Employment Contract Poland-Worker

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The key takeaways are the terms and conditions of employment for an Indonesian migrant worker in Poland as outlined in the employment contract.

The terms of employment outlined include the position, place and hours of work, remuneration, holidays, and duties of the employee.

The employer agrees to provide accommodation, health insurance, transportation to/from work, and compensation in case of work-related illness or injury.


Indonesian Migrant Worker and NAMA AGENCY
Pekerja Migran Indonesia dan NAMA AGENCY

Entered into by and between

Masuk ke perjanjian oleh dan antara:

Name of Company /Nama Perusahaan nama Agency , No. ………... NIP. ……………… Regon
………….,represented by/ diwakili………………….., General Partner

hereinafter referred to as the Employer/Selanjutnya disebut sebagai Majikan


Name: .............................. Place/date of born: .........................

Nama :............................. Tempat/tanggal lahir:………
Citizen : INDONESIA Passport no. : ...............
Warga negara : Paspor No :

Hereinafter referred to as the Employee/Selanjutnya disebut sebagai Karyawan

The Parties have mutually agreed that the Employer employs the Employee under the term and
conditions as follows :
Para pihak telah disepakati bersama bahwa Majikan mempekerjakan Karyawan di bawah syarat
danketentuan sebagai berikut:

1. Position/Description of work;
Posisi/Deskripsi pekerjaan:


2. Place of work;
Tempat kerja : ................................................................................................................

3. Remuneration : PLN …….. brutto per-month ( USD ….. ), with bonus : USD/PLN ..... for
over time work if any;

Remunerasi: PLN..... Brutto per bulan (USD....), dengan bonus: USD PLN... untuk lembur jika

4. Working hours : 5 days (..8.. hours a day )i.e. ….. hours a month, not including one hour in
Advance and one hour after work;
Jam kerja: 5 hari (..8.. jam sehari) yaitu …… jam per bulan, tidak termasuk satu jam di
mukadan satu jam setelah bekerja;

5. In conformity with the Polish Labour Code 2016, item 154, after one year of work, the
Employer shall grant the Employee the right for holidayin the number of 20 days. Using the
holiday leave, the Employee shall be entitled to normal renumeration;

Sesuai denganPolandia buruh kode 2016, item 154, setelah satu tahun kerja, majikan harus
memberikan karyawan hak untuk libur sejumlah 20 hari. Sewaktu menggunakan libur,
karyawan akan berhak untuk normal renumerasi;

6. The Employer shall provide the Employee free charge of save and hygienic accommodation
with proper room facilities including supplies of electricity, gas, water and heating during the
term of contract;

Majikan harus memberikan karyawan bebas biaya dan akomodasi yang aman dan
bersihserta fasilitas kamar yang layak termasuk pasokan listrik, gas, air dan Penghangat
Ruangan selama masa kontrak;

7. The Employer shall provide , health insurance for the Employee. In case of Employee’s illness
Or accident caused by work during the contract, the Employer shall provide all necessary
medical treatment free of charge to the Employee, and the meantime pay regular wage and
compensation on term as stipulated in Polish Labour Law;

Majikan harus menyediakan, asuransi kesehatan bagi karyawan. Jika karyawan dapat
penyakit atau kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh kerja selama kontrak, majikan harus
menyediakan semua perawatan medis yang diperlukan secara gratis kepada karyawan, dan
sementara itu membayar upah biasa dan kompensasi sebagaimana diatur dalam undang-
undang buruh Polandia;

8. The Employer shall not provide the Employee free of charge daily meals or food allowances
in lump sum of .........per day/per month;

Majikan tidak harus memberikan karyawan gratis biaya makanan sehari-hari , satu kali
setiap hari selama bekerja atau makanan tunjangan secara lump sum sebesar......setiap
hari / per bulan;

9. The Employer shall not pay for the cost travel for the Employee from the departure city in
Indonesia to Poland , But to pay as well as arrange the transportation from Factory of place of
work to assigned housing. The Employer shall alsonot pay the Employee for the cost of return
travel to the departure city in Indonesia in all cases, except that the Employee with his/her
own desireis at fault or terminated the contract;or after the Employee work 3 Years.

Majikan tidak harus membayar biaya perjalanan bagi karyawan dari kota keberangkatan di
Indonesia ke Polandia. Tapi akan membayar serta mengatur transportasi ke tempat
perumahan dan tempat kerja/pabrik. Majikan tidak harus membayar karyawan untuk biaya
perjalanan kembali ke kota keberangkatan di Indonesia dalam semua kasus, kecuali atas
keiinginan sendiri memutuskan kontrak, atau setelah kerja 3 tahun.

10. Contract duration : from ..................................................... to ...................................................

After ........... year (s), the Employment Contract can be prolonged upon mutual agreement
expressed by the both Parties in written;

Kontrak Durasi: dari..................................................... sampai ..........................................

Setelah........ tahun, kontrak kerja dapat diperpanjang berdasarkan kesepakatan bersama
yang diungkapkan oleh kedua belah pihak secaratertulis;

11. Upon termination of the Employment Contract in section 10, both the Employee and the
Employer shall give a written notification one month in advance or act in conformity with the
local labour law;

Setelah penghentian kontrak kerja di butir 10, karyawan dan majikan akan memberikan
pemberitahuan tertulis satu bulan di muka atau bertindak sesuai Undang-undang buruh

12. If the Employement Contract is terminated before fixed term of the Contract signed by the
Employee or the Employer or by the Employer for reasons attributable to the Employee, the
Employee shall be obliged to return the costs of ticket, specific in section 9, as well as all
other costs incurred by the Employer in relation to employment (i.e. working permit fee,
costs of translation of documents, legalization fee and postage), whilst the Employer shall
only pay the minimum wages and over time work of the last day in the working period.

Jika kontrak kerja dihentikan sebelum masa kontrak tetap yang sudah ditandatangani oleh
karyawan atau majikan atau majikan dengan alasan yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan dari
karyawan, karyawan wajib membayar biaya Tiket, sesuai dibutir 9, Dan juga biaya lain-lain
yang dikeluarkan oleh majikan sehubungan dengan pekerjaan (yaitu biaya izin kerja, biaya
terjemahan dokumen, biaya legalisasi dan ongkos kirim), sementara majikan hanya harus
membayar upah minimum selama waktu kerja hari terakhir di masa kerja.

13. In the case as specified in section 12, the Employee shall additionally obliged to pay a penalty
fee for the benefit of the Employer for premature Employment Contract termination in the
amount if the month remeuneration, specified in section 3;

Dalam kasus yang diterangkan dalam butir 12, Selain itu karyawan wajib juga membayar
biaya penalti untuk majikan oleh karena prematur penghentian kontrak kerja sejumlah satu
bulan renumerasi, sesuai yang ada dalam butir 3;

14. In case of the Employment contract terminated by the Employee due to his/her incapacity to
work. i.e an illness confirmed by a medical certificate, the Employer shall not be obliged to
pay the penalty fee or any other costs mentioned in section 12 and 13;
Dalam kasus kontrak kerja dihentikan oleh karyawan karena ketidakmampuan mereka untuk
bekerja. Antara lain, karena dapat penyakit yang dikonfirmasi oleh sertifikat medis,
karyawan tidak wajib membayar biaya penalti atau biaya lain yang disebutkan di butir 12
dan 13;

15. The Employee shall work only for the Employer’s company and abide by the rules and
regulations stipulated in comformity with the local labour law. The Employee shall not be
engage in any unlawful activities, such as protest or demonstration;

Karyawan akan bekerja hanya untuk perusahaan majikan dan terikat kepada ketentuan dan
peraturan yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan penerapan hukum buruh setempat. Karyawan
tidak akan terlibat dalam kegiatan melanggar hukum, seperti protes atau demonstrasi;

16. In the event that Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) dies, the Procurency Entity is obliged to
take care of and be responsible for cost of returning PMI’s body and/ or it belonging the area
of origin as well as completing PMI’s right that have not been fulfilled and inform the busness
partner and Consular of Indonesia Embassy to be forwarded to the Nation Agencis for the
protection of Migrant Worker (BP2MI) and NAMA PT in Indonesia and the employer together
with busness and Consular of Indonesia Embassy take care of Indonesian Migrant (PMI)
Insurance Claim aboard;

DalamhalPekerjaMigran Indonesia ( PMI) meninggaldunia,

Pemberikerjawajibmengurusdanbertanggungjawabatasbiayapemulanganjenazahdan /
ataubarang-barangmilik PMI sampaikedaerahasalsertamenyelesaikanhakPekerjaMigran
Indonesia (PMI) yang belumdipenuhidanmenginformasikankepadaMitra Usaha
danPerwakilan RI setempatuntukditeruskanke BP2MI dan nama PT
sertaPemberikerjabersama-samadenganMitra Usaha danKonsuler KBRI

17. The Employment Contract has been prepared in compliance with Polish labour Code for
Foreigners. Other terms and conditions not mentioned in the Employment Contract shall be
in accordance with the stipulations of the local labour law;

Kontrak kerja telah disiapkan sesuai dengan Polandia buruh kode untuk orang asing. Syarat
dan ketentuan yang tidak disebutkan dalam kontrak kerja harus sesuai ketentuan-ketentuan
undang-undang buruh setempat.
Date/Tanggal :


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President Director

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