch PH525.3x
for Life data. EffectsClusteringHeatmapsBasic
Sciences Machine Learning Concepts
Hinduism Through Harvard Learn about the Religious and philosophical None humanities, history
Its Scriptures University World rich diversity of insights conveyed in Hindu
Religions Hindu sacred textsHow scriptures are
Introductor texts – hymns, interpreted to diverse ends in
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us
y narratives, different historical
Scriptures philosophical contextsSensitive appreciation of
thought – and world religions
Human Anatomy: Harvard their
Learn the Fundamentals of musculoskeletal None. medicine, biology-
Musculoskeletal University anatomy basic to anatomyBasics concepts and life-sciences,
Cases understanding procedures of radiologyAnatomical health-safety
five structures related to five common
Non- Non- Intermediat musculoskeletal injuries
self_paced 3 6 7 en-us injuries
Program Program e
commonly seen
in primary care
medicine and
orthopedic clinical
Humanitarian Harvard specialty
Learn thepractice. Legal and historical frameworks None health-safety
Response to University principles guiding shaping the professionalization of
Conflict and Disaster humanitarian the humanitarian fieldAn applied
response to understanding of the principles
modern guiding humanitarian response
Non- Non- Introductor emergencies, and and the tensions that arise when
self_paced 3 4 5 en-us the challenges operationalizing these principles in
Program Program y
faced in the field modern crisesHow to recognize
today. and adapt to major trends
affecting the scope and
implementation of humanitarian
Humanitarian Harvard Learn the Legal and historical frameworks None health-safety
Response to University principles guiding shaping the professionalization of
Conflict and Disaster humanitarian the humanitarian fieldAn applied
response to understanding of the principles
modern guiding humanitarian response
Non- Non- Introductor emergencies, and and the tensions that arise when
self_paced 3 4 5 en-us the challenges operationalizing these principles in
Program Program y
faced in the field modern crisesHow to recognize
today. and adapt to major trends
affecting the scope and
implementation of humanitarian
Improving Global Harvard An introduction to The relationship between quality None. social-sciences,
Health: Focusing on University the emerging field and population healthA framework medicine, health-
Quality and Safety of global for understanding and thinking safety
healthcare quality. about healthcare
qualityApproaches to quality
Non- Non- Intermediat measurementThe role of
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us information and communication
Program Program e
technology in assessing and
improving qualityTools and
contextual knowledge to improve
the quality delivered in health
Improving Your Harvard Learn how a The business case to adopt a business-
Business Through a University Culture of Health Culture of HealthThe ways you are management,
Culture of Health can transform already involved in health, whether health-safety
your business to you realize it or notHow to
improve the well- implement a Culture of Health in
being of your your business to gain a
Non- Non- Introductor employees and competitive advantageHow to
self_paced 1 3 9 en-us
Program Program y company, while reduce costs, increase revenues,
increasing and enhance your business’s
revenue. reputation using a Culture of
HealthReal-world examples of
Culture of Health implementation
that could apply to your business
Innovating in Health Harvard Find innovation How innovation in health care can Knowledge of business-
Care University opportunities in improve cost, quality, and financial accounting management,
health care accessThe six factors that economics-
technology, critically shape competitive finance, health-
management, strategies for innovative health safety
consulting, or care venturesWhat other elements
investing by combine to create a feasible
examining health business model for an innovative
Non- Non- Intermediat care cost, quality, health care ventureHow to
self_paced 6 8 9 en-us
Program Program e and access. distinguish the key to successful
innovations from those likely to
failHow to apply the IHC
framework to evaluate business
models across different kinds of
innovationsHow to craft your own
business plan for your next
innovation venture
Introduction to Harvard Genomics The structure, What we measure with high- PH525.3x, data-analysis-
Bioconductor University Data annotation, throughput technologies and PH525.4x statistics, biology-
Analysis normalization, whyIntroduction to high-throughput life-sciences,
Data and interpretation technologiesNext Generation science
XSeries of genome scale SequencingMicroarraysPreprocess
Profession Intermediat assays. ing and NormalizationThe
for self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
al e Bioconductor Genomic Ranges
Certificate UtilitiesGenomic Annotation
Introduction to Data Harvard Learn what is Understand what the Data Wise None education-teacher-
Wise: A University involved in using Improvement Process is and how training
Collaborative data wisely to it can help you improve teaching
Process to Improve build a culture of and learningBuild skills in looking
Learning & Teaching collaborative at a wide range of data sources,
inquiry. including test scores, student
Non- Non- Intermediat work, and teaching practiceIdentify
self_paced 1 2 10 en-us next steps in supporting a culture
Program Program e
of collaborative data inquiry in your
settingUnderstand what the Data
Wise Improvement Process is and
how it can help you improve
teaching and learning

Introduction to Data Harvard Learn what is Understand what the Data Wise None education-teacher-
Wise: A University involved in using Improvement Process is and how training
Collaborative data wisely to it can help you improve teaching
Process to Improve build a culture of and learningBuild skills in looking
Learning & Teaching collaborative at a wide range of data sources,
inquiry. including test scores, student
Non- Non- Intermediat work, and teaching practiceIdentify
self_paced 1 2 10 en-us next steps in supporting a culture
Program Program e
of collaborative data inquiry in your
settingUnderstand what the Data
Wise Improvement Process is and
how it can help you improve
teaching and learning

Introduction to Harvard Develop skills in What the term “digital humanities” None humanities,
Digital Humanities University digital research means in different disciplines.How computer-science
and visualization common digital tools work and
techniques examples of projects using
across subjects them.How various file types can
Non- Non- Introductor and fields within be used to create, gather, and
self_paced 2 4 7 en-us
Program Program y the humanities. organize data.How to use
command-line functions to analyze
text.How to use free tools to
create visual text analysis.
Introduction to Harvard Develop skills in What the term “digital humanities” None humanities,
Digital Humanities University digital research means in different disciplines.How computer-science
and visualization common digital tools work and
techniques examples of projects using
across subjects them.How various file types can
Non- Non- Introductor and fields within be used to create, gather, and
self_paced 2 4 7 en-us
Program Program y the humanities. organize data.How to use
command-line functions to analyze
text.How to use free tools to
create visual text analysis.

Introduction to Harvard Learn about The relationship between family None education-teacher-
Family Engagement University successful engagement and improved training
in Education collaborations school/student outcomes from
between families birth through high schoolThe
Non- Non- Introductor and educators additional benefits family
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us and why they engagement brings to parents,
Program Program y
lead to improved educators, and communitiesWhat
outcomes for the research shows about the
students and importance of engaging families
Introduction to Harvard Data Learn to use R Matrix algebra notationMatrix Basic mathBasic math, computer-
Linear Models and University Analysis programming to algebra operationsApplication of stats andR science
Matrix Algebra XSeries for Life apply linear matrix algebra to data programming OR
Profession Science Intermediat models to analysisLinear modelsBrief PH525.1x
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us analyze data in introduction to the QR
al Data e
Certificate Analysis life sciences. decomposition
for Life
Introduction to Harvard Learn probability, How to think about uncertainty and
Familiarity with U.S. data-analysis-
Probability University an essential randomnessHow to make good high school level statistics, math,
language and set predictionsThe story approach to algebra concepts; computer-science
of tools for understanding random Single-variable
understanding variablesCommon probability calculus: familiarity
data, distributions used in statistics and
with matrices.
randomness, and data scienceMethods for finding derivatives and
uncertainty. the expected value of a random integrals. Not all
quantityHow to use conditional units require
probability to approach Calculus, the
complicated problems underlying concepts
can be learned
concurrently with a
Non- Non- Intermediat Calculus course or
self_paced 5 10 10 en-us
Program Program e on your own for self-
directed learners.
Units 1-3 require no
calculus or
matrices; Units 4-6
require some
calculus, no
matrices; Unit 7
requires matrices,
no calculus.
Previous probability
or statistics
background not
Invasions, Harvard An overview of An overview of modern Chinese history, social-
Rebellions, and the University modern Chinese history.About the Qing’s forced re- sciences
Fall of Imperial China history, including encounter and engagement with
the fall of the the West.The impact of
History of Qing and the end imperialism and dynastic
China: of imperial China. decline.What ultimately caused
Introductor the fall of the Qing dynasty.How
XSeries The self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
y intellectuals wrestled with the
Era confrontation of western ideas and
technology.The historiography of
periodization and how one can
define the modern period.

Islam Through Its Harvard Learn about the An introduction to the place of the humanities, history
Scriptures University Quran, the Quran in Muslim culturesMajor
central sacred themes of the QuranThe historical
text of Islam, and cultural contexts of the
World through an QuranInterpretive skills that
Religions exploration of the enable a more nuanced reading of
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us rich diversity of the QuranDiverse approaches
Their roles and Muslims have adopted to
Scriptures interpretations in engaging with Quranic texts,
Muslim societies. including issues in contemporary
Japanese Books: Harvard This course How to examine Japanese books art-culture,
From Manuscript to University expands the and scrolls Different types of history, humanities
Print definition of the bindings, scroll formats, printing
“book” to include techniques, and basic
scrolls and terminologyDifferent approaches
albums, focusing to visual and textual storytelling
on the reading Short stories and epic tales—
experience of a plots, characters, and illustrative
variety of formats devicesHow to analyze and
in Japan. You will appreciate illustrated narratives
begin by
examining rare
and beautifully
Non- Non- Introductor preserved
self_paced 1 2 9 en-us
Program Program y manuscripts in
the Harvard Art
Museums in an
exploring the
properties of
Japanese books
and scrolls,
techniques, and
terminology. An
examination of
Judaism Through Its Harvard Learn about the The diversity of Jews and None humanities, history
Scriptures University key beliefs and JudaismKey facts about the
World practices of primary texts of the Jewish
Religions Judaism through canonThe role that scripture has
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us an examination of played and continues to play in the
Their its sacred texts lives of JewsWhy the sacred texts
Scriptures and their of Judaism continue to matter in
interpretation. the 21st century
Justice Harvard This introduction The fundamentals of political humanities,
University to moral and philosophyAn understanding of philosophy-ethics
political social justice and criminal justice,
philosophy is one and the roles they play in the
of the most modern justice systemA deeper
popular courses sense of the philosophy that
Non- Non- Introductor taught at Harvard underlies modern issues such as
self_paced 3 6 12 en-us
Program Program y College. affirmative action, same sex
marriage, and equalityThe ability
to better articulate and evaluate
philosophical arguments and ask
philosophical questions
Justice Harvard This introduction The fundamentals of political humanities,
University to moral and philosophyAn understanding of philosophy-ethics
political social justice and criminal justice,
philosophy is one and the roles they play in the
of the most modern justice systemA deeper
popular courses sense of the philosophy that
Non- Non- Introductor taught at Harvard underlies modern issues such as
self_paced 3 6 12 en-us
Program Program y College. affirmative action, same sex
marriage, and equalityThe ability
to better articulate and evaluate
philosophical arguments and ask
philosophical questions

Justice Harvard This introduction The fundamentals of political humanities,

University to moral and philosophyAn understanding of philosophy-ethics
political social justice and criminal justice,
philosophy is one and the roles they play in the
of the most modern justice systemA deeper
popular courses sense of the philosophy that
Non- Non- Introductor taught at Harvard underlies modern issues such as
self_paced 3 6 12 en-us
Program Program y College. affirmative action, same sex
marriage, and equalityThe ability
to better articulate and evaluate
philosophical arguments and ask
philosophical questions

Justice Today: Harvard Explore the The ways in which markets have humanities
Money, Markets, University ethical crowded out non-market spaces
and Morals controversies of and norms.To reflect about the
financial markets. moral limits - if any - of market
norms.How “needs” are
subjective, and place value on
nontraditional goods and
Non- Non- Introductor services.How to clearly articulate
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Program Program y a philosophical argument about
the allocation of goods and the
moral boundaries of markets in
our societies.How to develop and
refine your own ethical framework
to address challenging moral
Leaders of Learning Harvard Explore and How to define your personal None communication,
University understand your theory of learningWhat leadership social-sciences,
own theories of looks like in different learning education-teacher-
learning and environmentsHow an training
Non- Non- Introductor leadership. Gain organization's structure reflects its
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us the tools to theories of learningHow physical
Program Program y
imagine and build and digital design shape
the future of learningHow neuroscience will
learning. affect the future of learning
Lessons from Ebola: Harvard Understanding What happened during the Ebola None social-sciences,
Preventing the Next University the context for outbreak in West Africa?What medicine, health-
Pandemic the Ebola were the local challenges faced by safety
outbreak: What patients, clinicians, and national
Non- Non- Introductor went right, what policy makers?Why did the
self_paced 3 5 4 en-us went wrong, and international response fail to halt
Program Program y
how we can all do Ebola and prevent its spread?How
better. do we prevent the next the

Literati China: Harvard Explore China’s How to break history into periods None history,
Examinations, Neo- University imperial period, based on social, political, humanities, art-
Confucianism, and with a focus on economic, intellectual, and cultural culture
Later Imperial China the Song dynasty changes.How to develop your own
History of and the role of unique approach to history.How to
China: the exam system gain a critical appreciation of
Bronze Introductor in government. China’s literary, philosophical,
XSeries self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
Age to the y political, and cultural
Last resources.How to express ideas
Dynasties more clearly and confidently.How
to think critically through the study
of primary and secondary sources.

Masterpieces of Harvard Embark on a The history of World None literature, history

World Literature University global journey to LiteratureHow literary works and
explore the past, books are transformed by cultural
Non- Non- Introductor present, and transmissionHow to critically
self_paced 5 7 12 en-us
Program Program y future of World analyze literary worksThe
Literature. significance of major technological
advances in writing
Modern China’s Harvard Learn how the How the Manchus conquered history, social-
Foundations: The University Manchus Ming China.How the last of the sciences
Manchus and the conquered the imperial dynasties were
Qing Qing and established.How the Qing dynasty
established the became the foundation on which
History of last of the modern China was built.How to
China: imperial evaluate the imposition of foreign
Introductor dynasties. rule.How to develop your own
XSeries The self_paced 1 3 15 en-us
y approaches to history and gain a
Era critical appreciation of China’s
literary, philosophical, political and
cultural resources.How to express
ideas more clearly and confidently.

Modern Harvard Examine how The recent history of World None literature,
Masterpieces of University great modern LiteratureHow literary works are humanities, art-
World Literature writers capture transformed by cultural culture
Non- Non- Introductor the intricacies of transmissionHow to critically
self_paced 3 6 8 en-us our globalized analyze literary worksHistorical
Program Program y
world and how and political context in China,
their works Argentina, Turkey, and more
circulate within
that world to find
Practical Harvard Learn the skills Why improvement science is business-
Improvement University and tools of valuable in health, and health management,
Science in Health improvement care, and daily life.Why social-sciences,
Care: A Roadmap science to make understanding a system is critical health-safety
for Getting Results positive changes to improving a process.The value
in health, of conducting iterative tests of
healthcare, and change.How an improvement
Non- Non- Introductor your daily life. project evolves into reliable,
self_paced 2 5 7 en-us
Program Program y standard work.How to design and
execute a personal improvement
project, including an aim,
measures, and tests of
change.How interprofessional
teams come together to do
successful improvement work.
PredictionX: John Harvard An in-depth look John Snow’s role in creating history, health-
Snow and the University at the 1854 modern epidemiologyDescription safety
Non- Non- Introductor
Cholera Outbreak of self_paced 1 en-us London cholera of 19th century London life
Program Program y
1854 epidemic in Soho
and its
PredictionX: Lost Harvard importance
Explore the for What exactly navigation is and None history, science
Without Longitude University history of how it worksThe importance of
navigation, from position, direction, and speedThe
stars to satellites. many navigational tools of the
18th centuryHow the motion of the
sun and stars aids navigationWhy
Non- Non- Introductor longitude is so difficult to
self_paced 2 5 1 en-us
Program Program y determineThe historical context of
navigation’s technical
advancesThe role of
chronometers and lunar
distanceThe story of John
Harrison and The Longitude Prize
PredictionX: Omens, Harvard This course is an A variety of methods from across None social-sciences,
Oracles & University overview of cultures and history for divining history, science
Prophecies Non- Non- Introductor divination the future.A common framework
self_paced 3 5 1 en-us systems, ranging that describes human attempts to
Program Program y
from ancient predict the future.
Chinese bone
burning to
Prescription Drug Harvard Understand how Key controversies over how None medicine, health-
Regulation, Cost, University the FDA prescription drugs are developed safety, law
and Access: Current regulates and marketed, and why those
Controversies in pharmaceuticals controversies existThe FDA — its
Context and explore history, public health role, and
debates on rules affecting prescription drugs
prescription drug in the USThe process of
costs, marketing, discovering, testing, and
and testing. approving innovative drugs,
including various perspectives on
the criteria used for drug
approvalThe cost of prescription
drugs, including the factors
Non- Non- Introductor affecting a drug’s market
self_paced 2 5 8 en-us
Program Program y exclusivity period and the
availability and use of affordable
generic drugsSafety evaluation of
prescription drugs using “real
world” dataCurrent topics stirring
debate over the scope of FDA
regulation, such as dietary
supplements, special classes of
prescription drugs, and “right to
try” lawsthat allow patients to
obtain drugs prior to FDA
approvalPrescription drug
marketing rules and the effect of
drug promotion on the behavior of
Principles of Harvard This introduction The structure and function of the College-level medicine, biology-
Biochemistry University to biochemistry chemical building blocks of Introductory life-sciences,
explores the lifeHow to navigate protein BiologyCollege-level chemistry
molecules of life, structures using PyMOLThe Introductory
starting at simple central role of enzymes in General Chemistry,
building blocks catalyzing the reactions of lifeThe including basic
Non- Non- Intermediat and culminating primary metabolic pathways that Organic Chemistry
self_paced 4 6 15 en-us
Program Program e in complex power cellsThe intricate
metabolism. mechanisms that regulate cellular
metabolismThe integration of
biochemical processes in the
context of cells, tissues, and
whole organisms
Principles, Statistical Harvard Learn skills and Understand a series of concepts, data-analysis-
and Computational University tools that supportthought patterns, analysis statistics, science
Tools for data science and paradigms, and computational and
Reproducible Data reproducible statistical tools, that together
Science research, to support data science and
ensure you can reproducible
trust your own research.Fundamentals of
research results, reproducible science using case
reproduce them studies that illustrate various
yourself, and practicesKey elements for
communicate ensuring data provenance and
them to others. reproducible experimental
designStatistical methods for
Non- Non- Intermediat reproducible data
self_paced 3 8 8 en-us
Program Program e analysisComputational tools for
reproducible data analysis and
version control (Git/GitHub,
reproducible data (Data
repositories/Dataverse) and
reproducible dynamic report
generation (Rmarkdown/R
Notebook/Jupyter/Pandoc), and
workflows.How to develop new
methods and tools for
reproducible research and
reportingHow to write your own
reproducible paper.
Pyramids of Giza: Harvard Explore the The history and significance of the None. This is an art-culture,
Ancient Egyptian Art University archaeology, Giza Pyramids and surrounding introductory course. history, humanities
and Archaeology history, art, and cemeteriesWho explored the
hieroglyphs Pyramids and how they
surrounding the documented their discoveriesThe
famous Egyptian cultural and religious significance
Pyramids at Giza. of the Giza Pyramids, tombs, and
Learn about Old templesThe role of hieroglyphic
Non- Non- Introductor Kingdom inscriptions in the tombs at GizaAn
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us pharaohs and appreciation for Egyptian art of the
Program Program y
elites, tombs, Old Kingdom, or Pyramid AgeHow
temples, the digital technologies allow us to
Sphinx, and how visualize ancient monuments in
new technology is new waysWhat the future holds for
unlocking their our understanding and experience
secrets. of Giza

Quantitative Harvard Learn The basics of MATLABHow to Introductory algebra computer-science,

Methods for Biology University introductory troubleshoot your codeBasic medicine
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 3 5 10 en-us programming and biological and medical applications
Program Program y
data analysis in
MATLAB, with
applications to
Religion, Conflict Harvard Explore the Tools for how to interpret the roles humanities, social-
and Peace University diverse and religions play in contemporary sciences, history
complex roles conflicts;How religions are
Non- Non- Introductor that religions play internally diverse;How religions
self_paced 4 8 8 en-us
Program Program y in both promoting evolve and change;How religions
and mitigating are embedded in all human
violence. cultures;
Religious Literacy: Harvard Learn how to Tools for how to interpret the roles None humanities, history
Traditions and University better understand religions play in contemporary and
Scriptures the rich and historic contexts;How religions are
World complex ways internally diverseHow religions
Religions that religions evolve and changeHow religions
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us function in are embedded in all human
Their historic and culturesThe strengths and
Scriptures contemporary limitations of learning about
contexts. religions through their scriptures.

Remote Work Harvard In Remote Work Understand the key elements of business-
Revolution for University Revolution for remote work and use your management
Everyone Everyone, you knowledge to successfully
will learn to excel navigate the remote work
in the virtual-work environment Develop strategies
landscape. You for yourself and your team,
will learn how to improving productivity,
build trust, communication, and
increase collaborationUnderstand the types
productivity, use of trust required to be successful
digital tools in remote working
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 3 3 en-us intelligently, and environments—and how to build
Program Program y
remain fully itLearn how to select the right
aligned with your digital tools to increase
remote team. productivity and access to team
membersImplement practices that
will allow you to be an effective
leader and successfully manage a
remote teamCreate a plan to
relaunch your team into
successful remotely working

Rhetoric: The Art of Harvard Gain critical When and how to employ a variety humanities,
Persuasive Writing University communication of rhetorical devices in writing and communication,
and Public Speaking skills in writing speakingHow to differentiate history
and public between argument and rhetorical
Non- Non- Introductor speaking with this techniqueHow to write a
self_paced 2 3 8 en-us introduction to persuasive opinion editorial and
Program Program y
American political short speechHow to evaluate the
rhetoric. strength of an argumentHow to
identify logical fallacies in
Science & Cooking: Harvard Top chefs and The scientific concepts that Basic mathematics chemistry,
From Haute Cuisine University Harvard underlie everyday cooking and concepts physics, food-
to Soft Matter researchers haute cuisine techniques;How to (arithmetic, algebra, nutrition
Science (chemistry) explore how apply principles of physics, geometry)
everyday cooking engineering, and chemistry to
Non- Non- Introductor and haute cuisine cooking;How to become an
self_paced 2 3 16 en-us can illuminate experimental scientist in your own
Program Program y
basic principles in kitchen;How to think like a chef
chemistry, AND a scientist.
physics, and
Learn about food
molecules and
Science & Cooking: Harvard Top chefs and The chemical and physical Secondary school physics, food-
From Haute Cuisine University Harvard principles that underlie everyday (high school) nutrition, science
to Soft Matter researchers cooking and haute cuisine algebra, basic
Science (physics) explore how techniquesHow chefs can use mathematics
traditional and enzymes to make foods that would concepts
Non- Non- Introductor modernist otherwise be impossibleHow to
self_paced 2 3 16 en-us cooking use the scientific method to learn
Program Program y
techniques can how a recipe works, and find ways
illuminate basic you could improve itHow to think
principles in like a chef AND a scientist.
physics, and
Shakespeare's Harvard Explore the The many meanings of Hamlet None humanities,
Hamlet: The Ghost University haunting figure at revealed through the central literature, history
the heart of one figure: the Ghost of Hamlet’s
of William murdered father.The historical
Shakespeare’s context that shaped how
most famous Shakespeare wrote the play and
Shakespea plays. how his audiences interpreted
XSeries re’s self_paced 5 7 4 en-us it.How to challenge the
Outsiders assumption that the play is only
about revenge.The importance of
themes like remembrance, death,
and mourning.How the Ghost has
been interpreted on stage, on
screen, and in writing.
Shakespeare's Life Harvard Learn how to The cultural significance of humanities,
and Work University read William Shakespeare's plays and their history, literature
Shakespeare's performanceHow Shakespeare’s
plays through his work was considered in his own
biography, time and in the present, in his own
Elizabethan and country and around the
Jacobean history, worldDifferent approaches to
and modern textual interpretationHow to
Non- Non- Introductor performance. consider authorial intention,
self_paced 5 7 4 en-us
Program Program y historical context, and present
relevanceHow to analyze
Shakespeare's plays on the page
and in performanceFoundational
knowledge on Shakespeare that
can be applied to his specific

Shakespeare's The Harvard An exploration of Discover sixteenth-century None humanities,

Merchant of Venice: University the magnetic and Venice, the commercial hub literature, history
Shylock ambivalent whose multicultural landscape
character of gives shape to the playAnalyze
Shylock in Shylock, the Jewish merchant: his
William moral ambivalence, his isolation
Shakespeare’s from and connections to the other
The Merchant of characters, and his troubling
Venice. conversionSituate the play in a
long history of artistic
Shakespea representations of Jews in the
XSeries re’s self_paced 5 7 4 en-us West, with attention to the
Outsiders problem of anti-SemitismLearn
how the play, called a “comedy,”
incorporates tragic elements that
may prompt audiences to identify
with Shylock despite his outsider
statusWeigh different responses
to Shylock over four centuries
through the study of artifacts and
interviews with authors, actors,
and curators
Shakespeare’s Harvard Explore acts of Develop a critical stance on humanities,
Othello: The Moor University storytelling in Othello and its protagonist, the literature, history
Shakespeare's “Moor of Venice,” through the
Othello alongside central motif of storytelling.Use
world-class primary sources, including
artists who sixteenth-century accounts of
interpret Othello's Africa and nineteenth- and
Shakespea story in new twentieth-century performance
XSeries re’s self_paced 5 7 4 en-us forms and artifacts, to evaluate the play in
Outsiders contexts today. multiple historical
contexts.Looking at adaptations of
the play from the nineteenth
century to the present, evaluate
Othello as a platform for
conversations about race, gender,
class, and nationality.
Sikhism Through Its Harvard This course Exploration of a foundational Sikh humanities, history
Scriptures University examines the text, the Japji, which was
Sikh scripture composed by Guru Nanakand is
from a doctrinal recited by Sikhs as part of their
and historical morning prayersThe place of Guru
perspective by Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture,
providing an in Sikh lifeInterpretative skills to
World overview of Sikh engage in a nuanced reading of
Religions teachings as well Guru Granth SahibGurmat Sangit,
Introductor as the historical the Sikh musical tradition, as
XSeries Through self_paced 5 10 4 en-us
y context within represented in the Sikh scripture
Scriptures which the and itscultural contextThe
scripture evolved aesthetics of Sikhi, including
and became literature, art, and musicThe
canonized. political dimensions of Sikh
scripture and its impact on the
evolution of Sikhs as aPanth or

Statistical Inference Harvard A focus on the Organizing high throughput PH525.1x and data-analysis-
and Modeling for University techniques dataMultiple comparison PH525.2x or basic statistics, biology-
High-throughput Data commonly used problemFamily Wide Error programming, intro life-sciences,
Experiments Analysis to perform RatesFalse Discovery RateError to statistics, intro to science
Profession for Life statistical Rate Control linear algebra
al Sciences Intermediat inference on high proceduresBonferroni Correctionq-
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Certificate Data e throughput data. valuesStatistical
XSeries Analysis ModelingHierarchical Models and
for Life the basics of Bayesian
Science StatisticsExploratory Data
Analysis for High throughput data
Statistics and R Harvard Data An introduction to Random Basic data-analysis-
University Analysis basic statistical variablesDistributionsInference: p- programmingBasic statistics, biology-
Profession for Life concepts and R values and confidence math life-sciences,
al Sciences Intermediat programming intervalsExploratory Data science
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us skills necessary AnalysisNon-parametric statistics
Certificate Data e
XSeries Analysis for analyzing data
for Life in the life
Science sciences.
Strengthening Harvard Learn to deliver Core concepts in community health-safety,
Community Health University high-quality health as part of primary health business-
Worker Programs primary health systemsKey components in the management,
care at scale design and optimization of social-sciences
through national community health worker
community health programs as exemplified through
worker programs. country case studiesHow to
advocate for community health
worker programs with key
stakeholdersThe evidence
Non- Non- Introductor demonstrating the impact and
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
Program Program y returns of community health
workersHow to build coalitions to
support government-led
programsHow to break down silos
and reduce duplicative efforts in
the wider community health
ecosystemThe common issues
that arise in implementing
community health worker
programs at scale

Strengthening Harvard Learn to deliver Core concepts in community health-safety,

Community Health University high-quality health as part of primary health business-
Worker Programs primary health systemsKey components in the management,
care at scale design and optimization of social-sciences
through national community health worker
community health programs as exemplified through
worker programs. country case studiesHow to
advocate for community health
worker programs with key
stakeholdersThe evidence
Non- Non- Introductor demonstrating the impact and
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
Program Program y returns of community health
workersHow to build coalitions to
support government-led
programsHow to break down silos
and reduce duplicative efforts in
the wider community health
ecosystemThe common issues
that arise in implementing
community health worker
programs at scale
Tangible Things: Harvard Gain an Understanding of museum humanities, art-
Discovering History University understanding of curation approachesThe basics of culture, history
Through Artworks, history, museum historical analysis and
Artifacts, Scientific studies, and interpretationA sense of the work
Specimens, and the curation by that historians, curators, and
Stuff Around You looking at, collectors performStrong critical
organizing, and thinking and analytical skillsHow
interpreting art, things that seem to belong to
artifacts, scientific different disciplines actually can
Non- Non- Introductor curiosities, and “talk” to one anotherHow close
self_paced 1 3 10 en-us
Program Program y the stuff of looking at even a single object can
everyday life. push beyond academic and
disciplinary boundariesHow things
that may seem unrelated to each
other can show relationships
between art and science,
economics, and culture, as well as
between people in many different
parts of the world

Technology Harvard Explore how A systematic approach to None business-

Entrepreneurship: University entrepreneurs technology entrepreneurshipHow management,
Lab to Market build successful to generate new use scenarios by engineering,
businesses by matching customer needs with biology-life-
moving promising technology seedsHow sciences
Non- Non- Introductor technology from to align business and operating
self_paced 2 4 5 en-us
Program Program y lab to market. models How to evaluate a
technology for readiness and
market fitHow to position
opportunities to secure funding

The Architectural Harvard Learn How to read, analyze, and None architecture,
Imagination University fundamental understand different forms of history
principles of architectural representationSocial
architecture — as and historical contexts behind
an academic major works of architectureBasic
Non- Non- Introductor subject or a principles to produce your own
self_paced 3 5 10 en-us
Program Program y professional architectural drawings and
career — by modelsPertinent content for
studying some of academic study or a professional
history’s most career as an architect
The Architectural Harvard Learn How to read, analyze, and None architecture,
Imagination University fundamental understand different forms of history
principles of architectural representationSocial
architecture — as and historical contexts behind
an academic major works of architectureBasic
Non- Non- Introductor subject or a principles to produce your own
self_paced 3 5 10 en-us
Program Program y professional architectural drawings and
career — by modelsPertinent content for
studying some of academic study or a professional
history’s most career as an architect
The Einstein Harvard Traces Albert Through the life and work of Albert None. humanities,
Revolution University Einstein’s Einstein, the changing role of history, science
engagement with physics in the 20th and 21st
relativity, centuries.Einstein's engagement
quantum with relativity, quantum
Non- Non- Introductor mechanics, mechanics, Nazism, nuclear
self_paced 2 3 14 en-us
Program Program y Nazism, nuclear weapons, philosophy, the arts,
weapons, and technologyHow to engage
philosophy, the with questions about what it
arts, and means to understand physics in its
technology. broader history.
The Health Effects Harvard Learnhow global Climate change's impacts on None environmental-
of Climate Change University warming impacts nutrition, migration, and infectious studies, health-
human health, diseasesThe research methods safety, food-
and the wayswe used in this fieldStrategies to nutrition
can diminish mitigate and adapt to the health
Non- Non- Introductor those impacts. impacts of climate changeHow
self_paced 3 5 7 en-us
Program Program y changes in Earth's atmosphere
affect health outcomesHow to
assess the various ways of
addressing the health effects of
global warming
The Opioid Crisis in Harvard Learn about the Medical and non-medical use of None medicine, health-
America University opioid epidemic opioids, including heroin and safety
in the United fentanylHow to manage pain with
States, including and without opioidsThe risks and
information about neurological pathways to opioid
treatment and addictionThat addiction is a
recovery from disease of the brain, not a lack of
opioid addiction. willThe multiple ways people can
become addicted to opioidsThe
Non- Non- Introductor individual and social impacts of
self_paced 1 2 10 en-us
Program Program y opioid addictionThe latest harm
reduction approaches for law
enforcement and public health
officialsEmpathic evidence-based
behavioral approaches and
medications that health care
professionals can offer those
struggling with opioid addiction

The Path to Harvard Why should we Understanding ancient Chinese philosophy-ethics,

Happiness: What University care about philosophy to live a better lifeTools humanities, history
Chinese Philosophy Confucius? for self-awareness, the power of
Teaches us about Explore ancient ritual, and sensing the world
the Good Life Non- Non- Introductor Chinese around youHow personal actions
self_paced 1 2 13 en-us philosophy, and counteractions change the
Program Program y
ethics, and worldThe philosophical theories of
political theory to Confucius, Mozi, Mencius, Laozi,
challenge your Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and Han Feizi
assumptions of
what it means to
U.S. Political Harvard Examine the How Congressmembers are None social-sciences,
Institutions: University inner workings of influenced by their history, law
Congress, the three constituenciesWhat causes
Presidency, Courts, branches of the political polarization between
and Bureaucracy U.S. Federal Republicans and DemocratsHow
Government Congress’s structure limits
progress on significant issuesHow
U.S. executive orders expand the
XSeries Governme self_paced 2 4 4 en-us powers of the presidencyWhy
nt presidents are less constrained in
foreign policy than in domestic
policyHow federal agencies
promote and protect their
programsThe influence of politics
on Supreme Court decisions

U.S. Public Policy: Harvard Learn about How religion and politics have None social-sciences,
Social, Economic, University public policy in been a persistent source of history, law
and Foreign Policies America and the conflictThe nature of U.S. fiscal
dynamics of policy and monetary policyHow
American politics. America’s welfare policies are
U.S. distinct from those of other
Introductor Western democraciesThe
XSeries Governme self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
y structure and politics of the U.S.
tax systemThe partisan divisions
over regulatory policy and the
basis for those divisionsThe
factors that made America an
economic powerhouse
University Harvard Learn the The fundamentals of chemistry, High-school algebra chemistry, energy-
Chemistry: University fundamentals of energy, and other elemental required; some earth-sciences,
Molecular chemistry and forces shaping the modern familiarity with basic physics
Foundations and energy on a worldThe evolution of chemistry's calculus is helpful
Global Frontiers molecular and a role in addressing global but not required
Part 1 global scale in challengesCore concepts of
this introductory energy and energy
Non- Non- Introductor chemistry course transformations, including
self_paced 3 6 24 en-us that engages thermodynamics, chemical
Program Program y
scientific equilibria, acid/base and redox
principles with the reactivity, and
global context of electrochemistryHow to break
advancing down global problems to solve
technology in them more efficientlyThe
energy, climate, importance of thermodynamics to
and pathways to the future of science
the future.
Using Python for Harvard Take your Python 3 programming basics (a Some previous computer-science,
Research University introductory review)Python tools (e.g., NumPy Python data-analysis-
Non- Non- Intermediat knowledge of and SciPy modules) for research programming statistics, science
self_paced 2 4 12 en-us Python applicationsHow to apply Python experience (in any
Program Program e
programming to research tools in practical settings version of Python)
the next level and
learn how to use
We The People: Harvard Gain a Tell a story of self that explains social-sciences
Civic Engagement in University foundational what you value and why and the
a Constitutional knowledge of kind of communities and
Democracy American government in which you’d like to
constitutional liveUnderstand what it looks like
democracy and when rights are not protected and
understand how how constitutional democracies
to encourage are designed to secure
others to explorerightsUnderstand how and why
their own civic U.S. democracy was built as it
paths, while in was, how it has changed over
parallel craftingtime, and what the levers of
your own civic change are in this constitutional
Non- Non- Introductor voice and identity.
democracyMove from “I” to “We”
self_paced 1 3 7 en-us
Program Program y in order to connect your own
interests with those of broader
communities, with awareness of
how a diversity of perspectives
and experiences can be integrated
in the story of what U.S.
democracy has been historically
and can be in the
futureDifferentiate and choose
among the civic roles available to
people who live in a constitutional
democracyExpress your opinions
in public forums and create your
next step plans as a civic
Women Making Harvard Learn how The many ways ordinary people history,
History: Ten University American women have created changeThe centrality humanities, social-
Objects, Many created, of women in American historyHow sciences
Stories confronted, and history is complex, nonlinear, and
Non- Non- Introductor embraced in constant conversation with the
self_paced 2 3 8 en-us change in the presentHow objects can embody
Program Program y
20th century stories of changeHow our
while exploring understanding of history is shaped
ten objects from by which stories are told
Favoriser le bien- HEC Le cours À la fin du cours, l'étudiant devrait Aucun business-
être et l'efficacité au Montréal Favoriser le bien- être en mesure de : Définir le management
travail être et l’efficacité concept de
au travail vise à personnalitéReconnaître les
développer une étapes et les pivots du
meilleure développement de la
compréhension personnalitéReconnaître les traits
de vos propres de personnalité, selon le modèle
comportements des cinq facteursDistinguer les
au travail et de éléments composant la perception
ceux des autres et l'intelligence humaineExpliquer
afin d’être mieux de quelle façon l'expérience
Gérer son préparés pour contribue à
personnel Introductor diriger vos l'apprentissageExpliquer comment
al self_paced 2 3 5 fr-ca
de façon y équipes et les connaissances sont
efficace favoriser la mobiliséesReconnaître les
collaboration facteurs pouvant mener à des
dans les troubles de santé au
entreprises. travailReconnaître les facteurs
pouvant susciter la satisfaction, la
motivation et l'engagement au
travailReconnaître les facteurs
favorisant des relations humaines
harmonieusesExpliquer les
éléments pouvant affecter le
niveau d'influence sociale et de
pouvoirIdentifier les principaux
déterminants qui favorisent
Introduction to User HEC This MOOC will What you’ll learn:UX project None computer-science,
Experience Montréal review the cycleUX stakeholdersUser, Client design,
fundamental and Citizen ExperiencesUX ROI engineering
elements UX and KPIs
practice (e.g., UX
project, key
UX Design concepts,
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 4 en-ca activities, roles,
ers e
Evaluation deliverables).Fro
m application
software to
application and
website, get an
introduction on
Introduction à HEC Ce MOOC passe Le cycle de projet UXLes parties Aucun computer-science,
l'expérience Montréal en revue les prenantesExpérience utilisateur, design,
utilisateur Design et éléments client et citoyenRetour sur engineering
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 7 4 fr-ca fondamentaux de investissement et indicateurs de
ers e
UX la pratique UX performance clés
(ex. : Projet UX,
concepts clés,
Introduction à la HEC This MOOC At the end of this course, students energy-earth-
gestion énergétique Montréal explains the should be able to explain effective sciences,
avec RETScreen fundamentals energy management and how business-
elements of RETScreen supports it.More management
energy specifically, they should be able
management to…Module 1Explain the context
(strategies, for energy management and the
techniques, need for changeList the factors
technologies, that influence the management of
management energyAssociate base concepts in
practices, and energy management with their
performance) and correct definitionLocate the
provides an features and components of
Non- Non- Introductor introduction to RETScreen (hierarchy of projects,
self_paced 2 3 5 fr-ca
Program Program y RETScreen tabs, databases, worksheets,
Expert – the manuals, etc.)List the dimensions
world’s leading of energy management
software to performanceModule 2Explain the
empower cleaner rationale for reducing
energy consumptionRecognize the
decisions.With elements of the REC
practical strategyDescribe the Virtual
examples and Energy AnalyzerRecognize the
applications, steps of the benchmarking
learn how to processRank REC solutions
make the against performance criteriaMatch
management of stakeholder interest against
energy more performanceRecognize the steps
L'analyse de HEC Devenez un La statistique descriptive;Le Aucun. Cependant, data-analysis-
données UX Montréal scientifique des design d’étude;Les sources de si vous faites le statistics,
données UX! De biais;Les tests d’hypothèse;La MicroMasters en computer-science,
l'analyse de comparaison de Design et math
données moyennes;L’ANOVA à deux évaluation UX , il
qualitatives à facteurs;Les applications en est très fortement
Design et l'analyse du « Big expérience utilisateur. recommandé de
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 fr-ca Data », vous faire les cours d'
ers e
UX serez en mesure Introduction à l'UX
de dégager des « (UXf01x.1) et de
insights » des Recherche UX
données afin de (UXf01x.1) avant de
formuler des faire celui-ci.
sur des bases
L'évaluation UX HEC Maîtrisez Les bases scientifiques derrière Aucun. Cependant, computer-science,
Montréal l'évaluation UX les tests utilisateur;Comment si vous faites le social-sciences,
en utilisant une assurer la validité des tests;Le MicroMasters en data-analysis-
variété de cycle de test avec des utilisateurs Design et statistics
compétences et réels;Les méthodes d'évaluation évaluation UX , il
de méthodes. pour toutes les étapes du projet est très fortement
Découvrez la UX, de l'évaluation heuristique, recommandé de
Design et richesse apportée aux tests d'utilisabilité, tests faire les cours d'
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 en-us par les tests utilisateur standard, et tests A / Introduction à l'UX
ers e
UX utilisateur, de B;Les méthodes qualitatives et (UXf01x.1) et de
l'approche quantitatives;Les évaluations Recherche UX
guérilla aux perceptuelles, comportementales, (UXf01x.1) avant de
évaluations attitudinales et physiologiques de faire celui-ci.
officielles faites l'expérience de l'utilisateur.
en laboratoire
requises pour des
tests de
La gestion de projet HEC Soyez le Planification d'une stratégie Aucun. Cependant, business-
UX Montréal défenseur de l’UX UXOrganisation des activités et si vous faites le management,
au sein de des produits UXDotation des MicroMasters en computer-science,
l’organisation! équipes UXDiriger les efforts Design et design
Menez à bien les UXContrôle de la valeur évaluation UX , il
activités de UXPlaidoyer pour une plus grande est très fortement
Design et design centrées maturité UX recommandé de
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 fr-ca sur l'utilisateur, faire les cours d'
ers e
UX tout en Introduction à l'UX
partageant le (UXf01x.1) et de
savoir avec Recherche UX
l’ensemble des (UXf01x.1) avant de
parties prenantes faire celui-ci.
du projet pour en
tirer une
La gestion des HEC En tant que À la fin du cours, l'apprenant sera Aucun business-
conflits Montréal gestionnaire, en mesure de : Reconnaître les management
apprenez à différents types de coûts pouvant
cerner le noeud être engendrés par un
d’un conflit pour conflitIdentifier les différents
intervenir de objectifs pouvant être visés par
façon adéquate l'implantation d'une stratégie de
et prévenir la gestion de conflitChoisir la
résurgence des stratégie de gestion de conflit la
conflits. plus appropriée, en fonction du
contexteReconnaître les
principales composantes de
Gérer son l'architecture de base d'un
personnel Introductor conflitDistinguer les deux
al self_paced 2 3 7 fr-ca
de façon y composantes clés d'un
efficace conflitDistinguer les sources
traitables d'un conflit des sources
non traitablesDiscerner les
différents types d'inflation
possibles d'un conflitDistinguer les
types d'intérêts pouvant être à la
source d'un conflitDéterminer les
stratégies appropriées pour
désamorcer les sources d'un
conflitDéterminer les stratégies
appropriées pour désamorcer les
facteurs d'évitement et d'escalade
d'un conflitCerner le rôle du
La gestion des HEC Initiation aux Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant Aucun. business-
ressources Montréal pratiques d'acquérir des connaissances et management
humaines courantes et aux de développer des habiletés de
connaissances base en matière de gestion des
spécifiques à la ressources humaines (GRH),
gestion du l'aidant ainsi à aborder plus
personnel. Rôles efficacement les problématiques
et responsabilités liées à la gestion des employés. À
du gestionnaire la fin de ce cours, l’étudiant sera
face aux en mesure de mettre en pratique
nombreux défis les approches et les techniques
de la gestion des d’intervention en matière de GRH
Gérer son employés. et d’intervenir efficacement dans
personnel Introductor le rôle de gestionnaire auprès de
al self_paced 1 2 7 fr-ca
de façon y son équipe. Plus spécifiquement,
efficace à la fin du cours, l'étudiant devrait
être en mesure de : Définir la
GRH et ses acteursIdentifier les
influences des environnements
externe et interne sur la
GRHDéfinir la mobilisation et les
comportements types d'employés
mobilisésDistinguer les leviers de
la mobilisation et de l'engagement
des employésExpliquer les
processus d'acquisition des
meilleurs employésInterpréter des
données en vue de recruter de la
La recherche UX HEC Dans ce MOOC, Connaissance approfondie des social-sciences,
Montréal vous apprendrez méthodes de collecte de données computer-science,
à vous arrimer utilisateur dans un projet design
aux besoins des informatiqueMéthodes et
utilisateurs à processus de recherche
chaque étape de UXDonnées de types internes,
la vie d'un produit externes, primaires et
numérique. Vous secondairesObjectifs, avantages
Design et développerez de et inconvénients des méthodes
MicroMast Intermediat l’empathie face qualitatives et quantitatives
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 fr-ca
ers e aux utilisateurs et utilisées en UXEntretien avec les
identifierez des utilisateurs, groupe de discussion,
informations observation, enquêtes, analyses,
cruciales au collecte de données
design et à physiologiques, tri des cartes,
l’évaluation. tests utilisateurs et tests A /
BAnalyser les données collectées
pour en extraire des informations

Le design UX HEC Devenez maître Approche de design ou Aucun. Cependant, design, social-
Montréal dans l’art du conception centrée sur l'utilisateur si vous faites le sciences,
Design Thinking (UCD);Intégration de la recherche MicroMasters en computer-science
et de l'idéation UX dans le processus de Design et
centrée sur conception UX;Innovation évaluation UX , il
l'utilisateur! Vous incrémentale, radicale et est très fortement
Design et apprendrez les disruptive;Théorie et pratique du recommandé de
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 fr-ca méthodes Design Thinking;Méthodes faire les cours d'
ers e
UX d'idéation d'idéation divergentes et Introduction à l'UX
divergentes; convergentes;Analyse des (UXf01x.1) et de
passer en mode résultats d'idéation. Recherche UX
créatif de (UXf01x.1) avant de
résolution de faire celui-ci.
problèmes, et les
Le management HEC Ce cours de Au terme de cette formation, Aucun business-
Montréal management l’apprenant devrait être en mesure management
s’adresse à celles de : Distinguer les logiques
et ceux qui sont à d’action du gestionnaireIdentifier
la recherche les étapes du processus
d’une meilleure administratifExpliquer les
compréhension différents rôles de gestionDécrire
des théories et les différentes habiletés de
des pratiques du managementDistinguer les
management. logiques traditionnelle, formelle et
charismatique du
managementIdentifier les
Gérer son éléments des organisations
personnel Introductor traditionnelle, formelle et
al self_paced 2 3 5 fr-ca
de façon y charismatiqueExpliquer les
efficace dimensions du management
traditionnel et formelDistinguer les
différentes composantes de la
planificationReconnaître les
éléments caractérisant la
planification selon les différentes
logiques managérialesNommer
les différents éléments composant
le design organisationnelExpliquer
la cohérence inhérente au design
organisationnelIdentifier les
différentes configurations
structurelles possiblesIdentifier les
Le prototypage UX HEC Devenez un Les heuristique ergonomiques de Aucun. Cependant, design, social-
Montréal virtuose du Nielsen;Les biais cognitifs à si vous faites le sciences,
prototypage! éviter;Les principes de conception MicroMasters en computer-science
Propulsez votre d'interfaces utilisateur;La Design et
équipe créative conception visuelle;Les prototypes évaluation UX , il
de l’étape des papier basse fidélité, le est très fortement
Design et maquettes papier wireframing, le prototypage recommandé de
MicroMast Intermediat
Évaluation self_paced 6 9 6 fr-ca au moyenne et haute fidélité;Les faire les cours d'
ers e
UX développement outils de prototypage UX (Invision, Introduction à l'UX
de prototypes Balsamiq, Axure rp ou Adobe (UXf01x.1) et de
interactifs haute XD);Comment le prototypage UX Recherche UX
fidélité, en se synchronise avec les tests (UXf01x.1) avant de
utilisant les utilisateur. faire celui-ci.
méthodes et
outils les plus
UX Data Analysis HEC Become a UX Descriptive StatisticsStudy None.But if you are data-analysis-
Montréal data scientist! DesignBias SourcesHypothesis engaged in the statistics,
From qualitative TestingMeans of ComparisonTwo- MicroMasters in UX computer-science,
data analysis to Way ANOVAApplying it all to UX Design and social-sciences
big data Web Evaluation , we very
UX Design analytics, you will strongly
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca be able to recommend that do
ers e
Evaluation leverage insights the Introduction to
from data to UX (UXe01x.1) and
make empirically- UX Research
based (UXe01x.1) before
recommendations doing this one.
UX Design HEC Master Design User-Centred Design Approach None.But if you are design, business-
Montréal Thinking and UX (UCD),Integration of UX Research engaged in the management,
Design through in the UX Design MicroMasters in UX computer-science
user-centred Process,Incremental, Radical and Design and
design to deliver Disruptive Innovation,Design Evaluation , we very
UX Design innovative user Thinking Theory and strongly
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca experiences. Practice,Divergent and recommend that do
ers e
Evaluation Learn divergent Convergent Ideation the Introduction to
ideation methods Methods,Ideation Results Analysis. UX (UXe01x.1) and
to bring creativity UX Research
to problem- (UXe01x.1) before
solving, and doing this one.
UX Evaluation HEC Master UX Empirically-based user testing None.But if you are social-sciences,
Montréal evaluation using principlesTest validityTest cycle engaged in the computer-science,
a variety of skill involving real usersEvaluation MicroMasters in UX data-analysis-
sets and methods for all steps of the UX Design and statistics
methods. project, from heuristic evaluation, Evaluation , we very
UX Design Uncover the usability testing, to standard user strongly
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca knowledge of testing, A/B testingQualitative and recommend that do
ers e
Evaluation user testing from quantitative methodsPerceptual, the Introduction to
a guerrilla behavioural, attitudinal and UX (UXe01x.1) and
approach to physiological assessments of the UX Research
formal lab user's experience (UXe01x.1) before
evaluations doing this one.
required for
UX Management HEC Be a UX Planning a UX None.But if you are business-
Montréal advocate! Lead Strategy,Organizing UX Activities engaged in the management,
the gamut of user- and Deliverables,Staffing UX MicroMasters in UX computer-science,
centered design Teams,Leading UX Design and design
activities, while Efforts,Controlling UX Evaluation , we very
UX Design sharing Value,Advocating for Greater UX strongly
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca knowledge and Maturity. recommend that do
ers e
Evaluation ensuring rich the Introduction to
collaboration with UX (UXe01x.1) and
all stakeholders UX Research
across the project. (UXe01x.1) before
doing this one.
UX Prototyping HEC Become a Nielsen’s Ergonomic None.But if you are design, computer-
Montréal prototyping Heuristics,Cognitive Biases to engaged in the science, social-
virtuoso! Master Avoid,UI Design Principles,Visual MicroMasters in UX sciences
the ability to Design,Low-Fidelity Paper Design and
propel your Prototypes, Wireframing, Medium Evaluation , we very
UX Design creative team and High-Fidelity Prototyping,UX strongly
MicroMast Intermediat
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca from scrappy low- Prototyping Tools (Invision, recommend that do
ers e
Evaluation tech paper mock- Balsamiq, Axure rp, or Adobe the Introduction to
ups to developing XD),How UX Prototyping Synchs UX (UXe01x.1) and
high-fidelity Up With User Testing. UX Research
interactive (UXe01x.1) before
prototypes, using doing this one.
the latest industry
UX Research HEC In this MOOC you Thorough knowledge of all user None.But if you are social-sciences,
Montréal will learn how to data collection in an IT engaged in the computer-science,
connect with project,User research methods MicroMasters in UX design
users at every and process,Internal, external, Design and
step of a digital primary, and secondary data Evaluation , we very
product’s life and sources,Purpose, pros & strongly
UX Design how to develop cons of qualitative and quantitative recommend that do
MicroMast Intermediat empathy and UX methods,User interview, focus the Introduction to
and self_paced 6 9 6 en-ca
ers e recognize group, observation, surveys, UX course
insights that will analytics, physiological data (UXe01x.1) before
nourish the collecting, card sorting, to user doing this one.
design and testing and A/B testing,Collected
evaluation data analysis to extract pertinent
processes. insights.

Advanced SQL for IBM In this short In this course you will learn data-analysis-
Data Engineers Data course you will about:Creating and using statistics
Profession Engineerin learn additional viewsCreating and executing
al g self_paced 4 5 1 en-us SQL concepts stored proceduresWorking with
Certificate Fundament such as views, ACID transactionsUsing different
als stored types of JOIN operators
AI Applications with IBM procedures,
Turbocharge your Apply your foundational concepts This course computer-science
Watson chatbot's IQ and of AI and machine learning into provides an
AI capabilities building and programming introduction to
with IBM Watson chatbotsCreate a chatbot developing and
Discovery and application that interacts in natural deploying cognitive
powered by language in IBM CloudSynthesize applications. You
Watson data that can be queried to extract should have basic
Assistant. Learn sentiment, concepts, entities, and knowledge of object-
to use and taxonomy by using Watson oriented
program tools DiscoveryReveal the emotions, programming, how
and assitant sentiment, and customer to use the
Applied AI services such as preferences found in hotel reviews command line,
Profession Building Tone Analyzer by using Tone Analyzer and Node.js, and IBM
Intermediat and Personality Personality Insights and feed that Watson Assistant
al Chatbots self_paced 2 4 3 en-us
e Insights to build data to the chatbot (formerly known as
Certificate Powered
by AI queries, extract Watson
information big Conversation). You
data repositories. also need: IBM
Cloud command
line toolA text or
code editorIf you
want to build the
chatbot application
locally, install
Node.js and npm. If
not familiar with IBM
AI Applications with IBM Turbocharge your Apply your foundational concepts This course computer-science
Watson chatbot's IQ and of AI and machine learning into provides an
AI capabilities building and programming introduction to
with IBM Watson chatbotsCreate a chatbot developing and
Discovery and application that interacts in natural deploying cognitive
powered by language in IBM CloudSynthesize applications. You
Watson data that can be queried to extract should have basic
Assistant. Learn sentiment, concepts, entities, and knowledge of object-
to use and taxonomy by using Watson oriented
program tools DiscoveryReveal the emotions, programming, how
and assitant sentiment, and customer to use the
Applied AI services such as preferences found in hotel reviews command line,
Profession Building Tone Analyzer by using Tone Analyzer and Node.js, and IBM
Intermediat and Personality Personality Insights and feed that Watson Assistant
al Chatbots self_paced 2 4 3 en-us
e Insights to build data to the chatbot (formerly known as
Certificate Powered
by AI queries, extract Watson
information big Conversation). You
data repositories. also need: IBM
Cloud command
line toolA text or
code editorIf you
want to build the
chatbot application
locally, install
Node.js and npm. If
not familiar with IBM
AI Chatbots without IBM Chatbots are What chatbots are and why they None computer-science,
Programming increasingly in are revolutionary;What design
demand among WatsonAssistant is and how you
global can leverage its AI
Building businesses. This capabilities;The key principles of
Chatbots course will teach good chatbot design;How to
Profession Powered you how to build, create your own chatbot
al by AI self_paced 2 4 2 en-us analyze, deploy withoutthe need to write any
Certificate Foundation and monetize code;How to deploy your chatbot
s of AI chatbots - with on WordPress sites;How to enroll
Applied AI the help of IBM as an IBM Partner if you intend to
Watson and the build chatbots for customers;How
power of AI. to makemoney with chatbots.

AI Chatbots Without IBM Chatbots are What chatbots are and why they None computer-science,
Programming increasingly in are revolutionary;What design
demand among WatsonAssistant is and how you
global can leverage its AI
Foundation businesses. This capabilities;The key principles of
s of AI course will teach good chatbot design;How to
Profession Building you how to build, create your own chatbot
al Chatbots self_paced 2 4 2 en-us analyze, deploy withoutthe need to write any
Certificate Powered and monetize code;How to deploy your chatbot
by AI chatbots - with on WordPress sites;How to enroll
Applied AI the help of IBM as an IBM Partner if you intend to
Watson and the build chatbots for customers;How
power of AI. to makemoney with chatbots.
AI for Everyone: IBM Learn what Understand what is AI, its None computer-science,
Master the Basics Artificial applications and use cases and data-analysis-
Foundation Intelligence (AI) is how it is transforming our statistics,
s of AI by understanding livesExplain terms like Machine business-
Profession Applied AI its applications Learning, Deep Learning, and management
al Essential self_paced 1 2 4 en-us and key concepts Neural NetworksDescribe several
Certificate Technologi including issues and ethical concerns
es for machine learning, surrounding AIArticulate advice
Business deep learning from experts about learning and
and neural starting a career in AI
AI for Everyone: IBM networks.
Learn what Understand what is AI, its None computer-science,
Master the Basics Artificial applications and use cases and data-analysis-
Foundation Intelligence (AI) is how it is transforming our statistics,
s of AI by understanding livesExplain terms like Machine business-
Profession Essential its applications Learning, Deep Learning, and management
al Technologi self_paced 1 2 4 en-us and key concepts Neural NetworksDescribe several
Certificate es for including issues and ethical concerns
Business machine learning, surrounding AIArticulate advice
Applied AI deep learning from experts about learning and
and neural starting a career in AI
Analizando datos IBM networks.
En este curso ● Cómo importar conjuntos de data-analysis-
con Python aprenderás cómo datos, limpiar y preparar datos statistics,
analizar datos en para el análisis, resumir datos y engineering,
Python usando construir canalizaciones de datos● computer-science
matrices Cómo utilizar Pandas
multidimensionale DataFrames, matrices
s en numpy, a multidimensionales Numpy y
manipular bibliotecas SciPy para trabajar con
DataFrames en varios conjuntos de datos● Cómo
pandas, a usar la cargar, manipular, analizar y
biblioteca SciPy visualizar conjuntos de datos con
Ciencia de de rutinas pandas, una biblioteca de código
datos con matemáticas y a abierto● Cómo crear modelos de
Python Introductor realizar aprendizaje automático y hacer
al self_paced 2 4 5 es-mx
IBM: y aprendizaje predicciones con scikit-learn, otra
Ciencia de automático biblioteca de código abiertoIncluye
datos usando scikit- las siguientes partes:Bibliotecas
learn. de análisis de datos: aprenderás a
usar Pandas DataFrames,
matrices multidimensionales
Numpy y bibliotecas SciPy para
trabajar con varios conjuntos de
datos. Te presentaremos pandas,
una biblioteca de código abierto, y
la usaremos para cargar,
manipular, analizar y visualizar
conjuntos de datos geniales.
Luego, te presentaremos otra
Analyzing Data with IBM Build the The fundamentals of spreadsheet data-analysis-
Excel Data fundamental applicationsHow to perform basic statistics
Analyst knowledge spreadsheet tasksAbout the
Data required to use importance of data qualityHow to
Profession Analysis Excel import file data into ExcelThe
Introductor spreadsheets to fundamentals of analyzing data
al and self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
y perform basic using a spreadsheetHow to filter
Certificate Visualizatio
n data analysis. and sort dataHow to clean and
Fundament The course prepare dataHow to analyze data
als covers the basic using an Excel spreadsheet
workings and key
features of Excel
Analyzing Data with IBM In this course, You will learn how to: __How to Some Python data-analysis-
Python you will learn how import data sets, clean and Experience statistics,
to analyze data in prepare data for analysis, engineering,
Python using summarize data, and build data computer-science
multi-dimensional pipelinesUse Pandas
arrays in numpy, DataFrames, Numpy
manipulate multidimensional arrays, and
DataFrames in SciPy libraries to work with various
pandas, use datasetsLoad, manipulate,
SciPy library of analyze, and visualize datasets
Data mathematical with pandas, an open-source
Analyst routines, and libraryBuild machine-learning
Profession IBM Data perform machine models and make predictions with
Introductor learning using scikit-learn, another open-source
al Science self_paced 2 4 5 en-ca
y scikit-learn! libraryIt includes following
Certificate Python
Data parts:Data Analysis libraries: will
Science learn to use Pandas DataFrames,
Numpy multi-dimentional arrays,
and SciPy libraries to work with a
various datasets. We will
introduce you to pandas, an open-
source library, and we will use it to
load, manipulate, analyze, and
visualize cool datasets. Then we
will introduce you to another open-
source library, scikit-learn, and we
will use some of its machine
learning algorithms to build smart
Analyzing Data with IBM In this course, You will learn how to: __How to Some Python data-analysis-
Python you will learn how import data sets, clean and Experience statistics,
to analyze data in prepare data for analysis, engineering,
Python using summarize data, and build data computer-science
multi-dimensional pipelinesUse Pandas
arrays in numpy, DataFrames, Numpy
manipulate multidimensional arrays, and
DataFrames in SciPy libraries to work with various
pandas, use datasetsLoad, manipulate,
SciPy library of analyze, and visualize datasets
IBM Data mathematical with pandas, an open-source
Science routines, and libraryBuild machine-learning
Profession Data perform machine models and make predictions with
Introductor learning using scikit-learn, another open-source
al Analyst self_paced 2 4 5 en-ca
y scikit-learn! libraryIt includes following
Certificate Python
Data parts:Data Analysis libraries: will
Science learn to use Pandas DataFrames,
Numpy multi-dimentional arrays,
and SciPy libraries to work with a
various datasets. We will
introduce you to pandas, an open-
source library, and we will use it to
load, manipulate, analyze, and
visualize cool datasets. Then we
will introduce you to another open-
source library, scikit-learn, and we
will use some of its machine
learning algorithms to build smart
Aplicaciones de IA IBM Acelera las Al inscribirse en este curso en computer-science
con Watson capacidades de línea, es probable que hayas
inteligencia estudiado inteligencia artificial,
artificial de tu construido chatbots y tal vez
chatbot con IBM incluso hayas utilizado Watson
Watson Assistant en el camino. Pero,
Profession Inteligencia Discovery y con ¿sabías que puedes acelerar el
Intermediat la tecnología de coeficiente intelectual de tu
al artificial self_paced 2 3 3 es-es
e Watson chatbot con IBM Watson
Certificate aplicada
Assistant. Discovery, un servicio diseñado
Aprende a usar y para revelar el valor oculto en los
programar datos? Discovery se especializa
herramientas y en tomar los datos, estructurados
servicios o no, y extraer de ellos respuestas
auxiliares como y patrones.
Tone Analyzer y
Applied Deep IBM In this capstone Determine what kind of Deep Completed all data-analysis-
Learning Capstone project, you'll use Learning method to use in which courses in the Deep statistics,
Project either Keras or situationKnow how to build a Deep Learning computer-science,
PyTorch to Learning model to solve a real Professional engineering
develop, train, problemMaster the process of Certification
Deep and test a Deep creating a Deep Learning Program
Learning Learning model. pipelineApply knowledge of Deep
al self_paced Advanced 2 4 5 en-us
IBM Deep Load and Learning to improve models using
Learning preprocess data real dataDemonstrate ability to
for a real present and communicate
problem, build the outcomes of Deep Learning
model and then projects
validate it.
Applied Deep IBM In this capstone Determine what kind of Deep Completed all data-analysis-
Learning Capstone project, you'll use Learning method to use in which courses in the Deep statistics,
Project either Keras or situationKnow how to build a Deep Learning computer-science,
PyTorch to Learning model to solve a real Professional engineering
develop, train, problemMaster the process of Certification
IBM Deep and test a Deep creating a Deep Learning Program
Learning Learning model. pipelineApply knowledge of Deep
al self_paced Advanced 2 4 5 en-us
Deep Load and Learning to improve models using
Learning preprocess data real dataDemonstrate ability to
for a real present and communicate
problem, build the outcomes of Deep Learning
model and then projects
validate it.
Basic Network and IBM Build a Understand network basics computer-science
Database Security background around the TCP/IP and OSI
needed to Models.Describe the differences
understand basic between IPS and IDS
network security Systems.Discuss Layer 2 and
and learn how to Layer 3 network
safeguard your addressing.Describe how Ethernet
IBM organization from networks work. Understand IP
Profession Cybersecur cybersecurity addressing, network address
Introductor attacks. In translation and packet
al ity self_paced 3 4 4 en-us
y addition to sniffing.Describe application and
Certificate Fundament
als network security, transport protocols , UDP and
you will learn TCP.Describe DNS and DHCP
about different servers.Describe key
types of data characteristics of different data
including types and models.Discuss
personal different data structures.Discuss
sensitive data options for protecting your data.
and safeguarding
your organization
Building Cloud IBM In this course, we After completing this course you computer-science
Native and will cover the will be able to: Understand the
Multicloud core concepts core principles and practice of
Applications and practices of build Cloud Native applications
building and How to modernize existing
running Cloud applications to be Cloud Native
Native How to deconstruct and monolithic
applications and application in a microservice
Non- Non- Introductor how to run these architecture Build and deploy
self_paced 9 12 4 en-us
Program Program y applications in a containers to a Kubernetes cluster
multicloud Understand the guiding principles
environment. We and benefits of a CI/CD pipeline
will cover How to build a CI/CD pipeline The
technologies and benefits of adopting a hybrid-cloud
practices and multicloud architectures
DevOps, CI/CD,
Ciencia de datos y IBM Crea un proyecto ● Aplicar tu conocimiento de la data-analysis-
aprendizaje que puedas usar ciencia de datos y el aprendizaje statistics,
automático - Curso para mostrar tus automático a un escenario de la computer-science
Capstone habilidades de vida real● Analizar y visualizar
ciencia de datos datos usando Python● Realizar un
Ciencia de a posibles ejercicio de ingeniería de
datos con empleadores. características usando Python●
Python Intermediat Aplica varias Crear y validar un modelo
al self_paced 3 4 6 es-mx
IBM: e técnicas de predictivo de aprendizaje
Ciencia de ciencia de datos automático utilizando Python●
datos y aprendizaje Crear y compartir información
automático para procesable sobre problemas de
analizar y datos de la vida real
visualizar un
conjunto de datos
que use un
Computer Vision IBM Learn about Various computer vision computer-science
Fundamentals with computer vision, applications across many
Watson and one of the most industriesImaging processing and
OpenCV exciting fields in formation capabilities powered by
Profession machine learning. AIUtilize Python, Watson AI, and
al Applied AI self_paced 3 4 3 en-us artificial OpenCV to process images and
Certificate intelligence and interact with image classification
computer science. modelsBuild, train, and test your
own custom image classifiers

Cybersecurity Basics IBM This course gives Define cybersecurity and describe None computer-science
you the key termsDescribe how
background penetration testing is used in
needed to cybersecurityExplain the role of
understand the cryptography in cybersecurity and
basics of how it is used.Describe the
Cybersecurity. purpose, function and types of
IBM You will explore firewallsDescribe the CIA triad and
Profession Cybersecur information what is meant by confidentiality,
Introductor security from its integrity and availability.Describe
al ity self_paced 4 8 4 en-us
y history to a social engineering and how it is
Certificate Fundament
als description of used in phishing and vishing
various attacks.Describe the different
cybercriminals types of cybersecurity attack
and cybersecurity models.Describe why critical
threats thinking is such an important skill
concluding with for a cybersecurity professional.
the tools needed
to prevent an
Cybersecurity Roles IBM This course gives Understand the key cybersecurity computer-science
and Technologies you the roles within an organization.List
background key cybersecurity processes and
needed to an example of each
understand basic process.Define authentication and
IBM Cybersecurity access control methods.Describe
Profession Cybersecur around people. the architecture, file systems, and
al ity self_paced 2 4 7 en-us process and basic commands for multiple
Certificate Fundament technology. operating systems including
als Windows, Mac/OS, Linux and
Mobile.Understand the concept of
Virtualization as it relates to

Cybersecurity IBM Build the Describe the challenges computer-science

System background organizations face which require
Administration and needed to compliance and
Framework Security understand key regulation.Describe the key
cybersecurity privacy and data protection
compliance and requirements for GDPR.Define the
industry three rules established as
standards. The standards for the Health Insurance
knowledge Portability and Accountability Act
gained in this (HIPAA).Describe the Payment
course is critical Card Industry Data Security
IBM for any Standard (PCI DSS).Describe the
Profession Cybersecur cybersecurity role differences between basic,
Introductor you would like to foundational and organizational
al ity self_paced 3 4 4 en-us
y acquire or grow Center for Internet Security (CIS)
Certificate Fundament
als into within an controls.Describe the basics of
organization. You endpoint protection and
will also learn response.Understand why
about how to patching is important to avoid
secure your cybersecurity threats.Describe the
systems through principle of least
an understanding privileges.Describe Windows and
of basic server Linux security management
administration considerations.Define
concepts. cryptography and
encryption.Define common pitfalls
of cryptography.
Data Analytics and IBM Accelerate the Data Collection scraping the data-analysis-
Visualization knowledge you internet, and using APIsData statistics
Capstone Project gain from Wrangling using various
previous courses techniques to identify duplicate
in the IBM Data rows, find missing values, and
Analyst normalize dataExploratory
Professional Analysis finding the distribution of
Certificate data, the presence of outliers and
program. Assume the correlation between different
the role of an columnsData Visualization using
Associate Data developer survey data to create
Analyst and use visualizations highlighting the
Profession various skills and distribution of data, relationships
Data Introductor
al self_paced 2 3 6 en-us techniques on between data, and the
Analyst y
Certificate real-world composition and comparison of
datasets to dataDashboard Construction
accomplish a using the IBM Cognos Analytics
task. as a platform to create a
dashboard that is intuitive,
appealing, and easy to
demonstrating your ability to clarify
your analysis and relay your
findings in a way that is easy to

Data Analytics IBM Learn the Explain what Data Analytics is and data-analysis-
Basics for Everyone fundamentals of the key steps in the Data Analytics statistics
Data Analytics processDifferentiate between
and gain an different data roles such as Data
understanding of Engineer, Data Analyst, Data
the data Scientist, Business Analyst, and
ecosystem, the Business Intelligence
process and AnalystDescribe the different
Data lifecycle of data types of data structures, file
Analyst analytics, career formats, and sources of
Data opportunities, and dataExplain the use for different
Profession Analysis the different types of data repositories, the ETL
al and self_paced 2 3 5 en-us learning paths process, and Big Data
Certificate Visualizatio you can take to platformsDescribe the process
n be a Data Analyst. and tools for gathering data,
Fundament wrangling data, mining and
als analyzing data, and visualizing
dataList the different career
opportunities in Data Analysis and
resources for getting skilled in this
domainDemonstrate your
understanding of gathering,
wrangling, mining, analyzing, and
visualizing data
Data Engineering IBM Learn about data The objective of this course is to Basic computer data-analysis-
Basics for Everyone engineering give you a solid understanding of skills.General statistics
concepts, what Data Engineering is.In this familiarity of how
ecosystem, and course you will learn about:Module computing
lifecycle. Also 1: What is Data Engineering works.Grounding in
learn about the ****Modern Data EcosystemKey IT
systems, Players in the Data systems.Comfortabl
processes, and EcosystemWhat is Data e working in either
tools you need asEngineering?Responsibilities and Linux, Unix,
a Data Engineer Skillsets of a Data EngineerA day Windows, or MacOs.
in order to gather,
in the life of a Data
Data transform, load, EngineerModule 2: Data
Profession Engineerin process, query, Engineering Ecosystem
Introductor and manage data ****Overview of the Data
al g self_paced 9 10 4 en-us
y so that it can beEngineering EcosystemTypes of
Certificate Fundament
als leveraged by dataDataUnderstanding different types
consumers for of File FormatsSources of
operations, and DataLanguages for Data
decision-making. ProfessionalsOverview of Data
Warehouses, Data Marts, and
Data LakesETL, ELT, and Data
PipelinesData Integration
PlatformsFoundations of Big
DataBig Data processing tools:
Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, and
SparkModule 3: Data Engineering
LifecycleArchitecting the Data
Data Science and IBM Create a project Apply your knowledge of data Completed following data-analysis-
Machine Learning that you can use science and machine learning to a courses or statistics,
Capstone Project to showcase your real life scenarioAnalyze and proficiency in these computer-science
Data Science visualize data using topics: Python
IBM Data skills to PythonPerform a feature Basics for Data
Profession Science prospective engineering exercise using ScienceAnalyzing
Intermediat employers. Apply PythonBuild and validate a Data with
al Python self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
e various data predictive machine learning model PythonVisualizing
Certificate Data
Science science and using PythonCreate and share Data with
machine learning actionable insights to real life data PythonMachine
techniques to problems Learning with Python
analyze and
visualize a data
set involving a
Data Science and IBM Create a project Apply your knowledge of data Completed following data-analysis-
Machine Learning that you can use science and machine learning to a courses or statistics,
Capstone Project to showcase your real life scenarioAnalyze and proficiency in these computer-science
Data Science visualize data using topics: Python
Python skills to PythonPerform a feature Basics for Data
Profession Data prospective engineering exercise using ScienceAnalyzing
Intermediat employers. Apply PythonBuild and validate a Data with
al Science self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
e various data predictive machine learning model PythonVisualizing
Certificate IBM Data
Science science and using PythonCreate and share Data with
machine learning actionable insights to real life data PythonMachine
techniques to problems Learning with Python
analyze and
visualize a data
set involving a
Data Science Tools IBM Learn about the How to use various data science data-analysis-
most popular and data visualization tools hosted statistics,
data science on Skills Network LabsHow to use computer-science,
Data tools, including Jupyter Notebooks including its business-
Science how to use them features and why it's so management
Profession and what their popularPopular tools used by R
Foundation Introductor
al self_paced 3 7 7 en-us features are. Programmers including RStudio
s y
Certificate IDEIBM Watson Studio including
IBM Data
Science its features and capabilitiesHow to
create and share a Jupyter

Data Science Tools IBM Learn about the How to use various data science data-analysis-
most popular and data visualization tools hosted statistics,
data science on Skills Network LabsHow to use computer-science,
Data tools, including Jupyter Notebooks including its business-
Science how to use them features and why it's so management
Profession and what their popularPopular tools used by R
Foundation Introductor
al self_paced 3 7 7 en-us features are. Programmers including RStudio
s y
Certificate IDEIBM Watson Studio including
IBM Data
Science its features and capabilitiesHow to
create and share a Jupyter

Data Visualization IBM Build the Basic Excel features to create data-analysis-
and Building fundamental charts and pivot chartsThe statistics
Dashboards with knowledge important role charts play in telling
Excel and Cognos Data necessary to use a data-driven storyAbout creating
Analyst Excel and IBM advanced charts and
Data Cognos Analytics visualizationsAbout the basics of
Profession Analysis to create data dashboardingHow to create a
al and self_paced 2 3 4 en-us visualizations and simple dashboard using a
Certificate Visualizatio to create spreadsheetHow to register for a
n dashboards trial of Cognos AnalyticsHow to
Fundament containing those create visualizations in Cognos
als visualizations to AnalyticsHow to build a simple
help tell a lucid dashboard, and discover
story about data. advanced features
Deep Learning IBM New to deep You will learn about exciting Python data-analysis-
Fundamentals with learning? Start applications of deep learning and Programming. For statistics,
Keras with this course, why it is really rewarding to learn example, you can computer-science,
that will not only how to leverage deep learning complete this engineering
introduce you to skills.You will learn about neural course on edX:
the field of deep networks and how theylearn and Python Basics for
learning but give update their weights and Data
you the biases.You will learn about Science.Machine
opportunity to thevanishing gradient Learning with
build your first problem.You will learn about Python. For
deep learning building a regression model using example, you can
Profession model using the Keras library.You will learn complete this
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us thepopular Keras about building a classification course on edX:
IBM Deep e
Certificate library. model using the Keras library.You Machine Learning
will learn about supervised deep with Python: A
learning models, such as Practical
convolutional neural networks and Introduction.Partial
recurrent neural networks, and Derivatives. You
how to build a convolutional neural can find tutorials for
network using the Keras this on Khan
library.You will learn about Academy.
unsupervised learning models
such as autoencoders.

Deep Learning IBM New to deep You will learn about exciting Python data-analysis-
Fundamentals with learning? Start applications of deep learning and Programming. For statistics,
Keras with this course, why it is really rewarding to learn example, you can computer-science,
that will not only how to leverage deep learning complete this engineering
introduce you to skills.You will learn about neural course on edX:
the field of deep networks and how theylearn and Python Basics for
learning but give update their weights and Data
you the biases.You will learn about Science.Machine
opportunity to thevanishing gradient Learning with
build your first problem.You will learn about Python. For
deep learning building a regression model using example, you can
IBM Deep
Profession model using the Keras library.You will learn complete this
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us thepopular Keras about building a classification course on edX:
Deep e
Certificate library. model using the Keras library.You Machine Learning
will learn about supervised deep with Python: A
learning models, such as Practical
convolutional neural networks and Introduction.Partial
recurrent neural networks, and Derivatives. You
how to build a convolutional neural can find tutorials for
network using the Keras this on Khan
library.You will learn about Academy.
unsupervised learning models
such as autoencoders.
Deep Learning with IBM This course is the Apply knowledge of Deep Neural Python & data-analysis-
Python and PyTorch second part of a Networks and related machine Jupyter statistics,
two-part course learning methodsBuild and Train notebooksMachine computer-science,
Deep on how to Deep Neural Networks using Learning engineering
Profession develop Deep PyTorchBuild Deep learning conceptsDeep
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 6 en-us Learning models pipelines Learning
IBM Deep e
Certificate using Pytorch. conceptshttps://www
Deep Learning with IBM This course is the Apply knowledge of Deep Neural Python & data-analysis-
Python and PyTorch second part of a Networks and related machine Jupyter statistics,
two-part course learning methodsBuild and Train notebooksMachine computer-science,
Deep on how to Deep Neural Networks using Learning engineering
Profession develop Deep PyTorchBuild Deep learning conceptsDeep
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 6 en-us Learning models pipelines Learning
IBM Deep e
Certificate using Pytorch. conceptshttps://www
Deep Learning with IBM Much of Explain foundational TensorFlow Python & data-analysis-
Tensorflow theworld's data is concepts such as the main Jupyter statistics,
unstructured. functions, operations and the notebooksMachine computer-science,
Think images, execution pipelines.Describe how Learning engineering
sound, and TensorFlow can be used in curve conceptsDeep
textual data. fitting, regression, classification Learning concepts
Learn how to and minimization of error
Deep apply Deep functions.Understand different
Learning Intermediat Learning with types of Deep Architectures, such
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us
IBM Deep e TensorFlow to as Convolutional Networks,
Learning this type of data Recurrent Networks and
to solve real- Autoencoders.Apply TensorFlow
world problems. for backpropagation to tune the
weights and biases while the
Neural Networks are being trained.

Deep Learning with IBM Much of Explain foundational TensorFlow Python & data-analysis-
Tensorflow theworld's data is concepts such as the main Jupyter statistics,
unstructured. functions, operations and the notebooksMachine computer-science,
Think images, execution pipelines.Describe how Learning engineering
sound, and TensorFlow can be used in curve conceptsDeep
textual data. fitting, regression, classification Learning concepts
Learn how to and minimization of error
IBM Deep apply Deep functions.Understand different
Learning Intermediat Learning with types of Deep Architectures, such
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us
Deep e TensorFlow to as Convolutional Networks,
Learning this type of data Recurrent Networks and
to solve real- Autoencoders.Apply TensorFlow
world problems. for backpropagation to tune the
weights and biases while the
Neural Networks are being trained.
Developing Cloud IBM Learn how to Create server-side applications Basic HTML, CSS computer-science
Applications with develop and with Node.js Javascript & JavaScript
Node.js and React deploy web frameworkPractice DevOps and SkillsBasic
applications with utilize continuous delivery understanding of
Cloud JavaScript pipelines with GitDeploy your web Cloud Native
Application frameworks. application to IBM Cloud Development
Developme Create server- platformExtend your Node.js conceptsBasic
Profession nt side applications application with third-party understanding of
Intermediat using Node.js packagesLeverage the Express Cloud DevOps and
al Foundation self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
e and develop the web application Git concepts
Certificate s
Full Stack front-end using frameworkIntegrate with Watson
Cloud React. Deploy the APIs on Cloud to add AI to your
Developer app on Cloud. applicationBuild rich application
user interfaces using ES6 and
ReactDevelop callback functions
and parse JSON data from HTTP

Developing Cloud IBM Learn about Describe Cloud Native and Familiarity with computer-science
Native Applications Cloud Native DevOps concepts and Cloud concepts and
Computing. methodologiesUnderstand how terminologyBasic
Understand and containers and kubernetes drive literacy in Cloud
start using cloud native application Application
DevOps practices developmentBuild and Deploy DevelopmentBasic
and tools. Work code to IBM Cloud using DevOps knowledge of HTML
with REST APIs tools and servicesCreate a and Javascript
Full Stack and JSON. Get Node.js application on
Cloud started with CloudUtilize REST APIs in your
Developer developing app to store and retrieve data in a
Profession Cloud applications on NoSQL Cloudant DatabaseCreate
al Application self_paced 3 4 4 en-us Cloud leveraging a Git repository to manage your
Certificate Developme cloud services source codeDescribe the
nt like AI-powered characteristics of REST
Foundation APIs and NoSQL APIsExplain the advantages of the
s databases to JSON data formatView and edit
enrich your app. code using a Web IDEAccess
your IBM Cloud account and
services using CLI and Web
UIIdentify and navigate DevOps,
AI, and Database services in IBM
Django Application IBM This course By the end of this course, you will Knowledge computer-science
Development with introduces you to be able to:•Describe a database of:GitHubHTML
SQL and Databases the basics of and how to model data.•Compose & CSSPython
SQL, Django and SQL queries to insert, select,
Bootstrap. You update, and delete data in a
will gain hands- database.•Understand Object
Profession Full Stack on practical Relational Model (ORM).•Integrate
al Cloud self_paced 3 4 4 en-us experience Bootstrap into your Django
Certificate Developer developing and template and build interactive web
deploying a full- pages.•Employ Django to develop
stack Django web database-powered
application on the applications.•Create and deploy
cloud. your Django app on the cloud.

El método de IBM Aprende sobre la A pesar de la afluencia en el data-analysis-

ciencia de datos metodología, las poder de cómputo y el acceso a statistics,
prácticas y los los datos en las últimas décadas, computer-science,
requisitos detrás nuestra capacidad de usar los business-
IBM: de la ciencia de datos dentro del proceso de toma management
Ciencia de datos para de decisiones se pierde o no se
datos comprender maximiza con demasiada
IBM: Introductor mejor cómo frecuencia. No tenemos una
al self_paced 3 7 7 es-es
Fundament y resolver buena comprensión de las
os de problemas con preguntas formuladas y cómo
ciencia de datos y garantizar aplicar los datos correctamente
datos que los datos para resolver los problemas en
sean relevantes y cuestión.
para abordar una
Full Stack IBM For this project By the end of this course, you will Completion of computer-science
Application you will apply be able to:Articulate the attributes courses 1-8 within
Development Project your knowledge of multiple cloud services the Full Stack Cloud
of front end and including Watson AI, Cloudant and Developer
back end Cloud Object Storage.Sharpen Professional
Profession Full Stack development your skillset using JavaScript, Certificate
Intermediat gained from React.js, Python, Node.js,
al Cloud self_paced 3 4 4 en-us
e previous courses Express and more.Build a real-
Certificate Developer
and build and world web application using front
deploy a full stack end and back end
real-world web technology.Deploy your Django full
application on the stack web application on the cloud.
Fundamentos de la IBM Aprende sobre la Diversas aplicaciones de visión computer-science
Visión Artificial con visión por por computadora en muchas
Watson y OpenCV computadora, industriasCapacidades de
uno de los procesamiento y formación de
campos más imágenes impulsadas por
Profession Inteligencia interesantes del IAUtilizar Python, Watson AI y
Introductor aprendizaje OpenCV para procesar imágenes
al artificial self_paced 7 14 14 es-es
y automático, e interactuar con modelos de
Certificate aplicada
inteligencia clasificación de imágenes.Crear,
artificial y entrenar y experimentar tus
ciencias de la propios clasificadores de imagen
computación. personalizados

Herramientas de IBM Obtén ● Como usar varias herramientas data-analysis-

ciencia de datos: información sobre de ciencia de datos y visualización statistics,
uso práctico las herramientas de datos alojadas en Skills computer-science,
IBM: de ciencia de Network Labs● Cómo usar business-
Fundament datos más Notebook Jupyter, incluidas sus management
os de populares características y por qué es tan
ciencia de Introductor (Jupyter popular● Herramientas populares
al self_paced 3 7 7 es-es
datos y Notebooks, utilizadas por R Programmers,
IBM: RStudio IDE y incluido RStudio IDE● Sobre IBM
Ciencia de Watson Studio), Watson Studio, incluidas sus
datos aprenderás cómo características y capacidades●
usarlas y cuáles Como crear y compartir un
son sus cuaderno Jupyter
IBM Cloud IBM This course After completing this course, a computer-science
Essentials introduces you to learner will be able to:Understand
the IBM Cloud. the different infrastructure services
You will learn available on IBM Cloud.Access
about the many IBM Cloud using graphical
offerings and interfaces, command line tools,
services on IBM and APIs.Discover appropriate
Cloud that make IBM Cloud services available to
it the most open deliver specific
Non- Non- Introductor and secure public functionality.Articulate the different
self_paced 5 8 5 en-us cloud for ways IBM Cloud delivers services
Program Program y
developers and to developers and operational
enterprises. teams.Summarize core groups of
available database, integration,
analytics, artificial intelligence, and
DevOps services.Deploy an
application on IBM Cloud using a
Starter Kit.
Inteligencia Artificial IBM Aprende qué es Comprender qué es la IA, sus computer-science
para todos: Domina la Inteligencia aplicaciones y casos de uso y
las bases Artificial (IA) al cómo está transformando
Fundament comprender sus nuestras vidasExplicar términos
os de aplicaciones y como aprendizaje automático
Profession Inteligencia conceptos (Machine Learning), aprendizaje
Introductor claves, incluidos profundo (Deep Learning) y redes
al Artificial self_paced 1 2 4 es-es
y el aprendizaje neuronales (Neural Networks).
Certificate Inteligencia
artificial automático, el Describir varios problemas y
aplicada aprendizaje preocupaciones éticas en torno a
profundo y las la IA.Consejos de expertos sobre
redes neuronales. el aprendizaje y el inicio de una
carrera en IA.
Inteligencia artificial: IBM Los chatbots Qué son los chatbots y por qué computer-science,
Chatbots sin tienen cada vez son revolucionariosQué es design
programación más demanda Watson Assistant y cómo puedes
entre las aprovechar sus capacidades de
Inteligencia empresas IALos principios clave del buen
artificial globales. Este diseño de chatbotCómo crear tu
Profession aplicada curso te propio chatbot sin la necesidad de
Introductor enseñará cómo escribir ningún códigoCómo
al Fundament self_paced 2 4 2 es-es
y construir, implementar tu chatbot en sitios
Certificate os de
Inteligencia analizar, de WordPressCómo inscribirse
Artificial implementar y como socio de IBM si tiene la
monetizar intención de crear chatbots para
chatbots, con la clientesCómo ganar dinero con
ayuda de IBM chatbots
Watson y el
poder de la IA.
Introducción a la IBM El arte de ● Definición de ciencia de datos y data-analysis-
ciencia de datos y descubrir las que los datos analizan ● statistics,
sus aplicaciones IBM: percepciones y Herramientas y algoritmos computer-science
Ciencia de tendencias en los utilizados diariamente en este
datos datos ha existido campo● Habilidades necesarias
IBM: Introductor durante siglos. para ser un científico de datos
al self_paced 3 6 6 es-es
Fundament y exitoso● El papel de la ciencia de
os de datos dentro de una empresa●
ciencia de Cómo formar un equipo exitoso de
datos ciencia de datos

Introducción a la IBM Aprende cómo Fundamentos de IA y Watson computer-science

Inteligencia Artificial Fundament comenzar rápida Machine LearningCómo funciona
de Watson os de y fácilmente con IBM Watson AILos servicios de
Profession Inteligencia la Inteligencia inteligencia artificial de Watson se
Introductor Artificial utilizando ofrecen en IBM Cloud y cómo las
al Artificial self_paced 4 8 8 es-es
y IBM Watson. organizaciones usan estos
Certificate Inteligencia
artificial serviciosCasos de uso común
aplicada para IAExperimentar y demostrar
la IA en acción usando Watson
Introduction to IBM Master the core Essential characteristics and Basic computer computer-science,
Cloud Computing concepts in Cloud benefits of Cloud Computing e.g. literacy. No prior business-
Computing, from pay-per-use, etc.Key Cloud knowledge of Cloud management,
service and Service Providers - IBM Cloud, Computing or data-analysis-
deployment Amazon Web Services (AWS), Computer statistics
models, to cloud Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Programming.
architecture, Google Cloud Platform,
Essential security, new etc.Common cloud service models
Technologi technologies, and (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and
es for possible careers. deployment models (Public,
Business Private, Hybrid)Components of
Cloud cloud infrastructure (Regions,
Profession Application Availability Zones, Data Centers,
Introductor Virtualization, VMs, Bare Metal,
al Developme self_paced 1 2 6 en-us
y Networking, and types of cloud
Certificate nt
Foundation storage (Direct Attached /
s Ephemeral, Persistant - File
Full Stack Storage, Block Storage, Object
Cloud Storage, etc.) Emergent trends in
Developer cloud computing - including Hybrid
MultiCloud, Containers,
Microservices, Serverless, Cloud
Native, DevOps, and Application
ModernizationConcepts in cloud
security, encryption and
monitoringCareer options, cloud
related professions, and their
required skills
Introduction to IBM Master the core Essential characteristics and Basic computer computer-science,
Cloud Computing concepts in Cloud benefits of Cloud Computing e.g. literacy. No prior business-
Computing, from pay-per-use, etc.Key Cloud knowledge of Cloud management,
service and Service Providers - IBM Cloud, Computing or data-analysis-
deployment Amazon Web Services (AWS), Computer statistics
models, to cloud Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Programming.
architecture, Google Cloud Platform,
Essential security, new etc.Common cloud service models
Technologi technologies, and (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and
es for possible careers. deployment models (Public,
Business Private, Hybrid)Components of
Full Stack cloud infrastructure (Regions,
Profession Cloud Availability Zones, Data Centers,
Introductor Virtualization, VMs, Bare Metal,
al Developer self_paced 1 2 6 en-us
y Networking, and types of cloud
Certificate Cloud
Application storage (Direct Attached /
Developme Ephemeral, Persistant - File
nt Storage, Block Storage, Object
Foundation Storage, etc.) Emergent trends in
s cloud computing - including Hybrid
MultiCloud, Containers,
Microservices, Serverless, Cloud
Native, DevOps, and Application
ModernizationConcepts in cloud
security, encryption and
monitoringCareer options, cloud
related professions, and their
required skills
Introduction to IBM Learn the key Understand the Cloud Basic computer computer-science,
Cloud Development tools and Development Ecosystem and literacy.Understandi business-
with HTML, CSS, programming Terminology like front-end ng of Cloud management
and JavaScript languages to developer, back-end, server-side, Computing
Full Stack bootstrap your full stack, etc.Become familiar with concepts and
Cloud career as a Cloud the developer tools and IDEs used terminology.No prior
Developer Developer. Get by web programmersWork with knowledge of
Profession Cloud started with web programming languages used by Computer
al Application self_paced 1 2 4 en-us development front-end developers for creating Programming.
Certificate Developme using HTML5, user interfacesPractice and
nt CSS3, JavaScript develop hands-on skills to work
Foundation and GitHub. with HTML, CSS and
s JavaScriptManage and version
control your projects with Git and

Introduction to IBM This course After completing this course you There are no hard computer-science
Containers, introduces you to will be able to:Understand the requirements
Kubernetes, and containers and its benefits of containersBuild and run needed to be able
OpenShift emerging a container imageUnderstand to take the course,
ecosystem of Kubernetes architectureWrite a however a
related YAML deployment fileExpose foundation level
Profession Full Stack technologies deployment as a serviceManage understanding of
al Cloud self_paced 6 8 6 en-us such as Docker, applications with KubernetesUse Cloud Computing
Certificate Developer Kubernetes, ReplicaSets, auto-scaling, rolling will help.
OpenShift, and updates and service
Istio. You will not bindingsUnderstand the benefits
only understand of OpenShift, Istio and other
the concepts but important tools
also practice
hands-on in the
Introduction to Data IBM Essential Learn about the Definition of data science and data-analysis-
Science Technologi world of data what data scientists doTools and statistics,
es for science first-hand algorithms used on a daily basis computer-science,
Business from real data within the fieldSkills needed to be business-
Profession scientists. a successful data scientistThe role management
Data Introductor
al self_paced 3 6 6 en-us of data science within a
Science y
Certificate businessHow to form a strong
s data science team
IBM Data
Introduction to Data IBM Essential Learn about the Definition of data science and data-analysis-
Science Technologi world of data what data scientists doTools and statistics,
es for science first-hand algorithms used on a daily basis computer-science,
Business from real data within the fieldSkills needed to be business-
Profession scientists. a successful data scientistThe role management
IBM Data Introductor
al self_paced 3 6 6 en-us of data science within a
Science y
Certificate businessHow to form a strong
Science data science team
Introduction to IBM Learn how to Fundamentals of AI and Watson computer-science,
Watson AI quickly and easily Machine LearningHow IBM data-analysis-
get started with Watson AI worksWatson AI statistics,
Profession Applied AI Artificial services offered on the IBM Cloud business-
Introductor Intelligence using and how organizations use these management
al Foundation self_paced 4 8 8 en-us
y IBM Watson. servicesCommon use cases for
Certificate s of AI
AIExperience and demonstrate AI
in action yourself using Watson

Introduction to IBM Learn how to Fundamentals of AI and Watson computer-science,

Watson AI quickly and easily Machine LearningHow IBM data-analysis-
get started with Watson AI worksWatson AI statistics,
Profession Foundation Artificial services offered on the IBM Cloud business-
Introductor Intelligence using and how organizations use these management
al s of AI self_paced 4 8 8 en-us
y IBM Watson. servicesCommon use cases for
Certificate Applied AI
AIExperience and demonstrate AI
in action yourself using Watson

Machine Learning IBM El Machine Aprendizaje automático computer-science

(aprendizaje Learning puede supervisado vs no
automático) con ser una supervisadoCómo se relaciona el
Python: una herramienta modelado estadístico con el
introducción práctica increíblemente aprendizaje automático y cómo
IBM: beneficiosa para hacer una comparación de cada
Ciencia de descubrir unoDiferentes formas en que el
datos Introductor información y aprendizaje automático afecta a la
al self_paced 4 6 5 es-mx
Ciencia de y predecir sociedad
datos con tendencias
Python futuras. Este
curso de
automático con
Python te
brindará todas las
Machine Learning IBM Machine Learning The difference between the two Recommended: data-analysis-
with Python: A can be an main types of machine learning Python Basics for statistics,
Practical Introduction incredibly methods: supervised and Data Science engineering,
beneficial tool to unsupervised Supervised learning computer-science
uncover hidden algorithms, including classification
IBM Data insights and and regressionUnsupervised
Profession Science predict future learning algorithms, including
Introductor trends. This Clustering and Dimensionality
al Python self_paced 4 6 5 en-ca
y Machine Learning ReductionHow statistical modeling
Certificate Data
Science with Python relates to machine learning and
course will give how to compare themReal-life
you all the tools examples of the different ways
you need to get machine learning affects society
started with
supervised and
Machine Learning IBM Machine Learning The difference between the two Recommended: data-analysis-
with Python: A can be an main types of machine learning Python Basics for statistics,
Practical Introduction incredibly methods: supervised and Data Science engineering,
beneficial tool to unsupervised Supervised learning computer-science
uncover hidden algorithms, including classification
Python insights and and regressionUnsupervised
Profession Data predict future learning algorithms, including
Introductor trends. This Clustering and Dimensionality
al Science self_paced 4 6 5 en-ca
y Machine Learning ReductionHow statistical modeling
Certificate IBM Data
Science with Python relates to machine learning and
course will give how to compare themReal-life
you all the tools examples of the different ways
you need to get machine learning affects society
started with
supervised and
Microservices, IBM Learn about Summarize the fundamentals of computer-science
Serverless, Microservices Microservices, its advantages and
OpenShift architecture and contrast with monolithic
Serverless architectures.Explain the
computing. capabilities of service mesh
Understand their including Istio, why it is useful and
benefits and the how it alleviates challenges with
process for Microservices.Explain the process
deployment. for deploying Microservices on
Practice using OpenShift.Describe Function as a
Profession Full Stack multiple tools in Service capabilities and
al Cloud self_paced 3 4 4 en-us hands-on labs. benefits.Describe Serverless
Certificate Developer Create a Computing and its increasing
serverless web importance for developers in
application and Cloud Native development.Identify
deploy as a the attributes of serverless.Build a
Microservice on serverless web application and
OpenShift and as deploy as a microservice on Red
static files on Hat OpenShift and as static files
Cloud Object on Cloud Object Storage.
Python Basics for IBM This Python The objectives of this course is to Basic Math data-analysis-
Data Science Data course provides a get you started with Python as the statistics,
Engineerin beginner-friendly programming language and give engineering,
g introduction to you a taste of how to start working computer-science
Fundament Python for Data with data in Python.In this course
als Science. Practice you will learn about:What Python
Full Stack through lab is and why it is usefulThe
Cloud exercises, and application of Python to Data
Profession you'll be ready to ScienceHow to define variables in
Developer Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 5 en-ca create your first PythonSets and conditional
Applied AI y
Certificate Python scripts on statements in PythonThe purpose
Analyst your own! of having functions in PythonHow
Python to operate on files to read and
Data write data in PythonHow to use
Science pandas, a must have package for
IBM Data anyone attempting data analysis in
Science Python.

Python for AI & IBM This mini-course After completing this course, you data-analysis-
Development Project introduces you to will be able to:Demonstrate statistics
the process for Python basic skills for developing
unit testing AI powered Applications.Describe
Profession Full Stack Python code, the purpose of unit testing and
Intermediat including building packaging.Test your Python
al Cloud self_paced 3 4 1 en-us
e and running unit code.Create a Python
Certificate Developer
tests and Package.Expand your practical
packaging the experience using IBM Watson
Python APIs.
application for
Python for Data IBM An opportunity to The objective of this course is to data-analysis-
Engineering Project apply your give you a solid understanding of statistics
foundational what Data Engineering is.In this
Python skills via a course you will apply your Python
Data project, using skills for:Webscraping and data
Profession Engineerin various extraction using APIs
al g self_paced 4 5 1 en-us techniques to Transforming data into specific
Certificate Fundament collect and work data types ****Logging operations
als with data and preparing data for
loadingWorking with Jupyter
notebooks and IBM Watson Studio
Python for Data IBM This mini-course In this course you will learn Python Basics for data-analysis-
Science Project is intended for about:Demonstrate your skills for Data Science statistics
you to working with Python and course from IBM is
demonstrate DataCreate a dashboard that a pre-requisite for
foundational shows key performance indicators this project course.
Python skills for from a specific data set Please ensure that
working with data. before taking this
Non- Non- Intermediat course you have
self_paced 4 5 1 en-us either completed
Program Program e
the Python Basics
for Data Science
course from IBM or
have equivalent
proficiency in
working with Python
and data.
PyTorch Basics for IBM This course is the Build a Machine learning pipeline data-analysis-
Machine Learning first part in a two in PyTorchTrain Models in statistics,
part course and PyTorch. Load large datasets computer-science,
will teach you the Train machine learning engineering
fundamentals of applications with PyTorchHave the
PyTorch. In this prerequisite Knowledge to apply to
course you will deep learning andhow to
implement classic incorporate and Python libraries
Profession machine learning such as Numpy and Pandas with
Deep Introductor algorithms, PyTorch
al self_paced 4 5 5 en-us
Learning y focusing on how
PyTorch creates
and optimizes
models. You will
quickly iterate
through different
aspects of
PyTorch giving
you strong
foundations and
PyTorch Basics for IBM This course is the Build a Machine learning pipeline data-analysis-
Machine Learning first part in a two in PyTorchTrain Models in statistics,
part course and PyTorch. Load large datasets computer-science,
will teach you the Train machine learning engineering
fundamentals of applications with PyTorchHave the
PyTorch. In this prerequisite Knowledge to apply to
course you will deep learning andhow to
implement classic incorporate and Python libraries
Profession machine learning such as Numpy and Pandas with
Deep Introductor algorithms, PyTorch
al self_paced 4 5 5 en-us
Learning y focusing on how
PyTorch creates
and optimizes
models. You will
quickly iterate
through different
aspects of
PyTorch giving
you strong
foundations and
Relational Database IBM This course The objective of this course is to data-analysis-
Basics teaches you the provide you with a solid statistics
fundamental understanding of relational
concepts of databases and Relational
relational Database Management Systems
databases and (RDBMS).After completing this
Data Relational course, you will be able
Profession Engineerin Database to:Describe a relational database
Introductor Management and explain relational database
al g self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
y Systems concepts.Design the schema of a
Certificate Fundament
als (RDBMS). relational database.Create
database objects such as tables,
keys, constraints, and views.Load
tables with data from .CSV
files.Demonstrate working
knowledge of MySQL,
PostgreSQL and IBM Db2.

SQL aplicado en la IBM Aprende a usar y ● Aprender y aplicar el data-analysis-

ciencia de datos IBM: aplicar el conocimiento fundamental del statistics,
Fundament poderoso lenguaje SQL● Como crear una computer-science,
os de lenguaje de SQL base de datos en la nube● Como business-
Profession para comunicar y usar patrones de cadenas y management
ciencia de Introductor
al self_paced 2 4 4 es-es extraer mejor los rangos para consultar datos●
datos y
Certificate datos de las Como ordenar y agrupar datos en
Ciencia de bases de datos, conjuntos de resultados y por tipo
datos algo de datos● Como analizar datos
imprescindible usando Python
SQL for Data IBM para
how to use Learn and apply foundational data-analysis-
Science Engineerin and apply the knowledge of the SQL statistics,
g powerful languageHow to create a computer-science,
Fundament language of SQL database in the cloudHow to use business-
als to better string patterns and ranges to management
Profession Data communicate and query dataHow to sort and group
Introductor extract data from data in result sets and by data
al Science self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
y databases - a typeHow to analyze data using
Certificate Foundation
s must for anyone Python
Data working in the
Analyst data science field.
IBM Data
The Data Science IBM Learn about the The major steps involved in data-analysis-
Method methodology, tackling a data science statistics,
practices and problem.Why data scientists need computer-science,
requirements a methodology and an business-
behind data approach.What it means to management
Data science to better understand data, and prepare or
Science understand how clean dataHow to practice data
Profession to problem solve science, including forming a
Foundation Introductor
al self_paced 3 7 7 en-us with data and concrete business question or
s y
Certificate ensure data is research.Through completing a
IBM Data
Science relevant and peer-reviewed assignment, you
properly will demonstrate your
manipulated to understanding of the data science
address a variety methodology by applying it to a
of real-world problem that you define.
projects and
The Data Science IBM Learn about the The major steps involved in data-analysis-
Method methodology, tackling a data science statistics,
practices and problem.Why data scientists need computer-science,
requirements a methodology and an business-
behind data approach.What it means to management
IBM Data science to better understand data, and prepare or
Science understand how clean dataHow to practice data
Profession to problem solve science, including forming a
Data Introductor
al self_paced 3 7 7 en-us with data and concrete business question or
Science y
Certificate ensure data is research.Through completing a
s relevant and peer-reviewed assignment, you
properly will demonstrate your
manipulated to understanding of the data science
address a variety methodology by applying it to a
of real-world problem that you define.
projects and
Using GPUs to IBM Training complex Explain what GPU is, how it can data-analysis-
Scale and Speed-up deep learning speed up the computation, and its statistics,
Deep Learning models with large advantages in comparison with computer-science,
Deep datasets takes CPUs.Implement deep learning engineering
Profession along time. In this networks on GPUs.Train and
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 2 4 5 en-us course, you will deploy deep learning networks for
IBM Deep e
Certificate learn how to use image and video classification as
accelerated GPU well as for object recognition.
hardware to
overcome the
Visualizando datos IBM La visualización ● Cómo presentar datos usando data-analysis-
con Python de datos es la algunas de las bibliotecas de statistics,
representación visualización de datos en Python, engineering,
gráfica de los incluyendo Matplotlib, Seaborn y computer-science
datos para Folium● Cómo usar las
transmitir de herramientas básicas de
manera visualización, que incluyen
interactiva y gráficos de área, histogramas y
IBM: eficiente las ideas gráficos de barras● Cómo usar
Ciencia de a los clientes y herramientas de visualización
datos Intermediat partes especializadas, incluidos gráficos
al self_paced 2 4 5 es-mx
Ciencia de e interesadas en circulares, gráficos de caja,
datos con general. gráficos de dispersión y gráficos
Python de burbujas● Cómo usar
herramientas de visualización
avanzadas, que incluyen gráficos
de Waffle, nubes de palabras y
gráficos de regresión y Seaborn●
Cómo crear mapas y ver datos

Visualizing Data with IBM Data visualization How to present data using some Python Basics for data-analysis-
Python is the graphical of the data visualization libraries in Data statistics,
representation of Python, including Matplotlib, ScienceAnalyzing engineering,
data in order to Seaborn, and FoliumHow to use Data with Python computer-science
interactively and basic visualization tools, including
Data efficiently convey area plots, histograms, and bar
Analyst insights to clients, chartsHow to use specialized
Profession Python customers, and visualization tools, including pie
al Data self_paced 2 4 5 en-ca stakeholders in charts, box plots, scatter plots,
Certificate Science general. and bubble plotsHow to use
IBM Data advanced visualization tools,
Science including waffle charts, word
clouds, and Seaborn and
regression plotsHow to create
maps and visualize geospatial data
¡Conceptos básicos IBM Este curso de Los objetivos de este curso son data-analysis-
de Python para Data Python comenzar con Python como statistics,
Science! proporciona una lenguaje de programación y darte engineering,
introducción para una idea de cómo comenzar a computer-science
principiantes a trabajar con datos en Python.Qué
Inteligencia Python a la es Python y por qué es útilLa
artificial ciencia de datos. aplicación de Python a la ciencia
aplicada Practica a través de datos Cómo definir variables
Profession IBM: de ejercicios de en PythonConjuntos y
al Ciencia de self_paced 2 5 5 es-es laboratorio, ¡y declaraciones condicionales en
Certificate datos estarás listo para PythonEl propósito de tener
Ciencia de crear tus funciones en PythonCómo
datos con primeros scripts trabajar con archivos para leer y
Python de Python por tu escribir datos en PythonCómo
cuenta! usar pandas, un paquete
imprescindible para quien quiera
analizar datos en Python

Algorithms IITBombay Learn how to Structure of important Concepts of data computer-science

structure and use algorithms.How to use algorithms structures as
algorithms to with appropriate data structures, covered in
Fundament solve real life to solve real life problems.How ‘Foundations of
als of Intermediat problems. algorithms and data structures can Data Structures’
XSeries self_paced 6 8 6 en-in
Computer e be used to design system at scale. and ‘Implementation
Science of Data Structures’

Foundations of Data IITBombay Learn the best Various data structuresHow to Knowledge of computer-science
Structures way to structure organize data efficientlyHow to programming
Fundament and represent use appropriate data structures for concepts, as
als of Intermediat data. representing, organizing, and covered in ‘Basic
XSeries self_paced 6 8 6 en-in
Computer e manipulating dataHow to create Programming’
Science data structures using basic course is necessary.
Implementation of IITBombay Learn how to Complex data structuresHow to Concepts as computer-science
Data Structures write correct and implement data structures using covered in Object-
efficient data object-oriented paradigmHow to Oriented
structures map abstract data types to Programming
Fundament manipulation Standard Template Library of C++. course and
als of Intermediat using existing Foundations of Data
XSeries self_paced 6 8 6 en-in
Computer e standard Structures course.
Science template library
(STL) of C++. Get
introduced to the
power of STL and
make your code
LaTeX for Students, IITBombay Explore a new Handle different types of There are no engineering
Engineers, and way of writing and documentsOrganize documents prerequisites for this
Scientists typesetting into different sections, course, except
articles, books, subsections, etc..Formatting knowledge of
papers, etc. using pages (margins, header, footer, editing text. The
a document orientation)Formatting textWrite course can be
Non- Non- Introductor preparation complex mathematical taken by any learner
self_paced 3 4 7 en-in
Program Program y system called formulaeInclude tables and who wants to create
LaTeX. imagesCross-referencing, documents using
bibliography, and IndexingRead LaTeX.
error messages as and when
requiredCreate presentations
using Beamer
Object-Oriented IITBombay Learn the How to abstract a problem in an Knowledge of high computer-science
Programming principles of object oriented styleObject school mathematics
programming for oriented programming, basics to is essential and
building large and advanced level, using C++How to adequate. Exposure
extensible use the Standard Template Library to pre-calculus is
systems. (STL) desirable.
Fundament Knowledge of basic
als of Introductor programming
XSeries self_paced 6 8 4 en-in
Computer y concepts, as
Science covered in
Basics’ course is

Programming Basics IITBombay Learn basic Basic programming skillsTo write Knowledge of high computer-science
computer C/C++ programs to solve real school mathematics
Fundament programming world computational is essential and
als of Introductor skills and master problems.Good programming adequate. Exposure
XSeries self_paced 6 8 9 en-in the art of writing practicesHow to handle large and to pre-calculus is
Computer y
Science C/C++ programs complex programs. desirable.
to solve real
world problems.
Accounting Imperial An introduction to How to create and interpret the Secondary school business-
Essentials College the financial and three basic accounting statements (high school) maths management
Business PreMBA management - the income statement, the
School Essentials accounting skills balance sheet and the cash flow
Imperial Profession for needed to statementHow management
College al Profession Introductor succeed in both accounting differs from financial
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
London Certificate als y MBA study and in accountingHow financial
XSeries Essentials business. information is used on an MBA
for MBA program and in business to make
Success informed decisions
Climate Change: Imperial Explore the risks How to define climate change economics-
Financial Risks and College and opportunities risks into distinct categoriesAn finance,
Opportunities Business that climate introduction to climate change risk environmental-
School change presents managementConcepts of physical studies
Imperial to financial risks (eg. stranded assets) and
College markets, hearing transition risks (eg. renewable
London from a range of energy technology
Non- Non- Intermediat investment developments)Emerging trends in
self_paced 2 10 4 en-gb
Program Program e industry leaders the transition towards climate-
and scientific resilient investingWays of thinking
researchers. about potential winners and losers
in a lower carbon economy
Sources of financing emerging
within the private sector for new
Data Analysis Imperial Discover and Presenting and summarising your Secondary school business-
Essentials College acquire the dataDecision making under (high school) maths management,
Business Essentials quantitative data uncertaintyData-based decision data-analysis-
School for MBA analysis skills makingModelling for decision statistics
Imperial XSeries Success that you will making
College Profession PreMBA Introductor typically need to
London self_paced 4 6 6 en-us succeed on an
al Essentials y
Certificate for MBA program.
Profession This course will
als cover the
fundamentals of
Finance Essentials Imperial Discover how to How to incorporate the time value Secondary school business-
College use fundamental of money to value assetsCapital (high school) math management,
Business finance tools in budgeting for a project (such as a economics-finance
School both flat or house
Imperial management and purchase)Understand how to
College MBA learning allocate assets for
London Essentials contexts and retirementUnderstand how risky
for MBA understand cash flows are valueValue a
XSeries Success common financial bondUnderstand how a yield curve
Profession PreMBA Introductor situations faced is obtainedValue a
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
al Essentials y in everyday life. companyUnderstand how a
Certificate for portfolio selection problem is
Profession solvedUnderstand how
als correlations and diversification
opportunities vary over
timeImplement the Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM) to estimate
the required rate of return for risky
Maths Essentials Imperial Discover and How to evaluate, manipulate and Secondary school business-
College acquire the graph the types of linear equations (high school) maths management,
Business fundamental that appear throughout an MBA math
School maths skills that syllabusHow to evaluate and
Imperial you will need to manipulate the complex
College use while relationships that appear (for
London Essentials studying an MBA example, those that are
for MBA program, from represented as quadratic or
XSeries Success algebra to exponential equations)How
Profession PreMBA Introductor differentiation and calculus is used to solve
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
al Essentials y geometric series. optimization problems, such as
Certificate for finding the quantity of sales that
Profession maximizes a firm’s profitHow tools
als relating to mathematical series
and sequences are adopted on an
MBA program to calculate
concepts such as net present
value and compound interest

A-level Mathematics Imperial Develop your Improve fluency and accuracy None math
for Year 12 - Course College thinking skills, when using laws of indices and
1: Algebraic London fluency and surds in a variety of
Methods, Graphs confidence to aim calculationsLearn how to solve the
and Applied for an A* in A- types of inequalities you'll
Mathematics level maths encounter at A-level and various
Methods and prepare for ways to represent theseDiscover
undergraduate how to divide any polynomial by
STEM degrees. either a linear or quadratic
polynomialLearn about the
information found in different
forms of the Cartesian equation of
a circle and use these to solve
Non- Non- Intermediat coordinate geometry
self_paced 2 4 7 en-gb
Program Program e problemsInvestigate the main
transformations of graphs;
translation, enlargement and
reflection, and use these
transformations to sketch new
graphsUnderstand the
constant acceleration formulae
through travel graphs illustration,
speed, velocity, distance and
displacement against timeExplore
statistical sampling methods and
weigh up the advantages and
disadvantages of each oneLearn
how to interpret data presented in
A-level Mathematics Imperial Develop your How to differentiate a number math
for Year 12 - Course College thinking skills, exponential functionsHow to apply
2: Calculus, London fluency and differentiation to find stationary
Newton’s Laws and confidence to aim pointsHow to find the equations of
Hypothesis Testing for an A* in A- tangents and normals to
level curvesHow to model growth and
mathematics and decay using the exponential
prepare for functionHow to manipulate
undergraduate expressions involving indices by
STEM degrees. using logarithmsHow to integrate
an exponential functionHow to use
integration to find the equation of a
Non- Non- Intermediat curve from its gradient
self_paced 2 4 7 en-gb
Program Program e functionHow to use integration to
find the area enclosed by a
curveHow to use Newton’s
laws to solve problems involving
forcesHow to use the Binomial
probability distribution to find the
probability of a number of
successes in a series of statistical
trialsHow to define a statistical
hypothesis test using the binomial

A-level Mathematics Imperial Develop your By the end of this course, you'll be math
for Year 13 - Course College thinking skills, able to: Define a mapping
1: Functions, London fluency and and a functionDefine the domain
Sequences and confidence to aim and range for a functionCombine
Series, and for an A* in A- functions to create a composite
Numerical Methods level maths and functionFind the inverse of a
prepare for functionDefine a sequence using
undergraduate an nth term formula and an
STEM degrees. inductive definitionDefine an
arithmetic and a geometric
sequenceUse sigma notation to
define a seriesExpand a binomial
expression for both a positive
Non- Non- Intermediat integer index and for an index
self_paced 2 4 7 en-gb
Program Program e which is not a positive integerUse
radians as a measure of
angleFind arc lengths, areas of
sectors and areas of segments on
circles where angles are in
radiansUse small angle
approximations for sine, cosine
and tangent functionsFind multiple
solutions to trigonometric
equationsUse the reciprocal
trigonometric functionsUse the
inverse trigonometrical
functionsUse trigonometrical
identitiesDerive and use the
A-level Mathematics Imperial Develop your By the end of this course, you'll be math
for Year 13 - Course College thinking skills, able to: Use calculus in kinematics
2: General Motion, London fluency and for motion in a straight lineUse
Moments and confidence to aim differentiation and integration of a
Equilibrium, The for an A* in A- vector with respect to time for
Normal Distribution, level maths and motion in two dimensionsSolve
Vectors, prepare for projectile motion problems using
Differentiation undergraduate both calculus/vector methods and
Methods, Integration STEM degrees. constant acceleration
Methods and formulaeUse a standard model for
Differential frictionCalculate moments
Equations understanding what they mean
and how they might be usedSolve
Non- Non- Intermediat problems involving parallel and
self_paced 2 4 7 en-gb
Program Program e nonparallel coplanar forcesApply
an understanding of moments to
statics problems involving rigid
bodiesUse the Normal distribution
as a model for continuous
dataConduct a hypothesis test of
the mean using a Normal
distributionUse a Normal
distribution as an approximation of
a Binomial distributionAdd vectors
diagrammaticallyPerform the
algebraic operations of vector
addition and multiplication by
scalarsApply vector calculations to
Coaching Skills for Imperial Using coaching By the end of this course you will education-teacher-
Learner-Centred College approaches in be able to:To understand and training,
Conversations London your educational apply the key principles of the communication,
conversations will coaching approach in social-sciences
help you support education.To create the conditions
learners to really needed for an effective learning
maximise their relationshipTo analyse the
potential, as you components of a coaching
become an even framework and apply this
Non- Non- Introductor more effective effectively to learning
self_paced 1 2 4 en-gb
Program Program y and inspiring conversations
educator. Over
these next four
modules, you will
become much
more familiar with
some key
principles and
skills, and will be
Creating a Pro- Imperial Understand the Understand how policy and energy-earth-
Renewables College policy, regulatory regulation can create a pro- sciences, social-
Environment London and fiscal renewables environmentAnalyse sciences,
measures that different regulatory and non- business-
can incentivise regulatory mechanisms and management
renewable power approaches for incentivising
and drive cleaner renewables deploymentEvaluate
Profession investment along the drivers for businesses in the
Clean Intermediat
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-gb the entire renewable electricity supply chain
Power e
Certificate electricity supply and how this relates to the policy
chain and regulatory
environmentExplore through case
studies how pro-renewables policy
and regulatory environment has
been implemented

Creative Thinking: Imperial Learn how Understand what creative thinking None humanities,
Techniques and College to techniques science, design
Tools for Success London apply tools are Comprehend their
and techniques to importance in tackling global
better solve challenges as well as in
problems, everyday problem-solving
generate ideas, scenariosApply different
and excel in your brainstorming techniques in
chosen career. group activitiesBe proficient
in the application of the 6 thinking
hats tool in different life
Non- Non- Introductor scenariosDevelop a systematic
self_paced 2 4 7 en-gb
Program Program y approach to idea generation
through the use of morphological
analysisInnovate on an existing
product, service or situation
applying the SCAMPER
methodGet confident with the
theory of inventive problem
solving, called TRIZSelect and
apply the appropriate technique
based on the opportunity to seize
or the problem to tackle
Incorporating Imperial Learn how to Explain how electricity systems energy-earth-
Renewable Energy College manage high have traditionally operated with sciences,
in Electricity Grids London shares of variablebaseload and load-following business-
renewable conventional generatorsIntroduce management,
electricity sources
and explain the basic operational environmental-
to achieve cost- characteristics of the main types studies
effective and of electricity generation
reliable electricity
technologies, including fossil fuel,
supplies nuclear and renewablesDescribe
how electricity system operations
change when there are increasing
penetrations of variable
Profession renewablesDiscuss the
Clean Intermediat technologies, measures and
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-gb
Power e operating practices at our disposal
to cost-effectively incorporate and
manage high penetrations of
variable renewablesConsider how
the operation of electricity systems
may change in the future, with
changes in electricity demand
patterns and the emergence of
technologiesUnderstand ho
w different countries are managing
the integration of variable
renewables into their electricity
Why Move Towards Imperial Learn why we Improved understanding of the energy-earth-
Cleaner Power College need to clean up key drivers behind decarbonising sciences,
London our power supply, the economy in general and the environmental-
and why is it power sector in particular; studies, business-
urgent that we including an understanding of the management
take action now. advantages and disadvantages of
Gain the tools actionEmpowerment to make
you need to decisions and develop policies
Profession present that deliver a low-carbon power
Clean Intermediat arguments in system that is relevant to their
al self_paced 2 5 5 en-gb
Power e favour of a local context.Enabling
cleaner power presentation of the arguments in
sector in your favour of their approach
part of the world confidently, and relevant to their
local circumstances.Preparation
for a more detailed course on the
policies needed to support a low-
carbon power sector.
A Look at Inter- The Inter- You will learn to:Identify the most environmental-
Environmental and American American important aspects of studies, social-
Social Risk Developme Development environmental and social sciences,
Management in nt Bank Bank promotes risks.Understand the value of business-
Projects Financed sustainable managing environmental and management
by the IDB development for social risks throughout the project
Latin America cycle.Understand the criteria for
and the the classification of operations and
Caribbean. As a levels of environmental and social
consequence, it risks, as well as management
provides tools.Identify the role of
orientations that government agencies with regard
contribute to to the management of
Non- Non- Introductor appropriate environmental and social risks and
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
Program Program y management of the execution of projects financed
environmental by the IDB.
and social risks
that can result
from the
implementation of
projects in the
region. In this
course we will
see why it is
important to
and social risks in
Administración Inter- Aprenderás cómo Cómo se financian y definen los economics-
pública y fiscal: American medir la calidad presupuestos de un paísCuál es finance, social-
cómo se gestiona Developme de la el rol de los centros de sciences
un gobierno nt Bank administración gobiernoCómo se mide la
pública y fiscal de efectividad de las políticas y
tu país y en qué regulaciones de un paísCómo se
lugar se gestionan los recursos humanos
Non- Non- Introductor encuentra en el empleo públicoCómo
self_paced 3 4 10 es-bo
Program Program y respecto al resto funciona la contratación pública de
de América un paísQué es el gobierno
Latina y el abiertoCómo pueden los
Caribe.El 80% de ciudadanos confiar en que las
los estudiantes desiciones que toman los
encuestados funcionarios de los gobiernos son
afirma que el imparciales y legítimas.
curso les servirá
Agua 2.0: empresas Inter- Obtén una visión 1. Reconocerás los ODS y las Este curso* esta business-
eficientes para el American integral de la condiciones y desafíos que las dirigido a management,
siglo XXI Developme gestión empresas prestadoras de servicio funcionarios y health-safety
nt Bank sostenible de de agua y saneamiento de funcionarias que
empresas América Latina y el Caribe deben trabajan en
prestadoras de afrontar para alcanzarlos. 2. empresas públicas
servicios de agua Reconocerás principios y y/o privadas
y saneamiento, y herramientas de gestión prestadoras del
descubre estratégica para conducir a las servicio de Agua y
AquaRating: un empresas prestadoras del servicio Saneamiento, en
modelo de éxito de agua y saneamiento de agencias públicas
internacional para América Latina y el Caribe a su y/o privadas
incentivar la transformación y optimización relacionadas con la
Non- Non- Introductor transformación para el logro de los ODS del gestión del agua
self_paced 2 3 8 es-es
Program Program y de este tipo de sector.3. Reconocerás buenas urbana o el
empresas. prácticas e indicadores de calidad urbanismo,
(AquaRating) de las actividades personal del ámbito
primarias de la cadena de valor y académico,
de la gestión ambiental, de los docentes,
servicios de agua y saneamiento y investigadores y
su importancia para garantizar el estudiantes de
cambio de estas empresas para el ingeniería civil,
logro de los ODS en América sanitaria, ambiental
Latina y el Caribe. 4. Reconocer o desarrollo urbano,
las buenas prácticas e indicadores Ingeniería
de calidad (AquaRating) de las Hidráulica,
actividades de soporte de la Mecánica, Electro
cadena de valor de los servicios metálica, Químicos,
Agua 2.0: empresas Inter- Obtén una visión 1. Reconocerás los ODS y las Este curso* esta business-
eficientes para el American integral de la condiciones y desafíos que las dirigido a management,
siglo XXI Developme gestión empresas prestadoras de servicio funcionarios y health-safety
nt Bank sostenible de de agua y saneamiento de funcionarias que
empresas América Latina y el Caribe deben trabajan en
prestadoras de afrontar para alcanzarlos. 2. empresas públicas
servicios de agua Reconocerás principios y y/o privadas
y saneamiento, y herramientas de gestión prestadoras del
descubre estratégica para conducir a las servicio de Agua y
AquaRating: un empresas prestadoras del servicio Saneamiento, en
modelo de éxito de agua y saneamiento de agencias públicas
internacional para América Latina y el Caribe a su y/o privadas
incentivar la transformación y optimización relacionadas con la
Non- Non- Introductor transformación para el logro de los ODS del gestión del agua
self_paced 2 3 8 es-es
Program Program y de este tipo de sector.3. Reconocerás buenas urbana o el
empresas. prácticas e indicadores de calidad urbanismo,
(AquaRating) de las actividades personal del ámbito
primarias de la cadena de valor y académico,
de la gestión ambiental, de los docentes,
servicios de agua y saneamiento y investigadores y
su importancia para garantizar el estudiantes de
cambio de estas empresas para el ingeniería civil,
logro de los ODS en América sanitaria, ambiental
Latina y el Caribe. 4. Reconocer o desarrollo urbano,
las buenas prácticas e indicadores Ingeniería
de calidad (AquaRating) de las Hidráulica,
actividades de soporte de la Mecánica, Electro
cadena de valor de los servicios metálica, Químicos,
Agua 2.0: empresas Inter- Obtén una visión 1. Reconocerás los ODS y las Este curso* esta business-
eficientes para el American integral de la condiciones y desafíos que las dirigido a management,
siglo XXI Developme gestión empresas prestadoras de servicio funcionarios y health-safety
nt Bank sostenible de de agua y saneamiento de funcionarias que
empresas América Latina y el Caribe deben trabajan en
prestadoras de afrontar para alcanzarlos. 2. empresas públicas
servicios de agua Reconocerás principios y y/o privadas
y saneamiento, y herramientas de gestión prestadoras del
descubre estratégica para conducir a las servicio de Agua y
AquaRating: un empresas prestadoras del servicio Saneamiento, en
modelo de éxito de agua y saneamiento de agencias públicas
internacional para América Latina y el Caribe a su y/o privadas
incentivar la transformación y optimización relacionadas con la
Non- Non- Introductor transformación para el logro de los ODS del gestión del agua
self_paced 2 3 8 es-es
Program Program y de este tipo de sector.3. Reconocerás buenas urbana o el
empresas. prácticas e indicadores de calidad urbanismo,
(AquaRating) de las actividades personal del ámbito
primarias de la cadena de valor y académico,
de la gestión ambiental, de los docentes,
servicios de agua y saneamiento y investigadores y
su importancia para garantizar el estudiantes de
cambio de estas empresas para el ingeniería civil,
logro de los ODS en América sanitaria, ambiental
Latina y el Caribe. 4. Reconocer o desarrollo urbano,
las buenas prácticas e indicadores Ingeniería
de calidad (AquaRating) de las Hidráulica,
actividades de soporte de la Mecánica, Electro
cadena de valor de los servicios metálica, Químicos,
Agua en América Inter- Un MOOC Al final del curso, serás capaz Ninguno environmental-
Latina: Abundancia American desarrollado en de:Describir la importancia de la studies
en medio de la Developme colaboración con asignación del recurso hídrico en
escasez mundial nt Bank la Universidad de el contexto de la crisis del agua en
los Andes América Latina.Tomar conciencia
(Uniandes) de sobre la necesidad de mejorar la
Colombia, donde gestión del agua en la región,
diferentes teniendo en cuenta la oferta y la
visiones y demanda existente.Comprender
profesiones se cómo la economía puede explicar
unen para algunos problemas relacionados
construir con la gestión del recurso hídrico
alternativas que y ayudar a
Non- Non- Introductor ayudan a resolverlos.Comprender la
self_paced 3 4 10 es-es
Program Program y comprender la importancia de la gobernanza del
crisis mundial del agua y la gestión comunitaria, en
agua. la resolución de problemas de
provisión y distribución del recurso
hídrico.Comprender mecanismos
de negociación entre intereses
heterogéneos en la asignación de
recursos hídricos.Usar los
conocimientos adquiridos durante
el curso para identificar la oferta y
demanda delrecurso hídrico, los
problemas de gestión y
gobernanza en la cuenca
hidrográfica Chira-Piura en Perú.
Análisis del riesgo Inter- Fortalece tus Identificar los principales engineering
de desastres y American capacidades elementos del riesgo de desastres
cambio climático en Developme técnicas y toma naturales en todas sus
proyectos de nt Bank decisiones, dimensiones de vulnerabilidad,
infraestructura incorporando el exposición, características de las
análisis de riesgo amenazas e interrelaciones entre
de desastres estas.Reconocer la importancia
naturales y de la incorporación del análisis del
resiliencia al riesgo de desastres naturales
cambio climático (incluyendo los efectos del cambio
en el diseño de climático) en el ciclo de proyectos
proyectos de de infraestructura, identificando
infraestructura. los riesgos que conlleva no
Non- Non- implementarla
self_paced Advanced 2 3 10 es-ar
Program Program adecuadamente.Realizar
evaluaciones cualitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
evaluaciones cuantitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
a la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
infraestructuraIdentificar cuándo
es suficiente aplicar evaluaciones
cualitativas y cuándo se deben
realizar también evaluaciones
Análisis del riesgo Inter- Fortalece tus Identificar los principales engineering
de desastres y American capacidades elementos del riesgo de desastres
cambio climático en Developme técnicas y toma naturales en todas sus
proyectos de nt Bank decisiones, dimensiones de vulnerabilidad,
infraestructura incorporando el exposición, características de las
análisis de riesgo amenazas e interrelaciones entre
de desastres estas.Reconocer la importancia
naturales y de la incorporación del análisis del
resiliencia al riesgo de desastres naturales
cambio climático (incluyendo los efectos del cambio
en el diseño de climático) en el ciclo de proyectos
proyectos de de infraestructura, identificando
infraestructura. los riesgos que conlleva no
Non- Non- implementarla
self_paced Advanced 4 6 6 es-ar
Program Program adecuadamente.Realizar
evaluaciones cualitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
evaluaciones cuantitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
a la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
infraestructuraIdentificar cuándo
es suficiente aplicar evaluaciones
cualitativas y cuándo se deben
realizar también evaluaciones
Análisis del riesgo Inter- Fortalece tus Identificar los principales engineering
de desastres y American capacidades elementos del riesgo de desastres
cambio climático en Developme técnicas y toma naturales en todas sus
proyectos de nt Bank decisiones, dimensiones de vulnerabilidad,
infraestructura incorporando el exposición, características de las
análisis de riesgoamenazas e interrelaciones entre
de desastres estas.Reconocer la importancia
naturales y de la incorporación del análisis del
resiliencia al riesgo de desastres naturales
cambio climático (incluyendo los efectos del cambio
en el diseño de climático) en el ciclo de proyectos
proyectos de de infraestructura, identificando
infraestructura. los riesgos que conlleva no
Non- Non- implementarla
self_paced Advanced 4 6 6 es-ar
Program Program adecuadamente.Realizar
evaluaciones cualitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
evaluaciones cuantitativas de
riesgo de desastres para orientar
a la toma de decisiones en
proyectos de
infraestructuraIdentificar cuándo
es suficiente aplicar evaluaciones
cualitativas y cuándo se deben
realizar también evaluaciones
Asociaciones Inter- El curso analiza Identificar los elementos que Ninguno | None economics-finance
Público-Privadas: American la concepción, conforman el marco conceptual,
Retos, lecciones Developme selección, diseño normativo e institucional de la
aprendidas y nt Bank e implementación gestión de proyectos de APP y las
soluciones de Asociaciones ventajas y desafíos de esta
innovadoras en Público-Privadas modalidad para la provisión de
América Latina y el (APP) en proyectos de infraestructura y
Caribe América Latina y prestación de servicios.Reconocer
el Caribe. una APP, identificando las
Asimismo, características esenciales de este
identifica los esquema de asociación de largo
beneficios y los plazo.Identificar quiénes son los
riesgos que actores principales en los
Non- Non- Introductor tienen para tanto proyectos de Asociaciones
self_paced 4 6 10 es-es
Program Program y para el sector Público-Privadas (APP) tanto
público como aquellos provenientes de la
para el sector administración pública (entes
privado. públicos), como del sector privado
(licitantes,desarrollador, etc) hasta
el usuario final.Reconocer las
fases y etapas en el desarrollo de
proyectos de APP y los estudios
que se llevan a cabo en cada una
de ellas.Identificar los estudios
que se llevan a cabo en durante la
etapa de planificación, tales como
los estudios de factibilidad,
viabilidad económica, viabilidad
Climate Change Inter- Learn how to Basic science behind climate None education-teacher-
Education American work with your changeMain social and ethical training,
Developme students to help issues behind climate changeMain environmental-
nt Bank them explore consequences of climate change studies, science
climate change to water, energy, environment, soil
through the use and our healthWhat we can do
Non- Non- Introductor of interactive and individually, as a school and as a
self_paced 3 4 10 en-us engaging community to live a more
Program Program y
activities. These sustainable and healthy lifeHow to
activities are use games, debates, experiments,
designed for theater, newspapers and other
students at the tools to support and enhance
primary and learning
secondary levels.
Data for Effective Inter- Take control of By the end of this course, you will None math, economics-
Policy Making American data and gain a be able to:Recognize the finance
Developme better importance of the relationship
nt Bank understanding of between data analysis and
the tools used in decision-making in public
public policy management.Define the research
planning, problem, starting hypothesis,
management, analysis variables and some
and evaluation. methods to test the
hypotheses.Identify the
methodology that best addresses
Results- the problems for collecting,
Profession Based interpreting and analyzing
Introductor data.Interpret and develop
al Project self_paced 3 4 10 en-us
y different types of visualizations,
Certificate Manageme
nt using concrete examples from the
Numbers for Development portal
and the Caribbean Data
Portal.Identify how to use data
analysis to propose solutions to
public policy problems, and to
explain the assessment of a
policy, and to carry out policy
planning.Browse the IDB's
Numbers for Development and
Caribbean Data Portal and its
different sections.Browse the
structure of the edX platform and
Datos para la Inter- Este curso te Este MOOC ha sido certificado Ninguno data-analysis-
efectividad de las American ayudará a tomar por Quality Matters (QM), statistics
políticas públicas Developme el control de los organización sin ánimo de lucro
nt Bank datos y reconocida como líder en el
familiarizarte con aseguramiento de la calidad de la
las herramientas educación en línea.Al final serás
para utilizarlos en capaz de:Reconocer la
la planificación, importancia de la relación entre el
gestión y análisis de datos y la toma de
evaluación de decisiones en la gestión
políticas públicas. pública.Definir el problema de
investigación, la hipótesis de
Gestión partida, las variables de análisis y
Pública Introductor algunos métodos para verificar las
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es
para el y hipótesis.Identificar la metodología
Desarrollo que mejor responda a la
problemática planteada para
recolectar, interpretar y analizar
los datos.Interpretar y desarrollar
diferentes tipos de
visualizaciones, utilizando
ejemplos concretos del portal
Números para el
Desarrollo.Utilizar el análisis de
los datos para proponer
soluciones a problemas de
políticas públicas, para explicar la
evaluación de una política y para
Datos para la Inter- Este curso te Este MOOC ha sido certificado Ninguno data-analysis-
efectividad de las American ayudará a tomar por Quality Matters (QM), statistics
políticas públicas Developme el control de los organización sin ánimo de lucro
nt Bank datos y reconocida como líder en el
familiarizarte con aseguramiento de la calidad de la
las herramientas educación en línea.Al final serás
para utilizarlos en capaz de:Reconocer la
la planificación, importancia de la relación entre el
gestión y análisis de datos y la toma de
evaluación de decisiones en la gestión
políticas públicas. pública.Definir el problema de
investigación, la hipótesis de
Gestión partida, las variables de análisis y
Pública Introductor algunos métodos para verificar las
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es
para el y hipótesis.Identificar la metodología
Desarrollo que mejor responda a la
problemática planteada para
recolectar, interpretar y analizar
los datos.Interpretar y desarrollar
diferentes tipos de
visualizaciones, utilizando
ejemplos concretos del portal
Números para el
Desarrollo.Utilizar el análisis de
los datos para proponer
soluciones a problemas de
políticas públicas, para explicar la
evaluación de una política y para
Datos para la Inter- Este curso te Este MOOC ha sido certificado Ninguno data-analysis-
efectividad de las American ayudará a tomar por Quality Matters (QM), statistics
políticas públicas Developme el control de losorganización sin ánimo de lucro
nt Bank datos y reconocida como líder en el
familiarizarte con
aseguramiento de la calidad de la
las herramientas educación en línea.Al final serás
para utilizarlos en
capaz de:Reconocer la
la planificación,importancia de la relación entre el
gestión y análisis de datos y la toma de
evaluación de decisiones en la gestión
políticas públicas.
pública.Definir el problema de
investigación, la hipótesis de
Gestión partida, las variables de análisis y
Pública Introductor algunos métodos para verificar las
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es
para el y hipótesis.Identificar la metodología
Desarrollo que mejor responda a la
problemática planteada para
recolectar, interpretar y analizar
los datos.Interpretar y desarrollar
diferentes tipos de
visualizaciones, utilizando
ejemplos concretos del portal
Números para el
Desarrollo.Utilizar el análisis de
los datos para proponer
soluciones a problemas de
políticas públicas, para explicar la
evaluación de una política y para
Educación sobre el Inter- Un curso donde Ciencia básica del cambio Ninguno education-teacher-
cambio climático American aprenderás cómo climáticoCuestiones éticas y training,
Developme trabajar el tema sociales principales del cambio environmental-
nt Bank del cambio climáticoConsecuencias studies, science
climático con principales del cambio climático
Métodos estudiantes de para el agua, la energía, el
de primaria y paisaje, el suelo y nuestra
enseñanza Introductor secundaria, de saludQué podemos hacer
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es
y y una manera individualmente, como escuela y
educación constructiva y como comunidad para vivir una
efectiva divertida. vida más sostenible y
saludableCómo utilizar juegos,
debates, experimentos, teatro,
periódicos, entre otros, para
apoyar y mejorar el aprendizaje
El valor de la Inter- El primer curso Una vez que culmines el curso, art-culture,
creatividad y la American en abordar la estarás en capacidad economics-
innovación: La Developme importancia de la de:Identificar el impacto potencial finance, design
Economía Naranja nt Bank creatividad, la de la economía naranja en el
innovación y la crecimiento económico, la
Non- Non- Introductor cultura como generación de empleo y la
self_paced 2 3 10 es-co herramientas competitividad. Identificar
Program Program y
fundamentales mecanismos para promover la
para impulsar el interacción de los actores públicos
desarrollo y privados del ecosistema creativo
económico en de América Latina y el Caribe
América Latina.
Enseñanza Inter- Métodos Aprende los Al finalizar el curso, serás capaz None education-teacher-
temprana de American de métodos y de incorporar a tus planes de training, math,
matemáticas y Developme Profession prácticas clase prácticas de enseñanza science
enseñanza Introductor
ciencias nt Bank al self_paced 1 2 10 es-mx centradas en el centradas en el estudiante.
y y
Certificate estudiante para
efectiva una enseñanza
Gestion de projets Inter- temprana efectiva
Apprenez les Ce que vous apprendrez:Des business-
de développement American meilleures concepts de base et des management
Developme pratiques pour techniques de gestion des projets,
nt Bank gérer des projets conformément aux normes
visant à internationales.Des outils et des
promouvoir le techniques amplement éprouvées
Non- Non- Intermediat développement qui facilitent la bonne
self_paced 3 4 10 fr-fr
Program Program e économique et communication dans un
social en projet.Comment identifier des
Amérique Latine facteurs de succès dans les
et les Caraïbes. projets de gouvernement et

Gestión de Inter- Un curso Aprenderás:Conceptos básicos y business-

Proyectos de American desarrollado para técnicas de la gestión de management
Desarrollo Developme aprender mejores proyectos, dentro de estándares
nt Bank Gestión prácticas de internacionales.Herramientas y
Profession gestión de técnicas ampliamente probadas
Pública Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es proyectos que que facilitan la buena
para el y
Certificate promuevan el comunicación dentro de un
desarrollo proyecto.Como identificar factores
económico y de éxito en proyectos de gobierno
social en América y proyectos sociales.
Gestión de Inter- Latina y el Caribe.
Un curso Aprenderás:Conceptos básicos y business-
Proyectos de American desarrollado para técnicas de la gestión de management
Desarrollo Developme aprender mejores proyectos, dentro de estándares
nt Bank Gestión prácticas de internacionales.Herramientas y
Profession gestión de técnicas ampliamente probadas
Pública Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es proyectos que que facilitan la buena
para el y
Certificate promuevan el comunicación dentro de un
desarrollo proyecto.Como identificar factores
económico y de éxito en proyectos de gobierno
social en América y proyectos sociales.
Gestión de Inter- Latina
Un y el Caribe.
curso Aprenderás:Conceptos básicos y business-
Proyectos de American desarrollado para técnicas de la gestión de management
Desarrollo Developme aprender mejores proyectos, dentro de estándares
nt Bank Gestión prácticas de internacionales.Herramientas y
Profession gestión de técnicas ampliamente probadas
Pública Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es proyectos que que facilitan la buena
para el y
Certificate promuevan el comunicación dentro de un
desarrollo proyecto.Como identificar factores
económico y de éxito en proyectos de gobierno
social en América y proyectos sociales.
Latina y el Caribe.
Gestión de riesgos Inter- Aprende a Identificar las principales etapas Para tomar el curso business-
en proyectos de American gestionar para elaborar un plan de gestión se recomienda ser management,
desarrollo Developme anticipadamente de riesgos en proyectos de PMP, CAPM o economics-finance
nt Bank los eventos desarrollo, bajo la metodología del poseer formación
positivos y BID basada en estándares previa en gestión de
negativos que internacionales del PMI, para que proyectos.¿A quién
pueden afectar la estos alcancen satisfactoriamente está dirigido este
ejecución de un sus resultados.Reconocer el curso?Directores o
proyecto de proceso de identificar riesgos que supervisores de
desarrollo. pueden afectar al proyecto y proyectosMiembros
documentar sus características de equipos de
con el fin de facilitar su análisis y proyectoFinanciador
posterior gestión.Reconocer los esFuncionarios
Non- Non- Intermediat principales elementos del proceso públicos de
self_paced 2 3 10 es-es
Program Program e de análisis de riesgos, evaluando entidades
y combinando la probabilidad de nacionales,
ocurrencia e impacto de estos, subnacionalesy
con el fin de municipalesProfesio
priorizarlos.Reconocer las nales en diversas
estrategias de gestión de riesgos áreas que
que permiten gestionar las contribuyen a la
oportunidades y amenazas que formulación y
pudieran impactar los objetivos ejecución de
del proyecto.Reconocer los proyectosProfesiona
principales elementos del proceso les interesados en
de monitoreo de riesgos, la gestión del riesgo
optimizando de manera continua en proyectos de
las respuestas, para mejorar la desarrollo
Gestión de riesgos Inter- Aprende a Identificar las principales etapas Para tomar el curso business-
en proyectos de American gestionar para elaborar un plan de gestión se recomienda ser management,
desarrollo Developme anticipadamente de riesgos en proyectos de PMP, CAPM o economics-finance
nt Bank los eventos desarrollo, bajo la metodología del poseer formación
positivos y BID basada en estándares previa en gestión de
negativos que internacionales del PMI, para que proyectos.¿A quién
pueden afectar la estos alcancen satisfactoriamente está dirigido este
ejecución de un sus resultados.Reconocer el curso?Directores o
proyecto de proceso de identificar riesgos que supervisores de
desarrollo. pueden afectar al proyecto y proyectosMiembros
documentar sus características de equipos de
con el fin de facilitar su análisis y proyectoFinanciador
posterior gestión.Reconocer los esFuncionarios
Non- Non- Intermediat principales elementos del proceso públicos de
self_paced 2 3 10 es-bo
Program Program e de análisis de riesgos, evaluando entidades
y combinando la probabilidad de nacionales,
ocurrencia e impacto de estos, subnacionalesy
con el fin de municipalesProfesio
priorizarlos.Reconocer las nales en diversas
estrategias de gestión de riesgos áreas que
que permiten gestionar las contribuyen a la
oportunidades y amenazas que formulación y
pudieran impactar los objetivos ejecución de
del proyecto.Reconocer los proyectosProfesiona
principales elementos del proceso les interesados en
de monitoreo de riesgos, la gestión del riesgo
optimizando de manera continua en proyectos de
las respuestas, para mejorar la desarrollo
Gestión de riesgos Inter- Aprende a Identificar las principales etapas Para tomar el curso business-
en proyectos de American gestionar para elaborar un plan de gestión se recomienda ser management,
desarrollo Developme anticipadamente de riesgos en proyectos de PMP, CAPM o economics-finance
nt Bank los eventos desarrollo, bajo la metodología del poseer formación
positivos y BID basada en estándares previa en gestión de
negativos que internacionales del PMI, para que proyectos.¿A quién
pueden afectar la estos alcancen satisfactoriamente está dirigido este
ejecución de un sus resultados.Reconocer el curso?Directores o
proyecto de proceso de identificar riesgos que supervisores de
desarrollo. pueden afectar al proyecto y proyectosMiembros
documentar sus características de equipos de
con el fin de facilitar su análisis y proyectoFinanciador
posterior gestión.Reconocer los esFuncionarios
Non- Non- Intermediat principales elementos del proceso públicos de
self_paced 2 3 10 es-bo
Program Program e de análisis de riesgos, evaluando entidades
y combinando la probabilidad de nacionales,
ocurrencia e impacto de estos, subnacionalesy
con el fin de municipalesProfesio
priorizarlos.Reconocer las nales en diversas
estrategias de gestión de riesgos áreas que
que permiten gestionar las contribuyen a la
oportunidades y amenazas que formulación y
pudieran impactar los objetivos ejecución de
del proyecto.Reconocer los proyectosProfesiona
principales elementos del proceso les interesados en
de monitoreo de riesgos, la gestión del riesgo
optimizando de manera continua en proyectos de
las respuestas, para mejorar la desarrollo
Gestión por Inter- ¿Cuál es el rol de Al finalizar el curso, serás capaz Ninguno business-
resultados para American los funcionarios de identificar los cinco pilares de management
gobiernos Developme públicos y el de la la gestión por resultados para el
subnacionales nt Bank ciudadanía en la desarrollo aplicados a los
gestión para gobiernos subnacionales, su
Gestión resultados? estado actual de implementación
Profession Descubre los 5 en América Latina y el Caribe y
Pública Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es pilares para los principales desafíos que
para el y
Certificate orientar la gestión implica su puesta en marcha.Para
pública de los lograr este objetivo general, en
gobiernos cada módulo deberás ir
subnacionales a cumpliendo objetivos específicos
obtener los que te ayudarán a realizar con
resultados que éxito esta tarea.
mejoran la
Gestión por Inter- ¿Cuál es el rol de Al finalizar el curso, serás capaz Ninguno business-
resultados para American los funcionarios de identificar los cinco pilares de management
gobiernos Developme públicos y el de la la gestión por resultados para el
subnacionales nt Bank ciudadanía en la desarrollo aplicados a los
gestión para gobiernos subnacionales, su
Gestión resultados? estado actual de implementación
Profession Descubre los 5 en América Latina y el Caribe y
Pública Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es pilares para los principales desafíos que
para el y
Certificate orientar la gestión implica su puesta en marcha.Para
pública de los lograr este objetivo general, en
gobiernos cada módulo deberás ir
subnacionales a cumpliendo objetivos específicos
obtener los que te ayudarán a realizar con
resultados que éxito esta tarea.
mejoran la
Gestão de Projetos Inter- “MOOC Você aprenderá:• Conceitos Nenhum business-
de Desenvolvimento American desenvolvido em básicos e técnicas de gestão de management
Developme colaboração com projetos, segundo padrões
nt Bank o Project internacionais.• Ferramentas e
Management táticas essenciais que facilitam
Non- Non- Introductor Institute uma boa comunicação no âmbito
self_paced 2 3 10 pt-br Educational de um projeto.• Como identificar
Program Program y
Foundation (PMI- fatores importantes para o
EF).” Aprenda sucesso de projetos de governos,
melhores práticas de organizações sem fins
de gestão de lucrativos e da sociedade civil.
Gestão de riscos Inter- Aprenda a Competências que você business-
em projetos American gerenciar com dominará: * *1. Identificar as management,
Developme antecedência os principais etapas para elaborar economics-finance
nt Bank eventos positivos um plano de gestão de riscos em
e negativos que projetos de desenvolvimento,
possam afetar a segundo a metodologia do BID, a
execução de um qual está baseada nos padrões
projeto de internacionais do PMI, para que
desenvolvimento. se alcancem satisfatoriamente os
resultados e impactos
esperados.2. Reconhecer o
processo de identificar os riscos
que podem afetar o projeto e
Non- Non- Intermediat documentar suas características,
self_paced 2 3 10 pt-br
Program Program e a fim de facilitar sua análise e
gestão posteriores.3. Reconhecer
os principais elementos do
processo de análise de riscos,
avaliando e combinando a
probabilidade de sua ocorrência e
seu impacto, a fim de priorizá-
los.4. Reconhecer as estratégias
de gestão de riscos que permitam
gerenciar as oportunidades e
ameaças que possam impactar os
objetivos do projeto.5.
Reconhecer os principais
elementos do processo de
Gobierno Digital Inter- Todo lo que Características de un gobierno No es necesario social-sciences
American quieres saber digital y sus beneficios en cuanto contar con
Developme sobre gobierno a trámites y servicios centrados conocimientos
nt Bank digital – qué es, en la ciudadanía y las empresas. previos sobre
por qué es El rol de la identidad digital, los tecnología. El curso
importante y datos, servicios digitales, te brindará todas
Non- Non- Introductor cómo interoperabilidad y ciberseguridad las herramientas
self_paced 0 1 10 es-ar promoverlo, en como pilares para la que necesitas para
Program Program y
menos de 2 transformación digital.Buenas empezar a aportar
semanas. prácticas de países donde la en la
implementación de una transformación
transformación digital ha digital de tu
beneficiado a la ciudadanía y a las gobierno.
Gobierno Digital Inter- Todo lo que Características de un gobierno No es necesario social-sciences
American quieres saber digital y sus beneficios en cuanto contar con
Developme sobre gobierno a trámites y servicios centrados conocimientos
nt Bank digital – qué es, en la ciudadanía y las empresas. previos sobre
por qué es El rol de la identidad digital, los tecnología. El curso
importante y datos, servicios digitales, te brindará todas
Non- Non- Introductor cómo interoperabilidad y ciberseguridad las herramientas
self_paced 0 1 10 es-ar promoverlo, en como pilares para la que necesitas para
Program Program y
menos de 2 transformación digital.Buenas empezar a aportar
semanas. prácticas de países donde la en la
implementación de una transformación
transformación digital ha digital de tu
beneficiado a la ciudadanía y a las gobierno.
Gobierno Digital Inter- Todo lo que Características de un gobierno No es necesario social-sciences
American quieres saber digital y sus beneficios en cuanto contar con
Developme sobre gobierno a trámites y servicios centrados conocimientos
nt Bank digital – qué es, en la ciudadanía y las empresas. previos sobre
por qué es El rol de la identidad digital, los tecnología. El curso
importante y datos, servicios digitales, te brindará todas
Non- Non- Introductor cómo interoperabilidad y ciberseguridad las herramientas
self_paced 0 1 10 es-ar promoverlo, en como pilares para la que necesitas para
Program Program y
menos de 2 transformación digital.Buenas empezar a aportar
semanas. prácticas de países donde la en la
implementación de una transformación
transformación digital ha digital de tu
beneficiado a la ciudadanía y a las gobierno.
Inversión Extranjera Inter- Aprende qué Qué es la IEDdirecta y cuál es su Ninguno.Este curso business-
como Motor del American significa la importancia para el desarrollo está dirigido a management,
Desarrollo para Developme inversión económicoCuáles son los efectos profesionales del economics-
América Latina y el nt Bank extranjera directa de la inversión económica en los sector privado, finance, social-
Caribe Economía, (IED) para las países receptores y los países de funcionarios sciences
comercio personas, origenQué elementos distinguen públicos y
e inversión empresas y las diversas políticas de inversión estudiantes
en economías de y cuál es su importanciaQué son universitarios
Profession América América Latina y los acuerdos internacionales de interesados en
al Latina: self_paced 3 4 10 es-bo el Caribe, y cómo inversiónQué y cuáles son los aprender sobre la
Certificate Tendencia los gobiernos la mecanismos de solución de IED y su
sy pueden atraer controversias inversionista- importancia
horizontes con más éxito. estadoCuáles son las políticas y económica para las
emergente acciones más exitosas para atraer economías, las
s la inversión extranjera empresas y las
personas en
América Latina y el
Leaders in Citizen Inter- Learn about the The main theoretical and None social-sciences,
Security and Justice American latest in conceptual frameworks of crime, law
Management for the Developme prevention, police violence and prevention.Key
Caribbean nt Bank and justice elements for effective and efficient
modernization, institutional management based
and social on data.Prevention models of
Non- Non- Intermediat rehabilitation. youthviolenceandagainstwomen.K
self_paced 4 5 10 en-us
Program Program e ey elements
forpólicemodernization and
reform.Alternatives for criminal
justice and social reintegration

Líderes para la Inter- Este curso se Los principales marcos teóricos y Ninguno social-sciences,
Gestión en American centra en conceptuales de la criminalidad, law
Seguridad Developme seguridad violencia y prevención.Elementos
Ciudadana y Justicia nt Bank ciudadana y clave para una gestión
justicia en institucional efectiva y eficiente a
América Latina y partir de datos.Modelos de
Non- Non- Intermediat el Caribe. prevención de violencia juvenil y
self_paced 4 5 10 es-bo
Program Program e Aprende sobre lo contra la mujer.Elementos clave
último en para la modernización y reforma
prevención, policial.Alternativas de políticas de
modernización justicia penal y reinserción social.
policial y de
justicia, y
reinserción social.
Políticas efectivas Inter- En este curso ¿Qué aprenderás?Qué es el Ninguno social-sciences,
de desarrollo infantil American encontrarás desarrollo infantil y por qué la science,
Developme herramientas que primera infancia es crucial para el humanities
nt Bank te permitan desarrollo del capital humanoPor
diseñar, qué la familia y la comunidad son
implementar y importantes en el proceso de
evaluar políticas desarrollo infantilQué elementos
Non- Non- Intermediat y programas de programáticos y sistémicos
self_paced 4 5 10 es-es
Program Program e desarrollo infantil producen servicios de desarrollo
de calidad. infantil de buena calidadQué
herramientas existen para
diseñar, implementar y evaluar
políticas y programas de
desarrollo infantil de calidad

Project Inter- A MOOC Basic project management business-

Management for American developed in concepts and techniques, within management
Development Developme collaboration with international standardsWidely
nt Bank Results- the Project tested tools and techniques that
Profession Based Management facilitate good communication
Intermediat Institute within a projectHow to identify
al Project self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
e Educational success factors in government
Certificate Manageme
nt Foundation projects and social projects
(PMIEF). Learn
best practices for
projects that
Qué funciona en Inter- Aprende qué Aprenderás:Cuáles son las Ninguno education-teacher-
educación: políticas American funciona en políticas educativas que training, social-
educativas basadas Developme educación: cómo efectivamente mejoran el sciences
en evidencia nt Bank Métodos identificar, aprendizajeDónde encontrar datos
de analizar e que den cuenta de los avances en
Profession implementar la educación en los países de
enseñanza Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 10 es-es políticas América Latina y el CaribeCómo
y y
Certificate educativas que se han implementado mejoras en
efectiva efectivamente los sistemas educativos de la
mejoran región basados en 5 dimensiones
aprendizajes. clave en política educativa.

Risk Management in Inter- Learn to Identify the main stages involved We recommend business-
Development American preemptively in preparing a risk management that participants be management
Projects Developme manage positive plan for development projects PMPs or CAPMs, or
nt Bank and negative following the IDB’s methodology, have prior project
events that may which is based on PMI’s management
affect the international standards, to training.
execution of a successfully achieve expected
development results and impacts.Recognize the
project. process of identifying risks that
may affect the project and
documenting their characteristics
Results- to facilitate risk analysis and
Profession Based subsequent
Intermediat management.Recognize the main
al Project self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
e elements of the risk analysis
Certificate Manageme
nt process and evaluating and
combining risks’ probability of
occurrence and impact to prioritize
them.Recognize risk management
strategies that allow for managing
opportunities and threats that
could impact the project’s
objectives.Recognize the main
elements of the risk monitoring
process and continuously
optimizing responses to improve
efficiency when managing the
project life cycle.
Road Safety in the Inter- Learn about the At the end of this course, you will None. engineering,
Caribbean region: American current state of be able to:Identify the road safety health-safety,
Institutions and Data Developme road safety in our challenges that Latin America and environmental-
Management (1/3) nt Bank region, its main the Caribbean face, and studies
challenges, and understand the importance of
areas of action. designing an action plan based on
data and evidence. Understand
Road the difference between
Profession Safety in sustainable and unsustainable
Introductor interventions, recognizing those
al the self_paced 2 4 2 en-us
y that have been effective in
Certificate Caribbean
Region reducing road crashes; and
analyze how these could be
implemented in your city. Analyze
our own behaviors, as users of
motorized vehicles, pedestrians,
or cyclists; identifying those that
put our safety and that of others at

Road Safety in the Inter- Learn and At the end of this course, you will None. engineering,
Caribbean region: American explore the good be able to: A. Identify good health-safety,
Safe Infrastructure Developme practices and practices and methodologies in environmental-
(2/3) nt Bank methodologies for the application of road safety studies
a safer road audits and inspections.B. Identify
Road design for all the road safety needs of non-
Profession Safety in users. motorized transport users.C.
Introductor Recognize one's own needs and
al the self_paced 2 4 1 en-us
y vulnerabilities as a motorized and
Certificate Caribbean
Region non-motorized transport user.D.
Compare successful versus
unsuccessful practices in the safe
integration of non-motorized
modes of transportation.

Road Safety in the Inter- Learn about the At the end of this course, you will None. engineering,
Caribbean Region: American vulnerable users be able to:A. Identify the health-safety,
Safe Urban Mobility Developme and get a good “vulnerable users” and how can environmental-
(3/3) nt Bank understanding of you apply Vision Zero studies
Road some of the main methodologies in the cities.B.
Profession Safety in challenges and Understand the importance of
Introductor effective subnational road safety plans and
al the self_paced 2 4 2 en-us
y interventions for speed management.C. Recognize
Certificate Caribbean
Region safe urban safe infrastructure for active
mobility. mobility.D. Combine
communication strategies with
road safety interventions towards
safer urban mobility.
Seguridad Vial en Inter- Conoce los Identificar los desafios en Ninguno engineering,
América Latina y el American principales retos seguridad vial que América Latina architecture,
Caribe: de la teoría Developme y herramientas y el Caribe enfrentan, y entender health-safety
a la acción nt Bank de seguridad vial la importancia de diseñar un plan
en América de acción basado en datos y
Latina y el evidencia.Diferenciar
Caribe. ¡Un curso intervenciones sostenibles y no
con expertos de sostenibles, reconociendo
más de 10 países! aquellas que han resultado
efectivas para disminuir la
Non- Non- Introductor siniestralidad vial; y analizar cómo
self_paced 2 3 10 es-bo
Program Program y estas podrían ser implementadas
en tu ciudad.Analizar nuestros
propios comportamientos, como
usuarios de vehículos
motorizados, peatones o ciclistas,
identificando aquellos que ponen
en riesgo nuestra seguridad y la
de otros.

Una mirada a la Inter- En menos de 2h Aprenderás:Identificar los Este curso environmental-

gestión de riesgos American aprenderás por elementos más importantes de los certificado está studies, business-
ambientales y Developme qué es riesgos dirigido a management,
sociales en nt Bank importante socioambientalesReconocer el funcionarios de social-sciences
proyectos BID gestionar valor de gestionar los riesgos agencias
oportunamente ambientales y sociales a lo largo gubernamentales
los riesgos del ciclo del proyectoComprender que implementan
socioambientales, los criterios de categorización de proyectos
en temas como las operaciones y niveles de financiados por el
medio ambiente, riesgos socioambientales y las Banco
trabajo y herramientas de gestiónIdentificar Interamericano de
condiciones el rol de las agencias Desarrollo,
laborales, salud y gubernamentales respecto a la coordinadores de
Non- Non- Introductor seguridad en la gestión de riesgos proyectos,
self_paced 1 2 1 es-mx
Program Program y comunidad, socioambientales en la especialistas
reasentamiento implementación de los proyectos ambientales,
involuntario, financiados por BID especialistas
pueblos sociales,
indígenas, e consultores, firmas
igualdad de constructoras y
género. subcontratadas
involucrados en la
implementación de
supervisores y
fiscalizadores de
obra y demás
What Works in Inter- Learn what works The course’s target audience education-teacher-
Education: Evidence- American in education and includes those with interest in training
Based Education Developme how to identify, improving education through
Policies nt Bank analyze and evidence-based education
implement policies.The latest proven policies
Non- Non- Introductor evidence-based in educationAn applied
self_paced 3 4 10 en-us education policies understanding of which policies
Program Program y
that improve promote learningEvidence-based
learning through reformSuccessful cases from
practical research Latin America and the Caribbean
and challenges and the rest of the world.
observed in
AUTONOMOUS IsraelX Autonomous Important Software tools computer-science
ROBOTS Robots is an (MissionPlanner, AirSim,
advanced AndroSensor)Simple sensor,
Computer Smartphone Sensors, Depth
science course, Sensors.Batteries and how to
Non- Non- Introductor designed to equip choose the right one for your
self_paced 2 3 13 en-us the student with robot.State Machines.Control
Program Program y
the cutting edge Algorithms in drones, PID.QR
tools of Tracking Landing.Simultaneous
autonomous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
robots algorithms in autonomous Robots.A little bit
of Graph Theory.
Bayesian algorithms IsraelX Bayesian The concept of Bayesian computer-science
for Self-Driving Algorithms for ProbabilityHistogram FiltersThe
Vehicles Self-Driving Cars Markov AssumptionThe Gaussian
is an advanced DistributionMultivariate Gaussians
Non- Non- Introductor Computer and the covariance matrixThe
self_paced 2 3 13 en-us science course, Kalman FIlterParticle Filters and
Program Program y
designed to equip Monte Carlo Localization.The
the student with Extended Kalman Filter
the most
Early Christian IsraelX What exactly do Students will learn: To recognize None. humanities
Outlook and its we mean by the importance of contextualizing
Jewish Matrix: saying that nascent Christianity within late
Narratives of Christianity was Second Temple Judaism.To name
Gospels and Acts born out of the main genres of the surviving
Judaism? early Christian sources and
Looking closer, describe the process that
you discover that eventually led to the canonization
various scholars of the New Testament.To describe
disagree on the the historical circumstances of the
issue. This birth of Christianity and variegated
course, settings of the first decades of its
presented by the existence.To comprehend the
Non- Non- Introductor Hebrew transition of the earliest Jesus-
self_paced 4 5 9 en-us
Program Program y University of centered tradition on the way from
Jerusalem, offers its oral Semitic stage to written
you a Jerusalem Greek compositions.To discern
perspective. various strategies employed by
the Synoptic tradition (Matthew,
Mark and Luke) to define Jesus'
messiahship vis-a-vis the variety
of Second Temple Jewish
messianic beliefs.To recognize the
multifaceted character of
references to "the Jews" in the
Fourth Gospel and acknowledge
the variegated explanations of the
Gospel's harsh polemical stance
Environmental IsraelX Uncover better Basic principles of environmental None environmental-
Protection and solutions to help protectionBiodiversity studies
Sustainability manage a wide conservation practicesSolutions
Non- Non- Introductor range of for water and air pollution
self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
Program Program y environmental challengesMajor opportunities for
problems and sustainabilityHow human
challenges facing development can be sustainable
Health Informatics IsraelX our world
Learn whentoday.
and What kinds of careers are out No prior knowledge health-safety,
for better and safer how Informatics there in Health Information or experience medicine,
healthcare is used in Technology?What are the core needed. computer-science
different fields of disciplines on which Health
healthcare, what Information technology is
the benefits are built?How does Clinical Decision
and the Support work?What is the
challenges that Electronic Health Record
still lie ahead. comprised of, and how does it
Non- Non- Introductor work?What do we need Health
self_paced 3 4 4 en-us Terminologies for?How is Text
Program Program y
and Data Mining used in
Healthcare?What type of Image
Processing is used to make health
imagery usable?What happens
when Health Information Systems
have low usability?How is
patient’s safety warranted
by Health Information Systems?
Programming for IsraelX This MOOC will You will get an overview of None, introduction computer-science,
Everyone – An help participants existing programming approaches, to CS a plus. engineering,
Introduction to understand what and learn at an introductory level science
Visual Programming programming is, two visual and natural
Languages and how to use programming languages:
programs. It will statecharts and live sequence
Non- Non- Introductor review charts.
self_paced 2 3 8 en-us
Program Program y programming
languages and
teach how to
program in visual
and intuitive
languages. It
requires no prior
Reading Religious IsraelX The course ● To understand conversion as a For others: humanities, art-
Conversion ""Reading worldwide human phenomenon ● Graduate-level culture, social-
Religious To study world history through the understanding of sciences
Conversion"" prism of religious conversion ● To historical events.
exposes you to a encounter textual sources in their
wealth of original language and in English
conversion translation ● To discover the
stories from social and historical background of
across the globe the texts ● To analyze different
and throughout genres of historical and mythical
history. The texts writing ● To investigate how the
Non- Non- explore the visual arts interpret historical and
self_paced Advanced 4 8 12 en-us
Program Program complex aspects mythical events, while learning the
of religious methodology of comparative
identities and the studies ● To develop independent
varied research methods in the
expressions of humanities ● To explore the
community complex aspects of religious
belonging and identities and the appearance of
social borders. community belonging on the one
hand, and social borders on the

Resilience - The art IsraelX Resilience is an What is resilience What is the role humanities, health-
of coping with essential element of resilience in disaster situations safety, medicine
disasters in successful How can one improve resilience
disaster Introduction to Coping The BASIC
management and PH model of coping Continuities
coping. This Grief and bereavement The
course touches effects of emergencies and
upon the internal disasters on individuals Who is
Non- Non- Introductor and external vulnerable - at-risk populations
self_paced 1 3 11 en-us
Program Program y resources and Helping the helpers Factors of
tools necessary Community Resilience The role of
for handling media during disasters Effective
stressful media communication during
situations and for emergencies CERTs - Community
emerging with Emergency Response Teams
strength from
such experiences.
Sex from molecules IsraelX Sex is, This course will provide tools, biology-life-
to elephants intriguingly, the knowledge and case studies that sciences
universal mode of will enable you to reflect upon and
animal and plant appreciate the mysteries and
reproduction. wonders of sexual reproduction.
This unique Among other you will learn
course, filmed about:The eukaryotic cell and the
entirely on animal and plant kingdomsThe
location, principles of heredity and
contrasts the evolutionThe significance of
Non- Non- Introductor richness of sex meiosis and how germ cells are
self_paced 2 4 12 en-us
Program Program y with its generatedSex determination and
evolutionary why there are (usually) two
conserved sexesThe fundamental female-
foundations, male conflict and how it shapes
exploring the form and behaviorThe basics of
African savanna, embryonal developmentThe
Yellowstone influence of plant evolution on
national park, animal development and the
coral reefs, environment
museums, and
Culture of Services: Kyoto Understand the Radical perspective on the culture No prerequisites. business-
Paradox of University subtle and of customer serviceBasics of This course is management,
Customer Relations sometimes customer service researchHow to designed for social-sciences
counter-intuitive critique and design servicesHow undergraduate and
dynamics of to analyze customer interactions graduate students
customer who are interested
relations. Learn a in services.
fresh, cultural Although some
perspective on advanced
service-focused theoretical materials
industries. are included, the
theme (services)
should be familiar to
Non- Non- Introductor everyone. Students
self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
Program Program y are expected to
complete several
throughout the
course. In these
students will
observe, document,
and analyze
services around
Ethics in Life Kyoto Learn about the What you’ll learn:Basic terms for philosophy-ethics,
Sciences and University ethical decisions bioethicsBasics of ethical biology-life-
Healthcare: surrounding argumentsHow decisions are sciences, medicine
Exploring Bioethics Non- Non- Introductor critical health and made on critical bioethics
through Manga self_paced 2 3 10 en-us life science issuesRegulations and public
Program Program y
issues vital to policies related to bioethical issues
your life through in Japan and other countries
Evolution of the Kyoto Learn about the Basic concepts and scientific No previous science, biology-
Human Sociality: A University origins of human evidence of primatologyThe academic life-sciences,
Quest for the Origin beings and process of human evolution in knowledge is history
of Our Social Non- Non- Introductor primatology, the conjunction with those of required.
Behavior self_paced 2 3 6 en-us scientific study of primates.Ability to discuss the
Program Program y
primates. process of human evolution
through the history of primate
Introduction to Kyoto Learn about what Systematic thinking about ethical None philosophy-ethics,
Animal Ethics University ethical issues issues related to human-animal humanities
arise in human- relationshipBasic principles for the
animal treatment of companion
relationships, and animalsThe idea of animal welfare
Non- Non- Introductor how to think and its application for animal
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us about such experimentationControversies
Program Program y
issues over farm animalsControversies
systematically. over zoo animalsPhilosophical
The course debate over speciesism and
utilizes Manga as animal rights
a study aid.
Introduction to Kyoto The goal of the What you’ll learn: How the Earth’s Introductory chemistry, energy-
Geochemistry University course is to apply elements are formedWhat physical chemistry earth-sciences
chemical determines the elements’ and inorganic
principles to abundances and distribution on chemistry, some
understand the EarthHow can we identify the calculus
natural (non- climate millions of years agoHow
Non- Non- Intermediat living) world to use isotopes to identify what we
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us around us and eatHow can we classify something
Program Program e
appreciate its as general as “rocks”, and explain
complexity. the diversityHow geochemistry
can help be applied to solve

Introduction to Kyoto Learn about Basic terms for genetic variations Undergraduate data-analysis-
Statistical Methods University statistical and gene mappingLinkage molecular genetics statistics,
for Gene Mapping methods used to disequilibrium mapping and knowledgeBasic medicine, biology-
Non- Non- identify genetic genome-wide association studies concepts of life-sciences
self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us
Program Program variants (GWAS)Common and rare statistical tests and
responsible for variants and their effects on estimation
phenotypes. phenotypes
More Fun with Kyoto Take a deep dive Basic Properties of Prime Secondary school math, computer-
Prime Numbers University into Prime NumbersModular Arithmetic and (high school) level science
Numbers - one of Fermat's Little TheoremLaws of algebra; basic
Non- Non- Intermediat the most Prime NumbersApplications of mathematics
self_paced 1 2 5 en-us
Program Program e mysterious and Prime Numbers to concepts
important CryptographyOpen Problems and
subjects in Recent Advances
Stochastic Kyoto mathematics!
The course deals Basic Python programmingBasic Differential and physics,
Processes: Data University with how to theories of stochastic integral calculus chemistry,
Analysis and simulate and processesSimulation methods for and Linear algebra engineering
Computer Simulation Non- Non- Intermediat analyze a Brownian particleApplication: at a 2nd year
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program e stochastic analysis of financial data undergraduate level.
processes, in
particular the
The Chemistry of Kyoto dynamics
Learn howoftosmall How to generate ideas for None. Knowledge of biology-life-
Life University generate ideas at research and businessHow to basic junior high sciences, science,
the interface read and write chemical school science is chemistry
Non- Non- Introductor between structuresHow to use chemistry recommended.
self_paced 2 3 13 en-us chemistry and for biologyHow to control
Program Program y
biology. biological events by chemical
meansHow to integrate chemistry
and biology
The Extremes of Kyoto Microbes are Basic principles of Basic knowledge of biology-life-
Life: Microbes and University everywhere! Find evolutionRecognition of the biology equivalent sciences, science,
Their Diversity out how diverse diversity of lifeMethods to classify to the junior high chemistry
Non- Non- Intermediat microbial life is, organismsBasic knowledge of school level
self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Program Program e and what their extremophilesPrinciples that
genome govern protein stability
sequences tell us.
Código de barras LOGYCA Aprende en este Conocer los conceptos básicos y Ninguno economics-
para el recaudo de curso en línea el funcionamiento del sistema de finance, business-
facturas cómo los recaudo para entender las management,
sistemas de ventajas que este ofrece a los engineering
recaudo están distintos actores de la cadena de
diseñados para valorIdentificar las facturas para
Identificaci hacer que tu recaudo y cuáles son sus
ón de empresa reciba o características para reconocer los
Profession genere de códigos de barras en este tipo
productos Introductor
al self_paced 1 3 4 es-co manera eficiente facturasImplementar el Sistema
en el y
Certificate pagos a través de de Recaudo en su empresa para
logístico la lectura del hacer más eficientes las
código de barras transacciones
en la económicasConocer las
factura,permitiend recomendaciones de impresión
o organizar de para una buena practica de
mejor manera el aplicación en el proceso comercial.
dinero y las
Distribution: product LOGYCA Processes Identify the advantages of business-
delivery related to planning and executing management,
transportation transportation in order to improve economics-finance
cover the election processes and distribution
of routes up to times.Learn about the scope of
ensuring the product distribution in timely and
Non- Non- Introductor reception of quality deliveries.Classify the
self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
Program Program y returns. In this types of vehicles and routes
online course you according to the needs to optimize
will learn about product transportation.Identify
product delivery opportunities for collaboration in
to perform timely transport for cost reduction.
and quality
E-commerce LOGYCA High demand in Get to know the concept of E- business-
logistics and Last the E-commerce commerce logistics and its impact management,
Mile market and the on the consumer.Identify the economics-
transportation of different stages of e-commerce finance, social-
products are very logistic operation, from its design sciences
important factors to the final delivery.Identify the
in customer main challenges that currently
satisfaction. From face e-commerce logistics and
the moment the worldwide trends.Get to know e-
Non- Non- Introductor product is picked commerce logistics cases
self_paced 3 6 5 en-us
Program Program y up at the store worldwide and the innovations
until it reaches they have created facing the
the final client, it current situation.
goes through
different stages
where the utmost
care is needed. It
is a great
challenge to
ensure that
Fundamentos de la LOGYCA Aprende cómo la El concepto de red de valor business-
colaboración en las colaboración sostenibleLos beneficios de la management,
organizaciones puede ayudar a colaboración para las engineering,
las organizaciones internacionales y economics-finance
Colaboraci organizaciones a localesLos principales elementos
Profession ón lograr objetivos, organizacionales de la
Introductor mejorar procesos colaboraciónDiferentes modelos
al organizacio self_paced 5 7 5 es-co
y y optimizar de colaboración aplicados entre
Certificate nal y redes
de valor herramientas. clientes y proveedores,
Conoce cómo competencia y clústeres
maximizar la logísticosLos retos de la
redde valor. colaboración en la red de valor y
formas de enfrentarlos
Fundamentos de LOGYCA Te has Competencias desde el saber: El estudiante debe engineering,
logística preguntado cómo comprenderás conceptos básicos tener preferencia business-
llega a nuestras acerca de la logística y sus por las ciencias management,
manos desde las componentes exactas y le education-teacher-
prendas de vestir principalesCompetencias desde el intersará adquirir training
que usamos, hacer: estarás en la capacidad de nuevas destrezas
Non- Non- Introductor hasta los aplicar los conceptos básicos para plantear
self_paced 4 8 5 es-co alimentos que logísticos en su día a día soluciones a las
Program Program y
consumimos. orientándose a mejores necesidades de la
Estas resultadosCompetencias desde el sociedad.
experiencias han ser: entenderás como el rol
pasado por una logístico impacta la compañía, la
serie de vida diaria de las personas y los
eslabones, procesos
Herramientas para LOGYCA Aprende los Los elementos fundamentales en Se debe haber business-
la colaboración en conocimientos la estructuración de una estrategia tomado el curso de management,
las redes de valor básicos para la colaborativa exitosa en una principios básicos economics-
implementación empresaLa metodología a de colaboración. finance, social-
Colaboraci de un modelo de implementar en el desarrollo de sciences
Profession ón colaboración en una estrategia colaborativaCasos
al organizacio self_paced 5 7 5 es-co una red de valor prácticos, sus retos y
Certificate nal y redes y sus elementos recomendaciones
de valor de gestión.
logísticos sobre
colaboración de
Identificación de LOGYCA Dentro de los Durante los próximos módulos business-
dispositivos servicios de vamos a realizar un recorrido management,
médicos (UDI) salud, existe todo donde aprenderemos a conocer health-safety,
un gran proceso los estándares de identificación medicine
de logística, con para los dispositivos médicos con
el fin que lleguen el fin de mejorar los procesos de
los insumos a trazabilidad y la seguridad del
manos del paciente. También definiremos los
paciente en el atributos y requerimientos para
momento capturar la información de los
correcto, en dispositivos médicos de acuerdo
Non- Non- Introductor perfecto estado y con la norma
self_paced 3 5 5 es-co
Program Program y con la confianza internacional.Finalmente
de poder lograremos determinar el nivel de
utilizarlo. Para riesgo en el uso de los
lograrlo, hemos dispositivos médicos para
desarrollado un capturar información adicional que
proceso de impacta la seguridad del paciente
estandarización e identificar la tipología para
que permita capturar la información de manera
generar la eficiente y adecuada de acuerdo
trazabilidad de con el tipo de dispositivo.
los dispositivos
médicos e
Identificación de LOGYCA Conoce el Comprender la importancia del Ninguno business-
producto con estándar estándar de management,
códigos de barras general de GS1, identificación de producto engineering,
la importancia de para generar mayor rentabilidad economics-finance
identificar de en tu negocioIdentificar la
manera estructura del código de
única barras para su
Identificaci todos los implementación,
ón de productos, según el
productos Introductor artículos productoConstruir los
al self_paced 5 7 5 es-co
en el y comerciales, códigos de
mundo unidades identificación de los
logístico logísticas, productos para tener una red de
ubicaciones, valor más
activos, y las eficienteConocer las buenas
relaciones en la prácticas de la
cadena de identificación de productos
suministro, a para aplicarlas en el día a
través del día
código de
Introducción a la LOGYCA Conoce los La diferencia entre una factura economics-
factura electrónica beneficios de la electrónica y una factura digitalLos finance, business-
facturación beneficios de este tipo de management
electrónica. La facturaciónLas condiciones para
implementación obligado a facturar y su
Non- Non- Intermediat de la misma, adquirenteEl procedimiento de
self_paced 3 4 4 es-co busca facilitar la factura electrónica tanto con un
Program Program e
relación entre proveedor de tecnología como un
quienes facturan desarrollo internoCasos de países
electrónicamente en Latinoaméricaqueimplementan
y quienes factura electrónica.
adquieren bienes
que son
Inventory and LOGYCA In this online What will you learn?Defining key business-
Portfolio course you will concepts for inventory management,
Management learn how to management and apply them on economics-finance
correctly store different company
your products products.Correctly relating
through a different stages of the products
collaborative and the company in order to
inventory adequately manage them into the
management inventory and reduce costs and
Non- Non- Introductor strategy which time. Identifying the most
self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
Program Program y will allow you to important points of inventory
have optimal management to guarantee product
processes at the visibility along the value network
time of delivery and the logistical process.Getting
for your final to know technological tools that
clients. facilitate a quick inventory
management in order to efficiently
meet the client’s requirements.
Logistics LOGYCA Have you ever * Competencies for knowledge: engineering
Fundamentals wondered how you will understand the basic
products arrive at concepts of logistics and its main
your hands? components* Competencies for
From the clothes doing: you will be able to apply
Non- Non- Introductor we wear to the basic concepts of logistics in your
self_paced 4 7 5 en-us food we daily life while achieving better
Program Program y
consume, they results* Competencies for being:
have been you will understand how logistics
through a series play an impactful role in the
of links, company, people’s daily life and
processes, processes.
operations and
Logística del futuro LOGYCA La digitalización, Los estudiantes de este curso El estudiante debe engineering, data-
las tendencias e podrán tener un panorama tener preferencia analysis-statistics,
implicaciones completo sobre las tendencias por las ciencias business-
tecnológicas y la tecnológicas que el mercado está exactas y le management
aplicabilidad de impulsado para fortalecer intersará adquirir
big data, procesos de competitividad y nuevas destrezas
Non- Non- Introductor omnicanalidad y sostenbilidad en las empresas. para plantear
self_paced 3 5 5 es-co
Program Program y IoT, son soluciones a las
conceptos necesidades de la
fundamentales sociedad a través
que le ayudarán a de temas logísticos
buscar y tecnológicos.
estratégicas a los
Logística LOGYCA Una alta __Conocer el concepto de la business-
Ecommerce y demanda del logística ecommerce * y su management,
Ultima Milla consumidor en impacto en el economics-
los canales consumidor.Identificar las finance,
ecommerce hace diferentes etapas de la engineering
que la logística __operación logística del
de entrega en la ecommerce * teniendo en cuenta
puerta de su casa desde el diseño de la misma
se convierta en hasta la entrega.Determinar los
un factor muy principales retos que enfrenta la
importante para logística ecommerce en la
lograr una alta actualidad y las tendencias a nivel
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 3 5 5 es-co satisfacción y global *Conocer los casos de
Program Program y
posible recompra. logística de ecommerce a nivel
Desde que el global y las innovaciones * que
producto se han generado frente a la situación
recoge en actual
almacén hasta
llegar al cliente
final, pasa por
diferentes etapas
en las cuales se
debe actuar con
Existe un gran
Purchase LOGYCA On this online How to create a sales plan and business-
management course you will market segmentation according to management,
find all necessary the company’s capacity and offer economics-finance
tools o correctly to guarantee precise
plan demand, manufacturing.Identify the main
and you will characteristics of demand
Non- Non- Introductor acquire management to anticipate market
self_paced 3 5 5 en-us knowledge for and client variability.Learn about
Program Program y
forecasting, success cases in the use of
strategic demand management as
sourcing, application examples and be able
management and to adapt them to your company’s
provider own capacity.
Supply Chain Design LOGYCA On this online Identify the basic concepts business-
course you will necessary to formalize a micro management,
learn how to and small company and economics-finance
design your value understand planning as a tool for
proposition and strategic management. Identify the
get to know the main concepts of logistics as well
actors involved in as the basic processes to
all strategic, articulate it with the processes in
Non- Non- Introductor tactical and your company.Getting to know the
self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
Program Program y operational actors involved in the operation
processes of the flow in order to understand their
supply chain importance in the value
through networkLearn about trends in
organizational logistics and in the market and
planning tools. relate them to good practices in
your business.

Trazabilidad: la LOGYCA La trazabilidad Identificar el impacto del sistema business-

clave de la permite una de trazabilidad en la seguridad del management,
eficiencia logística mayor calidad, consumidor y la eficiencia engineering, data-
eficiencia y logística.Conocer los beneficios analysis-statistics
transparencia, en de implementar la trazabilidad a lo
el seguimiento de largo de la red de valor.Conocer
un producto y/o los diferentes estándares
activo a lo largo involucrados al sistema de
de su red de trazabilidad para el seguimiento
Non- Non- Introductor valor. Además, el de un producto.Identificar el paso
self_paced 3 5 5 es-co
Program Program y intercambio y el a paso de la metodología para
uso de los datos implementar un sistema de
permite el trazabilidad.Definir la medición de
desarrollo de un sistema de
soluciones que trazabilidad.Conocer la aplicación
mejoran la de un sistema de trazabilidad en
seguridad y los diferentes sectores y su
confianza entre impacto.
todos los socios
de negocio.
Adaptive Markets: Massachus A completely new Limits to rationality and market None business-
Financial Market etts way of thinking efficiency, and the adaptive nature management,
Dynamics and Institute of about financial of marketsPsychlogical, economics-
Human Behavior Technology markets, neuroscientific, and evolutionary finance, social-
institutions, and foundations of human sciences
Non- Non- Intermediat innovation that behaviorFormulation of the
self_paced 6 10 13 en-us reconciles human Adaptive Markets Hypothesis
Program Program e
behavior with (AMH)Applications of the AMH to
market efficiency hedge funds, the 2008 Financial
using concepts Crisis, and COVID-19Ethical
from evolutionary implications and high-impact
biology, cognitive applications of the AMH
AP® Massachus An overview of Co nsumer theory: How do None economics-finance
Microeconomics etts introductory consumers make decisions to
Institute of microeconomics. maximize happiness?Producer
Technology Learn the key theory : How do firms make
principles of decisions to maximize
economics and profit?Market structures : How
how to apply does the structure of a market
Non- Non- Introductor them to the real affect economic efficiency?Market
self_paced 3 4 12 en-us
Program Program y world - and the failures : How do markets fail and
AP® exam! what is the role of government to
respond to these
failures?Economic fairness : How
do we strike the balance between
economic efficiency and fairness?

Becoming a More Massachus Explore mindsets Educators--from teachers to None education-teacher-

Equitable Educator: etts and practices that school leaders to training
Mindsets and Institute of help all students, paraprofessionals--will learn
Practices Technology especially about:Educator Mindsets: For
underserved seeing bias and equity: Equity vs.
students, to thrive Equality; Aware vs. Avoidant;
and feel valued. Asset vs. Deficit; Context-
Centered vs. Context-
Neutral.Equity Teaching Practices:
Teaching dispositions, judgments,
and activities that help all
students, especially underserved
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us students, to thrive and feel
Program Program y
valued.Levels of Change:
Addressing inequality through
work on the self, the classroom,
the school, and society.Practice
Spaces: Simulations for low-
stakes practice of challenging
decisions in teaching.Leading
Change: Working with colleagues
in the lifelong journey towards
more equitable schools.
Becoming an Massachus Learn the Overcoming the top myths of None business-
Entrepreneur etts business skills entrepreneurshipDefining your management
Institute of and startup goals as an entrepreneur and
Technology mindset needed startupIdentifying business
Non- Non- Introductor to embark on opportunitiesPerforming market
self_paced 1 3 6 en-us your research and choosing your target
Program Program y
entrepreneurial customerDesigning and testing
path from the your offeringPlanning your
premier program business logistics, plus pitching
for aspiring and selling to customers
Capstone Exam – Massachus entrepreneurs,
Take the Your knowledge of the course engineering
xMinor in
Materials for etts Materials Comprehensive material will be tested.
Electronic, Optical, Institute of for Exam in Materials
and Magnetic Technology Electronic, for Electronic,
Devices XSeries self_paced Advanced 3 5 1 en-us Optical, and
and Magnetic Devices
Magnetic to earn the MITx
Devices xMinor credential.
Circuits and Massachus Learn techniques How to design and analyze circuits High school electronics,
Electronics 1: Basic etts that are using the node method, mathematical engineering,
Circuit Analysis Institute of foundational to superposition, and the Thevenin background of computer-science
Technology the design of methodHow to employ lumped working with
microchips used circuit models and abstraction to algebraic equations
in smartphones, simplify circuit analysisHow to use and basic calculus,
Circuits self-driving cars, intuition to solve and a high school
XSeries and self_paced 5 7 5 en-us computers, and circuitsConstruction of simple physics background
Electronics the Internet. digital gates using MOSFET including the basics
transistorsMeasurement of circuit of electricity and
variables using tools such as magnetism.
virtual oscilloscopes, virtual
multimeters, and virtual signal
Circuits and Massachus Learn how to How to build amplifiers using You should have a electronics,
Electronics 2: etts speed up digital MOSFETsHow to use intuition to mathematical engineering,
Amplification, Institute of circuits and build describe the approximate time and background of computer-science
Speed, and Delay Technology amplifiers in the frequency behavior of first-order working with
design of circuits containing energy storage calculus and basic
microchips used elements like capacitors and differential
in smartphones, inductorsThe relationship between equations, and a
self-driving cars, the mathematical representation high school physics
computers, and of first-order circuit behavior and background in
Circuits the Internet. corresponding real-life effectsHow electricity and
Intermediat to improve the speed of digital magnetism. You
XSeries and self_paced 7 9 5 en-us
e circuitsMeasurement of circuit should also have
variables using tools such as taken Circuits and
virtual oscilloscopes, virtual Electronics 1, or
multimeters, and virtual signal have an equivalent
generatorsHow to compare the background in basic
measurements with the behavior circuit analysis.
predicted by mathematical models
and explain the discrepancies
Circuits and Massachus Learn about cool How to construct and analyze You should have a electronics,
Electronics 3: etts applications, op- filters using capacitors and mathematical engineering,
Applications Institute of amps and filters inductorsHow to use intuition to background of computer-science
Technology in the design of describe the approximate time and working with
microchips used frequency behavior of second- calculus and basic
in smartphones, order circuits containing energy differential
self-driving cars, storage elements (capacitors and equations, and a
computers, and inductors)The relationship high school physics
the internet. between the mathematical background in
representation of first-order circuit electricity and
Circuits behavior and corresponding real- magnetism. You
XSeries and self_paced 8 10 7 en-us life effectsCircuits applications should also have
Electronics using op-ampsMeasurement of taken Circuits and
circuit variables using tools such Electronics 1 and
as virtual oscilloscopes, virtual Circuits and
multimeters, and virtual signal Electronics 2, or
generatorsHow to compare the have an equivalent
measurements with the behavior background in basic
predicted by mathematical models circuit analysis and
and explain the discrepancies first order circuits.

Collaborative Data Massachus Data and learning Principles of data science as Experience with R, data-analysis-
Science for etts should be at the applied to healthAnalysis of Python and/or SQL statistics, medicine
Healthcare Institute of front and center electronic health recordsArtificial is required unless
Technology of healthcare intelligence and machine learning the course is taken
delivery. In this in healthcare with computer
course, we bring scientists in the
Non- Non- together team.
self_paced Advanced 2 3 12 en-us computer
Program Program
scientists, health
providers and
social scientists
collaborating to
population health
by analyzing and
COVID-19 in Slums Massachus Learn how The characteristics of self- None social-sciences,
& Informal etts COVID-19 has organized urban poor health-safety
Settlements: Institute of impacted the communitiesThe particularities of
Guidelines & Technology world’s most health issues in informal
Responses vulnerable settlementsThe different sets of
populations COVID-19 guidelines from
Non- Non- Introductor across the Global international and national
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program y South and organizationsThe nature of COVID-
understand the 19 local responses across the
varied responses Global SouthThe centrality of
and guidelines in communities’ organized response
self-organized, in the COVID-19 crisis
self-built urban
poor communities.
Cultivating Massachus Learn practical To cultivate a culture of antifragility None business-
Entrepreneurship & etts lessons from across teams, organizations, and management
Antifragility to Thrive Institute of world-renowned societyIntegrate multi-disciplinary
in a Fast-Paced Technology experts on how to skills and perspectives to turn
World develop anti- disruption into positive actionHow
fragile, purpose- to build empathy with stakeholders
led leaders and and beneficiariesTo build practical
Non- Non- Introductor organizations to solutions that address real
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program y address the problems iteratively To adopt an
unprecedented, entrepreneurial mindset, skillset,
multilayered and way of operating that will help
crises we face in you succeed in your future
the world today. endeavors

Cybersecurity for Massachus Preparing city Questions you need to ask to None computer-science
Critical Urban etts officials, agency prepare a vulnerability
Infrastructure Institute of staff and a new assessment.Ways to interact with
Technology generation of public agency staff who might feel
students seeking it is wrong to reveal evidence of a
Non- Non- to serve as cyber attack.The rules of
self_paced Advanced 3 5 4 en-us
Program Program cybersecurity confidentiality that apply to
consultants to studying cybersecurity
understand, help breaches.The scale, scope and
prevent and impact of cyber attacks that are
manage already happening.
cyberattacks on
Disease, Climate Massachus The goal is to Introduction to a range of historical history, social-
Shocks, and etts introduce tools used by historians to study sciences
Wellbeing: a Long Institute of participants to the the pastUnderstanding of key
History of Social Technology complex arena in theories of how society changes
Response to Crisis which economy, over timeAwareness of the kinds
society and of ‘shocks’ that societies have
technology faced in the past with a focus on
intersect to disease and climate/resource
promote constraintsReflection on what
Non- Non- Introductor wellbeing using constitutes the standard of living:
self_paced 4 5 4 en-us historical how to measure it, and how to
Program Program y
responses to think about it.Analyze evidence
disease and from historical cases revealing
climate shocks as some kinds of societies to be
our lens of better able to weather shocks.
Participants will
be introduced to
questions and a
Electrical, Optical & Massachus In 3.15x we will Part 1: The origins of Physics, calculus, engineering,
Magnetic Materials etts explore the semiconductor propertiesCarrier and chemistry at the science,
and Devices Institute of electrical, optical,action in semiconductors: drift, first year university electronics
Technology and magnetic diffusion, recombination and levelFamiliarity with
properties of generationThe behavior of p-n materials structure
materials and junctions at equilibrium and under and bondingA
learn how biasThe derivation and application background in solid
electronic devices of the ideal diode equation, and state physics is
are designed to how real diodes differ from ideal helpful, but is not
exploit these diodesOperating principles of absolutely essential
xMinor in properties. bipolar junction transistors and
Materials MOSFETsPart 2: The
for fundamental operating principles
Electronic, Intermediat of photodevicesLED and
XSeries self_paced 8 12 16 en-us
Optical, e heterojunction laser materials
and selection and
Magnetic designFundamentals of organic
Devices electronics and liquid crystal
displaysAn overview of photonic
systemsOptical fibers: dispersion,
losses, and design choicesPart 3:
Fundamentals of magnetismThe
role anisotropy plays in the
magnetic behavior of materialsThe
operating principles of
transformers and DC motorsHow
data is stored on hard
disksPrinciples of optical and
Electricity and Massachus Learn how How Electric Fields form and how Knowledge of physics
Magnetism: etts charges interact to measure themWhat are Classical
Electrostatics Institute of Introductor with each other DipolesGauss’s Law and why it is Mechanics (at the
Technology y and create importantWhat is Electric level of 8.01x
XSeries Electricity self_paced 11 13 10 en-us electric fields and PotentialHow Conductors, Mechanics Series)
and electric potential Insulators, and Capacitors work will be
Magnetism landscapes in this necessary.Multivaria
introductory-level ble Calculus
Electricity and Massachus physics
Learn how course. What constitutes simple DC Knowledge of physics
Magnetism: etts charges create circuitsHow charged particles Classical
Magnetic Fields and Institute of and move in move in magnetic fieldsWhat Mechanics (at the
Forces Technology Introductor magnetic fields creates magnetic fieldsHow to level of 8.01x
y and how to calculate magnetic field strength Mechanics Series)
Intermediat analyze simple and directionHow magnetic will be
XSeries Electricity self_paced 11 13 8 en-us
e DC circuits in this dipoles work and how to measure necessary.8.02.1x
Magnetism introductory-level them Electricity and
physics course. Magnetism:
riable Calculus
Electricity and Massachus In this final part of Faraday’s LawInductors in DC and physics
Magnetism: etts 8.02, we will AC CircuitsDisplacement
Maxwell’s Equations Institute of cover Faraday’s CurrentMaxwell’s
Technology Law, Circuits with EquationsProperties of
Introductor Inductors, Electromagnetic
y Maxwell’s RadiationPoynting Vector and
XSeries Electricity self_paced 11 13 10 en-us equations, and Energy flow
and electromagnetic
Magnetism radiation. This
physics course
will require the
Electronic, Optical, Massachus Discover the Discover the quantum mechanical Differential and engineering,
and Magnetic etts physical origins of materials Integral Calculus science,
Properties of Institute of xMinor in principles behind propertiesExplain the origin of University-level electronics
Materials Technology Materials diodes, light- electronic bands in Electricity &
for emitting devices, semiconductorsLearn the Magnetism
Electronic, and memories. operating principles of solid state Fundamentals of
XSeries self_paced Advanced 11 13 15 en-us devices such as solar cells and Materials Science
and LEDsUnderstand the materials and Engineering, or
Magnetic physics that underlies the optical a knowledge
Devices and magnetic behavior of materials structure and
bonding in solid
state materials
Entrepreneurship Massachus Entrepreneurship Primary Customer Recommended: business-
101: Who is your etts can be learned. ResearchBottom-Up Market You Can Innovate: management
customer? Institute of Begin your AnalysisMarket User Innovation
Technology Non- Non- Introductor journey by SegmentationBeachhead Market &
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us learning the first AnalysisDevelopment of End User Entrepreneurship
Program Program y
important skill for ProfileProfiling of Customer
aspiring PersonaEstimation of Total
entrepreneurs. Addressable Market Size
Entrepreneurship Massachus Learn and apply Learning goals:Analysis of Full Recommended: business-
102: What can you etts the process of Product Life Cycle Use Entrepreneurship management
do for your Institute of entrepreneurial CaseDesign of High Level Product 101: Who is your
customer? Technology product design. SpecificationEstimation of customer?
Non- Non- Introductor Quantified Value
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
Program Program y PropositionCharting of
Competitive PositionDevelopment
of your company’s “Secret Sauce”

Entrepreneurship Massachus Your startup Understand the Decision-Making Recommended:Entr business-

103: Show Me The etts needs to get cash UnitNavigate the Decision-Making epreneurship 101: management
Money Institute of positive as soon ProcessDevelop a Pricing Who is your
Technology as possible – and FrameworkMap the Sales customer?Entrepren
Non- Non- Introductor ultimately, ProcessChoose or Design a eurship 102: What
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
Program Program y profitable. This is Business ModelMeasure the Cost can you do for your
how you get there. of Customer AcquisitionEstimate customer?
the Lifetime Value of Your
Evaluación de Massachus Aprende cómo ¿Qué aprenderás?Diferenciar la Aunque no es un social-sciences,
Impacto de etts las evaluaciones evidencia rigurosa de la que no lo requisito, se data-analysis-
Programas Sociales Institute of de impacto es.Entender el concepto de recomienda tener statistics,
Technology ayudan a diseñar causalidad.Distinguir entre los conocimientos economics-finance
e implementar diferentes tipos de diseño de la básicos sobre
programas y evaluación experimental.Entender inferencia
políticas que las diferentes amenazas al diseño estadística.
realmente experimental y algunas técnicas
Non- Non- Intermediat funcionan. para resolver estos
self_paced 3 5 6 es-es problemas.Entender cómo usar
Program Program e
los resultados de una evaluación
de impacto en el diseño o
escalamiento de programas y
políticas públicas.Señalar los
diferentes componentes de una
evaluación de impacto, de
principio a fin.

Evaluating Social Massachus Understand how Why and when rigorous social Although not social-sciences,
Programs etts randomized impact evaluation is required, prior data-analysis-
Institute of evaluations can neededCommon pitfalls of familiarity with basic statistics,
Technology be used to evaluation designs and why statistical concepts economics-finance
evaluate social randomization helpsKey is recommended.
and development components of a well-designed
programs. randomized evaluationAlternative
techniques for incorporating
Non- Non- Intermediat randomization into project
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program e designHow to measure outcomes,
manage data and determine the
appropriate sample sizeHow to
guard against threats that may
undermine the integrity of
resultsTechniques for analyzing
and interpreting results

Global Massachus Learn how Acquire clearer understanding of None literature, art-
Shakespeares: Re- etts performance of your own creativity and self- culture, education-
Creating the Institute of William analysisRead challenging material teacher-training
Merchant of Venice Technology Shakespeare’s and express your thoughts in oral
The Merchant of and written
Venice provides communicationIncrease your
occasions for consciousness of ethical,
Non- Non- Introductor creative, historical, political and artistic
self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
Program Program y thoughtful issues in what you read, hear and
communication seeEncourage your understanding
across personal, of Shakespeare, especially as an
historical, and occasion for communication
cultural across personal, historical, and
boundaries on cultural boundaries
topics including
language and
Just Money: Massachus Learn how banks The core principles of just business-
Banking as if etts can use capital bankingHow finance can be used management,
Society Mattered Institute of as a tool to as a tool for social and economics-finance
Technology promote social environmental changeThe impact
Non- Non- Introductor and of different forms of banking on
self_paced 3 4 16 en-us environmental societal well-beingOngoing
Program Program y
wellbeing. challenges for just banksThe
future of just banking and financial

Mechanical Massachus Explore materials The behavior of linear elastic Classical engineering
Behavior of etts from the atomic materialsThe atomic basis for mechanics (or
Materials, Part 1: Institute of to the continuum linear elasticityHow to solve statics)Chemistry at
Linear Elastic Technology Non- Non-
11 13 5 en-us level, and apply mechanics problems relating to the first-year
Behavior Program Program e your learning to stress, strain, and strain energy university
mechanics and levelDifferential
engineering equations
Mechanical Massachus problems.
Explore materials Concepts relating to stress Classical engineering
Behavior of etts from the atomic transformation, including mechanics (or
Materials, Part 2: Institute of to the continuum equivalent stresses, principal statics)Chemistry at
Stress Technology level, and apply stresses, and maximum shear the first-year
Transformations, your learning to stressHow to solve stress university
Beams, Columns, mechanics and transformation problems using levelDifferential
and Cellular Solids Non- Non- Intermediat engineering Mohr’s circleHow to solve equations3.032.1x,
self_paced 11 13 4 en-us
Program Program e problems. problems relating to beam or an equivalent
bending and column bucklingHow course in the elastic
the stiffness and strength of behavior of materials
cellular materials depend on their
mechanisms of deformation and
Mechanical Massachus Explore materials Concepts and problem solving Classical engineering
Behavior of etts from the atomic skills relating to viscoelasticity, mechanics (or
Materials, Part 3: Institute of to the continuum plasticity, and high temperature statics)Chemistry at
Time Dependent Technology level, and apply creep of crystalline the first year
Behavior and Failure your learning to solidsConcepts and problem university
mechanics and solving skills relating to fracture, levelDifferential
Non- Non- Intermediat engineering and fatigueThe relationship equations3.032.1x
self_paced 11 13 6 en-us
Program Program e problems. between the behavior of materials and 3.032.2x or
at an atomistic level and equivalent
thecontinuum response of coursework in the
materials mechanical
behavior of materials
Microstructural Massachus Discover the At the end of this course, you will University-level engineering,
Evolution Part 1 etts principles of be able to:Explain the entropy of a CalculusStructure of chemistry, physics
Institute of statistical solid solution from a quantum Materials (Ideally,
Technology mechanics that mechanical 3.012Sx: Structure
explain materials perspectiveUnderstand the trends of
science in heat capacity of a monatomic MaterialsThermodyn
Non- Non- phenomena. gas and an atomic solidUse the amics (ideally,
self_paced Advanced 8 10 5 en-us
Program Program canonical distribution to explain 3.012Tx:
both the effect of gravitational Thermodynamics of
force on the density of a gas and Materials)
the origin of Curie’s law of

MIT App Inventor Massachus Earn a Timed, 90 minute certification Basic level computer-science
Certification Exam – etts certification examination only. There are no experience with MIT
Level 1 Institute of attesting to your exam prep materials offered or App Inventor. Most
Technology Non- Non-
1 2 1 en-us basic knowledge recommended in this offering. suitable for middle-
Program Program y of MIT App school students.
Inventor. Timed,
90 minute
Molecular Biology - Massachus examinationyour
Strengthen only, How to compare and contrast 7.00x Introduction biology-life-
Part 2: Transcription etts scientific thinking transcription in prokaryotes and to Biology or similar sciences
and Transposition Institute of and experimental eukaryotesHow to describe (undergraduate
Technology design skills in several mechanisms of biochemistry,
this adventure transpositionHow to analyze molecular biology,
Non- Non- through protein structures to infer and genetics) and
self_paced Advanced 4 8 7 en-us transcription and functional informationHow 7.28.1x Molecular
Program Program
transposition. todesign the best experiment to Biology or similar
test a hypothesisHow to interpret (advanced DNA
data from transcription and replication and
transposition experiments repair)

Molecular Biology – Massachus An in-depth How to compare and contrast 7.00x Introduction biology-life-
Part 3: RNA etts adventure translation in bacteria and to Biology or similar sciences
Processing and Institute of through RNA eukaryotesHow to describe (undergraduate
Translation Technology Processing and several mechanisms of RNA biochemistry,
Translation. turnover and RNA splicingHow to molecular biology,
Strengthen your analyze protein structures to infer and genetics),
Non- Non- scientific thinking functional informationHow to 7.28.1x and 7.28.2x
self_paced Advanced 4 8 8 en-us
Program Program and biological design the best experiment to test Molecular Biology or
experimental a hypothesisHow to interpret data similar (advanced
design skills. from translation and RNA understanding of
processing experiments the central dogma)
Nuclear Energy: Massachus Learn how a Learners will be able to critically Familiarity with high science,
Science, Systems etts nuclear reactor assess questions such as;"What school level engineering,
and Society Institute of works, what the are common and not-so-common calculus is energy-earth-
Technology future of nuclear sources of radiation, and should I desirable, but not sciences
fusion looks like, be concerned?""Can nuclear required.
and the energy help to solve the climate
numerous useful change problem?""Is nuclear
applications of energy cost competitive?""Do I
Non- Non- Introductor nuclear radiation want a nuclear power plant in my
self_paced 8 10 11 en-us in four easy-to- backyard?""What is the basic idea
Program Program y
follow modules, behind fusion energy and how
complemented viable are proposed paths to
with a chance to develop fusion reactors?""How
explore much radiation exists around
background me?""What are the challenges
radiation in your and opportunities in quantum
backyard. computation and quantum

Physics of COVID- Massachus Learn about the Respiratory pathogensAirborne Introductory science health-safety,
19 Transmission etts scientific disease transmission in a well- or engineering at engineering,
Institute of principles behind mixed roomEpidemiological the undergraduate physics
Technology the airborne modelsSafety guideline for COVID- level; some
transmission of 19Beyond the well-mixed room familiarity with
Non- Non- COVID-19, and ordinary differential
self_paced Advanced 5 10 6 en-us how quantitative equations (required
Program Program
safety guideline only for learners
may be derived to interested in
assess the risk of completing all
transmission. assessments)
Policy for Science, Massachus This course will Students will emerge from the social-sciences,
Technology and etts examine the course with a strong grasp of the business-
Innovation Institute of science and fundamentals of innovation management,
Technology technology systems and the economic and history
innovation technology development factors
system, including behind them, and with a clear
case studies on framework to approach science
energy, and technology policymaking.
computing, They will understand the basics of
advanced innovation-based economic
manufacturing growth theory, and also take an in-
and health depth look at the innovation
sectors, with an systems in health and
Non- Non- Intermediat emphasis on energy.More specifically, students
self_paced 3 5 8 en-us
Program Program e public policy and will develop an understanding of
the federal the following innovation policy
government’s areas:The drivers behind science
R&D role in and technology support, including
that system economic growth theory, direct
and indirect innovation factors,
Kondratiev innovation waves,
innovation systems theory, the
“valley of death” between research
and late stage development, and
public-private partnership
models;The organizing framework
behind US science agencies, their
missions and research
Qualitative Massachus A short course How to organize qualitative data 21A.819.1x social-sciences
Research Methods: etts that will teach you for analysisHow to create and use Qualitative
Non- Non- Intermediat
Analyzing Data Institute of self_paced 2 3 4 en-us how to analyze a codebook to code your dataHow Research Methods:
Program Program e
Technology qualitative data. to analyze qualitative data Interview Process

Qualitative Massachus A short course How to prepare an interview None humanities

Research Methods: etts that will teach you protocol, and how to conduct an
Conversational Institute of how to prepare interview.How to assess validity in
Interviewing Technology Non- Non-
2 3 3 en-us for and conduct qualitative research.
Program Program e conversational
interviews, that
will produce rich
Site Planning Online Massachus qualitative
How to plan data.
a How to analyze a site and imagine No prerequisities, design,
etts site, its the possibilities for its use. How to but basic architecture,
Institute of infrastructure and create a program and a plan for a understanding of environmental-
Technology public spaces so site. How to make choices about land and building studies
that it is site infrastructure. Examples of form would be
sustainable, well planned sites. helpful.
Non- Non- Intermediat supports human
self_paced 4 6 10 en-us
Program Program e needs,
compatible with
its natural and
adaptable and
Sorting Truth From Massachus Learn teaching Educators—from teachers to education-teacher-
Fiction: Civic Online etts practices that librarians—will learn about:New training, history,
Reasoning Institute of help students knowledge that can be applied in social-sciences
Technology become savvy your lessons and resources for
Non- Non- Introductor consumers of your own students.How to shift
self_paced 2 4 9 en-us
Program Program y digital information. from ineffective information
literacy practices towards the
kinds of strategies employed by
professional fact-checkers.
Structural Materials: Massachus Billions of tons of Externalities Of Materials Secondary school engineering,
Selection and etts structural SelectionMaterial Price, Cost and (high school); basic science
Economics Institute of materials, such AbundanceProperties, Limits and mathematics
Technology Non- Non-
2 3 3 en-us as steel, Ratio Analysis of Structural
Program Program y aluminum, and MaterialsHow structured materials
titanium are used are manufactured and processed
every year. Learn
Structure of Massachus where, why,
Discover theand How we characterize the structure University-level engineering,
Materials etts structure of the of glasses and polymersThe chemistrySingle- science, chemistry
Institute of materials that principles of x-ray diffraction that variable
Technology make up our allow us to probe the structure of calculusSome basic
xMinor in modern world crystalsHow the symmetry of a linear algebra
Materials and learn how material influences its materials
for this underlying propertiesThe properties of liquid
Electronic, Intermediat structure crystals and how these materials
XSeries self_paced 6 8 16 en-us
Optical, e influences the are used in modern display
and properties and technologiesHow defects impact
Magnetic performance of numerous properties of
Devices these materials. materials—from the conductivity of
semiconductors to the strength of
structural materials

The Iterative Massachus Experience the The iterative innovation None. business-
Innovation Process etts iterative processThe interconnection of management,
Institute of innovation Markets, Implementation, and engineering,
Technology process and learn TechnologyHow to research and science
Non- Non- Introductor how you can use develop a Technology, Market,
self_paced 4 6 8 en-us
Program Program y this process to and Implementation universe for
develop your own an innovative ideaHow to research
innovative ideas. and assess areas of uncertainty
Thermodynamics of Massachus Thermodynamics The laws of thermodynamics, how Single and engineering,
Materials etts of Materials to define a thermodynamic multivariable chemistry, physics
Institute of describes the system, how to identify dependent calculus; partial
Technology fundamental and independent thermodynamics differential
competition variables, and how to predict equations; data
between energy equilibrium states.How to analysis; general
and disorder that construct unary and binary phase chemistry
determines the diagrams from thermodynamic
state of materials principles and data, and how to
Non- Non- Intermediat at equilibrium. use phase diagrams to predict
self_paced 9 12 16 en-us process outcomes.How to predict
Program Program e
the equilibrium state of reacting
systems.How to find and assess
thermodynamic data, and how to
use it.How to understand and use
computational thermodynamics
software works. The microscopic,
molecular origins of enthalpy and

Tools for Academic Massachus Many scientists Basic understanding of None communication,
Engagement in etts and engineers policymaking and policy social-sciences
Public Policy Institute of seek to engage stakeholdersHow to identify and
Technology with policymakers prioritize policy
and there is a stakeholdersPractical skills to
clear need for enage with policymakers
them to do so.
Non- Non- Introductor However, very
self_paced 1 3 3 en-us
Program Program y few receive the
necessary to
effectively impact
public policy. This
online module will
provide an
introduction to the
Transfer Functions Massachus An intro to the You’ll learn how to:Pass back and 18.031x math,
and the Laplace etts mysteries of the forth between the time domain (Introduction to engineering,
Transform Institute of frequency domain and the frequency domain using Differential physics
Technology and Laplace the Laplace Transform and its Equations)
transform and inverse.Use a toolbox for
how they're used computing with the Laplace
18.03x to understand Transform.Describe the behavior
XSeries Differential self_paced 3 6 10 en-us mechanical and of systems using the pole diagram
Equations electrical systems. of the transfer function.Model for
systems that have feedback
loops.Model sudden changes with
delta functions and other
generalized functions.
u.lab: Leading From Massachus An introduction to Self-knowledge: The leadership None business-
the Emerging Future etts leading profound that matters mostCapacities of management,
Institute of social, deep listening, precise social-sciences,
Technology Non- Non-
4 6 14 en-us environmental observation, and economics-finance
Program Program y and personal dialoguePractices for creating
transformation. innovations that generate
wellbeing in society
Visualizing Japan Massachus A MITx/HarvardX Methodologies to "visualize" None art-culture
(1850s-1930s): etts collaboration, this Japanese history between the
Westernization, Institute of course explores 1850s and 1930sAn
Protest, Modernity Technology Japan’s transition understanding of Westernization,
Visualizing Introductor into the modern social protest, modernity in
XSeries self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Japan y world through the Japanese history through digital
historical visual imageryStrategies for learning--
record. and teaching--history through
visual sources
Visualizing the Birth Massachus See Tokyo’s This course invites learners into art-culture, history
of Modern Tokyo etts modernization the process of exploring history
Institute of through the “100 through content that literally looks
Technology views” tradition, at change in Tokyo over time.
from the gas-lit Learners will acquire background
1870s to the jazz and skills that will help
Non- Non- Introductor era 1930s. From with:understanding how Japan
self_paced 1 3 6 en-us MIT Visualizing and its capital city evolvedthe
Program Program y
Cultures, with the study of history and how it uses
Smithsonian visual sourcesthe study of visual
Institution. images, large databases and
visual communicationthe culture of
change in the built environment.

World Music: Massachus Learn and Play: Increased awareness of the None music, art-culture
Balinese Rhythms etts An interactive richness of Balinese musical
Institute of course focusing traditionsConcepts and techniques
Technology on the rhythms of of rhythm and metric
Bali structureDeeper understanding of
musical cultures in their own right
Non- Non- Introductor and in their cultural contexts, as
self_paced 6 7 10 en-us
Program Program y well as a larger cross-cultural
awarenessImprovement of
fundamental musical skills, which
can be applied to any form of
You Can Innovate: Massachus Identify a Understand fundamental user business-
User Innovation & etts problem, develop innovation concepts such as lead management
Entrepreneurship Institute of a solution, and user, sticky information, peer-to-
Technology bootstrap your peer diffusion, diffusion via the
entrepreneurial market, and low-cost innovation
venture. niche;Apply the concept of lead
user to identifying numerous
opportunities for entrepreneurial
innovation;Learn the concept of
"solution/need co-forming" and
apply it to conceiving a viable and
feasible solution to the problem
that you seek to solve;Learn the
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us tools and strategies of
Program Program y
entrepreneurial bootstrapping, and
apply them to designing the
strategy for diffusing your user
innovation;Explore the trends and
forces driving the democratization
of innovation and apply the
insights to uplifting the potential of
your entrepreneurial contribution
to society.

Accounting New York Learn how to Overview of the Equity Methods of None business-
Principles for M&A Institute of M&A apply accounting ConsiderationCost method, its sub- management,
Finance Profession and federal categories, and economics-finance
XSeries income tax consolidationBasics of purchase
Profession Intermediat principles to accounting and the steps to record
Certificate self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
al e project earnings a acquired balance sheetInternal
Mergers &
Certificate and cash flows. Revenue Code Section
s (M&A) 338(G)Tax-deductibles Goodwill
and Intangibles
Accounting System New York Get introduced to Accounting Concepts Measuring ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Structure and Institute of accounting IncomeRecording Transactions skills● Elementary
Information Finance Profession concepts and mathematics
Financial Introductor
Management al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us learn how
Accounting y
Certificate accountants
measure income
Bond and Equity New York and introduced
Get record to Overview of Bond • Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Markets and Institute of bond and equity MarketsIntroduction to Bond skills• Basic
Financial Regulation Finance Profession markets and the Issuance and RiskOverview of knowledge of
Capital Introductor regulations of Equity SecuritiesOverview of capital market
al self_paced 1 2 6 en-us
Markets y financial markets. Equity Markets and structure and
TradingRegulation of Financial participants
Capital Markets New York Complete the Test your knowledge. Gained a You must complete economics-finance
Professional Institute of required exam to clear, comprehensive the courses in the
Certificate Finance earn your understanding of Capital Markets? certificate program
Examination professional Next step is to complete the to sit for the exam:
certificate in Capital Markets Professional Money Markets,
Capital Markets Certificate Examination from the Foreign Exchange
from the New New York Institute of Finance. and Time Value of
York Institute of MoneyBond and
Finance. Equity Markets and
Profession Financial
Capital Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 1 en-us RegulationEquity
Markets y
Certificate Indexes, Valuations,
and Investment
Futures, Swaps,
and OptionsCredit
Derivatives and
Equity and Bond IPO

Cash Flow Analysis New York Credit Learn the Cash Flow AnalysisProject Basic Accounting economics-finance
Institute of Risk and importance of a FinanceFinancial HedgesCase
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us
Finance Credit stable and Studies
Analysis consistent cash
Corporate Finance New York flow.
Complete the Earn a Verified Certificate in all You must complete economics-finance
and Valuation Institute of required exam to parts of the Corporate Finance the courses in the
Methods Finance earn your and Valuation Methods program certificate program
Professional professional from NYIF. to sit for the
Certificate certificate in exam:Fundamental
Examination Corporate of Financial
Finance and Mathematics and
Valuation Capital
Methods from the BudgetingCost of
New York CapitalDiscounted
Institute of Cash Flow (DCF)
Profession Finance
Introductor Finance. and Other Valuation
al and self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
y MethodologiesOptio
Certificate Valuation
n Pricing and
Applications in
Capital Budgeting
and Corporate
Alternatives and
Financing Strategies
Corporate Funding New York Learn about Financing Privately Held ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Alternatives and Institute of Corporate CompaniesRaising Capital in skills● Some
Financing Strategies Finance Corporate Funding Public MarketsOther familiarity with
Profession Finance Alternatives and TransactionsComprehensive financial
al and self_paced 1 2 2 en-us Financing Valuation Case Activity instruments and
Certificate Valuation Strategies. markets●
Methods Elementary
probability theory
Cost of Capital New York Get introduced to Factors Influencing the Cost of ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Institute of the cost of capital Capital Cost of Debt CapitalCost skills● Some
Finance Corporate and learn the of Convertible Debt Cost of familiarity with
Profession Finance implications of EquityImplications of Cost of financial
al and self_paced 1 2 4 en-us cost of capital for Capital for Corporate & instruments and
Certificate Valuation corporate & Funding Decisions markets●
Methods funding decisions. Elementary
probability theory
Credit and Credit New York Complete the Learners who successfully You must complete economics-finance
Risk Analysis Institute of required exam to complete the4-courseprofessional the courses in the
Professional Finance earn your certificate program and pass the certificate program
Certificate professional finalexam will be able to: to sit for the exam:
Examination certificate in Recognize how to prepare Risk Management
Credit and Credit business and industry analysis to and Credit
Risk Analysis understand companies, projects, PrinciplesRatio
from the New business models, and financing AnalysisCash Flow
York Institute of proposals and its use as a basis AnalysisProjections
Finance. for financial analysis, project and Structuring
analysis, and risk
decisions.Understand financial
Credit ratios and metrics to evaluate a
Risk and company's profitability, balance
al self_paced Advanced 1 2 1 en-us
Credit sheet, capital structure and cash
Analysis flow to assess overall financial
performance and
condition.Understand how to use
methodology to determine
financial ratings.Identify, recognize
and evaluate off-balance-sheet
risks and related items.Prepare
cash-flow analysis related to a
company, specific projects or
specific financing
proposals.Prepare projections of
profitability, balance sheets,
capital structure, and cash
Credit Derivatives New York Learn about ● Introduction to Credit • Basic MS Excel economics-finance
and Equity and Institute of Credit Derivatives ● Introduction to skills• Basic
Bond IPO Finance Profession Derivatives, Equity and Bond IPO Participants knowledge of
Capital Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us Equity, and Bond capital market
Markets y
Certificate IPO structure and
Deal Structures in New York Learn how to Recognize the different ways to Knowledge of economics-finance
Project Finance Institute of classify projects classify projects by deal structure corporate finance
Finance by deal structure and customer type.Recognize the and basic credit
and customer distinct legal and operating analysis
Project type by environments that determine
Finance examining global project structures in different
and Public Introductor PPP mega-deals. countries.Identify the key
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
Private y operational and contractual risks
Partnership that affect a project's financial
s feasibility.Recognize the
safeguards that go into a Lender's
checklist for the financing of a
Deals in Project New York Review multiple Identify the main players in a Knowledge of economics-finance
Finance: Case Institute of Project case studies and deal.Recognize the risks involved corporate finance
Studies and Analysis Finance Finance transactions to in various types of and basic credit
and Public Introductor recognize how to dealsUnderstand how to select a analysis
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
Private y select the best deal for investment
Partnership deals for
s investment.
Derivatives New York Complete the Earn a professional certificate and economics-finance
Professional Institute of required exam to stand out in your field!
Certificate Finance Profession earn your
Examination al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 1 en-us professional
Certificate certificate in
Derivatives from
Derivatives, New York the New
Learn York
about Introduction to Learn about economics-finance
Futures, Swaps, and Institute of Capital Introductor Derivatives, DerivativesOverview ofFutures Derivatives,
al self_paced 1 2 6 en-us
Options Finance Markets y Futures, Swaps, and ForwardsIntroduction to Futures, Swaps,
and Options Swaps and Options and Options
Discounted Cash New York Learn about Overview of Discounted Cash ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Flow (DCF) and Institute of Discounted Cash Flow Methodologies Elements of skills● Some
Other Valuation Finance Corporate Flow (DCF) and Cash Flow ProjectionsDiscounted familiarity with
Methodologies Profession Finance Other Valuation Cash Flow AnalysisAlternate financial
al and self_paced 1 2 4 en-us Methodologies. Valuation MethodologiesRelative instruments and
Certificate Valuation Valuation Techniques markets●
Methods Elementary
probability theory
Documentation in New York Learn about the Recognize the additional contracts Knowledge of economics-finance
Project Finance Institute of contracts and and documents that need to be corporate finance
Finance documents created for a Greenfield and basic credit
needed for a project.Identify the key role analysis
project, rating Ratings Agencies play in
agencies, and the evaluating project risks and
loan syndication facilitating lender participation in
Project process. project finance.Recognize the
Finance participants and key success
and Public Introductor factors at each stage of the loan
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
Private y syndication process.Identify
Partnership operational and financial problems
s that can lead to project distress
and default.Understand how
sponsors and lenders work
together to attempt to restore
project viability before considering
their options in a formal default.

Electronic Trading in New York Learn about Understand how financial markets Familiarity with economics-finance
Financial Markets Institute of technology’s functioned prior to the electronic capital markets and
Finance impact on trading eraIdentify the major instruments. Some
financial markets events in electronic trading knowledge of
and the developmentEffectively describe financial market
characteristics of the workflow of all major electronic participants (market
financial trading protocolsUnderstand how makers, brokers,
instruments that market makers and retail traders asset managers,
are traded on use electronic trading and buy hedge funds, etc.).
Non- Non- Introductor electronic side institutionsUnderstand the
self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Program Program y markets. characteristics of financial
instruments that are traded on
electronic markets & those
products that do not trade
electronicallyDebate the current
issues regarding electronic trading
and the impact on financial stability

Equity Indexes, New York Get introduced to Introduction to Equity • Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Valuations, and Institute of Equity Indexes, IndexesOverview of Equity skills• Basic
Investment Vehicles Finance Profession Valuations, and ValuationEquity Investment knowledge of
Capital Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us Investment Vehicles capital market
Markets y
Certificate Vehicles. structure and
Equity Indexes, New York Get introduced to Introduction to Equity • Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Valuations, and Institute of Equity Indexes, IndexesOverview of Equity skills• Basic
Investment Vehicles Finance Profession Valuations, and ValuationEquity Investment knowledge of
Capital Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us Investment Vehicles capital market
Markets y
Certificate Vehicles. structure and
Essential Career New York Accelerate your Engage with industry None business-
Skills for Investment Institute of financial fluency professionals like an experienced management,
Banking and Finance Finance and fool-proof practitioner.Expand your economics-finance
Non- Non- Introductor your career in knowledge of the various financial
self_paced 3 4 2 en-us
Program Program y Investment institutions.Learn the industry
Banking and jargon.Find your professional
Finance. fit.Elevate your EQ.
Financial New York Complete the Gained a clear, comprehensive You must complete economics-finance
Accounting Institute of required exam to understanding of Financial the courses in the
Professional Finance earn your Accounting. certificate program
Certificate Professional to sit for the
Examination Certificate in exam:Accounting
Financial System Structure
Accounting from and Information
the New York ManagementReporti
Institute of ng Firm Resources,
Finance. Obligations and
Financial Introductor ng Use of Firm
al self_paced 0 1 1 en-us
Accounting y Resources and
Liabilities and
Owners Capital and
Pensions, and
Financial Statement
Financial Analysis of New York Gain an Describe major industry trends economics-
Insurance Institute of understanding of and challengesExplain the finance, business-
Companies Finance the analysis insurance industry's regulatory management
Professional methods needed environmentDescribe the
Certificate to assess the operating cycle of an insurance
Examination financial strength companyCompare and contrast
& operating statutory and U.S. GAAP
performance of accountingDescribe the
insurance impairment tests for invested
companies in the assetsDifferentiate between loss
US. reserves, policy reserves, UPR
and IBNR reservesIdentify the
Financial components on an insurer's
Analysis of capital and surplusDescribe the
al self_paced Advanced 1 2 1 en-us
Insurance nature and purpose of
Companies reinsuranceIdentify the key
elements of risk transfer in a
reinsurance agreementConduct
ratio analysis to assess an
insurer's financial condition and
resultsExplain the methodologies
used by rating agenciesDescribe
the key components of the NAIC's
risk-based capital (RBC)
formulaIdentify warning signs of
an insurer experiencing financial
distressPredict how changes in
key variables might affect an
Financial Analysis of New York Take a deep dive Describe major industry trends economics-finance
Insurance Institute of into the operating and challengesExplain the
Companies – Finance practices, insurance industry's regulatory
Industry Overview accounting environmentDescribe the
and Analysis of Financial methodology, and operating cycle of an insurance
Financial and Profession regulatory companyCompare and contrast
Analysis of
Regulatory Reporting al self_paced Advanced 1 2 3 en-us environment of statutory and U.S. GAAP/IFRS
Certificate the insurance accountingDescribe the
industry. impairment tests for invested
assetsDifferentiate between loss
reserves, policy reserves, UPR
and IBNR reserves
Forwards and New York Develop a Explain Forwards and Futures and Intermediate MS economics-finance
Futures Institute of comprehensive, their applications in Excel skills (use
Finance practical finance.Understand the valuation solver, etc.)Basic
understanding of of Forwards and Futures, and probabilityBasic
forwards and concepts such as interest rate, calculusSome
futures including cost of carry, storage, and knowledge of equity
market convenience charge.Understand marketsKnowledge
Profession conventions, Forward interest rate and of fixed income
al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 3 en-us contract bootstrapping.Apply Forwards and basics
Certificate specifications, Futures to physical commodities
valuation, and such as wheat, oil and financial
trading strategies securities such as interest rates,
currencies and
equities.Understand Forwards and
Futures trading, margin, and
contract specifications.
Fundamental of New York Get introduced to Determinants of Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Financial Institute of Corporate the determinants ValueFoundations of Financial skillsSome
Mathematics and Finance Profession Finance of value, MathematicsCapital Budgeting familiarity with
Capital Budgeting Introductor foundations of financial
al and self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
y financial markets, instruments and
Certificate Valuation
Methods and capital marketsElementary
budgeting. probability theory
Fundamentals of New York Learn the basics Recognize markets in economics-finance
Market Structure Institute of of market generalRecognize the two
Finance structure, dimensions of market
including key structureIdentify the differences
market between OTC and Exchange
participants and SystemsRecognize how to define
Non- Non- Introductor what determines market participantsExplain the
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
Program Program y a market’s concept of liquidityIdentify the key
development. elements of financial market
mechanicsRecognize how
transaction frequency influences
market evolution

Fundamentals of New York Learn how to Apply technical analysis as an economics-finance

Technical Analysis Institute of apply technical important component of security
Finance analysis as a analysis, especially when
standalone combined with fundamental
Introductio trading analysisUnderstand how chart
n to methodology or patterns reflect the principles of
Profession as a supplement behavioral financeApply specific
Trading Introductor
al self_paced 2 3 6 en-us to fundamental technical strategies to the
with y
Certificate analysis using investment selection
Analysis tools that are processDevelop trading strategies
based on price based on technical
action and other theoriesEvaluate indicators and
technical patterns based on quantitative
principles. analysis
FX Markets New York Learn about Explain Credit Default Swaps • Intermediate MS economics-finance
Derivatives, Cross Institute of Credit Default (CDS) and their importance in Excel skills (use
Currency Swaps, Finance Swaps (CDS) finance.Describe CDS, their basic solver, etc.)• Basic
and Credit and other factors parameters, and their probability• Basic
Derivatives used in pricing valuations.Understand how to calculus• Some
Profession and trading credit apply CDS to investment, hedging, knowledge of equity
Introductor default products. and structuring.Understand CDS, marketsKnowledge
al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
y Credit Default Swap Index (CDX), of fixed income
and various other indices created basics
to meet financial
needs.Understand Asset Swaps
and their applications.
Greeks, American New York Learn about Define and discuss the Greek • Intermediate MS economics-finance
Options and Volatility Institute of Greeks, sensitivities of the option price to Excel skills (use
Finance American underlying variables.Price solver, etc.)• Basic
Options, and European and American options, probability• Basic
Volatility. and compare their methods and calculus• Some
values.Identify weaknesses within knowledge of equity
Profession the assumptions of Black Sholes, marketsKnowledge
al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 3 en-us particularly constant volatility.To of fixed income
Certificate implement and price the Heston basics
model to address the limitation of
constant volatility.To define the
volatility smile, and illustrate how
the output from the Heston Model
can replicate it.
Insurance New York Learn the key Identify the components on an economics-
Reserving, Risk Institute of performance and insurer's capital and finance, business-
Management and Finance financial surplusDescribe the nature and management
Analysis of Key indicators that will purpose of reinsuranceIdentify
Performance and Financial allow you to warning signs of an insurer
Financial Indicators Profession analyze and experiencing financial
Analysis of
al self_paced Advanced 1 2 4 en-us value an distressPredict how changes in
Certificate insurance key variables might affect an
company. insurer's financial resultsDescribe
the impact of international
accounting (IFRS) on the
insurance industry
Introduction to Risk New York Learn how to Differentiate between financial Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Management Institute of differentiate risks and business risks.Identify skillsBasic
Finance between financial and describe the various types of probability and
Risk and business financial risk and their statistics
Manageme risks. sources.Identity the real-world
nt violations of the ‘standard model’
Profession assumptions that make risk
Profession Intermediat
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us management value enhancing to
al e
Certificate the firm.Differentiate between risk
Risk measurement and risk
Manageme management.Describe systemic
nt risk as a negative
externality.Describe the US
regulatory structure.
M&A Concepts and New York Mergers & Learn advanced Concepts of M&A Financial None business-
Theories: Advanced Institute of Acquisition topics in M&A; Accounting and ProjectionsHow to management,
Topics Finance Profession including financial finance a dealSeller’s viewpoint in economics-finance
s (M&A)
al Intermediat accounting, a M&A dealThe sale
M&A self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Certificate e financing the processHostile takeover defenses
XSeries deal, and the all-
Certificate important
understanding of
M&A Professional New York Complete the Test your knowledge. Gained a You must complete business-
Certificate Institute of required exam to clear, comprehensive the courses in the management,
Examination Finance earn your understanding of Mergers & certificate program economics-finance
professional Acquisitions (M&A)? Next to sit for the
certificate in step is to complete the M&A exam:M&A:
Mergers & Professional Certificate Concepts and
M&A Acquisitions from Examination from the New York TheoriesM&A
Profession the New York Institute of Finance. Concepts and
al Institute of Theories: Advanced
Certificate self_paced Advanced 1 2 1 en-us Finance. TopicsM&A:
Mergers & Structuring the
Acquisition DealM&A:
s (M&A) Free Cash Flow
Principles for

M&A: Concepts and New York Gain a solid Recognize the common None business-
Theories Institute of Mergers & foundation in motivations for acquisitions and management,
Finance Acquisition mergers & the reasons many are economics-finance
Profession acquisitions to unsuccessful.Identify the methods
s (M&A)
al Intermediat kick-start your of structuring a business
M&A self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Certificate e career in finance. acquisition.Evaluate the intrinsic
XSeries and relative valuation methods for
Certificate target companies.

M&A: Free Cash New York Learn how to Identify Free Cash Flow from None business-
Flow (FCF) Modeling Institute of evaluate a Accounting DataRecognize how to management,
Finance company’s compare Free Cash Flow to Net economics-finance
financial IncomeRecognize the Drivers of
performance to Free Cash FlowIdentify the steps
M&A determine to calculate Cost of CapitalIdentify
Profession acquisition the steps to use Free Cash Flow
XSeries opportunities. for Capital Budgeting
Profession Intermediat DecisionsRecognize the
Certificate self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
al e relationship between Free Cash
Mergers &
Certificate Flow and Economic Value Added
s (M&A) Value Acquisitions using Free
Cash FlowRecognize how to
develop a Free Cash Flow
approach to Incentive

M&A: Structuring New York Learn how M&A; Overview of M&A documents None business-
the Deal Institute of deals are and legal structuresTriangular management,
Finance M&A structured and Mergers and tax consideration for economics-finance
Profession understand the different dealsTax-free
al various dealsAccounting rules and Letter
Profession Intermediat
Certificate self_paced 1 2 4 en-us documents, legal of IntentEarnout and Hope
al e
Mergers & structures and tax certificates and Contingent
Acquisition considerations ConsiderationsAdvanced
s (M&A) needed to structuring of M&A deals
execute a deal.
Measuring Risk: New York Understand how Understand beta as a measure of Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Equity, Fixed Institute of to describe the equity risk.Describe duration and skillsBasic
Income, Derivatives Finance various convexity as first and second probability and
and FX approaches order interest rate sensitivity / risk statistics
Risk utilized for measures for fixed income
Manageme determining value instruments. Explain and provide
nt at risk. examples of linear and non-linear
Profession (‘convex’) securities.Describe and
Profession Intermediat
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us the sensitivity measures (Greeks)
al e
Certificate for options.Describe the various
Risk approaches utilized for
Manageme determining value at risk and
nt expected shortfall as measures of
market and credit risk for portfolios.

Mercados de capital New York Aprenda sobre Introducción a mercados Manejo básico de economics-finance
y participantes Institute of mercados financieros globalesIdentificar los MS Excel
claves Finance financieros participantes claves y su impacto
globales, incluido en el mercado.Entender los
la estructura y los motores detrás de la distribución
tipos de los global de bonos con grado de
mercados de inversión por moneda y de la
capital, y cómo capitalización del mercado de
Non- Non- Introductor identificar a los capitales por país. Distinguir entre
self_paced 1 2 2 es-pr
Program Program y participantes financiamiento directo e indirecto
claves y su en mercados de capital
impacto en el globales.Identificar los principales
mercado. tipos de intermediarios
financieros.Distinguir entre
mercados financieros primarios y

Money Markets, New York Get introduced to Introduction to the major capital • Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Foreign Exchange Institute of the money marketsUnderstanding of Money skills• Basic
and Time Value of Finance Profession markets, foreign MarketsIntroduction to Foreign knowledge of
Capital Introductor
Money al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us exchange and Exchange (FX)Time Value of capital market
Markets y
Certificate time-value of Money structure and
money. participants
Option Pricing and New York Get familiarized Introduction to Option Contracts ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Applications in Institute of with Option and Option Pricing Real skills● Some
Capital Budgeting Finance Corporate Pricing and OptionsIntegrating Real Options familiarity with
and Corporate Profession Finance Applications in with Net Present Value financial
Finance Introductor Capital Budgeting AnalysisReal Options Applied to instruments and
al and self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
y and Corporate Capital Budgeting markets●
Certificate Valuation
Methods Finance. DecisionsOption-Based Elementary
Deconstruction of Corporate probability theory
Options Contracts, New York Learn about the Provide the foundation of handling • Intermediate MS economics-finance
Participants, Institute of basics of option cash flows and implied forward Excel skills (use
Strategies, and Finance pricing, rates from no-arbitrage.Define the solver, etc.)• Basic
Pricing discounting, payoffs of vanilla calls and puts, probability• Basic
future valuing, and the six factors affecting their calculus• Some
and the Law of pricing.Identify market participants knowledge of equity
No-arbitrage. and illustrate the option strategies marketsKnowledge
Profession they use.Derive vanilla option of fixed income
al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 3 en-us prices using binomial trees, Black basics
Certificate Scholes, and Monte Carlo
simulations.Provide intuition both
in the Black Scholes partial
differential equation and the

Project Finance and New York An overview of Overview of Project Finance and Knowledge of economics-finance
Public Private Institute of Project project finance Public Private PartnershipsHistory corporate finance
Partnerships Finance Finance and public-private and evolution of Project and basic credit
Fundamentals and Public Introductor partnerships FinanceBasic structures of Project analysis
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
Private y (PPPs) with a FinanceImportance of accounting
Partnership focus on definitions
s financing and
Project Finance and New York accounting.
Complete the Test your knowledge. Gained a You must earn a economics-finance
the Public Private Institute of required exam to clear, comprehensive Verified Certificate
Partnership Finance earn your understanding of Project Finance in all six courses in
Examination professional and the Public Private the certificate
certificate in Partnerships? Next step is to program to sit for
Project Finance complete the Project Finance and the exam:Project
and the Public the Public Private Partnerships Finance and Public
Private Professional Certificate Private Partnerships
Partnership from Examination from the New York FundamentalsDeal
Project the New York Institute of Finance. Structures in
Finance Institute of Project FinanceThe
and Public Introductor Finance. Project Finance
al self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
Private y ProcessDeals in
Partnership Project Finance:
s Case Studies and
ion in Project
FinanceRisks in
Project Finance:
Case Studies and

Projections and New York Learn how to Financial Warning Signs, Basic Accounting economics-finance
Structuring Institute of prepare financial Forecasting and
Finance Credit projections and ProjectionsCapital Structureand
Risk and structure new Debt CapacityStructuring New
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 6 en-us
Credit debt or loans. Debt, New Exposures, and New
Analysis FacilitiesProject FinanceLoan
Portfolio Management
Quantitative New York Technical ● Discuss the definitions of None economics-finance
Technical Analysis Institute of analysis has long subjective and objective analysis
Finance been practiced in and review how the different types
a subjective of analysis can be incorporated
manner. This into trading decisions.● Apply the
course will break principles of objective analysis to
that practice and market data to understand the
Introductio present an design of investment trading
n to objective review systems.● Develop complete
Profession of technical trading strategies including entry
Trading Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us analysis. and exit rules, position sizing
with y
Certificate strategies and risk management
Analysis techniques.● Analyze the historic
performance of trading systems in
terms of potential rewards and
risks.● Review how quantitative
trading systems can be adapted to
suit an individual’s personal needs.

Ratio Analysis New York Get introduced to Financial Ratios, Metrics, and Basic Accounting economics-finance
Institute of the various ratios AnalysisOff-Balance-Sheet
Finance Credit used for RisksOrganization
Profession corporate StructuresManagement
Risk and
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 5 en-us financial analysis
Certificate and learn how to
customize them
to assess the
Reporting Firm New York creditworthiness
Explore the core Accrual Accounting & ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Resources, Institute of Financial Introductor resources, Statement FormatAccounting for skills● Elementary
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Obligations and Finance Accounting y obligations and SalesCash Flow mathematics
Performance performance or a
Reporting New York reporting
Get firm. to
introduced Accounting for Investments ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Investments, Institute of Profession Pension Financial Statement skills● Elementary
Financial Introductor
Pensions, and Finance al self_paced 0 2 4 en-us Accounting, AnalysisPension Accounting, mathematics
Accounting y
Financial Statement Certificate Accounting for Accounting for Stock Options
Analysis Stock Options,
Reporting Liabilities New York and Financial to
Get introduced Liabilities and InterestEquityFree ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
and Owners Capital Institute of Financial Introductor reporting liabilities Cash Flow skills● Elementary
al self_paced 0 2 4 en-us
and Cashflow Finance Accounting y and owner’s mathematics
capital and
Reporting Use of New York cashflow. the
Understand InventoryLong-Lived Assets and ● Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Firm Resources and Institute of Financial Introductor reporting uses of DepreciationTaxes and skills● Elementary
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Taxation Finance Accounting y a firm’s resource DepreciationDeferred Taxes mathematics
and taxation.
Risk Management New York Get introduced to Introduction to Risk Management Basic Accounting economics-finance
and Credit Principles Institute of risk and Credit PrinciplesPrinciples of
Finance Credit management, Corporate and Project
Profession credit principles, FinanceCredit Markets, Loan
Risk and
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 6 en-us and business risk Defaults, and Expected
Certificate as they relate to a LossBusiness, Industry, and
borrower. Company RiskRatings Agencies
and Financial Disclosure
Risk Management New York Complete this Test your knowledge. Gained a You must complete economics-finance
Professional Institute of exam to earn clear, comprehensive the courses in the
Certificate Finance your professional understanding of Risk certificate program
Examination certificate in Risk Management? Next step is to to sit for the exam:
Management complete the Risk Management Introduction to Risk
Risk from the New Professional Certificate ManagementMeasur
Manageme York Institute of Examination from the New York ing Risk: Equity,
nt Finance. Institute of Finance. Fixed Income,
Profession Derivatives and
Profession Intermediat
al self_paced 1 2 1 en-us FXRisk
al e
Certificate Management Tools
Risk and PracticesStress
Manageme Testing and
nt Regulation – Part
1Stress Testing and
Regulation – Part 2

Risk Management New York Learn how to Define the basis and the various Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Tools and Practices Institute of compare and sources of basic risk, and explain skillsBasic
Finance contrast how basis risks arise when probability and
economic capital, hedging with futures.Define cross statistics
risk capital and hedging and the minimum
regulatory capital. variance hedge ratio and hedge
effectiveness.Define and interpret
the optimal number of futures
contracts needed to hedge an
Risk exposure, including a “tailing the
Manageme hedge” adjustment.Demonstrate
nt how to use stock market index
Profession futures contracts to change a
al Intermediat stock portfolio’s beta.Understand
Manageme self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
Certificate e covered call and protective put
XSeries strategies.Understand the purpose
al and pay-offs of various option
Certificate spread strategies.Describe the
ALM function of a typical
commercial bank.Understand
balance sheet risks associated
with funding gaps and duration
gaps.Define, compare and
contrast economic capital, risk
capital and regulatory capital.
Risks in Project New York Review case Recognize the key political and Knowledge of economics-finance
Finance: Case Institute of studies and currency risks in project corporate finance
Studies and Analysis Finance transactions to finance.Identify each step in a and basic credit
recognize the key hypothetical Greenfield project analysis
Project political and from conception to financial
Finance currency risks in completion.Recognize the key
Profession project finance. decision points at each stage in a
and Public Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us project timeline.Understand the
Private y
Certificate source and purpose of each item
s on a lender's term
sheet.Recognize the effect of
external market factors on the
success of the project financing
Stress Testing and New York Risk Learn how stress Describe the rationale for risk Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Risk Regulation – Institute of Manageme tests are used as regulation.Explain the motivations skillsBasic
Part 1 Finance nt the primary tool for change to the BIS capital probability and
XSeries of risk regulation. accords for Basel I to Basel statistics
Profession Intermediat III.Demonstrate knowledge of the
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us
al e most significant trends and
Certificate reforms in the development of risk
Manageme regimes in the US, UK, and EU.
Stress Testing and New York Learn how to Describe common approaches to Basic MS Excel economics-finance
Risk Regulation – Institute of define a reverse stress testing.Explain challenges skillsBasic
Part 2 Finance stress test and in designing stress test scenarios, probability and
Risk compare it to a including the problem of statistics
Manageme conventional coherence in modeling risk
nt stress test. factors.Describe the practical
Profession problems associated with
Profession Intermediat
al self_paced 1 2 4 en-us conducting comprehensive stress
al e
Certificate tests for large financial
Risk intermediaries.Define reverse
Manageme stress testing and compare it to
nt conventional stress
tests.Understand the critiques of
prudential risk regulation.
Swaps New York Develop an Understand Swaps and their • Intermediate MS economics-finance
Fundamentals Institute of understanding of applications in finance.Learn how Excel skills (use
Finance the basic financial to do valuation of swaps as sum of solver, etc.)• Basic
theories and the present value of two legs of probability• Basic
concepts relevant swap.Understand Interest rate calculus• Some
Profession to swaps. swap, swap spread, payouts of knowledge of equity
Introductor two legs.Understand the crisis of marketsKnowledge
al Derivatives self_paced 1 2 3 en-us
y 2008, the issue with Libor, and of fixed income
switch from Libor based swaps to basics
OIS swaps.Understand equity
swaps, issues with cash-settled
swaps, and a glance at Quanto
The Project Finance New York Learn about the Recognize how certain business Knowledge of economics-finance
Process Institute of various stages needs and objectives can be corporate finance
Finance and participants efficiently satisfied with a particular and basic credit
in the project type of project structure.Identify analysis
finance process, the role of various project
including the participants in constructing
Project important role financial models.List key design
Finance lenders play. features and required projections
Profession of robust and credible financial
and Public Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 3 en-us models.Recognize the concerns of
Private y
Certificate different types of lenders during
s each project phase.Identify the
different hedging products
available for managing common
project risks in developed and
emerging markets.

Advanced Data New York Learn the Design and develop programs that This is the 4th computer-science
Structures University advanced utilize linked lists to store data course in the
programming internally.Design and develop intermediate,
topics in the C++ programs that utilize stacks and undergraduate-level
programming queues to manage collections of offering that makes
language, dataUtilize binary search trees and up the larger
including file balanced trees to implement fast Programming and
processing, retrieval of data from a collection Data Structures
linked lists, of data stored in memory. MicroBachelors
stacks, queues, program. We
trees, binary recommend taking
search trees and them in order,
Programmi tree balancing unless you have a
MicroBach Intermediat algorithms. background in these
ng & Data self_paced 7 9 9 en-us
elors e areas already and
feel comfortable
to Programming in
Programming in
C++Introduction to
topics build upon
the learnings that
Advanced Database New York Learn the Develop queries in SQL to create This is the 3rd computer-science
Administration University fundamentals of databases, tables and course in the
administering indexesDevelop queries in SQL introductory,
relational that create views.Develop queries undergraduate-level
database in SQL that create stored offering that makes
management proceduresUnderstand concurrent up the larger
systems, database processing through the Introduction to
including use of transactions and Databases
managing locking.Develop queries in SQL MicroBachelors
concurrency and that create functions Program. We
creating objects recommend taking
in the database them in order,
Introductio unless you have a
MicroBach Intermediat background in these
n to self_paced 6 8 5 en-us
elors e areas already and
feel comfortable
topics build upon
the learnings that
are taught in the
Advanced Database New York Learn the Develop queries in SQL to This is the 2nd computer-science
Queries University fundamentals of aggregate data stored in a course in the
interacting with database.Develop queries in SQL introductory,
relational that utilize subqueries.Choose the undergraduate-level
database proper datatype for storing a piece offering that makes
management of information in a up the larger
systems, databaseDevelop queries in SQL Introduction to
including issuing that utilize built-in functions.Design Databases
advanced queries a database that is efficient for MicroBachelors
that return storing data and provides correct Program. We
complicated results in queries recommend taking
results sets. them in order,
Introductio unless you have a
MicroBach Intermediat background in these
n to self_paced 6 8 5 en-us
elors e areas already and
feel comfortable
topics build upon
the learnings that
are taught in the
Advanced New York Learn the Apply basic searching and sorting
This is the 2nd computer-science
Programming in C++ University advanced algorithms in C++ course in the
programming programming.Apply single-and intermediate
topics in the C++ multi-dimensional arrays in C++undergraduate-level
programming programming.Analyze a C++ offering in the larger
language, function to determine it’s Programming and
including computational complexity. Data Structures
functions, MicroBachelors
computation program. We
complexity, recommend taking
arrays and strings. them in order,
unless you have a
Programmi background in these
MicroBach Intermediat areas already and
ng & Data self_paced 7 9 8 en-us
elors e feel comfortable
to Programming in
Programming in
C++Introduction to
topics build upon
the learnings that
are taught in the
Basics of Computing New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
and Programming University paced course that should be able to: understand
provides an binary number systems and
Introduction to conversion to other number
Computing and systemsunderstand hexadecimal
Programming number systems and conversion
to other number systemsapply
numeric and string data types to
represent informationapply
variables in program
developmentanalyze assignment
and apply its components in
Computer program developmentapply basic
MicroBach Science Introductor I/O operations with different data
self_paced 6 8 9 en-us
elors Fundament y typesdesign expressions using
als arithmetic operations (including
understanding their limitations,
such as integer truncation, round-
off error, division by zero,
narrowing and widening
conversions, casting, precedence,
and standard math library
functions)design expressions
using relational operators
(including understanding floating
point equality)design expressions
using logical operators (including
short-circuit)design selection
Basics of Computing New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
and Programming University paced course that should be able to: understand
provides an binary number systems and
Introduction to conversion to other number
Computing and systemsunderstand hexadecimal
Programming number systems and conversion
to other number systemsapply
numeric and string data types to
represent informationapply
variables in program
developmentanalyze assignment
and apply its components in
Computer program developmentapply basic
MicroBach Science Introductor I/O operations with different data
self_paced 6 8 9 en-us
elors Fundament y typesdesign expressions using
als arithmetic operations (including
understanding their limitations,
such as integer truncation, round-
off error, division by zero,
narrowing and widening
conversions, casting, precedence,
and standard math library
functions)design expressions
using relational operators
(including understanding floating
point equality)design expressions
using logical operators (including
short-circuit)design selection
Classical Machine New York Learn a systemic By the end of this course students The course is computer-science,
Learning for University approach to should be able to:apply a intended for economics-
Financial utilizing classical systematic approach to solving financial finance, data-
Engineering machine learning problems involving analyzing and professionals analysis-statistics
models and making inference from data. (analysts, portfolio
techniques to These problems can come from managers, traders,
gain insights from many different domains but our quants, advisers)
data sets, and emphasis will be on Finance.make and other
master the tools predictions based on financial practitioners with an
used in this task. datause alternate data sources interest in finance.
such as images and text for Solid programming
predictionuse these techniques skills are advised;
Profession and data foroptimizing knowledge of
Learning Intermediat
al self_paced 4 6 7 en-us portfoliosrisk Python is an
and e
Certificate managementstreamlining advantage.
operations Students should
also have
knowledge of basic
(including linear
calculus; linear
Computer Hardware New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
and Operating University paced course that should be able to: Define a
Systems provides an computerDefine what an operating
Introduction to system isDescribe components of
Computer an operating systemDescribe how
Computer Hardware and threads work in an operating
MicroBach Science Introductor Operating systemDescribe how memory
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us Systems works in an operating
elors Fundament y
als systemDescribe how data is
represented and how computers
execute instructions to use and
modify data in order to solve

Computer Hardware New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
and Operating University paced course that should be able to: Define a
Systems provides an computerDefine what an operating
Introduction to system isDescribe components of
Computer an operating systemDescribe how
Computer Hardware and threads work in an operating
MicroBach Science Introductor Operating systemDescribe how memory
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us Systems works in an operating
elors Fundament y
als systemDescribe how data is
represented and how computers
execute instructions to use and
modify data in order to solve

Deep Learning and New York Expand your By the end of this course students The course is computer-science,
Neural Networks for University machine learning should be able to:utilize neural intended for economics-
Financial toolkit to include network and deep learning financial finance, data-
Engineering deep learning techniques and apply them in professionals analysis-statistics
techniques, and many domains, including (analysts, portfolio
learn about their Financemake predictions based managers, traders,
applications on financial datause alternate data quants, advisers)
within finance. sources such as images and text and other
and associated techniques such practitioners with an
as image recognition and natural interest in finance.
language processing for Solid programming
predictionuse these techniques skills are advised;
Machine and data foroptimizing portfolios knowledge of
Learning Intermediat and portfolio Python is an
al self_paced 4 6 7 en-us
and e managementmanaging advantage.
Finance riskstreamlining operations Students should
also have
knowledge of basic
(including linear
calculus; linear
algebra. A
(perhaps through
the first course of
Information Security New York Learn more Define Same-Origin This is the 3rd computer-science
- Advanced topics University fundamentals of PolicyDescribe SQL Injection and course in the
information Common defensesDescribe Cross intermediate,
security, including Site Request Forgery (XSRF) and undergraduate-level
Injection Attacks Common DefensesDescribe offering that makes
and Defenses, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and up the larger
Privacy and Common DefensesDiscuss Cybersecurity
Anonymity different definitions of Fundamentals
Software Validity PrivacyDefine anonymityDefine MicroBachelors
and Rights, contextual integrityDescribe Program. We
Cryptocurrency. Differential PrivacyDescribe Mix recommend taking
NetworksDescribe how Tor them in order,
Cybersecur Provides AnonymityDefine Digital unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat CertificatesDescribe the Trusted background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e Platform Module (TPM)Describe areas already and
als DNS AmplificationDistinguish feel comfortable
between Watermarking and skipping
SteganographyDescribe How Bit- ahead.Information
Coin Prevents an Attacker from Security -
Faking a ChainDescribe Why Introduction to
Minors Validate Information
TransactionsDescribe Why SecurityInformation
BitCoin Mining Consumes So Security -
Much Power and Some Authentication and
AlternativesDescribe Threats to Access
the BitCoin EcoSystem ControlInformation
Security - Advanced
Information Security New York Learn more Describe Strengths and This is the 2nd computer-science
- Authentication and University fundamentals of Weaknesses of Data Encryption course in the
Access Control information Standard (DES)Describe intermediate,
security, including Strengths and Weaknesses of undergraduate-level
Introduction to Advanced Encryption Standard offering that makes
Cryptography, (AES)Describe Public Key up the larger
Authentication, CryptographyDescribe Cybersecurity
Access Control Asymmetric Key AlgorithmsDefine Fundamentals
and Hash FunctionsDescribe Public MicroBachelors
Containerization. Key SignaturesDescribe the Program. We
Benefits of the Different Types of recommend taking
AuthenticationDefine access them in order,
Cybersecur controlApply four types of access unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat control (Discretionary, Mandatory, background in these
self_paced 7 9 6 en-us
elors Fundament e Role Based, and Unix/Linux File areas already and
als Access Control)Describe the use feel comfortable
of the SetUID permission in skipping
Unix/LinuxAnalyze an access ahead.Information
control scenario using an Access Security -
Control MatrixDifferentiate Introduction to
between ACL and Information
CapabilitiesDescribe the use of a SecurityInformation
Reference MonitorDescribe the Security -
Security Mechanisms built into Authentication and
Chromium OSGive Examples of Access
Covert Channels including both ControlInformation
Timing Channels and Storage Security - Advanced
ChannelsDescribe the Purpose of TopicsNetwork
Information Security New York Learn the Define the three major terms in This is the 1st computer-science
- Introduction to University fundamentals of cybersecurity (Confidentiality, course in the
Information Security information Integrity, and intermediate,
security, including
Availability)Differentiate between undergraduate-level
Security Design threats, vulnerabilities, and offering that makes
Principles, ThreatattacksArticulate different security up the larger
Modeling and mechanisms.Describe the Cybersecurity
Security Policy. specification, design, & Fundamentals
implementation of secure MicroBachelors
systemsDescribe How to Design Program. We
SecurityEnumerate the recommend taking
Fundamental Design them in order,
Cybersecur PrinciplesDescribe Principles of unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat Secure DesignAnalyze Security, background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e Privacy, Ethics & Legal areas already and
als Issues related to feel comfortable
designEnumerate the Security Life skipping
CycleDescribe Threat ahead.Information
ModelingAnalyze Threats using Security -
RankingApply Attack Introduction to
TreesDiscuss the meaning of Information
"security policy"Outline the SecurityInformation
elements of security Security -
policyDifferentiate between Authentication and
security policy types, models, and Access
levelsDefine and compare five ControlInformation
security models (Bell-La Padula Security - Advanced
Model, Biba Integrity Model, TopicsNetwork
Introduction to Data New York Learn the Demonstrate a basic This is the 3rd computer-science
Structures University advanced understanding of object-oriented course in the
programming programming by using structures intermediate,
topics in the C++ and classes in software undergraduate-level
programming projects.Use object-oriented offering that makes
language, programming techniques to up the larger
including develop executable programs that Programming and
pointers, dynamic include elements such as Data Structures
storage, inheritance and MicroBachelors
recursion, polymorphism.Apply basic program. We
searching, and searching and sorting algorithms recommend taking
sorting. in software design.Apply single- them in order,
Programmi and multi-dimensional arrays in unless you have a
MicroBach Intermediat software.Demonstrate a basic background in these
ng & Data self_paced 5 7 11 en-us
elors e understanding of programming areas already and
methodologies, including object feel comfortable
oriented, structured, and skipping
procedural programming.Design ahead.Introduction
and develop programs that to Programming in
recursion to solve problems that C++Advanced
can be expressed with recurrence. Programming in
C++Introduction to
topics build upon
the learnings that
Introduction to New York Learn the Use tools to issue queries to a This is the 1st computer-science
Database Queries University fundamentals of databaseDevelop queries in SQL course in the
interacting with to create data stored in a introductory,
relational database.Develop queries in SQL undergraduate-level
database to read data stored in a offering that makes
management database.Develop queries in SQL up the larger
systems, to update data stored in a Introduction to
including issuing database.Develop queries in SQL Databases
queries that to delete data stored in a database.MicroBachelors
return results Program. We
sets and modify recommend taking
data. them in order,
Introductio unless you have a
MicroBach Introductor background in these
n to self_paced 6 8 5 en-us
elors y areas already and
feel comfortable
topics build upon
the learnings that
are taught in the
Introduction to New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
Networking University paced course that should be able to: Describe
provides an computer networks and identify
Introduction to key components of
Networking networksDiscuss the principles of
networking applications and
protocols such as HTTP, SMTP,
and FTPDescribe peer to peer
networksExplain the principles
behind the transport layer,
multiplexing and demultiplexing,
reliable data transfer, flow control,
Computer congestion control and TCP and
MicroBach Science Introductor UDPExplain the principles behind
self_paced 3 5 7 en-us
elors Fundament y the network services such as
als network layer service model
forwarding versus routingDescribe
how routers work, including path
selection, broadcast, and
multicastDescribe IP protocol,
routing algorithms, and routing
protocols that are used today on
the Internet RIP OSPF and
BGPDiscuss multiple access
protocols, local area network,
VLANs, EthernetExplain the
principles of network security,
cryptography, confidentiality,
Introduction to New York This is a self- By the end of this course students None computer-science
Networking University paced course that should be able to: Describe
provides an computer networks and identify
Introduction to key components of
Networking networksDiscuss the principles of
networking applications and
protocols such as HTTP, SMTP,
and FTPDescribe peer to peer
networksExplain the principles
behind the transport layer,
multiplexing and demultiplexing,
reliable data transfer, flow control,
Computer congestion control and TCP and
MicroBach Science Introductor UDPExplain the principles behind
self_paced 3 5 7 en-us
elors Fundament y the network services such as
als network layer service model
forwarding versus routingDescribe
how routers work, including path
selection, broadcast, and
multicastDescribe IP protocol,
routing algorithms, and routing
protocols that are used today on
the Internet RIP OSPF and
BGPDiscuss multiple access
protocols, local area network,
VLANs, EthernetExplain the
principles of network security,
cryptography, confidentiality,
Introduction to New York Learn the analyze C++ assignments and This is the 1st computer-science
Programming in C++ University fundamentals of apply its components in program course in the
programming in developmentapply basic C++ I/O intermediate,
the C++ operations with different data undergraduate-level
programming typesdesign C++ expressions offering that makes
language, using arithmetic operations up the larger
including (including understanding their Programming and
iteration, decision limitations, such as integer Data Structures
branching, data truncation, round-off error, division MicroBachelors
types and by zero, narrowing and widening program. We
expression. conversions, casting, precedence, recommend taking
and standard math library them in order,
Programmi functions)design C++ expressions unless you have a
MicroBach Intermediat using relational operators background in these
ng & Data self_paced 6 8 8 en-us
elors e (including understanding floating areas already and
point equality)design C++ feel comfortable
expressions using logical skipping
operators (including short- ahead.Introduction
circuit)design C++ selection to Programming in
statements (including nested C++Advanced
selection)design C++ repetition Programming in
statements (including count- C++Introduction to
controlled versus event-controlled, Data
sentinel-controlled) StructuresAdvanced
topics build upon
the learnings that
Mobile Payment New York This In this course you will learn how to This course is computer-science,
Security University cybersecurity think systematically and critically intended for engineering,
course for about the concepts and cybersecurity business-
professionals challenges informing professionals with management
explores the core implementation of any mobile an interest in
concepts of payments strategy. You will come payment systems.
mobile payment to understand the core issues that Basic knowledge of
security. Whether underlie the changing landscape cybersecurity
you are an of payments and how to secure concepts
analyst, architect, digital transactions by learning:the (cryptography,
or administrator, principle components of open and threat models, etc.)
this course will closed loop payment systemsthe is required, with a
help you uncover difference between MagStripe and BS Degree in
Non- Non- the issues that EMV payments and threat models Cybersecurity
self_paced Advanced 3 5 4 en-us
Program Program inform any mobile associated with eachthe optimal.
payment differences and similarities
implementation. between contact and contactless
payments using EMVwhat the
core standards for payments are
and how they are changingthe
different types of cardholder
authenticationthe differences
between mobile issuance and
mobile acquiring and the role that
financial institutions play in
eachthe roles that tokenization
and token service providers play
in mobile paymentsabout the
Network Security - New York Learn advanced Explain what information is This is the 6th computer-science
Advanced Topics University topics in network collected and analyzed through course in the
security, including network security monitoring, and intermediate,
Security why monitoring is importantDefine undergraduate-level
Monitoring, network security offering that makes
Perimeter monitoringSummarize the policies up the larger
Security, IPv6 used in network security Cybersecurity
and IPv6 Security. monitoringDefine an Intrusion Fundamentals
Detection System/Intrusion MicroBachelors
Prevention System, and provide a Program. We
real-world analogy for an recommend taking
IDSDefine the base rate fallacy them in order,
Cybersecur and summarize an unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat exampleSummarize the options background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e for deploying an IDSDescribe areas already and
als common strategies attackers use feel comfortable
to evade an IDSList potential skipping
indicators of a security ahead.Information
attackDefine honeypots and Security -
honeynets and list their benefits to Introduction to
organizationsSummarize the goals Information
of a firewallList and define four SecurityInformation
types of firewallsSummarize an Security -
example of a filtering ruleExplain Authentication and
the primary function of Access
NATSummarize the advantages ControlInformation
and disadvantages of proxy Security - Advanced
gatewaysExplain the process for TopicsNetwork
Network Security - New York Learn Describe how "social engineering" This is the 4th computer-science
Introduction to University fundamentals of can be used to compromise course in the
Network Security network security, securityDefine the CIA triadIdentify intermediate,
including a deep and plan to manage risks in undergraduate-level
dive into how common situationsDefine a threat offering that makes
networks are tree and threat matrix and explain up the larger
attacked by how they are usedDefine an attack Cybersecurity
malicious users. tree, explain how boolean and Fundamentals
continuous node values are used MicroBachelors
in attack trees, and demonstrate Program. We
how an attack tree can be used to recommend taking
determine vulnerabilitiesExplain them in order,
Cybersecur why it is important for network unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat engineers to understand cyber background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e attack strategies.List and areas already and
als summarize the stages of network feel comfortable
attack methodologyIdentify the skipping
information an attacker might ahead.Information
collect during network Security -
reconnaissanceDescribe at least Introduction to
two "low tech" ways of performing Information
reconnaissance on a SecurityInformation
targetPerform a WHOIS query and Security -
extract the IP address of a DNS Authentication and
serverList at least three publicly Access
available tools used for gathering ControlInformation
information on targetsDefine port Security - Advanced
scanning and describe the TopicsNetwork
Network Security - New York Learn more Define and apply a substitution This is the 5th computer-science
Protocols University fundamentals of cipherDefine cryptanalysisExplain course in the
network security, at a high level the process by intermediate,
including which a plaintext message is undergraduate-level
cryptographic encrypted, transmitted, and offering that makes
algorithms used decrypted.Describe at least two up the larger
in networking strategies for breaking an Cybersecurity
protocols, encryption schemeIdentify the Fundamentals
TLS/SSL, IPSec differences between public key MicroBachelors
Layer 2 Security encryption, symmetric key Program. We
and Wireless encryption, and hashingList and recommend taking
Security. summarize the characteristics of them in order,
Cybersecur good ciphersDescribe the unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat vulnerabilities of stream background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e ciphersDefine AES and explain areas already and
als why it is recommended over feel comfortable
3DESDefine cipher block skipping
chainingList the steps in creating ahead.Information
an RSA public/private key Security -
pairExplain why RSA is Introduction to
secureDefine message integrity Information
and explain how it is SecurityInformation
ensuredDefine IPSec and list its Security -
servicesDefine authentication Authentication and
header and ESPExplain the Access
primary goal of IKE and describe ControlInformation
its sub-protocolsSummarize the Security - Advanced
five steps of IPSec TopicsNetwork
Penetration Testing - New York Learn Scope a penetration testCollect This is the 7th computer-science
Discovering University fundamentals of interesting information as possible course in the
Vulnerabilities penetration about a targetIdentify potential intermediate,
testing, including target systemsIdentify possible undergraduate-level
an Introduction to entry points into a tested offering that makes
Penetration systemConfigure vulnerability up the larger
Testing scanners to identify Cybersecurity
Methodologies, weaknessesAnalyze the results of Fundamentals
Recognisance vulnerability scans MicroBachelors
and Enumeration Program. We
for Penetration recommend taking
Testers, them in order,
Cybersecur Scanning and unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat Vulnerability background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e Enumeration. areas already and
als feel comfortable
Security -
Introduction to
Security -
Authentication and
Security - Advanced
Penetration Testing - New York Learn exploitation Apply methodology to penetration This is the 8th computer-science
Exploitation University phase of tests to ensure they are course in the
penetration consistent, reproducible, rigorous, intermediate,
testing, including and under quality control.Analyze undergraduate-level
the foundations of the results from automated testing offering that makes
explorations, tools to validate findings, up the larger
application determine their business impact, Cybersecurity
debugging, and eliminate false Fundamentals
reverse positives.Discover key application MicroBachelors
engineering, flaws.Use programming to create Program. We
exploitation testing and exploitation scripts recommend taking
development and during a penetration test.Discover them in order,
Cybersecur web application and exploit SQL Injection flaws to unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat exploitation. determine true risk to the victim background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e organization.Create configurations areas already and
als and test payloads within other web feel comfortable
attacks.Fuzz potential inputs for skipping
injection attacks.Explain the ahead.Information
impact of exploitation of Security -
application flaws.Analyze traffic Introduction to
between the client and server Information
application using tools.Discover SecurityInformation
and exploit Cross-Site Request Security -
Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Authentication and
Security - Advanced
Penetration Testing - New York Learn post- Discover credentials utilizing hash This is the 8th computer-science
Post Exploitation University exploitation dumpsPerform pass-the-hash course in the
phases of attacksDocument results of the intermediate,
penetration penetration testUtilize currently undergraduate-level
testing, including exploited systems to gain access offering that makes
Owning, Pivoting, to others.Configure exploitation up the larger
Privilege tools to pivot through a target Cybersecurity
Escalation and environment Fundamentals
other advanced MicroBachelors
penetration Program. We
testing topics. recommend taking
them in order,
Cybersecur unless you have a
MicroBach ity Intermediat background in these
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
elors Fundament e areas already and
als feel comfortable
Security -
Introduction to
Security -
Authentication and
Security - Advanced
Adobe Illustrator: Pontificia Tendrás Aprenderás conceptos básicos Ninguno design
aprende a crear Universida herramientas aplicables de Adobe Illustrator
presentaciones de d ágiles para para tu trabajoConocerás la
impacto Javeriana diseñar interfaz básica de Adobe Illustrator
presentaciones herramientas de
Herramient creativas y de vectorizadoTrabajaremos
as de impacto, la comunicación eficaz y lenguaje
Profession presentaci diagramación y gráficoHaremos retoque de
al ón: Power self_paced 9 10 5 es-co recursos visuales imagen digital con Adobe
Certificate Point, potenciarán las PhotoshopA complementar tus
Photoshop ideas que deseas habilidades de comunicación con
e Illustrator transmitir. presentaciones creativasCómo
complementar tus habilidades de
comunicación con presentaciones
de impacto usando Adobe
Análisis e Pontificia Desarrolla un Al finalizar el curso estarás en Los requisitos economics-finance
interpretación de Universida entendimiento capacidad de entender los mínimos para este
información d más amplio y principios básicos del análisis curso son un
económica y Javeriana completo de los fundamental y técnicoAumentarás conocimiento
financiera mercados tu comprensión de diferentes básico de economía
financieros, la variables económicas, la y mercados
política construcción de índices y las financieros ya que
Non- Non- Intermediat monetaria, la decisiones de política monetaria y sobre estos
self_paced 6 8 5 es-co
Program Program e política fiscal, las fiscalApoyándose en todo lo componentes se
variables anterior también podrás realizar avanzará en el
económicas y un análisis más profundo del desarrollo de las
cómo interactúan comportamiento y la sostenibilidad diferentes unidades.
entre ellos en los mercados financieros
variables como
los precios y la
Apnea del sueño: Pontificia Aprende las Reconocer las pruebas utilizadas medicine
nuevas tecnologías Universida bases del manejo en el diagnóstico de la apnea del
d integral y sueñoInterpretar los resultados
Javeriana multidisciplinario encontrados en una
de la apnea del polisomnografía, y en otras
sueño en niños y ayudas diagnósticas como
adultos. cuestionarios de sueño,
cefalometrías y
los signos y síntomas
frecuentemente asociados a la
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 10 12 4 es-co apnea del sueño en la población
Program Program y
pediátrica y de adultosIdentificar el
equipo multidisciplinario que debe
manejar al paciente con apnea del
sueñoConocerlos enfoques
terapéuticos más exitosos para el
control de la apnea y de algunas
comorbilidades asociadas a la
apnea del sueño en niños y

Apnea y Trastornos Pontificia Curso en el cual ¿Qué aprenderá?Algunos Ninguno health-safety

del Sueño Universida aprenderá a síntomas y signos de trastornos
d reconocer del sueño en adultos¿Cómo se
Javeriana algunos de los manifiestan los trastornos del
Non- Non- Introductor síntomas sueño en niños?¿Cómo
self_paced 9 10 10 es-es asociados a los diagnosticar algunos de los
Program Program y
problemas de trastornos del sueño en niños y
sueño en niños y adultos?¿Cuáles son las
adultos. consecuencias de tener trastornos
del sueño?
Comunicarnos sin Pontificia Este curso en Desarrollar habilidades que Ninguno medicine,
daño para la Universida linea brinda permitan a los estudiantes communication,
reconciliación y la d herramientas y identificar, construir y divulgar humanities
salud mental Javeriana recomendaciones contenidos de comunicación sin
para que los dañoEl impacto de la
participantes comunicación sin daño que tiene
puedan generar sobre la salud mental de los
Non- Non- Introductor contenidos y ciudadanosFomentar espacios de
self_paced 8 10 5 es-co
Program Program y espacios de reconciliación a traves de la
comunicación sin comunicación como eje
daño, desde un transformador de
enfoque conflictosApropiar las
psicosocialque herramientas del libro,
permita fortalecer Comunicarnos sin daño: una
espacios de perspectiva psicosocial
reconciliación y
El arte de vender: Pontificia Gerencia Aprende a Manejar el producto de acuerdo al economics-
introducción a las Universida de ventas: desarrollar los cliente.Hacer preguntas finance, business-
ventas d desarrollo conceptos que inteligentes que te ayuden a management
Javeriana Profession de Introductor forman la cultura conocer mejor al cliente.Técnicas
al self_paced 4 6 4 es-co del vendedor y de negociación para aprender a
habilidades y
Certificate que lo hace clave negociar
comerciale en la efectivamente.Profundizar en el
s comercialización cliente y sus necesidades.
Finanzas Personales Pontificia de producto
Realice el o Usted aprenderá a:Ser Ninguno business-
Universida diagnóstico real financieramente ordenado y a management,
d de sus finanzas desarrollar una visión clara, que economics-finance
Javeriana personales o incluya qué se quiere, cómo y
familiares y logre dónde, a fin de establecer
Non- Non- Introductor la libertad objetivos financieros asociados a
self_paced 9 10 10 es-es
Program Program y financiera. su proyecto de vida.Administrar
las finanzas para que se
conviertan en un medio para
lograr los objetivos y no en una
Fundamentos de la Pontificia Curso para El origen de Bitcoin y la tecnología Ninguno economics-
Tecnología Universida aprender de blockchainEl funcionamiento finance,
Blockchain d Bitcoin, la general de la tecnología engineering
Javeriana tecnología blockchainLas principales
blockchain, su características de los distintos
Non- Non- Introductor funcionamiento, criptoactivosEl potencial de los
self_paced 7 10 5 es-co
Program Program y casos de uso y contratos inteligentes y sus
cómo va a aplicacionesLas diferencias entre
cambiar nuestras blockchains privadas, blockchains
vidas. públicas y blockchain híbridas
Gobernanza de Pontificia Aprende qué es Concepto de gobernanza de Ninguno Sin law, computer-
datos personales en Universida la gobernanza de protección de datos personales. El embargo se science, business-
la era digital d datos personales curso online explica cómo la recomienda que el management
Javeriana y desarrolla protección de datos y la privacidad estudiante asista al
habilidades para derivan en la gobernanza curso Protección de
diseñar e organizacional y estudia el Datos Personales
implementar impacto de la misma en una en la Era Digital
leyes y políticas sociedad y escomía digitalTemas antes de este de
públicas en y cuestiones clave de protección manera que
materia de datos de datos para quienes formulan conozca las
personales en la políticas públicas en el entorno nociones básicas y
Gestión de era digital. online. La perspectiva de política pueda comprender
la pública en materia de gobernanza mejor los
protección de datos personales en la era contenidos de este
al self_paced Advanced 6 8 4 es-co
de datos digitalDesafíos de quienes aplican curso.
personales las normas de protección de datos
en línea al momento de crear y poner en
marcha programas de
cumplimiento (compliance).
Aspectos corporativos y
organizacionales de la
gobernanza de datos personales
para abordar los desafíos que las
organizaciones enfrentan al
momento de cumplir con leyes y
regulaciones localesTendencias y
tenciones de la protección de
datos en la era digital: desde
Lánzate a la Pontificia En Design Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante Ninguno design, business-
Innovación con Universida Thinking como estara en la capacidad management,
Design Thinking d metodología de de:Encontrarla solución de un engineering
Javeriana innovación, problema a partir de
descubrirás como Flipkit,comprendiendo la
innovar a partir metodología Design Thinking en el
Non- Non- Introductor del FlipKit, un diseño y desarrollo de soluciones
self_paced 4 6 7 es-co conjunto de creativas.Generar y gestionar un
Program Program y
herramientas pensamiento creativo para poder
prácticas y implementar soluciones
sencillas para innovadorasIdentificar situaciones
que comprendas dónde el Design Thinking puede
como utilizar esta ser usado como metodología
metodología en el innovadora
diseño y
Pensamiento Pontificia Bienvenido al Explicar los conceptos de Ninguno"" humanities
creativo Universida curso creatividad según cada
d "Pensamiento perspectiva de estudioReflexionar
Javeriana creativo".¿Quiere sobre las prácticas del día a día
s entender qué con respecto a la aplicación de
es la procesos cognitivos
Non- Non- Introductor creatividad?¿en creativosInferir los puntos en
self_paced 8 10 5 es-co
Program Program y qué aproximación común entre los modelos
o teoría te presentados para desarrollar
encuentras?¿quie procesos cognitivos creativos
res saber si
creatividad o
Photoshop: una Pontificia Este es el primer Fundamentos de estética, art-culture, design
herramienta para Universida Herramient curso en línea composición y formato en
presentaciones d as de para crear y fotografíaFuentes para obtener
innovadoras Javeriana Profession presentaci obtener imágenes fotográficasFormas de
Introductor fotografías catalogar y clasificar imágenes en
al ón: Power self_paced 8 10 5 es-co
y contundentes Adobe BridgeRevelado digital en
Certificate Point,
Photoshop para tus Adobe Camera RAWProcesos de
e Illustrator presentaciones ajustes, manipulación y
de alto impacto fotomontaje en Adobe Photoshop
Pronósticos de Pontificia con el programa
Aprender a Lo que aprenderá¿Qué va El curso está business-
ventas: una Universida elaborar e aprender?Objetivos de los dirigido a management,
herramienta d Gerencia interpretar los pronósticos de ventasEnfoque de emprendedores, data-analysis-
comercial Javeriana de ventas: pronósticos de los pronósticosCómo elaborar empresarios, statistics,
desarrollo ventas, permite pronósticos de ventasCómo ejecutivos de economics-finance
Profession prevenir, analizar los resultados de esos ventas,
de Introductor
al self_paced 9 10 4 es-es desarrollar, pronósticosCómo sacar profesionales y/o
habilidades y
Certificate supervisar y conclusiones exitosas en pocos tecnólogos que
comerciale juzgar estrategias pasos tengan
s administrativas conocimientos de
para cualquier Excel.
tamaño de
Protección de datos Pontificia Aprende Nociones fundamentales de Ninguno engineering,
personales en la era Universida conceptos, privacidad y protección de computer-science,
digital d principios, roles, datos.Historia, principios, communication
Javeriana tendencias y posiciones y aproximaciones a la
tensiones sobre protección de datos y la
privacidad y interrelación entre la protección de
proteccion de datos personales y
datos personales privacidad.Conceptos básicos y
Gestión de que surgen al dar elementos comunes de las leyes
la tratamiento a de protección de datos aplicados
protección Introductor datos personales a la tecnología, responsabilidad
al self_paced 8 10 5 es-co
de datos y en la era digital. de los distintos agentes,
personales aplicación territorial y necesidades
en línea de armonización
normativa.Protección de datos
personales en el ecosistema
digital; desafios y tensiones
derivadas del uso de plataformas,
herramientas y servicios digitales
y como enfrentarlos.
Transformación Pontificia Este curso en Comprender “la ruta de business-
digital en las Universida línea se enfoca transformación digital” a través de management
empresas d en mostrar y las etapas que la componen y su
Javeriana evidenciar las implementación para mejorar los
seis ETAPAS de niveles de productividad
la transformación empresarialReconocer las etapas
Non- Non- Introductor digital, que de la ruta de transformación digital
self_paced 5 6 7 es-co
Program Program y actualmente son a través de los elementos que la
un referente componen y su funcionalidad para
global para mejorar los procesos de
entender este productividad empresarial
proceso de
adopción en las
AP Physics 1 Rice A self-paced, Newton’s Laws and Algebra and basic physics, science
University comprehensive motionConservation of energy mathematical
course to prepare and concepts.
Non- Non- Introductor you for the AP momentumGravitationElectric
self_paced 3 4 18 en-us
Program Program y Physics 1 exam. charge in matterElectric forces
and fieldsDC circuitsWaves
and sound
DNA: Biology’s Rice DNA carries the Methods that identified DNA as High school biology-life-
Genetic Code University defining data for the genetic materialStructure of chemistry and sciences
life in a simple DNA and methods for packaging biology and
genetic code that DNA into the cellImpacts of BIOC300.1x OR
comes with its packaging on DNA expression in understanding and
own “back-up” higher organisms and passage of knowledge of
system. Explore information with no change in DNA protein structure
DNA structure (epigenetics)Location-specific and function
with us! DNA expression in the
cellMachinery for replicating DNA
with an extremely low error
ratePlace of origin and timing for
DNA replicationMechanisms for
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us “preserving” the ends of linear
Program Program e
DNATypes of damage that affect
DNA structure and how DNA
moves aroundProcedures to
amplify DNA sequences and to
determine base
sequenceEnzymes to fragment
DNA into specific segments that
can be separatedMethods to
recombine DNA segments from
different sourcesWays to
introduce recombined DNA into
cells, including human cells

Mechanics, Part 2 Rice Learn the physics Rotational Motion, Angular Secondary school physics
University of how things Momentum, Statics and Elasticity, (high school)
move with this Gravitation, How to apply vector algebra and
Non- Non- Intermediat calculus-based analysis and calculus to solve trigonometry.
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Program Program e course in physics problems Calculus is needed
Mechanics. but can be learned
Ordinary Differential Rice Study of ordinary Introduction to differential This course require math
Equations and University differential equations and their solutions single variable
Linear Algebra equations (e.g., Qualitative Analysis via Directional calculus,
solutions to Fields Separable Equations differentiation and
separable and Theory of 1st order Differential integration.
linear first-order Equations, i.e. Picard's Theorem
equations and to 1st order Linear Differential
higher-order Equations with two techniques
linear equations Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra
with constant Solving systems of linear
coefficients, equations by using Gauss Jordan
systems of linear Elimination Invertibility-
differential Determinants Subspaces and
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 2 8 7 en-us equations, the Vector Spaces Linear
Program Program e
properties of Independency Span Basis-
solutions to Dimension
equations) and
linear algebra
(e.g., vector
spaces and
solutions to
algebraic linear
eigenvalues, and
eigenvectors of a
Ordinary Differential Rice Study of ordinary Higher order linear differential This course require math
Equations and University differential equations with constant single variable
Linear Algebra - equations (e.g., coefficients: Nonhomogeneous calculus,
Part 2 solutions to Analysis Eigenvalues- differentiation and
separable and Eigenvectors Systems of integration.
linear first-order Differential Analysis
equations and to Comprehensive Analysis on
higher-order Stability behavior of 2x2 linear
linear equations systems Nonlinear System
with constant analysis by Phase Plane portraits
coefficients, Nonlinear System analysis by
systems of linear Linearization
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 2 8 7 en-us equations, the
Program Program e
properties of
solutions to
equations) and
linear algebra
(e.g., vector
spaces and
solutions to
algebraic linear
eigenvalues, and
eigenvectors of a
Proteins: Biology's Rice Learn how the How proteins are structured and Secondary (high biology-life-
Workforce University protein you eat fold into functional formsThe school) chemistry sciences
keeps you alive variety of functions that proteins and biology
Non- Non- Intermediat and healthy by perform, including enzyme
self_paced 4 6 5 en-us
Program Program e powering key catalysisHow to purify, analyze,
functions from and characterize protein structure
metabolism to and function
Business Rochester DNA
how to How to critically evaluate your role communication,
Communication Institute of effectively in workplace interactionsHow to business-
Technology communicate and employ strategies for active management
build professional listeningHow to ask questions that
Profession relationships move conversations forwardHow
Leadership Introductor through face-to- to communicate ideas clearly and
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Essentials y face, written, and succinctlyHow to assess needs of
non-verbal clients and colleaguesBest
communication. practices for face-to-face and
remote communication

Business Rochester Learn how to How to critically evaluate your role communication,
Communication Institute of effectively in workplace interactionsHow to business-
Technology communicate and employ strategies for active management
build professional listeningHow to ask questions that
Profession relationships move conversations forwardHow
Leadership Introductor through face-to- to communicate ideas clearly and
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Essentials y face, written, and succinctlyHow to assess needs of
non-verbal clients and colleaguesBest
communication. practices for face-to-face and
remote communication

Business Rochester Learn how to How to critically evaluate your role communication,
Communication Institute of effectively in workplace interactionsHow to business-
Technology communicate and employ strategies for active management
build professional listeningHow to ask questions that
Profession relationships move conversations forwardHow
Leadership Introductor through face-to- to communicate ideas clearly and
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Essentials y face, written, and succinctlyHow to assess needs of
non-verbal clients and colleaguesBest
communication. practices for face-to-face and
remote communication

Critical Thinking & Rochester The most How to perform strategic analysis communication,
Problem Solving Institute of successful and assessmentHow to perceive business-
Technology professionals are and assess a critical need and management
able to assess design a tailored solutionHow to
the environment, identify key stakeholders and
Profession analyze a ensure their needs are metHow to
Leadership Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us situation, design employ adaptive problem-
Essentials y
Certificate a solution, and solvingHow to work through
ultimately win in a obstacles collaborativelyHow to
competitive analyze failure to improve future
scenario. performance
Critical Thinking & Rochester The most How to perform strategic analysis communication,
Problem Solving Institute of successful and assessmentHow to perceive business-
Technology professionals are and assess a critical need and management
able to assess design a tailored solutionHow to
the environment, identify key stakeholders and
Profession analyze a ensure their needs are metHow to
Leadership Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us situation, design employ adaptive problem-
Essentials y
Certificate a solution, and solvingHow to work through
ultimately win in a obstacles collaborativelyHow to
competitive analyze failure to improve future
scenario. performance

Critical Thinking & Rochester The most How to perform strategic analysis communication,
Problem-Solving Institute of successful and assessmentHow to perceive business-
Technology professionals are and assess a critical need and management
able to assess design a tailored solutionHow to
the environment, identify key stakeholders and
Profession analyze a ensure their needs are metHow to
Leadership Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us situation, design employ adaptive problem-
Essentials y
Certificate a solution, and solvingHow to work through
ultimately win in a obstacles collaborativelyHow to
competitive analyze failure to improve future
scenario. performance

Data Analytics and Rochester Learn best Identify current forces disrupting This course is ideal data-analysis-
Visualization in Institute of practices in data today's health care for those who have statistics,
Health Care Technology analytics, industrySummarize current health completed a business-
informatics, and care trends and their impact on bachelor's degree. management,
visualization to cost, quality, and patient Some experience in medicine
gain literacy in engagementDescribe health the health care field
data-driven, informatics' role in clinical recommended, but
strategic workflow and patient not required.
imperatives that engagementIdentify components Fundamental
affect all facets of of health information knowledge of
health care. technologyExplain the importance statistics and
interoperability in health care research methods
Non- Non-
self_paced Advanced 8 10 8 en-us analyticsSummarize data preferred.
Program Program
collection, processing, and
analysis best practicesExplore the
implications of artificial intelligence
on extraction and analysis of
complex data setsInterpret data
analysis results from a
visualization exampleIdentify
visualization best
practicesPrepare a simple data
visualization using health care data
Data Literacy Rochester Take the first step After completing this course, data-analysis-
Foundations Institute of to becoming a learners will be able to:● Give statistics
Technology leader in data- examples of how people use data
Data driven decision- every day● Describe legal and
Profession Analysis making. ethical issues associated with
al for self_paced 6 8 4 en-us data● Apply critical thinking skills
Certificate Decision- when working with data● Identify
Making appropriate data analysis tools
and techniques for various needs

Data Processing Rochester Learn to use After completing this course, Proficiency in MS data-analysis-
and Analysis with Institute of Data Excel to organize learners will be able to use Excel is statistics
Excel Technology Profession Analysis and clean data so Microsoft Excel to:● Perform basic recommended.
Intermediat it can be data organization ● Clean data ●
al for self_paced 6 8 4 en-us
e manipulated and Develop a data analysis plan●
Certificate Decision-
Making analyzed. Perform analysis methods and
Data Representation Rochester Use Tableau to After completing this course, data-analysis-
and Visualization in Institute of explore data and learners will be able to: ● Identify statistics
Tableau Technology discover insights key points from data analysis and
to innovate data- integrate them with other
driven decision- important information● Use
Data making. Tableau to create meaningful
Profession Analysis tables and graphical
al for self_paced 6 8 4 en-us representations to organize and
Certificate Decision- visually present data● Critically
Making assess graphical representations
for accuracy and
misrepresentation of data●
Evaluate decisions/solutions
based on data
Public Speaking Rochester Build confidence How to apply the basic elements communication,
Institute of as a speaker by of the speech communication business-
Technology learning how to processTools and methods for management
use simple tools controlling public speaking
Profession and skills to anxietyHow to craft a clear and
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us prepare and impactful speechHow to critique
ation Skills y
Certificate deliver other communicators using the
memorable principles of this courseHow to
presentations. identify main and supporting ideas

Public Speaking Rochester Build confidence How to apply the basic elements communication,
Institute of as a speaker by of the speech communication business-
Technology learning how to processTools and methods for management
use simple tools controlling public speaking
Profession and skills to anxietyHow to craft a clear and
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us prepare and impactful speechHow to critique
ation Skills y
Certificate deliver other communicators using the
memorable principles of this courseHow to
presentations. identify main and supporting ideas
Public Speaking Rochester Build confidence How to apply the basic elements communication,
Institute of as a speaker by of the speech communication business-
Technology learning how to processTools and methods for management
use simple tools controlling public speaking
Profession and skills to anxietyHow to craft a clear and
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us prepare and impactful speechHow to critique
ation Skills y
Certificate deliver other communicators using the
memorable principles of this courseHow to
presentations. identify main and supporting ideas

Storytelling in the Rochester Learn how to Understand the elements of communication,

Workplace Institute of craft messages effective stories and how to use business-
Technology and narratives them in the workplaceHow to tailor management
that will resonate your messaging to a defined target
with your target audienceHow to structure written
Profession audience to messages for maximum audience
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us create your impact, taking into consideration
ation Skills y
Certificate desired outcome. tone, style, point of viewHow
various platforms convey
messages differently in a
professional setting

Storytelling in the Rochester Learn how to Understand the elements of communication,

Workplace Institute of craft messages effective stories and how to use business-
Technology and narratives them in the workplaceHow to tailor management
that will resonate your messaging to a defined target
with your target audienceHow to structure written
Profession audience to messages for maximum audience
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us create your impact, taking into consideration
ation Skills y
Certificate desired outcome. tone, style, point of viewHow
various platforms convey
messages differently in a
professional setting

Storytelling in the Rochester Learn how to Understand the elements of communication,

Workplace Institute of craft messages effective stories and how to use business-
Technology and narratives them in the workplaceHow to tailor management
that will resonate your messaging to a defined target
with your target audienceHow to structure written
Profession audience to messages for maximum audience
Communic Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us create your impact, taking into consideration
ation Skills y
Certificate desired outcome. tone, style, point of viewHow
various platforms convey
messages differently in a
professional setting
Teamwork & Rochester Learn essential How to understand the communication,
Collaboration Institute of teamwork and complexities of group dynamics business-
Technology collaboration and interactionsHow to motivate management
Profession skills to lead, by improving group climateHow to
Leadership Introductor build and develop skills in leadership,
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Essentials y motivate teams in problem-solving, conflict
the workplace. management, and other critical
group dynamicsHow to assess
team effectiveness and success
Teamwork & Rochester Learn essential How to understand the communication,
Collaboration Institute of teamwork and complexities of group dynamics business-
Technology collaboration and interactionsHow to motivate management
Profession skills to lead, by improving group climateHow to
Leadership Introductor build and develop skills in leadership,
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Essentials y motivate teams in problem-solving, conflict
the workplace. management, and other critical
group dynamicsHow to assess
team effectiveness and success
Unreal Engine Rochester Expand your ● Core fundamentals of node- Some previous computer-science
Interactive 3D: Institute of interactive Unreal based programming with the experience with 3D
Blueprints, Technology Engine 3D skills Unreal Blueprint system● How to design and
Animation, Audio, & with Blueprints, build large environments, and programming
Environments Unreal Landscapes, integrate multiple layers of concepts is
Profession Audio and AI materials and foliage● How to use recommended. It is
Engine Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 6 en-us skeletal meshes in simulation, also recommended
Foundation y
Certificate animation, morphs and more● that learners begin
Basics of artificial intelligence with UNRL 101, as
branching systems ● Basics of this is the 2nd part
Unreal interactive / spatialized of a 3-part
audio certificate.
Visual Presentation Rochester Learn how How to utilize best practices for communication,
Institute of impactful images presenting quantitative data using business-
Technology can enhance your imagesHow to incorporate basics management
presentation, of visual design in everyday
Profession communication workplace presentationsHow to
Communic Introductor and messaging to select impactful and appropriate
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
ation Skills y impress your images for various audiences to
audience. support your messageHow to
understand visual hierarchy and
other text-to-image relationships

Visual Presentation Rochester Learn how How to utilize best practices for communication,
Institute of impactful images presenting quantitative data using business-
Technology can enhance your imagesHow to incorporate basics management
presentation, of visual design in everyday
Profession communication workplace presentationsHow to
Communic Introductor and messaging to select impactful and appropriate
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
ation Skills y impress your images for various audiences to
audience. support your messageHow to
understand visual hierarchy and
other text-to-image relationships
Visual Presentation Rochester Learn how How to utilize best practices for communication,
Institute of impactful images presenting quantitative data using business-
Technology can enhance your imagesHow to incorporate basics management
presentation, of visual design in everyday
Profession communication workplace presentationsHow to
Communic Introductor and messaging to select impactful and appropriate
al self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
ation Skills y impress your images for various audiences to
audience. support your messageHow to
understand visual hierarchy and
other text-to-image relationships

(Un-)Heilige Texte – RWTH Müssen Grundlegendes über die Teile der art-culture,
Biblische Theologie Aachen Theologen alles BibelÜberblick über die biblische philosophy-ethics
University glauben, was in ZeitgeschichteWissenschaftlich-
der Bibel steht? kritischer Umgang mit den
In diesem Kurs biblischen TextenÜberblick über
lernen Sie exegetische Methoden
Non- Non- Introductor Grundlagen für
self_paced 3 4 5 de-de
Program Program y einen kritisch-
reflektierten und
hen Umgang mit
der Bibel kennen
wie historische
2000 christliche RWTH Geschichte ist Grundlagen-Informationen zu den art-culture,
Jahre – Historische Aachen mehr als die Zeitaltern der 2000 Jahre philosophy-ethics
Theologie University Aneinanderreihun KirchengeschichteDetailliertere
g von Auseinandersetzung mit
Jahreszahlen. relevanten Vertretern bzw.
Non- Non- Introductor Die Geschichte Fragestellungen der Epochen
self_paced 3 4 5 de-de der Kirche ist voll
Program Program y
von Krieg und
Traditionen und
von Bösewichten
und Heiligen. Der
Der Start-up CFO RWTH Ein kompakter Kontext: Welche Rolle spielt ein Dieser Kurs ist fuer business-
Aachen Überblick über Start-up alle Zielgruppen management
University Entrepreneurial CFO?Finanzierungsstrategie: Wie geeignet und hat
Finance – lernen optimiere ich meine damit keine
Sie die Finanzierungsentscheidungen?Fin zwingenden
wichtigsten anzierungsquellen: Wie erhalte ich Voraussetzungen.
Bausteine einer Zugang zu Allerdings ist es von
soliden Finanzmitteln?Business Angel Vorteil, wenn Sie
finanziellen Basis Finanzierung: Wie waehle ich ein Interesse an
für Start-Ups einen Business Angel aus?Erste Unternehmertum
kennen. Schritte: Was muss ich haben und ein
letztendlich tun, bevor ich Unternehmen
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 5 6 7 de-de anfange?Haeufige Pitfalls: Worauf gruenden wollen
Program Program y
sollte ich achten, um haeufige (oder bereits
Pitfall meines Start-up CFO zu gegründet
vermeiden? haben).Das
Grundlagen ist
ebenfalls von Vorteil.

Einführung in RWTH Was ist Konsumentenverhalten und B2B- business-

Marketing Aachen Marketing? Was MarketingGrundlagen der management
University ist gutes Marktforschung und
Marketing? Und Datenanalyse/-
Non- Non- Introductor wie macht man interpretationMarketingstrategiePro
self_paced 2 4 10 de-de
Program Program y eigentlich gutes duktpolitik und
Marketing? Das MarkenmanagementPreispolitik
sind die drei
großen Fragen,
Facettenreicher RWTH die in "Einführung
In diesem MOOC Die Glaubensgrundlagen des art-culture,
Islam – Aachen soll ein solides IslamMuhammad, der Prophet des philosophy-ethics
Religionswissenscha University Basiswissen über IslamIslamische Praxis (z.B.
ft den Islam Sharia-Recht, Familienleben)
vermittelt werden. Islamische Religion und
Dabei geht es ToleranzGewalt und Frieden im
Non- Non- Introductor aber nicht nur um IslamFrauen im Islam
self_paced 3 4 6 de-de Basisthemen wie
Program Program y
„Die fünf Säulen
des Islams“ oder
„Die sechs
sondern auch um
Themen wie
„Islam und
Hydrologie I RWTH Wie ist das Sie lernen Verfahren zur engineering,
Aachen Wasservorkomme Niederschlagsmessung kennen biology-life-
University n auf der Welt und erfahren, wie sie angewendet sciences
verteilt? Wer auf werden.Sie lernen
der Welt unterschiedliche Verfahren zur
verbraucht am Ermittlung von
meisten Wasser? Gebietsniederschlägen kennen
Wie wird und lernen diese anzuwenden, um
gemessen, wie von Punktmessungen von
viel Niederschlag Niederschlägen auf
es pro qm gibt Gebietsniederschläge zu
und wie lange gelangen.Sie lernen
würde es dauern, unterschiedliche Verfahren zur
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 5 7 de-de das gesamte Messung sowie zur Berechnung
Program Program y
Wasservorkomme der Verdunstung kennen.Sie
n der Welt einmal lernen die verschiedenen
auszutauschen? Abflusskomponenten kennen und
Diese und viele erfahren mehr über die Verfahren
weitere Fragen zur Abflussmessung.Sie lernen
werden im Kurs mehr über die grundlegenden
Hydrologie I Annahmen der (hydrologischen)
beantwortet. Statistik.Sie lernen die
charakteristischen Kenngrößen,
die ein Gewässer beschreiben
sowie ihre Zonierung kennen.

Hydrologie II RWTH Wie wandeln sich Sie lernen die Eingriffe in den engineering,
Aachen Gewässer im Natur und Wasserhaushalt zu biology-life-
University Lauf der Zeit? verstehen, die durch sciences
Wie hat sich der wasserbauliche
Lebensraum von wasserwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen
Tieren durch den stattgefunden haben.Sie lernen
Eingriff von die Zusammenhänge zwischen
Menschen in die Gewässerleitbild IST Zustand und
Natur verändert? Entwicklungsziel kennen.Sie
Was sind die erfahren mehr über die generellen
Ziele der Ziele sowie die Umweltziele der
europäischen EG-WRRL.Sie lernen, wie man
Wasserpolitik und die Abhängigkeiten und
Non- Non- Introductor welche Zusammenhänge zwischen den
self_paced 4 5 7 de-de
Program Program y Auswirkungen hat unterschiedlichen europäischen
sie auf die und nationalen Regelungen
Gesetzgebung? erkennt.Sie lernen die
Diese und viele bundesweiten
weitere Fragen Fließgewässerlandschaften
werden im Kurs kennen.Sie lernen
Hydrologie II allgemeinverständlich
beantwortet. Zusammenhänge zwischen den
aktuellen Fließgewässertypen und
der biologischen Gewässergüte zu
formulieren.Sie lernen die
Grundlagen der Nahrungsketten in
Fließgewässern und kennen.
Innovation RWTH Help your To understand how current mega- Basic business and business-
Strategies for Aachen organization trends challenge extant mathematical skills management
Electric Mobility: The University develop the approaches from the domains of are beneficial.
StreetScooter Case strategies needed Marketing, Innovation, and
to become a front- Entrepreneurship.To adjust
Non- Non- Intermediat runner of innovation processes to the
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us innovation in technological and environmental
Program Program e
electric mobility imperatives of the twenty-first
and beyond. century.To translate the previously
gained knowledge into market-
ready products for electric mobility
and beyond.
Religionsphilosophie RWTH Im MOOC nutzen Verhältnisbestimmung von Glaube Geschichtskenntniss art-culture,
Aachen Sie und VernunftKennenlernen der e sind hilfreiche philosophy-ethics
University philosophische großen Etappen der Grundlage für
Werkzeuge, um PhilosophiegeschichteEinblicke in diesen Kurs, aber
‚Religion‘ als moderne keine
Phänomen ErkenntnistheorieReflexion Voraussetzung.
Non- Non- Introductor besser zu religiöser
self_paced 5 6 4 de-de
Program Program y verstehen und Erfahrung(en)Nachvollzug von
um über religiöse und kritischer Umgang mit den
Überzeugungen GottesbeweisenUmgang mit
nachzudenken. ReligionskritikReflexion religiöser

Venture Capital RWTH Der MOOC Was ein Risikokapitalgeber ist und Es ist von Vorteil, business-
Aachen Venture Capital wie er arbeitet.Wie man einen wenn Sie ein management
University hilft im Umgang Risikokapitalgeber auswahlt und Interesse an
mit potentiellen anspricht.Über den Unternehmertum
Investoren und Risikokapitalprozess und die haben und ein
Venture Grundlagen der Unternehmen
Capitalists. RisikokapitalfinanzierungKenntniss gruenden wollen
e uber Bewertungs- und (oder bereits
Verhandlungstechniken.Über das gegruendet haben).
Non- Non- Introductor Term Sheet, seine Klauseln und Das Verstaendnis
self_paced 5 6 7 de-de
Program Program y Moglichkeiten und Fallstricke.Was einiger
andert sich, wenn ein grundlegender
Risikokapitalgeber in Ihr mathematischer
Unternehmen eintrittWie, wann Grundlagen ist
und warum ein Venture Capitalist ebenfalls vorteilhaft.
aus Ihrem Unternehmen
ausscheidet.Wie die Theorie in
diesem ganzen Prozess ins Spiel

Öffentliche RWTH Religion gilt als Grundlagen religiöser Bildung im Interesse an den art-culture,
Privatsache Religion Aachen Privatsache und Kontext der heutigen praktischen Fragen philosophy-ethics
– Aspekte University wird doch GesellschaftEinblicke in der Kirche als
praktischer öffentlich gelebt. verschiedene Sprachformen der religiöser Institution
Theologie Non- Non- Introductor Der Kurs blickt religiösen Institution KircheEinblick in der modernen
self_paced 5 6 3 de-de auf verschiedene in die LiturgiewissenschaftEinblick Gesellschaft.
Program Program y
praktische in das Kirchenrecht
religiösen Lebens
und der Kirche
als religiöser
Alzheimer’s Disease Salisbury Provides an What Alzheimer’s disease is, its medicine, health-
& Dementia Care University overview of pathophysiology, risk factors and safety
University Alzheimer’s how it is diagnosedKey cognitive,
System of disease, including behavioral and neuropsychiatric
Maryland pathophysiology, symptoms of Alzheimer’s
risk factors, diseaseTwo classes of
stages, medications used to enhance
symptoms, cognitive function in persons with
diagnosis, Alzheimer’s diseaseHow validation
including therapy and other evidence-based
medications used therapeutic communication
Non- Non- Intermediat to enhance principles optimize interactions
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
Program Program e cognitive and care outcomesKey principles
function. Reviews when caring for the hospitalized
modified person with dementia/Alzheimer’s
communication disease A better understanding of
strategies that the role of the dementia caregiver,
optimize stresses and available resources,
interactions and as well as the overall experience
reduce behavioral of caring for the person with
expressions. dementia
Explores the topic
of dementia
caregiving, its
Overview & Salisbury Provides an What Parkinson’s disease is and None medicine, health-
Management of University overview of how it is different from other safety
Parkinson’s Disease University Parkinson’s common neurological
System of disease, including disordersKey motor, non-motor
Maryland risk factors, and neuropsychiatric symptoms of
stages, Parkinson’s diseaseMedications
symptoms, used to manage the motor
medications and symptoms and the importance of
treatments. proper dosing and timingOther
Explores the treatment options, including
experience of surgical and non-pharmacologic
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us aperson with approaches to address motor
Program Program e
Parkinson’s symptoms, and other strategies to
disease, as well address non-motor and
as, special care neuropsychiatric
considerations manifestationsKey principles of
when hospitalized. medication administration and
care when the person with PD is
hospitalizedA better understanding
of the “lived experience” of a
person with PD

Cities and the SDG What is a The basics of sustainabilityThe None. environmental-
Challenge of Academy sustainable city? Sustainable Development Goals studies, social-
Sustainable Learn the basics and how they apply to citiesWhat sciences, science
Development Non- Non- Introductor here. constitutes a sustainable cityHow
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
Program Program y various sectors contribute to
modern, sustainable urban
Climate Action: SDG How do we turn Reducing global greenhouse gas None. environmental-
Solutions for a Academy commitments to emissionsDecarbonizing the studies, social-
Non- Non- Intermediat
Changing Planet self_paced 2 4 10 en-us reducing the economyEmissions reduction in sciences, science
Program Program e
effects of climate Russia and AustraliaActions for
change into communities and individuals
Climate Change SDG action?
Humanity is up The basics of climate change, None. environmental-
Science and Academy against a tight energy balance, and studies, science,
Negotiations timeline to emissionsThe 2-degree limit and energy-earth-
address climate why it’s importantThe role of sciences
Non- Non- Intermediat change. Learn nuclear power, electric vehicles,
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
Program Program e how we can and other technologiesThe
deeply process of global negotiations and
decarbonize the agreements to regulate climate
global energy change
Ethics in Action SDG systems,
What do theand put The meaning of virtue ethics and None ethics, philosophy-
Academy world's great its expression in several major ethics, social-
religious and religious and philosophical sciences
secular traditionsThe importance of
philosophies establishing multi-faith consensus
have to say about to advance sustainable
ethical conduct? developmentThe importance of
Which virtues are involving faith communities in
Non- Non- Intermediat common across peace and development workHow
self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
Program Program e faiths? And what ethics motivates the actions of
role do religious religious and secular leaders,
communities politicians, scientists, civil society,
have to play in and businessWhat shared virtue
building a more ethics are needed to create a
just and more peaceful and prosperous
sustainable world for everyone

Globalization: Past SDG Is globalization a The six waves of globalization, None history,
and Future Academy new phenomenon from trade by sea to the fourth environmental-
or a cyclical industrial revolutionEmerging studies,
pattern leaders -- the nations pushing economics-finance
Non- Non- Introductor throughout progress and dominating the
self_paced 2 4 4 en-us
Program Program y human history? global economyGlobalization and
sustainable development -- the
value of a shared global vision and
How to Achieve the SDG The world has The scale, scope, and None. environmental-
Sustainable Academy adopted an establishment of the Sustainable studies, energy-
Development Goals ambitious Development GoalsThe societal earth-sciences,
agenda, the transformations required to meet business-
Sustainable the SDGsThe governance, management
Non- Non- Intermediat Development planning, and financing essential
self_paced 4 6 7 en-us Goals, to end for progressThe role of civil
Program Program e
poverty, protect society and the business sector in
the planet, and advancing global developmentThe
ensure prosperity types of transboundary
for all. Learn how cooperation needed to achieve
we can achieve global goals
these goals
Laudato Si: On Care SDG A mini-course on What is Laudato Si'? The origins None ethics, social-
for Our Common Academy the urgent call to of Pope Francis’ call to actionAn sciences,
Home action: protect the overview of the human roots of the humanities
Non- Non- Introductor earth and its ecological crisisGlobal, national,
self_paced 1 2 1 en-us
Program Program y inhabitants from and local solutions to the
ruin. ecological crisisGrassroots to
policy-level solutions
Macroeconomics for SDG Is it possible to GDP and well-being: How do we None. economics-
a Sustainable Planet Academy develop a thriving measure progress? Are those finance,
global economy measures enough?The changing environmental-
in an equitable labor market: digitization, studies, data-
and unemployment trends,and the analysis-statistics
Non- Non- Intermediat environmentally- minimum wageSustainable
self_paced 2 4 13 en-us resilient way? investment principlesTheories of
Program Program e
business investment and how
these relate to consumption and
savingNew economic principles
which internalize social capital and
environmental impact
Measuring SDG The United Understand the value of data-analysis-
Sustainable Academy Nations measuring progress on the statistics,
Development Sustainable SDGs.Use the SDG Index and economics-
Development Dashboards as a tool for finance,
Goals are an understanding SDG progress in environmental-
ambitious global your country, region, or studies
agenda for city.Differentiate between data
Non- Non- Intermediat prosperity, sources and select the most
self_paced 1 3 5 en-us
Program Program e people, and appropriate source for different
planet. But how types of data.Identify the steps
do we know if we necessary to construct an SDG
are on track to Index.
achieve the
SDGs? Which
Goals should
Nature-based SDG What are ‘Nature- Learn how to apply Nature-based None. environmental-
Solutions for Academy based solutions’, Solutions in enhancing resilience studies, energy-
Disaster and or NbS? How can to disasters and climate change, earth-sciences,
Climate Resilience they help build whether you are a youth leader, social-sciences
resilience to practitioner, policy maker,
disasters and engineer or business owner.Learn
climate change about how human activities are
impacts? Why is interlinked with ecological systems
NbS relevant? and main tools and approaches
How can I apply for applying Nature-based
NbS in my work Solutions to reducing disaster and
and everyday life? climate risks.Learn how policy
makers are including nature as a
Non- Non- Introductor solution in policy processes for
self_paced 3 6 7 en-us
Program Program y reducing disaster and climate
risks.Learn how practitioners are
applying nature-based solutions
for reducing risks of natural
hazards by investing in restoration
and protection.Learn about green
infrastructure and designing with
nature as a viable complement to
grey engineered protection
structures for reducing impacts of
disaster events.Learn what young
people and teachers, policy
makers, practitioners, businesses
and engineers can do to get
Sustainable SDG Sustainable The benefits and pitfalls of global None economics-
Development: The Academy development capitalismThe history of economic finance, social-
Post-Capitalist Order represents a shift growth, expansion of industries, sciences, ethics
from our current and globalizationThe challenges of
system of growth on a finite planetThe main
inequitable objectives of sustainable
capitalism to one development and how they
that prioritizes account for the shortcomings of
prosperity for all, the present capitalist systemThe
while remaining world’s progress towards
Non- Non- Introductor conscious of its sustainable development and the
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Program Program y environmental road map forward
impact and
sustainability for
Learn why
development has
been adopted by
countries and
Transforming Our SDG What will it take What are the Sustainable None. environmental-
World: Achieving Academy to achieve the Development Goals?How modern studies, social-
the Sustainable Sustainable advancements and connectivity sciences,
Development Goals Development can help us achieve the goalsThe education-teacher-
Non- Non- Intermediat Goals by 2030? importance of sustainable training
self_paced 2 4 1 en-us developmentWhy you should care
Program Program e
about the Sustainable
Development Goals – as a
corporation, as a university, as an
Work and SDG We are living in a Module 1: Decent Work for economics-
Employment for a Academy financially fragile Sustainable finance, business-
Sustainable Future world. There is DevelopmentIntroduction to SDG management,
economic growth, 8Employment, Decent Work and social-sciences
but not enough Social Justice for
opportunities to SustainabilityLink between
find decent work. Employment, Work, Income and
Globally, more WealthMeasuring Decent Work
than 200 million and SDG 8Implosion Points,
people are still Demographic Change, Changing
unemployed, but Nature & Locations of Jobs
there has been and IncomesModule 2: Transitions
progress in in Employment and
Non- Non- Intermediat standards of WorkStructural Shifts in
self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
Program Program e labour and work. Economies and WorkSkill
This is not BiasWork in a Post Manufacturing
sustainable. WorldMacroeconomic Context of
Learn from Diminishing Returns to
experts from the LaborSocial Democratic
International ModelDisaggregating Productivity
Labour GainsGlobal Perspectives on
Organization, Changes to Formal Employment
Harvard ****Module 3: Challenges of Work:
University, and Informality, Gender and Child
more about the LaborInformal Employment:
state of work in Definitions and DebatesGlobal
our world, and Data: Size, Composition and
what it will take to CharacteristicsUrban Informal Self-
Enabling seakademi Get equipped Gain insights from social social-sciences,
Entrepreneurs to eX with the latest entrepreneurs and their economics-
Shape a Better tools and social experiencesLearn about the finance, business-
World impact insights to impact value chain from management
develop your own academics from diverse
entrepreneurial disciplines Use the design thinking
Non- Non- Introductor potential to solve method to identify concrete social
self_paced 4 6 7 en-us the world's problems and come up with
Program Program y
biggest problems. sustainable ideas to solve them
Understand the concept of social
innovation and learn how to apply
it Dive into social impact and learn
how to measure it
Future Skills seakademi Die Zukunft ● Wie du Deinen Purpose business-
eX steckt in Dir. Du entdeckst und entfaltest● Wo Dein management,
musst sie nur Potenzial steckt und wie Du es in social-sciences,
noch aus Dir Deinem Umfeld strategisch humanities
rauslassen. Der einsetzt● Wie Du Dich in einer
MOOC „Future komplexen Arbeitswelt
Skills“ unterstützt zurechtfindest und bessere
Dich dabei, Deine Entscheidungen triffst● Wie Du
Zukunftskompete Dich selbst und andere
nzen zu entfalten. menschlich führst● Warum
Hier erhältst du Storytelling im 21. Jahrhundert
Non- Non- Intermediat die richtigen wichtig ist● Was die
self_paced 3 6 2 de-de
Program Program e Methoden und Grundelemente einer guten
Inhalte, um mehr Geschichte sind● Wie du
Impact im komplexe Systeme analysierst
Berufsalltag zu und veränderst
erzielen und fit für
n der Zukunft zu
werden. In vier
(Purpose, New
Work, Storytelling
Social seakademi Wie baut man ein Modul 1: Was ist Social business-
Entrepreneurship – eX Sozialunternehme Entrepreneurship und was macht management,
von der Idee zur n auf, sodass es einen Social Entrepreneur social-sciences,
Umsetzung eine aus?Modul 2 : Was ist Wirkung humanities
gesellschaftliche und wie plant, skaliert, mist und
Herausforderung finanziert man sie? Modul 3 : Wie
löst? Was entwickelt man ein
bedeutet Wirkung Geschäftsmodell?Modul 4: Wie
dabei? Und schafft man den
welche Markteintritt?Modul 5: Tipps und
Non- Non- Intermediat Finanzierungsmög Tricks für die Gründung.
self_paced 1 2 12 de-de
Program Program e lichkeiten gibt es?
In unserem
MOOC „Social
– von der Idee
zur Umsetzung “
verraten wir euch
in 5 Modulen
Tipps und Tools,
was Social
Academic Writing Technische Struggling with You’ll learn:to understand the Upper-intermediate language
Made Easy writing an basic tenets of academic writingto to advanced
Universität academic text? identify the different genres and knowledge of
München This MOOC will the expectations of each oneto English.
ease the pain – overcome writer's blockto
Non- Non- Intermediat and make your structure your ideas cohesivelyto
self_paced 2 3 8 en-gb writing shine. write reader-friendly sentencesto
Program Program e
use appropriate tone to gain
credibilityto avoid plagiarism andto
ensure your text respects the rules
of general punctuation in English.

Einführung in Technische In diesem MOOC Sicherer Umgang mit Grundkenntnisse in computer-science,

MATLAB vermitteln wir den MATLABLösen typischer höherer Mathematik math
Universität Umgang mit und ingenieurmathematischer (Differential- und
München das aktive Nutzen ProblemstellungenErstellen Integralrechnung,
von MATLAB einfacher Programme komplexe Zahlen,
anhand typischer Rechnen mit
Non- Non- Introductor Problemstellunge Matrizen,
self_paced 2 3 15 de-de n aus der analytische
Program Program y
Ingenieurmathem Geometrie)
atik, wie sie
typischerweise im
1. Semester für
Studierende von
Lean Production Technische Learn how to The history and background of This course reviews business-
apply key Lean production and the basic calculations management,
Universität elements of Lean complementing elements of used in production data-analysis-
München Production, from quantity and quality control.To management. statistics,
minimizing measure production performance Therefore, basic engineering
inventory and and how defects and waste math skills are
reducing setup degrade performance.To necessary.
Lean Six times, to using 5S understand the importance and
Sigma and Kaizen, in role in Lean Production of the
Green Belt order to improve customer "Takt."To improve
Certificatio quality and process performance through the
n productivity in application of Lean principles,
Lean Six your workplace. including setup time reduction,
Sigma Introductor batch optimization, and defect
al self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Yellow y elimination.To explain the
Belt: importance of Total Productive
Quantitativ Maintenance and the widely-used
e Tools for metric Overall Equipment
Quality Effectiveness.To understand the
and difference between push- and pull-
Productivity systems and how the
implementation of pull-systems
reduces waste.To apply elements
of Lean production including
Heijunka, Kanban, Jidoka, and
Poka Yoke.To apply the 5S
methodology for establishing and
sustaining a productive work
Lean Production Technische Learn how to The history and background of This course reviews business-
apply key Lean production and the basic calculations management,
Universität elements of Lean complementing elements of used in production data-analysis-
München Production, from quantity and quality control.To management. statistics,
minimizing measure production performance Therefore, basic engineering
inventory and and how defects and waste math skills are
reducing setup degrade performance.To necessary.
Lean Six times, to using 5S understand the importance and
Sigma and Kaizen, in role in Lean Production of the
Green Belt order to improve customer "Takt."To improve
Certificatio quality and process performance through the
n productivity in application of Lean principles,
Lean Six your workplace. including setup time reduction,
Sigma Introductor batch optimization, and defect
al self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Yellow y elimination.To explain the
Belt: importance of Total Productive
Quantitativ Maintenance and the widely-used
e Tools for metric Overall Equipment
Quality Effectiveness.To understand the
and difference between push- and pull-
Productivity systems and how the
implementation of pull-systems
reduces waste.To apply elements
of Lean production including
Heijunka, Kanban, Jidoka, and
Poka Yoke.To apply the 5S
methodology for establishing and
sustaining a productive work
Lean Six Sigma: Technische Implement a To identify and define suitable Six Learners must have business-
Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Sigma project topics.To implement earned the TUM management,
Certification Project Universität improvement a Six Sigma project along its Lean Six Sigma data-analysis-
München project along the DMAIC phases with all relevant Yellow Belt statistics
DMAIC phases, qualitative and quantitative Certification in order
from its tools.To evaluate the success of a to take this course.
identification to Six Sigma project with process Learners will be
Lean Six the evaluation of performance indicators and the asked to submit
Profession Sigma its result, to earn derived financial benefits.To apply their program
Intermediat the TUM Lean Six all relevant DMAIC tools, for certificate after
al Green Belt self_paced 4 5 20 en-us
e Sigma Green Belt example, Project Definition, Voice enrolling, in order to
Certificate Certificatio
n certification. of Customer/CtQ's, Project gain access to the
Charter, Process Mapping, Cause course material.
& Effect Matrix, Hypotheses, Learners unable to
and their Statistical Tests, Root- provide proof will
Cause-Analysis, etc. not be permitted
access to the
course material.
Six Sigma: Analyze, Technische Learn how to To identify process problems and This course reviews business-
Improve, Control statistically perform a root cause analysis basic statistics used management,
Universität analyze process using cause and effect diagrams in Six Sigma and data-analysis-
München data to determine and regression analysis.To quality statistics,
the root cause analyze data using inferential management, engineering
Lean Six
and propose statistical techniques, including applying them to
solutions for confidence intervals and quality problems
Green Belt
process hypothesis testing.To test and and methods.
problems, to quantitatively assess the impact of Therefore, basic
implement quality different improvement options math skills are
Lean Six
Profession management using the design of an necessary.
Sigma Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 8 en-us tools, such as 8D experiment.To test for the
Yellow y
Certificate and the 5 Whys, significance of effects using an
and to Analysis of Variance.To implement
understand the control mechanisms for long-term
e Tools for
concept of monitoring using control charts for
Design for Six both quantitative and qualitative
Sigma (DFSS). measurements.To apply the Six
Sigma methodology for the
Analyze, Improve and Control
phases in your work or research.

Six Sigma: Analyze, Technische Learn how to To identify process problems and This course reviews business-
Improve, Control statistically perform a root cause analysis basic statistics used management,
Universität analyze process using cause and effect diagrams in Six Sigma and data-analysis-
München data to determine and regression analysis.To quality statistics,
the root cause analyze data using inferential management, engineering
Lean Six
and propose statistical techniques, including applying them to
solutions for confidence intervals and quality problems
Green Belt
process hypothesis testing.To test and and methods.
problems, to quantitatively assess the impact of Therefore, basic
implement quality different improvement options math skills are
Lean Six
Profession management using the design of an necessary.
Sigma Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 8 en-us tools, such as 8D experiment.To test for the
Yellow y
Certificate and the 5 Whys, significance of effects using an
and to Analysis of Variance.To implement
understand the control mechanisms for long-term
e Tools for
concept of monitoring using control charts for
Design for Six both quantitative and qualitative
Sigma (DFSS). measurements.To apply the Six
Sigma methodology for the
Analyze, Improve and Control
phases in your work or research.
Six Sigma: Define Technische An introduction to To understand the background This course reviews business-
and Measure the Six Sigma and meaning of the Six Sigma basic statistics used management,
Universität methodology and methodology and the role of the in Six Sigma and data-analysis-
München the DMAIC cycle DMAIC process improvement quality statistics,
for process cycle.To identify the Voice of the management, engineering
improvement with Customer and translate into applying them to
a focus on the Critical-to-Quality parameters.To quality problems
Lean Six Define and understand the concept of random and methods.
Sigma Measure phases, variables, probability mass Therefore, basic
Green Belt including basic functions, and probability density math skills are
Certificatio statistics for functions.To calculate probabilities necessary.
n understanding using the Normal distribution.To
Lean Six sampling plans understand how the Central Limit
Sigma Introductor and calculating Theorem applies to sampling and
al self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
Yellow y process capability. how to set up sampling plans.To
Belt: understand the importance of a
Quantitativ Measurement System Analysis in
e Tools for a Six Sigma project.To calculate
Quality Process Yield and Process
and Capability.To perform a risk
Productivity assessment using a Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis.How
to apply the Define and Measure
phases of the DMAIC cycle in your
work or research, in order to
identify problems and
quantitatively assess the impact of
process changes using statistical
Six Sigma: Define Technische An introduction to To understand the background This course reviews business-
and Measure the Six Sigma and meaning of the Six Sigma basic statistics used management,
Universität methodology and methodology and the role of the in Six Sigma and data-analysis-
München the DMAIC cycle DMAIC process improvement quality statistics,
for process cycle.To identify the Voice of the management, engineering
improvement with Customer and translate into applying them to
a focus on the Critical-to-Quality parameters.To quality problems
Lean Six Define and understand the concept of random and methods.
Sigma Measure phases, variables, probability mass Therefore, basic
Yellow including basic functions, and probability density math skills are
Belt: statistics for functions.To calculate probabilities necessary.
Quantitativ understanding using the Normal distribution.To
e Tools for sampling plans understand how the Central Limit
Quality Introductor and calculating Theorem applies to sampling and
al self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
and y process capability. how to set up sampling plans.To
Productivity understand the importance of a
Lean Six Measurement System Analysis in
Sigma a Six Sigma project.To calculate
Green Belt Process Yield and Process
Certificatio Capability.To perform a risk
n assessment using a Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis.How
to apply the Define and Measure
phases of the DMAIC cycle in your
work or research, in order to
identify problems and
quantitatively assess the impact of
process changes using statistical
Ahorro de energía Tecnológic Aprende cómo se A través de este curso lograrás: Nivel de bachillerato science,
o de puede consumir Examinar el uso de la energía en en curso o engineering
Monterrey energía eléctrica los sectores residencial, industrial terminado
de forma y del transporte en México.
eficiente. La Identificar cómo se promueve el
Non- Non- Intermediat eficiencia uso eficiente de energía, su
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx
Program Program e energética ayuda ahorro y casos de éxito. Proponer
a optimizar los una estrategia de ahorro de
recursos y energía en el contexto inmediato
genera un menor del participante.
impacto en el
ambiente. En
Comercio digital: Tecnológic La velocidad de Analizar diferentes perspectivas Licenciatura business-
reinventando los o de las transacciones de cómo las empresas llegan a management
modelos de negocio Monterrey comerciales y la sus clients y cómo algunas están
forma ágil de inovandopara satisfacer las
tomar decisiones nuevas necesidades de sus
aumentan las clients. Aprender sobre la
necesidades de metodología Agile n el desarrollo
digitalizar las de estrategias de marketing y las
Marketing actividades mejores practices para reducer el
Profession digital y comerciales de número de pasos que lleven a
al customer self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx cualquier tipo de generar un crecimiento en el
Certificate engageme negocio. Es por mercado. Aprender sobre la
nt eso que, los importancia de tener una
modelos de organización orientada al
negocio están cliente.Comparar la efectividad de
cambiando muy campañas digitales en diversas
rápido y la plataformas tecnológicas.
adaptación a los
de los clientes
Comunicación Tecnológic Aprende a Comprender la importancia de la Estudios de communication
efectiva para el líder o de identificar y comunicación en la vida de las profesional
actual Monterrey Habilidade desarrollar las personas y así impulsar la mejora concluidos.
s habilidades de en nuestra capacidad de socializar
esenciales comunicación efectivamenteIdentificar el
de más importantes: concepto de comunicación para
Liderazgo asertividad y clarificar su
Habilidade Introductor empatía. importanciaDesarrollar las
Certificate self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx
s y habilidades de comunicación:
profesional asertividad y empatíaAplicar las
es: habilidades de comunicación a la
negociació retroalimentación del desempeño
ny y alcanzar los objetivos
liderazgo organizacionales
Corporate Tecnológic In this online The importance of innovation in Bachelor´s Degree business-
Entrepreneurship o de course, you will organizationsIdentify how Level management
Monterrey learn to identify innovation is linked to the
concepts of development strategies of
corporate organizationsCorporate
Innovation entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship as a strategy for
MicroMast & In addition, this organizational growth and
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers Entreprene course will developmentThe importance of
urship present an entrepreneurial culture in the
introduction to organizationThe relevant elements
entrepreneurial for the design and implementation
culture oriented of a corporate entrepreneurship
to the strategy
development of
Critical thinking: Tecnológic Learn to analyze Identify the theories that support Bachelor´s Degree business-
reasoned decision o de events with critical thinkingEmploy a Level management
making Monterrey intellectual rigor. methodology for the application of
Identify how critical thinkingRelate the
reasoned elements that make up the stages
Humanities decisions help of critical thinkingAnalyze the
MicroMast Introductor cope with change. standards of critical thinking
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers y practiceAssess the responsibility
of perpetuating the intellectual
values of the resolution
analysisDistinguish the vices of
thought in decision makingApply
critical thinking to groups
Design and Tecnológic Business models Distinguish the elements of a Bachelor´s Degree business-
innovation of o de are an important business model.Organize Level management
business model Monterrey tool when starting complexity through: visual
a new business thinking, mapping and system
or building a design.Identify key business
growth company. patterns through the BMC.Explain
Business model the concept of blank space to
analysis provides identify opportunities.Identify
us with a simple storytelling as a component of the
and effective Design and Innovation of the
framework for Business Model.Outline business
MicroMast &
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx evaluating new models that take into account
ers Entreprene
opportunities. social and community well-
being.Estimate time and stress to
solve a problem in different
settings and environments.Identify
underlying problems through the
formulation of the correct
questions.Value technology as a
strategy to connect with the key
Digital Commerce Tecnológic The speed of Analyze different perspectives Bachelors business-
Reinventing o de business about how companies approach to management
Business Models Monterrey transactions and customers and how they innovate
the agile way to to satisfy customers
take decisions expectations.Agile development
Digital increase the for marketing strategies and best
Marketing needs to digitalize practices to decrease the number
and Intermediat the trading of steps to create presence in your
al self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
Customer e activities of any market.Understand the
Engageme kind of business. importance of having a customer-
nt That’s why the oriented organization.Compare
business models effective digital campaigns
are changing very through different platforms.
fast, and the
adaptation to the
new customer
Digital Marketing Tecnológic Digital Marketing Learn how to use Influencer Bachelors business-
and Data Driven o de is the backbone marketing and create the best management,
Analytics Monterrey element which strategy to approach your data-analysis-
uses platforms customer.Understand the statistics
Digital and digital importance of your brand in the
Marketing technologies, digital ecosystem.Learn about the
Profession such as any kind SEO Fundamentals.Analyze data
and Intermediat
al self_paced 5 8 4 en-us of device to curated from your social media
Customer e
Certificate maintain strategies.Learn about UI/UX point
nt connected to the of view.
users. Once the
users are part of
this ecosystem,
the companies
convert this
Diseño e innovación Tecnológic Los modelos de Distinguir los elementos de un Estudios de business-
de modelo de o de negocios son una modelo de negocios.Organizar la profesional management
negocios Monterrey importante complejidad mediante: concluidos.
herramienta al pensamiento visual, mapeo y
emprender un diseño de sistemas.Identificar
nuevo negocio o patrones clave de los negocios a
al construir una traves del BMC.Explicar el
empresa de concepto de espacio en blanco
crecimiento. El para identificar
analisis de oportunidades.Identificar el
modelo de storytelling como componente del
Innovación negocios nos Diseño e Innovación del Modelo
MicroMast y provee de un de Negocios.Esquematizar
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers emprendim marco de modelos de negocios que tomen
iento referencia simple en cuentan el bienestar social y de
y efectivo para la comunidadEstimar el tiempo y
evaluar nuevas el estres para resolver un
oportunidades. problema en distintos escenarios
y entornos.Identificar problemas
de fondo a traves de la
formulacion de las las preguntas
correctas.Valorar la tecnología
como estrategia para conectarse
con la audiencia clave.
Diseño e innovación Tecnológic Los modelos de Distinguir los elementos de un Estudios de business-
de modelo de o de negocios son una modelo de negocios.Organizar la profesional management
negocios Monterrey importante complejidad mediante: concluidos.
herramienta al pensamiento visual, mapeo y
emprender un diseño de sistemas.Identificar
nuevo negocio o patrones clave de los negocios a
al construir una traves del BMC.Explicar el
empresa de concepto de espacio en blanco
crecimiento. El para identificar
analisis de oportunidades.Identificar el
modelo de storytelling como componente del
Innovación negocios nos Diseño e Innovación del Modelo
MicroMast y provee de un de Negocios.Esquematizar
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers emprendim marco de modelos de negocios que tomen
iento referencia simple en cuentan el bienestar social y de
y efectivo para la comunidadEstimar el tiempo y
evaluar nuevas el estres para resolver un
oportunidades. problema en distintos escenarios
y entornos.Identificar problemas
de fondo a traves de la
formulacion de las las preguntas
correctas.Valorar la tecnología
como estrategia para conectarse
con la audiencia clave.

Distribución de la Tecnológic Aprende las Conocer el funcionamiento de un Nivel de bachillerato science,

energía eléctrica o de formas en que la sistema de distribución eléctrica, a en curso o engineering
Monterrey energía eléctrica través del análisis de los procesos terminado.
se distribuye al tecnológicos y de ingeniería que
usuario final por intervienen en una red de
medio de la distribuciónIdentificar los procesos
infraestructura principales que se llevan a cabo
eléctrica en una subestación de energía
Non- Non- Intermediat existente. eléctrica, por medio del
self_paced 4 5 6 es-mx
Program Program e conocimiento de lainfraestructura
existente y de los procesos de
transformación de alta tensión a
baja tensiónFundamentos de los
sistemas de
distribuciónComponentes de los
sistemas de distribución
Effective Tecnológic Identify and Understand the importance of Bachelor's Degree business-
Communication for o de develop the most communication in people's lives Level management
Today's Leader Monterrey important and thus boost the improvement in
communication our ability to effectively
skills: socialize.Identify the concept of
Humanities assertiveness communication to clarify its
MicroMast Intermediat and empathy. importance.Develop
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers e communication skills:
assertiveness and empathy.Apply
communication skills to
performance feedback and
achieve organizational objectives.

Emprendimiento Tecnológic En este curso en La importancia de la innovación business-

Corporativo o de linea aprenderas en las organizacionesIdentificar management
Monterrey a identificar los como la innovación se vincula a
conceptos del las estrategias de desarrollo de
emprendimiento las organizacionesEl
corporativo y te emprendimiento corporativo como
Innovación presentara una estrategia de crecimiento y
MicroMast y introducción a la desarrollo organizacionalLa
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers emprendim cultura importancia de la cultura
iento emprendedora emprendedora en la
orientada al organizacionLos elementos
desarrollo de la relevantes para el diseño e
organización. implementación de una estrategia
de emprendimiento corporativo

Emprendimiento Tecnológic En este curso en La importancia de la innovación business-

Corporativo o de linea aprenderas en las organizacionesIdentificar management
Monterrey a identificar los como la innovación se vincula a
conceptos del las estrategias de desarrollo de
emprendimiento las organizacionesEl
corporativo y te emprendimiento corporativo como
Innovación presentara una estrategia de crecimiento y
MicroMast y introducción a la desarrollo organizacionalLa
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers emprendim cultura importancia de la cultura
iento emprendedora emprendedora en la
orientada al organizacionLos elementos
desarrollo de la relevantes para el diseño e
organización. implementación de una estrategia
de emprendimiento corporativo
Energía eléctrica: Tecnológic Aprende los Entender que es la energía Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
conceptos y o de conceptos eléctrica y la importancia en en curso o science
principios básicos Monterrey básicos de la nuestro entornoAplicar, en un terminado
electricidad, para circuito eléctrico, los conceptos
Sustentabili comprenderla, básicos de la energíaResolver
Profession dad saber medirla y ejercicios con recursos didácticos
al energética self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx utilizarla de y el acceso a laboratorios
Certificate y la smart manera eficiente. remotosComprobar el
grid funcionamiento de los circuitos
eléctricosMedir la eficiencia y el
ahorro en el consumo de la
energía eléctrica
Energía: pasado, Tecnológic Presenta una A través de este curso Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
presente y futuro o de panorámica lograrás:Explicar cómo impacta la en curso o physics, science
Monterrey histórica y forma en que la sociedad obtiene terminado.
prospectiva sobre energía a través de una revisión
cómo la energía histórica para entender la relación
es un factor de entre la disponibilidad del recurso
Non- Non- Intermediat cambio en el energético y su
self_paced 5 6 7 es-mx
Program Program e desarrollo de la aprovechamiento.Discriminar
sociedad. entre alternativas para una
transición energética sostenible
mediante el análisis de su
evolución para contribuir en el uso
más eficiente de la energía.
Energías Tecnológic Describe las A través de este curso Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
convencionales, o de formas en que la lograrás:Analizar las formas en en curso o physics, science
limpias y su Monterrey energía se que se manifiesta la energía en terminado.
tecnología produce, diferentes situaciones de la vida
transforma, utiliza diaria y del quehacer industrial
y almacena, tomando una postura a favor de la
identificando diversificación en la producción de
Non- Non- Intermediat retos y beneficios. la energía;Elegir un recurso
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx
Program Program e energético a través de un análisis
crítico de las energías limpias y
convencionales para utilizar,
racionalizar y aprovechar las
energías dentro de su comunidad.

Entorno Global y Tecnológic Identificar los Identificar las mega tendencias en Licenciatura business-
Tendencias de o de Transforma factores el entorno de las management
Innovación Monterrey ción digital relevantes en el empresas.Entender los modelos
Tecnológica Profession como entorno de evaluación
al estrategia self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx competitivo de competitiva.Conocer las
Certificate de las empresas y tendencias de innovación
negocios e las tendencias de tecnológicas.Entender el índice de
innovación innovación innovación tecnológica.
Entrepreneurial Tecnológic Learn how Identify basic concepts of Bachelor´s Degree business-
Mindset o de innovative innovative entrepreneurship to Level management
Monterrey entrepreneurship innovate and create value in the
and how startups companyDetermine strategies and
Innovation can generate tools that entrepreneurs and
MicroMast & value in the startups use to develop and
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers Entreprene business world. undertake innovationsExplain how
urship entrepreneurs can go from an idea
to a product and scale itAnalyze
innovation initiatives within the
Estrategia y Tecnológic Identificar los Conocer los principios guía para Licenciatura business-
Transformación o de Transforma principios guía la creación de estrategias.Saber management
Digital Monterrey ción digital para la creación qué es el mapa de transformación
Profession como de estrategias digital en las empresas.Entender
al estrategia self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx dirigidas a la e identificar el “nivel de
Certificate de transformación preparación digital” ( digital
negocios e digital en las readiness )Crear un mapa de
innovación empresas. transformación digital.

Estrategias y estilos Tecnológic Aprende los Identificar los estilos de Estudios de business-
de negociación o de diferentes estilos negociación en función de los profesional management
Monterrey Habilidade y estrategias de resultados y relaciones en una concluidos.
s negociación en negociaciónAnalizar las opciones
profesional función de los estratégicas más efectivas en
MicroMast Introductor
es: self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx resultados diferentes contextos de
ers y
negociació esperados y su negociaciónResolver problemas
ny impacto en la complejos que satisfagan los
liderazgo relación entre las intereses y objetivos de las partes
partes involucradas
Financial Tecnológic involucradas.
Applies Through this course you will Bachelors degree economics-
information and its o de accounting and :Acquire the essential knowledge finance, business-
analysis Monterrey financial for the accounting management management
fundamentals to and financial informationKnow
assess the healthy financials of the company
financial situation and decide on pricing structures,
Essential of the company rent vs buy, sales conditions,
quantitative and inform the operating cycle, managing working
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx
business decision-making capital and more.Begin to read the
skills process. financial information of companies
to understand their operating
strategy and thus better
understand possible future
investment alternatives.
Fundamentals of Tecnológic Learn best 1. Understand and apply best business-
Entrepreneurship in o de practices, practices in the family business2. management
the Family Business Monterrey Family entrepreneurship Distinguish entrepreneurship and
Businesses and innovation innovation models3. Implement
: models and how entrepreneurship trends in your
Entreprene to take advantage venture4. Carry out a
urship and of the strengths transgenerational
Leadership Intermediat of the family entrepreneurship project5.
Certificate self_paced 7 8 5 en-us
to e business in order Determine the components of
Transcend to achieve entrepreneurship:Generation of
Innovation success. During the entrepreneurial idea
& this course you (ideation)Market validationValue
Entreprene will carry out a propositionSales presentation to
urship transgenerational attract investors (Business Pitch)
Fundamentos del Tecnológic Aprende las Comprender y aplicar las mejores business-
emprendimiento en o de mejores prácticas prácticas en la empresa management,
la empresa familiar Monterrey y modelos de familiarDistinguir los modelos de social-sciences,
emprendimiento emprendimiento e communication
Empresas e innovación y innovaciónImplementar las
familiares: cómo aprovechar tendencias en emprendimiento en
emprendim las fortalezas de la actualidad en tu
Profession iento y la empresa emprendimientoRealizar un
al liderazgo familiar para proyecto de emprendimiento
Certificate para self_paced 7 8 6 es-mx lograr el éxito. En transgeneracionalDeterminar los
MicroMast trascender este curso para componentes del
ers Innovación emprendedores emprendimiento:Generación de la
y realizarás un idea emprendedora
emprendim proyecto de (ideación)Validación del
iento emprendimiento mercadoPropuesta de
transgeneracional. valorPresentación de venta para
atraer inversionistas (Pitch de

Fundamentos del Tecnológic Aprende las Comprender y aplicar las mejores business-
emprendimiento en o de mejores prácticas prácticas en la empresa management,
la empresa familiar Monterrey y modelos de familiarDistinguir los modelos de social-sciences,
emprendimiento emprendimiento e communication
Innovación e innovación y innovaciónImplementar las
y cómo aprovechar tendencias en emprendimiento en
emprendim las fortalezas de la actualidad en tu
MicroMast iento la empresa emprendimientoRealizar un
ers Empresas familiar para proyecto de emprendimiento
Profession familiares: self_paced 7 8 6 es-mx lograr el éxito. En transgeneracionalDeterminar los
al emprendim este curso para componentes del
Certificate iento y emprendedores emprendimiento:Generación de la
liderazgo realizarás un idea emprendedora
para proyecto de (ideación)Validación del
trascender emprendimiento mercadoPropuesta de
transgeneracional. valorPresentación de venta para
atraer inversionistas (Pitch de
Habilidades de Tecnológic Aprende a Implementar las habilidades y Estudios de business-
negociación y o de analizar la estilos de negociación clave para profesional management
comunicación Monterrey perspectiva llevar a cabo negociaciones concluidos.
efectiva Habilidade “social” de una efectivas y alcanzar acuerdos
s negociación y su satisfactoriosAdoptar técnicas de
profesional impacto en comunicación que mejoren las
MicroMast Introductor acuerdos relaciones y estimulen la
es: self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx
ers y exitosos, así cooperación entre las partes
ny como los riesgos involucradasDesarrollar el
liderazgo de ignorarla o pensamiento crítico para gestionar
desconocer su las emociones y resolver
aplicabilidad. conflictos de una manera
Herramientas para Tecnológic Conoce las Los objetivos de este curso en Conocimientos data-analysis-
el Análisis de Big o de herramientas línea son los siguientes:Presentar sobre lenguajes de statistics,
Data Monterrey para el las diferentes herramientas tanto programación engineering,
procesamiento, comerciales como de Open (deseable R o computer-science
modelación, Source que permitan la Python) y lenguajes
análisis, manipulación, administración y para la
Profession almacenamiento análisis de datos.Conocer que es manipulación de
Ciencia de Intermediat y acceso de los una base de datos y su datos (SQL)
al self_paced 3 5 4 es-mx
Datos e datos. Aprende importancia en los proyectos de
en este curso ciencia de datos.Conocer los
online los beneficios que los servicios del
beneficios del cómputo en la nube proveen a los
cómputo en la proyectos de ciencia de datos.
nube para
proyectos de
ciencia de datos
Huella Hídrica: una Tecnológic Amplía tus A través de este curso No hay pre-requisito. environmental-
mirada integral al o de conocimientos en lograrás:Conocer como reducir tu studies,
uso del agua Monterrey el área de huella hídrica y promover un engineering,
sostenibilidad al desarrollo sustentable.Conocer la science
aprender como situación actual de los recursos
utilizar el hídricos en el mundo.Diferenciar
Non- Non- Introductor concepto de el concepto de huella hídrica y
self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx huella hídrica agua virtual de otros conceptos
Program Program y
para medir tu utilizados acerca del uso del
impacto en el uso agua.Identificar aplicaciones
del agua. potenciales al concepto de huella
hídrica y las herramientas para su
Industria 4.0: Tecnológic En este curso en Identificar los procesos Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
fundamentos y o de línea estudiarás transformadores de la Cuarta en curso o science
alcances en el Monterrey las nuevas Revolución IndustrialConocer los terminado
sistema eléctrico tecnologías principios teóricos de la
emergentes arquitectura en la industria 3.0 y
rectoras de la 4.0Identificar situaciones de
Non- Non- Intermediat Cuarta argucia con términos como
self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx
Program Program e Revolución industria 4.0 para la promoción de
Industrial y las productosExaminar las
arquitecturas tecnologías convergentes en la
propuestas que industria 4.0Reconocer las nuevas
benefician en transformaciones en el sector
términos eléctrico
operativos y
Información Tecnológic Aplica A través de este curso Licenciatura economics-
financiera y su o de fundamentos podrás:Adquirir los conocimientos finance, business-
análisis Monterrey contables y esenciales para el manejo de la management
Habilidade financieros para información contable y
s evaluar la financiera.Conocer la salud de la
cuantitativa situación empresa y decidir sobre
s financiera de la estructuras de precios, rentar vs
Profession empresa e comprar, condiciones de venta,
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx informar el ciclo de operación, administración
Certificate proceso de toma del capital de trabajo y
negocios y de decisiones. más.Empezarás a leer la
ciencia de información contable de las
datos empresas para entender su
estrategia de operación y así
entender mejor posibles
alternativas de inversión a futuro.
Innovación y Tecnológic El mundo de los Analizar el entorno empresarial Estudios de business-
creatividad o de negocios enfrenta externo y evaluar las fuerzas profesional management
organizacional Monterrey desafíos y competitivas que afectan a la concluidos.
oportunidades organizaciónIdentificar los
que requieren conceptos del modelo de negocio
enfoques y diseñar proposiciones de valor
innovadores y un únicasDistinguir los principios de
Innovación nuevo conjunto la innovación y explicar la gestión
MicroMast y de habilidades. de la innovaciónAplicar los
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx Este curso en principios del pensamiento de
ers emprendim
iento linea te ofrece diseño a la resolucion innovadora
metodologías de problemasAplicar la innovación
para la basada, abierta y la co-creación
innovación y la en resultados a la resolución de
resolución de problemasExperimentar la
problemas. resolución de problemas para
refinar soluciones
Innovación y Tecnológic El mundo de los Analizar el entorno empresarial Estudios de business-
creatividad o de negocios enfrenta externo y evaluar las fuerzas profesional management
organizacional Monterrey desafíos y competitivas que afectan a la concluidos.
oportunidades organizaciónIdentificar los
que requieren conceptos del modelo de negocio
enfoques y diseñar proposiciones de valor
innovadores y un únicasDistinguir los principios de
Innovación nuevo conjunto la innovación y explicar la gestión
MicroMast y de habilidades. de la innovaciónAplicar los
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx Este curso en principios del pensamiento de
ers emprendim
iento linea te ofrece diseño a la resolucion innovadora
metodologías de problemasAplicar la innovación
para la basada, abierta y la co-creación
innovación y la en resultados a la resolución de
resolución de problemasExperimentar la
problemas. resolución de problemas para
refinar soluciones

Introducción a Tecnológic En este curso A través de este curso los Licenciatura data-analysis-
Ciencias de Datos y o de adquirirás los participantes podrán:● Aplicar statistics
Estadística Básica Monterrey métodos métodos básicos estadísticos al
para Negocios estadísticos para entorno de los negocios● Utilizar
la toma de herramientas tecnológicas para
decisiones en los desarrollar habilidades
negocios, así cuantitativas● Interpretar los
como resultados de métodos
herramientas estadísticos aplicados a los
tecnológicas para negocios
Profession desarrollar
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx habilidades
Certificate cuantitativas.Área
s como el “big
negocios y
data” requieren
ciencia de
un conocimiento
muy claro de la
estadística; en
las áreas de
negocios, la
tecnología pone a
nuestro alcance
Introducción a la Tecnológic Obtén un #NAME? Conocimientos data-analysis-
Ciencia de Datos y o de panorama sobre lenguajes de statistics,
el Big Data Monterrey general de lo que programación engineering,
Profession es Data Science (deseable ""R"" o computer-science
Ciencia de Intermediat o Ciencia de ""Python"") y
al self_paced 3 5 4 es-mx
Datos e Datos y cómo estadística.
aplicarla en las
Aprende a tomar
Introducción a Tecnológic El objetivo del Entender la aplicación en finanzas Licenciatura. economics-finance
Matemáticas para o de curso es y negocios de conceptos
Finanzas y Negocios Monterrey entender como matemáticos como: pendiente,
ciertos conceptos equilibrio, convergencia, matrices
matemáticos se y vectores, condiciones de primer
utilizan de forma y segundo orden, convexidad,
recurrente para multiplicadores de
analizar Lagrange.Entender la diferencia
problemas entre la forma estructural y la
Habilidade financieros y de forma reducida de un
s negocios. modelo.Utilizar el Principio de No-
cuantitativa arbitraje para valuar instrumentos
s financieros como instrumentos de
esenciales mercado de dinero, perpetuidades
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 5 es-mx
en y anualidades.Entender la
finanzas, correcta formulación de
negocios y problemas bajo incertidumbre
ciencia de considerando la convexidad o
datos concavidad de la función
objetivo.Entender las
convenciones en el mercado de
renta fija tales como composición
y Day-Count para valuar un bono
corporativo.Construir un portafolio
eficiente a partir de un grupo de
instrumentos de renta variable.

Introduction to Data Tecnológic In this course you Through this course, participants Bachelor's degree data-analysis-
Science and Basic o de will acquire will be able to:● Apply basic statistics,
Statistics for Monterrey statistical statistical methods to the business business-
Business methods for environment● Use technological management
decision making tools to develop quantitative
in business, as skills● Interpret the results of
Essential well as statistical methods applied to
Profession technological businesses
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx tools to develop
Certificate quantitative
skills.Areas such
as " big data"
require very clear
knowledge of
statistics and
Introduction to Tecnológic In this course you Understand the concept of Bachelor's degree language,
Mathematics for o de will apply function in mathematical modeling business-
Finance and Monterrey mathemathical to identify the relationship between management
Business fundamentals to a group of variables of
solve cases and interest.Analyze the mathematical
Essential problems in the properties of the main functions
quantitative context of used in business and
al self_paced Advanced 5 8 5 es-mx
business business and finance.Design mathematical
skills finance. equations to describe and analyze
problems in the areas of finance
and business .Use specialized
software to simulate a function.

La nueva industria Tecnológic Comprender la A través de este curso lograrás: Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
eléctrica en México o de reforma al sector Explicar la situación del sector en curso o physics, science
Monterrey eléctrico y los eléctrico previo a su reforma, a terminado.
nuevos negocios través de la identificación de las
Non- Non- Introductor en generación y energías limpias, renovables y
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx comercialización convencionales con sus fortalezas
Program Program y
de insumos, y debilidades. Plantear una nueva
electricidad y oportunidad de inversión y
productos negocios en el sector eléctrico
asociados. reformado.
La Reforma Tecnológic Explica los A través de este curso Nivel de bachillerato engineering,
Energética de o de principales lograrás:Explicar las diversas en curso o physics, science
México y sus Monterrey cambios y las posibilidades de nuevos negocios terminado.
oportunidades oportunidades de en el sector energético que
nuevos negocios surgen a raíz de la reforma
Non- Non- Intermediat que facilita la energética, mediante la
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx reforma representación de los alcances y
Program Program e
energética de limitaciones del nuevo marco
México. institucional;Generar propuestas
de solución para los retos de
implementación de la reforma
Leadership and Tecnológic This course will Develop a style of leadership that Bachelor's Degree business-
organizational o de Challenge you to is suited to your strengths and the Level management
behavior Monterrey develop who you needs of the situation.Design
are and could be tasks for yourself and others that
as a leader, are motivating and
Humanities develop what effective.Communicate your
MicroMast Intermediat
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us type of leader you perspective to others in a credible
ers e
Skills could be depends and persuasive way.
on empowering
your strengths
and ability to
adapt your
Leadership and Tecnológic This course will Develop a style of leadership that Bachelor's Degree business-
organizational o de Challenge you to is suited to your strengths and the Level management
behavior Monterrey develop who you needs of the situation.Design
are and could be tasks for yourself and others that
as a leader, are motivating and
Humanities develop what effective.Communicate your
MicroMast Intermediat
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us type of leader you perspective to others in a credible
ers e
Skills could be depends and persuasive way.
on empowering
your strengths
and ability to
adapt your
Leadership focused Tecnológic It describes the Identify opportunities for personal Bachelor's Degree business-
on Human o de elements of the improvement within the five Level management
Flourishing Monterrey Leadership model elements of the Leadership
oriented towards Focused on Human Flourishing
Humanities human model.Develop the skills that will
MicroMast Intermediat
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us flourishing, in allow you to achieve and optimize
ers e
Skills order to develop results at work.Understand the
leaders who relationship between happiness,
achieve better leadership, and flourishing.
Leadership in the Tecnológic Learn the Apply strategies, tools and models business-
family business o de dynamics of to lead and orchestrate the family management
Monterrey Innovation family businessIdentify and apply main
& businesses, in characteristics that will allow you
Entreprene order to apply the to be a good business
urship skills, tools and leaderExplain the importance and
Family instruments that challenges of entrepreneurial
Businesses Intermediat involve leading familiesDistinguish the different
Profession self_paced 7 8 5 en-us
: e and orchestrating styles of organizational leadership
Entreprene a successfully that you could find in the family
urship and family business. businessGenerate entrepreneurial
Leadership talent within the organization using
to business leadership

Liderazgo en la Tecnológic Aprende las • Aplicar estrategias, herramientas Ninguno business-

empresa familiar o de dinámicas de las y modelos para liderar y orquestar management
Monterrey Empresas empresas la empresa familiar • Identificar y
familiares: familiares, con el aplicar las características que te
emprendim fin de aplicar las permitirán ser un buen líder
Profession iento y habilidades, empresarial • Explicar la
al liderazgo herramientas e importancia y los retos de las
Intermediat instrumentos que familias emprendedoras •
Certificate para self_paced 7 8 6 es-mx
e implican liderar y Distinguir los diferentes estilos de
MicroMast trascender
ers Innovación orquestar la liderazgo organizacional que
y empresa familiar puedes encontrar en la empresa
emprendim de forma exitosa. familiar • Generar talento
iento emprendedor dentro de la
organización usando liderazgo
Liderazgo en la Tecnológic Aprende las • Aplicar estrategias, herramientas Ninguno business-
empresa familiar o de dinámicas de las y modelos para liderar y orquestar management
Monterrey Innovación empresas la empresa familiar • Identificar y
y familiares, con el aplicar las características que te
emprendim fin de aplicar las permitirán ser un buen líder
MicroMast iento habilidades, empresarial • Explicar la
ers Empresas herramientas e importancia y los retos de las
Intermediat instrumentos que familias emprendedoras •
Profession familiares: self_paced 7 8 6 es-mx
e implican liderar y Distinguir los diferentes estilos de
al emprendim
Certificate iento y orquestar la liderazgo organizacional que
liderazgo empresa familiar puedes encontrar en la empresa
para de forma exitosa. familiar • Generar talento
trascender emprendedor dentro de la
organización usando liderazgo
Liderazgo en la Era Tecnológic La adopción de Conocer los estilos de liderazgo Licenciatura business-
Digital o de nuevas generacionales.Identificar los management
Monterrey tecnologías modelos de liderazgo y
Transforma disruptivas en un competencias digitales.Conocer
ción digital entorno de los principios del “Diseño
Profession como transformación Centrado en el Humano”.Describir
al estrategia self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx digital en las tu grado de preparación digital (
Certificate de empresas digital readiness ).
negocios e impulsa la
innovación necesidad de
redefinir el
liderazgo en las
organizaciones, a
la vez que resalta
Liderazgo orientado Tecnológic Describe los Identificar las oportunidades de Estudios de business-
al florecimiento o de elementos del mejora personal dentro de los profesional management
humano Monterrey Habilidade modelo de cinco elementos del modelo de concluidos.
s Liderazgo liderazgo para el florecimiento
profesional orientado al humanoDesarrollar las
MicroMast Introductor
es: self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx florecimiento competencias que le permitirán
ers y
negociació humano para alcanzar y optimizar resultados en
ny desarrollar su trabajoComprender la relación
liderazgo líderes que entre felicidad, liderazgo y
alcancen mejores florecimiento
Liderazgo y Tecnológic resultados.
Aprende a Desarrollar un estilo de liderazgo Estudios de business-
comportamiento o de Habilidade desarrollar tu que se adapte a tus fortalezas y profesional management
organizacional Monterrey s potencial como las necesidades de la concluidos.
profesional líder, desarrolla situaciónDiseñar tareas
MicroMast Introductor
es: self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx habilidades de motivadoras y efectivas para ti y
ers y
negociació motivación, para otrosComunicar tu
ny liderazgo y perspectiva a otros de una
liderazgo negociación. manera creíble y persuasiva
Marketing digital y Tecnológic El marketing Aprender sobre el uso del Licenciatura business-
sus análisis basado o de digital es la influencer marketing y cuál es la management,
en datos Monterrey columna vertebral mejor estrategia para llegar a tus data-analysis-
que utiliza clientes.Entender sobre la statistics
plataformas y importancia de tu marca en un
tecnologías mundo digital.Aprender sobre los
digitales en una fundamentos del SEO.Analizar los
Marketing empresa, como datos obtenidos de tus campañas
Profession digital y cualquier tipo de de marketing.Aprender sobre el
al customer self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx dispositivo, para punto de vista de UI/UX
Certificate engageme mantenerse
nt conectado con
los usuarios. Una
vez que los
usuarios son
parte de este
ecosistema, las
convierten estos
Mentalidad Tecnológic Aprende como el Identificar los conceptos básicos Estudios de business-
Emprendedora o de emprendimiento de emprendimiento innovador profesional management
Monterrey innovador y la para innovar y crear valor en la concluidos.
forma de innovar empresaDeterminar las
de las startups estrategias y herramientas que los
Innovación pueden generar emprendedores y startups utilizan
MicroMast y valor en el mundo para desarrollar y emprender las
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx de los negocios. innovacionesExplicar como los
ers emprendim
iento emprendedores pueden ir de una
idea a un producto y
escalarloAnalizar las iniciativas de
innovación dentro de la

Mentalidad Tecnológic Aprende como el Identificar los conceptos básicos Estudios de business-
Emprendedora o de emprendimiento de emprendimiento innovador profesional management
Monterrey innovador y la para innovar y crear valor en la concluidos.
forma de innovar empresaDeterminar las
de las startups estrategias y herramientas que los
Innovación pueden generar emprendedores y startups utilizan
MicroMast y valor en el mundo para desarrollar y emprender las
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx de los negocios. innovacionesExplicar como los
ers emprendim
iento emprendedores pueden ir de una
idea a un producto y
escalarloAnalizar las iniciativas de
innovación dentro de la
Mercados de Tecnológic Aprende qué es Identificar las consecuencias del Nivel de bachillerato science,
carbono: una forma o de el cambio cambio climático Explicar el en curso o engineering
de mitigar el cambio Monterrey climático, sus origen, evolución y perspectiva de terminado
climático impactos en el los mercados de carbono, a
medio ambiente y través de una óptica de reducción
Non- Non- Intermediat el papel que de emisiones y del análisis de la
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx
Program Program e juegan los política pública del cambio
mercados de climáticoDesarrollar un proyecto
carbono para su de reducción y venta de
mitigación. emisiones para un cliente en
Mercados de Tecnológic Aprende sobre Definir nuevas oportunidades de Nivel de bachillerato science,
energía: o de mercados y negocio en los mercados en curso o engineering
oportunidades de Monterrey regulaciones energéticosExaminar regulaciones terminado. Uso de
negocio energéticas en frente a segmentos en herramientas
Non- Non- Intermediat América Latina y competencia y contrastes informáticas en un
self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx
Program Program e en especial en internacionalesDiseñar negocios nivel básico.
México, que en los mercados energéticos
permiten definir
Negotiation Skills Tecnológic para diseñar
It analyzes the Implement the key negotiation Bachelor's Degree business-
and Effective o de “social” skills and styles to carry out Level management
Communication Monterrey perspective of a effective negotiations and reach
negotiation and satisfactory agreements.Adopt
Humanities its impact on communication techniques that
MicroMast Intermediat successful improve relationships and
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers e agreements, as stimulate cooperation between the
well as the risks parties involved.Develop critical
of ignoring it, or thinking to manage emotions and
disregarding its resolve conflicts in a constructive
applicability. way.
Negotiation Skills Tecnológic It analyzes the Implement the key negotiation Bachelor's Degree business-
and Effective o de “social” skills and styles to carry out Level management
Communication Monterrey perspective of a effective negotiations and reach
negotiation and satisfactory agreements.Adopt
Humanities its impact on communication techniques that
MicroMast Intermediat successful improve relationships and
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers e agreements, as stimulate cooperation between the
well as the risks parties involved.Develop critical
of ignoring it, or thinking to manage emotions and
disregarding its resolve conflicts in a constructive
applicability. way.
Negotiation Tecnológic It describes the Identify negotiation styles based Bachelor's Degree business-
Strategies and Styles o de different on the results and relationships in Level. management
Monterrey negotiation a negotiation.Analyze the most
Humanities strategies based effective strategic options in
MicroMast Intermediat on expected different negotiation
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers e results and their contexts.Solve complex problems
impact on the that meet the interests and
relationship objectives of the parties involved.
between the
parties involved.
Negotiation Tecnológic It describes the Identify negotiation styles based Bachelor's Degree business-
Strategies and Styles o de different on the results and relationships in Level. management
Monterrey negotiation a negotiation.Analyze the most
Humanities strategies based effective strategic options in
MicroMast Intermediat on expected different negotiation
& Soft self_paced 5 8 4 en-us
ers e results and their contexts.Solve complex problems
impact on the that meet the interests and
relationship objectives of the parties involved.
between the
Organizational Tecnológic parties
world Analyze the external business Bachelor´s Degree business-
innovation and o de faces challenges environment and assess the Level management
creativity Monterrey and opportunities competitive forces that affect the
that require organizationIdentify business
innovative model concepts and design
approaches and unique value
Innovation a new set of propositionsDistinguish the
MicroMast & skills. This online principles of innovation and
self_paced Advanced 5 8 4 es-mx course offers you explain innovation
ers Entreprene
urship methodologies for managementApply the principles
innovation and of design thinking to innovative
problem problem solvingApply based and
resolution. open innovation, and results co-
creation to problem
solvingExperiencing problem
solving to refine solutions
Pensamento crítico: Tecnológic Aprende a • Identificar as teorias do Nível de licenciatura business-
tomada de decisões o de analisar eventos conhecimento que sustentam o management
fundamentadas Monterrey com rigor pensamento crítico• Empregar
intelectual. uma metodologia para a aplicação
Identifica como do pensamento crítico• Relacionar
as decisões os elementos que compõem os
fundamentadas estágios do pensamento crítico•
Non- Non- Introductor ajudam a lidar Analisar os padrões da prática do
self_paced 5 8 4 pt-br com as pensamento crítico• Avaliar a
Program Program y
mudanças. responsabilidade de perpetuar os
valores intelectuais da análise de
resolução• Distinguir os vícios do
pensamento na tomada de
decisão• Aplicação do
pensamento crítico em grupos
Pensamiento crítico: Tecnológic Aprende a Identificar las teorías del Estudios de business-
toma de decisiones o de analizar eventos conocimiento que sustentan el profesional management
razonadas Monterrey con rigor pensamiento críticoEmplear una concluidos.
intelectual. metodología para la aplicación del
Identifica como pensamiento críticoRelacionar los
Habilidade las decisiones elementos que componen las
s razonadas etapas del pensamiento
profesional ayudan a críticoAnalizar los estándares de
MicroMast Introductor
es: self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx enfrentar el la práctica del pensar
ers y
negociació cambio. críticamenteValorar la
ny responsabilidad de perpetuar los
liderazgo valores intelectuales del análisis
resolutorioDistinguir los vicios de
pensamiento en la toma de
decisionesAplicación del
pensamiento crítico en grupos
Smart grid: Tecnológic Aprende los Aplicar las bases teóricas de las Nivel de bachillerato science,
fundamentos o de fundamentos redes eléctricas inteligentes a en curso o engineering
técnicos Monterrey técnicos de una partir de cálculos experimentales terminado.
smart grid; la de generación de energía
configuración de convencional, eólica y solar; para
Sustentabili las capas que comprendas el
Profession dad inferiores y la funcionamiento de una red
Intermediat forma en que se inteligenteLa contribución de la
al energética self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx
e interconectan los energía eólica en una red
Certificate y la smart
grid dispositivos, inteligenteLa energía solar en la
casas y edificios red inteligenteIdentificar los
inteligentes sistemas de monitoreo para redes
(internet of inteligentesConocer cómo se
things) a la red aprovecha la energía renovable
inteligente de en la smart grid
manera general.
Smart grid: las Tecnológic Aprende cómo Distinguir las características Nivel de bachillerato science,
redes eléctricas del o de las redes básicas que conforman una smart en curso o engineering
futuro Monterrey inteligentes son grid en sus principales etapas, a terminado
una alternativa partir del estudio de la topología
tecnológica de una red eléctrica convencional
efectiva y y una red inteligente desde la
Sustentabili eficiente cuando generación hasta el consumo de
Profession dad se administran energíaComprender cómo se
al energética self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx redes de energía administra una red inteligente con
Certificate y la smart eléctrica que sistemas de comunicaciones,
grid requieren de una control y monitoreo
calidad de remotoElementos que conforman
energía alta en una smart gridRetos y beneficios
su consumo y de las redes inteligentes
Transmisión de Tecnológic Aprende cómo se Analizar la manera en que la Nivel de bachillerato science,
energía eléctrica o de transmite y se energía eléctrica puede ser en curso o engineering
Monterrey distribuye la transportada a través de la red terminado.
electricidad y general de transmisiónExaminar
Sustentabili cómo este la transmisión de energía a través
Profession dad conocimiento de casos típicos, diseños y
al energética self_paced 4 5 7 es-mx puede ser parámetros predefinidos de líneas
Certificate y la smart aplicado para de transmisiónProponer una
grid maximizar la estrategia para maximizar la
transmisión de transmisión de energía eléctrica
energía eléctrica. entre una fuente de generación y
Caso de un centro de consumo urbano
estudioen el
Visualización de Tecnológic Aprende en este Los objetivos de este curso online Conocimientos data-analysis-
Datos y Storytelling o de curso en línea son los siguientes:Comprender sobre lenguajes de statistics,
Monterrey que es la que es la visualización de programación engineering,
visualización de datos.Conocer la importancia que (deseable Python) computer-science
Profession datos, sus usos; tiene la visualización de datos en
Ciencia de Intermediat los elementos la ciencia de datos.Conocer los
al self_paced 3 5 4 es-mx
Datos e que la conforman elementos que componen una
y la forma de visualización de datos y que
poder utilizarla herramientas existen para
para el apoyo en aplicarla.
la toma de las
Chinese Culture: The Hong This compact The cultural interactions between None humanities, art-
Interaction Kong course introduces China and the WestThe cultural culture, history
Polytechnic 5 interesting interactions between China and
University aspects of Central AsiaThe cultural
Chinese cultural interactions between China and
exchange and VietnamChina's interactions with
Chinese interaction with Asian countries in the first half of
Culture: other countries in 20th centuryChina's interactions
Tradition, Introductor history. They are with other countries in food and
XSeries self_paced 2 4 6 en-us (a) China and the cuisine
Transforma y
tion and West, (b) China
Interaction and Central Asia
(c) China and
Vietnam, (d)
Colonialism, Anti-
Colonialism and
and (e) Chinese
Food and
Chinese Culture: The Hong This compact Origin and wisdom of None humanities, art-
Tradition Kong course introduces ConfucianismPhilosophy of culture, history
Polytechnic 5 interesting DaoismFour Noble Truths of
University aspects of BuddhismAncient Chinese warfare
traditional and The Art of War by SunziThe
Chinese Chinese culture. art of Chinese painting in the Song
Culture: They are (a) dynasty
Tradition, Introductor Confucianism, (b)
XSeries self_paced 2 4 6 en-us
Transforma y Daoism, (c)
tion and Buddhism, (d)
Interaction Sunzi's The Art of
War and ancient
Chinese warfare,
and (e) the art of
painting in the
Song dynasty.
Chinese Culture: The Hong This compact The Four Great Classical Chinese None art-culture,
Transformation Kong course introduces NovelsThe art of Chinese humanities,
Polytechnic 5 interesting operaThe private Confucian philosophy-ethics
University aspects of academies since the Song
Chinese culture dynasty and their impact on
in transformation. educationNew Confucianism in
They are (a) The the 20th centuryLabor and gender
Chinese Four Great politics in early New China
Culture: Classical Chinese
Tradition, Introductor Novels, (b) the art
XSeries self_paced 2 4 6 en-us of Chinese opera,
Transforma y
tion and (c) private
Interaction Confucian
academies since
the Song dynasty,
(d) New
Confucianism in
the 20th century,
and (e) gender
politics in early
New China. This
Design Thinking: The Hong Demystify design Understand the importance of design
Theories and Kong thinking as a design thinking in solving complex
Applications Polytechnic process for and wicked problems.Recognize
University problem-solving the theories and practices of
and learn how to design thinking in the problem-
use design solving process.Apply design
thinking to solve thinking approach to solve
Non- Non- Introductor complex and complex and wicked
self_paced 2 4 5 en-us wicked problems. problems.Use appropriate design
Program Program y
thinking tools to help in the
process.Understand design
thinking is more than a problem-
solving process.Develop the
necessary attitudes to become a
design thinker.
Human Anatomy for The Hong The first MOOC Effects of stroke on the human None medicine, biology-
Stroke Kong to teach Human bodyAnatomy of relevant body life-sciences,
Polytechnic Anatomy from systems at gross and histological science
University Profession Introductio multiple levelsServices provided by
Introductor healthcare healthcare professionals for stroke
al n to Stroke self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
y professional patientsRelevant knowledge of
Certificate Care
perspectives anatomy for application of clinical
through a case- procedures
based study of
Industry 4.0: How to The Hong stroke.
An introduction to Understand the various stages of None business-
Revolutionize your Kong the fourth industrial revolutionsUnderstand management,
Business Polytechnic industrial the Future of Work and the skills computer-science,
University revolution, it's neededThe drivers, enablers and engineering
major systems compelling forces for Industry
and technologies 4.0’s advancementSmart factories
and how new and howthey compare to existing
products and onesUnderstand whatInternet of
services will Thing (IoT) and Industrial Internet
impact business of Things (IIoT)Predictive
Business and society. Analysis, Big Data leading to data-
Excellence driven decisions and
Profession in a automationCyber Physical
Introductor Systems and other major systems
al knowledge- self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
y in Industry 4.0Understand the role
Certificate driven
Industry and importance of data and cloud
4.0 world computingHow to use the Cloud to
support human-machine
collaborative effortsThe use of
collaborative robotsExamples of
smart automations, products and
servicesThe challenges in
cybersecurity and how to reduce
themHow organizations and
knowledge workers can better
prepare for Industry 4.0

Knowledge The Hong Learn about the Understand the role of Knowledge None business-
Management and Kong integrative power Management (KM) practitioners in management,
Big Data in Business Polytechnic of knowledge creating business valueBecome social-sciences,
University management, Big familiar with the techniques and data-analysis-
Data and Cloud tools for capturing, processing, statistics
Computing, and classifying and organizing
Business how they impact knowledgeHow to analyze large
Excellence the new business quantities of data and information
Profession in a era. through analyticsHow to use
Introductor Cloud Services to derive new
al knowledge- self_paced 6 8 8 en-us
y values and business
Certificate driven
Industry modelsUnderstand the role of
4.0 world social media and technologies in
innovating new business
servicesApply the principles you
have learnt to company-based
business projects
Science of Stroke The Hong Learn rationales Critical elements of the stroke medicine, biology-
Recovery Kong behind the stroke care pathwayImportance of life-sciences,
Polytechnic Profession Introductio care pathway for interdisciplinary stroke team in health-safety
University al Introductor supporting stroke careReasoning of modern
n to Stroke self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
y treatments and post-stroke rehabilitation
Certificate Care
rehabilitation. approachAn experiential learning
for stroke recovery process
A System View of The Hong Explore the In this course, you will:Learn the None computer-science,
Communications: Kong tradeoffs in point-to-point link which engineering,
From Signals to University designing communicates information from a electronics
Packets (Part 1) of Science communication single transmitter to a single
and systems like receiver.Gain a basic
Technology mobile phones, understanding of the engineering
Non- Non- Introductor and the tools used and tradeoffs faced in
self_paced 4 6 7 en-us
Program Program y engineering tools designing digital communications
to handle them. systems.Discuss effective
solutions to overcome these
challenges and develop intuitive,
useful systems.

A System View of The Hong Explore the At the end of the course, you computer-science,
Communications: Kong tradeoffs in will:Learn how multiple engineering,
From Signals to University designing transmitters can share the same electronics
Packets (Part 2) of Science communication physical channel.Gain a basic
and systems like understanding of the engineering
Technology Non- Non- Introductor mobile phones, tools used and tradeoffs faced in
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us and the designing digital communications
Program Program y
engineering tools systems.Discuss effective
to handle them. solutions to overcome these
challenges and develop intuitive,
useful systems.

A System View of The Hong Explore the At the end of the course, you computer-science,
Communications: Kong tradeoffs in will:Learn how information can be engineering,
From Signals to University designing transmitted reliably from one electronics
Packets (Part 3) of Science communication station to another over a network
and systems like that connects multiple
Technology mobile phones, stations.Gain a basic
Non- Non- Introductor and the understanding of the engineering
self_paced 4 6 5 en-us engineering tools tools used and tradeoffs faced in
Program Program y
to handle them. designing digital communications
systems.Discuss effective
solutions to overcome these
challenges and develop intuitive,
useful systems.
Digital Design The Hong The course is an At the end of the course, you will Secondary school design
Kong introduction to be able to:perform physical (high school)
University digital design simulations of real life situations algebra; basic
of Science technology. It that are expressed programming
and allows you to mathematicallymanipulate and concepts
Technology Non- Non- Introductor understand the animate static people so that they
self_paced 5 6 5 en-us basics of digital have realistic motionsmake
Program Program y
design and helps digitized people interact with 3D
you develop skills objectsapply your skills in a wide
from computer variety of applications such as
aided design to manufacturing, robotics, movies,
animation games, toys and many others
covering topics
English for Doing The Hong Introducing Pronounce sounds clearly and use A min of IELTS 5.5 humanities,
Business in Asia – Kong strategies for rhythm appropriately and and a max of IELTS business-
Speaking University developing your persuasivelyIdentify the purpose 7.0 is management,
of Science spoken English of an oral presentation to meet the recommended. See language
and communication audience’s needsOrganize an oral IELTS Band Scale
Technology skills in the presentation to suit the audience for more info. Or, a
Non- Non- Introductor context of doing and purposeDeliver an informative min of 46-59 and a
self_paced 3 4 7 en-us business in Asia. and a persuasive presentation to max of 102-109
Program Program y
discuss a topic relevant to a TOEFL Score is
business context in AsiaDevelop recommended. See
an understanding of cross-cultural TOEFL Score Scale
issues, style, and genre for for more info.
business communication purposes

English for Doing The Hong Introducing Plan, research and structure a English for Doing humanities,
Business in Asia – Kong strategies for piece of writing according to the Business in Asia – business-
Writing University developing your needs of a specific reader and Speaking” is not a management,
of Science written English purposeWrite a series of coherent prerequisite. It is language
and communication and cohesive paragraphs, in entirely possible for
Technology skills in the which topic sentences containing those who have not
context of doing controlling ideas are expanded taken the Speaking"
business in Asia. with details, examples and course (EBA101x)
explanationsIdentify the purpose to take this "Writing"
of a written document to meet the course but that said,
audience’s needsOrganize a there will be overlap
written document to suit the of a few key
audience and purposeDevelop an concepts and ideas
Non- Non- Introductor understanding of cross-cultural between the two
self_paced 3 4 7 en-us
Program Program y issues, style, and genre for courses.A min of
business communication purposes IELTS 5.5 and a
max of IELTS 7.0 is
recommended. See
Scalefor more info.
Or, a min of 46-59
and a max of 102-
109 TOEFL Score
is recommended.
See TOEFL Score
Scalefor more info.
Introduction to Java The Hong Learn the Take a “real-life” problem and None computer-science
Programming – Part Kong fundamental abstract out the pertinent aspects
1 University elements of Java necessary to solve it in an
of Science programming and algorithmic manner.Formulate
and From Java data abstraction. formal solutions to well-defined
Technology XSeries to Android problems using the logic of a
for programming language.Implement
Profession Introductor
Beginners self_paced 3 5 5 en-us formal solutions in Java using an
al y
Java and integrated development
Android environment.Understand the
Foundation basics of data abstraction using
the object-oriented framework.

Introduction to Java The Hong The first MOOC Take a “real-life” problem and Introduction to Java computer-science
Programming – Part Kong to teach the abstract out the pertinent aspects Programming Part 1
2 University fundamental necessary to solve it in an - COMP102.1x is
of Science elements of Java algorithmic manner.Formulate recommended.
and From Java programming and formal solutions to well-defined
Technology XSeries to Android data abstraction. problems using the logic of a
for programming language.Implement
Profession Introductor
Beginners self_paced 3 5 5 en-us formal solutions in Java using an
al y
Java and integrated development
Android environment.Understand the
Foundation basics of data abstraction using
the object-oriented framework.

Principle of The Hong An intuitive How to describe the motion of Basic high-school electronics
Semiconductor Kong approach to carriers in a semiconductor chemistry and
Devices Part I: University operational materialWays to illustrate the knowledge of the
Semiconductors, PN of Science principles of operational principles of some periodic tableBasic
Junctions and and semiconductor common electronic devices algebraBasic
Bipolar Junction Technology devices.The including PN Junction calculus
Transistors course covers PN Diode,Schottky Diode, Photo
junction diodes, Diodes,Solar Cells,LED
Non- Non- Intermediat optical sensors, andBipolar Junction
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us
Program Program e solar cells, LEDs, TransistorHow to identify the most
and Bipolar important parameters to adjust for
Junction meeting certain design
Transistors. specificationsHow to construct the
circuit models of some common
electronic devicesCommunication
in the language of semiconductor
Principle of The Hong An intuitive How to visualize the charge and Principle of electronics,
Semiconductor Kong approach to capacitance characteristics of Semiconductor physics
Devices Part II: University operational MOS capacitorsWays to describe Devices Part I:
Field Effect of Science principles of the operation principle of charge Semiconductors,
Transistors and and semiconductor couple devices and CMOS active- PN Junctions and
MOSFETs Technology devices. The pixel sensor to construct a digital Bipolar Junction
course covers cameraHow to calculate the Transistors
MOS capacitors, current voltage characteristics of
Non- Non- Intermediat charge coupled MOSFETsHow the reduction of
self_paced 4 5 7 en-us devices, classical transistor dimensions and device
Program Program e
MOSFETs, scaling drive the technology
transistor scaling, developmentWhat are the most
short channel important parameters to control
MOSFET, and short channel effectsHow to
nano-CMOS construct short channel
transistors. MOSFETsCommunication in the
language of nano-CMOS

Psychology of The Hong Learn to At the end of this course, you will No prior knowledge social-sciences
Personal Growth Kong understand be able to: describe different in psychology
University personal growth methods to studying personal needed; join us a
of Science from a growthdescribe yourself using rookie.
and comparative multiple perspectivesexplain the
Technology perspective. role of culture in defining
yourselfdescribe different
Non- Non- Introductor approaches to exploring the
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y nature of emotionapply different
perspectives on understanding the
interplay between culture and
romantic lovecritically discuss the
relationship between romantic
love and intimate relationships

Becoming a The Linux Develop Understand the Hyperledger Aries Familiarity with computer-science
Hyperledger Aries Foundation blockchain-based architecture and its GitHubKnowledge
Developer production-ready components.Discuss the of Linux command
identity DIDComm protocol for peer-to- line Familiarity with
applications with peer messages.Deploy instances PythonWe highly
Hyperledger of Aries agents and establish a recommend taking
Developing Aries. connection between two or more the Introduction to
Aries agents.Create from scratch Hyperledger
Profession Blockchain or extend Aries agents to add Sovereign Identity
Introductor business logic.Understand the Blockchain
al -Based self_paced 2 3 7 en-us
y possibilities available through the Solutions: Indy,
Certificate Identity
Application implementation of Aries agents. Aries & Ursa
s (LFS172x), to
ensure you have a
solid foundation on
identity solutions
and Hyperledger
Blockchain: The Linux Understand What a blockchain isBlockchain None business-
Understanding Its Foundation exactly what a impact and potential for change management,
Uses and blockchain is, its around the worldUnderstand how computer-science
Implications impact and blockchain is applied to all aspects
Profession Blockchain potential for of businessDemonstrate some of
al for self_paced 2 3 14 en-us change around the immediate blockchain use
Certificate Business the world, and cases in technology, business,
analyze use and enterprise products and
cases in institutions
Blockchain: The Linux business,
Understand and What a blockchain isBlockchain None business-
Understanding Its Foundation exactly what a impact and potential for change management,
Uses and blockchain is, its around the worldUnderstand how computer-science
Implications impact and blockchain is applied to all aspects
Profession Blockchain potential for of businessDemonstrate some of
al for self_paced 2 3 14 en-us change around the immediate blockchain use
Certificate Business the world, and cases in technology, business,
analyze use and enterprise products and
cases in institutions
Building a RISC-V The Linux business, and
Create a RISC-V Digital logic design (combinational The lab computer-science,
CPU Core Foundation CPU with modern and sequential logic)RISC-V environment engineering,
open source (RV32I) instruction set (Makerchip) is electronics
circuit design architectureBasic CPU entirely online. The
tools, microarchitectureTransaction- only system
methodologies, Level Verilog basicsMakerchip requirement is a
Non- Non- Introductor and online IDE web browser.You
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us microarchitecture, may want to
Program Program y
all from your consider first taking
browser. Introduction to
RISC-V (LFD110x)
on edX, though this
is not a prerequisite.
Building The Linux Are you Explain the concepts of monolith, Basic knowledge of computer-science
Microservice Foundation interested in microservices, service mesh and the Linux Command
Platforms with TARS microservices? serverless, and understand how Line Interface
Don’t miss out on their differences translate into the (CLI)Basic
TARS! Get an in- different approaches for software knowledge of
depth primer on development.Describe the database
the powerful components and characteristics of technology like
TARS framework the TARS framework.Install and MySQLBasic
for building your operate TARS in Docker, programming
microservice Kubernetes, or from source knowledge based
Non- Non- Introductor platform. code.Create a microservices on one or more
self_paced 1 3 7 en-us
Program Program y application using the TARS mainstream
framework.Maintain or scale up languages, such as
microservices applications in C++, Golang, PHP,
TARS.Understand the features etc.Optional: Basic
that make TARS a preferred knowledge of
solution for enterprises across container
different industries. technology such as
Docker and

Business The Linux Learn how Discern between the hype and Basic business-
Considerations for Foundation wireless networks real opportunities of 5G understanding of management,
5G with Edge, IoT, are being technologiesUnderstand how 5G networking, 5G, computer-science
and AI redefined to could impact your Edge, IoT, AI
support a 5G businessUnderstand the concepts and
world and what is interdependence of technologies terminology
required of like 5G/IoT/AI/Edge driving our
5G businesses to futureUnderstand the debate and
Profession Strategy take advantage of concerns around responsibility,
Introductor new technologies trust and ethics for emerging
al for self_paced 1 2 10 en-us
y like IoT, Edge techLearn how to apply these
Certificate Business
Leaders and AI. technologies through use cases
for innovating customer
interactions and improving
operational efficiency and
scalabilityBegin to take the first
steps that prepare you, your
business or institution for the
future with 5G, Edge, IoT and AI.

Business The Linux Edge Computing What Edge Computing is and You should have a computer-science,
Considerations for Foundation utilizes real-time what is driving its adoptionHow basic understanding business-
Edge Computing processing and Edge Computing enables the of 5G, AI, and management
data analysis at digital business transformation networking
the edge of the and 5GWhat are the data and concepts and
network - nearest privacy considerations for terminology.
Non- Non- Introductor the device or user deploying Edge Computing
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us - in order to networksUnderstand what Edge
Program Program y
enable digital Computing makes possible in
transformation businessKnow the influencers and
and power new open source projects that are
technologies. defining the future of Edge and the
distributed computing world
Ethics in AI and Big The Linux Learn how to Discuss business drivers for AI, as business-
Data Foundation build and well as business and societal management,
incorporate dynamics at work in an AI ethics
ethical world.Discuss the key principles
frameworks in for building responsible AI, and
your AI and Big learn what are the initial steps to
Data technology take when planning your AI
and business framework.Understand what
initiatives to add ethics means and how to apply it
Non- Non- Introductor transparency, to AI.Learn where to start, what
self_paced 1 2 6 en-us
Program Program y build trust, and considerations should inform your
drive adoption. ethical framework, and what this
framework should include.Review
pan-industry initiatives on ethical
AI.Discuss the drivers for open
source to support AI.Review the
technical and non-technical
implications of AI.

Exploring GraphQL: The Linux Learn about WhatGraphQL is and how it It is helpful to have computer-science
A Query Language Foundation GraphQL, an worksWhen to use GraphQLWhat some general
for APIs alternative to advantages GraphQL has over knowledge about
REST, and other paradigms, such as REST how websites get
practice GraphQL information from
queries in an servers, but it is not
interactive required.Familiarity
playground. with web
Non- Non- Introductor architecture, such
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us as clients and
Program Program y
with web
concepts such as
caching, HTTP
requests, build-time,

Introduction to The Linux A hands-on Explore the runtime, security and Little to no Cloud computer-science
Cloud Foundry and Foundation workshop to learn network of Cloud Foundry.How to Foundry
Cloud Native how to deploy build runtime and framework experienceSome
Software and manage support with buildpacks.Learn experience
Architecture applications on "The Twelve Factor app" design deploying web-
Cloud Foundry. patterns for resiliency and based
Grow from novice scalability.Get the steps needed to applicationsComfort
Non- Non- Introductor to knowledge- make your app "cloud- able using the
self_paced 3 4 14 en-us hound in your native".Understand how each command line and
Program Program y
spare time! component of Cloud Foundry SSH
combine to provide a cloud-native
platform.Explore Services and
MarketplaceStudy techniques and
examples for locating problems in
distributed systems.
Introduction to The Linux Learn the Basics of cloud computer-science
Cloud Infrastructure Foundation fundamentals of computingCharacteristics of the
Technologies building and different cloud
Non- Non- Introductor managing cloud technologiesWorking knowledge
self_paced 3 4 14 en-us
Program Program y technologies on how to choose the right
directly from The technology stack for your needs
Linux Foundation,
Introduction to The Linux the leader
Learn how in
to How DevOps is influencing Intermediate computer-science
DevOps and Site Foundation start transforming software delivery and why it is understanding of
Reliability your organization important for IT operations Linux systems
Engineering using the personnel to skill up with DevOps Knowledge of
principles and practices.How Cloud Computing networking
practices of has enabled organizations to concepts, utilities
DevOps. rapidly build and deploy products and troubleshooting
and expand capacity.How the Basic scripting
open container ecosystem, with knowledge
Kubernetes in the lead, is truly Computer and
Introductio revolutionizing software delivery network security
Profession n to and what role an Operations concepts
al DevOps: self_paced 1 2 10 en-us Engineer plays in it.The why, what Virtualization
Certificate Practices and how of writing Infrastructure concepts Systems
and Tools as a Code.The role played by administration and
Continuous Integration in software troubleshooting skills
delivery.What is Continuous
Deployment and Continuous
Delivery and how does a
deployment pipeline look like.The
role played by Observability
systems, what to observe and why.
Introduction to The Linux Learn how to How DevOps is influencing Intermediate computer-science
DevOps and Site Foundation start transforming software delivery and why it is understanding of
Reliability your organization important for IT operations Linux systems
Engineering using the personnel to skill up with DevOps Knowledge of
principles and practices.How Cloud Computing networking
practices of has enabled organizations to concepts, utilities
DevOps. rapidly build and deploy products and troubleshooting
and expand capacity.How the Basic scripting
open container ecosystem, with knowledge
Kubernetes in the lead, is truly Computer and
Introductio revolutionizing software delivery network security
Profession n to and what role an Operations concepts
al DevOps: self_paced 1 2 10 en-us Engineer plays in it.The why, what Virtualization
Certificate Practices and how of writing Infrastructure concepts Systems
and Tools as a Code.The role played by administration and
Continuous Integration in software troubleshooting skills
delivery.What is Continuous
Deployment and Continuous
Delivery and how does a
deployment pipeline look like.The
role played by Observability
systems, what to observe and why.

Introduction to The Linux We now depend The impacts DevOps and Cloud Have a basic level computer-science,
FinOps Foundation on Cloud to have had on how IT costs are of working economics-
deliver digital managedWhat FinOps is and how knowledge about at finance, business-
value to it can address some of these least one of the management
customers. But impactsThe principles of FinOps major cloud
DevOps and which guide its practice in an providersUnderstan
Cloud have organizationThe considerations d basic terminology
broken traditional that go into forming a FinOps of the cloudHave a
procurement. team within an organizationThe basic level of
Learn how scope of the Capabilities a FinOps understanding of IT
FinOps gets IT, team would perform to achieve the finance terminology.
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 1 2 6 en-us Business and Cloud use goals of the
Program Program y
Finance working organization How the FinOps
together to Foundation can help practitioners,
leverage Cloud to cloud users, finance professionals,
innovate, deliver DevOps engineers and product
and make money. managers to work with others
around the world to learn best
practices and support one another
Introduction to The Linux A primer to Describe Business Blockchain and LFS170x - business-
Hyperledger Foundation blockchain, Distributed Ledger Blockchain: management,
Blockchain distributed TechnologiesGain familiarity with Understanding Its economics-
Technologies ledgers and current Hyperledger projects and Uses and finance, computer-
Profession Blockchain Hyperledger cross-industryuse casesBecome ImplicationsBasic science
Introductor technologies. involved in and contribute to the understanding of
al for self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
y open source Hyperledger projects technology and
Certificate Business
networking, and
Introduction to The Linux Learn how The problems with existing computer-science
Hyperledger Foundation Hyperledger Internet identity/trust mechanisms
Sovereign Identity Aries, Indy and today.How a distributed ledger,
Blockchain Developing Ursa add a such as Hyperledger Indy, can be
Solutions: Indy, necessary layer used for identity.How the
Aries & Ursa Profession Blockchain of trust to the underlying blockchain technology
al -Based self_paced 2 3 7 en-us Internet, creating makes it possible. Understand the
Certificate Identity and using purpose, scope and relationship
Application independent between Aries, Indy and Ursa.The
s digital identities possibilities enabled by this new
rooted on technology.
blockchains or
other distributed
Introduction to The Linux Learn the The role of Jenkins in software Basic knowledge of computer-science
Jenkins Foundation fundamentals development lifecycleHow to set software
required to up and access Jenkins automation development
Introductio implement serverHow to build your software lifecycle
Profession n to Continuous by configuring and running various (SDLC)Basic
Introductor Integration (CI) types of Jenkins jobsHow to install knowledge of
al DevOps: self_paced 2 3 10 en-us
y and Continuous and manage pluginsHow to scale software
Certificate Practices
and Tools Delivery (CD) and secure Jenkins configuration
workflows using management (SCM)
the Jenkins tools, such as GIT
Introduction to The Linux Want to learn The origin, architecture, primary Basic knowledge of computer-science,
Kubernetes Foundation Kubernetes? Get components, and building blocks Linux Command business-
an in-depth of KubernetesHow to set up and Line Interface management
primer on this access a Kubernetes cluster using (CLI)Basic
powerful system MinikubeWays to run applications knowledge of
Non- Non- Introductor for managing on the deployed Kubernetes container
self_paced 2 3 14 en-us
Program Program y containerized environment and access the technology like
applications. deployed applicationsUsefulness Docker, Rkt is
of Kubernetes communities and required
how you can participate.

Introduction to Linux The Linux Never learned A good working knowledge of None. However, the computer-science
Foundation Linux? Want a LinuxHow to navigate through course does
refresh? Develop major Linux distributionsSystem assume familiarity
a good working configurations and graphical with computers and
Non- Non- Introductor knowledge of interface of LinuxBasic command common software,
self_paced 5 7 14 en-us
Program Program y Linux using both line operationsCommon such as would be
the graphical applications of Linux had from daily
interface and computer use.
command line
across the major
Introduction to The Linux Get started with How to rapidly build command line Knowledge of how computer-science
Node.js Foundation Node.js, the most tools.How to rapidly mock RESTful to use a command
popular open JSON APIs.How to rapidly line terminal.Basic
source prototype real-time JavaScript
JavaScript services.Discover and use knowledge.
runtime. Discover ecosystem utilities.
Non- Non- Introductor the ways in which
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us
Program Program y Node.js helps in
scenarios, from
and real-time
Introduction to The Linux Learn how the The basics of NFVNew Basic knowledge of computer-science
ONAP: Complete Foundation ONAP platform architectural concepts introduced Network Functions
Network Automation uses SDN and by ONAPONAP architectureONAP Virtualization
NFV to subprojectsONAP official (NFV)Basic
orchestrate and demosHow to get involved knowledge of
Non- Non- Introductor automate Software Defined
self_paced 1 2 14 en-us
Program Program y physical and Networking (SDN).
virtual network
services to help
accelerate time to
Introduction to Open The Linux Learn technical The software-defined and open It is recommended computer-science
Source Networking Foundation fundamentals source networking landscapeHow that audience have
Technologies needed to adopt networking hardware is being some basic
SDN, NFV, disaggregatedOpen network knowledge of
disaggregation, operating systems (NOS) and how computer
orchestration, they run on different networking networking and
network hardwareWays to automate virtualization.
automation, and networking tasksHow software-
Non- Non- Introductor modern defined network (SDN) controllers
self_paced 3 4 14 en-us networking. manage underlay
Program Program y
Discover use networksNetwork function
cases and virtualization and how it can help
technical options reduce the complexity of today's
for open data center
networking. Plus: environmentsOrchestration tools
learn more about that can build a bridge between
The Linux applications and networking
Introduction to RISC- The Linux Get to learn all Describe the nature, history, and A solid grounding in computer-science
V Foundation about RISC-V: ongoing practices of RISC-V as a computer
find out how to technology, an international architecture will be
work with open organization, and a community of helpful
specifications and developers and
the organization implementers.Explain how RISC-V
that curates technical working groups are
them, and organized.Explain the basis of
Non- Non- Introductor discover how you community-based open
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us can become a specification development, and
Program Program y
part of this vibrant how the RISC-V ISA is developed
community. as an open
specification.Understand how
people and organizations can
benefit from and contribute to
RISC-V.Put the RISC-V ISA into
action with a simulator booting the
Linux operating system.

Introduction to The Linux Learn how to Understand what serverless is.Get Basic knowledge of computer-science
Serverless on Foundation build serverless an overview of the CNCF CLI tools and Linux
Kubernetes functions that can landscape around serverless administrationSome
be run on any technologies.Learn how experience with
cloud, without serverless can be made portable Python
being restricted through the use of the Serverless programming
by limits on the 2.0 definition and languageBasic
execution Kubernetes.Explore the understanding of
duration, OpenFaaS toolchain, including: containers and
languages UI, CLI and REST API.Explore the Docker
available, or the OpenFaaS ecosystem, including
Introductio size of your code. the template store and function
Profession n to store for sharing functions and
al DevOps: self_paced 2 3 7 en-us code templates.Build functions
Certificate Practices using Python, configure them, and
and Tools use secrets.Add dependencies via
pip, and learn how to build native
extensions.Explore how to operate
OpenFaaS with: autoscaling,
metrics, dashboards, upgrades,
custom URLs, and
versioning.Expose functions
securely on the Internet with TLS,
and secure them with
Introduction to The Linux Learn the basics Describe what a service mesh is Intermediate computer-science
Service Mesh with Foundation of the service and contrast it to related knowledge of
Linkerd mesh and get technologiesInstall a service mesh Kubernetes is
hands-on on Kubernetes using LinkerdUse a requiredComfortable
practical service mesh to transparently add working in a Linux
experience with mutual TLS (mTLS), golden terminal and
Non- Non- Introductor Linkerd, the open metrics, and blue-green deploys to running a
self_paced 3 5 10 en-us source, open any Kubernetes Kubernetes
Program Program y
governance, applicationUnderstand the clusterFamiliarity
ultralight CNCF considerations when deploying a with building
service mesh for service mesh to production. container images
Kubernetes, and running them in
including Kubernetes with
transparent kubectl
mTLS, golden
Introduction to The Linux Get a solid A good understanding of the computer-science
WebAssembly Foundation foundation on the WebAssembly runtimeHow
WebAssembly WebAssembly runs ""under the
runtime and its hood""How to leverage
Non- Non- Introductor capabilities, and WebAssembly's capabilities in and
self_paced 1 2 7 en-us learn how and beyond the browserExplore
Program Program y
why potential applications in different
WebAssembly industriesAnd more!
has succeeded in
bringing new
NFV Acceleration: The Linux programming
Learn how The basics of NFVThe problems None computer-science
An Introduction to Foundation Network solved by OPNFVAn overview of
OPNFV Functions the upstream projects integrated
Virtualization by OPNFVThe workings of various
(NFV) is moving OPNFV projectsOPNFV use
Non- Non- Introductor the industry from cases and how to get involved in
self_paced 1 2 14 en-us
Program Program y fixed-function, OPNFV
devices to
flexible, software-
Open Source and The Linux Open source Discuss why open source matters Basic business-
the 5G Transition Foundation software and to 5G and your businessDiscover understanding of management,
5G standards are which open source technologies 5G, IoT, AI computer-science
Profession Strategy driving the are driving innovation for concepts and
al for self_paced 1 2 6 en-us transition to 5G, 5GExplore the open source terminology
Certificate Business AI and IoT. Learn technology landscape and know
Leaders what open source what warrants your attention
matter most and
Secure Software The Linux Learn the Implementation: You’ll learn how We presume that computer-science
Development: Foundation practical steps to implement much more secure the student already
Implementation software software. This includes how to do knows how to
Secure developers can Input validation, process data develop software to
Software take, even if they securely, call out to other some degree.
Profession have limited programs, and send output. You’ll
Developme Introductor
al self_paced 1 2 7 en-us resources, to also learn about more specialized
nt y
Certificate implement secure approaches, including some
als software. basics of cryptography and
handling problems (such as error-
handling code).

Secure Software The Linux Learn the security Security basics: risk management, We presume that computer-science
Development: Foundation basics that allow the “CIA” triad, and the student already
Requirements, you to develop requirements.Secure design knows how to
Design, and Reuse Secure software that is principles: what are principles develop software to
Software hardened against such as “least privilege” and how some degree.
Developme Introductor attacks, and to apply these principles.Supply
al self_paced 1 2 7 en-us
nt y understand how chain evaluation: tips on how to
Fundament you can reduce choose packages to reuse, and
als the damage and how to reuse them so that you can
speed the rapidly be alerted & update.
response when a
vulnerability is
Secure Software The Linux Learn how to Security Verification: How to We presume that computer-science
Development: Foundation verify software for examine software, include some the student already
Verification and security, and take key tool types, and how to apply knows how to
More Specialized a deeper dive into them in continuous integration develop software to
Topics the basics of (CI). This includes learning about some degree.
applying threat security code scanners/static
models and application security testing (SAST)
cryptography. tools, software component
analysis (SCA)/dependency
analysis tools, fuzzers, and web
application scanners.Threat
Secure modeling/Attack modeling: How to
Software consider your system from an
Developme Introductor attacker’s point of view and how to
al self_paced 1 2 7 en-us
nt y apply a simple design analysis
Fundament approach called STRIDE.Fielding:
als How to deploy and operate secure
software, handle vulnerability
reports, and how to rapidly update
when reused components have
vulnerabilities.Assurance cases
& formal methods: The
basics of approaches to more
strongly analyze and justify that
your software is secure.
Achieving Product- The Learn how to trulyDetermining your target customer. None required. business-
Market Fit University know your target It all begins with target customers “Product management,
of customer, your who will ultimately decide how well Management computer-science,
Maryland, customer’s your product meets their needs. Fundamentals” design
College underserved You should use market recommended.
Park needs, your value segmentation to get specific about
University proposition, your who your target customer
System of product feature is.Identifying underserved
Maryland set, and your customer needs. After forming
user experience, your hypothesis about your target
then integrate this
customers, the next step is to
knowledge into understand their needs. As you try
Profession Product product and to create value for customers, you
Introductor market want to identify the specific needs
al Manageme self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
y requirements and that correspond to a good market
Certificate nt
positioning plans opportunity.Defining your value
proposition. Your value proposition
is your plan for how your product
will meet customer needs better
than the alternatives. Out of all the
potential customer needs your
product could address, which
ones will you focus on with your
product?Specifying your MVP
feature set. Once you are clear on
your value proposition, you need
to specify what functionality your
minimum viable product will
Agile Innovation and The Learn how to How Agile manages solution risk engineering,
Problem Solving University deliver greater and return more business-
Skills of value through effectivelyAccurate, effective management,
Maryland, Agile solution requirements gathering that philosophy-ethics
College targeting and avoids delusional "perspective
Park Agile theory of taking"Paradox of structure, aka
University Project constraints that "how constraints drive creativity
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us
System of Manageme unleash your and luck!"Test-driven
Maryland nt team's innovative development for faster, better
potential. solutions in complex systemsHow
to target scope to meet
Performance Objectives via the
Theory of Constraints
Agile Leadership The Accelerate and Overview of agile and the key engineering,
Principles and University improve team roles: scrum master, product business-
Practices of decisions by owner, and agile team management,
Maryland, learning Agile’s member.Building self-organizing philosophy-ethics
College facilitating teams for agile projectsFacilitating
Park Agile leadership leadership and the power of
University Profession principles to playDecision science and human
System of al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us unleash team mind heuristicsNegotiation styles
Maryland Certificate productivity, and techniquesManaging bias
motivation, and through mindfulness and
problem solving. emotional intelligence (EQ)Lean
decision making tools for agile
project managers
Agile Process, The Learn Agile Agile systems engineering to engineering,
Project, and University controls that get ensure valuable, integrated business-
Program Controls of work done with solutionsControlling projects management,
Maryland, confidence by through actual measurements vs. philosophy-ethics
College using true estimates (e.g. EVM)Essential
Park transparency methods for managing People,
University (actuals not Process, and Product on
System of estimates) and empowered teamsHow to always
Maryland continuous be closing (ABC) with every
improvement to project increment using a
Profession ensure your definition of doneHow real-world
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us people, process, constraints and agile simplify
Certificate and products portfolio management and
deliver valuable, decision science methods: go
working solutions. beyond LP, IP, and Genetics-
based SearchEnterprise
alignment: how and why strategic
plans, portfolio optimization, and
project management canalign with
simple metrics, with facilitative

Applied Scrum for The Learn the project Why Agile is taking over: history, None engineering,
Agile Project University management case studies, and proof Agile business-
Management of processes, roles, works betterWho uses Agile management,
Maryland, mechanics, and based on industry scale, philosophy-ethics
College philosophies stakeholders, and
Park Agile behind Scrum, engineeringHow to run a
University Profession the simplest and successful Scrum team for speed,
System of al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us most pure innovation, leadership, and
Maryland Certificate approach to controlScrum team makeup, user
managing work at story writing, sprint planning,
the team level. execution, and retro toolsWhat
Scrum looks like at scale, its
alternatives, and how to avoid
pitfalls over time
Creating Innovative The Build your The course provides an innovative business-
Business Models University capabilities to model to create the value management
of create a value proposition, team strategy, market
Maryland, proposition, team strategy, and financial strategy
College strategy, market to:Effectively design value
Park strategy, and propositions that directly align with
University financial strategy your target customers’
System of to transform your interests;Assemble and lead an
Maryland ideas into a well-comprised team to produce
startup company results that create value for your
or innovative customers;Pursue big ideas that
Innovation corporate venture really matter to customers;
and Introductor andCraft a financial model that
al self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Entreprene y minimizes risks and maximizing
urship your success.With these skills,
you will be equipped to lead
customer discovery and customer
validation, understand business
strategy and customer
segmentation, create innovative
products, enter new markets,
design revenue models with
predictable revenue stream, and
achieve a sustainable competitive

Data Science and The Deliver faster, Designing and modeling for fast business-
Agile Systems University higher quality, feedback and idea sharingSystem management,
Engineering of and fault-tolerant optimization with open computer-science,
Maryland, products architecturesValidating functions design
College regardless of and verifying
Park industry using the performanceLeveraging and
University latest in Agile, enabling the system designs,
System of DevOps, and platforms, and ecosystemsLean
Maryland Profession Product Data Science. Startup and Product Innovation
Intermediat AnalyticsDeveloping the data
al Manageme self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
e collection and preparation pipeline
Certificate nt
for products and
servicesAnalyzing the
performance and testing
hypotheses for usability, fast-
feedback, and growthCustomer
experience (CX) validation and
enhancement leveraging usability
Designing The The most Explain how to build a business-
Information Hubs for University valuable resource communication network for a management,
Program and of on a project is program or project.Describe engineering,
Project Performance Maryland, Program timely different methods to manage the communication
College Manageme information. information flow in communication
Park Profession Why? Because networks.Create and test
nt and the Introductor
University al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us information feedback methods to ensure that
Art of y
System of Certificate changes the information is being transmitted
Maryland ation decisions that accurately.Analyze the information
determine project needs of the members in a
outcomes. Learn program or project’s
the planning skills communication network.
and techniques
Designing the User The Translate product Development processes and None required. business-
Experience University ideas into organizations. The customer “Product management,
of tangible assets needs process, Lean UX, Management computer-science,
Maryland, by creating diagrams, sketches, wireframes, Fundamentals” and design
College wireframes, 3D prototypes, and emerging “Achieving Product-
Park renderings, technologies.Concept generation Market Fit”
University prototypes, and and selection. Defining product recommended.
System of minimum viable specifications, establishing target
Maryland products (MVPs) specifications, and setting the final
to test specifications.Product design and
assumptions and architecture. Industrial design,
validate customer design for the environment, and
Profession Product interests design for
Introductor manufacturing.Principles of
al Manageme self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
y prototyping and user experience.
Certificate nt
Planning for prototyping, service
design, mapping the user
experience, and anatomy of an
experience map.Wireframing and
prototyping models. Product
architecture, choosing a
wireframing/UX prototyping tool,
Software Development Lifecycle
(SDLC) and Web Design
Lifecycle, and open source.Robust
design considerations. Robust
design process and version
control.Testing and
Digital Marketing The Learn how to 2.1 SEO and SEM - KPIs and business-
Analytics: Tools and University leverage leading keyword strategies2.2 Web management
Techniques of tools and Analytics - A/B Testing2.3
Maryland, approaches to Recommendation Systems2.4
College digital marketing Machine Learning/AI
Park Profession data analysis. applications/Big Data2.5 Text and
University Digital Introductor Dive into SEO Image Analysis2.6 Attribution/MMM
al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
System of Marketing y and SEM
Maryland strategies
including web
machine learning
and AI/Big Data
applications to
Effecting Digital The Learn how to Using the Disciplined Agile data-analysis-
Transformation with University transform an Delivery framework to manage statistics,
Data Analytics of organization data analytics projectsCase Study: business-
Projects Maryland, digitally through The New Start-Up: Building a management
College Transformi simulations and digital organization from the
Park ng Your case studies by ground-upCase Study: The
University Company’s applying the Established Organization:
System of Profession Data Disciplined Agile Transforming existing business
Maryland al Analytics: self_paced 2 3 4 en-us Delivery processes into digital
Certificate Championi framework to processesCase Study: The
ng the work through Threatened Organization: Using
Digital three simulations. data analytics projects to rescue
Enterprise an organization through digital
transformation.Managing a
Portfolio of Data Analytics Projects

Effective The Go beyond the Explain how to craft a clear and business-
Communication for University communication effective message.The management,
Program and of methods you Understanding Triad: know-what, engineering
Project Maryland, learned in the know-how, and know-why.Design
Stakeholders and College Program project feedback so that you can test for
Teams Park Manageme management understanding by your
University nt and the Introductor training. Learn audience.Analyze your audience
al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
System of Art of y how to structure to determine the optimum balance
Maryland Communic your program and of know-what, know-how, and
ation project know-why in your message design.
for the most
understanding by
Financing Innovative The Demystify key Understand the concepts and None required. business-
Ventures University financial concepts speak the language of financial “Identifying management
of for creating a entrepreneurship for startup Entrepreneurial
Maryland, financial plan for funding and corporate Opportunities” and
College your new venture venturingAnalyze the common “Creating Innovative
Park Innovation to raise the right means of funding new companies Business Models”
University Profession funding from the including angel investors and recommended.
and Introductor
System of al self_paced 2 3 4 en-us right partners at venture capitalCreate new
Entreprene y
Maryland Certificate the right time business concepts that require
limited funding during the nascent
stagesSuccessfully present
business ideas via persuasive
written and oral presentations

Fundamentals of The Learn the varied 1.1 Digital Marketing Strategy1.2 business-
Digital Marketing University and changing Inbound and Outbound Marketing management
of approaches to (also touching on social media
Maryland, digital marketing, marketing)1.3 Mobile Marketing -
College Profession such as mobile Apps and Promotions1.4 Multi-
Digital Introductor
Park al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us and omnichannel Sided Platforms1.5 Overview of
Marketing y
University Certificate marketing and OmniChannel Marketing1.6
System of attribution and Attribution and Marketing Mix
Maryland marketing mix Modeling
modeling to
inform your
Identifying The Learn today’s Develop the skills for identifying None business-
Entrepreneurial University newest skills and and analyzing entrepreneurial management
Opportunities of tools for ideas;Foster thinking
Maryland, identifying and entrepreneurially with an
College acting on awareness of entrepreneurial
Park entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial
University Innovation opportunities for motivation, and entrepreneurial
System of Profession startup behavior;Cultivate seeing
and Introductor
Maryland al self_paced 2 3 4 en-us companies and entrepreneurially with attention to
Entreprene y
Certificate corporate industry conditions, industry
innovations status, macroeconomic change,
and competition; andChampion
acting entrepreneurially with an
understanding of value innovation
and opportunity identification.

Introduction to The Learn how data The power of the fitness data-analysis-
Transforming with University analytics powers landscape, dynamic capabilities, statistics,
Data Analytics and of the digital and strategic foresight for business-
the Digital Maryland, organization and transforming your management
Organization College Transformi gives it a organizationCharacteristics of
Park ng Your competitive edge. digital organizationsThe
University Company’s imperative to transform
System of Profession Data digitallyWho is the digital
Maryland al Analytics: self_paced 2 3 4 en-us transformation manager in terms
Certificate Championi of knowledge, skills, and
ng the abilities?Compelling cases for
Digital transformationFundamentals of
Enterprise transformation (culture, people,
technology)Preparing the
organization for digital
Let's Get Started: The Effective leaders why great leaders are self- business-
Building Self- University know themselves awarewhat you can change and management,
Awareness of well. They what you can’t about yourself and engineering,
Maryland, capitalize on their otherswhat is self-awarenessvalue communication
College strengths and of self-awareness personally and
Park manage their professionallywhat is your level of
University weaknesses self-awarenesshow to improve
System of using self- self-awareness to engage in
Maryland awareness.Learn personal developmentwhat is your
Profession Re- how self-aware current level of management
Introductor you are and how skillswhat is your decision-making
al Imagining self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
y you can use self- stylewhat is the best use of your
Certificate Leadership
awareness to decision-making stylevalue of
intentionally management skillsset SMART
develop your goals for development of
management and management skillsset SMART
leadership skills. goals for use of strengths in
management skillswhere to learn
the skills needing further
Let’s Get Emotional: The Effective leaders build your emotional business-
Emotions & University have high self- vocabularyunderstand emotional management,
Emotional of awareness and intelligenceknow how to build your communication,
Intelligence! Maryland, emotional emotional intelligenceunderstand engineering
College intelligence. This the business case for emotional
Park course will help intelligence at workunderstand the
University Profession Re- you understand role of emotions at workknow the
System of al Imagining self_paced 2 3 5 en-us emotions -- our emotional characteristics of high
Maryland Certificate Leadership secondary and performance teamsset SMART
overlooked goals for development of
intelligence emotional intelligencewhere to
system -- and learn the skills needing further
emotional development *
intelligence. build
your emotional
Let’s Get Happy: The Great leaders, The business case for business-
Happiness Drives University create great happinessWhat is happinessHow management,
Performance of culture, which to build personal happinessWhat engineering,
Maryland, yields great work: is happiness at workHow soft communication
College Profession Re- G3. Leadership skills link to happiness at
Park Introductor requires skills workWhat contributes to PM
al Imagining self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
University y and is in greater happiness at workWhat detracts
Certificate Leadership
System of demand. Are you from PM happiness at workHow to
Maryland ready to lead build happiness at work
when the call
comes? Would
you like to refresh
Let’s Get Personal: The Effective leaders what is personality typewhy does it business-
Working with University capitalize on their matter at workstructure of management,
Personality Type of strengths & personality typelimitations of communication,
Maryland, manage their personality typedemographics of engineering
College weaknesses. personality type: age, gender,
Park Build your power careers, professions, to
University Profession Re- skills by apply personality typeproblem-
System of al Imagining self_paced 2 3 6 en-us understanding solvingcommunications &
Maryland Certificate Leadership the MBTI, conflictstress
personality type managementlearningenergy
assessment, and managementbuilding teamsgroup
how to use your typecareer choicemental model for
type to your type diversity in the workplace
advantage as an
Let’s Get Principled: The Learn about What are valuesWhy do values business-
Values, Culture & University values and matterWhat is cultureWhy does management,
Intelligent of decision-making, culture matterHow values inform engineering,
Disobedience! Maryland, visioning the cultureHow effective leaders build social-sciences
College Profession Re- future, how cultureWhat is intelligent
Park Introductor values create disobedienceWhy does it
al Imagining self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
University y culture, and how matterHow to resolve competing
Certificate Leadership
System of to be intelligently values situationsHow to be
Maryland disobedient when intelligently disobedience when
the time comes. necessary
Remember: know
yourself, know
Let’s Get Strong: The Effective leaders know what strengths are versus business-
Strengths at Work University know that we are traits and skillsknow selected management,
of always better models for strengths communication,
Maryland, when we play to assessmentsknow your character engineering
College our strengths. strengths and virtues
Park There’s science resultsunderstand signature
University behind that strengthshow to capitalize on
System of statement. In this strengthshow to manage
Maryland Profession Re- course, discover weaknesseshow to make the
Introductor the power of business case for strengths-based
al Imagining self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
y strengths at work managementset SMART goals to
Certificate Leadership
through selected capitalize on your strengthsset
models, self- SMART goals to manage your
assessment weaknesseshow to strengths-spot
& learning at workhow to re-engage your
use your work to use your strengths
strengths more. morehow to collaborate across
strengths for better, more
satisfying results

Making Evidence- The Drive alignment What makes a good business data-analysis-
Based Strategic University among decision - foresight and scenario statistics,
Decisions of Transformi managers, planningWhy and how are digital business-
Maryland, ng Your employees and enterprises decision management
College Company’s the organizational factories?Training organizational
Park Profession Data goals through members to effectively use the
University al Analytics: self_paced 2 3 4 en-us data analytics data products in their business
System of Certificate Championi and data decisionsUsing low-code/no-code
Maryland ng the products. This tools in building data analytics
Digital course on digital productsUsing artificial intelligence
Enterprise transformation tools in building data analytics
will show you how projects
to turn your
Managing Conflicts The Great program Social worlds in the context of business-
on Programs and University managers programs and projects.Cultural management,
Projects with of understand and intelligence and the four communication,
Cultural and Maryland, heal bad steps.Emotional intelligence and engineering
Emotional College Program communication its five components.How to utilize
Intelligence Park Manageme habits and cultural intelligence and emotional
University Profession conflicts that intelligence concepts to increase
nt and the Introductor
System of al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us arise within the effectiveness of your program
Art of y
Maryland Certificate project teams or project management
ation and stakeholders. communication.How to utilize the
Learn how by CMM tools to diagnose and
leveraging manage communication problems.
emotional and
intelligence using
Managing Customer The Learn how to 4.1 Customer Lifetime Value business-
Relationships in the University harness the Concepts4.2 CLV to Firm management
Digital Environment of power of Value4.3 Using CLV for evaluating
Maryland, Profession Customer marketing actions4.4
Digital Introductor
College al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us Lifetime Value Identification/Selection of
Marketing y
Park Certificate concepts by Customers4.5 Managing
University applying them to Loyalty/Churn4.6 Direct To
System of firm value, Consumer Models
Maryland selection of
Marketing The Learn essential Learn the fundamentals of product None required. business-
Innovative Products University marketing strategy with attention to product “Identifying management
and Services of concepts and vision, user journey mapping, Entrepreneurial
Maryland, practical business modeling, SMART Opportunities” and
College commercialization objectives, customer profiling, “Creating Innovative
Park strategies to customers jobs, customer pains, Business Models”
University bring your new customer gains, competition, and recommended.
System of venture to market differentiators.Understand go to
Maryland market strategies with an
exploration of buyer journey,
pricing, channel strategy,
Innovation positioning, branding, and product-
and Introductor market fit.Develop insights on
al self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Entreprene y growth strategies as we explore
urship inbound vs outbound marketing,
types of media, pull marketing,
push marketing, social media
marketing, social media channels
and content, budgeting, timing,
content calendars, customer
activation, landing pages,
customer retention, email
campaigns, and minimum viable
products (MVPs).

Modern Product The Lead product Product leadership as modern business-

Leadership University teams and leadership Building and motivating management,
of organizations to the team Team processes, computer-science,
Maryland, deliver winning events, and the art of the demo design
College Profession Product solutions for Conflict management and
Park Introductor customers while resolution techniques for speed
al Manageme self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
University y driving and effectiveness Product
Certificate nt
System of engagement and evangelism and communicating
Maryland innovation across with data across the enterprise
the enterprise Product or Discovering and
delivering products at scale
Online Advertising & The Learn how to 3.1 Online Advertising business-
Social Media University develop Online Ecosystems3.2 Evaluation of management
of Advertising Online Display Campaigns3.3
Maryland, Profession Ecosystems Online Reviews and Sentiment
Digital Introductor
College al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us complete with Analysis3.4 Social Media /Social
Marketing y
Park Certificate Social Network Analysis3.5 Analysis of
University Media/Social Social Media Big Data
System of Network and
Maryland Media Big Data
Persuasion and The Logic is not Explain the rhetorical triad and its business-
Presence for University enough. Program use in persuasion.Establish a management,
Program and of managers need compelling and trustworthy communication
Project Managers Maryland, presence and to presence (ethos).Create spoken
College Program move and written messages with
Park Manageme stakeholders emotional impact to build
University nt and the Introductor emotionally. understanding.Develop
al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
System of Art of y Project psychological safety within your
Maryland Communic professionals project team and with
ation only follow people stakeholders.
they both respect
and trust. Learn
to apply
Product The Understand the Roles and responsibilities of the business-
Management University keys to product manager. The job of the management,
Fundamentals of successfully product manager, skills and computer-science,
Maryland, navigating the competencies, and stakeholder design
College roles and managementManaging innovative
Park responsibilities of product teams. Organizing and
University being a product managing a product team, product
System of manager to development life cycle,
Maryland champion change development methodologies, and
with internal and engaging with stakeholders and
external funding sourcesMarketing
collaborators and challenges and guiding principles.
Profession Product influencers Marketing challenges, common
Introductor marketing mistakes, know your
al Manageme self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
y customer, and rethinking the 4P’s
Certificate nt
of marketingCustomer
development. Revisiting customer
development, highlights from the
Customer Development
Manifesto, market type and
marketing, and how market type
affects marketing
strategyCrossing the chasm.
Basics of crossing the chasm,
solving customer problems,
segmenting the market, and
expanding your market
Sprint Planning for The Drive speed into Kanban boards to limit work-in- engineering,
Faster Agile Team University any project with progress (WIP) in a timeboxTime business-
Delivery of prioritized boxing activities to eliminate management,
Maryland, backlogs, limiting delays and gain schedule philosophy-ethics
College Agile work-in-process, advances and ensure team
Park Project and engaging the capacity Application and iteration
al self_paced Advanced 2 3 4 en-us
University Manageme entire agile team of the Pareto Principle for product
System of nt in effective sprint backlog refinementRolling Wave
Maryland planning. Planning and to ensure you deliver
on the big picture
Storytelling and The Transformi Learn how to gain Being strategic in presenting data data-analysis-
Persuading using University ng Your traction for your to decision-makersThe basics of statistics,
Data and Digital of Company’s digital storytelling as applied to data business-
Technologies Maryland, Profession Data transformation analysisCreating compelling data management
College Introductor initiatives with presentations with understandable
al Analytics: self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Park y stories based on charts and diagramsPersuading
Certificate Championi
University ng the data that use with dataTraining customers with
System of Digital compelling data data
Maryland Enterprise visualizations to
Storytelling That The build a
Storytelling is Explain the structure and business-
Delivers Program University how leaders lead components of stories.Create a management,
and Project of Program other leaders. vision and status stories for your engineering,
Outcomes Maryland, Manageme Tell your project’s project or program using common communication
College Profession story to inspire story structures.Utilize stories to
nt and the Introductor
Park al self_paced 3 5 5 en-us your project help you better manage risks on
Art of y
University Certificate teams, programs and projects.Use stories
System of ation encourage your to help you in negotiations and
Maryland stakeholders, and managing stakeholders.
gain customer
CSS Basics The World commitment
Learn how toto take Basic selection of CSS None computer-science
Wide Web Profession Front-End your Web pages propertiesFundamental CSS
Consortium al Web self_paced 5 7 5 en-us from bland to selectorsDesigning page layout
(W3C) Certificate Developer bold with the through relative positioning with
power of CSS CSSBest practices in Web design
CSS Basics The World to take
Learn Basic selection of CSS None computer-science
Wide Web Profession Front-End your Web pages propertiesFundamental CSS
Consortium al Web self_paced 5 7 5 en-us from bland to selectorsDesigning page layout
(W3C) Certificate Developer bold with the through relative positioning with
power of CSS CSSBest practices in Web design
HTML5 and CSS The World Front-End styling.
Learn how to How to write a Web None computer-science
Fundamentals Wide Web Web build Web sites pageConcepts of a markup
al Introductor
Consortium Developer self_paced 4 6 6 en-us using HTML5 and languageBasics of HTML5 and
Certificate y
(W3C) HTML5 basic CSS, CSSWeb design and stylePage
from W3C directly from layout and flexbox
HTML5 Apps and The World W3C, creator of
Today, Advanced multimedia features We recommend computer-science
Games Wide Web developers are with the Track and WebAudio that students follow
Consortium increasingly APIsHTML5 games the 4 other W3Cx
(W3C) moving from techniquesMore APIs, including courses that are
native to HTML5- Web Workers and Service part of the FEWD
HTML5 based apps. WorkersPersistence techniques program:HTML5
from W3C Increase your for data storage including & CSS
Front-End self_paced Advanced 6 8 4 en-us ability to design IndexedDB, File System API and FundamentalsCSS
Web and deliver drag and drop BasicsHTML5
Developer innovative Coding Essentials
services on the and Good
Web! PracticesJavaScript
HTML5 Apps and The World Today, Advanced multimedia features We recommend computer-science
Games Wide Web developers are with the Track and WebAudio that students follow
Consortium increasingly APIsHTML5 games the 4 other W3Cx
(W3C) moving from techniquesMore APIs, including courses that are
native to HTML5- Web Workers and Service part of the FEWD
HTML5 based apps. WorkersPersistence techniques program:HTML5
from W3C Increase your for data storage including & CSS
Front-End self_paced Advanced 6 8 4 en-us ability to design IndexedDB, File System API and FundamentalsCSS
Web and deliver drag and drop BasicsHTML5
Developer innovative Coding Essentials
services on the and Good
Web! PracticesJavaScript

HTML5 Coding The World Learn how to Learn the simplified HTML5 HTML: just be computer-science
Essentials and Best Wide Web write Web pages tagsPlay with the audio and video comfortable putting
Practices Consortium and Web sites by tagsDraw and animate fun Web together an HTML
(W3C) mastering HTML5 graphicsDiscover the HTML5 documentCSS:
coding forms featuresTest the basic APIs, minimal familiarity
techniques and such as Web storage and with CSSJavaScript
best practices. geolocationAnd most of all, and DOM APis:
practice coding techniques thanks basic knowledge is
HTML5 to multiple interactive examples sufficient, and this
XSeries course will include a
from W3C
Profession Intermediat recap of
Front-End self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
al e basicsStudents
Certificate should follow these
W3Cx courses on
edX: CSS Basics,
Fundamentals and
HTML5 Coding The World Learn how to Learn the simplified HTML5 HTML: just be computer-science
Essentials and Best Wide Web write Web pages tagsPlay with the audio and video comfortable putting
Practices Consortium and Web sites by tagsDraw and animate fun Web together an HTML
(W3C) mastering HTML5 graphicsDiscover the HTML5 documentCSS:
coding forms featuresTest the basic APIs, minimal familiarity
techniques and such as Web storage and with CSSJavaScript
best practices. geolocationAnd most of all, and DOM APis:
practice coding techniques thanks basic knowledge is
HTML5 to multiple interactive examples sufficient, and this
XSeries course will include a
from W3C
Profession Intermediat recap of
Front-End self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
al e basicsStudents
Certificate should follow these
W3Cx courses on
edX: CSS Basics,
Fundamentals and

Introduction to Web The World Get a strong • What accessibility means, and None computer-science
Accessibility Wide Web foundation in how it’s essential for some people
Consortium digital and useful for all • The scope of
(W3C) accessibility to web accessibility, and how it
make your applies to a wide range of people
websites and and situations • The business
apps work well case, including how accessibility
for people with can expand market reach,
disabilities, meet demonstrate social responsibility,
international drive innovation, and minimize
standards, and legal risk • The W3C Web Content
provide a better Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
user experience and other international standards
Non- Non- Introductor for everyone. for accessibility • The principles of
self_paced 4 5 4 en-us
Program Program y accessibility: Perceivable,
Operable, Understandable, and
Robust (POUR) • How you can
check web pages for some basic
accessibility issues and improve
accessibility • Where to find the
right resources for developers and
designers to implement
accessibility • Approaches for
planning managing accessibility in
your project and in your
organization • Where to find W3C
resources for developers and
designers to implement
JavaScript The World Learn JavaScript, How to add JavaScript code in High school level computer-science
Introduction Wide Web a Web your Web site/Web app, and how studiesAn interest in
Consortium development to debug itHow to make interactive learning the basics
(W3C) programming Web sites through the DOM of programming
Profession Front-End language, to add APIHow to change the CSS styles with JavaScript
al Web self_paced 6 8 5 en-us interactivity to of HTML5 elements from
Certificate Developer your Web pages, JavaScriptHow to deal with
and become an HTML5 formsHow to make basic
expert Web graphics and animations using the
developer. HTML5 canvas
JavaScript The World Learn JavaScript, How to add JavaScript code in High school level computer-science
Introduction Wide Web a Web your Web site/Web app, and how studiesAn interest in
Consortium development to debug itHow to make interactive learning the basics
(W3C) programming Web sites through the DOM of programming
Profession Front-End language, to add APIHow to change the CSS styles with JavaScript
al Web self_paced 6 8 5 en-us interactivity to of HTML5 elements from
Certificate Developer your Web pages, JavaScriptHow to deal with
and become an HTML5 formsHow to make basic
expert Web graphics and animations using the
developer. HTML5 canvas
Advanced Big Data Tsinghua 高级大数据系统的 Basic concepts of big data computer-science
Systems | University 实现、优化和应用 systemsPrincipelsof designing
高级大数据系统 ,包括分布式文件 distributed systemsFrameworks
系统、MapReduc on scaling storage, computaion
Profession 数据科学 | e/Spark、Storm/S and network capabilitiesCase
Introductor park studeis of recent industrial big
al Data self_paced 3 5 16 zh-Hans
y streaming、Maho data systems, including GFS,
Certificate Science
ut等系统的原理、 MapReduce and SparkBig data
实现、策略优化。 processing pipelines such as
NoSQL, streaming, and graph
data processing
Automotive Engine Tsinghua 本课程是车辆工程 发动机的性能指标和影响因素Engi engineering
Fundamentals | University 和动力机械及工程 ne performance and factors which
汽车发动机原理 专业学生的核心专 affects it燃料、工质、热化学Fuel,
业课程,重点围绕 working medium and
汽油机和柴油机两 thermochemistry发动机工作循环与
种主流汽车动力的 能量利用Operating cycle and
工作原理进行介绍 energy
。This course is utilization发动机的换气过程与进气
the core 充量The process of gas change
professional and intake charge quantity
course for 发动机的运行特性和整车匹配Oper
students majoring ating characteristics and the
in automotive match to the entire
Non- Non- Introductor engineering and vehicle燃烧的基础知识The
self_paced 2 3 14 zh-Hans
Program Program y energy and fundamentals of
engineering. It combustion汽油机与柴油机的混合
mainly introduces 气形成与燃烧The mixture
the working formation and combustion of
principles of diesel and gasoline
gasoline engine engines有害物生成机理与控制The
and diesel engine. formation and control of harmful
发动机New combustion modes
and other alternative fuel engines

Big Data for Tsinghua In the past few lUnderstand current China’s cities, architecture,
Understanding University decades, China's lifestyles of citizensand the social-sciences,
Urbanizing China | cities have country’s urban planning data-analysis-
大数据与城市规划 experienced a system.lLearn about the new data, statistics
period of rapid method, and practice of recent
development. progresses on big data and their
Emerging big research applications.lGrasp
data and open methods ofbig data acquisition,
data have analysis andvisualization to
provided new understand urbanizing China.
opportunities for
urban studies and
observers to
Non- Non- Introductor better observe
self_paced 1 2 15 zh-Hans
Program Program y and understand
these changes.
This course
combines both
the new data
generated for
urban analysis
and its research
applications. The
content ranges
from big data
visualization and
Big Data Machine Tsinghua 《大数据机器学习 大数据机器学习的基本概念大数据 computer-science
Learning | University 》课程是面向信息 机器学习的技术以及原理.机器学习
大数据机器学习 学科的高年级本科 以及深度学习的算法Basic
生或研究生开设的 concepts of Big Data Machine
基础理论课,目的 Learning Principles and
Profession 数据科学 | 是培养学生深入理 techniques of Big Data Machine
al Data self_paced 3 5 16 zh-cmn 解大数据机器学习 LearningAlgorithms of machine
Certificate Science 理论基础,牢固掌 learning and deep learning
China’s Ancient Tsinghua Learn about A basic understanding of ancient None history,
Ritual Civilization | University China’s ancient Chinese philosophers’ rich philosophy-ethics
中国古代礼义文明 ritual civilization thoughts and ideasAn immersive
and cultural exploration of the origins and
Non- Non- Introductor traditions. characteristics of the Chinese
self_paced 2 3 10 zh-cmn
Program Program y 中国是传承千年的 spirit of ritual civilization
China’s Perspective Tsinghua 文献材料,深入浅
Understand Basic knowledge and the latest None. social-sciences
on Climate Change | University China’s advances in climate change
应对气候变化的中国 perspectives, scienceThe challenges and
视角 policies, actions opportunities we are faced with on
and effects on global climate in the world and in
global climate ChinaThe main policies, technical
changes to the routines and international
international regulationsTheories and issues
community. such as the energy revolution,
本课程的内容可以 economic development transition,
Non- Non- Introductor 向国际社会彰显中 low carbon economy development
self_paced 2 3 10 zh-cmn
Program Program y 国应对气候变化的 and the ecological civilization
立场、政策和行动 construction了解气候变化科学的基
及其成效。 本知识和最新进展认识当前全世界
Chinese History Tsinghua Guides you Chinese masterpiece _Zizhi None literature, history
From Warring University through the Tongjian, _an unprecedented
States to the Tang Chinese work of governance and
Dynasty | 资治通鉴 masterpiece philosophical thinking spanning
_Zizhi Tongjian, from the Warring States Period to
_an the Tang Dynasty.
Non- Non- Introductor work of
self_paced 2 3 18 zh-cmn governance and
Program Program y
thinking spanning
from the Warring
States Period to
the Tang
Combinatorial Tsinghua Discover how to Counting principles in our daily Basic concepts and computer-science,
Mathematics | University apply counting livesApplying math to computer calculation math
组合数学 principles and science and financial analysisThe techniques learned
combinatorics to science behind combinations of in high school.
solve problems in discrete
Non- Non- Introductor computer items了解生活上的组合和数学的历
self_paced 4 6 12 zh-cmn
Program Program y science, financial 史深入学习计数的抽象理论和具体
analysis, and 方法深入理解组合数学对计算机理
your daily life. 论发展的推动作用
Conversational Tsinghua Learn how to Develop conversational English None communication,
English Skills | University effectively skillsListen to dialogues and group humanities,
生活英语听说 communicate in discussions to better understand language
English English and spoken English and cultural
Profession Communic improve your normsLearn key words and
Introductor conversational expressionsEngage in activities to
al ation Skills self_paced 2 4 10 en-us
y language skills. help you better understand the
Certificate Learn
English 你想与native meaning of conversationsLearn to
speaker无障碍交 initiate your own conversations in
流吗?让中外老师 English on a variety of topics
Data Mining: Tsinghua Unraveling the Basic data science Undergraduate computer-science,
Theories and University mysteries of Data conceptsTypical data mining computer data-analysis-
Algorithms for Mining and Big techniquesApplications for data programming, data statistics
Tackling Big Data | Profession 数据科学 | Data, this course miningA taste of research in data structure, linear
数据挖掘:理论与算 al Data self_paced Advanced 3 5 14 zh-cmn is a must-have miningFunny stories about data algebra
法 Certificate Science for any budding science
Data Scientist.
Data Science: A Tsinghua 本课程作为数据科 Basic concepts of data computer-science
New Way of University 学的先导课和认知 scienceTechniques for data
Thinking | 类课程,致力于以 acquisition, storage and
数据科学导论 Profession 数据科学 | 形象生动的教学模 transmissionData visualization:
Introductor 式为学生普及数据 principles and techniquesHigh
al Data self_paced 3 5 16 zh-cmn
y 挖掘、大数据相关 performance computingData
Certificate Science
的基础知识、核心 ethics and intellectual property
概念和思维模式, lawReal-world case studies
Data Structures and Tsinghua 规范、应用实践等
Learn the basics Algorithms used to solve complex Basic Computer computer-science
Algorithm Design University of data structures problemsPrinciples and methods Science and
Part I | and methods to in the design and implementation programming skills
数据结构与算法设计( design algorithms of various data structuresSkills for
上) and analyze their algorithm design and performance
Non- Non- Intermediat performance. analysisBackground on
self_paced 3 7 8 zh-cmn 本课程旨在围绕各 fundamental data structures and
Program Program e
类数据结构的设计 recent
与实现,揭示其中 results数据结构的设计与实现揭示
的规律原理与方法 其中的规律原理与方法技巧了解并
技巧;同时针对算 掌握主要的套路与手法
Data Structures and Tsinghua Learn the basics Algorithms used to solve complex Basic Computer computer-science
Algorithm Design University of data structures problemsPrinciples and methods Science and
Part II | and methods to in the design and implementation programming skills
数据结构与算法设计( design algorithms of various data structuresSkills for
下) and analyze their algorithm design and performance
Non- Non- Intermediat performance. analysisBackground on
self_paced 3 7 8 zh-cmn 本课程旨在围绕各 fundamental data structures and
Program Program e
类数据结构的设计 recent
与实现,揭示其中 results数据结构的设计与实现揭示
的规律原理与方法 其中的规律原理与方法技巧了解并
技巧;同时针对算 掌握主要的套路与手法
Engineering Tsinghua “Engineering 1.Two-dimensional view engineering
Drawing|工程制图 University Drawing” is a representations.2.Axonometric
fundamental drawing and freehand
course of drawing.3.Typical parts analysis
engineering and representation (Detailed
technology, drawing).4.Typical assemblies
including two analysis and representation
Non- Non- Introductor parts: basic (Assembly drawing)5. Computer-
self_paced 2 3 16 zh-Hans
Program Program y theories and aided design skills(2D drafting and
advanced 3D solid modeling)
practices. The
first part will
introduce the
theory of
projection and its
application on
Exploring Tsinghua Howdo you basic concepts that form the None social-sciences
Psychology's Core University interpretThe Da foundation of the field of
Concepts | Vinci Code? Isa psychology and thehistory of
走进心理学 sleepwalker psychologybiological bases of
aware of behavior, sensation and
themselves? perception, consciousness,
Islanguage learning and memory, and life-
Non- Non- Introductor before the mind span developmenthow
self_paced 3 5 6 en-us
Program Program y or the contrary? psychologists ask questions,
This course will evaluate evidence, and
answerthese communicate with each
questions and other心理学分支与历史演化感知与
more with 行为的生理基础,学习与发展心理
psychology 学心理学基本研究方法
Flower Tsinghua Pursuing the 学习东方插花技巧了解东方插花礼 None art-culture
Arrangements in University philosophy of 仪和生活哲学体验智慧、高雅、优
China and Japan | harmony between 美的生活方式,修身养性Learning
现代生活美学:花之 man and nature, Oriental flower arrangement
道 covering the skillsTo understand oriental flower
knowledgeof arrangement
Chinese, etiquetteExperiencing the wisdom,
Non- Non- Introductor Japanese and elegance and graceful lifestyle,
self_paced 3 5 10 zh-cmn Western flower self-cultivation
Program Program y
art; practical
flower arranging
skills andself-
Fundamentals of Tsinghua Learn the Critical role of vehicle safety in engineering
Automotive Crash University fundamental vehicle product and
Safety | knowledge and designConstraints of vehicle
汽车碰撞安全基础 theory and the crash protection from the
state-of-the-art requirements of light-weighting
technologies of and packagingMechanisms of
vehicle crash human body injuries under impact
Non- Non- Introductor safety and human loading as well as the protection
self_paced 6 8 8 zh-Hans body impact principlesEvolution and
Program Program y
protection. limitations of vehicle safety
technologies and how the new
technologies can provide
individualized and adaptive
protectionFailure and thermal
run away of lithium-ion batteries
under crash loading
Gateway to Tsinghua The field of Disease, major symptoms and None medicine, biology-
Medicine: An University medicine diagnosisBasic knowledge of first- life-sciences,
Introduction to the combines aid treatmentThe importance of health-safety
Field of Medicine | science, art, building a healthy
走近医学 wisdom and lifestyle了解疾病的发生原理,主要
philosophy in 症状和基本诊断过程学习常用急救
Non- Non- Introductor service of 常识和方法树立健康的生活方式
self_paced 1 3 10 zh-cmn humanity. Join
Program Program y
us. A whole new
world is here.
Explore the
mysteries of
health and
General Academic Tsinghua Do you want to Learn academic words in different language
English | University join in academic disciplinesRead and share
生活英语进阶 Learn communication academic papersWrite and
Profession English on international publish academic papers
al English self_paced 3 4 8 en-us conferences and
Certificate Communic read academic
ation Skills papers? Join us
on a journey in
Geology and Tsinghua academic English!
Learn the basics How the development of human None engineering
Engineering University of geology and civilization and geology are
Geology | geological inextricable linkedHow to protect
工程地质学 engineering as the Earth, and also effectively
we explore ways utilize natural resourcesThe
to both protect formation and evolution of the
and properly earthAn understanding of Geology
Non- Non- Introductor utilize the earth’s Engineering, including natures of
self_paced 3 6 11 zh-cmn
Program Program y resources today groundwaterBasic knowledge of
and in the future. the earth’s geologyGeological field
地球是人类的家园 investigation methods and
,人类文明发展与 techniques
Ideological & Moral Tsinghua 大学之道,在明明 当代中国大学生思想、道德、法律 NONE social-sciences
Cultivation and University 德,在亲民,在止 常见问题解惑大学生世界观、人生
Fundamentals of 于至善。课程将带 观和价值观塑造提高大学生思想道
Law | 您走入求真、求善 德素质和法律素质Solutions to
思想道德修养与法律 、求美的思想旅程 contemporary Chinese college
基础 "Way to great students' common problems of
Non- Non- Introductor learning is to thought, morality and law.Shape
self_paced 3 5 12 zh-cmn manifest bright college students' worldview,
Program Program y
virtue and to treat outlook on life and values.Improve
people as one's college students' ideological and
own family, moral quality and legal quality.
thereby arriving
at supreme
goodness." This
course will lead
Intaglio Printmaking Tsinghua Understand the 介绍了铜版画的基本原理、历史源 art-culture
| 铜版画制作 University knowledge of 流、审美、制作技法等内容;系统
Intaglio prints, 演示铜版画的主要制作技法。本课
learn to make 程将提高学生对铜版材料和印刷美
your works. 学的认知,在动手实践中掌握并灵
法与艺术创作的平衡。This course
introduces the basic principles,
historical origins, aesthetics and
Non- Non- Introductor demonstrates the main techniques
self_paced 3 4 12 en-us of Intaglio Printmaking. It will
Program Program y
improve students' cognition of
copperplate materials and printing
aesthetics, master and flexibly use
the principles and techniques of
Intaglio in hands-on practice, and
achieve a balance between
techniques and artistic creation.

Introduction to Tsinghua The course will History of oncologyCancer etiology medicine

Cancer Biology | University introduce the and pathogenesisVirus and
肿瘤生物学概论 basic concepts of cancerCell signaling pathway and
oncology, the cancerCommon clinical
basic knowledge cancerDiagnosis, treatment and
of cancer biology, prevention of cancersCancer and
and the content immunity
Non- Non- Introductor of clinical
self_paced 1 2 12 zh-Hans oncology. We
Program Program y
expect students
to pay attention to
cancers, increase
awareness of
prevention, and
Introduction to Ci Tsinghua Explore the A comprehensive and systematic None humanities
Poems in the Tang University origins, understanding of Tang and Song
and Song Dynasty | representatives, poetryThe definition and origins of
唐宋词鉴赏 works and Ci PoemsImproved ability to read,
Non- Non- Introductor important genres appreciate and criticize poetry
self_paced 3 4 8 zh-cmn of Ci Poetry in the
Program Program y
Tang and Song
Introduction to Mao Tsinghua Mao Zedong Mao’s three major theories: New None humanities, social-
Zedong Thought | University founded the Democratic theory, Social sciences, history
毛泽东思想概论 People's Republic Transformation theory and China’s
of China in 1949, Socialist Construction
but who was he processImpact of Mao Zedong
and how did his Thought on modern-day ChinaAn
Non- Non- Introductor theories, understanding of a political course
self_paced 2 3 4 zh-cmn
Program Program y strategies and required of undergraduate
policies shape students in China
modern China?
Introduction to Tsinghua Explore Key concepts in psychologyThe None philosophy-ethics
Psychology | University psychological basic methods of psychological
心理学概论 research to researchClassical and
understand basic contemporary theories of
theories and psychology
methods of
Non- Non- Introductor scientific
self_paced 3 5 13 zh-cmn
Program Program y psychology with a
strong focus on
Introduction to the Tsinghua Learn about the Essence of the theoretical system None history
Theoretical System University contemporary of socialism with Chinese
of Socialism with governing characteristicsNecessity, feasibility
Chinese practice and and difficulty of China's economic
Characteristics | guiding ideology reform and opening up
中国特色社会主义理 Non- Non- Introductor of the Communist
论体系概论 self_paced 2 3 8 zh-cmn Party of China.
Program Program y
Japanese Culture Tsinghua Do you have ● Understand the basic Japanese None art-culture
and Language (I) | University interests in the cultureby observing daily life●
日语与日本文化(1 Japanese life Master basic Japanese and
) styles and their elementary communication skills ●
national cultures? 通过人们的日常生活,透视并了解
Non- Non- Introductor Do you have the 日本文化的基本特色;●
self_paced 3 5 10 zh-cmn ambition to grasp 掌握日语基础知识和初级交际能力
Program Program y
some basic 。
quickly?Then this
is the course for
Japanese Culture Tsinghua Do you have ● Understand the basic Japanese None art-culture
and Language (II) | University interests in the culture by observing daily life●
日语与日本文化(2 Japanese life Master basic Japanese and
) styles and their elementary communication skills ●
national cultures? 通过人们的日常生活,透视并了解
Non- Non- Introductor Do you have the 日本文化的基本特色;●
self_paced 3 5 10 zh-cmn ambition to grasp 掌握日语基础知识和初级交际能力
Program Program y
some basic 。
quickly? Then
this is the course
for you.
Just Reading and Tsinghua Learn how to ● English reading and writing None art-culture
Writing in English | University read and write in skills● The ability to acquire and
生活英语读写 Learn English in the communicate information ●
Profession English context of Culture of different English-
al English self_paced 2 4 15 en-us lectures and speaking countries
Certificate Communic academic texts.
ation Skills 以读促写,以写辅
Landscape Tsinghua 读技巧和写作技巧
Chinese painting Learning outcomes of this course: art-culture
Techniques | University is an aesthetic * __ *First, get to understand with
山水画技法 representation of the aesthetic interest of traditional
Chinese culture. Chinese landscape painting and
Chinese its corresponding expression
landscape language. ****Second, improve
painting is a brush-ink awareness and brush-
typical ink performance. ****Third,
representative of improve the level of Chinese
Chinese painting painting appreciation.
in the whole
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 8 zh-cn world. This is
Program Program y
painting can best
present the
personality and
spiritual world of
the Chinese
nation, and it can
also reveal the
fundamental point
Leadership in a New Tsinghua Explore deep Knowledge, theories, and insights Basic knowledge of business-
Era: A Course at University insights on new drawn from leading real business business management
Tsinghua SEM by trends across practices in key functional administration
McKinsey | some key themes areasCapabilities for problem-
麦肯锡“全球领导力” of business solving with deeper
functions.Gain insights.Examples from business
Non- Non- Intermediat new knowledge leaders who are distinguished for
self_paced 3 5 8 en-us drawn from their leadership
Program Program e
leading, real developmentBroad yet concrete
business leadership concepts such as
practices; all with leading organizational change,
global driving innovation, and decision-
perspectives.通过 making in crises.
Medical Parasitology Tsinghua Small bugs For different parasites and the medicine
| 医学寄生虫学 University serious diseases, parasitic diseases, you will learn
with knowledge MorpholgyLife
Non- Non- Introductor they are seized. cyclePathogenesisClinical
self_paced 1 2 12 zh-cmn
Program Program y manifestationsDiagnosisEpidemiol
ogyTreatment, prevention and
New course mode in Tsinghua Learn whatonline 1.Meaning and importance of education-teacher-
e-era | University education is, online education2.Future of online training
e时代的新课堂 explore the education3.The ability to design
development and make online courses
trendsof online 1.在线教育的意义及其重要性2.在
education, and 线教育的未来3.设计和制作在线教
Non- Non- Introductor find waysto solve 育
self_paced 2 3 5 zh-cmn
Program Program y problems
New Horizons in Tsinghua This course is an Through this course, you will get a philosophy-ethics,
Chinese Philosophy University introduction to philosophical training. You will be social-sciences
| 中国哲学新视野 classical Chinese introduced into China’s culture in
thoughts her golden historic period.
advanced by
Non- Non- Introductor Confucius, Mozi,
self_paced 2 3 14 en-us Laozi, Zhuangzi,
Program Program y
Mencius, Xunzi,
Hanfeizi and
other legalist
thinkers. It is
designed for
those who are
Pathology | 病理学 Tsinghua Pathology is a In this course, you can learn the biology-life-
University basic medical basic laws of how diseases sciences
discipline that develop and the nature of
explores diseases mainly from the view of
diseases mainly morphology. We will give you
from the lectures of different level of
perspective of diseases, from cells to organs and
morphology. By systems.
observing and
Non- Non- Intermediat studying the
self_paced 4 6 17 zh-cn
Program Program e morphological
changes of the
diseased body,
combined with
changes in
function and
metabolism, it
clarifies the basic
laws of the
occurrence and
Pattern Studying Tsinghua Fantastic Pattern appreciationPattern NONE art-culture
and Making | University experiences in creationFashion, history and
图案审美与创作 beauty and its culture图案赏析图案创作时尚、历
representation. 史与文化
Finding suitable
Non- Non- Introductor approaches on
self_paced 3 5 12 zh-cmn
Program Program y pattern design
and making for
Photoelectric Tsinghua This course The principle and method of engineering
Instrument Design | University inherits the photoelectric instruments
光电仪器设计 classical design design;performance evaluation of
theory, tracks the instruments;system design of
Non- Non- Introductor photoelectric photoelectric instrument.
self_paced 3 4 12 zh-Hans technology
Program Program y
frontier, faces to
the measurement
application, and
Plato, Socrates, and Tsinghua teaches youworks
Explore the how A basic understanding of ancient None humanities, art-
the Birth of Western University of Plato, Aristotle, Greek and Roman philosophers’ culture,
Philosophy | Heraclitus and rich thoughts and ideasConcepts, philosophy-ethics
西方哲学精神探源 other originators ethical foundations and allegories
of Western that were developed in support of
philosophy in an these ideasCultural and
Non- Non- Introductor immersive study geographic influences that shaped
self_paced 1 3 16 en-us of ancient Greek ancient philosophies
Program Program y
and Roman
Principles of Electric Tsinghua Electricity is Math basics for studying Basic concepts and computer-science
Circuits | 电路原理 University everywhere. circuitsTechniques for analyzing calculation
Learn about real circuits with any scale and techniques learned
world applications containing any elementReal world in the middle school.
of electric circuits applications of circuitsConcepts
and the related to EECS courses, e.g.
Non- Non- Intermediat techniques for signals and systems, electronics,
self_paced 3 9 18 en-us
Program Program e analyzing and etc.Perspectives needed for
designing circuits. qualified engineers, e.g.
电无处不在。人类 engineering, equivalence, and
文明的进程,几乎 abstraction
Signals and Tsinghua This course will This course will cover design and engineering
Systems | University help you to analysis of continuous time
信号与系统 understand systems and discrete time
fundamental systems, with the focus on
concepts, fundamental concepts, analysis
principles, and designs of deterministic
analysis and signals being transmitted and
designs of signals processed through linear time-
transmitting invariant systems. You will study
through systems. ways to perform comprehensive
analysis and design for various
signals and systems ranging from
time domain to transform domain,
Non- Non- Introductor from continuous signals to
self_paced 3 4 12 zh-Hans
Program Program y discrete signals. While majority of
the context in the first four
chapters will discuss how to
analyze and design continuous
time system, including analysis of
its time domain, frequency domain
and S domain, the first chapter
gives an introduction of the
course, the second talks about
time domain analysis of
continuous time system, the third
focuses on Fourier transform, and
the fourth introduces S-domain
analysis of continuous time
Tsinghua Chinese: Tsinghua Beginners' Colloquial Mandarin vocabulary None language, art-
Start Talking with University Chinese course used in daily lifeHighly practical culture
1.3 Billion People from China's top expressions in given Mandarin
university. contextsListening skills for
Non- Non- Introductor communicating with Chinese
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y native speakersSome basic and
frequently used Chinese
charactersHow to utilize the
course for self-study
Water and Tsinghua Learn the basic Basic principles and Principles of environmental-
Wastewater University principles and characteristics of biochemical Environmental studies
Treatment characteristics of technology in water and EngineeringEnviron
Engineering: biochemical wastewater treatmentComposition mental Engineering
Biochemical technology in of structures and operation MonitoringWater
Technology | Non- Non- Introductor water and characteristicsTechnological Treatment
self_paced 5 6 10 en-us
水处理工程:生物化 Program Program y wastewater advancements in water and Microbiology
学方法 treatment wastewater treatment technology
Water and Tsinghua Learn the basic Basic principles and Principles of environmental-
Wastewater University principles and characteristics of physicochemical Environmental studies
Treatment characteristics of technology in water and EngineeringEnviron
Engineering: physicochemical wastewater treatmentComposition mental Engineering
Physicochemical technology in of structures and operation MonitoringWater
Technology | Non- Non- Introductor water and characteristicsTechnological Treatment
水处理工程:物理化 self_paced 5 6 10 en-us wastewater advancements in water and Microbiology
Program Program y
学方法 treatment wastewater treatment technology
Will China Rise as a Tsinghua An insiders’ Part 1 : China’s worldview, what None social-sciences,
Disruptive Force? University perspective on makes China unique, challenges economics-finance
The Insiders’ the economic, China is facing and how the
Perspective social and country may overcome thesePart
political impact of 2 : History of China’s development
China’s rise on over the past 100 years, political
the world stage. issues that China is facing, and
Non- Non- Introductor self-corrective mechanisms in
self_paced 2 3 4 en-us
Program Program y China’s political system.Part 3 :
History of China’s foreign policy,
how China’s diplomacy has
evolved and factors that determine
China’s current foreign policy

Writing, Presenting Tsinghua Learn how to How to write papers in College English and communication,
and Submitting University properly write a EnglishBest practices for making preliminary engineering,
Scientific Papers in scientific paper, presentations in research training science
English | based on EnglishExperiences and advice on
英文科技论文写作与 international scientific researchBenefits of
学术报告 standards, and taking part in an academic
Non- Non- Intermediat effectively make community
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
Program Program e a presentation to
submit proposals
for funding.
文物精品与文化中国 Tsinghua Discover History of Chinese agriculture and None art-culture
:农业与制造业 | University manufacturing its impact on Chinese cultureThe
Relics in Chinese and agriculture’s development of Chinese
History - Part 1: role in the history manufacturingChinese history
Agriculture and of China as we through archeological excavations
Manufacturing Non- Non- Introductor explore Chinese
self_paced 2 4 6 zh-cn
Program Program y culture through
artifacts and
文物精品与文化中国 Tsinghua Discover how Foundations of Astronomy through None art-culture
:天文与医药 | University Astronomy and Chinese archeological findsHistory
Relics of Chinese Medicine of Chinese medicine and
History - Part 2: impacted the costumeChinese history through
Astronomy and history of China archeological excavations
Medicine Non- Non- Introductor as we use
self_paced 2 4 5 zh-cn
Program Program y artifacts and
relics as a guide
to Chinese
文物精品与文化中国 Tsinghua Discover how History of ancient Chinese writing None art-culture
:文字与乐礼 | University writing systems systemsBackground on ancient
Relics of Chinese and music played Chinese rites and ritualsHistory of
History - Part 3: a major role in ancient Chinese musical
Writing System, Chinese history instruments
Rites and Music Non- Non- Introductor through the study
self_paced 2 4 5 zh-cn
Program Program y of artifacts and
有限元分析与应用 | Tsinghua Learn the basics Basic equations of Calculus; math, engineering
Finite Element University of Finite Element mechanicsMathematical principles Mechanics of
Method (FEM) Method (FEM), a of Finite Element Method Materials
Analysis and numerical (FEM)Realizations in discrete and
Applications solution for continuum structuresBasics of
structural MATLAB and ANSYS
Non- Non- analysis, and
self_paced Advanced 3 6 20 zh-cmn
Program Program demonstrate its
applications with
水力学 | Hydraulics Tsinghua This Hydraulics Basic concepts and related Calculus, or higher math,
University course explores theories of hydraulicsInnovation mathematicsTheoret engineering,
the science of consciousness and scientific ical mechanics physics
hydraulics and literacyHow to analyze and solve helpful
focuses on the hydraulic problems met in
hydrodynamic practice
laws and their
Non- Non- Introductor which are
self_paced 3 4 10 zh-cmn
Program Program y indispensable
and a critical
factor in the
development and
utilization of water
电磁学 | Tsinghua 本课程介绍电磁学 Electric and magnetic None science
Non- Non- Introductor
Electromagnetism University self_paced 5 6 7 zh-cmn 的基本内容。Lear fields你会学到什么:电场和磁场
Program Program y
n the basics of
知识产权法律及实务| Tsinghua 懂得在中国如何运 知识:中国知识产权体系,包括专利 law
Big Data and University 用和保护知识产权 法、商标法、著作权法、反不正当
Intellectual Property ,为迎接知识经济 竞争法。技能:运用知识产权法解决
Law and Practice 时代的全球竞争做 实际问题,如申请专利、分析商标
好准备。 价值、解决知识产权纠纷等。属性:
Understand how 培养一定的属性,如保护创新、尊
to use and 重公平竞争、批判性思维等。Kno
protect wledge: China’s intellectual
intellectual property system, including patent
Profession 数据科学 | property as it law, trademark law, copyright law
al Data self_paced 3 5 16 zh-cmn pertains data and anti-unfair competition
Certificate Science analytics and law.Skills: Using intellectual
practices in property law to solve practice
China. Be problems, e.g. applying patent,
prepared for the analyzing trademark value, solving
global intellectual property
competition in the dispute.Attributes: Cultivating
knowledge certain attributes, e.g. protecting
economy era. innovation, respecting fair
competition, critical thinking.
计算几何 | Tsinghua In this Awareness of Computational C++ computer-science
Computational University introductory Geometry theory that will help programmingFunda
Geometry computer science students incorporate mentals of Data
course, explore Computational Geometry into their Structures &
geometry, future researchComprehensive Algorithms
develop understanding on fundamental
geometric paradigms/strategies for solving
Non- Non- thinking, and geometric problems, incremental
self_paced Advanced 6 8 16 zh-cmn
Program Program learn geometric construction, plane
algorithms. sweepingEssential geometric
体味几何之趣,领 structures and algorithms such as
悟算法之美 polygon decompositions, Voronoi
diagrams, Delaunay triangulations

Competencias Universida Mejora tu Apreciar la importancia de Tener un nivel de social-sciences,

profesionales d capacitación desarrollar competencias lectura y escritura humanities, health-
genéricas para la Autónoma laboral a través profesionales generales como básico en safety
inclusión laboral de Madrid del aprendizaje aspecto clave para tener éxito en español.No se
de competencias la inserción laboral.Aprender requiere un grado o
comunicativas, habilidades emocionales titulación
sociales y vinculadas a la inclusión académica
Non- Non- Introductor emocionales con laboral.Desarrollar habilidades determinada.Curso
self_paced 3 5 4 es-es
Program Program y este curso sociales necesarias en el mundo adaptado para
accesible e empresarial.Mejorar la personas con
inclusivo. competencia comunicativa en el discapacidad
ámbito de las empresas.Diseñar intelectual.
un plan de futuro laboral que
incluya intereses, metas y
necesidades de formación.
Cómo educar Universida Pedagogía de la Comprender las posibilidades Ninguno. education-teacher-
teniendo en cuenta d muerte para educativas de la conciencia de training,
la muerte Autónoma docentes y muerte en el marco de una philosophy-ethics,
de Madrid familias. educación para una vida ethics
plena.Conocer recursos y
metodologías a partir de las
cuales se puede educar teniendo
en cuenta la muerte desde la
Non- Non- Introductor educación infantil hasta la
self_paced 2 5 3 es-es
Program Program y educación secundaria.Integrar
principios de acompañamiento
educativo en situaciones de duelo
desde la acción tutorial en el
entorno escolar.Fomentar el
interés y la inquietud por seguir
formándose en el ámbito de la
Pedagogía de la muerte.
Cómo vivir una vida Universida Aprende los Hábitos de ejercicio físico y Ninguno. social-sciences,
saludable y activa d comportamientos salud.Actividades biology-life-
Autónoma que debes cognitivas.Afecto positivo y control sciences, health-
de Madrid Non- Non- Introductor practicar para y autoeficacia.Extender la safety
self_paced 3 4 5 es-es llevar un estilo de implicación social.Cómo llevar una
Program Program y
vida activo y vida activa mediante la
saludable que se implementación de hábitos
verán reflejados saludables.
De la granja a la Universida en una
¿Es segura la Los principios básicos de la Ninguno. food-nutrition,
mesa: La seguridad d comida que seguridad alimentaria en la Unión health-safety, law
alimentaria en la Autónoma ingerimos? Europea (precaución,
Unión Europea de Madrid ¿Pueden volver a trazabilidad)Cómo garantiza la
producirse industria alimentaria la seguridad
situaciones como de nuestros alimentosComo
Non- Non- Introductor la crisis de las garantizan la Comisión Europea y
self_paced 3 5 6 es-es
Program Program y vacas locas o la los Estados miembros la
crisis de los seguridad de nuestros alimentosEl
pepinos en la régimen de la responsabilidad por
Unión Europea? los daños causados por las crisis
En este MOOC alimentarias
analizaremos la
regulación del
Educación de Universida Aprenderás cómo Que es posible una educación de Ninguno. education-teacher-
calidad para todos: d debería ser un calidad que llegue a todo el training, social-
equidad, inclusión y Autónoma sistema alumnado, ¡sin exclusiones!A sciences
atención a la de Madrid educativo que reconocer la diversidad como un
diversidad promueva la desafío y una oportunidad y no
inclusión y la como un problema de algunos
calidad sin estudiantes.Qué caracteriza a los
renunciar a la centros escolares comprometidos
Non- Non- Introductor excelencia ni a la con los valores inclusivos y qué
self_paced 3 5 6 es-es equidad y cómo condiciones lo han hecho
Program Program y
puedes llevarlo a posible.Algunas prácticas
la práctica. docentes y formas de
organización del aula que
permiten ajustarse a la diversidad
de alumnos y alumnas para así
alcanzar la calidad, equidad e
igualdad educativa.
Educación Universida En este curso Reflexión crítica sobre el proceso Ninguno. education-teacher-
Supranacional: d realizaremos un de internacionalización de la training, social-
Organismos Autónoma análisis reflexivoeducación a nivel global y la sciences, law
Internacionales y su de Madrid y crítico de las aparición de la educación
impacto en las políticas supranacional como nueva área
políticas educativas educativas de del conocimiento para entender
diferentes dicho proceso.Describir y analizar
organizaciones críticamente los principales
supranacionales alineamientos en materia de
(Unión Europea, educación de la Unión Europea, la
y OEI) y de su OEI.Comparar las convergencias
impacto en las y divergencias de dichos
Non- Non- Introductor naciones. alineamientos entre los diferentes
self_paced 3 5 6 es-es
Program Program y Organismos
Internacionales.Abordar el
impacto que tienen esos
organismos internacionales y sus
acciones en materia educativa
sobre la agenda política de los
países.Reflexionar sobre el poder
(¿soft, hard o smart?) de las
políticas educativas
supranacionales y su capacidad
de crear corrientes educativas
globales y procesos de
armonización en materia de
Griego clásico a Universida Mejora tus Leer y traducir textos de dificultad El curso está language, history,
través de las d conocimientos de media en griego clásico.Identificar dirigido a literature
Guerras Médicas Autónoma griego clásico en formas gramaticales y estructuras estudiantes con
de Madrid el marco de las sintácticas correspondientes a un conocimientos de
guerras entre nivel intermedio de griego griego clásico
griegos y persas. clásico.Reconocer (dada la equivalentes a los
temática del curso) las principales recibidos en un
familias léxicas relacionadas con curso básico. Se
el ámbito militar.Identificar los recomienda haber
momentos decisivos del periodo cursado
Griego Intermediat histórico objeto de estudio.Ser previamente los
XSeries self_paced 5 7 4 es-es
clásico e consciente de la importancia cursos previos de la
histórica de las Guerras Médicas XSerie:
en su marco temporal y en el "Introducción al
devenir posterior de la historia. griego clásico:
lengua, nombres y
mitología" e
"Introducción al
griego clásico:
verbos, oraciones y
Idealismo filosófico Universida Aprende cómo el Conocer el impacto de la Ninguno. philosophy-ethics,
y cosmovisiones: d idealismo cosmovisión en la humanities, social-
cómo hacer mundos Autónoma filosófico y la actualidad.Dominar la sciences
con ideas de Madrid cosmovisióninfluy terminología filosófica del
en en idealismo.Definir y explicar qué es
Non- Non- Introductor tuperspectiva del cosmovisión.Analizar las ideas-
self_paced 3 5 5 es-es
Program Program y mundo fuerza de cada
actualpara así cosmovisión.Identificar las
mejorar tu vida. manifestaciones científicas,
artísticas y culturales de cada
Introducción a la Universida Conoce la Un retrato realista y accesible de Ninguno. biology-life-
genética y la d genética y la los aspectos más relevantes de sciences, science,
evolución Autónoma evolución desde las disciplinas de la genética y la social-sciences
de Madrid una aproximación evolución.Cuál es la relación
accesible y existente entre las dos
entretenida. disciplinas.Satisfacer una
creciente curiosidad existente
sobre el grado de importancia de
la genética y la evolución en la
sociedad.Hasta qué punto la
Non- Non- Introductor genética y la evolución ofrecen
self_paced 2 3 3 es-es
Program Program y respuestas y soluciones a
distintos aspectos sociales: origen
de enfermedades, diferencias
entre individuos, comportamiento,
etc.Desterrar falsas opiniones y
creencias erróneas sobre ambas
disciplinas.La importancia de la
genética humana y su impacto en
nuestras vidas.
Introducción a la Universida Conoce los Conocer las actividades de computer-science,
gestión de d procedimientos, gestión y control del ciclo de vida engineering,
proyectos Autónoma métodos y de un proyecto software, business-
informáticos de Madrid técnicas incluyendo las notaciones, management
orientados a la técnicas y procedimientos para la
gestión de realización de las
proyectos mismas.Comprensión de las
software, situaciones de fracaso más
incluyendo habituales de los proyectos
comunicación y informáticos, así como de la
PMBOK. problemática de su gestión y de la
Desarrollo identificación de soluciones
y gestión adecuadas y eficientes para llevar
de Introductor a buen término el proyecto en el
al self_paced 4 6 4 es-es
proyectos y plazo fijado, con los recursos
informático adjudicados y dentro del coste
s estimado.Asimilación de la
repercusión directa de la calidad
de la ejecución de las actividades
de gestión de los procesos
software en la satisfacción final
del cliente y demás involucrados
en el proyecto.Proporcionar
habilidades para dirigir,
supervisar, liderar y motivar un
grupo de personas, cooperar en
un equipo de trabajo y
comunicarse transmitiendo los
Introducción a la Universida Conoce las Qué es el software y cuáles son Ninguno. computer-science,
Ingeniería del d distintas fases de sus diferentes componentes y engineering,
Software Autónoma desarrollo por las características.Cuáles son las business-
de Madrid que pasa un principales actividades de un management
proyecto ingeniero de software.Cómo
informático, así adaptar metodologías y modelos
como las de ciclos de vida a nuestro
actividades de proyecto software.Conocer las
gestión actividades principales de gestión
necesarias para de proyectos: estimación y
lograr finalizar el planificación, negociación,
Desarrollo proyecto con coordinación del equipo de trabajo
y gestión éxito. y seguimiento y control.Identificar
de Introductor los requisitos de usuario y
al self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
proyectos y requisito software.Asegurar la
informático realización de un buen
s diseño.Explorar la importancia de
las pruebas exhaustivas utilizando
técnicas apropiadas.Finalizar el
proceso de desarrollo de manera
completa y
satisfactoria.Establecer diferentes
estrategias de mantenimiento
según las necesidades
empresariales.Identificar las
principales medidas utilizadas en
el aseguramiento de calidad del
Introducción a la Universida En este curso Definir y llamar funciones con Es recomendable computer-science,
programación en C: d aprenderás cómo argumentos.Declarar haber realizado los engineering,
Funciones y Autónoma hacer programas punteros.Asignar la dirección de doscursos en línea science
punteros de Madrid modulares a una variable a un puntero.Acceder anteriores que
través de desde un puntero a la variable componen este
funciones y apuntada.Distinguir un argumento programa de
punteros en el pasado por valor de otro pasado Certificación
lenguaje de por referencia.Recorrer cadenas y Profesional:
programación C, tablas mediante punteros.Pasar Introducción a la
uno de los más una tabla como argumento de una programación en C:
utilizados. función.Pasar una cadena como Tipos de datos y
argumento de una función.Pasar estructuras e
Introducció una variable de tipo estructurado Introducción a la
n a la Introductor como argumento de una programación en C:
al self_paced 2 4 4 es-es
programaci y función.Reservar memoria de Instrucciones de
ón en C forma dinámica. control y ficheros de
texto. En su
defecto, tener
básicos del
lenguaje de
programación C
para poder trabajar
con variables,
tablas, cadenas
condicionales y
Introducción a la Universida En este curso Escribir y evaluar operaciones Es recomendable computer-science,
programación en C: d aprenderás sobre lógicas sencillas.Distinguir la haber realizado el engineering,
Instrucciones de Autónoma condicionales, instrucción if-else de la instrucción primer curso en science
control y ficheros de de Madrid bucles y ficheros switch.Utilizar enumeraciones línea de este
texto de texto en el combinadas con instrucciones certificado
lenguaje de switch.Transformar un bucle for profesional:
programación C, en un bucle while Introducción a la
uno de los más equivalente.Utilizar bucles for para programación en C:
Introducció utilizados. leer y escribir los elementos de Tipos de datos y
Profession una tabla.Utilizar bucles anidados estructuras. En
n a la Introductor
al self_paced 2 4 4 es-es para navegar por tablas caso contrario,
programaci y
Certificate bidimensionales.Leer un archivo conocer cómo leer y
ón en C
de texto carácter a carácter y escribir información
palabra a palabra.Leer un archivo en C; así como
de texto con datos declarar y utilizar
numéricos.Escribir un archivo de variables, tablas y
texto carácter a carácter y palabra estructuras.
a palabra.Escribir un archivo de
texto con datos numéricos.
Introducción a la Universida Aprende a Escribir información en la pantalla computer-science,
programación en C: d programar en C, del ordenador.Leer información engineering,
Tipos de datos y Autónoma uno de los del teclado y guardarla en una science
estructuras de Madrid lenguajes de variable.Utilizar los operadores
programación básicos.Declarar variables de
más usados. En tipos básicos como int, float y
este curso en char.Trabajar con caracteres a
línea adquirirás través de su código
los conocimientos ASCII.Distinguir una macro de
Introducció necesarios para una variable.Declarar tablas de
n a la Introductor comenzar a tipos básicos, cadenas y
al self_paced 2 4 4 es-es
programaci y convertirte en un estructuras.Acceder a los
ón en C experto en C. elementos de una tabla
unidimensional y
bidimensional.Acceder a los
miembros de una variable
estructurada.Acceder a los
miembros de tablas de
estructuras.Acceder a los
miembros de una variable de un
tipo estructurado anidado.

Introducción a la Universida Entrena la mente Investigar de forma experiencial health-safety,

Regulación d para traerla al qué es medicine, social-
Emocional basada Autónoma momento MindfulnessReconocimiento y sciences
en Mindfulness de Madrid presente, toma poder estar con emociones
Non- Non- Introductor conciencia y difícilesCómo controlar las
self_paced 5 6 4 es-es
Program Program y gestiona un emocionesCultivar emociones
amplio espectro saludablesTraer conciencia a las
de emociones relaciones interpersonales
con amabilidad a
Introducción al Universida través
Conocede la Qué es el Derecho, el Ninguno. law, social-
Derecho en la vida d conceptos ordenamiento y la norma sciences
cotidiana Autónoma básicos del jurídica.Cuáles son las fuentes del
de Madrid Derecho español Derecho español y cómo se
a través de ordenan.Los sujetos del Derecho:
diversas persona física y persona jurídica.
situaciones de Capacidad jurídica y de obrar.El
nuestro día a día. negocio jurídico. Sus requisitos y
estructura. La ineficacia del
Non- Non- Introductor negocio. La representación
self_paced 5 6 5 es-es
Program Program y negocial.Algunos conceptos
jurídicos de derecho patrimonial.
Con especial mención a la
posesión y la propiedad, dentro
del ámbito de los Derechos
reales, y a la compraventa como
figura contractual fuente de
Introducción al Universida Aprende a Conocer la tecnología web Es recomendable computer-science,
desarrollo de d desarrollar una utilizada para el desarrollo de tener conocimientos engineering
aplicaciones web Autónoma aplicación web aplicaciones web.Dominar las básicos de
de Madrid desde cero con características generales de las programación en
diferentes aplicaciones web y su arquitectura cualquier lenguaje.
Non- Non- Introductor tecnologías como cliente-servidor.Aprender detalles
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program y HTML, CSS, básicos de tecnologías como
Python, JSON, HTML, CSS, Python, JSON,
JavaScript y Ajax. JavaScript y Ajax para crear una
aplicación web.

Introducción al Universida Iníciate en el Cuál es el contexto cultural e Ninguno. language,

griego clásico: d fascinante mundo histórico del griego clásico.Qué humanities,
lengua, nombres y Autónoma de la lengua tipo de lengua es el griego.Cómo philosophy-ethics
mitología de Madrid griega clásica, leer y escribir su alfabeto, tanto a
aprende el mano como con el ordenador o en
alfabeto, estudia dispositivos móviles.Qué y cómo
Griego Introductor las declinaciones, son las declinaciones de los
XSeries self_paced 4 5 5 es-es y conoce los nombres, sustantivos y
clásico y
mitos de pronombres.Cómo se conjuga el
Prometeo y verbo ser y cómo se traducen las
Pandora. oraciones nominales.Quiénes
fueron Prometeo y Pandora y qué
les debe la humanidad.

Introducción al Universida Continua tu Cuáles son las características del Se recomienda language,
griego clásico: d periplo verbo griego.Qué tipos de verbos haber cursado la humanities, history
verbos, oraciones y Autónoma aprendiendo lo existen y cómo se conjugan.Quién primera parte del
filosofía de Madrid esencial del fue Socrates y cómo lo retrató programa,
sistema verbal Platón en sus escritos.Cómo es la "Introducción al
del griego clásico sintaxis del griego clásico.Qué griego clásico:
Griego Introductor y de su sintaxis son y para qué sirven las lengua, nombres y
XSeries self_paced 4 5 5 es-es de la mano de preposiciones y partículas.Qué mitología".
clásico y
contenidos tipos de oraciones hay en griego y
culturales cómo identificarlas.Qué
relacionados con concepciones de la política y del
la filosofía, la amor ofrecen los textos de la
política y el amor Antigüedad clásica.
en la Antigüedad.
La España del Universida La España Conocer la Historia de Ninguno. history,
Quijote d de El Quijote es España en el Siglo de Oro a humanities, art-
Autónoma un viaje a nuestro través de El Quijote como culture
de Madrid esplendor hilo conductor.Adentrarnos en la
cultural. A un vida cotidiana de los siglos XVI y
Siglo de Oro que XVII a través de la
elevó las sociedad y la cultura.Ofrecer al
Non- Non- Introductor artes y las letras alumnado las fuentes escritas y
self_paced 5 7 7 es-es hispanas a la visuales para que contemple el
Program Program y
excelencia tiempo de El Quijote como si
mundial. viviese en él.Comparar los
valores de la España de El
Quijote con los actuales para
comprender cómo han ido
evolucionando a lo largo de la
La protección del Universida Aproximación a la Conocer y discutir los Ninguno. law, social-
menor d protección antecedentes y el contenido de la sciences,
Autónoma jurídica del Convención Internacional.Estudiar humanities
de Madrid menor, tomando el principio del interés superior del
como eje central menor y sus
la Convención interpretaciones.Conocer y
Internacional de analizar el conjunto de derechos,
los Derechos del a nivel internacional, europeo y
Niño de 1989. español, que se reconocen al
Non- Non- Introductor menor, desde una perspectiva
self_paced 3 5 5 es-es multidisciplinar.Estudiar cómo se
Program Program y
protege al menor frente a las
internacionales.Analizar los límites
a la posible contratación laboral
del menor.Discutir la situación del
menor ante la separación de sus
La Química Universida La Química Adquirirás importantes rudimentos None. chemistry,
Orgánica: un mundo d Orgánica, hecha de la Química Orgánica.El curso science, biology-
a tu alcance Autónoma fácil, no es el satisfará tu curiosidad sobre la life-sciences
de Madrid problema sino la estructura molecular de
solución. numerosas sustanciasApreciarás
Compruébalo en la importancia que ciertas
un mundo de moléculas tienen, sean naturales
moléculas bellas o no, sobre la preservación de la
y funcionales. vida, el control de enfermedades y
la producción eficiente de
alimentos.Descubrirás que la
Fundament Química en general, y la Química
os de Introductor Orgánica en particular, no es el
XSeries self_paced 4 5 6 es-es
Química y problema, sino ciertamente la
Orgánica solución a una enorme cantidad
de problemas
cotidianosDescubrirás la belleza
que hay encerrada en las
moléculas y en el proceso creativo
de los químicos para idearlas y
sintetizarlas físicamente en el
laboratorio o, a mucha mayor
escala, en la industria.

La Química Universida El estudiante Rudimentos de la Química Es recomendable, chemistry,

Orgánica: un mundo d continuará OrgánicaEntendimiento de la pero no science, health-
a tu alcance (Parte Autónoma adquiriendo estructura molecularRudimentos imprescindible, safety
2) de Madrid Fundament importantes de las técnicas de separación y haber cursado la
os de Introductor rudimentos de la purificaciónNociones de las primera parte.
XSeries self_paced 4 5 6 es-es
Química y Química técnicas de determinación de la
Orgánica Orgánica, sin estructura molecularComprensión
darse cuenta y de las moléculas esenciales para
sin necesidad de la vida
Organ Universida conocimientos
In this course we Understand the current ethical and philosophy-ethics,
Transplantation: d will assess the legal challenges raised by organ medicine, law
Ethical and Legal Autónoma ethical and legal transplantation.Grasp the clinical
Challenges de Madrid challenges posed circumstances surrounding organ
by organ transplantation that explain those
transplantation. ethical and legal
Non- Non- Intermediat conundrums.Learn the legal and
self_paced 4 6 9 en-us institutional frameworks that
Program Program e
enable the practice of organ
transplantation in different
countries.Apply the bioethical
principles to the domain of organ

Riñones: conoce Universida Encuentra las Fisiología y patología del agua, Ninguno medicine, health-
sus funciones para d respuestas a sodio y potasio y sus aplicaciones safety, science
mejorar tu salud y Autónoma Non- Non- Introductor preguntas de la a la vida cotidianaFisiología y
calidad de vida de Madrid Program self_paced 3 5 6 es-es vida cotidiana al patología básica del riñónCómo
Program y
entender el retrasar el envejecimiento
de tus riñones.
Soy docente, ¡qué Universida Aprende a Tomar conciencia de la relación Ninguno. education-teacher-
miedo! Gestiona d gestionar entre emoción, cognición y training, health-
eficazmente tus Autónoma eficazmente conducta, y de su incidencia en el safety, social-
emociones de Madrid emociones como desempeño profesional del sciences
la ansiedad y el docente.Desarrollar habilidades
estrés en el aula para reconocer las emociones
y en el centro propias frente a diferentes
educativo. situaciones del ámbito laboral del
Non- Non- Introductor docente.Conocer y poner en
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es práctica estrategias de gestión de
Program Program y
las emociones como facilitadoras
de la tarea educativa.Desarrollar
una competencia socio-emocional
básica pero suficiente que permita
mantener relaciones positivas con
los compañeros, el alumnado y
sus familias.

The Spain of Don Universida An exploration of Spanish Golden Age History, with None history,
Quixote d Spain depicted in Don Quixote as common humanities, art-
Autónoma Cervante’s threadEveryday life in the 16th and culture
de Madrid historic novel, 17th centuries through society and
Don Quixote cultureDon Quixote’s
Non- Non- Introductor – a period of time as if you lived then,
self_paced 4 5 7 en-us
Program Program y Golden Age in through written and visual
which Spanish sourcesHow values of the Spain
arts and literature of Don Quixote have evolved over
reached the History
Trasplante de Universida En este curso Entender los desafíos jurídicos y Ninguno. medicine,
órganos: desafíos d analizaremos éticos actuales que plantean los philosophy-ethics,
éticos y jurídicos Autónoma algunos trasplantes de órganos.Conocer law
de Madrid interrogantes las circunstancias clínicas que
éticos y jurídicos explican algunos dilemas
que suscita el morales.Conocer las respuestas
trasplante de jurídicas e institucionales que se
Non- Non- Intermediat órganos. han dado a los problemas
self_paced 4 6 9 es-es
Program Program e suscitados por el trasplante de
órganos en
pensar mejor sobre la aplicación
de ciertos principios de la bioética
a la materia de los trasplantes de
Caer o No caer. El Universida Las estructuras Lo que aprenderás:Adquirir los El curso está engineering,
Secreto de las d Carlos III están presentes conceptos fundamentales pensado para que architecture
Estructuras. de Madrid en todos los relacionados con las cualquier alumno
sistemas que nos estructurasComprender el con interés en la
rodean. comportamiento de las materia y ganas de
Descubrirlas y estructuras históricas más aprender pueda
Non- Non- Introductor comprender importantesEntender la evolución seguirlo sin
self_paced 2 3 8 es-es
Program Program y cómo funcionan de las estructuras de los seres dificultad.
es sencillo y vivosConocer las principales
fascinante. tendencias actuales en el diseño
de diferentes estructuras como
edificios, puentes y vehículos

Caligrafía y Universida Aprende a leer e Principios avanzados de la Conocimiento de la history,

paleografía: d Carlos III interpretar los práctica caligráfica (reproducción) lengua española. humanities, art-
espacios históricos de Madrid manuscritos en combinación con la práctica Son culture
para su estudio y históricos paleográfica recomendables,
práctica mediante un (transcripción)Métodos de aunque no
novedoso paleografía para leer y analizar imprescindibles,
enfoque integral manuscritos medievales y conocimientos de
que combina modernos hispanosReglas, historia de España
paleografía y factores, materiales, herramientas y de latín medieval,
Non- Non- Intermediat caligrafía. y principios que intervienen en el no clásico.
self_paced 5 7 6 es-es desarrollo de los trazos
Program Program e
caligráficos en cada época
histórica. Con ejercicios
prácticosMorfología y
características de cada tipo de
letra analizado para cada espacio
de escritura históricaImportancia
de la caligrafía y la paleografía y
su influencia en la actualidad

Cyber Security Universida Learn how to Cyber security landscapeReverse Users with basic computer-science,
Basics: A Hands-on d Carlos III think like a engineeringManaging and knowledge of engineering
Approach de Madrid hacker, but monitoring network cyber security computer networks
Non- Non- Intermediat behave as a attacksComputer and operating
self_paced 5 7 6 en-us security expert. forensicsMalware and advanced systems. No prior
Program Program e
persistent threatsVulnerability knowledge of
management and pentesting computer security is
Emprendimiento Universida Sumérgete en el Identificar oportunidades de business-
tecnológico d Carlos III emprendimiento negocio en ámbitos tecnológicos y management
de Madrid tecnológico y desarrollar ideas de negocio
aprende a digitales o tecnológicas
emprender en los innovadoras mediante la
mercados aplicación de metodologías
dominados por el innovadoras para el desarrollo de
avance modelos de negocios de
tecnológico. éxito.Valorar el atractivo del sector
Conoce el en el que se piensa competir,
proceso, desde la identificar los principales recursos
identificación de que necesita el proyecto, así
la oportunidad a como las principales formas de
Non- Non- Intermediat la planificación de creación de valor para definir la
self_paced 4 6 6 es-es
Program Program e un modelo de estrategia competitiva.Manejar
negocio herramientas digitales para las
tecnológico con actividades de marketing y
éxito. organizar sus operaciones con un
buen diseño del proceso
productivo asegurando la calidad
del servicio prestado o producto
ofrecido.Organizar, planificar y
gestionar los recursos humanos
necesarios para el desarrollo del
negocio.Conocer los
requerimientos jurídicos y fiscales
para el inicio y desarrollo del
negocio, junto conlos aspectos
European Paintings: Universida Uncover the Learn to identify paintings by the None. humanities, art-
From Leonardo to d Carlos III meaning behind artists covered in the course, and culture, history
Rembrandt to Goya de Madrid the art of the recognize characteristics of art of
great painters this time period.Learn about the
from 1400 to variety of ways in which a work of
1800. art can be interpreted.Acquire the
tools to develop a critical spirit and
a personal point of view with
Non- Non- Introductor regards to the history of
self_paced 2 3 7 en-us art.Become familiar with the
Program Program y
language and concepts necessary
to understand the history of art
and to continue studying it in the
future.Learn to use a knowledge
of art history to make sense of life
and your experience in the world.
Fundamentals of Universida This introductory The GDP, its meaning, Secondary school economics-
Macroeconomics d Carlos III course to measurement,and (high school) finance, social-
de Madrid macroeconomic componentsThe main indicators of algebraBasic sciences
analysis provides the labor market and the nature of mathematics
a thorough view unemploymentSavings, conceptsAbility to
of what investment,and the financial read basic graphs
Non- Non- Introductor economists know systemThe monetary and the
self_paced 2 3 6 en-gb
Program Program y about aggregate banking systemCentral banks,
production, monetary policies,and
inflation, inflationInternational trade, capital
unemployment flows,and exchange
and economic ratesEconomic fluctuationsFiscal
policies and and monetary policies
elevates the
Fundamentals of Universida Learn how to Basic tools of analysis in secondary school social-sciences,
Microeconomics | d Carlos III analyze markets economicsThe model of perfect (high school) economics-finance
Fundamentos de de Madrid and gain a solid competition and its algebrabasic
Microeconomía foundation in elementsElasticities and their mathematics
economic applicationsTaxes, subsidies and conceptsreading
concepts. | government interventionWhy basic graphs
Aprende cómo markets fail and what to do about
analizar un it: Market powerAsymmetric
mercado y obtén informationExternalitiesPublic
una base sólida goodsHerramientas básicas del
sobre los análisis económicoEl modelo de
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 2 3 7 en-us principales competencia perfecta y sus
Program Program y
conceptos elementosLas elasticidades y sus
económicos. aplicacionesImpuestos,
subvenciones e intervención del
gobierno¿Por qué los mercados
fallan y que podemos hacer al
respecto?: Poder de

Fundamentos de las Universida Este curso en Este curso en línea te ayudará a Ninguno. engineering,
comunicaciones d Carlos III línea presenta las responder las siguientes communication
móviles: en la palma de Madrid comunicaciones preguntas: ¿Cómo se transmite la
de tu mano móviles de forma información y llega hasta nosotros
accesible a en cualquier lugar del mundo sin
cualquier persona necesidad de cables?¿Qué
que tenga interés elementos forman un sistema de
por conocer en comunicaciones móviles y cómo
detalle sus funcionan?¿Cómo tiene lugar la
Non- Non- Introductor fundamentos. comunicación en movilidad, en
self_paced 2 3 4 es-es
Program Program y cualquier lugar y para cualquier
persona?¿Cómo sabe el sistema
dónde nos encontramos para
hacernos llegar la llamada?¿Cuál
es la evolución previsible y qué
podremos hacer con los móviles
en un futuro cercano?
Historia de la ética Universida Una mirada hacia Historia de la ética y sus aportes a Tener una mente philosophy-ethics,
d Carlos III el pasado de la la ética modernaAfrontar abierta. humanities, history
de Madrid ética para poder problemas éticos y morales con
Non- Non- Introductor afrontar mejor los sentido críticoLa actualidad del
self_paced 1 3 6 es-es problemas del pensamiento filosóficoUna mirada
Program Program y
futuro. Una visión a la ética desde un punto de vista
crítica de la ética individual y grupal
y la moral sin
Introducción a la Universida olvidar
Una el sentido
innovadora Principios básicos de la práctica Conocimientos de humanities, art-
caligrafía y d Carlos III experiencia del caligráfica (reproducción) en lengua española. culture, history
paleografía en de Madrid aprendizaje combinación con la práctica Son
archivos hispanos mediante la paleográfica recomendables,
medievales y lectura y la (transcripción).Métodos de aunque no
modernos escritura de tipos paleografía para leer y analizar imprescindibles,
de letra histórica. manuscritos medievales y conocimientos de
modernos hispanosReglas, historia y latín.
factores, materiales, herramientas
Non- Non- Introductor y principios que intervienen en el
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es desarrollo de los trazos
Program Program y
caligráficos en cada época
histórica, con ejercicios
prácticosMorfología y
características de cada tipo de
letra: desde la visigótica o
precarolina hispánica hasta las
cursivas del siglo XVIII pasando
por todos los ciclos de góticas
librarias y documentales

Introducción a la Universida ¡Aprende a Conocer conceptos básicos de Ninguno computer-science

programación en d Carlos III programar en programación en JavaDesarrollar
Java: empezando a de Madrid Java de forma programas con condicionales y
programar fácil e interactiva buclesDiseñar e implementar
y entra en el algoritmos recursivosComprender
Introducció fascinante mundo los mecanismos básicos del
n a la Introductor de la paradigma de programación
al self_paced 7 10 5 es-es
programaci y computación! orientada a objetos (OOP)Utilizar
ón en Java e interpretar la API de algunas de
las clases de Java más
comunesDesarrollar programas
simples en Java
Introducción a la Universida ¡Aprende Detectar y corregir errores Ninguno computer-science
programación en d Carlos III programación en comunes de programación en
Java: escribiendo de Madrid Java de forma Java durante el momento de la
buen código fácil e interactiva compilaciónDetectar y corregir
y entra en el errores comunes de programación
fascinante mundo en tiempo de ejecución, utilizando
de la herramientas de
computación! depuraciónComprobar que el
programa hace lo que tiene que
Introducció hacer utilizando pruebas
n a la Introductor unitariasComparar la eficiencia de
al self_paced 5 7 5 es-es
programaci y dos programas en términos de los
ón en Java recursos utilizadosModelar
programas sencillos en lenguaje
java con técnicas básicas de
ingeniería de softwareDeterminar
si un programa ha sido
desarrollado respetando
consideraciones éticas

Introducción a la Universida ¡Aprende a Organizar datos en arrays y listas Es recomendable computer-science

programación en d Carlos III mejorar tu código enlazadas utilizando tipos de estar familiarizado
Java: estructuras de de Madrid en Java utilizando datos primitivos y con los temas
datos y algoritmos estructuras de clasesDesarrollar y utilizar tratados en
datos estructuras de datos lineales, “Introducción a la
fundamentales y como pilas y colas, Programación en
potentes implementadas con listas Java: Comenzando
Introducció algoritmos de enlazadas o arraysDefinir y utilizar a programar en
n a la Introductor programación! estructuras de datos no lineales, Java” y en
al self_paced 5 7 5 es-es
programaci y como árboles, incluyendo árboles “Introducción a la
ón en Java de búsqueda binaria y montículos, Programación en
implementados con listas Java: Escribiendo
enlazadas o arraysImplementar Buen Código”
algoritmos de programación
eficientes para la búsqueda y
ordenación de datos
Introducción a la Universida Hasta dónde Familiarizarse con el análisis de Aunque no es computer-science,
visión por d Carlos III pueden ver las imágenes a través de necesario para engineering,
computador: de Madrid máquinas? computadoresImplementar en entender los electronics
desarrollo de Descubre la C++ diversas aplicaciones de conceptos teóricos,
aplicaciones con visión por Visión por computador utilizando para los ejercicios
OpenCV computador librerías de programación prácticos son
programando OpenCV, de libre necesarios
aplicaciones de distribuciónConocer los diversos conocimientos
análisis de elementos y sensores que se básicos de
Non- Non- Intermediat imágenes, uno de utilizan en la visión por programación en
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es
Program Program e los campos más computadorAprender técnicas de C++.
innovadores de la procesamiento de imágenes
inteligencia digitalesDescubrir las
artificial. características principales que
pueden definir a un objeto en una
imagen digital y aprender a
extraerlasAplicar los diversos
algoritmos de reconocimiento de

Introducción a los Universida Obtén las Entender los sistemas de Conocimientos computer-science
Sistemas de d Carlos III habilidades y el información gerencial (MIS) y su básicos de
Información de Madrid conocimiento papel en las organizaciones de informática a nivel
Gerencial (MIS): necesarios para hoyIdentificar cómo el MIS moldea de usuario. Se
Una guía de tener éxito en un y controla mi puesto de trabajo (el recomienda
supervivencia mundo actual y el futuro puesto al que conocimiento sobre
corporativo puedo querer optar) y cómo usar las empresas.
dominado por los esta información para mejorar tu
sistemas de propio desempeño y satisfacción
información en el trabajo y mejorar tus
gerencial (SIG o perspectivas de
MIS). carreraFamiliarizarte con las
Non- Non- Intermediat principales tendencias en
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
Program Program e infraestructuras MIS (Cloud, Big
Data, ERPs, outsourcing) y cómo
estas tendencias afectarán a los
puestos de trabajo y a las
estrategias de negocioSalvar la
segunda "brecha digital",
vinculada a los Sistemas de
Información (una vez alcanzados
los conocimientos básicos de
informática), que existe en
muchos empleos profesionales
Introduction to Java Universida Learn to enhance Arrange data on arrays and linked It is recommended computer-science
Programming: d Carlos III your code by lists using primitive data types and to be familiar with
Fundamental Data de Madrid using classes.Develop and use linear the topics covered
Structures and Introductio fundamental data data structures, such as stacks in Introduction to
Algorithms n to structures and and queues, implemented with Programming with
Programmi powerful linked lists or arrays.Develop and Java - Part 1:
ng with algorithms in use non-linear data structures, Starting to Code
Profession Introductor
Java self_paced 5 7 5 en-us Java. such as trees, including binary with Java and
al y
Introductio search trees and heaps, Introduction to
n to Java implemented with linked lists or Programming with
Programmi arrays.Implement algorithms for Java - Part 2:
ng the efficient searching and sorting Writing Good Code.
of data.

Introduction to Java Universida Learn to program Basic knowledge on algorithms None computer-science
Programming: d Carlos III Introductio with Java in an and Java programmingDevelop
Starting to code in de Madrid n to easy and programs with conditionals and
Java Programmi interactive way! loopsDesign and implement
ng with recursive algorithmsUnderstand
Profession Introductor
Java self_paced 7 10 5 en-us basic mechanisms of the OOP
al y
Introductio paradigmUse and interpret the
n to Java API of some of the most common
Programmi Java classesDevelop simple
ng programs in Java
Introduction to Java Universida Learn to program Detect and correct common It is recommended computer-science
Programming: d Carlos III in an easy and programming errors at compile to be familiar with
Writing Good Code de Madrid interactive way timeDetect and correct common the topics covered
Introductio and enter the programming errors at run time in Introduction to
n to Java fascinating world using debugging toolsCheck that Introduction to
Programmi of computer the program does what it has to programming with
Profession science. using unit testing Java, Part 1:
al Introductor processesCompare the efficiency Starting to Code
Introductio self_paced 5 7 5 en-us
Certificate y of two programs in terms of the with Java.
n to
XSeries resources usedModel simple
ng with programs using basic software
Java engineering techniquesDetermine
if a program has been developed
respecting ethical considerations
Introduction to Universida Gain the skills Understand Management Basic user-level computer-science,
Management d Carlos III and knowledge Information Systems (MIS) and computer literacy. business-
Information Systems de Madrid needed to their role in today’s Business management,
(MIS): A Survival succeed in an organizationsIdentify how MIS awareness is engineering
Guide MIS-dominated shapes and controls current (or recommended.
corporate world. prospective) jobs and how to use
this insight to improve your own
job performance and satisfaction
and and enhance your career
Non- Non- Intermediat prospectsBecome familiar with the
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Program Program e major trends in MIS and MIS
infrastructures (Cloud, Big Data,
ERPs, outsourcing) and how
these evolutions will affect
workplaces and business
strategiesBridge the MIS-related
second “digital gap” that exists,
after basic computer literacy, in
most professional jobs

Liderazgo inclusivo Universida Conocerás las Identificar las áreas de dirección Ninguno business-
d Carlos III diferencias entre necesarias para comprender el management,
de Madrid un directivo y un liderazgo inclusivo.Ser capaz de social-sciences
líder, y también comprender las diferencias entre
entre diversidad e diversidad e inclusión. Identificar,
Non- Non- Intermediat inclusión. ¡Porque diseñar e implementar políticas
self_paced 3 5 5 es-es el líder del siglo inclusivas en una organización.
Program Program e
XXI tiene que ser Saber cómo mejorar en nuestro
un líder inclusivo! camino para llegar a ser un buen
líder inclusivo en el contexto

Pintura europea: Universida Descubre el Identificar las pinturas de artistas y Ninguno humanities, art-
Leonardo, d Carlos III significado del períodos artísticos y reconocer las culture, history
Rembrandt, Goya de Madrid arte de los características del arte en este
grandes pintores periodoConocer las formas en que
desde 1400 a una obra de arte puede ser
1800. interpretadaDesarrollar un espíritu
crítico que permita ir adquiriendo
un punto de vista propio sobre la
Non- Non- Introductor historia del arteAdquirir un
self_paced 2 3 7 es-es lenguaje que les permitirá
Program Program y
desenvolverse con comodidad en
la materia y continuar estudiando
Historia del Arte con un mayor
nivel de especializaciónAprender
a disfrutar y entender el arte como
parte de la vida y la experiencia
del mundo.
SDG: Moving Universida Decent work is Concepts and initiatives behind None. law, business-
Towards d Carlos III thecritical engine the UN's SDG (Sustainable management,
Sustainable Work de Madrid of sustainable Development Goals)How to build economics-finance
development. decent and sustainable workDeep
This course familiarity with SDG numbers 1
Non- Non- Intermediat explores the (End poverty), 3 (Health and
self_paced 2 3 5 en-gb United Nations' wellness), 5 (Gender equality), 8
Program Program e
Sustainable (Economic growth), and 10
Development (reduce inequalities) in the context
Goals and of sustainable work and the digital
mechanisms for revolution
decent and
The Conquest of Universida Explore the The history of space exploration High-school engineering,
Space: Space d Carlos III history of space and its cultural, political, and mathematics and history
Exploration and de Madrid travel and learn scientific impactFundamentals of physics
Rocket Science the basics of aerospace engineering, including
Non- Non- Introductor aerospace how to move in space and how
self_paced 3 4 7 en-us engineering. rockets workThe key aspects of
Program Program y
space systems and the space
environmentCurrent trends and
future projects in space exploration

The Software Universida An introductory Gain the skills needed to succeed CuriosityContinuous computer-science,
Architect Code: d Carlos III course aimed at as a software designer and learningDesire to engineering
Building the Digital de Madrid helping you to software architect.Understand the excel
World discover and role of a software architect in the
develop your digital worldLearn the importance
software talents of capturing all essential user
to succeed within needs and applying the “Do it
the digital world. yourself” method to plan and build
Non- Non- Introductor software piecesExplore the
self_paced 2 3 8 en-us software design and testing
Program Program y
activities addressing the new
challenges of tech-focused
timesUnderstand new interaction
paradigms, creativity and design
methods that move the focus from
the software to the humans who
use it
Utopedia: Universida Emerge una Disponer de unos elementos de Ninguno education-teacher-
Educación para la d Carlos III sociedad del análisis del momento training,
sociedad del de Madrid conocimiento actual.Apreciar el valor de la humanities, social-
conocimiento distinta a la educación como palanca y como sciences
industrial y gozne. Como palanca para
necesita una remover las resistencias al
educación cambio cultural que se necesita. Y
adaptada a otras como gozne para que la
exigencias de transformación de la sociedad gire
formación. en torno a unos valores que no
Non- Non- Intermediat ¿Cuáles y por reproduzcan el modelo
self_paced 4 6 7 es-es
Program Program e qué? actual.Aceptar, para poder actuar
en consecuencia, la incertidumbre
y el riesgo del cambio y que bajo
el nombre de sociedad del
conocimiento (ya acuñado y quizá
por el excesivo uso, ya
desgastado) pueden darse
modelos de sociedad muy
distintos, y algunos de ellos poco

Agua y sales para Universida En este curso Conocer el funcionamiento del medicine, food-
una vida saludable d del comprenderás la cuerpo en cuanto a la ganancia y nutrition, health-
Rosario importancia del pérdida de líquidos, así como la safety
agua y las sales composición de los líquidos
en tu cuerpo, así corporales.Conocer las
como implicaciones que tiene el
implementar desbalance entre ácidos y bases
estrategias que te en el cuerpo.Identificar la función
Non- Non- Introductor ayuden a de los iones magnesio, calcio y
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program y conservar tu fosfato en el cuerpo, así como las
salud, mejorar tu consecuencias de su
atención y tu concentración en
rendimiento físico exceso.Reconocer las
y mental. características del cloro y
evidenciar las implicaciones que
tiene para la salud en diversos
Competencias para Universida El curso está Identificar los niveles de health-safety
alinear las d del orientado para vibraciones bajas y como
emociones con la Rosario que los aprender a neutralizar las
mente participantes se emociones negativas.Reconocer
concienticen, las vibraciones altas y aplicar
conceptualicen y herramientas que les facilite a los
contextualicen participantes manifestar y hacer
sobre la sustentables las emociones
Non- Non- Introductor pertinencia de las positivasAnalizar las
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program y competencias caracteristicas reflejadas en el
para alinear las EgoEntender las manifestaciones
emociones con la de la trascendencia del
mente y el cuerpo SerDiseñar acciones estratégicas
como líderes que hagan realidad en la
estrategas, éticos cotidianidad de los participantes el
y socialmente mapa de conciencia de David
responsables. Hawkins.

Debate y Universida Este curso en Identificar el concepto de debate y humanities,

argumentación d del línea te permitirá los usos que se dan en diferentes communication,
Rosario aprender sobre ámbitos de la vidaIdentificar el social-sciences
los elementos concepto, estructura y tipos de
básicos para argumentación dentro del marco
debatir de de su uso para el debateDominar
Non- Non- Introductor manera el concepto, la estructura y los
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program y persuasiva en tipos de refutación más exitosos al
diferentes momento de debatirAnalizar y
escenarios aplicar diversas estructuras
cotidianos, discursivas dependiendo del uso
profesionales y
Design Thinking y Universida Mediante este Conoce el proceso de Design business-
ODS: creando d del curso, Thinking para desarrollar management,
soluciones Rosario aprenderás a soluciones creativas que design, social-
innovadoras usar el Design respondan a los objetivos de sciences
Thinking , en el desarrollo sostenible.Entiende
marco de los cómo a través de la observación y
Objetivos de la empatía identifica problemas
Non- Non- Introductor Desarrollo centrados en lo humano.Aprende
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co Sostenible cómo desarrollar el potencial
Program Program y
(ODS), para creativo para generar soluciones
comprender innovadoras.Conoce cómo hacer
problemas tangibles las ideas para
complejos y presentarlas.Identifica la ruta para
mejorar la vida de aplicar el DT con un equipo
las personas y multidisciplinar.
Diseño de Sistemas Universida Aprende a crear Instalar el servidor de prueba Tener instalado computer-science,
de información d del bases de datos Localhost con WAMP (Windows, sistema operativo business-
gerencial para Rosario profesionales y Apache, MySQL, PHP).Instalar y Windows 7 o management,
Internet con MySQL sistemas de gestionar un administrador de superior.Tener social-sciences
/ PHP y Joomla información de contenido en la web con un conocimientos
nivel básico- Sistema de Gestión de Contenido intermedios de
intermedio para (CMS) Joomla.Crear y relacionar Windows, Excel,
Internet, con las tablas, subtablas y tablas de lógica matemática y
estas versátiles codificación (Base de Datos conjuntos.Contar
herramientas de Relacional) en MySQL.Crear las con un computador
Diseño de
programación y páginas dinámicas y manejo de con Sistema
gestión de usuario en la interface de Operativo Windows
Profession para la
Intermediat contenido. configuración Joomla.Automatizar o Linux o
al toma de self_paced 6 10 4 es-co
e procesos a través de código de Mac.Tener
Certificate decisiones
programación en permisos de
PHP/MySQL.Crear consultas que administración en
procesen y/o calculen información su
interrelacionada y permitan la computador.Editor
exportación. de código: Visual
studio code,
Sublime o
Excel 2013 o
superiorMySQL for

Diseño de sistemas Universida Aprende a crear Analizar casos que requieren Tener computer-science,
de información d del bases de datos bases de datos y conocimientos business-
gerencial para Rosario profesionales y automatizaciónDiseñar sistemas intermedios de management,
intranet con sistemas de de información que te permitirán Windows y Excel. social-sciences
Microsoft Access información de tomar decisiones acertadas para
nivel básico- la organizaciónCómo los datos
intermedio para ayudarán a optimizar la toma de
Intranet y así decisiones en una
tomar decisiones empresaEstructurar el algoritmo
empresariales, de una Base de Datos Relacional
Diseño de con esta (BDR)Crear una BDR con tablas,
software aplicación de subtablas y tablas de codificación
Profession para la Microsoft, sin y relacionar adecuadamente las
Intermediat necesidad de tablasConsultar la base de datos
al toma de self_paced 6 10 4 es-co
e saber lenguaje de relacionalCrear los formularios y
Certificate decisiones
organizacio programación. subformularios de la interface
nales para el ingreso y la visualización
de datosDiseñar informes
imprimibles y exportables a Word
y PDFAutomatizar con macros los
formularios y crear un Panel de
ControlImportar tablas de otras
fuentes y exportar consultas a
otros programasCrear consultas
de acción que procesen y/o
calculen información
interrelacionadaEntender la
sintaxis básica de una consulta en
Educación Universida Desarrolla Percibir adecuadamente las health-safety,
emocional para el d del competencias emociones que se experimenta en humanities
bienestar personal Rosario emocionales a sí mismo y en los demás para
través de la poder identificar lo que se
educación siente.Manejar las emociones de
emocional que forma tal que se garantice la
favorezcan regulación de las mismas.Atender
herramientas y comprender las emociones,
Non- Non- Introductor para el manejo acorde a las situaciones que se
self_paced 2 4 5 es-co de aspectos experimentan.Identificar
Program Program y
individuales, estrategias relacionales que
relacionales y promuevan el establecimiento de
contextuales, que interacciones afables.Lograr una
permitan alcanzar agencia emocional que promueva
tus metas el bienestar individual y las
personales. relaciones interpersonales sanas.

El cerebro y las Universida Conoce cómo se • Identificar las cinco emociones communication,
emociones en el d del procesa el básicas que pueden ser humanities, social-
lenguaje Rosario contenido manifiestas a través de la sciences
emocional de los comunicación verbal y no verbal y
estímulos que reconocer cómo se expresan las
captamos con emociones a través de los
nuestros distintos atributos del lenguaje•
sentidos, para Relacionar los procesos de
que puedas, de expresión y compresión del
manera más lenguaje emocional de las
consiente, palabras, los sonidos, la prosodia,
producir, modular los gestos y las imágenes con los
e interpretar el mecanismos neurobiológicos que
Non- Non- Introductor lenguaje le subyacen• Analizar algunas de
self_paced 4 5 5 es-co
Program Program y emocional en la las variables que pueden afectar
interacción con la percepción y la interpretación
otros. de las emociones en las
dinámicas de comunicación e
interacción con el entorno social e
interpretar la comunicación
emocional en el marco de la teoría
de la mente y de la cognición
social• Probar los efectos que
sobre el procesamiento emocional
tienen las variables idiosincráticas
y socioculturales y estimar la
importancia de la comunicación
afectiva en el marco de un
Estrategias de Universida En este curso Caracterizar la turbulencia del business-
transformación ante d del aprenderás el entorno.Identificar las management
la crisis empresarial Rosario proceso de discontinuidades del
transformación sector.Diferenciar entre
que deben llevar turbulencia y crisis.Identificar
a cabo las acciones para gestionar la
empresas para turbulencia.Realizar un análisis de
superar los variedades del sector
momentos de estratégico.Conocer las
adversidad que necesidades del sector.Identificar
ponen en riesgo los canales de distribución del
su continuidad. sector estratégico.Conocer el
panorama competitivo del sector
Non- Non- Intermediat estratégico.Identificar espacios de
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program e mercado no
explotados.Cuantificar el potencial
estratégico de nuevos espacios
de mercado.Cuantificar la
intensidad de la
competencia.Establecer el poder
de negociación de los
clientes.Determinar el poder de
negociación de
proveedores.Identificar y
cuantificar las barreras de
entrada.Determinar el grado de
atractividad del sector.
Fisioterapia en el Universida Explorar el rol del Comprender la biología y medicine, health-
cáncer infantil d del fisioterapeuta y la desarrollo del cáncer, con énfasis safety
Rosario importancia de en los síntomas de los tumores
este en la cerebrales y otras tipologías de
oncología cáncer.Identificar los elementos y
Non- Non- Intermediat pediátrica, aspectos clave para el tratamiento
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co reconociendo las del cáncer desde parámetros
Program Program e
enfermedades clínicos y la intervención
más comunes en fisioterapéutica.Reconocer la
esta población y importancia de la actividad física
su intervención, en pacientes con cáncer.
teniendo en
cuenta los
Fundamentos de Universida Aprende de una Aprender los principales términos medicine, biology-
anatomía y técnica d del manera creativa y generales para describir el cuerpo life-sciences
quirúrgica básica Rosario divertida cómo humanoComprender la
está constituido organización general del cuerpo
el cuerpo por regiones y por
humano a través sistemasReconocer la anatomía
de casos clínicos de la cabeza y el cuelloReconoce
Non- Non- Introductor seleccionados la anatomía de las
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co basados en extremidadesComprender las
Program Program y
hechos históricos bases anatómicas de técnicas
reales. Además como la maniobra de Heimlich,
conocerás las torniquetes y el parche de
bases HeimlichDeterminar el manejo
anatómicas para inicial de una persona con
la práctica de quemaduras
Fundamentos de Universida El curso Conocimientos básicos sobre Tener una cámara art-culture,
fotografía d del proporcionará fotografíaDesarrollar de fotográfica con humanities
documental Rosario herramientas creatividad fotográficaCompresión opciones manuales
teóricas y de cómo se forma la fotografíaUso de configuración
técnicas para de la fotografía en proyectos
Non- Non- Introductor emplear la corporativos o personales que
self_paced 4 6 6 es-co
Program Program y fotografía como responden a preguntas de
parte de una investigación social
investigación en
las ciencias
sociales, artes y
las humanidades.
Historia global de la Universida En este curso Descubrirás los conceptos art-culture,
arquitectura d del lograrás básicos del mundo islámico y su architecture,
islámica: espacio, Rosario descubrir el cultura.Te introducirás a la historia history
ciudad, arte legado de los medieval y moderna del mundo
pueblos islámicos Islámico.Aprenderás el léxico
Historias en el compositivo y espacial de la
de la Mediterráneo y el arquitectura
creatividad mundo y islámica.Comprenderás la
en el sur Introductor desdibujar los complejidad de los lenguajes
XSeries self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
global: y límites entre decorativos del mundo
arte, oriente y islámico.Profundizarás en las
arquitectur occidente, conexiones entre América Latina y
a y diseño identificar las el mundo islámico.Descubrirás
conexiones de tu proyectos de arquitectura
entorno con Al- contemporánea que aplican
Ándalus y estrategias tradicionales del
conocer los mundo islámico.
principios del
Identidad Universida Aprende y Comprender la amplitud de la art-culture, design
latinoamericana a d del cuestiona la historia de las prendas y su reflejo
través de la moda: Rosario historia de en la cotidianidadGenerar
prendas con historia Historias nuestra identidad paralelos de identidad a través de
de la a través de los temas impartidosIdentificar el
creatividad prendas que han recorrido e historia de las prendas
en el sur Introductor marcado y y su influencia en los diversos
XSeries self_paced 4 6 4 es-co fundamentado temas políticos, de género y de
global: y
arte, nuestro estilo historiaIncluirse en una moda más
arquitectur personal cotidianaDimensionar nuestra
a y diseño moda nativa y las influencias que
ha tenido a hoy día
Incidencia política Universida En este curso Las formas convencionales y no social-sciences,
desde las d del aprenderás cómo convencionales de incidir en humanities
comunidades. ODS Rosario el trabajo político política.Cómo transformar nuestra
16: Paz, justicia e de incidir implica realidad en los territorios a través
instituciones sólidas conocer las de planes de acción y hojas de
bases de ruta que faciliten la formulación,
participación implementación y evaluación de
Non- Non- Introductor política pero instrumentos políticos.Elaboración
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co además las de planes de acción para la
Program Program y
formas de incidencia política y cabildeo que
empoderamiento permitan generar propuestas de
comunitario para construcción de paz en el
contribuir en la territorioCómo desde las
construcción de comunidades se logra responder
paz, justicia y al ODS 16.
solidez de las
Integridad científica: Universida En este curso, Desde el planteamiento de un El aprendiz debe social-sciences,
herramientas para d del aprenderás a proyecto de investigación, hasta la tener conocimientos ethics
las buenas prácticas Rosario identificar las transferencia de los productos básicos de
de investigación principales derivados. Se darán a conocer los metodología de la
conductas principios que deben regir la investigación.
cuestionables en buena práctica mediante una
la investigación estrategia pedagógica pragmática.
científica y a Los estudiantes aprenderán a
utilizar guiar la investigación hacia las
novedosas buenas prácticas científicas, por
estrategias para medio de estudios de caso, foros,
mejorar los lecturas y actividades digitales. Se
Non- Non- Intermediat estándares en brindarán elementos conceptuales
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program e investigación. que ayuden a discriminar la mala
de la buena conducta científica,
así como gran variedad de
herramientas y estrategias que
ayuden a esta finalidad.El curso
incluirá las nuevas tendencias
científicas que retan las
tradicionales formas de hacer
investigación, como por ejemplo,
la ciencia abierta.

Internet de las Universida En este curso en Manejo de repositorios Git data-analysis-

cosas (IoT) y Big d del línea aprenderas (software de control de statistics,
Data Rosario a desarrollar versionamiento para desarrollo de computer-science
Internet de sistemas software) enfocado a
las cosas completos y proyectosGestión de bases de
(IoT), Big Intermediat escalables en IoT datos relacionales y no
al self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Data y sus e con el uso del Big relacionales a traves de
aplicacione Data y asi herramientas de desarrollo
s enriquece tu perfil IoTHerramientas para la creación
profesional con de interfaces de usuarioUsos y
una perspectiva aplicaciones del IoT con Big Data
global, bajo una
Introducción a las Universida Aprende de Distinguir tasa de interés simple, Conocimientos economics-finance
finanzas: Principios d del forma rápida y compuesta, efectiva del período y básicos en manejo
de valoración Rosario sencilla los tasa de descuento y usar criterios de fórmulas y
principios básicos básicos de evaluación de funciones de la hoja
de valor del proyectosComprender la utilidad de cálculo
dinero en el de los diagramas de flujo en la ExcelPorcentajes y
tiempo y cómo solución de problemas de álgebra básica,
usarlos para la valoraciónUsar funciones de especialmente
toma de Microsoft Excel para calcular valor manejo de
decisiones futuro, valor presente, tasas de fracciones,
financieras y interés y número de potencias,
evaluación de períodosEstablecer la relación logaritmos y
proyectos de entre tasas periódicas, tasas ecuaciones
Non- Non- Intermediat inversión. nominales y frecuencias de
self_paced 6 10 4 es-co
Program Program e conversiónRealizar correctamente
la conversión entre diferentes
tasas periódicas y tasas
nominalesUsar funciones de Excel
para la conversión de
tasasRealizar correctamente la
valoración descontada de flujos
de efectivo y plantear ecuaciones
de valor equivalenteEmplear
funciones de Excel para calcular
valor futuro y valor presente con
tasas variables, y ecuaciones de
valor equivalente y calcular valor
presente neto (VPN) y tasa interna
Introducción al Universida En este curso en Entender los conceptos basicos health-safety,
Internet de las d del línea aprenderás del internet de las cosasManejo engineering,
cosas (IoT) y sus Rosario el concepto de de herramientas para el desarrollo computer-science
aplicaciones Internet de Internet de las de soluciones (IoT)Identificar los
las cosas Cosas, como se principales componentes de
Profession realiza la hardware, tarjetas y sensores
(IoT), Big Introductor
al self_paced 4 6 4 es-co interconexión utilizados en IoTUtilizar los
Data y sus y
Certificate digital entre principales protocolos de
s dispositivos comunicación utilizados en
inteligentes IoTDesarrollo de casos reales en
utilizando redes donde se presentan soluciones
de comunicación (IoT)
como Internet.
Matemáticas para la Universida En diversos Manejar los conceptos math
U d del cursos, el matemáticos básicos (aritmética,
Rosario estudiante algebra, introducción a las
deberá aplicar funciones) y establecer
competencias conexiones entre estos
básicas en conceptos. Aplicar los conceptos
matemáticas, el aprendidos en situaciones
propósito del concretas de la vida cotidiana.
presente curso Usar la información aplicando
es facilitar el modelos matemáticos y
desarrollo de estrategias adaptadas para
dichas resolver problemas. Comunicar
competencias por claramente la información por
Non- Non- Introductor parte del medio del lenguaje matemático.
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program y estudiante. Utilizar las herramientas
Adicionalmente, tecnológicas apropiadas
se pretende (calculadora o computadora), en
fortalecer la la ejecución de una tarea de
constancia y los naturaleza matemática.
buenos hábitos
de estudio,
considerando al
estudiante como
el actor principal
de su
animando su
Métodos Universida En este curso en Qué posibilidades ofrece el uso de social-sciences,
computacionales y d del línea aprende a métodos computacionales para la communication
análisis de Rosario reconocer los investigación de la comunicación
contenidos digitales principales en líneaCómo evaluar los
Análisis de métodos contenidos y las relaciones que se
contenidos computacionales establecen a través de TwitterQué
Profession para la analítica es el machine learning y cuáles
digitales y Intermediat
al self_paced 4 6 4 es-co de contenidos son sus principales
métodos e
Certificate sociales en aplicacionesCuáles son las
nales entornos principales técnicas que existen
digitales, una de para analizar datos textuales a
las áreas de través de métodos asistidos por
mayor demanda computador
profesional en la
Producción y Universida Aprende las Conocer la importancia de los environmental-
consumo d del formas de ODS de las Naciones studies
responsable: ODS Rosario producir y UnidasEntender las formas en las
12 consumir que se da respuesta a los ODS a
sanamente a partir de los indicadores
partir de un oficialesEntender las
Non- Non- Introductor enfoque implicaciones del ODS 12 y los
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co agroecológico, desafíos que presenta de forma
Program Program y
contribuyendo así sectorialDesarrollar estrategias
al cuidado del con un enfoque agroecológico que
planeta. Este contribuyan a mejorar el uso y
curso en línea se manejo de residuosIntegrar
enfoca en el buenos hábitos saludables como
objetivo número productores y consumidores
12 de los
Un viaje por Universida Learn basic Develop skills to act in basic language
Hispanoamérica: d del expressions in communicative situations during a
Español inicial Rosario Spanish and trip in a Spanish-speaking
communicative country.Ask for and give personal
tools to get ready linformation in different travelling
to travel to any procedures or situations.Use
Non- Non- Introductor Spanish-speaking expressions to buy products and
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co country, while you services.Order food in diverse
Program Program y
get to know spaces and situations.Ask and
relevant aspects understand information about
of the Spanish places and how to get to
American culture. them.Know essential aspects of
Spanish American cultures

¿Qué conservar, Universida Aprende los ● Conceptos generales en biology-life-

cómo y por qué? d del fundamentos conservación ambiental.● sciences,
Fundamentos para Rosario básicos de la Métodos para cuantificar la environmental-
la conservación conservación biodiversidad en campo.● studies
ambiental. ambiental desde Métodos para la estimación de
los retos servicios ecosistémicos.●
latinoamericanos. Identificar los motores de
deforestación y su relación con el
cambio climático.● Conocer los
principales ecosistemas del
mundo.● Entender el valor de la
biodiversidad a través de la
multidimensionalidad de los
Non- Non- Introductor servicios ecosistémicos que
self_paced 4 6 4 es-co
Program Program y aporta.● Conocer los impactos del
cambio climático sobre la
biodiversidad.● Conocer los
ejemplos emblemáticos de la
conservación.● Entender la
importancia de los valores
sociales en los procesos de
conservación y los diferentes tipos
de valoraciones.● Indicadores
básicos para la inclusión de
valoraciones sociales y culturales
en procesos de conservación
ambiental● Conocer la historia y
las diferentes estrategias de
Análisis estadístico Universida Este curso en Estadísticos de tendencia central, Conocimiento data-analysis-
con Excel d Galileo línea entrega al de posición, de variación y de elemental de statistics
estudiante los formaDistribución de probabilidad Estadistica y
conocimientos binomial y de probabilidad manejo de Excel.
fundamentales de normalEsquemas de muestreo e
Análisis de estadística para intervalos de confianzaCálculo del
datos para el análisis de tamaño de la muestraAnálisis de
Profession datos, tanto a regresión y correlación simple y
la toma de Introductor
al self_paced 3 5 4 es-gt nivel personal análisis de regresión y correlación
decisiones y
Certificate como múltiplePruebas de hipótesis y de
les empresarial. Chi cuadradoNúmeros
índiceCálculos con la herramienta
de análisis de datos de Excel y
fórmulas estadísticas específicas

Análisis Universida En este curso en Identificar las técnicas principales Conocimientos en data-analysis-
Multivariable en d Galileo línea te para realizar análisis Estadística statistics,
SPSS Análisis de enseñaremos multivariableTrabajar análisis Descriptiva e business-
datos para como realizar multivariable en SPSSAplicar Inferencial.Software management
Profession Análisis técnicas multivariable en SPSS requerido
la toma de Introductor
al self_paced 4 5 5 es-gt Multivariado para problemas empresariales
decisiones y
Certificate la toma de
les decisiones en los
personales y en
Aprendizaje y Universida las instituciones,
Diseña Al finalizar este curso aprenderás Conocimientos education-teacher-
Enseñanza en la d Galileo experiencias de a:Identificar las oportunidades y básicos de training
Era Digital aprendizaje desafíos que proporciona la ofimática, uso de
significativas enseñanza virtual.Reconocer los internet.
orientadas a diferentes modelos y estrategias
entornos de didácticas para la enseñanza en
enseñanza virtual. entornos virtuales.Analizar los
e- diferentes elementos que se
Learning: deben tomar en consideración
crea para realizar un efectivo diseño y
actividades desarrollo de experiencias de
MicroMast Intermediat
y self_paced 4 5 4 es-es enseñanza-aprendizaje
ers e
contenidos virtual.Conocer y comprender los
para la objetivos para los que han sido
enseñanza creados los sistemas de gestión
virtual del aprendizaje (plataformas) así
como los criterios de
selección.Reflexionar sobre el
concepto de calidad y su relación
con la evaluación para entornos
Bioseguridad y Universida Aprende sobre la Evaluar el riesgo biológico en el Es recomendable health-safety
equipo de d Galileo aplicaciòn de las entorno laboral, reduciendo la contar con
protección para la normas probabilidad de contagio de conocimientos
prevención de internacionales COVID-19Desarrollar protocolos básicos en: El uso
COVID-19 de bioseguridad de prevención y actuación ante el de plataformas
que garantizan un COVID-19Aplicar medidas online y contar con
entorno laboral preventivas para evitar el contagio título a nivel
seguro. de COVID-19 en el entorno laboral diversificado,
Seleccionando y y comunitarioSeleccionar según técnico o
usando normativas internacionales y universitario.
correctamente el nacionales el equipo de protección
equipo de personal adecuado para la
protecciòn exposición al peligro de origen
Non- Non- Introductor personal para biológico.Aplicar la técnica
self_paced 4 5 4 es-gt
Program Program y prevenir el correcta de colocación y retirada
COVID-19 u otra del equipo de protección personal
enfermedad ante la exposición del peligro
infecciosa. biológicoGestionar los desechos
infecciosos generados por la
exposición al peligro de origen
biológico en el entorno laboral y
comunitario.Evaluar la aplicación y
eficacia de las normas de
bioseguridad y del equipo de
protección personal utilizado para
la prevención de contagio de
Circuitos Eléctricos Universida Curso Aprenderas los siguientes Álgebra electronics,
en Corriente Alterna d Galileo introductorio de elementos de la teoría de circuitos básica.Manejo engineering
análisis de en AC:Señales y Formas de básico de
Profession circuitos OndaAritmética de Números dimensionales.Teorí
Electrónica Intermediat
al self_paced 6 8 5 es-gt resistivos en AC. ComplejosEl modelo de a de circuitos en DC.
básica e
Certificate Aprende la base FasoresLeyes básicas de
fundamental de circuitosMétodos de
Instalaciones AnálisisPotencia en AC
Cálculo Diferencial Universida Eléctricas.
El Cálculo marca Entender con propiedad la teoría y Funciones computer-science,
d Galileo una diferencia en fundamentos del cálculo trigonometricas, math, engineering
la formación y diferencial, para formular y exponentes,
capacidad de una resolver problemas. logaritmos,
Non- Non- Intermediat persona para secuencias y series,
self_paced 5 6 8 es-es utilizar las álgebra,
Program Program e
matemáticas en trigonometría
otras ciencias y la analítica,
ingeniería. geometría,
geometría analítica.
Diseño de Universida ¿Estás en Generar estrategias para el éxito Ninguno business-
Estrategias Exitosas d Galileo búsqueda de personalNo limitarse por los management
y Acciones crecer? ¿Tienes recursos con los que
Incontenibles Non- Non- Introductor un negocio cuentaPensar estratégicamente
self_paced 2 4 4 es-es rentable? o en todo ámbito de su
Program Program y
¿estás cómodo vidaFormular estrategias de
en tu trabajo? impacto a nivel personal y
Nos alegramos profesional
por ti, pero eso
Diseño y Desarrollo Universida Crea de una Al finalizar este curso aprenderás Conocimientos humanities,
de Recursos d Galileo forma sencilla y a:Definir y comprender qué es básicos de education-teacher-
Multimedia para la fácil tus propios multimediay sus distintas ofimática, uso de training
Enseñanza Virtual recursos de aplicaciones al campo de la internet.
aprendizaje educación virtual.Diseñar recursos
multimedia e multimedia que integren diferentes
e- interactivos para medios (texto, voz, e
Learning: una enseñanza imágenes),que faciliten el trabajo
crea virtual exitosa. autónomo.Desarrollar
actividades nuevasdestrezas y habilidades en
MicroMast Intermediat el manejode herramientas de
y self_paced 4 5 4 es-gt
ers e producción multimedia que
para la aumenten tus competencias
enseñanza digitales.Aprender a utilizar
virtual diferentes herramientas de autor
líderes en la industria de la
producción multimedia como:
Articulate Storyline, Adobe
Captivate, Camtasia, Adobe Spark
entre otras.

Email marketing: Universida ¿Sabías que Qué es y cómo funciona el mundo Es recomendable communication,
diseño y gestión de d Galileo crear secuencias del email marketingCómo crear tu contar con business-
campañas automatizadas de base de datos de manera efectiva, conocimientos management
email marketing utilizando técnicas adecuadas básicos en:Manejo
puede para que las tasa de apertura de y gestión de redes
incrementar tu los mails y los clics sociales o haber
porcentaje de aumentenCrear secuencias realizado el curso
conversión en un automatizadas de mailing que ""Marketing Digital:
50%? Aprende a permitan fidelizar tus Content &
crear campañas clientesCómo escribir correos Community
Profession de email electrónicos con contenidos y Manager""Desarrollo
Marketing Introductor
al self_paced 2 4 5 es-gt marketing asuntos atractivos para tu e implementación
Digital y
Certificate exitosas que audienciaUtilizar plataformas de de campañas
incrementen tus email marketing publicitarias en
ventas y generen facebook o haber
relaciones a largo realizado el curso
plazo con tu ""Facebook Ads:
audiencia. Como utilizar el
poder de la
publicidad en
Estadística Aplicada Universida Usa estadística Cómo realizar un análisis de datos Conocimientos data-analysis-
a los Negocios d Galileo descriptiva e con ExcelCómo usar estadística básicos de algebra statistics
inferencial en los inferencial en empresasPor qué y cálculoConceptos
negocios. realizar pruebas de hipótesis y básicos del trabajo
Aprende a tomar cómo hacerlasCómo entender el con datos en Excel
decisiones con análisis de regresión y aplicarlo a
ayuda de casos realesCómo estimar
estimadores, intervalos de confianza en una
análisis empresa o negocioCómo usar
regresional y más. escalas de medición, distribución
de frecuencia, representaciones
gráficas, datos cualitativos, datos
Profession Inteligencia cuantitativosCómo calcular y
Introductor aplicar las medidas estadísticas
al de self_paced 5 6 5 es-gt
y de tendencia centralDiferencia
Certificate negocios
entre variables aleatorias
discretas y continuas, cómo
usarlas y cómo determinar un
valor esperadoAplicar la
distribución de probabilidad
continuaCuáles son los
fundamentos de estadística
descriptiva y de probabilidad
uniforme, exponencial, binomialLo
que no puedes dejar
pasarPracticarás con ejercicios
para aplicar la teoría a negocios
realesAprenderás a utilizar Excel
Facebook Ads: Universida Aprende a crear Cómo crear campañas Requisitos communication
Cómo utilizar el d Galileo campañas publicitarias en Facebook y definir previos:Conocimient
poder de la publicitarias los objetivosCómo crear y os básicos de
publicidad en exitosas. Accede configurar una cuenta publicitaria Facebook
Facebook a tutoriales paso en FacebookCómo hacer
a paso de anuncios en Facebook, Instagram,
Audience Messenger, YouTubeCómo usar
Insights, Pixel de Audience Insights y segmentar
Facebook, A/B campañas publicitariasCómo
Testing y más. funciona el pixel de Facebook y
cómo configurarloPara qué sirve,
Marketing cómo usar y configurar el A/B
Digital Testing de FacebookIdeas de
Marketing Introductor contenido de valor para una
al self_paced 3 4 5 es-gt
digital y y campaña (imágenes, textos,
redes herramientas)Cómo definir un
sociales- presupuesto y estrategia de puja
de una campañaCómo análizar y
optimizar campañas
publicitariasCómo medir el exito
de una campaña publicitariaLo
que no puedes dejar
pasarAccederás a tutoriales paso
a paso para crear publicidad en
FacebookTendrás acceso a
análisis de casos para poner en
práctica la teoríaPodrás ver
videos simples de temas
Google Ads: Universida Haz que tus Cómo crear y configurar una Es recomendable business-
publicidad efectiva d Galileo clientes cuenta publicitaria en Google contar con management,
potenciales te AdsCómo elegir el formato conocimientos communication
encuentren en la correcto para tu campaña basicos en:Manejo
web mientras publicitariaCrear campañas de y gestión de redes
buscan lo que publicidad en la red de búsqueda sociales o haber
ofreces en y de display de GoogleGenerar e realizado el curso
Google. Aprende interpretar reportes de forma ""Marketing Digital:
a crear adecuada para entender el Content &
campañas rendimiento de tus campañas Community
Profession publicitarias publicitariasOptimizar de manera Manager""Desarrollo
Marketing Introductor
al self_paced 2 4 5 es-gt digitales exitosas, efectiva tus campañas e implementación
Digital y
Certificate desarrollando publicitariasIntegrar Google de campañas
anuncios en la Analytics con Google Adwords publicitarias en
red de búsqueda facebook o haber
y de display de realizado el curso
Google, asi ""Facebook Ads:
como, en Como utilizar el
Youtube. poder de la
publicidad en

Herramientas de la Universida Aprende el Cómo usar Power BICómo usar Conocimientos data-analysis-
Inteligencia de d Galileo proceso de sistemas para recolectar datos básicos de álgebra statistics
Negocios extraer y (OLAP)Cómo recolectar, analizar y cálculoConceptos
transformar data y depurar data para convertirla en básicos del trabajo
para generar datosCómo descubrir datos útiles con datos en Excel
insumos y tomar para la operación y transformarlos
decisiones. Usa en informaciónQué proceso seguir
software, para tomar de decisiones
herramientas y (Decision Making)Cómo usar
sistemas de sistemas de soporte para la toma
apoyo. de decisiones (DSS)Cuáles son
las buenas prácticas de
Profession Inteligencia inteligencia de negociosCómo
Introductor configurar un dashboard de
al de self_paced 5 6 5 es-gt
y inteligencia de negociosCómo
Certificate negocios
usar herramientas de Business
IntelligenceQué software apoya la
inteligencia de negociosLo que no
puedes dejar pasarAprenderás a
utilizar Power BITendrás acceso a
tutoriales para aprender y dominar
todo tipo de conceptos: desde los
más básicos hasta los más
especializadosEncontrarás casos
prácticos para aplicar la teoría a
negocios realesContarás con la
guía de un PhD en el campo que
diseño los cursos con base en su
Introducción a la Universida Aprende cómo Los fundamentos básicos de la Es recomendable computer-science,
Inteligencia Artificial: d Galileo funcionan los Inteligencia ArtificialDistinguir contar con engineering
Principales algoritmos de entre los distintos temas conocimientos
Algoritmos inteligencia relacionados con la Inteligencia básicos en:
artificial que ArtificialQué problemas resuelve Programación (ideal
hacen posible los un algoritmo específicoLos en Python),
chatbos, diferentes algoritmos que tienes Álgebra,
automóviles para resolver un problema Probabilidades y
Non- Non- Introductor autónomos, el específicoAplicación de algoritmos Estadística.
self_paced 4 5 4 es-gt reconocimiento de búsquedaAplicación de
Program Program y
de voz y más. algoritmos de aprendizaje
supervisadoAplicación de
algoritmos de aprendizaje no-
supervisadoAplicación de
algoritmos de aprendizaje
reforzadoUso de librerías de
Inteligencia Artificial en Python

Introducción a las Universida Aprende el Terminología y conceptos Cálculo Diferencial math,

ecuaciones d Galileo lenguaje de las elementales del lenguaje de las e Integral. engineering,
diferenciales ecuaciones ecuaciones diferencialesMétodos science
diferenciales analíticos de solución de distintos
Non- Non- Intermediat ordinarias y su tipos de ecuaciones diferenciales
self_paced 4 6 7 es-gt
Program Program e aplicación en la ordinarias de primer
modelación de ordenModelación y resolución de
muchos de los problemas de aplicación en áreas
fenómenos que diversas
Introducción a los Universida nos
Cursorodean. Aprenderás los siguientes Álgebra electronics,
circuitos eléctricos d Galileo introductorio de elementos de la teoría de básica.Manejo engineering
análisis de circuitos: • Leyes básicas de básico de
circuitos circuitos y cómo aplicarlas: ley de dimensionales.
Profession resistivos en Ohm y leyes de Kirchhoff•
Electrónica Intermediat corriente DC Diagramación Esquemática y su
al self_paced 6 8 5 es-gt
básica e (corriente importancia en los circuitos
continua). eléctricos • Cálculo de voltaje,
Aprende la base corriente y potencia• Métodos de
fundamental del Análisis:el teorema de Thévenin y
diseño de el teorema de superposición
Introducción a los Universida Curso online Aprenderás el funcionamiento de Álgebra electronics,
dispositivos d Galileo introductorio de dispositivos diodos, transistores básica.Manejo engineering
electrónicos dispositivos bipolares y tiristores en DC y básico de
Profession electrónicos. ACLas bases para diseñar dimensionales.Teorí
Electrónica Intermediat
al self_paced 6 8 5 es-gt Aprende cómo sistemas electrónicos a de circuitos en
básica e
Certificate funcionan los DC.Teoría de
dispositivos que circuitos en AC.
revolucionaron el
Introducción al Universida siglo XX. el
Aprende Lenguajes de descripción de Conceptos básicos electronics,
diseño de hardware d Galileo lenguaje de hardwareModelación de hardware de Electrónica engineering
con Verilog descripción de simple a intermedio en Digital.
Non- Non- Intermediat hardware Verilog, VerilogSimulación de modelos de
self_paced 6 8 5 es-gt
Program Program e utilizado en la Verilog
industria en el
diseño de
hardware digital y
Introducción al Universida Prácticamente El objetivo principal del curso es Es recomendable computer-science,
Internet de las Cosas d Galileo cualquier objeto explorar el campo de las “cosas” contar con engineering
puede conectarse sensores y su conexión con el conocimientos
al Internet. Desde Internet de las Cosas. En este básicos en: Redes,
lavadoras hasta curso aprenderá:Analizar las Programación
componentes “cosas” y conexiones que Básica, Sobre todo
sofisticados de conforman el IoT.Construir tener mucha
aviones y aún sistemas de sensores y curiosidad para
cultivos actuadores utilizando entender cómo
Non- Non- Introductor inteligentes. La microcontroladores.Explorar el funcionan los
self_paced 4 5 5 es-gt habilidad de uso de Tecnologías de Cloud y sensores
Program Program y
conectar cosas y Fog en sistemas de IoT.Investigar conectados a la red.
capturar sistemas IoT que puedan resolver
información útil problemas globales en
está manufactura, salud y sistemas de
transformando a energía.Diseñar y construir
las prototipos de IoT.
en cada sector de
la industria y está
abriendo nuevas
Java Programming Universida Your career as a Understand the basic This program is engineering,
Fundamentals d Galileo program mechanisms of the OOP designed to attract computer-science
developer starts paradigm: classes, interfaces, an audience as:
here. Gain entry- inheritance, polymorphism, Developers or
level programing etc.Develop programs with anyone interested in
skills in Java conditionals and loopsDesign and building Java
Non- Non- Intermediat language, and implement recursive applications, and
self_paced 8 10 5 en-us
Program Program e prepare yourself algorithmsWrite, compile and run technical
to handle any basic Java applications.Use professionals
task that is networking interfaces to familiar with a
required in any communicate different programs programming
programming job. language object-
Marketing Digital: Universida Aprende a crear Cómo hacer estrategias para las Requisitos communication
Content & d Galileo estrategias de fases del funnel de conversion previos:Conocimient
Community Manager marketing de (TOFU, MOFU y BOFU)Medir el os básicos en redes
contenidos y impacto de las estrategias de sociales
domina social media marketing a través
Facebook, de indicadores de desempeño
Instagram, (métricas y KPIs)Hacer contenido
YouTube, Twitter para redes sociales y utilizar
y más. Mide KPIs recursos para crear contenido de
y obten valorLograr el posicionamiento de
resultados. una marca grande o
Marketing pequeñaCómo usar redes
Digital sociales (como Facebook,
Marketing Introductor Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) para
al self_paced 3 4 5 es-gt
digital y y que tu marca impacteCómo
redes utilizar herramientas para generar
sociales- contenido como Google, Google
Analytics, Buzzsumo,
PortentCómo usar plataformas de
gestión de contenido como
Hubspot, CoSecheduleCómo
utilizar herramientas de gestión de
redes sociales como Hootsuite,
BufferCómo utilizar herramientas
de análisis y monitoreo de redes
sociales como Sysomos,
UnmetricElegir las mejores redes
sociales para un negocio o
Marketing your Universida Creating and How to Monetize your This course is engineering
Android apps d Galileo designing applicationLearn when to use ads designed for people
marketing to Improve user experienceHow to who want to learn
activities to get, engage and maintain your about monetizing
promote, user baseDisplay Banner and mobile applications,
monetize and Interstitial ads in an appLicensing it is not a
Non- Non- Intermediat increase the and monitoring your programming
self_paced 6 8 5 en-us number of your applicationPublishing your course, knowledge
Program Program e
app users. application in mobile
development is
required to fully
understand the
course content.
Proyecto Final, "e- Universida El proyecto Este proyecto se fundamenta en Haber aprobado education-teacher-
Learning" d Galileo desafía las diferentes habilidades y con éxito los training
intelectualmente competencias que el estudiante siguientes
al estudiante y le adquirióen el programa cursos:Curso 1:
permite deMicroMasters. Después de Aprendizaje y
demostrar las cursar y aprobarlos 3 cursos que enseñanza virtual
habilidades y conforman el programa de (CET001X)Curso 2:
competencias estudios,el Tecnologías web
adquiridas. estudiante:Dimensiona, analiza y emergentes para la
e- reflexiona al respecto de los enseñanza virtual
Learning: beneficios y retos que conlleva el (CET002X)Curso 3:
crea uso de la tecnología en la Diseño y desarrollo
actividades educación y el papel de recursos
MicroMast Intermediat preponderante que desempeña en multimedia para la
y self_paced 4 6 4 es-es
ers e la actual sociedad del enseñanza virtual
para la conocimiento.Conoce, entiende y (CET003X)
enseñanza maneja con propiedad los
virtual diferentes elementos que se
deben tomar en consideración
para realizar un efectivo diseño y
desarrollo de experiencias de
virtuales.Sabe los objetivos para
los que fueron creados los
sistemas de gestión del
(plataformas).Discrimina y
selecciona con propiedad el mejor
Tecnologías Web Universida Conoce las Hemos creado y diseñado un Conocimientos education-teacher-
Emergentes para la d Galileo nuevas curso en el cual aprenderás básicos de training
Enseñanza Virtual tecnologías e- sobre: Las tecnologías ofimática, uso de
Learning y las emergentes para el aprendizaje internet.
herramientas web (Web 2.0, Mobile Learning,
2.0 enfocadas a Gamification, Realidad
mejorar la Aumentada, Virtual Worlds,
e- experiencia de MOOCs).Los beneficios que
Learning: enseñanza virtual. brindan estas tecnologías en el
crea campo de la educación.Cómo
actividades fortalecer tus capacidades y
MicroMast Intermediat
y self_paced 4 5 4 es-es habilidades para el desarrollo de
ers e
contenidos estrategias innovadoras de
para la aprendizaje y metodologías de
enseñanza enseñanza.Cómo diseñar
virtual actividades de aprendizaje
utilizandoherramientasWeb 2.0
para mejorar la calidad de la
educación, motivar el aprendizaje
eincursionar enlas modalidades
combinadas (flipped).
Antes de Noé: El Universida Los documentos Conocer las fuentes escritas más Ninguno humanities,
diluvio en la Antigua d Nacional más antiguos antiguas de las que se dispone en history, biology-
Babilonia de sobre un diluvio la actualidad para conocer la life-sciences
Córdoba universal, que historia del diluvioVamos a
casi elimina la explicar el contexto geográfico e
vida de la faz de histórico en el que se ubican estas
la tierra, historias, así como el sistema de
provienen de escritura y las lenguas en las que
Babilonia. En están escritasSe trabajarán cuatro
este curso, textos. Estos textos son: “La épica
exploraremos las de Atra-ḫasīs”, “La tablilla del
viejas historias arca”, “La historia sumeria del
del diluvio, cuyosdiluvio” (provenientes de la
Non- Non- Introductor primeros primera mitad del segundo milenio
self_paced 5 6 5 es-ar
Program Program y ejemplares tienen antes de nuestra era), y la tablilla
hoy unos 3700 XI de “El poema de Gilgameš” (de
años. la primera mitad del primer milenio
antes de nuestra era)Para cada
uno de los textos presentaremos
los manuscritos más
proporcionaremos información
sobre la distribución geográfica y
temporal de esos ejemplaresSe
presentarán, un resumen del
contenido, los detalles y motivos
literarios más relevantes de esas
historiasVeremos la manera cómo
Aprende a diseñar Universida Estos son una En este curso queremos que te Ninguno biology-life-
jardines verticales y d Nacional excelente inicies en el amplio mundo los sciences,
cuadros vivos de solución para CUADROS VIVOS son una environmental-
Córdoba llenar de vida excelente solución para llenar de studies, design
espacios vacíos vida espacios vacíos de un
de un ambiente. ambiente. Y lo mejor de todo es
Los jardines que son beneficiosos para la
verticales son armonía del hogar y la salud, ya
Non- Non- Introductor beneficiosos para que, generan oxígeno y a su vez
self_paced 1 2 4 es-ar
Program Program y la armonía del absorben dióxido de
hogar y la salud, carbono.También retienen los
ya que, generan gases contaminantes que vienen
oxígeno y a su del exterior por lo cual son ideales
vez absorben para departamentos y casas con
dióxido de poco espacio.¿Te animas a
carbono. indagar en este nuevo arte?
Astronomía Virtual Universida Se trata de un En este curso online vamos a Ninguno. science, physics,
d Nacional curso en línea hablar de las características de la energy-earth-
de para entusiastas astronomía como ciencia. sciences
Córdoba de la Astronomía Asimismo, de historia de esta
y las ciencias del disciplinaConocer sobre la luz, los
espacio, que no astros, los diferentes cuerpos
requiere de celestes y las técnicas apropiadas
ningún para observarlosCómo se
Non- Non- Introductor conocimiento desarrolló la ciencia astronómica
self_paced 5 7 7 es-ar
Program Program y académico previo. en ArgentinaLos temas más
interesantes, probablemente son:
la descripción del Universo como
un todo (cosmología), y la
evolución de las estrellas, en
particular las que terminan su
existencia como agujeros negros

Compostaje Universida El Compostaje es En este Curso podrás de manera Ninguno. apto todo environmental-
Orgánico en Casa d Nacional un proceso práctica sencilla, armar tu público studies, biology-
de biológico llevado Compostera en tu casa, lo que te life-sciences,
Córdoba a cabo por permitirán un ahorro energético, science
microorganismos económico y ambiental.Te
de tipo aeróbico brindará una solución a la
(presencia de disposición final de los residuos
oxígeno), bajo orgánicos y ayudará a reducir la
condiciones de cantidad de residuos que irían a
Non- Non- Introductor humedad, los enterramientos sanitarios.Se
self_paced 4 5 5 es-ar
Program Program y temperatura y obtiene un abono orgánico que
aireación puede ser utilizado como
controladas, que enmienda de suelo. Mejora las
permiten la condiciones del suelo, permite
transformación retener más humedad, contiene
de residuos más nutrientes y es más
orgánicos esponjoso, cerrando el ciclo de la
degradables en materia orgánica
un abono para
nuestras plantas
Dinosaurios de la Universida Los dinosaurios La historia de los primeros Ninguno science, biology-
Patagonia d Nacional de la Patagonia paleontólogos que estudiaron life-sciences
de son conocidos en dinosaurios de la Patagonia y
Córdoba el mundo entero. sushallazgos más
En este curso representativosIdentificar los
vamos a recorrer principales grupos de dinosaurios
la historia de los y adquirir el vocabulario básico
hallazgos de los usado en estudios
dinosaurios de sistemáticosComprender de qué
esta región, a modo se establece un nuevo
analizar sus dinosaurioAsimilar las condiciones
Non- Non- Introductor relaciones de climáticas y geográficas de los
self_paced 5 7 4 es-ar
Program Program y parentesco y a continentes durante el Triásico,
describir sus Jurásico y CretácicoAnalizar las
características características más relevantes de
más los principales dinosaurios de la
representativas. PatagoniaComprender que las
aves son dinosauriosEntender las
ventajas e inconvenientes de que
un animal adquiérala condición de

Diseño de Jardines Universida Este curso en Este curso está destinado a Ninguno biology-life-
d Nacional línea se ha emprendedores y amantes de la sciences, design,
de diseñado y naturaleza.¿Quieres tener una environmental-
Córdoba realizado con el vida más sana, en armonía con el studies
objetivo de que ambiente? Un jardín es un
puedan diseñar, espacio en el que podemos
mantener, darnos un momento con nosotros
organizar y mismos, disfrutar de un ambiente
confeccionar un puro en el que liberamos nuestra
jardín, en su mente y espíritu, donde podemos
propio hogar o en regalarnos unos minutos de
el lugar que calma, ser creativos y compartir
deseen realizarlo. con nuestros seres queridos.En
Non- Non- Introductor él, podremos encontrar un lugar
self_paced 1 2 4 es-ar
Program Program y para conectarnos con la
naturaleza, al ver los insectos y
las aves llegar, las plantas crecer,
florecer y reverdecer...Si esto te
es atractivo, es el momento de
diseñar, construir y/o mantener tu
propio jardín. En este curso te
damos las claves para lograrlo, de
manera sencilla, amigable y
atractiva. Y por qué no, si quieres
ayudar a otros a disfrutar de la
naturaleza, puedes encontrar con
estas orientaciones la forma de
emprender un oficio.Los
El Antártico, un Universida En este curso en Los estudiantes explorarán en los Ninguno science, biology-
continente d Nacional línea conocerás diversos y característicos life-sciences
asombroso de diferentes aspectos del lugar de la mano de
Córdoba aspectos sobre el científicos que trabajaron en la
continente zona en diferentes áreas del
blanco, de la conocimientoSobre los aspectos
Non- Non- Introductor mano de un físicos, históricos, biológicos,
self_paced 4 6 6 es-ar grupo de ambientales y geopolíticos del
Program Program y
científicos que lugarCaracterísticas del territorio.
trabajaron allí. Se El Antártico es el mayor reservorio
tratarán aspectos de agua dulce; se registran las
físicos, históricos, temperaturas más bajas del
biológicos, planeta tierra, por debajo de los
ambientales y 90°C
El manejo de Universida Desde el Manejo En este curso aprenderemos a Ninguno biology-life-
plagas, malezas y d Nacional de plagas nos definir el Monitoreo como un sciences, science,
enfermedades en de centraremos en seguimiento secuencial en un engineering
los Sistemas de Córdoba definir el período de tiempo, realizando
Siembra Directa Monitoreo como muestreos de los
un seguimiento mismos.Mediante un relevamiento
secuencial en un y registro de la información
período de “pertinente”, realizando hincapié
tiempo, en la información que realmente
realizando interese y sea relevante para el
muestreos de los manejo de plagas, con el objetivo
Siembra mismos. de definir el manejo sanitario de
Directa: Realizando un un cultivo.Aprenderemos a
MicroMast Intermediat relevamiento y identificar, cuantificar, conocer su
agricultura self_paced 5 7 4 es-ar
ers e registro de la biología, su estado, determinar su
sustentable información ubicación en el cultivo, conocer el
pertinente con el coeficiente de daño o el nivel de
objetivo de definir pérdida que puede ocasionar al
el manejo cultivo las plagas y organismos
sanitario de un benéficos.Identificar los factores a
cultivo. tener en cuenta a la hora de
realizar un muestreo.Implementar
prácticas agronómicas que
tiendan a reducir las poblaciones
de plagas; Realizar un
seguimiento frecuente de las
poblaciones de las plagas,
considerando el daño particular de
El suelo en el Universida En este MOOC En este MOOC aprenderás las Ninguno biology-life-
Sistema de Siembra d Nacional se analizarán las propiedades y procesos que se sciences, science,
Directa de evidencias y asocian al sistema de siembra engineering
Córdoba procesos que se directa para mejorar o mantener
asocian al las propiedades del suelo. Se
Sistema de analizarán los movimientos del
Siembra Directa agua sobre el suelo. La infiltración
para mejorar o y la escorrentía, la evaporación, la
mantener las transpiración, el almacenaje, el
propiedades del drenaje, etc.Aprenderás las
Suelo; la propiedades del suelo que afectan
Siembra capacidad de estos movimientos están
Directa: descomponer, relacionados a la condición
MicroMast Intermediat neutralizar, superficial del suelo, capacidad de
agricultura self_paced 5 7 4 es-ar
ers e almacenar, infiltración porosidad total de suelo
sustentable acomplejar, y y su distribución en tamaños y la
otros resistencia mecánica que puedan
mecanismos. existir.Se analizarán los suelos de
la Provincia de Córdoba de tipo
Haplustoles enticos y Haplustoles
típicos. En estos suelos pueden
evolucionar con la aplicación del
sistema de siembra directa por
tratarse de suelos frágiles. Se
analizaron diversas propiedades
de estos suelos como densidad
aparente, capacidad de campo,
capacidad de marchitez
Gestión de Universida En este curso en Entender como se observa un Ninguno business-
operaciones d Nacional línea se realiza modelo de negocio desde la management
de una introducción perspectiva de las
Córdoba Gestión de a las operacionesValorar el proceso de
servicios: dimensiones más segmentación de
MicroMast Introductor relevantes del clientesObservar procesos de
diseño de self_paced 5 7 6 es-ar
ers y diseño y negocio desde las dimensiones de
s exitosas ejecución de la capacidad, el tiempo y el
operaciones en precioValorar la percepción del
general y a su cliente como medición del éxito de
enfoque hacia el un proceso de servicios
sector servicios
Gestión de Universida Eneste curso en Diseño de atracción y selección Ninguno. business-
personas: Recursos d Nacional línea te del talentoEl círculo virtuoso de management
Humanos de ayudaremos para una cultura organizacional
Córdoba que aprendas a centrada en los
observar, analizar colaboradoresGestión del cambio
Gestión de y diseñar y liderazgo
servicios: experiencias organizacionalHabilidades
MicroMast Introductor memorables para estratégico directivas y
diseño de self_paced 5 7 5 es-ar
ers y el cliente interno herramientas de escucha activa y
s exitosas que impactarán feedbackLos ciclos de falla,
en la fidelización mediocridad y éxito con sus
incremental del momentos de verdad para
cliente externo. coordinar acciones y
relacionarnos con clientes
Historia económica Universida Este curso en El significado de sistema de Caja Ninguno economics-
argentina: avatares d Nacional línea tiene como de Conversión (Currency Board)El finance, history
de un sistema de propósito estudiar funcionamiento de la primera Caja
monetario Córdoba el funcionamiento de Conversión argentinaEl
del sistema funcionamiento del sistema de
monetario Caja de Conversión a lo largo del
Non- Non- Introductor enfocando en período 1890- 1935
self_paced 5 7 4 es-ar
Program Program y Argentina previo
a la creación del
Banco Central,
nos estamos
refiriendo a la
Primera Caja de
Conversión o
Introducción a la Universida Aprende sobre la El significado de: gravitación, Ninguno science, physics
gravedad cuántica d Nacional gravedad cuántica y lazosLa definición y
de lazos de cuántica de lazos antecedentes de la gravedadEl
Córdoba o bucles, uno de significado y el desarrollo de la
los enfoques que física cuántica durante comienzos
se están del siglo XXMundo microscópico –
estudiando para átomos y sus componentesLa
aplicar las reglas diferencia entre los conceptos de
de la mecánica gravedad y relatividad
cuántica al generalInteracciones
Non- Non- Introductor campo electromagnéticas fuertes o
self_paced 5 7 5 es-ar
Program Program y gravitatorio débiles donde no influye la
descrito por la gravedadLa definición de lazosLas
teoría de la aplicaciones de lazos en la
relatividad termodinámica de los agujeros
general de Albert negrosLa definición de
Einstein. termodinámica y de agujeros
negrosSobre la entropía y las
aplicaciones: cosmología y el Big
BangLa cosmología cuántica de
lazos y sus predicciones.
Introducción a la Universida Aprende cómola Darás respuesta a la siguiente Ninguno environmental-
Siembra Directa d Nacional implementación pregunta ¿Qué es la Siembra studies, biology-
de de la siembra Directa?La diferencia entre life-sciences,
Córdoba directa en la siembra directa y sembrar energy-earth-
agricultura y los directamente sobre el sueloLos sciences
avances en principios y fundamentos de la
biotecnología siembra directaLa importancia de
permiten que los las rotaciones agrícola-
países puedan ganaderaCómo seleccionar
tenerun gran semillas de calidad para la
crecimiento en su obtención de los mejores
Non- Non- Introductor producción yárea resultados en los sistemas de
self_paced 6 8 5 es-ar
Program Program y cultivable. siembra directaSobre las
maquinarias usadas para la
siembra directaConceptos de
agricultura de precisión aplicados
a la Siembra directaFertilización y
siembraLa importancia del clima
en la siembra directaLa visión del
sistema de siembra directa a partir
de profesionales de INTA y de
AAPRESID en la Argentina

Introducción a las Universida En este curso, Hace no mucho tiempo, hace Ninguno science, physics
ondas d Nacional junto con la Dra. apenas un par de años,
gravitacionales de Gabriela anunciamos en el 2016, que
Córdoba González, vamos habíamos descubierto por primera
a viajar por uno vez ondas gravitacionales. En
de los introducción a ondas
descubrimientos gravitacionales vamos a explicar
científicos su significado, son una predicción
recientes más de la teoría de Einstein de la
importantes, teoría de la relatividad general,
donde vamos a vamos hablar de la primera teoría
aprender cómo de la relatividad especial después
se producen y de la relatividad general y de
Non- Non- Introductor cómo se detectan cómo se producen o cómo
self_paced 5 7 4 es-ar
Program Program y las ondas pensaba Albert Einstein que se
gravitacionales y producían las ondas
por qué lo gravitacionales. Después vamos a
hacemos. hablar de qué sistemas producen
ondas gravitacionales, en realidad
no sabemos producir nosotros
ondas gravitacionales, sabemos
que hay sistemas astrofísicos que
producen las ondas
gravitacionales. Es así que
hablaremos de agujeros negros,
de estrellas de neutrones, del
universo temprano produciendo
ondas gravitacionales. Más tarde
Introducción a los Universida Aprende cómo Cómo funcionan losrelojes Ninguno science, biology-
ritmos y relojes d Nacional funcionan los biológicos y los ritmosque ellos life-sciences,
biológicos de ritmos biológicos regulanCómo se ponen en hora chemistry
Córdoba y el impacto en estos relojes con las señales del
nuestras vidas. medio ambiente y cómo afectan la
Los organismos saludIdentificaren qué momento
vivos contamos dichos ritmos se ven perturbados
con un sistema o afectados por las condiciones
Non- Non- Introductor que permite modernas de vida, alimentación,
self_paced 6 8 4 es-ar adaptarnos a trabajo e iluminación
Program Program y
cambios artificialHistoria y conceptos
ambientales, básicos de la
conoce cómo CronobiologíaRegulación de la
funciona fisiología por el reloj biológico: los
realmente este ritmos biológicos en la saludEl
reloj y cuál es su impacto del reloj biológico en la
impacto en salud y la enfermedad
nuestra salud.

La microbiología del Universida El suelo es el En este MOOC aprenderás a Ninguno biology-life-

Sistema de Siembra d Nacional lugar del planeta comprender al suelo como el lugar sciences, science,
Directa de donde ocurre la del planeta donde ocurren la engineering
Córdoba transformación transformación de la materia
de la materia generando biomasa y una enorme
generando diversidad de biología. Los
biomasa. Los microorganismos tienen diversas
microorganismos funciones generando biofertilidad,
tienen diversas Se analizarán los servicios
funciones ecosistémicos del suelo para la
generando calidad de vida de los seres
Siembra biofertilidad. En la humanos. El concepto que se
Directa: actualidad se utilizará es el de microbiomas
MicroMast Intermediat está estudiando para referirse al conjunto de
agricultura self_paced 5 7 7 es-ar
ers e la salud del suelo microorganismos que habitan en
sustentable en relación a la el suelo.Verás los resultados del
ocupación con Proyecto Biospas, el cual, es un
cultivos. Cuanto proyecto de investigación donde
mayor rotación se analizó a traves de diversos
de cultivos indicadores biológicos la salud del
tenemos mejor suelo en diversos sitios.En una
puede ser la agricultura moderna o actual se
biología y salud abordará la salud del suelo en
del suelo. relación a la ocupación del mismo.
Cuanto mayor rotación de cultivos
tenemos mejor puede ser la
biología y salud del suelo por
aumento de diversidad biológica y
La Tecnología en Universida En este MOOC La agricultura de precisión Ninguno biology-life-
Siembra Directa - d Nacional veremos cómo se consiste en la utilización de una sciences, science,
Agricultura por de logra la eficiencia
serie de herramientas engineering
ambientes Córdoba del Sistema SD tecnológicas que ayudan a tomar
con el decisiones para ser eficientes en
acompañamiento el uso de los insumos. Hoy es una
del desarrollo de tecnología ya adoptada en
maquinaria Argentina y donde todavía queda
especialmente mucho camino por recorrer para
diseñada. Esto su óptima aplicación.La
obliga a la agricultura de precisión dejó de
Siembra industria avanzar ser una tecnología de información
Directa: en innovación de alta complejidad, para
MicroMast Intermediat que permita transformarse en una tecnología
agricultura self_paced 5 7 9 es-ar
ers e adaptarse a de simple adopción y constante
sustentable diferentes capacitación, es una herramienta
situaciones que permite hacer una producción
agroecológicas. agropecuaria sustentable,
disminuyendo los niveles de
contaminación.Argentina es el
país en Latinoamérica de mayor
desarrollo y adopción de
Agricultura de Precisión y manejo
de insumos según ambiente. Se
están desarrollando dispositivos
de censado de las aplicaciones de
la maquinaria que permiten lograr
trazabilidades en tiempo real,
Marketing enfocado Universida El consumidor del Detectar y analizar experiencias Ninguno business-
en la estrategia de d Nacional siglo XXI ha exitosas de servicios y crear management
servicios de cambiado sus servicios innovadoresA reconocer
Córdoba hábitos de la integración de marketing,
consumo, recursos humanos y operaciones,
aprende en este y la necesidad de segmentar y
curso en línea entender a quién destinamos la
qué hay detrás experiencia de servicioCómo se
de estas crea una propuesta de valor para
tendencias y los clientes y qué sentido tiene la
Gestión de cómo ofrecer creación de vínculos de largo
servicios: nuevas plazo con los clientesPor qué la
MicroMast Introductor
diseño de self_paced 5 7 6 es-ar experiencias de satisfacción de los clientes y
ers y
experiencia servicio, algunos empleados es indispensable en
s exitosas ejemplos son: servicios y cómo toman sus
Airbnb, Netflix, decisiones de compra los
Spotify, Uber, clientesA usar herramientas como
Andrés Carne de la Flor del Servicio y el CANVAS
Res. para la creación de propuestas de
valor exitosasA integrar la
estrategia interna a la empresa,
con la externa hacia el cliente
Mi propia huerta Universida Este curso está El curso Mi propia huerta Ninguno biology-life-
orgánica d Nacional realizado por aprenderemos a aprovechar sciences, food-
de profesionales mejor el agua, evitar nutrition,
Córdoba para todas inundaciones, amortiguar el environmental-
aquellas impacto de las altas temperaturas studies
personas que y construir un refugio natural para
tienen ganas de la flora y fauna autóctonas.A
Non- Non- Introductor tener una huerta través de la producción de
self_paced 1 2 4 es-ar
Program Program y orgánica, que alimentos agroecológicos en
consideran que nuestra casa podemos ser
es muy responsables del sustento
importante el propio.¡Sólo es cuestión de
cultivo, sus animarse y comenzar!
Siembra Directa: Universida En este MOOC Aprenderás un sistema holístico Ninguno biology-life-
Contexto Histórico y d Nacional se analiza el de agricultura que se denomina sciences,
Agricultura de sistema sistema de siembra directa. En environmental-
Certificada Córdoba agroproductivo y este MOOC se abordará la studies,
su relación con laimportancia de la producción de engineering
demanda mundial alimentos para cubrir la demanda
de alimentos. Se global de hidratos y de proteínas
abordará el que demanda la población
sistema de mundial. La estrategia de
siembra directa producción de alimentos ronda
como respuesta entre dos factores: que son el
Siembra a la producción aumento de la superficie
Directa: de alimentos de productiva y/o el incremento de la
MicroMast Intermediat forma sustentable producción sobre la misma
agricultura self_paced 5 7 7 es-ar
ers e en los tres superficie a través del uso de
sustentable pilares, distintas tecnologías. Se analizan
económico, social los sistemas cultivos y medio
y ambiental. físico y sus componentes. En
relación al medio físico se
abordará el sistema suelo y la
importancia de la no remoción, la
conservación e incremento de
carbono a través de distintas
estrategias como la eliminación de
las labranzas, la utilización de
cultivos de servicio, de cobertura,
los intercultivos. El clima y en este
sentido la importancia de la
Análisis de datos Universida Analiza los datos Utilizarás R y R studio como Estadística data-analysis-
empresariales con R des con R y R Studio herramienta de programación y inferencial básica y statistics,
Anáhuac aplicando nuevas análisis estadísticoAprenderás a experiencia básica computer-science
técnicas para aplicar modelos de tratamiento de en lenguaje de
Fundament tomar decisiones datos multivariado con RPodrás programación
Profession os de orientadas a los deducir patrones de
al Ciencia de self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx negocios, comportamiento de encuestas y
Certificate Datos con contemplando propiedades de productosSerás
R información de capaz de generar tableros de
diversas resultados para datos
variables multivariados
y sé parte de la
Aplicaciones de Universida En este curso Desarrollar un sistema de Conocimientos data-analysis-
ciencias de datos en des pondremos en recomendación de productos básicos de statistics,
los negocios Anáhuac práctica el mediante la preparación y análisis estadística y computer-science
actuales potencial que nos de datosConstruir un sistema de lenguaje R.
Fundament ofrece el lenguaje evaluación de la puntuación
Profession os de R para darle crediticia mediante algoritmos en
Intermediat solución a RImplementar análisis automático
al Ciencia de self_paced 5 10 4 es-mx
e diversos para definir costos en tiempo
Certificate Datos con
R problemas de los realGenerar código en R para
negocios detectar fraudes crediticios
proyectos que te
Calidad en el Universida El servicio es un Conocerás el concepto de calidad Conocimientos business-
servicio y lealtad del des proceso aplicado a los procesos de básicos sobre management
cliente Anáhuac orientado al servicioComprenderás el impacto administración de
cliente. Conoce del servicio en la lealtad del negocios y
Profession Marketing cómo se elevan clienteDescubrirás el valor de empresas.
al de self_paced 5 8 3 es-mx los estándares de enfocarte en el
Certificate servicios este proceso clienteReconocerás la importancia
para lograr la de diseñar una estrategia de
lealtad del cliente. mercadotecnia de servicios
centrada en valores
Ciberseguridad. Universida Sé capaz de Identificar el concepto de ‘ataque Conocimientos computer-science,
Bases y estructuras des blindar tu informático’.Reconocer los básicos en engineering
para la protección Anáhuac información y la eventos históricos más relevantes tecnologías de la
de la información de tu empresa relacionados con ataques información y
contra las cibernéticos para una valoración seguridad
amenazas de su impacto.Reconocer las informática.
informáticas y vulnerabilidades de un sistema
Fundament conoce los informático para la correcta
os de fundamentos del implementación de medidas de
Ciberseguri Introductor fascinante mundo protección.Aplicar buenas
al self_paced 4 6 5 es-mx
dad: y de la prácticas en informática para el
Protección ciberseguridad. adecuado uso de equipos
de Datos computacionales en entornos
cotidianos.Implementar acciones
que permitan mejorar los
protocolos de protección de datos
en ambientes personales e
Competencias Universida Conviértete en un Identificar las características de la education-teacher-
digitales para la des agente de cambio revolución tecnológica y digital training
enseñanza mediada Anáhuac de la Comprender los principios de la
por tecnología transformación sociedad del conocimientoAnalizar
educativa. dimensiones y niveles de
Conoce y desarrollo de las competencias
aprende sobre digitales Comparar modalidades
Non- Non- Introductor las de aprendizaje mediadas por
self_paced 4 6 6 es-mx características y tecnología y tendencias
Program Program y
principios de la educativas Revisar estrategias y
educación herramientas para la colaboración
mediada por académica en redIdentificar las
tecnología y competencias digitales necesarias
descubre qué para la práctica docente
herramientas son
necesarias para
ser un docente
Comunicación y Universida En este curso Escribir textos para communication
Redacción Digital des aprenderás los Internet.Aplicar correctamente
Anáhuac conceptos palabras clave. Aprender términos
básicos que como hipertextualidad,
Non- Non- Introductor cualquier texto interactividad y
self_paced 3 4 4 es-mx
Program Program y escrito para multimedialidad.Conocer
Internet debe herramientas para el correcto
tener, para que funcionamiento de títulos,
pueda ser palabras clave y metadatos.
Deep Learning Universida encontrado
En este cursocon Aprenderás los fundamentos de Conocimientos computer-science,
des aprenderás que las redes neuronales intermedios de engineering, data-
Anáhuac es una red artificiales.Conocerás diversas programación en analysis-statistics
neuronal, como paqueterías que te ayudarán a Python y Machine
Python crear una red optimizar tus redes Learning.Conocimie
aplicado a neuronal, neuronalesConstruirás un sistema nto intermedio en
al self_paced Advanced 6 8 4 es-mx
la Ciencia entrenar una red de aprendizaje profundo basado modelación
de Datos neuronal con un en redes neuronales.Aplicarás lo matemática, cálculo
conjunto de aprendido en la creación de un y estadística.
imágenes. generador de texto automático.

DevOps CI/CD Universida Reduce software Automatize infrastructure Basic programming. computer-science
Pipeline: Automation des development configurations to develop
from development to Anáhuac times to get quicker.Master Ansible and
deployment DevOps ahead of the Terraform to cut infrastructure
Foundation competition with configuration times.Integrate
s: DevOps. Master industry standard tools to optimize
Software Intermediat the tools that software development
al self_paced 5 8 5 en-us
Developme e enable you to infrastructureLearn and practice
nt create the security standards these
Optimizatio infrastructure technologies use.
n from code and
implement a
process of
DevOps Pipeline: Universida Posiciónate un Automatizarás la configuración de Programación computer-science,
Automatización des paso adelante de infraestructura para el engineering,
hasta el despliegue Anáhuac la competencia desarrolloImplementarás business-
Fundament reduciendo los herramientas como Ansible y management
os de tiempos del Terraform para automatizar la
DevOps: desarrollo de infraestructura para el
Profession software con desarrolloIntegrarás herramientas
Optimiza Intermediat
al self_paced 5 8 5 es-mx DevOps. Utiliza y para optimizar el desarrollo
el e
Certificate domina automatizado de
de herramientas que softwareAprenderás los
software te permitan crear estándares de seguridad que
infraestructura ocupan estás metodologías
desde código e
implementar un
proceso de
DevOps: Universida Learn essential Learn the context and needs that Basic computer-science,
Foundations and des Linux & Unix require the implementation of programming.Option engineering,
tools Anáhuac to efficiently DevOps concepts.You will code al: Basic Linux business-
manage version management with industry skills, command line management
applications from standards.You will understand the experience, Git.
DevOps the command delivery of applications in a flexible
Foundation line. Meet the and efficient way with container
s: basics of source technology.
Profession code
Software Intermediat
al self_paced 6 8 4 en-us management with
Developme e
Certificate Git and Github.
Optimizatio Also, go over the
n pillars of DevOps
like Continuous
Deployment, the
paradigm shift in
Diseño de Universida Conoce los Reconocerás el proceso de la Conocimientos business-
estrategias de des conceptos mercadotecnia en teoría y básicos sobre management
marketing Anáhuac fundamentales y prácticaDistinguirás las ‘P’s de la administración de
enfocadas a los las herramientas mercadotecnia y cómo se aplican negocios y
consumidores Profession Marketing del marketing a los serviciosDescubrirás el valor empresas.
Intermediat para diseñar una de enfocarte en el
al de self_paced 5 8 5 es-mx
e estrategia de clienteReconocerás la importancia
Certificate servicios
servicio enfocada de diseñar una estrategia de
en el consumidor. mercadotecnia de servicios
centrada en valores
El Trabajo del Siglo Universida ¿Te sientes Mantenerte actualizado y generar business-
XXI: des estancado en tu valor en tu organización.Entender management
Emprendimiento e Anáhuac desarollo las dinámicas del mundo
Innovación profesional? En exponencial para poder adaptarte
este curso mejor.Utilizar métodos de trabajo
aprenderás a orientados a la innovación y
Non- Non- Introductor tener un centrados en la persona.
self_paced 4 5 6 es-mx pensamiento Aprender a trabajar con
Program Program y
alineado al futuro, supuestos, experimentar con
hacer un reskill ellos, obtener insights e iterar
de tus sobre este ciclo.Las bases de una
habilidades y cultura de innovación para la
cambiar el organización.
“cumplo” por el
“genero valor”
Fitness corporativo Universida Toma el control Cómo ser laboralmente más food-nutrition,
des de tu vida y productivo a través de una cultura health-safety
Anáhuac aprende a abatir fitness y ejercicio físico. La
el sedentarismo y relación de simbiosis entre
Fitness los problemas de ejercicio y rendimiento
Profession corporativo salud vinculados laboral.Herramientas para el
al : nutrición self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx a la era industrial manejo del estrés laboral a través
Certificate y bienestar para construir de una vida más activa. Reducir
laboral una cultura de los riesgos cardiovasculares
salud en tu vida asociados a una vida laboral
personal y sedentaria y con estrés.
Fundamentos de Universida Este curso Redactar la Misión y Visión de la Contar con estudios business-
administración des introduce al organización.Identificar de educación management,
estratégica Anáhuac participante en el oportunidades, amenazas, superior. economics-finance
mundo de la fortalezas y
administración debilidades.Desarrollar
estratégica, estrategias operativas e identificar
permitiéndole estrategias de negocios.Comparar
Non- Non- Intermediat entender la softwares para Business Process
self_paced 5 7 5 es-mx
Program Program e importancia de Management (BPM) y Business
los conceptos y Intelligence (BI).Integrar KPI en
su aplicación los objetivos estratégicos.
para convertirse
en un agente
activo de su
Fundamentos de Universida El álgebra lineal Distinguir la relación de los Conocimientos math
Álgebra Lineal des son las sistemas de ecuaciones con los básicos de álgebra,
Anáhuac matemáticas de vectores y las matrices.Resolver trigonometría y
la era digital; cualquier sistema de ecuaciones y geometría analítica.
comprende sus dar la solución más cercana a
Non- Non- Introductor bases y aquellos que no la
self_paced 4 5 6 es-mx
Program Program y prepárate para tengan.Comprender la relación
entrar al nuevo entre los sistemas de ecuaciones
escenario y los cuatro subespacios
tecnológico. fundamentales del álgebra lineal.
Conoce sus
fundamentos y
Fundamentos y Universida Sé un elemento Conocerás el contexto y las Conocimientos computer-science,
Herramientas de des crucial para la necesidades que requieren la básicos de Linux, engineering,
DevOps Anáhuac empresa implementación de los conceptos programación, business-
conociendo los de DevOps.Codificarás la gestión experiencia con la management
pilares de de versiones con base en línea de
DevOps para estándares commandos y Git.
Fundament asegurar la industriales.Entenderás la entrega
os de integración y de aplicaciones de manera
DevOps: entrega continua adaptable y eficiente utilizando
Optimiza Intermediat de software. tecnología de contenedores.
al self_paced 6 8 4 es-mx
el e Aprende a usar
desarrollo diferentes
de comandos de
software Linux/Unix que
son esenciales
para que puedas
desde la línea de
Gestión del estrés y Universida Toma el control Cómo funciona tu cuerpo ante el Ninguno health-safety
Mindfulness des de tus emociones estrésMedir individualmente los
Anáhuac y aprende a niveles de estrésEstrategias para
disfrutar tu manejo del estrésPrincipios del
Profession Inteligencia trabajo con este mindfulness de acuerdo a Jon
Introductor curso en línea. Kabat-ZinnTécnicas de
al emocional self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx
y En este curso mindfulness como respiración,
Certificate y liderazgo
aprenderás cómo autohipnosis y cómo incorporarlas
controlar el a tu vidaHipnosis ericksoniana
estrés, y (Milton H. Erickson)
Herramientas de Universida Conoce las Identificarás los conceptos computer-science,
ciberseguridad y des nuevas básicos de seguridad y su engineering
métodos de Anáhuac herramientas y interrelación.Comprenderás la
aplicación las buenas importancia de la gestión de
prácticas para identidades, autenticación y
gestionar accesos en la
sistemas de seguridad.Aprenderás a proteger
ciberseguridad la base de datos de una
que protejan los organización a través de
datos de tu fundamentos de criptografía,
os de
Profession organización. monitoreo, generación de copias
Ciberseguri Introductor
al self_paced 5 7 5 es-mx de seguridad y gestión de
dad: y
Certificate datos.Gestionarás amenazas que
vuelven vulnerable a la
de Datos
organización a partir de diferentes
metodologías de inteligencia y
respuesta a incidentes.Abrirás tu
perspectiva identificando los
próximos avances tecnológicos
que se vincularán con estrategias
y metodologías de ciberseguridad.
Inglés básico: Universida Cumple tu meta Aprenderás a comunicarte de business-
conversacional y des de aprender forma oral y escrita en el idioma management,
networking Anáhuac inglés básico inglés, de manera efectiva para language,
para utilizarlo de aplicar en tu vida diaria y communication
forma estratégica laboralSerás capaz de expresar
Inglés en los negocios e hechos y opiniones con
básico Introductor incrementar tu confianzaExpandirás tu
al self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx
para y éxito profesional. vocabulario en inglés con
negocios alrededor de 50-60 palabras por
semanaTe brindará las
herramientas necesarias para
motivar el autoaprendizaje y
crecer profesionalmente
Inglés empresarial: Universida Este curso en Desarrolla habilidades específicas business-
ventas, gestión y des línea te permitirá para evolucionar en el ámbito management,
liderazgo Anáhuac aprender inglés y laboralAprende a comunicarte language,
tener una efectivamente con tus communication
Inglés inmersión del compañerosSerás capaz de
Profession idioma en los redactar comunicaciones
básico Introductor
al self_paced 5 8 4 en-us negocios para profesionales (email, entrevista,
para y
Certificate sobresalir en tu curriculum, memos, minutas,
carrera entre otros) al igual que impactar
profesional. con presentaciones ante un
públicoObtén un vocabulario clave
para la vida laboral
Inteligencia Universida En este curso en Herramientas de construcción Ninguno social-sciences,
emocional para el des línea aprenderás emocional relacionadas al business-
liderazgo efectivo y Anáhuac de que forma liderazgo y a las competencias management
colaboración utilizar el profesionalesTipos de liderazgo
liderazgo con elcorrecto manejo de
emocional emociones y la ejecución de un
efectivo como el buen desempeño
Profession Inteligencia factor clave para profesionalReflexión del estilo de
al emocional self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx el éxito de un liderazgo emocional y situacional
Certificate y liderazgo buen manejo de aplicable de forma efectiva en
equipo, tanto en cada objetivo o reto que se
lo social como en presente en la vida personal o
lo profesional. laboralHabilidades profesionales y
Conviértete en un habilidades personales
líder en control relacionadas al liderazgo efectivo
de sus y la colaboración
Introducción a la Universida En este curso, Comprenderás la importancia del Conocimientos computer-science,
Ciencia de Datos des aprenderás los estudio de la ciencia de datos y su básicos de data-analysis-
con Python Anáhuac conceptos vínculo con la programación. statistics,
generales de la realidad.Aprenderás las economics-finance
ciencia de datos herramientas necesarias para
utilizando el incursionar en el mundo de la
lenguaje de Data Science a través el
programación desarrollo de códigos en el
Python. Serás lenguaje de programación
capaz de Python.Comprenderás la
recolectar importancia de la correcta
contenido en la recolección y preparación de los
Python web, limpiar los datos del estudio de la ciencia de
aplicado a Introductor datos y datos.Dominarás las herramientas
al self_paced 6 8 4 es-mx
la Ciencia y prepararlos para necesarias para manejar, analizar
de Datos su visualización y y obtener colecciones de datos
gestión. desde la web.Entenderás la
importancia de la correcta
visualización de datos.Discernirás
entre diferentes maneras de
visualizar un mismo conjunto de
datos y podrás utilizar Python para
generar la visualización
deseada.Te familiarizarás con los
conceptos principales
relacionados con las bases de
datosConocerás los principales
gestores de bases de datos.
Introducción a la Universida ¿Es posible Comprenderás los conceptos Conocimientos computer-science
Inteligencia Artificial des construir una relacionados con la Inteligencia básicos del uso de
Anáhuac máquina o robot Artificial y sus ramas.Diseñarás y la computadora.
inteligente? En aplicarás modelos de predicción
este curso basados en el Aprendizaje
Profession Inteligencia aprenderás los Automático para tomar decisiones
al Artificial y self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx fundamentos de acuerdo a los datos.Podrás
Certificate Robótica teóricos de la diseñar y aplicar modelos de
Inteligencia procesamiento de Lenguaje
Artificial, con sus Natural.
principales ramas
y los aplicarás en
la creación de
Introducción a la Universida La inteligencia Herramientas sencillas y practicas Ninguno social-sciences,
inteligencia des emocional es el para identificar tus habilidades business-
emocional Anáhuac factor clave para laborales y habilidades personales management,
el exito personal, a trabajar Estructura para health-safety
Profession Inteligencia profesional y del convertir tus creencias limitantes
Introductor equipo. En este en creencias potenciadoras
al emocional self_paced 3 5 4 es-mx
y curso en linea Criterios aplicables a diversas
Certificate y liderazgo
aprenderas como situaciones profesionales, que
usarla para tu seran una brujula para tomar las
beneficio y mejores decisiones
construiras la
base para el
Introducción a la Universida Aprende sobre el Aprenderás como construir y computer-science,
robótica e industria des apasionante diseñar robots físicos y bots, para data-analysis-
4.0 Anáhuac Profession Inteligencia mundo de la la recolección y análisis de datos, statistics,
al Artificial y self_paced 4 5 3 es-mx robótica, su la interacción con los clientes y la engineering
Certificate Robótica creciente automatización de procesos
aplicación y su productivos.
Introducción al Universida impacto
El endel
objetivo la Las competencias generales que Conocimientos economics-finance
crowdfunding des curso consiste en se pretenden cubrir son:Utilizar las básicos de
Anáhuac abordar la herramientas alternativas de finanzasPreparatoria
importancia del financiamiento que posibilitan /bachillerato
crowdfunding llevar a cabo las ideas de los concluido
como nueva emprendedores hacia empresas
alternativa de nuevas, con bases éticas y
financiamiento socialmente responsables en su
para MiPyMes y campo.Analizar los modelos de
emprendimientos Crowdfunding e identificar aquél
a través del uso que mejor se adapte a las
de la tecnología. características de cada proyecto o
Se abordarán negocio.Planear e implementar
Non- Non- Introductor diversos temas estrategias que permitan alcanzar
self_paced 3 4 4 es-mx
Program Program y como: qué es el éxito de una campaña de
Crowdfunding; Crowdfunding al proporcionar
modelos de educación, recursos y asistencia a
Crowdfunding; solicitantes de financiamiento
cómo crear una colectivo. Las competencias
campaña de específicas son: Proporcionar los
Crowdfunding, factores clave de éxito que deben
que permitirán estar presentes tanto en la
que aquellos planeación como en la ejecución
profesionistas de una campaña de
interesados en el Crowdfunding.Definir el
Crowdfunding Crowdfunding identificando el rol
puedan adquirir que juega en el ecosistema de
una nueva forma emprendimiento y pequeños
Introducción al Universida Conoce las bases Aprenderás quién tiene facultad law
Derecho des del derecho para elaborar “Tratados” y cuál es
Internacional Público Anáhuac internacional el proceso a seguirEntenderás
público y obtén cuál es proceso Diplomático para
Fundament una visión global lograr negociaciones con
os de de la relación éxitoSerás capaz de respetar e
Profession entre derecho implementar el Derecho
Derecho Introductor
al self_paced 5 8 4 es-mx internacional Internacional en el Derecho Interno
Comercial y
Certificate público y derecho
al interno, para
regular que se
esté aplicando la
política mundial
en el entorno
deseado y
Liderazgo Universida En este curso en Identificar las distintas teorias de Ninguno social-sciences
estratégico des linea liderazgo para situarlos en su
internacional Anáhuac recorreremos las contexto historicoReconocer los
principales autores de las principales
aplicaciones y teoriasAplicar los principales
Non- Non- Introductor teorias del elementos de los modelos de
self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx
Program Program y liderazgo. liderazgo en metodo de
Considerando casosConstruir una sintesis
sus personal de conocimiento
caracteristicas, integrado sobre los modelos de
dimensiones y liderazgo
evolucion hasta
Modelos predictivos Universida En este curso Reconocerás el alcance del Conocimientos computer-science
con Machine des conocerás los Machine Learning en la básicos en el
Learning Anáhuac fundamentos del robótica.Construirás modelos de lenguaje de
Python aprendizaje regresión y clasificación.Aplicarás programación
aplicado a automático y técnicas de optimización de Python.
Profession la Ciencia como crear modelos.Serás capaz de hacer
Intermediat modelos de modelos para realizar
al de Datos self_paced 6 8 4 es-mx
e predicción, predicciones a traves de Machine
Certificate Inteligencia
Artificial y regresión y Learning.
Robótica clasificación con
ayuda de Python.
problemas de
Planeación didáctica Universida Aplica los Conocer el marco conceptual del education-teacher-
por competencias des principios del enfoque de Aprendizaje Basado training
Anáhuac Aprendizaje en Competencias Analizar las
Basado en principales características de los
Competencias en procesos de enseñanza-
el diseño de tus aprendizaje que se manejan
planeaciones desde este enfoque Analizar la
didácticas y descripción, finalidad y tipo de
forma a tus escenario que caracterizan a las
alumnos bajo las modalidades de enseñanza
premisas de este Clasificar los diferentes métodos
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 6 es-mx enfoque didácticos que favorecen el
Program Program y
pedagógico. desarrollo de competencias de
acuerdo con su enfoque:
individual, social y global.
Clasificar los diferentes sistemas
e instrumentos para la evaluación
de las competenciasComprender
la planeación didáctica como
punto de partida para la toma de
decisiones pedagógicas
Resiliencia Familiar Universida Conoce algunas Te ayudará a buscar un sentido social-sciences
des herramientas de vida.Brindará una notable
Anáhuac para afrontar las eficiencia personal.Tendrás
adversidades de herramientas para vencer la
la vida personal y adversidad.
familiar al
propiciar un
cambio positivo
Non- Non- Intermediat en tu persona y la
self_paced 4 5 4 es-mx
Program Program e de tus seres
queridos, para
alcanzar la
e tus emociones
y capacidad de
resiliencia! y
¡Sorpréndete de
cómo se puede
Visión general del Universida Conoce los Reconocerás el valor de la Conocimientos business-
marketing y su des conceptos mercadotecnia desde la visión de básicos sobre management
función para los Anáhuac fundamentales los negociosDistinguirás la administración de
negocios del marketing relación entre mercadotecnia y negocios y
Profession Marketing como disciplina ventasDescubrirás el valor de una empresas.
al de self_paced 5 8 5 es-mx estratégica para empresa orientada al
Certificate servicios el éxito de los clienteReconocerás la importancia
negocios. de diseñar una estrategia de
mercadotecnia centrada en valores

Android: Universitat Desarrollaremos El curso se introducen los Buen nivel de computer-science

Introducción a la Politècnica una aplicación de siguientes aspectos:Repaso de programación. Se
Programación de ejemplo, "Mis JavaVisión general de recomienda tener
Valencia Lugares AndroidEntorno de desarrollo conocimientos de
Favoritos," para (Android Studio)Interfaz de algún lenguaje
conocer el usuario (vistas, Layouts, recursos, orientado a objetos,
Non- Non- Introductor entorno de barra de acciones, preferencias, especialmente si se
self_paced 4 5 10 es-es
Program Program y desarrollo de RecyclerView, trata de Java.
Android y sus Fragments...)Actividades, (NOTA: En el curso
elementos. intenciones, seguridad, se incluye una
posicionamiento, mapas y bases unidad para repasar
de datos Java)

Android: Universitat Desarrollaremos El curso se introducen los Buen nivel de computer-science

Introducción a la Politècnica una aplicación de siguientes aspectos:Repaso de programación. Se
Programación de ejemplo, "Mis JavaVisión general de recomienda tener
Valencia Lugares AndroidEntorno de desarrollo conocimientos de
Favoritos," para (Android Studio)Interfaz de algún lenguaje
conocer el usuario (vistas, Layouts, recursos, orientado a objetos,
Non- Non- Introductor entorno de barra de acciones, preferencias, especialmente si se
self_paced 4 5 10 es-es
Program Program y desarrollo de RecyclerView, trata de Java.
Android y sus Fragments...)Actividades, (NOTA: En el curso
elementos. intenciones, seguridad, se incluye una
posicionamiento, mapas y bases unidad para repasar
de datos Java)
Aplicaciones de la Universitat Aprenderemos a Los conceptos básicos de la El curso es math
Teoría de Grafos a Politècnica modelizar teoría de grafosComo trabajar los completamente
la Vida Real (I) de problemas del problemas de accesibilidadEl uso autocontenido. Para
Valencia mundo real de los grafos ponderadosEl uso seguirlo es
Non- Non- Intermediat mediante su de árbolesLos algoritmos para suficiente con que
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es representación aplicar todo lo anterior a el alumno esté
Program Program e
con grafos y a problemas reales familiarizado con la
resolverlos notación
mediante sus matemática
algoritmos elemental.
Aplicaciones de la Universitat asociados.
Aprenderemos a Las unidades del curso Para seguir este computer-science
Teoría de Grafos a Politècnica modelizar son:Unidad 1: Emparejamientos curso debes haber
la vida real II de problemas del en grafosUnidad 2: Grafos completado
Valencia mundo real Eulerianos y HamiltonianosUnidad anteriormente el
mediante su 3: Redes y flujosUnidad 4: curso Aplicaciones
representación Coloración y localización en de la Teoría de
Non- Non- Introductor con grafos y a mapasLos contenidos de este Grafos a la vida real
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es resolverlos curso fueron reconocidos con una I, también en
Program Program y
mediante sus Mención Especial del I Premio
algoritmos Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y
asociados. Deportes (España) – Telefónica
L.S. - Universia a la iniciativa de
MOOC's en MiríadaX.

Aprendizaje Universitat Aprende a Reconocer el valor de los datos El alumno ha de computer-science,

automático y ciencia Politècnica valorizar y extraer en las organizaciones y las tener unos data-analysis-
de datos de conocimiento a posibilidades de negocio que conocimientos statistics
Valencia partir de los plantea su explotación para el básicos de
datos, usando desarrollo de productos basados programación, sin
técnicas y en datos (inteligencia de ningún lenguaje de
herramientas de negocios)Utilizar técnicas de programación en
análisis de datos aprendizaje automático, entre particular. Debe
genéricas, y otras, para extraer modelos conocer lo que son
aprendizaje descriptivos y predictivos a partir vectores y matrices,
automático en de los datos, así como saber a nivel muy básico.
particular. evaluarlos correctamenteConocer Es conveniente que
y utilizar las herramientas básicas conozca los
Non- Non- Intermediat de integración y preparación de indicadores
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program e datos, incluyendo visualización de estadísticos básicos
datos, para facilitar la (media, desviación
comprensión y el análisis de los típica, mediana,
datosAprender a utilizar un cuantiles, etc.),
lenguaje de programación de concepto de
análisis de datos (lenguaje R) y muestreo y
las librerías básicas de nociones muy
visualización y algunas de las que básicas (ofimáticas)
permiten generar modelos de con hojas de
aprendizaje automático. cálculo y tablas de
Bases Matemáticas: Universitat Curso básico En este curso recordarás:El El curso es math
Derivadas Politècnica sobre funciones y concepto de función y las esencialmente
de sus derivadas, operaciones con funcionesLa autocontenido. Para
Valencia Bases incluyendo sus definición de derivada y sus su adecuado
matemátic aplicaciones a la propiedadesEl cálculo de aprovechamiento
Introductor resolución de máximos y mínimos de es suficiente con
XSeries as para self_paced 3 4 5 es-es
y problemas. funcionesLos máximos y mínimos que estés
ingeniería condicionados familiarizado con la
Bases Matemáticas: Universitat Curso básico En este curso recordarás:El El curso es math
Derivadas Politècnica sobre funciones y concepto de función y las esencialmente
de sus derivadas, operaciones con funcionesLa autocontenido. Para
Valencia Bases incluyendo sus definición de derivada y sus su adecuado
matemátic aplicaciones a la propiedadesEl cálculo de aprovechamiento
Introductor resolución de máximos y mínimos de es suficiente con
XSeries as para self_paced 3 4 5 es-es
y problemas. funcionesLos máximos y mínimos que estés
ingeniería condicionados familiarizado con la
Bases Matemáticas: Universitat Se repasan el El concepto de primitiva, sus Para el adecuado math
Integrales Politècnica concepto de propiedades y el de primitiva aprovechamiento
de primitiva, las inmediataLas primitivas de este curso es
Valencia primitivas pseudoinmediatasLas primitivas necesario
Bases (pseudo)inmediat de tipo ArcotangenteLas primitivas esencialmente que
matemátic as, cambio de de las funciones racionalesLa recuerdes la
XSeries as para self_paced 4 5 5 es-es variable, integral definida y el cálculo de derivada de las
estudiar integración por áreasEl cambio de variable y la funciones
ingeniería partes e integral integración por partes elementales:
definida aplicada potencias,
a cálculo de exponencial,
áreas. logaritmo, etc.
Bases Matemáticas: Universitat Se repasan los El concepto de conjunto y sus El curso es math
Números y Politècnica conceptos operacionesLa notación esencialmente
terminología de básicos de matemática elementalLos autocontenido. Para
Valencia Bases conjuntos, la diferentes tipos de números: su adecuado
matemátic terminología naturales, enteros, racionales, aprovechamiento
Intermediat básica y las irracionales y realesLos conceptos es suficiente con
XSeries as para self_paced 3 4 4 es-es
e propiedades básicos necesarios sobre que estés
ingeniería fundamentales de números complejos familiarizado con la
los números notación
(reales y matemática
complejos). elemental.
Bases Matemáticas: Universitat En este curso se En este curso:Conocerás los Para abordar este math
Álgebra Politècnica tratan los sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y curso basta con
de sistemas de su resoluciónIntroduciremos el saber realizar
Valencia Bases ecuaciones, las concepto de matrizAprenderemos operaciones entre
matemátic matrices y cómo cómo realizar operaciones con números reales y
XSeries as para self_paced 3 4 4 es-es usarlas para matrices, cómo calcular matrices tener claro los
estudiar resolverlos. inversas y determinantes de conceptos de:
ingeniería matrices cuadradas ecuación, incógnita
y solución de una
Basic Spanish 1: Universitat Learn Spanish Basic conversational skillsThe None communication,
Getting Started Politècnica and explore alphabet and numbersHow to language,
de Profession Spanish culture in describe your nationality, your education-teacher-
Basic Introductor
Valencia al self_paced 4 5 7 en-us this introductory likes, and your familyUsing the training
Spanish y
Certificate language course, verb to be ; Basic conjugation
designed for
Basic Spanish 2: Universitat English speakers.
Beginners course Basic vocabulary to be able to use Basic Spanish language, art-
One Step Further Politècnica for learners of and understand information knowledge or 30 culture
de Spanish that related to:daily routine and work hours of practice
Valencia focuses not only such as schedulesinfo related to
on language, but daily activities at home and with
also on cultural the familyleisure and leisure
Profession aspects, activities such as talking about
Basic Introductor
al self_paced 4 5 4 en-us specifically time and experienceslife in the city
Spanish y
Certificate designed for such as shopping or giving an
English speakers. address.Basic grammatical
structures such as articles and
nouns, adjectives, present, future
and past tenses of regular and
irregular verbs.
Basic Spanish 3: Universitat Beginners course Basic vocabulary to be able to use Basic Spanish language, art-
Getting there Politècnica for learners of and understand information knowledge or 60 culture
de Spanish that related to:daily routine and hours of practice.
Valencia focuses not only workdaily activities at home and
Profession on language but with the familyleisure activitieslife
Basic Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us also on cultural in the city Basic grammatical
Spanish y
Certificate aspects, structures such as articles and
specifically nouns, adjectives, present, future
designed for and past tenses of regular and
English speakers. irregular verbs.
Built environment Universitat The course How to evaluate the sustainability Basic engineering architecture
sustainability Politècnica Interdiscipli introduces the performance of a city, for creating concepts on energy,
assessment de nary basic elements a model adequate for developing a carbon footprint and
Valencia Sustainabl and trends for combined analysis for urban policy materials properties
Profession performing a assessment. and an elementary
e Intermediat
al self_paced 3 4 5 en-us through built background on
Architectur e
Certificate environment architecture and
Assessme assessment and urbanism.
nt develops the
tools for urban
Buscar en Internet Universitat Aprenderás a Aprenderás a planificar una Para seguir este computer-science
Politècnica planificar una búsqueda desde el comienzoTe curso no necesitas
de búsqueda desde mostraremos cómo utilizar las más que
Valencia el comienzo y a diversas herramientas que conocimientos
Herramient utilizar las Internet pone a tu alcance para básicos de
as TIC Introductor herramientas que que encuentres aquello que navegación por
al self_paced 3 4 7 es-es
para la y Internet te ofrece necesitasVeremos herramientas Internet.
educación para encontrar lo para buscar vídeos, imágenes,
que buscas. contenido libre de derechos e
información institucional, entre
otras muchas cosas
Codificación de Universitat En este curso el Aprenderás los conceptos básicos Necesitarás tener communication,
audio: Más allá del Politècnica alumno estudiará de digitalización y unos conocimientos engineering,
MP3 de los fundamentos almacenamiento de las señales y básicos de sonido y electronics
Valencia de los sistemas la capacidad de memoria de señales
de compresión de necesaria.Comprenderás el digitales: conocer el
audio así como concepto de “tasa de compresión” concepto de
los estándares y “velocidad binaria” (bitrate) de frecuencia, ondas
más utilizados. una codificación digital.Estudiarás de sonido, bits, etc.
Se verán los los mecanismos subjetivos de la En cualquier caso el
estándares del percepción humana del sonido, curso está pensado
grupo MPEG sus limitaciones y el para que pueda ser
como el MP3 y el enmascaramiento que se produce seguido en su
AAC así como en el oído.Diferenciarás entre mayor parte por
Non- Non- Intermediat otros de código compresión con pérdidas y sin estudiantes con
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program e abierto como el pérdidas.Estudiarás los unos conceptos de
OPUS. fundamentos básicos de la ingeniería muy
compresión con pérdidas a través básicos, requiriendo
de las diferentes capas del solo algunas de las
estándar MPEG hasta llegar al secciones un poco
MP3.Repasaremos estándares más de profundidad
más avanzados que el MP3 como en aspectos más
el MPEG-4 AAC y el avanzados.
OPUS.Aprenderás a evaluar la
calidad de un codificador con
pérdidas a través de test “doble
ciego” y MUSHRA

Creación musical Universitat Aprende los Aprenderás a utilizar los módulos No se requiere music, computer-
con Soundcool: Politècnica conceptos básicos de SoundcoolIntroducir el ningún science, art-culture
Introducción de básicos para sonido bien desde archivos del conocimiento previo
Valencia poder usar el ordenador o desde la entrada de para poder utilizarlo,
sistema micrófonoGenerar distintos tipos únicamente
Soundcool para de ondas y de sonidosGenerar nociones básicas
educación notas musicales mediante para descargar e
musical y dispositivos MIDIModificar el instalar el programa
Non- Non- Introductor creación sonido introducido con
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program y colaborativa efectosUtilizar instrumentos
mediante virtuales o efectos virtuales
móviles, tablets y externosAnalizar el sonido en
Kinect. cualquier punto de la cadena de
módulosMezclar cualquier tipo de
entradas de sonido y grabar tu
creación musical
Cómo diagnosticar Universitat Aprende a • A responder a la pregunta: ¿qué Ninguno business-
mis competencias Politècnica desarrollar tus es innovación? • A entender la management
de innovación de habilidades definición de innovación y a
Valencia blandas en explicar el modelo de innovación y
competencias describir sus componentes• A
innovadoras y a relacionar las componentes de
evaluar las de los innovación entre sí• A proponer
demás aplicando ejemplos de comportamientos
Liderazgo un modelo para innovadores• A auto-diagnosticar
y trabajo analizar la tus competencias de innovación y
MicroMast en equipo Intermediat innovación creatividad• A evaluar la
self_paced 4 5 6 es-es
ers en grupos e empresarial. competencia de innovación de
de mejora otras personas• A diseñar un plan
continua de mejora de la competencia de
innovación propia o de otras
personas y los pasos a seguir
para la capacitación en innovación
• A implementar planes de trabajo
para ser una empresa innovadora

Cómo implantar Universitat Aprende las • A definir Ninguno business-

grupos de mejora Politècnica fases de la problemas/oportunidades, y a management
de procesos de mejora de convertirlas en un proyecto de
Valencia procesos, las mejora• A descubrir cómo
características construir un equipo que se haga
Liderazgo del equipo de cargo de la gestión de los
y trabajo trabajo ideal y procesos de estos proyectos• A
MicroMast en equipo Introductor técnicas para conocer y practicar diferentes
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
ers en grupos y implementar técnicas para la resolución de
de mejora grupos de problemas en grupo• Al finalizar el
continua resolución de curso serás capaz de participar en
problemas. grupos de resolución de
problemas que sean capaces de
mejorar la eficiencia de las
Design of mound Universitat The goal of this In this course you will learn:the General knowledge engineering
breakwaters for Politècnica course is to main characteristics of mound of Civil Engineering
feasibility studies. de provide the tools breakwaters and armor layers,the and particular
Cubipod® Manual Valencia to create feasible fundamental concepts to be taken knowledge of
2016 designs of mound into consideration to study Coastal and Port
breakwaters alternatives and to estimate costs, Engineering.
protected with with special attention on the use of Previous knowledge
Cubipod® armors Cubipods to protect mound of basic concepts
fulfiling the breakwaters,the estimation of the and terminology
prescribed hydraulic stability of single- and commonly used in
economic, double-layer Cubipod® armors, Coastal and Port
functional and run-up, overtopping and forces on Engineering is also
safety crown walls,the assessment of the required, such as
Non- Non- requirements. structural integrity of Cubipods, “significant wave
self_paced Advanced 3 4 7 en-us
Program Program the manufacturing process, height”, “peak
handling, stacking and placement period”, “crown
on the armor layer andthe rules to wall”, “return
make a preliminary design of a period”, “stability
Cubipod® armored mound number”, etc.
breakwater. The objective is to
learn how to find feasible designs
of single- or double-layer
Cubipod® armored breakwaters
fulfiling the prescribed economic,
functional and safety requirements.

Despoblación Rural. Universitat Descubre los Este curso, además de analizar No se necesitan social-sciences
Problemas y Politècnica procesos de los problemas y soluciones que conocimientos
soluciones. de despoblación corrijan los procesos de previos para
Valencia rural desde despoblación rural, constituirá una realizar el curso. Se
múltiples puntos comunidad virtual de intercambios trata de un curso
de vista y de experiencias y formación de introductorio a la
participa de esta redes. El curso ofrece un recorrido temática, por lo que
comunidad virtual que considera desde la cualquier persona
para intercambiar comprensión de los procesos interesada en los
Non- Non- Introductor experiencias que procesos sociales y económicos procesos de
self_paced 2 3 7 es-es contribuyan a que inciden en los desequilibrios despoblación rural y
Program Program y
reactivar los demográficos hasta la búsqueda sus posibles
territorios rurales de soluciones (políticas locales y soluciones.
regionales) y proyectos concretos
(cooperativismo, alimentación
sostenible, servicios
ecosistémicos, turismo, grupos de
acción local, igualdad de género y
Diagramas UML Universitat En la era de la La historia de UML y los Ninguno computer-science,
estructurales para la Politècnica información el diagramas que componen el engineering
Ingeniería del de desarrollo de estándarUsar los diagramas que
Software Valencia software de permiten realizar modelado
calidad es un estructuralConocer las primitivas
Non- Non- Introductor factor esencial. de modelado conceptual
self_paced 3 4 5 es-es Desarrollar estructural que proporciona
Program Program y
software de UMLConstruir diagramas de
calidad implica clases (como modelo estructural
conocer los más relevante) de ejemplos reales
modelos que dan
lugar a dicho
Diseña Universitat Aprende las Aprenderás:Cómo diseñar una Para seguir este computer-science
presentaciones Politècnica Fundament bases para presentación efectivaA encontrar curso no necesitas
eficaces con de os de realizar una contenido en Internet que puedas más que
Powerpoint Valencia Microsoft presentación reutilizarQué opciones tienes a la conocimientos
Office eficaz con hora de elegir un programa para básicos de
para la Powerpoint que hacer tus presentacionesA crear y utilización de
empresa llegue a tu diseñar una presentación básica Microsoft Windows
Herramient público objetivo con Microsoft PowerpointA utilizar
Profession as TIC las vistas y los distintos tipos de
al para la self_paced 4 10 3 es-es archivos de Microsoft
Certificate educación PowerpointA añadir transiciones y
Herramient animaciones a una presentación
as de de Microsoft PowerpointA añadir y
presentaci enlazar en tu presentación
ón: Power ficheros multimedia externosA
Point, utilizar y compartir tu presentación
e Illustrator

Diseña, fabrica y Universitat Aprenderás a Aprenderás a realizar sencillos Se requiere tener engineering,
programa tu propio Politècnica diseñar, fabricar y diseños 3D con conocimientos physics,
robot de programar tu TinkerCAD.Conocerás dos básicos de diseño electronics
Valencia propio robot tecnologías de fabricación digital: CAD, electrónico y
(DYOR: Do Your impresión 3D y corte por programación. Se
Own Robot) con láser.Aprenderás los fundamentos trabaja con
Non- Non- Introductor Arduino y te básicos de la electrónica de herramientas
self_paced 8 10 6 es-es iniciarás en el Arduino.Serás capaz de realizar adaptadas para
Program Program y
mundo Maker. sencillos diseños electrónicos con niños, con lo que
Fritzing.Aprenderás a programar son herramientas
Arduino por bloques con sencillas de utilizar.
Facilino.Diseño de apps en
Android con App Inventor 2.
Diseño de diques Universitat El objetivo del Las características principales de Son engineering
rompeolas con Politècnica curso esaprender los diques en talud en general y necesariosconocimi
cubípodos de a diseñar diques de los mantos de cubípodos en entos previos sobre
Valencia en talud para los particularLos conceptos los conceptos y
estudios de fundamentales que hay que tener terminología básica
viabilidad de en consideración para el estudio utilizada en
proyectos que de alternativas y evaluación de ingeniería marítima
incluyan obras costes, con especial atención al y portuaria.
marítimas de uso de cubípodos en la protección
abrigo, con de diques rompeolasA estimar la
especial atención estabilidad hidráulica de los
al diseño con mantos monocapa y bicapa de
Non- Non-
self_paced Advanced 3 4 7 es-es mantos de cubípodos, el remonte, rebase,
Program Program
cubípodos. fuerzas sobre el espaldón y
coronación de este tipo de
diquesA evaluar la integridad
estructural de los cubípodos, los
procesos de fabricación,
manipulación, acopio y colocación
en obraLas pautas para pre-
diseñar un dique rompeolas con
manto de cubípodos

Dispositivos Móviles Universitat Trataremos la Distintos sistemas de Orientado a engineering

para la Gestión del Politècnica integración de los georreferenciación y ingenierías o
Territorio de Sistemas de navegación.La estructura y cualquier otra
Valencia Información aplicabilidad de los SIG en la licenciatura
Geográfica y los gestión del territorio.Sistemas de relacionada con el
dispositivos comunicación en dispositivos territorio.
Non- Non- Introductor móviles para móviles.Tipología y características
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
Program Program y usarlos en la de los dispositivos
gestión del móviles.Software de navegación y
territorio. gestión del territorio.Principales
aplicaciones de dispositivos
móviles en ingeniería y gestión del
Dynamics and Universitat This is an Characterizing the dynamic In this course the engineering
Control Politècnica interactive course behavior of systems and the generic concepts of
de about the basic possibility to change it by operators and
Valencia concepts of introducing control devices is the relationships
Systems, Control main aim of the course. You between variables
and their impact will:learn to analyze the dynamic are used but maths
in all the human properties of a system and the are avoided as
Non- Non- Introductor activities. options to change its behavior much as possible. A
self_paced 4 5 6 en-us according to some basic knowledge of
Program Program y
requirements.learn the basic physics will help but
concepts to undertake further it is not mandatory.
studies in control engineering.see
examples of its use in a variety of
disciplines, from human and social
sciences to any engineering field.
El Enlace Químico y Universitat Aprenderemos a Aprenderás a identificar los tipos Se recomienda chemistry
las Interacciones Politècnica identificar los de enlace que pueden tener ciertas
Moleculares de tipos de enlace presentarse en los diferentes nociones sobre la
Valencia presentes en los compuestos químicosAprenderás estructura atómica,
compuestos a predecir qué tipo de enlace la clasificación de
químicos y a predomina en un compuesto en los elementos en el
relacionar la base a las características de los sistema periódico y
estructura de elementos que lo la variación de las
éstos con sus constituyenPodrás deducir qué propiedades
propiedades. enlace presenta un compuesto atómicas en el
observando sus características y mismo
Fundament comportamientoProfundizarás en
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 4 es-es el estudio del enlace covalente y
Química entenderás la relación entre las
interacciones moleculares y las
propiedades físicas de los
compuestosEn definitiva,
adquirirás las habilidades
necesarias para reconocer todo
tipo de enlaces y relacionar la
estructura de un compuesto con
las propiedades físicas que

Evaluación e Universitat El curso presenta Cómo evaluar el comportamiento Conceptos básicos architecture
impacto de la Politècnica los elementos de una ciudad con respecto a la de ingeniería sobre
sostenibilidad en el de Arquitectur básicos y las sostenibilidad, con el objetivo de energía, huella de
entorno urbano Valencia a tendencias para crear un modelo adecuado con el carbono y
Profession sostenible: realizar una que desarrollar un análisis propiedades de los
Intermediat evaluación combinado para la evaluación de materiales. Se
al Evaluación self_paced 3 4 5 es-es
e completa del las políticas urbanas. aconseja una
interdiscipli entorno formación elemental
nar construido y en arquitectura y
desarrolla las urbanismo.
para el análisis
Excel avanzado: Universitat Conoce técnicas Cómo hacer un preprocesado de Conocimientos de data-analysis-
importación y Politècnica y estrategias datos con editores avanzados de Excel a nivel statistics
análisis de datos de avanzadas para texto para eliminar problemas de intermedio alto
Valencia importar, importaciónCómo usar las
consolidar y herramientas Powerquery de
visualizar con importación de datos en Excel
Excel datos incluidas en las últimas versiones
provenientes de para automatizar el proceso de
cualquier fuente. ingesta de datosCómo utilizar
diversas funciones y estrategias
para agrupar y consolidar los
datos de forma que nos den la
Profession Excel para información que necesitamos y
al los self_paced Advanced 3 4 8 es-es poderla usar en la inteligencia de
Certificate negocios negociosCómo usar las funciones
Powerpivot y el modelo de datos
incluidos en las nuevas versiones
de Excel para trabajar de forma
sencilla con datos de múltiples
tablas con millones de registros
como las que se manejan en Big
DataCómo utilizar los slicers y
otras funciones avanzadas de
tablas y gráficos dinámicos en

Excel: Fundamentos Universitat Excel para En este curso Cómo empezar a trabajar con Para este curso computer-science
y herramientas Politècnica los aprenderás las Excel y realizar las operaciones solo hacen falta
de negocios herramientas básicasA manejar los formatos de conocimientos
Valencia Profession Fundament más habituales Excel y a presentar resultadosA aritméticos básicos.
Introductor de Microsoft utilizar los gráficos de ExcelQué
al os de self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
y Excel, desde lo familias de funciones tienes
Certificate Microsoft
Office más básico a los disponibles en ExcelA manejar las
para la gráficos, tablas de datos
empresa funciones y
Excel: gestión de Universitat tablas
En estedecurso
datos. Crear plantillas y vincular datos Para seguir este computer-science
datos Politècnica profundizarás en externos en ExcelAgrupar datos curso debes haber
de las técnicas y en tablas para extraer información completado
Valencia herramientas que te ayude a tomar decisiones; anteriormente el
para el inteligencia de negocios (Business curso Excel:
tratamiento, Intelligence)Utilizar tablas y fundamentos y
Profession Excel para manejo y análisis gráficos dinámicos para presentar herramientas,
Intermediat de datos que y extraer información con la ayuda también en edX o
al los self_paced 4 6 6 es-es
e puedes utilizar en de este programa informatico de tener un nivel
Certificate negocios
Microsoft Excel MicrosoftUtilizar análisis de intermedio
para la toma de hipótesis para una mejor toma de equivalente.
decisiones. decisionesAprender utilidades de
conversión de datos de Excel
FlashDiet: Aprende Universitat En este curso Aprenderás como llevar una No se necesitan food-nutrition
a comer sano Politècnica aprenderás las alimentación conocimientos
de bases de la equilibrada.Conocerás las bases previos de nutrición.
Valencia Fitness nutrición humana de la nutrición humana.Conocerás
Profession corporativo y la alimentación hábitos saludables de
al : nutrición self_paced 2 3 5 es-es sana como vida.Aprenderás alimentarte en
Certificate y bienestar herramientas función de tu trabajo.Conocerás la
laboral para llevar una alimentación más adecuada en
vida saludable. casos de algunas patologías.

Formulación y Universitat Aprenderemos Las normas que se utilizan para Se recomienda chemistry
nomenclatura de Politècnica cómo establecer establecer las fórmulas de las tener ciertas
compuestos de las fórmulas de sustancias y especies nociones sobre el
químicos Valencia los compuestos químicasLas reglas necesarias enlace químico.
químicos para nombrarlasDe este modo, Para aprender o
Fundament inorgánicos y podrás identificar y nombrar repasar estos
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 6 es-es orgánicos más correctamente los compuestos conceptos puedes
Química usuales y las químicos inorgánicos y orgánicos seguir el curso de
reglas para más comunes. “El enlace químico y
nombrarlos. las interacciones
también en UPV[X].
Formulación y Universitat Aprenderemos Las normas que se utilizan para Se recomienda chemistry
nomenclatura de Politècnica cómo establecer establecer las fórmulas de las tener ciertas
compuestos de las fórmulas de sustancias y especies nociones sobre el
químicos Valencia los compuestos químicasLas reglas necesarias enlace químico.
químicos para nombrarlasDe este modo, Para aprender o
Fundament inorgánicos y podrás identificar y nombrar repasar estos
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 6 es-es orgánicos más correctamente los compuestos conceptos puedes
Química usuales y las químicos inorgánicos y orgánicos seguir el curso de
reglas para más comunes. “El enlace químico y
nombrarlos. las interacciones
también en UPV[X].
Fundamentos de Universitat Se tratan En este curso aprenderás los Se requieren engineering
Comunicaciones Politècnica conceptos conceptos básicos relacionados conceptos básicos
Ópticas de básicos de las con las comunicaciones de Radiación
Valencia comunicaciones ópticas:Comprenderás la Electromagnética y
ópticas como el importancia de las redes ópticas es aconsejable
guiado, los en la actualidad atendiendo a la tener conocimientos
modos, la evolución de la demanda y los básicos de
atenuación o la serviciosSe explicarán los Modulaciones y
dispersión y el fundamentos del guiado de la luz Teoría de Señal. El
diseño de en la fibra ópticaTrataremos las curso introduce los
sistemas. características de los modos conceptos
propagados por fibras multimodo necesarios para
y monomodoSe estudiarán la seguirlo.
Non- Non- Intermediat atenuación y la dispersión, como
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
Program Program e efectos fundamentales de
propagación en la fibra óptica, así
como las limitaciones que éstos
suponen en alcance y capacidad
máximaSe explicará la generación
de señal óptica en LEDs y
láseresHablaremos de a
detección y recuperación de la
información transmitida por la
fibraAprenderás a realizar los
cálculos necesarios para diseñar
un sistema de comunicaciones
ópticas, con la posibilidad de
emplear técnicas multicanal WDM
Fundamentos de Universitat Se tratan En este curso aprenderás los Se requieren engineering
Comunicaciones Politècnica conceptos conceptos básicos relacionados conceptos básicos
Ópticas de básicos de las con las comunicaciones de Radiación
Valencia comunicaciones ópticas:Comprenderás la Electromagnética y
ópticas como el importancia de las redes ópticas es aconsejable
guiado, los en la actualidad atendiendo a la tener conocimientos
modos, la evolución de la demanda y los básicos de
atenuación o la serviciosSe explicarán los Modulaciones y
dispersión y el fundamentos del guiado de la luz Teoría de Señal. El
diseño de en la fibra ópticaTrataremos las curso introduce los
sistemas. características de los modos conceptos
propagados por fibras multimodo necesarios para
y monomodoSe estudiarán la seguirlo.
Non- Non- Intermediat atenuación y la dispersión, como
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
Program Program e efectos fundamentales de
propagación en la fibra óptica, así
como las limitaciones que éstos
suponen en alcance y capacidad
máximaSe explicará la generación
de señal óptica en LEDs y
láseresHablaremos de a
detección y recuperación de la
información transmitida por la
fibraAprenderás a realizar los
cálculos necesarios para diseñar
un sistema de comunicaciones
ópticas, con la posibilidad de
emplear técnicas multicanal WDM
Fundamentos de Universitat Trataremos las Aprenderás las bases de:El Para seguir este physics
Electromagnetismo Politècnica Fundament causas y las campo eléctricoEl campo curso se requieren
para Ingeniería de os de leyes de la magnéticoLa inducción magnética un nivel de
Valencia Introductor interacción matemáticas similar
XSeries Física self_paced 4 5 7 es-es
y electromagnética. al que se imparte
ingeniería Veremos el en Bachillerato.
campo eléctrico,
Fundamentos de Universitat el magnético ylala
Estudiaremos Cuáles son las magnitudes Para seguir este physics
Mecánica para Politècnica Fundament cinemática y la físicasLas bases del álgebra curso se requieren
Ingeniería de os de dinámica del vectorialLos fundamentos de un nivel de
Valencia Introductor punto, los cinemática del puntoLos tipos de matemáticas similar
XSeries Física self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
y conceptos de movimientoLas bases de la al que se imparte
ingeniería trabajo y potencia dinámica del punto, el trabajo y la en Bachillerato
y la energía potencia y la energía mecánica
Fundamentos de Universitat mecánica.
Estudiaremos la Fenómenos ondulatoriosInfluencia Para seguir este physics
Oscilaciones y Politècnica gran variedad de del medio físico en la propagación curso se requieren
Ondas para de Fundament fenómenos de las ondasPrincipio de un nivel de
Ingeniería Valencia os de ondulatorios que HuygensEfecto matemáticas y
XSeries Física self_paced 3 4 5 es-es se observan en la DopplerPolarización de física similar al que
para naturaleza. ondasReflexión, refracción, se imparte en el
ingeniería difracción,... Bachillerato español

Fundamentos TIC Universitat ¿Tienes que En este curso Conocimientos computer-science

para profesionales Politècnica trabajar con las aprenderás:Funcionamiento de básicos de internet
de negocios: de Tecnologías de la paquetes ofimáticos (procesador y ordenadores. Se
Aplicaciones Valencia Información y te de texto, hoja de cálculo, asumen
empresariales faltan presentaciones y gestor de bases conocimientos de
conocimientos? de datos). Funcionamiento básico matemáticas a nivel
Fundament Conoce los de e-mail y sistemas de de bachillerato.
os TIC fundamentos de conferencia.Aspectos básicos de
para Introductor los sistemas de sistemas
al self_paced 3 6 4 es-es
profesional y información para operativosFuncionamiento de
es de la empresa. navegadores web y tecnologías
negocios de Internet.Descripción básica de
diversas aplicaciones
empresariales (Business
Intelligence, ERP, CRM, GIS,
SCM, DMS, EDI....)
Fundamentos TIC Universitat ¿Tienes que Aprenderás sobre:Conceptos Conocimientos computer-science
para profesionales Politècnica trabajar con las relacionados con la básicos de internet
de negocios: de Tecnologías de la ciberseguridad, la propiedad y ordenadores. Se
Ciberseguridad e Valencia Información y te intelectual, la privacidad, los asumen
Implicaciones faltan hackers; las amenazas conocimientos de
sociales conocimientos? informáticas y cómo defenderse matemáticas a nivel
Fundament Profundiza en las de ellasEfectos de las TIC en de bachillerato.
os TIC implicaciones procesos como la globalización, el
Profession sociales de las comercio electrónico, la estrategia
para Introductor
al self_paced 3 4 3 es-es TIC, como la de negocios, la competencia y el
profesional y
Certificate Ciberseguridad, outsourcing, entre otrosEl
es de
negocios la ergonomía o fenómeno de la Web 2.0 y las
los puestos de redes socialesLas distintas
trabajo carreras profesionales por las que
relacionados. se puede optar en el mundo de
las TICConceptos como la
ergonomía y el cloud computing

Fundamentos TIC Universitat ¿Tienes que Aprenderás sobre:Herramientas y Conocimientos computer-science

para profesionales Politècnica trabajar con las métodos para el desarrollo de básicos de internet
de negocios: de Tecnologías de la softwareConceptos sobre el ciclo y ordenadores. Se
Desarrollo de Valencia Fundament Información y te de vida en el desarrollo de asumen
Software os TIC faltan sistemas.Roles y funciones en la conocimientos de
Profession conocimientos? gestión de proyectos de matemáticas a nivel
para Introductor
al self_paced 3 6 3 es-es Aprende los softwareDiferentes métodos para de bachillerato.
profesional y
Certificate fundamentos el procesado de información
es de
negocios básicos del (lotes, tiempo real …)Diseño de la
desarrollo de interfaz de usuario.Desarrollo y
software. motivación de los estándares en
Fundamentos TIC Universitat ¿Tienes que Aprenderás sobre:Funciones Conocimientos computer-science
para profesionales Politècnica trabajar con las llevadas a cabo por el hardware básicos de internet
de negocios: de Tecnologías de la del ordenador, el de y ordenadores. Se
Hardware Valencia Información y te comunicaciones y el de asumen
Fundament faltan redArquitecturas conocimientos de
os TIC conocimientos? cliente/servidorDispositivos de matemáticas a nivel
para Introductor Aprende las comunicaciones inalámbricas de bachillerato.
al self_paced 3 6 4 es-es
profesional y bases hardware (móvil, satélite,
es de de los Sistemas GPS)Representación digital de la
negocios de Información y información (texto, números,
las Redes de multimedia) y uso del sistema
Comunicaciones. binarioArquitecturas de red de
área local y empresarial
Fundamentos TIC Universitat ¿Tienes que Aprenderás sobre:La sintaxis y Conocimientos computer-science
para profesionales Politècnica trabajar con las estructuras de programación básicos de internet
de negocios: de Tecnologías de la (pseudo código)La lógica que hay y ordenadores. Se
Programación Valencia Información y te detrás de la creación de asumen
faltan programas de ordenadorCómo conocimientos de
conocimientos? funciona la programación matemáticas a nivel
Fundament Conoce los orientada a objetosLos tipos y de
os TIC fundamentos de estructuras de datos más bachillerato/preparat
Profession la programación importantesCuáles son los tipos oria.
para Introductor
al self_paced 3 6 4 es-es software. de fichero más comunesCómo se
profesional y
Certificate gestionan las bases de datosLas
es de
negocios bases del lenguaje SQLQué son
data warehousing y data
miningConceptos básicos de
tecnologías web (HTML,
XML,CSS, javascript)Directrices
básicas de diseño y análisis en el
desarrollo de páginas web

Gestión Universitat Aprende la • Cuáles son los componentes de No se requieren business-

participativa: Politècnica importancia de la la gestión participativa• Cómo se conocimientos management
motivación y de gestión puede implantar la gestión previos para
liderazgo Valencia participativa en la participativa dentro de las realizar este curso.
organizacional organización y organizaciones• A diagnosticar las
Liderazgo cómo generar prácticas de gestión participativa
y trabajo motivación y en una empresa• Cómo medir los
MicroMast en equipo Intermediat liderazgo entre resultados de estos programas de
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
ers en grupos e los empleados. participación • Cómo un líder
de mejora Nos enfocaremos puede involucrar de forma exitosa
continua en la a los empleados • Cómo la
implantación y la gestión participativa puede ayudar
medición del a desarrollar un liderazgo
grado de participativo en una organización
despliegue de
prácticas HIWP
Ingeniería de Universitat Conoce en este Cuales son los aviones utilizados Cualquiera con engineering
aeropuertos: diseño Politècnica curso en linea las en aviacion comercial actualmente conocimientos de
del lado aire según de bases del diseño y como influyen sus matematicas a nivel
OACI (ICAO) Valencia de la parte caracteristicas al diseñar el lado de bachillerato
aeronautica de aire de un aeropuertoComo puede seguir el
los aeropuertos determinar la longitud de pista curso.
(lado aire) segun necesaria en funcion del avion de
el Anexo 14 de la diseñoComo determinar la
OACI, vigente en orientacion de las pistas
la mayor parte necesariasA dimensionar la pista,
del mundo. las calles de rodaje, la plataforma
Aprende a y las areas y elementos asociados
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 4 5 7 es-es diseñar la pista, siguiendo criterios de OACI
Program Program e
calles de rodaje y (ICAO)A diseñar los sistemas de
la plataforma de iluminacion del lado aire de un
un aeropuerto. aeropuertoA determinar las
superficies de operacion y otras
servidumbres aeronauticas que
protegen la operacion de un
aeropuertoA calcular el firme y
pavimento de una pista de
aterrizaje en funcion del trafico
soportado y el tipo de suelo

Iniciación a la Universitat La evaluación de Tras este curso serás capaz de No se requiere environmental-
evaluación del Politècnica impacto desarrollar las herramientas de conocimientos studies
impacto ambiental de ambiental toma de decisiones, podrás especiales.
Valencia constituye el analizar, prevenir y
instrumento más mitigar/compensar los perjuicios
adecuado para la ambientales ocasionados por los
preservación y proyectos a desarrollar,
defensa del permitiendo con ello un desarrollo
Non- Non- Introductor medio ambiente compatible con el mantenimiento
self_paced 2 3 7 es-es
Program Program y atendiendo al de la calidad ambiental.
principio de
sostenibilidad. El
objetivo de este
curso es
sensibilizar sobre
la necesidad de
estudiar y prever
Introducción a ALT - Universitat Aprende y adopta Con este curso online aprenderás Para seguir este health-safety
Tecnología de Politècnica las tecnologías la importancia de las Tecnologías curso se necesita
Asistencia a la Vida de de asistencia a la de Asistencia a la Vida en el formación previa
Valencia vida para entono socio-sanitario, y cómo se básica, o
promover la salud pueden utilizar para promover la conocimientos y
Non- Non- Introductor y el apoyo a las independencia y el auto-cuidado, habilidades
self_paced 2 3 4 es-es personas especialmente en las personas mínimas en
Program Program y
dependientes. con enfermedades crónicas o atención socio-
personas mayores. sanitaria de
personas con
Introducción a la Universitat Conocerel Después de una breve Conocimientos engineering
energía solar Politècnica componente más introducción a la energías básicos de
fotovoltaica: El de importante en las renovables, el curso en línea se electricidad.
módulo fotovoltaico Valencia instalaciones adentra en conocer con todo
fotovoltaicas, los detalle y desde un punto de vista
Non- Non- Intermediat módulos práctico: Cómo funcionan los
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es fotovoltaicos,único módulos fotovoltaicosCómo
Program Program e
s dispositivos pueden agruparse para
capaces de incrementar la energía solar que
convertir generanQué factores son los que
directamente la más afectan a su producción
energía luminosa energética
procedente del
Introducción a la Universitat Estudiaremos la Conocerás la importancia de la Para seguir este chemistry
Estructura de la Politècnica estructura de la Química en el mundo que te curso necesitas
Materia de materia, los rodeaTe introducirás en el tener inquietud por
Valencia Fundament elementos que la concepto de la reacción conocer el mundo
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 4 es-es forman y sus químicaEntenderás la estructura de la Química.
Química propiedades e de la materia, los elementos que
introduciremos el la forman y sus propiedades
concepto de la
Introducción a la Universitat reacción
Curso dequímica. El curso consta de varios Este curso es de business-
gestión de proyectos Politècnica introducción a la unidades en las que se introducen carácter management
de gestión de los conceptos básicos del PM introductorio a la
Valencia proyectos (project (Project Management) o Gestión Gestión de
management) de Proyectos . Los alumnos que lo Proyectos (GP). Por
Gestión de siguiendo la realicen podrán aprender a lo tanto no se
Profession proyectos metodología del planificar y gestionar proyectos requieren
Introductor Project muy sencillos, utilizando conocimientos
al y self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
y Management conceptos, procesos y específicos previos
Certificate metodologí
a ágil Institute herramientas que se aplican en para poder
( proyectos reales. realizarlo. Conviene
estar familiarizado
con el uso de Hojas
de Cálculo tipo
Introducción a la Universitat Aprende las Aprenderás a:Interpretar los No es necesario economics-finance
inversión bursátil Politècnica bases de la movimientos en bolsaConocer la contar con
de inversión en rentabilidad que puedes obtener conocimientos
Valencia bolsa. Conoce los de tus inversiones en renta previos en finanzas,
productos en que variable a largo plazoSaber en bolsa o economía
Non- Non- Introductor invertir, gráficos e qué activos puedes en general.
self_paced 3 4 2 es-es indicadores que invertirConocer qué posibles
Program Program y
usan los gestores estrategias de inversión puedes
profesionales. seguir en el corto plazo.Manejar
algunas herramientas utilizadas
en la gestión profesional de
activos financieros
Introducción a las Universitat En este curso en Conceptos básicos de Para seguir el curso engineering,
radiocomunicaciones Politècnica línea de comunicaciones y ondasLa basta con tener communication,
de radiocomunicacio propagación de las ondas conocimientos electronics
Valencia nes setratan electromagnéticas en la básicos de
aspectos tan atmósferaFundamentos de matemáticas y
Non- Non- Introductor interesantes comunicaciones física a nivel de los
self_paced 3 4 5 es-es como la analógicasFundamentos de primeros cursos de
Program Program y
propagación de comunicaciones bachillerato.
ondas digitalesFundamentos de antenas
, las
analógicas y
Introducción a las Universitat Aprenderás a Conocerás multitud de Para seguir este computer-science,
tecnologías para la Politècnica sacar partido de plataformas y herramientas curso no necesitas social-sciences
Educación de las nuevas disponibles en Internet que más que
Valencia tecnologías en tu permiten crear nuevas conocimientos
labor docente experiencias de enseñanza- básicos de
para crear una aprendizajeTe daremos las pautas navegación por
experiencia de para crear una comunicación Internet.
Herramient aprendizaje increíblemente eficaz, tanto
as TIC Introductor nueva y profesor-alumno como alumno-
al self_paced 3 4 5 es-es
para la y enriquecedora. alumnoEl aprendizaje con
educación tecnología es multi-plataforma y
multi-dispositivo, y se extiende
más allá del aula, incluso de una
forma global y en este curso te
mostraremos algunos ejemplos de

Introducción a los Universitat Aprende sobre la Comprender la utilidad y las No se requiere engineering,
encofrados y las Politècnica construcción de limitaciones de las estructuras ningún prerrequisito architecture
cimbras en obra civil de obras civiles y de auxiliares (encofrados y cimbras) previo
y edificación Valencia edificación con en la construcción de obras civiles
encofrados y y de edificaciónEvaluar y
Non- Non- Introductor cimbras. seleccionar el mejor tipo de
self_paced 2 3 4 es-es
Program Program y encofrado y cimbra necesario
para una construcción en unas
condiciones determinadas,
considerando la economía y la
Introducción al Universitat Aprende a En este curso de introducción al Casi cualquier computer-science
desarrollo de Politècnica desarrollar desarrollo de videojuegos con alumno con
videojuegos con de videojuegos Unity aprenderás de manera conocimientos
Unity Valencia multiplataforma práctica con numerosos ejemplos básicos de
utilizando una de que te guiaran paso a paso:A programación
las herramientas conocer el interfaz de UnityCuáles puede seguir el
más populares son los elementos fundamentales curso. Los ejemplos
del mercado, el del motorA desarrollar tus se desarrollaran
motor de juegos primeros juegos con C# y una breve
de Unity. introducción al
Non- Non- Intermediat lenguaje formará
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
Program Program e también parte de
los contenidos. Si
previos básicos en
programación no
tendrás grandes
problemas en
seguir el curso.

Introducción al Universitat Este es un curso Comprender los conceptos Conocimientos muy electronics,
Internet de las Politècnica en línea básicos de la electrónica para básicos en communication,
Cosas (IoT) de preliminar en el programar microcontroladores electrónica y computer-science
Valencia que tratamos los (digitales, analógicos, PWM, programación.
conceptos buses de comunicación, Trabajamos con
básicos de temporizadores, etc.)Programar una herramienta de
electronica y dispositivos Arduino y ESPLeer programación con
programación datos de sensores ambientales bloques para
Non- Non- Introductor utilizando placas (temperatura, humedad, desarrollar
self_paced 5 6 6 es-es Arduino y ESP. luz)Controlar actuadores como un programas, por lo
Program Program y
ventilador, una luz o una bomba que todo está
de agua usando un reléMostrar adaptado para
información en pantallas LCD estudiantes con
para imprimir datos de su poca experiencia en
dispositivoUsar botones y LEDs (y programación.
también LEDs RGB) para generar
una interfaz de usuario básica
Introducción al Universitat Aprende el En este curso de Office 365 Para seguir este computer-science,
Office 365 Politècnica funcionamiento aprenderás cómo trabajar “en la curso necesitas business-
de básico de los nube” y a sacar el máximo partido conocimientos management
Valencia componentes a las herramientas más habituales básicos de
principales de de esta suite de aplicaciones del ofimática y uso de
Office 365 y fabricante Microsoft.Conocer el Internet.
optimiza tu servicio de Office 365 que da el
tiempo utilizando fabricanteConocer los
el más adecuado fundamentos del funcionamiento
para tus de aplicaciones en la
necesidades en nubeComprender las diferencias
cada momento. entre aplicaciones clásicas o de
escritorio y las versiones online de
Non- Non- Introductor Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
self_paced 2 3 7 es-es
Program Program y y OneNoteDominar el uso del
disco en la nube
OneDriveTrabajar en grupos de
manera colaborativaCrear y editar
sitios web con
SharePointComunicarse de forma
productiva con
adecuadamente en el entorno de
planificación de tareas
PlannerAprender a utilizar las
apps de Office 365 desde
cualquier dispositivo
Introducción Universitat Este curso Cómo evaluar el comportamiento Conceptos básicos architecture
interdisciplinar a la Politècnica presenta los con respecto a sostenibilidad de de ingeniería sobre
sostenibilidad urbana de Arquitectur elementos los edificios a partir de energía, huella de
Valencia a básicos y las materiales.Cómo evaluar el uso carbono y
Profession sostenible: tendencias que de energía desde distintos propiedades de los
Intermediat definen las criterios.Cómo considerar el uso materiales. Se
al Evaluación self_paced 3 4 4 es-es
e prácticas de de la infraestructura urbana.Cómo aconseja una
interdiscipli sostenibilidad en crear un modelo de vecindario formación elemental
nar la arquitectura adecuado para el análisis y la en arquitectura y
actual. Sigue un evaluación de las políticas urbanismo.
enfoque urbanas.
Introduction to the Universitat This is a Understand the basic concepts of Very basic electronics,
Internet of Things Politècnica preliminary electroncis for programming knowledge on computer-science
de course in which microcontrollers (digital, analog, electronics and
Valencia we deal with the PWM, communication buses, programming. We
basics of timers, etc.).To program Arduino work with a block
electronics and and ESP devicesTo read data programming tool to
programming from ambient and environmental develop programs,
Non- Non- Introductor using Arduino sensors (temperature, humidity, so everything has
self_paced 5 6 6 en-us and ESP boards. light)To control actuators such as been adapted for
Program Program y
a fan, a light or a water pump students with few
using a relayTo display programming skills.
information on LCD displays to
print data of your deviceTo use
buttons and LEDs (and RGB
LEDs) to generate a basic user
Introduction to video Universitat Learn to develop In this introductory video game Almost any student computer-science
game development Politècnica multiplatform development course with Unity with basic
with Unity de videogames you will learn in a practical way programming
Valencia using one of the with numerous examples that will knowledge can
most popular guide you step by step:Getting to follow the course.
tools on the know the Unity interfaceWhat the The examples will
market, the Unity fundamental elements of the Unity be developed with
game engine. engine areTo develop your first C# and a brief
games introduction to the
Non- Non- Intermediat language will also
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us be part of the
Program Program e
contents. If you
have basic previous
knowledge in
programming you
will not have big
problems in
following the course.

IT Fundamentals for Universitat Working with In this course you will learn Basic knowledge of computer-science
Business Politècnica IT Information about:The effects of ICT in Internet and
Professionals: de Fundament Technology (IT) processes such as globalization, e- computers.
Cybersecurity and Valencia als for without the commerce, business strategy, Knowledge of
social implications Business necessary competition and outsourcing, mathematics at
Profession background? among othersCybersecurity High School level is
Profession als Learn about concepts related to intellectual assumed.
al Preparing Introductor cybersecurity, property, privacy, hackers; threats
self_paced 3 6 3 en-gb
Certificate for CLEP y careers, and and how to defend us against
XSeries Information social them.The phenomenon of Web
Systems implications of IT 2.0 and social networksThe
and different professional careers that
Computer can be chosen in the world of IT
s Exam

IT Fundamentals for Universitat Working with In this course you'll learn: Basic computer-science
Business Politècnica IT Information Fundamentals of office packages understanding of
Professionals: de Fundament Technology (IT) (word processor, spreadsheet, internet and
Enterprise Systems Valencia als for without the presentations and database computers.Knowled
Business necessary manager)The basic technical ge of arithmetic and
Profession background? aspects of e-mail and conference mathematics of a
Profession als Learn the systems.Operating System traditional first-year
al Preparing Introductor fundamentals of fundamentalsOperation of web high school algebra
self_paced 3 6 4 en-gb
Certificate for CLEP y Information browsers and Internet course is assumed.
XSeries Information Systems in a technologiesBasic description of
Systems corporate various business applications
and environment (Business Intelligence, ERP,
Computer CRM, GIS, SCM, DMS, EDI ....)
s Exam
IT Fundamentals for Universitat Working with You will learn about:Computer Basic knowledge of computer-science
Business Politècnica Preparing Information peripherals and Internet and
Professionals: de for CLEP Technology (IT) telecommunications and network computers.Knowled
Hardware Valencia Information without the devicesFunctions carried out by ge of mathematics
Systems necessary computer hardware, at High School level
and background? communications hardware and is assumed.
XSeries Computer Learn the network hardwareClient /server
Profession Application Introductor fundamentals of architecturesWireless
self_paced 3 6 4 en-us
al s Exam y hardware in communication devices (mobile,
Certificate IT Information satellite, GPS)Digital
Fundament Systems representation of information (text,
als for numbers, multimedia) and use of
Business the binary systemLocal and
Profession Enterprise Area Network
als Architectures
IT Fundamentals for Universitat Working with You will learn about:The syntax Basic knowledge of computer-science
Business Politècnica Information and programming structures Internet and
Professionals: de Preparing Technology (IT) (pseudo code)The logic behind computers.Knowled
Programming Valencia for CLEP without the the creation of computer ge of mathematics
Information necessary programsHow Object-Oriented at High School level
Systems background? Programming worksThe most is assumed.
and Learn the important types and data
XSeries Computer fundamentals of structuresWhat are the most
Profession Application Introductor software common file typesHow databases
self_paced 3 6 4 en-gb
al s Exam y programming are managedThe bases of the
Certificate IT SQL languageWhat are data
Fundament warehousing and data
als for miningBasics of web technologies
Business (HTML, XML, CSS,
Profession javascript)Basic design and
als analysis guidelines in web pages

IT Fundamentals for Universitat Working with You will learn about:Tools and Basic knowledge of computer-science
Business Politècnica IT Information methods for software Internet and
Professionals: de Fundament Technology (IT) developmentConcepts about the computers.
Software Valencia als for without the life cycle in systems Knowledge of
development Business necessary development.Roles and functions mathematics at
Profession background? in the management of software High School level is
Profession als Learn the projectsDifferent methods for the assumed.
al Preparing Introductor fundamentals of processing of information (lots,
self_paced 3 6 3 en-us
Certificate for CLEP y software real time ...)Design of user
XSeries Information development interfaces.Development and
Systems motivation of standards in
and software.
s Exam
Liderazgo para Universitat Conoce los • A enumerar y definir los estilos Ninguno business-
mandos intermedios Politècnica diferentes estilos de liderazgo organizacional • A management
de de liderazgo, proponer ejemplos de
Valencia aprende a ser un comportamientos de líder• A
Liderazgo líder eficaz y distinguir los modelos de liderazgo
y trabajo establece un plan Hersey y Blanchard vs Vroom,
en equipo personal para Yetton y Jago• A aplicar los
MicroMast en grupos mejorar tus modelos a casos de ejemplo y a
ers de mejora habilidades elegir el modelo más apropiado• A
Profession continua self_paced 4 5 6 es-es blandas y diagnosticar tu flexibilidad y
al Habilidade convertirte en un acierto en la elección de estilos de
Certificate s gran líder. liderazgo empresarial • A describir
esenciales las características de los
de seguidores y las
Liderazgo diferentessituaciones•Conocerás
las habilidades necesarias para
ser un buen líder

Materiales Universitat Aprende sobre En este curso online te formarás Los conocimientos engineering
avanzados en Politècnica los materiales en las tecnologías que subyacen que se
ingeniería derivados de avanzados en las altas prestaciones de estos recomiendan para
de laminados Valencia derivados de materiales y, además, aprenderás un correcto
compuestos laminados a realizar diseños de seguimiento son los
compuestos más piezas/componentes/ensamblajes siguientes:Fundame
utilizados en la de ingeniería con el empleo de ntos básicos de
actualidad en estos materiales, utilizando la Ciencia de
deportes de plataforma SolidWorks.Los Materiales.Propieda
competición, en módulos te irán guiando paso a des elásticas
la industria paso hasta que tengas amplios (módulos) y
automovilística y conocimientos sobre diseño y resistentes
naval, la utilización con materiales (tensiones de
Non- Non- Intermediat aeronáutica, la compuestos. Entre otros rotura) de
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program e medicina, la aspectos, este curso te materiales.Conversi
construcción y la proporcionará los cimientos ón de expresiones
ingeniería por su para:Entender la estructura y paramétricas a
ligereza y funciones de cada componente en matriciales. Nivel
propiedades un material compuesto.Entender básico.Conceptos
excepcionales, las particularidades de cálculo en básicos de CAD,
como la fibra de materiales anisotrópicos.Utilizar CAE.
carbono o las modelos micromecánicos para
fibras de estimar propiedades de
aramidas. compuestos.Llevar a cabo análisis
de materiales compuestos
mediante Teoría Clásica con
software eLamX.Implementar el
uso de laminados de material
Measure and Universitat Learnto measure How to define the innovation None business-
Improve Innovation Politècnica and encourage model and describe its management
at the Workplace de yourcorporate componentsThe relationships
Valencia innovation between innovation
competences componentsExamples of
with this innovative behaviorSelf-diagnosis
Non- Non- Intermediat specialized of innovation competencesHow to
self_paced 3 4 6 en-gb
Program Program e analysis model. evaluate other people's innovation
competencesHow to design a plan
to improve the competence
ofone's own innovation or that of
other people

Microcápsulas: Universitat ¿Quieres En este curso conocerás los No se necesitan chemistry

Aplicación y Politècnica aprender como distintos mecanismos de conocimientos
Caracterización de incorporar atrapamiento de principios activos previos en textil.
Valencia Non- Non- Introductor nuevas y se profundizará en las
self_paced 3 4 4 es-es propiedades a los microcápsulas, su aplicación
Program Program y
tejidos mediante tomando como ejemplo
la adición de superficies textiles y su posterior
microcápsulas? caracterización.
Métodos numéricos Universitat En este curso en Distintos modelos Para seguir el curso math, engineering
para matemáticas Politècnica línea se hace una diferencialesResolución de es necesario tener
con Octave de introducción a sistemas lineales mediante los conocimientos
Valencia diferentes temas métodos directosResolución de básicos de cálculo,
relacionados con sistemas lineales mediante álgebra lineal y
la resolución métodos ecuaciones
Non- Non- Intermediat numérica de iterativosInterpolaciónDerivación e diferenciales
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program e ecuaciones integración numéricaMétodos correspondientes a
diferenciales básicos para la resolución de los primeros cursos
ordinarias. problemas de valor inicialMétodos de un grado en
predictor-corrector y tratamiento ciencias o
de las ecuaciones rígidas ingeniería.

ODS en la Agenda Universitat Conoce los retos Este curso es una introducción a No se necesitan social-sciences
2030 de las Politècnica de los 17 la Agenda 2030 y a los 17 ODS en conocimientos
Naciones Unidas: de Objetivos de el que se trabajarán los siguientes previos. Es curso
Retos de los Valencia Desarrollo temas: Los retos de la Agenda introductorio, por lo
Objetivos de Sostenible (ODS) 2030La cooperación al desarrollo que cualquier
Desarrollo de la Agenda en el nuevo panorama persona interesada
Sostenible Non- Non- Introductor 2030 de la ONU internacionalLa ética del en el desarrollo
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es en el panorama desarrollo ante los retos sostenible o en la
Program Program y
actual de la globalesLa Gobernanza local y cooperación al
cooperación al global para la consecución de la desarrollo puede
desarrollo. AgendaLos logros, desafíos y cursarlo.
primeros pasos en la
implementación de los ODS para
lograr la sustentabilidad global
Python: Aprender a Universitat Aprende a Aprenderás los conceptos básicos Para seguir este computer-science
programar Politècnica programar con de programación y a curso basta con
de Python desde desarrollarlos en el lenguaje tener ganas de
Valencia cero. Comienza Python.Conocerás:Qué es un aprender a
conociendo programa y por qué merece la programar.
variables, bucles pena aprender a programar, las
y funciones y ventajas del lenguaje Python,
llega a manejar cómo instalarlo y cómo utilizarloLa
ficheros de texto. plataforma Anaconda, los Jupyter
Labs y el entorno de desarrollo
SpyderLas variables, expresiones
y operadores lógicos en
PythonLas distintas formas de
Non- Non- Introductor ejecución de un programa,
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
Program Program y secuencial, condicional e iterativa
y los comandos Python para
implementarlas: if, for y whileLas
funciones como herramienta para
reutilizar código y su extensión,
los módulos y los paquetesComo
trabajar con cadenas de texto en
Python y qué son los códigos de
caracteresComo leer y escribir en
ficheros de texto en Python y
manejar de forma adecuada los
códigos de caracteres

Python: aprender a Universitat Aprende a Aprenderás los conceptos básicos Para seguir este computer-science
programar Politècnica programar con de programación y a curso basta con
de Python desde desarrollarlos en el lenguaje tener ganas de
Valencia cero. Comienza Python.Conocerás:Qué es un aprender a
conociendo programa y por qué merece la programar.
variables, bucles pena aprender a programar, las
y funciones y ventajas del lenguaje Python,
llega a manejar cómo instalarlo y cómo utilizarloLa
ficheros de texto. plataforma Anaconda, los Jupyter
Labs y el entorno de desarrollo
SpyderLas variables, expresiones
y operadores lógicos en
PythonLas distintas formas de
Non- Non- Introductor ejecución de un programa,
self_paced 3 4 8 es-es
Program Program y secuencial, condicional e iterativa
y los comandos Python para
implementarlas: if, for y whileLas
funciones como herramienta para
reutilizar código y su extensión,
los módulos y los paquetesComo
trabajar con cadenas de texto en
Python y qué son los códigos de
caracteresComo leer y escribir en
ficheros de texto en Python y
manejar de forma adecuada los
códigos de caracteres
Radio para internet Universitat Aprende a crear Conocer los conceptos básicos Tan solo communication
con Podcast: Politècnica emisoras de radio con ejemplos reales de radio en motivación, ganas
creación y de para Internet con línea con Podcast.Saber qué de aprender y poner
conceptos básicos Valencia Podcast, podrás materiales necesitamos, tanto rápidamente en
dotar a cada una recursos físicos como práctica el proyecto
de ellas de una aplicacionesConseguir ideas para personal o
señal de hacer atractivos los contenidos colectivo. Basta con
identidad acorde que queramos transmitir en una una mínima
Non- Non- Introductor con tu finalidad, y radio onlineAprender a hacer el familiarización con
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es el alcance es desglose de actividades para la navegación por
Program Program y
mundial, a través planificar nuestras internet y de
de la red, emisionesConoceremos las manejo de
pudiendo tener funcionalidades básicas de un ordenador.
seguidores en editor de sonidoSaber cómo
cualquier denominar, almacenar, publicar,
continente. difundir nuestros programas de

Reacciones de Universitat En este curso Aprenderás a reconocer las Para seguir este chemistry
oxidación-reducción: Politècnica online reacciones rédox y a relacionar el curso se necesita
conceptos básicos de reconocerás las caracter oxidante o reductor de interés por conocer
Valencia reacciones rédox, distintas especies en base a su el mundo de la
su ajuste y sus comportamientoEstudiarás el Química y se
cálculos ajuste de las reacciones rédox y recomienda tener
estequiométricos, sus cálculos ciertas nociones
comprenderás el estequiométricosComprenderás el sobre las formas de
funcionamiento funcionamiento de las celdas expresar la
de las celdas electroquímicas, basado en la concentración,
Fundament electroquímicas y espontaneidad de los procesos cálculos
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 5 es-es los conceptos que en ellas ocurren, y los estequiométricos y
Química más importantes conceptos más importantes conceptos
relacionados con relacionados con las celdas generales del
las celdas electrolíticasAdquirirás las equilibrio químico.
electrolíticas. habilidades necesarias para Si quieres aprender
identificar los procesos rédox y los o repasar estos
aspectos generales de sus conceptos puedes
aplicaciones seguir los cursos
que se ofertan
también en edX.
Reacciones Universitat Aprenderás los Aprenderás los conceptos básicos Para seguir este chemistry
Químicas y Cálculos Politècnica conceptos relacionados con las reacciones curso necesitas
Estequiométricos de básicos de las químicasProfundizarás en su tener inquietud por
Valencia reacciones estudio desde el punto de vista conocer el mundo
químicas y cuantitativo, es decir su de la Química. Se
profundizarás en estequiometríaEntenderás el recomienda saber
su estudio comportamiento de los gases y formular y nombrar
Fundament cuantitativo las disolucionesAplicarás las leyes los compuestos
Introductor (estequiometría). que regulan su comportamiento químicos
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
y en los procesos químicos en los inorgánicos y
que participanEn definitiva, orgánicos.
adquirirás las habilidades
necesarias para realizar todo tipo
de cálculos estequiométricos con
las ecuaciones químicas.

Reacciones rédox Universitat Las reacciones Una mejor comprensión de las Calculos chemistry
en la industria y la Politècnica de oxidación- reacciones de oxidación- estequiométricos
naturaleza de reducción son de reducción a través de sus básicos, concepto
Valencia las reacciones aplicacionesLa separación de una general de equilibrio
más frecuentes reaccion rédox en dos semiceldas químico y
en el mundo que (pilas)Los distintos tipos de pilas, conceptos básicos
nos rodea. En el tanto recargables como no de las reacciones
curso en línea las recargablesDiferencias entre pilas de oxidación-
conocerás a de litio o de hidrógeno como reducción
traves de algunas alimentación en vehículos
de sus eléctricosEl fundamento de los
Introductor aplicaciones más fenómenos de electrólisis y su uso
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
y comunes, como en diferentes aplicacionesEl
las pilas, las fenómeno de la corrosión como
baterías o la causa del deterioro de
forma de prevenir infraestructuras y maquinariasLa
la corrosión. interpretación de los procesos de
respiración y fotosíntesis como
reacciones rédoxEl ciclo en la
naturaleza de elementos tan
importantes como el nitrógeno y el

Redes de difracción Universitat Aprende sobre Fundamentos de redes de Este curso requiere electronics
en comunicaciones Politècnica las redes de difracción sobre fibra conocimientos
ópticas de difracción sobre ópticaAnálisis y diseño de redes básicos de
Valencia fibra en de difracciónAplicaciones en propagación de
comunicaciones y telecomunicaciones y en sensores ondas y de
sensores y el tratamiento de
Non- Non- funcionamiento señales así como
self_paced Advanced 4 5 5 es-es
Program Program de las redes de de matemáticas a
difracción más un nivel equivalente
comunes. a los primeros
cursos de un grado
Sales: reacciones Universitat Avanzando en el Estudiar los equilibrios en que Sería conveniente chemistry
químicas y Politècnica conocimiento de intervienen salesEntender los haber seguido los
aplicaciones de las sustancias equilibrios de hidrólisisCalcular cursos Reacciones
Valencia que modifican la qué pH podemos esperar de estas Químicas y
Fundament acidez del medio, disolucionesEstudiar disoluciones Cálculos
Introductor este curso de más complejas (disoluciones Estequiométricos y
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 6 es-es
y química se amortiguadoras) Ácidos y bases.
dedica a estudiar Reacciones y
los equilibrios en aplicaciones,
que intervienen tambien ofertados
sales. en edX.
Sonido Espacial y 3D Universitat En este curso el Comprenderás como localizamos Estudiantes communication,
Politècnica alumno estudiará los sonidos en el plano universitarios TIC engineering,
de los principales horizontalEstudiarás la evolución así como perfiles electronics
Valencia sistemas de de los sistemas clásicos de sonido creativos en el
reproducción de envolventeComprenderás el mundo de la
Non- Non- Intermediat sonido espacial, panning en estéreo, en 5.1 y sus música, televisión o
self_paced 3 4 6 es-es como el 5.1, ecuacionesAprenderás como cine con
Program Program e
WFS o los funcionan los sistemas binaurales conocimientos
sistemas (Maniquí y síntesis básicos de
binaurales. HRTF)Entenderás qué es el tecnologías de
sistema Wave-Field Synthesis sonido

Soundcool: Módulos Universitat Aprende los A introducir imágenes o vídeos Se recomienda music, computer-
de vídeo y Politècnica conceptos bien desde archivos del ordenador haber cursado el science, art-culture
propuestas creativas de básicos para o desde la entrada de cámaraA MOOC Creación
Valencia poder usar la modificar las imágenes o vídeos musical con
Non- Non- Introductor parte introducidos con efectosA mezclar Soundcool:
self_paced 4 5 5 es-es correspondiente cualquier tipo de entradas de Introducción
Program Program y
a vídeo del imagen o vídeoA organizar un
sistema grupo de personas para crear un
Soundcool para proyecto colaborativo
Sustainability in Universitat musical y
This course How to evaluate the sustainability Basic engineering architecture
Architecture: An Politècnica introduces the performance of buildings from concepts on energy,
Interdisciplinary de Interdiscipli basic elements materialsWays to assess energy carbon footprint,
Introduction Valencia nary and trendsthat useHow to account for use of and materials
Sustainabl define urban infrastructureHow to create properties. An
e Intermediat sustainability a neighborhoodmodel adequate elementary
al self_paced 3 4 4 en-us
Architectur e practices in for analysisand urban policy background on
e Architecture assessment architecture and
Assessme today. Itfollows an urbanism is
nt interdisciplinary preferred.
approach that
Tecnología y Universitat Este curso online Comprender y describir la Fondo físico básico, health-safety
envejecimiento Politècnica está dirigido a disminución del rendimiento del conocimientos y
de cuidadores para envejecimiento y las funciones de habilidades
Valencia que adquieran el la vida diaria relacionados con la
conocimiento y la afectadasProporcionar salud y la asistencia
comprensión de tecnologías a las personas social y el apoyo de
las tecnologías mayores en funcion de sus las personas
que deben necesidades con respecto a mayores.
Non- Non- Introductor proporcionar a tareas o actividadesEvaluarla
self_paced 3 4 3 es-es
Program Program y las personas usabilidad de estas tecnologías
mayores en dirigidas a personas
función de sus mayoresEvaluar la satisfacción de
necesidades con las personas mayores con
respecto a tareas respecto a estas
y actividades. tecnologíasComprobar que las
tecnologías proporcionadas
coinciden con la persona

Técnicas Universitat El curso pretende Introducción de principios Para seguir este data-analysis-
Cuantitativas y Politècnica acercar al alumno estadísticos, econométricos y curso necesitas statistics
Cualitativas para la de al método metodológicos para la tener inquietud por
Investigación Valencia científico y, en investigaciónAnálisis completo de realizar
Non- Non- Intermediat concreto, cómo todas las etapas del proceso de investigación
self_paced 2 3 6 es-es éste se aplica al investigaciónAplicación del científica.
Program Program e
estudio y análisis método científico al estudio de los
de los métodos métodos de casosAplicación del
de casos. método científico al análisis de los
métodos de casos
Upper-Intermediate Universitat Learn how to Writing articles for Lower Intermediate language
English: Business Politècnica write letters, use magazinesWriting reportsUsing or Intermediate
and Globalization de Profession Upper- appropriate verb tenses in contextVocabulary level of English
Valencia Intermediat verbal tenses and and grammarListening and
al Intermediat self_paced 3 5 4 en-gb
e enhance your speaking in English
Certificate e English
vocabulary and
Upper-Intermediate Universitat grammar,
Take your all Writing informal and formal letters Lower Intermediate language
English: Business Politècnica English language in EnglishUsing English verbal or Intermediate
and Industry de skills to the next tenses in contextEnglish level of English
Valencia Profession Upper- level. Learn how vocabulary and grammarListening
Intermediat to write letters, and speaking in English
al Intermediat self_paced 3 5 4 en-gb
e use appropriate
Certificate e English
verbal tenses and
enhance your
vocabulary and
Upper-Intermediate Universitat grammar,your
Advance all Writing informal and formal Lower Intermediate language
English: Business Politècnica English language lettersUsing verb tenses in or Intermediate
and Modern Life de skills as you learn contextVocabulary and level of English
Valencia Profession Upper- how to rephrase grammarListening and speaking in
al Intermediat self_paced 3 5 4 en-gb sentences and EnglishSentence rephrasingHow
Certificate e English prepare for an to prepare for a job interview
interview. Topics
such as films,
sports, and
Upper-Intermediate Universitat Take your Writing a business planUsing Lower Intermediate language
English: Business Politècnica English language verbal tenses in or Intermediate
and Technology de skills to the next contextVocabulary and level of English
Valencia Profession Upper- level.We will grammarListening and speaking in
Intermediat discuss EnglishMaking comparisons
al Intermediat self_paced 3 5 4 en-gb
e technological
Certificate e English
innovations as
you enhance your
Valoración de Universitat vocabulary
Aprenderásand a En el curso aprenderás a utilizar Para seguir este business-
Futbolistas con el Politècnica utilizar el método herramientas que permiten curso debes management
Método AHP de AHP para seleccionar de una forma objetiva manejar Microsoft
Valencia seleccionar de el mejor jugador para una posición Excel a nivel de
forma objetiva el dada o estimar el valor del usuario y es
mejor jugador traspaso de un jugador utilizando conveniente tener
para una posición las cantidades pagadas por conocimientos
Non- Non- Introductor o estimar el valor jugadores similares en generales de
self_paced 3 4 3 es-es de su traspaso. operaciones recientes. matemáticas y
Program Program y
estadística, aunque
todos los conceptos
utilizados se
explican en el
momento de hacer
uso de ellos.

Word intermedio: Universitat Este curso en En este curso de informática Para seguir este computer-science
herramientas de Politècnica línea te permitira aprenderas a manejar las curso basta con
formato y de aumentar tu funciones menos intuitivas de tener unos
productividad Valencia rendimiento y Word y las diversas opciones que conocimientos
productividad te ofrecen sus menusLos distintos minimos de manejo
usando Microsoft formatos de documentos, de procesador de
Word, una de las incluidas las plantillasLos atajos texto.
la herramienta de para seleccionar textoLas
procesamiento de opciones de formato y parrafo, los
Fundament texto mas usadas. estilos y su uso en la vista de
os de esquemaLas distintas vistas de
Microsoft Intermediat wordLa insercion de tablas,
al self_paced 4 5 6 es-es
Office e imagenes y ecuaciones con sus
para la diversas opcionesLa combinacion
empresa de correspondenciaEl manejo de
secciones para crear portadas,
encabezados y pies de pagina
distintosLas opciones del menu de
referencias, como las tablas de
contenido y de ilustracionesLas
opciones del menu revisar
Ácidos y bases: Universitat Los ácidos y las Identificar distintos compuestos Sería conveniente chemistry
reacciones químicas Politècnica bases son por su carácter ácido o haber seguido los
y aplicaciones de sustancias muy básicoEstudiar el concepto de pH, cursos Reacciones
Valencia comunes en el su determinación Químicas y
entorno cotidiano experimentalCalcular el pH en Cálculos
Fundament (vinagre, disoluciones acuosas de ácidos y Estequiométricos,
XSeries os de self_paced 3 4 3 es-es bicarbonato, basesComprender la formación de también ofertados
Química amoniaco, las salesComprender las en edX.
Aspirina®). En reacciones de hidrólisis de las
este curso se sales
relacionadas con
Entrepreneurial University Learn how to be Practical tools to evaluate None business-
Opportunities of Adelaide a successful entrepreneurial opportunities management,
entrepreneur by based on research of social-sciences,
understanding characteristics of exceptional economics-finance
how to evaluate opportunitiesHow to unlock your
Non- Non- Introductor business creativity and innovation to
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
Program Program y opportunities and generate entrepreneurial
ideas. ideasThe fundamentals of
successful entrepreneurs,
entrepreneurial teams and how
entrepreneurs access resources
Essential Human University An introduction to Knowledge of structure and No formal medicine, biology-
Biology: Cells and of Adelaide the human body's function of human cells and prerequisites are life-sciences,
Tissues most fundamental tissues.Understanding of basic required however a science
Non- Non- Introductor building blocks human anatomy and basic understanding
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
Program Program y and their physiology.Preparation for study of of biology may be
behaviours in health sciences and careers in useful.
health and health. *
Human Reproduction University disease.
Let’s talk about Structure and function of the male biology-life-
of Adelaide all things relating and female reproductive sciences
to human systemsRegulation of reproductive
reproduction - processes and cyclesCommon
from puberty to reproductive disordersMethods of
Non- Non- Intermediat menopause, to contraception and assisted
self_paced 2 3 6 en-au
Program Program e fertility and reproductionReal world application
contraception. of cutting-edge research in
reproductive medicine.

Introduction to University Learn the Core knowledge and applied skills None business-
Project Management of Adelaide principles of in project managementEssential management,
project communication skills to help you engineering,
Non- Non- Introductor management and manage a projectAn economics-finance
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y apply them in understanding of why today’s
your own work projects are more complex
and life.
Language Revival: University Learn how the In this course, you willExplore communication,
Securing the Future of Adelaide world’s connections between language humanities, social-
of Endangered endangered and identity.Understand the sciences
Languages Non- Non- Introductor languages are impact of language loss on people
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us
Program Program y revived and why around the world.Examine what is
this process is being done to revive languages
critical to today.
Managing Addiction: University preserving
Understand how Framework for pathways to A background in medicine, biology-
A Framework for of Adelaide to recognize recoveryHow to identify people at healthcare may be life-sciences,
Successful addiction and to risk of addictionApplied helpful prior to health-safety
Treatment Non- Non- Introductor match a person understanding of intervention and taking this course,
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us with alcohol and treatment options but there are no
Program Program y
other drug formal prerequisites.
problems to
treatment using a
MathTrackX: University full range of
Discover How derivatives relate to the slope math
Differential Calculus of Adelaide concepts and of a functionHow to calculate the
techniques derivative of polynomials and
relating to special functionsDifferentiation
differentiation and rules for evaluating the derivative
MathTrack Introductor how they can be of non-trivial functionsThe concept
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us applied to solve and application of ‘the second
X y
real world derivative’How to use
problems. differentiation to solve problems in
basic motion, mechanics and

MathTrackX: University Discover The concept of anti-derivative as math

Integral Calculus of Adelaide concepts and the reverse of differentiationHow
techniques to calculate the anti-derivative of
relating to polynomials and special
MathTrack Introductor integration and functionsHow to calculate definite
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us how they can be integrals and their relation to areas
X y
applied to solve under graphsApplications of
real world integration to calculating areas
problems. and solving problems in
MathTrackX: University Develop an Algebra and arithmeticBasic math
Polynomials, of Adelaide understanding of vocabulary for sets of real
Functions and polynomials, numbersBasic concepts of
Graphs MathTrack Introductor functions and functionsUnderstanding and
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us graphs and how graphing polynomialsMathematical
X y
these build the problem solving
foundation for
more complex
MathTrackX: University Understand How to understand and interpret math
Probability of Adelaide probability and probabilities depending on the
how it manifests contextThe difference between a
in the world discrete random variable and a
around us. continuous random variableHow
to calculate probabilities for a
range of everyday scenariosHow
MathTrack Introductor to calculate the expected value,
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us
X y variance and standard deviation of
random variablesThe effects of
linear changes of scale and origin
on the mean and the standard
deviationHow to calculate
quantiles of normal distribution.

MathTrackX: University Understand Properties and graphing of math

Special Functions of Adelaide trigonometric, trigonometric functions including
exponential and sine, cosine and
MathTrack Introductor logarithmic tangentExponential and
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us
X y functions and logarithmic functionsApplication of
how they can be trigonometric, exponential and
applied in the real logarithmic functions.
MathTrackX: University world.
Understand The concept of a random sample, math
Statistics of Adelaide fundamental sources of bias in samples, and
concepts relating procedures to ensure
to statistical randomnessThe concept of the
inference and sample proportion as a random
how they can be variableThe approximate normality
MathTrack Introductor applied to solve of the distribution of proportions
XSeries self_paced 3 6 4 en-us real world for large samples The concept of
X y
problems. an interval estimates for a
parameter associated with a
random variableHow to define the
approximate margin of error for

Music Technology University Learn how to use How to produce and record your None computer-science,
Foundations of Adelaide creative own musicHistory, theory and art-culture, music
technologies to practice of music
Non- Non- Introductor make your own technologySound, audio, MIDI,
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y music and get a effects and sequencingHands-on
step closer to a practice with music-making using
career in music. contemporary digital tools
Risk Management University Learn how to How the risk management None. business-
for Projects of Adelaide manage risk in process works as part of a management
your organization compliance frameworkUse of
by using the best frameworks to identify, assess and
processes and analyse risks in a business
procedures. contextApplication of appropriate
Non- Non- Introductor risk responsesDesign and
self_paced 2 3 5 en-us integration strategies for reporting
Program Program y
and communicating risks to
various stakeholdersUse of a
monitor and review process, and
application of risk management as
an iterative process

Shakespeare University Learn about Why Shakespeare still matters, all None humanities,
Matters of Adelaide Shakespeare’s through a focus on emotionsIdeas literature
plays and their and techniques that will help you
Non- Non- Introductor influence through understand as well as enjoy
self_paced 3 5 5 en-au a focus on Shakespeare’s playsHow to
Program Program y
emotions such as understand and appreciate
love, hate, and Shakespeare’s language and its
jealousy. power
Understanding University Learn about the How to recognize the business-
Agribusiness, Value of Adelaide dynamic business characteristics of Global Food management,
Chains, and of food and SystemsThe multiple variables economics-
Consumers in agriculture, impacting Global Food finance, food-
Global Food exploring value SystemsHow to identify value nutrition
Systems chain thinking chain thinking and how it differs
and the role from supply chain thinkingThe
consumers play characteristics of agri-food
in our rapidly markets, what influences their
evolving food supply and demand, and what
systems. sets them apart from other
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 2 3 4 en-au marketsThe roleplayed by external
Program Program e
factors such as population and
income growth, globalization,
climate change, technology, and
international tradein global food
systems, agribusiness and value
chainsHow to recognize the role
the consumer plays in the food
system, markets, and value chains
World of Wine: University Learn about the Evaluate and communicate the None science,
From Grape to Glass of Adelaide principles and various sensory attributes of wine chemistry, food-
practices of how using formal descriptive nutrition
grapes are grown languageExplain the structure,
and wine is growth and development of
Non- Non- Introductor made. Whether grapevines and objectives of
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y you’re a wine different vineyard management
novice or a practicesContrast the different
seasoned winemaking techniques employed
oenophile, you’ll in the production of different styles
learn to of wine
Arctic Security University This course Develop an introductory None, however, an social-sciences,
Fundamentals of Alaska explores the understanding of how the interest in history,
Fairbanks present-day environment and people interact international environmental-
security situation throughout the Arctic region relations and studies
of the Arctic Define basic regional and defense is ideal.
through a focus international diplomacy
on the key organizations, purposes and how
Non- Non- Intermediat stakeholders priority non-emergency issues are
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us responsible for managedDevelop an
Program Program e
diplomacy and understanding of identifying and
defense. managing regional security
through cooperation and
competitionDefine the current
regional defense disposition and
potential future developments in
the Arctic
One Health: A Ten University Explore the Students who complete this No particular major health-safety,
Thousand Year-Old of Alaska connectedness of course will:Have a solid or coursework environmental-
View into the Future Fairbanks people, animals, understanding of the One Health required as this is studies, social-
and the conceptBe able to identify how an interdisciplinary sciences
environment One Health can provide a lens course.This course
through this through which to view a variety of is open to all
unique approach challenging situations in human, studentsThose with
to One Health animal, and environmental a minimum of a
that connects healthExplain how the One Health High School
traditional ways of approach can lead to sustainable science background
knowing with the solutions to critical issues facing will get more from
natural and social communities in the Circumpolar the course
sciences. North and beyondStudents will offeringsWe are
Non- Non- Intermediat Combine also:Explain the One Health seeking
self_paced 5 7 8 en-us
Program Program e Western and paradigm, particularly as it relates participation from
Indigenous to the Circumpolar NorthDescribe diverse groups of
knowledge to the ten thousand-year history of students as the
form a holistic One HealthExplore more varied their
understanding of interrelationships between human, background, the
the future of life in animal, and environmental more widespread
the Circumpolar healthProvide examples of and interesting the
North. challenges best addressed discussions will be.
through the One Health
paradigmExplain why previous
approaches to problem-solving
have failedDifferentiate between
reductionist and constructionist
approaches to problem solving
One Health: A Ten University Explore the Students who complete this No particular major health-safety,
Thousand Year-Old of Alaska connectedness of course will:Have a solid or coursework environmental-
View into the Future Fairbanks people, animals, understanding of the One Health required as this is studies, social-
and the conceptBe able to identify how an interdisciplinary sciences
environment One Health can provide a lens course.This course
through this through which to view a variety of is open to all
unique approach challenging situations in human, studentsThose with
to One Health animal, and environmental a minimum of a
that connects healthExplain how the One Health High School
traditional ways of
approach can lead to sustainable science background
knowing with the solutions to critical issues facing will get more from
natural and socialcommunities in the Circumpolar the course
sciences. North and beyondStudents will offeringsWe are
Non- Non- Intermediat Combine also:Explain the One Health seeking
self_paced 5 7 8 en-us
Program Program e Western and paradigm, particularly as it relates participation from
Indigenous to the Circumpolar NorthDescribe diverse groups of
knowledge to the ten thousand-year history of students as the
form a holistic One HealthExplore more varied their
understanding of interrelationships between human, background, the
the future of life in
animal, and environmental more widespread
the Circumpolar healthProvide examples of and interesting the
North. challenges best addressed discussions will be.
through the One Health
paradigmExplain why previous
approaches to problem-solving
have failedDifferentiate between
reductionist and constructionist
approaches to problem solving
Remote Sensing of University Learn how What climate conditions lead to None. environmental-
Wildfires of Alaska satellite imagery wildfires in AlaskaHow wildfires studies, physics,
Fairbanks and the science are managed in AlaskaHow fire health-safety
of remote sensing impacts people, environment,
allows us to ecosystems, and wildlifeHow
detect wildfires, remote-sensing science
Non- Non- Introductor help manage worksHow remote sensing is used
self_paced 3 5 4 en-us their spread, and for detecting wildfires, monitoring
Program Program y
guide ecological their spread, and assessing fire
restoration. impactsHow remote sensing
supports fire management
decisionsHow to locate wildfire
remote-sensing data and
geospatial products
Remote Sensing of University Learn how What climate conditions lead to None. environmental-
Wildfires of Alaska satellite imagery wildfires in AlaskaHow wildfires studies, physics,
Fairbanks and the science are managed in AlaskaHow fire health-safety
of remote sensing impacts people, environment,
allows us to ecosystems, and wildlifeHow
detect wildfires, remote-sensing science
Non- Non- Introductor help manage worksHow remote sensing is used
self_paced 3 5 4 en-us their spread, and for detecting wildfires, monitoring
Program Program y
guide ecological their spread, and assessing fire
restoration. impactsHow remote sensing
supports fire management
decisionsHow to locate wildfire
remote-sensing data and
geospatial products
Sales in Sport University As a successful Apply the sales processApply data Completion of business-
Business of Alaska sales executive, decision making techniques as it SPRT1x Sport management,
Fairbanks you can help fans relates to salesDescribe and apply Management economics-
become part of commonly used sales Foundations is finance, data-
Sport the experience, tacticsIdentify commonly used recommended. analysis-statistics
Profession both in the terms in sales including but not
Business Introductor
al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us stadium and out. limited to the core sport product,
Manageme y
Certificate Learn key sales CRM, B2B, B2C, Sales Funnel
and revenue and objections
strategies from
within the sports
Sport Analytics: University In sports, gut Identify concepts in sport Completion of business-
Data Driven of Alaska instincts are great analytics.Understand the benefits SPRT1x Sport management,
Decision Making Fairbanks but data analytics and objectives of sport Management data-analysis-
are necessary. analytics.Discuss the impact of Foundations is statistics,
Sport Learn how to use analytics on sport.Demonstrate recommended. economics-finance
Profession data, facts, and insight on the strategies and
Business Introductor
al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us metrics to identify concepts of sport analytics.
Manageme y
Certificate problems, make
decisions and
solutions to guide
Sport Business University Kick off your Compare and contrast skills in None. business-
Foundations of Alaska career in sport various segments of the sport management,
Fairbanks management. industry.Identify common places economics-
This course where students can find jobs in finance, data-
explores the the sport industry.Apply analysis-statistics
Sport variety of career networking and professional
Profession pathways within development techniques for
Business Introductor
al self_paced 3 5 4 en-us sport breaking into the sport
Manageme y
Certificate management and management field.Discuss future
will help you trends in the sport industry
identify your
Discover real job
opportunities and
Synthetic Aperture University The first MOOC Participants in this course will General proficiency energy-earth-
Radar: Hazards of Alaska about Synthetic develop the following in GISFor verified sciences, data-
Fairbanks Aperture Radar skills:Intuitive understanding of track: Basic analysis-statistics,
(SAR) remote SAR image and phase information knowledge in physics
sensing for Understanding the properties of Python
disaster different SAR sensor typesAbility programmingARSET
monitoring. Learn to pick the optimal sensor for your Level-0 Training
about weather applicationCreation of RGB color “Fundamentals of
Non- Non- Intermediat and illumination- visualizations from images Remote Sensing” or
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us independent SAR acquired at different times or in equivalentARSET
Program Program e
remote sensing different polarizationsUse of SAR Level-1 Training
technology, and images to map hazards such as “Fundamentals of
explore its flooding and deforestationUse of Imaging Radar” or
applications to interferometric SAR techniques to equivalent
natural hazards measure cm-scale surface
including deformation related to volcanic
earthquakes, activity and landslides
eruptions, and
Synthetic Aperture University The first MOOC Participants in this course will General proficiency energy-earth-
Radar: Hazards of Alaska about Synthetic develop the following in GISFor verified sciences, data-
Fairbanks Aperture Radar skills:Intuitive understanding of track: Basic analysis-statistics,
(SAR) remote SAR image and phase information knowledge in physics
sensing for Understanding the properties of Python
disaster different SAR sensor typesAbility programmingARSET
monitoring. Learn to pick the optimal sensor for your Level-0 Training
about weather applicationCreation of RGB color “Fundamentals of
Non- Non- Intermediat and illumination- visualizations from images Remote Sensing” or
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us independent SAR acquired at different times or in equivalentARSET
Program Program e
remote sensing different polarizationsUse of SAR Level-1 Training
technology, and images to map hazards such as “Fundamentals of
explore its flooding and deforestationUse of Imaging Radar” or
applications to interferometric SAR techniques to equivalent
natural hazards measure cm-scale surface
including deformation related to volcanic
earthquakes, activity and landslides
eruptions, and
Advanced Statistical University Extend your Exploratory data analysis and data math
Inference and of knowledge of visualisation using R.Multivariate
Modelling Using R Canterbury linear regression analysis using Generalised Linear
to the situations Models (GLMs): Binary response
where the (logistic regression) GLMPoisson
response variable counts GLMNominal categorical
is binary, a count, response (multinomial logistic
or categorical as GLM)Ordinal categorical response
Profession Statistical well as to (ordinal logistic GLM)Mixed effects
Intermediat hierarchical linear regression models.
al Analysis in self_paced 5 10 6 en-nz
e experimental set- Structure, assumptions,
Certificate R
up. diagnostics and interpretation.
Model selection.Basics of power
analysis (sample size evaluation)
and some thoughts on
experimental design and missing

Basics of Statistical University Learn why a Sample and population. Sampling The course requires math
Inference and of statistical method distribution. Parameter estimates a good
Modelling Using R Canterbury works, how to and confidence intervals.Central understanding of
implement it Limit TheoremHypothesis Testing. basic algebra,
using R and P-values. Standard tests: t-test, logarithms and
when to apply it the test of binomial proportions, exponential
and where to look Chi-squared test. Statistical and functions, the
if the particular Practical Significance.Exploratory equation of a
statistical method data analysis and data straight line, basic
is not applicable visualisation using R.Analysis of concepts of
in the specific Variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc probability,
situation. tests using R.Multivariate analysis continuous and
Profession Statistical using linear regression and discrete random
Intermediat analysis of variance with variables,
al Analysis in self_paced 5 10 6 en-us
e covariates (ANCOVA). distributions,
Certificate R
Assumptions, diagnostics, probability (density)
interpretation. Model comparison functions,
and selection.Numerical Methods: cumulative
The use of simulations, non- probability density
parametric bootstrap and functions,
permutation tests using expectation and
R.Identifying the research variance and basic
question.Experimental design sample statistics.If
(basics of power analysis) and you have never
missing data. used R before, it is
also recommended
to go through the
chapters 1-7, and 9
Exploring Volcanoes University Experience the Describe why volcanoes erupt in energy-earth-
and Their Hazards: of science of Iceland and New Zealand.Use the sciences
Iceland and New Canterbury volcanology field skills of a volcanologist to
Zealand whilst learning describe volcanic rocks and
the skill set of a landscapes.Explain why different
volcanologist on volcano types have different
a virtual fieldtrip eruption hazards.Apply field data
to volcanoes in and historic eruption stories to
Non- Non- Introductor Iceland and New discuss volcanic hazard
self_paced 3 5 7 en-us
Program Program y Zealand. implications in different locations
in Iceland and New
Zealand.Evaluate a plan to drill
into a magma chamber, weigh up
the societal benefits such as
renewable geothermal energy and
better eruption prediction with
risks and costs.

Introducing Text University Learn the core 1. Construct applications using computer-science,
Analytics and of techniques of text unstructured data like news language, data-
Natural Language Canterbury analytics articles and tweets.2. Apply analysis-statistics
Processing with Profession Text alongside the machine learning classifiers to
Python al Analytics self_paced 3 6 6 en-us cognitive science categorize documents by content
Certificate with Python that makes it all and author.3. Assess the scientific
possible. and ethical foundations of text
Mental Health and University Learn what foods Rates of mental illness have been A science food-nutrition,
Nutrition of and nutrients on the rise over the last 50 years, background would biology-life-
Canterbury should and despite advances in medication be desirable, but is sciences, medicine
should not be and other therapies. Scientists not required.
consumed to have been discovering that what
improve mental we eat is affecting our mental
wellbeing and health. Completing this course will
explore the help you to:Understand how our
fundamental role food supply has
that nutrition changedRecognise the
plays in our components of food that are
mental health. relevant to mental healthDiscover
dietary patterns that maximize
Non- Non- Introductor nutrient densityConnect dietary
self_paced 2 6 8 en-nz
Program Program y choices to mental healthExamine
dietary advice and what is relevant
to better mental health
outcomesImplement simple ways
to improve your dietIdentify
individual and environmental
factors that influence the supply of
nutrients to the brainExplore the
recent paradigm shift of using
broad spectrum micronutrients to
address mental health
challengesUnderstand when
additional nutrients may be
necessary to alleviate mental
Smart Cities University Explore how New Understand how local City business-
of Zealand is using Councils in New Zealand are management
Canterbury technology and organising around the concept of
data to design ‘smart’ cities.Analyse the role of
sustainable smart stakeholders in development of
cities. smart citiesExamine governance
Non- Non- Intermediat challenges in smart citiesCritique
self_paced 3 4 6 en-nz
Program Program e the evolution of smart
societies.Articulate how Cities are
tackling community challenges in
smart citiesAssess the relevance
of global smart city practices to
local context
Smart Cities Aug University Explore how New Understand how local City business-
of Zealand is using Councils in New Zealand are management
Canterbury technology and organising around the concept of
data to design ‘smart’ cities.Analyse the role of
sustainable smart stakeholders in development of
cities. smart citiesExamine governance
Non- Non- Intermediat challenges in smart citiesCritique
self_paced 3 4 6 en-nz
Program Program e the evolution of smart
societies.Articulate how Cities are
tackling community challenges in
smart citiesAssess the relevance
of global smart city practices to
local context
Visualizing Text University Extend your Practice using document similarity computer-science,
Analytics and of knowledge of the and topic models to work with language, data-
Natural Language Canterbury core techniques large data sets.Visualize and analysis-statistics
Processing with Profession Text of text analytics interpret text analytics, including
Python Introductor by looking at how statistical significance
al Analytics self_paced 3 6 6 en-us
y to make sense of testing.Assess the scientific and
Certificate with Python
the output of ethical foundations of new
models. applications for text analysis.
Drones and University Learn the latest Classification of disaster types None science,
Autonomous of applications of according to hazard origin - engineering,
Systems 2: Maryland unmanned aerial natural, such as storms and health-safety
Applications in Global systems (UAS) in flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis,
Emergency Campus emergency volcanic eruption, flooding,
Management University management, wildfires, drought, epidemics;
System of public safety, and human-induced, such as criminal,
Maryland industry, as well terrorist, active shooter and
as the potential accidental such as oil spills, train
risks UAS pose to derailment; and humanitarian
safety and disasters such as famine and
privacy. refugee/migration crises.Tasks
Drones and applications – forecasting,
and Intermediat command and control, disaster
al self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Autonomou e relief operations, structural
s Systems analysis, rescue and recovery,
and logistics.Customer sets –
governments (local, state, and
national levels), NGOs, private
contractors, defense, information
technology, transportation,
aeronautical, engineering and
construction, agriculture,
entrepreneurs, etc.Examination of
drone technologies used in
emergency preparedness and
response including platforms and
missions, power, propulsion,
Attending a University Improve your Create and deliver an ""elevator Intermediate level of language,
Networking Event of ability to meet pitch""Find a networking event you English language business-
Washingto new people. would like to attendMake small proficiency management,
n Learn to give an talkPrepare for and attend a communication
“elevator pitch” networking eventAdd at least one
Profession English for (speech) to new person to your network
al Business self_paced 3 5 8 en-us introduce yourself
Certificate Networking to new people
and to highlight
your key qualities.
connections with
people and use
Building a University Develop a set of By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity Toolkit of skills and be able to:Identify what tools and interest in
Washingto characteristics skills are necessary to form cybersecurity
n that expand today’s Professional Cybersecurity
beyond technical toolkit;Match appropriate tools to
Essentials proficiency to different purposes in the
Profession become a cybersecurity management
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us successful process;Synthesize insights
Cybersecur y
Certificate cybersecurity gained in course exploration of
professional. toolkit skill sets, working toward
self-evaluation of talents and
interests aligned to cybersecurity’s
array of roles
Building a University Develop a set of By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity Toolkit of skills and be able to:Identify what tools and interest in
Washingto characteristics skills are necessary to form cybersecurity
n that expand today’s Professional Cybersecurity
beyond technical toolkit;Match appropriate tools to
Essentials proficiency to different purposes in the
Profession become a cybersecurity management
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us successful process;Synthesize insights
Cybersecur y
Certificate cybersecurity gained in course exploration of
professional. toolkit skill sets, working toward
self-evaluation of talents and
interests aligned to cybersecurity’s
array of roles

Conducting an University This is the Research a person you would like Intermediate level of language,
Informational of capstone to interview using LinkedIn and English language business-
Interview Washingto networking other tools.Prepare for and proficiency management,
n course. Put all conduct an informational interview communication
the skills that you with someone you already know,
Profession English for have learned into and follow up with a thank-you
Introductor practice. You’ll note.Prepare for and conduct an
al Business self_paced 3 5 8 en-us
y introduce informational interview witha new
Certificate Networking
yourself, write contactFollow up with a thank-you
effective email, note.Share your lessons
highlight your learnedaboutinformational
best qualities, interviewsand networking
and conduct an
Cybersecurity: The University Learn about By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
CISO's View of cybersecurity be able to:Identify the four interest in
Washingto operations and domains of cybersecurity and the cybersecurity
n the role played by differences between their rules,
the Chief regulations, and desired
Essentials Information outcomes;Explain the role of the
of Introductor Security Officer CISO across all domains, and the
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
Cybersecur y (CISO) in the differences between CISO roles
ity industry. among the domains;Identify
cybersecurity specific tools for
their appropriate domains and

Cybersecurity: The University Learn about By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
CISO's View of cybersecurity be able to:Identify the four interest in
Washingto operations and domains of cybersecurity and the cybersecurity
n the role played by differences between their rules,
the Chief regulations, and desired
Essentials Information outcomes;Explain the role of the
of Introductor Security Officer CISO across all domains, and the
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
Cybersecur y (CISO) in the differences between CISO roles
ity industry. among the domains;Identify
cybersecurity specific tools for
their appropriate domains and
Finding Your University Learn about By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity of different career be able to:Understand a multitude interest in
Career Path Washingto pathways in of cybersecurity career path cybersecurity
n cybersecurity and opportunitiesApply problem-
complete a self- solving skills toward self-
assessment evaluation of compatibility with
project to better career pathwaysNarrow your
Essentials understand the exploration to the most compatible
Profession right path for you. job path(s) in cybersecurityAssess
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us knowledge, skills, and abilities in
Cybersecur y
Certificate relation to the specific (and
emerging) requirements for those
pathsDiscover and identify training
and other next steps needed to
satisfy requirements and meet
goals in cybersecurity pathways

Finding Your University Learn about By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity of different career be able to:Understand a multitude interest in
Career Path Washingto pathways in of cybersecurity career path cybersecurity
n cybersecurity and opportunitiesApply problem-
complete a self- solving skills toward self-
assessment evaluation of compatibility with
project to better career pathwaysNarrow your
Essentials understand the exploration to the most compatible
Profession right path for you. job path(s) in cybersecurityAssess
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us knowledge, skills, and abilities in
Cybersecur y
Certificate relation to the specific (and
emerging) requirements for those
pathsDiscover and identify training
and other next steps needed to
satisfy requirements and meet
goals in cybersecurity pathways

Internationalization: University Learn how a Project roles and responsibilities Knowledge of computer-science,
Creating Digital of digital product in internationalizationContent another language language, design
Content for the Washingto becomes world- development modelsBasics of text than English can be
World n ready: how does encoding, implementation of helpful but is not
Internation it need to be regional formats and required.Completion
Profession alization designed for directionalityUnderstanding of of the course
al and self_paced Advanced 2 5 4 en-us worldwide cultural sensitivity and geopolitical Introduction to
Certificate Localizatio release without considerationsPrinciples of Internationalization
n altering its code localizabilityQuality assurance for and Localization
for each market? internationalization recommended, but
Who needs to be not required.
involved in which
stages of the
Introduction to University An introduction to By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity of cybersecurity, be able toDefine and use key interest in
Washingto ideal for learners terms and concepts in the field of cybersecurity
n who are curious cybersecurity;Identify and
about the world of distinguish threat actors and their
Essentials Internet security motivations;Match appropriate
Profession and who want to types of controls to the actions of
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us be literate in the different threat actors;Describe the
Cybersecur y
Certificate field. differences and interactions
among international agencies
related to cybersecurity;Describe
at least two potential legal
challenges to cybersecurity in your
Introduction to University An introduction to By the end of this course, you will Curiosity and computer-science
Cybersecurity of cybersecurity, be able toDefine and use key interest in
Washingto ideal for learners terms and concepts in the field of cybersecurity
n who are curious cybersecurity;Identify and
about the world of distinguish threat actors and their
Essentials Internet security motivations;Match appropriate
Profession and who want to types of controls to the actions of
of Introductor
al self_paced 2 5 6 en-us be literate in the different threat actors;Describe the
Cybersecur y
Certificate field. differences and interactions
among international agencies
related to cybersecurity;Describe
at least two potential legal
challenges to cybersecurity in your
Introduction to University The first MOOC Basic conceptsThe case for Knowledge of computer-science,
Internationalization of to teach internationalization and another language language, design
and Localization Washingto internationalizatio localizationTypes of than English can be
n n and localization releasesDifferent localization helpful but is not
Internation end to end. Learn methodsThe history of required.
Profession alization how a digital localizationCurrent trends in the
al and self_paced Advanced 2 5 6 en-us product needs to industryRoles and responsibilities
Certificate Localizatio be designed to be in localizationSourcing models,
n world-ready and like in-house localization vs.
how it is getting outsourcingCross-group and
adapted to the intercultural communication
needs of all its
target markets.
Leadership and University Learn how to By the end of this course you will None. business-
Management for PM of develop effective be able to:Identify personal and management,
Practitioners in IT Washingto project performance competencies for computer-science
n management and project managementBuild a plan
leadership skills for developing required project
I.T. Project that are essential management
XSeries Manageme for successfully competenciesAnalyze how team
Profession nt Introductor guiding diverse or dynamics and culture can
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
al IT Project y distributed teams influence a projectLink
Certificate Manageme and projects. organizational change
nt management to customer service
and delivery
readinessComprehend strategies
for managing distributed team
Leadership and University Learn how to By the end of this course you will None. business-
Management for PM of develop effective be able to:Identify personal and management,
Practitioners in IT Washingto project performance competencies for computer-science
n management and project managementBuild a plan
leadership skills for developing required project
I.T. Project that are essential management
XSeries Manageme for successfully competenciesAnalyze how team
Profession nt Introductor guiding diverse or dynamics and culture can
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
al IT Project y distributed teams influence a projectLink
Certificate Manageme and projects. organizational change
nt management to customer service
and delivery
readinessComprehend strategies
for managing distributed team
Localization: University Learn what it Setting up and managing Knowledge of computer-science,
Adapting Digital of takes to tailor localization projectsThe different another language language
Content to Local Washingto digital products project stages of localization than English can be
Markets n for international projectsDefining the helpful but is not
markets through scopeManaging translation required.
localization. See assetsTranslation toolsTranslation Completion of the
Internation how translation for digital productsMachine courses
Profession alization works in today’s translationCost Introduction to
al and self_paced Advanced 2 5 6 en-us industry. Find out managementSchedule Internationalization
Certificate Localizatio what other steps managementQuality assurance and Localization
n a localization and control for localization and
project entails Internationalization:
and how cost, Creating Digital
schedule and Content for the
quality are World
managed. recommended, but
not required.
Portfolio University Learn how a By the end of this course you will None. business-
Management, of Project be able to:Explain what a PMO is management,
Governance, & the Washingto Management and why it existsDescribe how a computer-science
PMO n I.T. Project Office (PMO) PMO works within the broader
XSeries Manageme works, discover organizationIdentify and describe
Profession nt Introductor techniques to high-level strategies to set up,
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us monitor and maintain, and wind down a PMO
al IT Project y
Certificate Manageme control projects Understand the techniques to
nt and find out how intake, prioritize, and select
to keep your projects and programs so that
project portfolio they align with the organization's
healthy. overall business strategy
Portfolio University Learn how a By the end of this course you will None. business-
Management, of Project be able to:Explain what a PMO is management,
Governance, & the Washingto Management and why it existsDescribe how a computer-science
PMO n IT Project Office (PMO) PMO works within the broader
Profession Manageme works, discover organizationIdentify and describe
al nt Introductor techniques to high-level strategies to set up,
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us monitor and maintain, and wind down a PMO
Certificate I.T. Project y
XSeries Manageme control projects Understand the techniques to
nt and find out how intake, prioritize, and select
to keep your projects and programs so that
project portfolio they align with the organization's
healthy. overall business strategy
Preparing to University Learn the basics Identify your goal for Intermediate level of language,
Network in English of of networking networkingDefine your network English language business-
Washingto while you grow and make decisions on how to proficiency management,
n your social grow itIdentify your unique skills communication
network and and qualitiesMake effective
Profession English for professional introductions for yourself and
al Business self_paced 3 5 6 en-us connections. othersUse LinkedIn and business
Certificate Networking Practice speaking cards to make and maintain
to improve your connections with your networkUse
English language culturally appropriate greetings
skills for and customs
success in job
Strategic University In this course you By the end of this course you will None. business-
Applications of IT of will learn project be able to:Explain why management,
Project & Program Washingto management organizations use project computer-science
Management n standards and management to deliver business
frameworks that value;Describe the relationships
increase among projects, programs and
I.T. Project efficiency and portfolios;Define the differences
XSeries Manageme deliver tangible between predictive, iterative and
Profession nt Introductor business benefits. Agile-based lifecycles;Analyze
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
al IT Project y different project management
Certificate Manageme roles -- project manager, sponsor,
nt stakeholder, ScrumMaster,
product owner and
developer;Understand how
organizational culture can
influence the role of the project
Strategic University In this course you By the end of this course you will None. business-
Applications of IT of will learn project be able to:Explain why management,
Project & Program Washingto management organizations use project computer-science
Management n standards and management to deliver business
frameworks that value;Describe the relationships
increase among projects, programs and
IT Project efficiency and portfolios;Define the differences
Profession Manageme deliver tangible between predictive, iterative and
al nt Introductor business benefits. Agile-based lifecycles;Analyze
self_paced 2 5 6 en-us
Certificate I.T. Project y different project management
XSeries Manageme roles -- project manager, sponsor,
nt stakeholder, ScrumMaster,
product owner and
developer;Understand how
organizational culture can
influence the role of the project

Using Email for University Improve your Create and use email messages, Intermediate level of language,
Networking in of writing skills. including greetings, body of English language business-
English Washingto Write effective message, format, and closingUse proficiency. management,
n emails including appropriate tone and formality in communication
Profession English for great subject your emailsUse email to invite a
Introductor lines, greetings, person in your network to meet
al Business self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
y and closings. with youWrite follow-up emails
Certificate Networking
You’ll be more
confident as you
communicate for
business, send
Citizen Science: University This course This course will enable you The general science, health-
Gearing Up for System of builds skills in any to:Describe ways that citizen population with an safety,
Discovery Maryland non-scientist science can make a difference in interest in creating environmental-
aiming to public and environmental small-scale citizen studies
implement or healthChoose the best citizen science
participate in a science approach to meet project projectsHealth
citizen science goals.Explain the steps involved in professionals,
project. It is initiating, planning, and managing researchers, or
uniquely focused successful citizen science educators who may
on health-related projects.Identify strategies for wish to share
projects in finding tools and resources for course with
Non- Non- Introductor environmental citizen science projects.Describe potential citizen
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y health and public methods for data collection in scientist partners.
health. citizen science projects.Explain
best practices for equipping and
training volunteers to ensure data
quality.Identify common ethical
questions that should be
considered when planning a
citizen science project.Develop a
plan to communicate the results of
your project.
Analisi dei dati Università Acquisisci • Analizzare ed elaborare i dati e le computer-science
degli Studi competenze loro caratteristiche• Acquisire
di Napoli essenziali nell'era capacità di risoluzione economico -
Federico II digitale al fine di gestionale • Principi di base per
elaborare e lavorare con i Big Data.In this
analizzare i dati, course you will learn how to:•
Non- Non- Introductor per prendere analyze and process data and
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y decisioni their characteristics;• develop your
aziendali.Acquire skills to solve economic and
the essential managerial problems;• master the
skills of the digital basic concepts of Big Data.
era: learn to
elaborate and
analyze data and
Applied anatomy of Università Explore the How the structure and medicine
the locomotor degli Studi structure and organization of bone and muscle
system di Napoli function of bones, tissue correlate with the function
Federico II joints, and of bones, joints, and muscles in
musclesin the the human bodyThe components
human body. This of the locomotor system in
course bridges different regions of the human
Non- Non- Intermediat the gap between body and common disorders that
self_paced 10 12 8 en-us
Program Program e the basic and may affect themWays to view the
clinical science normal structure of the bones and
studies, with joints of the skeleton in
several radiographyHow to recognize
references to common pathologies and injury
common patterns of the locomotor system
pathologies that
may affect the
Archeoastronomia e Università Il corso presenta • Gli allineamenti astronomici di architecture
Orologi Solari degli Studi due discipline particolari edifici del passato e il
di Napoli basate sui loro significato• I meccanismi e i
Federico II medesimi principi modelli geometrici per la
geometrici. La misurazione del tempo e
prima, l' l’apparizione dei fenomeni
“Archeoastronomi luminosi • La costruzione degli
a”, studia orologi solari. In this course you
l'allineamento will learn:• the astronomic
astronomico di alignments of peculiar buildings
edifici del passato from the past and their meaning;•
annesso the mechanisms and the
significato; la geometrical models for the
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it seconda, la measurement of time and the
Program Program y
gnomonica, appearance of luminous
studia la phenomena;• sundials
costruzione degli construction.
orologi solari. The
aim of this course
is to study two
disciplines based
on the same
and gnomonics.
Basi di dati Università Impara i Gli allievi del corso saranno computer-science
degli Studi fondamenti dei introdotti :alla comprensione della
di Napoli sistemi di teoria relazionale dei datiall’analisi,
Federico II gestione delle progetto, implementazione di
informazioni e sistemi di basi di dati relazionali a
comprendi i supporto di applicazioni realiall’uso
modelli delle basi del linguaggio di programmazione
di dati e le SQL per quanto attiene la
relative definizione e la manipolazione di
Non- Non- Introductor evoluzioni. Learn data base.In this course, the
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y the fundamentals students will be introduced to:• the
of information relational data theory; • the
management analysis, design and
systems and implementation of relational
database models. databases in real applications; •
the use of SQL programming
language for databases definition
and manipulation.

Biochimica Università Studia la Insieme alle nozioni di base la medicine, biology-

degli Studi biochimica dei docente presenterà tanti esempi, life-sciences,
di Napoli processi vitali, i per capire come la biochimica chemistry
Federico II suoi meccanismi possa essere utilizzata nella vita
e l'impatto nella quotidiana e con i test di
vita quotidiana autovalutazione si potrà verificare
la comprensione degli argomenti
affrontati. In particolare sarà
possibile conoscere e
comprendere:La struttura degli
amminoacidi, il legame peptidico,
la struttura delle proteineLa
denaturazione e rinaturazione
Non- Non- Introductor delle proteineLa struttura e
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y funzione dell'emoglobinaGli
enzimi: funzione e
regolazioneConcetti generali del
metabolismoStruttura dei
carboidrati e glicolisiMetabolismo
dei carboidrati e il ciclo di
KrebsCatena respiratoria e
ossidativaMetabolismo dei
lipidiMetabolismo degli
aminoacidiStruttura dei nucleotidi,
DNA, RNAThe professor will
present the basic notions and
provide learners with numerous
Business Università Data Usa Tableau alla DashboardStoryProgettazione, data-analysis-
Intelligence con la degli Studi Visualizatio massima costruzione e comunicazione dei statistics,
Product Suite di di Napoli Profession potenza, analizza dati in ambito Business business-
n: Analisi
Tableau Federico II al dei dati
self_paced Advanced 4 6 6 it-it i dati e costruisci IntelligenceVisualizzazioni management,
Certificate le visualizzazioni. avanzateTableau Server e economics-finance
Tableau OnlineTableau Prep
Chimica Organica I Università Un viaggio nella Gli studenti verranno guidati alla chemistry
degli Studi chimica dei comprensione dei seguenti
di Napoli composti concetti:• studio dei composti
Federico II organici, ossia di organici;• struttura e reattività dei
tutti i composti principali gruppi funzionali;• studio
prodotti dagli dei sistemi aromatici;• studio dei
organismi viventi meccanismi di reazione utilizzati
e di cui sono fatte per le trasformazioni dei composti
le nostre cellule. organici;• stereochimica organica
Non- Non- Introductor Un corso base Learners will be guided to an
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it per chi si avvicina understanding of:• the study of
Program Program y
agli studi delle organic compounds;• the structure
scienze della vita. and reactivity of main functional
groups;• the study of aromatic
systems;• the study of reaction
mechanisms used in the
transformation of organic
compounds;• organic

Coding a scuola con Università Il corso propone • Venire a conoscenza del education-teacher-
Software Libero degli Studi un percorso software libero e delle implicazioni training
di Napoli didattico basato etiche nell’impiego in contesti
Federico II sul coding per il formativi• Padroneggiare i costrutti
sostegno di programmazione fondamentali:
dell'apprendiment cicli, procedure, variabili,
o della espressioni condizionali,
matematica, delle ricorsione• Imparare a sviluppare
arti e della attività in ambito STEAM (Science,
grammatica. This Technology, Engineering, Arts and
course shows Mathematics), per vari livelli di età
how coding may in un’ottica verticale dei percorsi
complement the didattici• Impiegare l’approccio
Non- Non- Introductor study of maths, “body-syntonic” di Seymour Papert
self_paced 4 6 10 it-it
Program Program y arts and grammar. per l’apprendimento di concetti
geometrici di base• Favorire
strategie di apprendimento
focalizzate sull’iniziativa personale
e sulla scoperta.In this course, the
students will:• learn to use Libero
software and the ethics involved in
the educational context;• master
the fundamental programming
phases: cycles, procedures,
variables, conditional expressions
and recursions;• create activities
in STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and
Come fare ricerca Università Le scienze sociali Conoscenza e capacità di social-sciences,
nelle scienze sociali degli Studi consentono di comprensioneConoscenza e data-analysis-
di Napoli studiare persone, capacità di comprensione statistics
Federico II gruppi sociali e applicateAutonomia di
istituzioni nel giudizioAbilità
Non- Non- Introductor complesso delle comunicativeCapacità di
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it loro interazioni, apprendimentoKnowledge and
Program Program y
principalmente comprehension skillsApplied
attraverso knowledge and comprehension
percorsi di ricerca skillsCritical
empirica. analysisCommunication
skillsStudy skills
Comparative Università Learn to analyze The role of the judge in the law, social-
Judicial Systems degli Studi and evaluate process of adjudication and the sciences
di Napoli judicial power. whole structure of the judicial
Federico II Explore the systemThe main elements of the
relationship judicial systems and their
between courts interactionsThe relations between
Non- Non- Introductor and the political the courts and the political
self_paced 5 8 5 en-us
Program Program y environment and environmentPerspectives of
discover its affect change and possible reforms in
on the the different political contextsThe
transformations transformations of contemporary
of contemporary political systems
political systems.
Comparative Università Explored through The comparative methodAn social-sciences
Political Systems degli Studi the lens of understanding of diverse political
di Napoli Introductio different political regimesThe inner workings of
Federico II n to systems, this democratic government, election
Political Introductor course provides systems, and coalitionsHow to
XSeries self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Science y the insights reflect critically on the challenges
IPSAMOO neededto facing democracies
C understand todayProposed solutions for
Democracy today democratic challenges
Comparative Università and the
Explore An understanding of systematic Basic quantitative or social-sciences
Research Designs degli Studi comparative comparative analysis and why it is qualitative
and Methods di Napoli analysis and more useful than other broad- methodological
Federico II Introductio itsimportance in based statistical methodsHow to trainingwill be
n to the social use systematic comparative useful, but
Political Intermediat sciences. You'll analysis for constructive participants with
XSeries self_paced 4 6 6 en-us learn howto use explanation and theory little methodological
Science e
IPSAMOO comparative buildingHow to apply systematic training should find
C methods for comparative analysis to real-world no major obstacles
constructive politics to following the
explanation and course.
theory building
and applyit to real-
Comprendere la Università Un viaggio nella Comprendere il passato e capire philosophy-ethics
filosofia degli Studi storia della cosa possiamo aspettarci adesso
Non- Non- Introductor
di Napoli self_paced 6 8 10 it-it filosofia tra dalla filosofia To understand the
Program Program y
Federico II passato e past and what we can expect from
presente philosophy today
Concetti politici. Università Una bussola per • orientarsi nella complessità dei social-sciences
Un'analisi interattiva degli Studi orientarsi nella concetti politici, metterli in
di Napoli complessità dei relazione l’uno con l’altro per
Federico II concetti politici, e coglierne la pluralità;• un
per metterli in approfondimento di alcuni concetti
relazione l’uno chiave come: partito politico,
con l’altro. elezioni, opinione pubblica,
Perché solo agenda, costituzione, burocrazia;•
comprendendo le sviluppare l’analisi critica
relazioni si può nell’analisi dei concetti politici;•
cogliere la comprendere in che modo la
pluralità – il costruzione di un concetto guida e
pluralismo – delle influenza l’indagine scientifica e la
Non- Non- Introductor idee che fanno la produzione delle conoscenze. •
self_paced 6 8 5 it-it
Program Program y ricchezza della find your way round the
politica. complexities of political concepts
to see how they relate to each
other and understand the
plurality;• a detailed look at key
concepts like: political party,
elections, public opinion, agenda,
constitution, bureaucracy;•
develop critical analytical skills for
the analysis of political concepts;•
understand how the construction
of a concept guides and
influences scientific investigation
and knowledge production.
Contemporary Università Introductio Explore major Factual and historical knowledge social-sciences
Issues in World degli Studi n to issues in world of world politicsCore issues and
Politics di Napoli Political Introductor politics and learn trends that affect world
Federico II XSeries Science
4 6 7 en-us how recent politicsHow to reflect critically on
IPSAMOO developments the salient political issues affecting
C have challenged today's world
Conversazioni di Università Ilworld order and
diritto In questo corso si imparerà a law, social-
diritto amministrativo degli Studi amministrativo è essere buoni cittadini, prima di sciences
di Napoli alla base della tutto. Il corso insegna sia il
Federico II società, della metodo che il contenuto delle leggi
giustizia e del amministrative rispetto alla Crisi
funzionamento economica, allo Stato, alla Storia,
degli Stati e delle all'Italia, alle riforme ed infine
Economie. approfondendo le prospettive
Non- Non- Introductor Approfondisci future della disciplina. This course
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y metodo e oggetto is primarily about learning to be a
di una così good citizen. Content and method
importante of Administrative Law will help you
disciplina. gain an understanding of the
Economic crisis, State, History,
Italy, political reform and future
Dante tra poesia e Università Comprendere Interpretazioni e percorsi di lettura literature
scienza degli Studi l’avvicendarsi del della CommediaCombinazione tra
di Napoli discorso poetico poesia e scienza nell’opera
Federico II e scientifico nella dantescaLa simmetria nella
Commedia struttura dell’opera dantesca e nel
Dantesca, per cosmoL’importanza della
avvicinare l’uomo numerologia nella CommediaThe
Non- Non- Introductor «a quell’amor che mix of poetry and science in
self_paced 8 10 9 it-it
Program Program y move il sole e Dante’s workSymmetry in the
l'altre stelle». structure of Dante’s work and in
the universePossible
interpretations and readings of the
ComedyImportance of numerology
in the Comedy

Data Visualization eUniversità Data Migliora le tue combinazione dei daticampi data-analysis-
manipolazione dei degli Studi Visualizatio competenze nella calcolati e parametrile vistei dati statistics,
dati con Tableau di Napoli Profession gestione dei dati geografici business-
n: Analisi Intermediat
Federico II al dei dati
4 6 5 it-it con Tableau management,
Certificate economics-finance
Democracy and Università Learn which The theories underpinning the key social-sciences
Autocracy: Theories degli Studi forms of concepts of Democracy and
and Empirical di Napoli Introductio government can AutocracyNew subtypes of
Findings Federico II n to best guarantee a democracy and autocracyHow
Political Introductor free, fair, and just and why democracies emerge,
XSeries self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Science y life by regress or break down
IPSAMOO exploringhow
C democracy and
Dialetti in Italia Università emerge, evolve,
Muovi i primi esplorare le lingue humanities
degli Studi passi nella d'Italiacomprendere la distinzione
di Napoli complessità della tra lingua italiana e dialetti
Federico II realtà linguistica d'Italiaapprofondimento sulla
italiana, in cui, storia e l'uso del dialetto
accanto napoletanole varietà locali dei
all’italiano, sono dialetti d'Italiaintroduzione ai
parlati numerosi contenuti e ai metodi della
Non- Non- Introductor dialetti. Nati Dialettologia italianaexplore the
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y direttamente dal languages of Italyunderstand the
latino, sono di difference between Italian
ampia diffusione language and dialectsNeapolitan:
nella vita its history and uselocal varieties of
quotidiana, nella Italian dialectsintroduction to
letteratura e nel contents and methods in Italian
cinema italiano. Dialectology
Disegno tecnico Università Impara a rappresentare a mano engineering
industriale degli Studi trasferire le tue liberainterpretare un disegno
di Napoli idee su una meccanicola tecnica delle
Federico II tavola proiezioni ortogonalimetodi di
bidimensionale, a proiezione ortogonaleelementi di
disegnare a disegno di un prodotto industriale
Non- Non- Introductor mano libera, e a dallo schizzo al concetto
self_paced 8 10 10 it-it
Program Program y riconoscere i virtualefreehand drawinghow to
particolari read mechanical
meccanici e il loro drawingsorthogonal projection
funzionamento. methodscomponents of product
design from sketch to virtual
Earthquake Università The course Concepts and energy-earth-
Seismology degli Studi explores the experimentsfocused on sciences
di Napoli processes that uncovering earthquake
Federico II cause processesPhysical processes at
earthquakes, as the origin of earthquakesSeismic
Non- Non- well as the wave propagation and complex
self_paced Advanced 8 10 12 en-us
Program Program methodologies rupture modelsThe basic elements
used by of real-time seismology
seismologists to
seismograms, to
measure source
Economia e Università Un corso per • Comprensione della governance business-
gestione delle degli Studi conoscere le di un'impresa• Sviluppare management
imprese di Napoli organizzazioni competenze chiave in discipline di
Federico II imprenditoriali, il gestione: marketing, produzione,
ruolo della finanza d'impresa, gestione
gestione delle risorse umane, logistica ed
operazioni in approvvigionamenti• Lo sviluppo
un'azienda e gli di una strategia aziendale,
strumenti di compresa l'analisi del mercato e la
supporto ai creazione di un vantaggio
processi di competitivo• Le finalità
management. imprenditoriali e i metodi di
Join this course valutazione della performance• Le
Non- Non- Introductor and learn about linee guida per le problematiche di
self_paced 4 6 10 it-it
Program Program y businesses gestione di un’impresa.In this
organizations, the course you will learn to:•
role of operations understand how businesses are
management in a governed;• develop your skills in:
company and the marketing, production, business
tools supporting finance, human resources
management management, logistics and
processes. supplies;• develop a business
strategy (from the market analysis
to the creation of a competitive
advantage);• identify the business
purposes and the performance
evaluation methods;• define the
guidelines to manage business
Fisica I con Università Le risposte alle meccanicacinematicadinamicafeno physics,
laboratorio degli Studi domande che fin meni engineering
di Napoli da piccoli ci termalitermodinamicamechanicsci
Federico II poniamo spiegate nematicsdynamicsthermalphenom
Non- Non- Introductor in laboratorio con enathermodynamics
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y il linguaggio
matematico che
ci accompagna
per esplorare il
Global Politics Università mondo
Join us fin
on dalla
a Understand the links between social-sciences
degli Studi cosmopolitan nature and politicsLearn the
di Napoli adventure significance of universal
Federico II through politics, organisations vs local power
society, conflict structuresExplore how a complex
Non- Non- Introductor and nature, and equilibrium that aims at a
self_paced 4 6 6 en-us
Program Program y ask yourself, as sustainable future for humanity
we look to the might be achieved
future of
whether there is
one global order
I sistemi Operativi Università Il corso illustra le 1. Descrivere come le risorse di engineering
Moderni degli Studi metodologie e le elaborazione (come CPU, I / O e
di Napoli strategie per la memoria) sono gestite dal sistema
Federico II gestione delle operativo, descrivere i principi di
risorse in un base utilizzati nella progettazione
sistema di sistemi operativi moderni.2.
operativo.The Confrontare gli algoritmi comuni
course explains utilizzati per la pianificazione
the methods and preventiva e non preventiva delle
strategies for attività nei sistemi operativi, come
managing priorità e confronto delle
resources in an prestazioni. Contrasto kernel e
operating system. modalità utente in un sistema
Non- Non- Intermediat operativo3. Valutare e segnalare
self_paced 8 10 6 it-it
Program Program e le scelte progettuali appropriate
quando si risolvono problemi
reali.4. Approccio alla concorrenza
e alle loro basi. Ciò include
processi e thread su UNIX;
meccanismi di comunicazione e
coordinamento tra processi
simultanei (memoria condivisa e
modelli di passaggio di
messaggistica).1. Describe how
computing resources (such as
CPU, I/O and memory) are
managed by the operating system,
describe the basic principles used
Il linguaggio Università Il dialogo uomo- tecnologie di trattamento computer-science,
naturale, dall'uomo degli Studi macchina automatico del biology-life-
alla macchina di Napoli mediato dalle linguaggiolinguistica sciences,
Federico II tecnologie di generalefonetica acusticasintesi communication
trattamento vocaletecniche di Machine
Non- Non- Introductor automatico del Learninglinguaggio Voice-
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it linguaggio XMLnatural language processing
Program Program y
conduce in un technologiesgeneral
viaggio tra linguisticsacoustic phoneticsvocal
linguaggi, fonemi, synthesisMachine Learning
dati, applicazioni techniquesVoice-XML language
che pervadono i
nostri device
Il potere dei Università Ascoltare, capire Come usare i sondaggi nelle social-sciences
sondaggi degli Studi e governare strategie politiche e
di Napoli l'opinione pubblica comunicative.Come si fa un
Federico II sondaggio: dalla progettazione
della ricerca alla rilevazione e
analisi dei datiI metodi più utilizzati
per la racconta dei datiInterpretare
i sondaggi come strumento di
comunicazione e strategia politico-
Non- Non- Introductor elettoraleHow to use opinion polls
self_paced 6 8 8 it-it as part of political and
Program Program y
communication strategy.How a
poll is conducted: from planning
the research to data collection and
analysisMost common data
collection methodsInterpreting
results of opinion polls for
inclusion in communication and
electoral-political strategy

Il Teatro e le sue Università Il corso intende • La storia della scenografia• architecture

illusioni prospettiche degli Studi fornire i principi Cenni di scenotecnica• I basilari
di Napoli geometrici base principi geometrici per la
Federico II per progettare e progettazione e la gestione delle
gestire la scene teatrali.In this course, you
realizzazione di will learn:• the history of
scene teatrali, scenography;• hints of stagecraft;•
che fondano la the basic geometrical principles
propria for the planning and management
espressività sugli of the theatrical scenes.
Non- Non- Introductor effetti prospettici
self_paced 4 6 10 it-it
Program Program y delle architetture
e degli spazi
illusori allestiti sul
this course, the
students will get
to know the basic
the planning and
management of
Imparare il latino Università Il corso offre bilinguismo (latino- humanities
attraverso lo studio degli Studi testimonianze greco)diglossialatino come
dei papiri di Napoli dirette della Lingua2 tra Antichità e Tarda
Federico II circolazione della Antichitàbilingualism (Latin-
Non- Non- Intermediat lingua e della Greek)diglossia,about the way in
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it
Program Program e letteratura latina which Latin was perceived and
nella pars taught as a Second-Language
Orientis (L2) between Antiquity and Late
dell’Impero Antiquity.
Introducción a la Università En este curso de El pensamiento filosofico y politico Este curso es social-sciences
teoría política: degli Studi ciencias politicas de los principales autores de la introductorio a la
conceptos y di Napoli conoceras el teoria politica, desde Platon en teoria politica,
grandes pensadores Federico II pensamiento adelanteDesarrollar la capacidad puede ser tomado
politico de los de analizar los conceptos clave por cualquier
Non- Non- Introductor autores clasicos que subyacen a las obras de los persona interesado
self_paced 4 6 7 es-es
Program Program y con especial grandes filosofosEntender la en politica,
enfasis sobre relevancia para la sociedad y la sociologia o
como aparecen y politica actual de los autores humanidades.
evolucionan los clasicos
politicos clave.
Introduzione ai Università Una introduzione i fondamenti della teoria dei circuiti electronics,
circuiti elettrici degli Studi allo studio dei elettricidescrizione delle engineering
di Napoli circuiti elettrici, grandezze elettriche di
Federico II fondamentale riferimentodefinire il circuito con le
nella formazione sue leggianalisi di circuiti lineari in
ingegneristica, condizioni di funzionamento
Non- Non- Introductor per familiarizzare stazionario, sinusoidale e
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it con un approccio dinamicothe fundamentals of
Program Program y
sistematico e electric circuit theorythe
metodologico alla description of electric
modellistica e strengthdefine circuits and their
all’analisi di lawsanalysis of linear circuits
sistemi complessi. under steady-state, sinusoidal and
dynamic conditions.
Introduzione Università Avvicinati al Il corso fornisce le competenze engineering,
all'informatica degli Studi mondo teoriche, metodologiche e pratiche computer-science
di Napoli dell'informatica, fondamentali per la realizzazione
Federico II apprendi le di programmi di limitata
competenze complessità attraverso linguaggi di
fondamentali alla programmazione ad alto livello,
base dei con particolare riferimento alla
linguaggi di programmazione strutturata ed al
Non- Non- Introductor programmazione. linguaggio C/C++ . The course
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y provides the theory, methods and
practice to enable learners to
create their own simple
programmes using high-level
programming language, especially
structured programming and
C/C++ languages.
Introduzione alla Università Diventa un elementi preliminari alla data-analysis-
Data Visualization degli Studi Data professionista conoscenza di Tableaumodi e ai statistics,
con Tableau di Napoli Visualizatio della Business tipi di connessione ai datistrategie business-
Federico II al n: Analisi Introductor Intelligence con di selezione e organizzazione management,
self_paced 4 6 4 it-it
dei dati y Tableau dell’informazioneset, date e economics-finance
con misure multiple

Introduzione alla Università Scopri come la • Le basi della storia e social-sciences

sociologia degli Studi sociologia si dell'evoluzione della sociologia •
di Napoli applica alla vita Analisi delle relazioni sociali • Una
Federico II quotidiana e nuova prospettiva critica per la
adotta un nuovo comprensione di diversi fenomeni
approccio per sociali • Le disuguaglianze
Non- Non- Introductor interpretare la sociali.In this course you will:•
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y realtà.Discover learn the history of sociology;•
how sociology analyze social relationships;• get a
applies to new critical perspective for
everyday life, and understanding the several social
face it with a new phenomena;• social inequalities.
L'innovazione Università Impara a Gestire problematiche di tipo art-culture
sociale per il degli Studi valorizzare il organizzativo nel settore dei beni
patrimonio culturale di Napoli patrimonio culturaliConoscere le fasi del
Federico II culturale processo di progettazione
attraverso organizzativaSviluppare capacità
processi di organizzative utili per il tuo
rifunzionalizzazion lavoroComprendere i meccanismi
e di funzionamento delle strutture
organizzativeMeccanismi di
gestione e coordinamentoHow to
deal with
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 6 8 7 it-it management/organizational
Program Program y
issues in the Cultural Heritage
sectorUnderstand different stages
in business planningDevelop
organizational skills for the
organizational structures and how
they workManagement
mechanisms and coordination
L'Italiano nel mondo Università Impara a Basi di storia della lingua literature
degli Studi ragionare sulla italianaTensioni tra lingua del
di Napoli competenza passato e lingua del
Federico II linguistica e sul presenteL'italiano nel cinema e nel
modo in cui teatroVariazioni tra lingua scritta e
utilizzi la lingua parlataCambiamento della lingua
italiana in base ai diversi strumenti
utilizzati, dal testo alla ReteBasic
Non- Non- Introductor history of the Italian
self_paced 6 8 10 it-it languagedifferences between the
Program Program y
language in the past and
presentItalian in film and
theatreDifferences between the
spoken and written
languageChanges in the language
depending on the context and
media, from text to the Internet

La costruzione Università Un viaggio nella L’Italia dei conflitti e l’Italia dei history
dell'Italia degli Studi storia dell'Italia, successi.Comprendi gli episodi
di Napoli Non- Non- Introductor tra grandi conflitti che hanno fatto grande la storia
Federico II Program self_paced 6 8 8 it-it e grandi d'ItaliaItaly in success and
Program y
successi, una conflict.Understand what makes
riflessione sulla Italian history great
La fisica: Università storia che ai
Avvicinati ha fatto • elettrostatica • correnti elettriche physics
dall'elettromagnetism degli Studi fenomeni naturali • magnetostatica • elettrodinamica
o all'ottica di Napoli della vita di tutti i • fenomeni elettromagnetici nella
Federico II giorni, come la materia • ottica • electrostatics •
Non- Non- Intermediat luce che cambia electric currents• magnetostatics •
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it
Program Program e nei tramonti o electrodynamics • electromagnetic
l'aurora boreale, phenomena in matter • optics
che creano
suggestioni che
La genetica tra Università la
UnaFisica ci aiuta
scienza chea • gene • genoma • mappe biology-life-
scienza, storia e degli Studi fornisce spunti di genetiche • codice genetico • sciences
società di Napoli riflessione che mutazione • genes • genomes •
Federico II vanno ben oltre la genetic mapping • genetic code •
Non- Non- Introductor doppia elica del mutation
self_paced 6 8 6 it-it DNA che studia i
Program Program y
fenomeni della
ereditarietà, cioè
La Letteratura latina Università come anche
Imparare dal della Leggere il tema della diversità literature
in età post-augustea degli Studi passato per attraverso l’esperienza della
di Napoli gestire oggi il storiaProgettare il futuro
Federico II Non- Non- Intermediat rapporto con conservando la memoriaHow to
self_paced 6 8 7 it-it l'altro da noi study diversity through the
Program Program e
experience of historyPlan the
future while preserving memories
of the past
La povertà nella Università Un'analisi Comprendere la povertà per social-sciences
società degli Studi sociologica della ideare politiche sociali
contemporanea di Napoli povertà per adeguatePovertà come condizione
Federico II individuare le sociale e non economicaMetodi di
strategie per ricerca empirici e indicatori di
Non- Non- Introductor contrastarla in povertàUnderstand poverty to
self_paced 6 8 9 it-it diversi contesti inform social policyPoverty as a
Program Program y
sociali social rather than economic
conditionEmpirical research
methods and indicators of poverty

La riforma del lavoro Università Conoscere il Il corso guida l'utente alla law
in Italia degli Studi diritto del lavoro comprensione del diritto del
di Napoli per interpretare lavoro, con particolare riferimento
Federico II una delle al Jobs Act, un complesso corpus
massime di norme che riguarda una svolta
rappresentazioni epocale nella stessa concezione
della cittadinanza del mercato del lavoro e delle
attiva. relative politiche. Sarà possibile:
conoscere lo statuto dei diritti dei
lavoratori,comprendere le
innovazioni che il Jobs Act ha
apportato al quadro giuridico
complessivo del diritto del
Non- Non- Introductor lavoro,capire come il Jobs Act può
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y traghettare il diritto del lavoro
italiano all'interno della strategia
europea per l'occupazione,la
conciliazione dei tempi di vita e di
lavoro,la classificazione del
personale e l'inquadramento
professionalel'obbligo retributivo, il
recesso individualeThe course
guides learners to an
understanding of labour law,
especially the new Job Acts, a
series of labour law reforms which
represent a massive change in the
way the jobs market and labour
Laboratorio di Università Impara a linguaggio degli algoritmi;strutture engineering
Programmazione degli Studi risolvere problemi dati e strutture di
di Napoli complessi controllo;principali metodologie di
Federico II attraverso l'uso progetto;tradurre algoritmi in
del computer e programmi (Linux, C e
avvicinati alla Foltran)Language of
Non- Non- Intermediat magia degli algorithmsData structures and
self_paced 8 10 7 it-it
Program Program e algoritmi control structuresMain
methodologies to define and
develop a projectHow to translate
algorithms into programmes
(Linux, C and Foltran)
Laboratorio di Università Impara a • Struttura e caratteristiche Corso di computer-science
programmazione: degli Studi sviluppare dei principali del sistema operativo Programmazione I
strumenti e di Napoli programmi Linux• Il linguaggio di
programmi Federico II dinamici e programmazione FORTRAN e C•
interattivi usando Algoritmi e programmi introduttivi
il linguaggio alle strutture di controllo• Algoritmi
Fortran e il e programmi di ordinamento,
linguaggio C. ricerca e fusione• Algoritmi e
Learn how to programmi per operazioni su
develop dynamic matrici e vettori• Algoritmi e
and interactive programmi sull'aritmetica floating
programs in point. In this course you will learn:•
Non- Non- Intermediat Fortran and C the structure and main
self_paced 8 10 10 it-it
Program Program e programming characteristics of Linux;•
language. FORTRAN and C programming
languages;• algorithms and
introductory programs to the
control structures;• algorithms and
sorting, research and fusion
programs;• algorithms and
programs for the operations on
matrices and vectors;• algorithms
and programs on the floating point

Le forme di governo Università Un percorso nelle Il corso ti permetterà di social-sciences

nel mondo degli Studi forme di governo approfondire: quali sono le forme
di Napoli nel mondo per di organizzazione del potere
Federico II comprendere il politico nelle società
potere politico contemporanee, a partire da
nelle nostre quella italiana;i controversi e
democrazie contrastati tentativi di riforma in
Italia;il funzionamento dei modelli
presidenziali;il funzionamento dei
modelli parlamentari, le loro
presenti difficoltà e cosa si
potrebbe fare per migliorarli.The
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it course will provide in-depth
Program Program y
exploration of: the different forms
of organisation of political power in
contemporary society, starting with
Italy;the controversial and debated
attempts at reform in Italy;how
presidential models work;how
parliamentary models work, their
current difficulties and what can
be done to improve them.
Le politiche Università Il corso aiuta a l’analisi dei processi di policy social-sciences
pubbliche come degli Studi comprendere making con il linguaggio esperto
strategia di governo di Napoli come si governa, delle politiche
Federico II e ad acquisire gli pubbliche;comprendere le
elementi base per tipologie di politiche
analizzare pubbliche;cogliere la distinzione
l’azione politica e tra le diverse arene di
Non- Non- Introductor capire in che policy;analizzare il ciclo di policy
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y modo nelle sue singole fasi di
un’intenzione tematizzazione, decisione,
politica si traduce implementazione e
in un impatto valutazione;apprendere l’esistenza
sulla realtà e sui di differenti metodi di valutazione
destinatari. dei risultati connessi all’atto del
Letteratura latina, Università Una panoramica Questo ti consentirà di: avvicinarti humanities, history
dalle origini all'età degli Studi dei generi ai generi letterari
augustea di Napoli letterari tra latini;comprendere il rapporto tra
Federico II repubblica e attività letteraria (otium) e
primo impero. impegno politico e militare
(negotium);approfondire lo
sviluppo dell'epica latinaThe
Non- Non- Introductor course will allow you to:approach
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it
Program Program y the Latin literary
genres;understand the delicate
balance between literary activity
(otium) and political and military
commitment (negotium);know
about the development of the Latin
epic tradition.
Management e Università Un viaggio nelle • Comprendere la complessità business-
Marketing nel degli Studi principali realtà delle sfide affrontate dall'industria management
turismo di Napoli della filiera del turismo• Comprendere le
Federico II turistica, per dinamiche tattiche delle aziende e
comprendere le le fonti del vantaggio competitivo
core skills e le sostenibile• L’implementazione di
politiche processi imprenditoriali e
strategiche delle manageriali nel settore turistico•
imprese.Discover Come si può operare un efficace
the main actors in destination management.In this
the touristic course you will develop your
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 10 it-it sector and learn critical eye over:• the complex
Program Program y
the best core challenges of the touristic
skills and strategy industry;• company tactics and the
policies. sources of the sustainable
competitive advantage;• the
implementation of the
entrepreneurial and management
processes;• how to build an
efficient destination management.
Microbiologia e Università Avvicinati ai I concetti base della struttura della medicine
immunologia degli Studi concetti base cellula microbicaI fondamenti
di Napoli della struttura dell'Immunologia di daseIl ruolo
Federico II della cellula dell' Immunologia nella difesa
microbica e contro le infezioniLa struttura del
apprendi i sistema immunitarioI principali
fondamenti metodiche di laboratorio basate
Non- Non- Introductor dell'Immunologia sull'immunologiaBasic structure of
self_paced 6 8 7 it-it
Program Program y di base e il suo microbe cells;basis of
ruolo nella difesa immunology;the role of
contro le infezioni. immunology in the fight against
infection;structure of the immune
system;main labroatory
techniques used in immunology

Modelli di Università La pedagogia è Il corso affronta:i modelli di education-teacher-

insegnamento nella degli Studi una disciplina insegnamento classici, training
ricerca educativa di Napoli affascinante che contemporanei e sperimentali;la
Federico II riflette teoria e la pratica
sull'educazione e dell'insegnamento
sull'insegnamento. comportamentista, cognitivista,
In questo corso metariflessivo, contestualista,
si ripercorrono i culturalista, costruttivista e
modelli di sperimentale;le teorie
formazione dell'educabilità, la mente implicita
tradizionali e e la teoria delle logiche
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 6 it-it attuali, ed il elementari.The course explores:
Program Program y
concetto di classical, contemporary, and
educabilità. experimental teaching model;the
theory and practice of behaviorist,
cognitivist, metariflexive,
contextualist, culturalist,
constructivist, and experimental
teaching;the theories of
educability, the implicit mind, and
the theory of elementary logic.

Negoziazione e Università Conosci le Apprendere diversi stili humanities

comunicazione degli Studi tecniche di relazionaliModelli di
efficace di Napoli negoziazione e negoziazioneImportanza
Federico II impara a gestire il dell’ascolto e del
conflitto per poter feedbackDifferent communication
Non- Non- Introductor migliorare il tuo stylesNegotiation modelsThe
self_paced 6 8 9 it-it
Program Program y modo di importance of listening and
relazionarti con feedbackHow to apply negotiation
gli altri / Learn skills to real-world examples
about different through a hands on tool
techniques to
Nuove tecnologie Università Un corso che ti La teoria dell’informazione;i computer-science,
digitali degli Studi avvicinerà alle concetti di base relativi al Sistema communication,
di Napoli diverse tematiche Operativo con riferimento a engineering
Federico II del digitale. Un Windows e alle Graphical User
viaggio attraverso Interfaces;le reti di calcolatori e gli
le principali teorie impianti di trasmissione;Il World
dell’informazione Wide Web, il protocollo HTTP e la
e delle varie sua applicazione con i servizi web:
opportunità che il HTML e CSS;le Reti Sociali e una
Web offre, panoramica sul futuro di
dall’uso delle reti internet.The theory of
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 4 6 5 it-it telematiche alla information;Basic concepts
Program Program y
diffusione delle relating to Computer Architecture,
reti sociali. Operating System and Graphical
User Interfaces;Computer
networks and transmission
systems;World Wide Web, HTTP
protocol and its application in Web
services: HTML and CSS;Social
networks and the future of the

Programmazione I Università Impara come • Fornire competenze teoriche e computer-science

degli Studi applicare concetti pratiche di programmazione
di Napoli di orientata agli oggetti • Fornire le
Federico II programmazione basi per la costruzione di
di base, programmi e lo sviluppo di
utilizzando come applicazioni • Realizzare
linguaggio di componenti software per la
riferimento il costruzione dei programmi •
linguaggio Utilizzare il linguaggio C++ e le
Non- Non- Introductor C++.Learn how to sue caratteristiche.In this course,
self_paced 6 8 7 it-it
Program Program y apply basic the students will master:•
programming theoretical and practical object-
concepts in C++ oriented programming skills; • the
language. basic programs creation and
applications development; • the
implementation of software
components for programs
creations; • C++ language and its
Psicologia Università Un’analisi delle Processi di apprendimento e education-teacher-
dell'apprendimento degli Studi diverse forme strutture cognitiveLe teorie dei training
di Napoli dell’apprendiment processi di
Federico II o per apprendimentoTechnology
comprendere Enhanced Learning (TEL) e nuovi
come operiamo le scenari di
Non- Non- Introductor nostre scelte, la insegnamento/apprendimentoLear
self_paced 6 8 8 it-it natura ning processes and cognitive
Program Program y
profondamente structuresLearning process
esperienziale dei theoriesTechnology Enhanced
processi di Learning (TEL) and new scenarios
apprendimento e for teaching/learning
lo stretto legame
che questi hanno
con il contesto in
Psicologia della Università Una introduzione • le principali teorie che regolano humanities
personalità: degli Studi ai principali temi l'agire degli individui; • sviluppo e
un'introduzione di Napoli teorici e agli stabilità della personalità; •
Federico II aspetti approcci teorici e metodologici allo
Non- Non- Intermediat metodologici studio della personalità. • main
self_paced 6 8 7 it-it della psicologia theories regarding individual
Program Program e
della personalità, behaviour; • personality
con un focus sul development and stability; •
ruolo dei processi theories and methods in the study
cognitivi coinvolti of personality.
Robot Development Università nella costruzione
This course The principles of developmental engineering
degli Studi offers in-depth roboticsHow to design the
di Napoli learning of acquisition of sensorimotor and
Federico II developmental cognitive skills in robotsThe
Non- Non- Intermediat cognitive application of robotics models and
self_paced 8 10 6 en-us robotics, taking techniques in areas ranging from
Program Program e
direct inspiration intrinsic motivation to motor and
from child perceptual learning, social
psychologyused interaction, language learning, and
to develop abstract knowledge
Robotics Foundation Università sensorimotor
This course and The trajectory planning engineering
II - Robot Control degli Studi explores the algorithmsThe joint space and
di Napoli robotics operational space motion control
Federico II foundations for strategiesThe indirect and direct
Non- Non- Intermediat planning and force control strategiesThe visual
self_paced 8 16 12 en-us
Program Program e control of robot control techniquesThe parameter
manipulators and identification algorithmsThe
mobile robots features of modelling and control
of wheeled mobile robots
Robotics Università This course The scenarios of industrial engineering
Foundations I - degli Studi explores the robotics and advanced
Robot Modeling di Napoli robotics roboticsThe fundamentals of
Federico II foundations for kinematics, differential kinematics
Non- Non- Intermediat modelling of robot and staticsThe Jacobian and its
self_paced 8 10 8 en-us
Program Program e manipulators. propertiesThe inverse kinematics
algorithmsThe equations of motion
of robot manipulators
Scienza delle Università Il corso si • fondamenti teorici degli aspetti engineering
costruzioni degli Studi propone di applicativi della Meccanica delle
di Napoli illustrare i Strutture ;• calcolo di strutture
Federico II fondamenti teorici monodimensionali in campo
e gli aspetti elastico lineare isotropo;•
applicativi della strumenti e procedure utili per
Meccanica delle eseguire le verifiche di strutture
Non- Non- Introductor Strutture 1D piane e spaziali • fundamental
self_paced 6 8 5 it-it
Program Program y theories and applications of
Structural Mechanics;• calculation
of isotropic, linear elastic
behaviour in monodimensional
structures;• tools and procedures
for testing flat and spatial 1D
Storia Economica Università Comprendere la • Le fasi della storia economica economics-
degli Studi storia economica attraverso una prospettiva globale finance, history
di Napoli dal • La definizione delle
Federico II mercantilismo, problematiche economiche e gli
alla rivoluzione strumenti per comprendere le
industriale, dinamiche dello sviluppo
attraverso le economico • Come e perché i
grandi guerre fino paesi diventano ricchi, attraverso
alla fase della l'analisi del cambiamento
Non- Non- Introductor globalizzazione economico.In this course, the
self_paced 4 6 10 it-it attuale e alla crisi students will learn:• the history of
Program Program y
economica.Learn economics in a global
the history of perspective;• the definition of the
economics from economic problems and the
mercantilism to relevant tools to understand the
the industrial dynamics behind economic
revolution and development;• how and why some
from the world countries get rich, through the
wars to the analysis of economic changes.
globalization and
Strategie di Università Una risposta alle Oltre al management aziendale, si business-
produzione e sistemi degli Studi necessità degli approfondiranno specifiche management
di logistica di Napoli studenti che questioni: • i sistemi di
Federico II vogliono produzione;• le tecniche di
rafforzare la programmazione della produzione
conoscenza e la in base al fabbisogno;• la gestione
comprensione della logistica;• le scelte di
Non- Non- Introductor degli aspetti outsourcing. In addition to industry
self_paced 6 8 5 it-it
Program Program y manageriali e management, the following topics
tecnici collegati ai will be explored: production
processi systems;techniques for scheduling
produttivi e production according to
logistici. need;logistics
management;outsourcing choices
Understanding Università This course How tounpack and reconstruct the social-sciences
Political Concepts degli Studi offers an exciting key concepts of political
di Napoli journey through science.Critical thinking skills
Federico II Introductio political science applied to political conceptsThe
n to concepts. interaction between different
Political Introductor Understand key political concepts
XSeries self_paced 4 6 6 en-us concepts like
Science y
IPSAMOO party,
C bureaucracy,
by using new
developed for
Zoologia Università Comprendere gli Il corso ha l’obiettivo di conoscere biology-life-
degli Studi animali e i sistemi nel dettaglio le strategie sciences
di Napoli naturali, riproduttive ed altre funzioni
Federico II attraverso il filo fisiologiche nel contesto
conduttore ambientale in cui avvengono; la
dell’evoluzione. speciazione ed i meccanismi di
Un viaggio da classificazione delle specie
Non- Non- Introductor percorrere con animali The course enables
self_paced 4 6 5 it-it
Program Program y l’entusiasmo di learners to develop a detailed
un bambino e la understanding of reproductive
professionalità di strategies and other physiological
uno studioso. functions in context; speciation
and classification mechanisms for
animal species

Cosmic Rays, Dark Waseda Join us on a The evolution of the universeThe Introductory Physics physics, science
Matter, and the University Non- Non- Intermediat unique origin and propagation of cosmic Algebra
self_paced 3 5 4 en-us
Mysteries of the Program Program e exploration of one raysThe search for dark matter
Universe of the universe’s through cosmic ray observation
Culture and Law: Waseda deepest
Explore legal Unveil multi-layered cultural College level social-sciences,
The East Asian University cultures in East assumptionsIdentify cultural reading and writing law, philosophy-
Perspective Asia, particulars and legal issues in skills ethics
Non- Non- Introductor Confucianism, East AsiaLearn Confucian moral
self_paced 4 6 3 en-us
Program Program y apology, and values in relation to the lawBuild
Legal Orientalism. thinking skills for conflict resolution

Invitation to The Waseda Explore the Introduction to the narrative of The Ideally, students literature, art-
Tale of Genji: The University world's oldest Tale of Genji , and its unique have at least culture, history
Foundational novel written in language, including the poetry partially read one of
Elements of the eleventh found throughoutLifestyles, the English
Japanese Culture century and manners and customs, and translations of The
develop the aesthetic sensibilities of the Heian Tale of Genji , but
Non- Non- Intermediat perspective to period (794-1185) nobility (with even those who
self_paced 4 5 4 en-us
Program Program e understand ample visual references)The have not are
Japanese Heian period city, spaces, society, welcome if they
classical literature and institutionsThe reception of have an interest in
and the The Tale of Genji and the reading the text.
foundation of development of “Genji Culture”
Japanese culture.
IoT System Waseda Learn how to How to recognize the concept of Understanding of computer-science
Architecture: Design University design and architecture and its importance in object-oriented
and Evaluation evaluate IoT system developmentHow to modelingBasic
architecture design IoT system architecture knowledge of
through IoT and according to an architecture system design and
Non- Non- Introductor AI technologies. design methodology called implementation of
self_paced 3 5 3 en-us Attribute-Driven Design software
Program Program y
(ADD)How to evaluate IoT system systemsExperience
architecture according to an with system design
architecture evaluation and implementation
methodology called Architecture of software systems
Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)
IoT System Design: Waseda Start developing How to design a basic systemLow- Logical circuitsBasic computer-science,
Software and University your own Internet level programmingHardware programming skill electronics, data-
Hardware Integration Non- Non- Intermediat of Things (IoT) controlThe interaction of software (C/C++/Java)Operati analysis-statistics
self_paced 4 6 4 en-us system with this and hardware on in Linux
Program Program e
exploration of the
Japanese Business Waseda between
Learn software
about The Japanese management Basic business business-
Management University Japanese ecosystemThe keys to Japan's experience and/or management
Non- Non- Intermediat business rise, current business status,and acumen.
self_paced 3 5 4 en-us management and futureCase studies on Toyota,
Program Program e
start down a path Nissan, Honda, Recruit, and
to becoming a Softbank
Japanese Waseda global leader.
Practice Appropriate pronunciation, accent Basic level of communication,
Pronunciation for University pronunciation and and intonation to improve your JapaneseAbility to language,
Communication improve your communicative JapaneseDifferent read Hiragana and education-teacher-
spoken Japanese techniques to practice and Katakana training
Non- Non- Introductor in context. improve Japanese pronunciation,
self_paced 3 5 5 ja
Program Program y including “shadowing”About
Japanese culture and society
through pronunciation practice

Steps in Japanese Waseda Steps in Learn basic ・To say greetings・To introduce language,
for Beginners1 Part1 University Japanese Introductor Japanese yourself・To ask about food・To communication,
XSeries self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
for y expressions to order art-culture
Beginners survive in
Steps in Japanese Waseda Japanese.
Learn how to ・To ask for directions to a language,
for Beginners1 Part2 University Steps in acquire essential destination・To describe the communication,
Japanese Introductor information, as required travel time and route to a art-culture
XSeries self_paced 3 5 5 en-us well as how to destination・To check course
for y
Beginners convey information・To describe plans
information to and habits
Steps in Japanese Waseda Steps in others.
Learn important ・To invite someone・To language,
for Beginners1 Part3 University Japanese Introductor words and describe your experience・To communication,
XSeries self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
for y phrases for request permission・To explain art-culture
Beginners building relationships
Steps in Japanese Waseda relationships
Learn casual with ・To make small talk・To language,
for Beginners2 Part1 University Steps in expressions understand and know when to use communication,
Japanese which are used casual speech・To express your art-culture
Introductor among people wishes・To describe people
XSeries for self_paced 3 5 5 en-us
y who know each
2 other well and the
small talk which
helps build
Steps in Japanese Waseda Steps in Learn how to ask ・To describe your impressions of language,
for Beginners2 Part2 University Japanese the details about trips・To understand communication,
XSeries for self_paced 3 5 5 en-us a situation and instructions・To make requests art-culture
Beginners make requests to politely・To explain your physical
2 people. condition
Steps in Japanese Waseda Steps in Learn how to ・To explain your overall language,
for Beginners2 Part3 University Japanese explain a condition・To create communication,
XSeries for self_paced 3 5 5 en-us troubling conversational opportunities・To art-culture
Beginners situation, and use SNS・To express your opinion
2 how to ask for
Tsunamis and Waseda assistance
Learn aboutfrom The science and mechanisms of Introductory engineering,
Storm Surges: University natural coastal tsunamis and storm surgesNatural algebraIntroductory environmental-
Introduction to Non- Non- Introductor disasters and coastal disaster prevention physics studies
Coastal Disasters self_paced 3 4 6 en-us how you can help concepts and measuresHow to
Program Program y
improve global better prepare for a natural coastal
disaster disaster
日式经营管理 Waseda management.
Learn about The Japanese management Basic business business-
Japanese Business University Japanese ecosystem 日式管理生态系统The experience and/or management
Management business keys to Japan's rise, current acumen.基本的商务
management and business status, and future 经验和/或敏锐度。
start down a path 日本崛起的关键、当前的商业地位
to becoming a 和未来Case studies on Toyota,
global leader. Nissan, Honda, Recruit, and
Non- Non- Intermediat This course is the Softbank
self_paced 3 5 4 zh-Hans Chinese 丰田(Toyota)、日产(Nissan)
Program Program e
translated version 、本田(Honda)、瑞可利(Recr
of ""Japanese uit)和软银(Softbank)的案例研
Business 究
路。 本课程为
Information Western Information Information technology systems computer-science
Technology Governors Technology and their role in converting data to
Foundations University Foundations organizational knowledgeThe role
examines IT as a of different types of software in a
discipline and its computing environment and the
various roles and fundamentals of software
functions. The developmentFunctions of basic
Introductio course covers IT computer hardware
n to disciplines componentsThe structure,
MicroBach Introductor
Information self_paced 9 10 6 en-us including systems function, and security associated
elors y
and services, with networksCommon software
Technology network and architectures, development
security, scripting techniques, and the relationship
and between software and its
programming, environmentHow data and
data information systems support
management, collaboration and innovation to
and the business drive organizational success
of IT. The course
Network and Western This course In this course, you will learn about None. However, computer-science
Security Foundations Governors introduces the the following concepts: The basic Information
University components of a concepts essential to Technology
computer networkingThe functional and Foundations is
network and the technical components of network recommended.
concept and role systemsThe basic security
of communication concepts associated with networks
protocols. The
course covers
Introductio widely used
n to categorical
MicroBach Introductor
Information self_paced 9 10 8 en-us classifications of
elors y
networks, as well
Technology as network
physical devices,
and layered
abstraction. The
course also
introduces basic
concepts of
security, covering
vulnerabilities of
Scripting and Western This course is an In this course, you will learn about None ... However, computer-science
Programming Governors introduction to the following concepts: The basic Information
Foundations University programming computer programming elements, Technology
theory, covering including data types, constants, Foundations is
basic elements variables, operators, and recommended.
Introductio such as expressionsBasic constructs of
n to variables, data programming including functions
MicroBach Introductor types, flow and control structureInterpreting
Information self_paced 9 10 8 en-us
elors y control, and algorithmsThe steps of the
Technology design concepts. software design processHow to
The course is compare various scripting and
language- programming languages
agnostic in
nature, ending in
a survey of
languages and
A Resilient Future: École Discover how Participants will be able to:Explain University degree or engineering,
Science and polytechniq science and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) equivalent.Backgrou science
Technology for ue technology help related concepts and science and nd in engineering,
Disaster Risk fédérale us reduce technology for DRR.Identify and environmental
Reduction de disaster risk and describe existing and emerging sciences,
Lausanne increase technologies for landslide and architecture,
resilience. flood reduction.Explain geography,
methodological tools to assess anthropology,
vulnerabilities and risk and international
strengthen the resilience of relations or any
communities at risk of landslides, curriculum sharing
floods and earthquakes.Exemplify a global
the role and the challenges of perspective. This
Non- Non- science and technological list is not
self_paced Advanced 2 4 7 en-us
Program Program innovations for disaster risk exhaustive. We
reductionin an interdisciplinary encourage people
manner including the importance of all disciplines and
of social aspects.Recognize some backgrounds to join.
of the actors active in DRR and Motivation,
international policy frameworks persistence, and
and technology for DRR. interest in learning
about disaster risk
reduction.Notions of
statistics and
calculus may help
participants to
better understand
some concepts and
Algèbre Linéaire École Un MOOC A la fin du cours, l'étudiant sera Baccalauréat/maturit math, engineering
(Partie 1) polytechniq francophone capable de définir les concepts é fédérale maîtrise
ue d'algèbre linéaire théoriques introduits en cours et de l'algèbre
fédérale accessible à tous, d'en donner des exemples enseignée au
de enseigné de illustratifs ; d'appliquer la théorie lycée/gymnase.
Lausanne manière matricielle à la résolution de
rigoureuse et ne systèmes linéaires et d’interpréter
nécessitant les résultats obtenus ; de
aucun prérequis. déterminer si un ensemble muni
Non- Non- Introductor d'une addition et d'une
self_paced 6 8 4 fr-fr
Program Program y multiplication par scalaires est un
espace vectoriel (ou si un sous-
ensemble d'un espace vectoriel
est un sous-espace vectoriel) ; de
maîtriser les diverses notions
relatives à la théorie des espaces
vectoriels (e.g. bases, dimensions,
Algèbre Linéaire École Un MOOC A la fin du cours, l'étudiant sera Baccalauréat/maturit math, engineering
(Partie 2) polytechniq francophone capable:de définir les concepts é fédérale, maîtrise
ue d'algèbre linéaire théoriques introduits en cours et de l'algèbre
fédérale accessible à tous, d'en donner des exemples enseignée au
de enseigné de illustratifs ;de reconnaître une lycée/gymnase,
Lausanne manière application linéaire et de définir les bonne
rigoureuse et ne notions de base associées à un tel connaissance de la
nécessitant objet (e.g. noyau, image) matière enseignée
aucun prérequis. ;d’étudier les applications linéaires dans le MOOC
d'espaces vectoriels de dimension Algèbre Linéaire
finie à l'aide des représentations (Partie 1).
matricielles ;de calculer le
déterminant d'une matrice donnée
Non- Non- Introductor
self_paced 6 8 5 fr-fr et d'utiliser les propriétés de cet
Program Program y
objet à bon escient ;de maîtriser
les notions relatives à la
diagonalisation (e.g.
valeurs/vecteurs/espaces propres,
algèbrique/géométrique, polynôme
caractéristique) ;de déterminer si
un opérateur linéaire donné est
diagonalisable ou non ;d’appliquer
la méthode de diagonalisation à
un opérateur linéaire donné.

Algèbre Linéaire École Un MOOC A la fin du cours, l'étudiant sera Baccalauréat/maturit math, engineering
(Partie 3) polytechniq francophone capablede définir les concepts é fédérale, maîtrise
ue d'algèbre linéaire théoriques introduits en cours et de l'algèbre
fédérale accessible à tous, d'en donner des exemples enseignée au
de enseigné de illustratifs ;de reconnaître un lycée/gymnase,
Lausanne manière produit scalaire et maîtriser les bonne
rigoureuse et ne propriétés associées à un tel objet connaissance de la
nécessitant (e.g. Inégalité de Cauchy- matière enseignée
aucun prérequis. Schwarz, inégalité du triangle) ;de dans les MOOCs
et maîtriser les notions de bases Algèbre Linéaire
liées à l'orthogonalité (e.g. (Partie 1) et Algèbre
familles/bases orthogonales, Linéaire (Partie 2).
familles/bases orthonormales,
Non- Non- Introductor orthogonal d'un sous-espace,
self_paced 6 8 5 fr-fr
Program Program y Théorème de Pythagore) ;de
construire une base orthonormée
d'un sous-espace vectoriel d'un
espace euclidien à l'aide du
procédé de Gram-Schmidt ;de
calculer la meilleure approximation
quadratique d'un vecteur ;de
calculer la solution au sens des
moindres carrés d'un système
linéaire ;de calculer la factorisation
QR d'une matrice donnée, lorsque
cela est possible ;de diagonaliser
orthogonalement une matrice
symétrique donnée ;de déterminer
Cavity Quantum École Fundamentals of Become familiar with the history, Graduate level physics,
Optomechanics polytechniq optomechanics. recent developments and electrodynamics, engineering
ue Basic principles, applications of statistical physics
fédérale recent optomechanicsUnderstand the and quantum
de developments physics of mechanical and optical mechanicsFamiliar
Lausanne and applications. resonatorsUnderstand the with the concepts of
Non- Non- Intermediat radiation pressure force and the quantum optics and
self_paced 10 20 6 en-us optomechanical open quantum
Program Program e
interactionUnderstand the systems
classical and quantum mechanical
optomechanical phenomenaLearn
the tools for designing an
optomechanical experiment

Cellular École This course aims Fundamental aspects of Basic knowledge medicine, biology-
Mechanisms of polytechniq for a mechanistic neuroscience related to (High school / 1st life-sciences,
Brain Function ue description of mammalian brain year University) of science
fédérale mammalian brain functionBiophysical mechanisms physics, chemistry,
de function at the of electrical signalling in biology and
Lausanne level of individual neuronsSynaptic mechanisms mathematics
Non- Non- Intermediat nerve cells and underlying neuronal
self_paced 4 5 8 en-us
Program Program e their synaptic computationsModern methods for
interactions. studying mammalian brain
function in vivoNeuronal network
function underlying sensory
perception, sensorimotor
integration and learning
Cement Chemistry École Learn the basics Understanding of the hydration of This course will go physics, science,
and Sustainable polytechniq of cement cementThe science and utility into the details of chemistry
Cementitious ue chemistry and behind Supplementary the mechanisms of
Materials fédérale laboratory best Cementitious Materials in concrete cement hydration.
de practices for technologyBest practices (via The most useful
Lausanne assessment of its tutorials) for testing samples techniques for the
key properties. through X-Rays diffractometry, characterization of
Scanning Electronic Microscopy cementitious
and Isothermal calorimetry materials will also
be quite deeply
explained. In order
Non- Non- Intermediat
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us to assimilate all this
Program Program e
information, it is
recommended for
the attendees to
have a solid
background in
chemistry, physics
and crystallography,
or a bachelor in
Materials Science.
Computational École This course By the end of the course,you Calculus and biology-life-
Neuroscience: polytechniq explains the willbe able to: Analyze connected Differential sciences, math
Neuronal Dynamics ue mathematical and networks in the mean-field equations at the
of Cognition fédérale computational limitFormalize biological facts into level of a bachelor
de models that are mathematical modelsUnderstand in physics, math, or
Lausanne Non- Non-
self_paced Advanced 4 6 6 en-gb used in the field a simple mathematical model of electrical
Program Program of theoretical memory formation in the engineering.
neuroscience to brainUnderstand a simple
analyze the mathematical model of decision
collective processesUnderstand cortical field
dynamics of models of perception
thousands of
Conversion École Principes de Bobinage : proprietes, exemples Connaissances de engineering,
électromécanique II polytechniq fonctionnement, de realisationChamp tournant : base en science
ue construction, definition, principe, conditions électromécanique :
fédérale calcul et d'obtentionCouple circuits
de applications des electromagnetique : origine et magnétiques,
Lausanne moteurs calcul du couple, classification des inductances
electriques. moteursMoteur synchrone : propres et
principe de fonctionnement, mutuelles, aimant
modelisationMoteur synchrone a permanent et calcul
Non- Non- Intermediat aimants : construction, commande de force
self_paced 3 5 9 fr-ch electroniqueMoteur a courant électromagnétique.
Program Program e
continu : fonctionnement,
equations caracteristiques,
excitation, alimentation
electroniqueMoteur universel :
principe, construction,
applicationsMoteur asynchrone :
principe, modelisation, exemples
d'application, electronique de

Cours préparatoire: École Ce cours donne Connaître les fonctions math

Fonctions polytechniq les trigonométrqiues,
Trigonométriques, ue connaissances trigonométriques inverses,
Logarithmiques et fédérale fondamentales logarithmiques et
Exponentielles de liées aux exponentielles.Utiliser les formules
Lausanne fonctions trigonométriques, logarithmiques
trigonométriques, et exponentielles dans des
Non- Non- Introductor logarithmiques et situations multiples.Intégrer et
self_paced 2 3 12 fr-fr
Program Program y exponentielles. utiliser les outils de l'analyse
(symétries, continuité, dérivée)
dans ce contexte.Appliquer les
connaissances acquieses au
calcul de triangles, à l'étude des
mouvements harmoniques etc.
Die digitale Welt mit École In diesem Kurs Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, Es sind keine computer-science
dem Thymio polytechniq lernen Sie, wie die den Thymio-Roboter besonderen
Roboter entdecken ue man mit dem beherrschen möchten, ist aber in Fachkenntnisse
fédérale Roboter Thymio erster Linie für Lehrer(innen) der benötigt, ausser in
de umgeht und wie Grund- und Sekundarstufe den
Lausanne man ihn als gedacht, die dieses Werkzeug fortgeschrittenen
Lehrmittel in einer entdecken und im Unterricht Programmierabschni
Klasse einsetzen einsetzen wollen. Durch diesen tten, die ein
kann. Ziel ist es, Kurs kann man sich die bisschen Erfahrung
den Thymio- Grundlagen der Informatik und der mit
Roboter als Robotik aneignen. Angepasste Programmierung
Einführung in die Aufgaben werden zu jedem erfordern.
digitale Welt und Thema vorgeschlagen und
Non- Non- Introductor in das Lernwege für die Darstellung im
self_paced 4 6 6 de-ch
Program Program y informatische Unterricht werden hier
Denken angeboten.Nutzungsbedingungen
("Computerdenke für RessourcenAllgemeine
n") zu benutzen. Nutzungsbedingungen für
pädagogische RessourcenDie
Kursressourcen werden unter
einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz
BY-NC-ND geliefert: Die Inhalte
können genutzt werden, ausser zu
kommerziellen Zwecken und die
Inhalte dürfen nicht verändert
werden. Wenn Sie die Inhalte des
Kurses verwenden, geben Sie
bitte die folgenden zwei Links an,
Electronique I École Introduction à Classer les fonctions Méthodes de engineering,
polytechniq l’électronique électroniques linéaires et non résolution de electronics
ue analogique- linéairesAnalyser les circuits circuits
fédérale première partie. électroniques à base linéaires.Connaissan
de Fonctions de d'amplificateurs ce des composants
Lausanne base réalisées à opérationnelsDimensionner les passifs linéaires
l’aide des composants de circuits à base (R,L,C) et non-
amplificateurs d'amplificateurs linéaire
Non- Non- Introductor opérationnels. opérationnelsComposer des (diode).Analyse
self_paced 4 5 8 fr-fr systèmes électroniques à l'aide temporelle et
Program Program y
d'un ensemble de fonctions de fréquentielle et
baseSynthétiser des circuits représentation des
électroniques simplesManipuler fonctions de
des résultats de mesure de transfert à l'aide
circuits électroniques d'un diagramme de
Bode (module et
Electronique II École Introduction à A la fin de ce cours l'étudiant doit Cours engineering,
polytechniq l’électronique être capable de:Comprendre la d’électrotechnique electronics
ue analogique- structure du transistor ICours
fédérale seconde partie. bipolaire.D’utiliser les d’électronique I
de Fonctions configurations petits-signaux du
Lausanne linéaires de base transistor.De concevoir des
réalisée à l’aide circuits de polarisation des et
Non- Non- Introductor de transistor sources de courant.De concevoir
self_paced 2 3 8 fr-fr bipolaire. des amplificateurs élémentaires à
Program Program y
transistors.D’analyser la réponse
en fréquence des
amplificateurs.De comprendre la
mise-en-cascade des structures
analogiques pour réaliser un
amplificateur opérationnel ou un
amplificateur de puissance.
Electrotechnique I École Découvrez les Analyser un circuit électrique en Afin de vous aider engineering,
polytechniq circuits régime continuQuantifier toutes dans votre choix de science,
ue électriques les grandeurs au sein du cours, vous electronics
fédérale linéaires. circuitFormaliser un circuit en trouverez ci-
de Apprenez à les régime alternatifCalculer des dessous une liste
Lausanne maîtriser et à les grandeurs complexes non exhaustive des
résoudre, dans notions importantes
un premier temps à maîtriser:Calcul
en régime continu analytiqueCalcul
Non- Non- Introductor puis en régime trigonométriqueCalc
self_paced 3 4 8 en-us
Program Program y alternatif. ul
complexeAttention :
d’autres cours ont
également des
prérequis. Prière de
vous référer aux
descriptifs de cours.

Electrotechnique II École Découvrez les Concepts engineering,

polytechniq systèmes importants à science,
ue alternatifs maîtriser Calcul electronics
fédérale Non- Non- triphasés et leurs analytiqueNombres
self_paced Advanced 3 4 10 fr-fr
de Program Program charges complexesÉquations
Lausanne associées ainsi différentielles
que les régimes (basiques)
transitoires, base
Explorer l’espace École Explorer Une meilleure compréhension du social-sciences
des humains: une polytechniq comment la concept d’«espace » établie à
introduction à la ue géographie, la partir de nos pratiques
géographicité fédérale cartographie, quotidiennesComment lire et
de l’urbanisation et dessiner des cartes afin d’acquérir
Lausanne la justice spatiale une meilleure compréhension de
jouent un rôle l’espace et de la
Non- Non- Introductor dans la distanceComment la notion
self_paced 4 5 10 fr-fr
Program Program y compréhension d’espace permet d’appréhender
de l’espace des les enjeux de la géographie, des
humains et des sciences sociales, de
sociétés. l’urbanisation et de l’InternetUne
idée générale sur les thèmes et
sur les questions importantes de
la justice spatiale
Exploring Humans’ École Explore how A greater understanding of space None social-sciences
Space: An polytechniq geography, as perception and daily-life
Introduction to ue cartography, practice.How to read and draw
Geographicity fédérale urbanization and maps to gain a better
de spatial justice understanding of space and
Lausanne play a role in spatiality.How space is a useful
Non- Non- Introductor shaping the tool to address digital worlds,
self_paced 3 4 10 en-us
Program Program y notion of human urbanisation, and
space. globalisation.How geography
connects social sciences.An
overview of important spatial
agency and spatial justice topics
and issues.
Find the right École Learn how to How to generate a set of market None. business-
markets for your polytechniq apply the Market opportunities stemming from your management
innovation - A tool ue Opportunity core strengthsMethods for
for entrepreneurs fédérale Navigator - a evaluating the attractiveness of
and innovators for de three-step tool for market opportunities in a
choosing which Lausanne identifying, comprehensive mannerHow to
markets to play in. evaluating and make an informed strategic
strategizing choice, that will increase your
market chances of focusing on a
Non- Non- Introductor opportunities - to promising marketWays to balance
self_paced 3 4 6 en-us
Program Program y get the most focus and flexibility- two critical
value for your aspects for gaining successHow
innovation. to develop a mindset that
nourishes open mindedness and
receptiveness to adaptationHow to
apply a structured decision
making process that facilitates
team discussions and debates
Fundamentals of École Learn about Understand the essential It is recommended engineering,
Biomedical Imaging polytechniq magnetic principles of operation of magnetic to have followed physics
: Magnetic ue resonance, from resonance (MRI).Differentiate the Biomedical Imaging:
Resonance Imaging fédérale the physical imaging modalities, describe their Ultrasounds, X-ray,
(MRI) de principles of fundamental promises and positron emission
Lausanne Nuclear Magnetic limitations.Deduce which imaging tomography (PET)
Resonance technique is appropriate for a and applications. It
(NMR) to the given situation.Describe/analyze is also
Non- Non- basic concepts of typical applications. recommended to
self_paced Advanced 4 5 6 en-us image have followed
Program Program
reconstruction introductory physics
(MRI). at the Bachelor
level and to be
familiar with the
concept of Fourier

Fundamentals of École Learn how Understand the main imaging It is recommended engineering,
Biomedical Imaging: polytechniq principles of basic concepts that characterize the to have followed physics
Ultrasounds, X-ray, ue science are quality of imaging techniques for introductory physics
positron emission fédérale integrated into Signal (SNR) and Contrast at the Bachelor
tomography (PET) de major biomedical (CNR).Understand the essential level and to be
and applications Lausanne imaging principles of ultrasound, X-ray familiar with the
Non- Non- modalities and imaging (CT), SPECT, PET.For concept of Fourier
self_paced Advanced 4 5 7 en-us the different each of the above techniques, be transformation.
Program Program
techniques used, aware of the factors limiting the
such as X-ray image quality.Describe/analyse
computed typical applications.Recognize the
tomography (CT), imaging technique used to
ultrasounds and produce a given image.
positron emission
Groundscape École We simply cannot Discover the beauty, potential and No special architecture, art-
Architecture Design polytechniq be satisfied with richness of the subterranean prerequisites are culture, energy-
Lab, re-thinking ue only developing territory.Revert the negative needed for a correct earth-sciences
cities underground fédérale the city on top of perception associated with the comprehension of
de the city. We must infrastructureEnlarge your vision the course. For
Lausanne also build the city as an urban actorBecome those who want to
under the city. acquainted with indispensable take part in the
design tools needed for designing Underground
underground.Apprehend essential Design Studio,
urban strategies necessary to basic experience in
Non- Non- Intermediat intervene in the Groundscape terms of conception
self_paced 2 3 11 en-gb
Program Program e territory.You will be introduced to and architectural
basic constructive procedures software is
needed to excavate into the recommended.
groundImplement new and
specific design methodsDevelop
your own Groundscape
projectParticipate in an
architecture competition
Image Processing École Basic image Recall digital image formation none. data-analysis-
and Analysis for Life polytechniq analysis for life principlesUnderstand human statistics, biology-
Scientists ue scientists with a perception and colorDistinguish life-sciences,
fédérale non-engineering between bit-depthsUse lookup science
de background. The tablesPerform mathematical
Lausanne main goal is to operations on imagesApply
teach how to filtering to digital
address and imagesUnderstand and use image
Non- Non- Intermediat solve scientific segmentation techniquesCreate
self_paced 2 3 7 en-gb
Program Program e questions by regions of interest and extract
state of the art results from segmented
image analysis imagesHow to perform projections
strategies. and reslicing on images for
analysisApplying color
deconvolution to brightfield
imagesUnderstand the concepts
of the ImageJ Macro language

Instructional Design École Discover a visual In this MOOC, you will learn: Why Work/degree education-teacher-
with Orchestration polytechniq language for some lesson plans require more related to learning training
Graphs ue designing correct orchestrationHow to sciences or
fédérale pedagogical design a lesson plan that takes instructional design
de scenarios that benefit of multiple learning
Lausanne integrate activitiesHow to maximize the
individual, team effectiveness of collaborative
and class wide learningHow to design graphically
Non- Non- activities. an orchestration graphWhat are
self_paced Advanced 4 6 5 en-us
Program Program possible edges of the graph
inspired by education
researchWhat are possible
operators in the dataflowHow to
edit, share and execute graph in
FROGWhat is the optimal timing
for transition between activities

Intro to Traffic Flow École Learn how to Understand key concepts and the Analysis & engineering
Modeling and polytechniq describe, model physics of the transport Linear Algebra (1st
Intelligent Transport ue and control urban phenomenaFamiliarize with major year BSc level)
Systems fédérale traffic congestion elements of transportation
de in simple ways systemsUse simple and elegant
Lausanne Non- Non-
5 6 7 en-gb and gain insight models to identify the causes of
Program Program e into advanced congestionPropose traffic
traffic management strategies to
management alleviate congestionApply the
schemes that fundamentals of transportation
improve mobility engineering in real case studies
in cities and
Introduction to École Learn about the Influence of gravity on celestial Physics and Maths physics, science
Astrophysics polytechniq physical bodiesMatter-radiation (1st year of
ue phenomena at interactionsStar formation and bachelor):Trigonome
fédérale play in evolutionBasics of cosmology tryDerivatives and
de Non- Non- Introductor astronomical Taylor
self_paced 3 4 7 en-us
Lausanne Program Program y objects and link expansionsIntegral
theoretical calculus1st order
predictions to differential equations
Introduction to École The course The behavioral assumptions Statistics (bachelor engineering
Discrete Choice polytechniq introduces the associated with disaggregate level), linear
Models ue theoretical choice modelsThe derivation of regression
fédérale foundations to operational modelsThe art of
de Non- Non- Intermediat choice modeling model specificationThe estimation
Lausanne Program self_paced 5 6 7 en-us and describes the of model parameters from choice
Program e
steps of dataThe testing of model
operational specificationsConcrete
modeling. applications of the estimated
Introduction à École Ce cours décrit Vision globale de l'univers depuis Math et physique physics, science
l'astrophysique polytechniq les principaux les échelles planétaires au niveau première
ue concepts échelles cosmologiques Les année de Bachelor.
fédérale physiques utilisés échelles de temps et d'espace qui En particulier:
de en astrophysique. caractérisent les objets celestes Trigonométrie
Lausanne Non- Non- Intermediat Il est proposé à Les processus physiques Dérivées et
self_paced 3 4 7 fr-fr l'EPFL aux expliquant notre perception des développements
Program Program e
étudiants de astres limités Calcul
2eme année de intégral Equations
Bachelor en différentielles du
physique. premier degré

Introduction à École Ce cours décrit Bonjour et bienvenus à tous pour Ce cours nécessite biology-life-
l'immunologie: polytechniq les mécanismes ce MOOC «Introduction à quelques bases en sciences, health-
aspects ue fondamentaux du l’immunologie: aspects biologie moléculaire. safety
fondamentaux fédérale système fondamentaux». Il s’agit d’un
de immunitaire pour cours d’un niveau licence ou
Lausanne mieux Master 1. Il vous permettra
comprendre les d’acquérir le vocabulaire et les
bases concepts clés de l’immunologie,
immunologiques en nous focalisant sur le système
dela vaccination, immunitaire des mammifères et
Non- Non- de la de l’homme. Les objectifs du
self_paced Advanced 5 7 8 fr-ch
Program Program transplantation, cours seront de : Comprendre la
de structure et la fonction du système
l’immunothérapie, immunitaire en nous intéressant
de l'allergie et aux molécules et aux tissus
des maladies impliqués dans la réponse
auto-immunes. immunitaire et à leur intégration
dans organismeDonner un aperçu
sur les mécanismes de défenses
innées et adaptatives
Introduction à École L’objectif principal Il vous permettra d’acquérir le Ce cours nécessite biology-life-
l'immunologie: polytechniq de cette vocabulaire et les concepts clés quelques bases en sciences, health-
méthodes et ue deuxième partie de l’immunologie, en nous biologie moléculaire safety
applications fédérale d’enseignement focalisant sur le système et le cours
médicales de est de faire immunitaire des mammifères et ""Introduction à
Lausanne appliquer vos de l’homme. Les objectifs du l’immunologie
connaissances cours seront de : Présenter fondemantale""
Non- Non- en immunologie quelques méthodes couramment
self_paced Advanced 5 7 6 fr-ch
Program Program fondamentale à utilisées en immunologieDécouvrir
des questions de quelques aspects appliqués de
santé humaine, l’immunologie en médecine,
notamment à la notamment la transplantation, la
vaccination, vaccination, les allergies et les
l'allergie, les maladies auto-immunes.
maladies auto-
immunes, la
Launching New École Transform a Identify promising business business-
Ventures polytechniq promising opportunitiesDevelop your ideas management
ue entrepreneurial into a venture conceptTest market
fédérale opportunity into a receptiveness to your venture idea
de venture concept by using social mediaCraft an
Lausanne proposal, and opportunity exploitation
launch it as a roadmapCreatively market your
business. Learn solutionCalculate how much
the key steps in money you need, where to find it
Non- Non- Introductor the venture and how to manage itHow and
self_paced 2 3 7 en-gb
Program Program y creation process, when to protect your intellectual
including propertyHow to grow your venture
feasibility (intelligently!)Experience the early
analysis, stages of the entrepreneurial
marketing and processSharpen your
fundraising. “entrepreneurial mindset” and
learn how it can benefit your

Le robot Thymio École Ce cours permet Ce cours s'adresse à toute Il n'y a pas de computer-science,
comme outil de polytechniq d’aborder la personne qui veut maîtriser le prérequis education-teacher-
découverte des ue compréhension robot Thymio, mais il a été pensé particuliers, sauf training
sciences du fédérale des mécanismes en premier lieu pour les pour certaines
numérique de de base d’un enseignants de primaire et de sections de
Lausanne robot tel que secondaire désireux de découvrir programmation
Thymio, sa cet outil et de l'utiliser en classe. Il avancée
programmation permet d'acquérir les bases de necessitant une
avec différents l'informatique et de la robotique, pratique de l'outil.
Non- Non- Introductor langages, son en proposant des situations-
self_paced 4 6 6 fr-fr
Program Program y utilisation en problèmes adaptées, en
classe avec les fournissant également des pistes
éléments pédagogiques pour l'animation en
pédagogiques classe. Il repond aussi bien aux
associés nouveaux programmes
d'introduction des sciences du
numérique à l'école en France
qu'en Suisse et a été réalisé
conjointement par Inria et l'EPFL.
Management of École Learn the What you’ll learn:The systemic No background is business-
Urban polytechniq principles of nature of urban infrastructuresThe required; all management,
Infrastructures – ue managing urban main schools of thought in passionate learners social-sciences
part 1 fédérale infrastructure management of urban interested in
de Non- Non- Introductor systems – the infrastructuresUrban Energy managing and
Lausanne Program self_paced 4 6 en-us complex socio- Systems and the key principles for governing urban
Program y
technical systems managing themUrban infrastructure
that provide basic Transportation Systems and the systems are
services to more key principles for managing them welcomed.
than 50% of the
MATLAB and École world’s
Learn MATLAB To use and to write scripts and No background in computer-science,
Octave for Beginners polytechniq and Octave and functions using MATLAB and programming math
ue start OctaveTo work with vectors and needed. However,
fédérale experimenting matricesTo handle data filesTo the following
de with matrix plot graphics and save them in pdf background in math
Lausanne manipulations, and jpg formatsTo write interactive concepts are
data programs necessary:functions
Non- Non- Introductor visualizations, of a variablegraph
self_paced 5 6 4 en-us functions and of a
Program Program y
mathematical function(optionally)
computations. function of two
variablesvector and
ation de vecteurs et
MATLAB et Octave École Premiers pas Utiliser des scripts et des Aucune base de computer-science,
pour débutants polytechniq dans MATLAB et fonctionsTravailler avec des programmation est math
ue Octave avec un vecteurs et des matricesTraiter requise.Les bases
fédérale regard vers le des fichiers de donnéesGénérer de mathématiques
de calcul scientifique. des graphiques et les sauvegarder nécessaires
Lausanne en format pdf ou jpgEcrire de sont:Fonctions à
petits programmes interactifs une
Non- Non- Introductor variableGraphique
self_paced 5 6 4 fr-fr d’une fonction à une
Program Program y
variableFonctions à
deux ou trois
on de vecteurs et

Micro and École Learn the How to select the correct Basics in Physics engineering
Nanofabrication polytechniq fundamentals of fabrication process for a specific and Chemistry
(MEMS) ue microfabrication micro-device or
fédérale and microsystemEstablish the
de nanofabrication workflow for the cleanroom
Lausanne Non- Non-
self_paced Advanced 3 5 7 en-us by using the most processesIdentify how physical
Program Program effective and chemical phenomena govern
techniques in a miniaturized systems for various
cleanroom applicationsResource planning for
environment. a given microsystem fabrication
Neuronal Dynamics École The activity of How mathematical tools such as Calculus, differential computer-science,
polytechniq neurons in the differential equations, phase plane equations, math, physics
ue brain and the analysis, separation of time probabilities.Recom
fédérale code used by scales, and stochastic processes mended textbook:
de these neurons is can be used to understand the "NEURONAL
Lausanne Non- Non- described by dynamics of neurons and the DYNAMICS - from
self_paced Advanced 5 7 7 en-us mathematical neural code single neurons to
Program Program
neuron models at networks and
different levels of cognition",
detail. Cambridge Univ.
Press 2014

Optimization: École Introduction to The course is structured into 5 The course math, computer-
principles and polytechniq linear sections. Formulation: you will assumes no prior science
algorithms - Linear ue optimization, learn from simple examples how knowledge of
optimization fédérale duality and the to formulate, transform and optimization. It
de simplex algorithm. characterize an optimization relies heavily on
Lausanne problem. Constraints: you will linear algebra
learn how to represent the (matrices, rank,
constraints of a linear optimization pivoting, etc.)The
problem, both from a geometric knowledge of the
Non- Non- Introductor and algebraic point of programming
self_paced 6 8 5 en-us
Program Program y views.Duality: you will learn how to language Python is
derive a companion problem an asset to learn
called the "dual". Optimality the details of the
conditions: you will learn sufficient algorithms.
and necessary conditions for an However, it is
optimal solution. Simplex method: possible to follow
you will learn an algorithm to solve the course without
a linear optimization problem. programming at all.

Optimization: École Introduction to The course is structured into 5 The course math, computer-
principles and polytechniq network sections.Networks: you will be assumes that you science
algorithms - ue optimization and introduced to the mathematical are familiar with
Network and fédérale discrete formalism of graphs and linear optimization.
discrete optimization de optimization networks.Transhipment: you will We advise you to
Lausanne learn about the transhipment follow the
problem (also called "minimum companion course
cost flow problem"), its properties, on that topic if it is
and some special not the case.The
Non- Non- Intermediat instances.Shortest path: you will knowledge of the
self_paced 6 8 5 en-us learn about algorithms to find the programming
Program Program e
shortest path in a network. language Python is
Discrete optimization: you will an asset to learn
learn how to specify a discrete the details of the
optimization problem.Exact algorithms.
methods for discrete optimization: However, it is
you will be introduced to two possible to follow
algorithms to solve discrete the course without
optimization problems. programming at all.
Optimization: École Introduction to The course is structured into 6 The course math, computer-
principles and polytechniq unconstrained sections: Formulation: you will assumes no prior science
algorithms - ue nonlinear learn from simple examples how knowledge of
Unconstrained fédérale optimization, to formulate, transform and optimization. It
nonlinear de Newton’s characterize an optimization relies heavily on
optimization Lausanne algorithms and problem. Objective function: you linear algebra,
descent methods. will review the mathematical analysis and
properties of the objective function calculus (matrices,
that are important in derivatives,
optimization.Optimality conditions: eigenvalues,
you will learn sufficient and etc.)The knowledge
necessary conditions for an of the programming
Non- Non- Introductor optimal solution. Solving language Python is
self_paced 6 8 6 en-us
Program Program y equations, Newton: this is a an asset to learn
reminder about Newton's method the details of the
to solve nonlinear algorithms.
equations.Newton's local method: However, it is
you will see how to interpret and possible to follow
adapt Newton's method in the the course without
context of optimization.Descent programming at all.
methods: you will learn the family
of descent methods, and its
connection with Newton's method.

Plasma Physics: École Learn about Different applications of General physics engineering,
Applications polytechniq plasma plasmasUnderstanding of the (electricity and physics, science
ue applications from fusion energy challenge, and magnetism)Vector
fédérale nuclear fusion acquisition of the basis for calculusCompletion
de powering the sun, developing an overall vision of the of
Lausanne to making different R&D PlasmaIntroductionX
integrated elementsUnderstanding of the recommended
Non- Non- Intermediat circuits, to main plasma societal applications
self_paced 5 6 10 en-us generating and relevant toolsVision and
Program Program e
electricity. appreciation of the importance of
plasmas in space and
astrophysicsBy solving problems
in course content, you will acquire
some basic knowledge of
MATLAB programming

Plasma Physics: École Learn the basics Basic knowledge of plasma General physics engineering,
Introduction polytechniq of plasma, one of physics and the different models (electricity and physics, science
ue the fundamental used to describe plasmasAn magnetism)Vector
fédérale states of matter, understanding of how to calculus
de Non- Non- Intermediat and the different numerically simulate complex
self_paced 5 6 8 en-us
Lausanne Program Program e types of models plasma dynamicsBasic knowledge
usedto describe of MATLAB programming through
it, including fluid introduction videos and exercises
and kinetic.
Programming École Principles of use, transform and sequence You should have at computer-science,
Reactive Systems polytechniq Reactive asynchronous computations using least one year data-analysis-
ue Programming in Future values,write concurrent programming statistics
fédérale Scala. reactive systems based on Actors experience,
de and message passing, using preferably in Scala
Lausanne untyped Akka and Akka or a functional
Typed,design systems resilient to language.
Non- Non- Intermediat failures,implement systems that
self_paced 5 7 9 en-gb can scale out according to a
Program Program e
varying workload,transform and
consume infinite and intermittent
streams of data with Akka Stream
in a non-blocking way,understand
how back-pressure controls flows
of data

Simulation École Learn how to Discuss the different types of data Knowledge of biology-life-
Neuroscience polytechniq digitally for simulation neuroscienceHow to ordinary differential sciences,
ue reconstruct a collect, annotate and register equations, and their computer-science
fédérale single neuron to different types of neuroscience numerical solution
de better study the dataDescribe the simulation Knowledge of
Lausanne biological neuroscience programming in one
mechanisms of strategiesCategorize different of Python
brain function, classification features of (preferred), C/C++,
Non- Non- behaviour and neuronsList different Java, MATLAB, R.
self_paced Advanced 5 8 6 en-us
Program Program disease. characteristics of synapses and
behavioural aspectsModel a
neuron with all its parts (soma,
dendrites, axon, synaps) and its
behaviourUse experimental data
on neuronal activity to constrain a

Smart Cities – École In the era of The nature of disruptive All passionate social-sciences,
Management of polytechniq Smart Cities, innovations (smart technologies) learners interested business-
Smart Urban ue learn the in urban infrastructure in Smart Cities are management
Infrastructures fédérale principles of systemsState-of-the-art strategies welcomed. The
de urban that can be used for “smart course does not
Lausanne infrastructure infrastructure” solutions in cities, have any pre-
management and while effectively managing the requisites.
find ways to transition from legacy However, in order to
incorporate smart infrastructures to smart make the best of
Non- Non- Introductor technologies into systemsManagement of the this MOOC, we
self_paced 2 3 en-us legacy transition phase from legacy strongly encourage
Program Program y
infrastructures. infrastructure systems to smart you to enroll in our
cities by supporting innovations previous MOOC on
while avoiding early lock- the Management of
inApplications for the materials Urban
learned in this course, within the Infrastructures,
context of the management of which has been
“smart urban transportation widely appraised by
systems” as well as “smart urban learners.
energy systems”
Space Mission École Learn the Fundamental laws of mechanics Bachelor level engineering,
Design and polytechniq concepts used in and orbital mechanicsOrbital courses in physics, physics, science
Operations ue the design of maneuversTypes of space vector analysis, and
fédérale space missions, missions and their calculus.
de manned or objectivesSpace
Lausanne unmanned, and environmentGeneral concepts of
Non- Non- Intermediat operations, based space vehicle
self_paced 2 4 8 en-us on the architecturePropulsionAttitude
Program Program e
professional determination and controlOnboard
experience of the systemsRisk management and
lecturer. reliabilityKey design elements for
successful missions, in particular
related to human spaceflight

Technology École Learn how to use Determine how contextual factors None. humanities,
Innovation for polytechniq technology influence technology development engineering
Sustainable ue innovation as a and deployment.Create innovative
Development fédérale tool to fight technologies that sustainably
de poverty and impact poverty.Lead a technology
Lausanne enable innovation process -from initial
Non- Non- Introductor sustainable concept to product scale-up-
self_paced 2 3 6 en-us
Program Program y development. maximizing impact and minimizing
risk.Evaluate alternative business
models for technologies intended
to impact poverty.

The Multi-scale brain École This course How to explain and contrast Knowledge of biology-life-
polytechniq explores the different techniques for ordinary differential sciences,
ue latest data, visualization, mapping, and equations, and their computer-science,
fédérale models,and modeling of single cells, synaptic numerical science
de techniques for fields, larger circuits of neurons, solution.Knowledge
Lausanne Non- Non-
self_paced Advanced 4 6 7 en-gb investigating the and long-range interactions of programming in
Program Program different levels of between cortical areasWays to one of the following:
the brain. Find classify neurons and relate cell Python (preferred),
new insights and morphology to functionHow to use C/C++, Java,
derive new brain atlases and modeling tools MATLAB, R.
The Radio Sky I: École Be captivated by Gain an overview of Radio Undergraduate: physics, science,
Science and polytechniq the exotic objects Astronomy and its algebra; basic engineering
Observations ue that populate the contextUnderstand the different mathematics and
fédérale Radio Sky and detector technologies used at physics
de gain a solid different wavelengthsLearn the conceptsBasic
Lausanne understanding of features of the main emission computer science
Non- Non- Intermediat their physics and mechanisms which cause radio
self_paced 4 6 7 en-us
Program Program e the fundamental emissionCharacterise the different
techniques we types of celestial radio
use to observe emittersUse radio emission to
them. diagnose key physical and
scientific insights into the nature of
the object being observed.


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