Implementing Milktea Project Inventory System Using PHP and MySQL

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College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

Implementing Milktea Project Inventory System

using PHP and My SQL


Nesty Y. Sarsate
Van Rudolph D. Sombito
George G. Dorigo, Jr.

an IT Project Presented to the Faculty of the College for Research & Technology
of Cabanatuan in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

College for Research & Technology of Cabanatuan

January 2022
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022



1.1 Background
As the technology arises, it has become necessary to propose a system that can
meet the changing requirements like item scheme generator with inventory

Implementing Inventory System Milktea Project is very special especially to those

who have large businesses. It can do things automatically like inserting and deleting
products or item which were not available.

Computerization is a control system that manages the process of recording

items/products. It reduces human errors and processing time; thus, it can boost
productivity and result into high quality. This results in system with well integrated
process that can perform much faster and more accurate the manual system.

Recording is the process of entering and verifying data of an item or product done
by stock management in a particular business. Different interrelated processes build
up inventory procedures called inventory system. Implementing Inventory System
Milktea Project is used particularly to add, delete, and update information about an
item or product. Tracking the availability of an item is also some of the main features
of an Inventory System. This can lessen human error and consuming time.

Conceptual Framework
This study describes the design and implementation of inventory management
system for large businesses like Friendship Supermarket and Save More. Inventory
System sets out for managing and accounting for every department. It can also be used to
sort out
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

every item or product through their usage. It can also serve as a record in order to monitor
the availability and stock of a particular product.


Stock details Verify products

Payment details
Supplier record Sale transaction
Sales/ Purchase List
Purchasing details
Stock List

Figure 1: Context Diagram of Inventory System

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study sought to address the common problems in recording and updating
their data in their businesses:

1. Inventory System is being done manually by the one in-charge in monitoring the
stocks and availability of each items/products.
2. It will become a big problem for them when they need to update their stocks.
3. It takes a lot of time and very inconvenient.

1.3 Objectives
General Objectives
The main objective of this study is to create a computerized Inventory System that
helps the one managing stocks and also the customers.
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

Specific Objectives
The proponents create the following objectives about the study:

1. to be able to know how the system works;

2. to be able to create a recommendation and conclusion about the system; and
3. To be able to know how the created system changes the manual Inventory

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The study is focused on managing and filing the inventory of stocks. The interface
of this system also provides the administrator and users in managing records.
However, inventory system can’t process payroll for clerks. It also cannot retrieve
data once it’s deleted. It also cannot print receipt as for the record.
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022


Review of the Related Literature Studies

In managing an inventory network, two approaches to the pooling of stock have

been proposed. Reactive transshipments respond to shortages at a location by moving
inventory from elsewhere within the network, while proactive stock redistribution seeks
to minimize the chance of future stockouts [PATE2012].

As seen in R. Poles study [POLE2013], there are two things that need to be
considered: the control and the production planning. The inventory must be focusing on
the effects of capacity planning and lead times on the system which presents push and
pull inventory policies driven mainly by the inventory coverage.

One measurement of good inventory management is inventory turnover. An

accounting measurement, inventory turnover reflects how often stock is sold in a period.
A business does not want more stock than sales. Poor inventory turnover can lead to
deadstock, or unsold stock. [JENK2020].

According to Justin Chomba and Jackson Phiri [CHOM2016], the use of

inventory system was prompted in order to eliminate human error during the data
capturing. It will greatly overcome manual systems and will improved the efficiency of
operations in the process of inventory control as they has revolutionized in the tracking of
product details and help with the management of acceptable stock levels in warehouses.

Tinuke O. Oladele, Roseline Oluwaseun Ogundokun, Adekanmi Adeyinka

Adegun, Emmanuel Abidemi Adeniyi, and Ayobami Tayo Ajanaku [OLAD2020] said
that in order to maintain account records competently, firm owners are required to
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

implement an excellent inventory management system. Stock in business constitutes a

huge part of the investment which has to be organized in sequence to maximize to yield
financial gain. Inventories are undependable and incompetent except they are well-

According to Craig Boman and Ray Voelker [BOMA2017], after examining the
previous method used for conducting inventory, they concluded that our needs could be
broken down into three categories which are accuracy/reliability, speed, and ease of use.

Devan Ariesta, Zyad Rusdi and Tri Sutrisno [ARIE2020] said that Inventory is a
concept that reflects resources that can be used but not used. Understanding inventory can
be interpreted in a number of different ways, among other stocks available at that time, a
detailed list of available goods, the amount of stock of goods needed by an organization
at a time.

Rashidah Funke Olanrewaju, Ahmad Irham Dollah, and Binyamin Adeniyi Ajayi
[OLAN2021] stated that inventory can be defined as the goods and materials used by the
organization for the sake of manufacturing and sales, including the items to support all
the process. The advantage of having a good inventory system management can increase
the efficiency of the operations, reduce the cost, and maximize the profit.

According to Qiuying Han [HAN2019], Based on the analysis of the existing

purchase, sale and inventory management model, an information-based purchase, sale
and inventory management system is designed to meet the needs of small and medium-
sized business enterprises.

As said by Taner Arsan, Emrah Baskan, Emrah Ar and Zeki Bozkus

[ARSA2012], Inventory Management is one of the basic problems for a company. It may
cause a lot of paperwork, if there is no automated system available. Implementing such a
system is possible but there are a lot of preliminary works such as determination of the
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

requirements, system structure decision—software requirements, system selection and

determination of the software tools.



In this chapter, the proponents will discuss the flow of Milktea Project Inventory
System. Using the Gantt chart, the proponents show the plan for the whole system by
explaining every phase of this project to make it more understandable. The proponents
will also create three figures: The V-Model, Context Diagram and ER Diagram. The
purpose of this figure is to elaborate the tools that will be used: PHP for the code,
MySQL for the database, HTML and CSS for the content and design and also the figures
for the processes of the whole system.

Task Name October November December January February March
April 2022
2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Interview and
Review of
Design and

Figure 3.1 Gantt Chart

College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

Illustrated on this Gantt chart is amount of Month of tasks done in a certain period
of time for the development of the project.


In this phase, the proponents made a plan for the project. The Introduction, the
Review of the Related Literature Studies and the Methodology were all included in
planning phase.

Interview and Research

In this phase, the proponents conducted an interview and to the owner of Milktea
Project in Licab for the development and success of the project. They also conducted
some research with the help of the internet.

Review of Documentation

The proponents review all the documents of the project in order to continue to the
next process of developing the project.

Design and Coding

In this phase, the proponents will start the coding and developing the system on
the 3rd week of January until the last week of March. The developers will use the
following in order to develop the project: [1] PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor; a general-
purpose scripting language for web development, [2] HTML: Hypertext Markup
Language; for structuring the content of the web page, [3] CSS: Cascading Style Sheets;
for the design of the web page, [4] Javascript; for the interactive effects of the web page,
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

and [5] MySQL: “My” stands for the name of co-founder Michael Widenius’ daughter,
and SQL stands for “Structured Query Language”; for the database management.


In this phase, the implementation of the project will be conducted. This will also
include the system construction and testing of the project to guarantee the good
performance of the project. The system will be deliver to the project sponsor.

Requirements Operation
Analysis and Testing

System & System

Software Design Testing

Unit Testing


Figure 3.2 V-Model

Requirements Analysis

The proponents analyze all the requirements needed in order to achieve the needs
of the user. The needs of the user must be inserted in the project.
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

System and Software Design

Upon analyzing the requirements, the developers will start creating the system
and its software design such as connection of the database, the interface and its layout by
using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. The system must be user-friendly and easy to use
for the users.

Details Specification

The developers will use MySQL and XAMPP (cross-platform, Apache, MySQL,
PHP and Perl) for the functionality of the system and the creation of database. This
platform will help the developers for creating the project. It is also valuable because it is
free to use platform that will save the proponents a lot of money. They will also use
Sublime Text 3 (text editor) in creating the code.


After analyzing all the requirements, system and software design and platform
that they will use, the developers will start coding that will execute the program.

Unit Testing

The code has been completed. The proponents will execute a test run with the
system, part by part in order to know if there are some errors with the code or incorrect
spelling or missing code that needs to be troubleshoot. The developers will correct it once
they find some errors during this phase.

System Testing
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

After unit testing and correcting all the errors found, the proponents will conduct
a system testing. In this phase, they will run the program as a whole such as logging in,
adding in the inventory, editing and so on. They will also try the consistency,
dependability and the security of the system.

Operation and Testing

The proponents will conduct final operation and testing of the system to see the
effectivity and how the system is fully operational and ready to be use. In this phase, the
system must have no errors.


Manage and input stock Access stock list and

details and add supply sales and purchase list


Input customer record Access the customers’

and its purchasing details payment details


Figure 3.3 Context Diagram

The process of the system is demonstrated in this diagram. The external entities
(the admin and the staff) are shown. The admin’s data flow shows that he/she can manage
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

and input stock details and he/she is also able to add supply record. It also shows that the
admin has the authority to access the purchasing details, the sales and all the list of
stocks. On the other hand, the staff is the one in charge of inserting customer’s record and
its purchasing details. The staff also has the access in customer’s payment details.

Figure 3.4 ER Diagram

In this figure, it shows how the system can be access. First, the administrator
needs to log in his/her username and password. Once he/she logged in successfully,
he/she is the one responsible in managing and updating all the supply records. For the
staff access, he/she also needs to log in his/her account. Once he/she logged in
successfully, he/she is the one in charge in the customer record including the order and
the payment details.
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022


1. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Research. (2019). Inventory System

Based on ThinkPHP and Bootstrap Framework. Retrieved 2019 from

2. Arsan, T., Baskan, E., Ar E. and Bozkus Z. (2012). A Software Architecture for
Inventory Management System. Retrieve 2021 from

3. European Journal of Operational Research. (2012). Enhanced lateral transshipments

in a multi-location inventory system. Available online March 12, 2012, from

4. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. (2021).

Development of an inventory management system using association rule.
Accepted January 7, 2021, from

5. Int. J. Production Economics. (2013). System Dynamics modelling of a production and

inventory system for remanufacturing to evaluate system improvement strategies.
Available online February 27, 2013, from
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022


6. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). (2016).

Using the Cloud Architecture to Automate the Farmer Input Support Programme
(Fisp) Inventory System. Retrieve 2016, from

7. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. (2020). Web-Based

Inventory Information System in Antariksa Stores. Available online November 16,
2021 from

8. Jenkins, A. (2020). What is Inventory Management? Benefits, Types, & Techniques.

Available online September 18, 2020, from

9. Olanrewaju, R. (2021). Cloud-Based Inventory System for Effective Management of

Under and Overstock Hazards. Available online September 29, 2021 from

10. The Code4Lib Journal. (2017). Between the Sheets: a Library-wide Inventory with
Google. Retrieve November 22, 2017, from
College for Research and Technology Capstone Project 2021-2022

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