Screen Media Exposure and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

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Screen Media Exposure and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

Article  in  PEDIATRICS · November 2017

DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758K


230 1,449

7 authors, including:

Jorge A. Banda Lauren Hale

Purdue University Stony Brook University


Amy S. Lu Sandra L Calvert

Northeastern University Georgetown University


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Screen Media Exposure and Obesity
in Children and Adolescents
Thomas N. Robinson, MD, MPH,​a,​b Jorge A. Banda, PhD,​a Lauren Hale, PhD,​c Amy Shirong Lu, PhD,​d,​e
Frances Fleming-Milici, PhD,​f Sandra L. Calvert, PhD,​g Ellen Wartella, PhDh

Obesity is one of the best-documented outcomes of screen media exposure. Many abstract
observational studies find relationships between screen media exposure and increased
risks of obesity. Randomized controlled trials of reducing screen time in community settings
have reduced weight gain in children, demonstrating a cause and effect relationship.
Current evidence suggests that screen media exposure leads to obesity in children and
adolescents through increased eating while viewing; exposure to high-calorie, low-nutrient
food and beverage marketing that influences children’s preferences, purchase requests,
consumption habits; and reduced sleep duration. Some evidence also suggests promise
for using interactive media to improve eating and physical activity behaviors to prevent
or reduce obesity. Future interdisciplinary research is needed to examine the effects of
newer mobile and other digital media exposures on obesity; to examine the effectiveness of
additional interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of media exposures on obesity and
possible moderators and mediators of intervention effects; to effectively use digital media
interventions to prevent and reduce obesity; and to uncover the mechanisms underlying the
causal relationships and interactions between obesity-related outcomes and media content,
characteristics, and context.

aStanford Solutions Science Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University, Stanford, California; bLucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, Palo Alto, California; cProgram in

Public Health, Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York; dDepartment of Communication Studies, College of Arts, Media and
Design, and eHealth Technology Laboratory, Department of Health Sciences, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts; fRudd Center for Food Policy
and Obesity, University of Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut; gChildren’s Digital Media Center, Department of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia; and
hCenter on Media and Human Development, School of Communication, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

Drs Robinson and Banda conceptualized the manuscript, drafted the initial manuscript, and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript; Drs Hale, Lu, and
Fleming-Milici conceptualized the manuscript and critically reviewed and revised the manuscript; Drs Calvert and Wartella critically reviewed and revised the
manuscript; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in each paper are solely a product of the individual workgroup and are not the policy or opinions of, nor
do they represent an endorsement by Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development or the American Academy of Pediatrics.
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2016-​1758K
Accepted for publication Apr 19, 2017
Address correspondence to Thomas N. Robinson, MD, MPH, Stanford Solutions Science Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University, 1265 Welch Rd,
MSOB X129, Stanford, CA 94305. E-mail: [email protected]
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: This special supplement, “Children, Adolescents and Screens: What We Know and What We Need to Learn,​” was made possible through the financial
support of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

PEDIATRICS Volume 140, numberDownloaded

s2, Novemberfrom
2017:e20161758 by guest on November 13, 2017 Supplement Article
Obesity is one of the most challenging significant associations between the children in the control school.
public health problems facing both screen time and obesity in children. In a subsequent 2-year trial, 70
developed and developing countries However, null results (those that 4- to 7-year-olds and their families
worldwide. Screen media exposure are not statistically significant) do were randomly assigned to either
is one of the best-documented not indicate that a relationship does receive a screen-time reduction
causes of obesity in children and, not exist. Observational studies are intervention that involved installing
likewise, obesity is one of the best- susceptible to errors in measuring an electronic television time manager
documented outcomes of screen screen time and the accompanying in their home or a control parenting
media exposure. For the purpose of loss of statistical power and potential intervention.‍8 Compared with
this review, screen media refers to bias introduced. There have now controls, children in the screen-time
content on any technology platform been a number of experimental reduction group had significant
with a screen. research studies in which screen decreases in television viewing
media exposure was manipulated to and computer use, energy intake,
test this relationship, demonstrating and age- and sex-adjusted BMI that
Current State evidence of a cause and effect link persisted for 2 years. An analysis of
between screen media exposure and possible mediators suggested that
The relationship between screen
excess weight gain in children. the effects of reduced screen time
media exposure and obesity has
on changes in BMI were associated
been widely studied. Starting in the Experimental Studies of Reducing with reductions in dietary energy
mid-1980s,​‍1 many epidemiologic Screen Time intake but not increased physical
studies have revealed associations
A number of rigorous experimental activity measured by accelerometry.
between screen time and obesity.‍2
trials tested the effects of reducing These studies that focused solely on
For example, in 1 longitudinal cohort
children’s screen media exposure reducing screen media exposure are
study of a nationally representative
on weight gain.‍6 The first to also joined by other experimental
sample of US 10- to 15-year-olds,
address screen time exclusively studies of reducing screen time along
there was a strong dose-response
was a 7-month, school-based with changes in diet, physical activity,
relationship between the number
randomized controlled trial among and other obesity risk behaviors that
of hours per day children viewed
third and fourth grade children have produced reduced obesity and
television and the prevalence of
from 2 California schools.‍7 One weight gain or obesity compared
overweight, and as much as 60% of
school was randomly selected to with controls.‍7 Together these
the 4-year incidence of overweight
receive an 18-lesson, multiple- studies demonstrate a direct cause
was estimated to be attributable to
component screen-time reduction and effect relationship between
excess television viewing.‍3 Longer-
curriculum delivered by the regular screen media viewing and weight
term cohort studies have revealed
classroom teachers, and it included gain and demonstrate that reducing
that more television viewing during
behavior change skills, an electronic screen media time results in less BMI
childhood predicts overweight
television time manager, and gain in children.
and obesity in adulthood.‍4,​5 In a
educational parent newsletters.
longitudinal study in New Zealand,
The intervention targeted reducing How Does Screen Media Exposure
up to 17% of the overweight Lead to Obesity?
time spent watching television,
prevalence observed at 26 years of
playing sedentary video games, and
age was estimated to be attributable A number of possible mechanisms
using computers. The other school
to viewing >2 hours of television per are thought to explain the effects of
received no intervention. Both
day on weekdays during childhood screen media exposure on obesity.‍2,​9‍
schools received the same measures
and adolescence.‍5 Observational These include displacing physical
at the beginning and end of the
studies have also revealed that activity, increasing energy intake
school year. Over the 7 months of
greater screen time is associated with from eating while viewing and/or the
the trial, children in the school that
cardiometabolic risk factors more effects of advertising, and reducing
received the screen-time reduction
broadly, including hypertension, sleep.
curriculum significantly reduced
elevated cholesterol levels, insulin
their television viewing, video game Although it is often assumed that
resistance, elevated inflammation,
use, and number of meals eaten in screen media time displaces time
and the metabolic syndrome.‍2
front of the television. Intervention spent being more physically active,
Observational research is limited participants also significantly slowed epidemiologic studies have only
in its ability to demonstrate cause their gain in BMI, triceps skinfold inconsistently revealed cross-
and effect relationships, and not thickness, waist circumference, and sectional or prospective associations
all epidemiologic studies find waist-to-hip ratio compared with between screen time and less

S98 Downloaded from by guest on November 13, 2017 Robinson et al

physical activity. This may be because Food advertising is another associated with increased obesity and
of the difficulties in validly measuring explanation for the link between weight gain among children, most
both screen media exposure and screen media exposure and excess consistently among those between
physical activity. Experimental energy consumption.‍15 According ages 3 and 7.‍23,​24
‍ At least 3 possible
studies of reducing screen time to the Federal Trade Commission, mechanisms have been suggested:
have generally revealed only small food and beverage companies spent sleep deprivation causes changes in
if any measurable increases in $1.8 billion on marketing to children the appetite-regulating hormones
physical activity.‍6 This suggests that and adolescents in the United States ghrelin and leptin to increase
displacement of physical activity may in 2009.‍16 It is estimated that in hunger and decrease satiety, short
not be a strong link between screen 2014, 2- to 11-year-olds and 12- to sleep duration can affect children’s
time and obesity. 17-year-olds saw an average of choices to consume more calories
12.8 and 15.2 food, beverage, and and fewer nutritionally-dense
In contrast, much more evidence
restaurant advertisements per day foods, and shorter sleep duration
supports screen media effects on
on television, respectively.‍17 In may lead to increased snacking and
energy intake as the prominent
addition, youth are now exposed to eating outside of normal mealtimes,
mechanism linking screen time and
marketing in new media, including including during the night.‍23
obesity in children. Epidemiologic
food company-sponsored websites,
studies reveal that children who
apps, and advergames as well as in
consume more screen media also Future Research
advertising on third-party children’s
consume fewer fruits and vegetables
websites and marketing via mobile
and more energy-dense snacks, Changes in Screen Media Exposure
devices and social media.‍16 This
energy-dense drinks and fast food,
new marketing is engaging and Although television still represents
receive a higher percentage of their
often disguised as entertainment or the largest source of screen media
energy from fats, and have a higher
messages from friends, making it exposure for most children, recent
total energy intake.‍10,​11
‍ Laboratory-
more difficult for children, even older data suggest that children are
based experimental studies have
children, to recognize its persuasive spending more and more time using
revealed that screen media exposure
intent.18 Research shows that food computers, video games, tablets and
can lead to incremental energy
advertising impacts children’s food smartphones, and time spent using
consumption without increased
preference and food intake.‍15 Again, smartphones has even overtaken
feelings of hunger or compensation
the strongest evidence comes from television among adolescents.‍25 This
by lower intake during the rest of
experimental studies. For example, has also led to changing social and
the day.‍12 Screen-time reduction
randomized controlled trials of food physical contexts in which children
interventions also have documented
commercials embedded in animated are interacting with screen media
reductions in dietary intake
programs revealed that advertising content. Because this transition is
compared with controls.‍7,​8
increases automatic eating for foods happening quickly, there has been
Eating while viewing is one not being advertised,​‍19 and even a limited evidence about whether
important way that screen media single 30-second commercial impacts these new sources of screen media
exposure increases children’s energy brand preferences.‍20 In addition, will continue to produce similar
intake. Studies have revealed that a randomized controlled trial also impacts on childhood obesity. The
children consume a large proportion revealed that fast food branding experimental studies of reducing
of their daily calories and meals altered young children’s actual taste screen time leading to less weight
while watching screen media. In 1 perceptions in side-by-side taste gain targeted total screen time
study, up to a third of daily energy tests.‍21 from television, video games, and
intake and half of children’s meals computers altogether.‍7,​8‍ The impact
were consumed in front of a screen.‍13 Inadequate sleep is another of using specific individual media
Some of this effect may be because likely mechanism linking screen requires empirical study but also
of the large amount of time spent media exposure, excess energy may not reflect real-world media use.
with screens, the types of high- consumption, and obesity. A recent However, many of the hypothesized
energy foods and beverages that systematic literature review of screen mechanisms linking screen media
are consumed while viewing, media time and sleep found that over 90% exposure to obesity, such as
acting as a trigger or prompt to of the studies demonstrated positive concurrent eating, advertising,
eating, media extending the duration associations between screen time and insufficient sleep, lead us to
of eating, or media distracting from and adverse sleep, usually measured hypothesize that most emerging
or obscuring feelings of fullness or by later bedtimes and less total sleep digital media, with their increased
satiety.‍14 time.‍22 Sleep deprivation has been abilities for interactivity, immersion,

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In brief, “What works, in which 5. Hancox RJ, Milne BJ, Poulton R.
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settings and contexts, among Association between child and
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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2,Downloaded

November 2017
from by guest on November 13, 2017 S101
Screen Media Exposure and Obesity in Children and Adolescents
Thomas N. Robinson, Jorge A. Banda, Lauren Hale, Amy Shirong Lu, Frances
Fleming-Milici, Sandra L. Calvert and Ellen Wartella
Pediatrics 2017;140;S97
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758K

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
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American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

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Screen Media Exposure and Obesity in Children and Adolescents
Thomas N. Robinson, Jorge A. Banda, Lauren Hale, Amy Shirong Lu, Frances
Fleming-Milici, Sandra L. Calvert and Ellen Wartella
Pediatrics 2017;140;S97
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758K

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

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