Anr (5g Ran6.1 - Draft A)

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The document discusses 5G RAN ANR (Automatic Neighbor Relation) feature parameters and provides an overview of ANR concepts and related terms.

The main sections covered include an overview, parameters, counters, glossary and reference documents.

Some of the reference documents mentioned include Mobility Management, Multi-Frequency Convergence, 3GPP TS 38.331 and 3GPP TS 38.104.


ANR Feature Parameter Description

Issue Draft A
Date 2021-12-30


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Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

ANR Feature Parameter Description Contents


1 Change History.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 5G RAN6.1 Draft A (2021-12-30)...................................................................................................................................... 1

2 About This Document.............................................................................................................6

2.1 General Statements................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Features in This Document.................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Differences Between NR FDD and NR TDD................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Differences Between NSA and SA..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Differences Between High Frequency Bands and Low Frequency Bands............................................................ 9

3 Overview................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Definition................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Related Concepts.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.1 NCL......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 NRT......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

4 Intra-RAT ANR Management............................................................................................. 14

4.1 Intra-RAT ANR....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Principles.............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells................................................................ 15 Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells............................................................................................................. 27 Automatic NCL Update................................................................................................................................................ 29 Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Zero Handover Success
Rate................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Identification of Over-
Distant Neighboring Cells......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration............................................................................................. 34 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Addition.................................................................................................... 35 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Update...................................................................................................... 38 Automatic Neighboring Frequency Configuration............................................................................................. 42 Control Mode...................................................................................................................................................................43
4.1.2 Network Analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 45 Benefits.............................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Impacts.............................................................................................................................................................................. 45
4.1.3 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Licenses.............................................................................................................................................................................. 49

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

ANR Feature Parameter Description Contents Software............................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Others................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
4.1.4 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 50 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 50 Data Preparation.........................................................................................................................................................50 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................ 55 Using the MAE-Deployment................................................................................................................................... 57 Activation Verification.................................................................................................................................................. 57 Network Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID Management................................................................................................................................... 59
4.2.1 Principles.............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
4.2.2 Network Analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 61 Benefits.............................................................................................................................................................................. 61 Impacts.............................................................................................................................................................................. 61
4.2.3 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Licenses.............................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Software............................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Others................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
4.2.4 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 63 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 63 Data Preparation.........................................................................................................................................................63 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................ 64 Using the MAE-Deployment................................................................................................................................... 64 Activation Verification.................................................................................................................................................. 64 Network Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................... 64

5 Inter-RAT ANR Management..............................................................................................65

5.1 Inter-RAT ANR........................................................................................................................................................................ 65
5.1.1 Principles.............................................................................................................................................................................. 65 Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells................................................................ 66 Automatic NCL Update................................................................................................................................................ 72 Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells............................................................................................................. 72 Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Zero Handover Success
Rate................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74 Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Identification of Over-
Distant Neighboring Cells......................................................................................................................................................... 75 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration............................................................................................. 76 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Addition.................................................................................................... 77 Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Update...................................................................................................... 79 Automatic Neighboring Frequency Configuration............................................................................................. 80 Control Mode...................................................................................................................................................................81
5.1.2 Network Analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 83

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

ANR Feature Parameter Description Contents Benefits.............................................................................................................................................................................. 83 Impacts.............................................................................................................................................................................. 83
5.1.3 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 85 Licenses.............................................................................................................................................................................. 85 Software............................................................................................................................................................................ 85 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Others................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
5.1.4 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 86 When to Use.................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 86 Data Preparation.........................................................................................................................................................86 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................ 88 Using the MAE-Deployment................................................................................................................................... 90 Activation Verification.................................................................................................................................................. 90 Network Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................... 92
5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID Management................................................................................................................................... 92
5.2.1 Principles.............................................................................................................................................................................. 92
5.2.2 Network Analysis............................................................................................................................................................... 92 Benefits.............................................................................................................................................................................. 92 Impacts.............................................................................................................................................................................. 93
5.2.3 Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Licenses.............................................................................................................................................................................. 93 Software............................................................................................................................................................................ 93 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Others................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
5.2.4 Operation and Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 94 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................ 94 Data Preparation.........................................................................................................................................................94 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................ 95 Using the MAE-Deployment................................................................................................................................... 95 Activation Verification.................................................................................................................................................. 96 Network Monitoring..................................................................................................................................................... 96

6 Parameters.............................................................................................................................. 97
7 Counters.................................................................................................................................. 98
8 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 99
9 Reference Documents........................................................................................................ 100

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iv

ANR Feature Parameter Description 1 Change History

1 Change History

This chapter describes changes not included in the "Parameters", "Counters",

"Glossary", and "Reference Documents" chapters. These changes include:
● Technical changes
Changes in functions and their corresponding parameters
● Editorial changes
Improvements or revisions to the documentation

1.1 5G RAN6.1 Draft A (2021-12-30)

This issue introduces the following changes to 5G RAN5.1 06 (2021-11-27).

Technical Changes
Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station

Added support for Added parameters: FDD 3900 and 5900

intra-RAT PCI-specific ● NRCellNcgiMeas.Targe Low- series base
ANR in intra-RAT ANR. tPhysicalCellId frequen stations
For details, see: cy TDD DBS3900
● NRCellNcgiMeas.Targe
● Automatic tSsbDescMethod LampSite and
Detection and DBS5900
● NRCellNcgiMeas.Targe LampSite
Addition of
Neighboring Cells ● NRCellAnr.IntraRatAnr
● Software
Added the
Preparation W option to the
● Using NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwi
MML Commands tch parameter.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

ANR Feature Parameter Description 1 Change History

Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station


Added support for Added the FDD 3900 and 5900

neighboring- NRCellFreqRelation.AnrIn Low- series base
frequency-specific d parameter. frequen stations
intra-RAT ANR. For cy TDD DBS3900
details, see: LampSite and
● Automatic DBS5900
Detection and LampSite
Addition of
Neighboring Cells
● Automatic
Removal of
Neighboring Cells
● Data
● Using
MML Commands

Added support for Added the FDD 3900 and 5900

optimized NCGI NSA_NCGI_MEAS_DRX_S Low- series base
measurements W option to the frequen stations
performed by NSA UEs gNodeBParam.NsaDcOpt cy TDD DBS3900
in intra-RAT ANR. For Switch parameter. LampSite and
details, see DBS5900
Automatic Detection LampSite
and Addition of
Missing Neighboring

Enabled protection for None FDD 3900 and 5900

UEs under uplink weak Low- series base
coverage and low- frequen stations
speed UE outmigration cy TDD DBS3900
to trigger event- LampSite and
triggered ANR. For DBS5900
details, see LampSite
Automatic Detection
and Addition of
Missing Neighboring

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

ANR Feature Parameter Description 1 Change History

Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station


Added the impact of Added the enumerated FDD 3900 and 5900
the value FORBID_MEAS to Low- series base
NRCellFreqRelation.I the frequen stations
nterFreqPrdcMrType NRCellFreqRelation.Inter cy TDD DBS3900
parameter being set to FreqPrdcMrType LampSite and
FORBID_MEAS on parameter. DBS5900
intra-RAT fast ANR LampSite
and intra-RAT PCI-
specific ANR. For
details, see
Automatic Detection
and Addition of
Missing Neighboring

Added support for Added the FDD 3900 and 5900

automatic NR_EUTRAN_OVER_DIST_ Low- series base
optimization of DETECT_SW option to the frequen stations
neighbor relationship NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwi cy TDD DBS3900
attributes based on tch parameter. LampSite and
identification of over- DBS5900
distant neighboring LampSite
cells in inter-RAT ANR.
For details, see:
● Automatic
Optimization of
Attributes Based
on Identification
of Over-Distant
Neighboring Cells
● Data
● Using
MML Commands

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

ANR Feature Parameter Description 1 Change History

Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station


Added the RAN Added the FDD 3900 and 5900

notification area ID NRExternalNCell.RanNotif Low- series base
parameter to the icationAreaId parameter frequen stations
disuse list. A disuse to the disuse list. cy TDD DBS3900
statement of the LampSite and
NRExternalNCell.Ran DBS5900
NotificationAreaId LampSite
parameter has been
added in this version
because the
of a neighboring base
station can be
transferred over the
Xn interface and does
not need to be
configured by ANR.
Deleted the
description of the
parameter. For details,
● 3.2.1 NCL
● Automatic
Detection and
Addition of
Neighboring Cells
● Automatic
NCL Update

Added support for Added the FDD 3900 and 5900

configuring the period NRCellAnr.PeriodForDelN Low- series base
for automatic removal rt parameter. frequen stations
of intra-RAT neighbor cy TDD DBS3900
relationships. For LampSite and
details, see: DBS5900
● Automatic LampSite
Removal of
Neighboring Cells
● Data
● Using
MML Commands

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

ANR Feature Parameter Description 1 Change History

Change Description Parameter Change RAT Base Station


Removed the impact None FDD 3900 and 5900

relationship between Low- series base
intra-RAT ANR and frequen stations
PRB-usage- or UE- cy TDD DBS3900
number-based LampSite and
connected mode MLB. DBS5900

Editorial Changes
Revised descriptions in this document.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

ANR Feature Parameter Description 2 About This Document

2 About This Document

2.1 General Statements

Feature Parameter Description documents are intended to acquaint readers with:
● The technical principles of features and their related parameters
● The scenarios where these features are used, the benefits they provide, and
the impact they have on networks and functions
● Requirements of the operating environment that must be met before feature
● Parameter configuration required for feature activation, verification of feature
activation, and monitoring of feature performance

This document only provides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and
feature gains depend on the specifics of the network scenario where the feature is
deployed. To achieve optimal gains, contact Huawei professional service engineers.

Software Interfaces
Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in Feature
Parameter Description documents apply only to the corresponding software
release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding updated product

2.2 Features in This Document

This document describes the following features.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

ANR Feature Parameter Description 2 About This Document

Feature ID Feature Name Chapter/Section

FOFD-02120 Automatic Neighbour 4.1 Intra-RAT ANR

4 Relation (ANR) 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID
5.1 Inter-RAT ANR
5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID

2.3 Differences Between NR FDD and NR TDD

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

Intra-RAT ANR None 4.1 Intra-RAT ANR

Intra-RAT PLMN ID None 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID

management Management

Inter-RAT ANR None 5.1 Inter-RAT ANR

Inter-RAT PLMN ID None 5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID

management Management

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7

ANR Feature Parameter Description 2 About This Document

2.4 Differences Between NSA and SA

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

Intra-RAT ANR ● Automatic detection 4.1 Intra-RAT ANR

and addition of
missing neighboring
cells: Supported in
both NSA and SA
networking, with the
following differences:
In NSA networking,
an eNodeB forwards
RRC messages
between a gNodeB
and a UE. In SA
networking, a gNodeB
and a UE can directly
exchange RRC
● Automatic removal of
neighboring cells:
● Automatic NCL
update: Supported in
both NSA and SA
networking, with the
following differences:
In NSA networking,
NCL update can be
triggered by
measurement reports
from UEs or queries
from the MAE-Access.
In SA networking,
NCL update can be
triggered by
measurement reports
from UEs, messages
transmitted over the
Xn interface between
gNodeBs, or queries
from the MAE-Access.
● Automatic
optimization of
neighbor relationship
attributes based on
zero handover success
rate: None

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8

ANR Feature Parameter Description 2 About This Document

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

● Automatic
optimization of
neighbor relationship
attributes based on
identification of over-
distant neighboring
cells: None
● Automatic external-
cell PLMN list
configuration: None
● Automatic
configuration: None
● Control mode: None

Intra-RAT PLMN ID None 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID

management Management

Inter-RAT ANR Supported only in SA 5.1 Inter-RAT ANR


Inter-RAT PLMN ID Supported only in SA 5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID

management networking Management

2.5 Differences Between High Frequency Bands and

Low Frequency Bands
This document refers to frequency bands belonging to FR1 (410–7125 MHz) as
low frequency bands, and those belonging to FR2 (24250–52600 MHz) as high
frequency bands. For details about FR1 and FR2, see section 5.1 "General" in 3GPP
TS 38.104 V15.5.0.

Function Name Difference Chapter/Section

Intra-RAT ANR Supported only in low 4.1 Intra-RAT ANR

frequency bands

Intra-RAT PLMN ID Supported only in low 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID

management frequency bands Management

Inter-RAT ANR Supported only in low 5.1 Inter-RAT ANR

frequency bands

Inter-RAT PLMN ID Supported only in low 5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID

management frequency bands Management

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

ANR Feature Parameter Description 3 Overview

3 Overview

3.1 Definition
In communications networks, neighboring cells are considered as possible target
cells for UEs during handovers. During network O&M, such as network swapping
or capacity expansion, neighbor relationships are constantly changing and need
prompt adjustment. Manual neighbor relationship configuration has a risk of
errors and is costly and inefficient. Improper neighbor relationships cause service
drops, which adversely affect user experience. To address this issue, automatic
neighbor relation (ANR) is introduced.

This feature automatically manages neighbor relationships of NG-RAN cells with

NG-RAN cells and neighbor relationships of NG-RAN cells with E-UTRAN cells.
This not only reduces network planning and optimization costs but also improves
network optimization efficiency and user experience. This feature involves intra-
RAT ANR and inter-RAT ANR. For details, see 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management and
5 Inter-RAT ANR Management, respectively.

3.2 Related Concepts

3.2.1 NCL
A neighboring cell list (NCL) of a gNodeB contains information about external
cells, specifically, neighboring cells of all the cells served by the gNodeB. Such
neighboring cells are not served by this gNodeB.

The NCL is a gNodeB-specific configuration. Each gNodeB has an intra-RAT NCL

and an inter-RAT NCL.

An intra-RAT NCL contains all external NG-RAN cells of a gNodeB. Table 3-1 lists
the primary information in an intra-RAT NCL.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

ANR Feature Parameter Description 3 Overview

Table 3-1 Example of primary information in an intra-RAT NCL

Parameter External NG-RAN External NG-RAN ...

Cell 1 Cell 2

Mcc 460 460 ...

Mnc 01 01 ...

gNBId 1 2 ...

CellId 1 2 ...

Tac 8 8 ...

PhysicalCellId 15 16 ...

SsbFreqPos 620000/154570 620000/154570 ...



NrNetworkingOption NSA NSA ...

FrequencyBand n77/n28 n77/n28 ...

AdditionalFrequency- null null ...


PlmnReservedFlag FALSE FALSE ...

The parameters in Table 3-1 are defined as follows:

● Mcc: mobile country code (MCC)

● Mnc: mobile network code (MNC)
● gNBId: gNodeB ID
● CellId: cell ID
● Tac: tracking area code (TAC)
● PhysicalCellId: physical cell identifier (PCI)
● SsbFreqPos: frequency-domain position of the synchronization signal and
PBCH block (SSB)
● SsbDescMethod: description method of the SSB's frequency-domain position
● NrNetworkingOption: NR networking option
● FrequencyBand: frequency band
● AdditionalFrequencyBand: additional frequency band
● PlmnReservedFlag: reserved PLMN flag

An inter-RAT NCL contains all external E-UTRAN cells of a gNodeB. Table 3-2 lists
the primary information in an inter-RAT NCL.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

ANR Feature Parameter Description 3 Overview

Table 3-2 Example of primary information in an inter-RAT NCL

Parameter External E-UTRAN External E-UTRAN ...
Cell 1 Cell 2

Mcc 460 460 ...

Mnc 01 01 ...

EnodebId 1 2 ...

CellId 1 2 ...

Tac 8 8 ...

PhysicalCellId 15 16 ...

DlEarfcn 1300 1300 ...


The parameters in Table 3-2 are defined as follows:

● Mcc: MCC
● Mnc: MNC
● EnodebId: eNodeB ID
● CellId: cell ID
● Tac: TAC
● PhysicalCellId: PCI
● DlEarfcn: downlink E-UTRA absolute radio frequency channel number
● MASTER_PLMN_RESERVED_FLAG: reserved flag of the primary PLMN

3.2.2 NRT
The neighboring relation table (NRT) of a cell contains information about all
neighboring cells of the cell.
The NRT is a cell-specific configuration. Each cell has an intra-RAT NRT and an
inter-RAT NRT.

An intra-RAT NRT contains all neighboring NG-RAN cells of a cell. Table 3-3 lists
the primary information in the intra-RAT NRT.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

ANR Feature Parameter Description 3 Overview

Table 3-3 Example of primary information in an intra-RAT NRT

Parameter Neighboring NG- Neighboring NG- ...

RAN Cell 1 RAN Cell 2

NrCellID 1 1 ...

Mcc 460 460 ...

Mnc 01 01 ...

gNBId 1 2 ...

CellId 1 2 ...

The parameters in Table 3-3 are defined as follows:

● NrCellID: NG-RAN cell ID

● Mcc: MCC
● Mnc: MNC
● gNBId: gNodeB ID
● CellId: cell ID

An inter-RAT NRT contains all neighboring E-UTRAN cells of a cell. Table 3-4 lists
the primary information in the inter-RAT NRT.

Table 3-4 Example of primary information in an inter-RAT NRT

Parameter Neighboring E- Neighboring E- ...

UTRAN Cell 1 UTRAN Cell 2

NrCellID 1 1 ...

Mcc 460 460 ...

Mnc 01 01 ...

EnodebId 1 2 ...

CellId 1 2 ...

The parameters in Table 3-4 are defined as follows:

● NrCellID: NG-RAN cell ID

● Mcc: MCC
● Mnc: MNC
● EnodebId: eNodeB ID
● CellId: cell ID

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

4.1 Intra-RAT ANR

4.1.1 Principles
Intra-RAT ANR enables automatic management of intra-NR NCLs and intra-NR
NRTs (NCL and NRT for short). Table 4-1 lists support for subfunctions of intra-
RAT ANR on neighboring NG-RAN cells with and without multi-operator sharing.

Table 4-1 Subfunctions of intra-RAT ANR

Subfunction Scenarios with Multi- Scenarios Without
Operator Sharing Multi-Operator Sharing Automatic Supported Supported

Detection and Addition
of Missing Neighboring
Cells Automatic Supported Supported

Removal of
Neighboring Cells Automatic NCL Supported Supported

Update Automatic Supported Supported

Optimization of
Neighbor Relationship
Attributes Based on
Zero Handover Success

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Subfunction Scenarios with Multi- Scenarios Without

Operator Sharing Multi-Operator Sharing Automatic Supported Supported

Optimization of
Neighbor Relationship
Attributes Based on
Identification of Over-
Distant Neighboring
Cells Automatic Supported N/A

External-Cell PLMN List
Configuration Automatic Supported Supported

Neighboring Frequency
Configuration Control Mode Supported Supported

Intra-RAT ANR is controlled by cell-level parameters and takes effect on a per cell
basis. The following describes the principles. Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells

Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells can be triggered by
event-triggered measurements or periodic measurements. Automatic detection
and addition of missing neighboring cells triggered by periodic measurements is
applicable to scenarios with PCI-specific measurements and scenarios with non-
PCI-specific measurements.
Based on the preceding triggering types and measurement scenarios, automatic
detection and addition of missing neighboring cells are divided into three
subfunctions. The gNodeB performs automatic detection and addition of missing
neighboring cells at the cell and frequency levels, which are controlled by cell- and
frequency-specific switches, respectively, as listed in Table 4-2.
● Cell-specific switches: To enable automatic detection and addition of missing
neighboring cells of a specific cell, operators need to turn on the
corresponding cell-level switches.
● Frequency-specific switches: To enable automatic detection and addition of
missing neighboring cells on a specific neighboring frequency of a cell after
the cell-specific switches are turned on for the cell, operators need to turn on
the frequency-specific switches. Frequency-specific switches are not designed
for the operating frequency of the serving cell.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Table 4-2 Switches that control automatic detection and addition of missing
neighboring cells

Subfuncti Triggering PCI-specific Cell-specific Switch Frequency-

on Type Measuremen specific
ts Switch

Event- Event- No NR_NR_ANR_SW NRCellFreqR

triggered triggered option of the elation.AnrIn
ANR measurem NRCellAlgoSwitch. d parameter
ents AnrSwitch set to
parameter ALLOWED

Fast ANR Periodic No NR_NR_ANR_SW

measurem and
SW options of the

PCI- Periodic Yes NR_NR_ANR_SW

specific measurem and
NR_SW options of

Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells triggered by intra-

RAT measurements is also called event-triggered ANR. With this function enabled,
the gNodeB detects missing neighboring cells based on the information in intra-
and inter-frequency measurement reports.

Intra-RAT measurements include mobility measurements and carrier aggregation

(CA) measurements. For details about mobility measurements, see Mobility
Management, Multi-Frequency Convergence, and High Speed Mobility. For details
about CA measurements, see Carrier Aggregation. Only measurements related to
the following functions or scenarios can trigger event-triggered ANR:

● Coverage-based intra-frequency handover

● Coverage-based inter-frequency handover
● Frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover
● Operator-specific-priority-based inter-frequency handover
● Service-based inter-frequency handover
● Protection of UEs under weak coverage in the uplink
● Low-speed UE outmigration
● An SCell is added for CA based on measurements and unknown neighboring
cells are detected based on inter-frequency measurements.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Depending on whether PCI-specific measurements are performed, automatic

detection and addition of missing neighboring cells triggered by periodic
measurements are classified into the following types:

● One is fast ANR, in which non-PCI-specific measurements are performed. This

function can detect and add missing neighboring cells fast.
After this function is enabled, the gNodeB selects some UEs in
RRC_CONNECTED mode in a serving cell and sends measurement
configurations including intra-RAT frequencies to the UEs. The gNodeB
detects missing neighboring cells based on the periodic measurement reports
sent from these UEs. The UEs perform the measurements for four times and
send measurement reports at an interval of 5120 ms.
● The other is PCI-specific ANR, in which PCI-specific measurements are
performed. This function can detect and add PCI-specific missing neighboring
cells fast. The specific PCI is specified by the
NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId parameter. A maximum of 16 specific
PCIs can be configured for a base station. The intra-RAT frequency associated
with the specific PCI is specified by the
NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetSsbDescMethod and
NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetSsbFreqPos parameters
After this function is enabled, the gNodeB selects some UEs in
RRC_CONNECTED mode in a serving cell and sends measurement
configurations including intra-RAT frequencies associated with the specific
PCIs to the UEs. The gNodeB detects PCI-specific missing neighboring cells
based on the periodic measurement reports sent from these UEs. The UEs
perform the measurements for four times and send measurement reports at
an interval of 5120 ms.

After fast ANR or PCI-specific is enabled, the gNodeB randomly selects UEs that
meet all of the following conditions and sends measurement configurations to
them at an interval of 30s. A maximum of five UEs in the serving cell can be
selected for measurements at a time.

● The UE is in RRC_CONNECTED mode and a PDU session has been set up for
the UE.
● The UE supports the NR neighboring cell measurement with the report type
reportCGI. For details, see Others.
● The UE is only running one or more of the following types of non-GBR
services, except for FWA Internet, FWA video, and FWA private line services
(services for which the gNBQciBearer.ServiceType parameter is set to
– In NSA networking, services with a QCI of 5, 6, 8, or 9
– In SA networking, services with a 5QI of 5, 6, 8, or 9 or services with a
mapped QCI of 5, 6, 8, or 9
● The UE has not been selected for periodic measurements within one hour
while the UE context is set up and retained.

CA UEs that meet the preceding conditions but treat the local cell as their SCell cannot be
selected for periodic measurements.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

After fast ANR is enabled, the gNodeB instructs UEs to measure all intra-RAT
frequencies. After PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the gNodeB instructs UEs to
measure all intra-RAT frequencies associated with specific PCIs.
After fast ANR or PCI-specific ANR is enabled, if the number of frequencies to be
measured is limited and not all the frequencies can therefore be delivered for
measurements, the gNodeB selects frequencies based on their priorities. For
details about configuring the candidate frequency list based on their priorities, see
Mobility Management. The maximum number of periodic measurements of each
frequency is 100. The rules for calculating the number of periodic measurements
are as follows:
● Once fast ANR is enabled, the gNodeB sets the number of periodic
measurements of every inter-RAT frequency performed by UEs in the cell to
● Once PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the gNodeB sets the number of periodic
measurements of every inter-RAT frequency associated with a specific PCI
performed by UEs in the cell to zero.
● After a periodic measurement of a frequency is complete, the gNodeB
increases the number of periodic measurements for this frequency by one.
● If the neighbor relationship with a cell on a frequency is successfully added by
ANR, the gNodeB sets the number of periodic measurements of the frequency
to zero. If this neighbor relationship is added by running MML commands, the
gNodeB does not set this number to zero.
● The number of periodic measurements of a new intra-RAT neighboring
frequency starts from zero.
● The number of periodic measurements of a frequency corresponding to a PCI
newly specified by NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId parameter is
counted from zero.
After fast ANR or PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the gNodeB delivers frequency
measurement configurations based on the following rules:
● If the number of consecutive periodic measurements of the frequency is
greater than or equal to 100 but no neighbor relationship with a cell on this
frequency is added, this frequency will no longer be delivered for periodic
● If the number of intra-RAT neighbor relationships configured for a cell or the
gNodeB reaches its maximum value, all intra-RAT frequencies will no longer
be delivered for measurements. When the number of intra-RAT neighbor
relationships configured for a cell or the gNodeB decreases from the
maximum value, the counting of periodic measurements of these frequencies
continues from the previous numbers.
● In controlled mode, if the number of to-be-confirmed intra-RAT neighbor
relationships configured for a cell or the gNodeB reaches its maximum value,
all intra-RAT frequencies will no longer be delivered for measurements. When
the number of to-be-confirmed intra-RAT neighbor relationships configured
for a cell or the gNodeB decreases from the maximum value, the counting of
periodic measurements of these frequencies continues from the previous
● Neighboring high frequencies of a high-frequency cell are not delivered for

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● In the intra-RAT candidate frequency list, frequencies for which the

NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter is set to INACTIVE or the
NRCellFreqRelation.InterFreqPrdcMrType parameter is set to
PERIODIC_MR_ONLY or FORBID_MEAS are not delivered for measurements.

● If the base station is restarted, all counters (such as the numbers of measurements and
handovers) related to ANR will be re-measured.
● If both fast ANR and PCI-specific ANR are enabled and a PCI specified through the
NRCellNcgiMeas MO is removed, but the number of periodic measurements on the
frequency corresponding to the PCI is less than 100, the base station still delivers
measurement configurations of this frequency.
● Neighbor relationship addition triggered by fast ANR or PCI-specific ANR is not service-
triggered. It does not trigger specification-based neighboring relationship replacement
or specification-based external cell replacement. In controlled mode, no optimization
advice is reported when the number of neighbor relationships reaches its maximum.
● NRT query triggered by fast ANR or PCI-specific ANR is not service-triggered. It is not
counted in the number of times a neighbor relationship is used and does not affect
specification-based neighbor relationship and external cell replacement and
identification of redundant neighbor relationships.
● If a UE starts periodic measurements but the measurements conflict with other
functions (such as cell handover, CA, and DC) that require measurement resources, the
periodic measurements triggered by fast ANR or PCI-specific automatically pauses to
meet the measurement requirements of the functions.
● When a neighbor relationship is added in uncontrolled mode, the
NRCellRelation.AnrFlag parameter is set to TRUE for the neighbor relationship by
default. When the neighbor relationship is added in controlled mode after manual
confirmation on the MAE-Access, the NRCellRelation.AnrFlag parameter is set to
FALSE by default.
● Assume that an NSA UE measures NCGIs on the NR side. The
NSA_NCGI_MEAS_DRX_SW option of the gNodeBParam.NsaDcOptSwitch parameter
on the NR side and the NSA_NR_NCGI_DRX_OPT_SW option of the
EnodebAlgoExtSwitch.MultiNetworkingOptionOptSw parameter on the LTE side
must be both selected to ensure a long common DRX sleep time on both the NR and
LTE sides. This increases the probability that NSA UEs measure NCGIs. For details, see
NSA Networking based on EPC.

The gNodeB automatically detects and adds missing neighboring cells based on
event-triggered or periodic measurement reports sent by UEs. The following
provides the details in SA and NSA networking.

SA Networking
Assume that a UE is located in the coverage area of cell A, which provides NR
services for the UE. Cell B and cell C are NG-RAN cells adjacent to cell A. The
gNodeB sends measurement configurations to the UE. Based on the measurement
report sent from the UE, the gNodeB detects and adds cell B, as shown in Figure

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Figure 4-1 Automatically detecting and adding missing intra-RAT neighboring

cells during movement in SA networking

1. The UE sends a measurement report.

The UE measures cells on the frequency specified by the gNodeB, and then
sends the gNodeB a measurement report containing the PCIs of cells (cell B
for example) that meet signal quality requirements.
– If the UE sends an event-triggered measurement report, cell B has the
best signal quality among all cells in the report. In this case, go to 2.
– If the UE sends a periodic measurement report, then:

▪ If only fast ANR is enabled or both fast ANR and PCI-specific ANR are
enabled, cell B has the best signal quality among all cells in the
report. In this case, go to 2.

▪ If only PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the intersection of the cells

contained in the measurement report and the cells each with the PCI
specified by the NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId parameter is
used. If there is an intersection, cell B has the best signal quality
among all cells in the intersection. In addition, if its RSRP value is
greater than or equal to the value of
NRCellAnr.IntraRatAnrRSRPThld, go to 3; otherwise, the procedure
2. The gNodeB obtains the PCI of cell B from the measurement report, queries
the NG-RAN cell global identifiers (NCGIs) of all neighboring cells in the NRT
of cell A, and then searches its NCL and served cells for the PCIs and
frequencies of cells indicated by these NCGIs. The gNodeB then checks

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

whether a cell in the NCL or a served cell has the same PCI and frequency as
cell B.

The NCGI consists of the public land mobile network (PLMN) ID, gNodeB ID, and cell
ID. The PLMN ID consists of the MCC and MNC.
If it does not, cell B is not in the NRT of cell A. That is, cell B is a missing
neighboring cell of cell A. In this case, go to 3. If it does, cell B is in the NRT of
cell A. That is, cell B is a neighboring cell of cell A.
– If the measurement report is a periodic measurement report and only fast
ANR is enabled, or if the measurement report is an event-triggered
report, the procedure ends.
– If the measurement report is a periodic measurement report and both
fast ANR and PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the intersection of the cells
contained in the measurement report and the cells each with the PCI
specified by the NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId parameter is
used. Go to 3 in any of the following scenarios. In other scenarios, the
procedure ends.

▪ If there is an intersection, cell B is in the intersection and its RSRP

value must be greater than or equal to the value of

▪ If there is an intersection but cell B is not in the intersection, the

gNodeB selects another cell (for example, cell C) with the best signal
quality from the intersection. The RSRP value of cell C must be
greater than or equal to the value of
3. The gNodeB sends the UE an RRCReconfiguration message carrying the
measurement report type of reportCGI and discontinuous reception (DRX)
configuration. With the configuration of this type of report, the UE performs
measurements and reports CGI-Info of the cell with the specified PCI (CGI-
Info of cell B or C). DRX terminates downlink data reception in the serving cell
so that the UE can receive system information of the target cell.
4. The UE responds to the gNodeB with an RRCReconfigurationComplete
5. The UE reads SIB1 (system information) from cell B or C to obtain CGI-Info of
cell B or C, respectively.
6. The UE sends the gNodeB a measurement report carrying the CGI-Info.
7. The gNodeB obtains the NCGI, TAC, PCI, PLMN list, and other information
about cell B or C from the CGI-Info IE in the measurement report. In addition,
the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A or updates its NCL based on
the information.
– If cell B or C is not in the NRT of cell A and is served by the same gNodeB
as cell A, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A. If cell A is not
a neighboring cell of cell B or C, the gNodeB also adds cell A to the NRT
of cell B or C.
– If cell B or C is not in the NRT of cell A and is not served by the same
gNodeB as cell A, the gNodeB checks whether cell B or C is in its NCL.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

▪ If they are, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A.

▪ If they are not, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to its NCL and then adds
cell B or C to the NRT of cell A.
NRExternalNCell.NrNetworkingOption is automatically set to
UNLIMITED (default value) for cell B or C when the cell is being
added to the NCL. The gNodeB queries the networking option of cell
B or C on the MAE-Access and updates this option in the NCL.
If the CGI-Info IE does not contain the TAC information about
neighboring cells, NRExternalNCell.Tac is automatically set to
4294967295 (invalid value) for cell B or C when the cell is being
added to the NCL.
– If cell B or C is in the NRT of cell A and is served by the same gNodeB as
cell A, the procedure ends.
– If cell B or C is in the NRT of cell A and is not served by the same gNodeB
as cell A, the gNodeB updates the NCL based on measurement reports
from UEs. For details, see NCL Update Triggered by Measurement
Reports from UEs.
In the measurement report sent from the UE, the NR cell identity (NCI) of the
target cell is 36 bits long and is a combination of gNodeB ID and cell ID. The
gNodeB ID is 22 to 32 bits long. The cell ID is 4 to 14 bits long.
– When the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch parameter is turned on:

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO, the gNodeB takes the
leftmost bits in the NCI as the gNodeB ID of the target cell based on
the setting of the gNBOperator.gNBIdLength or
gNBExternalPlmn.gNBIdLength parameter corresponding to the

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO, the gNodeB takes the
leftmost bits in the NCI as the gNodeB ID of the target cell based on
the setting of the gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter.

If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO and the
gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter value for the primary operator
of the missing neighboring cell is different from the
gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter value of the local gNodeB, then
the gNodeB ID parsed from the NCI is incorrect after this neighboring cell is
added. Therefore, you are advised to configure the PLMN corresponding to
the NCI through the gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO before the
neighboring cell is added.
– When the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch parameter is turned off:

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is configured through a

gNBExternalPlmn MO, the gNodeB takes the leftmost bits in the
NCI as the gNodeB ID of the target cell based on the setting of the
gNBExternalPlmn.gNBIdLength parameter corresponding to the

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBExternalPlmn MO, the gNodeB takes the leftmost bits in the
NCI as the gNodeB ID of the target cell based on the setting of the
gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter.
For further details about the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch
parameter, see Multi-Operator Sharing.
An NRT is configured through an NRCellRelation MO, and an NCL is
configured through an NRExternalNCell MO. If the number of neighbor
relationships in an NRT reaches the maximum value, new neighbor
relationships cannot be added to the NRT. Similarly, if the number of external
cells in an NCL reaches the maximum value, new external cells cannot be
added to the NCL.

Assume that cell A has two adjacent cells, cell B and cell D. Cell B and cell D work
on the same frequency and are configured with the same PCI, and cell B is in the
NRT of cell A. When subsequent event-triggered measurement reports contain the
same PCI as cell B and cell D, the gNodeB queries the NRT and selects cell B in the
NRT as the target cell for the handover. When the UE moves, the measured cell is
either of the two adjacent cells corresponding to the PCI. Therefore, if the gNodeB
selects an incorrect target cell, the UE handover fails.

In the preceding scenario, when the number of handovers from cell A to cell B is
less than 100, the gNodeB carries the number over the next measurement period
until the number is greater than or equal to 100. When the number of handovers
from cell A to cell B is greater than or equal to 100 and the success rate of
handovers to cell B is less than 80%, the gNodeB automatically sets the
NRCellRelation.NCellClassLabel parameter to EXTENDED for cell B. (The
NRCellRelation.NCellClassLabel parameter specifies whether a neighbor
relationship is a formal or extended neighbor relationship. This parameter cannot
be set using MML commands.) When the PCI of cell B and cell D is reported again
in subsequent event-based measurements:
● If the reported CGI of cell D is different from that of cell B corresponding to
the PCI in the NRT, the gNodeB adds cell D to the NRT and sets the
NRCellRelation.NCellClassLabel parameter to FORMAL for cell B.
● If the measurement with the report type of reportCGI on cell B instructed by
the gNodeB is executed for 100 times, the gNodeB sets the
NRCellRelation.NCellClassLabel parameter to FORMAL for cell B.

The gNodeB can detect and add two intra-frequency cells with the same PCI as
neighboring cells through the preceding extended neighbor relationship
processing. The two neighboring cells are PCI confusion cells. PCI confusion can be
detected and resolved by using the PCI conflict detection and self-optimization
function. For details, see PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization.

The FOFD-021204 Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) feature also supports

PLMN ID management. If the PLMN attribute of an operator is configured in a
gNBNCellPlmnList MO, the gNodeB performs differentiated management based
on the list type of PLMN ID when obtaining the PLMN list from CGI-Info. For
details, see 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID Management.

On the gNodeB side, multi-operator sharing incorporates RAN sharing with

common carrier and RAN sharing with dedicated carrier. For details, see Multi-
Operator Sharing. If a neighboring NG-RAN cell works in multi-operator sharing

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

mode, the gNodeB adds secondary operator information about a missing

neighboring cell to the external-cell PLMN list when adding the missing
neighboring cell to the NCL. For details, see Automatic External-Cell
PLMN List Addition.

NSA Networking
In NSA networking, the eNodeB works as the master eNodeB, which is connected
to the EPC. The gNodeB works as the secondary gNodeB, which is connected to
the eNodeB over the X2 interface. The PSCell will change when a UE moves
between NG-RAN cells, requiring existing neighbor relationships. If no neighbor
relationship exists, neighboring cells will be automatically configured. There is no
direct signaling bearer between the gNodeB and the UE. Therefore, the eNodeB is
responsible for forwarding the RRC messages between the gNodeB and the UE.

Assume that a UE is located in the coverage area of cell A, which provides NR

services for the UE. Cell B and cell C are NG-RAN cells adjacent to cell A. The
gNodeB sends measurement configurations to the UE. Based on the measurement
report sent from the UE, the gNodeB detects and adds cell B, as shown in Figure

Figure 4-2 Automatically detecting and adding missing intra-RAT neighboring

cells when PSCell changes occur in NSA networking

1. The UE sends a measurement report.

a. The UE measures cells on the frequency specified by the gNodeB and
sends the eNodeB a ULInformationTransferMRDC message carrying a
measurement report. The measurement report contains the PCIs of cells
(cell B for example) that meet signal quality requirements.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

▪ If the UE sends an event-triggered measurement report, cell B has

the best signal quality among all cells in the report. In this case, go
to 2.

▪ If the UE sends a periodic measurement report, then:

○ If only fast ANR is enabled or both fast ANR and PCI-specific
ANR are enabled, cell B has the best signal quality among all
cells in the report. In this case, go to 2.
○ If only PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the intersection of the cells
contained in the measurement report and the cells each with the
PCI specified by the NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId
parameter is used. If there is an intersection, cell B has the best
signal quality among all cells in the intersection. In addition, if
its RSRP value is greater than or equal to the value of
NRCellAnr.IntraRatAnrRSRPThld, go to 3; otherwise, the
procedure ends.
b. The eNodeB sends the gNodeB an RRC Transfer message carrying the
measurement report.


In this version, a UE can directly send a measurement report to the gNodeB. For
details, see NSA Networking based on EPC.
2. The gNodeB obtains the PCI of cell B from the measurement report, queries
the NG-RAN cell global identifiers (NCGIs) of all neighboring cells in the NRT
of cell A, and then searches its NCL and served cells for the PCIs and
frequencies of cells indicated by these NCGIs. The gNodeB then checks
whether a cell in the NCL or a served cell has the same PCI and frequency as
cell B.

The NCGI consists of the public land mobile network (PLMN) ID, gNodeB ID, and cell
ID. The PLMN ID consists of the MCC and MNC.
If no, cell B is not in the NRT of cell A. That is, cell B is a missing neighboring
cell of cell A. In this case, go to 3. If it does, cell B is in the NRT of cell A. That
is, cell B is a neighboring cell of cell A.
– If the measurement report is a periodic measurement report and only fast
ANR is enabled, or if the measurement report is an event-triggered
report, the procedure ends.
– If the measurement report is a periodic measurement report and both
fast ANR and PCI-specific ANR is enabled, the intersection of the cells
contained in the measurement report and the cells each with the PCI
specified by the NRCellNcgiMeas.TargetPhysicalCellId parameter is
used. Go to 3 in any of the following scenarios. In other scenarios, the
procedure ends.

▪ If there is an intersection, cell B is in the intersection and its RSRP

value must be greater than or equal to the value of

▪ If there is an intersection but cell B is not in the intersection, the

gNodeB selects another cell (for example, cell C) with the best signal

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

quality from the intersection. The RSRP value of cell C must be

greater than or equal to the value of
3. The gNodeB sends measurement configurations to the UE, with the
measurement report type of reportCGI and DRX configuration. With the
configuration of this type of report, the UE performs measurements and
reports CGI-Info of the cell with the specified PCI (CGI-Info of cell B or C).
DRX configuration reduces power consumption of the UE.
a. The gNodeB sends the eNodeB an SgNB Modification Required message
carrying the measurement configuration.
b. The eNodeB sends the UE an RRCConnectionReconfiguration message
carrying the measurement configuration.
4. The UE responds to indicate that RRC reconfiguration is completed.
a. The UE responds to the eNodeB with an
RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message.
b. The eNodeB responds to the gNodeB with an SgNB Modification Confirm
5. The UE reads SIB1 (system information) from cell B or C to obtain CGI-Info of
cell B or C, respectively.
In NSA networking, SIB1 transmissions are optional. To ensure that missing
neighboring cells can be automatically detected and added, cell B or C needs
to send SIB1 so that the UE obtains CGI-Info.
6. The UE sends the gNodeB a measurement report carrying the CGI-Info.
a. The UE sends the eNodeB a ULInformationTransferMRDC message
carrying a measurement report.
b. The eNodeB sends the gNodeB an RRC Transfer message carrying the
measurement report.
7. The gNodeB obtains the NCGI, TAC, PCI, PLMN list, and other information
about cell B or C from the CGI-Info IE in the measurement report. In addition,
the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A or updates its NCL based on
the information.
– If cell B or C is not in the NRT of cell A and is served by the same gNodeB
as cell A, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A. If cell A is not
a neighboring cell of cell B or C, the gNodeB also adds cell A to the NRT
of cell B or C.
– If cell B or C is not in the NRT of cell A and is not served by the same
gNodeB as cell A, the gNodeB checks whether cell B or C is in its NCL.

▪ If they are, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to the NRT of cell A.

▪ If they are not, the gNodeB adds cell B or C to its NCL and then adds
cell B or C to the NRT of cell A.
NRExternalNCell.NrNetworkingOption is automatically set to
UNLIMITED (default value) for cell B or C when the cell is being
added to the NCL. The gNodeB queries the networking option of cell
B or C on the MAE-Access and updates this option in the NCL.
If the CGI-Info IE does not contain the TAC information about
neighboring cells, NRExternalNCell.Tac is automatically set to

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

4294967295 (invalid value) for cell B or C when the cell is being

added to the NCL.
– If cell B or C is in the NRT of cell A and is served by the same gNodeB as
cell A, the procedure ends.
– If cell B or C is in the NRT of cell A and is not served by the same gNodeB
as cell A, the gNodeB updates the NCL based on measurement reports
from UEs. For details, see NCL Update Triggered by Measurement
Reports from UEs.
In NSA networking, the gNodeB determines the gNodeB ID of the target cell
from the NCI in the same way as in SA networking.
An NRT is configured through an NRCellRelation MO, and an NCL is
configured through an NRExternalNCell MO. If the number of neighbor
relationships in an NRT reaches the maximum value, new neighbor
relationships cannot be added to the NRT. Similarly, if the number of external
cells in an NCL reaches the maximum value, new external cells cannot be
added to the NCL.

In NSA networking, the SgNB change success rate is not measured when an NG-
RAN cell serves as the PSCell. Therefore, the NRCellRelation.NCellClassLabel
parameter is not automatically set to EXTENDED in NSA networking.

The FOFD-021204 Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) feature also supports

PLMN ID management. If the PLMN attribute of an operator is configured in a
gNBNCellPlmnList MO, the gNodeB performs differentiated management based
on the list type of PLMN ID when obtaining the PLMN list from CGI-Info. For
details, see 4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID Management.

On the gNodeB side, multi-operator sharing incorporates RAN sharing with

common carrier and RAN sharing with dedicated carrier. For details, see Multi-
Operator Sharing. If a neighboring NG-RAN cell works in multi-operator sharing
mode, the gNodeB adds secondary operator information about a missing
neighboring cell to the external-cell PLMN list when adding the missing
neighboring cell to the NCL. For details, see Automatic External-Cell
PLMN List Addition. Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells

Automatic removal of neighboring cells includes automatic removal of neighbor
relationships and automatic removal of external cells. The gNodeB performs
automatic removal of neighboring cells at the cell and frequency levels, which are
controlled by cell- and frequency-specific switches, respectively.

● Cell-specific switches: To enable automatic removal of neighboring cells for a

specific cell, operators need to turn on the corresponding cell-specific
switches, that is, the NR_NR_ANR_SW and NR_NR_ANR_DEL_SW options of
the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter.
● Frequency-specific switches: To enable automatic removal of neighboring cells
on a specific neighboring frequency of a cell after the cell-specific switches
are turned on for the cell, operators need to turn on the frequency-specific
switch, that is, the NRCellFreqRelation.AnrInd parameter set to ALLOWED.
Frequency-specific switches are not designed for the operating frequency of
the serving cell.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Automatic Removal of Neighbor Relationships

Automatic removal of neighbor relationships includes specification-based removal
of neighbor relationships and removal of redundant neighbor relationships. Details
are as follows:
● Specification-based removal of neighbor relationships
The maximum number of neighboring cells that can be configured in an NRT
depends on the maximum number of neighboring cells that can be configured
for a cell and that for a gNodeB. For details about the maximum number of
neighbor relationships configured for a cell and that for a gNodeB, see
Mobility Management.
– When the number of neighboring cells of a cell reaches its maximum
value, the gNodeB automatically removes the neighbor relationships that
are least frequently used from the NRT of the cell so that new neighbor
relationships can be added. The least frequently used neighbor
relationships refer to the neighbor relationships with the neighboring
cells that have the minimum number of times they can be queried by the
gNodeB based on the PCIs in UE measurement reports.
– When the number of neighboring cells of the gNodeB reaches its
maximum value but that of a cell does not, the gNodeB automatically
removes the neighbor relationships that are least frequently used from
the NRTs of served cells so that new neighbor relationships can be added.
● Removal of redundant neighbor relationships
The NRCellAnr.PeriodForDelNrt parameter specifies the period for automatic
identification and removal of redundant neighbor relationships. At the end of
each period, if a neighbor relationship meets all of the following conditions,
the gNodeB identifies it as a redundant neighbor relationship and removes it
from the NRT.
– The total number of handover attempts from the local cell to all intra-
RAT neighboring cells is greater than or equal to 50.
– The number of intra-RAT neighboring cells (including intra-frequency and
inter-frequency neighboring cells) of the local cell is greater than or equal
to 32.
– The number of times the neighbor relationship is used is 0.
The following parameters indicate whether a neighbor relationship can be
removed through ANR:
● NRCellRelation.BlindScellConfigFlag
– If this parameter is set to TRUE, a neighbor relationship cannot be
automatically removed through ANR.
– If this parameter is set to FALSE, whether a neighbor relationship can be
automatically removed through ANR depends on the setting of the
NRCellRelation.NoRmvFlag parameter.
● NRCellRelation.BlindHoFlag
– If this parameter is set to TRUE, a neighbor relationship cannot be
automatically removed through ANR.
– If this parameter is set to FALSE, whether a neighbor relationship can be
automatically removed through ANR depends on the setting of the
NRCellRelation.NoRmvFlag parameter.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● NRCellRelation.NoRmvFlag
– If this parameter is set to FORBID_ANR_RMV, a neighbor relationship
cannot be automatically removed through ANR.
– If this parameter is set to PERMIT_ANR_RMV, a neighbor relationship
can be automatically removed through ANR.
To ensure that neighbor relationships are not removed through ANR, deselect
the NR_NR_ANR_DEL_SW option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch
parameter. Alternatively, set NRCellRelation.NoRmvFlag to

Automatic Removal of External Cells

Automatic removal of external cells includes specification-based removal of
external cells and removal of redundant external cells. Details are as follows:
● Specification-based removal of external cells
The maximum number of external cells that can be configured in an NCL
depends on the maximum number of external cells that can be configured for
a gNodeB. For details about the maximum number of external cells
configured for a gNodeB, see Mobility Management.
If the number of external cells in the NCL reaches its maximum value, the
gNodeB automatically removes the external cells that are least frequently
used from the NCL so that new external cells can be added.
● Removal of redundant external cells
The base station automatically removes redundant external cells from the
NCL in either of the following scenarios:
– The external cell was a neighboring cell removed from an NRT and no
cells served by the gNodeB have neighbor relationships with this cell.
– The external cell is not used for a period of seven days and no cells
served by the gNodeB have neighbor relationships with this cell.
If a neighboring NG-RAN cell works in multi-operator sharing mode and the
corresponding external cell is automatically removed from the NCL, all
records of the external cell in the external-cell PLMN list are also removed. Automatic NCL Update

This function is enabled when the NR_NR_ANR_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected. NCL update can be triggered
by measurement reports from UEs, messages transmitted over the Xn interface
between gNodeBs, or queries from the MAE-Access. The following provides the

NCL Update Triggered by Measurement Reports from UEs

NCL update can be triggered by measurement reports from UEs in SA and NSA
After receiving an NCGI, TAC, frequencyBandList, and cellReservedForOperatorUse
carried in the CGI-Info IE in a measurement report from a UE, the gNodeB
searches its NCL for the external cell corresponding to the NCGI and performs the
following operations:

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● The gNodeB checks whether the SSB frequency and PCI of the external cell in
the NCL are the same as those carried in the CGI-Info IE in the measurement
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the NCL using the SSB
frequency or PCI carried in the CGI-Info IE.
● The gNodeB checks whether the TAC, FrequencyBand,
AdditionalFrequencyBand, and PlmnReservedFlag of the external cell in the
NCL are the same as those in the measurement report.
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the NCL using the information
carried in the CGI-Info IE.

NRExternalNCell.Tac is automatically set to 4294967295 (invalid value) for the

external cell if the CGI-Info IE does not contain the TAC of the external cell.

In the preceding information:

● The NCGI is determined by the NRExternalNCell.Mcc, NRExternalNCell.Mnc,

NRExternalNCell.gNBId, and NRExternalNCell.CellId parameters.
● The SSB frequency is determined by the NRExternalNCell.SsbDescMethod
and NRExternalNCell.SsbFreqPos parameters.
● The PCI is specified by the NRExternalNCell.PhysicalCellId parameter.
● The TAC is specified by the NRExternalNCell.Tac parameter.
● The frequencyBandList is specified by the NRExternalNCell.FrequencyBand
and NRExternalNCell.AdditionalFrequencyBand parameters.
● The cellReservedForOperatorUse is specified by the
NRExternalNCell.PlmnReservedFlag parameter.

NCL Update Triggered by Messages Transmitted over the Xn Interface

Between gNodeBs
The Xn interface between gNodeBs does not exist in NSA networking. Therefore,
NCL update cannot be triggered by messages transmitted over the Xn interface
between gNodeBs in this networking. NCL update can be triggered by messages
transmitted over the Xn interface between gNodeBs only in SA networking. NCL
update can happen in two scenarios.

● Xn setup between gNodeBs

The local gNodeB exchanges information with the peer gNodeB through the
Xn setup procedure.
After receiving an NCGI, SSB frequency, PCI, TAC, and frequencyBandList
carried in the Served Cell Information NR IE in an XN SETUP REQUEST or XN
SETUP RESPONSE message, the gNodeB updates the NCL in the same way as
it does in NCL update triggered by measurement reports from UEs.
● gNodeB configuration change
The local gNodeB exchanges information with the peer gNodeB through the
NG-RAN node configuration update procedure.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

After receiving an NCGI, SSB frequency, PCI, TAC, and frequencyBandList

carried in the Served Cell Information NR IE in an NG-RAN NODE
ACKNOWLEDGE message, the gNodeB updates the NCL in the same way as it
does in NCL update triggered by measurement reports from UEs.

Cell information must be carried during NG-RAN configuration update. As there are a
large number of NG-RAN cells and Xn interfaces, a large number of configuration
update messages will be sent due to frequent cell information modification. To
prevent this, the system checks the base station configuration every 90 seconds and
sends a configuration update message when a change occurs. Therefore, the modified
configuration will take effect in at most 90s.

NCL Update Triggered by Queries from the MAE-Access

Assume that a UE is located in the coverage area of cell A, which provides NR
services for the UE. Cell B is an NG-RAN cell adjacent to cell A.

If the NRExternalNCell.NrNetworkingOption parameter for cell B is set to the

default value (UNLIMITED), the gNodeB queries the MAE-Access and updates the
NCL entry corresponding to cell B based on its actual networking option.

● When the MAE-Access successfully returns the query result, the gNodeB
changes the NR networking option of the external NG-RAN cell to SA, NSA, or
SA_NSA based on the query result.
● When the MAE-Access does not return any query result or the query result is
empty, the gNodeB cannot update the NR networking option of the
corresponding external NG-RAN cell. The gNodeB queries the NR networking
options of external NG-RAN cells from the MAE-Access again at night every
day. Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based

on Zero Handover Success Rate
This function is used to automatically identify neighboring cells with abnormal
handover statistics and handle inappropriate neighbor relationships. This can
prevent handover failures caused by inappropriate neighbor relationships, thereby
guaranteeing user experience. This function is enabled when the
NR_NR_ANR_AUTO_NO_HO_SW option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch
parameter is selected.

The NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter indicates whether to allow handovers

for UEs based on neighbor relationships.

● If this parameter is set to PERMIT_HO, the gNodeB allows handovers for UEs
based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to FORBID_HO, the gNodeB does not allow handovers
for UEs based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO, the gNodeB allows
handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships in SA networking rather
than NSA networking.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● If this parameter is set to SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO, the gNodeB allows

handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships in NSA networking rather
than SA networking.

After the NR_NR_ANR_AUTO_NO_HO_SW option of the

NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB automatically
sets the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter for a neighboring cell to:
SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO if the following conditions are met in SA
networking rather than NSA networking; SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO if the
following conditions are met in NSA networking rather than SA networking;
FORBID_HO if the following conditions are met in both SA networking and NSA
● The number of handover executions from the local cell to the neighboring cell
reaches 100.
● The number of successful handovers from the local cell to the neighboring
cell is 0.

Automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes can only change the

value of the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter from a value indicating that
handovers are allowed to another value indicating that handovers are not
allowed. For example, this function cannot change the parameter value from
SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO. Therefore, after this function is enabled, check
whether the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is automatically set to a value
indicating that handovers are not allowed for a neighboring cell. If such a
neighboring cell is still required as a target cell for handovers, this parameter
value needs to be manually changed to another value indicating that handovers
are allowed from a value indicating that handovers are not allowed. Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based

on Identification of Over-Distant Neighboring Cells
With this function, the gNodeB automatically selects neighboring cells having low
handover success rates based on handover statistics, identifies over-distant
neighboring cells among these neighboring cells, and handles the corresponding
neighbor relationships with the over-distant neighboring cells. This function can
prevent handover failures caused by a long distance between a serving cell and a
target cell, thereby ensuring user experience.

An over-distant neighboring cell refers to a cell whose distance from the local cell
is greater than the sum of the access radii of the two cells.

● The distance between adjacent cells is the linear distance between the
antennas serving the two cells.
● The access radius refers to the maximum distance where a UE can successfully
access a cell. The distance is determined by the PRACH configurations of the
cell. The PRACH configurations include the PRACH subcarrier spacing, cell
radius, and PRACH configuration index.

The example shown in Figure 4-3 indicates that the D is greater than the sum of
Rs and Rn. In conclusion, adjacent cell B is an over-distant neighboring cell of
serving cell A.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Figure 4-3 Example of an over-distant neighboring cell

This function is enabled when the NR_NR_ANR_OVER_DIST_DETECT_SW option

of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected.
The NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter indicates whether to allow handovers
for UEs based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to PERMIT_HO, the gNodeB allows handovers for UEs
based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to FORBID_HO, the gNodeB does not allow handovers
for UEs based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO, the gNodeB allows
handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships in SA networking rather
than NSA networking.
● If this parameter is set to SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO, the gNodeB allows
handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships in NSA networking rather
than SA networking.
After the NR_NR_ANR_OVER_DIST_DETECT_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB changes the
NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter value from PERMIT_HO or
SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO to FORBID_HO for a neighboring cell that meets
all of the following conditions:
● The NR Networking Option parameter is set to SA or SA_NSA for the
neighboring cell.
● The NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is set to PERMIT_HO or
SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO for the neighboring cell.
● The number of handover executions from the local cell to the neighboring cell
is greater than or equal to 100.
● The success rate of handovers from the local cell to the neighboring cell is
less than 95%. The handover success rate is calculated by using the formula:
(Number of successful handovers/Number of handover executions) x 100%.
● The distance between the local cell and the neighboring cell is greater than
the sum of the access radii of the two cells.
After the NR_NR_ANR_OVER_DIST_DETECT_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB changes the
NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter value from PERMIT_HO or
SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO to FORBID_HO for a neighboring cell that meets
all of the following conditions:
● The NR Networking Option parameter is set to SA_NSA or NSA for the
neighboring cell.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● The NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is set to

SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO or PERMIT_HO for the neighboring cell.
● The distance between the local cell and the neighboring cell is greater than
the sum of the access radii of the two cells.

● The gNodeB queries the MAE-Access about whether the distance between a local cell
and a neighboring cell is greater than the sum of the access radii of the two cells. The
MAE-Access calculates the distance between the local cell and the neighboring cell
based on the longitude and latitude information contained in base station engineering
● The gNodeB queries over-distant neighboring cells on the MAE-Access again at night
every day.
● The MAE-Access allows each gNodeB to query a maximum of 256 over-distant
neighboring cells every day.

Automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes can only change the

value of the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter from a value indicating that
handovers are allowed to another value indicating that handovers are not
allowed. For example, this function cannot change the parameter value from
SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO. Therefore, after this function is enabled, check
whether the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is automatically set to a value
indicating that handovers are not allowed for a neighboring cell. If such a
neighboring cell is still required as a target cell for handovers, this parameter
value needs to be manually changed to another value indicating that handovers
are allowed from a value indicating that handovers are not allowed. Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration

If neighboring NG-RAN cells work in multiple-operator sharing mode, the gNodeB
automatically configures NG-RAN external-cell PLMN lists (external-cell PLMN list
for short) in addition to NCL and NRT configuration. An external-cell PLMN list
records secondary operator information about an external NG-RAN cell. Such
information includes settings of the parameters in the NRExternalNCellPlmn MO.
The parameters include:

● NRExternalNCellPlmn.Mcc
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.Mnc
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.gNBId
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.CellId
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedMcc
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedMnc
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.Tac
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.NrNetworkingOption
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId
● NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId

This function is enabled when the NR_NR_ANR_SW option of the

NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected. Automatic external-cell
PLMN list configuration includes automatic external-cell PLMN list addition and

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

automatic external-cell PLMN list update. Details are provided in the following
sections. For details of multiple-operator sharing, see Multi-Operator Sharing. Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Addition

The NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch
parameter determines whether the gNodeB can query the PLMN list of an
external NG-RAN cell from the MAE-Access. If neighboring NG-RAN cells work in
multi-operator sharing mode, the following apply:

● When the NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the

NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB can query the
list of PLMN IDs of the primary and secondary operators to which an external
NG-RAN cell belongs from the MAE-Access.
● When the NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter is deselected, the gNodeB cannot
query the list of PLMN IDs of the primary and secondary operators to which
an external NG-RAN cell belongs from the MAE-Access.

If PLMN ID rotation mode is enabled for the neighboring NG-RAN cell, the
sequence of PLMN IDs broadcast in system information periodically changes.
Therefore, the primary operator is not always listed at the top of the PLMN list.
The principles of PLMN configuration for the external NG-RAN cell vary depending
on whether PLMN ID rotation mode is enabled for the neighboring NG-RAN cell.
The following provides the details.

For details of PLMN ID rotation mode, see Multi-Operator Sharing.

PLMN ID Rotation Mode Disabled for Neighboring NG-RAN Cells

In this scenario, the gNodeB can add neighboring NG-RAN cells based on
measurement reports from UEs. The NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of
the NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter does not need to be selected.

When a missing neighboring cell is detected, the gNodeB receives a measurement

report containing the NCGI from the UE and checks whether the reported CGI-Info
IE contains only one PLMN ID.

● If yes, the neighboring NG-RAN cell does not work in multi-operator sharing
mode. In this case, the gNodeB adds only the missing neighboring cell to the
NCL and NRT.
● If no, the neighboring NG-RAN cell works in multi-operator sharing mode. In
this case, the gNodeB adds the missing neighboring cell to the NCL/NRT and
adds secondary operator information about the missing neighboring cell to
the external-cell PLMN list.
For example, cell A and cell B are respectively served by gNodeB 1 and
gNodeB 2. Cell B is shared among three operators and is a missing
neighboring cell of cell A. gNodeB 1 adds cell B to its NCL and NRT of cell A.
In addition, gNodeB 1 adds secondary operator information about cell B to its
external-cell PLMN list. Figure 4-4 provides the information recorded in the
external-cell PLMN list.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Figure 4-4 External-cell PLMN list

When the secondary operator information of a missing neighboring cell is added

to the external-cell PLMN list:

● NRExternalNCellPlmn.NrNetworkingOption is automatically set to

UNLIMITED (default value) in the external-cell PLMN list first. The gNodeB
then queries the MAE-Access before updating the architecture option in the
external-cell PLMN list to the actual architecture option. For details about the
procedure of external-cell PLMN list update triggered by queries from the
MAE-Access, see External-Cell PLMN List Update Triggered by Queries
from the MAE-Access.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● NRExternalNCellPlmn.Tac is automatically set to 4294967295 (invalid value)

for a PLMN if the PLMN information in the CGI-Info IE does not contain the
TAC corresponding to the PLMN.
● The principles for setting the NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId parameters are as follows:
– When the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch parameter is turned on:

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO, the information in the NCI
is filled into the NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId parameters based on the
setting of the gNBOperator.gNBIdLength or
gNBExternalPlmn.gNBIdLength parameter corresponding to the

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO, the information in the NCI
is filled into the NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId parameters based on the
setting of the gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter.

If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO and the
gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter value of the primary operator of
the missing neighboring cell is different from the
gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter value of the local gNodeB, then
the gNodeB ID parsed from the NCI is incorrect after this neighboring cell is
added. Therefore, you are advised to configure the PLMN corresponding to
the NCI through the gNBOperator or gNBExternalPlmn MO before adding
the neighboring cell is added.
– When the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch parameter is turned off:

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is configured through a

gNBExternalPlmn MO, the information in the NCI is filled into the
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId parameters based on the
setting of the gNBExternalPlmn.gNBIdLength parameter
corresponding to the PLMN.

▪ If the PLMN corresponding to the NCI is not configured through a

gNBExternalPlmn MO, the information in the NCI is filled into the
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmnCellId and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.SharedPlmngNBId parameters based on the
setting of the gNodeBFunction.gNBIdLength parameter.
For further details about the gNBSharingMode.MultipleNCISwitch
parameter, see Multi-Operator Sharing.

PLMN ID Rotation Mode Enabled for Neighboring NG-RAN Cells

In this scenario, the primary operator is not always listed at the top of the PLMN
list and UEs cannot obtain the neighboring NG-RAN cell's correct PLMN IDs of the
primary and secondary operators. As a result, the gNodeB cannot add neighboring
NG-RAN cells based on measurement reports from UEs. For this reason, the

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch

parameter needs to be selected. When this option is selected, the gNodeB can
obtain the PLMN list of the neighboring NG-RAN cell from the MAE-Access.

When a missing neighboring cell is detected, the gNodeB receives a measurement

report containing the NCGI from a UE and manages the external-cell PLMN list as

1. The gNodeB checks whether the reported CGI-Info IE contains only one PLMN
– If yes, the neighboring NG-RAN cell does not work in multi-operator
sharing mode and no further action is required.
– If no, the neighboring NG-RAN cell works in multi-operator sharing
mode. The process goes to step 2.
2. The gNodeB checks whether one of the reported PLMN IDs is marked as
– If yes, the PLMN marked as Reserved belongs to the primary operator,
and other PLMNs belong to secondary operators.
– If no, the process goes to step 3.
3. The gNodeB checks whether the reported neighboring cell is served by the
– If yes, an external-cell PLMN list does not need to be configured.
– If no, the process goes to step 4.
4. The gNodeB checks whether an external-cell PLMN list has been configured
for the reported neighboring cell.
– If yes, the eNodeB identifies the primary and secondary operators based
on the external-cell PLMN list.
– If no, the process goes to step 5.
5. The gNodeB reports the PCI and NCGI sent from the UE to the MAE-Access.
6. The MAE-Access checks the PLMN list of the indicated neighboring NG-RAN
cell based on the PCI, gNodeB ID, and cell ID.
7. The MAE-Access sends the check result to the gNodeB.
8. The gNodeB adds the obtained information to the external-cell PLMN list. Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Update

External-cell PLMN list update includes:

● Addition: The PLMN ID of an external cell is added.

● Modification: The values of PLMN-ID-specific Tac, SharedPlmnCellId,
SharedPlmngNBId, and NrNetworkingOption of an external cell are
The value of NrNetworkingOption is changed only when the value of Tac
changes. The value of SharedPlmnCellId or SharedPlmngNBId does not
affect the value of NrNetworkingOption. When the external-cell PLMN list
update is triggered based on the CGI, then:
– If the current TAC is valid and the value of NrNetworkingOption is
changed to UNLIMITED, the gNodeB queries the MAE-Access and then

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

updates the value of NrNetworkingOption in the external-cell PLMN list

using the actual architecture option of the neighboring cell.
– If the TAC is invalid, the value of NrNetworkingOption is changed to
● Removal: The PLMN ID of an external cell is removed.
For example, cell A and cell B are respectively served by gNodeB 1 and gNodeB 2.
Cell B is shared among three operators. The secondary operator information about
cell B is recorded in the external-cell PLMN list of gNodeB 1. Figure 4-4 shows this
example. The following describes the different outcomes when the operators to
which cell B belongs change:
● Addition: The cell belongs to a new operator (operator 4).
● Modification: The Tac, SharedPlmnCellId, and SharedPlmngNBId of operator
2 are changed.
● Removal: The cell no longer belongs to operator 3.
Figure 4-5 shows an example where the information recorded in the external-cell
PLMN list is updated.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Figure 4-5 External-cell PLMN list

External-cell PLMN list update can be triggered by measurement reports from

UEs, messages transmitted over the Xn interface between gNodeBs, or queries
from the MAE-Access. The following provides the details.

External-Cell PLMN List Update Triggered by UE Measurement Reports

External-cell PLMN list update can be triggered by measurement reports from UEs
in SA and NSA networking.

External-cell PLMN list update can be triggered by measurement reports from UEs.
After receiving the NCGI and PLMN list carried in the CGI-Info IE in the
measurement report from a UE, the gNodeB queries the external-cell PLMN list
for the external cell indicated by the NCGI. The gNodeB then checks whether the
PLMN list and TAC of the external cell are same as those in the measurement
● If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● If they are different, the gNodeB updates the external-cell PLMN list using the
information carried in the IE.


NRExternalNCellPlmn.Tac is automatically set to 4294967295 (invalid value) for a PLMN

when the corresponding external-cell PLMN list is updated based on the CGI-Info IE and the
IE does not contain the TAC corresponding to the PLMN.

External-Cell PLMN List Update Triggered by Messages over the Xn Interface

Between gNodeBs
As the Xn interface between gNodeBs does not exist in NSA networking, external-
cell PLMN list update cannot be triggered by messages transmitted over the Xn
interface between gNodeBs in this networking. External-cell PLMN list update can
be triggered by messages transmitted over the Xn interface between gNodeBs only
in SA networking. The triggering scenarios include:

● Xn setup between gNodeBs

The gNodeB exchanges information with the peer gNodeB through the Xn
setup procedure.
After receiving the NCGI and PLMN list carried in the Served Cell Information
gNodeB queries the external-cell PLMN list for the external cell indicated by
the NCGI and checks whether the PLMN list and TAC of the external cell are
same as those in the measurement report.
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the external-cell PLMN list
using the information carried in the IE.
● gNodeB configuration change
The gNodeB exchanges information with the peer gNodeB through the NG-
RAN node configuration update procedure.
After receiving the NCGI and PLMN list carried in the Served Cell Information
CONFIGURATION UPDATE ACKNOWLEDGE message, the gNodeB queries the
external-cell PLMN list for the external cell indicated by the NCGI. The
gNodeB then checks whether the PLMN list and TAC of the external cell are
same as those in the measurement report.
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the external-cell PLMN list
using the information carried in the IE.

External-Cell PLMN List Update Triggered by Queries from the MAE-Access

Assume that a UE is located in the coverage area of cell A, which provides NR
services for the UE. Cell B is an NG-RAN cell adjacent to cell A.

If the NRExternalNCellPlmn.NrNetworkingOption parameter for cell B is set to

the default value (UNLIMITED), the gNodeB queries the MAE-Access and updates
the external-cell PLMN list corresponding to cell B based on its actual networking

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● When the MAE-Access successfully returns the query result, the gNodeB
changes the NR networking option in the external-cell PLMN list
corresponding to the external NG-RAN cell to SA, NSA, or SA_NSA based on
the query result.
● When the MAE-Access does not return any query result or the query result is
empty, the gNodeB cannot update the NR networking option in the external-
cell PLMN list corresponding to the external NG-RAN cell. The gNodeB
queries the NR networking options of external NG-RAN cells from the MAE-
Access again at night every day. Automatic Neighboring Frequency Configuration

When multiple intra-RAT neighboring frequencies are configured for a cell and the
gNodeB initiates an inter-frequency handover for a UE, the gNodeB automatically
identifies the frequencies to be measured based on the changes in the coverage
areas of the neighboring frequencies of the cell. The gNodeB delivers only
frequencies whose coverage areas cover the UE's location for measurements.
Automatic neighboring frequency configuration is enabled when the
AUTO_NR_FREQ_RELATION_SW option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch
parameter is selected.
The NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter specifies whether a
neighboring frequency of a cell can be measured. This parameter can be set to
● If this parameter is set to ACTIVE, the frequency can be delivered for inter-
frequency measurements.
● If this parameter is set to INACTIVE, the frequency cannot be delivered for
inter-frequency measurements. (If the AUTO_NR_FREQ_RELATION_SW
option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the
gNodeB delivers frequencies with the INACTIVE value every hour only when
adjusting the NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter value.)
If the AUTO_NR_FREQ_RELATION_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is deselected, the value of the
NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter cannot be changed.
After the AUTO_NR_FREQ_RELATION_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB automatically
adjusts the value of NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag as follows:
● For a frequency with the NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter set to
INACTIVE, the gNodeB delivers this frequency for measurements to a
maximum of eight UEs that meet conditions of inter-frequency measurements
every hour. When receiving a valid measurement report of the frequency, the
gNodeB changes the value of the NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag
parameter to ACTIVE for the frequency and records the change in SON logs.
In addition, it updates the neighboring frequency list in system information
(SIB4/SIB5). For details about inter-frequency measurements, see Mobility
● For a frequency with the NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter set to
ACTIVE, if the number of times this frequency is delivered for measurements
reaches 1000, the accumulative measurement period is longer than or equal
to seven days, and the gNodeB has not received a valid measurement report
of the frequency, then the gNodeB changes the value of the

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

NRCellFreqRelation.MeasActvFlag parameter to INACTIVE for the frequency

and records the change in SON logs. In addition, it updates the neighboring
frequency list in system information (SIB4/SIB5). Control Mode

The control mode is classified into uncontrolled mode and controlled mode,
depending on whether manual confirmation is required in neighboring cell
addition and removal. Figure 4-6 shows how neighboring cells are added and
removed in each mode. The NR_NR_ANR_CTRL_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter specifies the control mode. When this
option is selected, controlled mode is used. When this option is deselected,
uncontrolled mode is used.

Figure 4-6 Adding and removing neighboring cells

Uncontrolled Mode
In uncontrolled mode, the gNodeB automatically adds or removes neighboring
NG-RAN cells once missing or to-be-removed neighboring NG-RAN cells are

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Controlled Mode
In controlled mode, the gNodeB reports neighboring cell configuration suggestions
to the MAE-Access once missing or to-be-removed neighboring NG-RAN cells are
detected. After manual confirmation on the MAE-Access, the gNodeB adds or
removes neighboring NG-RAN cells. For details about operations on the MAE-
Access, see descriptions of NR ANR in RAN Management in MAE Product
Documentation (EulerOS, TaiShan).

The NR_NR_ANR_CTRL_MODE_HO_SW option of the

NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter determines whether to allow handovers or
redirections to unconfirmed neighboring NG-RAN cells (in SA networking) and
allow EN-DC PSCell changes (in NSA networking).

● SA networking
– When this option is selected, the gNodeB can initiate handovers or
redirections to neighboring NG-RAN cells unconfirmed on the MAE-
Access based on the NCGIs of the neighboring cells reported from UEs.
– When this option is deselected, handovers and redirections to
neighboring NG-RAN cells unconfirmed on the MAE-Access are
● NSA networking
– When this option is selected, the gNodeB can select neighboring NG-RAN
cells unconfirmed on the MAE-Access as the target cells for EN-DC PSCell
changes based on the NCGIs of the neighboring cells reported from UEs.
– When this option is deselected, neighboring NG-RAN cells unconfirmed
on the MAE-Access cannot serve as target cells for EN-DC PSCell changes.

In controlled mode, when the MAE-Access displays the optimization advice for
adding a neighbor relationship, it also displays a message indicating whether the
neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. The
NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is used to determine whether the
neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell in the preceding scenario.
● When the NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is not set to 0, an
over-distant neighboring cell refers to a cell whose distance from the local cell
is greater than the parameter value.
● When the NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is set to 0, an over-
distant neighboring cell refers to a cell whose distance from the local cell is
greater than the sum of the access radii of the two cells. The example shown
in Figure 4-7 indicates that the D is greater than the sum of Rs and Rn. In
conclusion, adjacent cell B is an over-distant neighboring cell of serving cell A.

Figure 4-7 Example of an over-distant neighboring cell

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

4.1.2 Network Analysis Benefits
Intra-RAT ANR ensures the integrity, validity, and correctness of intra-RAT
neighbor relationships with NG-RAN cells. By automatically optimizing the
attributes of the neighboring cells, it reduces manual intervention to decrease the
costs of network planning, network optimization, and O&M.

When the gNodeB automatically adds neighboring cells based on measurement results
reported by UEs, it may add over-distant neighboring cells or some neighboring cells with
low signal strength to NRTs. These neighboring cells will decrease the handover success
● In SA networking, ANR automatically maintains the validity of neighboring cells based
on the handover success rate every day and sets the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag
parameter to FORBID_HO or SA_FORBID_NSA_PERMIT_HO for neighboring cells with
low handover success rates. Then, the handover success rate will gradually recover.
● In NSA networking, there may be no X2 link between the base station serving the
added neighboring cell and the LTE anchor base station. As a result, handover failures
occur and the handover success rate decreases. ANR automatically maintains the
validity of neighboring cells based on the handover success rate every day and sets the
NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter to FORBID_HO or
SA_PERMIT_NSA_FORBID_HO for neighboring cells to which the number of successful
handovers is 0 and the number of handovers exceeds 100. Then, the handover success
rate will gradually recover. Therefore, the controlled mode is recommended. In this
mode, manual intervention is required to select and add appropriate neighboring cells
based on the measurement results reported by UEs.
The number and distribution of ANR-capable UEs affect how fast ANR can detect missing
neighboring cells. Therefore, the decrease in the service drop rate and increase in the intra-
RAT handover success rate produced by intra-RAT ANR are impossible to quantify. Impacts

Network Impacts
● The gNodeB instructs the UEs that meet specific conditions to perform
measurements of report type reportCGI to detect an unknown neighboring
cell. This process prolongs the delay in a handover from the source cell to the
target cell. After the neighbor relationship with the cell is added,
measurements of report type reportCGI are not triggered during subsequent
handovers to the neighboring cell and therefore the delay in handovers to the
cell is no longer prolonged.
● Downlink throughput decreases for UEs during DRX in which the UEs read the
NCGI of the target cell. This is because the gNodeB limits scheduling for
downlink transmission for the UEs. After a neighbor relationship with the cell
is added, DRX configuration will not be triggered for measurements of report
type reportCGI, and therefore UEs are not subject to such changes in downlink
throughput during subsequent handovers to the cell.
● Uplink data transmission causes ongoing measurements of report type
reportCGI to fail. UEs read NCGIs in sleep time during DRX. The sleep time
can be interrupted by transmission of uplink data packets (such as uplink data
from UEs or RLC ACKs from UEs in RLC AM mode). This decreases the NCGI

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

reading success rate. After an NCGI is acquired, the identified cell is

automatically configured as a neighboring cell and UEs no longer read the
● In NSA networking, the NG-RAN cell needs to send SIB1 to support intra-RAT
ANR for NG-RAN or inter-RAT ANR with NG-RAN for E-UTRAN. In NSA
networking, the NSA_CELL_SIB1_SW option of the
NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.AlgoCompatibilitySwitchExt parameter specifies
whether an NG-RAN cell broadcasts SIB1.
– If the NSA_CELL_SIB1_SW option of the
NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.AlgoCompatibilitySwitchExt parameter is
selected for an NG-RAN cell that only supports NSA networking, then the
cell broadcasts SIB1, and intra-RAT ANR for NG-RAN or inter-RAT ANR
with NG-RAN for E-UTRAN can take effect. This occupies RB resources in
the cell and slightly decreases the peak rate of the cell.
– If the NSA_CELL_SIB1_SW option of the
NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.AlgoCompatibilitySwitchExt parameter is
deselected for an NG-RAN cell that only supports NSA networking, then
the cell does not broadcast SIB1. This does not occupy RB resources in the
cell or affect the peak rate of the cell. However, intra-RAT ANR for NG-
RAN and inter-RAT ANR with NG-RAN for E-UTRAN do not take effect.

Function Impacts
RAT Function Function Reference Description
Name Switch

FDD DRX BASIC_DRX_S DRX ● The UE can perform reportCGI

Low- W option of measurements only after entering
frequency the the DRX sleep time.
TDD NRDUCellUeP ● The gNodeB automatically
wrSaving.NrD configures a long DRX cycle for
uCellDrxAlgoS UEs to read the NCGIs. The setting
witch of the BASIC_DRX_SW option of
parameter the NRDUCellUePwrSav-
parameter does not affect the
configuration of the long DRX
cycle initiated by intra-RAT ANR.

FDD Intelligen INTRA_GNB_M Energy When automatic removal of

Low- t carrier ULTI_CARR_SD Conservation neighboring cells in ANR takes effect,
frequency shutdow _SW or and Emission intelligent carrier shutdown does not
TDD n INTER_GNB_M Reduction take effect if the neighbor
ULTI_CARR_SD relationships with the basic-layer cells
_SW option of are automatically removed for
the capacity-layer cells.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

RAT Function Function Reference Description

Name Switch

FDD Operator gNBSharingM Multi-Operator When an Xn interface has been set

Low- -specific ode.MultipleN Sharing up between a gNodeB shared by
frequency NCI CISwitch multiple operators in a version earlier
TDD configura than V100R017C10 and a gNodeB in
tion V100R017C10 with the
ceSw parameter set to ON, the "NCL
update triggered by messages
transmitted over the Xn interface
between gNodeBs" function of the
former gNodeB requires that the Xn
interface of the primary operator
work properly.
When an Xn interface has been set
up between a non-shared gNodeB in
a version earlier than V100R017C10
and a gNodeB in V100R017C10 with
ceSw parameter set to ON and the
operator that owns the former
gNodeB is a secondary operator of
the latter gNodeB, the "NCL update
triggered by messages transmitted
over the Xn interface between
gNodeBs" function of the former
gNodeB does not take effect.
It is recommended that the
ceSw parameter be set to ON for all
gNodeBs each shared by multiple
operators only after the gNodeBs are
upgraded to V100R017C10. This avoids
impacts on the operator-specific NCI
configuration function.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

RAT Function Function Reference Description

Name Switch

FDD UE- ● INTER_FRE Mobility Load A neighboring cell added by ANR

Low- number- Q_CONNEC Balancing cannot be a candidate cell for MLB
frequency based TED_MLB_S unless the
TDD connecte W option of NRCellRelation.MlbHoFlag
d mode the parameter is set to TRUE for the
MLB NRCellAlgo neighboring cell.
● NRCellMlb.
Mode set to

FDD Spectral- ● INTER_FRE Mobility Load A neighboring cell added by ANR

Low- efficiency Q_CONNEC Balancing cannot be a candidate cell for MLB
frequency -based TED_MLB_S unless the
TDD connecte W option of NRCellRelation.MlbHoFlag
d mode the parameter is set to TRUE for the
MLB NRCellAlgo neighboring cell.
● NRCellMlb.
Mode set to

Low- 5QI- ● INTER_FRE Mobility Load A neighboring cell added by ANR

frequency specific Q_CONNEC Balancing cannot be a candidate cell for MLB
TDD UE- TED_MLB_S unless the
number- W option of NRCellRelation.MlbHoFlag
based the parameter is set to TRUE for the
connecte NRCellAlgo neighboring cell.
d mode Switch.Mlb
MLB AlgoSwitch
(low- parameter
frequenc ● NRCellMlb.
y TDD) MlbTrigger
set to

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

RAT Function Function Reference Description

Name Switch

FDD Virtual NR_IF_HO_ME Virtual Grid- After intra-RAT ANR is enabled,

Low- Grid- AS_QTY_PRED_ based Multi- neighbor relationships are
frequency based FUN_SW Frequency automatically added and removed.
TDD Multi- option of the Coordination The base station periodically
Frequenc NRCellSmartM monitors the change in the
y ultiCarr.NrMul proportion of CGIs of neighboring
Coordinat tiCarrierAlgoS cells in a grid and determines
ion witch whether to rebuild the grid model.

4.1.3 Requirements Licenses
Feature ID Feature Name Model Sales Unit

FOFD-021204 Automatic NR0S0AUTNE00 per Cell

Relation (ANR) Software

Prerequisite Functions

Mutually Exclusive Functions

RAT Functi Function Switch Reference Description

FDD Proacti INTRA_RAT_ANR_P PCI Conflict Proactive PCI conflict

Low- ve PCI CI_CONFL_DET_SW Detection detection based on
frequen conflict option of the and Self- intra-RAT ANR is
cy TDD detecti NRCellAlgoSwitch. Optimizatio mutually exclusive
on AnrSwitch n with any of the
based parameter following intra-RAT
on ANR functions:
intra- ● Fast ANR
ANR ● PCI-specific ANR

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured
with the BBU3910.

DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be

configured with the BBU3910.

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this
function. For details, see the BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series
Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules
This function does not depend on RF modules. Others
In NSA networking, intra-RAT ANR requires that UEs support neighboring NG-RAN
cell measurements of report type reportCGI (nr-CGI-Reporting-ENDC) in E-UTRA-
NR Dual Connectivity (EN-DC). In SA networking, intra-RAT ANR requires that UEs
support neighboring NG-RAN cell measurements of report type reportCGI (nr-CGI-
Reporting). For details, see section 6.3.3 "UE capability information elements" in
3GPP TS 38.331 V15.5.0.

3GPP TS 38.331 V15.4.0 and earlier versions do not define "nr-CGI-Reporting-

ENDC". In NSA networking, UEs complying with 3GPP TS 38.331 V15.4.0 or earlier
versions do not include "nr-CGI-Reporting-ENDC" in reports. Therefore, the
gNodeB considers that the UEs do not support measurements of report type
reportCGI and does not deliver measurement configurations carrying the report
type of reportCGI to the UEs. As a result, intra-RAT ANR does not take effect. UEs
complying with 3GPP TS 38.331 V15.5.0 or later versions are required to support
intra-RAT ANR in NSA networking. Such UEs can include "nr-CGI-Reporting-ENDC"
in reports.

4.1.4 Operation and Maintenance Data Configuration Data Preparation

Table 4-3 and Table 4-4 describe the parameters used for function activation and
optimization, respectively.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Table 4-3 Parameters used for activation

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes

ANR NRCellAlgoSwi NR_NR_ANR_S To enable automatic

Switch tch.AnrSwitch W detection and addition of
missing neighboring cells,
automatic NCL update, and
automatic external-cell PLMN
list configuration, select this

ANR NRCellAlgoSwi NR_NR_ANR_D To enable automatic removal

Switch tch.AnrSwitch EL_SW of neighboring cells, select
this option. Before enabling
this function, ensure that the
NR_NR_ANR_SW option of
h parameter is selected.
ANR NRCellAlgoSwi NR_NR_ANR_A To enable automatic
Switch tch.AnrSwitch UTO_NO_HO_S optimization of neighbor
W relationship attributes based
on zero handover success
rate, select this option.

ANR NRCellAlgoSwi NR_NR_ANR_O To enable automatic

Switch tch.AnrSwitch VER_DIST_DET optimization of neighbor
ECT_SW relationship attributes based
on identification of over-
distant neighboring cells,
select this option.

ANR NRCellAlgoSwi NR_NR_FAST_A To enable fast ANR, select

Switch tch.AnrSwitch NR_SW this option. Before enabling
this function, ensure that the
NR_NR_ANR_SW option of
h parameter is selected.
ANR NRCellAlgoSwi PCI_SPECIFIC_N To enable PCI-specific ANR,
Switch tch.AnrSwitch R_ANR_SW select this option. Before
enabling this function, ensure
that the NR_NR_ANR_SW
option of the
h parameter is selected.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 51

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes


ANR NRCellFreqRela None Use the recommended value.

Indication tion.AnrInd This parameter takes effect
only when the cell-specific
switches for automatic
detection and addition of
missing neighboring cells or
automatic deletion of
neighboring cells are turned

Target NRCellNcgiMea None When PCI-specific ANR is

Physical s.TargetPhysica enabled, a specific PCI needs
Cell ID lCellId to be configured as required.

Target SSB NRCellNcgiMea None When PCI-specific ANR is

Freq s.TargetSsbDes enabled, a frequency
Position cMethod associated with a specific PCI
Describe needs to be configured as
Method required.

Target SSB NRCellNcgiMea None

Frequency s.TargetSsbFreq
Position Pos
ANR NRCellAlgoSwi AUTO_NR_FRE To enable automatic
Switch tch.AnrSwitch Q_RELATION_S neighboring frequency
W configuration, select this

Algorithm NRDUCellAlgoS NSA_CELL_SIB1 To enable intra-RAT ANR for

Compatibili witch.AlgoCom _SW NG-RAN or inter-RAT ANR
ty Switch patibilitySwitc with NG-RAN for E-UTRAN in
Extension hExt NSA networking, select this

Table 4-4 Parameters used for optimization

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes

Intra-RAT NRCellAnr.Intra None Retain the default value.

ANR RSRP RatAnrRsrpThl Alternatively, set this option
Threshold d based on the operator's

ANR Mode NRCellAnr.Anr NR_NR_ANR_C Retain the default value.

Switch ModeSwitch TRL_MODE_SW Alternatively, set this option
based on the operator's

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 52

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes


ANR Mode NRCellAnr.Anr NR_NR_ANR_C Retain the default value.

Switch ModeSwitch TRL_MODE_HO Alternatively, set this option
_SW based on the operator's

Over NRCellAnr.Over None You are advised to set this

Distant DistantNCellTh parameter to its
Neighborin ld recommended value. This
g Cell parameter applies only to the
Threshold controlled mode.

Period for NRCellAnr.Peri None Set this parameter to its

Delete NRT odForDelNrt recommended value. If you
want redundant neighbor
relationships to be removed
quickly, set this parameter to
a smaller value.

ANR Mode NRCellAnr.Anr NR_NCELL_PLM Select this option if

Switch ModeSwitch N_RR_MODE_S neighboring NG-RAN cells
W work in multi-operator
sharing mode and broadcast
PLMN IDs in rotation mode.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 53

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes


No NRCellRelation. PERMIT_HO If the neighboring cell has

Handover NoHoFlag FORBID_HO high handover success rates
Flag for both SA UEs and NSA
SA_PERMIT_NS UEs, setting the
A_FORBID_HO NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag
A_PERMIT_HO reduces the number of
service drops caused by
handover failures; whereas
setting this parameter to
FORBID_HO increases the
service drop rate caused by
handover failures.
If the neighboring cell has a
high handover success rate
for SA UEs but a low
handover success rate for
NSA UEs, setting the
parameter to
O reduces the number of
service drops caused by
handover failures of SA UEs.
In addition, this setting
prevents handover attempts
and failures regarding the
neighboring cell for NSA UEs,
increasing the handover
success rate of NSA UEs in
the local cell.
If the neighboring cell has a
low handover success rate for
SA UEs but a high handover
success rate for NSA UEs,
setting the
parameter to
O prevents handover
attempts and failures
regarding the neighboring
cell for SA UEs, increasing the
handover success rate of SA
UEs in a cell. In addition, this
setting reduces the number
of service drops caused by
handover failures of NSA

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 54

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Parameter Parameter ID Option Setting Notes


If the neighboring cell has

low handover success rates
for both SA UEs and NSA
UEs, setting the
parameter to PERMIT_HO
reduces the handover success
rate of a cell; whereas setting
this parameter to
FORBID_HO prevents
handover attempts and
failures regarding the
neighboring cell, increasing
the handover success rate of
the local cell.

No NRCellRelation. None Retain the default value.

Removal NoRmvFlag

Measureme NRCellFreqRela None Retain the default value.

nt tion.MeasActvF
Activation lag


Assume that both SA networking and NSA networking are implemented on the network
and base stations in the two networking options are managed by different MAE-Access
systems. Inter-networking-option handovers (handovers from an SA cell to an NSA cell or
from the NSA cell to the SA cell) may fail. To prevent this, the following must be performed
after ANR is enabled: (1) Run the LST NREXTERNALNCELL and LST
NREXTERNALNCELLPLMN commands to check information about external NG-RAN cells.
(2) For external NG-RAN cells with the NRExternalNCell.NrNetworkingOption and
NRExternalNCellPlmn.NrNetworkingOption parameters set to UNLIMITED, check the
actual networking options of these cells. (3) Run the MOD NREXTERNALNCELL and MOD
NREXTERNALNCELLPLMN commands to change the settings of the
NRExternalNCell.NrNetworkingOption and NRExternalNCellPlmn.NrNetworkingOption
parameters to SA, NSA, or SA_NSA accordingly. Using MML Commands

Before using MML commands, refer to Impacts and Software and
complete the parameter configurations for related functions based on the impact
relationships between the functions, as well as the actual network scenario.

Activation Command Examples

//Enabling automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, automatic NCL update, and
automatic external-cell PLMN list configuration for a specific cell
//Enabling fast ANR for a specific cell

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 55

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management


//Enabling PCI-specific ANR for a specific cell
//Configuring a specified PCI when PCI-specific ANR is enabled
TargetSsbFreqPos=8000, TargetPhysicalCellId=1;
//Enabling automatic removal of neighboring cells for a specific cell
//Enabling "automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells" and automatic removal of
neighboring cells for a specific frequency
//Enabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success rate
//Enabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification of over-
distant neighboring cells
//Enabling automatic neighboring frequency configuration
//In NSA networking, turning on NSA_CELL_SIB1_SW
MOD NRDUCELLALGOSWITCH: NrDuCellId=0, AlgoCompatibilitySwitchExt=NSA_CELL_SIB1_SW-1;

Optimization Command Examples

Command examples in TDD
//(Optional) Configuring an RSRP threshold when PCI-specific ANR is enabled
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, IntraRatAnrRsrpThld=-102;
//(Optional) Setting the controlled mode for intra-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended
that the controlled mode be disabled.
//(Optional) Specifying whether to allow handovers to unconfirmed neighboring NG-RAN cells in controlled
mode for intra-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended that handovers to unconfirmed
neighboring NG-RAN cells in controlled mode be prohibited.
//(Optional) Modifying the threshold for determining over-distant neighboring cells in controlled mode as
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, OverDistantNCellThld=5000;
//(Optional) Turning on NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW if the neighboring NG-RAN cells work in multi-
operator sharing mode and broadcast PLMN IDs in rotation mode
//Allowing handovers to optimized neighboring cells
MOD NRCELLRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", gNBId=1, CellId=0, NoHoFlag=PERMIT_HO;
//Enabling removal of neighbor relationships through ANR
MOD NRCELLRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", gNBId=1, CellId=0,
//Changing the period for automatic removal of redundant intra-RAT neighbor relationships to one day
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, PeriodForDelNrt=1;
//Configuring the measurement activation flag of an intra-RAT neighboring frequency
MOD NRCELLFREQRELATION: NrCellId=0, SsbFreqPos=7880, MeasActvFlag=ACTIVE;

Command examples in FDD

//(Optional) Configuring an RSRP threshold when PCI-specific ANR is enabled
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, IntraRatAnrRsrpThld=-102;
//(Optional) Setting the controlled mode for intra-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended
that the controlled mode be disabled.
//(Optional) Specifying whether to allow handovers to unconfirmed neighboring NG-RAN cells in controlled
mode for intra-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended that handovers to unconfirmed
neighboring NG-RAN cells in controlled mode be prohibited.
//(Optional) Modifying the threshold for determining over-distant neighboring cells in controlled mode as
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, OverDistantNCellThld=5000;
//(Optional) Turning on NR_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW if the neighboring NG-RAN cells work in multi-
operator sharing mode and broadcast PLMN IDs in rotation mode
//Allowing handovers to optimized neighboring cells

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 56

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

MOD NRCELLRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", gNBId=1, CellId=0, NoHoFlag=PERMIT_HO;

//Enabling removal of neighbor relationships through ANR
MOD NRCELLRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", gNBId=1, CellId=0,
//Changing the period for automatic removal of redundant intra-RAT neighbor relationships to one day
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, PeriodForDelNrt=1;
//Configuring the measurement activation flag of an intra-RAT neighboring frequency
MOD NRCELLFREQRELATION: NrCellId=0, SsbFreqPos=4625, MeasActvFlag=ACTIVE;

Deactivation Command Examples

The following provides only deactivation command examples. You can determine
whether to restore the settings of other parameters based on actual network
//Disabling automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, automatic NCL update, or
automatic external-cell PLMN list configuration for a specific cell
//Disabling fast ANR for a specific cell
//Disabling PCI-specific ANR for a specific cell
//Disabling automatic removal of neighboring cells for a specific cell
//Disabling "automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells" or automatic removal of
neighboring cells for a specific frequency
//Disabling automatic neighboring frequency configuration
//Disabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success rate
//Disabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification of over-
distant neighboring cells

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment. Activation Verification

Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells/Automatic

NCL Update/Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration/Automatic
Neighboring Frequency Configuration
To check whether the functions have taken effect, query self-organizing network
(SON) logs on the MAE-Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.

Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.

Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Add Neighboring Cell, Add External Cell,
Update External Cell, Add External Cell PLMN List, Delete External Cell PLMN
List, Update External Cell PLMN List, or Update Neighboring Frequency

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 57

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Measurement Configuration. If any of the events is logged, these functions have

taken effect.


Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells

To check whether the function has taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.
Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Delete Neighboring Cell or Delete External Cell.
If either event is logged, automatic removal of neighboring cells has taken effect.


Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Zero

Handover Success Rate
To check whether the function has taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.
Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Set NoHo Flag. If the event is logged and
SaHoSuccTimes or NsaHoSuccTimes is 0 in Event Description, automatic
optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success
rate has taken effect.


Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on

Identification of Over-Distant Neighboring Cells
To check whether the function has taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Set NoHo Flag. If the event is logged and
CellRachRadiusSum and InterCellDistance are not N/A in Event Description,
automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification
of over-distant neighboring cells has taken effect.


Control Mode
The following uses neighboring cell addition as an example to describe activation

● Prerequisites:
a. Cell A does not exist in the NRT of cell B.
b. Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells is enabled.
● Expected result:
– The uncontrolled mode is used if the LST NRCELLRELATION command
output shows that cell A exists in the NRT of cell B.
– The controlled mode is used if the LST NRCELLRELATION command
output shows that cell A still does not exist in the NRT of cell B and the
Neighboring Cell Relationship to Be Handled area on the
Optimization Advice tab page of the MAE-Access shows that cell A
needs to be added as a neighboring cell of cell B. (To open the
Optimization Advice tab page, choose SON > NR ANR.) Network Monitoring

To monitor the running status about intra-RAT ANR, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access. For details about how to query SON logs on the MAE-Access, see
Activation Verification.

4.2 Intra-RAT PLMN ID Management

4.2.1 Principles
With PLMN ID management, the gNodeB checks the PLMN IDs carried in the CGI-
Info IE reported from UEs and performs differentiated management.
PLMN ID management applies in either of the following scenarios:

● The gNodeB is on the inter-operator network borders.

In this scenario, the gNodeB is located adjacent to areas covered by networks
of different operators and UEs served by the gNodeB cannot be handed over
to adjacent cells owned by other operators. If such cells are measured by UEs
and the gNodeB does not add these cells to the NCL or NRT, UEs repeatedly
read the CGIs of these cells, affecting data transmission. However, if the
gNodeB adds these cells to the NCL and NRT, handovers will fail.
This function enables the gNodeB to add these cells to the NCL and NRT, and
prohibits UEs served by the gNodeB from being handed over to these cells.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● Abnormal UEs report invalid PLMN IDs of neighboring cells.

In this scenario, the measurement results reported from UEs are incorrect. If
the gNodeB adds incorrect neighboring cell information to the NCL and NRT,
the NCL and NRT contain incorrect configurations. If the gNodeB selects the
target cell that is incorrectly configured in the NCL and NRT, handovers will
This function prohibits incorrect neighboring cell information from being
added to the NCL and NRT, ensuring correct configurations in the NCL and

The gNBNCellPlmnList MO is used to configure PLMN ID attributes. For each

PLMN ID, the following parameters need to be configured:
gNBNCellPlmnList.Mcc, gNBNCellPlmnList.Mnc, gNBNCellPlmnList.RatType,
and gNBNCellPlmnList.PlmnListType. The parameters are defined as follows:

● The gNBNCellPlmnList.Mcc and gNBNCellPlmnList.Mnc parameters indicate

the MCC and MNC, respectively. The MCC and MNC form a PLMN ID.
● The gNBNCellPlmnList.RatType parameter indicates the RAT of the PLMN to
which a neighboring cell belongs. It can be set to NR or EUTRAN.
● The gNBNCellPlmnList.PlmnListType parameter indicates the type of a
PLMN. It can be set to BLACKLIST, GREYLIST, or WHITELIST. Up to two
PLMN types can be configured for neighboring cells of a given RAT.
– If this parameter is set to BLACKLIST for a PLMN, neighboring cells or
external cells of the PLMN cannot be added through ANR.
– If this parameter is set to GREYLIST for a PLMN, neighboring cells or
external cells of the PLMN can be added through ANR but UEs served by
the gNodeB cannot be handed over to cells of the greylisted PLMN.
– If this parameter is set to WHITELIST for a PLMN, neighboring cells or
external cells of the PLMN can be added through ANR and UEs served by
the gNodeB can be handed over to cells of the whitelisted PLMN.

For the PLMN to which the gNodeB belongs (configured in the gNBOperator
MO), the following principles apply:

● If the ADD GNBNCELLPLMNLIST command is not executed to add the PLMN

to the whitelist for NR, the PLMN is considered to be in the whitelist for NR
by default.
● If the ADD GNBNCELLPLMNLIST command is executed to add the PLMN to
the whitelist for NR, the PLMN can only be whitelisted. Specifically, if
gNBNCellPlmnList.RatType is set to NR, gNBNCellPlmnList.PlmnListType
can only be set to WHITELIST.

Therefore, the PLMN configured in the gNBOperator MO is considered to be in

the whitelist for NR.


The preceding principles are inapplicable to inter-RAT PLMN ID management. For details
about how inter-RAT PLMN ID management works, see 5.2.1 Principles.

Based on the preceding principles, intra-RAT PLMN ID management works as


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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

● If two PLMN types are configured:

– If no type is configured for the PLMN to which the gNodeB belongs, the
PLMN is considered whitelisted by default.
– If no type is configured for a PLMN to which the gNodeB does not
belong, the PLMN is considered to have the third type by default.
● If only one PLMN type is configured:
– If only a PLMN blacklist or greylist is configured, the PLMN for which no
type is configured is considered whitelisted by default, regardless of
whether the gNodeB belongs to the PLMN.
– If only a PLMN whitelist is configured:

▪ If no type is configured for the PLMN to which the gNodeB belongs,

the PLMN is considered whitelisted by default.

▪ If no type is configured for a PLMN to which the gNodeB does not

belong, the PLMN is considered greylisted by default.
● If no PLMN types are configured, the PLMN for which no type is configured is
considered whitelisted by default, regardless of whether the gNodeB belongs
to the PLMN.
In multi-operator sharing scenarios, a cell is configured with multiple PLMN IDs. If
a reported cell is configured with a blacklisted PLMN ID, the gNodeB regards that
the measurement report is invalid. It will not add the cell to the NCL or NRT,
initiate handovers to this cell, or initiate an NR SCell change to this cell.

4.2.2 Network Analysis Benefits
This function delivers the following scenario-specific gains:
● Scenario where the gNodeB is on the border of different operators
In this scenario, the gNodeB is located adjacent to areas covered by networks
of different operators and UEs served by the gNodeB cannot be handed over
to adjacent cells owned by the operators. This function enables the gNodeB to
add these cells to the NCL and NRT, and prohibits UEs served by the gNodeB
from being handed over to these cells. In this way, data transmissions are not
affected by repeated reading of the CGIs of these cells.
● Scenario where abnormal UEs report invalid PLMN IDs of neighboring cells
In this scenario, the measurement results reported from UEs are incorrect.
This function prohibits incorrect neighboring cell information from being
added to the NCL and NRT, ensuring correct configurations in the NCL and
NRT. In this way, this function prevents handover failures caused by selection
of the target cells that are incorrectly configured in the NCL and NRT. Impacts

Network Impacts

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

Function Impacts

4.2.3 Requirements Licenses
None Software
Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been
activated and mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed
operations, see the relevant feature documents.

Prerequisite Functions
RAT Function Function Reference Description
Name Switch

FDD Intra-RAT NRCellAlgoSwi ANR The gNodeB checks whether the

Low- ANR tch.AnrSwitch: PLMN to which a neighboring cell
frequency NR_NR_ANR_S belongs is blacklisted only before the
TDD W neighboring cell is added through
intra-RAT ANR. If the PLMN is
blacklisted, the gNodeB does not add
the neighboring cell. If the PLMN is
not blacklisted, the gNodeB adds the
neighboring cell.

Mutually Exclusive Functions

None Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured
with the BBU3910.
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be
configured with the BBU3910.

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this
function. For details, see the BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series
Base Station Product Documentation.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management

RF Modules
This function does not depend on RF modules. Others

4.2.4 Operation and Maintenance Data Configuration Data Preparation

Table 4-5 describes the parameters used for function activation. No parameters
are involved in function optimization.

Table 4-5 Parameters used for activation

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Mobile gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to the correct MCC.

Country Code t.Mcc

Mobile gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to the correct MNC.

Network Code t.Mnc

RAT Type gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to NR.


PLMN List gNBNCellPlmnLis If the gNodeB is on the border of different

Type t.PlmnListType operators, either of the following
configuration is applied:
● Set this parameter to GREYLIST for the
PLMNs of the operators that own the
neighboring cells to which UEs cannot
be handed over.
● Set this parameter to WHITELIST for
the PLMNs of the operators that own
the neighboring cells to which UEs can
be handed over. With this setting, the
PLMNs of the operators that own the
neighboring cells to which UEs cannot
be handed over are considered
If abnormal UEs report invalid PLMN IDs
of neighboring cells, set this parameter to
BLACKLIST for the invalid PLMNs.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 63

ANR Feature Parameter Description 4 Intra-RAT ANR Management Using MML Commands

Before using MML commands, refer to Impacts and Software and
complete the parameter configurations for related functions based on the
dependency relationships between the functions, as well as the actual network

Activation Command Examples

//Enabling intra-RAT PLMN ID management
ADD GNBNCELLPLMNLIST: RatType=NR, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", PlmnListType=WHITELIST;

Optimization Command Examples


Deactivation Command Examples

The following provides only deactivation command examples. You can determine
whether to restore the settings of other parameters based on actual network
//Disabling intra-RAT PLMN ID management
RMV GNBNCELLPLMNLIST: RatType=NR, Mcc="302", Mnc="220"; Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment. Activation Verification

The ADD GNBNCELLPLMNLIST command is executed with
gNBNCellPlmnList.PlmnListType set to BLACKLIST to blacklist the PLMN to
which a neighboring cell belongs.

Expected Result
When the CGI-Info IE in the measurement report with type of reportCGI sent from
a UE contains the information of the cell for which
gNBNCellPlmnList.PlmnListType is set to BLACKLIST, the gNodeB does not add
the cell to the NCL or NRT. Network Monitoring


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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

5.1 Inter-RAT ANR

5.1.1 Principles
Inter-RAT ANR enables automatic management of inter-RAT (between NR and E-
UTRAN) NCLs and inter-RAT NRTs (NCL and NRT for short). Table 5-1 lists
support for subfunctions of inter-RAT ANR depending on whether neighboring E-
UTRAN cells are shared among multiple operators.

Table 5-1 Subfunctions of inter-RAT ANR

Subfunction Scenarios with Multi- Scenarios Without
Operator Sharing Multi-Operator Sharing Automatic Supported Supported

Detection and Addition
of Missing Neighboring
Cells Automatic NCL Supported Supported

Update Automatic Supported Supported

Removal of
Neighboring Cells Automatic Supported Supported

Optimization of
Neighbor Relationship
Attributes Based on
Zero Handover Success

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Subfunction Scenarios with Multi- Scenarios Without

Operator Sharing Multi-Operator Sharing Automatic Supported Supported

Optimization of
Neighbor Relationship
Attributes Based on
Identification of Over-
Distant Neighboring
Cells Automatic Supported N/A

External-Cell PLMN List
Configuration Automatic Supported Supported

Neighboring Frequency
Configuration Control Mode Supported Supported

In NSA networking, when an NG-RAN cell serves as a PSCell, it involves only

PSCell change between NG-RAN cells and does not involve mobility management
from the NG-RAN cell to E-UTRAN cells. Therefore, inter-RAT ANR is involved only
in SA networking.

Inter-RAT ANR is controlled by cell-level parameters and takes effect on a per cell
basis. The following describes the principles. Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells

Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells can be triggered by
event-triggered measurements or periodic measurements.

Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells triggered by event-

triggered measurements is enabled when the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected.

Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells can be triggered by

coverage-based inter-RAT handover measurements. The gNodeB detects missing
neighboring cells based on information included in inter-RAT measurement
reports. Coverage-based inter-RAT handover measurements are measurements
related to inter-RAT interoperability. For details, see Interoperability Between E-
Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells triggered by
periodic measurements can detect and add missing neighboring cells fast. This
function is enabled when both the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_SW and
NR_EUTRAN_FAST_ANR_SW options of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch
parameter are selected. After fast ANR is enabled, the gNodeB selects some UEs in
RRC_CONNECTED mode in a serving cell and sends inter-RAT measurement
configurations to the UEs. The gNodeB detects missing neighboring cells based on
the periodic measurement reports sent from these UEs. The UEs perform the

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

measurements for four times and send measurement reports at an interval of

5120 ms.
After fast ANR is enabled, the gNodeB randomly selects UEs that meet the
following conditions and sends measurement configurations to them at an
interval of 30s. A maximum of five UEs in the serving cell can be selected for
measurements at a time.
● The UE is in RRC_CONNECTED mode and a PDU session has been set up for
the UE.
● The UE supports E-UTRAN neighboring cell measurements with the report
type of reportCGI (eutra-CGI-Reporting).
● The UE is only running one or more of the following types of non-GBR
services, except for FWA Internet, FWA video, and FWA private line services
(services for which the gNBQciBearer.ServiceType parameter is set to
– In NSA networking, services with a QCI of 5, 6, 8, or 9
– In SA networking, services with a 5QI of 5, 6, 8, or 9 or services with a
mapped QCI of 5, 6, 8, or 9
● The UE has not been selected for periodic measurements within one hour
while the UE context is set up and retained.

CA UEs that meet the preceding conditions but treat the local cell as their SCell cannot be
selected for periodic measurements.

The gNodeB instructs the UEs to measure all inter-RAT neighboring frequencies
configured for the serving cell. If the number of frequencies to be measured is
limited and not all the frequencies can therefore be delivered for measurements,
the gNodeB selects frequencies based on their priorities. For details about
configuring the candidate frequency list based on their priorities, see Mobility
The maximum number of periodic measurements of each frequency is 100. The
rules for calculating the number of periodic measurements are as follows:
● Once fast ANR is enabled, the gNodeB sets the number of periodic
measurements of every inter-RAT neighboring frequency of a cell to zero.
● After a periodic measurement of a frequency is complete, the gNodeB
increases the number of periodic measurements for this frequency by one.
● If the neighbor relationship with a cell on a frequency is successfully added by
ANR, the gNodeB sets the number of periodic measurements of the frequency
to zero. If this neighbor relationship is added by running MML commands, the
gNodeB does not set this number to zero.
● The number of periodic measurements of a new inter-RAT neighboring
frequency is counted from zero.
The gNodeB delivers frequency measurement configurations based on the
following rules:
● If the number of consecutive periodic measurements of the frequency is
greater than or equal to 100 but no neighbor relationship with a cell on this
frequency is added, this frequency will no longer be delivered for periodic

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● If the number of inter-RAT neighbor relationships configured for a cell or the

gNodeB reaches its maximum value, all inter-RAT neighboring frequencies of
the cell will no longer be delivered for measurements. When the number of
inter-RAT neighbor relationships configured for a cell or the gNodeB
decreases from the maximum value, the counting of periodic measurements
of these frequencies continues from the previous numbers.
● In controlled mode, if the sum of the number of inter-RAT neighbor
relationships configured for a cell/gNodeB and the number of neighbor
relationships configured for the cell/gNodeB to be confirmed on the MAE-
Access reaches the maximum number of neighbor relationships that can be
configured, all inter-RAT neighboring frequencies of the cell will no longer be
delivered for measurements. When the sum decreases from the maximum
value, the counting of periodic measurements of these frequencies continues
from the previous numbers.
● Neighboring high frequencies of a high-frequency cell are not delivered for
● In the inter-RAT candidate frequency list, frequencies for which the
NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter is set to INACTIVE are not
delivered for measurements.

● Neighbor relationship addition triggered by fast ANR is not service-triggered. It does not
trigger specification-based neighboring relationship replacement or specification-based
external cell replacement. In controlled mode, no optimization advice is reported when
the number of neighbor relationships reaches its maximum.
● NRT query triggered by fast ANR is not service-triggered. It is not counted in the
number of times a neighbor relationship is used and does not affect specification-based
neighbor relationship and external cell replacement and identification of redundant
neighbor relationships.
● If a UE starts periodic measurements but the measurements conflict with other
functions (such as cell handover, CA, and DC) that require measurement resources, the
periodic measurements triggered by fast ANR automatically pauses to meet the
measurement requirements of the functions.

The gNodeB automatically detects and adds missing neighboring cells based on
event-triggered or periodic measurement reports sent by UEs. The following
provides the details.
Assume that a UE is located in the coverage area of cell A, which works as the
serving cell for the UE. Cell B is an E-UTRAN cell adjacent to cell A. The gNodeB
sends measurement configurations to the UE. Based on the measurement report
sent from the UE, the gNodeB detects and adds cell B, as shown in Figure 5-1.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Figure 5-1 Automatically detecting and adding missing inter-RAT neighboring

cells during movement in SA networking

1. The UE sends a measurement report.

The UE measures cells on the frequency specified by the gNodeB, and then
sends the gNodeB a measurement report containing the PCIs of cells (cell B
for example) that meet signal quality requirements.
2. The gNodeB obtains the PCI of cell B from the measurement report, queries
the E-UTRAN cell global identifiers (ECGIs) of all neighboring cells in the NRT
of cell A, and then searches its NCL for the PCIs and frequencies of external
cells indicated by these ECGIs. The gNodeB then checks whether a cell in the
NCL has the same PCI and frequency as cell B.
– If a match is found, cell B is an existing neighboring cell of cell A and no
further action is required.
– If no match is found, cell B is a missing neighboring cell of cell A and the
gNodeB proceeds to step 3.

The ECGI consists of the PLMN ID, eNodeB ID, and cell ID. The PLMN ID consists of the
MCC and MNC.
3. The gNodeB sends the UE an RRCReconfiguration message carrying the
measurement report type of reportCGI and DRX configuration. With the
configuration of this type of report, the UE performs measurements and
reports CGI-Info of the cell with the specified PCI (CGI-Info of cell B). DRX
terminates downlink data reception in the serving cell so that the UE can
receive system information of the target cell.
4. The UE responds to the gNodeB with an RRCReconfigurationComplete

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

5. The UE reads SIB1 (system information) from cell B to obtain CGI-Info of cell
6. The UE sends the gNodeB a measurement report carrying the CGI-Info.
7. The gNodeB obtains the ECGI, TAC, PCI, PLMN list, and other information
about cell B from the CGI-Info IE in the measurement report and adds cell B
to the NRT of cell A based on the information.
The gNodeB checks whether cell B is in its NCL.
– If cell B is in the NCL, the gNodeB adds cell B to the NRT of cell A.
– If cell B is not in the NCL, the gNodeB adds cell B to its NCL and then
adds cell B to the NRT of cell A.
The FOFD-021204 Automatic Neighbour Relation (ANR) feature also supports
PLMN ID management. If the PLMN attribute of an operator is configured in
a gNBNCellPlmnList MO, the gNodeB performs differentiated management
based on the list type of PLMN ID when obtaining the PLMN list from CGI-
Info. For details, see 5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID Management.
An NRT is configured through an NRCellEutraNRelation MO, and an NCL is
configured through a gNBEutraExternalCell MO. If the number of neighbor
relationships in an NRT reaches the maximum value, new neighbor
relationships cannot be added to the NRT. Similarly, if the number of external
cells in an NCL reaches the maximum value, new external cells cannot be
added to the NCL.
Unlike intra-RAT automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, in
inter-RAT automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, the UE
does not include the primary PLMN reserved flags of neighboring E-UTRAN cells
in the measurement report. Therefore, the gNodeB needs to determine the
primary PLMN reserved flag (MASTER_PLMN_RESERVED_FLAG option of the
gNBEutraExternalCell.AggregationAttribute parameter) of an external E-UTRAN
cell in the NCL as follows:
NRCellEutranNFreq.AggregationAttribute parameter specifies whether a
neighboring E-UTRA frequency is a secondary operator's frequency in RAN sharing
with special dedicated carrier mode.
● If the SEPARATED_FREQ_SPEC_SHR_FLAG option is selected, the neighboring
E-UTRA frequency is a secondary operator's frequency in RAN sharing with
special dedicated carrier mode.
● If the SEPARATED_FREQ_SPEC_SHR_FLAG option is deselected, the
neighboring E-UTRA frequency is not a secondary operator's frequency in RAN
sharing with special dedicated carrier mode.
In step 7, the gNodeB automatically determines the configuration of the primary
PLMN reserved flag of the E-UTRAN cell in the NCL based on the setting of the
SEPARATED_FREQ_SPEC_SHR_FLAG option for the operating frequency of cell B,
as shown in Table 5-2.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Table 5-2 Automatic configuration of primary PLMN reserved flags of neighboring

E-UTRAN cells

If... Then...

Option A is If option B is selected, which indicates that the primary

selected PLMN of an external E-UTRAN cell is reserved, this E-
UTRAN cell cannot be selected as the target cell for
handovers of UEs served by this primary PLMN in the

Option A is If option B is deselected, which indicates that the primary

deselected PLMN of an external E-UTRAN cell is not reserved, this E-
UTRAN cell can be selected as the target cell for
handovers of UEs served by this primary PLMN in the

● Option A: SEPARATED_FREQ_SPEC_SHR_FLAG option of the
NRCellEutranNFreq.AggregationAttribute parameter
● Option B: MASTER_PLMN_RESERVED_FLAG option of the
gNBEutraExternalCell.AggregationAttribute parameter
When the eNodeB switches from another mode to the RAN sharing with special
dedicated carrier mode or from the RAN sharing with special dedicated carrier
mode to another mode, the setting of option A must be manually changed.
When the setting of option A changes, the setting of option B in the NCL is not
automatically updated and needs to be manually changed.


The preceding mechanism applies only to the scenario where an E-UTRAN cell has two
PLMN IDs in the measurement report sent by the UE. If an E-UTRAN cell in the
measurement report sent by a UE has one or more than two PLMN IDs, the gNodeB
considers that the E-UTRAN cell is not a cell of a secondary operator in RAN sharing with
special dedicated carrier mode. When adding the E-UTRAN cell to the NCL, the gNodeB
deselects the MASTER_PLMN_RESERVED_FLAG option of the
gNBEutraExternalCell.AggregationAttribute parameter.

On the eNodeB side, multi-operator sharing incorporates functions such as RAN

sharing with common carrier, RAN sharing with dedicated carrier, and RAN sharing
with special dedicated carrier. For details, see RAN Sharing in eRAN Feature
Documentation. If neighboring E-UTRAN cells work in multi-operator sharing
mode, the gNodeB adds secondary operator information about a missing
neighboring cell to the external-cell PLMN list when adding the missing
neighboring cell to the NCL. For details, see Automatic External-Cell
PLMN List Addition. If a neighboring E-UTRAN cell broadcasts its PLMN IDs in
rotation mode, the sequence of PLMN IDs broadcast in system information
periodically changes. Therefore, the primary operator is not always listed at the
top of the PLMN list.
● If the eNodeB serving the target cell is not provided by Huawei, the gNodeB
cannot obtain information about the target cell from the MAE-Access. In this
case, the gNodeB does not add the target cell to the NCL or NRT.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● If the eNodeB serving the target cell is provided by Huawei, the

NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter needs to be selected. With this
setting, the gNodeB can obtain the PLMN list of an external E-UTRAN cell
from the MAE-Access to get the target cell's correct MCC and MNC of the
primary operator. The gNodeB can then add the target cell to the NCL and
For details about PLMN ID rotation mode, see ANR Management in eRAN Feature
Documentation. Automatic NCL Update

This function is enabled when the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected. NCL update can be triggered
by measurement reports from UEs. The following provides the details.
After receiving the ECGI and TAC carried in the CGI-Info IE in the measurement
report from a UE, the gNodeB queries its NCL for the external cell indicated by the
ECGI and performs the following operations:
● The gNodeB checks whether the downlink EARFCN and PCI of the external
cell in the NCL are the same as those in measurement configuration.
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the NCL using the downlink
EARFCN or PCI carried in the measurement configuration.
● The gNodeB checks whether the TAC of the external cell in the NCL is the
same as that in the measurement report.
– If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
– If they are different, the gNodeB updates the NCL using the information
carried in the IE.
● The ECGI is determined by the settings of gNBEutraExternalCell.Mcc,
gNBEutraExternalCell.Mnc, gNBEutraExternalCell.EnodebId, and
● The downlink EARFCN is specified by the gNBEutraExternalCell.DlEarfcn
● The PCI is specified by the gNBEutraExternalCell.PhysicalCellId parameter.
● The TAC is specified by the gNBEutraExternalCell.Tac parameter. Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells

Automatic removal of neighboring cells includes automatic removal of neighbor
relationships and automatic removal of external cells. This function is enabled
when both the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_SW and NR_EUTRAN_ANR_DEL_SW options of
the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter are selected.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Automatic Removal of Neighbor Relationships

Automatic removal of neighbor relationships from NRTs includes specification-
based removal of neighbor relationships and removal of redundant neighbor
relationships. Details are as follows:
● Specification-based removal of neighbor relationships
The maximum number of neighboring cells that can be configured in an NRT
depends on the maximum number of neighboring cells that can be configured
for a cell and that for a gNodeB. For details about the maximum number of
neighbor relationships configured for a cell and that for a gNodeB, see
Mobility Management.
– When the number of neighboring cells of a cell reaches its maximum
value, the gNodeB automatically removes the neighbor relationships that
are least frequently used from the NRT of the cell so that new neighbor
relationships can be added.
– When the number of neighboring cells of the gNodeB reaches its
maximum value but that of a cell does not, the gNodeB automatically
removes the neighbor relationships that are least frequently used from
the NRTs of served cells so that new neighbor relationships can be added.
● Removal of redundant neighbor relationships
The gNodeB considers an inter-RAT neighbor relationship redundant if the
neighbor relationship is not used for a period of seven days. After this period
elapses, the gNodeB automatically removes the neighbor relationship from
the NRT.

A neighbor relationship cannot be automatically removed by ANR if any of the

following conditions is met:

● The NR_EUTRAN_ANR_DEL_SW option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch

parameter is deselected.
● The NRCellEutraNRelation.NoRmvFlag parameter is set to
NRCellEutraNRelation.PowerSavingOverlapInd parameter is selected.

A neighbor relationship can be automatically removed by ANR if all of the

following conditions are met:

● The NR_EUTRAN_ANR_DEL_SW option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch

parameter is selected.
● The NRCellEutraNRelation.NoRmvFlag parameter is set to
NRCellEutraNRelation.PowerSavingOverlapInd parameter is deselected.

Automatic Removal of External Cells

Automatic removal of external cells includes specification-based removal of
external cells and removal of redundant external cells. Details are as follows:

● Specification-based removal of external cells

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 73

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

The maximum number of external cells that can be configured in an NCL

depends on the maximum number of external cells that can be configured for
a gNodeB. For details about the maximum number of external cells
configured for a gNodeB, see Mobility Management.
If the number of external cells in the NCL reaches its maximum value, the
gNodeB automatically removes the external cells that are least frequently
used from the NCL so that new external cells can be added.
● Removal of redundant external cells
The gNodeB automatically removes redundant external cells from the NCL in
either of the following scenarios:
– The external cell was a neighboring cell removed from an NRT and no
cells served by the gNodeB have neighbor relationships with this cell.
– The external cell is not used for a period of seven days and no cells
served by the gNodeB have neighbor relationships with this cell.
If a neighboring E-UTRAN cell works in multi-operator sharing mode and the
corresponding external cell is automatically removed from the NCL, all
records of the external cell in the external-cell PLMN list are also removed. Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based

on Zero Handover Success Rate
This function is used to automatically identify neighboring cells with abnormal
handover statistics and handle inappropriate neighbor relationships. This prevents
handover failures caused by inappropriate neighbor relationships, thereby
guaranteeing user experience. This function is enabled when the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected.
The NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter indicates whether to allow
handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships. This parameter can be set to
● If this parameter is set to PERMIT_HO, handovers for UEs can be initiated
based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to FORBID_HO, handovers for UEs cannot be initiated
based on neighbor relationships.
With the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_AUTO_NO_HO_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter selected, the gNodeB automatically sets
NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag to FORBID_HO for a neighboring cell in an
NRT if the neighboring cell meets both of the following conditions:
● The number of handover executions from the local cell to the neighboring cell
reaches 100.
● The number of successful handovers from the local cell to the neighboring
cell is 0.
After the NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is automatically set to
FORBID_HO for a neighboring cell in the NRT, this parameter cannot be set to
PERMIT_HO through ANR. For this reason, with this function enabled, it is
necessary to check whether the neighboring cells for which
NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag is automatically set to FORBID_HO can be
selected as target cells for handovers after their configurations are optimized.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● If they can, NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag needs to be manually set to

● If they cannot, no further operation is required. Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based

on Identification of Over-Distant Neighboring Cells
With this function, the gNodeB automatically selects neighboring cells having low
handover success rates based on handover statistics, identifies over-distant
neighboring cells among these neighboring cells, and handles the corresponding
neighbor relationships with the over-distant neighboring cells. This function can
prevent handover failures caused by a long distance between a serving cell and a
target cell, thereby ensuring user experience.
An over-distant neighboring cell refers to a cell whose distance from the local cell
is greater than the sum of the access radii of the two cells.
● The distance between adjacent cells is the linear distance between the
antennas serving the two cells.
● The access radius refers to the maximum distance where a UE can successfully
access a cell. The distance is determined by the PRACH configurations of the
cell. The PRACH configurations include the PRACH subcarrier spacing, cell
radius, and PRACH configuration index.
The example shown in Figure 5-2 indicates that the D is greater than the sum of
Rs and Rn. In conclusion, adjacent cell B is an over-distant neighboring cell of
serving cell A.

Figure 5-2 Example of an over-distant neighboring cell

This function is enabled when the NR_EUTRAN_OVER_DIST_DETECT_SW option

of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected.
The NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter indicates whether to allow
handovers for UEs based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to PERMIT_HO, the gNodeB allows handovers for UEs
based on neighbor relationships.
● If this parameter is set to FORBID_HO, the gNodeB does not allow handovers
for UEs based on neighbor relationships.
After the NR_EUTRAN_OVER_DIST_DETECT_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB changes the
NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter value from PERMIT_HO to
FORBID_HO for a neighboring E-UTRAN cell that meets all of the following

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● The NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is set to PERMIT_HO for

the neighboring cell.
● The number of handover executions from the local cell to the neighboring cell
is greater than or equal to 100.
● The success rate of handovers from the local cell to the neighboring cell is
less than 95%. The handover success rate is calculated by using the formula:
(Number of successful handovers/Number of handover executions) x 100%.
● The distance between the local cell and the neighboring cell is greater than
the sum of the access radii of the two cells.


● The gNodeB queries the MAE-Access about whether the distance between a local cell
and a neighboring cell is greater than the sum of the access radii of the two cells. The
MAE-Access calculates the distance between the local cell and the neighboring cell
based on the longitude and latitude information contained in base station engineering
● The gNodeB queries over-distant neighboring cells on the MAE-Access again at night
every day.
● The MAE-Access allows each gNodeB to query a maximum of 256 over-distant
neighboring cells every day.

Automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes can only change the

value of the NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter from PERMIT_HO to
FORBID_HO, not from FORBID_HO to PERMIT_HO. Therefore, after this function
is enabled, check whether the NRCellEutraNRelation.NoHoFlag parameter is
automatically set to FORBID_HO for a neighboring cell. If such a neighboring cell
is still required as a target cell for handovers, this parameter value needs to be
manually changed from FORBID_HO to PERMIT_HO. Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration

If neighboring E-UTRAN cells work in multiple-operator sharing mode, the
gNodeB automatically configures E-UTRAN external-cell PLMN lists (external-cell
PLMN list for short) in addition to NCL and NRT configuration. An external-cell
PLMN list records secondary operator information about an external E-UTRAN cell.
Such information includes settings of the parameters in the gNBEutraExtCellPlmn
MO. The parameters include:

● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.Mcc
● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.Mnc
● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.EnodebId
● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.CellId
● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.SharedMcc
● gNBEutraExtCellPlmn.SharedMnc

This function is enabled when the NR_EUTRAN_ANR_SW option of the

NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected. Automatic external-cell
PLMN list configuration includes automatic external-cell PLMN list addition and
automatic external-cell PLMN list update. Details are provided in the following
sections. For details of multiple-operator sharing, see Multi-Operator Sharing.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 76

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Addition

NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter determines whether the gNodeB can
query the PLMN list of an external E-UTRAN cell from the MAE-Access. If
neighboring E-UTRAN cells work in multi-operator sharing mode, the following
● When the EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB can query the
list of PLMN IDs of the primary and secondary operators to which an external
E-UTRAN cell belongs from the MAE-Access.
● When the EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter is deselected, the gNodeB cannot
query the list of PLMN IDs of the primary and secondary operators to which
an external E-UTRAN cell belongs from the MAE-Access.
If PLMN ID rotation mode is enabled for the neighboring E-UTRAN cell, the
sequence of PLMN IDs broadcast in system information periodically changes.
Therefore, the primary operator is not always listed at the top of the PLMN list.
The principles of PLMN configuration for the external E-UTRAN cell vary
depending on whether PLMN ID rotation mode is enabled for the neighboring E-
UTRAN cell. The following provides the details.
For details about PLMN ID rotation mode, see ANR Management in eRAN Feature

PLMN ID Rotation Mode Disabled for Neighboring E-UTRAN Cells

In this scenario, the gNodeB can add neighboring E-UTRAN cells based on
measurement reports from UEs. The EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW
option of the NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter does not need to be
When a missing neighboring cell is detected, the gNodeB receives a measurement
report containing the ECGI from the UE and checks whether the reported CGI-Info
IE contains only one PLMN ID.
● If yes, the neighboring E-UTRAN cell does not work in multi-operator sharing
mode. In this case, the gNodeB adds only the missing neighboring cell to the
NCL and NRT.
● If no, the neighboring E-UTRAN cell works in multi-operator sharing mode. In
this case, the gNodeB adds the missing neighboring cell to the NCL/NRT and
adds secondary operator information about the missing neighboring cell to
the external-cell PLMN list.
For example, cell A and cell B are respectively served by the gNodeB and
eNodeB. Cell B is shared among three operators and is a missing neighboring
cell of cell A. The gNodeB adds cell B to its NCL and NRT of cell A. In addition,
the gNodeB adds secondary operator information about cell B to its external-
cell PLMN list. Figure 5-3 provides the information recorded in the external-
cell PLMN list.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Figure 5-3 External-cell PLMN list

PLMN ID Rotation Mode Enabled for Neighboring E-UTRAN Cells

In this scenario, the primary operator is not always listed at the top of the PLMN
list and UEs cannot obtain the neighboring E-UTRAN cell's correct PLMN IDs of
the primary and secondary operators. As a result, the gNodeB cannot add
neighboring E-UTRAN cells based on measurement reports from UEs. For this
reason, the EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter needs to be selected. When this option is
selected, the gNodeB can obtain the PLMN list of the neighboring E-UTRAN cell
from the MAE-Access.
When a missing neighboring cell is detected, the gNodeB receives a measurement
report containing the ECGI from a UE and manages the external-cell PLMN list as
1. The gNodeB checks whether the reported CGI-Info IE contains only one PLMN
– If yes, the neighboring E-UTRAN cell does not work in multi-operator
sharing mode and no further action is required.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

– If no, the neighboring E-UTRAN cell works in multi-operator sharing

mode. The gNodeB proceeds to step 2.
2. The gNodeB checks whether one of the reported PLMN IDs is marked as
– If yes, the PLMN marked as Reserved belongs to the primary operator,
and other PLMNs belong to secondary operators.
– If no, go to 3.
3. The gNodeB checks whether an external-cell PLMN list has been configured
for the reported neighboring cell.
– If yes, the eNodeB identifies the primary and secondary operators based
on the external-cell PLMN list.
– If no, go to 4.
4. The gNodeB reports the PCI and ECGI sent from the UE to the MAE-Access.
5. The MAE-Access checks the PLMN list of the indicated neighboring E-UTRAN
cell based on the PCI, eNodeB ID, and cell ID.
6. The MAE-Access sends the check result to the gNodeB.
7. The gNodeB adds the obtained information to the external-cell PLMN list. Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Update

External-cell PLMN list update includes:
● Addition: The PLMN ID of an external cell is added.
● Removal: The PLMN ID of an external cell is removed.
For example, cell A and cell B are respectively served by the gNodeB and eNodeB.
Cell B is shared among three operators. The secondary operator information about
cell B is recorded in the external-cell PLMN list of the gNodeB. Figure 5-4 shows
this example. The following describes the different outcomes when the operators
to which cell B belongs change:
● Addition: The cell belongs to a new operator (operator 4).
● Removal: The cell no longer belongs to operator 3.
Figure 5-4 shows an example where the information recorded in the external-cell
PLMN list is updated.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Figure 5-4 External-cell PLMN list

External-cell PLMN list update can be triggered by measurement reports from UEs.
After receiving the ECGI and PLMN list carried in the CGI-Info IE in the
measurement report from a UE, the gNodeB queries the external-cell PLMN list
for the external cell indicated by the ECGI. The gNodeB then checks whether the
PLMN list of the external cell is same as that in the measurement report.
● If they are the same, the gNodeB performs no further operation.
● If they are different, the gNodeB updates the external-cell PLMN list using the
information carried in the IE. Automatic Neighboring Frequency Configuration

When multiple inter-RAT neighboring frequencies are configured for a cell and the
gNodeB initiates an inter-RAT handover for a UE, the gNodeB automatically
identifies the frequencies to be measured based on the changes in the coverage
areas of the neighboring frequencies of the cell. The gNodeB delivers only
frequencies whose coverage areas cover the UE's location for measurements.
Automatic neighboring frequency configuration is enabled when the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

The NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter specifies whether a

neighboring frequency of a cell can be measured. This parameter can be set to
● If this parameter is set to ACTIVE, the frequency can be delivered for inter-
RAT measurements.
● If this parameter is set to INACTIVE, the frequency cannot be delivered for
inter-RAT measurements. (If the AUTO_EUTRAN_FREQ_RELATION_SW
option of the NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the
gNodeB delivers frequencies with the INACTIVE value every hour only when
adjusting the NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter value.)
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is deselected, the value of
NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag cannot be changed.
After the AUTO_EUTRAN_FREQ_RELATION_SW option of the
NRCellAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter is selected, the gNodeB automatically
adjusts the value of NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag as follows:
● For a frequency with the NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter set to
INACTIVE, the gNodeB delivers this frequency for measurements to a
maximum of eight UEs that meet conditions of inter-RAT measurements
every hour. When receiving a valid measurement report of the frequency, the
gNodeB changes the value of the NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag
parameter to ACTIVE for the frequency and records the change in SON logs.
In addition, it updates the neighboring frequency list in system information
(SIB4/SIB5). For details about inter-RAT measurements, see Interoperability
Between E-UTRAN and NG-RAN.
● For a frequency with the NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter set to
ACTIVE, if the number of times this frequency is delivered for inter-RAT
measurements reaches 1000, the accumulative measurement period is longer
than or equal to seven days, and the gNodeB has not received a valid
measurement report of the frequency, then the gNodeB changes the value of
the NRCellEutranNFreq.MeasActvFlag parameter to INACTIVE for the
frequency and records the change in SON logs. In addition, it updates the
neighboring frequency list in system information (SIB4/SIB5). Control Mode

The control mode is classified into uncontrolled mode and controlled mode,
depending on whether manual confirmation is required in neighboring cell
addition and removal. Figure 5-5 shows how neighboring cells are added and
removed in each mode. The NR_EUTRAN_ANR_CTRL_MODE_SW option of the
NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter specifies the control mode. When this
option is selected, controlled mode is used. When this option is deselected,
uncontrolled mode is used.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Figure 5-5 Adding and removing neighboring cells

Uncontrolled Mode
In uncontrolled mode, the gNodeB automatically adds or removes neighboring E-
UTRAN cells once missing or to-be-removed neighboring E-UTRAN cells are

Controlled Mode
In controlled mode, the gNodeB reports neighboring cell configuration suggestions
to the MAE-Access once missing or to-be-removed neighboring E-UTRAN cells are
detected. After manual confirmation on the MAE-Access, the gNodeB adds or
removes neighboring E-UTRAN cells. For details about operations on the MAE-
Access, see descriptions of NR ANR in RAN Management in MAE Product
Documentation (EulerOS, TaiShan).


NRCellAnr.AnrModeSwitch parameter determines whether to allow handovers or
redirections to unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN cells in controlled mode.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● When this option is selected, the gNodeB can initiate handovers or

redirections to neighboring E-UTRAN cells unconfirmed on the MAE-Access
based on the ECGIs of the neighboring cells reported from UEs.
● When this option is deselected, handovers and redirections to neighboring E-
UTRAN cells unconfirmed on the MAE-Access are prohibited.

Handovers for EPS fallback or emergency call fallback are of high priority and are not
controlled by this option. Such handovers to the unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN
cells are allowed.

In controlled mode, when the MAE-Access displays the optimization advice for
adding a neighbor relationship, it also displays a message indicating whether the
neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. The
NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is used to determine whether the
neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell in the preceding scenario.
● When the NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is not set to 0, an
over-distant neighboring cell refers to a cell whose distance from the local cell
is greater than the parameter value.
● When the NRCellAnr.OverDistantNCellThld parameter is set to 0,
identification of over-distant neighboring cells is not performed and this
neighboring cell is not displayed as an over-distant neighboring cell on the

5.1.2 Network Analysis Benefits
Inter-RAT ANR ensures the integrity, validity, and correctness of inter-RAT
neighbor relationships with E-UTRAN cells. By automatically optimizing the
attributes of the neighboring cells, it reduces manual intervention to decrease the
costs of network planning, network optimization, and O&M.

When the gNodeB automatically adds neighboring cells based on measurement results
reported by UEs, it may add over-distant neighboring cells or some neighboring cells with
low signal strength to NRTs. These neighboring cells will decrease the handover success
rate. In SA networking, ANR automatically maintains the validity of neighboring cells based
on the handover success rate every day and sets the NRCellRelation.NoHoFlag parameter
to FORBID_HO for neighboring cells with low handover success rates. Then, the handover
success rate will gradually recover. Inter-RAT ANR is not involved in NSA networking.
The number and distribution of ANR-capable UEs affect how fast inter-RAT ANR can detect
missing neighboring cells. Therefore, the decrease in the service drop rate and increase in
the inter-RAT handover success rate produced by inter-RAT ANR are impossible to quantify. Impacts

Network Impacts
● The gNodeB instructs the UEs that meet specific conditions to perform
measurements of report type reportCGI to detect an unknown neighboring
cell. This process prolongs the delay in a handover from the source cell to the

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

target cell. After the neighbor relationship with the cell is added,
measurements of report type reportCGI are not triggered during subsequent
handovers to the neighboring cell and therefore the delay in handovers to the
cell is no longer prolonged.
● Downlink throughput decreases for UEs during DRX in which the UEs read the
ECGI of the target cell. This is because the gNodeB limits scheduling for
downlink transmission for the UEs. After a neighbor relationship with the cell
is added, DRX configuration will not be triggered for measurements of report
type reportCGI, and therefore UEs are not subject to such changes in downlink
throughput during subsequent handovers to the cell.
● Uplink data transmission causes ongoing measurements of report type
reportCGI to fail. UEs read ECGIs in sleep time during DRX. The sleep time can
be interrupted by transmission of uplink data packets (such as uplink data
from UEs or RLC ACKs from UEs in RLC AM mode). This decreases the ECGI
reading success rate. After an ECGI is acquired, the identified cell is
automatically configured as a neighboring cell and UEs no longer read the

Function Impacts
RAT Function Function Reference Description
Name Switch

FDD DRX BASIC_DRX_S DRX ● The UE can perform reportCGI

Low- W option of measurements only after entering
frequency the the DRX sleep time.
TDD NRDUCellUeP ● The gNodeB automatically
wrSaving.NrD configures a long DRX cycle for
uCellDrxAlgoS UEs to read the ECGIs. The setting
witch of the BASIC_DRX_SW option of
parameter the NRDUCellUePwrSav-
parameter does not affect the
configuration of the long DRX
cycle initiated by inter-RAT ANR.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

RAT Function Function Reference Description

Name Switch

FDD Coverage ● MOBILITY_T Interoperability Inter-RAT ANR requires that

Low- -based O_EUTRAN_ Between E- measurement-based inter-RAT
frequency inter-RAT SW option UTRAN and handover and measurement-based
TDD mobility of the NG-RAN redirection take effect, and coverage-
from NG- NRCellAlgo based inter-RAT mobility from NG-
RAN to Switch.Inter RAN to E-UTRAN be enabled.
E-UTRAN RatService
TCH option
of the

5.1.3 Requirements Licenses
Feature ID Feature Name Model Sales Unit

FOFD-021204 Automatic NR0S0AUTNE00 per Cell

Relation (ANR) Software
Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been
activated and mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed
operations, see the relevant feature documents.

Prerequisite Functions

Mutually Exclusive Functions


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 85

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured
with the BBU3910.
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be
configured with the BBU3910.

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this
function. For details, see the BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series
Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules
This function does not depend on RF modules. Others
In SA networking, inter-RAT ANR requires that UEs support neighboring E-UTRAN
cell measurements of report type reportCGI (eutra-CGI-Reporting). For details, see
section 6.3.3 "UE capability information elements" in 3GPP TS 38.331 V15.5.0.
Automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification
of over-distant neighboring cells requires that the MAE-Access and MAE-
Deployment versions be V100R022C10SPC010 or later.

5.1.4 Operation and Maintenance When to Use

It is recommended that inter-RAT ANR be enabled in new deployment, capacity
expansion, and network swapping scenarios to achieve optimal gains. Data Configuration Data Preparation

Table 5-3 describes the parameters used for function activation. Table 5-4
describes the parameters used for function optimization.

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Table 5-3 Parameters used for activation

Parameter Parameter Option Setting Notes
Name ID

ANR Switch NRCellAlg NR_EUTRAN_ANR To enable automatic detection

oSwitch.An _SW and addition of missing
rSwitch neighboring cells, automatic
NCL update, and automatic
external-cell PLMN list
configuration, select this

ANR Switch NRCellAlg NR_EUTRAN_ANR To enable automatic removal

oSwitch.An _DEL_SW of neighboring cells, select this
rSwitch option. Before enabling this
function, ensure that the
of the
parameter is selected.

ANR Switch NRCellAlg NR_EUTRAN_ANR To enable automatic

oSwitch.An _AUTO_NO_HO_S optimization of neighbor
rSwitch W relationship attributes based on
zero handover success rate,
select this option.

ANR Switch NRCellAlg NR_EUTRAN_OVE To enable automatic

oSwitch.An R_DIST_DETECT_S optimization of neighbor
rSwitch W relationship attributes based on
identification of over-distant
neighboring cells, select this

ANR Switch NRCellAlg NR_EUTRAN_FAST To enable fast ANR, select this

oSwitch.An _ANR_SW option. Before enabling this
rSwitch function, ensure that the
of the
parameter is selected.

ANR Switch NRCellAlg AUTO_EUTRAN_F To enable automatic

oSwitch.An REQ_RELATION_S neighboring frequency
rSwitch W configuration, select this

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ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Table 5-4 Parameters used for optimization

Parameter Parameter Option Setting Notes
Name ID

ANR Mode NRCellAnr. NR_EUTRAN_ANR Retain the default value.

Switch AnrModeS _CTRL_MODE_SW Alternatively, set this option
witch based on the operator's policy.

ANR Mode NRCellAnr. NR_EUTRAN_ANR Retain the default value.

Switch AnrModeS _CTRL_MODE_HO Alternatively, set this option
witch _SW based on the operator's policy.

ANR Mode NRCellAnr. EUTRAN_NCELL_P Select this option if

Switch AnrModeS LMN_RR_MODE_S neighboring E-UTRAN cells
witch W work in multi-operator sharing
mode and broadcast PLMN IDs
in rotation mode.

Over NRCellAnr. None Use the recommended value.

Distant OverDistan This parameter applies only to
Neighborin tNCellThld the controlled mode.
g Cell

No NRCellEutr None Retain the default value.

Handover aNRelatio
Flag n.NoHoFla
No NRCellEutr None Retain the default value.
Removal aNRelatio
Flag n.NoRmvFl
Aggregatio NRCellEutr SEPARATED_FREQ If a cell working a neighboring
n Attribute anNFreq.A _SPEC_SHR_FLAG E-UTRA frequency belongs to a
ggregation secondary operator in RAN
Attribute sharing with special dedicated
carrier mode, select this option.

Measureme NRCellEutr None Retain the default value.

nt anNFreq.M
Activation easActvFla
Flag g Using MML Commands

Before using MML commands, refer to Impacts and Software and
complete the parameter configurations for related functions based on the impact
relationships between the functions, as well as the actual network scenario.

Activation Command Examples

//Enabling automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, automatic NCL update, and
automatic external-cell PLMN list configuration

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 88

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management


//Enabling fast ANR
//Enabling automatic removal of neighboring cells
//Enabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success rate
//Enabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification of over-
distant neighboring cells
//Enabling automatic neighboring frequency configuration

Optimization Command Examples

Command examples in TDD
//(Optional) Setting the controlled mode for inter-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended
that the controlled mode be disabled.
//(Optional) Modifying the threshold for determining over-distant neighboring cells in controlled mode as
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, OverDistantNCellThld=5000;
//(Optional) Specifying whether to allow handovers to unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN cells in
controlled mode for inter-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended that handovers to
unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN cells in controlled mode be prohibited.
//(Optional) Turning on EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW if the neighboring E-UTRAN cells work in
multi-operator sharing mode and broadcast PLMN IDs in rotation mode
//Allowing handovers to optimized neighboring cells
MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", EnodebId=1, CellId=0,
//Enabling removal of neighbor relationships through ANR
MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", EnodebId=1, CellId=0,
//A neighboring E-UTRAN frequency is a secondary operator's frequency in RAN sharing with special
dedicated carrier mode.
MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=1000, MeasurementBandwidth=MBW6,
//Configuring the measurement activation flag of a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency
MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=37900, MeasActvFlag=ACTIVE;
MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=37900, MeasActvFlag=INACTIVE;

Command examples in FDD

//(Optional) Setting the controlled mode for inter-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended
that the controlled mode be disabled.
//(Optional) Modifying the threshold for determining over-distant neighboring cells in controlled mode as
MOD NRCELLANR: NrCellId=0, OverDistantNCellThld=5000;
//(Optional) Specifying whether to allow handovers to unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN cells in
controlled mode for inter-RAT ANR based on operator's policies. It is recommended that handovers to
unconfirmed neighboring E-UTRAN cells in controlled mode be prohibited.
//(Optional) Turning on EUTRAN_NCELL_PLMN_RR_MODE_SW if the neighboring E-UTRAN cells work in
multi-operator sharing mode and broadcast PLMN IDs in rotation mode
//Allowing handovers to optimized neighboring cells
MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", EnodebId=1, CellId=0,
//Enabling removal of neighbor relationships through ANR
MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", EnodebId=1, CellId=0,
//A neighboring E-UTRAN frequency is a secondary operator's frequency in RAN sharing with special
dedicated carrier mode.
MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=1000, MeasurementBandwidth=MBW6,

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 89

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

//Configuring the measurement activation flag of a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency

MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=5020, MeasActvFlag=ACTIVE;
MOD NRCELLEUTRANNFREQ: NrCellId=0, DlEarfcn=5020, MeasActvFlag=INACTIVE;

Deactivation Command Examples

The following provides only deactivation command examples. You can determine
whether to restore the settings of other parameters based on actual network
//Disabling automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells, automatic NCL update, and
automatic external-cell PLMN list configuration
//Disabling fast ANR
//Disabling automatic removal of neighboring cells
//Disabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success rate
//Disabling automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification of over-
distant neighboring cells
//Disabling automatic neighboring frequency configuration

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment. Activation Verification

Automatic Detection and Addition of Missing Neighboring Cells/Automatic

NCL Update/Automatic External-Cell PLMN List Configuration/Automatic
Neighboring Frequency Configuration
To check whether the functions have taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.

Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.

Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Add Neighboring Cell, Add External Cell,
Update External Cell, Add External Cell PLMN List, Delete External Cell PLMN
List, or Update Neighboring Frequency Measurement Configuration. If any of
the events is logged, these functions have taken effect.


Automatic Removal of Neighboring Cells

To check whether the function has taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 90

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.
Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Delete Neighboring Cell or Delete External Cell.
If either event is logged, automatic removal of neighboring cells has taken effect.


Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on Zero

Handover Success Rate
To check whether the function has taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.
Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Set NoHo Flag. If the event is logged, automatic
optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on zero handover success
rate has taken effect.


Automatic Optimization of Neighbor Relationship Attributes Based on

Identification of Over-Distant Neighboring Cells
To check whether the functions have taken effect, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access as follows:

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, choose SON > SON Log.

Step 2 On the Query SON Log tab page, click Synchronize in the lower right corner. In
the displayed dialog box, click OK.
Step 3 After the synchronization is completed, select NR ANR Log from the Log
Category drop-down list on the Query SON Log tab page.
Step 4 In the Event Name area, select Set NoHo Flag. If the event is logged and
CellRachRadiusSum and InterCellDistance are not N/A in Event Description,
automatic optimization of neighbor relationship attributes based on identification
of over-distant neighboring cells has taken effect.


Control Mode
The following uses neighboring cell addition as an example to describe activation

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 91

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

● Prerequisites:
a. Cell A does not exist in the NRT of cell B.
b. Automatic detection and addition of missing neighboring cells is enabled.
● Expected result:
– The uncontrolled mode is used if the LST NRCELLEUTRANRELATION
command output shows that cell A exists in the NRT of cell B.
– The controlled mode is used if the LST NRCELLEUTRANRELATION
command output shows that cell A still does not exist in the NRT of cell B
and the Neighboring Cell Relationship to Be Handled area on the
Optimization Advice tab page of the MAE-Access shows that cell A
needs to be added as a neighboring cell of cell B. (To open the
Optimization Advice tab page, choose SON > NR ANR.) Network Monitoring

To monitor the running status about inter-RAT ANR, query SON logs on the MAE-
Access. For details about how to query SON logs on the MAE-Access, see
When to Use.

5.2 Inter-RAT PLMN ID Management

5.2.1 Principles
Concepts, application scenarios, involved MOs of inter-RAT PLMN ID management
are the same as those of intra-RAT PLMN ID management. For details, see 4.2.1
Up to two PLMN types can be configured for neighboring cells of a given RAT. This
principle is the same as that in intra-RAT PLMN ID management. However, inter-
RAT PLMN management has the following processing differences from intra-RAT
PLMN ID management:
● If two PLMN types are configured, the PLMN for which no type is configured
is considered to have the third type by default.
● If only one PLMN type is configured:
– If only a PLMN blacklist or greylist is configured, the PLMN for which no
type is configured is considered whitelisted by default.
– If only a PLMN whitelist is configured, the PLMN for which no type is
configured is considered greylisted by default.
● If no PLMN types are configured, the PLMN for which no type is configured is
considered whitelisted by default.

5.2.2 Network Analysis Benefits
Benefit analysis for inter-RAT PLMN ID management is the same as that for intra-
RAT PLMN ID management. For details, see Benefits.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 92

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management Impacts

Network Impacts

Function Impacts

5.2.3 Requirements Licenses
None Software
Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been
activated and mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed
operations, see the relevant feature documents.

Prerequisite Functions
RAT Function Function Reference Description
Name Switch

FDD Inter-RAT NRCellAlgoSwi ANR The gNodeB checks whether the

Low- ANR tch.AnrSwitch: PLMN to which a neighboring cell
frequency NR_EUTRAN_A belongs is blacklisted only before the
TDD NR_SW neighboring cell is added through
inter-RAT ANR. If the PLMN is
blacklisted, the gNodeB does not add
the neighboring cell. If the PLMN is
not blacklisted, the gNodeB adds the
neighboring cell.

Mutually Exclusive Functions

None Hardware

Base Station Models

3900 and 5900 series base stations. 3900 series base stations must be configured
with the BBU3910.
DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite. DBS3900 LampSite must be
configured with the BBU3910.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 93

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

All NR-capable main control boards and baseband processing units support this
function. For details, see the BBU technical specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series
Base Station Product Documentation.

RF Modules
This function does not depend on RF modules. Others

5.2.4 Operation and Maintenance Data Configuration Data Preparation

Table 5-5 describes the parameters used for function activation. No parameters
are involved in function optimization.

Table 5-5 Parameters used for activation

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes

Mobile gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to the correct MCC.

Country Code t.Mcc

Mobile gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to the correct MNC.

Network Code t.Mnc

RAT Type gNBNCellPlmnLis Set this parameter to EUTRAN.


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 94

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


PLMN List gNBNCellPlmnLis If the gNodeB is on the border of different

Type t.PlmnListType operators, either of the following
configuration is applied:
● Set this parameter to GREYLIST for the
PLMNs of the operators that own the
neighboring cells to which UEs cannot
be handed over.
● Set this parameter to WHITELIST for
the PLMNs of the operators that own
the neighboring cells to which UEs can
be handed over. With this setting, the
PLMNs of the operators that own the
neighboring cells to which UEs cannot
be handed over are considered
If abnormal UEs report invalid PLMN IDs
of neighboring cells, set this parameter to
BLACKLIST for the invalid PLMNs. Using MML Commands

Before using MML commands, refer to Impacts and Software and
complete the parameter configurations for related functions based on the
dependency relationships between the functions, as well as the actual network

Activation Command Examples

//Enabling inter-RAT PLMN ID management
ADD GNBNCELLPLMNLIST: RatType=EUTRAN, Mcc="302", Mnc="220", PlmnListType=WHITELIST;

Optimization Command Examples


Deactivation Command Examples

The following provides only deactivation command examples. You can determine
whether to restore the settings of other parameters based on actual network
//Disabling inter-RAT PLMN ID management
RMV GNBNCELLPLMNLIST: RatType=EUTRAN, Mcc="302", Mnc="220"; Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 95

ANR Feature Parameter Description 5 Inter-RAT ANR Management Activation Verification

Activation verification is the same for inter-RAT PLMN ID management and intra-
RAT PLMN ID management. For details, see Activation Verification. Network Monitoring


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 96

ANR Feature Parameter Description 6 Parameters

6 Parameters

The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of parameter reference match the software
version with which this document is released.
● Node Parameter Reference: contains device and transport parameters.
● gNodeBFunction Parameter Reference: contains all parameters related to
radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,
mobility control, and radio resource management.

You can find the EXCEL files of parameter reference for the software version used on the
live network from the product documentation delivered with that version.

FAQ: How do I find the parameters related to a certain feature from

parameter reference?

Step 1 Open the EXCEL file of parameter reference.

Step 2 On the Parameter List sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text Filters and
choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, FBFD-010011.
Step 3 Click OK. All parameters related to the feature are displayed.


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 97

ANR Feature Parameter Description 7 Counters

7 Counters

The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of performance counter reference match the
software version with which this document is released.
● Node Performance Counter Summary: contains device and transport counters.
● gNodeBFunction Performance Counter Summary: contains all counters related
to radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,
mobility control, and radio resource management.

You can find the EXCEL files of performance counter reference for the software version used
on the live network from the product documentation delivered with that version.

FAQ: How do I find the counters related to a certain feature from

performance counter reference?

Step 1 Open the EXCEL file of performance counter reference.

Step 2 On the Counter Summary(En) sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text
Filters and choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, FBFD-010011.
Step 3 Click OK. All counters related to the feature are displayed.


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 98

ANR Feature Parameter Description 8 Glossary

8 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 99

ANR Feature Parameter Description 9 Reference Documents

9 Reference Documents

● Mobility Management
● Multi-Frequency Convergence
● High Speed Mobility
● Interoperability Between E-UTRAN and NG-RAN
● NSA Networking based on EPC
● Multi-Operator Sharing
● Virtual Grid-based Multi-Frequency Coordination
● Carrier Aggregation
● PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization
● Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
● Mobility Load Balancing
● RAN Management in MAE Product Documentation (EulerOS, TaiShan)
● Feature parameter description documents in eRAN Feature Documentation
– ANR Management
– RAN Sharing
● Technical Specifications in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product
● 3GPP TS 38.331: "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification"
● 3GPP TS 38.104: "NR; Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception"

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 100


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