Assignment No:1: Department of Zoology University of Sargodha

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Assignment No:1

Department of Zoology

University of Sargodha

Submitted by:

Name: Zubair Hameed

Roll No: ZOOL51F20R047

Submitted to:

Prof. Abdul Majid.


Semester: 3rd
1.Transcription: Copying of Coded information in DNA to RNA molecule in the nucleus of the cell or
cytoplasm of cell is known as transcription

2.Translation: RNA molecule then leaves the nucleus or cytoplasm of the cell and the information of
RNA molecule is used to produce functional Gene product like proteins this step is known as

Figure 1 and 2 Transcription and Translation

Our main
topic is Transcription so move on that topic

The process of transcription takes place in 3 basics step’s. In 1st step RNA polymerase is attached with DNA
double strand for the production of RNA and then RNA strand is edited by more enzymes to produce a
desired RNA which is the final product of RNA.

3.Transcription in prokaryotes

1.1Initiation: 1st step of Transcription is Initiation in this step RNA polymerase is attach to the DNA strand.
As we know DNA is double stranded and RNA polymerase will attach at the both strands but one strand will
start the production of RNA that strand called template strand or anti sense and 2nd strand which will not take
a part in the production of RNA will called coding or sense strand. RNA polymerase will attach at the strand
which will go from 3’ to 5’ end. And that RNA polymerase will attach at DNA strands through sigma factor.
Sigma factor is only responsible for the attachment of RNA polymerase to the DNA. RNA polymerase will
attach at specific sequence of DNA which is TTGACA and 2nd sequence is TATAAT at this sequence RNA
polymerase will attach with DNA strand. RNA polymerase will dettach the 2 strands of DNA and all this
procedure is happening in Transcription Bubble RNA polymerase is attach at the promoter region of DNA.
RNA polymerase will form a new strand which is attach with DNA from 5’ to 3’ end. This step is known as

Figure 2 Initiation

1.2Elongation:Some new nucleotides are added at the 3’ end and these nucleotides are continuously adding
at 3’ end till and specific sequence. This process is called elongation.

1.3Termination: At the specific sequence of nucleotides addition of new nucleotides will stop and that
sequence is GC hairpin. Which stops the addition of new nucleotides.

Process from initiation to the terminator is performed by coenzymes.

Now the addition of new nucleotides at the head region and tail region of the RNA strand. Head region
nucleotides will be madeFigure
up of 37Elongation
methyl GTP and nucleotides of tail region will be made up of poly A Tail.
Both head and Tail nucleotides is added at TNA strand for the prevention of RNA nucleotides from
peroxidase and oxidases. Then, In next process cutting of unuseful nucleotides from the RNA strand. At this
time sequence of RNA polymerase TTGACA and TATAAT us un and 2ndly GC hairpin is also unuseful
both will remove in this step this whole process called Transcription in prokaryotes.

4.Transcription in Eukaryotes:

In Eukaryotes whole procedure will be but RNA polymerase 1 will form rRNA and RNA polymerase 2 will
form mRNA and RNA polymerase 3 wills form tRNA.
Source: Carvan Book.

Reference: Dr. Athar Hussain Shah.

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