Bsad60pencakfall2021 - Tagged
Bsad60pencakfall2021 - Tagged
Bsad60pencakfall2021 - Tagged
EC 011 or EC 012 with a minimum grade of C-; MATH 019 or MATH 021 with a minimum grade
of C-; Business Administration, Computer Science & Information Systems, Dietetics, Nutrition &
Food Science, Engineering Management major, Business Administration, Accounting minor;
minimum Sophomore standing.
Course Description:
Introduction to the accounting system and generally accepted accounting principles that govern
income determination and financial position presentation.
Specific Learning Objectives: The course is divided into 4 modules, and the learning
objectives for each module are delineated on Blackboard.
Class Environment:
I encourage you to be active participants in the learning process. You are expected to attend
class each day and to come prepared for that day’s work by having read the material assigned.
There is a graded interactive practice assignment due the day before we begin each new
chapter. You can find these assignments on Connect. I generally spend less than half a class per
week on lecturing. The best way to master accounting is to practice applying the principles that
you are learning. We will dedicate much of our time in class solving problems and applying
what you have studied before coming to class. You will be called upon to answer questions
during class. I will assume that you have read the material assigned. I am confident that you will
behave with common courtesy and refrain from texting, wandering “in the cloud” and using
social media during valuable class time. See grading for more information. This class will be
challenging, demanding, fun, and rewarding. Expect to spend between six to twelve hours a
week on work outside of class. Be sure to budget your time accordingly.
UVM expects students, faculty, and staff to remain compliant with all COVID-19
recommendations and measures in place for UVM, the State of Vermont, and the City of
Burlington. This includes following all rules regarding facial coverings when attending class and
generally in indoor spaces. If you do not follow these guidelines, I will ask you to leave the class.
If you forget your mask, you cannot enter the class and should go back and retrieve your mask.
The Code of Student Conduct outlines policies related to violations of University policies that
protect health and safety on campus.
Modality description
This course will be in person. There will be are resources on Blackboard and on your Wiley Plus
that will assist you in mastering the material. If you must miss class, it is up to you to be sure to
review the class problems and to seek out assistance from myself, the Supplemental Instructor,
or the Teaching Assistant if you need clarification.
Required Course Materials:
Textbook: Financial Acct: Tools W/Wiley+Next Gen AC Kimmel ISBN 1119493641 Edition: 9
You may purchase a loose-leaf copy of the Textbook in the book store. Please note that you
will need the access code to WIleyPlus in order to complete homework assignments.
Alternatively, you may purchase the book directly from Wiley. The course id is: A15565
On Blackboard – You will find your calendar, projects, learning objectives, and class materials
Respondus Monitor: I expect for exams to be in person, but in the event that they are not, this
course will use Respondus Monitor, automated exam-proctoring software that uses artificial
intelligence to flag suspected cases of academic integrity violations during exams. The software
will make a video/audio recording of you taking your exam, but a proctor is not watching you
take the exam. After the video recording of you taking your test is processed, faculty are
notified if there are points in your video where academic dishonesty may have occurred. The
faculty member then reviews only these flagged video segments. Monitor has been reviewed
by UVM's information security team and meets the institution's requirements for data security
and privacy.
Important information:
This page explains technical requirements and step-by-step instructions for students to set
up and take tests with Respondus
Attendance Policy
Attendance and illness:
If a student will not be able to attend in-person classes for qualifying health reasons, Student
Health Services (SHS) will send a notification to the appropriate student services office or
designated staff member informing them of this along with the dates the student is unable to
attend. The SHS notification will specify whether the request for flexibility is only around in-
person class attendance or includes additional flexibility for assignments and tests because the
student is too ill to participate. Students are responsible for working with their faculty to make
up class content and work they miss due to a documented illness
Grading Criteria/Policies:
Homework 10%
Projects 15%
Quizzes 10%
Exams 65%
total 100%
I do not accept late homework, but I do drop 3 homework assignments when computing your
Projects: There are 3 projects, which will assist you in solidifying your knowledge. They can be
found on Blackboard.
Quizzes: There are 4 quizzes, which will also assist you in reviewing for the exam. Quizzes can
be found on WileyPlus.
Exams: There are 3 exams and 1 cumulative final exam. Because the it is cumulative, your grade
on the final exam can be used in place of one of the other exam grades. Likewise, if you miss an
exam due to a documented illness, the final exam grade can count for the exam missed. I plan
on administering the exams in person, but in the event they are online, please see the
Course Evaluation:
All students are expected to complete an evaluation of the course at its conclusion. The
evaluations will be anonymous and confidential, and that the information gained, including
constructive criticisms, will be used to improve the course.
Contact SAS:
A170 Living/Learning Center;
[email protected]
Important UVM Policies
Religious Holidays:
Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. If you need to miss class to
observe a religious holiday, please submit the dates of your absence to me in writing by the end
of the second full week of classes. You will be permitted to make up work within a mutually
agreed-upon time.
Academic Integrity:
The policy addresses plagiarism, fabrication, collusion, and cheating.
Grade Appeals:
If you would like to contest a grade, please follow the procedures outlined in this policy:
For information on grading and GPA calculation, go to
C.A.R.E. If you are concerned about a UVM community member or are concerned about a
specific event, we encourage you to contact the Dean of Students Office (802-656-3380). If
you would like to remain anonymous, you can report your concerns online by visiting the Dean
of Students website at
As a faculty member, I want you to get the most you can out of this course. You play a crucial
role in your education and in your readiness to learn and fully engage with the course material.
It is important to note that alcohol and cannabis have no place in an academic environment.
They can seriously impair your ability to learn and retain information not only in the moment
you may be using, but up to 48 hours or more afterwards. In addition, alcohol and cannabis can:
It is my expectation that you will do everything you can to optimize your learning and to fully
participate in this course.