Đề Chính Thức HSG 12 - 2020-2021

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ĐỒNG NAI NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút
Ngày thi: 15/01/2021
(Đề thi này gồm 12 trang, có 135 câu + 1 bài luận)

I. LISTENING (4 points)
 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1: Questions 1-5
You will hear someone giving first-year students information about activities they can do during
their free time. For questions 1-5, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
1. What is one long-established club mentioned in the talk?
A. the Football Club B. the Mountaineering Club
C. the Dance Club D. the Mexican Society
2. Which of the following is NOT the time for the Mountaineering Club meeting?
A. 6 pm, Tuesday B. 3 pm, Thursday C. 10 am, Tuesday D. 4 pm, Thursday
3. What do the Mountaineering Club often do at their regular meetings?
A. do indoor climbing B. go on trips to local mountains
C. go on trips to mountains overseas D. do outdoor climbing
4. What class is the Dance club running this term?
A. Samba class B. Tango class C. Scottish dancing D. Salsa class
5. What event is the Mexican Society putting on at the moment?
A. a film evening B. a Christmas celebration
C. traditional Mexican food preparation D. traditional Mexican drink preparation
Part 2: Questions 6-15
You will hear different people talking about Pierre Cardin. While you listen, you must complete
both tasks.
For questions 6–10, fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS from the listening.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
The fashion designer Pierre Cardin died at the age of 98. Although known for his (6) _____vision of the
future________, both aesthetically and in business, he was also very much aware of the (7)
________space program__________ that was happening in Russia and the United States. The highpoint
of this was his design of (8) ______men’s suits____________ called Cosmocorps, which were famously
worn by (9) ___The Beatles_______________. Cardin’s designs also reflected the future through the use
of (10) ___nontraditional materials_______________ such as vinyl and clear plastic.

For questions 11–15, decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
11. Pierre Cardin was working for Christian Dior when he was in his twenties. T
12. Pierre Cardin was charged with copying the designs from department stores and his peers. F
13. Pierre Cardin started licensing his name as a result of the commercial success of his ready-to-wear
collection. T
14. Pierre Cardin had done business with European fashion houses before he did so with Asian ones. F
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15. One disadvantage of his widely licensing his name was uncontrollable counterfeits. T
Part 3: Questions 16-20
You will listen to a talk about a Japanese method to relax in 5 minutes. Answer the questions, using
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
16. What is one factor that can take a toll on your life and health?
..... excessive stress.................................................................................................
17. What is the fifth finger mentioned in the talk called?
18. What emotions does the middle finger help you to control?
.......anger and resentment...............................................................................................
19. What do you feel if this method really works to harmonize the life energy in your body?
.......pulsating sensation..............................................................................................
20. According to the speaker, what can this Japanese technique help to reestablish?
.......balance within yourself...............................................................................................
II. PHONOLOGY (0.5 point)
Sort out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
21. A. pour B. flour C. scour D. sour
22. A. audible B. audience C. laundry D. draughty
23. A. sizzle B. wily C. quits D. pidgin
Pick out the one word with a different stress pattern from the others.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
24. A. affidavit B. scenario C. asylum D. flamboyant
25. A. inept B. outdoor C. covet D. herald

III. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (4.5 points)

Part 1: Questions 26-35
Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions and write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
26. Life is so busy that taking time to walk sometimes feels like a(n) ______.
A. diligence B. negligence C. indulgence D. divergence
27. I advise you to ______ clear of the casinos.
A. stray B. steer C. stick D. veer
28. We had crossed five mountain passes, and endured relentless mosquitoes, ______ blisters and terrible
A. persistent B. resolute C. enduring D. lasting
29. ______ the force of the explosion, it’s a miracle they survived.
A. Regarding B. Presuming C. Given D. Accepted
30. Back in 1979, the revolution was in full swing; ______, not the slightest trace of it remains.
A. later thirty years B. thirty years onwards C. thirty years away D. thirty years on
31. Sydney cycling: has the city that 'hates bikes' finally ______?
A. turned in its grave B. turned its stomach C. turned the corner D. turned the tide
32. Some experts have ______ doubts that the measures will work given the speed with which cases have
risen in recent days.
A. voiced B. uttered C. declared D. sounded
33. Adopting a positive ______ and being kind to yourself is a more effective way to make a change.

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A. view B. mindset C. thinking D. conception
34. Forward-thinking companies are increasingly focusing on reducing their ______ in response to the
climate emergency.
A. carbon footprint B. carbon dating C. carbon credit D. carbon dioxide
35. While activities such as creative writing can help you ______ your emotions, other things like knitting
or crafting can give us some space and a safe haven away from our stresses.
A. utter B. unleash C. vent D. emit
Part 2: Questions 36-45
Write the correct form of each bracketed word.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
36. Today, countless ____startups_____________ are seizing the opportunity to build big businesses.
37. There’s so much fighting between rival groups that the country has become practically
_____ungovernable____________. (GOVERN)
38. Archaeologists working in the city of Nazareth have _____unearthed____________ what they believe
to be the childhood home of Jesus Christ. (EARTH)
39. Architects are brilliant at things like _______spatial__________ awareness, creating beautiful sight
lines and they are meticulous about the details. (SPACE)
40. If one of our nurses has acted ____negliently_____________, you can be assured we will take the
strongest possible action against him or her. (NEGLECT)
41. It is very _____perceptive____________ of you to notice that Sean’s not his usual self. (PERCEIVE)
42. Well, she did study ___classics______________ at Oxford, so it’s hardly surprising she knows Latin
and Ancient Greek. (CLASS)
43. Economic growth is hindered by the ___inadequacy______________ of the public transport system.
44. As industries evolve, ____upskilling_____________ of the workforce is essential, too – individuals
will need retraining and financial support to make that viable. (SKILL)
45. If you test positive for COVID-19 with mild to moderate illness, the ___self-
isolation______________ period is now 10 days from symptom onset. (ISOLATE)

Part 3: Questions 46-55

Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs made from one word
from each box below. Each verb is used once only.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
bear turn bring speed laugh
iron build wear spy turn

up on out
over off into
46. Apple has just __brought out_______________ its latest wireless headphones, the AirPods Max.
47. We hope they can ____iron out_____________ their differences and get on with working together.
48. It took her a long time to ____build up_____________ the courage to rock the boat.
49. He was working here illegally and was terrified that his boss would __turn_________ him
______over_____ to the authorities.
50. His version of events just isn’t _____borne out____________ by the facts.
51. My family would peer around the doorframe to __spy on_______________ my daily worship at the
altar of MTV in the living room.
52. Drinking to mask depressive mood or general unease has the opposite effect once the drink
_____wears off____________.

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53. Is there anything better than realizing that you saved last night’s leftover takeaway, and will shortly be
adding some chickpeas and ___turning________ it ____into_______ a delicious curry wrap?
54. Before I had kids, I always hated parents who __laughed off_______________ kids’ antisocial
behaviour as normal.
55. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant: it _____speeds up____________ thinking, boosts motivation and
lifts mood.

Part 4: Questions 56-62

The passage below contains 7 mistakes. For questions 56-62, underline the mistakes and write the
corrections in the space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Line 1 Until recently, we have confined ourselves (0) for our own Your answers:
solar system in the search for life, partly because we have not (0) for → to
had evidence for the existence of other solar systems.
Furthermore, our telescopes have not been powerful enough to 56. …it → them
Line 5 detect planets. But not long ago, a technique was developed …………………...
that could ascertain reliably whether stars have planets orbiting
it. Basically, this technique relies upon our ability to detect
with some degree of precision how much light a star is giving. 57. …giving → giving off
If this changes for a brief period, it is probably because a large …………………...
Line 10 object – a planet – is passing in front of it. At first, the
technique could only establish the existence of a very large
planet with an elliptical orbit that brought it in close proximity 58. …in → into
to the star. This was one of the limits of the technique: life …………………...
could not exist on such large planets. Furthermore, the orbit of
Line 15 the planet would preclude the possibility of other, smaller
planets orbiting the same star. Therefore, that particular 59. …limits → limitations
planetary system could be effectively ruled out in terms of the …………………...
search for life.
However, astronomers using an Anglo-American telescope
Line 20 in New South Wales now believe they have pinpointed a 60. …resembles to →
planetary system which resembles to our own. For the first resembles
time, they identified a large planet, twice the size of Jupiter, …………………...
orbiting a star like the sun, at much the same distance from its
parent star as Jupiter is from the sun. And this is the vital point
Line 25 about their discovery: there is at last a theoretical possibility 61. ……identified → have
that smaller planets could be orbiting inside the orbit of this identified
planet. ………………...

62. …last →

Part 5: Questions 63-70

Fill the following sentences with suitable prepositions or particles.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
63. During your stay, all the hotel’s facilities are ____at________ your disposal.
64. Tonight’s performance has been cancelled due to circumstances _____beyond_______ our control.
65. ____Under________ the terms of the agreement, the debt will be repaid over a 20-year period.
66. Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school __in__________
67. Weekdays are slow in the restaurant, but at weekends the staff are rushed ____off________ their feet.
68. The home team took a firm grip __on__________ the game in the second half.
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69. Are you so tired you don’t have the energy to engage __with__________ your kids?
70. They’re campaigning for the education system to be reformed _____along_______ the lines of the
one in Finland.
IV. READING (5 points)
Part 1: Questions 71-85
Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits each space.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.

Passage 1
The way we obtain our news coverage is always evolving. The public can gain information on current
events from a wide variety of (71) ______. Centuries ago, news was obtained either by word of mouth,
with town criers (72) ______ citizens of news and by-laws, or from print, with notices posted on doors of
the local inn. With the (73) ______ of radio, whole families could (74) ______ together in the living room
to listen to the daily news bulletin. Even today, when TV sets occupy a prime (75) ______ in the most
used rooms in our house, some listeners remain faithful to their radio stations. Except, of course, for the
fact that many will (76) ______ in to them on their computer or tablet instead of turning their radio dial.
With the (77) ______ use of social media, news travels faster than ever before. Minute-by-minute
coverage of the news no longer relies on TV networks. Increased internet access enables individuals to
share photos, opinions and even live videos with one sharp (78) ______ on the screen.
71. A. opportunities B. causes C. ways D. sources
72. A. explaining B. informing C. noting D. communicating
73. A. arrival B. entrance C. starting D. approach
74. A. team B. gang C. gather D. unite
75. A. area B. site C. position D. point
76. A. turn B. switch C. tune D. start
77. A. sweeping B. absolute C. large D. widespread
78. A. stroke B. tap C. squeeze D nudge
Passage 2
If you look to the heavens between sunset and moonrise in London, the brightest object you’re likely
to see will be a white spark racing the wrong (79) ______ across the sky from west to east. (80) ______
it’s not cloudy, the International Space Station (ISS), humanity's toehold on the edge of the vast reaches
of the cosmos, is easier to spot with the naked eye than Venus.
Unlike the cramped Apollo capsules, the ISS is like an artificial island in space; its 14 modules have
more elbow (81) ______ than a typical family house. Together with its 20 solar panels, it could (82)
______ the length of a football pitch. Since the year 2000, nearly two hundred astronauts and mission
specialists from 15 countries have (83) ______ the ISS home.
Its success is encouraging since it emerged as a compromise when the USA, Russia, Europe and Japan
found they could not afford separate space stations, and supporters love to (84) ______ it up as an
example of international co-operation. But it has not been without its technical (85) ______, the final
components only being put into place in 2008, eight years behind schedule.
79. A. way B. orientation C. direction D. route
80. A. Understanding B. Assuming C. Allowing D. Supposing
81. A. space B. range C. room D. scope
82. A. expand B. spread C. reach D. stretch
83. A. known B. regarded C. referred D. called
84. A. make B. put C. hold D. stand
85. A. hitches B. catches C. hindrances D. checks
Part 2: Questions 86-95
Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Book review: Walls have Ears by Mark Mitchell
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Avid (86) _readers________ of Mark Mitchell's critically acclaimed historical novels will not be
disappointed by his latest offering, Walls have Ears, a simple, (87) ___but________ beautifully written
tale of childhood innocence in a world of adult corruption. Mitchell, a former history teacher, shot to
fame three years ago thanks to the television adaptation of his fourth novel, Baroque of Ages, (88)
___which_______ followed the fortunes of two teenage siblings in seventeenth-century Britain. (89)
__Despite_________ the author's dissatisfaction with the TV production, starring Marian Blackshaw and
Edek Sobera, it was a huge success and (90) _sales_________ of his books for children rocketed
overnight as a result.
Walls have Ears is a variation on the central theme of Baroque of Ages, though this time (91)
____set________ against the background of Hadrian's Wall during (92) __its__________ construction in
the second century. The chance discovery by two young friends (93) __of__________ a plot to
assassinate the Roman Emperor responsible for the defensive wall turns their world (94)
___down_________. The children are sworn to secrecy, but their conscience threatens to get the (95)
_____better_______ of them.
The book will be released on June 20th.

Part 3: Questions 96-102

You are going to read a newspaper article about mental health. Seven paragraphs have been
removed from the extract. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (96-102).
There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
The world of psychiatry is questioning conventional wisdom regarding mental health and society’s
reaction to people who suffer from mental health problems. It is not, as you might expect, about the
stigma attached to those with impaired mental health, but about definitions, and the treatment of those
who seek psychiatric help.
96. G
Diseases and illnesses are treated by giving the patient medication, but how can the same treatment be
meted out to those suffering from anxiety, depression and conflict? The mind is not the brain, and mental
functions are not reducible to brain functions. Likewise, mental diseases are not brain diseases; indeed,
mental diseases are not diseases at all. In the strictest terms, we cannot speak of the mind as becoming
97. A
Regardless of these difficulties, if pundits are to be believed, one in five American children have a
‘diagnosable mental illness’, whilst more cautious government officials estimate that 9-13% of American
children suffer ‘serious emotional disturbance with substantial function impairment.’ The number of
people in the USA being treated for clinical depression rose from 1.7 million in 1987 to 6.3 million a
decade later. This number continues to rise.
98. H
Unsurprisingly, in the infamous school shootings, those who fired on their fellow pupils were found to
have been undergoing treatment, taking mood-altering drugs at the time of their murder sprees. It is hard
to say whether the drugs contributed to the violence or whether the violence was committed in spite of the
99. B
Granted, other treatment options are available. Psychosurgery is a possibility in extreme cases, talk
therapies have often proved effective, and electric shock treatment has made a somewhat worrying return.
But there’s no doubt that many of the powerful new psychiatric drugs do appear to alleviate depression,
mood swings and a variety of other conditions.

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100. F
Today, we continue to try to find a way to make everyone ‘normal’. Governments, foundations,
professional guilds and global pharmaceutical companies are convincing us that normal human emotions
can be ‘cured’ and so should be treated as diseases. Isn’t this simply a variation on the zombie-making
approach? We continue to try to make everyone equally but artificially happy.
101. E
If we believe that normal emotional responses which are not pleasant should be eradicated, we are
denying ourselves opportunities for growth, learning and improving both the human and personal
conditions. These are the long-term benefits of pain and hardship, and we need not seek to eliminate

102. D
Of course, some serious mental disturbances have a biological cause and can be controlled by using
medication. What is dangerous in today’s society is our somewhat surprising eagerness to label a natural
urge or function and, having labelled it, add it to the growing list of syndromes which are ‘recognised’ by
the medical establishment as mental illnesses. The number of abnormal mental conditions, as defined by a
professional body, has mushroomed from 112 in 1952 to 375 at the beginning of this millennium. These
include ‘oppositional defiant disorder rebellion against authority), ‘caffeine use disorder’ (drinking too
much coffee) and ‘feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood’ (fussy eating). Because those with a
mental ‘illness’ can claim diminished responsibility, we hear of people who claim ‘the voices in my head
made me do it’ and professional women who state that mental illness (albeit a temporary aberration)
caused them to shoplift designer label products. Surely it is time to stand back and reassess our thinking
and beliefs about what defines a mental disorder.
The missing paragraphs:
A. Equally, there are problems in defining the word diagnosis, which the dictionary defines as: ‘the
identification of a disease by means of its symptoms; a formal determining description.’ In the case of
bodily illness, the clinical diagnosis is a hypothesis which can be confirmed or disproved through an
autopsy. However, it is not possible to die of a mental ‘illness’ or to find evidence of it in organs, tissues,
cells or body fluids during an autopsy, so how can we ever hope to be sure about a diagnosis?
B. Such incidents raise the question of cause and effect: which came first, the chicken or the egg? Can a
chemical in the brain cause a mental condition? Might the mood-altering drugs used to ‘cure’ the
‘disease’ cause the release of chemicals in the brain triggering a real mental disorder which could last a
lifetime and have damaging physical effects?
C. This, according to the health establishment and the media, proves that psychiatry has become a bona
fide science, which has shaken off its early roots in guess-work, shamanism and Inquisitorial cruelty.
D. Some magazine accounts of ‘clinical depression’ begin, ‘My husband died, my son had an accident
which left him paralysed...and then my doctor prescribed a new wonder drug.’ Or, ‘Jim’s wife left him, he
lost his job and he was diagnosed with depression.’ These situations are genuinely misery-inducing and
crushing, but they can only be defined as illnesses if we believe that anyone in the midst of such tragedies
can be happy.
E. Pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in fostering our belief that drugs can help us to feel
better, but it’s time we realised that if we are numb, complacent, compliant zombies then we are not
independent, thinking and critical. They like it better when we are dependent on them and content with
our lot. They want us to be happy in the same way that Huxley’s Soma-fed, tranquillised, corporate
citizens of ‘Brave New World’ were happy; mere clones, without critical faculties.
F. However, we can gain valuable insight into the implications of drug use if we look back to previous
types of ‘treatment’. Once, surgeons removed ‘the stone of madness’ from the heads of lunatics. In more
recent times, frontal lobotomies and electroconvulsive therapy (electric shock treatments) became the
answers. Even after it was obvious that lobotomy ‘cured’ people by turning them into zombies, it
remained a worldwide tool for controlling unmanageable children and political opponents.
G. The question of identifying and labelling is a serious one as, ultimately, it affects treatment. Is
someone suffering from a mental health problem suffering from a mental disorder or a mental illness
(where ‘disease’ and ‘illness’ are interchangeable)? The dictionary definition of ‘disease’ is: ‘a condition
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of the body, or some part or organ of the body, in which its functions are disturbed or deranged; a morbid
physical condition’. Given this definition, shouldn’t the term ‘mental illness’ be replaced by ‘mental
H. Such figures mean that psychiatric drugs which have been widely promoted have brought many more
sufferers into the medical fold. However, these drugs, touted as ‘miracle cures’, do little more than dull
the senses and inhibit normal brain function. At worst, they can cause crippling conditions like
Parkinson’s disease, ‘helping’ victims by giving them real diseases which put them in wheelchairs. Less
powerful drugs can cause emotional disorders as bad as those they treat: jangled nerves, hallucinations,
lethargy, depression, memory loss and paranoia.

Part 4: Questions 103-116

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions 103-116.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Some people think that fairy tales are just stories to amuse children, but their
universal and enduring appeal may be due to more serious reasons
People of every culture tell each other fairy tales but the same story often takes a variety of forms in
different parts of the world. In the story of Little Red Riding Hood that European children are familiar
with, a young girl on the way to see her grandmother meets a wolf and tells him where she is going. The
wolf runs on ahead and disposes of the grandmother, then gets into bed dressed in the grandmother’s
clothes to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. You may think you know the story – but which version? In
some versions, the wolf swallows up the grandmother, while in others it locks her in a cupboard. In some
stories Red Riding Hood gets the better of the wolf on her own, while in others a hunter or a woodcutter
hears her cries and comes to her rescue.
The universal appeal of these tales is frequently attributed to the idea that they contain cautionary
messages: in the case of Little Red Riding Hood, to listen to your mother, and avoid talking to strangers.
‘It might be what we find interesting about this story is that it’s got this survival-relevant information in
it,’ says anthropologist Jamie Tehrani at Durham University in the UK. But his research suggests
otherwise. ‘We have this huge gap in our knowledge about the history and prehistory of storytelling,
despite the fact that we know this genre is an incredibly ancient one,’ he says. That hasn’t stopped
anthropologists, folklorists and other academics devising theories to explain the importance of fairy tales
in human society. Now Tehrani has found a way to test these ideas, borrowing a technique from
evolutionary biologists.
To work out the evolutionary history, development and relationships among groups of organisms,
biologists compare the characteristics of living species in a process called ‘phylogenetic analysis’.
Tehrani has used the same approach to compare related versions of fairy tales to discover how they have
evolved and which elements have survived longest.
Tehrani’s analysis focused on Little Red Riding Hood in its many forms, which include another
Western fairy tale known as The Wolf and the Kids. Checking for variants of these two tales and similar
stories from Africa, East Asia and other regions, he ended up with 58 stories recorded from oral
traditions. Once his phylogenetic analysis had established that they were indeed related, he used the same
methods to explore how they have developed and altered over time.
First he tested some assumptions about which aspects of the story alter least as it evolves, indicating
their importance. Folklorists believe that what happens in a story is more central to the story than the
characters in it – that visiting a relative, only to be met by a scary animal in disguise, is more fundamental
than whether the visitor is a little girl or three siblings, or the animal is a tiger instead of a wolf.
However, Tehrani found no significant difference in the rate of evolution of incidents compared with
that of characters. ‘Certain episodes are very stable because they are crucial to the story, but there are lots
of other details that can evolve quite freely,’ he says. Neither did his analysis support the theory that the
central section of a story is the most conserved part. He found no significant difference in the flexibility
of events there compared with the beginning or the end.

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But the really big surprise came when he looked at the cautionary elements of the story. ‘Studies on
hunter-gatherer folk tales suggest that these narratives include really important information about the
environment and the possible dangers that may be faced there – stuff that’s relevant to survival,’ he says.
Yet in his analysis such elements were just as flexible as seemingly trivial details. What, then, is
important enough to be reproduced from generation to generation?
The answer, it would appear, is fear – blood-thirsty and gruesome aspects of the story, such as the
eating of the grandmother by the wolf, turned out to be the best preserved of all. Why are these details
retained by generations of storytellers, when other features are not? Tehrani has an idea: ‘In an oral
context, a story won’t survive because of one great teller. It also needs to be interesting when it’s told by
someone who’s not necessarily a great storyteller.’ Maybe being swallowed whole by a wolf, then cut out
of its stomach alive is so gripping that it helps the story remain popular, no matter how badly it’s told.
Jack Zipes at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, is unconvinced by Tehrani’s views on fairy
tales. ‘Even if they’re gruesome, they won’t stick unless they matter,’ he says. He believes the perennial
theme of women as victims in stories like Little Red Riding Hood explains why they continue to feel
relevant. But Tehrani points out that although this is often the case in Western versions, it is not always
true elsewhere. In Chinese and Japanese versions, often known as The Tiger Grandmother, the villain is a
woman, and in both Iran and Nigeria, the victim is a boy.
Mathias Clasen at Aarhus University in Denmark isn’t surprised by Tehrani’s findings. ‘Habits and
morals change, but the things that scare us, and the fact that we seek out entertainment that’s designed to
scare us – those are constant,’ he says. Clasen believes that scary stories teach us what it feels like to be
afraid without having to experience real danger, and so build up resistance to negative emotions.
For questions 103-107, complete each sentence with the correct ending (A-F) below.
Write the correct letter (A-F) in boxes 103-107 on your answer sheet.
103. In fairy tales, details of the plot C
104. Tehrani rejects the idea that the useful lessons for life in fairy tales B
105. Various theories about the social significance of fairy tales F
106. Insights into the development of fairy tales A
107. All the fairy tales analysed by Tehrani E

A. may be provided through methods used in biological research.

B. are the reason for their survival.
C. show considerable global variation.
D. contain animals which transform to become humans.
E. were originally spoken rather than written.
F. have been developed without factual basis.
For questions 108-112, complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.
Write the correct letter (A-I) in boxes 108-112 on your answer sheet.
Tehrani used techniques from evolutionary biology to find out if (108) _D_____ existed among 58
stories from around the world. He also wanted to know which aspects of the stories had fewest (109)
____F__, as he believed these aspects would be the most important ones. Contrary to other beliefs, he
found that some (110) ___B___ that were included in a story tended to change over time, and that the
middle of a story seemed no more important than the other parts. He was also surprised that parts of a
story which seemed to provide some sort of (111) ___C___ were unimportant. The aspect that he found
most important in a story’s survival was (112) _G_____.
A. ending B. events C. warning
D. links E. records F. variations
G. horror H. people I. plot
For questions 113-116, Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 113-116 on your answer sheet.
113. What method did Jamie Tehrani use to test his ideas about fairy tales?
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A. He compared oral and written forms of the same stories.
B. He looked at many different forms of the same basic story.
C. He looked at unrelated stories from many different countries.
D. He contrasted the development of fairy tales with that of living creatures.
114. When discussing Tehrani’s views, Jack Zipes suggests that
A. Tehrani ignores key changes in the role of women.
B. stories which are too horrific are not always taken seriously.
C. Tehrani overemphasises the importance of violence in stories.
D. features of stories only survive if they have a deeper significance.

115. Why does Tehrani refer to Chinese and Japanese fairy tales?
A. to indicate that Jack Zipes’ theory is incorrect
B. to suggest that crime is a global problem
C. to imply that all fairy tales have a similar meaning
D. to add more evidence for Jack Zipes’ ideas
116. What does Mathias Clasen believe about fairy tales?
A. They are a safe way of learning to deal with fear.
B. They are a type of entertainment that some people avoid.
C. They reflect the changing values of our society.
D. They reduce our ability to deal with real-world problems.
Part 5: Questions 117-120
You are going to read an article about history. For questions 117-120, choose the answer (A, B, C or
D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
In this book we travel back in time and across the globe, to see how we have shaped our world and
been shaped by it over the last two million years. The book tries to tell a history of the world in a way that
has not been attempted before, by deciphering the messages which objects communicate across time –
messages about peoples and places, environments and interactions, about different moments in history
and about our own time as we reflect upon it. These signals from the past – some reliable, some
conjectural, many still to be retrieved – are unlike other evidence we are likely to encounter. They speak
of whole societies and complex processes rather than individual events, and tell of the world for which
they were made.
The history that emerges from these objects will seem unfamiliar to many. There are few well-known
dates, famous battles or celebrated incidents. Canonical events - the making of the Roman Empire, the
Mongol destruction of Baghdad, the European Renaissance - are not centre stage. They are, however,
present, refracted through individual objects. Thus, in my chapter on the ancient inscribed tablet known as
the Rosetta Stone, for example, I show that it has played a starring role in three fascinating stories: as a
legal document in ancient Egyptian times; as a trophy during the rivalry between the French and the
British; and finally as a key to the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian writing system at the end of the
19th century.
If you want to tell the history of the whole world, a history that does not unduly privilege one part of
humanity, you cannot do it through texts alone, because only some of the world has ever had written
records, while most of the world, for most of the time, has not. The clearest example of this asymmetry
between literate and non-literate history is perhaps the first encounter between Europeans and Australian
aboriginals. From the European side we have eye-witness accounts and scientific reports. From the
Australian side, we have only a wooden shield dropped by a man in flight after his first experience of
gunshot. If we want to reconstruct what was actually going on that day, the shield must be interrogated
and interpreted as deeply and as rigorously as the written reports.
All so much easier said than done. Writing history from the study of texts is a familiar process, and we
have centuries of critical apparatus to assist our assessment of written records. We have learnt how to
judge their frankness, their distortions, their ploys. With objects, we do of course have structures of
expertise – archaeological, scientific, anthropological – which allow us to ask critical questions. But we
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have to add to that a considerable leap of imagination, returning the artefact to its former life, engaging
with it as generously, as poetically, as we can in the hope of winning the insights it may deliver.
One of the characteristics of things is that they change – or are changed – long after they have been
created, taking on new meanings that could never have been imagined at the outset. A startlingly large
number of our objects bear on them the marks of later events. Sometimes this is merely the damage that
comes with time, or from clumsy excavation or forceful removal. But frequently, later interventions were
designed deliberately to change meaning or to reflect the pride or pleasures of new ownership. The object
becomes a document not just of the world for which it was made, but of the later periods which altered it.
History looks different depending on who you are and where you are looking from. So although all
these objects in the book are now in museums, it deliberately includes many different voices and
perspectives. It draws on the museums' own experts, but it also presents research and analysis by leading
scholars from all over the world, as well as comments by people who deal professionally with objects
similar to those discussed. This book also includes voices from the communities or countries where the
objects were made, as only they can explain what meanings these things still carry in their homeland.
Countries and communities around the world are increasingly defining themselves through new readings
of their history, and that history is frequently anchored in such things. So, a museum is not just a
collection of objects: it is an arena where such issues can be debated and contested on a global scale.
117. What claim does the author make about his book in the first paragraph?
A. It benefits from new evidence that has not been available to previous historians.
B. It looks at history from the point of view of society rather than individuals.
C. It approaches the interpretation of the past from a novel perspective.
D. It re-evaluates the significance of certain events.
118. The Rosetta Stone serves as an example of an object
A. whose meaning has been re-interpreted many times.
B. whose significance has changed over time.
C. which has been fought over for many reasons.
D. which explains key events over various historical periods.
119. The author believes that basing a history of the world on texts alone
A. leads to too many interpretations.
B. distorts oral versions of history.
C. fails to take account of cultural difference.
D. results in a biased view of history.
120. Why does the author include comments from people who live in the area where the object was
A. They can throw light on its original function.
B. They have the skills needed to re-create it.
C. They help us see it in its wider cultural context.
D. They feel ideas related to it have been neglected.
V. WRITING (6 points)
A. Questions 121– 130
Complete each restatement with the words given so that it has the same meaning as the original
one. Do NOT change the form of the given word(s). You must use between THREE and EIGHT
words, including the word given.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
121. There’s no doubt she’ll become jobless again. BOUND
 She __is bound to be made ________________________ redundant again.
122. That his business failed was not his fault. BLAME
 He __ was not to blame for the failure of________________________ his business.
123. Reality was completely different from what happens in the film. RESEMBLANCE
 What happens in the film _____bears no resemblance to what_____________________ actually
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124. I decided to take a gap year but my parents didn’t approve of it. DISAPPROVAL
 My ___ decision to take a gap year met with the disapproval_______________________ of my
125 He can’t accept the fact that he has been fired. TERMS
 He can’t __ come to terms with being given the________________________ sack.
126. It is difficult for my parents to get used to living in an apartment. ADJUSTING
 My parents ____ have difficulty in adjusting to______________________ living in an apartment.
127. In addition to arriving late, he didn’t bother to apologise. TURN
 Not _only did he turn up late, but he also _________________________ didn’t bother to apologise.
128. I have become fearful of dentists since my earliest experiences in the twenties. DATES
 My ________ fear of dentists dates back to__________________ my earliest experiences in the
129. Although she is young, she does not depend on her parents financially. INDEPENDENT
 Young ____as she is, she is financially independent of_____________________ her parents.
130. She felt more impatient than nervous for the journey to be over. MUCH
 She ___was not so much nervous as impatient_______________________ for the journey to be over.
B. Questions 131 – 135
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. You MUST write the complete sentences.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
131. You are not allowed to enter some parts of the building.
 Access ___ to some parts of the building is_______________________ restricted.
132. Mary suddenly began to cry when she heard the news.
 On __hearing the news Mary burst into________________________ tears.
133. It is impossible for me to get by on my small salary.
 I find ___ it impossible to make ends_______________________ meet on my small salary.
134. You are not alone in fainting when seeing blood.
 You are not the __only person who faint at the________________________ sight of blood.
135. He didn’t mention the fact that he had miscalculated the full cost of the building work.
 He made ____no reference to his miscalculation______________________ of the full cost of the
building work.
PART 2: COMPOSITION (3 points)
“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.” —
Charles Swindoll
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.


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