Docentes Multimodal
Docentes Multimodal
Docentes Multimodal
1 12,780
1 author:
Silvina Elias
Universidad Nacional del Sur
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ISBN 978-608-4642-47-3
Table of Contents
Trends Of Polish Enterprises In Risk Management...................................1
Agnieszka Puto
Helena Koscielniak
Paula Bajdor
Iwetta Budzik-Nowodzinska
The beginnings of the implementation of the concept of risk
management in the functioning of enterprises stretches back to the middle of
the 20th century. Initially they first and foremost signified insurance
protection. Subsequent to this, companies began to perceive that not all risk
may be insured against and consequently implemented appropriate actions
by controlling the level of risk and its impact on enterprises. At the end of
the last century, the idea of a complex risk management developed, thus
encompassing all types of threats existing in an enterprise (Wieterska 2011,
p.11). The effect of the development of the concept of risk management is
the formation of a multitude of scientific concepts relating to risk and the
international standards of risk management in organizations. The problems
associated with the implementation of the systems of risk management have
become the subject matter of multiple research projects and works. In the
herein paper, the authors at hand present the idea of risk management in
Polish enterprises.
The progressing globalization, free flow of goods and the growing
awareness of consumers are all leading to the fact whereby enterprises are
devoting increasing attention to aspects associated with risk management. In
conditions of the intensifying change in the market environment, the level of
risk and uncertainty in the process of taking decisions is growing. Risk and
the associated phenomena constitute an inseparable element of life that is
subject to wide-ranging analysis by a variety of specialists. Risk has ceased
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
occurrence of events that have an impact on the chosen aims. These events
may help or hinder the achievement of the stipulated aim. These events are
defined by the gauge of effects that they may cause, or the probability of
their occurrence (Risk Management…2004, p. 3).
The total elimination of risk is not possible, thus every organization
agrees to it in order to, among other reasons, achieve the established goal.
Simultaneously, its realization brings financial effects with it whose
consequences are borne not only by the people taking the decisions, but also
the whole enterprise and even their market environment. The losses that an
enterprise is exposed to with relation to the business activity run, while also
the losses the environment is exposed to by the enterprise, all determine the
scope of the inherent risk (Kuchlewska 2003, p. 40). Thus, it is worth
bearing in mind that in order to identify the scope of the defined risk, it is
essential to establish the causes of its occurrence, while also assess the
probability of the possible damage occurring and foresee the possible
aftermath. On the one hand, such actions are to lead to the improvement of
the company results, while on the other hand ensure that such conditions for
running business activity in order for enterprises not to bear any costs that
are greater than intended. Hence, it is essential to pursue the restriction of the
risk of running business activity to a maximum extent.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
This chapter has been based on the report entitled “Risk and insurance management in
firms in Poland 2013/14”, prepared by Aon Polska, whose division of Aon plc
(NYSE:AON) is a leading service provider in the sphere of building the strategy of risk
management, brokerage of insurance and reinsurance services, as well as advisory services
and outsourcing solutions in the sphere of the management of human capital. If the authors
do not refer to any literary position in the footnotes, this signifies that they are referring to
the afore-mentioned report.
The research was carried out at the end of 2012 and at the beginning of 2013 on the basis
of surveys and face-to -face interviews with respondents.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
has been prepared by the company Aon Polska Sp. z o.o. since 2009. The
cyclical realization of this report facilitates the comparison of the trends in
risk management prevailing in Poland with the best practices in this sphere
worldwide as Polish research is based on the global research presented in
“Aon Global Risk Management Survey”. This research facilitates the
observation of the most significant trends and tendencies that characterize
the Polish market of risk and insurance management – in this paper, the
attention of the authors has been narrowed down to merely risk with the
deliberate omission of the issues associated with insurance.
A total of 230 respondents took part in the Polish research project,
who in their business practices dealt with issues associated with risk
management. In global research, this number amounted to 1,400 who
represented companies operating in over 70 countries worldwide.
The main group of participants in the Polish research project
constituted professionals dealing with company finances, including members
of the board relating to financial management, financial directors, treasurers
and chief accountansts. The chairmen of boards and managing directors
constituted 13% respondents.
Table1. Respondents to research by Aon in Poland and in the world
Polish edition Global edition
2013 2011 2009 2013 2011 2009
CFO / Financial Director / Board
21% 37% 34% 13% 12% 5%
Member re. Finance
Risk Manager / Manager of Risk
Management and/or Insurance / Director 14% 21% 11% 33% 51% 54%
of Risk Management and/or Insurance
CEO / Chairman of Board / General
13% 32% 3% 8% 4% 2%
Director / Managing Director
Treasurer / Paymaster / Manager of
10% 5% 3% 5% 2% 6%
Chief Administration Officer / Director
14% 10% 37% 8% 1% 1%
of Administration, Chief Accountant
Company Secretary/ Director / Head
4% 26% 4% 2% 2% 1%
Office Manager
COO / Operational Director 3% N/A 5% 2% 2% 1%
Others 21% N/A 4% 13% 10% 14%
Source: Zarzadzanie ryzykiem i ubezpieczeniami w firmach w Polsce, Raport Aon Polska
2013/14, p. 13.
Attention should be drawn to the fact that the people occupying the
managerial positions directly in the sphere of risk management, namely risk
managers, constituted approximately 14% of the respondents participating in
the research in Poland. Within the framework of identical research of Aon of
a global scale, the participation of risk managers was over twice higher,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
which may certify to the fact of the relatively low popularization of the
profession of a risk manager in Poland.
The aim of this research is to define the key risks that may be
encountered by enterprises in the forthcoming years. In the current edition of
the research, the economic slowdown has returned to the top of the list of
threats, which is also a current risk on a global scale (see Table 2).
Table 2. Key 10 risks indicated in Polish and global editions of research 2009-2013
No. Ranking of risk 2013 Ranking of risk 2011 Ranking of risk 2009
Polish Global Polish Global Polish Global
Economic Economic Fluctuations in Economic Economic Economic
slowdown slowdown currency rates slowdown slowdown slowdown
Changes in Changes in Changes in
Growing legislative / Growing legislative / legislative /
2 in currency
competition regulatory competition regulatory regulatory
environment environment environment
Cash flows / Fluctuations
Growing Economic Growing Break in
3 risk of in prices of
competition slowdown competition activities
insolvency raw materials
Trading Changes in
Fluctuations in
partners – Loss of Loss of legislative / Growing
4 prices of raw
trading reputation reputation regulatory competition
receivables environment
Changes in Failure to Trading
legislative / maintain or partners – Break in Growing
5 in prices of
regulatory attract talented trading activities competition
raw materials
environment employees receivables
Changes in Trading
Fluctuations in Lack of legislative / Lack of partners – Loss of
currency rates innovativeness regulatory innovativeness trading reputation
environment receivables
Break in
activities Failure to
Fluctuations in Cash flows / Cash flows /
Break in maintain or
7 prices of raw Disruption / risk of risk of
activities attract talented
materials break in supply insolvency insolvency
Fluctuations in Fluctuations in Disruption /
Technological Technological
8 prices of raw prices of raw Loss of data break in
breakdowns breakdowns
materials materials supply chain
Cash flows / Cash flows / Disruption /
Employee Technological Civil liability
9 risk of risk of break in
dishonesty breakdowns /claims
insolvency insolvency supply chain
Loss of
reputation Failure to
Cash flows / maintain or
Civil liability Political Civil liability Loss of
10 risk of attract
/claims instability /claims reputation
insolvency talented
Economic slowdown has returned to the top of the list of key risks for
the business operations of companies in Poland, while simultaneously
equalling the position of the results of global research in which the threat
associated with economic slowdown has held first position in the ranking for
the last three editions of the research. The hitherto key threats, namely the
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
currency rate risk has slipped to sixth place in the ranking. However, the
greatest growth in significance among the first ten threats was registered by
the risk of insolvency, which increased from ninth position in the previous
research to third position in the current ranking. The new risk, which is to be
found in the top ten of the Polish edition of research for the first time is that
of employee dishonesty, which occupies ninth position. With relation to the
global edition of the research, the new threat in the top ten is that of threats
associated with political instability around the world. The relatively
underestimated threats by Polish companies with regard to the results of
global research are as follows: the risk of losing reputation, which
incidentally dropped out of the top ten, the risk of the lack of innovativeness
and failure to attract and keep talented employees.
Polish enterprises declare the implementation of a formal plan of
action. In fact, Polish firms usually have a plan of action with relation to
traditional risk, such as for instance, trade receivables, fluctuations of
currency rates, or technological breakdowns. Unfortunately, they are not
prepared for threats connected with economic slowdown.
Undoubtedly, economic slowdown leads to the formation of financial
loss. With relation to both the Polish edition and the global edition of the
research, risk associated with economic slowdown led to the formation of
financial losses in the largest group of companies under analysis – 73% in
Poland and 67% in the international study. In recent times, the level of
financial losses as a result of the realization of key risks in Polish companies
have significantly risen. With regard to the risk of economic slowdown in the
previous edition of research, this percentage amounted to a mere 31%. A
similar case is with the second in line in terms of the risk of growing
competition, in which the proportion amounted to 62% and 20%
respectively. Polish enterprises incur financial loss far more often as the
result of the materialization of key risks. Over half of the firms analysed,
admitted that they had incurred losses from such risks due to the fluctuation
of the prices of raw materials and currency rates. The specifics of the Polish
edition of research is the risk of employee dishonesty – over 1/3 of
enterprises incurred financial losses arising from this fact (Table 3).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Table 3. Financial losses due to materialization of risk within the past 12 months in terms of
the research results for the Polish and global editions of 2013
Ranking of risk in Poland 2013 Ranking of risk in world 2013
No. Losses in Losses in
Polish edition 12 Global edition 12
months months
1 Economic slowdown 73% Economic slowdown 67%
Changes in legislative /
2 Growing competition 62% 54%
regulatory environment
Cash flows / risk of
3 56% Growing competition 50%
Trading partners – trading
4 55% Loss of reputation 40%
Changes in legislative / Failure to maintain or attract
5 52% 37%
regulatory environment talented employees
6 Fluctuations in currency rates 51% Lack of innovativeness 37%
Fluctuations in prices of raw
7 50% Break in activities 36%
Fluctuations in prices of raw
8 Technological breakdowns 38% 35%
Cash flows / risk of
9 Employee dishonesty 35% 34%
10 Civil liability /claims 29% Political risk 30%
Source: Zarzadzanie ryzykiem i ubezpieczeniami w firmach w Polsce, Report by Aon
Polska 2013/14, p. 37.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Risk management constitutes one of the key elements of managing an
enterprise, which significantly influences the business efficiency. Indeed,
risk management has taken on great significance in the midst of the global
economic crisis that we have been facing over the past decade. Up to this
point, the methods and standards of risk management had not been
commonplace in Poland. As indicated by the research carried out by Aon
Polska in Poland, an increasing level of awareness is being observed among
the owners and chairmen of companies with relation to the utilization of the
standards of risk management.
Appropriate risk management in business activities, as well as the
appropriate formation of ties with the immediate environment are among the
fundamental prerequisites for ensuring a stable position on the market and
the perspectives of further development in a highly com-petitive market.
Department of Defence. Risk management Guide for DoD Acquisition. Fort
Belvoir: Defence Acquisition University, 2003.
Knight, Frank. Uncertainty and profit, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921.
Kościelniak, Helena. Organizational and Financial Aspects of Functioning of
Polish Companies, Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki
Częstochowskiej, 2008.
Kuchalewska, Maria. Ubezpieczenia jako metoda finansowania ryzyka
przedsiębiorstw. Poznań: Wydawnictwio Akademii Ekonomicznej w
Poznaniu, 2003.
Mrozik, Magdalena. Współczesne podejście do zarządzania ryzykiem w
przedsiębiorstwie na przykładzie grupy Orlen [in:] Ryzyko w organizacji:
aspekty teoretyczne i praktyczne (ed. by) E. Skrzypek, Lublin:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu MariiCurie-Skłodowskiej, 2015.
Risk Management Guidelines Companion to AS/NZS 4360: 2004.
Willett, Allan H. The economic theory of risk and insurance (Reprint),
Pennsylvania: The S.S. Huebner Foundation for Insurance Education,
University of Pennsylvania, 1951.
Williams Jr, Arthur. Smith, Michael. Young, Peter. Zarządzanie ryzykiem a
ubezpieczenia, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002.
Zarzadzanie ryzykiem i ubezpieczeniami w firmach w Polsce, Raport Aon
Polska 2013/14.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
My name is Irene Palomar. I'm Land Surveyor. I worked as Land
Surveyor for more than 30 years .From 2007 I'm dedicated to Contemporary
Jewelry. My starting point: a vocational redecisión.
This work incorporates concepts:
-The Brain Physiology: Mac Lean 1990.
-The Model Tote (Miller, 1960).
-Transactional Theoretical Models. Ego States (Berne 1960 - Kertész et al.,
-Transactional Analysis and Personal Growth (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Self-Realization) .Circuits: Emotional, Creative and Assertive.
The two hemispheres complement each other and their integrating
contributes to sublime achievements. Cognitive impairment is avoided by
new learnings. The creativity can achieve the quality of life that corresponds
to us, man is healthy if fulfills himself creatively. I wish to be an Artistic
Coach to accompany the artists in their creativity way.
Mi nombre es Irene Palomar. Soy Agrimensora. Ejercí mi profesión
por más de 30 años. Desde el 2007 me dedico a la Joyería Contemporánea.
Mi punto de partida: una redecisión vocacional.
El presente trabajo incorpora conceptos de:
-La Fisiología del cerebro: Mac Lean 1990.
-El Modelo Tote (Miller et. al, 1960). Modelo Cibernético.
-Modelos teóricos transaccionales. Estados del YO. (Berne 1960- . Kertész et
al., 2003).
-Análisis Transaccional y el Crecimiento Personal (Jerarquía de Necesidades
de Maslow – Autorrealización). Circuitos: Emotivo, Creativo, Asertivo.
Los dos hemisferios se complementan entre sí e integrándose contribuyen a
logros sublimes. Se evita el deterioro cognitivo con nuevos aprendizajes .La
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
*Indagar desde mi experiencia y con mis posibilidades en la temática
del cerebro humano, el desarrollo de la creatividad superando temores dando
lugar a mis capacidades latentes acordes a mi identidad y a mi misión, como
ser humano único… a mi autorrealización.
*Invitar a indagar sobre el desarrollo de los hemisferios cerebrales, la
creatividad y la autorrealización.
Ante el deseo y el compromiso de desarrollar un tema como el
expuesto precedentemente mi hemisferio derecho recibió una catarata de
información propia, suministrada por el hemisferio izquierdo y otro tanto de
nueva información por canales como: internet, videos de internet,
¿Cómo llegar a sintetizar esta información y lograr hacer un trabajo
con claridad en la comprensión y que cumpla con los objetivos propuestos?
Seguramente mi hemisferio izquierdo estuvo clasificando información y mi
hemisferio derecho buscó la forma de que resulte una exposición
interesante... es mi deseo haberlo logrado.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Mi proceso creativo
Cuando estoy creando una pieza de joyería, ¿qué me sucede?. Me
dejo llevar por lo que veo y siento (canales visual y cenestésico) .Cuando no
logro lo deseado siento en el centro de mi pecho intranquilidad,
desequilibrio, incomodidad, inquietud....
Cuando logro lo deseado siento alegría, me siento bien con mis
sensaciones corporales.
Mi proceso:
Concepción de una idea.
Elaboración y búsqueda y necesidad de plasmar lo que siento dentro
de mi cuerpo en una pieza de joyería.
Necesidad de transmitir a otros lo que siento: exponer y exponerme.
Y con posterioridad : satisfacción cuando alguien elige esa pieza
que hice y la compra o coincido en la elaboración con un pedido que me han
Al decir de Csikszentmihalyi, en su libro FLOW, se debe aprender a
ser creativos y alcanzar la calidad de vida. En los estados de experiencia
óptima uno se siente poseído de un profundo gozo creativo, son momentos
de concentración activa. A ese estado de experiencia óptima lo llama FLUIR
: un sentimiento de fuerza control y rendimiento máximo, cuando el tiempo
parece desaparecer y también desaparecen las emociones negativas….los
miedos y los temores …
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Deseado). Si es así, Exit (Salida). De no ser así, Operate (Operar para pasar
al Estado Actual 2). De nuevo Testear para constatar si EA2 coincide con el
Estado Deseado. Si es así, Exit , de lo contrario , se vuelve a Operar hasta
obtener el Estado Actual que coincida con el Estado Deseado.
El modelo cibernético
INPUT: etapa de recepción. La información entra por los sentidos
siempre que se brinde atención.
THROUGHPUT: etapa de asociación entre datos almacenados e
información que penetra. Procesamiento de los datos. A mayor cantidad de
asociaciones más fácil de retener lo novedoso.
OUTPUT: el cerebro devuelve los datos que requerimos.
FEEDBACK: el resultado obtenido es realimentado como un nuevo
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Cuándo me pregunté cuál hemisferio predomina más en mí en esta
etapa de mi vida rápidamente me respondí :el derecho y creo que he
desarrollado mi hemisferio derecho como fruto de mi actividad creativa, pero
ahora uso los dos y cuanto más se complementan más gratificante el
Los dos hemisferios captan y procesan la información en forma
diferente, sin embargo se complementan entre sí y nos permiten tener una
visión más amplia de nuestro entorno .
Lo ideal por supuesto es equilibrar los dos hemisferios, pues al
utilizarlos es posible obtener una mejor comprensión de la realidad que nos
A mayor interconexión entre los dos hemisferios mayor capacidad de
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Almea Guevara, G.: (2006): Técnicas para generación de ideas y creatividad
y mapas mentales. De: www.gestiopolis/recursos/documentos/htm
Berne, E. (1964): Los juegos en que participamos. Diana, Méjico
Kertész, R. (1992); El placer de aprender. Ippem, Buenos Aires. Kertész, R-,
Atalaya, C. y Kertész, A. (2003): Análisis Transaccional Integrado. 3ª.
edición, Ippem, Buenos Aires
Kertész, R. y Labrit, B. (2008): Los 8 factores de la decisión vocacional.
Publicación interna de la Universidad de Flores, Buenos Aires
MacLean, P. D. (1990): The triune brain in evolution: role in paleocerebral
functions. Plenum Press, Nueva York
Miller, G. A., Galanter, E., & Pribram, K. H. (1960): Plans and the
Structure of Behavior. Rinehart & Winston, Nueva York
Sperry, R. W. (1965): Mind, brain and humanist values. En New Views of
the Nature of Man, ed., J. R. Platt, pp. 71-92. Editorial de la Universidad de
Chicago, Chicago.
Csikszentmihalyi, M.: FLOW -Edición 2008-Talleres Gráficos Color Efe.
A. Maslow: El hombre autorrealizado - 19ª Edición 2012 - Editorial Kairós.
Kertész, R.: El Análisis Transaccional Integrativo en la Sociedad del
Conocimiento-Fundamentos Filosóficos, Científicos, Evolución y Resultados
Primer Congreso Internacional de Psicología en el Alto Paraná (2010).
Sperry, R. as
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Starting the program and taught in the field of sports psychology, he
led us to reflect on the need to identify the important role of the sport
psychologist in educational and sporting institutions of the Cipolletti city,
Provincia de Río Negro. While all work done by the students were evaluated
and taken as relevant when it comes to delve into the subject and interest of
the same , we try to approach guide students , coaches, athletes ,
psychologists and sports institutions on the importance in psychological
intervention in sports and physical activity and its relation to mental health.
A partir del programa y dictado en la materia de psicología del
deporte, nos llevó a reflexionar sobre las necesidades de identificar la
importancia del rol del psicólogo del deporte en los ámbitos educativos y
deportivos de la Ciudad de Cipolletti. Provincia de Rio Negro. Si bien todos
los trabajos realizados por los alumnos fueron evaluados y tomados como
relevantes a la hora de profundizar en el tema e interés del mismo,
intentamos aproximarnos a orientar a los alumnos, entrenadores, deportistas,
psicólogos e instituciones deportivas sobre la importancia a la hora de
intervención psicológica en los deportes y la actividad física y su relación
con la salud mental.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Objetivos general
Proporcionar el conocimiento y los alcances de la psicología del
deporte en los ámbitos educativos y organizaciones deportivas. Potenciando
el desarrollo integral del alumno.
Objetivo especificos
Obtener información relevante de la psicología del deporte en
diferentes instituciones deportivas de la ciudad de Cipolletti.
Conocer y describir el rol del psicólogo del deporte y sus
intervenciones en las organizaciones deportivas.
Determinar los beneficios de la psicología del deporte en la salud
Reconocer las características psicológicas en los deportes grupales e
Exponer posibles intervenciones desde la psicología del deporte
construido por los alumnos.
El modelo de investigación para este trabajo fue no experimental,
transversal, explicativo y descriptivo. Tiene un enfoque cualitativo.
Se realizaron trabajos prácticos con entrevistas y observaciones en
clubes de Cipolletti en deportes grupales e individuales.
En la actualidad, es de suma importancia a la hora de proyectar
acciones en el campo del deporte, el conocimiento de las características de la
población en aquellas variables que mejor y con mayor fidelidad identifique
a un futuro talento. Esto propicia conocer las fortalezas y debilidades para
afrontar el desafío en el campo de la Psicología del Deporte. Por otra parte
cuando en el mundo se habla de promoción de la salud se asocia entre los
otros aspectos al futuro deportista y la formación ideal para él.
Este tema pretende dar una aproximación a la visión de las diferentes
áreas de aplicación de la psicología del deporte, en distintos deportes y
actividades físicas grupales e individuales, a través de trabajos llevados a
cabo por los alumnos de psicología de la Universidad de Flores de la Ciudad
de Cipolletti e la Provincia de Rio Negro.
Es por ello, que se analizará los alcances y factores psicológicos que
puedan afectar el rendimiento en diferentes actividades relacionadas con el
deporte y la actividad física.
Como psicólogas interesadas en esta temática, nos hemos preguntado
durante mucho tiempo, si el alumno puede llegar a comprender la
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Material humano
Treinta (30) alumnos de la Universidad de Flores de la ciudad de
Cipolletti, provincia de Rio Negro. Se evaluaron los trabajos de nueve (9)
alumnos específicamente en deporte grupal e individual de la cátedra de
psicología del deporte.
Dividimos esta sección en dos grupos: Deportes y Actividad Física
Individual – Deportes y Actividad Física Grupal. En cada grupo se exponen
hipótesis e intervenciones de los trabajos de los alumnos.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
solo para un beneficio propio, sino que también para evitar damnificar al
resto de los corredores.”
3. Tenis – Melina Grimoldi
Hipótesis: Promover y optimizar tanto los recursos de los deportistas
como los rendimientos deportivos a través de entrenamiento psicológico,
optimiza el resultado del tenista.”
Intervención/Conclusión: “… la intervención se deberá a un proceso
que se compone en tres partes: la fase educativa, para comprender mejor las
técnicas y estrategias, la fase adquisitiva y la fase práctica, que busca
automatizar destrezas psicológicas e integrarlas al entrenamiento para luego
aplicarlas a las competiciones.”
4. Danza – Zvitan Catalina
Hipótesis: “Es necesario que tantos la alumnas como las profesoras
aprendan de técnicas para el aumento de la autoconfianza pudiendo trabajar
la expresiones, emoción y sentimiento negativos para tu mejor performance.”
Intervención/Conclusión: el acompañamiento del deportista, tanto de
padres, entrenadores y un psicólogo deportivo, es fundamental en las niñas
que practican danzas, para aumentar su autoconfianza para controlar su
frustración, su rendimiento, aumentando su concentración y atención de
acuerdo a sus etapas evolutivas.”
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
De cara a mejorar futuras intervenciones en el ámbito deportivo se
pueden destacar los siguientes aspectos a tener en cuenta por los psicólogos
del deporte:
Los programas de entrenamientos psicológicos se deben adaptar a las
demandas psicológicas de cada deporte o situación deportiva y a las
necesidades de los diferentes deportistas.
El rendimiento deportivo depende de múltiples factores-físicos,
técnicos, tácticos, psicológicos-y por lo tanto el psicólogo del deporte debe
realizar un trabajo interdisciplinar, colaborando con el equipo técnico.
La aplicación de la psicología del Deporte no sólo implica el
conocimiento de las técnicas y programas de entrenamiento psicológico, sino
también un buen conocimiento del deporte en el que se trabaja para saber
cuándo, cómo y dónde hay que realizar las intervenciones.
Los psicólogos del deporte debemos preocuparnos por la evaluación
de le efectividad de nuestras intervenciones, en términos de bienestar
psicológico y de mejora del rendimiento deportivo de nuestros clientes.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Joaquín Dosil Díaz. (2007). “El Psicólogo del Deporte. Asesoramiento e
Intervención”. Letras Universitarias, Editorial Síntesis, España.
Cox. (2009). “Psicología del Deporte”. Editorial Médica Panamericana,
Madrid, España.
Balaguer I. (1994). “Entrenamiento psicológico en el deporte”. Ed.
Albatros. Valencia.
César Piqueras y Enric Arola. (2014). “Coaching de Equipos – Lo que se
necesita saber para facilitar el desarrollo de un equipo”. – Profit Editorial,
Jean M. Williams. (1991). “Psicología aplicada al deporte”. Biblioteca
Nueva, Madrid.
Lic. María Alejandra Pugliese. (2009). “El perfil psicológico de los
deportistas de elite”. Universidad del Aconcagua – Evaluado por CONEAU,
Mendoza, Argentina.
Marcelo Roffé. (2009). “Evaluación Psicodeportológica - 30 test
psicométricos y proyectivos”. Lugar Editorial. Argentina.
Adrián Furnham. (2001). “Psicología Organizacional: El comportamiento del
individuo en las organizaciones” – Universidad Iberoamericana.
oMarca - Oreste Plath - “Juego,
Ejercicios y armas araucanos” – 2003.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Aleksander Pabian
Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Poland
Both new and used products get to sell on the market. The third group
consists of products that can be called: new, old stock. One can defined them
as new and unused products, which at the same time hit the market later than
manufacturer planed and through different channels than were prepared for
them. In this article the authors examine how, and under what circumstances
a transformation of new products into the old stock happens. Further they
consider specific methods for their distribution in the market. An
introduction to the discussion is to present the conceptual framework in the
field of supply chains’ output side.
In European Union only, more than 5 million companies are engaged
in production activities (Gagliardi et. al., 2014). They supply market with
what they have produced in order to sell it at a profit, achievement of which
is de facto the main operational objective of each managing entity (Żemigała,
2007). Old products, which were being used for a long time but at the same
time haven’t lost (or have lost to a certain extent only) the ability to fulfill
the function they were designed to, also get to sell. Another group of
products are used, defective, that however can be still useful for a particular
group of buyers (e.g. can serve as a source of spare parts / spares). On the
market goes also products that can be described as new old stock (NOS).
They are new and unused but hit the market later than manufacturer planed
and through different channels that were prepared for them.
Business practitioner who has perfected the art of trading. Over fifteen years of activity he
has managed to sell over thirteen thousand cars in the retail system, which allowed him to be
recognized as the best seller in the world. Has been signed into the Guinness Book of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
they are made of (ore, precious stones). The situation is similar in the
case of manufactured in small quantities, luxury watches or cars, the
price of which stay over time (and even sometimes increases) due to
their unique character.
• Person buys a product for collectible purposes. In this case the fan of
a certain category of products, for example shoes, acquires another
pair of them not for the practical purposes but as an embellishment to
his collection.
• The ultimate consumer of the product is a person who came into his
possession by accident and does not use it. An example would be a
situation in which not justified gift that doesn’t gain an excessive
enthusiasm of recipient, is stored with the hope that will be useful
Case 1. Redistribution options of new, old Stock products on the example of
New, collectible car goes through the traditional channel of distribution (consisting
of one agent) to the client. After 5 years, this decides to resell it as new, old stock. With this
intention he can visit authorized dealer from whom he purchased the vehicle. Also nothing
prevent him from visiting intermediary specialized in the sale of luxury vehicles. The third
variant shows a situation where the owner sells the car for example to a friend.
• Person has bought the product but does not use it because of
appearance of one from variety, random circumstances. From live
taken is situation when during foreign trip a tourist purchases carpet
with the intention of using it in apartment that is just being decorated.
After his return, however, he comes to the conclusion that he will not
use acquisition because its color does not match the furniture he
decided to place into the room.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
i5105120326.html (reading: 23.02.2015).
Recently NOS products are beginning to play an increasingly
important role in the process of market exchange. Primarily it is because of
the development of Internet trading platforms, where anyone without much
difficulty can offer to sell almost any product (even if it is inherited from a
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Cant M. C., Strydom J. W., Jooste C. J., Du Plessis P. J. Marketing
management. Juta & Co., Ltd. Cape Town 2007.
C. W. Choo. Environmental scanning as information seeking and
organizational learning. “Information research” 2001. No. 1, p. 35.
Dębski D. Ekonomika i organizacja przedsiębiorstw. WSiP. Warszawa 2006.
Fernandez M. J. Analysis of selected aspects of the multi-channel
management and the international distribution. Diplomica Verlag GmbH.
Hamburg 2007.
Gagliardi G., Muller P., Glossop E., Caliandro C., Fritsch M., Brtkova G.,
Bohn N., Klitou D., Avigdor G., Marzocchi C., Ramlogan R. Annual Raport
on European SMEs 2012/2013. European Commision. Brussels 2014.
Iacobucci D. Kellogg on marketing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York
Kapoor S. K., Kansal P. Basics of distribution management. A logistical
approach. Prentice Hall India. New Delhi 2005.
Kot S., Starostka- Patyk M., Krzywda D. Zarządzanie łańcuchami dostaw.
Sekcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej.
Częstochowa 2009.
Paley N. The manager’s guide to competitive marketing strategies. St. Lucie
Press. Florida 1999.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Bernardo Kerman.,M.D.,
Specialist in Chidren and Youth Psychiatry, University of Flores and
Ombudsman, Buenos Aires
We present an ex post facto prospective single study group (Leon &
Montero, 2007). Participants are 316 adults, primary school teachers of the
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires of both sexes, with an age range between
18 and 42 years (M = 23.17, SD = 3.1). The main objective of the project is
to analyze beliefs of teachers in primary and secondary schools about the
causes of the bullying phenomenon, preventive measures and contingent
actions for resolution. How teachers perceive students and their behavior is
related to the strategies they use to manage their classrooms (Valdez Cuervo
Estévez, Nenninger et al, 2013). A medium-term goal in an upcoming project
is the design of prevention programs to change the way teachers perceive and
act on the Bullying phenomenon. Partial results are described.
Se presenta un estudio ex post facto prospectivo de grupo único
(León & Montero, 2007). Participan en él 316 adultos, docentes de escuela
primaria de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires de ambos sexos, con un
rango etario entre 18 y 42 años (M = 23,17; DT = 3,1). El objetivo general
del proyecto es analizar las creencias de docentes de nivel primario y
secundario acerca de las causas del fenómeno Bullying y medidas
preventivas y contingentes para su resolución, dado que la manera en que los
docentes perciben a los estudiantes y sus comportamientos se relaciona con
las estrategias que utilizan para administrar sus salones de clase (Valdez
Cuervo Estévez, Nenninger et al, 2013). Un objetivo a mediano plazo en un
próximo proyecto es el diseño de programas de prevención para cambiar la
forma en que los docentes perciben y actúan con respecto al fenómeno
Bullying. Se describen algunos resultados parciales.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La ley 26892, publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 4 de octubre de
2013, en la República Argentina, ha visto, por una parte la necesidad de
garantizar el derecho a una convivencia pacífica, integrada y libre de
violencia física y psicológica y por otra la de orientar la educación hacia
criterios que eviten la discriminación, fomenten la cultura de la paz y la
ausencia de maltrato físico o psicológico. Por otra la necesidad de impulsar
estrategias y acciones que fortalezcan a las instituciones educativas y sus
equipos docentes, para la prevención y abordaje de situaciones de violencia
en las mismas.
A su vez la ley No 3285/ 09 emitida por la Legislatura de la Ciudad
Autónoma de Buenos Aires promueve la obligatoriedad de realización de
Jornadas de formación, actualización y capacitación sobre derechos
humanos, discriminación y resolución pacífica de conflictos
Dada la importancia de los procesos de socialización que se
desarrollan en la escuela primaria y secundaria, es necesario el estudio de
factores que interfieren en los mismos. Entre ellos las experiencias de
maltrato y hostigamiento. Es trascendente su detección y las variables que las
generan para elaborar, en un segundo tiempo, planes de acción que permitan
tanto su resolución como su prevención.
Marco teórico
La importancia del “hostigamiento entre pares” (Olweus, 1978),
objeto del presente trabajo, radica en las graves consecuencias a corto,
mediano y largo plazo, que aun en sus formas menos traumáticas, genera en
los alumnos, más específicamente en los que resultan las víctimas del acoso.
Entre ellas la disminución de la autoestima, trastornos de ansiedad e incluso
trastornos depresivos, dificultad en la capacidad para generar y mantener
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Factores Preventivos
Discusión / conclusiones
A partir de los datos obtenidos se pueden extraer algunas
conclusiones parciales. Igualmente es de destacar que es necesario completar
el análisis. Igualmente a modo de ejemplo se presentan estos resultados y las
inferencias iniciales.
• Los docentes no creen como factores causales del hostigamiento las
familias de padres separados, familias numerosas o ensambladas
• Los docentes no creen que la competitividad en el área deportiva
tenga que ver con el hostigamiento
• Los docentes creen que los padres son un factor muy importante en
las medidas preventivas
• Los docentes creen que las medidas punitivas frente a la
discriminación pueden ser algo útiles
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Agudelo, P. V. S. El bullying como construcción social, más allá de las
víctimas, los agresores y los testigos… la familia, los docentes y la
sociedad. Familia, 5, 222-247.
Benítez, J. L., Berbén, A. G., & Fernández, M. (2006). El maltrato entre
alumnos: conocimientos, percepciones y actitudes de los futuros docentes.
Revista de Investigación Educativa, 24(2), 329-352.
Blandín Salinas, M. D., & Chimbo Uguña, R. E. (2014). Investigación
Estadística sobre el Acoso Escolar o Bullying en los Colegios Urbanos de la
Ciudad de Cuenca, Periodo Lectivo 2012-2013.
Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2001). Variables de personalidad asociadas a la
dinámica bullying (agresores versus víctimas) en niños y niñas de 10 a 15
años. Anales de Psicología, 17, 37-44.
Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2006). Análisis comparativo de variables socio-
afectivas diferenciales entre los implicados en bullying. Estudio de un caso
de víctima provocador. Anuario de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud, 2, 27-
Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2008). Agresores y víctimas del bullying: desigualdades
de género en la violencia entre escolares. Información Psicológica, 94, 49-
59. Análisis descriptivo de situaciones de maltrato
Cowie, H.; Jennifer, D. y Sharp, S. (2003). “Violence in schools: UK, en
P.K. Smith (ed.), Violence in schools: The perspective from Europe.
Londres: Roultedge.
Cuervo, Á. A. V., Nenninger, E. H. E., & Valenzuela, A. M. (2014).
Creencias de docentes acerca del bullying. Perfiles educativos, 36(145), 51-
Defensor del Pueblo (2000). Violencia escolar: El maltrato entre iguales en
la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Madrid: Defensor del Pueblo.
Defensor del Pueblo (2007). Violencia escolar: El maltrato entre iguales en
la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria 1999-2006. Madrid: Defensor del
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Bernardo Kerman,M.D.
Specialist in Children and Youth Psychiatry, Psychologist Paula Masi
University of Flores and Centers of Childhood Development, Buenos Aires
The study of Quality of life of a population is essential to understand
the psychosocial factors and to develop specific intervention policies.
According to this idea, an exploratory and descriptive study on the
perception of adults competing to Child Development Centers about their
quality of life and their own families social inclusion is done. In order to do
this we work on a sample of 600 people on three scales that allow evaluation:
1. Quality of life. Well-being Index, WBI International Well being Group.
Translation by Tonon & Aguirre (Argentina, 2009) 2. Resilience:
Resilience Scale of Wagnild & Young 3. Well being. Well being Scale
(Keyes). The scales denote subjective perceptions that participants have
about their situation in the cultural context and the value system in which
they live, in relation to their achievements, expectations and interests.The
main goal is to determine the perception of families about their quality of life
and social inclusion on the basis of scales and indicators
El estudio de la calidad de vida de una población es fundamental para
poder conocer los factores psicosociales y poder desarrollar políticas de
intervención específicas. De acuerdo a lo expuesto, se realiza un estudio
exploratorio y descriptivo sobre la percepción de los adultos de las familias
concurrentes a Centros de Desarrollo Infantil acerca de su calidad de vida y
de su propia inclusión social. Para ello se trabaja en una muestra de 600
personas, sobre tres escalas que permiten su evaluación: a) Escala de
Resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, b) Escala de CALIDAD DE VIDA. (Well-
being Index), WBI International Well being Group. Traducción Tonon y
Aguirre (Argentina, 2009), y c) Escala de Bienestar (Adaptación de Keyes).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Abarca, A. B., & Díaz, D. (2005). El bienestar social: su concepto y
medición.Psicothema, 17(4), 582-589.
Casas, F. (1999). Calidad de vida y calidad humana. España: Papeles del
Psicólogo. Nº 74.
Center on Quality of Life.
Cummins, R. (1998). Comprenhensive quality of life scale. Melbourne:
Cummins, R. (2003). Normative Life Satisfaction: measurement issues and
homesostatic model. Social Indicators Research. Vol. 64. Nº 2. Kluwer
Academic Publishers. The Nederlands. Pp225-256
De Fillipis, I. (2008). Calidad de Vida, Calidad de educación, CALIDAD DE
VIDA – Universidad de Flores –Año I, Número 2, pp. 290-296
Calidad de Vida UFLO – Universidad de Flores -, I, pp. 7 – 25.
Diener, E. Suh, E. (2000). Measuring subjective well-being to compare the
quality of life of culture. En: E. Diener y E. Suh (Eds), Culture and
subjective wellbeing (pag.3-12). Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Ferrans CE, Power MJ (1992). Psychometric assessment of the quality of life
index. Res Nurs Health. 15: 29-38.
García -Viniegras, C. (2008). Calidad de Vida. Aspectos metodológicos y
teóricos. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Katschnig, H. (1997). How Useful is the concept of quality of life in
psychiatry?. En: Katschnig, H., Freeman, H. y Sartorius, N. eds. Quality of
Life in Mental Disorders. New York: Wiley and Sons.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The proposed research aims to address the implementation and
management of cyber security practices associated with information
technology and operational technology regarding network environments of
industrial production (SCADA-ICS). Not intended to replace other activities
related to cybersecurity, programs, processes, or approaches that
organizations of downstream petroleum and natural gas have implemented or
intend to implement, including cybersecurity activities associated with
legislation, regulations, policies, private initiatives, or the requirements for
the business mission. The guidance in this research program is to
complement a comprehensive cybersecurity specific areas and industries of
oil and gas.
La investigación propuesta tiene como objetivo tratar la aplicación
y la gestión de las prácticas de seguridad cibernética asociados con la
tecnología de la información y la tecnología operativa en relación con los
entornos de redes de producción industrial (SCADA-ICS). No pretende
sustituir otras actividades relacionadas con la ciberseguridad , programas ,
procesos , o enfoques que las organizaciones del subsector del petróleo y el
gas natural han implementado o tienen intención de poner en práctica,
incluyendo las actividades de ciberseguridad asociados con la legislación, los
reglamentos , las políticas, iniciativas particulares, o los requisitos propios de
la misión del negocio. La orientación en esta investigación es complementar
un programa integral de seguridad cibernética de las áreas específicas y en
las industrias del petróleo y del gas.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La industria del petróleo y la del gas son dos industrias con
características similares y también individuales. Estos incluyen la
exploración, recolección, producción, transformación, almacenamiento y
transporte de petróleo y gas natural. El petróleo y el gas natural son
almacenados en diversas partes, y se transporta a través de miles de
kilómetros, por medio de tuberías, canales, ferrocarriles y rutas.
Aquellos que trabajan con SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition) o sistemas de control industrial (ICS, Industrial Control
Systems) en la industria de petróleo y gas son conscientes de la presión para
aumentar la productividad y reducir costos a través de la integración de
Por ejemplo, el intercambio de datos en tiempo real de las
operaciones de campo con los grupos de gestión es una práctica estándar
para la mayoría de las empresas. Del mismo modo, la demanda de servicios
de asistencia técnica a distancia ha hecho que muchos de los sistemas de
control de las tuberías se tornen accesibles a través de tecnologías basadas en
Al mismo tiempo, los propios sistemas SCADA han cambiado
radicalmente. Redes propietarias han sido reemplazadas con equipos que
utilizan tecnología Ethernet.
Estaciones de operador asignadas históricamente a un destino
específico han sido reemplazados con equipos que ejecutan Windows ™ y el
software de TI, tales como lectores de PDF y navegadores web. Estos están
hoy instalados en cada centro de estación o de control.
Esto tiene un costo - muchos de los mismos problemas de seguridad
que han afectado a los sistemas de negocios ahora aparecen en los sistemas
Los sistemas de control están expuestos a amenazas de seguridad
cibernética para los cuales nunca fueron diseñados.
Los ataques cibernéticos en los sistemas de automatización fueron
considerados por muchos como un problema teórico hasta el descubrimiento
de Stuxnet en julio de 2010. En ese momento, el mundo cambió para los
proveedores de automatización, hackers, delincuentes e incluso los
Stuxnet fue diseñado específicamente para atacar a los productos de
automatización. Es capaz de descargar la información del proceso, de
realizar cambios en la lógica de los PLC, y luego cubrir sus pistas.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Texto principal
La industria del petróleo y la del gas son dos industrias con
características similares y también individuales. Estos incluyen la
exploración, recolección, producción, transformación, almacenamiento y
transporte de petróleo y gas natural. El petróleo y el gas natural son
importados, así como de producción nacional, almacenados en diversas
partes de la Nación, y se transporta a través de miles de kilómetros, a través
de tuberías, canales, ferrocarriles y rutas.
El petróleo y gas natural están hechos de compuestos de
hidrocarburos que se originan en depósitos subterráneos. El petróleo crudo es
un líquido que debe ser llevado a la superficie, eliminados los gases, agua y
otras impurezas, y luego transportado a las instalaciones de procesamiento
(refinerías de petróleo), en los que se derivan los productos terminados.
Productos derivados del petróleo crudo incluyen gasolina, querosén,
combustible de aviación, combustible diésel, combustible para calefacción,
el aceite pesado, lubricantes, ceras, asfalto y gas licuado de petróleo, así
como una serie de precursores petroquímicos.
Similar al petróleo crudo, el gas natural se produce, se eliminan los
líquidos y otras impurezas y, a continuación, se transporta a través de
oleoductos a las instalaciones de procesamiento de gas que separan los
componentes más pesados del gas, dejando un producto compuesto casi
enteramente de metano. A continuación, el metano se transporta como gas
natural limpio para el almacenamiento a granel, los consumidores
industriales y viviendas individuales.
La licuefacción del gas natural hace que una concentración más densa
del gas natural y permite que el gas natural licuado (GNL) sea transportado
económicamente a través de camiones/buques cisterna, en lugar de tuberías.
Aquellos que trabajan con SCADA o sistemas de control industrial
(ICS) en la industria de petróleo y gas son conscientes de la presión para
aumentar la productividad y reducir costos a través de la integración de
Por ejemplo, el intercambio de datos en tiempo real de las
operaciones de campo con los grupos de gestión es una práctica estándar
para la mayoría de las empresas. Del mismo modo, la demanda de servicios
de asistencia técnica a distancia ha hecho que muchos de los sistemas de
control de las tuberías se tornen accesibles a través de tecnologías basadas en
Al mismo tiempo, los propios sistemas SCADA han cambiado
radicalmente. Redes propietarias han sido reemplazadas con equipos que
utilizan tecnología Ethernet.
Estaciones de operador asignadas históricamente a un destino
específico han sido reemplazados con equipos que ejecutan Windows ™ y el
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
software de TI, tales como lectores de PDF y navegadores web. Estos están
hoy instalados en cada centro de estación o de control.
Estas nuevas tecnologías están permitiendo a las empresas
implementar prácticas ágiles y rentables de negocios. Desafortunadamente,
también tienen un costo - muchos de los mismos problemas de seguridad que
han afectado a los sistemas de negocios ahora aparecen en los sistemas
Los sistemas de control de la tubería están expuestos a amenazas de
seguridad cibernética para los cuales nunca fueron diseñados.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
• DNP3
Qué podemos intentar hacer?
• Incluir evaluaciones de seguridad como parte de los procesos de
mantenimiento periódico. (Estas evaluaciones deben ser específicas para la
industria, y es el objetivo de esta propuesta de investigación)
• La implementación de estos cambios mejorará la postura de "defensa
en profundidad" para cualquier tubería ICS / SCADA y ayudará a proteger
las operaciones contra el espionaje cibernético.
• Se necesita una mejor seguridad SCADA con urgencia; esperar el
próximo ‘malware’ puede ser demasiado tarde.
Propuesta de investigación
La investigación propuesta tiene como objetivo tratar la aplicación y
la gestión de las prácticas de seguridad cibernética asociados con la
tecnología de la información y la tecnología operativa en relación con los
entornos en los que operan .
No pretende sustituir otras actividades relacionadas con la
ciberseguridad , programas , procesos , o enfoques que las organizaciones del
subsector del petróleo y el gas natural han implementado o tienen intención
de poner en práctica, incluyendo las actividades de ciberseguridad asociados
con la legislación, los reglamentos , las políticas, iniciativas particulares, o
los requisitos propios de la misión del negocio.
La orientación en esta investigación es complementar un programa
integral de seguridad cibernética de las áreas específicas.
Planteo de la investigación
Repetidas intrusiones cibernéticas en organizaciones de todo tipo
ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar la seguridad cibernética. Las
amenazas cibernéticas siguen creciendo y representan uno de los riesgos
operativos más serios que enfrentan las organizaciones modernas. La
seguridad de la sociedad y económica depende del funcionamiento
confiable de la infraestructura crítica frente a esas amenazas.
No solo es una cuestión de protección de la infraestructura crítica
(como concepto abstracto), la economía depende de la operación sustentable
de organizaciones de todo tipo. Un modelo de ciberseguridad específico para
la industria del Petróleo y Gas puede ayudar las organizaciones de dicha
categoría a evaluar y mejorar sus programas de seguridad cibernética.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Desarrollo del modelo propuesto, el cual debe poder utilizarse para:
• Fortalecer las capacidades de ciberseguridad en el subsector del gas y
el petróleo.
• Permitir a las organizaciones evaluar y comparar de manera
consistente y repetitiva sus capacidades de ciberseguridad.
• Compartir conocimientos, mejores prácticas y referencias, como un
medio para mejorar las capacidades de ciberseguridad.
• Permitir a las organizaciones dar prioridad a las acciones e
inversiones para mejorar la ciberseguridad.
El modelo debe ser desarrollado para proporcionar una conducta
descriptiva, no prescriptivo, orientación para ayudar a las organizaciones a
desarrollar y mejorar sus capacidades en términos de ciberseguridad.
Como resultado, las prácticas sugeridas en el modelo deben estar en
un nivel de abstracción de modo que pueden ser interpretados por las
organizaciones de diversas estructuras, funciones y tamaños.
El modelo debe probarse con entidades del sector privado, público o
mixto, para validar que proporcionaría información valiosa para la
evaluación y para recoger retroalimentación que permita su mejora, y en un
posterior estadío, autocorrección.
Deben desarrollarse las estrategias básicas para todos los dominios
enumerados (hemos desarrollado brevemente en esta ponencia dos de ellos,
a título de clarificar la propuesta).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
No es posible en el estado actual emitir conclusiones. Podemos
mencionar lo siguiente (
companies-089/): "De acuerdo con el informe recientemente lanzado,
2015 - Informe Anual de Amenazas de Seguridad - DELL, los ataques a
redes SCADA están en aumento. El informe encontró que en 2014 el
número de ataques contra Sistemas de Control y Adquisición de Datos
(SCADA) se duplicó en comparación con el año anterior. La mayoría de
estos ataques se produjeron en Finlandia, el Reino Unido y los EE.UU.,
probablemente debido al hecho de que en estos países los sistemas
SCADA tienen más probabilidades de estar conectado a internet. El
Informe de Dell se produce después de los hallazgos de los EE.UU.”.
Nuestro país (Argentina) carece de un marco de seguridad para estas
infraestructuras esenciales para una nación. La región latinoamericana
adolece de la misma falencia. El desarrollo de un marco como el propuesto,
y su aplicación en la industria es esencial hoy y crecerá su necesidad día a
día en virtud de la cantidad de ataques a redes ICS-SCADA (infraestructuras
DHS ICS-CERT] Department of Homeland Security. (2012, May). Industrial
Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team.
DHS ICSJWG] Department of Homeland Security. (2012, May). Industrial
Control Systems Joint Working Group. May 2012. systems/icsjwg/
DHS PCII] Department of Homeland Security. (2012, May). Who can access
Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII).
DOE 21 Steps to Improve Cyber Security of SCADA Networks. U.S.
Department of Energy and the President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection
Board. (n.d.). 21 Steps to improve cyber security of SCADA networks.
FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). (2012). CSIRT
case classification (Example for enterprise CSIRT).
NIST Framework National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2012). NIST
framework and roadmap for smart grid interoperability standards, Release 2.0
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
We are faced with a new demographic fact: the extension of age, and
simultaneously, the increase of the quality of life of people. Regarding the
expectative of life, it grew from 48 years in 1900 to 80 for women and 72 for
men, in the present. Argentina, and in particular the city of Buenos Aires, has
the more “aged” demographic profile in Latin America, along with Cuba and
Uruguay. Therefore, all issues concerning the elderly and the possibility of
finding meaning in the life based on the occupation, are and will continue to
deepen in the future. The Flores University and other universities in Buenos
Aires, based on an agreement with PAMI (Comprehensive Medical
Assistance Program), created the UPAMI or University program, providing
a specific space for elders in order to promote their personal growth,
improve the quality of life and effectuate the equality of opportunities for
the development of cultural and vocational values. The Multiple
Intelligences as well and the Diagram of Behavior Areas and Fundamental
Roles are essential in working with older adults to find their sense of life.
Se está ante un nuevo hecho demográfico: esto es la prolongación de
la edad e, igualmente, el aumento de la calidad de vida de la gente. Respecto
a la expectativa de vida, creció de 48 años en 1900 a 80 para mujeres y 72
para hombres en la actualidad. La Argentina, y en particular, la Ciudad de
Buenos Aires, tienen el perfil demográfico más “envejecido” de América
Latina, junto con el Uruguay y Cuba. Por lo tanto, todas las cuestiones
referentes a los Adultos Mayores y la posibilidad de que hallen un sentido a
su vida desde la ocupación, son ya temas actuales y que se seguirán
profundizando en un futuro. La Universidad de Flores y otras universidades
de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, han firmado un convenio con PAMI
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Se está ante un nuevo hecho demográfico: esto es: la prolongación de
la edad e, igualmente, el aumento de la calidad de vida de la gente.
Simultáneamente, el descenso de las tasas de natalidad, generan que
la proporción de adultos mayores sobre el total de la población tienda a
aumentar e incluso a igualar a los de la población de hasta 15 años de edad.
El incremento en la calidad de vida hace que los roles “puertas
adentro y pasivos” de los adultos mayores, cada vez más, tiendan a ser
reemplazados por roles “puertas afuera y activos”, con una vida social, de
recreación e incluso laboral, más variada.
En el campo laboral, por ejemplo, está en gestación un “mercado
laboral de mayores de 60 años”.
Estas cuestiones, a su vez, impactan en la economía, por un lado, por
el impacto que tiene en los sistemas previsionales y de salud. Por otro,
porque una porción de la población que antes era pasiva, ahora, lentamente,
se está volviendo activa.
Por eso, es que, dichos temas, comienzan a ser parte de nuestra
reflexión y acción, buscando organizar programas, tanto académicos como
de Extensión, que tengan como centro dicha temática.
El UPAMI es un programa integral que crea un espacio universitario
específico para los Mayores con el objetivo de promover el crecimiento
personal, mejorar la calidad de vida y hacer efectiva la igualdad de
oportunidades para el desarrollo de valores culturales y vocacionales.
Además posibilita la adquisición de destrezas y habilidades para afrontar
nuevas demandas, recupera y valora saberes personales y sociales, estimula
el diálogo intergeneracional y facilita la inserción al medio socio
Para realizar estos cursos no hace falta tener estudios previos.
Los talleres están planificados y coordinados por docentes de la
universidad que corresponda, con experiencia de trabajo con adultos
mayores acompañados por estudiantes avanzados de diferentes carreras.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Adultos Mayores
Adulto Mayor es un término usado en estos últimos años. Se usa
como denominador de “tercera edad”, “Viejo” o “anciano”. Son aquellas
personas que superaron los 70 años, fase desde la cual se van deteriorando el
cuerpo y las funciones cognitivas.
Prejuicios frecuentes
“En una sociedad que privilegia los valores materiales y la
búsqueda de una permanente juventud y belleza, el proceso natural de
envejecimiento en el ser humano suele considerarse como sinónimo de
decadencia, improductividad y hasta una forma de discapacidad que coloca
a las personas mayores de 60 años en una situación profundamente
desventajosa y hasta discriminatoria, no solo en el ámbito laboral y social,
sino hasta en el seno de su propia familia y comunidad.
Esto hace imprescindible la necesidad de hacer una reflexión sobre
la vejez, desde una concepción humanista del ser humano, resaltando los
valores y derechos inalienables que toda persona tienen en cuanto ser
humano con una dignidad que está por encima de enfermedades y
condiciones de vulnerabilidad en qué se pueda encontrar el adulto mayor”
(Adriana Servín Figueroa, 2015).
Jubilación inactiva
“La jubilación es el acto administrativo por el que un trabajador en
activo, ya sea por cuenta propia o ajena, pasa a una situación pasiva o de
inactividad laboral, tras haber alcanzado la edad máxima, o por enfermedad
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
¿Qué es UPAMI?
“UPAMI es un programa integral que crea un espacio universitario
específico para los Mayores con el objetivo de promover el crecimiento
personal, mejorar la calidad de vida y hacer efectiva la igualdad de
oportunidades para el desarrollo de valores culturales y vocacionales.
Además posibilita la adquisición de destrezas y habilidades para afrontar
nuevas demandas, recupera y valora saberes personales y sociales, estimula
el diálogo intergeneracional y facilita la inserción al medio socio
Para realizar estos cursos no hace falta tener estudios previos.
Los talleres están planificados y coordinados por docentes de la
universidad que corresponda, con experiencia de trabajo con adultos
mayores acompañados por estudiantes avanzados de diferentes
Oferta de Cursos del Programa Universidad para Adultos Mayores
Integrados (UPAMI)
En la edición 2015, la propuesta de talleres fue:
• Jardinería y horticultura
• Filosofía y vida cotidiana
• Taller de los abuelos
• Expresión de emociones y cine
• Música: cuerpo y voz
• Música: percusión creativa y círculo de tambores
• Teatro
• Narrativas
• Fotografía Nivel I y II
• Radio
• Artes plásticas y creación artística colectiva
• Memoria (dos)
• Idiomas extranjeros
- 2 talleres de inglés (niveles I a III)
- 2 talleres de italiano niveles I a III)
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Inteligencias Múltiples
Definición de “inteligencia” según Gardner (1993)
En lugar de adjudicarla al puntaje logrado en un test determinado, la
considera, con un enfoque fuertemente pragmático y cultural:
A. La capacidad de resolver problemas de la vida real;
B. La capacidad de descubrir y generar nuevos problemas a ser
C. La capacidad de generar productos y servicios valorados en la propia
Propuso inicialmente 7 tipos de las “Inteligencias Múltiples”, con un
enfoque transcultural:
1. Verbal/ Lingüística: la capacidad para pensar en conceptos y
palabras, y emplear el lenguaje para expresarse y comprender significados
Presente en escritores, poetas, conferencistas, políticos y abogados.
2. Lógico/ Matemática: permite abstraer, calcular, cuantificar,
considerar hipótesis y propuestas, realizar operaciones matemáticas,
extrapolar las consecuencias probables de nuestras decisiones. Predomina en
científicos, contadores, ingenieros, licenciados en sistemas.
3. Visual/ Espacial: habilidad para pensar en imágenes
tridimensionales y operar con las mentales (internas), crear y transformar las
externas, orientarse en el espacio, manejo de diseño y colores. En
arquitectos, artistas plásticos, pilotos, cirujanos.
4. Corporal/ Kinestésica: habilita para manipular objetos y controlar
al propio cuerpo en movimientos de alta exigencia y precisión. En atletas,
bailarines, actores, cirujanos. No tan valorada en Occidente como lo
cognitivo; sin embargo, es esencial para la supervivencia, así como para la
5. Musical/Rítmica: necesaria para percibir, retener reproducir y
crear sonidos de todo tipo; su altura, timbre y ritmo. Presente en músicos,
compositores, directores de orquesta, críticos musicales, pero también en
actores y políticos.
6. Intrapersonal: el conocimiento de sí mismo, la autoevaluación, la
percepción de los propios pensamientos, imágenes, emociones y sensaciones,
y su aplicación para la planificación y control de la vida del individuo.
Desarrollada en psicólogos, filósofos, teólogos, algunos escritores
7. Interpersonal: comprensión de los demás, comunicación e
interacciones efectivas. Evidente en docentes, psicólogos, líderes en general,
actores, vendedores y políticos.
Así como la cultura occidental ha comenzado relativamente
recientemente a aceptar la integración de mente, cuerpo y ambiente, está
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2. INTERPERSONAL (mis relaciones con los demás)
1. Al observar las conductas de otras personas, me doy cuenta de las emociones que sienten
2. Escucho a los demás y llego a aceptarlos aunque no esté de acuerdo con ellos
3. Puedo reflejar ,como si fuera un espejo, lo que otros dicen o expresan con sus gestos y
su cuerpo
4. Obtengo los resultados deseados como líder o conductor de grupos
5. Capto lo negativo y lo positivo de las personas, pero tiendo a reforzar lo positivo en ellas
en vez de criticarlas o discutir con ellas
6. Disfruto estando en compañía de gente que tenga valores e intereses parecidos a los míos
7. Pido lo que necesito en forma amable, directa y verbal
8. Puedo negociar y llegar a acuerdos flexiblemente
9. Apoyo a las personas cuando percibo que realmente lo necesitan
10. Defiendo mis derechos y me hago respetar, en forma firme y serena
3. VERBAL-LINGÜISTICA (leer, escribir, comunicarme hablando)
1. Entiendo los diversos textos escritos y puedo comentarlos
2. Expreso fácilmente por escrito lo que pienso y siento, en forma comprensible para otros
3. Entiendo y empleo el buen humor, el doble sentido de los chistes y los juegos de
4. Expreso fácilmente hablando lo que pienso y siento, en forma comprensible para otros
5. Tengo facilidad para aprender idiomas
6. Lo que digo coincide con la forma en que lo expreso (gestos, tonos de voz, etc.)
7. Me interesa el significado preciso de las palabras y las uso de esa manera
8. Mantengo la fluidez hablando en público
9. Al escribir cumplo las normas de la ortografía
10. Puedo describir verbalmente imágenes, ya sean internas o externas, con precisión
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
5. LOGICO-MATEMATICA (abstraer, razonar, calcular)
1. Cuando ocurre algo, pienso en qué pudo haberlo provocado
2. Puedo hacer cálculos y operaciones matemáticas mentalmente y por escrito
3. Soluciono los problemas en forma racional
4. Resuelvo acertijos y problemas numéricos
5. Cuando aprendo algo, lo aplico a situaciones futuras
6. Puedo asignarle valores numéricos a un tema o problema
7. Sustento mis ideas con argumentos lógicos y datos verificables
8. Siempre saqué notas altas en matemáticas, física o química
9. Tomo decisiones fijando el estado actual, el estado deseado y buscando distintas
opciones para lograrlo
10. Manejo eficazmente mi presupuesto
7. CORPORAL-KINESTESICA (percepción y control del propio cuerpo, expresión
física, habilidad manual)
1. Percibo mis sensaciones físicas (dolor, hambre, tensión, etc.)
2. Bailo con gracia
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Una vez que haya fijado los puntajes por tipo de Inteligencia, puede
representarlos gráficamente mediante gráficos de barras, en el modelo que se
presenta más abajo, Cada Inteligencia fue dividida en 10 sub-tipos, a cada
uno de los cuales Ud. asignó un puntaje de 1 a 10 en función de su propia
eficacia, pericia o habilidad para emplearlos.
Sume los Totales para cada tipo de Inteligencia. Obtendrá un valor
entre 10 y 100 para cada una. Marque la altura que corresponda en cada
columna al número obtenido con un punto. Una todos los puntos y obtendrá
su Perfil de Inteligencias Múltiples. Podría asignar diferentes colores a cada
barra, le va a llegar más al Niño que lleva dentro suyo.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
90 90 90 90 90 90 90
80 80 80 80 80 80 80
70 70 70 70 70 70 70
60 60 60 60 60 60 60
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
40 40 40 40 40 40 40
30 30 30 30 30 30 30
20 20 20 20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Analicemos sus resultados.
¿Cuál es la más alta? ¿En qué tareas, roles, la aplica?
¿Y las que la siguen? ¿Y la más baja? ¿Cómo lo afecta en su vida en
¿Le interesa desarrollarla más?
Si quiere hilar más fino, puede estudiar cuáles sub-inteligencias son
las que tiene más bajas y decidir incrementarlas.
Existen numerosas actividades, hobbies, cursos, seminarios, carreras
o hasta psicoterapia para los fines que Ud. requiera. Con ellos puede
incrementar su calidad de vida.
Sería valioso que proponga completar este Cuestionario a sus
familiares y otros allegados y que intercambien opiniones sobre los
resultados que cada uno obtenga.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Mi experiencia en el Taller de UPAMI fue y es sumamente
enriquecedora tanto para mis alumnos como para mí.
Se han tejido redes sociales muy valiosas para este grupo etario
además de estudiar, jugar y reconocer que la vida comienza todos los días de
nuestra vida, depende de nuestra actitud ante ella.
“Conjunto, reunión, agrupación humana, en torno a algo en común
que une. Lo común en una comunidad se refiere a lo esencial humano. Lo
que nos une o lo que nos convoca a todos como humanos. Distinto a puntos
de vista sobre algo o proyectos comunes para vivir. La comunidad es un
conjunto, red tejida de sentido humano, donde se encuentran los hilos que
cada Ser teje para configurar una comunidad que confluye en lo
fundamental”. (Acosta Ocampo, 2011).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Frankl, Viktor (1946): “El hombre en busca de sentido”. Editorial Herder,
Barcelona, España.
Kertész, Roberto (2010): “Diagrama de Áreas de conducta y Roles
fundamentales”. Publicación interna de la Universidad de Flores, Buenos
Diario Clarín (2016): “¿Viejo o joven? Buscan cambiar la edad de inicio de
la vejez”. Suplemento Sociedad del 23 de enero
Acosta Ocampo, Cilia Inés (2011): “El sentido de la vida humana en Adultos
Mayores. Un enfoque socioeducativo”. Tesis doctoral. Depto. de Teoría de la
Educación y Pedagogía social, Facultad de Educación de la Universidad
Nacional de Educación a distancia (UNED).
Adler, Alfred: Historia de la Medicina. . Entrada a la web 19 de
enero de 2016.
Servin Figueroa, Adriana (2015): “La Vejez: ¿Plenitud o decadencia? Una
Reflexión desde la Logoterapia”.
decadencia-una-reflexion-desde-la-logoterapia/. Entrada a la web 15 de
enero de 2016. a la web 17 de enero de
2016. Entrada a la web
19 de enero de 2016. Entrada a la
web 19 de enero de 2016.
argentina-supera-los-75-anos. Entrada a la web 19 de enero de 2016. Entrada a la web 15
de enero de 2016.
Entrada a la web 19 de enero de 2016. Entrada a la web 19 de
enero de 2016.
0826. Entrada a la web 19 de enero de 2016.
0826. Entrada a la web 26 de enero de 2016.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Daniel W. Stuckart
City University New York Lehman College
No subject matter comes closer to modeling Deweyan philosophy
than the modern social studies. Yet, social studies scholars have been
debating for decades whether Dewey actually supported the curriculum
resulting in a perceived paradox between Dewey’s interdisciplinary approach
to problem solving and his writings about traditional, stand-alone social
sciences. This paper situates the problem in Dewey’s Theory of Nature and
argues that (1) the paradox is a myth; (2) Dewey is misunderstood and
marginalized in the literature; and (3) Dewey offers a middle position for
addressing problems and supporting social studies learning with myriad
It was no accident that the Pragmatism branch of philosophy emerged
around the 1870s, about the same time as the social welfare crusades, which
were the precursors to the modern social studies movement (Saxe, 1992).
Both were strong reactions to the social tumult of the late nineteenth century
Industrial Revolution. Although the term, Pragmatism, first appeared around
the turn of the century (James, 1898), this particular offshoot of philosophy
was well established by then, and John Dewey rose to prominence as one of
the most influential philosophers in American history with his unique
synthesis of it, which he later labeled “Instrumentalism” (Dewey, 1929, p.
Although Dewey’s system of ideas saturated the deliberations and
final report of the Committee for Social Studies in 1916, he was not a
participant nor did he ever offer a resounding endorsement for the
Committee’s recommendations (Evans, 2004; Fallace, 2009; Lybarger, 1983;
Mraz, 2004; Saxe, 1992). Despite his absence, Dewey’s influence was
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
terms as form and change where stability, ideal matter, and permanence
established an equal partnership with change, movement, and adaptation.
Beginning with the Ancient Greeks, philosophy and science were
synonymous, but with the advent of the Scientific Revolution in the fifteenth
century, their paths diverged (Ihde, 1993). However, science continued to
inform philosophy and vice versa. By the time Dewey arrived on the scene,
the scientific world had blossomed into a cornucopia of new ideas and
technological wonders. Being deeply affected by Darwin’s evolutionary
insights, Dewey placed the organism’s experience at the center of his
philosophical universe, and articulated a metaphysics—meaning the sub-
branch of philosophy concerned with existence, being, and inquiry into the
forces of nature—as the centerpiece of his system of ideas. Dewey’s
metaphysics, which by the end of the nineteenth century was also known as
“ontology,” reflected Darwinian principles with “experience, interaction, and
possibility,” (Boisvert, 1988, p. 204) or put another way, Dewey envisioned
all live creatures as continuous with nature (Dewey, 1929).
Experience as the minimum unit of analysis. Human beings engaged
in one long series of continuous experiences or interactions with the world.
Most of the time, individuals experienced the world in a primitive way,
meaning non-cognitively. However, when presented with a problem, the
individual could have an experience, which was cognitive and contained a
beginning, middle and end. In this scenario, history was important in the
forward movement of intelligence evaluating future consequences based on
prior experiences.
Dewey’s analysis of how we experienced the world fell into two
general categories: primary and secondary. According to Dewey, most of our
experiences were primary with little to no cognitive activity. Individuals felt,
suffered, enjoyed, or engaged in knee-jerk reactions without any type of
reflective component. These types of experiences also supplied much of the
raw material for secondary experiences or as Dewey (1929) stated, “sets the
problems and furnishes the first data of the reflection which constructs the
secondary objects.” (pp.4-5). Thinking was a reconstruction endeavor where
events in primary experience become objects in secondary experience. In
secondary experience, a problem commenced the activity and the conclusion
was tested back in primary experience. Because humans and other organisms
were adapting in a changing environment—one that was precarious,
sometimes dangerous, and riddled with obstacles—our phases of experience
were continuous with nature. Further, by making experience the minimum
unit of analysis, Dewey dissolved the dualisms that created the dead ends in
traditional philosophy.
Democracy as an ethical and moral ideal. While Dewey clearly
elevated the individual above all else, a person had a moral and ethical
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
obligation to contribute to the social realm. In other words, the ideal social
system was democracy where all individuals had the resources and
opportunities to flourish in her or his unique way. Moreover, each individual
had a moral responsibility to nurture and enhance democracy so others had
the chance to flourish as well. The key to this system was communication.
Deweyan democracy was about leveling the opportunity playing
field. Every individual had the potential for growth, which conceptually was
the same as individual freedom and self-realization. Because every
individual was unique, she required varying types and degrees of resources
to reach her potential. As Westbrook (1991) summarized, “Moral democracy
called not only for the pursuit of worthwhile ends but for the pursuit of these
ends in ways that enlisted the freely cooperative participation of all
concerned” (p. 165). Or as Dewey (1916/2007) stated, “A democracy is more
than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of
conjoint communicated experience” (p. 68). Despite offering a radical, broad
interpretation of democracy, Dewey’s primary focus was always on the
individual and how democracy enriched an individual’s experience (Cremin,
School reform. Dewey conceived of schools as an extension of the
home. In a modern and complex world our ancestors developed schools to
replace the traditional family and tribal roles for socializing young people.
He placed great faith in schools as the only universal institution that prepared
youth for community life; as such, schools must be reformed to take into
account young people’s interests, emphasize manual and practical activities
and to use the curriculum as a way to develop students’ ability to act
intelligently in the world, especially through experimentation. Within the
frame of experience, Dewey was able to dissolve many of the dualisms
associated with an educational context such as content and method; theory
and practice; knowledge and skills approaches. The old dualisms became
unified in an experience.
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Key differences between the social studies and social science groups
include what courses should be offered in schools, the purpose and source of
the curriculum materials, and the arrangement of the subject matter. While
the social studies formal curriculum is comprised of social science subjects
such as history, geography, government, economics, psychology, sociology,
and others in a traditional sense, it also can incorporate courses such as peer
mediation, current events or pre-law, among infinite possibilities. Another
difference is that while the social science approach is more concerned with
sources of material, the social studies is focused on cultivating student
interests and engaging in interdisciplinary inquiry across the humanities.
Another divergence is found in the arrangement of the curriculum, especially
in the primary grades, where the social studies follows an expanding horizon
beginning with the young student’s study of family structures and emanating
out into the wider community and world. The social science advocates, on
the other hand, propose stand-alone social science and history courses where
myths and storytelling help captivate young learners (Egan, 1980, 1983;
Thornton, 2005).
The perceived paradox of Dewey’s ambivalence about the social
studies curriculum in light of his interdisciplinary orthodoxy presents a
golden opportunity to put Deweyan philosophy into action. Did he really
support a traditional, social science approach to history and geography
because he addressed them distinctly in Democracy and Education?
Situating the problem against a longer time period and the context of
Dewey’s writings reveals that (1) the problem is illogical, and therefore, the
paradox is an apparition; (2) Dewey is marginalized in the literature and
widely misunderstood; and (3) the social studies field is missing out on an
opportunity to support and enhance the curriculum.
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theory. Philosophy can help us address some of the big questions in our field,
while theories can guide and support courses of action.
One obvious sign of this misunderstanding was the marginalization
of Dewey in the social studies literature. Deweyan thought appeared in three
general categories from most to least prolific: (1) an individual citation
usually to support some general assertions like this typical example,
Specifically, leveraging historical thinking skills, such as recognizing
multiple perspectives; developing reasoned judgments of historical
causality, consequence and significance; and facilitating modes of
documentary inquiry will yield Dewey's vision of Democracy as
more than a form of government, but of ‘a mode of associated living,
of conjoint communicated experience.’ (Swan & Hicks, 2006, p. 144)
(2) Dewey’s influence and the origin of the social studies (Evans, 2004;
Fallace, 2009; Lybarger, 1983; Saxe, 1992); and (3) partial Deweyan
interpretation and analysis (Misco & Shively, 2010; Shaver, 1977; W. B.
Stanley, 2010; Stanley & Stanley, 1977; Thornton, 2005; Vinson, 1999;
Wheeler, 1977). In most of these cases however, Dewey was merely an add-
on when he should be the gravitational center.
In addition to his Theory of Nature, Dewey provided theories related
to experience, intelligence, curriculum, ethics, morality, democracy and
many more. In fact, Dewey was the first philosopher since Aristotle more
than 2,000 years earlier to conceive of a comprehensive philosophical
system. Moreover, today most of the research-based publications in the
social studies merely draw on parts of theories, meaning the social studies is
highly undertheorized and Dewey offers promise and possibility. We can use
Deweyan philosophy to address some of the most pressing questions in our
field. One example is related to technology and learning.
Two questions asked in education, in general, and the social studies,
in particular are, “Why has the spending of billions of dollars on technology
over the years not resulted in more and better learning?” and “Why do
teachers report low levels of technology integration in their classrooms?”
(Beck & Eno, 2012; Combs, 2010; Cuban, 2001; Shively & VanFossen,
2009; Shriner, Clark, Nail, Schlee, & Libler, 2010; Whitworth & Berson,
2002). In the Winter 2003 issue of the social studies flagship journal, Theory
and Research in Social Education, an article appeared entitled,
“Constructivism as a Theoretical Foundation for the Use of Technology in
Social Studies” (Doolittle & Hicks, 2003). Although the focus was on the use
of technology, in every way this article was about developing a more
coherent theoretical foundation for learning social studies. Essentially, the
authors conducted a literature review and developed a spectrum of
constructivist thought reflected in three categories: radical, social, and
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The writers cited Dewey and Vygotsky as the learning theorists for
the social constructivist perspective. First of all, this was a major step
forward in marrying theory to the field. Second, the nature of the article
relegated Dewey (and others including Vygotsky) to these general notions of
knowledge making that were not particularly illustrative for guiding
classroom practice. And third, by failing to distinguish Dewey from
Vygotsky, they diminished the significant contributions of both. In fact,
belatedly today, Dewey is recognized as an early technology philosopher
(Hickman, 2001; Ihde, 1990).
The beginning of Dewey’s experimental phase signaled a remarkable
philosophical and theoretical consistency during the remainder of his
lifetime. Logical conclusions about digital tools and artifacts (DTAs) based
on his theories of experience and intelligence include,
(1) DTAs should only be utilized when there are clear connections to
social studies aims, course goals, and lesson objectives.
(2) Working with raw materials and first-hand experiences are valued
over mediated experiences, particularly with young children.
(3) When engaging students with DTAs, they should already know
and be proficient with the manual processes underlying electronic
(4) It is not enough to justify the use of DTAs because they are used
authentically in the larger society, there must also be a clear
connection established with student interest.
(5) DTAs embody the most potential for enhancing student learning
when schools provide them with maximum of freedom and use
approaching the authentic ideal.
(6) The student-teacher partnership is essential for identifying student
interests, providing educative experiences, and avoiding mis-
educative experiences when using DTAs.
(7) DTAs should be situated in the praxis of social studies as a
content and method for promoting intelligent action. (Stuckart, 2014,
pp. 64-66)
This is illustrative of complex guidelines in a complex world of flux and
change. The point is that when situated in Deweyan thought, we can clarify,
enlarge, and offer new direction, which benefits social studies practice.
Moreover, the clarification can lead to new research directions because in
Dewey’s ontology, research and practice are unified in experience.
Beck, D., & Eno, J. (2012). Signature pedagogy: A literature review of social
studies technology and research. Computers in the Schools, 29(1-2), 70-94.
doi: 10.1080/07380569.2012.658347
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In this paper we answer the question: In what ways does a mother’s
narrative of including her son with a disability in his local school inform
inclusive practices in general? Our research contains a theoretical
framework informed by (1) Disability Studies in Education (DSE), (2) the
importance of narrative knowing within research, and (3) the value of a
mother’s knowledge of her child. The data consists of the second author’s
written autobiographical accounts of her experiences with, and observations
of, her child’s school. We feature a series of four vignettes culled from
second author’s descriptions as a mother of a child who did not “fit the
mold” in terms of academic, social, and emotional expectations. Using
analysis informed by DSE, coupled with personal reflection, the first author
discusses the value of ways in which a mother’s knowledge about human
diversity and desire for inclusion counters the deficit-based assumptions and
expectations entrenched in much of special education’s foundational thinking
that, in turn, informs daily practices within schools that reinforces the
exclusion of children with disabilities. Next, we link our findings to
implications for the interrelated fields of education, special education, and
inclusive education. Finally, we articulate some recommendations, based
upon our work.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
All names of children and educators are pseudonyms.
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several years ago his Daddy spilled tomato sauce on the CD player. The boy
was laughing so hard he could barely catch his breath. Benny grinned with a
mischievous twinkle and I was absolutely floored. David and I stood huddled
together behind a tree, eavesdropping, mouths hanging open in surprise.
It was frightening to realize that I had no idea how well Benny could
converse when in a natural setting. I realized that it had been a long time
since I spoke to him expecting a full and spontaneous response. I quickly ran
through the past few days’ conversations with Benny. I had initiated the
conversations, not in full voice, not freely. The questions I asked of him were
not steeped in curiosity, did not reach out with true yearning for his
response, but rather were often rhetorical, simple questions designed to open
a dialogue but not to truly engage. They were mechanical exercises instead
of invitations to relate. During the years when Benny was doused in years of
therapy, unconsciously, I imitated the interactions I heard between Benny
and his therapists. I had learned to speak to him in the same tone, asking
questions that were staged and rarely spontaneous. I had lost hope in his
abilities and this loss of hope colored every interaction between us. Benny
seemed exquisitely attuned to this, and had no interest in more talk that went
nowhere. His therapy was necessary, but this therapy was not enough. It
enabled him to learn skills and vocabulary, but Benny desperately needed
the music of the real world in order to involve himself in meaningful
expression. This one small boy made me see what was possible and from that
moment my own interactions with him grew. It was not long before my
conversations with Benny sparkled with nuance and humor.
Reminiscent of a Shakespearian plot, Diane and David “accidentally”
overheard social arrangements being made by their son and his friend that
prompted them to hide behind a tree and eavesdrop. What comes to mind
immediately is that this opportunity would not have occurred, because it
could not have occurred, in Benny’s previous school where all children
considered to be autistic were placed together. Here, the everyday interaction
of children—that many take for granted—talking together naturally and
spontaneously, is highly appreciated and valued. Perhaps most importantly is
Diane’s realization that her own interactions with her son had remained
largely in the discourse utilized by service professionals. In other words,
Diane’s interaction with her own son, despite a level of consciousness on her
part, was still predominantly lodged within an “intervention” mentality that
structured conversations as directions, didactic in nature, more akin to being
a professional than a family member. In many ways, this realization
illustrates a medicalized versus socio-cultural understanding of the purpose
of language and its power to create and maintain authentic connections rather
than be “more talk that went nowhere.”
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
years later, when the relationship between the principal and me had turned
to friendship, that I learned what I had suspected; he had changed assistants
to better accommodate Benny. This was the first time I saw the climate
change for a child so dramatically. Benny who could learn to read and write
had little control over his behavior. Instead of waiting for his behavior to
improve, the school did what it could to find the best fit for him within the
Once again Benny’s behavior improved for a few days and then he
became comfortable. One day I came to pick up and could see from Benny’s
face that it had been a difficult day. Gary told me Benny had kicked him
during a reading session. I was mortified, but Gary was calm and told me it
was because Benny was frustrated by the task and that he would find a way
to approach it with him another day, in a new way and that Benny would
master the skill. I was perplexed. The emphasis was not on my son’s act that
might have led to suspension but on finding another way to teach Benny
without extreme frustration. This moment broadened the trust that Benny had
for Gary and that deepened the bond that I felt for the school.
This vignette raises many important issues, one of them being the
notion of “delays.” In special education language, delays are a paradoxical
term as they assume that, like a late train arriving at the station, the journey
will go on as originally anticipated, back to normal. However, “delays” are
often a euphemism for being behind, with the fear of not being able to catch
up. At the same time, in education we always want to keep an open mind
about an individual’s potential and actual growth, as otherwise there’s an
imposition of a ceiling of expectations. Even so, lived experience has
informed all of us that everyone will never be able to do what’s expected at
school—if age and grade level standards are rigidly enforced, and also are
constantly being raised over time. We are all very much restrained by the
expectations always required and the language we use.
That said, Diane’s recollection of this episode reveals ways in which
schools can actually have a solid system of resources in place, yet still have
to rethink them based upon the needs of a single child if need be. Of note in
this situation is finding the right match of people. The teaching assistant who
supported Benny, as Diane noted, understood the nature of the child. A kick
is still a kick, and unpleasant to receive, but the assistant did not take it
personally as he knew it came from a place of frustration that had not yet
been tapped and channeled into a form of expression. The incident
illuminates how punitive measures for children (think: “Zero Tolerance”
policies) who respond violently as part of their struggle in school are rarely
the answer, and can actually serve to exacerbate the problem. As the fit was a
good one, the relationship between the supporter and the supported grew to
work—allowing Benny to participate in the general education classroom.
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to know a student who might seem more remote at first. She hoped this would
carry over to middle school and enrich their lives as well. She wanted the
other students to realize that inside his quiet demeanor was a creative, funny
and passionate child. It was a lesson for everyone, a time to realize we all
have parts of ourselves that can be hidden in certain situations.
Boulder believes that the social is as important as the academic. A
child who is unhappy and unrelated to his peers is not a child who will learn
well how to live and work in society. The emphasis we place on academics
can only work if we conjoin it with an equal emphasis on community. This is
magnified for students who may struggle socially but it is true for each and
every one of them. This is perhaps where educational reform is heading most
astray. The single-minded pursuit of academic excellence will not work
because we need to work together in this world to create positive change and
societal growth. I still marvel at how amidst the stress of Common Core and
new state tests, grade 4 teachers across the country are cutting out all sorts
of extra’s from their classrooms, while Rosalie, here at Boulder, is taking
away reading time and listening for laughter.
Of all the many reasons I wanted inclusion for Benny, the most
compelling was for the chance to find friendship. I was not sure that simply
moving him into a general education classroom would enable friendships to
form, but that was my deepest wish for Benny. I could envision a life without
the ability to read or write or even to speak, but I could not imagine a life
devoid of companionship.
In this episode we see how a teacher can create an arrangement
within a reading class that benefits all of the children. Although Benny does
not yet read at this point in time, it is important for him to communicate with
his peers. By allowing conversation time, he comes to know all of his
classmates, their personalities, and their interests. The act of reading is about
communication (albeit in a limited way), and in order to get there, Benny has
to come to understand the value of communication in a larger sense, among
his peers and about their interests. Then, reading makes more sense because
people tend to read about what they are interested in. The opportunity to
share likes, dislikes, skills, questions… makes for a rich experience for both
students, and for Benny to understand the concept of peers/friends and for
peers/friends to understand an atypical student like Benny.
It is precisely at junctures like this that teachers often feel stumped
for the right thing to do—restrained by an unimaginative curriculum, and
fearful of not always following the “official script” for all students,
regardless of whether that script is within reach of a student’s current
capabilities. However, by opening up the format of the class (allowing 1 on 1
with a peer for Benny and the peer), and broadening the concept of
independent reading to independent talking, the teacher actually provides
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
what students need. All students in that class come to see Benny as Benny,
not primarily the student with a disability who is called Benny. The social,
emotional, and academic are entwined in lessons like this, permitting all
students to be who they are and contribute to the collective class knowledge.
It also demystifies dis/ability as difference that is sometimes noticeable, and
yet is natural. In reflecting upon Diane’s desire to see that her son has
friends, she knew that moving Benny to a general education class would not
automatically result in friendships, but it was the first step in the right
direction. Between the targeted attention of speech therapists and coming to
understand all of his peers within the general education classroom, Benny
eventually shifted from having little or no conversational skills to being fully
conversational, thus averting “a life devoid of companionship.”
In this section we return to the question posed: In what ways does a
mother’s narrative of including her son with a disability in his local school
inform inclusive practices in general? The vignettes featured are part of a
larger narrative in which we study what Boulder and its staff did to ensure
that Benny’s experience with inclusion was successful. In some ways,
Diane’s constant interactions with members of the school, observations of
the services and supports provided to her son, and her reflections on what
was happening and why, create a deeply personal rendering of her own
reality, and that of her family members. While highly personalized, her
account provides numerous insights into ways an inclusive placement for a
student who does not “fit the mold” can work.
As can be seen throughout the vignettes, Benny’s inclusion is always
very much a work in progress. No road map. No blue print for success. No
quick and easy answers. The relationship between the school administration,
teaching staff, teacher assistants, and Diane’s family was calibrated with
view to making Benny’s school experiences as successful as that of all other
students. The term “trial and error,” is not an appropriate description of what
occurred, but “Let’s wait and see,” appears apt, along with (to echo the
sentiments of a kicked assistant teacher), “…and if things don’t work out,
we’ll look for another way.” What became apparent in Benny’s classes and
on the playground is the importance of peer relationships in working with an
atypical child to satisfy social and emotional domains of schooling, while
positively impacting the academic domain. Teachers sometimes do not
sufficiently capitalize on these interpersonal types of pedagogy that can
potentially give rise to ‘win-win” situations involving all students
participating and successfully contributing within classes.
Teachers themselves, even the most seasoned, sometimes were
surprised at what did not work and equally surprised as what did. This raises
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
the point of how children with different needs stretch all teachers’ pedagogy,
expanding their repertoire, requiring them to pause, reflect, approach
teaching from an alternative angle that had not been fully considered to date.
Seeing oneself—as well as Benny’s inclusion—as a constant work in
progress is a healthy and realistic to integrate into one’s teaching disposition.
Service providers in this story contribute to, but do not dominate,
Benny’s schooling experiences. The mechanical intervention approaches
referred to by Diane eventually gave way to an integral experience in
classrooms wherein the speech teacher “pushed in” to general education
classes and helped all students with communication skills. All of the above
characteristics of the school are cultivated by a principal who is committed to
the idea that each student should feel welcome, grow, and be happy with
who they are.
Above all, this narrative is testimony to Diane’s unrelenting drive to
have her son included into general education. The alternatives within New
York City were simply not acceptable. It seems unbelievable that Diane and
her husband David rejected what the school system offered to be the most
“appropriate” placements, and were threatened with a lawsuit by the
Department of Education who believed that the parent’s desire to have their
child included was borderline abusive. Instead, having followed her instinct,
and rejected the knowledge, advice, and restrictive placements suggested by
educational experts, Diane is secure in the knowledge that Benny’s
placement in a school that “does” inclusive education responsibly has
immeasurably changed his life for the better.
This paper has verified the power of narrative knowing and the
centrality of people with dis/abilities and/or their family members being at
the center of the research. Narratives provide readers with accessible
accounts of everyday events and commonplace dilemmas within schools and
classrooms. As narratives describe actual happenings, even though they are
filtered through the eyes of an observer/writer, they reflect a form of
“reality” that is readily understood by the majority of teachers, parents, and
people with disabilities. Within these shared vignettes, it is clear to see the
actualities of a child, a family, a school, a community, and the ways in which
they are linked. Such stories can be seen as counter-narratives to the
dominant institutional discourses of exclusion and segregation (such as in
New York City’s Department of Education) for children with autism and
their access to general education. Importantly, family perspectives of
important issues within education such as inclusion can be less fettered by
traditional special education groundings, and are not required to be
quantitative and positivist in conception and design. Incidental, everyday,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
“Let’s try this and see” approaches have worked in this instance, and will
likely work for many other children who are in highly particularized
inclusive situations.
We have focused on a mother’s narrative knowing about inclusive
education for her son with a disability. This was accomplished through using
the lens of DSE that privileges the voice of disabled people and their family
members. Diane’s story confirms and extends existing literature in the field,
valuing the knowledge of mothers. The use of vignettes provides insights
into different aspects of inclusive education—friendship, classroom support,
pedagogy, and community—in a specific setting. Analysis and reflections
upon ways in which episodes within vignettes inform the knowledge base of
the interrelated fields of education, special education, and inclusive
education. As a result of this work, our recommendations include an
approach to inclusive education similar to the practices documented at
Benny’s school: a committed, visionary principal; flexible, open teachers;
specially trained assistants; differentiated pedagogy and creative
opportunities for students with and without dis/abilities to come together.
Finally, it is crucial that we call attention to the exclusionary practices from
which Benny escaped. If parents simply accepted what the school district
advised them, Benny would not be the young man he is today and an active
member of his community. As Lennard Davis notes, “The body is never a
physical thing so much as a series of attitudes toward it” (2002, p. 22). We
hope this paper has given renewed food for thought in terms of providing
responsible inclusive options for students identified as dis/abled.
Anastasiou, D., & Kauffman, J. K. (2011). A social constructionist approach
to disability: Implications for special education. Exceptional Children,
77(5), 367-384.
Annamma, S. A. (2015). “It was just like a piece of gum”: Using an
intersectional approach to understand criminalizing young women of color
with disabilities in the school-to-prison-pipeline. In D. J. Connor, J. Valle, &
C. Hale (Eds). Practicing disability studies in education, acting toward social
change (pp. 83-102). New York: Peter Lang,
Broderick, A. A., Hawkins, G. & Henze, S. (2013). Teacher
counternarratives: Transgressing and “restorying” disability in education.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(8), 825-842.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
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Dragan Popovic
Evagelia Boli
Vladimir Savic
Milos Popovic
Jasna Popovic
Milica Bojovic
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina,
temporarily based in Leposavic, Serbia
The research was conducted in order to determine the structure and
differences in cognitive dimensions of track-and-field athletes and basketball
players. For the purpose of determining the structures and their differences in
the manifest and latent cognitive spaces, 100 male respondents aged 14 and
18 was tested. This sample can be considered representative of athletes of
those ages. For the assessment of cognitive abilities, the researchers used 6
measurement instruments selected so that the structure analysis could be
performed on the basis of the cybernetic model designed by (Das, Kirby &
Jarman 1979) and by (Bosnar & Horga, 1981), (Momirovic, Bosnar & Horga
1982), taking into account the fact that the selected tests measure three types
of cognitive processing . To assess the effectiveness of the input processor,
or perceptual reasoning, CF-2 and GT-7 were selected, to assess the
effectiveness of the parallel processor, or identification of relations and
correlates - IT-2 and D-4S, and to assess the effectiveness of the serial
processor, or symbolic reasoning, ALPHA-7 and G-SIN were selected. All
the data in this research were processed at the Multidisciplinary Research
Center of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina,
through the system of data processing software programs developed by
Popovic, D. (1980), (1993) and Momirovic, K. & Popovic, D. (2003).To
determine differences between the groups, canonical discriminant analysis
was applied. The researchers calculated the discriminant coefficient values,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Transformation processes, incurred as a result of the adaptation of an
athlete`s organism to the training stimuli, are the phenomena caused by the
regularities in the relations of internal physiological, biomechanical and
psychological systems, as well as in the relations between the athlete as an
integral anthropological entity and the environment. Today we can only
speculate about the transformation processes, induced by synchronous
effects of endogenous and exogenous factors, on the basis of the final effects
of the exercise, and we know very little about the nature of the phenomena of
adaptation of the athlete`s organism to the established exercise load. Modern
science uses interdisciplinary approaches to such complex research areas.
For the convergence of different scientific disciplines and their compliance
with empirical evidence and requirements, a common basis is necessary.
It is cybernetics, with its modern methodological procedures, that
significantly contributes to the sciences of physical culture, especially sport,
in their transcending the descriptive level. If the process of athlete education
is understood in the context of cybernetic planning as a system,
familiarization with the system structure and relations in the system, as well
as the relations between the system and environment, contributes to
discovering the principles, methods and tools that lead to achievement of
optimal management, which is the aim pursued in modern sport. Systematic
training is essentially a transformation process through which an athlete, as a
system, is transformed from one state into another in accordance with the
requirements of a given sport or sport discipline. Since it is necessary to
master the regularities which the transformation processes undergo to
achieve efficient management, it is necessary to know the structure and
relations among the constituent elements of the system.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Sample of respondents
The selection of a sample of respondents is conditioned, among other
things, by the organizational and financial capabilities necessary for the
implementation of the research process.
It was necessary to ensure a sufficient number of trained and
qualified measurers, appropriate instrumentation and standardized conditions
under which the research could be implemented. Limited financial resources
and organizational capabilities influenced the decision to perform the
measurement not throughout Kosovo and Methohia but only in one of its
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Disc program
This algorithm is almost literally implemented into the program
DRDISC written in a matrix language so that it can be realized in the
standard SPSS environment. The activation method and some details of the
program can be seen from the program symbolic code which is stored at the
Multidisciplinary Research Center of the Faculty of Sport and Physical
Education, and clear instructions are given to make it possible for anyone,
who needs it, to apply the canonical discriminant analysis correctly.
Modification of this program and its practical implementation in the SAS
environment were carried out by D. Popovic in 2004, and the scientists
interested in its application can contact the author at any time.
The results of the discriminant analysis of cognitive variables show
that athletes of different sports differ from each other considerably. The
canonical correlation coefficients (Can. Cor.) are .90 and .51. The
significance of this discrimination tested by means of Wilks` test and
Bartlett`s chi-test with 8 and 3 degrees of freedom (DF) indicates high
significant differences between the groups of the tested athletes because Sig.
= .00 for both roots, and chi = 4.88 for the first root and chi = 75.12 for the
second root.
Through condensation of variables in the cognitive space, two
discriminant variables, which maximally separated the groups of athletes on
the basis of discriminant coefficients, were isolated.
The first discriminant function explains the differences with 92.52
percent of intergroup variability in the cognitive space of the applied
discriminant variables.
Analyzing Table 2 reveals that the first discriminant function
separates the athletes on the basis of IT-2 which is, in its initial subject of
measurement, designed to assess the effectiveness of spatial relations. This
factor is actually subordinated to the mechanism responsible for the
determination of relations between the elements of a structure and essential
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
IT-2 .98* -.08
CF-2 .67* -.05
D-4S .52 .30*
ALPHA-7 -.17 .24*
GT-7 -.05 .21*
G-SIN .05 -.09
The study was conducted in order to determine the structures and
their differences in cognitive dimensions of track-and-field athletes and
basketball players.
For the purpose of determining the structure and their differences in
manifest and latent cognitive spaces, 100 male respondents aged 14 and 18
were tested. This sample can be considered representative of athletes of those
For the assessment of cognitive abilities, the researchers applied 6
measurement instruments selected so that to the structure analysis could be
performed on the basis of the cybernetic model designed by (Das, Kirby, &
Jarman 1979), and by (Momirovic, Gredelj, Hosek 1980), taking into account
the fact that the selected tests measured three types of cognitive processing.
To assess the effectiveness of the input processor, or perceptual reasoning,
CF-2 and GT-7 were selected, to assess the effectiveness of the parallel
processor, or perception of relations and correlates - IT-2 and D-4S, and to
assess the effectiveness of the serial processor, or symbolic reasoning,
ALPHA-7 and G-SIN were selected.
All the data in this study were processed at the Multidisciplinary
Research Center of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University
of Pristina, through the system of data processing software programs
developed by Popovic, D. (1980), (1993) and Momirovic, K. & Popovic, D .
(2003).To determine differences between the groups, canonical discriminant
analysis was applied.
The researchers calculated the discriminant coefficient values,
canonical correlation coefficients, percentage of the explained group
variability, Bartlett`s chi-square test value, degrees of freedom, Wilks'
Lambda values, and error probability in the rejection of the hypothesis that
the actual canonical correlation value is equal to zero.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Anderson, T. W. (1984). An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis
(2nd edition). New York: Wiley.
Boli, E. (1996). The structure of intellectual and musical abilities and
personal traits of girls involved in standard and Latin dances, University of
Pristina, Faculty of Physical Education.
Boli, E. (2011). The structure of anthropological dimensions of male and
female dancers and development of methods for their evaluation and
monitiring (Monography). Leposavic, University of Priština,
Multidisciplinary Research Center of the Faculty of Sport and Physical
Boli, E., Popovic, D. & Popovic, J. (2012). Differences in the level of
cognitive abilities of male and female dancers. International scientific journal
Kinesmetrics, 1 (107-119).
Bosnar. K., Horga, S. (1981). Analysis of some results of cognitive abilities
tests and personality tests obtained on promising athletes of SR Croatia.
Kinesiology, 1-2, Zagreb,.
Cooley, W. W., & Lohnes, P. R.(1971). Miltivariate data analisis. New
York-London-Sidney-Toronto:John Wiley and sons, INC.
Das, J, P., Kirby, J R., Jarman, R. F. (1979). Simultaneous anb successive
conetive processers. New York, NY: Academic Press.
Guttman, L. (1945): Basis for test-retest reliability analysis. Psychometrika,
Momirovic, K., Gredelj, M., Hosek, A. (1980). Functions of perceptual,
parallel and serial processors in the system for movement structuring.
Kinesiology, Vol. no. 3, , p. 5-10.
Momirovic, K.; Horga, S. & Bosnar, K. (1982). Cybernetic model of
cognitive functioning : Attempts of synthesis of some theories about the
structure of cognitive abilities. Kineziologija, 14. 5: 63-82.
Momirovic, D, Wolf, B. & Popovic, D. (1999). Introduction to the theory of
measurement and internal metric properties of composite measurement
instruments (monography). University of Pristina, Faculty of Physical
Education, Pristina.
Momirovic, K & Popovic, D. (2003). Construction and application of
taxonomic neural networks.(Monography)Multidisciplinary Research Center,
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Electric Vehicles. Past, present and future trends. In this century,
environment impact and energy conservation are very important and growing
concerns. The development of electric vehicles is of vital importance
because combustion based vehicles is not a sustainable option for a near
future. Moreover, policy incentives together with pollution and noise
concerns and the use of renewable energy have made commercially viable
electric and hybrid vehicles a reality. This paper gives an overview of the
history of electric vehicles, the present status, and the future research lines.
The main problems associated with electric vehicles development and
effective implementation such as energy storage, electronics and control is
El uso de combustibles fósiles en los vehículos actuales con motores
de combustión interna es insostenible a medio plazo. La única alternativa
posible es el desarrollo de vehículos eléctricos. En este artículo se analiza la
historia, la evolución y los principales problemas que se deben resolver para
el desarrollo y la implantación de los vehículos eléctricos.
Durante el siglo XIX se desarrolló la electricidad de forma
espectacular. La pila de Volta (1800) dio lugar al desarrollo de esta rama de
la ciencia, al permitir la realización de experimentos repetibles con corrientes
eléctricas. Los vehículos eléctricos se inventaron en la primera mitad del
siglo XIX, mucho antes que los vehículos con motores de gasolina y diesel.
Posiblemente el primer prototipo lo construyó el húngaro Ányos Jedlik en
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Toyota Prius 2
Su precio es de 25.000 €.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Política de incentivos
Desde el punto de vista del usuario, los vehículos eléctricos no
presentan grandes ventajas, pues son caros, tienen poca autonomía y grandes
tiempos de carga. Los beneficios que ofrecen no van directamente al usuario,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La implantación del vehículo eléctrico es necesaria para limitar la
emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. La tecnología está muy desarrollada
en los motores eléctricos y el control electrónico. El principal reto en el siglo
XXI es el desarrollo de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía eficiente y
competitivo, que dote al vehículo eléctrico de autonomía.
En el momento actual son necesarias políticas de incentivos que
ayuden a su implantación.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
C. C. Chan and K. T. Chau, Modern Electric Vehicle Technology. London,
U.K.: Oxford Univ., 2001.
C. C. Chan, “An overview of electric vehicle technology,” Proc. IEEE, vol.
81, pp. 1202–1213, Sept. 1993.
“El transporte ecológico en el siglo 21 mediante vehículos eléctricos” (En
chino). Beijing, China: Tsing Hua Univ. Press, 2000, National Key Book
E. H. Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile: Battery-Only
Cars. Warrendale, PA: Soc. Automotive Engineers, 1994.
History of the Electric Automobile: Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Warrendale,
PA: Soc. Automotive Engineers, 1998.
C. C. Chan. The State of the Art of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. IEEE
Press. 2012
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Antonia Athanasopoulou
George Kollaros
Democritus University of Thrace/Greece
A solution available to engineers for facing the problem of unsuitable
soils for pavement foundation is the stabilization processes. Among then the
use of chemical additives has gained popularity, particularly the last decade.
The poor engineering characteristics of soils could be enhanced under the
action of various agents and controlling factors, like the pozzolanic activity,
the cation exchange and other already recognized reactions taking place in
the soil-additive complex. In this research work the findings of laboratory
tests for the stabilization of a problematic soil in Xanthi, Northern Greece
area are presented. For the testing program a commercial lime and a fly ash
from an Electric Power Station have been elected. Various percentages have
been used for the preparation of soil-additive mixtures. Based on the findings
of the present study, fly ash could be recommended as an effective agent for
the improvement of swelling soils, having the benefit of reducing the
negative impacts to the environment. The results highlight the need for
further investigation of clay soil characteristics after their chemical
stabilization with substances freely available or with a low cost, if the
intention is to use such soils in highway construction works..
Traffic volumes and the weight of vehicles increase rapidly. In
association to the need for aggregate preservation and environmental
protection, this fact leads to solutions for the design of new or the
reconstruction of existing pavements that will serve as far as possible the
above goals. A solution with relatively low cost is the use of materials with
moderate or poor engineering and physical characteristics after their
enhancement. One of the most commonly employed methods is the treatment
of natural soils and aggregates with additives to obtain properties similar to
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
those set by the relevant standard specifications. This process is called soil
stabilization and aims to increase the shear strength of the soil in addressing
the effects of frost, shrinkage, etc. The choice of additive is based on the
respective intended purpose.
The addition of lime to clayey soils results in immediate reduction of
the maximum dry density and increase of the optimum moisture content for
the same compaction effort (Miqueleiz et al., 2012; Elsharief et al., 2013).
The effect of fly ash on the compaction characteristics is very similar (Deb
and Pal, 2014).
Fly ash may be considered as non-plastic, NP, fine silt according to
the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) system. When blended with
soil, fly ash can develop cementitious bonds, either due to the pozzolanic
reaction (Kenawi and Kamel, 2013; Zumrawi, 2015) or because of an
intrinsic property to self harden under favorable moisture and compaction
conditions (Mir and Sridharan, 2013). When mixed with soil in various
proportions, fly ash reduces the liquid limit and the plasticity index of the
soil (Mir and Sridharan, 2014).
The strength of soil mixtures with lime and fly ash depends on many
variables such as soil type, the type and content of the additive material, the
size of the specimens, the time and method (humidity and temperature) of
curing, the water content, specific gravity and time elapsing between the
mixing and the compaction of the material (Liu et al., 2012; Jawad et al.,
2014). For the needs of the present research work, the values of the additives
percentages and the maintenance time have been varied with different effects
on the mixture’s properties.
Generally, the strength increases with an increase both in lime and fly
ash content (Prabakar et al., 2004; Muhmed and Wanatowski, 2013;
Zumrawi and Hamza, 2014), as well as with an increase in curing time
(Harichane et al., 2011).
For the development of compressive strength, the percentage of fly
ash in soil mixtures has been proven to be a more critical factor compared to
specimens curing time (Horpibulsuk et al., 2013; Rodriguez, 2007). The
exactly opposite effect occurs for the lime mixtures, where the curing time
plays an important role for the enhancement of strength (Consoli et al.,
A series of laboratory tests have been conducted in Highway
Engineering Laboratory, DUTH University, Thrace, in order to characterize
soil-lime and soil-fly ash mixtures for use in road projects running through
areas with similar features with those in the area under study on the road-axis
Xanthi-Komotini, Northern Greece.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Lime and fly ash contents of 3-12% and 5-25% by weight of natural
soil, respectively, have been used for the preparation of specimens. Such an
amount of water has been added to the dry materials as to reach the optimum
Proctor moisture. The specimens were cured in a humidity chamber at room
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
the optimum moisture content, while fly ash had a similar effect on the
compaction characteristics of the mixtures.
Table 2 Moisture-density test results for various additive contents (24 hours curing period)
Additive Optimum Mosture Maximum Dry Density
(%) (%) (kg/m3)
0 21.4 1,602
Fly Ash
5 23.1 1,552
10 23.6 1,513
15 24.3 1,487
20 25.4 1,463
25 26.6 1,433
3 25.0 1,479
6 25.7 1,444
9 26.3 1,431
12 27.6 1,413
Dry Density (kg/m3)
3% Lime
6% Lime
9% Lime
12% Lime
16 20 24 28 32
Moisture Content (%)
Figure 2 Moisture-density relationship as a function of lime content
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
5% FA
Dry Density (kg/m3)
10% FA
15% FA
20% FA
25% FA
16 20 24 28 32
Moisture Content (%)
Figure 3 Moisture-density relationship as a function of fly ash content
The compaction of the mixtures of the soil with the additives yielded
moisture-density curves common feature of which is that they are in areas of
lower densities and higher moistures than those of the untreated soil (Figures
2 and 3). Particularly, with the addition of fly ash, the curves are smooth and
they have a form comparable to that of the soil sample and, as the additive
content increases, they show a denser space between each other. Thus, after
some additive percentage, the compaction characteristics will only slightly
change. The curves of soil-lime mixtures are very offset relatively to the
curve of the untreated soil, already with small additive percentages, but they
have small distances between them, which are constantly decreasing.
For all additive contents, the maximum dry density of the mixtures
with fly ash is greater than the corresponding of mixtures with lime. This is
attributed to the smaller apparent specific weight of lime. From the curves, it
appears that lime contents greater than 10% have little effect on the
maximum dry density.
The changes in the engineering properties of the soil, when mixed
with lime and fly ash, are attributed to mechanisms such as cation exchange,
flocculation of clay, carbonation and pozzolanic reactions (Jawad et al.,
2014; Zumrawi and Hamza, 2014). The first two reactions occur rapidly and
cause direct changes in plasticity, workability and swelling properties. The
pozzolanic reaction is time-dependent and contributes to plasticity
enhancement and to strength increase.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
After curing periods of 7, 28, and 90 days, the strength of the samples
were determined. The unconfined compression test has been used for the
determination of the strength of soil mixtures with fly ash and lime.
The unconfined compressive strength values of the soil sample were
quite low, typical of clay soils, and they do not meet the suitability criteria
for road subgrades. When various lime and fly ash percentages were added,
the stress-strain characteristics improved. Particular role to strength increase
has been played by the curing time of the compacted samples.
The strength was increased with the addition of fly ash at a 5%
content. This increase continued, with an even more intense rate, at the
subsequent additive contents in the soil-fly ash mixture.
In Figures 4 and 5, the curves depicting the variation of the strength
of the soil samples as a function of the percentage of fly ash and lime used to
prepare the unconfined compression test specimens respectively, are
presented. Each strength value represents the average of three compression
specimens with 5x10 cm (diameter x height) dimensions. In each of these
figures, three curves relating to the time intervals (i.e. seven, twenty-eight
and ninety days) of specimen curing are drawn.
Unconfined Compressive Strength (kPa)
90 days
28 days
7 days
0 4 8 12
Lime Content (%)
Figure 4 Unconfined compressive strength as a function of lime content
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
90 days
28 days
7 days
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fly Ash Content (%)
Figure 5 Unconfined compressive strength as a function of fly ash content
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The admixture of lime or fly ash to soils results in a gradual reduction
of the maximum dry density, indicative of the increased resistance offered by
the flocculated structure to the compaction effort, as well as in an increase of
the optimum moisture content which is derived from the excess water hold in
the open structural units of the flocculated structure.
The highest strength values obtained for the soil tested are directly
associated to the moisture content and the concentration of lime. Both the
maximum compressive strength and the maximum dry density could be
achieved if the specimens are compacted with the optimum moisture content.
Based on the present study, fly ash could be recommended as an
effective agent for the improvement of swelling soils. Using fly ash in such a
manner it would also have the benefit of depositing an industrial by-product
without negatively affecting the environment.
The laboratory testing findings point out the need for a thorough
study of clay soils’ characteristics, if these soils are intended to be used in
highway construction works. The stabilization process is proved to be a
fiscally effective and environmentally successful solution for construction
works of such an extent and importance.
Consoli, N.C., Johann, D.R.A. and Saldanha, R.B. (2011). Variables
governing strength of compacted soil-fly ash-lime mixtures. ASCE Journal
of Materials in Civil Engineering, 23: 432-440.
Deb, T. and Pal, S.K. (2014). Effect of fly ash on geotechnical properties of
local soil-fly ash mixed samples. IJRET: International Journal of Research
in Engineering and Technology, 3(5): 507–516.
Elsharief, A.M., Elhassan, A.A.M and Mohamed, A.E.M. (2013). Lime
stabilization of tropical soils from Sudan for road construction. International
Journal of GEOMATE, 4(2): 533–538.
Ghosh, R. (2013). Effect of soil moisture in the analysis of undrained shear
strength of compacted clayey soil. Journal of Civil Engineering and
Construction Technology, 4(1): 23–31.
Harichane, K., Ghrici, M. and Kenai, S. (2011). Effect of curing time on
shear strength of cohesive soils stabilized with combination of lime and
natural pozzolana. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 9(2): 90–96.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La enseñanza de las asignaturas que se imparten en la Institución
Educativa Tecnológico de Tláhuac II (ITT2) se ha caracterizado por el uso
del tablero y marcador como únicos recursos didácticos, esta situación ha
contribuido a la desmotivación y desinterés por parte de los estudiantes
frente a su proceso de aprendizaje.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Objetivo general
Diseñar, aplicar y evaluar un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje (AVA)
en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura de Administración
de proyectos dentro del Instituto Tecnológico de Tláhuac II.
Objetivos específicos
• Identificar necesidades del curso de las asignaturas de Administración de
Proyectos y Desarrollo Sustentable respecto a la gestión del conocimiento
• Realizar un diagnóstico de uso de TIC´s en la práctica docente a los
• Realizar un diagnóstico del uso de las TIC´s a los estudiantes que cursen
las asignaturas Administración de Proyectos y Desarrollo Sustentable.
• Diseñar de un Aula Virtual de cada asignatura como apoyo educativo al
• Construir un Aula Virtual de cada asignatura como apoyo educativo al
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Situación problemática
El Instituto Tecnológico de Tláhuac II, es un miembro más de la
Dirección General de Educación Superior Tecnológica TECNM (antes
DGEST), misma que pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Educación Superior
Tecnológica (SNEST) perteneciente a la Secretaría de Educación Pública
(SEP). El Instituto Tecnológico de Tláhuac II es de reciente creación con
apenas 5 años de antigüedad dentro de la Dirección General de Educación
Superior Tecnológica, por lo que las personas al frente de los diversos
departamentos organizacionales que tiene el Instituto tienen que ir en
ocasiones contra el tiempo para hacer sus quehaceres laborales que les
exigen sus respectivos departamentos; ello trae como consigna que los
encargados de los departamentos organizacionales tienen que desarrollar
planeaciones y aplicarlas en tiempo y forma de acuerdo con los lineamientos
de un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad y de Mejora Continua. En el área
académica se han trabajado a nivel individual, la enseñanza de las
asignaturas que se imparten en la Institución Educativa se ha caracterizado
por el uso del tablero y marcador como únicos recursos didácticos, esta
situación ha contribuido a la desmotivación y desinterés por parte de los
estudiantes frente a su proceso de aprendizaje.
Particularmente por la experiencia como docente encargado de
diferentes materias tales como: Desarrollo Sustentable, Inventarios,
Almacenes, Administración de Proyectos, etc., he observado algunas
dificultades para desarrollar el curso de manera presencial, en actividades
como el diagnóstico para utilizar oportunamente la información, la
organización y difusión de los materiales de estudio entre colegas y
estudiantes, también la aplicación de la autoevaluación, Coevaluación,
heteroevaluación y específicamente el seguimiento del estudiante para
realizar su portafolio de evidencias. Además de la inversión de tiempo y
dinero al momento de reproducir copias, exámenes y material de apoyo que
necesite la unidad de la materia.
La educación en tecnología no puede darse en el marco de una sola
disciplina sino que debe darse como un campo de naturaleza interdisciplinar
que constituye un poderoso factor de integración curricular, ya que todas las
áreas de conocimiento de una u otra forma están siendo sistematizadas con el
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El trabajo se comprendió en cuatro fases: la primera fase de
Planeación se analizó y revisó el temario de la asignatura
ADMNISTRACIÓN DE PROYECTOS, revisando cada unidad que
compone a dicha materia la segunda fase denominada de diseño, fue la
encargada de originar el diseño curricular y la planeación estratégica acordes
con los lineamientos curriculares y a los estándares de competencias dados
por el TECNM, también se dio origen al desarrollo de la materia en la
plataforma Google Site®; la tercera fase denominada de aplicación, fue la
encargada de incorporar el Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje diseñado con
los estudiantes, mediante el manejo del modelo pedagógico constructivista y
la cuarta fase denominada de evaluación, fue la encargada de estimar el
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Fase de Planeación
En esta primera fase, se analizó y revisó el temario de la asignatura
ADMNISTRACIÓN DE PROYECTOS, revisando cada unidad que
compone a dicha materia. Para esto se muestra en la figura 5, la unidad 1 de
la asignatura de Administración de Proyectos.
Por otro lado, se revisó la plataforma Google Site® y cada una de sus
herramientas, para poder saber cómo adaptar el temario con las diversas
herramientas de dicha plataforma. Se revisaron diversas fuentes de consulta
como artículos, videos, etc. Esto con el fin de utilizar los mejores archivos
para la asignatura de estudio.
Como se puede observar en la figura 2, la cual muestra la Unidad I de
la asignatura a estudiar, se detalla los subtemas de dicha Unidad.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Fase de Diseño
En esta fase las actividades que se realizaron fueron las siguientes:
• Diagnóstico detallado de las herramientas tecnológicas con las que cuenta
la institución educativa, la información fue recopilada a través del
inventario disponible.
• Diagnóstico sobre los conocimiento previos que disponían los estudiantes
sobre el manejo de las herramientas tecnológicas requeridas para el uso
de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje; habilidades sobre manejo de
Computador, internet, Facebook, Google, y Youtube. Para tal fin se
desarrolló una encuesta basada en base a las competencias en el uso de
tecnología de los Estándares Nacionales de Tecnología Educativa para
Estudiantes (Díaz, 2013) NETS (por sus siglas en inglés National
Educational Technology Standards for Students), integra 15 preguntas de
respuesta cerrada agrupados en tres categorías: sensibilidad ante la
tecnología, habilidades informáticas y uso de la computadora, la figura 3
representa un ejemplo de una interrogante del cuestionario aplicado. La
población de estudio fue el grupo que estudia la asignatura de
Administración de Proyectos, esta población fue de 42 estudiantes. La
confiabilidad del estudio fue de 100% en esta encuesta aplicada.
¿Consideras importante el uso de la tecnología
para tu proceso de formación Académica?
100 88,0952381
20 4
4 1 1 0 0
Siempre A veces Nunca Ninguna de las
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Fase de Aplicación
En esta Fase se implementó el modelo pedagógico constructivista en
la búsqueda de fortalecer la autonomía del estudiante como sujeto activo. Las
actividades se elaboraron buscando potencializar el auto-aprendizaje
continuo y la retroalimentación respecto a los aprendizajes que el estudiante
adquirió, desarrollando competencias como capacidad para tomar decisiones,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Fase de Evaluación
Esta fase consistió en la definición de una serie de parámetros
necesarios para la evaluación del impacto que tuvo el proyecto en el proceso
de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la asignatura, los cuales se relacionan a
Después de desarrollar las actividades de la fase de aplicación, se
realizó una auto-evaluación a cada estudiante de la unidad; con el objetivo de
conocer el impacto que tuvo las diferentes aplicaciones virtuales y la
metodología implementada durante ese proceso, así como la disposición de
ellos frente a la clase, para la evaluación de este parámetro se desarrolla el
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
formulario. Por otro lado a través del esquema de valoración propuesto por el
TECNM se desarrollaron las evaluaciones en línea y dicho puntaje se
comparó con los resultados alcanzados respecto al semestre anterior; en la
figura 6 se muestra un ejemplo de pregunta usada en la prueba aplicada en
línea a los estudiantes
Resultados y discusion
De acuerdo con los contenidos descritos en el currículo se diseñó el
material didáctico a través de textos guías, producción personal, consultas en
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El uso de las Tecnologías Informáticas de la Comunicación (TIC)
potencializó positivamente la enseñanza de la Asignatura en la Institución
Educativa. La creación y uso de Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (OVA) a
través de herramientas tecnológicas como Facebook, Youtube y Google APP
motivó a los estudiantes de la materia en estudio al aprendizaje autónomo en
los módulos de Inicio del proyecto, Administración del alcance, los
recursos humanos y la comunicación, Administración del tiempo y los
costos, Administración de la calidad y los riesgos, Administración de
abastecimiento e integración y Ejecución, control y cierre.
La enseñanza de la asignatura mediante el uso de Ambientes
Virtuales de Aprendizaje (AVA) facilitó el aprendizaje de conceptos, la
comprensión del conocimiento, el fortalecimiento en las actividades
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
•A mi tutor el doctor Díaz Colín Edgardo por su apoyo y asesoramiento en
el proyecto.
•A mis alumnos Flores Arroyo Azucena, Alejaldre Martínez Erik G.,
Yescas Hernandez Suriel y Aguilar Zamudio Cristian por su apoyo y
comprensión en el proyecto.
•Al director Maestro Oziel Quiroga Chapa por su apoyo en la ejecución de
este proyecto.
•A mis estudiantes de la asignatura Administración de Proyectos por su
paciencia y colaboración en este proyecto.
References: Formación virtual, educación a distancia y e-learning. [En
línea]. Disponible en
Internet; accesado el 10 de Mayo de 2015.
Aura Interactiva.¿Qué es el Elearning? [En línea]. Disponible en
learning.htm; accesado el 18 de Marzo de 2015. Entornos a Aulas y Campus Virtual. [En línea]. Disponible en ; Internet;
accesado el 15 de Mayo del 2015.
Ballesta Pagán, Javier. Educar para la comunicación masiva: un reto en la
formación del ciudadano. [En línea]. Disponible en; Internet; accesado el 14 de
Enero de 2015.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The problem of how to change or improve attitudes towards teaching
and learning, both in students and in experienced teachers, appears in all
teacher training degrees. The behaviors that make up this attitude generally
hold in certain common beliefs and social representations among teachers.
This project takes as its object of analysis the type of mental representation
on teaching and learning that teachers and students have. This investigation
aims to systematize and analyze the characteristics and singularities that this
social construction acquires in relation to the different developmental stages
and levels of formal education in which subjects perform. It tries to reveal if
there are significant differencies among teachers of different age groups
and/or among teachers who work in different levels of formal
education. And, if there might be a possible stage development within the
social construction of teaching and learning. For this reason the "Educational
Partner" test is used as a technique to apply to the sample.
From the information obtained through the instruments and statistical
analysis, results are presented and a regional scale is prepared. In this paper
there will be presented the analysis results of the teachers sample in initial
and primary level of education. Important contributions are expected for the
diagnosis, prognosis and counseling in Educational Psychology, in
Developmental Psychology and in Psychodiagnosis, as well as to contribute
to improve the quality of education and teacher training.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El problema de cómo cambiar o mejorar la actitud hacia el enseñar y
aprender, tanto en los estudiantes como en docentes experimentados, se
presenta en toda carrera de formación pedagógica. Las conductas que
componen esta actitud, generalmente, se sostienen en ciertas creencias y
representaciones sociales comunes entre los docentes. Este trabajo presenta
un avance de una investigación desarrollada en la UNLPAM que toma como
objeto de análisis el tipo de representación mental sobre enseñar y aprender
que poseen los docentes y estudiantes de las carreras de formación docente.
Uno de sus objetivos es sistematizar y analizar las características y
singularidades que adquiere esa construcción social en relación con los
diferentes niveles de educación formal en los que se desempeñan los sujetos.
En este caso, a partir de la información obtenida a través de los instrumentos
y del análisis estadístico, se exponen los resultados obtenidos de los docentes
de nivel inicial y de nivel primario de enseñanza. Se esperan importantes
aportes para el diagnóstico, el pronóstico y el asesoramiento en la Psicología
Educacional, en la Psicología Evolutiva y en el Psicodiagnóstico; así como
también contribuir para el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa y de la
formación docente.
Introduccion y Antecedentes
Los estudios que involucran la representación mental del enseñar o
aprender se han orientado, principalmente, a explorar los problemas de
aprendizaje o de orientación vocacional (Romero, 2007; Pozzi, 2011).
También se ha realizado el estudio de la vida de los docentes en relación a
las perspectivas acerca de los procesos de reforma, restructuración y
reconceptualización pedagógica (Freeman, 2002, Goodson & Numan, 2002 y
Maclellan & Soden, 2003) considerando que si las creencias de los docentes
no se toman en cuenta, lo más probable es que se obstruyan dichos cambios
(Díaz y colbs. 2012). Sin embargo, la investigación que se propone en este
estudio considera relacionar el nivel de educación formal en el que ejercen
los docentes sus prácticas, con dicha representación.
“El entramado intelectual del profesor se denomina teorías,
concepciones, pensamientos, creencias, representaciones, conocimientos o
saberes. Estos sistemas conceptuales se originan y se desarrollan en la
experiencia y se abstraen de un conjunto de experiencias almacenadas en la
memoria; están determinadas por los contextos educativos; son eclécticos,
desorganizados, parciales y sin cohesión; no tienen por qué reproducir
significados estandarizados o comúnmente aceptados y, a diferencia del
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
mental sobre enseñar y aprender que poseen los docentes y estudiantes de las
carreras de formación docente. Uno de sus objetivos es sistematizar y
analizar las características y singularidades que adquiere esa construcción
social en relación con los diferentes niveles de educación formal en los que
se desempeñan los sujetos. En este caso, a partir de la información obtenida
a través de los instrumentos y del análisis estadístico, se exponen algunos de
los resultados obtenidos de los docentes de nivel inicial y de nivel primario
de enseñanza. Pretende ser original en este aspecto que une una técnica de
Psicodiagnóstico al campo de la Psicología Educacional y de la Pedagogía.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Metodología y técnicas
Diseño: Se trata de una muestra incidental de aproximadamente 600
docentes y aspirantes a docentes entre 18 y 60 años, de ambos sexos,
residentes en La Pampa. En este estudio tomaremos 100 profesores de nivel
primario y 50 profesores de nivel inicial para analizar y presentaremos una
parte de los resultados del diseño general de la investigación que
corresponde a un estudio descriptivo-comparativo para evaluar:
a) qué es enseñar y qué es aprender para los sujetos de la muestra;
b) la relación docente-alumno que es capaz de establecer;
c) el tipo de vínculo que tiene con el objeto de aprendizaje;
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
20 Initial Level
Nutritive Father Adult
29 Nivel Primario
Nivel Inicial
Primary Level
Initial Level
Submissive Child 1 Free Child
De manera que a partir de los datos preliminares aportados, se podría
inferir que existe un porcentaje significativo de docentes trabajando en la
escuelas primarias de nuestra provincia (La Pampa) que expresan una
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Apple, M.W & King, N.R (1989) Qué enseñan las escuelas. En Jimeno
Sacristán, J. & Pérez Gómez A. (Eds) La enseñanza su teoría y su práctica.
Madrid: Akal
Baquero, R. Fontagnoli, M.B. y C,Marano (2002) Fracaso escolar,
educabilidad y diversidad. Bs.As.Ediciones Novedades Educativas.
Berger, P y Luckman, T. (1998) La construcción social de la realidad. Ed.
Berne, E . (1964): «Juegos en que participamos». Méjico. Diana.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The world is nowadays facing a great challenge: the production of
food in harmony with the environment. Air pollution resulting from livestock
activities and the existing possible solutions are shown as elements of vital
importance. This fact definitely leads us to consider this issue from the
global, national and local point of view. Each country faces different
situations in terms of emissions which result directly from the production
activities circumstances. Livestock in Argentina represents a substantial
portion of the agricultural activities. Therefore, emissions produced become
critical to any climate change mitigation and adaptation policy.
Currently, satellite data can be obtained from an atmosphere scanning with
territorial and temporal segregation. This information makes possible to
achieve a global worldwide coverage, however, of low accuracy. Although it
is not possible to identify sources and specific sumps, data on large areas can
be achieved.
Within this context, this project 5 has been framed mainly focused on the
creation of estimates of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced by the
beef value chain in Argentine on different production scenarios.
This Study has been carried out and promoted by the Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, managed and coordinated by the
Emisión de gases de efecto invernadero en la cadena de valor de la carne bovina
[Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Beef Value Chain] AACREA [Argentine Association of
Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation]. August 2014. Final Report in the
frame of the Specific Agreement set by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
and UNTREF [University of Tres de Febrero]. Coordinator: Eng. Cristian Feldkamp, File
No. 1608/12.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The international meat market in general and the beef market in
particular have experienced very significant changes over the last decade.
World beef trade grew by forty percent (40%), accounting for eight million
tons (8,000,000 t) in 2008, and probably approaching ten million tons
(10,000,000 t) in the coming years (FAO.OECD). This growth in the traded
volume is the result of significant structural changes at the production and
consumption level in several countries, including some of the biggest players
in the world trade.
Nowadays, the sustainability of the production processes is a growing
market demand and therefore, it will represent a sales condition, both at a
domestic and international level. Sustainability can not be considered only as
a requirement to certify emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), but as a tool
whose implementation would achieve high standards of environmentally
friendly production, under rational social conditions and which would ensure
a high level of health protection for consumers of such food and/or
The Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
launched the so-called "Intelligent Agriculture Program" that seeks to
promote sustainable practices and processes in agrifood chains. The
resolution to create this program promotes the implementation of projects for
Intelligent Agriculture and encourages improved efficiency of different
production systems through an adaptive and sustainable management. Within
this framework, the estimation of GHG produced from the beef chain is a
project that directly contributes to the achievement of these aspects.
This kind of initiatives seeks to produce an impact on the food
industry and on the public-private synergies in order to accomplish
competitiveness of exportable agri-products.
Regional specificity of emission calculations is achieved through an
accurate description of the production systems, which makes possible to
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Production model:
The selected model to calculate production emissions was the one
proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC (2006)
in its Level 2 analysis. This model includes estimated emissions of methane
and nitrous oxide.
Methane is originated from rumen fermentation and manure, either
deposited in pastures or managed by wastewater treatment systems. Nitrous
oxide is emitted directly from pasture, through volatilization, leaching and
runoff of manure, either managed or otherwise. When nitrogen fertilizers are
used, nitrous oxide is directly emitted through volatilization, leaching and
In food production, pasture, grassland or grains, emissions of carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide were estimated by the consumption of
fuel used by the machinery, fertilization, and crop residues.
In addition to emissions, the model estimates production of calves
(for breeding sub model) and animals to slaughter (breeding and wintering
sub models). In this sense, breeding and wintering systems are divided.
AACREA Asociación Argentina de Consorcios Regionales de Experimentación Agrícola
[Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation].
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
See as an example Berra et. al., 2010, Jaurena et al., 2014, Faverin et al., 2013, and Rubio
et al., 2011.
For example NRC, 1996.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Jaurena et al., 2014.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
remaining calves and heifers enter the wintering stage, either directly to the
fattening stage, or through a previous rearing stage. 10
In order to portray the primary production sector, the representation
of production systems by means of Mode Systems (MS) has been proposed.
The Mode Systems are production layouts that have common production
resources, the produced product, and similar manners to respond to
environment changes.
Each Mode System does not represent a particular cattle farming, but
an activity (in the business sense), which may be part of a business with
several activities, or the whole business itself when it has that single activity.
The regionalization of the country in five areas, as proposed by the
INTA (2007) has been adopted as follows: Northeast, Northwest, South,
Pampas and Patagonia areas. Given the heterogeneity and relevance in terms
of number of heads, the Pampas area has been subdivided into North, West,
Southeast and Southwest subareas.
• Breeding activity: Characterization per production level:
Breeding systems are classified into three production levels: high,
medium and low level within each area. This meets the need to distinguish
the different forms of production, understood as the interaction among
environmental potentials, use of technology and production scale.
• Wintering activity: multi-criteria characterization:
Multiple grouping criteria were used for wintering activities, including
the duration of the wintering period, the weight of animals at admission and
discharge, and the resources used in the cycle. In this sense, a system range
was created, varying from the most intensive, shortest systems and with high
proportion of concentrates in diets, to the most extensive ones including high
proportions of pasture resources in feeding.
Productive scenarios
Building scenarios involves not anticipating the future, but thinking
of ideas internally consistent with it 11. Although it is not a forecast, it makes
it possible to assess the potential impact that the execution of these future
assumptions may have on the system under study. Taking into account one
aspect of the chain, three possible scenarios were raised: a trend scenario, a
pessimistic scenario and an optimistic one.
Each scenario basically responds to decisions made in the primary
production sector, in response to expectations and general conditions of the
scenario in question. In general, history shows cycles of 4 to 6 years where
business expectations change from very unfavorable to very good ones.
Pursuant to SIIA’s figures for 2014.
Porter, 2002.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Results of emissions
The estimation of emissions generated by the chain has been made
for the three productive scenarios outlined for the primary production sector,
cattle transport and industrialization. Results are shown firstly by sector and
afterwards comprehensively.
t eqRcH means tons equivalent to in-bone beef.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Total emissions
Production is the stage that produces the largest proportion of GHGs
in any scenario: an average of 98.3% in the 10 years considered. In second
place, the meat processing industry (ranging between 1.5% and 1.6%
depending on the scenario) and the transport (0.1% and 0.2%) are located.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
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SAyDS, 2007. Second National Communication of Argentina to the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change. Autonomuos City of Buenos
SAyDS, 2010. Prospective and Planning Office. Secretariat of Energy.
Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services. System of
Sustainable Development Indicators. Recovered on April 16th 2014,
available at:
0_in dicadores.pdf
SENASA, 2011. Transport of Beef Cattle. Year 2010. Statistics Report No.
18. Office of Animal Health, Management Control and Special Programs.
July, 2011
SIIA, 2014. Integrated System of Agricultural Information. Slaugter cattle.
Recovered on April 16 2014, available at:
YPF. Data Sheet No. 004. Ultradiesel. Recovered on April 16th 2014,
available at:
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The paper is about the pedagogical approaches in the arts
administration programs in the US and Russia. For future cultural managers
an understanding of culture and the arts forms one of the bases of
intellectually engaged activity, enriches and sustains lifelong learning, and
cultivates the capacity for empathetic and relational thinking. The cultural
management pedagogy must offer students a rich array of educational
instruction, programs, and opportunities across communication and arts
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
cultivates the capacity for empathetic and relational thinking. In and out of
the classroom, cultural management pedagogy must offer students a rich
array of educational instruction, programs, and opportunities across
communication and arts disciplines. Using both traditional discipline based
methodologies and metrics for aesthetic, ethical, and cultural literacies.
Learning then is a collaborative effort not only between students and
individual faculty, but also among and between the students and faculties of
their learning institution.
Learning is a holistic experience, and therefore, the entire cultural
management learning experience – curricular, co-curricular, social, and
institutional – must be designed to promote student learning outcomes.
As leaders and as educators, we believe that part of our pedagogical
responsibility is to provide students with a strong network of teachers,
counselors, fellow students, and mentors that assists them in making a
successful transition from the world of study to the world of work.
If one accepts this premise, then sound educational practice requires
that we assess students using both traditional discipline-based methodologies
and metrics for aesthetic, ethical, and cultural literacies. Learning then is a
collaborative effort not only between students and individual faculty, but
also among and between the students and faculties of their learning
Corina Şeteu. Another Brick in the Wall: A Critical Review of Cultural
Management Education in Europe. Boekman Stichting, Amsterdam, 2006.
Association of Arts Administration Educators. Graduate Program Standards.
Association of Arts Administration Educators. Undergraduate Program
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The growth of online travel agencies has modified how consumers
explore possible vacation choices by allowing greater access to the travel and
tourism supply chain. This growth also empowers potential travelers to be
more discerning when purchasing travel products and services by giving
them the opportunity to align their preferences (i.e., price, value, amenity,
etc.) with the multiple product offerings available to them via online travel
retail sites. This research explores a visitor’s frequency of using online travel
sites when planning a leisure vacation and if similarities exist in how
frequently these sites are used in the planning process. It also examines if
generational differences exist in utilizing these sites. The factor analysis
showed that 10 types of online travel sites can be categorized into two
factors, and the ANOVA indicated that site frequency usage differs by
generation. These findings can be beneficial to both managers of online
travel sites and direct suppliers of travel products.
In the last decade the internet has exploded with a plethora of online
sites that directly sell travel and tourism services and products to consumers.
These sites sell products not only directly from hotels or airlines, but also
from intermediary channels and online travel agencies (OTAs). The
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
evolution of onsite travel retail has disrupted the traditional supplier direct
market whereas consumers perceive they have greater choice in product or
service searches because of the multitude of site options. The supplier direct
channel has responded by increasing its web presence, most recently by
implementing sites that organize multiple direct suppliers within one site
location. is an example of a collaboration of hotel direct
suppliers that is intended to regain its market lost to OTAs (Mandigo, 2012).
As online competition for the travel consumer progresses among travel and
tourism service providers, consumers benefit by having a broader view of
travel products and services available for purchase, and the ability to
compare products.
However, not all potential travelers may use online travel sites in
similar fashion. Much consumer research has been recently focused on the
demographic market shift occurring as the generations age. As the
exponential growth of online travel retail has been occurring, the natural
aging of the Baby Boomer, Generation X, and Millennials affects the travel
and tourism market and its online market channel strategies. Researchers
have recently been focusing on these generational differences especially
since the Millennials’ annual spending is expected to be over USD 2.45
trillion. By 2018, Millennial income is estimated to be USD 3.39 trillion
annually, which will surpass that of the Baby Boomers (Oracle, 2010).
While much research has been conducted that explores the use of
online travel sites in the trip planning process, limited studies exist which
consider how potential visitors utilize these sites while planning a leisure
vacation and if commonality exists among these sites in frequency of use.
Additionally, there appears to be a shortage of research that explores the
generational differences in how generations consume online travel sites and
specifically if the frequency of using these sites differ by generation. This
research explores how often tourists use online travel sites while planning a
leisure vacation while also exploring if differences in usage exists when
comparing Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers.
Literature Review
The internet is extremely competitive with OTAs, intermediaries,
tour operators, consolidators, meta search and corporate sites. The online
community significantly influences tourism consumer behavior (Mills &
Law, 2004). Potential tourists directly access a greater wealth of information
provided by tourism organizations and private enterprises (Chakravarthi &
Gopal, 2012), and site traffic is expected to increase as the economy
continues to recover (Vinod, 2011). According to Vinod (2011), the OTAs
witnessing the highest growth rates are those selling simpler products, such
as only the hotel sites. The customers of these high growth OTAs search for
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
purchases through companies online has shown to increase the level of trust
in the consumer. This level of trust can be affected by companies trying to
increase sales by providing false information (Ayeh, Au, & Law, 2013). The
higher someone’s proficiency at using the computer also determines how
likely they are to use online travel resources (Bai et al., 2004).
To date, the number of travel and tourism mobile applications has
reached over 2,000. The use of smart phones among all demographics to
gather travel information and to utilize social networks throughout their trip
continues to increase (Vinod, 2011). The likelihood of consumers utilizing
these resources has a positive correlation when associated with user-
friendliness. Therefore, consumers are likely to use resources if they are
easily accessible (Ayeh et al., 2013) and Millennials desire the product to be
current, concise, and understandable (Bai et al., 2004).
Though much research has explored the influence of online travel
retailers on vacation planning, limited research exists that explores how
frequently potential tourists use online sites when booking or planning a
leisure vacation - more specifically, if similarities exist in the usage
frequency of online travel sites. Hyde (2008) asserted that an association
between the age of the tourist and the extent of the vacation plan may exist,
whereas vacation plans might be more detailed for older tourists and less
detailed for younger tourists. However, limited research exists which
compares the usage of these sites across generations. Therefore, this research
explores the use of online travel outlets and the frequency at which specific
age groups utilize these items. It also explores the differences among
Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers in their use of social
networking sites and other online travel resources in their vacation planning.
Consequently, the following research questions and hypotheses were
RQ1: Do similarities exist among online travel site usage by tourists
when planning a leisure vacation?
H1: Online travel sites will be similar in usage frequency by tourists
when planning a leisure vacation.
RQ2: Are online travel sites used at differing rates when comparing
age groups?
H2: Online travel sites usage frequency will vary by generation when
planning a leisure vacation.
The Hilton Head Island, SC and Savannah, GA region of the US is a
national and international destination. In 2013, the resort destination of
Hilton Head Island hosted an estimated 2.59 million visitors while Savannah
hosted approximately 13 million visitors. The tourism industry is the top
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Data were analyzed using Statistical Program for Social Sciences
(SPSS) 23. A principal component analysis with Varimax rotation was
conducted in order to explore for similarities in usage among online travel
sites. It is a widely used market research technique for analysis of a set of
variables that can be grouped together. The total of all visitors in attendance
at the three events was used for the factor analysis. Additionally,
Chronbach’s alpha was conducted to determine the reliability of the factor
loadings produced from the factor process. Table 2 below depicts the mean
scores, factor loadings, and reliability coefficients for the factor analysis.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The results of the factor analysis show that online travel sites can be
categorized into two factors. The items loading on Factor 1 are related to Rao
and Smith’s (2005) categories of online agencies, distressed inventory
distributors, reverse auction sites, and social network sites. The items loading
on Factor 2 are primarily related to supplier direct sites and general travel
review sites, as well as sites specific to the visitor’s destination. Furthermore,
the reliability coefficients (Chronbach’s alpha) were .882 and .851 for
Factors 1 and 2 - demonstrating a high reliability for both factors. Reliability
coefficients of approximately .85 or higher are considered dependable
psychological tests, whereas in experimental research, instruments with
much lower reliability coefficients may be accepted as satisfactory
(Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). The mean scores show that the online travel
agencies have a higher frequency of usage for the first factor. However, the
destination business websites and supplier direct sites are used more
frequently when compared to the online travel agencies. Those sites are also
the most used when compared to other sites within factor two.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Least Significant Difference
(LSD) post hoc analysis examined the differences in usage the sites among
the three age brackets: Millennials (18 to 34), Generation X (35 to 49), and
Baby Boomers (50 to 69). Results indicated significant differences among
the generations for Factor 1 [F(2, 625) = 10.815, p = 0.000]. The LSD post
hoc analysis specifically showed that Millennials and Generation X had
higher frequency usage of the Factor 1 sites when compared to Baby
Boomers. When examining for significant differences for Factor 2, that result
also indicated a difference among populations [F(2, 624) = 4.929, p = 0.008].
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The LSD test showed similar results to the previous ANOVA whereas
Millennials and Generation X had higher frequency usage of online sites.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Ayeh, J., Au, N., & Law, R. (2013). Predicting the intention to use
consumer-generated media for travel planning. Tourism Management, 35,
Bai, B., Hu, C., Elsworth, J., & Countryman, C. (2004). Online travel
planning and college students. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
17(2-3), 79-91.
Barrett, W. (2014). The best places to retire. Forbes Online. Retrieved from
Chakravarthi, J. & Gopal, V. (2012) Comparison of traditional and online
travel services: A concept note. IUP Journal of Business Strategy, 9(1), 45-
Fesenmaier, D., Xiang, Z., Pan, B., & Law, R. (2010). An analysis of search
engine use for travel planning. In: Law L, Fuchs M, and Ricci F (eds.).
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Vienna, Austria:
Springer, 381-392.
Fotis, J., Buhalis, D. and Rossides, N. (2012). Social media use and impact
during the holiday travel planning process. In: Fuchs, M., Ricci, F. and
Cantoni, L., (eds.). Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2012. Vienna, Austria: Springer, 13-24.
Hyde, K. F. (2008). Information processing and touring planning theory.
Annals of Tourism Research, 35(3), 712-731.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The object of the paper is the cognitive analysis of the current of
organizational culture in management. There have been considered the
paradigms of social sciences and management, among others: Spencer
functional paradigm, Drukheim functionalism, as well as the paradigms by
G. Burrell and G. Morgan, significantly influencing the development of
paradigms of organizational culture. The attention has been drawn to
epistemological problems in defining the concept of organizational culture.
The variety of the definitions of organizational culture results from the broad
interest of researchers in this phenomenon, while simultaneously leading to
lack in precision and order in its interpretation. The aim of the paper is an
attempt to analyze the most important paradigms of organizational culture,
originating from different scientific disciplines, creating the interpretation of
the contemporarily understood concept and essence of organizational culture.
The studies of literature concerning the analyzed research problem have been
adopted as the research method. There has been proven the interdisciplinary
nature of paradigms of organizational culture.
The subject of organizational culture developed in the sixties of the
20th century, bothering researchers from different scientific disciplines. One
of the first who tried to analyze the cultural differences was Geert,
publishing the book Culture`s Consequence (Hofstede & Hofstede, 2007).
Since that moment, the problem of culture has aroused great interest of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
researchers and it spread into economic and social sciences and humanities.
Soon, there was the time of the perception and appreciation of organizational
culture as a type of an intangible asset of each organization, determining
people’s behavior in it (Pabian&Pabian, 2015; Królik, 2011). Its paradigms,
most of all, ought to be searched for in social sciences, among others, in
Spencer functional paradigm, Drukheim functionalism and the paradigms by
G. Burrell and G. Morgan and others. This set of views laid the foundations
for many theories and grounds which are commonly accepted and
acknowledged by researchers of many scientific fields. The aim of the paper
is an attempt to analyze the most significant paradigms of organizational
culture originating from different scientific disciplines, developing
interpretations of the contemporarily understood concept and essence of
organizational culture.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
This division is the proposal by M.J. Hatch, has become the significant base for the
evolution of management sciences.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Likert R., Likert J., 1976, New Ways of Managing Conflict, New York, NY;McGraw-Hill.
Morgan G., 1997, Images of Organization, Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
Source: Author’s own study based on: Sulkowski, Łukasz. 2011, Pomiędzy tożsamością a
kulturą organizacyjna (p. 210). Wrocław: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej we
Wrocławiu No 24, 2011.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Summing up the considerations on the paradigms of organizational
culture, it can be concluded that they are interdisciplinary in nature. The
considerations by Burrell and Morgan, or Durkheim gave rise not only to the
current of organizational culture but also other scientific fields. The
epistemological issues associated with formulating the definition of the
concept of organizational culture do not discourage the researchers of this
field from increasing knowledge in this area or combining it with other
scientific disciplines. It is also advisable to conduct further research into
organizational culture and analyze it in transnational conditions.
Bombała, Bronisław. Fenomenologia zarzadzania. Przywodztwo (p.26).
Warszawa: Difin, 2010.
Geertz, Clifford. Interpretacja kultur. Wybrane eseje (p.19). Kraków:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2005.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Among the many factors, which can positively or negatively
influence the final result of a basketball game and decisively contribute to
the achievement of the objectives, is the cohesion between its members.
Sport teams characterised by great cohesion, cooperate better, communicate
positively and perform more effectively. The purpose of this research was to
determine the importance of cohesion, determine the factors that influence it
and recommend ways of improving it regarding the part of the coaches of
basketball teams. The research was based on the review of literature and
field research. The sample was consisted of 24 professional basketball
coaches n = (24) from Greece who were coaching in the professional
basketball league during 2013-2014 seasons. The research instrument was
developed from a relevant review of literature that focused on factors that
can influence team cohesiveness. This process leaded to seven variables that
can influence basketball team cohesiveness. The basketball coaches were
asked to indicate the importance of each variable on seven-point scales
ranging from 1, extremely important, to 7, not important at all, by a self-
completed questionnaire. The results indicated that: a) there are seven
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The team cohesion means the unity, the mutual approach and
attraction among the members of a human team (Athos & Coffey, 1968).
Carron (1982) mentions “cohesion is a dynamic process, which is
characterised by the tendency of a team to remain united, aiming to the
realisation of its goals/targets. Cohesion is the aggregate of the forces,
which make the members of human teams, such as a professional basketball
team, feel that they belong to the team and wish to remain a part of it (Daft,
2000). Teams with great cohesion communicate better than teams, which
show lack of it. Also, cohesive teams exhibit greater control of the
behaviour of their members (Fisher & Ellis, 1990).
Teams characterised by high rates of cohesion among their members tend to
be more effective as far as their performance is concerned (Keller, 1986).
Carron and Chelladurai (1981) showed that the relationship between
cohesion and performance in team sports is strong. They also showed that
cohesion contributes to success and success reinforces cohesion. With
respect to team performance, research findings are mixed, but cohesiveness
may have several effects (Erez & Somech, 1996).
The results of various surveys showed that cohesion increases performance
and leads to a better communication among the members of a team. In turn,
greater motivation is observed. Especially in team sports, where there is
cooperation and high rate of interaction among the athletes, such as
basketball, the relationship between cohesion and performance is close.
Generally, it could be said that cohesion prompts the members of a team to
make as many efforts as possible. According to Laios & Tzetzis (2005),
cohesiveness is very crucial especially for team sports where the final score,
a win or a loss, depends to a large degree on the relationship and
understanding between athletes.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
instructor, director and leader can greatly influence the performance of the
team and substantially contribute to the team’s cohesion (Hollander, 1981).
He must define the rules, the ways of running the team and direct the
members of the team (athletes, assistants, and personnel) as effectively as
possible. He should not only know how to train and coach, but he should
know how organize, manage, direct, lead and control the human power.
(Laios, 1995). Successful sport teams are based on confident and capable
team leaders (coaches) who use their knowledge and experience in order to
positively influence individual/team performance. (Laios, Theodorakis &
Gargalianos, 2003). The coaches of basketball teams must promote cohesion
and keep in mind the following:
1. When a basketball team shows progress and wins, the rate of cohesion
increases. When the progress is decreased and the team loses the rate of
cohesion decreases as well.
2. The existence of common goals among the members of the basketball
team increases cohesion, while different goals, disagreements and disputes
decrease it drastically.
3. The fear that some members of the basketball team are in danger of
losing certain privileges and the freedom of movement that they have in the
team, decreases the rate of cohesion among the members of the team.
4. Basketball teams become better, as far as cohesion is concerned, when
their needs can be satisfied with the help of their teammates. When one
person can perform an activity well, then the participation of the others is
5. When there is some external danger, which threatens the basketball
team’s common interests, the members of the team join forces. The external
threat bridges internal differences and increases the rate of cohesion.
6. The development of friendship between the members of the basketball
team increases the rate of cohesion and improves chances of cooperation.
7. When the more experienced members of the group share their
experiences with the new ones, the cohesion of the basketball team is more
effective (Laios, 2005).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The sample was consisted of 24 professional basketball coaches
from Greece. All subjects were male. Coaches, who participated in the
study, were coaching on the highest level of basketball in 2013-2014
seasons. (The professional basketball League includes 14 teams). The
research instrument was developed from a relevant review of literature that
focused on factors that can influence team cohesiveness. (Daft 2000, Adler
and Rodman 1994, Weihrich and Kontz 1993, Dunham and Pierce 1989,
and Athos and Coffey 1968). This process leaded to seven variables that
can influence basketball team cohesiveness. Coaches were asked to indicate
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The results indicated that professional basketball coaches rated the
variable of «homogeneity» (1.25) as the most important reason of
influencing the team’s cohesiveness. The factors «personality of the coach»
(1.66) and «communication» (1.67) was followed in the 2nd and 3rd place
respectively. In contrast, «financial factors» a variable that represented
financial problems received the lowest score (3.25). Means and standard
deviations for the importance of the seven variables that influence the
cohesion of a professional basketball team are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Means and standard deviations for the importance of the seven variables that can
influence team cohesiveness.
Variables Mean SD
The coaches of professional basketball teams must evaluate the
importance of cohesion among the members of the team they are training.
They must keep in mind that the relationship between cohesion and
performance is strong. Based on review of literature it was found that there
are seven factors that can influence the cohesion of a team. From these
factors-variables it was found that the «homogeneity» (1.25), was
considered by the basketball coaches as the most important, followed by the
«personality of the coach» (1.66). «Communication» (1.67) between the
coaches and great personalities as the players are in professional basketball
was the next most important variable. The variables of «personalities of the
athletes» (2.08), «time of incorporation» (2.66) and «prestige of the team»
(2.91), were considered by the basketball coaches as less important reasons
relating to the cohesiveness of their teams. Finally, the variable of the
«financial reasons» (3.25) was considered by the coaches the less important
reason on influencing the cohesion of the members of the team. According
to coaches’ opinions, money and payments in professional sports, such
basketball, cannot influence the team cohesiveness in a high degree.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The professional basketball coaches should have as an immediate
objective the achievement of cohesion among the athletes as well as the
promotion of co-operation. Cohesion can lead to better performance. Low
rate of cohesion can cause great differentiation and diversions from the
desirable performance. Therefore the basketball coaches must:
1. Help in the development of good relationships among the athletes
2. Talk with each athlete separately and solve any kind of differences
that may come up
3. Reward morally and psychologically the athletes for every good
4. Have private meetings with the athletes and their relatives in case of
5. Trace the cliques on time and disperse them
6. Be democratic and encourage the participation of the athletes in
decision making
7. Familiarise the athletes with the responsibilities and roles their team-
mates have, in order to know their needs better in the field of the game
8. Help in the definition of goals
9. Help in creating effective channels of communication.
Adler, R.B. & Rodman G. (1994). Understanding Human Communication,
Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Athos, A. & Coffey, R. (1968). Behaviour in organization: A
multimentional View, Prentice-Hall.
Carron, A.V. (1982). Cohesiveness in sport groups: interpretations and
considerations, Journal of Sport Psychology, issue 4, p.p.123-128.
Carron, A.V. & Chelladurai, P. (1981). Cohesiveness as a factor in sport
performance, International Review of Sport Sociology, 16, pp. 21-41.
Daft, R. (2000). Management, Dryden Press, Harcourt College Publishers.
Dunham B. R. & Pierce J.L. (1989). Management, Scott, Foresman and
Erez, M. & Somech, A. (1996). Is Group Productivity Loss the Rule or the
Exception? Effects of Culture and Group-Based Motivation, Academy of
Management Journal 39, no 6, pp. 1513-1537.
Fisher, B.A. & Ellis, D. (1990). Small Group Decision Making:
Communication and the Group Process, N.Y. McGraw-Hall, USA.
Hollander, E.P. (1981). Principal and Methods of Social Psychology, N.Y.
Oxford Un. Press.
Keller, R.T.(1986). Predictions of the Performance of Project Groups in
Organizations, Academy of Management Journal, 29, pp. 715-726.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Leonard Holmes
Sivanadane Mandjiny
Department of Chemistry and Physics,
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, USA
Devang Upadhyay
Sartorius Stedim Biotechnology Laboratory,
Biotechnology Research and Training Center,
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, USA
This review summarizes the efficacy, advantages and safety of using
biological agents to suppress and control damage done to crops by insects.
Biocontrol has been generally shown to be safe to plants, animals, humans
and the environment. This is in stark contrast to more widely used chemical
insecticides that often results in environmental pollution causing harm to
humans and the environment. Biocontrol manufacturers continue to develop
new protocols for assessing agent safety, deploying and measuring treatment
success. Government and manufacturing organizations are developing
regulations to assure the safe and appropriate use of biocontrol. The benefits
of biological control systems drive the increasing adoption of the technology.
Protection of biodiversity and high benefit to cost ratio are obvious reasons
to promote the use of biocontrol platforms. It will require education and
awareness of the general public and those involved in agriculture to accept
these alternative farming practices.
Biological control for agricultural systems is not a new idea. During
the last century greater than 2,000 non-native (exotic) control agents have
been used in at least 200 countries or islands with few documented problems
to flora, fauna or environment. Biological control of insect pests is gradually
gaining momentum. Biological control is a component of an integrated pest
management (IPM) strategy (1). It is really regarded as a “systems approach”
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Perhaps the biggest barrier to effective biocontrol is the necessity of
educated management and planning. For optimum benefit the user must
understand the biology of both the target pests and their natural enemies. The
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
risks associated with biocontrol to human/animal health are very low. There
have been a few reported cases of worker mild allergenic reactions in
production facilities. Biological controls are sometime producing airborne
hairs or scales which are potential allergens (34). This risk can be mitigated
by sanitary protocols (35). It may also be possible that bites from introduced
agents can occur. Plants may also be a secondary food for biological control
organisms. Parasitoids and predators might sometimes supplement their diets
with certain plant juices or pollen. There is no known example where
introduced natural enemies of pests inflicted significant damage on crops or
native plants. Environmental risks and non-target effects have not been
satisfactorily assessed (36).
This review was made possible through generous funds from Farm
Bureau Robeson. Additional support was provided by the University of
North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP) Department of Chemistry and Physics
and special thanks to Dr. Sivanadane Mandjiny for his consulation
throughout this review article.
Hoffmann, M.P. and Frodsham, A.C. (1993) Natural Enemies of Vegetable
Insect Pests. Cooperative Extension, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, pp 63.
Jean-Christophe, C., Damien, J., Guy, T., Banpot, N. (1999). A systems
approach to understanding obstacles to effective implementation of IPM in
Thailand: key issues for the cotton industry.Agriculture. Ecosystems and
Environment, 72: 17-34.
Integrated pest management. In: Private pesticides applicator training
manual, 19th edition. Pesticide safety and environmental education program.
University of Minnesota Extension, Chapter 1, pp 1-34.
Bale, J. S., Lenteren J. C. and Bigler, F. (2008). Biological control and
sustainable food production. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 363: 761–776.
Dively, G. Integrated pest management overview. University of Delaware’s
cooperative extension. Newark, DE.
Mahr, D., Whitaker, P. and Rigdway N. (2008). Biological control of insects
and mites: An introduction to beneficial natural enemies and their use in pest
management. Cooperative extension publishing, Madison, WI. ISBN: 978-
Mahr, D. (2011). Understanding biological control and its potential for
managing insect pests on cranberry in Wisconsin. UW Extension Fruit Team.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Tu, M., Hurd, C. and Randall J. (2001). Biological control. In: Weed Control
Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy. U.S. government documents
(Utah regional depository). pp:29-52.
Sloderbeck, P., Nechols, J. and Greene, G. (1996). Biological control of
insect pests on field crops in Kansas. Cooperative Extension Service,
Kansas State University, Manhattan. http://entomology.k-
Natural Enemis. Pest horeca. Pest control study.
Integrated pest management. Oklahoma state university extension.
Pal, KK. and Gardener BM. (2006). Biological Control of Plant Pathogens.
The PlantHealth Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-A-2006-1117-02.
Shaw, R. and Seiger, L. (2002). Japanese Knotweed. In: Van Driesche, R., et
al., 2002, Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States,
USDA Forest Service Publication FHTET-2002-04, 413 p.
Activities to Reduce Pesticide Risks in OECD and Selected FAO Countries.
Part II: Survey Responses. Environment Directorate. Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development Paris 1996.
Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Neuenschwander, P. and Kumar, L. (2013).
Regulatory challenges for biological control. The CGIAR Systemwide
Program on Integrated Pest Management.
ASEAN Guidelines on the Regulation, Use, and Trade of Biological Control
Agents (BCA). 2014. Implementing Biological Control Agents in the
ASEAN Region: Guidelines for Policy Makers and Practitioners.
International standards for phytosanitary measures 1 to 24 (2005 edition).
The Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention. Food and
agriculture organization of the United Nations.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
This paper aims to use the P.A.L.T tool to guide the training of
entrepreneurs, in terms of determining the content that should have such
training. In order to ensure that this tool met that purpose we use the results
of the survey of entrepreneurs in the second course the entrepreneurial
training program, conducted with the logistical support and coordination, of
the Center for Entrepreneurship of the University of Flores, in Sº semester
2015. The tool P.A.L.T. developed by Dr. Roberto Kertész in his Manual of
Family Business (summarizing a course / workshop in 1992), it proposes an
interdisciplinary model of organizational diagnosis and intervention. It is
also a management proposal for owners of family businesses and also for
those who advise them, based on this model. The comparison between this
model and the results of the survey allowed us to check: 1. First, the
adequacy of the model as a reference for training content for entrepreneurs.
2. Then, a pool of ideas about what might be said contents but management
of the enterprises. 3. Emerging omissions as to meet future training 4. The
inclusion of interdisciplinarity in practice, not only from academics, whose
synthesis is more concrete action on the ground. The first match for the
above, is a starting point for future actions regarding: 1. More information
survey 2. Improvements in the courses and workshops that we conduct from
the Center for Entrepreneurship. In those cases, the courses we make as
designers and teachers of the same
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito el uso de la herramienta
P.A.L.T como guía para la formación de emprendedores, en cuanto a
determinación de los contenidos que debiera poseer dicha formación. A fin
de comprobar si dicha herramienta cumplía ese propósito utilizamos los
resultados de la encuesta realizada a emprendedores de la segunda cursada
del Programa de formación de emprendedores, realizada con el apoyo
logístico y la coordinación, del Centro de Emprendedores de la
UNIVERSIDAD DE FLORES, en el sº semestre 2015. La herramienta
P.A.L.T. desarrollada por el Dr. Roberto Kertész en su Manual de Empresas
Familiares (que resumen un curso/ taller realizado en 1992), propone un
Modelo interdisciplinario de diagnóstico e intervención organizacional. Es
también una propuesta de gestión para dueños de empresas familiares y
también para aquellos que los asesoren, a partir de dicho modelo. El cotejo
entre dicho Modelo y los resultados de la encuesta nos permitió comprobar:
1. En primer lugar, la adecuación del modelo como referencia para
contenidos de formación para emprendedores. 2. Luego, una cantera de ideas
respecto a cuáles podrían ser dichos contenidos sino sobre gestión de los
emprendimientos. 3. Emergentes en cuanto a omisiones a suplir en futuras
formaciones. 4. La incorporación de la interdisciplinariedad en la práctica,
no sólo desde lo académico, cuya síntesis más concreta es la de la acción
sobre el terreno. Este primer cotejo, por lo antedicho, es un punto de partida
para futuras acciones en cuanto a: 1. Más relevamiento de información. 2.
Mejoras en los cursos y talleres que llevemos a cabo desde el Centro de
Emprendedores. En esos casos, para los cursos que efectuemos como
diseñadores y docentes de los mismos.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Ingenieros, Abogados
Lic. en
Sistemas, Escribanos
P: La variable Psicosocial
La Psicología se interesa por comprender la personalidad y el modelo
del mundo de los integrantes de la organización como individuos: sus
valores, creencias, motivaciones, estilos para tomar decisiones, resolver
problemas, manejar conflictos y liderar.
Además de lo individual, la Psicología incluye lo Psicosocial: las
relaciones entre las personas que conviven en la organización, tanto formales
como informales.
Desde lo formal, el conjunto de interacciones es innumerable y se
refiere a las que origina la estructura vertical de la organización (estructura
jerárquica) con situaciones referidas a la dirección, el manejo del poder,
delegación, la motivación y el liderazgo, la supervisión directa, la
conformación de equipos de trabajo, etc.
Pero además, la estructura horizontal de la organización (estructura
funcional) da lugar a una gran cantidad de interacciones, principalmente
situaciones de coordinación, optimización de recursos escasos,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
T: La Variable Técnica
Cubre la organización y la tecnología, las maquinarias y los insumos
utilizados para generar los productos y servicios que la organización tiene
como objeto y que debe ofrecer en el mercado que atiende:
a) las materias primas y los insumos en general, las relaciones con los
b) las instalaciones y su mantenimiento;
c) los métodos de envasado, conservación y transporte de productos:
d) la investigación y desarrollo que permitirá mantener vigente una
oferta en un mundo en continuo cambio:
e) el control de calidad y los métodos de reingeniería:
f) la distribución, logística, importación y exportación:
Los responsables de estos aspectos son los profesionales afines a los
productos y servicios de la organización (ingenieros, químicos, licenciados
en informática, etc.) o simplemente, quienes sepan cómo generar los mismos.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Sobre la Motivación
• Este conjunto de preguntas debieran dar las pautas de porqué
decidieron efectuar la cursada, qué es lo que están buscando, el para
qué llevar adelante sus proyectos y de concretarlos, qué les debiera
• .Definen un perfil de fuertes motivos de progreso personal, de ser sus
propios jefes, de ser independientes, de estar dispuestos a trabajar
mucho y gustarles trabajar con la gente Es una nítida contraparte
al trabajo en relación de dependencia.
• En todos estos aspectos, habría un fuerte consenso grupal. 80% o más
de todos ellos. Por motivos de subsistencia y haber detectado una
oportunidad, opinan, en cambio, sólo más del 50%.
• Tanto en los aspectos de motivación como de las capacidades es
donde se reúnen los consensos más unánimes. A éstos se suma los
sentimientos de de entirse apoyados, como se verá en el siguiente
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Sobre el El negocio
• Este grupo de preguntas, en la auto percepción de la gente, muestra
debilidades acentuadas en temas muy básicos para la gestión de los
proyectos y su sustentabilidad.
• Esto es: referidas a: experiencia en el área de negocios, formación en
comercialización, en formación financiera, manejo del presupuesto,
recursos económicos para el negocio, tener en cuenta la diferencia
entre facturar y ganar, contar con un local, disponer de proveedores
adecuados, disponer de un plan de negocios, y, finalmente, obtener
ganancias sostenidas en sus negocios.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
• Una primera conclusión es la confirmación por parte de la auto
percepción de los encuestados, de las cuatro variables P.A.L.T. En
particular, además, la relevancia que se manifiesta en todo lo
relacionado con las variables psicológicas (capacidades gerenciales,
comunicación, toma de decisiones, gestión del negocio, asociatividad
o no)
• Otro aspecto a destacar es qué medida esa variable, sin embargo, no
actúa sola. En qué medida adquieren importancia las variables
administrativas, técnicas y legales interactuando con las psicológicas
y retroalimentándose.
• Lo anterior pone de manifiesto el carácter sistémico e
interdisciplinario de la gestión.
• Todos los participantes enfatizan tener clara su vocación
emprendedora y las capacidades para llevarlas a cabo. También, que
esa vocación de emprender es individualista, no vinculada a razones
o vínculos familiares sino a la búsqueda de la independencia
• La asociatividad no aparece como una práctica concreta, aunque sí
como aspiración aunque sin herramientas claras para concretarla. El
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Kertész, Roberto: Manual para la empresa familiar – Capítulo III – Editorial
UFLO. 2º EDICIÓN. 2010
Kertész,Roberto y otros: P.A.L.T Un modelo interdisciplinario de
diagnóstico e intervención organizacional. Publicación interna del INAREF
– Noviembre 2011
Kertész, Roberto: Cuestionario de auto evaluación de características de
emprendedores actuales (CACEA) publicación interna INAREF.
Eduardo Radano/ Daniel Velinsone: Análisis de encuesta emprendedores
actuales – documento interno - Centro de Emprendedores – UFLO. 2015.
Eduardo Radano/ Daniel Velinsone: De la Idea a la Acción – Guía para
Emprendedores. Editorial UFLO 1º edición – 2015.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Among the many scientists who enriched the scientific panorama in
medieval Spain, one of the greatest is without any doubt the Cordovan
physician and surgeon Abulcasis Al-Zahrawi (circa 936-circa 1013). This
paper is an approach to his figure and work, with special reference to his
main writing, the Kitab al-Tasrif (Book of the medical arrangement) and
analyzes his significance in the history of medicine and surgery.
Among the many scientists who enriched the scientific panorama in
medieval Spain, one of the greatest is without any doubt the Cordovan
physician and surgeon Abulcasis Al-Zahrawi (circa 936-circa 1013) (Al-
Dabbi, 1884-1885). His full name is Abu-l-Qasim Khalaf Ibn ‘Abbas Al-
Zahrawi (Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a, 1979) and he is known in the Latin tradition by
several names, being Abulcasis the most usual of all. He was born in the
suburb of Madinat Al-Zahraʾ in Cordova, around 936 and died around 1013
(Ibn Bashkuwal, 1885; Ibn Al-‘Abbar, 1915). He lived in the golden times of
the Umayyad Caliphate of Al-Andalus but few data of his biography are
known and therefore the available information about him has to be taken
with caution since there are many gaps in this regard (Ibn Al-Khattabi,
The importance of Abulcasis (Tabanelli, 1961), who was
simultaneously physician, surgeon, phamacist, ophtalmologist and dentist, is
unquestionable (Leclerc, 1876); and this is restricted not only to the history
of Arabic science (Mieli, 1966) but also to the history of the universal
scientific knowledge due to the influence that his achievements had got all
over Europe till late 16th century (Ullmann, 1970).
Abulcasis wrote two works (Sezgin, 1975): a) Kitab al-tasrif li-man
‘ajiza ‘an al-taʾlif (Book of the medical arrangement for those who are not
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
(d.857) emphasized its importance and Al-Majusi (d.994) wrote about the
transcedence of surgery applied on fractures and treatment of wounds. But,
Al-Zahrawi was the first who devoted to surgery an entire treatise, the
treatise XXX of the Kitab al-Tasrif, which includes cauterizations, removal
of stones from the kidney and the bladder, bloodletting, scarifications,
adjustment of bones and joints, extraction of stinging instruments,
extirpation of polyps, dissection of animals, midwifery, obstetrics and use of
surgical material, treatment of fractures, breaks, incisions, perforations and
wounds, use of several types of sewing thread in surgical operations and
methods for stopping the haemohrrages as well as surgery of eyes, ear and
throat, and many others.
Among the contributions to surgery from Abulcasis, we can underline
that he was the first in recommending surgical removal of a broken patella
and the first in practicing on women the lithotomy. Abulcasis also made
some original descriptions of manufacture and use of probes, surgical knives
and scalpels of diverse shapes and designs; he invented several types of
surgical scissors and forceps, and was the first in describing accurately aural
polyps and lithotomy using special lancets; he described the lachrymal fistula
and other operations of the eyes in which he used pointed blades and
speculums; he made ligatures of arteries and recommended several types of
threads in suturing; he appied plasters and bandages fractures; etc
In addition, he increased the rank of surgery until the same level as
medicine thanks to his ability and his capacity of remark as well as his
careful practice. He perfected some delicate surgical operations, including
removal of dead foetus and amputation of limbs. He introduced new ideas on
cauterization of wounds and insisted upon the need of techniques for
vivisection and dissection. He was the inventor of some instruments, for
example: an instrument for internal examination of ear, an instrument for
internal inspection of the urethra (Otero Tejero & alii, 2007), an instrument
for removal of spines, bones and other sharp elements from the throat, some
obstetrical forceps and several types of scissors, etc.
Abulcasis was also an expert in dentistry and his masterpiece, the
Kitab al-Tasrif, contains sketches of various instruments used in this
scientific field, in addition to a descripction of some important operations.
He discussed the problem of unaligned or deformed teeth and how to correct
these defects, and for that reason he is considered as a precursor of the
modern orthodoncy. Moreover he developed the technique of preparing
artificial teeth and replacing defective teeth. The odontological texts included
in the treatises XXI and XXX from Al-Tasrif contain among other things, for
example, extraction and filling of teeth as well as dental prosthesis besides
many advises for a correct oral health and hygiene, etc.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Abulcasis Al-Zahrawi is an example of the high scientific level
reached by Arab and Islamic medicine in the Middle Ages. He was the first
surgeon of Muslim world and increased the rank of surgery to the same level
as medicine. The Kitab al-Tasrif is part of the important cultural and
scientific legacy brought by the Arabs and, for this reason, his author is set in
a very outstanding place in history of universal science.
Al-Dabbi. Bugyah al-multamis fi-taʾrikh rijal al-Andalus. Ed. F.Codera &
J.Ribera. Vol.I. Madrid; 1884-1885, pp.271-272.
Arvide Cambra, Luisa María. Un tratado de polvos medicinales en Al-
Zahrawi. Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería;
Arvide Cambra, Luisa María. Tratado de pastillas medicinales según
Abulcasis. Almería: Junta de Andalucía; 1996.
Arvide Cambra, Luisa María. Al-Zahrawi y el Kitab al-tasrif. Revista del
Instituto Egipcio de Estudios Islámicos. 1997; XXIX: 123-138.
Arvide Cambra, Luisa María. Un tratado de oftalmología en Abulcasis.
Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería; 2000.
Arvide Cambra, Luisa María. Un tratado de odontoestomatología en
Abulcasis. Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería;
Brockelmann, Carl. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. Vol.I. Leiden;
1937, p.239.
Brockelmann, Carl. Supplementband. Vol.I. Leiden; 1937, p.425.
Campbell, Donald. Arabian Medicine and its influence on the Middle Ages.
Amsterdam; 1974.
Channing, Johannis. Albucasis de chirurgia. Arabice et latine. 2 Vols.
Oxonii; 1778.
Gil Gangutia, Concepción. La maqala XVIII del Kitab al-Tasrif de Al-
Zahrawi. PhD thesis. University of Almeria; 1995.
Hamarneh, Sami Khalaf & Sonnedecker, Glenn Allen. A pharmacuetical
view of Abulcasis al-Zahrawi in Moorish Spain. Leiden; 1963.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Ibn Abi Usaybi‘a. ‘Uyun al-anbaʾ fi-tabaqat al-atibbaʾ. Vol.II. Beirut; 1979,
Ibn Al-Khattabi. Atteb wa al-atibba fi al-Andalus al-Islamia. Vol.I.
Beyrouth; 1988, pp.111-274.
Kahhala, ‘Umar R. Mu‘jam al-muʾallifin. Vol.IV. Beirut; 1988; p.105.
Leclerc, Louis. La chirurgie d'Abulcasis. Paris; 1861.
Leclerc, Louis. Histoire de la médecine arabe. Vol.I. Paris; 1876, pp.437-
Levey, Martin. Early Arabic pharmacology. An introduction based on
ancient and medieval sources. Leiden; 1973.
Lindberg, David C. Science in the Middle Ages. Chicago; 1978.
Mieli, Aldo. La science arabe et son rôle dans l'évolution scientifique
mondiale. Leiden; 1966.
Otero Tejero, Ignacio et alii. La patología urológica en la obra de Abulcasis.
Archivos Españoles de Urología. 2007; 60(8): 859-868.
Sauvaire, Henri. Traité sur les poids et mesures par az-Zahrawy. Journal of
Royal Asiatic Society. 1884; 16 (4): 495-524.
Savage-Smith, Émilie. Al-Zahrawi. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Vol.XI. Leiden;
2002, pp.398-399.
Sezgin, Fuat. Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Vol.III. Leiden; 1975,
Sezgin, Fuat (ed.). Al-Tasrif li-man ‘ajiza ‘an al-taʾlif. Frankfurt am Main;
Spink, Martin S. & Lewis, Geoffrey L. Albucasis on surgery and
instruments. London; 1973.
Tabanelli. Mario. Albucasis, un chirurgo arabo dell'alto medioevo: la sua
epoca, la sua vita, la sua opera. Firenze; 1961.
Ullmann, Manfred. Die Medizin im Islam. Leiden; 1970, pp.149-151.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The United Nations, particularly through Unesco, Unicef and WHO,
have been dealing with school violence. In Argentina, in the recent years
pro-active and preventive programs have been generated, including School
Mediation , where students act as mediators at the onset of problems that
generate violence, with previous preparation with specialized teachers to
fulfill that role. On this basis we presented a pilot program to achieve the
handling of specific techniques for student trainers of school mediators,
about Effective Communication applying the following instruments of
Transactional Analysis: Personality model (PAN: Parent-Adult-Child),
Behavior signs, transactions, strokes, Existential Positions and emotions. All
this allows the recognition of non-conscious behaviors and settlement of
change goals for a better school coexistence.
Las Naciones Unidas, sobre todo a través de la Unesco, Unicef y
OMS, se han ocupado de la violencia escolar. En Argentina en los últimos
años se han generado programas y proyectos pro-activos y preventivos.
Entre ellos existe un programa de Mediación Escolar donde los alumnos
actúan como mediadores ante la aparición de problemas que generan
violencia, previa preparación con docentes especializados que los instruyen
para cumplir ese rol. Sobre esta base presentamos una experiencia piloto para
lograr que los alumnos formadores de mediadores escolares manejen las
técnicas de Comunicación Efectiva aplicando los siguientes instrumentos del
Análisis Transaccional: Esquema de la Personalidad (PAN: Padre-Adulto-
Niño), Signos de Conducta, Transacciones, Caricias, Posición Existencial y
Emociones; pudiendo así conocer las propias conductas y fijar objetivos de
cambio para una mejor convivencia escolar.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Tomar conciencia de la propia conducta, tanto verbal como no verbal,
y sus correspondientes signos y lograr un grado de control consciente e
inconsciente sobre las conductas del entorno, permitirá evaluar/monitorear
las respuestas (feedback) a las mismas.
Conocer los principios de la Comunicación Efectiva, incorporándolos
para su empleo en forma automática y diaria.
Optimizar el manejo actual de las “Caricias”.
Conocer la Posición Existencial propia y de los demás, así como la
relación entre ambas y mantenerse en la Posición Realista, aun en
condiciones de stress intenso.
Detectar y vivenciar las Cinco Emociones Auténticas (Alegría,
Afecto, Miedo, Rabia y Tristeza), expresarlas verbal y físicamente en forma
socialmente adecuadas, controlar su expresión cuando la situación lo
requiera (sentirlas, expresarlas), reemplazar las emociones sustitutivas
(“rebusques”) por las auténticas subyacentes.
Esta experiencia será realizada con dieciocho alumnos Formadores de
Mediadores Escolares de 6º año de secundario, cuyas edades oscilan entre
diecisiete y dieciocho años. Contamos con la presencia de nueve padres y los
faltantes participaron desde sus hogares.
La finalidad del trabajo es lograr el autoconocimiento a través de los
Instrumentos del Análisis Transaccional en los Alumnos Formadores de
Mediadores, para promover métodos que acrecienten la calidad de vida e
introducir a los participantes en nuevas formas de comunicación.
Se realizó a través de un Aula Taller con técnicas vivenciales y
diversos métodos prácticos. Se utilizaron el Libro de Actas, encuesta de
alumnos y padres, y cuestionario de Habilidades sociales y Resolución de
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
E.E.S N16
• Desde el año 2013 se implemento el taller de comunicación y metas
de vida, basados en el modelo de Áreas y roles fundamentales del Dr.
Roberto Kertész.
• En el año 2015 se realizó una charla a cargo de los Formadores de
E.E.S N17
• Durante el año 2013 se implemento el taller de comunicación y metas
de vida, basados en el modelo de Áreas y roles fundamentales del Dr.
Roberto Kertész.
• Lograr el autoconocimiento a través de los Instrumentos del Análisis
Transaccional en los Alumnos Formadores de Mediadores.
• Promover métodos para acrecentar la calidad de vida.
• Facilitar el cumplimiento de Objetivos activando estados del Yo.
• Incorporar habilidades sociales al repertorio de conductas.
• Iniciar contactos sociales cordiales para evitar situaciones de
conflictos y violencia.
• Conocer el concepto de Asertividad y su utilidad social.
• Conocer el concepto de Autoestima (Autovaloración).
Materiales y métodos
• Dieciocho alumnos de entre diecisiete y dieciocho años que cursan el
6º año del nivel secundario del año lectivo 2014.
• 18 Padres de Alumnos Formadores de Mediadores Escolares.
• Doce ex alumnos Formadores de Formadores Universitarios.
• Instituto Amancio Alcorta. Burzaco. Partido de Almirante Brown.
Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La metodología que se aplica es la de Aula Taller. Esto es
fundamentalmente práctico y se desarrolla a través de Role Playing, juegos,
ejercicios, observaciones, experiencias, encuestas cualitativas y cuestionarios
El fundamento teórico, así como el material bibliográfico, será entregado a
los Alumnos Formadores de Mediadores Escolares, a medida que transcurra
el Taller y como consecuencia de lo experimentado previamente.
Habilidades Cognitivas:
- Conversación personal: conducción de un “diálogo interior” como
una forma de enfrentarse a un tema o desafío, o para reforzar la
propia conducta.
- Lectura e interpretación de señales sociales, por ejemplo,
reconocimiento de influencias sociales sobre la conducta y verse uno
mismo en la perspectiva de la comunidad más grande.
- Empleo de pasos para solución de problemas y toma de decisiones,
por ejemplo, dominar impulsos, fijar metas, identificar acciones
alternativas, anticipar consecuencias.
- Comprensión de la perspectiva de los demás.
- Comprensión de normas de conducta (cuál es una conducta aceptable
y cuál no).
- Actitud positiva hacia la vida.
- Conciencia de uno mismo, por ejemplo, desarrolla realistas con
respecto a uno mismo.
Habilidades de Conducta:
- No Verbales: Comunicarse a través del contacto visual, de la
expresividad facial, del tono de voz, de los gestos, etc.
- Verbales: Hacer pedidos claros, responder eficazmente a la crítica,
resistirse a las influencias negativas, escuchar a los demás, participar
en grupos positivos de pares.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Libro de Actas de Mediación Escolar.
El análisis de los datos obtenidos muestra:
25 Mediadores
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Durante el 2015
• Se realizó un encuentro en el IPPEM con el Científico Dr. Roberto
• Se trabajó con el gabinete psicopedagógico.
• Se realizó el Taller de Formación en los Instrumentos de Análisis
Transaccional a Ex Alumnos Formadores.
• Divulgación del proyecto en toda la Institución Amancio Alcorta y la
Escuela Pública EESN°16 de Longchamps, partido de Almirante
Brown. Bs. As.
• Talleres de Formación realizados por Ex alumnos a Formadores.
• Asesoramiento a Mediadores y Formadores.
• Los Formadores recibieron una Membresía de la Asociación
Iberoamericana de Análisis Transaccional (ANTAL).
• Participación en el programa radial PSI.
Al finalizar el Taller, al cual concurrieron los dieciocho alumnos
Formadores de Mediadores y nueve padres de dichos alumnos, nueve padres
fueron encuestados en forma online, donde se les entregó una encuesta de
tres preguntas a cada nivel.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
NUNCA 11 2,64% 2 0,46%
A VECES 169 39,12% 163 37,73%
FRECUENTEMENTE 245 56,71% 267 61,8%
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
De acuerdo al Trabajo realizado, hemos llegado a la siguiente
Ante la falta de conocimiento de técnicas de comunicación, aumentan
los conflictos escolares y cuanto mayor sea el conocimiento y aplicación de
instrumentos de Análisis Transaccional entre pares, también es mayor la
Comunicación Efectiva, pues entre ellos se interpretan con más
afinidad los problemas de esta etapa, que cuando intervienen los adultos. De
esta forma se evita el aumento de la carga emocional agresiva de los
Plan a Futuro
• Asesoría a Instituciones Educativas Primarias y Secundarias.
• Taller integrado para padres y alumnos mediadores.
• El taller de mediación se implementara: Primeras cuatro etapas en
cuarto año y la quinta etapa en quinto año de las Escuelas
• Formar un Equipo de Egresados como Supervisores de Mediadores.
• Talleres para formar alumnos mediadores de distintos niveles en
forma voluntaria.
• Talleres abiertos a la comunidad dirigidos por el Equipo de
Formadores de ex alumnos universitarios.
• Edición y redacción de un libro sobre Formadores de Mediadores con
Análisis Transaccional.
Gamboa de Vitelleschi, S. (2013) “Trabajo social y Comunicacional. Juegos
y dinámicas desformalizadoras para grupos”. 1º ed. , Bonum, Buenos Aires
Goleman, D. (2009) “La inteligencia emocional. Por qué es más importante
que el cociente intelectual”. Zeta., Barcelona (España)
James, J. (2011) “La Biblia del lenguaje corporal”. 1º ed. Paidòs, Buenos
Kalina, E. y Grynberg, H. (1985) “Hablando con padres de adolescentes”.
IPPEM, Buenos Aires.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Parents, authorities, and courts in their decisions and activities must
have as a primary consideration of the best interests of the child. This is
exactly what article 2 of the Family Code says. Also, lawmakers also
described this in articles 116-122 of the Constitution. This refers to any
ratified international agreement which constitutes part of the internal system
as published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania. Therefore, it
gives people a priority over the laws of the country that they do not agree
with. This study aims in understanding the relations between parents and
children through parental responsibility and principles which underlie the
exercise of parental responsibility. In protecting the interest of the child,
there has been an evolution in anthropological and historical aspect of the
legal opinion. However, there is a clear difference between the concept of
"patria potestas" of the Roman law and parental power conceived by the
modern right. The first represents an institute which primarily protects the
interests of "Pater familias". Consequently, the head of each family exercise
their duties, roles, and authority, majorly in view of the family’s welfare. In
the second which is the modern concept, the cornerstone of parental power
lies not with the idea, but this power is conceived based on the best interests
of the child. It states that parents, competent authorities, and courts in the
decisions making process, must have the best interests of the child as the
primary consideration.
The legal spirit of the Rights of the Child 14 is not only in the
aforementioned provisions, but also in other provisions of the Constitution.
The Constitution of the Republic of Albania.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Article 215 of the Family Code.
Article 1 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Article 1 of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
material welfare, health care, and physical development of the child's mental,
emotional, and social wellbeing.
Also, lawmakers in section 216 of Family Code 18 has defined the
duration of parental responsibility which continues until the child reaches
adulthood, which according to the law is 18 years old. So this time limit is
the length of parental responsibility as well. At this age, they have certain
rights. Therefore, one of these is the right of getting married. It is worth
mentioning that the restriction of parental responsibility is related to Article
6 of Civil Code where it was stated that women have full legal capacity to
act as a result of the legalized marriage 19. Although the general principle of
the Legislator determines that at this age, the time limit for parental
responsibility was been sanctioned. Thus, this is in special cases with the
court’s decision, as was specifically stated in Article 7 of the Family Code
Wedlock. The legal age of parental responsibility is less than 18 years.
Consequently, the limit of parental responsibility in such cases is limited by
court order until an age of less than 18 years old, thus determining another
time limit on the duration of parental responsibility. There is another special
case which limits the duration of parental responsibility where the legislator
has determined that parental responsibility ends after attaining the age of
maturity. For adults, it ends at the age of 25 years old.
Given the fact that parental responsibility essentially represents a
legal relationship between parent and child, as such, it is integrated at certain
times. This often begins with the birth of the child, i.e. the person living
under Article 2 of Civil Code. Furthermore, this relates to the legal capacity
the child enjoys since its conception, until when he/she is born alive 20. The
relationship between parent and child is necessary that even children have
not only rights, but also obligations which involve expressing love and
respect for their parents. Also, children provide the assistance their parents
needs at all time. This is also defined in section 217 of the lawmaker Family
Code-mind among parents. Consequently, the obligation of children aiding
their parents in Articles 192-213 of the Family Code always lasts for so long,
as it was stated in Article 198 of the Family Code. In the exercise of parental
responsibility and in understanding what is most important, the fundamental
principle of equality between parents is in relation to the child and his higher
interest. Thus, this Family Code gives a sufficient space provisions which
step by step shows that the notion of the interest of the child is not only a
subjective notion and the first black and white perspective, but it takes
character to be shaped. Also, it takes formal objective to interpret in detail
Article 216 of the Family Code
Civil Code Article 6
Article 2 of the Civil Code
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
the cases that are appearing in judicial practice, who is showing interest,
what it represents for the child, and whether it constitutes a higher interest
for the child or not? 21This comes with articles 67 and 108 of Family Code
which states that the provisions that adjust with parental responsibility
cannot be avoided even if there is no agreement between parents .So,
agreement cannot come in as a conflict. The exercise of parental
responsibility takes a special character in the classification of exercising
parental responsibility under the provisions of articles of Family Code 220,
221, and 222, for children born into legal marriages. In a single family,
parents and children are together, and parental responsibility is common in
both parents. For children born outside legal marriage, those who were
adopted, or those under custody, lawmakers often determines who will be
responsible for exercising parental responsibility. It cannot be left
unmentioned and not analyzed in this case that the lawmaker has special
provisions provided in articles 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 237,
239, 263, and 306 of the family code. It determines the modalities of the
exercise of parental responsibility for any children born as a handicap or
entities. Also, sanctions can be imposed by lawmakers on the parents
regarding the legal responsibility of the parents who do not fulfill parental
obligations in the exercise of parental responsibility which was specifically
stated in Sections 223-228 of the Family Code 22. In this context, if parental
responsibility is exercised contrary to legal provisions, the parents usually
face punishment in proportion to the violation of the law. Furthermore, not
fulfilling the legal liability may have an adverse impact on the criminal,
civilian, family, and administration as stated by the Penal Code, Civil Code,
Family Code, and Administrative code.
Consequently, this can happen and will happen only when parents see
them not only as a legal obligation in exercising parental responsibility, but
as a fulfillment of the moral obligations of the family love and affection they
should show to their children. These sanctions could come as a given
example of parental responsibility which is defined in section 228 of the
Family Code. Thus, it is removed by the court order which sets in motion the
other parent or relatives of the child and the prosecutor. These cases occur
when a parent or parental responsibility shows gross negligence in the
exercise of their duties, or when omission adversely affects the child's
education. This is one of the most severe sanctions as provided by Family
Code. It is also in pursuant of article 229 of the Family Code court decision.
In addition, it states that the effects extend over one or more, or all the
Sections of the Family Code 220, 221, and 222
Articles 223 and 228 of the Family Code
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The provision of Article 223 of the Family Code is a provision for the
child’s protection in relation to sanctions of the loss of parental
responsibility, as well as accountability to this loss of parental responsibility.
Family Code of Article 228 of both these provisions together with
Article 223 and Article 228 of the Family Code aim to deprive the exercise
of the rights and obligations of parents who are considered unworthy to care
continuum for their children 23 To implement the sentence of the loss of
parental responsibility, it is necessary for the parent to be convicted by a
final decision of committing offenses contemplated by lawmakers according
to the Penal Code. In these cases or in other cases when there is dissolution
of marriage, the court may make a decision to transfer the exercise of
parental responsibility or a part of it. Thus, this person should be understood
as one of the minor penalties in relation to other sanctions that is foregoing,
and which has a temporary nature. This may continue for some time until
parents prove to the court changing circumstances related to the conditions
of the court's previous decision. So, these decisions are always changeable
and are constantly taken by the court to protect the best interests of the child
in relation to acts or omissions committed against them. However, this is
usually done by the parents when exercising the obligations they have.
Article 217 of the Family Code
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Article 232 of the Family Code
Articles 64 of the Civil Code
Article 237 of the Family Code
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
management to the rest of the right of use of the property of the child by the
parent according to Article 237 of Family Code
Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines the family as the
natural and fundamental nucleus of society which enjoys the protection of
the State. Society is already becoming aware of this context of providing
children with the necessary information and education regarding their rights.
Being convinced that the family is the basic unit of the society is the natural
environment for the growth and well-being of all its members. Particularly,
the children should have the necessary protection and support that can fully
assume its role in the community. Consequently, the child should grow up in
a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love, and
understanding. Also, they should be educated in the spirit of the ideals
proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, especially in the spirit of
peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality, and solidarity.
In this way, Honor the Past! Respect the Present! Enjoy the Future!
The Constitution of the Republic of Albania (published in Tirana 1998).
The Family Code (published in Tirana 2003, articles
215,216,217,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228-306, 232,337),
Civil Code (articles, 2,6,64, etc publishing Tirana 1994).
Penal Code (publishing Tirana 1995).
International Convention on the Rights of the Child (adopted by the
assembly of the United Nations organization on November 20, 1989).
International Convention of Human Rights (Publication of the Albanian
Center of Human Rights, Tirana 2003).
Agreement for ratification of the Council of Europe Convention (law 10425,
10424 date 02/06/2011).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Animal Assisted Interventions has been used as a complementary
therapy for little longer than 50 years. Scientific publications about empiric
investigations that have employed dogs in therapeutic work, mainly with
seniors, are reviewed. Lazarus multimodal approach is taken as a guide.
Based on this model, assisted interventions with dogs that can result
potentially beneficial to this population, are proposed. The relevance of the
multimodal approach for the design of interventions and therapeutic
programs is highlighted.
Keywords: Animal Assisted Activities, Animal Assisted Intervention,
Animal Assisted Therapy, dogs, Lazarus`s Multimodal Therapy
Las Intervenciones Asistidas por Animales son utilizadas como una
forma de terapia complementaria desde hace poco más de 50 años. Se
revisan las publicaciones científicas sobre investigaciones empíricas que
hayan empleado perros en el trabajo psicoterapéutico, principalmente con
adultos mayores, tomando como guía el enfoque multimodal de Lazarus. En
base a este modelo, se proponen intervenciones asistidas con perros que
pueden resultar potencialmente beneficiosas para esta población. Se destaca
la relevancia del enfoque multimodal para el diseño de intervenciones y
programas terapéuticos.
Palabras clave: Terapia Multimodal de Lazarus, Intervenciones Asistida por
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
A lo largo de la historia los animales han desempeñado importantes
roles en la salud del hombre: desde entidades sagradas sanadoras hasta
sujetos de investigación
En este sentido en Grecia, en el siglo VI AC, los enfermos podían
acudir al santuario de Asclepio, dios griego de la medicina y de la curación.
En estos templos, los enfermos eran lamidos por perros en sus heridas o
partes del cuerpo afectadas; se creía que estos animales y las víboras
representaban a Asclepio, y que tenían el poder de curar las enfermedades
con sus lenguas (Serpell, 2010).
A mediados del siglo XIV, San Roque, enfermo de peste negra (peste
bubónica) habría sido curado de sus llagas por el lamido de su compañero
canino. Hacia fines del año 1500 el médico británico Caius en De Canibus
Britannicus (1570) sostuvo que apoyar perros falderos en zonas del cuerpo
afectadas por una determinada enfermedad permitía que el animal absorbiera
tal dolencia (citado en Serpell, 2010).
La particular concepción de que los cánidos podían con su toque o
lamida sanar las heridas o llagas permaneció hasta bien entrada la era
cristiana en Europa. La Inquisición se constituyó en un punto de inflexión en
Europa continental en la Edad Media ya que todas las prácticas con animales
fueron consideradas inapropiadas, o inclusive demoníacas. Esta situación
obturó el uso terapéutico de los animales desde el siglo XV al XVII en
Europa (Gerzovich Lis, 1998).
Hacia el final del siglo XVII se produjeron cambios en la percepción
pública de los animales. La Ilustración aportó teorías que ponían de relieve la
influencia socializadora de estos seres, y que consecuentemente abrieron las
puertas hacia el uso de animales en el tratamiento de enfermedades mentales.
En Inglaterra, en el York Retreat —organización dedicada a la atención de
personas con patologías psiquiátricas— William Tuke incorporó métodos de
tratamiento más humanitarios para la restauración del autocontrol (Porter,
2002). En estos se permitía a los pacientes deambular libremente por los
patios y jardines del York Retreat, los cuales contaban con animales tales
como conejos, gaviotas, halcones y aves de corral. El contacto con estos
tendía a despertar en los pacientes sentimientos sociales y benévolos
(Allderidge, 1991).
En el siglo XIX el empleo de animales en instituciones de salud
mental se extendió por Europa. Uno de los primeros hospitales psiquiátricos,
el Bethlem Royal Hospital, ubicado al sur de Londres, incorporó animales
tales como gatos, canarios, ardillas, galgos y peces dorados. De acuerdo a un
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Realizar una revisión de las publicaciones científicas de carácter
empírico centradas en las IAA, fundamentalmente en adultos mayores, en
función de su impacto en los distintos modales o aspectos de la personalidad,
conforme al enfoque multimodal de Lazarus. A partir de esto, organizar y
proponer técnicas de intervención asistidas con perros, dirigidas
específicamente a cada uno de los modales, en el tratamiento
psicoterapéutico de adultos mayores.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
La revisión de las investigaciones empíricas que abordan las IAA con
adultos mayores aportó el siguiente perfil multimodal genérico, cubriendo
todos los aspectos de la personalidad de un individuo. El mismo se refleja en
la Tabla2.
Tabla 2 Perfil Multimodal de las IAA con perros en abordajes con adultos mayores
Modales Resultados Investigaciones
Biológico Reducción de presión arterial, Anderson et al., 1992; Katcher & Beck,
triglicéridos, colesterol y reducción de 1987
riesgo cardiovascular.
Handlin et al., 2011; Nagasawa et al.,
Reducción del stress por aumento de 2009; Odendaal, 2000; Odendaal &
oxitocina. Meintjes, 2003; Rehn et al., 2014.
Afectivo Disminución de síntomas de depresión y Banks & Banks, 2002; Barker & Dawson,
sentimientos de soledad, ansiedad. 1998; Colombo et al., 2006; Le Roux &
Kemp, 2009
En pacientes con demencia disminución
de apatía, ansiedad y tristeza. Motomura et al., 2004; Mossello et al.,
Sensaciones Incremento en el bienestar físico. Mosello et al., 2011; Zarebski et al., 2000
Cogniciones Mejoras en la percepción de la calidad de Berry et al., 2012; Colombo et al, 2006;
vida. Zarebski et al., 2000
Perro como un otro que lo reconoce y Bank & Banks, 2002; Zarebski et al.,
como recurso de afrontamiento. 2000
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El perro como otro en la red social. Banks & Banks, 2002, 2005; Zarebski et
al., 2000
Este modal se refiere a las cuestiones de índole orgánica,
comprendiendo el estado de salud del individuo, enfermedades preexistentes,
consumo de medicamentos y cumplimiento de dietas (Kertész, 2005). Este
modal resulta de gran importancia en los adultos mayores, quienes en general
sufren numerosos cambios anatomo-fisiológicos corolario de la etapa vital en
que se encuentran (Salvarezza, 1999). Este modal, que funciona como una
base, ha sido posiblemente el más estudiado respecto a interacciones
humano-animal, sea respecto a indicadores de salud, modificaciones
fisiológicas o neurofisiológicas (Díaz Videla et al., 2015b).
Numerosas investigaciones han dado cuenta del impacto de las IAA
en los ancianos respecto de este modal. Algunos estudios mostraron una
reducción de la presión arterial en las personas luego de acariciar al perro
(Katcher & Beck, 1987) como así también una reducción de triglicéridos y
colesterol, provocando una disminución de los factores de riesgo de
enfermedad cardiovascular (Anderson, Reid, & Jennings, 1992).
Odendaal (2000) sostuvo que se debe centrar la atención en aquellos
parámetros que han aportado determinados biomarcadores que podrían
constituirse en parámetros fisiológicos que guíen las futuras investigaciones
en IAA. Así, algunos estudios centraron su interés en neuropéptidos como el
cortisol, hormona liberada durante el stress, y la oxitocina, asociada al alivio
del stress (Heinrichs & Domes, 2008; Miller et al., 2009).
Las interacciones con perros han sido asociadas a incrementos en
concentraciones de β-endorfinas, oxitocina, prolactina, β-feniletilamina y
dopamina —en ambas especies— y disminución en niveles de cortisol,
destacando la importancia de las interacciones que implicaban la caricia y las
miradas recíprocas (Handlin, Nilsson, Ejdeback, Hydbring-Sandberg &
Uvnas-Moberg, 2011; Nagasawa, Kikusui, Onaka & Ohta, 2009; Odendaal
& Meintjes, 2003; Rehn, Handlin, Uvnäs-Moberg, & Keeling, 2014).
Entre las IAA más simples que pueden utilizarse para impactar en
este modal se encuentran el acariciar o peinar al perro; este tipo de tareas
sencillas provocan una disminución de la presión arterial (Katcher & Beck,
1987) y además inducen la liberación de oxcitocina, hormona asociada a la
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
reducción de los signos de stress (Heinrichs & Domes, 2008; Miller et al.,
Este modal alude a las emociones, es decir, al “significado subjetivo
y sentido que se le otorga a la experiencia” (Kerman, 2002, p.50). Las
interacciones humano-perro han mostrado su efecto sobre la proximidad
emocional y sentimientos de apego en interacciones habituales con animales
de compañía, así como también en IAA (Díaz Videla et al., 2015b). Respecto
de estas últimas, algunas investigaciones mostraron una clara disminución de
síntomas asociados con depresión y sentimientos de soledad, con
incrementos en el bienestar psicológico (Banks & Banks, 2002; Colombo,
Dello Buono, Smania, Raviola, & De Leo, 2006) y reducción en los niveles
de ansiedad (Le Roux & Kemp, 2009). En pacientes psiquiátricos
hospitalizados, un estudio mostró que estos tenían menores niveles de
ansiedad luego de una sesión de terapia asistida con perros, mientras que una
sesión recreativa con perros sólo evidenció el mismo efecto para los
pacientes con trastornos del estado de ánimo (Barker & Dawson, 1998). En
cuanto a pacientes que sufrían demencias, se observó una disminución en los
niveles de apatía (Motomura, Yagi, & Ohyama, 2004) además de
disminución de la ansiedad y la tristeza, con aumento en las emociones
positivas (Mossello et al., 2011).
Un concepto destacado en los desarrollos sobre interacciones entre
humanos y animales es el de apego, el cual se basa en la idea de que los seres
humanos, como muchos otros animales, se encuentran predispuestos
biológicamente para buscar y mantener contacto físico y conexión emocional
con determinadas figuras familiares a quienes se les confía protección física
y psicológica (Bowlby, 1969/1998; Panksepp, 1998). Para un adulto una
figura de apego puede ser un esposo, algún miembro de la familia, un amigo
íntimo o bien una mascota (Sable, 2013). En los estudios ligados a las
interacciones humano-perro se encontró evidencia de que tanto el ser
humano como el perro pueden funcionar como figuras de apego para el otro,
evidenciando respuestas comportamentales y endócrinas semejantes a los
hallados en la interacción madre-hijo (Beetz et al., 2012; Nagasawa et al.,
2015; Palmer & Custance, 2008; Prato-Previde, Custance, Spiezio, &
Sabatini, 2003; Topál, Miklósi, Csányi, & Dóka, 1998).
Actividades simples ligadas a brindar cuidados al perro, como por
ejemplo darle de comer, pueden utilizarse para influir en este modal. Pelar y
cortar trozos de manzana o banana y brindárselos al perro pueden resultar
experiencias intensas. Dicha tarea estimulará en el anciano sentimientos
ligados a ofrecer cuidados hacia otro ser vivo, con semejanzas a las
interacciones madre-hijo (Beetz et al., 2012; Nagasawa et al., 2015), y
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Este encierra aquellas percepciones relacionadas con los cambios en
el funcionamiento del organismo, como por ejemplo, hambre o dolor
(Kertesz, 2005). Es decir, implica la captación de aquellos estímulos
sensoriales agradables como una caricia o desagradables como la fatiga,
contracturas o acidez (Kerman, 2002).
Las IAA proporcionan a través del perro una fuente de estimulación
multisensorial: Se toma contacto con un ser vivo que se mueve, con un pelaje
que difiere en las distintas zonas de su cuerpo, que posee una temperatura
corporal (38.5º-38.8°C), y con diferentes aromas en las diversas partes de su
cuerpo (Fine, 2010). Tal estado de cosas se evidencia en la interacción del
perro con los ancianos ya que el animal se constituye en un estímulo
novedoso generando mayores niveles atencionales (Cusack & Smith, 2009).
Como consecuencia del incremento en los niveles atencionales, un aumento
en la interacción con un ser vivo genera un incremento en el bienestar físico
general de los ancianos institucionalizados (Zarebski et al., 2000; Mosello et
al., 2011).
En los pacientes que padecen Alzheimer el contacto táctil con el
perro provoca un aumento de los niveles atencionales (Churchill, Safaoui,
McCabe, & Baun, 1999), como así también una disminución de la excitación
psicomotriz principalmente durante el sundown (Fritz, Farver, Kass, & Hart,
1995); fenómeno en que los pacientes presentan una serie de alteraciones del
comportamiento negativas hacia el anochecer (Price, 2001).
Simples actividades como abrazar un perro o que este se acueste
sobre la falda del paciente pueden disparar diversos tipos de sensaciones
vinculadas con el carácter multisensorial que implica el contacto con el perro
(Fine, 2010), favoreciendo además un incremento en los niveles
Estas se refieren a las representaciones mentales de base sensorial y
correspondientes a todos los sentidos (i.e. auditivo, táctil, visual, olfativo,
kinestésico, cenestésico y gustativo). Al ser de carácter analógico provocan
emociones y sensaciones de mayor intensidad que las palabras, las cuales son
abstracciones (Kertész, 2005). Algunos estudios han mostrado la efectividad
de la evocación mental del perro para hacer frente a estresores, así como
también su influencia respecto a la autoimagen (Díaz Videla et al., 2015b).
El abordaje con las IAA induce particularmente un determinado tipo
de imágenes, las imágenes mnémicas, las cuales son reconstrucciones de
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Este modal involucra creencias, ideas, diálogos internos y valores;
estos predominan en el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo (Kertész, 2005).
Lazarus sostuvo que “la gente no responde a un ambiente real, sino más bien
a su ambiente percibido” (1983, p.34). Desde esta perspectiva la interacción
con un perro de terapia impacta profundamente en la percepción de la
calidad de vida. Los resultados de diversos estudios han reflejado una amplia
mejoría en este aspecto, teniendo un efecto beneficioso sobre su bienestar
psicológico particularmente en ancianos institucionalizados (Zarebski et al.,
2000; Colombo et al, 2006; Berry et al., 2012).
Un fenómeno particularmente intenso en la interacción con perros es
el antropomorfismo del animal. Este fenómeno involucra la atribución de
estados mentales humanos —pensamientos, sentimientos, motivaciones y
creencias— a animales no humanos. Esto permitió emplear a los animales
como fuentes alternativas de apoyo social, como así también proveyó los
recursos para beneficiarse emocional y físicamente de ellos (Serpell, 2003).
Por ejemplo, los dueños se perciben afectivamente reconocidos por su
animal de compañía; tal reconocimiento valorativo reafirma su autoestima.
Luego de realizar actividades lúdicas con el perro, como por ejemplo
tirar una pelota o hacer que salte un objeto (cuerda, barra o aro), se puede
preguntar al paciente cómo piensa que el perro vivenció dicha actividad; lo
cual implica adoptar un posicionamiento empático e inevitablemente
antropomórfico. En general los pacientes transfieren su vivencia personal a
los perros (Zarebski et al., 2000). Si las interacciones pudieron desarrollarse
de manera más o menos adecuada, el anciano referirá la aceptación y el
reconocimiento valorativo del animal hacia él.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Este aspecto de la personalidad comprende todo aquello que se dice
(conductas verbales), todo aquello que se hace (conductas no verbales), así
como también la forma (proceso) en que se lleva a cabo esa determinada
conducta (Kertész, 2005). Los estudios respecto de interacciones humano-
animal han destacado que los perros colaboran activamente en la
organización de las rutinas, promueven oportunidades para desplegar
comportamientos de cuidados y hacen que la gente esté más activa (Díaz
Videla, et al., 2015b).
Algunas investigaciones realizadas con participantes gerontes
institucionalizados reflejaron una importante reducción de los
comportamientos de agitación y un significativo incremento en los
comportamientos de socialización entre pacientes (Churchill et al., 1999;
McCabe, Baun, Speich, & Agrawal, 2002; Sellers, 2006). Además, en el
estudio desarrollado por Zarebski et al. (2000), la interacción con los perros
provocó una serie de cambios en el repertorio conductual de los ancianos, los
cuales estaban vinculados con un incremento en la valoración de
comportamientos rutinarios y una mejoría en la organización de los mismos.
Berry et al. (2012) destacaron además una notable mejora de los estados de
inactividad que presentaban este tipo de pacientes (Berry et al., 2012).
La interacción entre la gente y sus perros se basa en actos
comunicativos (Sanders, 1999). Por un lado, toda conducta implica un
comunicación, en tanto “actividad o inactividad, palabras o silencio, tienen
siempre el valor de mensaje: influyen sobre los demás, quienes, a su vez, no
pueden dejar de responder a tales comunicaciones y, por ende, también
comunican” (Watzlawick, Beavin, & Jackson, 1985, p.50). Pero además, los
perros han sido destacados como expertos en la lectura de los
comportamientos sociales y comunicativos de los humanos —aún más que
especies más emparentadas genéticamente, como los primates (Hare &
Tomasello, 2005). Se presume que un feedback positivo (filogenético y
ontogenético) condujo a la especie canina a estos modos comunicativos
complejos, viabilizando la comunicación interespecífica (Faraco &
Seminotti, 2010). Por consiguiente, la capacidad del can de observación de
las expresiones faciales, gestos y la mirada del ser humano, se constituye en
un comportamiento que tiene la función de iniciar y mantener la interacción
comunicativa y es congruente con los sistemas humanos de comunicación
(Bentosela & Mustaca, 2007). Esta es una de las variables que sostiene el
abordaje de las IAA con perros, en tanto el intercambio de miradas paciente-
perro genera un tipo particular de comunicación (Churchill et al., 1999;
McCabe et al., 2002; Sellers, 2006; Berry et al., 2012). Algunos autores han
llegado a sugerir que los perros se comunican mejor con las personas con
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
En este modal se debe considerar toda relación interpersonal, actual o
previa, con los demás (Kertész, 2005). Los perros no sólo se configuran
como otros en las redes sociales de las personas con quienes se vinculan,
sino que a su vez desempeñan una función de facilitación de las
interacciones sociales (Díaz Videla, et al., 2015b).
Las IAA recurren frecuentemente a los perros como recurso
interaccional, a partir de su función como lubricante social, en la cual el
animal funciona a modo de facilitador o mediador en la interacción con otros
(Fine, 2010). Kongable, et al. (1989) mostraron un significativo aumento en
los comportamientos sociales, como saludar a otras personas, hablar con
otras personas o asistir a actividades en un hogar de ancianos. De manera
similar, Fick (1993) desarrolló un estudio observacional con hombres
residentes de un geriátrico donde evidenció que la sola presencia de un perro
se relacionaba con incrementos en la socialización (Fick, 1993). El mismo
efecto fue registrado en personas que tenían enfermedad de Alzheimer
(Motomura et al., 2004).
Un estudio mostró que los residentes de una institución geriátrica que
habían recibido sesiones de terapia con perros evidenciaron una disminución
significativa de sentimientos de soledad (Banks & Banks, 2002).
Posteriormente los mismos autores realizaron un estudio similar donde
compararon el efecto de estas intervenciones en sesiones semanales de 30
minutos, a nivel grupal e individual, encontrando mayor disminución en
sentimientos de soledad en los participantes que habían recibido sesiones
individuales; los autores concluyeron destacando que las visitas de los
animales podían disminuir los sentimientos de soledad per se, en lugar de a
través de la facilitación de las interacciones con otros miembros del grupo
(Banks & Banks, 2005).
Las interacciones con seres neutrales como los perros, compartidas
simultánea o secuencialmente con otros pacientes, favorecen la socialización
entre ellos. Una actividad grupal que puede realizarse para impactar en este
modal consiste en que el guía canino presente al perro diciendo el nombre
del animal y algún alimento que le guste al can; el animal le dará su pata a un
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
paciente y este último dirá su nombre e indicará qué le gusta comer. Este
paciente deberá dirigirse hacia algún compañero pasándole la posta; y de este
modo se repetirá la tarea con todos los miembros del grupo. Esta actividad
sencilla intenta generar un aumento de los comportamientos e interacciones
sociales entre los integrantes de un grupo (Fick, 1993; Motomura et al.,
2004; Kongable et al., 1989).
En la elaboración de este trabajo se buscó integrar dos modelos de
abordaje: el enfoque multimodal de Lazarus y la novel disciplina de las IAA.
La articulación de los diversos modales que constituyen los aspectos de la
personalidad con los hallazgos obtenidos por las diversas investigaciones
científicas que abordan las IAA ha configurado un modelo que permite
organizar intervenciones terapéuticas asistidas por perros.
El perfil multimodal aplicado a las IAA puede proporcionar un plan a
medida respecto de la individualidad de cada persona (Kertész, 2005). A su
vez, es posible incorporar animales de compañía en residencias como
intervención terapéutica institucional general, y coordinar las distintas
interacciones con el animal en función de las características de cada
residente o grupo de residentes. En pacientes no institucionalizados, el perfil
multimodal también permite el diseño de dispositivos o estrategias que
incorporen IAA en tratamientos psicoterapéuticos.
A su vez, este enfoque puede ayudar a estructurar los programas o
AAA, favoreciendo su protocolización para someter su eficacia a
experimentación. Esto dará lugar a la adquisición de conocimientos
científicamente validados —algo de lo que carecen muchas de las IAA— y
por consiguiente, cumplimentar los criterios de tratamientos basados en
evidencia (APA, 2005).
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Entre las características principales del perfil del arquitecto destaca
un perfil amplio, con valores, conocimientos y habilidades, que definen en
función del marco social, económico y cultural del usuario, el proyecto que
es sostenible, al materializarse con un mínimo consumo energético. Desde
que se estudian los conceptos básicos de la arquitectura, la sostenibilidad y la
arquitectura estrechan su relación como resultado de que en la etapa de la
definición de la forma del proyecto se van eligiendo los materiales a utilizar
en la construcción, decisión que determina la intervención del arquitecto en
el medio ambiente, especificando la alternativa que tiene el arquitecto para
satisfacer las necesidades del cliente-usuario y que será la presencia o
ausencia de la sostenibilidad en la arquitectura. Las iniciativas oficiales de
incorporar la educación medioambiental en la enseñanza superior, defienden
que se requiere la capacitación en las profesiones para la protección,
rehabilitación y ordenación del medio ambiente. En este ámbito se presenta,
desde una forma analítica, la presencia de la sostenibilidad en la educación
formal de la arquitectura, en principio desde una óptica documental de las
iniciativas oficiales, posteriormente se analizan casos de estudios académicos
de contenido medioambiental, realizados en la Facultad de Arquitectura y
Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, con la referencia del contenido de
los sílabos del área de construcción, al final en las conclusiones se proponen
lineamientos para el enriquecimiento de la educación universitaria con el
propósito de formar arquitectos para la sostenibilidad.
Antecedentes de la educación para un desarrollo sostenible.
La sostenibilidad en la educación formal ha forjado su presencia con
principios oficiales tal qué aun cuando las intenciones de relacionar la
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Casos de estudio
Con el objetivo de identificar los trabajos académicos realizados con
presencia de criterios sostenibles en Ecuador, se ha realizado una búsqueda
en la base de datos de los trabajos de fin de carrera de los estudiantes de la
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Cuenca, se
consultaron los registros del año 1968 hasta el año 2013, para saber el
número de tesis presentadas con temas estrechamente relacionados con la
sostenibilidad y la arquitectura.
En el registro se identificaron 154 tesis de pregrado y 72 de maestrías
sustentadas, de las cuales 72 tesis de pregrado están relacionadas con temas
de sostenibilidad, según se grafica en la imagen (Figura 3) la evolución que
ha tenido la presencia de los temas de sostenibilidad en la arquitectura en las
tesis, en 1968: 1 tema estrechamente relacionado con la sostenibilidad y la
arquitectura con un in crescendo al paso de los años, hasta el 2013 con 13
tesis (Figura 3).
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Resultados y discusión
El enfoque integrador de la sostenibilidad a la arquitectura académica
que busca que se establezca una interrelación constante entre la arquitectura
y el medioambiente, en la esté presente una arquitectura sostenible desde los
principios académicos donde:
A. La educación para la arquitectura sostenible forma arquitectos
con una estrecha relación con el medioambiente, capaces de desafiar el
impacto ambiental que representa la acción de construir, de tal manera
que esté presente en los procesos sociales, económicos y ambientales
generados al proyectar, edificar, habitar.
B. Todo proceso constructivo, desde la elección de los materiales
con los que se construye, suma un consumo energético a la propia
elaboración del material (transporte, materias primas), requiere ser
cuantificado a partir de un análisis de ciclo de vida, siendo
indispensable para la planificación de una arquitectura sostenible.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
En retrospectiva se resume en que la presencia de conocimientos de
criterios sostenibles en la formación de los arquitectos, se estima que se
defina a partir de:
Potenciar una aproximación integral a la valoración y
distinción que conlleva una enseñanza transversal basada en el
concepto de sostenibilidad, aplicado al diseño arquitectónico, a la
planificación urbana y a la construcción.
Definir los conocimientos, las técnicas y las metodologías, en
vistas de una arquitectura sostenible con un pensamiento integrador,
distinguiendo cualitativamente al profesional de la arquitectura.
Fortalecer la visión de la arquitectura a fin de responsabilizar,
desde lo académico y la investigación, la formación de profesionales
que proyecten y construyan para un hábitat sostenible.
Estructurando una alternativa coherente de la enseñanza de la
sostenibilidad en la arquitectura, educación que será posible en cuanto los
objetivos se definan en línea transversal iniciando desde el principio de la
formación del arquitecto.
Este artículo se inscribe dentro del proyecto de investigación llevado
a cabo por la autora en la Facultad Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la
Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador) dentro del Proyecto Prometeo de la
Secretaría de Educación Superior de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
(SENESCYT) de Ecuador, al cual debo un agradecimiento especial sin cuyo
patrocinio no hubiese sido posible la elaboración de este trabajo científico.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Castillo C. A. y Del Castillo O. M. La enseñanza de la sostenibilidad en las
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Chacón, R. y Pampinella B. Educación para la Sostenibilidad: Formación
académica de Arquitectos y Urbanistas. Universidad Autónoma del Estado
de México. EDUCRE. Artículos arbitrados. ISSN 1316-4910, Año 16, Nº 53,
Enero –Abril de 2012.
Lecuona Neumann, A., Izquierdo Millán, M., & Rodríguez Aumente, P. A.
Investigación e impacto ambiental de los edificios. La Energía. Informes de
La Construcción, 57(498), 47–61. 2005.
López Plazas, F. Sobre el uso y la gestión como los factores principales que
determinan el consumo de energía en la edificación. Una aportación para
reducir el impacto ambiental de los edificios. Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya. 2007.
Márquez, Mariangela. La Educación Ambiental y la Arquitectura. República
Bolivariana de Venezuela, Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
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Arquitectura. 2013.
Martínez, José Félix. Fundamentos de la Educación Ambiental. 2001.
Mckeown, R. Manual de Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Tenessee:
Instituto de Educación e Investigación sobre Manejo de Desechos de la
Universidad de Tennessee (WMREI – Waste Management Research and
Education Institute). 2002
Mercader, M. P., Ramírez de Arellano, A., & Olivares, M. Modelo de
cuantificación del consumo energético en edificación. Materiales de
Construcción, 62(308), 567–582. 2012.
Morin, Edgar. Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro.
Rodriguez, G. “El impacto de la enseñanza de la sostenibilidad en la
arquitectura y el Urbanismo”. Revista AUS paginas 6-9. ISSN 0718-204X y
ISSN electrónico: 0718-7262. 2005.
UNESCO. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la
Ciencia y la Cultura; Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio
Ambiente – PNUMA. Congreso sobre educación y formación ambiental.
UNESCO. Cumbre de la Tierra de Estocolmo, 1972.
UNESCO. Conferencia Intergubernamental sobre Educación Ambiental.
Tbilisi, 1977.
UNESCO. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Medio Ambiente y
Desarrollo. Río de Janeiro, 1992.
UNESCO. Conferencia Internacional Medio Ambiente y Sociedad:
Educación y Sensibilización para la Sostenibilidad. Salónica, 1997.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The focus of this paper is to connect an area of film studies (related to
film sound) and recent findings in neuroscience. Since 1929 and Alfred
Hitchcock’s “Blackmail” subjective film sound has been introduced and after
that significantly “tweaked” and redefined. However, it is quite interesting to
observe that even though the filmmakers “intuitively” arrived at the sort of
“formula” for creating the oneiric sound experience, there is actually
neuroscientific evidence that supports this “formula”.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Vlada Petric, Oneiric Cinema: The Isomorphism of Film and Dreams, Handout for the
course Oneiric Cinema, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University, Spring 1995), 1.
Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, (New York: Avon Books, 1965), xxiii.
F. T. Marinetti, Bruno Corra, Emilio Settimelli, Arnaldo Ginna, Giacomo Balla, and
Remo Chiti, (Milano: L’Italia Futurista, 1916); In the US could be found in, Umbro
Apollonio ed., Futurist Manifestos, (New York: The Viking Press, 1973), 218.
Siegfried Kracauer, Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1960), 58.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
her attention, until her father interrupts: “Alice, cut a bit of bread, will
you.” 36
The most common use of subjective film sound is certainly in a form
of the internal monologue. Bela Balasz wrote in 1952 that film sound would
be most expressive when it was asynchronous to the picture. 37 Such sound
would be conceived independent of the image but, at the same time, give it a
parallel meaning--a sort of running commentary to the scenes. Balasz wrote:
In one of the Soviet war films there was a young soldier whose
nerves give way when he first comes under fire. He deserts his
comrades and hides in a shell-hole. A close-up shows his face and by
his closed mouth we can see that he is silent. Nevertheless we hear
him talking. The monologue we hear is in his mind and we listen
tensely to what he is silently saying to himself. If he had really
spoken aloud and said the same words in a voiced monologue, this
scene would have been unbearable. For nowadays even on the stage
we find an 'unnatural' monologue difficult to accept.
Balasz also stressed, that "asynchronous sound has no need to be
natural. Its effect is symbolic and it is linked with the visuals it accompanies
through its significance, in the sphere of mind, not of reality." Balasz was
convinced that "this is the richest and deepest possibility of artistic
expression of sound film," because the action can move on two parallel
levels at the same time, "in the sphere of sound and in the sphere of visual
image." 38 Mary Ann Doane stressed the difference between the voice-over
Many authors have written about this scene:
After having killed her assailant with a knife, the young heroine of Alfred Hitchcock’s
"Blackmail" finally returns to her parents' shop and there overhears the chatter of a gossipy
woman customer. The camera is just focusing on the listening girl, as the woman suddenly
drops the word "knife."
Siegfried Kracauer, Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1960), 122-123.
Like images, sound can be used subjectively to express the impressions or state of mind of a
character in the film. There is the famous scene from Hitchcock's Blackmail in which the
words 'Knife, Knife, Knife', are repeated in a frightened girl's mind.
Ralph Stephenson and Jean R. Debrix, The Cinema as Art, (Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin
Books, 1965), 198.
Most of the experiments are in the expressionistic mode, the two most famous examples
being the subjective distortion of the word "knife" in "Blackmail" and the interior
monologue in Murder. Both experiments are attempts to convey a character's thoughts and
feelings. Yet at the same time both techniques draw attention to themselves as tricks and
leave the audience emotionally outside the characters.
Elisabeth Weis and John Belton, Film Sound: Theory and Practice, (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1985), 302.
Bela Balasz, Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art, (New York: Dover
Publications Inc., 1970), 218-219.
ibid. 219.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Philip Rosen, ed. Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology: A Film Theory Reader , (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1986), 341.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
the killing. The “wake up call” from this oneiric state comes as a door buzzer
sound effect leading into the upcoming scene.
This is not entirely the case with the sequence from Empire of the
Sun (USA 1987) directed by Steven Spilberg where US airplanes come to
bomb and liberate the Japanese prisoners of war camp. The main character a
boy, Jim Graham (Christian Bale), is obsessed with airplanes, and in this
sequence his obsession is presented in an altered state of consciousness. In
the midst of the battle Jim is speechless while looking in slow motion at an
airplane whose pilot is waving to him from the open cockpit. Sound effects
slowly disappear and the musical score (John Williams) completely takes
over creating a meta-diegetic effect. Gradually returning from this
mesmerizing mood Jim yells “Go!!! B51 the Cadillac of the sky!”, and then a
big explosion brings the audience back to the fierceness of the battle by
reestablishing all the previously dropped war sound effects.
Transitions to flashback sequences are often accompanied by an
oneiric sound treatment like in The Silence of the Lambs (USA 1991)
directed by Jonathan Demme. Young detective, Clarice Starling (Jodie
Foster), while attending the funeral service for the police officer killed in the
line of duty is having a flashback. As Clarice walks through the door the
sound effects and diegetic music give a way to a non-diegetic musical score
(Howard Shore) and set up an oneiric mood. A man playing a “soundless”
organ can be seen as Clarice completely drifts away from reality and walks
towards the coffin. She is seen in subtle slow motion going into a flashback
of her father’s funeral, who was, also, a police officer killed in the line of
duty. Clarice’s altered state of consciousness is interrupted by the voice of
Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn) who abruptly brakes off the mood saying:
“Starling, we are back here!”
Another marvelous example of flashback and oneiric mood comes in
a sequence from Chariots of Fire (UK 1981) directed by Hugh Hudson, in
which British athlete, Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross), is preparing for a race
at 1924 Paris Olympics. The high level of concentration and an undoubtedly
altered state of consciousness before the race is presented visually through
the use of slow motion. On the aural level the same is achieved through the
musical score (Vangelis Papathanassiou) by omitting the cheering crowd
ambient sounds and selectively focusing onto footsteps and digging-in
sounds of the racers as they prepare to take their marks. Then, just a few
seconds before the race starts, the music fades out and we hear Abrahams’s
heartbeat sound alone. The firing of the starter’s gun brings us back to the
reality of the cheering crowd sounds and regular motion. Abrahams wins the
race and stunned by that fact goes through a flashback of the entire event
depicted in slow motion. We hear the start gun fired again but this time its
sound quality is altered and reverberated to portray the subjective perception
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
subjectively closes on Tony’s face, and this time the non-diegetic score
completely overwhelms the diegetic disco music. The loudness of the non-
diegetic musical score parallels the degree of Tony’s anger. As Tony
suddenly gets up and runs to the bathroom to attack Gina’s partner, the non-
diegetic music is abruptly dropped and we are back in the reality of disco
Finally, let me finish with the opening sequence from Apocalypse
Now by Francis Ford Coppola. It starts oneirically from the very beginning,
with the picture being presented in slow motion, accompanied by the song
The End by The Doors . We see the explosions but don’t hear them, the
helicopters are flying by, but we hear acoustically altered helicopter sounds
that don’t match the visuals in perspective or the rhythm. Then, we see
Captain Willard who is laying on his bed and we discover the opening
images are visuals from a nightmare he has been having. While looking at
the ceiling fan he hears meta-diegetically transformed helicopter sounds.
This mood is invaded by the sound of a real helicopter, which comes through
Willard’s window, and he is prompted to wake up from this oneiric state
while the music slowly fades out into a distant reverberation creating a
hypnapompic transition to reality. He gets up and looks through the window
talking to himself in an internal monologue: “Saigon, shit...” This monologue
continues and as he talks about jungle, even though we see him in a hotel
room, jungle ambiance sounds are introduced, subjectively portraying
Willard’s drunken aural imagination.
Looking at the examples I analyzed, the “oneiric sound formula”
seems to follow the pattern of 1. Gradually dropping sound effects of
“reality” 2. Gradually introducing non-diegetic musical score 3. Picture is
presented in slow motion 4. Oneiric mood is created which, represents the
film character’s altered state of consciousness 5. The oneiric state is abruptly
cut off and return to “reality” (the normative film sound) is established.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
in-the-eagleman-lab (accessed January 2016)
41 (accessed January 2016)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
down. Similarly, in the films all slow motion sequences either have no sound
(as explained earlier) or have very selective “sound pallet” that is rarely
Way before any neuroscientific explanation was even possible, the
filmmakers have portrayed in numerous films the human subjective
experiences that deal with time distortion. Altered states of consciousness
have been cinematically depicted in many different forms and shapes, much
of them creating for a viewer an oneiric experience. It is particularly
gratifying to see that what filmmakers “intuitively” produced as a part of
their creative filmic expressions, is now actually backed up by the
neuroscientific research.
Apollonio, Umbro, ed., Futurist Manifestos, (New York: The Viking Press,
Balasz, Bela, Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art, (New
York: Dover Publications Inc., 1970
Bordwell, David and Thompson, Kristin, Film Art: An Introduction 2nd. ed.
(New York: Addison and Wesley, 1979)
Chion, Michel, Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1994)
Eagleman, David,
and-the-brain-or-what-s-happening-in-the-eagleman-lab (accessed January
Eagleman, David, (accessed
January 2016)
Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams, (New York: Avon Books,
Gorbman, Claudia, Teaching the Soundtrack Quarterly Review of Film
Studies (November 1976)
Gorbman, Claudia, Unheard Melodies: Narrative Film Music, (Bloomington,
IN: Indiana University Press, 1987)
Kracauer, Siegfried, Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality,
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1960)
Petric, Vlada , Oneiric Cinema: The Isomorphism of Film and Dreams,
Handout for the course Oneiric Cinema, (Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard University, Spring 1995)
Rosen, Philip, ed. Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology: A Film Theory Reader ,
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1986)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Stephenson, Ralph, and Debrix, Jean R., The Cinema as Art, (Baltimore,
Maryland: Penguin Books, 1965)
Weis, Elisabeth and Belton, John, Film Sound: Theory and Practice, (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1985)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
This study investigates and compares multiple-choice and
constructive-response test formats for assessments in mathematics. This
topic has been researched and debated for many years by students, educators,
and politicians. Even between students there is a wide range of disagreement
between which test format is preferred. Prior research has revealed both
benefits and disadvantages for both formats. The study found that although
multiple-choice tests are often used to measure student and teacher
performance in math education, constructive-response test formats better
represent student learning. Some factors that will be discussed are the
“guessing” problem, partial credit, grading efficiency, and the ability to
cover topics.
The question over how we measure student performance is one that
has been debated consistently since the conception of formal testing. As a
nation, the United States of America has sought to determine a means to
measure student and teacher performance in a way that is fair to teachers yet
an accurate reflection of student learning. Although there are many different
methods of testing, this review will focus on multiple-choice and
constructive-response test formats. These two test formats are generally the
most popular and sit at opposite ends of the spectrum; therefore, they have
generated the most interest and research.
Multiple-choice tests are often selected due to their ease of grading,
grading consistency, ability to cover a vast amount of topics, and for their
generally high-performing results. Teachers who are evaluated or
incentivized by student test scores might prefer to administer an “easier”
multiple-choice test that tends to give higher scores than a constructive-
response format.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
There have been many studies conducted measuring different effects
multiple-choice and constructive-response test formats have on students.
Many of these studies have followed the same general set-up: give a set of
students a series of either multiple-choice or constructive-response tests and
compare the results. The true difficulty lies in the fact that it is not an exact
science. There is research to support both sides of the argument and this is
why there is so much debate in the education system.
One problem with some of these studies is that the subjects were not
math students. I wonder if those research studies would have more dramatic
results if they were measuring performance on math tests because of the
ability to work backwards. In many other subjects, if a student were blindly
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The participants of the O’Neil and Brown (1997) study were eighth
grade math students. The length of the study was relatively short, with only
seven multiple-choice items and one constructive-response question.
Although the length of the study was short, the primary objective of the
study was to research the metacognitive effects of math assessments and not
as focused on measuring mathematical achievement. The study was still able
to accomplish its goal through the attached questionnaires that each student
Multiple-choice tests are often selected because of the ease of
grading. Teachers can have students use scantrons and then use a machine
(provided by the school) to grade for automated grading. Each question is
either right or wrong, there is no partial credit. This significantly cuts down
the time each teacher needs to spend grading exams. Another reason why
multiple-choice tests have been so popular is for grading consistency.
Because there is no partial credit and the correct answer is either selected or
not selected, it makes grading tests a very impartial task. Other formats leave
room for interpretation and for inconsistent grading (Chaoui, 2011).
Teachers who are evaluated or incentivized by their students’ test
scores might prefer to administer an “easier” multiple-choice test that tends
to give higher scores than a constructive-response format. This leads to a
culture of apathy towards meaningful testing. Chaoui (2011) states, “since
teachers are being held accountable for their teaching by virtue of their test
scores, they may prefer to give the students tests on which they are more
likely to be successful” (p.128).
The ability for a student to guess can be both an advantage and
disadvantage for multiple-choice tests. On one hand, the student will have a
higher score on a problem they have no idea how to solve. On the other
hand, it is not very reflective of the student’s knowledge on the subject and
provides a false sense of retention. Yet, the scores are usually higher than the
constructive-response questions, so many teachers prefer it. Since teachers
are evaluated based on the performance of their students, it is understandable
why they would prefer to give a test they believe they will score higher on.
Chaoui suggests that “Integrating open-ended math problems, as well as
implementing performance tasks, which promote cognitive thinking, will
prepare the students to be more confident and efficient problem solvers.
Teachers must strive to incorporate multiple-choice and constructed response
items on their tests to assess skills as well as literacy” (Chaoui, 2011, p.130).
Constructive-response formatted test questions can vary in difficulty,
much like multiple-choice test questions. A criticism of constructive-
response tests is that you cannot ask as many questions, because they take
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
longer for the students to complete. Chaoui (2011) states “Part of effective
instruction is giving students opportunities to explain their thinking in
writing, using proofs, multiple steps, organizers and written sentences” (p.9).
Many instructors in math education focus on the students’ problem solving
abilities and do not focus enough on explanation. If it is our goal, as
educators, for students to retain the information they are taught, then our
primary focus should not be on the students’ ability to score well on a test.
Rather, our focus should be on their ability to consistently perform these
same tasks in the future and be able to explain how to perform these
operations to others.
Sometimes wrong answers tell us more about a student’s learning
than the right answers. When a student selects an incorrect answer on a
multiple-choice test it doesn’t tell you very much about how they got to that
answer. In a constructive-response test, however, you can often see exactly
where the student went wrong. “Open-ended questions provide insights into
the misconceptions of students and allow the teacher to evaluate the various
techniques they use” (Chaoui, 2011, p.18). Not only are seeing mistakes
beneficial to an instructor, but it is very advantageous to the student as well.
If the student is able to see exactly what they were thinking while they were
testing, they have a better chance of learning from their mistake. When they
try to recall that information later on, they will think about the mistake they
made the last time and be less likely to make the same mistake again.
A disadvantage to constructive-response tests is the extra time it takes
to grade. Because each response may be slightly different it takes more time
to assign partial credit, which also leads to grading inconsistencies. Various
follow up procedures would need to be in place to ensure fairness, which
would be expensive.
Another issue with multiple-choice tests is the distracter element.
When instructors are trying to make their tests harder they will sometimes
add an incorrect answer that may be close to the correct answer to the list of
available choices. This may cause a student to select a wrong answer when
they might have solved the problem correctly without that distracter, in a
constructive-response format (Frary, 1985, p.26). This also may lead to
incorrect retention. One study found that “Multiple-choice testing may
inadvertently lead to the creation of false knowledge” (Roediger, 2005,
Another question that is raised when comparing these two test
formats is the type of thinking that is involved in solving the problems.
“Multiple-choice (MC) tests are depicted as assessing simple factual
recognition, and constructive-response (CR) tests are depicted as evaluating
higher order thinking”(Chaoui, 2011, p.1). This leads to the question about
the purpose of education and educational psychology: Is the purpose of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
education to get the student to advance along their educational path, or is the
purpose to instill knowledge that they will be able to recall years later? The
student should be able to answer questions not because they were able to
memorize the answer, but because they understood what it really meant or
why they learned it.
Many times assessments are compared based on their reliability and
validity. In theory, a good test is defined as both reliable and valid. In
actuality, a good test is difficult to develop. “Test validity refers to the
degree to which the test actually measures what it claims to measure. It is the
extent to which inferences, conclusions, and decisions, made on the basis of
test scores are appropriate and meaningful” (Chaoui, 2011, p. 8). Chaoui
argues that validity is not harmed by educated guesses because it involves
narrowing choices down based on some knowledge of the material. Test
reliability concerns a test’s ability to measure what is intended to be
measured, or the purpose of the test.
The Frary (1985) simulation study found that both reliability and
validity of constructive-response scores were higher than multiple-choice
scores, and therefore recommended that constructive-response tests be used
over multiple-choice tests in certain settings. It was also concluded in this
study that “the potential gain might be considered too small to warrant the
use of constructive-response tests, given factors such as labor required to
score them” (p.31). This suggested that the extra time required to grade
constructive-response tests might not be worth it.
In the Elbrink and Waits (1970) study at Ohio State University,
students taking multiple-choice math tests outperformed students taking
constructive-response math tests in the same subject. It was concluded that
although multiple-choice tests were easier than constructive-response tests,
they were just as effective in “evaluating students’ mathematical
achievement” (p.4). The authors made this conclusion after taking into
account the ability to guess, however their definition of “mathematical
achievement” is essentially the student’s ability to problem solve, i.e. not
their ability to explain thinking or prove concepts.
In the Gay (1980) study, the researcher tried to determine which
testing method resulted in better retention. The study found that students who
had been used to taking constructive-response tests performed just as well on
the multiple-choice items as the students that had been used to taking the
multiple-choice tests. Yet, the constructive-response students tested much
better on the constructive-response items than the multiple-choice students.
This implies that constructive-response testing results in better retention
because otherwise, the multiple-choice students would have performed just
as well or better on the constructive-response items.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Although the magnitude of the results was often small, the results
support my hypothesis that constructive-response tests promote student
learning better than multiple-choice tests.
In the Gay (1980) study, where retention was measured, she found
that “the results of this study indicate that [short-answer] testing results in
equal or greater retention than [multiple-choice] testing, depending upon the
mode of retention testing” (p.50). Students who had been used to taking
constructive-response tests performed just as well on the multiple-choice
items as the students that had been used to taking the multiple-choice tests,
yet the constructive-response students tested much better on the constructive-
response items than the multiple-choice students.
Educators should want meaningful test scores from their students in
order to be better teachers and help students learn. constructive-response test
scores are simply more meaningful than multiple-choice test scores. The
Frary (1985) simulation study found that both reliability and validity of
constructive-response scores were higher than multiple-choice scores, and
therefore recommended that constructive-response tests be used over
multiple-choice tests in certain settings.
According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(1991), “although the commonly used [multiple-choice] format may yield
important data, it can have a negative impact on how students are taught and
evaluated at the school level because: a) Student scores are generated solely
on the basis of right and wrong answers with no consideration or credit given
to students’ strategies, b) Routine timing measures how quickly students can
respond but not necessarily how well they think, and c) Mathematics tools
such as calculators and measurement devices are not permitted” (p.8).
Although there has not been extensive research in this field, the
research we conduct suggests there is a relationship between greater learning
and constructive-response test formats. The strength of that relationship is
debatable and depends on the factors you consider.
We need to define success in more ways than the ability to problem
solve in mathematics education. We cannot measure that success from
multiple-choice tests alone. Although making more constructive-response
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
tests would add a significant amount of time to the grading process, it would
give us a more accurate depiction of how our students are performing. With
the new technologies in grading free-response math answers, soon it may be
possible to grade them even faster.
An important factor of this topic is in the difference between long
term and short-term learning. Although a student may be able to select the
correct answer on a multiple-choice question, this may be due to short-term
memorization rather than long-term understanding of the topic. In fact, many
schools teach to the test specifically for this reason. They want students to
recognize questions or question types and memorize the correct answers so
that they can meet certain educational performance standards. But once these
tests are over, the student does not retain the information for a reasonable
amount of time.
As an educator, your overall goal is that a student leaves your class
having learned something. Many teachers believe that a student can greatly
benefit from seeing exactly where they went wrong on a question. This way
when you try to recall that information later, you remember that mistake and
you are careful not to make it again. This is a huge advantage to
constructive-response tests.
Birenbaum, M., & Tatsuoka, K.K. (1987). Open-ended versus multiple-
choice response formats-It does make a difference for diagnostic purposes.
Applied Psychological Measurement,11, 385-395.
Bridgeman, B. (1992). A comparison of quantitative questions in open-ended
and multiple-choice formats. Journal of Educational Measurement, 29(3),
Chaoui, N (2011) "Finding Relationships Between Multiple-Choice Math
Tests and Their Stem-Equivalent Constructed Responses" (2011). CGU
Theses & Dissertations. Paper 21.
Elbrink, L., & Waits, B. (Spring, 1970). A Statistical Analysis of Multiple-
Examinations in Mathematics. The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal,
1(1), 25-29.
Frary, R. (Spring, 1985). Multiple-Choice Versus Free-Response: A
Simulation Study. Journal of Educational Measurement, 22, 21-31.
Gay, L. (Spring, 1980). The Comparative Effects Of Multiple-Choice Versus
Short-Answer Tests On Retention. Journal of Educational Measurement,
17(1), 45-50.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991). Mathematics
Assessment: Myths, Models, Good Questions, and Practical Suggestions.
Reston, VA.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
O'Neil Jr., H., & Brown, R. (1997). Differential Effects Of Question Formats
In Math Assessment On Metacognition And Affect. Applied Measurement in
Education, 331-351.
Roediger III, Henry L., Marsh, Elizabeth J. (September, 2005), The Positive
and Negative Consequences of Multiple-Choice Testing. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 31(5),
Thissen, D., Wainer, H., & Wang, X. (Summer, 1994). Are Tests
Comprising Both Multiple-Choice and Free-Response Items Necessarily
Less Unidimensional Than Multiple-Choice Tests? An Analysis of Two
Tests. Journal of Educational Measurement, 31(2), 113-123.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Paula Bajdor
Katarzyna Łukasik
Agnieszka Puto
Tomasz Lis
Faculty of Management,
Czestochowa University of Technlogy, Poland
The living condition of almost every human being is primarily
determined by the financial aspect - because in most cases, the quality and
standard of living depends precisely on the income. And it will not be a
mistake, the statement that most people are seeking to obtain higher and
higher income that, maybe can not "make you happy" but make the life much
easier. In Poland, the financial condition of its population is the subject of
research conducted by the. An income per capita is being, the average wage
is calculated and the level of satisfaction with the current financial situation
is being tested as well. However, in their analysis, Central Statistical Office
omits a certain social group - the students - now, this group represents 4.2%
of the entire Polish population. Having this in mind, a research hav been
conducted in order to characterized the structure of income and expenditure
in relations to Polish students. In the introduction of this article a brief
description of the country has been presented and the structure of income and
expenditure of the whole Polish population has been characterized as well. In
the further part of the article, the purpose of the research, the used methods
and obtained results are presented. The article ends with a summary, which
contains the most important conclusions.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Poland is situated in the Central part of Europe, having neighbors as
follows: Germany from the West, Czech Republic and Slovakia from the
South, and Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia from the East. Poland has
also an access to the Baltic Sea from the North. Poland is a member of the
European Union from the 1st May 2004, this year is a final year for the first
decade of being an UE member. The capital of Poland is Warsaw (it is the
biggest city as well) and other big cities such as: Cracov, Wroclaw, Poznan,
Lodz, Gdansk and Szczecin. Also Poland is divided into 16 voivodeships,
where the largest is Masovian voivodeship and the smallest is Opolskie.
In the year 2013, Poland recorder a GDP per Capita (PPP –
Purchasing Power Parity rates) of 17,500 Euro, which represent 68% of the
EU average, what gives Poland the 6th place from the end. According to the
World Bank, the GDP per Capita of Poland was 21 214 USD. The inflation
rate in the year 2013, was 0,9%, went down from 3,7% in the previous year
(Central Statistical Office of Poland).
By the end of the year 2013, the population of employees was 8,5 mln, the
unemployment rate has remained the same in according to 2012, every
employee worked for 435 hours and the average salary was about 860 Euro
per month. The population is mainly employed in service (66,9%), industry
(29,5%), trade (13,8%) and education ( 12,3%) sectors (Central Statistical
Office of Poland).
According to the forecasts of the Polish National Bank, in the years
2014 – 2016, the following changes should occur:
- GDP growth will accelerate to 3.6%, as the Polish economy is currently in
the recovery phase,
- Inflation will be below 0.2% in 2014, 1.4% in 2015 and 2.3 in 2016, in the
longer term, inflation will rise, but it will remain at a moderate level,
- The unemployment rate will decline to 9.7 level this year, to 8.8% at the
end of 2015 and 8% by the end of 2016. Reduction in the unemployment rate
is due to greater labor market flexibility.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
5% transport
21% miscellaneous goods and
10% clothing and footwear
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
employees between 0-18
Pensioners and annuitants farmers
students non-students
As shown in the figure 3, the largest social group are the working
people, including employees as well as entrepreneurs. On second place are
youthd and on the third - pensioners. Students are counted among the age
group 19-24, because it is at this age usually they undertake studies and end
them as well. It is the fact, that for three years, in Poland people of all ages
can study, but they are promil at all students. Taking account the social
group between 19-24 years, it is clear that the students represent more than
half of this group. There were 2 957,9 thousand people aged 19-24 years in
Poland in the year 2014, which 1 549,8 of them were students, approx. 52%,
and the total share of student in the whole polish population was 4.5%.
Such a large social group also has the revenue and expenditure,
which, however, may differ from the structure of expenditures presented in
Fig. 1, so the purpose of the study was to examine the sources from which
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Polish students receive their income and how looks the structure of their
To carry out the research, students of the Faculty of Management of
Czestochowa University of Technology were selected, both students in full-
time and part-time. More than 500 questionnaires research have been
distributed among the students. This questionnaire consisted of three parts:
- Specifications (gender, age, type of study)
- The structure of revenue and expenditure,
- Feelings for their own financial situation,
The entire research took account many issues but for the purposes of
this article, only a few of them, the most imprtant ones, have been selected.
For the final study only 396 questionnaires have been classified,
some of them have not been returned and some did not meet the formal
The minimum sample size for estimating the probability of p success
in a general population, was calculated on the basis of the formula for sample
size with a very large population:
𝑁𝑝 (𝛼 2 ∗ 𝑓(1 − 𝑓)
𝑁𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
𝑁𝑝 ∗ 𝑒 2 + 𝛼 2 ∗ 𝑓(1 − 𝑓)
Nmin = the minimum sample size,
Np = the size of the population,
α2 = the confidence level for results,
e2 = accepted level of highest error,
f = the size of the fraction.
This formula allows to obtain a predetermined accuracy of the
estimation of population structure ratio. After substituting into the formula
adopted values, the following equation have been received:
1549800 (1,962 ∗ 0,5(1 − 0,5) 1549800 ∗ 0,96
𝑁𝑚𝑖𝑛 = =
1549800 ∗ 0,052 + 1,962 ∗ 05(1 − 0,5) 3,8745 + 0,96
= = 384
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Fig. 4. The structure of students’ age.
Source: Own work
1st grade
part time
students; 2nd grade
19% full time
Fig. 5. The structure of students in relations to type of studies.
Source: Own work
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
of 1st degree in part-time and 2nd degree in full-mode was almost the same
(75 and 72 people).
5% 3% 1% 15%
Wage Scholarship/Bursary
Parents Other relatives
Private entrepreneurship Other source. Please mention
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
number of students
Wage Scholar Parents Other Private Other
ship/Bu relative entrepr source.
rsary s eneurs Please
hip mentio
Full time students 6 26 184 15 2 4
Part time students 54 58 32 5 10 0
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
1% 4%
Fig. 10. The students’ expectations according their financial conditions after the graduation.
Source: Own work
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Number of students
Definitel Probably I don't Slightly Definitel
y know probabl y no
Men 3 151 21 34 1
Women 11 65 84 23 3
Fig. 11. The students’ expectations according their financial conditions after the graduation
in relations to their gender.
Source: Own work
In the case of the division for full-time and part-time students, the
first ones show a much more optimism with regard to improving their
financial situation after graduation. As many as 69% of them, think that after
graduation their financial situation will improve, obviously checking that
they will find a job. This attitude can be explained by the fact that the
majority of full-time students, receive pocket money from their parents,
which is most likely, however, even lower than the minimum wage, and
planning to go to work, they count just to improve their income.
Number of students
Definite Probabl I don't Slightly Definite
ly y know probabl ly no
Full time students 9 156 43 29
Part time students 5 60 62 28 4
Fig. 12. The students’ expectations according their financial conditions after the graduation
in relations to their studies types.
Source: Own work
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
spite of studying, they work full time or run their own business and this
situation will not change even after graduation.
In Poland there is a stratification in the level of income, since income
in Mazowieckie averages 1144,2Euro and in Pomerania 382,31Euro only. In
the case of Czestochowa, which is one of the Silesian province this amount is
934.38 Euros and it is much higher than the income received by students
participating in the survey, since the overwhelming majority of them, have
monthly income less than 250 Euro, but we should bear in mind, they are
the amounts that students receive from parents or scholarship, so on the one
hand they can not be treated as income resulting from work. Despite the
stratification of income and still relatively high level of unemployment,
Polish society treats its financial situation as average, neither too good nor
too bad. In this group mos of the students describe their financial situation as
unsatisfactory. But on the other hand, the greater part of them expect to
improve their financial situation after graduation. In this group, only 5
people showed up pessimism in this regard. The biggest part of the students
expenditures are food and household bills expenses. The lowest proportion is
spent on entertainment, books, and fees associated with studies. Such a
structure of expenditure may also be due to the size of incomes, that are
simply too low and students mostly spend them on the most important needs.
In summary it can be assumed that the financial situation of students is not
very bad, since the amounts which they have allow to pay for food and
households bills, but on the other hand - are low, since students rarely can
afford to entertain or to buy books. With this money they are also, not able to
fund trips, holidays or vacations.
Central Statistical Office of Poland “Household Budget Survey in 2014”,
Warsaw 2015
Eurostat 2014,
Grondys K., Kott I., Wiśniewska-Sałek A., “Entrepreneurship as an
opportunity of development for industrial companies using logistics centers”,
in: Polish Journal of Management Studies, vol. 10/1/2014, pp. 45-53.
International Monetary Fund,
Kot S., Pigoń Ł., “Effective occupational counselling for the unemployed”,
in: Polish Journal of Management Studies, vol. 10/1/2014, pp. 54-62.
Polish National Bank,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The mixture of the Internet and emerging technologies such as NFC
(Nearfield Communications), real-time localization, and embedded sensors
(beacons) transform ordinary objects (things) into smart objects that can
recognize the state of the environment and react accordingly to the changing
conditions or collect data. Internet of Things (IoT) is a new revolution of the
Internet that is driven by the recent advancements in the world of: sensor
networks, mobile devices, wireless communications and cloud technologies.
Experts forecast that by the year 2020 there will be a total of 50 billion
devices connected to the internet. The digitization of machines, cars, and
other elements of the physical world is a influential idea. The IoT is starting
to have a real impact by changing how goods are made and distributed, how
products are serviced and refined. The article discusses the new business
models and new strategy for the firms in order to achieve competitive
advantage due to use the capabilities of the IoT, especially in the field of
mobile sensors (e.g. iBeacons). Such a business model is probably the
greatest opportunity in the next years to create growth in the digital
Until now, it is the technology titans and born-digital companies that
have taken advantage of digital economy by realizing technology’s power
and developing new platform business models to gain extraordinary profits.
They have dominated in terms of growth, profits, and high market
capitalizations gains that have been invested back into new digital
ecosystems. Today, there is an opportunity for traditional companies to
implement new digital business models.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2500 2356
2000 1700
500 133 204 298 415 516 626
2013 2014 2015 m-commerce
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
easily attached to flat surfaces such as wood, concrete or glass. With the help
of an beacon, a smartphone's software can approximately find its relative
location to an beacon. Retail stores use the beacons for mobile commerce,
offering customers special deals through mobile marketing, and can enable
mobile payments through point of sale systems. Beacons enable developers
and organizations of any size, to create and deliver an astounding range of
experiences – from creating new ways to interact with technology, enhancing
brand experiences with contextual interaction, to boosting business process
efficiencies with actionable data. Beacons can be used for various purposes,
as described below (Newman, 2014; Willmott, 2014; Shankara 2015):
Show customers available product options or provide additional
information (e.g. transfer of business information at the POS - coupons,
discounts, promotional offers) (Puto, Koscielniak 2015),
Payments making - Allow customers to pay / identify themselves using
their smartphone (Flamme, Grieve, 2014),
Provide rewards and incentives based on actionable customer behaviors,
Transmission of information during sporting or cultural events - create an
interactive tour through e.g. an art exhibition or historical journey,
Providing content (free newspapers and magazines in digital form),
Transmitting of real-time information on train stations, airports, stations,
public transport taking account of delays, changes in the schedules or
weather conditions (Dziekan, Kottenhoff, 2007).
The application that receives the signal sent by a transmitter beacon
immediately sends information about logging within it to analysis software
that collects data and presents it in the administration panel formatted and
calls on the phone pre-programmed actions. At the present time, the most
popular ways to use such technology are those that are related with the
displaying the information to customer in retail stores. Analytical engines
which is powered by the information based on the behavior of the consumer
and application usage patterns sends a personalized offer, notification or
commercial information (Niemeier, Zocchi & Catena, 2013).
The customer value is growing steadily, in the oversupply of products
era. So, companies have to look for the innovative solutions that enable them
in very effective analysis of customer behavior at the point of sale (Skowron-
Grabowska, Sukiennik, 2015). Analysis of customer behavior at the point of
sale is becoming increasingly important. Companies try their best to meet the
consumer requirements and needs their manufacturing capabilities. Only
comprehensive knowledge about consumer behavior may provide the market
success. The modern market is also about optimizing the operating costs. In
this context, the Information about the consumer is necessary in order to
better staff management. The managers want to know more and more about
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
traffic at the point of sale and the average length of time the client spends
there. The platform provides information on consumer behavior at the point
of sale, based on data from the mobile application. One of the possible
features is data management and grouping records according to certain
criteria (eg. age of customers, first time customers and returning ones).
Unlike other methods of measuring customer behavior beacon technology
gives results with 100% accuracy, eliminating uncertainty factor in
interpreting the observations and desktop research. Service based on analysis
of customer behavior and their customer journey along the store, can be a
source of commercial information and gives a possibility to communicate
with the customer in real time with the tailored offer. The system is based on
the 3 main subsystems, as described below:
Software engine - collecting and processing the data sent by a mobile
application from the phone located within the transmitter (beacon),
Customer panel - available from the website, along with the software
engine generates analysis and allows data management,
Dedicated mobile application supporting sales and connecting the brand
with consumers, supporting mobile marketing channel.
Communication between the transmitter and the mobile device allows to:
survey the number of visits in a given period of time,
measure the period of time spent in the store,
mapping of customers at the point of sale (time and number of visits in a
given area),
create and manage marketing campaigns and events in stores,
Examples of functionality to the end-user (eg. retail network customer):
The ability to send personalized offers and coupons to customers who
visit the shop, they decide to leave the store or looking for a specific
The ability to adjust messages according to data such as the status in a
loyalty program or transaction history of the customer,
Pointing the way to a specific product within the store,
Notification about promotions in the store,
Mobile payments.
One of the key challenges for today's retailers is not only to
encourage customers to use the service or product, but most of all is to
establish strong and real connection, commitment to service or product. The
customer satisfied with the level of service will probably come back, and in
an ideal scenario even recommend the offers to another customer in the near
future (Griffin, et al., 2012; Giovanis, Athanasopoulou 2014). There are a
number of marketing tools that allow you to build a loyal customer base and
undoubtedly one of the most widely used are loyalty programs including
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Atzori, L., Iera, A., Morabito, G. (2010),The Internet of Things: A survey.
Computer Networks, 54/15, pp. 2787-2805.
Baden-Fuller C., and Stefan Haefliger S., Business models and technological
innovation, Long Range Planning, vol. 46/6, 2013. p. 419-426.
Bojanova, I., Hurlburt, G., Voas, J. (2014), Imagineering An Internet Of
Anything, Computer. Vol. 47/6, pp. 72-77.
Bylok F., Pabian A., Tomski P., (2015) E-Consumer Behaviour as a New
Trend of Consumption in Poland, The Online Journal of Science and
Technology, vol. 5/4, p. 29.
Chesbrough H., (2013), Open Business Models: How To Thrive In The New
Innovation Landscape, Harvard Business Press, p. 2.
Dziekan, K., Kottenhoff, K. (2007), Dynamic At-Stop Real-Time
Information Displays For Public Transport: Effects On Customers,
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41 (6), pp. 489-501.
Flamme, M., Grieve, K. (2014). 7 Trends Impacting Retail Payments.
American Bankers Association. ABA Banking Journal, 106(10), p. 44.
Giovanis, A.N., Athanasopoulou, P. (2014). Gaining customer loyalty in the
e-tailing marketplace: the role of e-service quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust.
International Journal of Technology Marketing 6, 9(3), pp. 288-304.
Griffin, A., et al., (2012) Best practice for customer satisfaction in
manufacturing firms. Sloan Management Review, vol. 36/2.
Haller, S., Karnouskos, S., & Schroth, C. (2009). The Internet Of Things In
An Enterprise Context Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 14-28.
Jayavardhana G., Rajkumar B., Slaven M., Marimuthu P., (2013). Internet
Of Things (Iot): A Vision, Architectural Elements, And Future Directions,
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 29, Iss. 7, pp. 1645-1660.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
In this article on imitation and violence I wish to interpret violent
relations between human beings as founded on imitation of each other
desires. (A desire for what other people desire.) Imitation, the desire to have
what other people desire, is both the root to success and the root to violence.
The article is inspired by the French philosopher, René Girard’s (1923-2015)
theory on imitative desire. In my view, societies are continually threatened
by violent imitation, and, at the same time, imitation is the factor which
creates dynamic societies and cultures. Human beings are driven by desiring
what other people desire, by wanting what others want. The challenge is to
be able to create a society where one can freely follow one’s imitative
desires and, at the same time, prevent violence. Desire today is, because
violence is less accepted, manifest in a less physically violent way than
before. Nonetheless, desire today creates scapegoats in a more psychological
In this article I wish to discuss the relation between imitation
(mimesis) and violence by combining the cultural theory of René Girard with
the anthropological insights of Marcel Mauss. My aim is to show that the
source of violence lies in an acute desire to have what others have. This is a
universal phenomenon, which is becoming more and more acute as
prohibitions in traditional societies are waning and the freedom to act on
one’s desires is more and more common.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Reciprocal Violence
Traditional societies tried, and often very successfully, to protect
individuals through prohibitions and taboos. These prohibitions and taboos
were directed against any kind of activity which could possibly unleash
violent rivalry. The killing of adulterers, thieves and foreigners can be seen
as a way of ridding society of pollution, and cleansing it from the potential
imitation of bad desires. In this way a society’s violence functions in a
protective and anti-mimetic way. The violence against transgressors is a kind
of mimetic anti-mimesis, a way of telling people to follow the rules of
society so that they would become mimetically immune to the forces that
threaten society.
Violent victimizing appears to fulfil a generative function by
preventing transgressions, ‘cleansing’ morally and restoring peace. But, at
the same time, it bears (unconsciously for the participants) a similarity to
what one wishes to expel, namely the feared violence and pollution of the
person(s) victimized. Despite attempts to expel violent transgressions, the
attempts themselves are quite similar to the violence they are trying to
exorcise. Both Freud and Girard have seen that those who conduct a rite of
sacrifice are projecting onto the sacrificial victim qualities that reflect some
of their own innermost concerns. 44
In cases where injustice and exploitation have been done against a community, desires are
often initially sparked by the exploiters. This rivalry can also be manifested as rivalry among
the exploiters, which is then materialized into further exploitation and easily calls for
violence among the exploited victims, because of the rivalistic desires among the
Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly. The Gospel and the Sacred, Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
1994, 132.
Jurgensmeyer.(Ed) ‘Is Symbolic Violence Related to Real Violence?’ in Violence and the
Sacred in the Modern World , London: Franc Cass, 1992, 3.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
‘Mimesis and Violence’ in The Girard Reader, Ed. James Williams). NY: The Crossroad
Publishing Company,
1996, 12.
“The more a tragic conflict is prolonged, the more likely it is to culminate in a violent
mimesis; the resemblance between combatants grow ever stronger until each presents a
mirror image of the other.” (René Girard. Violence and the Sacred, (5th Ed.), Maryland
Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1986, 47.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
seems to get lost in the turmoil. Girard explains this escalation of violence as
an increase in resistance.
The more desire is attached to resistance the more it is oriented
towards violence. (René Girard. Things Hidden, since the Foundation
of the World, London: Athlone Press. 1987, 334.)
According to mimetic theory, there is little rationality in violence
because, in exactly the same way as in rivalistic love, violence seems to be
motivated less and less by any object, and more and more focused on
reciprocal violence. There is, of course, a rationality attached to the balance,
the reciprocity, but the objects, which are usually seen to introduce and
motivate violence, gradually become less motivational.
Any object at stake in conflict will ultimately be annulled and
surpassed, and acquisitive mimesis, which sets members of the
community against one another, will give way to antagonistic
mimesis, which eventually unites and reconciles all members of a
community at the expense of a victim. (Girard. Things Hidden, 95.)
This rivalry towards nothingness is marvellously illustrated in the
movie, American Psycho, based on Ellis’ novel, showing how a young New
York yuppie can become a serial-killer. In one scene the young and
successful New York businessmen begin rivalling about which of their
business card is the most slick & subtle. The protagonist, Patrick Bateman,
gets sick with envy and reacts by committing his first murder. This is
actually one of the best examples on desire according to the other’s desire,
as there is absolutely nothing real at stake, only desire.
Thus imitation is the force which both begins and ends violence. And
in this respect imitation is primary to violence. First there is mimesis;
violence then stems from the inevitable conflicts aroused by mimetic desire.
In this respect violence is always caused by imitative desire. Violence is not
originary. It is a by-product of imitative desire. 47
Violence is mimetic rivalry itself becoming violent as the antagonists
who desire the same object keep thwarting each other and desiring
the object all the more. Violence is supremely mimetic. (‘Mimesis and
Violence’ in The Girard reader (Ed. James Williams). NY: The
Crossroad Publishing Company, 1996, 12-13.)
If there were a violent inclination in human beings, violence would
have been instinctual and one would not label it as violence. Calling it
violence means that the killing is not instinctual but is related to moral
problems. The specificity concerning humans and killing is this lack of
ability to kill without consequences, and without the accompanying moral
and religious implications. This is the result of an expanded imitation.
‘Mimesis and Violence. Perspectives in Cultural Criticism’ in The Girard Reader, 12.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Strauss, 51 Girard sees the homogenity of myth in the violence from which it
stems and tries to hide. Myths try to cover up the violence which has been
inflicted by divinizing the violence and transcribing the events in such a way
that the violence of the society is not revealed as such. 52 Myths function in a
society both as legitimation and preservation. 53 In this way Girard’s
understanding of myth corresponds to that of Durkheim when the latter
claims myths hide more than they reveal. 54 According to Girard, one cannot
trust the myth’s message, one has to uncover layers of mythology in the
myths to discover the real accounts hidden in myths. 55 Golsan, in his book
on Girard and myth, writes that while Girard ‘shares the view that myths are
not precise accounts of historical occurrences, he does argue that they
originate in real or historical events.’ 56 Thus, one of the most important
features in Girard’s understanding of myths is that there are real events
behind sacrifices. 57 Despite his suspicion about the messages of myth, Girard
believes they refer to violent historical events.
All myths...have their roots in real acts of violence against real
victims. (René Girard. The Scapegoat, Baltimore, Maryland: The
Johns Hopkins University U.P., 1986, 25.)
One of Girard's main hermeneutical challenges has been to find out
how myth was transcribed. 58 The attempt seems extremely hypothetical,
built on an extraordinary confidence in modern rationalism as a tool with
which to demythologize the non-violent cover-up. The hermeneutics of
suspicion is so acute that Girard actually claims that myth basically tells the
opposite of what really happened. This claim is only possible when seen
from a non-sacrificial standpoint, where the sacrificer’s point of view is
questioned. The view that myths will always, in some way or another, refer
to some kind of sacrificial event, differs dramatically from Levi Strauss’
concept of myth as language without any necessary referentiality. The
sacrifices or murders are the events from which the myths are compiled.
Mythology partly distorts this reality, often by turning it into fantastic events,
which shows a certain inability to cope with violence. Violence engenders
Claude Lévi-Strauss. Myth and Meaning , New York: Schocken Books, 1995. See chapter
four ‘When Myth Becomes History’. See also‘The Structural study of myth’ in T.A. Sebeok.
Myth – A Symposium, Bloomington: Indiana U.P., 1958, 83-84.
See Girard. The Scapegoat, 23-99.
Mariasusai Dhavamony. Phenomenology of Religion, Rome: Gregorian U.P., 1973, 140.
Ivan Strenski. Four Theories of Myth in Twentieth century History, Houndmills:
Macmillan, 1987, 138.
See Girard. The Scapegoat, 23-99.
Golsan. René Girard and Myth. An Introduction, New York & London: Garland
Publishing, 1993, 61.
The Girard Reader, 12.
See Chapter 6, 7 and 8 in The Scapegoat.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
myths, and turns the real events into something fantastic. As in a war, the
real facts are censored. Violence distorts reality, and myths are one way of
doing away with or transforming the actual events. At the same time, myths
are often the only source for uncovering the events narrated, and it is through
a suspicious reading that one can decipher the reality behind myths. This
process of being able to go behind the myths to discover remnants of real
events, reveals Girard’s belief in a structural thinking which is not governed
by desire.
Myths are linked to sacrificial crises and thus to violence. The most
important function of myth is to establish a sacred reality. 59 The mythmakers
are imitators of the norms of society; they are a kind of spiritual storyteller
who produces myths within which a society can function. Both myths and
rituals are rationalizations of the sacrificial crises that threaten to make their
society dissolving into violence.
Myths are the retrospective transfiguration of sacrificial crisis, the
reinterpretation of these crises in the light of the cultural order that
has arisen from them. (René Girard. Violence and the Sacred, (5th
Ed.), Maryland Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1986,
Dhavamony. Phenomenology of Religion, 150.
Strenski. Four Theories on Myth in Twentieth century History, 52.
Girard seems, in Violence and the Sacred, to agree with the anthropologists Hubert and
Mauss in dismissing relating myth to ritual, and ritual to myth. (See Violence and the
Sacred, 90). But as far as I can see, this is exactly what he does in his analysis of sacrifice as
the centre in myth and ritual. (Violence and the Sacred, 90-96.) In later works he more or
less admits this: In an article called ‘From Ritual to Science’ Girard writes: ‘Far from
opposing rites from myth, as is done today, we must bring them together as was always done
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
simpler imitation to ritual. Ritual re-enacts the mimetic crisis and the
transformation brought through by the victimage mechanism. This theory is
not new though; already in the book Myth and Ritual: Essays on the Myth
and Ritual of the Hebrews in Relation to the Culture Pattern of the Ancient
East, published in 1933, myth is seen to be the story which the ritual
enacts. 62 In this way ritual does not necessarily imitate the real acts, but the
acts described in the myths. Ritual is a mimetic representation of myths. (It
can also, possibly, be the other way round: myths can be imitations of
rituals.) 63 Ritual can be seen to be a rationalized, simplified and purified
version of myths. One could say that myths transcribe and transform violent
imitation. In ritual, the violent imitation is often removed when the violent
acts are represented. Rituals seem, more openly, to represent the official
version of the myths. Therefore, in rituals the censor’s position is much
weaker, because the myths have already censored the events. The myths
have already done away with the original violence, while the rituals present
the crisis in order to emphasize the way out of chaos into a new,
differentiated existence. Therefore, the imitation of the sacrifice through
ritual is also largely preventive. 64 The attempt (in myth) to hide violence
may be seen as the desire to establish a mythic representation. The act of
purging the myth of its acquisitive and raw origin, is simultaneously an act of
turning myths into representations of violence, not of violence in itself. This
again underlines my view that representation is often established to moderate
mimetic violence. But in so doing, it runs the risk of covering up the real
before. We must recognize in the rite the operation of mythological speech, but without
seeking to make the latter the original of the former, or vice versa. The original is
elsewhere.’ (Girard. ‘From Ritual to Science,’in Configurations, Johns Hopkins U.P., 2000,
Blackman/Hooke. Myth and Ritual: Essays on the Myth and Ritual of the Hebrews in
Relation to the Culture Pattern of the Ancient East (London: Oxford U.P., 1933), 3.
According to Walter Burkert, ritual probably is far older in the history of evolution than
myths since it goes back even to animals. (Walter Burkert. Homo Necans, Berkeley Los
Angeles London: University of California
Press, 1983, 31.)
Violence and the Sacred, 102.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
written from the standpoint of a warning, of not enacting the violence. This
is clearly the case regarding tragic myths, for example the Oedipus-myth. On
the other hand, there are myths which require imitation. Myths of fertility,
for example, clearly require imitation, as this fertility must be renewed.
Girard’s understanding of myth only considers violent myths.
For Girard myths are not basically concerned with identity and
world-explanation, rather they function as a way of upholding society by
means of a cover-up. Myths do not encourage violence. On the contrary, they
seek to hide the real violence. (Therefore they are mythical.) But, on the
other hand, they do not intentionally reveal violence either. Rather, they
indicate violence. Myths are violent in that they try to hide the persecutor’s
violence. The violence is the act of writing from the persecutor’s point of
view. Myth, despite its violent norms, hides a society’s guilt at having killed
the victim(s). It is this urge to hide the murder which makes myths anti-
mimetic, and, usually, does not directly encourage violence. Nevertheless,
such cover-up myths are violent in that they legitimate the killing (despite
rewriting the cause). Myths, as they are written from a society’s point of
view, are mimetic in the way that they seem to propagate and uphold the
norms of the persecutors in a society. Thus, violent events are not described
from a totally non-mimetic point of view; rather, mimesis is primarily based
on the mimesis of society, and the events can only be made mimetically
acceptable when transformed by these norms. Myths are representational as
regards the events, but the mimesis that dictates the myth is secondary,
engendered by the norms of society. When historical ‘reality’ becomes
transformed into myths (and rituals), it becomes mimetically acceptable. 65 In
fact myth and ritual represent the community’s cultural foundation. But
myth, compared to ritual, is usually more complex textually, so there will
always be room for heretical presentations of a society’s myths, even if this
is more an option for the modern scholar than for the individual in a
traditional society, regulated as the latter is by a set of rigid norms. However,
taking this heretical possibility into consideration, I would agree with Lévi-
Strauss (against Girard) that myths have a more individualized tendency than
rituals. 66 The myths presented from the persecutor’s point of view may be
According to Gebauer and Wulf, the great problem in Girard’s understanding of myths is
that Girard claims that all myths of cultural origins are encoded representations of real
events in which order is established as the result of originally violent acts. Gebauer and
Wulf claim that there is little basis for locating any original event: ‘(...) the analysis of the
mythical series of events as crisis of the religious institutions is undertaken in regard to a
text that does not exist, but must first be produced. The extant mythical texts are
systematically distorted; they must be read anew with the distortion filtered out.’ (Gebauer
& Wulf. Mimesis, California: University of California Press, 1995, 262.)
See Claude Lévi-Strauss. The Raw and the Cooked, London: Jonathan Cape, 1970, 53.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Girard. Things Hidden, 435.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Marcel Mauss. The Gift (London, N.Y.: Routledge, 1990), 81.
Ibid., 17.
Ibid., 104-105.
Ibid., 20.
Ibid., 36.
Ibid., 47.
Ibid., 47.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
bright future and so on. Economic rivalry in its initial stages is a kind of rationale
for survival, a survival arising from a scarcity of goods and scarcity of jobs.
Metaphysical Desire
When, however, rivalry is not based on survival, but on prestige, it
becomes a part of metaphysical desire, a desire based on the other, on having a
more exclusive car, house, boat than the other. The objective value, if one can
use such a term, plays an entirely secondary role; the aim is to beat the rival in an
on-going economic race where things play a symbolic and highly decisive role.
In economic rivalry, when scarcity is the problem, rivalry seems profound, and
when we analyse the relationship between the economy and mimesis, money is
very easily transformed into the cause of rivalry. The interesting fact is that it is
the initial, more rational stages of economic rivalry that are the most violent. The
scarcity of jobs, food or other goods will often spark off violence, while using the
economy to enhance prestige, is, in a modern society at least, not directly violent,
even if this kind of rivalry creates scapegoats among the rivals who do not make
it, and also exploits suffering people in the Third World to an even greater
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Violence must be seen as stemming from the desire to have what
others have. In the past violence was moderated by systems of prohibitions
and taboos. Today prohibitions and taboos are clearly weakened, allowing
the individual to act on his or her desires in ways which was unthinkable in
previous times. The imitation of Christ has, through history, created a softer
society by emphasizing forgiveness and love of one’s neighbour. The
freedom to imitate and follow one’s desires has, at the same time, created a
freedom to compete in all areas. This is becoming global. The freedom to
imitate seems to create an extremely dynamic society and, at the same time,
creates a society where the individual is continually trapped by the effects of
desires, making him fall prey to illusion and deceit.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The Regional Development Agencies were put into effect in Turkey
within 26 agencies with the Law number 5449 that was passed in 2006 after
European countries as a foundation highlighting the understanding of
territorialisation, localization and competition. The aim of the study is to
compare the recently founded Development Agencies in Turkey with the
long-established system in Europe. Moreover in this study, the concepts of
region and regional development are described and the origination conditions
of development agencies in Turkey and in the world are explained shortly.
The structure of the development agencies in European countries, especially
in those in the European Union (EU), which have been active for a long time,
is compared with that of the development agencies in Turkey from many
perspectives. This study reveals that the development agencies in Turkey and
Europe show differences in terms of their aims, legal positions, and
supervisions, whereas, they show similarities in terms of their founders,
general characteristics, organizational structures, fields of activities, staff
employment, financial sources and project centers.
The understanding of development has changed in parallel with
economic developments under the effects of globalization process and
international institutions (Keleş, 1998: 3). Nowadays, this understanding has
changed from the central planning and development to decentralized
development within the economic progress. Development policies have
come to a state of determining and applying bottom to top politics rather than
top to down politics. The concept of region has gained more importance
within this period.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
For further information about TVA, follow
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
financial rights and wage and are subject to the law which the public staff
depends on in terms of social securities. The continuity of staff employment
depends on the performance (Güneşer Demirci, 2005a: 73). Since the
agencies in Europe adopt a more flexible structure as the staff regime, the
number of their staff changes according to the region and the activities they
do. Besides, flexible regulations, which provide possibility for the staff
employment, can be made in the working parties formed with the purpose of
supporting the activities that are supposed to be undertaken within the scope
of the agencies and committees. The staff that will be employed in the
Development Agencies is directly employed by the agency (Güneşer
Demirci, 2005a: 73)
The staff system brought for the Development Agencies in Turkey:
Services of the agencies are carried out by the support staff and the expert
staff employed according to the labor legislation clause. According to the
regulations no. 27440 Article 3; competitive examination for the staff is
performed under the presidency of the secretary-general by an assessment
board of five, which includes the two people chosen from the faculty
members by Executive board and the two people appointed by the Ministry.
The Development Ministry assigns the secretary-general among the
candidates that are determined by the Development Ministry and/or proposed
by executive board and it can dismiss him officially if appropriate. It could
have been a more suitable way for locality, if the secretary-general was hired
with the proposal or the decision of executive board and/or development
committee or the agency shareholders who know the local dynamics rather
than the Development Ministry.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
It has been benefited from also the manifesto of Dulupçu and Çankaya (2004) while
preparing the table
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Financial Resources The funds provided by Transfers that will be made from
participants the general budget
Centralized government funds EU and other international funds
Revenues from services Activity revenues
Donations The proportion in the rate of one
EU funds in a hundred that will be
transmitted from the budget
revenues of special provincial
administrations and
municipalities in the region
finalizing in previous year
The proportion in the rate of one
in a hundred that will be
transmitted from the budget
revenues of chamber of industry
and chamber of commerce in the
region finalizing in previous year
The donations and aids made by
national and international
foundations and establishments
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Even though the Regional Development Agencies differ from each
other in terms of the way of establishment, their functions and structures,
they have common characteristics such that they are development – oriented,
carry on a business in a certain geographical region and mobilize the region
by determining its potency. While the Development Agencies. which can be
described as the organizational form of new developmentalism mentality, are
clarifying the tradition of public state considerably, they are also candidates
to use their public power so as to legitimize their relations in public space.
The initiative in the development agency applications in Europe is mostly on
private sector delegates nongovernmental organizations. The agencies, which
aim the development in their regions through the investments made by the
private sector, are completely managed and act with the mentality of private
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Allen, G. (2002). “Regional Development Agencies”, House of Commons
Research Paper, No. 02/50, (22 August).
Aktakas, B. G., (2004). “AB ve OECD Ülkelerinde Bölge Planlaması ve
Adana İçin Gelişme Önerisi”, 2004 Türkiye İktisat Kongresi Bölgesel
Gelişme Stratejileri Tebliğ Metinleri, DPT Yayınları, Ankara.
Berber M. ve E. Çelepçi (2005). “Türk Bölgesel Kalkınma Politikalarında
Yeni Arayışlar: Kalkınma Ajansları ve Türkiye’de Uygulanabilirliği”, Doğu
Karadeniz Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 13-14 Ekim, KTÜ, Trabzon, s.
Bulut, Y. “Türkiye’de Bölge Yönetimi Arayışları”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi,
Cilt 35, Sayı 4, s.17-42.
Çavuşoğlu T. (1992). “GAP Konusunda Bir Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansı
Kurulması”, 3. İzmir İktisat Kongresi, 4-7 Haziran I992, Ankara, DPT
DPT (2000). VIII. Beş Yılı Kalkınma Planı: Bölgesel Gelişme Özel İhtisas
Komisyonu Raporu, Ankara.
Dulupçu, M. A. ve Çankaya F. (2004). “Küreselleşme Sürecinde Yerelin
Dönüşümü: Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları - Yönetişim Temelli Bir Model
Önerisi”, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Biga İİBF, Yerel Yönetimler
Kongresi Dünden Bugüne Yerel Yönetimlerde Yeniden Yapılanma,
Bildiriler Kitabı, s. 147-159.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The research project indispensably complements to assess the
sustainability of the architecture, which was developed at the University of
Cuenca. This has followed a path that is not based on the main international
tools such as LEED, BREAM, CASHBE, GREEN, etc. which has been read
previously. This was for the purpose of avoiding it from being an adaptation
or a summary. This study is based primarily on the knowledge of an
emerging and diverse country like Ecuador. It also involves having a
knowledge of its different climates, cultures, and other countries of the
world. It has a comparison of the results with the main international tools and
proposes a tool with respect to all cultures. It assesses human welfare and
social deprivation. In addition, it includes something that is not addressed by
these tools i.e. the evaluation of the aesthetic milestones identity. It assesses
different buildings in the world, and highlights the value of aesthetics and
milestones. This brings about a strong presence of creativity in teaching and
the results of creative architecture design.
Poor countries, in general, consume a little amount of energy. As a
result, they have a little influence on the carbon footprint and the ecological
damage to the planet. Thus, they have a lot of social-like dwelling. In other
cases, the houses do not have basic services which leads to health problems,
unemployment, etc (Macías & Navarro (2010) [1], Ihlen (2009) [2]).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
a. It is principally based on experimenting in an emergent and in a
different country like Ecuador, visiting all their different climatic zones, and
visiting other countries of the world too.
In this project, the path is not considered as the primary international
tools such as LEED, BREAM, CASHBE, GREEN, etc. Thus, this was done
such that the result is not an adaptation, a copy, or a reduction of any of
b. This state confronts the proposal with the principal international
tools. It proposes a tool with respect to all cultures and the assessment of the
contributions that architecture does to the social wellbeing, human well-
being, and the assessment of the emotional aspects.
c. Application of this tool to different buildings all around the world.
e. Application of the importance of creativity to teaching and
architectural design.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Therefore, we can see that there are areas considered with sufficiency
in the international tools as the energy footprint carbon recycling. On the
other hand, there are others considered as little or few tools such as social
and human shortcomings. There are others that have not been considered as
virtually nothing. They include the emotion, the aesthetic, the milestone, the
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
art, and the identity being the very last important for developed countries,
emerging countries, and the underdeveloped countries. Nevertheless, they
are means or strategies for improving this economy.
Figure [1]
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
usuarios de la
o ciudad
arquitecto o afín al
con titulo de
experto calificado
Reconocer y premiar
Se llenaran opiniones y
una serie de aspectos
de por lo menos 3 tipos
1 importantes de la
de entrevistados
arquitectura y de la vida
entrevistados, minimo 2
que generalmente no
de cada tipo
son valorados.
Considera que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
construcción es la mas poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
agradable del Barrio o la tal vez, y cero si es no
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Considera que la obra
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
estan entre las 5 mas
tal vez, y cero si es no
agradables de la ciudad
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
Considera ud. Que la poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
construcción es bella. tal vez, y cero si es no
SUMAS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6
valoracion de la Belleza
reconoce una zona,
no un ciudad o país)
al tema
usuario del barrio o
usuarios de la edificaión
Reconocer a aquellas
obras que hacen que un Se llenaran opiniones y
lugar o ciudad o incluso de por lo menos 3 tipos
pais sea conocido y de entrevistados
reconocido, visitado y entrevistados, minimo 2
que por ello dinamizan de cada tipo
la economia
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el barrio
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1
obra constituye un hito poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
para la ciudad o la tal vez, y cero si es no
provincia si es rurral
Considera ud que la 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el País
2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
Considera ud que la
construccion atrae poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
turismo nacional o tal vez, y cero si es no
extranjero al pais
SUMAS 8 8 7 7 6 8 7 8 8 7 6 5
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
usuarios de la
o ciudad
arquitecto o afín al
con titulo de
experto calificado
Reconocer y premiar
Se llenaran opiniones y
una serie de aspectos
de por lo menos 3 tipos
1 importantes de la
de entrevistados
arquitectura y de la vida
entrevistados, minimo 2
que generalmente no
de cada tipo
son valorados.
Considera que la 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
construcción es la mas poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
agradable del Barrio o la tal vez, y cero si es no
2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Considera que la obra
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
estan entre las 5 mas
tal vez, y cero si es no
agradables de la ciudad
2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
Considera ud. Que la poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
construcción es bella. tal vez, y cero si es no
SUMAS 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 4 6
valoracion de la Belleza
reconoce una zona,
no un ciudad o país)
al tema
usuario del barrio o
usuarios de la edificaión
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el barrio
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
obra constituye un hito poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
para la ciudad o la tal vez, y cero si es no
provincia si es rurral
Considera ud que la 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 1
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el País
2 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 1 1
Considera ud que la
construccion atrae poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
turismo nacional o tal vez, y cero si es no
extranjero al pais
SUMAS 8 6 8 7 6 8 5 8 8 4 5 5
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
PARASOL, "Zetas"
Sevilla España
usuarios de la
o ciudad
arquitecto o afín al
con titulo de
experto calificado
Reconocer y premiar
Se llenaran opiniones y
una serie de aspectos
de por lo menos 3 tipos
1 importantes de la
de entrevistados
arquitectura y de la vida
entrevistados, minimo 2
que generalmente no
de cada tipo
son valorados.
Considera que la 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 2
construcción es la mas poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
agradable del Barrio o la tal vez, y cero si es no
2 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
Considera que la obra
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
estan entre las 5 mas
tal vez, y cero si es no
agradables de la ciudad
2 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 2
Considera ud. Que la poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
construcción es bella. tal vez, y cero si es no
SUMAS 6 5 6 5 0 2 6 6 6 5 3 6
valoracion de la Belleza
reconoce una zona,
no un ciudad o país)
al tema
usuario del barrio o
usuarios de la edificaión
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el barrio
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
obra constituye un hito poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
para la ciudad o la tal vez, y cero si es no
provincia si es rurral
Considera ud que la 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
obra constituye un hito
tal vez, y cero si es no
para el País
2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Considera ud que la
construccion atrae poner 2 si es si, 1 si es
turismo nacional o tal vez, y cero si es no
extranjero al pais
SUMAS 8 7 8 7 6 6 8 8 8 7 6 5
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Sevilla España
usuarios de la
o ciudad
arquitecto o afín al
con titulo de
experto calificado
Reconocer y premiar
Se llenaran opiniones
una serie de aspectos
y de por lo menos 3
1 importantes de la
tipos de entrevistados
arquitectura y de la vida
entrevistados, minimo
que generalmente no
2 de cada tipo
son valorados.
Considera que la 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 2
poner 2 si es si, 1 si
construcción es la mas
es tal vez, y cero si es
agradable del Barrio o
la zona.
2 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2
Considera que la obra poner 2 si es si, 1 si
estan entre las 5 mas es tal vez, y cero si es
agradables de la ciudad no
poner 2 si es si, 1 si 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 2
Considera ud. Que la
es tal vez, y cero si es
construcción es bella.
SUMAS 6 3 4 6 5 0 1 6 4 2 1 6
valoracion de la Belleza
cual se reconoce una
no un zona, ciudad o país)
al tema
usuario del barrio o
usuarios de la edificaión
Considera ud que la poner 2 si es si, 1 si 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
obra constituye un hito es tal vez, y cero si es
para el barrio no
Considera ud que la 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
poner 2 si es si, 1 si
obra constituye un hito
es tal vez, y cero si es
para la ciudad o la
provincia si es rurral
Considera ud que la poner 2 si es si, 1 si 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
obra constituye un hito es tal vez, y cero si es
para el País no
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Considera ud que la
poner 2 si es si, 1 si
construccion atrae
es tal vez, y cero si es
turismo nacional o
extranjero al pais
SUMAS 7 6 6 7 7 4 6 7 5 5 6 6
Tables [3].
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
aporta a las
carencias es un hito
de vivienda patrimonio
de servicios identidad
dinamiza la
economia arte
confort artesania
Las estrellas son meritos menores en cada aspecto, la luna es un merito medio, y el sol es un reconocimiento alto, equivalente a oro o platino.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Belleza Emoción
fotos de la
sociales variar Emoción
crea trabajo evaluada belleza
human been
aporta a las
carencias es un hito
de vivienda patrimonio
de servicios identidad
dinamiza la
economia arte
confort artesania
Las estrellas son meritos menores en cada aspecto, la luna es un merito medio, y el sol es un reconocimiento alto, equivalente a oro o platino.
Tables [4]
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 radically altered the world order.
The Cold War was over, and the USSR became 15 independent states. This
interdisciplinary research focuses on the political history of the bi-lateral
relationship between the US and Ukraine in the post-Communist Era,
primarily by analyzing executive-level interactions between both states. The
purpose of this study is to explain how US-Ukrainian relations have evolved
from Ukraine’s independence from the USSR to the present day in an effort
to determine the future of US-Ukrainian relations in the short- and long-term
future. This study includes an analysis of US government documents, official
communications by the US, Ukrainian, and Russian governments, media
reports from all three states, and the integration of numerous academic
publications on the subject. Our central argument is that the policies pursued
by the United States and Ukraine in this time frame reflect what International
Relations scholars term “realism”. In sum, all of the realism criteria are met
in the case of US-Ukraine Relations. This leads us to conclude that as states,
the US and Ukraine will continue to act in a rational self-interested manner,
for their own self-preservation, without regard to the expressions of
international organizations.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 radically altered the world order.
The Cold War was over, and the USSR became 15 independent states. The
United States of America was then faced with reinventing its foreign policy
in the region, and began the process of establishing formal political relations
with each newly independent state of the former-USSR. Among these is
Ukraine, a state that has undergone tremendous changes over the past
twenty-five years.
This interdisciplinary research focuses on the political history of the
bi-lateral relationship between the US and Ukraine in the post-Communist
Era, primarily by analyzing executive-level interactions between both states.
Therefore, the subject matter is neatly divided into the following eight
historical periods of US-Ukraine Relations that mirror the executives elected
to the presidency of each state:
1. 1991-1992: Leonid Kravchuk & George H.W. Bush
Relations between the US and Ukraine begin with Ukraine’s transition to
democracy and the election of longtime Communist Party Leader Leonid
Kravchuk as the newly independent state’s first democratically elected
president. Then-US President George H.W. Bush assisted Ukraine’s
transition with an eye toward dismantling the country’s nuclear arsenal.
2. 1993-1994: Leonid Kravchuk & Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton pressured Ukraine to become a non-nuclear state to sign a
Non-Proliferation Treaty and establishing a Trilateral Statement between
the US, Ukraine and Russia to guarantee Ukraine’s security.
3. 1994-2000: Leonid Kuchma & Bill Clinton
During Clinton’s second term in office, which coincided with Leonid
Kuchma’s reign of power in Ukraine, the pursuit of NATO membership
for Ukraine, the resolution between Ukraine and Russia over the
stationing of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, the adoption of the
Trilateral Statement and Budapest Memorandum that was to guarantee
Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and funding to shut down the Chernobyl
plant were all major themes.
4. 2001-2004: Leonid Kuchma & George W. Bush
By the time George W. Bush ascended to the US presidency, Kuchma’s
scandalous involvement in the Heorhiy Gongadze murder and Ukrainian
sales of military equipment to Iraq were beginning to unravel and had
dire effects on US-Ukrainian relations.
5. 2004-2008: Victor Yushchenko & George W. Bush
The Orange Revolution popular movement that brought Victor
Yushchenko to power, and George W. Bush’s reelection set the tone for a
revival in US-Ukraine relations.
6. 2009-2010: Victor Yushchenko & Barack Obama
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
free market system and expand trade with Ukraine (US Government
Publishing Office 1992d). After the meeting, Bush I thanked Kravchuk for
the agreements signed by both governments and changed Ukraine’s status to
a most-favored nation, which was a long way from its status only two years
prior, and hinted toward the establishment of future agreements. President
George H. W. Bush expressed the US stand to support a “democratic”
Ukraine, which sent a clear signal that Ukraine should remain on a road
towards democracy or face losing US assistance.
Ukrainian concerns over the heavily ethnic-Russian population
regions in Ukraine became apparent soon after the USSR’s dissolution.
Significantly, Kravchuk addressed his concerns over the issue of Ukrainian
security during a joint press conference with Bush I by discussing political
forces in Russia and their attempted territorial claims to parts of Ukraine.
Kravchuk wanted some form of guarantee to ensure the national security of
Ukraine, specifically from Russia. There was a question on whether Ukraine
was afraid of losing the Crimea region to Russia. Kravchuk responded that
the 1954 Act to transfer Crimea to the Republic of Ukraine from the USSR
was “totally legitimate”, but that there are “some forces from the outside that
stimulate and instigate separatist moods” (US Government Publishing Office
1992d). Kravchuk provided the Russian vice-president Alexander Rutskoy’s
statement that “Crimea is Russian” as an example and proclaimed his wish
for peace in the region (US Government Publishing Office 1992d). The
highly ethnic Russian populated Crimea region has been vastly contested by
ethnic Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, and Russians alike. In sum, while Bush
I’s concerns dealt specifically with the NPT, President Kravchuk was more
focused on the territorial and economic issues that revolved around the future
security of an independent Ukraine. On July 2 1992, Bush I submitted a
yearly report on NPT and thanked the presidents of Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
Russia and Belarus for their cooperation to fulfill the withdrawals of tactical
nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Republics (US Government
Publishing Office 1992e).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
gain international security through the NPT. The strategy pursued early on by
the Clinton Administration illustrates a change from the previous
administration, and was more inclusive of Ukraine in its negotiations.
On January 8 1994, President Clinton sent a memorandum to the
Secretary of Defense on the assistance to the states of the former Soviet
Union (US Government Publishing Office 1994a). In the memorandum,
President Clinton expressed the importance in assisting Ukraine and the
region to improve security for the US and the world in general. President
Clinton stated, “The political and economic transformation of the Newly
Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union into peaceful market-
oriented democracies will directly reduce the security threat to the
United States and lead to substantial savings in the cost of the defense of the
United States (US Government Publishing Office 1994a).” In a news
conference held in Kyiv on January 12, 1994, President Clinton spoke about
the willingness of all three presidents (Clinton, Kravchuk, and Russian
President Boris Yeltsin) to sign the agreement that would commit Ukraine to
eliminate its nuclear arsenal and how the agreement would increase
Ukraine’s security as well as the entire world. Their meeting centered around
the strategic importance of the Ukrainian territory, a US invitation for
Ukraine to participate in NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PFP), and the
enhancement and expansion of economic relations between both countries
(US Government Publishing Office 1994b). President Clinton also
announced an enterprise fund set up for the region to assist new small
businesses and existing firms that sought to privatize and he expressed that
US policy guarantees to assist Ukraine economically and in terms of security,
depended on Ukraine’s pledge to follow through with its plan denuclearize.
President Kravchuk recognized nuclear weapons as the most important
problem facing the world during that time period and acknowledged the
importance of economic support to Ukraine as well as his willingness to
participate in NATO’s PFP (Clark and McGwire 2008, 1281-1287).
The process to make Ukraine a Non-Nuclear State would become
closer following the signing of the Trilateral Statement between US, Russia,
and Ukraine. On January 14, 1994, the Trilateral Statement was signed by all
three leaders at a meeting in Moscow. After the signing ceremony, President
Kravchuk said that Ukraine was also guaranteed compensation for the
enriched uranium once the nuclear warheads had been dismantled as well as
security assurances from both US and Russia (US Government Publishing
Office 1994c).
In March 1994, President Clinton informed Congress about his
resolution to add Ukraine to the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),
which would allow Ukraine access to the US market by adding it to the list
of developing countries (US Government Publishing Office 1994d). At a
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Russia, the US, and the UK agreed not to use any nuclear weapons against
any non-nuclear weapon state of the NPT, except in the case of an attack on
themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or
their allies (Budapest Memorandums on Security Assurances 1994).
In February 1996, Freedom House honored Kuchma as the 43rd
recipient of the Freedom Award for contributions to world peace, regional
security, and inter-ethnic cooperation. The organization had strong ties to
Ukraine in 1996 and chaperoned Kuchma’s trip to the US, where he met with
President Clinton and spoke about Ukraine’s painful transition from an
authoritarian regime to a democratic system of government, and the
importance of Ukraine’s new constitution that would help deepen the
democratic development of Ukrainian society and legally provide safeguards
against the threat of returning to authoritarian political control (Lew 1996).
On May 31, 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin visited Kuchma in
Kyiv to sign a Friendship Treaty. Yeltsin specifically stated that within this
treaty, Russia would respect and honor the territorial integrity of Ukraine,
despite the urging of Russian leaders to try to claim the city of Sevastopol in
the Crimea as Russian (Specter 1997). The main points of the treaty stress
political and commercial cooperation between the two countries, and it
includes a joint statement on the Black Sea Fleet that permitted Russia to
operate on Ukrainian territory. The Agreement on Status and Conditions of
Deployment of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on the Territory of Ukraine
established the terms of the Russian Black Sea Fleet presence in Ukraine for
20 years, and stipulated that its activity would be carried out in accordance
with universally accepted norms of international law (Ukrainian Weekly
1997). It also assured the people of Sevastopol that their social well-being
would remain important to the leaders of both countries and that the city
would not become a military annex of Russia (Specter 1997).
That same year, the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus was founded in
the US House of Representatives. The creation of the Caucus was announced
to the public at a reception held at the Embassy of Ukraine in the US,
commemorating the first anniversary of the adoption of the Ukrainian
Constitution written under Kuchma. The Caucus is aimed at expanding
bilateral Ukraine-US cooperation, including authoring legislation,
disseminating information to members of Congress about current political,
economic, social, and cultural events occurring in Ukraine, as well as
drafting recommendations on the further development of US policy toward
Ukraine (Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America 2012). The
main goal of the Caucus is to support Ukraine in democratization and
market-oriented reforms, as well as to shape the US Congress official
position regarding Ukraine’s success in their implementation.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
was reckless and he directly threatened the lives of US soldiers and those of
US allies. Schaffer also urged Bush II to isolate Kuchma and his associates
while improving relations with other Ukrainian officials. Schaffer claimed
that Ukraine is vital to the long-term security of the US and NATO allies,
and it is in America’s interest to support the people of Ukraine in their quest
for permanent independence.
By 2003, Relations between the US and Ukraine were at their lowest
level since the USSR disintegrated (Kuzio 2003a, 26). However, Kuchma
sent Ukrainian troops to Iraq in September of 2003 as part of the
international stabilization force to win the good graces of the US and Great
Britain, and on June 5, 2003, the Ukrainian parliament approved to send
1,800 peacekeeping troops to Iraq. (Zalizniak 2003). During the Iraq War,
the Ukrainian newspaper Dzerkalo Tygnia published a poll that showed 90%
of Ukrainians opposed military solution to the crisis and only 4.6% approved
the war; while 38% of Ukrainians agreed that Saddam Hussein was
dangerous for peace in the world, 57% said the same for George W. Bush
(Zalizniak 2003).
On September 11, 2004, Kuchma sent a letter to Bush II promising
that Ukraine would remain true to its commitments as an active participant in
the Anti-Terrorism Coalition and would do its best to counter terrorism
(Ukrainian Weekly 2004). Clearly this letter was written to Bush II as a way
to regain the US’s trust after the Kuchmagate and Kolchuga scandals. US-
Ukraine relations towards the end of Kuchma’s second term were in decline,
to say the least, and many US officials were hesitant to trust Kuchma’s
politics. The stage was now set for a de facto referendum on Kuchma’s ten
years in office marred by crises and scandals, with the presidential election
scheduled for October 31, 2004 (Kuzio 2005).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
vote in comparison to Mr. Yushchenko’s 46.7 percent, though most exit polls
had shown former Minister of Finance Yushchenko having a significant lead
over Prime Minister Yanukovych (108 S.R. 485). Nongovernmental
organizations (NGO), Ukrainian observers, and representatives for foreign
governments, among them US Senator Richard Lugar, an Indiana
Republican, had witnessed brazen violations of Ukrainian campaign law and
“international standards for democratic elections” (108 S.R. 485). Less than
a day after the election ended, before the winner had even officially been
declared, tens of thousands of protesters had gathered at Independence
Square (the Maidan) in Kyiv. Protests broke out across Ukraine, as more and
more Ukrainians gathered at the Maidan. The United States government, the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and other
international actors were quick to condemn the election, with the exception
of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Russian President
Vladimir Putin allegedly congratulated Prime Minister Yanukovych on his
win before the Central Election Commission (CEC) had even officially
declared the results; the Bush administration filed a complaint with the
Russian ambassador to the United States in response (Torbakov 2004). The
Orange Revolution, as the protests were now being called, remained
remarkably nonviolent, with neither the protestors nor Ukrainian government
resorting to violent measures.
On 24 November, the Ukrainian Supreme Court barred the CEC from
publishing the official election results, preventing Mr. Yanukovych’s
inauguration as president until the court could review the allegations of voter
fraud. Eventually, both candidates agreed on the need for another election.
The Ukrainian Supreme Court ruled that the November 21 election was
invalid and that a new runoff election would be scheduled for December 26
(108 S.R. 487). The US Department of State was quick to respond to these
developments and provided an additional three million dollars in funding for
the 26 December election to “support election observers, exit polling,
parallel vote tabulations, training of election commissioners, and voter
education programs” in addition to the $13.8 million in election-related
assistance that had already been provided in 2004 (US House 2004). Future
policy, regardless of which candidate won, depended upon a free and fair
After the rampant fraud of the earlier elections, early reports of the
December 26 run-off by observer organizations were promising. Overall, the
electoral process had improved significantly over the past month with
international observers reporting more balanced media coverage, the ending
of editorial instructions for journalists by the government, and less abuse and
misuse of state resources in pressuring voters. As in the prior elections, CIS
observers differed from their Western counterparts in their analysis of the
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
election. The Russian reaction was a sole voice of dissent against the other
observing organizations. Yushchenko announced his victory just hours after
the polls closed, though his rival Yanukovych refused to concede the election
until the CEC announced the official results on January 10. Though the
United States commended Ukraine for a democratic election immediately
after it had taken place, it reserved its congratulations for Yushchenko’s
election until the official results were announced. On January 22, 2005, the
evening before Yushchenko’s inauguration, Bush II personally telephoned
Yushchenko to congratulate him on his victory and affirm the United States
support of Ukraine.
In early February 2005, Senators John McCain and Hilary Clinton, a
Democrat from New York, led a delegation of 11 members of Congress to
Kyiv and met with newly appointed Prime Minister Tymoshenko and other
members of the Ukrainian government to discuss Ukraine’s dependency on
Russian energy and the normalization of trade relations between the US and
Ukraine (Nuzhinskaya 2005).
In Ukraine, in contrast to the optimism of the United States, the
reaction to the Orange Revolution and second run-off election was somewhat
mixed. Less than six in ten Ukrainians believed that the December 26
election was “completely or mostly fair;” that number rose to 87% for
Yushchenko supporters and plummeted to 13% for Yanukovych supporters
(IFES 2005a, 3). More importantly, the revolution had somewhat alienated
Crimea and eastern Ukraine from the rest of the country. The differences
reported between Yanukovych and Yushchenko supporters were magnified
in these areas. Reflecting their ethnic makeup, they were far more likely to
support strengthening relations with Russia in comparison to Ukrainians in
other areas. This rift would continue to grow over the upcoming years.
The next significant step in US-Ukraine relations was at the NATO
Summit in Brussels in late February 2015. President Yushchenko was the
only non-NATO head of state to attend, and he met with Bush II in person
for the first time before the summit. President Bush stressed that “it’s up to
President Yushchenko and his Government and the people of Ukraine to
adapt the institutions of a democratic state… but we want to help them
achieve that work” (US Government Publishing Office 2005a). To that end,
he announced additional funding from the United States towards NATO’s
newly created small arms disarmament program for Ukraine (US
Government Publishing Office 2005a). Separately, a few weeks later the
House authorized an additional $33.7 million in assistance for Ukraine in an
emergency appropriations act (Cong. Rec. 2005, 151, pt. 31, H1471),
although this amount was nearly doubled after President Yushchenko’s visit
to the United States in April 2005.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
and support for President Yushchenko, the Cabinet of Ministers, and the
Rada had all plummeted by around 20% in only nine months (IFES 2005b,
3). The Party of Regions, the bloc of former Prime Minister Yanukovych
was already taking a significant lead over the fractured Orange coalition
parties by the time of the survey as well, with just under one in five
respondents answering that they would vote for the Party of Regions if the
election was held on the upcoming Sunday, foreshadowing the results four
years later (IFES 2005b, 21).
Early in 2006, the primary focus of US-Ukraine relations was on
closer economic ties between the two nations and further improvement of
Ukraine’s economic situation. The Generalized System of Preferences
benefits for Ukraine was reinstated and Congress passed legislation
normalizing trade relations with Ukraine. Bush II signed the bill into law on
March 23, remarking that it was “the beginning of a new era in our history…
The cold war is over, and a free Ukraine is a friend to America and an
inspiration to those who love liberty,” and “our nations’ friendship will
grow” as a result of increased trade (US Government Publishing Office
2006). Ultimately, however, these growing economic ties in early 2006 were
somewhat offset by the results of the March 26 election that propelled
Yanukovych’s Party of Regions back into a prominent position in the Rada,
leading to a cooling of relations between the United States and Ukraine. The
OSCE chose Representative Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida to
serve as the special coordinator for the OSCE observers present during the
March 26 elections, which the organization found to be free and fair
(Ukrainian Weekly 2006a).
A month later, speaking in Bulgaria, Secretary of State Rice
commented that “The Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people will
have to decide whether or not [joining NATO] is something that they wish to
pursue,” referring to the Party of Regions opposition to Ukraine’s
membership in NATO (Embassy of the United States 2006). In early June,
Bush II’s planned trip to Kyiv was “postponed,” “due to the lack of a
government in Ukraine” after coalition talks between the former Orange
parties had still not resulted in an agreement (Ukrainian Weekly 2006b).
Relations between the United States and Ukraine continued to
deteriorate in 2007. During a speech at the Embassy of Ukraine, Minister of
Foreign Affairs Arseniy Yatsenyuk summarized the political infighting in
Ukraine as “domestic problems… what is going on right now is part of a
normal political process” (Bihun 2007). Minister Yatsenyuk extended thanks
to the United States for staying out of the affair and added, “Ukrainian
political problems should be resolved by Ukrainian politicians and not by the
US Congress or government” (Bihun 2007). The Bush administration
maintained its distance through 2007. Early in September, USAID
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
aggression in the region without the support of NATO. The first section of
the charter is concerned with maintaining Ukrainian territorial integrity, with
principle 1 stating “Support for each other’s sovereignty, independence,
territorial integrity and inviolability of borders constitutes the foundation of
our bilateral relations” (US Department of State 2008).
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
the same site of the country’s infamous Orange Revolution in 2004. For the
second time in less than a decade, the actions of Viktor Yanukovych
motivated thousands to descend upon the square in protest. The initial
protests remained peaceful, with few exceptions of vandalism and outbursts
of skirmishes between protestors and the Berkut, Ukraine's special police
force employed by the government's Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Peaceful demonstrations turned violent on November 30 as police
attacked Maidan protestors in an attempt to disperse them from the square,
injuring dozens of people which triggered hundreds of thousands of
protestors – roughly 700,000 according to Ukrainian media (Hanenkrat
2013) – to march toward the Maidan on December 1. Over the next few
days, protestors created makeshift camps in the Maidan, complete with tents,
barricades and campfires and masses gathered in downtown Kyiv in ways
somewhat reminiscent of the Orange Revolution. Despite relatively peaceful
demonstrations in downtown Kyiv, in the early morning of December 11, in
what appeared to be a coordinated attack, Berkut police forces surrounded
the Maidan where some 15,000 protestors had gathered and attempted to
destroy the makeshift barricades scattered about the Maidan; protestors and
police clashed violently.
The acts of violence inflicted upon protestors garnered international
outrage, particularly among US representatives. Secretary of State John
Kerry condemned the events, stating, “The United States expresses its
disgust with the decision of Ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful
protest in Kyiv's Maidan Square with riot police, bulldozers, and batons,
rather than with respect for democratic rights and dignity. This response is
neither acceptable nor does it befit a democracy...” (US Department Of State
2013b). Though US officials were quick to extend their support for the
protestors, the United States, particularly in terms of foreign policy, had been
largely uninvolved in Eastern Europe for some time. The gesture, limited
strictly to words of encouragement for the protestors, highlighted the Obama
administration’s tendency to prioritize issues of international concern, an
administration much more hesitant to engage in conflicts that did not directly
affect the nation, unlike its predecessor.
Despite the United States’ verbal encouragement, Moscow outright
condemned US presence and support in their former republic, calling US
involvement in Kyiv “the desperate subversion of Ukraine” (Robles 2013),
while Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that
“[United States] interference in domestic processes in Ukraine may have
very serious consequences” (Interfax-Ukraine 2013a). Russia’s contempt
was historically consistent with its fear of western encroachment into former
Soviet satellite states or republics. With thousands of protestors in Kyiv
emboldened by US encouragement and upset with the increasingly corrupt
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
package for the restless country, what The Wall Street Journal called the US
and EU’s way of “stepping up efforts to sway the outcome of the political
crisis in Ukraine” (Norman, Entous, and Cullison 2014). Indeed, both the
United States and key members of the EU hoped that stimulating Ukraine’s
economy would aid in the country eventually implementing a new, more pro-
Western government. Although the bid only hinted at US efforts to influence
the political environment of Ukraine, an intercepted and subsequently leaked
telephone conversation between two top US officials that emerged in early
February all but cemented speculation about direct US involvement in
Ukraine, rather than encouragement.
In a “private” conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State
Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt the two
discussed how to alleviate the political and economic crisis in Ukraine by
seemingly installing opposition members as leaders in a new government.
The conversation between Nuland and Pyatt laid bare “a deep degree of US
involvement in affairs that Washington officially says are Ukraine’s to
resolve” (Gearan 2014) and Russia, predictably, condemned the US for what
Moscow called a “clear breach” (Macdonald 2014) of the 1994 Budapest
Memorandum on Security Assurances which assured the United States
would respect Ukraine’s independent sovereignty.
Meanwhile, tensions in Kyiv continued to mount. Maidan protestors
marched on Ukraine’s parliament on February 18 where they were fired
upon by Berkut forces using live and rubber ammunition, prompting US
Vice President Biden to call Yanukovych and express his “grave concern
regarding the crisis on the streets of Kyiv” (The White House 2014i). On
February 21, Yanukovych and notable opposition leaders Vitali Klitschko,
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and Oleh Tyahnybok agreed to a deal that would
hopefully end the crisis gripping the country. Despite the success of any
compromise at all, opposition leaders speaking at the Maidan faced boos and
jeers by protestors who remained dissatisfied that the proposed deal kept
Yanukovych in power (BBC News 2014c). In the face of the first sign of
negotiation in months, a Right Sector activist took the staged and threatened
to begin armed attacks on the government if the President did not tender an
immediate resignation (Higgins and Kramer 2014).
Reports soon began circulating that Yanukovych had fled Kyiv for
the predominantly ethnic-Russian city of Kharkiv in the east. Less than 24
hours after Yanukovych fled Kyiv, the Rada, backed by 328 of its 447
members, voted to remove him from his presidential office, citing his guilt in
various human rights violations and the desertion of his duties as Ukraine’s
president (Al Jazeera 2014; Booth 2014). In his place, parliament voted to
elect their speaker, Oleksander Turchynov as interim president to serve until
the early elections on May 25; opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk was
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2014m). Putin, however, denied that Russian troops were behind the events
unfolding in Crimea, claiming it was local self-defense units who took up
arms against what they felt was an illegitimate government in Kyiv, and that
any presence of Russian troops was an attempt to control for any radicals
that may move toward Crimea (Kelley 2014).
In response to Russia’s audacity to move into Ukraine unauthorized,
on March 6, President Obama authorized sanctions against individuals
responsible for violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (The
White House 2014b) and in a phone call with President Putin, emphasized
that Russia’s actions in Ukraine were not internationally acceptable (The
White House 2014e). Although the crisis in Crimea defined the relationship
between Russia and the US, it also shed light on the relationship between the
US and Ukraine that was largely defined by strategic maneuvers to
counterbalance major powers in the region. The inaction of the United States
in the face of the events in Crimea, a clear violation of the Memorandum,
spoke volumes about the United States’ bond with Ukraine. In the days and
months that followed, it appeared that the only action the US was willing to
take was a bit of diplomatic finger-wagging.
On March 12, President Obama and Ukraine’s Prime Minister
Arseniy Yatsenyuk held a bilateral meeting to discuss the ongoing events in
Ukraine, particularly the threat posed by Crimea’s occupation. The meeting
came just days before what President Obama called a “slapdash” referendum
“patched together” in Crimea in which the autonomous region would vote to
secede from Ukraine - a referendum, the President added, that the United
States would “completely reject” (The White House 2014l). The referendum
results claimed that votes in favor of Crimea seceding from Ukraine reached
96.77 percent (Morello, Englund, and Witte 2014), but a report accidentally
released by a Russian government website in May 2014 revealed that the
referendum had garnered a maximum 30 percent turnout with only half of
this percentage voting in favor of annexation from Ukraine (Gregory 2014).
Before the international community had ample time to react to the sham of a
referendum, Putin had already signed an executive order recognizing the
status of the Republic of Crimea as an independent state at 10:30pm on
March 17, and at 1:00pm Moscow time the following day, signed an
executive order absorbing Crimea into the Russian Federation (Putin 2014a,
2014b). In response, the United States upped the ante on sanctions put in
place on March 6, placing additional sanctions on Russian officials and
individuals in the Russian arms sector. By March 20, Obama had imposed
another set of sanctions which included Russian energy companies and banks
in the hopes that Russia would de-escalate its looming presence in the east
(The White House 2014a).
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
present day, the ongoing relationship between the US and Ukraine raises
questions about the future of Ukraine. Inaction on behalf of the US in regards
to the crisis in Crimea and its continued supply of non-lethal weapons to
modernize Ukraine’s military spoke volumes about US hesitation to
challenge the largest power in the region, Russia. However, recent
developments in Washington may redefine the relationship between the two
countries. On November 10, 2015, Congress passed the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 that revived the ongoing discussion
about providing lethal arms to Ukraine. Of the $607 billion budgeted, the bill
allocated $300 million to assist Ukraine in its fight against Russia and the
Russian-backed separatists in the east; of that $300 million, Congress
designated $50 million to provide Ukraine with lethal assistance such as anti-
armor weapon systems, mortars, grenade launchers, small arms and
ammunition (Johnson 2015). According to reports from the White House,
President Obama – despite months of careful diplomatic maneuvering to
prevent arming Ukraine and subsequently infuriating Russia – is likely to
sign the legislation when it reaches his desk (Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty 2015a).
This research reveals how the relationship between the US and
Ukraine has changed over time, and provides suggestions for what to look
for in the future. United States foreign policy towards Ukraine has always
reflected US national interest, and has often mirrored America’s changing
relationship with Russia. In the early Post-USSR days, there was hope
around the world for an end to the possibility of a thermonuclear war, and for
the normalization of relations between the United States and Russia along
with the other former Soviet Republics. Back then, the focus of the United
States and Ukraine went from democracy building to nuclear disarmament
under Kravchuk, Kuchma, George H.W. Bush and Clinton. Thus, in the early
1990s, relations between the US and Ukraine, like those between the US and
Russia, were fairly good. It was in the US national interest for the former
Soviet republics to become democracies and form positive relations with the
US from both a security and economic standpoint. Once Ukraine signed the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1994, the US and Ukraine could turn to
other issues, such as the pursuit of NATO and EU membership. Ukraine was
of geopolitical importance to the US, not only from the standpoint of its
geographic location between Russia to the East and the EU to the West, but
also by curbing Russia’s imperial ambitions within the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS). Because of Ukraine’s geopolitical importance, it
became the third largest recipient of US aid and the most active CIS state
within NATO’s Partnership for Peace in the 1990’s.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
hands. At the moment, nothing is certain. But the fact that this is a textbook
case in realism leads us to conclude that the states of Ukraine and the US
(and Russia) will continue to act in a rational self-interested manner, for their
own self-preservation, without regard to the expressions of international
organizations. Thus, we can expect the United States to provide the proposed
funding for military aid and continued training of the Ukrainian military. It is
simply too much of a risk to abandon or isolate Ukraine, as it would then be
more likely to be forced to turn to Russia. We can expect the Ukrainian
government to continue to work with the state of Russia to bring an end to
the fighting in the Donbas, in exchange for expanded autonomous rights
under a more federalist system in order to preserve what is left of its
territorial integrity. Ukraine currently does not have the military might to
remove the pro-Russian forces in the Donbas. And we can expect Russia to
never cede Crimea. Since the US is not willing to go to war over Ukraine,
and Russia knows that it may go to war if it invades the territory of a NATO
member state, the current frontlines are likely to hold. Given the recently
forged alliance between the US and Russia on a Syrian military campaign
against ISIS, it is entirely possible, if not probable, that as Russia focuses its
military attention toward the Middle East, that it will not choose to sustain
(or be able to sustain) the forces in the Donbas and find a negotiated
settlement. Ultimately, however, it is Russia who seemingly is in the best
position to determine the outcome of what will happen to Ukraine.
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2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Roberto Kertész
Victor Kertész
University of Flores, Buenos Aires
An overview of the present situation and the future trends of women
in different management positions is reviewed, including their working
profile, educational trends, performance in organizations, entrepreneurship
and copreneurship, current national laws ,opportunities in the job place and
prospectives, in Argentina and worldwide.
Se presenta un panorama de la situación actual y las tendencias
futuras de las mujeres en diferentes posiciones de trabajo, incluyendo su
perfil laboral, tendencias educacionales, desempeño en las organizaciones,
emprendedurismo y coemprendedurismo, legislación vigente, oportunidades
en el lugar de trabajo y las perspectivas futuras, en Argentina y el resto del
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Islandia is 1st. followed by two Nordic countries, the USA is 28th and is
better than Brazil, 85th. If the trend, stagnant since 2010, continues as such, it
will take 118 years to the worldwide closing of the gap, in 2133!
Raquel Saralegui (La Nacion, september 27, 2015) reports in an
article in this newspaper that there is a scarce23% of women occupying
management positions in Argentina and 29%, demonstrating the still present
resistance of the “crystal ceiling”.
But Mabel Bianco, President of the Foundation for Women´s Study
and Research (Clarin, November 20) affirms that we do not have to wait till
2133, and if we analyze all the corresponding items, Argentina is much
worse in the economic breach, descends to the 105th place! She stresses to
attend the non paid care tasks of children, elder and disabled persons handled
by women in the home, and while these responsibilities fall on them without
governmental help, such as child day care centers, the limitations for their
progress will persist.
The equality of sexes is a basic requisite for the development of a
society, and not a sole feminine problem. Also, the access to a quality
education, increasing specially the access to technological areas, is a key
factor. Finally, it is essential that all women have a right to sexual and
reproductive health resource
Some important statistics: (Corral, S., 2011)
62,2% of working mothers
Feminine unemployment: 8,6%
47, 1% of working or work seeking women (28% in 1980)
(INDEC-National Institute of Statistics and Census, Argentina, 2015 )
Educational trends
“Even they are the half, only of every four scientists becomes a
chief”, at the Conicet ( National Council of Scientific and Technical
Research), according to Dora Barrancos, member of the Directory (Roman,
V., 2015).
Presently, women represent the 52% of the pool of 8.505
investigators but the 57% is in the bottom of the pyramid and only 25% has a
superior category. This means that they trained human resources, produced
significant research projects and obtained international recognition. And she
continues: “Many times
it is not acknowledged that they have lower opportunities to develop
their professional career as they ar in charge of the homework chores and
the care of the offspring and other relatives. So, frequently they limit
themselves and don´t dare to occupy leadership positions.” This situation
might be aggravated when the husbands, parents or other relatives behave
enviously or competitively
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Performance in organizations
“They are more than 50% or the university enrollment and represent
the 40% of the economically active population in Argentina and they are
owners or managers in half of the industrial small businesses. But when they
intend to start a business, they find more difficulties to ask for and obtain
financing. So, most of the businesses run by women in Latin America don´t
live through the microenterprise or can´t overcome the informal economy”
(Indice del Entorno Empresarial, Business Environment Index, 2013
Although gender equality appears to be on the forefront of political
and social issues in Argentina, the country still experiences significant
gender inequalities in large corporations. Argentina’s achievements on
behalf of women in local politics are notable. It is the first country in Latin
America to adopt a system of political quotas requiring all political parties to
include a minimum of 30 percent female candidates on ballot lists in national
elections. Argentina had re-elected its female president, Cristina Fernández
de Kirchner, for a second term in 2011, replaced by Mauricio Macri in 2015.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
They only appeared in public with their wives, which probably had
some influence on their defeat, taking account of the feminine voters.
Finally, on November 22 the leader of “Cambiemos”, Mauricio Macri was
elected for President and a new era commenced for Argentina.
Presently in Argentina 37% of Parliament Deputies are feminine and
39% Senators.
and students in 12 countries of Latin America and in Spain. The spaces in the diagram are not
fixed and depend of the time devoted to each Role. Eric Berne (1910-1970), creator of
Transactional Analysis or TA (1964), stated that every person is “programmed” in childhood by
his or her family, and so the child generates a “life script” , similar to the literary ones, in his first
8 years, which is decided and later forgotten, but enacted through the later stages of existence. And
it includes instructions for our thoughts, inner images, behaviors and Roles: do´s and don´ts.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
“Copreneurs face issues that might not come up when working alone.
There are complicated interpersonal dynamics and they’re hard for some
couples to navigate. When you partner with a friend, you work to preserve
the friendship, and you get to go home separately at the end of the day. When
you’re a married couple who share a business, you have to keep your love
intact, and you have to go home together! You might be raising children
together as well, which adds another potential wrinkle to the mix.
Ultimately, you need optimum communication skills so that you’re both
getting what you need to thrive. And, you need to stay focused on a common
goal- running a successful business”.(Garcia-Robles, op.cit)
Maria Naranjo (Pymes journal, august 2015, page 31 ) cites the
Wegrow report “Liberating the growth potential of women entrepreneurs in
Latin America and the Caribbean, “
1. 3 of 4 comes from enterprising families;
2. 3 of 4 has tertiary or university education;}
3. A 78% has children
We have to take into account that historically, the first businesses
were mostly agricultural farms, where all the family worked. Much later,
industrial revolution , beginning in the XVIIIth. Century, changed that
structure, as mostly men went to work in the factories and the wives stood at
home, taking care of the corresponding duties and child care, assuming
dependent roles and being discriminated regarding academic training.
In our coaching practice with several dozens of coworking cases, we
have collected the following empirical information:
1.Roughly , half of them reach success in both roles, and the conjoint
endeavour reinforces their relationship, providing shared goals… dreams and
problems to solve. The other half fails, mostly due to competitiveness and
power fights, which frequently ruin also the marriage. So when the children
of parents with this history are invited to start something together, the answer
is “No way!” .
During a conference organized by our Iberian-American Family
Business Institute with the Federation of Cargo Transport Owners in 2007,
we asked an open question to the attendants: “How to you feel about working
with one´s spouse?” … whereby a typical response was: “I would never do
that, it ruined our parents and our family!”.
But the other was “I can only work with my wife”…and this started a lively
and quite dramatic exchange.
2. Habitually, he produces the goods and she manages the company
and the money
3. Competitiveness is more frequent when both parties share the same
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
National laws
“Argentine women still suffer postponements in the work field”
(Soledad Vallejos › Informacion general, 2011)
Even if they study more, they hold only a 34% of management jobs. In spite
of the many advances in the field, the gap is still big, and the genre
inequality persists in our country in many contexts, although a 30% more of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
women attends tertiary and university studies. And a masculine CEO earns
significantly more than his feminine counterpart (
March 2015) ttps://
“Women in Argentina have attained a relatively high level of equality
by Latin American standards, and in the Global Gender Gap Report
prepared by the World Economic Forum in 2009, Argentine women ranked
24th among 134 countries studied in terms of their access to resources and
opportunities relative to men.[2] They enjoy comparable levels of education,
and somewhat higher school enrollment ratios than their male counterparts.
They are well integrated in the nation's cultural and intellectual life, though
less so in the nation's economy. Their economic clout in relation to men is
higher than in most Latin American countries, however,[and numerous
Argentine women hold top posts in the Argentine corporate world; among
the best known are Cris Morena, owner of the television production company
by the same name, María A. L. de Fortabat, former CEO and majority
stakeholder of Loma Negra, the nation's largest cement manufacturer,
Ernestina H. de Noble, director of Grupo Clarín, the premier media group in
Argentina (ttps:// _in_Argentina)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
30 27,2 27,2
22,6 23,2
25 21,5
Wage gap
Argentina Uruguay Mexico Perú Chile Brasil
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The government elected in November 2015 offers new opportunities,
as the country has not grown in the last four years, the credit is too expensive
and the international exchange is stagnant due to the “ snare” or currency
exchange control, which only consequence is the lack of dollars in the
market. The new government eliminated this obstacle to grow in his first
days, in December 2015.
A recent initiative of Congress Deputy Soledad Carrizo (http//www. html) proposed a minimum of a 30%
feminine quota for cooperatives and mutuals, without this limiting a
maximum, and stating that “The social and political participation of women
has been and is considered as a central strategy for the building of equity of
genre and the deepening of democracy, and is undoubtedly and advance in
this sense”
On the other hand, in her report for the United Nations on poverty
and genre violence in 2015, (La Nacion, October 21, 2015) the statistician
Harumi Shibata Salazar commented the lack of data in several countries,
including Argentina , as the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses last
data on poorness exposed a 4, 7%, meanwhile the Observatory of Social
Debt of the Catholic University confirms between 29 and 33%. The new
government reported the substitution of present officers of the mentioned
Institute, taking back the previous technicians, and to publish updated and
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
dependable data, as well as acting with all the available resources to arrive to
“zero poverty” in Argentina.
And several non-profit organizations, such as “Voces Vitales” (Vital
Voices), affiliated to Vital Voices Global Partnership, FEIM (Foundation for
the Study and Research on Women), Asociación Aquí Estamos Nosotras -
(Association Here are We), CENDOC Women, Ciudadanas (Citizens),
Fundación Instituto de la Mujer (Foundation Institute of the Women) and
many others, believe in the transforming value of the feminine participation
in the society. This approach is sustained on studies of organizations, such as
the World Bank and the International Development Bank , which showed
that to invest in the development of women is the most effective measure to
reduce poverty, improve health and education and with it, to improve general
And, according to Paula Sandoval (2015); .
(Kessler, M., op. cit.,ps://
“Although Argentina still has social and culture obstacles to
overcome, its evolving legal system and private sector initiatives
seem to indicate that the country is taking valuable steps toward
greater gender parity in the workforce. Because gender
disparities in Argentina are greatest in the hiring process, it
may be some time before the effects of these initiatives are
reflected in the boardrooms of large companies.”
And, according to Paula Sandoval (2015), “Countries that by 2030
want to keep a solid and constant rhythm of economic growth, besides the
creation of the necessary quantity and quality of jobs, must wager for the
education, training and inclusion of women in the labor market”
Beaudet , P. (2015): ”Copreneurs: A term for partners and couples in
business”. 27
November, 2015
Berne. E. (1964): Games people play. New York: Grove Press
Berne, E. (1973): What do you say after you say hello? New York: Grove
Bianco, M. (2015): No tenemos que esperar hasta el año 2133 (We don´t
have wait till 2133).
Clarin, p.. 43, November 20
Bottinelli, L. (2015): “Mujeres: educación en Argentina (Women education
in Argentina)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedingsón-en-argentina/), accessed 28
November, 2015
Carrizo, S. (2015):, http//www. html accessed 27 November, 2015.
Catterberg, G. et al. (2013): National Report on Human Development,
NUPD, Buenos Aires
Corral, Sofia . (2011): “Their wages are lower”, La Nacion, March 6
Cox, E., Bachkirova, T. and Clutterbuck, D. (2010): “The complete
handbook of coaching”. Los Angeles, Sage,
Czubaj, F. (2015): “Argentina is absent in an United Nations study with key
data on women”. La Nacion, October 21)
Czerwacki, A. and Garcia-Robles, S. (2015): “Companies with women CEOs
produce greater returns”.Clarin, November 2015
Hawkins, P. and Smith, N. (2013): “Coaching, Mentoring and
Organizational Consulting”. 2nd.ed.,
New York, Open University Press
Informe Global de la Brecha de Género 2015, Foro Económico Mundial
(Global Gender Gap Report, World Economic Forum,https:/énero.,
Indice del Entorno Empresarial , Business Environment Index, 2013 , Accessed november 28, 2015
Kertész, R. and Atalaya, C. ( 2012 ) : MAPA: Cuestionario de Mensajes
Parentales (MAPA; Questionnaire of Parental Messages). 2nd. Ed.,Buenos
Aires: University of Flores
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C. and Kertész. A. (2010): “Analisis Transaccional
Integrado”. Flores University,
Kessler., M. ( 2001): ps://
.Accessed November28, 2015
Maffia, D. (2014): Argentine Net of Genre, Science and Technology, Accessed november 28, 2015
Naranjo, M. (Pymes Journal, august 2015, page 31): Wegrow report
“Liberating the growth potential of women entrepreneurs in Latin America
and the Caribbean”,
MIF-reporte-es.pd). Accessed November 26, 2015
Ñopo, H. et al (2011) “Gender earnings gaps in the world”. Discussion
Paper No. 5736, IZA Institute of the Study of Labor and Inter-American
Development Bank
Perez, P. (2015): “We are far from the joint democracy”. ONU Women,
Clarin ,november 15, 2015
Roman, V. (2015): “Even if they are the half, only one of every four women
scientists reaches the superior category”. Clarin, May 19
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Accessed November 23, 2015
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Dukyun Hwang
Sangin Park
Seoul National University, South Korea
The paper aims to analyze the effect of media use behavior of
cellphone users on the preferences for cellphone specifications. Based on the
survey data of the Korean Information Society Development Institute and
data on hardware attributes of mobile phone models, we employed a mixed
logit model for the estimation of the interactions between consumer
attributes and product characteristics. Since cellphone producers are sensitive
to cellphone customers’ preferences for hardware specifications, this study’s
results can provide a clue to predict technological changes on cellphone
The paper aims to analyze the effect of media use behavior of
cellphone users on the preferences for cellphone specifications. Under the
assumption that cellphone producers are sensitive to cellphone customers’
preferences for hardware specifications, this study’s results can provide a
clue to predict technological changes on cellphone hardware.
The cellphone, especially the smartphone, has a lot of functions for
media contents, so that cellphones as a new media device have substituted
the traditional media devices such as the radio or the television. As new
applications and media contents that can be used with a cellphone are having
been developed steadily, the frequency and the use time of media contents by
cellphone have increased. In fact, the average daily internet use time by
mobile devices is 103.8 minute in 2014, which is a 20.4 minute increase
from the 2013 record 86. The average daily smartphone application use time
Korea Internet & Security Agency(KISA), ‘Investigation Report on Internet Using
Condition in 2014’ source:
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
in 2015 is 143 minute, which is more than the daily meal time, while the use
time for game, music and video contents is 52 minute 87.
In the paper, we combined the two data sets of the survey data (the
Korean Media Panel Survey conducted by KISDI in July 2013) on cellphone
users and the information on hardware specifications of the cellphone
models. The survey asked the respondent’s media contents use behavior,
social economic status, and the cellphone brand that she used. From the
given cellphone brand information, we presumed the specific cellphone
model and gathered hardware specification information from online auction
sites. With the combined data set, we employ the mixed logit model for an
empirical analysis.
The paper proceeds as follows. In section II, we provide the literature
review. Next, we describe our estimation model with data and variables in
section III. In section IV, we discuss the estimation results and their
implications. In section V, we summarize the results and conclude.
Literature Review
When companies consider the market segment which they want to
target, it is necessary to investigate potential customer’s needs that are
strongly connected to their life styles. Already many studies have mentioned
life style as tool to make the market segment, saying that life style provides a
rich view of the market as a portrait of consumers (Ahmad, Omar, &
Ramayah, 2010; Liu, Chang, & Lin, 2012; Rahman, 2011; Vyncke, 2002)
Prior research that investigates the product attributes is based on the
laddering approach of Reynolds and Gutman (1988) that sees products as
embodying a vector of characteristics (Zhu, Wang, Yan, & Wu, 2009). The
ladder consists of the vector of product’s characteristics on an ascending
scale. However it is commonly acknowledged that consumers are
heterogeneous in preferences, meaning the different satisfactions of different
consumers with the same product attribute. Some studies have tried to find
the link personal attributes, like lifestyle, to preferences on the product
attributes (Haught, Wei, Xuerui, & Zhang, 2014; M. Haverila, Rod, &
Ashill, 2013; M. J. Haverila, 2013; Mishra, 2015; Zhu et al., 2009)
Some of these prior studies have focused on a mobile phone or
mobile phone use behavior. It is thought that with fast technological
developments, mobile phone has become the necessity of our daily life. For
example, Zhu et al. (2009) classified four consumer attributes about their
preferences on fashion, such as shopping, price consciousness, habitual
consumption conscious, and quality consciousness. Then they empirically
analyzed the relationship of consumer attributes with mobile phone charging
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
of subsidies that a seller provides for the purpose of sales promotion. Such
subsidies may distort the market price of mobile phones and make a
difference between the official price and the real price in markets. Hence,
among diverse attributes, we selected four such as whether it is a smartphone
or not, the display size, the camera pixel, and the storage capacity. The
attributes of each mobile phone model is as follows:
Table 2: The hardware attributes of the selected mobile phone models
Released Display Camera
Num. Model Name Manufacturer Smartphone capacity
Year Size(Inch) Pixel
1 Galaxy S4LTE Samsung Yes 2013 5 1300 32
2 Galaxy Note3 Samsung Yes 2013 5.7 1300 32
3 Galaxy Win Samsung Yes 2013 4.66 500 8
4 Minimal Folder A301 Samsung No 2013 2.6 200 0.082
5 G2 LG Yes 2013 5.2 1300 32
6 WineSherbet LG No 2012 3 200 0.03
7 MotoG Motorola Yes 2013 4.5 500 8
8 iPhone5s Apple Yes 2013 4 800 16
9 Vega Secret Up PenTech Yes 2013 5.6 1300 16
10 Ozomnia Samsung Yes 2010 3.7 500 8
11 iPhone3Gs Apple Yes 2010 3.5 300 16
12 iPhone4s Apple Yes 2011 3.5 800 16
13 Dupont folder PenTech No 2010 3 300 0.08
Table 3: Variables
category Number Variable name Variable definition and measurement
the ratio of a mobile phone usage time to enjoy video-
1 video
image contents
The ratio of a mobile phone usage time to call or to text
2 call/text
the ratio of a mobile phone usage time to chat through
3 chatting
mobile applications
Consumer the ratio of a mobile phone usage time to use SNS or on-
4 sns
attributes line searching
1: the over 50s
5 age the over 50s and the others
0: the others
1: female
6 gender gender(female)
0: male
1: unemployed
7 job whether a job retention
0: employed
the size of display of the mobile the diagonal length of
1 display
Product phone a mobile phone display
attributes 2 pixel the number for camera pixel
3 storage the storage capacity Gbyte
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The estimation results of the mixed logit model in (1) are given in
table 6.
Table 6: Estimation results
Independent Variable Estimate t-value
Samsung Galaxy S Series
-18.762 13.698 -1.373
Samsung Galaxy Note
-77.218 48.174 -1.611
(Galaxy Note 3)
Samsung Galaxy
-52.136* 28.033 -1.860
(Galaxy Win)
Samsung Omnia series
alternatives -25.187* 14.374 -1.750
LG Optimus(G2) -30.782 18.872 -1.632
Apple-iPhone3 -48.306** 24.113 -2.001
Apple-iPhone4 -20.739 13.467 -1.541
Motorola-Moto G -57.821* 31.862 -1.813
Apple-iPhone5 -64.464 41.475 -1.554
PenTech Vega Series
-23.067* 13.998 -1.653
(Vega Secret Up)
display -0.031 0.054 -0.576
video pixel 0.015 0.011 1.333
storage -0.002 0.002 -0.946
Interaction display 0.049*** 0.017 2.827
terms call/text pixel -0.006* 0.003 -1.786
storage 0.002*** 0.001 2.927
display -0.012 0.014 -0.827
pixel 0.0069** 0.003 2.026
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Among the results of interaction terms, the mobile phone display size
has significant interactions with variables of the age and the call/text usage
time. It is possible that people over 50s using mobile phones for mainly
traditional communications such as calling and texting would have strong
preference for the large screen smartphones because of their weak visions
and conveniences of typing.
However display size is not significant in the interactions with video-
image contents usage by the mobile phone. It means that watching video-
image contents such as movies or TV programs is not related to the
preference for the large display size. There are some alternatives to the
smartphone to enjoy the video-image contents, such as the tablet PC and the
small size notebook. If a consume spends more time enjoying video-image
contents and if the consumer is very sensitive to the quality of display, she
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
would prefer a device which has a special advantage in the display quality
while she uses the mobile phone mainly for searching for the video-image
The camera pixel indicates the quality of video-image contents. It
turns out that as people spend more time using chatting services or email
services, they would have more preference for a higher camera pixel. The
function of chatting applications and email services is not limited to transfer
text message but extended to include exchanges of pictures. On the other
hand, people use mobile phones for the simple communications via calling or
texting have lower preference for the camera pixel.
It is likely to think that heavy users of video-image contents would
prefer more storage capacity. However, it did not turn out like that. As
mentioned above, these users may have alternative devices for video-image
contents. Rather, like the case of the display size attribute, the people who
use their mobile phones to communicate by traditional ways showed the high
preference for the storage capacity attribute. The storage of the smartphone is
used to install the operating system and to upgrade. Although the latest
smartphone models have large size storage, it is hard to say that it is enough
for heavy smartphone users who may use secondary or alternative storage
Other interesting results are about the gender. Prior studies have said
that the gender is an important variable that has a significant influence on
mobile phone usage. However we cannot find any significant result related to
the gender variable.
In this paper, we analyzed whether the consumer’s preference for
smartphone characteristics is affected by individual attributes that include
media usage behavior. The results show that some consumer attributes have
significant influences on the preference for the smartphone attributes such as
the display size, the camera pixel, and the storage capacity.
For this analysis, we used the survey data of the KISDI and then
combined it with data on hardware attributes of mobile phone models. The
1,769 survey respondents who purchased the new mobile phones in 2013 are
selected and their attributes about age, gender, and job status are gathered.
We employed a mixed logit model for the estimation of the
interactions between consumer attributes and product characteristics. In the
estimation, we assumed that the outside alternative is a non-smartphone. Our
results imply that the relationship between the media use behavior and the
smartphone attributes is not straightforward, depending on the media
environment in digital convergence.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Ahmad, N., Omar, A., & Ramayah, T. (2010). Consumer lifestyles and online
shopping continuance intention. Business Strategy Series, 11(4), 227-243.
Ahn, J., Shin, J., Lee, J., Shin, K., & Park, H. (2014). Consumer Preferences
for Telemedicine Devices and Services in South Korea. Telemedicine and e-
Health, 20(2), 168-174.
Ben-Akiva, M., Bolduc, D., & Walker, J. (2001). Specification, identification
and estimation of the logit kernel (or continuous mixed logit) model.
Department of Civil Engineering Manuscript, MIT.
Berry, S., Levinsohn, J., & Pakes, A. (1995). Automobile prices in market
equilibrium. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 841-890.
Hamka, F., Bouwman, H., De Reuver, M., & Kroesen, M. (2014). Mobile
customer segmentation based on smartphone measurement. Telematics and
Informatics, 31(2), 220-227.
Haught, M. J., Wei, R., Xuerui, Y., & Zhang, J. (2014). Understanding the
Psychology of Mobile Phone Use and Mobile Shopping of the 1990s Cohort
in China: A Lifestyle Approach. International Journal of Online Marketing
(IJOM), 4(3), 68-84.
Haverila, M., Rod, M., & Ashill, N. (2013). Cell phone product-market
segments using product features as a cluster variate: a multi-country study.
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 21(2), 101-124.
Haverila, M. J. (2013). Market segmentation in the cell phone market among
adolescents and young adults. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and
Logistics, 25(3), 346-368.
Hong, S.-J., Thong, J. Y., Moon, J.-Y., & Tam, K.-Y. (2008). Understanding
the behavior of mobile data services consumers. Information Systems
Frontiers, 10(4), 431-445.
Kim, Y., Lee, J.-D., & Koh, D. (2005). Effects of consumer preferences on
the convergence of mobile telecommunications devices. Applied Economics,
37(7), 817-826.
Liu, W., Chang, L.-Y., & Lin, J.-R. (2012). Consumer Lifestyle Matters:
Evidence from Gray Markets in China. Journal of Service Science and
Management, 5(02), 196.
McFadden, D., & Train, K. (2000). Mixed MNL models for discrete
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Workplace violence is not only a critical health and safety issue but
also is a serious problem which can have devastating effects on the
productivity of organizations and on the quality of life of employees. The
purpose of this study was to investigate physical, verbal and sexual violence
in the workplace and the effects on employees' commitment and job turnover
intention in the health sector. A self-made questionnaire about workplace
violence, a general condition, job commitment questionnaire and job
turnover intention questionnaire were applied to 169 health employees to
determine who had suffered workplace violence in the previous year. The
relationship between job commitment, workplace violence and job turnover
intention were investigated in two different hospitals. A statistically
significant relationship was determined between job turnover intention and
workplace violence. According to the data obtained, 57% of the respondents
had been confronted with physical, verbal or sexual harrassment at least once
in their professional life in the previous year. Additionally, 67% of the
study respondents had witnessed one form or another of harassment
behaviour. The t-test analysis results determined a significantly higher rate
of job turnover intention for health workers who had been exposed to
workplace violence than those who had not. The commitment rate of that
group was determined to be low but the difference was not statistically
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Violence has been a significant social problem throughout history.
Although violence has been defined as a concept in different ways, the most
quoted definition is that of the World Health Organization (WHO); ‘the
intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against
oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results
in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
maldevelopment, or deprivation’ [1].
Violence may be encountered in every aspect of life. Therefore as a
significant portion of a person’s life is spent at work, the possibility of
encountering violence there is high. Within an individual’s working life,
there is constant interaction between colleagues, superiors and subordinates
and also with those they are serving such as customers or patients.
This intensive interaction and communication can lead to unwanted
situations such as workplace violence. This can be defined in different ways,
such as the European Commission's definition of workplace violence;
“Incidents where staff are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances
related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an
explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being or health” [2].
Workplace violence includes not only physical but also non-physical
violence. For example, the range of workplace violence includes physical
assault, homicide, robbery, verbal abuse, bullying/mobbing, swearing,
shouting, sexual and racial harassment, name calling, threats, interfering with
work tools and equipment [3, 4].
When studies on workplace violence are examined, there is nothing
to identify victims of violence from sector or the work done. Studies have
revealed that there is a higher risk of violence in occupations where there is
intensive interaction whether inside or outside the business. In this respect, it
can be stated that employees in the healthcare sector are at a higher risk of
being exposed to violence compared to other sectors [5, 6, 20, 21].
Previous studies have shown that employees exposed to workplace
violence suffer from psychological problems such as stress, depression,
increased levels of anxiety [7], emotional exhaustion [8] family problems,
low self-esteem, isolation in private life, alcohol problems, lack of
concentration at work [9] and fear [10]. In addition to these psychological or
mental problems, several physical conditions have been seen such as head,
back and abdominal pain, insomnia, heart conditions, eating disorders, panic
attacks and fatigue [9]. Previous studies have also shown that exposure to
workplace violence causes lower levels of job satisfaction, increases job
turnover intention [11, 19], reduce the emotional attachment to the
organisation [12] and causes accidents at work [13].
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
In this study, workplace violence questionnaire, Demographic
questions, job commitment scale and job turnover intention scale were used
on healthcare employees to determine who had suffered workplace violence
in the previous year in two different hospitals in Bursa city in Turkey.
Outcome assessments included quantitative self-report questionnaires. The
study protocol was approved by Uludag University Research Ethics
The instruments that were used were as follows.
• Demographic questions: Participants were asked to indicate their
sex, age range, marital status, educational background, working years and
their duty in the facility.
●The Workplace Violence Questionnaire (WPVQ) developed by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) was combined and translated into Turkish by Aytac at al. [14]. In 3
different dimensions, the questionnaire measures whether employees have
been exposed to physical violence, verbal violence or harassment in the
workplace within the last year. Questions are asked in the form of ‘In the last
year have you been subjected to a physical attack in the workplace?’ with a
choice of responses of ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘I don’t know’.
● To measure job commitment, the 8-item job commitment scale which
developed by Kurml (1999) and Lodahl and Kejner (1965) and adapted to
Turkish by Öz (2007) was used [15].
● To measure job turnover intention, we used the 3-item turnover
intentions scale developed by Grandey (1999) and revised by Öz [15].
The sample consisted of 169 healthcare workers such as doctors,
nurses, managers and other health workers who were employed at a two
public sector hospitals. Data were collected anonymously by printed
questionnaires from the respondents who participated voluntarily in the
study. In the pilot phase of this study, the first draft of the questionnaire was
distributed to 30 participants. The results of the pilot study and feedback
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Out of the 169 workers who participated in the study, 30.8% were
male and were 69.2% female, 46.2% were single, 53.8% were married,
65.5% were university graduates, 30.4% were high school graduates and
4.1%, primary school graduates. The mean age was (mean±S.D) 31.39±8.36
years. The mean of working years was 8.84±7.70 years. The distribution of
the study group according to their professions is presented in Table 2.
The reliability analysis of the different scales which used in this study
is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The Reliability Analysis
Scales Number of items N Mean S.D C. Alpha
Job commitment 8 165 3,09 0,96 0,78
Job turnover intentions 3 165 2,13 1,16 0,86
The reliability coefficients of all the scales ranged between 0.78 and
0.86, and all the coefficients were at acceptable limits (Table 1).
Table 2 shows the exposure to violence according to the types of
Table 2: Exposure to Violence and Types
Type of Violence Exposed Not- exposed Total
Physical violence 44 (%26) 125(%74) 169(%100)
Verbal abuse 92 (%54,8) 76 (%45,2) 168(%100)
Sexual assault and harassment 10 (%6) 158(%94) 168 (%100)
Any other type of violence 96 (%57,5) 71 ( %42,5) 167(%100)
As can be seen in Table 2, the most common form of violence
experienced by the respondents was verbal violence at a rate of 54.8%. This
was followed by physical violence at 26%. The lowest rate was 6% for
sexual violence. When evaluated as a whole, 57.5% of the respondents had
been exposed to some form of violence and 42.5% had not experienced any
type of violence.
The relationship between being subjected to any kind of violence and
commitment to the job and job turnover intentions is shown in Table 3.
Results of t-test analysis on job commitment and job turnover intention with
exposure or non-exposure to any form of violence, as beloved.
Table 3: Results of t-Test Analysis
Any form of Violence
Exposure Non-Exposure
N Mean S.D N Mean S.D t p
Job Commitment 95 3,17 ,94 68 2,98 1,00 1,250 ,213
Job Turnover
93 2,31 1,27 70 1,89 ,94 2,325 ,017
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Workplace violence is a leading work health and safety problem in
working life. The frequency of this violence can vary depending on the
characteristics of the occupation or the work being undertaken. It can be said
that employees who have intense interaction with people outside the
organisation such as customers or patients and their relatives, are at greater
In this study, the form of violence that the respondents were most
exposed to was seen to be verbal violence at a rate of 54.8%. Although the
rate of those exposed to physical violence at 26% is lower than that of verbal
violence, it is of an extent not to be undervalued. It can be said to indicate a
high rate of physical violence in the intense interaction with patients and
their relatives in the healthcare sector. The lowest rate of a form of violence
experienced by the respondents was sexual violence at 6%. When these
results are evaluated as a whole, 57.5% of respondents had been exposed to
at least one form of violence within the last year.
When previous studies on this subject in the Turkish healthcare sector
are examined, different results are noticeable. A study of emergency services
nurses by Ergun and Karadakovan [16] determined rates of verbal attack to
be 98.5% and physical attack 19.7%. In a study by Erkol et al. [17] of
healthcare employees the rate of those exposed to any kind of violent
incident was found to be 87.1%.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The authors wish to thank the study participants for their contribution
to the study, especially those who helped to acquire the questionnaires and
written informed consent. We are also grateful to all health workers who
participated in our research.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2002). World Report on Violence and
Health: Summary., Retrieved June 30, 2012,
Richards J. Management of Workplace Violence Victims. (2003). Retrieved
January 30, 2011, from
WV managementvictimspaper.pdf].
Essenberg, B. (2003). Violence And Stress At Work In The Transport
Sector, Retrieved January 15, 2011, from
Chappell, D.: Di Martino, V. (1999). Violence At Work, Retrieved January
3, 2011, from [].
Di Martino V. (2003). Relationship between work stress and workplace
violence in the health sector, Retrieved October 29, 2012, from
Steinman, S. (2003). Workplace Violence in the Health Sector Country Case
Study: South Africa, Retrieved March 27, 2013, from
Hegney, D, Tuckett, A, Parker D, Eley, R. Workplace Violence: Differences
in Perceptions of Nursing Work Between Those Exposed and Those Not
Exposed: A Cross-Sector Analysis, International Journal of Nursing
Practice, 2010, 16: 188–202.
Grandey, A A, Kern, J H, Frone, M R. Verbal abuse from outsiders versus
insiders: Comparing frequency, impact on emotional exhaustion, and the role
of emotional labor, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 2007, 12(1):
Kaukiainen, A, Salmivalli, C, Björkqvist, K, Österman, K, Lahtinen, A,
Kostamo, A, Lagerspetz, K. Overt and Covert Aggression in Work Settings
in Relation to the Subjective Well-Being of Employees, Aggressive
Behavior, 2001, 27: 360–371.
Schat, C H A, Kelloway, E K. Reducing the Adverse Consequences of
Workplace Aggression and Violence: The Buffering Effects of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Shambulova G.D.
Orymbetova G.E.
Urazbayeva K.A.
Jaishibekov G.Z.
Nurseitova Z.T.
Mailybayeva E.U.
Kozhabekova G.A.
Gabrilyants E.A.
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
In the article proposes a device for determining the structural and
mechanical properties of visco-plastic food mass at a stretching, in
conditions, excluding the effect of its own weight of the sample. In the study
of the influence of the quality of flour, humidity, duration of aging,
mechanical processing revealed that during long time aging and mechanical
processing a temporary tensile strength is reduced and relative elongation is
increased, that is, the dough becomes more plastic. On tensile strain we
define the values at which begins the gap of the dough: the dough from flour
of the premium humidity of 40% - 550 Pa and a humidity of 45% - 650 Pa;
the dough from the flour of the first grade humidity of 40% - 450 Pa and a
humidity of 45% - 600 Pa.
Food production at the present level, including сconduct more
different technological processes, it is impossible without the use of tools
(objective) of measurement methods and instrumentation technology for
monitoring, regulation and quality management of raw materials and finished
products. In this important and responsible role is assigned to rheology as a
science dealing with the structure formation of food materials, the study of
structural and mechanical properties, the development of methods and
instruments for their determination [1-8].
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Since the beginning of formation neck sample loses its shape, strain
and deformation is not distributed more or less uniformly over the length of
the sample yet, and is concentrated in the section where the cross-sectional
area is smallest.
The test material is cannot be of uniform quality throughout the
length; in some sections quality of the material should be the lowest. At the
same time, the sample cannot be completely cylindrical, but should have the
smallest cross-section. Therefore, when immersed in one of these sections
will be greatest elongation. In the same section will be the largest reduction
in cross-sectional area. This, in turn, increase the tension and reach a
maximum at the smallest cross section. In this section of the yield strength
increases. In accordance with Figure 2 shows that all this leads to rupture of
the sample.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
4 sample
Samples dough
3 sample
2 sample aging
1 sample
0 10 20 30 40
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Tests uniaxial tensile most fully reflected the plastic characteristics of
the dough. In the study of the influence of the quality flour, humidity,
duration of aging, mechanical processing revealed that during long time of
aging and machining temporary resistance at strength is reduced and relative
extension increased, that is, the dough becomes more plastic.
On tensile deformation, we defined the conditions under which dough
begins destruction. In order to prevent rupture of dough, operating load must
not exceed the following values, respectively: the dough of premium flour
humidity of 40% - 550 Pa, and a humidity of 45% - 650 Pa; the dough from
the flour of the first grade humidity of 40% - 450 Pa and a humidity of 45% -
600 Pa.
Processes that contribute adsorption and especially osmotic binding
of water and swelling of colloids dough, and therefore increase the amount
and volume of the solid phase improve the rheological properties of the
dough, making it dense in consistency, elasticity, extensibility. One of the
most important indicators, responsible for the quality and rheological
properties of dough is the sugar content and protein in the dough, which
increases during aging.
Kosoi V.D., Vinogradov A.D., Malyshev A.D. Engineering rheology of
biotech environments - M., 2005. – 648p.
Schramm G. Bases practical rheology and rheometry – М., 2003. – 312 p.
Hardt N.A., Boom R.M. et al. Wheat dough rheology at low water contents
and the influence of xylanases. J. Food Research International. Volume 66.
2014. P.478-484
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Integrating legal history and social science method of analysis is
helpful for understanding women’s human rights in comparative context.
This study examines the roles of Latin American states in the development of
CEDAW, the international treaty on women’s rights. By then reviewing
reports on Peruvian and Chilean compliance with CEDAW, the study begins
to assess whether the international women’s convention has relevance for
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and practitioners who seek to
promote women’s rights. At the state level, women’s human rights are
neither imposed by the CEDAW Committee nor are rights simply
constructed locally within the confines of isolated states. In-depth analysis of
Peru’s and Chile’s recent compliance efforts suggests policymakers and
activists have used CEDAW as a tool to push for more equitable legal,
institutional, and social reforms.
Following the establishment of the Convention on the Elimination of
All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the international
women’s bill of rights, many scholars of international relations doubted the
treaty would have more than a negligible impact on signatory states. Thirty-
five years later, 189 states have agreed to become party to the treaty. Despite
considerable social scientific research into women’s transnational activism,
there is still a dearth of investigation into national compliance with
international women’s rights law. Classical international relations
scholarship has ignored the efforts of local women’s organizations to
promote women’s human rights, and legal studies focused at the state level
have neglected global influences on human rights. By reviewing the role of
Latin American states in the development of women’s human rights, and
Latin American states in the development of women’s human rights, and
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
In addition to Roosevelt and Santa Cruz, the drafting committee included René Cassin of
France, Peng-Chun Chang of China, and Charles Malik of Lebanon.
Unlike UN resolutions, treaties provide a mechanism for states to incorporate human
rights into domestic law. The ICCPR affirmed support for the rights to freedom of speech,
assembly, religion, the right to a fair trial, equality before the law, and other protections
against state intervention while the ICESCR promoted social, cultural, and economic rights.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
This is not surprising given U.S. Cold War policy of supporting repressive authoritarian
governments. In Latin America this policy involved promoting the National Security
Doctrine (NSD) and supporting allies as they carried out political repression and state terror
against a wide range of civil society.
U.S. President Jimmy Carter called for an emphasis on human rights and signed CEDAW
on July 17, 1980, but it soon became clear that he lacked the support needed for ratification
by the US Senate. Throughout the decades, powerful US Senators, used their influence on
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to prevent ratification. As of 2016, only the United
States, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Tonga, and the Republic of Palau have failed to become parties
to the treaty.
Both the Convention and the review committee are known by the acronym CEDAW. For
clarification purposes, CEDAW is used when referring to the Convention, and Committee or
“treaty monitoring body” used refer to the review committee.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Signing a treaty indicates that the state supports it in principal and, if state law or the
constitution requires legislative approval of treaties, the state’s signature signals the state’s
intent to seek approval through ratification. Ratification commits the state to be bound by
the treaty.
Only 19.4 percent of the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives were held by women
as of January 2016 while women held 37 percent of Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies in
2013 (Interparliamentary Union 2016 & International Institute for Democracy and Electoral
Assistance 2015).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
is not a ruse in which the Peruvian state pretends to promote women’s rights
nor is it simply an effort on the part of external actors to undermine Peruvian
institutions and civil society. Peru’s civil organizations played an
instrumental role in contributing to the critiques and recommendations of the
Committee and the Peruvian state has implemented a wide range of reforms
pursuant to its participation in the monitoring process.
In contrast to Peru, the Chilean state has been a more reluctant party
to the Convention. Since its ratification, Chile has only submitted periodic
reports 1-6. At the time of its signing of CEDAW, the Chilean government
issued a declaration acknowledging it would take time for the state to reform
its laws in accordance with the treaty, but it did not file any formal
reservations to the treaty. Chile simply declared it had created a
“Commission for the Study and Reform of the Civil Code” and endowed the
study group with the responsibility “…to amend inter alia (in other words,
among other things), those provisions which are not fully consistent with the
terms of the Convention” (UN Treaty Collection, 1979).
Unlike Peru, Chile has not fully incorporated a comprehensive
definition of discrimination into its constitution or laws allowing the
Convention to supersede national law in cases of conflict (CEDAW/C/5
Add.60). President Eduardo Alfredo Frei Ruiz-Tagle signed the Optional
Protocol on December 10, 1999, but the Chilean legislature has thus far
failed to ratify the Protocol allowing individuals and civil society
organizations to file complaints with the treaty monitoring body in cases
where the state has allegedly violated the Convention. Previous studies of
women’s movements in Chile have documented the role of women’s NGOs
in the establishment of Chile’s National Service for Women (SERNAM) and
the studies attribute the push for legal changes in the equality law, marriage
law, nationality rights, and child custody rights to the combined efforts of
SERNAM, Chilean civil organizations, and transnational NGOs (Craske,
1999: 117 and Matear, 1997: 93).
Chile submitted its fifth and sixth periodic reports on March 16th,
2011 and the Committee evaluated the reports at its fifty-third session during
October 2012. In its “Introduction” to the Concluding Observations, the
Committee admonished Chile for its lack of current statistics but commended
the state for its election of its first woman president, Michelle Bachelet, and
its legislative advances in women’s rights since 2006. The legislative gains
since 2006 included: broadening the crime of parricide so as to include the
killing of women by spouses and former partners (2010), protecting domestic
workers from discrimination (2010), requiring public schools to provide
some form of sexual education and the free distribution of birth control
(2010), criminalizing human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants
(2011), protecting refugees (2011), and prohibiting discrimination in civil
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The second group of Chilean civil society organizations, collaborating under the name,
Articulación Feminista por la Libertad de Decidir, included: Ideas sin Género, Fundación
Instituto de la Mujer, Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe
(RSMLAC), Feministas Feas, Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres,
Observatorio de Equidad de Género en Salud, Comité de Servicio Chileno (COSECH),
Movimiento pro Emancipación de la Mujer Chilena (MEMCH), Colectivo Conspirando,
Foro de Salud y Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, Educación Popular en Salud (EPES),
La Ciudad de las Diosas, Warmipura-Mujeres Inmigrantes (Articulación Feminist, 2012).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
transexual women, and the need for more temporary shelters for victims of
trafficking (Articulación Feminista, 2012; CEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6;
CEDEM et. al., 2012). In its effort to expand women’s political participation
in political and public life, the Committee and the NGOs called on the
Chilean state to reform the electoral system and adopt temporary special
measures to increase the representation of women (CEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6;
CEDEM et. al., 2012).
Like the Concluding Observations and shadow reports for Peru, the
reports for Chile encouraged the government to increase its dissemination of
concluding comments and information about CEDAW, particularly among
rural and minority populations, and to provide additional funding and human
resources for addressing inequality. Other recommendations made to both
Chile and Peru concerned the need to improve data collection and
measurement protocols for assessment (CEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6;
CEDAW/C/PER/CO/7-8 ). The treaty body experts and the authors of the
shadow reports for both states expressed particular concerns about the lack
of sufficient data on prostitution and trafficking of women and girls,
including multidimensional data that would enable differentiation according
to sex as well as ethnicity, age, disability, and rural dimensions. In the case
of Chile, however, the Committee was particularly harsh in its criticism of
the state for providing outdated statistical information
The treaty monitoring body and local NGOs also encouraged Chile to
reduce restrictions on abortion. Whereas Peru took steps to provide some,
albeit limited, possibility of allowing abortions in cases involving threats to
the life of the mother, the Chilean state asserted its claim to state sovereignty
“…our legal system protects the life that is by birth” and expressly prohibits
abortion “…in all its forms” (CEDEM, 2012). Chilean nongovernmental
organizations and the Committee expressed concerns that the criminalization
of abortion has contributed to a high level of maternal mortality
(Articulación Feminista, 2012; CEDAW/C/CHL/CO/5-6; CEDEM et. al.,
2012). Although the civil society organizations accuse the state of being
willing to violate international standards, the state claims to have introduced
over 10 bills in 2011-2012 in the effort to weaken its restrictions on abortion
While the treaty bodies and the NGOs called on the governments of
Peru and Chile to increase women’s involvement in the political process, the
Peruvian government began the establishment of quotas much earlier and has
been more effective at expanding temporary special measures and increasing
women’s representation. Since establishing its first Congressional quotas in
1997, Peru has continued efforts to strengthen legislative quotas and expand
the use of quotas in other levels of government. In Peru, women made up
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
22.3% of the Single Chamber in 2011 and as of 2013, women held 15.8% of
the seats in Chile’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies
(Interparliamentary Union, 2015). During the 2011 elections, Peru elected a
woman Vice-President, Marisol Espinoza, and in 2015 Chile reelected a
woman president, Michelle Bachelet, for a second, nonconsecutive, term
(UN CEDAW/ & UN CEDAW/C/CHL/5-6 p. 21). Given Bachelet’s
experience serving as the first executive director of the newly created United
Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN
Women) during her interregnum it seems likely the Chilean executive will
continue working to advance women’s rights in Chile.
This comparative review of Chile’s compliance efforts with those of
Peru suggests both states have taken seriously their responsibilities under the
women’s Convention. The governments of Chile and Peru have introduced
legislative reforms, created national plans for addressing the needs of
women, and attempted to implement these plans at the national level.
Although Chile seems to have been less compliant, it has made notable
progress in implementing the CEDAW Committee’s recommendations and
advancing women’s rights. More collaboration between Chile’s state
agencies and non-governmental organizations, may further these gains.
Despite expectations that CEDAW would be at best ineffectual or at
worst a tool of Western imperialism, this overview of the history of the
women’s Convention and the treaty monitoring process in Peru and Chile
suggests dialogue and contestation among international treaty monitoring
bodies, state governments, and local women’s advocacy groups may help
advance women’s rights. Women’s human rights are neither the product of
foreign imperialism nor are rights simply constructed locally within the
confines of isolated states. Policymakers and activists have used CEDAW to
push not only for representation of women through political reforms of
electoral procedures, but for more equitable laws, institutions, and social
policies. Unlike classical international relations scholarship which ignores
local efforts to promote human rights, and case studies of human rights
policy within single states which have often neglected global influences on
human rights, this analysis suggests that human rights develop through a
process of cross-fertilization involving global, state, and non-governmental
Articulación Feminista por la Libertad de Decidir (2012). Chile: Shadow
Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women, for the 53rd Session of the CEDAW Committee. Retrieved from:
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
T_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_13161_E.pdf [accessed 4 February 2016]
Bruce, M. K. (1998). Personal Notes on an Important Anniversary. UN
Chronicle, 35(4), 72.
Basu, A. Ed. (2010). Women’s Movements in the Global Era: the Power of
Local Feminism. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
__________ (1995). The Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women’s
Movements in Global Perspectives. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
CEDEM, Corporaciones Humanas, DOMOS, et. al. (2012) Joint submission:
Comments and Contributions from Civil Society related to the Fifth and
Sixth Periodic Report of the State of Chile, for the 53rd Session of the
CEDAW Committee. Retrieved from:
T_CEDAW_NGO_CHL_53_8337_E.pdf [accessed 4 February 2016]
CLADEM Perú, (2014) A Shadow Report At Seventh and Eighth Periodic
Report of the Peruvian State, for the 58th Session of the CEDAW
Committee. Retrieved from:
T_CEDAW_NGO_PER_17371_E.pdf [accessed 4 February 2016]
Craske, N. (1999). Women and Politics in Latin America. New Brunswick,
NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Ferree, M.M. & Tripp, A.M. (2006). Global Feminism: Transnational
Women’s Activism, Organizing, and Human Rights. New York: New York
University Press.
Frazier, M. (2009). Women in Latin American Politics: Gender, Quotas, and
the Struggles of Women’s Movements in Latin America. Berlin: Verlag Dr.
Muller Aktiengesellschaft, and Co.
Friedman, E. (2010). Seeking Rights from the Left: Gender and Sexuality in
Latin America. In Basu, A. Women’s Movements in the Global Era: the
Power of Local Feminism (pp. 285-314). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
__________ (1995). Women’s Human Rights: the Emergence of a
Movement. In Peters, J., & Wolper, A. eds. (1995). Women’s Rights, Human
Rights: International Feminist Perspectives (pp.18-35). London/New York:
Henderson, S. L. & Jeydel, A.S. (2014) Women and Politics in a Global
World. New York: Oxford University Press.
IDEA, (2015) International Institute for Democracy and Electoral
Assistance, Stockholms University, and the Interparliamentary Union, Quota
Project: Global Database of Quotas for Women. Retrieved from:
Interparliamentary Union (2015) Women in National Parliaments. Retrieved
from: [accessed 4 February 2016]
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
At all the conferences held by the actors involved in the provision of
Higher Education internationalization is seen as a new and indispensable
dimension which must be considered within the mission of Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs). Several reasons, of national as well as international
nature, support this recommendation. Among the first ones, the development
of human resources; the creation of strategic alliances; the generation of
income/commerce and transactions; the construction of Nation and
institutions; social and cultural development; and mutual understanding are
worth mentioning. Whereas the enhancement of the international image and
reputation; quality improvement; human resources development; income
generation; the creation of strategic alliances; research and knowledge
production are among the institutional reasons that lead to the
internationalization of HEIs (Knight, 2005). Likewise there are several
different higher education internationalization modalities that may be
adopted by a HEI such as students and teachers mobility; distant education
or education delivered by institutions located abroad; the design and
strengthening of strategies and programs which are oriented to regional
integration and international cooperation; formation of nets and projects for
international cooperation and the celebration of inter institutional alliances,
and the incorporation of the international dimension in the study programs.
This presentation intends to assess the degree of internationalization of three
Argentine HEIs by means of a group of indicators.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Although during the first decades of the 20th century international
mobility of teachers has been found to take place in some degree, especially
from Europe to USA, it is from the second half of that century onwards that
the internationalization of higher education started to grow. (Gracía Guadilla,
2005)- Certainly, at all the conferences held by the actors involved in the
provision of Higher Education internationalization is seen as a new and
indispensable dimension which must be considered within the mission of
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).. Precisely, the chapter devoted to the
analysis of the Internationalization, regionalization and globalization of
higher education of the declaration of the World Conference on Higher
Education held by UNESCO (2009) highlights the importance of this process
pointing out that HEIs are responsible for designing strategies to foster the
transference of knowledge so that all countries are able to reach
developmental aims. In addition, the aforementioned declaration indicates
that access to quality education must be guaranteed so that the benefits of the
globalization of education are spread over the whole society. Besides the
importance of the promotion of academic values, the respect for human
rights, diversity and national sovereignty, always taking into account the
pertinence of each institution, that is to say, its anchorage to its own historic,
cultural and socio political reality, is recognized. (Morresi, 2015)
Along the same lines, the creation of the Iberian-American Space for
Knowledge was boosted at the XV and XVI Iberian-American Summits. The
development of this space is the aim of the countries in the region to
strengthen the creation of postgraduate university nets, students and teachers´
mobility and the cooperation of Iberian-American researchers who are
working outside the region. Their main pillars are the increase of the number
of researchers in each country and their mobility as well as the sustained
increment in the investment for research and development (OEI
(Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos-Organization of Iberian-
American States-, 2010)
Internationalization of Higher Education is defined by Knight (2005)
as a process consisting of the design and implementation of policies and
programs which have as their goal, on the one hand, incorporating the
international and intercultural dimensions in the missions, objectives and
functions of teaching, investigation and extension of university institutions,
and, on the other hand, channeling the benefits derived from international
cooperation (Knight, 2005). This process involves several actions such as
students and teachers´ mobility, curriculum internationalization, double
degrees, joint teaching as well as investigating activities and the formation of
nets, among others.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
PPUA and PIESCI 101 calls through different work groups which participate
in or direct the said projects.
Also, teachers and students of the institution take part in mobility
programs within the framework of the Projects of Programa JIMA (JIMA
Program), AECI, Fullbright, Fundación Carolina, Mobility Short Time
Program for Teachers of the Mercosur as well as in the reciprocity program
of Academic Mobility within the framework of the agreements signed with
the universities of Colombia-U, Pedagógica (Pedagogic U.)-; from Spain-U.
de la Laguna, U. de Almería, de Valencia, Politécnica de Valencia-
Universities from Italy-U. Perugia-, from Venezuela-U. de los Andes-,
universities from Brazil-U. de Sao Pablo-, universities from Chile- U. de la
Frontera. U. de Temuco and U. de Valparaíso- (Pedranzani, 2010)
In addition, the UNSL participates in International Macro Nets as the
OVI, and in the AUSA (Asociación de Universidades Sur Andinas-South
Andes Universities Asociation-) and in the CIUN Net (Red de Cooperción
Internacional de Universidades Nacionales-International Cooperation Net of
National Universities) and, together with other Argentine HEIs in the
Spanish for foreigners Program whose aim is to institutionalize a recently
developed disciplinary area such as the teaching, assessment and
certification of Spanish as a Second Language and Foreign Language
(Español como Segunda Lengua y Lengua Extranjera-ELSE).
The teachers, researchers and students at UNS have not only
participated in different activities in foreign institutions but have also
received teachers and students from the rest of the world for a long time
now. Since these activities were arranged by the interested parties, it could
be assumed that the internationalization process, conceived and designed as a
strategy tending to renew and improve the quality of education by means of
opening towards abroad, took shape as from the creation of the International
Relations Department in 2007.
The participation of students, teachers and non-teaching staff in
programs of mobility is arranged and facilitated by this Department, with the
purpose of promoting the participation of the whole university community in
the different modalities of internationalization and cooperation. Agreements
with institutions of well-known prestige are signed, agreements are also
formalized to get joint degrees and to carry out joint investigations with
foreign groups, participation in regional and international nets is encouraged,
and the international educational offer is publicized. (Universidad Nacional
del Sur, 2013).
A detailed analysis of the aims and actions of the PIESCI was made by this group in La
Internacionalización de la Educación Superior: una mirada desde las políticas públicas at
the II Jornadas de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe. Desafíos y debates actuales.
Buenos Aires, 2014
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Internationalization indicators
If we understand internationalization as a process formed by the
incorporation of international variables within the activities of the university,
it is possible to consider the evaluation of the extent of this process by means
of a group of indicators. Selecting as well as obtaining these indicators is not
an easy task. The members of the RedCIUN, after months of debate,
proposed a group of indicators which make possible a quantitative diagnosis.
The suggested indicators form two clearly differentiated groups. One
group aims at identifying the penetration of internationalization in the
organization, objectives and planning of the institutions by answering nine
The others, twenty-five altogether, cover the academic, research and
development level, the transference dimension, the extension dimension and
the international cooperation dimension. All of them are quantitative
indicators and result indicators and they are expressed as percentages over a
total. (Marega, 2014).
The estimation of the first group is relatively simple and the
information is accessible, whilst the calculation of the second group requires
a clear definition of the units of analysis and a strict systematization of
information, which is not always available.
For this reason, and, to quantify the extent of internationalization of
the HEIs under study, in this paper, we will only use the indicators of the
first group from those suggested by the members of the RedCIUN and we
will complement them with others which may show the participation of the
HEIs in activities developed within the framework of the PPUA and PIESCI
Based on the analysis of the first group of indicators, it can be stated
that in the HEIs under study internationalization and cooperation constitute
one of the pillars of their institutional plan, incorporating them as a strategic
activity for the fulfillment of their mission. To this end, the three institutions
have an area devoted to promote and foster activities proper of
The consolidation of the links with foreign universities as a key tool
for the generation and growth of the exchange, mobility and interuniversity
cooperation activities, the progress in the development and strengthening of
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
.The total number of institutions participating in the call is registered
It corresponds to the current projects in force.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Final considerations
In line with Pablo Beneitone, who holds that “From the
internationalization perspective, it is not enough to have international
activities in the spheres of teaching, research or extension, the concept
implies the development of a process of incorporation of the international
aspect in the actions that the University performs in those spheres”
(2014:30) we can confirm that the process of internationalization is already
installed in the three institutions analyzed. Although the progress achieved in
the activities could not be fully measured because the data was insufficient,
the numeric indicators obtained make clear that the process is under way-and
that it shows a tendency to build up in the future. The declarations made in
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Beneitone, P.(2014) De la Cooperación Internacional Universitaria a la
Internacionalización de la Educación Superior:¿cambio de paradigma o
maquillaje conceptual? En Tangelson, G. (compilador) Desde el sur:
miradas sobre la internacionalización. Lanus: Ediciones de la UNLa
Fernández Lamarra, N. (2014) La Internacionalización de la Educación
Superior y la Ciencia en Argentina. En Didou Aupetit, S. y Jaramillo de
Escobar, V. (Coordinadores) Internacionalización de la Educación Superior
y la Ciencia en América Latina y el Caribe: Un Estado del Arte.
Guadilla, C. G. (2005). Complejidades de la globalización e
internacionalización de la educación superior: Interrogantes para América
Latina. Cuadernos del CENDES, (58), 1-22.
Knight, J. (2005). Un modelo de internacionalización. Respuestas a nuevas
realidades y retos. En De Wit, H et al, editores. Educación Superior en
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Nora Michel
Stephen A. Buler
University of South Dacota
Corporate Social Responsibility can be used as a business strategy by
firms to improve many different areas of their business. Research has shown
that, if implemented correctly, the benefits of CSR tend to outweigh the
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently been receiving a
lot of attention by many companies looking to improve their businesses.
There have been countless studies conducted to determine the costs and
benefits of CSR, including Lin, Yang, and Liou’s 2009 study of businesses
in Taiwan and research conducted by Porter and Kramer (2006). Even with
this information, some companies are hesitant to fully commit to CSR
initiatives. These companies could be missing out on many opportunities,
such as increased profitability, competitive advantage, and various long-term
Most companies are continually searching for ways to improve all
aspects of their business. This can include profitability, competitive
advantage, employee satisfaction, company reputation, and many other
facets. There are many ways that each of these things can be individually
improved but it is sometimes difficult for companies to improve one area
without harming another. For instance, if a company tries to increase
profitability by cutting corners and decreasing quality, their reputation will
most likely suffer. By putting some time and effort into CSR, firms can
expect their businesses to improve.
It can be very problematic for a company to focus on improving
certain areas of their business while not taking into consideration the
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Definition of CSR
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines
Corporate Social Responsibility as “the continuing commitment by business
to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of
the workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
large” (Watts & Holme, 2000, p. 3). CSR has also been defined as a
business strategy or management approach in which the company takes all
stakeholders’ interests into account during the course of business (White,
2006). Although there is no single universally accepted definition, CSR
essentially means companies acting for the benefit of others, while also
improving their own business.
Objections to CSR
There are many reasons why companies may be hesitant to
implement Corporate Social Responsibility into their firms. Some of the
major objections include cost, time and effort of implementation, and lack of
quantifiable benefits. It can be difficult for some companies to justify the
costs of CSR when they do not know how to properly quantify the gains.
Other issues arise when companies try to implement CSR initiatives, but do
not fully understand how to derive benefits from them.
One of the first reasons companies cite for not engaging in CSR is the
cost to do so. For many CSR activities, the initial costs can be seen by
management as too high to even think about taking on, before even looking
at potential benefits. Many companies hold onto the argument presented by
Milton Friedman (1962) that a company’s sole responsibility is to maximize
profits and that social issues should not be a concern of that company
(Carroll & Shabana, 2010). By looking at the problem from this view, the
costs associated with implementing CSR will only dilute profits for owners
and shareholders. Many companies also view the cost of time and training as
too extreme to make CSR activities worthwhile.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Improper Implementation
Another reason why companies may be failing to see the benefits of
CSR is due to improper implementation. If a company has tried to
implement CSR initiatives in the past and has failed, they may be hesitant to
try again. When a company’s business objectives do not align with their
CSR activities, an increase in profitability is not likely and could even
become a liability (Lin, Yang, & Liou, 2009). Lack of training or ineffectual
training can also be a source of improper implementation. When managers
and employees do not understand the objectives of CSR activities, it is
difficult for them to align their actions towards those goals (Jena &
Chowdhury, 2006). Without proper execution, it could be hard for
companies to realize the potential benefits that CSR can provide.
Benefits of CSR
Companies that have effectively incorporated corporate social
responsibility into their firms have been able to reap many benefits.
Research has shown that CSR can have a positive effect on financial
performance, competitive advantage, employee satisfaction and retention,
and overall reputation (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Other benefits of CSR can
include various positive long-term effects as well as the creation of
intangible assets. By aligning business objectives with CSR, companies can
expect many benefits, both monetary and non-monetary (White, 2006).
For instance, Dhaliwal, Li, Tsang and Yang find direct benefits to
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting (2011). The find firms benefit
from a lower cost of equity capital if they introduce Corporate Social
Responsibility disclosures. The evidence is consistent with their predictions
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
that a reduction in the cost of equity capital motivates firms to publish stand-
alone CSR reports. Furthermore, these firms are more likely to conduct
equity offerings in the two years following the introduction of CSR reports
(p. 61).
Financial Performance
Many companies have noted improved financial performance as a
direct result from implementing CSR. Although it can be hard to determine
the exact effect on financial performance, most researchers agree that the
effect is a positive one (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). In a study on multiple
Taiwanese companies, Lin, Yang & Liou 2009 found that socially
responsible activities can “have a strong economic rationale in certain
conditions of earning profit and serving society” (Lin, Yang, & Liou, 2009,
p. 62). Improved financial performance can result from the positive effect
that CSR has on efficiency within the company, which leads to decreased
operating costs (Nurn & Tan, 2010). Although there seems to be a positive
correlation between CSR and corporate financial performance, there are
some inconsistencies within the current research (Weber, 2008). With time,
more research will be done on this matter to determine the cause and effect
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
greater competitive advantage. Many benefits that are derived from CSR are
inter-connected and can multiply these positive effects.
Long-term Benefits
Continued research has shown that CSR has provided many long-
term benefits (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Many companies are beginning to
believe that it is in their best interest to be socially responsible because “if
business is to have a healthy climate in which to function in the future, it
must take actions now that will ensure its long-term viability” (Carroll &
Shabana, 2010, pp. 88-89). These long-term benefits can be both tangible
and intangible. Long-term tangible benefits can include reduced costs and
risks (Weber, 2008). By engaging in certain CSR activities, companies can
decrease their impact on the environment and therefore reduce the risk of
future environmental costs. Intangible benefits can include brand value,
reputation, and trust and capacity to innovate (White, 2006). Although hard
to quantify, intangibles can play a pivotal role in value creation (White,
2006). CSR can help companies achieve long-term sustainability through
capital formation in terms of financial, human, and natural resources. This
can also lead to long-term wealth creation. As Allen White stated, “the
continuous evolution and enhancement of non-financial capital is not only a
core purpose of business, but a prerequisite to its durability and vitality.”
(Business Brief: Intangibles and CSR, 2006, p. 8)
Proper Implementation
When a firm first decides to implement one or more CSR activities, it
is most important that they properly implement them. Researchers agree that
in order for CSR implementation to be successful, the company’s business
objectives must coincide with the CSR activities.
In their CSR implementation process, organizations must redefine
their essential business objectives. These objectives must be aligned with the
strategy of the company and have to be coherent with the change in
organizational culture that CSR represents. The new attitude, forms and
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
There are many potential benefits that companies can derive by
implementing CSR. This is not to be considered a fool-proof way for
companies to improve themselves, though. Companies must put in the time
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
and effort to make sure that their business objectives align with their CSR
initiatives. It is an ongoing process that needs to be continually monitored
and adjusted based on the company and its environment. By doing this
efficiently and effectively, firms may be able to see improvements in many
different facets of their business that can lead to increased profitability and
market share, among many other benefits.
Carroll, A. B., & Shabana, K. M. (2010). The Business Case for Corporate
Social Responsibility: A Review of Concepts, Research and Practice.
International Journal of Management Reviews, 85-105.
Du, S., Bhattacharya, C., & Sen, S. (2010). Maximizing Business Returns to
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of CSR Communication.
International Journal of Management Reviews, 8-19.
Friedman, M. (1962, September). The social responsibility of business is to
increase profits. New York Times, p. 126.
Jena, S., & Chowdhury, B. (2006, Apr-Jun). Aligning Social Responsibility
with Business Strategy. Growth, pp. 38-45.
Lin, C.-H., Yang, H.-L., & Liou, D.-L. (2009). The Impact of Corporate
Social Responsibility on Financial Performance: Evidence from Business in
Taiwan. Technology in Society, 56-63.
Nurn, C. W., & Tan, G. (2010). Obtaining Intangible and Tangible Benefits
from Corporate Social Responsibility. International Review of Business
Research Papers, 360-371.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006). Strategy and Society: The Link
Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Harvard Business Review, 78-93.
Souto, B. F.-F. (2009). Crisis and Corporate Social Responsibility: Threat or
Opportunity? International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied
Research, 36-50.
Watts, P., & Holme, L. (2000). Corporate Social Responsibility: Meeting
Changing Expectations. London: Red Letter Design.
Weber, M. (2008). The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A
Company-Level Measurement Approach for CSR. European Management
Journal, 247-261.
White, A. L. (2006). Business Brief: Intangibles and CSR. Business for
Social Responsibility, 1-10.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
We report about the implementation of the philosophy of
continuous improvement with Transactional Analysis in a private services
institution, in order to incorporate the best practices and a process of
continuous improvement, including the discovery of unknown personal
potentials. This positive philosophical change in the culture of the
organization, allows us to apply a plan for the development of people,
engaging all the staff of the company. According to the specific needs of the
company, we developed a set of social activities, including seminars,
workshops, brainstorming sessions. The main activity is to promote
creativity as part of the work culture.
Se informa la propuesta de implementación de la filosofía de mejora
continua con el Análisis Transaccional en una organización privada de
servicios, a fin de incorporar el empleo de buenas prácticas y un proceso de
mejora continua, incluyendo el descubrimiento del propio potencial. Este
factor positivo de cambio en la cultura de la organización nos permitirá
aplicar un plan para el desarrollo de las personas, involucrando a todo el
personal. Acorde a las necesidades específicas de la empresa, programamos
una serie de actividades sociales, incluyendo seminarios, talleres y sesiones
de brainstorming La actividad fundamental es la de promover la creatividad
como parte de la cultura laboral.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Cambio de paradigma en la cultura organizacional.
Impulsar cambio cultural con nuevo estilo de liderazgo.
Generar apertura mental hacia el cambio.
Desarrollar las potencialidades de su capital humano.
Impulsar un clima participativo y comprometido con los planes de la
Recopilar y actualizar conocimientos sobre las principales normativas
en vigencia que deben aplicar.
Transmitir el sentido positivo de las actividades a realizar en
Alentar expectativas graduales a mediano - largo plazo.
Activar, dirigir y mantener la conducta activa hacia la motivación.
Transmitir, establecer y conservar el sentido positivo del trabajo en
Facilitar el análisis de las formas en que las personas interactúan
entre sí mediante transacciones psicológicas.
Integrar nuestra capacidad de pensar, sentir y actuar, en post de una
vida saludable.
Observar las diferencias existentes entre la autoestima en empleados
nuevos en contraposición a los antiguos.
Evaluar el sentimiento de satisfacción o insatisfacción personal de los
empleados en relación a su desempeño diario.
Impulsar la calidad de vida y salud del trabajador.
Desarrollar las habilidades sociales “social skills”.
Promover los 5 pilares de la comunicación efectiva.
Cambio de creencias limitantes a creencias potencializadoras.
Introducción al tema
El siguiente trabajo es un caso real.
El nuevo directorio de la compañía me convoca para impulsar y
desarrollar un cambio positivo en lo que respecta a la cultura organizacional.
Una cultura que a lo largo de muchos años se había establecido bajo
un liderazgo inadecuado en el cual, gran cantidad de su capital humano fue
desmotivándose y perdiendo el sentido de pertenencia, con líderes aferrados
al pensamiento de no compartir el conocimiento, con falta de comunicación
efectiva y desconfianza entre sus trabajadores. Así mismo estas falencias
generaban problemas para resolver conflictos y toma de decisiones y la
carencia de trabajo en equipo. Asociados todos estos temas con los libros de
Liderazgo Transaccional, ¿Cómo hacer que la gente haga? (Kertész, R.,
Atalaya, C. y Kertész, V., 1992). Técnicas de comunicación (Kertész R. Y
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
El modelo Biopsicosocial:
Bio: Significa vida.
Psico: Significa alma, mente o actividad mental.
Social: relativo a una compañía o sociedad o a los socios o
Las enfermedades mentales y los trastornos de la conducta son un
problema cada vez mayor que afecta a una de cada cuatro personas.
Las estrategias destinadas a mejorar la salud mental de la población
es una posibilidad real no sólo para el sector de la salud, la educación, la
vivienda y el trabajo.
Métodos Aplicados
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
PDCA (Plan+Do+Control+Act):
o Planificar la instalación de la mejora
o Desarrollar la instalación
o Controlar su funcionamiento hasta que sea el correcto
o Actuar desde ese momento con la mejora incorporada
El círculo PDCA es una estrategia de mejora continua de
la calidad en cuatro pasos, basada en un concepto ideado por Walter A.
Shewhart. Es muy utilizado por los sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) y
los sistemas de gestión de la seguridad de la información (SGSI).
Los resultados de la implementación de este ciclo permiten a las
empresas una mejora integral de la competitividad, de los productos y
servicios, mejorando continuamente la calidad, reduciendo los costes,
optimizando la productividad, reduciendo los precios, incrementando la
participación del mercado y aumentando la rentabilidad de la empresa u
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Resultados y conclusion
El rol del nuevo Director en la empresa provocó que su equipo crea y
confíe en él.
En consecuencia las personas están dispuestas a trabajar motivadas.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Berne, Eric, (1974): “¿Qué dice Ud. después de decir Hola”, 5ta. Ed.,
Grijalbo, México
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C. y Kertész, V. (1992): “Liderazgo
Transaccional”. Ed. Ippem, Buenos Aires.
Kertész, R., Atalaya C., (2007), “Comunicación efectiva, los 5 Pilares y Las
5 Distorsiones”, publicación interna de la Universidad de Flores, Buenos
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C. y Kertész, A (2010): “Análisis Transaccional
Integrado”, 4ta. ed., Editorial de la Universidad de Flores. Buenos Aires
Bauman, Z. (2009). Pensando sociológicamente. Buenos Aires: Nueva
Visión. pp. 7-71
Pichón R, (1970) Psicología de la vida cotidiana.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Vera Boronenko
Daugavpils University, Latvia
University of Rijeka, Croatia
Vladimirs Mensikovs
Daugavpils University, Latvia
The article is worked out with support of the Marie Curie FP7-
PEOPLE-2011-COFUND program - NEWFELPRO (The new International
Fellowship Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia)
within the project «Rethinking Territory Development in Global
Comparative Researches (Rethink Development)», Grant Agreement No. 10.
Current decline in competitiveness of many highly developed capitalist
countries with innovation-driven economy stimulates scientists to find
explanations for this by rethinking territory development’s conceptual
framework. Based on relevant publications of A.Toffler (1970, 1980),
Ch.Murray (2003), G.Easterbrook (2004), R.Wright (2004), own research
findings as well as ideas of Development Economics and Philosophy of
Technology, the research hypothesis is as follows: territory development in
the modern world declines when humanitarian price of technological
progress begins to outweigh benefits, and this price determines different paths
of development for concrete territories. Scientific approach proposed for using
in this research is based on the fundamental economic Law of Diminishing
Marginal Productivity applied for technological progress and humanitarian
price of the progress in different parts of the world, which are perceived –
based on the conception of F.Braudel – as “worlds-economies”. Therefore,
the main objective of this article is to outline key elements and tasks of the
further empirical and econometrical researches aiming to propose a relevant
methodology and techniques of measuring humanitarian price of
technological progress for different territories as well as to define
mechanisms to reduce this price in existed “worlds-economies”
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Within the author’s currently realized scientific research project
“Rethinking Territory Development in Global Comparative Researches
(Rethink Development)” supported by the Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-
COFUND program - NEWFELPRO the Global Rating of Territory
Development 104 was created. Using this IT application, a current tendency
that growth capacity of competitiveness of many countries which we use to
perceive as “developed” is not just lower than in the case of the so called
“developing” countries (as it is by the scientifically proved convergence
principle - Sala-i-Martin 1995; Barro, Sala-i-Martin 1991, 1992; Cheshire,
Carbonaro 1995; Cheshire, Magrini 2000; Quah 1993, 1997) but often it is
even negative – for instance, in USA, Finland, Germany, UK, Denmark and
Sweden, was identified (Boronenko, Lonska 2013).
Analysis of the statistics of the World Health Organization it has
been discovered that while 5% of women and 3% of men suffer from obesity
in the countries with a low level of income, 22% of both men and women
suffer from obesity in the countries with a high level of income (World
Health Organization 2013). As it can be concluded from health statistics,
obesity can be referred to the so-called “civilization diseases” which start to
occupy top places among human death factors in “developed” countries
(nowadays even obesity of pets in these countries is an actual problem).
These diseases increasingly depend on the lifestyle that people choose, as
well as on their ability to use the available resources (Pakholok 2013). In
general, the interrelation between the level of income in the country and
crude death rate is rather interesting: 9.4 per 1000 population in low income
countries, 8.0 – in lower middle income countries, 7.0 – in upper middle
income countries, and 8.4 – in high income countries. It turns out that
countries pay for the increase in income from upper middle level to high
level with the increase in crude death rate.
All above mentioned facts make us question the efficiency of the use
of resources by people and sustainability of the progress in so called
“developed” countries - those ones with a high income level which have
chosen a development path based on a market economy and consumers’
The Global Rating of Territory Development (
rethinkdevelopment/web/) is the interactive IT application created by the specialists of the
Center of Local Economic Development (CLER) of the Faculty of Economics of the
University of Rijeka (Croatia). By the content it is some kind of alternative to the Rating of
Global Competitiveness annually published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in
Global Competitiveness Report. Using data on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)
provided by the above mentioned annual Reports, growth / decline of GCI (difference
between GCI for current and previous year) – both annual and average for the period of
2005-2014 – was calculated, and countries were rated by their growth capacity as it was did
by the WEF with current competitiveness level (GCI) of the world countries.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
society - as well as about their further growth capacity. There arises the
question about the humanitarian price of this progress which possibly
becomes too high nowadays and, therefore, restrains and in some cases even
turns back the further progress in the countries which have achieved a high
level of competitiveness and high living standard.
However, this topic has been touched upon in the art literature even earlier than in social
science. Karel Capek, a Czech writer, first detected and introduced a new type of conflict
into the world art literature. He wrote about an opposition between a science-technological
progress and moral-spiritual progress, and their contradiction which is dangerous for
humanity in the conditions of a proprietary society (Capek 1955). He also thought about
those tragic consequences which are caused by the uncontrolled and chaotic, based on
selfish economic interests, dramatic and even revolutionary development of science and
technology. An Austrian satirist, Karl Kraus claimed that “spiritual sterilization of masses is
one of the ways capitalism supports its own existence” (Kraus 1974).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Amartya Sen was the founding president of the HDCA and remained President until 2006
when philosopher, Martha Nussbaum, took over. She was succeeded in 2008 by Frances
Stewart, who specialises in development studies. Economist, Kaushik Basu became
president in 2010, and was replaced by another economist, Tony Atkinson in 2012.
It was established in 2000 as the Journal of Human Development, obtaining its current
title in 2009. Its founding editors-in-chief were Khadija Haq (Mahbub ul Haq Human
Development Center), Richard Jolly (Institute of Development Studies), and Sakiko Fukuda
Parr (United Nations Development Programme).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
kill two mammoths instead of one had made progress. Those who learnt how
to kill 200 by driving a whole herd over a cliff [improving human
capabilities, by some understanding of the Human Capability Approach] had
made too much. Many of the great ruins that grace the deserts and jungles of
the earth are monuments to progress traps, the headstones of civilizations
which became victims of their own success”.
In “The Progress Paradox” (2004), G.Easterbrook draws upon three
decades of wide-ranging research and thinking to make the persuasive
assertion that almost all aspects of Western life have vastly improved in the
past century–and yet today, most men and women feel less happy than in
previous generations. Charles Murray in his book “Human Accomplishment:
The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950” (2003)
explains this paradox, “Innovation is increased by beliefs that life has a
purpose and that the function of life is to fulfill that purpose; by beliefs about
transcendental goods and a sense of goodness, truth and beauty; and by
beliefs that individuals can act efficaciously as individuals, and a culture that
enables them to do so. Murray argued that there is an absence of this in the
current secularist and nihilist society which has caused the decline”.
It seems that R.Wright managed to identify the modern global
challenge connected to unprecedented economic progress: “Capitalism lures
us onward like the mechanical hare before the greyhounds, insisting that the
economy is infinite and sharing therefore irrelevant. Just enough greyhounds
catch a real hare now and then to keep the others running till they drop. In
the past it was only the poor who lost this game; now it is the planet”
(Wright 2004). Technology generated a deep contradiction between those
who create civilization and those who would only like to use its products.
The tragic meaning of the consequences of this new stratification is that
modern world needs, first of all, representatives of “self-programmable”
labour, and a relatively small number of “generic labour”, which the vast
majority of population belong to. Millions of people turn out to be “socially
excluded”. They are not needed in the modern world even as an object of
exploitation, there is just not place for them here. Neither ruling classes nor
society in general needs the class which is subjected to exclusion, and they
do not depend on it, at least, economically (Tihonova 2006).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Scientific approach
The scientific approach / thinking paradigm, which will be used in
the further empirical and econometrical researches, is basing on two pillars:
conceptual understanding of humanitarian price, and spatial understanding of
the modern world. First one will be understood via economic Law of
Diminishing Marginal Productivity applied to technological progress, second
– via conception of “worlds-economies” which form a spatial framework for
A “world-economy” is an economically independent part of the globe, which in general
is able to be self-sufficient; that one, whose organic unity is based on its internal linkages
and interchanges (Braudel 1967) (see detailed description of methodological applying of this
conception for the research in the next Chapter “Scientific approach”).
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
The whole set of 124 investigated countries has been divided into
groups in relation to the average values of energy consumption and social
Table 1 Methodical matrix of countries’ groups classified by energy use per
capita and index of social infrastructure
Energy use
Higher than average Lower than average
(“bad” situation) (“good” situation)
Social infrastructure
“Energy consumers with “Ecologists with poor
Lower than average
poor social infrastructure” social infrastructure” (2nd
(“bad” situation)
(1st group) group)
“Energy consumers with “Ecologists with strong
Higher than average
strong social infrastructure” social infrastructure” (4th
(“good” situation)
(3rd group) group)
Source: elaborated by the authors.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Table 2 Statistically significant differences between average GDP per capita (during the
period of 2009-2013) in identified “worlds-economies”
“Energy “Energy
“Ecologists with “Ecologists with
“World- consumers with consumers with
poor social strong social
economies” poor social strong social
infrastructure” infrastructure”
infrastructure” infrastructure”
“Energy There is a There is a There is no
consumers with Average GDP per statistically statistically statistically
poor social capita is 15661 significant significant significant
infrastructure” USD difference difference difference
(p=0.007) (p=0.000) (p=0.420)
“Ecologists with There is a There is a There is a
poor social statistically Average GDP per statistically statistically
infrastructure” significant capita is 4686 significant significant
difference USD difference difference
(p=0.007) (p=0.000) (p=0.033)
“Energy There is a There is a There is a
consumers with statistically statistically Average GDP per statistically
strong social significant significant capita is 46337 significant
infrastructure” difference difference USD difference
(p=0.007) (p=0.000) (p=0.000)
“Ecologists with There is no There is a There is a
strong social statistically statistically statistically Average GDP per
infrastructure” significant significant significant capita is 11839
difference difference difference USD
(p=0.420) (p=0.033) (p=0.000)
Source: elaborated by the authors using SPSS software and data of the Schwab 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012, 2013.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
1) Technological progress creates deep contradictions between those
who built a civilization and those who just use its products. The
humanitarian price of this progress possibly becomes too high
nowadays and restrains the further progress in the countries which
have achieved a high living standard.
2) Humanitarian price of technological progress, for several decades, as
the analysis of scientific literature showed, have been the subject of
emotional debates among scientists and social activists, but not the
subject of methodological discussions and econometric calculations
which would enable researches to precisely and objectively evaluate
humanitarian price of technological progress.
3) The scientific approach / thinking paradigm, which is proposed for
using in the further researches on the issue of price of progress, is
basing on two pillars: conceptual understanding of humanitarian
price, and spatial understanding of the modern world. First one is
understood via economic Law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity
applied to technological progress, second – via conception of
“worlds-economies” which form a spatial framework for differences
in humanitarian price of technological progress and mechanisms of
its reduction.
Barro, R.J., Sala-i-Martin, X. (1991) Convergence across states and regions.
Brooking Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1, pp. 107-182.
Barro, R.J., Sala-i-Martin, X. (1992) Convergence. Journal of Political
Economy, Vol. 100, No. 2, pp. 223-251.
Boronenko, V., Lonska, J. (2013) Rethinking territory development in global
comparative researches. European Scientific Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 52−62.
Braudel, F. (1967) Civilization and Capitalism, 15th–18th
Centuries.Translated by Sian Reynolds S. (1979), 3 vols. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Capek K. (1955) War with the Newts. Bantam Books.
Cheshire, P.C., Carbonaro, G. (1995) Convergence-divergence in regional
growth rates: an empty black box? Armstrong, H.W., Vickerman, R.W.
(Eds.) Convergence and Divergence among European Regions, London:
Pion Ltd.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Meadows, D.H., Randers, J., Meadows, D.L. (2004) Limits to Growth: The
30-Years Update. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction
Mesarovic, M., Pestel, E. (1974) Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second
Report of the Club of Rome. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
Milgate, M., Newman, P. (Eds.) (1989) Social Economics. The New
Palgrave, The Macmillan Press Limited.
Mises, L. (1927) Liberalism In The Classical Tradition. Jena: Gustav Fischer
Mises, L. (2004) The Free Market and Its Enemies: Pseudo-Science,
Socialism, and Inflation. Foundation for Economic Education.
Murray, Ch. (2003) Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in
the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950. HarperCollins.
Pakholok, O. (2013) The Idea of Healthy Lifestyle and Its Transformation
Into Health-Oriented Lifestyle in Contemporary Society, SAGE Open, July-
September, pp. 1-10.
Quah, D.T. (1993) Galton's fallacy and tests of the convergence hypothesis.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, pp. 427-443.
Quah, D.T. (1997) Convergence empirics across economies with (some)
capital mobility. Journal of Economic Growth, March, Vol. 1, pp. 95-124.
Rockwell, L. (2014) Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto.
Sala-i-Martin, X. (1995) The classical approach to convergence analysis.
Economics Working Paper, No. 117, Yale University, Universitat Pompeu
Sala-i-Martin, X., Bilbao-Osorio, B., Blanke, J., Drzeniek-Hanouz, M.,
Geiger, T., Ko, C. (2013) The Global Competitiveness Index 2013–2014:
sustaining growth, building resilience. Schwab K. (Ed.) The Global
Competitiveness Report 2013-2014. Geneva: World Economic Forum, pp. 3-
Schumpeter, J. (1934) The Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry
Into Profits, Capital, Credit, Interest, and the Business Cycle. Transaction
Schwab, K. (Ed.) (2010) The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011.
Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Schwab, K. (Ed.) (2011) The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012.
Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Schwab, K. (Ed.) (2012) The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013.
Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Schwab, K. (Ed.) (2013) The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014.
Geneva: World Economic Forum.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
In the analyzed work group there was a break up between the
partners. A result of this disolution, significant shortcomings were produced
in the working structure of the organization, namely: 1. Disruption of the
group members. 2. Disorientation regarding the direction and planned goals
of the business unit. 3. Endangered mission and vision of the enterprise. 4.
Crisis of current values. 5. Enhancement of the lack of clear and shared
objectives and shared functions and tasks of each member, which that
already existed. 6. Some vacancies were filled and others resulted obsolete.
7. Some tasks were neglected, seriously hindering seriously the
achievement of the objectives and the quality of customer service delivery. 8.
Intensification of informal communication, which in many situations
misrepresent the true reality of the situation presented, seriously impending
normal decision making for their solution. 9. All decisions focus on the
principal director, producing delays in decisions.
En el grupo de trabajo analizado, se ocasiono la ruptura entre los
socios. Como consecuencia esta disolución, produjo importantes carencias en
la estructura de trabajo de la organización a saber: 1. Desarticulación de los
miembros del grupo. 2. Desorientación con respecto al rumbo y el destino
planificado de la unidad de negocio. 3. Peligra la razón de ser del
emprendimiento: su misión, visión. 4. Crisis de los valores actuales. 5.
Acentuó la ausencia de objetivos claros y compartidos en las funciones y
tareas de cada integrante que ya existían con anterioridad. 6. Se ocuparon
puestos vacantes y otros terminaron obsoletos. 7. Se observan tareas que se
desatienden, entorpeciendo seriamente el logro de los objetivos y la calidad
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Se desarrollarán los siguientes temas teóricos:
Valores, Misión, Visión, para que existimos y a donde nos dirigimos
(Kertész, R. et al., 2006)
Importancia de confeccionar un Organigrama. Definir puestos de
trabajo por orden y jerarquía (Kertész, R. et al., 2006)
Técnicas de comunicación (Kertesz R. Y Atalaya C. ,2007)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Misión: Definición
La misión de un grupo u organización, es la definición de su
propósito básico (que es, que hace, para qué y para quienes existe): SU
La Misión brinda un sentido compartido de la organización para
todos sus componentes y representa su esencia. Esta basada en sus Valores
Es lo que sus clientes, empleados y la comunidad en general perciben
como su negocio; cuales son y deberían ser sus productos y servicios y el
valor que brindan a sus clientes.
La Misión general de la organización, además de ser compartida, es
desdoblada en las Misiones de cada sector y finalmente en la Misión
personal de cada integrante.
La Misión de la organización es un agregado de Misiones personales
de quienes trabajan en ella. Cuanto más coherentes sean, más productiva y
satisfactoria será su labor, al “ponerse la camiseta”.
El enunciado conviene sea breve y responda a las siguientes
1. ¿Quiénes somos?
2. ¿Qué hacemos? (Cuál es nuestro negocio)
3. ¿Para qué lo hacemos?
4. ¿En qué nos distinguimos o somos los únicos?
5. Otro parámetro si se desea añadir.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Visión, definiciones
“Es el estado/la imagen que deseamos alcanzar en un lapso de tiempo
“Es lo que queremos crear o ser en el futuro”
“Es el desarrollo de nuestra misión en el futuro”
“Una brújula que nos indica el rumbo”
La Misión define el Estado Actual de nuestra Institución, su razón de
Ser, sus datos actuales y su potencial.
Que tiene en cuenta a los clientes actuales y futuros y el ambiente en
que nos desempeñamos.
La Visión, el Estado Deseado en un lapso que para las organizaciones
suele variar entre 3 a 10 años, que emana de la Misión. Si bien se enfoca en
el futuro, se experimenta en el presente, en los pasos que damos cada día
para realizarla. Debe ser lo suficientemente amplia como para durar varios
años, pero con los pies en la tierra.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
1. El Tiempo de que disponemos
2. La Información útil y confiable
3. Lo Material (capital, equipamiento, edificios, etc.)
4. La Energía y motivación para actuar
5. La Gente (el recurso humano) dentro y fuera del negocio
Un tipo de recurso puede ser útil para obtener o acrecentar a otro. Por
- La adecuada Información, para ahorrar Tiempo, obtener
crédito o inversionistas, y Gente capaz y motivada.
- La Gente, para generar Información en cuanto a
oportunidades en el mercado o nuevos productos y contactos.
Todos ellos son importantes, pero si debemos elegir uno como central
en la era en que vivimos, sería la Información, porque es la base fundamental
de la Toma de Decisiones.
Las DEBILIDADES: nuestros puntos vulnerables, carencias,
limitaciones nos ponen en contacto con la realidad. También pueden
detectarse a partir de los 5 recursos: T.I.M.E.G.
Pasemos ahora a los factores Externos: las OPORTUNIDADES y
Ambas incluyen las demandas del mercado, los avances tecnológicos,
los clientes actuales y potenciales, los accionistas e inversores, los
proveedores, las alianzas estratégicas, la competencia y los factores
económicos, políticos, ambientales y sociales que influyen sobre el negocio.
Pero el enfoque integral de nuestro negocio familiar requiere sopesar
las 4 vertientes principales en que se desenvuelve. Esto implica la
presentación de un modelo adicional, que hemos denominado con la sigla
P.A.L.T. lo Psicológico, Administrativo/contable, Legal y Técnico (Kertész,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
P A Administrativas
Para optimizar la comunicación. Contable.
Solución de problemas. Relaciones con bancos.
Toma de decisiones. Créditos.
Liderazgo. Inversiones.
Delegación. Control de gestión de personal.
Capacitación continua. Impuestos.
Motivación. Retribuciones.
Delimitación familia / empresa. Seguros.
Planificación de la sucesión y retiro del fundador El manejo financiero (control de gastos y entradas).
T Técnicas
Actualización tecnológica
Legales L
Actualización de los procesos de producción Elección del tipo de sociedad.
Actualización de servicios. Aspectos patrimoniales y accionarios.
Cuál es mi negocio? Fusiones.
Re ingeniería y Calidad Total. Divorcios.
Relaciones con proveedores. . Sucesiones.
Importación y exportación. Leyes y juicios laborales.
Stocks. Relaciones con los sindicatos.
Marketing. Patentes y marcas.
A través del análisis realizado con respecto al funcionamiento actual
del grupo de trabajo, se proponen técnicas y capacitaciones para mejorar su
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Material humano
Análisis del grupo de trabajo, de 13 integrantes
Valores y creencias
El Director del estudio considera la arquitectura como un oficio de
servicio y un oficio artístico. Posee un alto valor de lo estético, innovación,
servicio al cliente interpretando sus gustos y necesidades, y que impulsa con
cada proyecto nuevos conocimiento e investigación para lograr el uso y su
funcionalidad óptima dentro del marco de la belleza y estética de la
Su creencia es que focalizándose en lo estético y artístico, le otorga
un factor diferencial del servicio que le ofrece al cliente.
Actualmente, al disolverse la sociedad, es su desafío transmitir estos
valores a los nuevos profesionales que lo acompañan en su organización.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Con respecto a las normas internas, existen protocolos de
funcionamiento sugerido por el Gerente principal, de los distintos procesos
que hacen a la actividad de un Director de obra en su gestión.
• No así sucede en la definición de normas básicas de
comportamiento entre colegas, y suele observarse sentimientos de
miedo, ansiedad, incertidumbre y excitación, por no explicitarse
los comportamientos estándar de los estudios para la interrelación
de los miembros.
• En el área de Administración, se observa ausencia de objetivos
claros. Con la falta de un programa de acción que oriente a los
integrantes en el proceso y en el desarrollo de las tareas
• El grupo en esta etapa de cambios, recibe cambios frecuentes en
las decisiones del Director principal, provocando desorientación
en el grupo.
• Como consecuencia se observa en algunos miembros un
sentimiento que el proyecto es demasiado grande para ellos y
otros se frustran por falta de progreso.
• Cada integrante en el área administrativa asume roles
independientemente del otro, no existiendo una división del
trabajo por lo que no es productivo para la estructura de
• Se observa con frecuencia que los directores de obra y empleados
administrativos desarrollan sus propios hábitos de
comportamiento en el trabajo. Creándose una fuerte costumbre,
de hábitos personales en cómo comportarse y desarrollar su tarea.
Prevaleciendo estos modismos individuales como normas a
menudo implícitas o sea no escritas y acordadas por la
organización. Tornándose tan importantes en el desarrollo de la
operatividad del grupo, permitiendo las mismas el libre albedrio
de actitudes y reacciones emocionales no siempre muy operativas
para el logro eficiente de la tarea.
• Se advierte la ausencia de claridad de los objetivos, realismo,
cohesión y consistencia, y sentido de pertenencia a la
organización; cualidades importantes para un buen
funcionamiento del grupo.
La empresa carece de un organigrama formal de funciones de su
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Toma De Decisiones
• Generalmente se encuentra centralizada en el director principal,
llevando esta modalidad muchas veces a retrasos y postergaciones en
las soluciones de situaciones o concreciones en acciones que
beneficiarían enormemente al equipo de trabajo.
• Esta centralización impide desarrollar o descubrir las potencialidades
de los miembros del equipo, frenando la escucha de opiniones,
distintos puntos de vista, menoscabando el crecimiento de todos.
• Se impone un estilo de liderazgo Estricto, ya que se avizora una
tendencia a ser obedecido sin replicas, sostener el control sobre los
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Aplicación del método de Comunicación Efectiva, para motivar y
persuadir al presidente para implementar la propuesta sugerida en este
trabajo. Posteriormente capacitar al grupo.
Confección de un organigrama, e ir mejorándolo para optimizar el
desempeño del grupo.
Presentación del formulario de descripción de tareas. Clasificar las
tareas y analizar su coherencia y alineamiento con la estructura
organizacional buscada.
Definir y redactar normas básicas de comportamiento organizacional.
Capacitar al personal, en el proceso de las distintas etapas para una
buena toma de decisiones, basándose en el método científico.
Aplicación de técnicas de manejo de reuniones. Manejo de Agenda y
Actas de reuniones.
Capacitación a los empleados en el manejo de su agenda laboral.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Berne, Eric, (1974): “¿Qué dice Ud. después de decir Hola?”, 5ta. Ed.,
Grijalbo, México
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C. y Kertész, V. (1992): “Liderazgo Transaccional”.
Ed. Ippem, Buenos Aires.
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C., Kammerer, J., Bozzo, R. y Kertész, V.
(2006):“Manual para la empresa familiar”. Ed. de la Universidad de Flores,
Buenos Aires
Kertész, R, Atalaya C. (2007): “Comunicación efectiva, los 5 Pilares y Las 5
Distorsiones”, publicación interna de la Universidad de Flores, Buenos
Kertész, R., Atalaya, C. y Kertész, A (2010): “Análisis Transaccional
Integrado”, 4ta. ed., Editorial de la Universidad de Flores. Buenos Aires
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Víctor Kertesz
Universidad de Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The purpose of this study is the successful achievement of an
organizational restructuring, specifying the key factors of success,
identifying the necessary conditions and exposing the implementation tools.
When organizations decide their restructuration in the event of a crisis, they
frequently fail, usually because the commitment of top management is not
present regarding the application of leadership, decision-making and
communication. The concept of organizational restructuration (Biasca, 1991)
is mainly oriented to financial processes; reduction of manpower; and others
as Kotter (2002) aim to strategic and cultural change. According to the
proposed approach, top management defines the strategy, and the middle
management applies it. The appropriate tools are the SWOT analysis, the
products and markets development matrix, the Porter matrix, etc.
El objetivo / propósito de este estudio es el logro exitoso de la
reestructuración de una organización, determinando los factores clave de
éxito, identificando las condiciones necesarias y exponer las herramientas de
implementación. Cuando las organizaciones deciden reestructurarse ante la
crisis, en su mayoría fallan, y es cuando no se presenta el compromiso de la
alta dirección, en cuanto al ejercicio del liderazgo, la toma de decisiones y la
comunicación. El concepto de reestructuación empresarial (Biasca, 1991) se
refiere principalmente a procesos financieros y la reducción de personal, y
otros como Kotter (2002) apuntan al cambio estratégico y cultural. En el
enfoque que proponemos, la alta dirección define la estrategia y la gerencia
media la ejecuta. Las herramientas a emplear son el análisis FODA, la matriz
de desarrollo de productos y mercados, la matriz de Porter, etc.,
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Muchas organizaciones deciden reestructurar y modificar su
funcionamiento ante las crisis o estancamiento; otras fracasan o logran sólo
parcialmente sus objetivos. La mayoría reorganiza tareas y reduce su
estructura, pero luego de un tiempo, todo sigue igual. Otras tienen éxito.
¿Por qué? En el presente trabajo se responderá a este interrogante, con dos
protagonistas muy importantes: La Estrategia de Negocios y la Dirección
Se expondrá la relación que existe entre las reestructuraciones
exitosas y los protagonistas antes mencionados, condiciones necesarias para
lo primero. Desde la planificación, hasta la ejecución y la transformación de
la cultura organizacional.
La Estrategia es generada por la Dirección General. Pero no es
suficiente. Debe existir su compromiso total con lo planificado, pase lo que
Utilizando el estudio de un caso real a modo de trabajo de
investigación de campo, se definieron los aspectos para este trabajo.
Una reestructuración o reorganización muchas veces es altamente
riesgosa. Se sabe aquello que se tiene que cambiar, pero no se sabe cómo.
Para donde ir. Y menos cómo termina todo.
Este trabajo aporta luz en tiempos de gran competitividad y reglas de
juego poco claras. Donde muchas veces falla el diagnóstico, y también el
compromiso con un cambio estructural. Se confunden los términos, y el
famoso dicho “cambiar algo para no cambiar nada” se verifica. O bien, se
“da vuelta todo”, y se termina peor. O bien, se hace un excelente diagnóstico,
se definen las estrategias correctas (en teoría) pero falla la ejecución porque
la Alta Dirección no puso el tiempo y/o el coraje para encabezar el proceso.
Se intentará demostrar como una empresa puede encarar
adecuadamente una reestructuración y cuando corresponde hacerla, primero
redefiniendo su negocio en forma estratégica, luego su estructura y por
último adaptar su operatoria y procesos en ese camino. Pero siempre con el
involucramiento de la Alta Dirección (o dueños/socios del negocio). Para
que las cosas ocurran, como sostiene un proverbio japonés: “La visión sin
acción es un sueño. Acción sin visión es simplemente pasar el tiempo.
Acción con visión es hacer una diferencia positiva”
Definición y alcance
Se definen los conceptos a tratar, integrados por:
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Se pretende demostrar que:
Una reestructuración empresaria puede alcanzar sus objetivos si se
parte de una Estrategia de Negocio clara y consistente, y se cuenta con el
involucramiento y compromiso de los más importantes decisores de la
organización: Alta Dirección (o Socios) para alinear a la organización en la
implementación del Plan Estratégico trazado.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Se realizará un recorrido de diferentes autores y se abordará un
estudio de un caso real, una empresa mediana que, a partir de un cambio
societario, decidió iniciar un proceso de reestructuración estratégica y
operativa, ante el estancamiento, pérdida de competitividad e ineficiencia
operativa en su funcionamiento.
Ha decidido redefinir su estrategia de negocios y los procesos de
gestión, modificando también su estructura actual, anticuada, con personal
“quedado en el tiempo” y procesos operativos ineficientes, para
reposicionarse y poder aprovechar las nuevas tendencias del sector editorial
y en el que compite.
La investigación se centrará en el Plan Estratégico adoptado, y el rol
y compromiso de los directivos clave para su ejecución en el tiempo.
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
– Encabezar el proceso. Involucrarse. “poner el cuerpo” y estar presentes.
“El ojo del amo engorda el ganado”. Esto implica que las personas que
integran la Alta Dirección deben tener la última palabra en cuanto al
proceso de reorganización trazado; conducir a todos los recursos
humanos de la organización hacia el camino trazado por la estrategia y
asumir un intercambio permanente de tipo bidireccional para ajustar el
proceso y monitorearlo día a día
– Generar un cronograma de reuniones de los directivos con el personal:
Para poder transmitir los objetivos a cumplir, y sobre todo, a través de la
presencia física en forma simbólica evidenciar el compromiso con el
cambio propuesto
– Establecer objetivos. Analizar Estado Actual vs. Estado Deseado.
Contando con un adecuado sistema de información gerencial que
permita realizar el control de gestión que indique el estado deseado
comparado con la situación actual.
– Generar Planes. Evaluar Recursos y generar cambios para lograr
objetivos. En este sentido, implica participar en la elaboración del Plan
Estratégico, y definir las acciones que permitan llevarlo a cabo.
– Internamente, el personal debe conocer claramente a través del proceso
de comunicación que “baja” de la Alta Dirección cuáles son los
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Estrategia de negocios
Es la Alta Dirección quien deberá definir la Misión, Visión y
Valores; establecer los Objetivos y Rumbos. Comunicar y Supervisar la
La Ejecución del Plan Estratégico implicará la ejecución de todos
los subplanes que lo conforman, liderados por las gerencias medias
(comercial, RRHH, Marketing; Producción; Financiero; etc.)
A continuación Mencionamos algunas Herramientas que permiten el
diseño de la Estrategia de Negocios:
• Análisis FODA: Permite establecer las Fortalezas, Oportunidades,
Debilidades y Amenazas de nuestra Organización en términos de la
competitividad en nuestro sector de actividad. Las Oportunidades y
Amenazas son factores externos a nuestra organización y no
controlables por ella (ej. decisiones de política económica; desastres
climáticos, inventos; etc.,) mientras que las Fortalezas y Debilidades
si son aspectos propios de nuestra organización que podemos
incrementar o mitigar según sea el caso (Ej.: personal mal capacitado;
productos anticuados; velocidad en las decisiones, etc.)
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
En un análisis preliminar según nuestra experiencia profesional,
hemos encontrado que la mayoría de las organizaciones que encaran
reestructuraciones no cuentan con un plan estratégico adecuadamente
diseñado. Aunque parten de un correcto análisis de la situación actual, que
las lleva a decidir un cambio importante en su modelo de negocios y de
gestión interna, luego no contemplan los recursos que necesitan para llevar a
cabo dicho plan. También resulta que los objetivos definidos son demasiado
exigentes en cuanto a las capacidades y competencias internas, y en muchas
ocasiones han subestimado las amenazas del entorno, y sobreestimado las
Por otro lado, el compromiso directivo inicialmente es alto, pero con
el tiempo se va diluyendo por las obligaciones resultantes del “día a día”,
menguando progresivamente la participación e involucramiento de la alta
dirección con el proceso de cambio, y permitiendo variaciones en la
ejecución de la estrategia definida, lo que es interpretado como
contradicciones por parte del personal, extendiendo el menor compromiso a
sus propias tareas. En definitiva, llevando a la reducción de la motivación
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings
Conclusion Y Recomendaciones
Podemos concluir que:
Una reestructuración empresaria puede alcanzar sus objetivos si
cuenta con:
– Una Estrategia de Negocios clara y consistente
– El involucramiento y compromiso de los más importantes
decisores de la organización (Alta Dirección o Socios) para
alinear a la organización en la implementación del Plan
Estratégico trazado
Es decir, si no existe alguna de estas condiciones, no se llegará al
cumplimiento de sus objetivos. Tampoco cumplir con estas condiciones
asegura el éxito, ya que luego la pericia en la ejecución de los planes
funcionales de los distintos sectores de la organización es factor clave para
llegar a las metas propuestas.
Toda organización que decide cambiar su modelo de negocios y/o de
gestión debe necesariamente contar con la convicción y compromiso de su
Alta Dirección, y elaborar un Plan Estratégico que defina claramente el
rumbo a seguir, los recursos con los que deberá contar y los objetivos
medibles y cuantificables a obtener en un plazo de tiempo.
Para ello, deben trabajar con herramientas de análisis estratégico,
disponer de información confiable y evaluar con que recursos humanos y
materiales cuentan para llegar a ejecutar los planes exitosamente, definiendo
luego como va a adquirir dichos recursos y a su vez, con cuáles deberá dejar
de contar en la organización.
La Alta Dirección deberá día a día verificar el grado de avance en el
cumplimiento de las metas, y tomar rápidamente las acciones correctivas que
encaucen el proceso nuevamente, estableciendo en todos los casos un fluido
mecanismo de comunicación con toda la organización para reforzar su
BUENO E. et al (1999):. Formación de la Estrategia Empresarial
Argentina. Madrid. España. Revista Española de Financiación y
Contabilidad. 1999
2nd Pan-American Interdisciplinary Conference, PIC 2016, 24-26 February, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings