Diagnostic Test A: Name: Class

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Key for


1 There a key on the table. 10 You mustn’t your phone in a cinema.

A aren’t A to use
B no B using
C are C use
D is D uses
2 It was Tuesday yesterday. Today is . 11 It’s snowing today. It’s .
A Monday A winter
B Tuesday B hot
C Wednesday C summer
D Thursday D warm
3 I get up 7.30. 12 I a film yesterday.
A on A see
B in B sees
C at C saw
D to D seeing
4 I’m a picture. 13 I some money in the street yesterday.
A paint A find
B painting B found
C paints C finds
D painter D finding
5 I love to the beach. 14 My brother is than me at football.
A go A good
B going B worse
C to going C badder
D for going D bad
6 The children are all to the teacher. 15 I am person in my class.
A listening A tall
B listen B taller
C listens C tallest
D listened D the tallest
7 We on holiday yesterday. 16 You wear a on your head.
A are A cap
B were B shirt
C is C T-shirt
D was D skirt
8 I by train. 17 I swimming on Friday.
A visit A play
B stay B do
C travel C go
D help D going
9 I fifteen years old.
A is
B be
C am
D are

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18 I’m going to Italy this year. 27 What today?

A go A do you wear
B to go B are you wearing
C goes C you wear
D went D you are wearing
19 I got a cold. 28 Mum sugar in her tea.
A am A not takes
B has B don’t take
C have C do take
D to D doesn’t take
20 Your is between your head and your shoulders. 29 I chocolate this month.
A neck A aren’t eating
B finger B am not eating
C toe C am eating not
D knee D isn’t eating
21 My father is a taxi . 30 Sarah a banana when I arrived.
A doctor A is eating
B developer B has eaten
C player C will eat
D driver D was eating
22 I’m thirsty. I want a . 31 Dad three new books yesterday.
A meat A has bought
B lemonade B was buying
C pasta C bought
D salad D buys
23 My computer isn’t quick. It’s . 32 when you left the house?
A slow A Is it raining
B loud B Was it raining
C dark C Will it rain
D small D Has it rained
24 There is a bus near my house. 33 Mark wasn’t listening when the teacher
A centre him a question.
B park A asked
C stop B did ask
D shop C asks
D was asking
25 Don’t your homework.
A you forget 34 to the USA?
B to forget A Have you ever been
C forget B Did you ever go
D forgets C Have you ever gone
D Did you ever be
26 I home at half past five.
A usually get 35 I Star Wars.
B get usually A have ever seen
C am usually getting B have never seen
D am getting usually C did never see
D am never seeing
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36 Jill never eaten sushi. 45 Grandpa invited us to the restaurant in town.

A has A good
B hasn’t B well
C did C better
D didn’t D best
37 Have your parents with dolphins? 46 Studying with a friend is than studying alone.
A ever swam A fun
B never swam B more fun
C ever swum C funner
D never swum D the fun
38 What tomorrow evening? 47 The city is at the weekend than it is during
A you are doing the week.
B you do A busier
C are you doing B more busy
D do you do C busiest
39 I’m meeting my cousin tomorrow and a film. D most busy
A I’m going to see 48 How brothers and sisters have you got?
B we’re going to see A some
C I’m going to see B any
D we’ll see C much
40 I think we our car in the car park near the station. D many
A probably leave 49 I don’t have money with me.
B are going to leave probably A some
C will leave probably B any
D will probably leave C much
41 Mum says it colder tomorrow than it is today. D many
A is 50 There aren’t good cafes in this town – only one
B will be or two.
C is being A many
D is going B any
C much
42 If you a lot of sweets now, you won’t want
any dinner. D some
A are eating 51 How does this laptop cost?
B eat A some
C will eat B much
D ate C any
43 Joe very happy if he wins the race. D many
A was 52 Glen play tennis very well – he’s too slow.
B has been A must
C is B can’t
D will be C mustn’t
44 If you don’t play table tennis more often, you . D can
A will improve
B improve
C won’t improve
D don’t improve
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53 You to leave now if you don’t want to. 61 I hope the water is when we go swimming today.
A have A windy
B must B sunny
C don’t have C freezing
D mustn’t D warm
54 I borrow your bike, please? 62 Our football gave us lots of excellent advice
A Could before the match.
B Must A coach
C Should B referee
D Will C driver
D guide
55 We to give the teacher our books at the end
of the lesson. 63 What time does the to New York leave?
A must A fly
B should B travel
C have C flight
D can D journey
56 Everyone eat five different kinds of fruit 64 Mum $20 for her new shoes.
and vegetables every day. A bought
A must B paid
B mustn’t C cost
C should D sold
D shouldn’t
65 We had in the front row at the theatre
57 It’s raining heavily – you go out without A chairs
your umbrella.
B numbers
A should
C seats
B shouldn’t
D boxes
C have to
66 I’ve got some great games on my phone.
D don’t have to
A apps
58 If you have toothache, you go to the dentist.
B websites
A will
C plays
B should
D matches
C may
67 I was the only on the bus this morning.
D would
A rider
59 My brother loves colourful pictures.
B stop
A watching
C ticket
B painting
D passenger
C drawing
68 on this link to get more information about
D looking
the museum.
60 Did you see that show on TV last night? A Download
A fiction B Press
B documentary C Choose
C talent D Click
D programme

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69 We must leave now or we won’t the train. 77 I’m really looking forward in the school play.
A go A appear
B catch B appearing
C take C to appear
D do D to appearing
70 Alex a temperature yesterday, but he’s 78 Dad a return ticket for me yesterday.
better now. A is buying
A had B has bought
B felt C was buying
C was D bought
D got
79 You get up early tomorrow if you don’t want to.
71 This movie is too long – I’m a bit bored now. A have to
A going B don’t have to
B making C must
C getting D mustn’t
D coming
80 Mrs Cooke the students much homework.
72 Sometimes it can be hard to time to relax. A doesn’t give usually
A spend B doesn’t usually give
B save C does usually not give
C give D usually gives not
D find
81 Ben didn’t want to take part the concert.
73 How often does your sister gymnastics? A on
A do B at
B go C in
C play D to
D run
82 A lot of people are waiting the bus.
74 Which websites do you most often? A for
A surf B at
B visit C –
C go D off
D return
83 Look at that little cat the back of the picture.
75 I usually go home foot. A on
A at B in
B to C at
C by D of
D on
84 I want to get rid these books – would you like
76 If we finish the exercise in class, we’ll have to do any of them?
it for homework.
A of
A won’t
B from
B –
C off
C don’t
D away
D can

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85 I’m sorry that Jim didn’t do very in his maths exam. 93 I’m a bit of money at the moment.
A good A small
B badly B low
C well C down
D better D short
86 I only invited a friends to my birthday party. 94 My battery is dead – I need to my phone.
A little A load
B many B arrange
C few C charge
D lot D run
87 They need much changing rooms in this 95 Let’s leave now – we have a long ahead of us.
dress shop. A travel
A large B transport
B larger C go
C largest D journey
D largely
96 Liverpool is a large city on the west of the UK.
88 Jack was wearing the amazing boots A sea
I’ve ever seen.
B coast
A most
C beach
B very
D place
C too
97 Please don’t drop litter on the pavement – put it in
D more
the .
89 It’s a late to phone grandma now. A can
A very B tin
B too C bin
C bit D box
D some
98 You need to read and listen to a lot of English if
90 It can be difficult to friends when you go you want to your language skills.
to a new school. A improve
A do B grow
B get C move
C take D connect
D make
99 My grandparents gave me the money for my
91 Will you teach me how to that card trick? when I flew to Australia last year.
A do A payment
B make B fare
C take C bill
D go D cost
92 Mum tried to the waiter’s attention. 100 My feet have grown – these shoes don’t
A pay me any longer.
B catch A put
C pull B fit
D bring C use
D wear
Total: 100

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