Planning A Sprint Training Programme

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Planning a Sprint Training Programme

The need to have a target and know how this target can be reached (if you wish to achieve in
sport as opposed to social participation) is paramount. Without this the analogy of a ship drifting
rudderless is easy to understand.

Since the 1960s the idea of periodisation has been the predominant system used by coaches to
plan a training programme. Introduced by the Russian, Mateyev, who used three phases –
preparation, competition and transition.

Not all athletes would agree with this system and they do not use it. Others would use some of its
features while placing their own interpretation on elements of this system. I will approach this
article using the principles of periodisation, as I do believe in them, while I do not slavishly adhere
to the terminology or strictly adhere to the letter of this system 100%. I will endeavour to explain
these differences throughout.

Building the plan

You start at the end! Firstly athlete and coach must decide on the target competition, at which time
the athlete should be performing at his/her best – the process of ‘peaking’. Once the major
competition goal is known then the route to obtaining that goal can be plotted. For the purposes of
this article, I will assume that the target competition will take place in late July and the athlete is at
a stage of development that allows them to train five days a week.

The phases of training

The training year (a macrocycle) is normally split into six periods or phases (mesocycles). These

Phase 1 General conditioning

Phase 2 Specific conditioning

Phase 3 Pre-competition

Phase 4 Minor competitions

Phase 5 Major competition

Phase 6 Active recovery.

In its purest form, each phase lasts a specific length of time. However, the training status and
‘training age’ of the athlete will have a bearing on, for example, the length of general conditioning
required, an experienced adult performer requiring less of this aspect, having built this base over a
number of years. Page 1
Having had an active rest, when the athlete seeks to recharge their batteries while keeping in
shape and addressing any injury problems, the athlete embarks upon the first phase, to get
generally fit.

General conditioning

I will assume that the athlete’s active rest phase was the month of September so that this general
conditioning period begins in October and will last into early January.

The phases are normally broken down into further divisions called microcycles (blocks of seven,
10 or 14 days) of training which can be repeated/progressed. Therefore, with a seven-day cycle
repeated for a second time the consistency of approach is self-evident. The disadvantage is the
possible lack of variation in training.

To overcome this disadvantage, I am inclined to vary the microcycles to the point where they
almost do not exist but instead form a longer period, ie the overall objective for the phase is in
mind and the units of training fit a pattern which allows for flexibility while ensuring that the overall
effect of training in terms of intensity and extent is appropriate.

The first two weeks of training would include some steady running, fartlek, etc, but not much more.
Then I would start to introduce other sessions aimed at aerobic capacity and strength.

See table 1below:

All of the track sessions would be preceded by a dynamic warm-up, including sprint drills and work
with ladders and hurdles. Start the strength work with a short dynamic warm-up and some light

‘Winders’ are continuous runs – sprint/stride the straight and jog the bends (of the track – but can
also be done on a football or rugby pitch). The underpass session is another continuous run. Near
my home track we have a running circuit of approximately one minute per lap which includes
around 25 steps near the end. The need to take these steps one at a time introduces leg speed
and also breaks up the rhythm of the run and increases its difficulty. Page 2
As the weeks pass, I would increase the number of reps and then start to increase the speed to

The weights sessions would be geared to incorporate technical lifting as well as strength
endurance work at this time. The amount of technique work would depend upon the experience of
the athlete in this aspect of training (the weights used obviously depend on the strength/ technical
competence of the individual athlete).

By early to mid November I would change these weights to emphasise maximum strength work
but may also include circuit work (starting with continuous 20/30 seconds per exercise then
changing to 20/30 on 20/30 secs off.

Many sprints athletes may wish to include more speed work than I would. These thoughts depend
upon the athletes’ views on the effect of too much slower work on the muscle fibres. Personally I
am happy with my methodology. My sessions incorporating speed of limb movement through the
drills, etc.

See table 2 below:

The table, right, represents a two-week period in late January/early February. By this time the
majority of the running is on the track and the speed is reasonably intensive and aimed at
developing speed endurance. This is a fairly hard two-week period and I would want to include
other weeks of easier sessions if needed by the athlete. Warm-ups would still be dynamic with the
use of drills, ladders and hurdles.

This period would last from mid-January to late April. The progression would seek to increase the
speed of the runs and include recovery periods that ensure the maintenance of speed in an
environment of endurance, ie my good recovery would be 12/15 minutes or even 20 minutes. This
level of recovery is still not complete, but for the fewer number of reps being performed should
ensure quality running. Page 3
As the phase continues toward its conclusion, sessions of 3 or 4 x 150m or 200m fast with a long
recovery can be performed.

The emphasis on the strength work is for elastic strength with the weight reducing to say 75% of 1
rep max and the repetitions in three sets of five repetitions. Recovery between sets three minutes
(enough to ensure quality – speed of movement with control).


Here I would use a period of three to four weeks to start to prepare for the coming season. This
would start to incorporate more technical work, eg sessions such as 2x4/6x60m concentrating on
technique. Also starting work from blocks, eg 2x4/5x30m from blocks. I would also include some
plyometric work here.

I should introduce a word of caution here and that is to ensure that the transition between the
periods needs to be gradual. If the athlete tries to increase the pace of the runs too quickly
injury/breakdown could result.

This period begins to sharpen things up and introduces the quality work which, built upon the
fitness (both general and specific gained throughout the winter months) will bring the athlete to
their peak.


This is split between the minor competitions and the major ones (the ultimate target competition
and any secondary targets/trials, etc, for this).

When planning the competition schedule I ensure that enough competition is included and at the
required level to bring things to ‘the boil’ and maintain enough time to train. Within these phases
strength work would reduce to one session a week to maintain the strength gained.

Track sessions would incorporate some maintenance of speed endurance. These sessions should
be done away from any important competitions. I would otherwise do a lot of short, fast sessions,
ie 2/3x4x60m with good recoveries. 2x3x30m from a rolling start of 10 or 20m with good
recoveries. This latter session being one I often adopt as the last session before a competition
(two or three days beforehand).

I would place a relatively hard maintenance session in the schedules around 10 days before an
important competition and then taper things in terms of distances used and use speed for the
remaining sessions.

See table 3 below: Page 4

I find periodisation a useful framework but do not slavishly adhere to its principles. The need to be
in peak condition for the target competition is self-evident. However, athletes hold different
theories as to the best way of achieving their targets.

There are many ways to achieve the required results. My approach works for me and my athletes,
although I have also adapted to accommodate the preferences, strengths and weaknesses of
individual athletes.

Other athletes should appraise the different approaches that can be taken and never close their
minds to new ideas, ultimately evolving a system that works for them.

Mike Leonard

UKA 4 performance coach, UK Page 5

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