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PAPER SERIES 2006-01-1405

Improving the Functional Properties of the

Body-In-White with Lightweight Solutions
Applying Multiphase Steels, Aluminum
and Composites
Markus Pfestorf

Jacobus van Rensburg


2006 SAE World Congress

Detroit, Michigan
April 3-6, 2006

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Improving the Functional Properties of the Body-In-White

with Lightweight Solutions Applying Multiphase
Steels, Aluminum and Composites
Markus Pfestorf

Jacobus van Rensburg


Copyright © 2006 SAE International

ABSTRACT limitations of traditional methods, the appropriate

combination of suitable engineering measures, modern
The body-in-white (BIW) – the backbone of a vehicle – material manufacturing techniques and selection of
has to fulfill many functional requirements. Among these advanced materials combine to deliver the optimum
requirements are passive safety, service life, stiffness balance between all the functional requirements
and acoustics. Besides increased BIW functionality, the resulting in a lower weight. The level of weight savings
relentless demand for fuel efficiency and improved will depend on the extent to which these measures are
driving dynamics has contributed to a newer focus on applied during the configuration of the body-in-white,
lightweight BIW solutions. Lightweight BIW solutions can which in turn is guided by the cost/benefit ratio of each
be grouped into engineering, manufacturing and measure.
materials solutions. Engineering defines a homogeneous
load path in an optimized package; manufacturing
focuses on methods such as sophisticated forming or Passive Safety (crash)
joining technologies; and materials is the implementation
of modern materials such as multiphase steel grades,
aluminum, plastics and carbon fiber. Due to economic
considerations, this results in the development of the
mixed material approach. Stiffness Service Life


Driving dynamics, fuel efficiency, passive safety,

comfort, quality and styling are typical market demands Acoustics and Comfort
that translate into functional requirements that must be
considered during the body-in-white (BIW)
conceptualization and design phases. Increasing market Figure 1: Functional requirements for Body-in-white
demands, stricter regulations and encroaching design
competition result in a steady increase of the functional
requirements. To fulfill the functional requirements, it is
imperative to conceptualize and design the BIW with a
high degree of strength for passive safety, good dynamic THE FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE BODY-
stiffness for comfort, and good static stiffness for IN-WHITE
dynamic handling. The body-in-white should be further
conceptualized to achieve a low center of gravity, an
even load distribution between the front and rear axles PRINCIPLES OF LIGHTWEIGHT ENGINEERING
of the vehicle, and a minimum gross vehicle weight
(GVW). Additionally, techniques for attaining a high A lightweight body can be achieved through any
service life (corrosion and fatigue resistance) also need combination of three different approaches to lightweight
to be considered (Figure 1). However, enhancing the design, (figure 2), categorized into lightweight
functionality of the body-in-white by traditional methods
increases the gross vehicle weight. To overcome the

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engineering, lightweight manufacturing and weight automotive body structure, mostly hindered by their
reduction through material selection [1]. higher pound for pound costs compared to that of steel.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that material selection
Lightweight engineering is the configuration and should not be based on a mass for mass cost
dimensioning of the body-in-white with appropriate comparison, as less input mass is required for lighter
profiles and cross-sections that homogeneously manage materials than compared to cheaper heavier materials
energy transfer throughout the entire structure [2]. Since for the same functional result.
lightweight engineering follows well-defined and
optimized engineering principles, the ideal lightweight
engineering solution should be obtainable with minimum
cost and effort. However, compromises between styling, Manufacturing Materials
packaging, availability, manufacturability, noise-
Engineering Target:
vibration-harshness and aerodynamics complicate the ƒ Dynamic Handling
quest for the perfectly engineered structure. Thus, the ¾ Axle Load Distribution
¾ Minimized Weight
full potential of lightweight engineering can be realized ƒ Passive Safety
ƒ Acoustics & Comfort
only in rare cases, necessitating the consideration of ƒ Service Life & Serviceability
additional lightweight solutions. ƒ Static & Dynamic Stiffness
Weight Optimized
Body in White
Lightweight design is also achieved through lightweight Engineering

manufacturing solutions. Such solutions include

improved welding techniques (spot welding, laser
Figure 2: Lightweight design approaches
welding), bonding, and different forming processes (e.g.
part consolidation through deep drawing). Manufacturing
techniques have also been developed to provide
material solutions such as tailor welded and tailor rolled COST CONSIDERATIONS OF LIGHTWEIGHT
blanks with different material grade / gauge ENGINEERING
combinations within one blank. Newer methods include
the manufacture of tailor tubes for hydro forming of The value proposition is the promise of fulfilling or
complex high strength body components. However, exceeding customer demands in exchange for a
while many of these techniques result in material and financial transaction. The financial transaction can be
subsequent weight savings, they also contribute to translated to the functional requirements of the body-in-
additional process costs to manufacture the input white, aiding the establishment of cost goals during the
material or additional cost for the technology itself. Some design phase. Lightweight design solutions tend to cost
lightweight manufacturing solutions not only save more than traditional design solutions, so it is important
weight, but actually save further operational costs (laser to select the appropriate lightweight solutions that will
blanks consolidate multiple stampings), highlighting the fulfill the functional requirements extrapolated from
importance of considering all costs in the entire process customer demands. One important customer demand is
chain when evaluating the use of lightweight improved driving dynamics. The ideal balance for driving
manufacturing solutions. dynamics is a minimal vehicle mass, a center of gravity
below the axle line located perfectly between the two
By natural design, matter combines in several axles in the center of the vehicle, and a structure with
configurations to provide an array of natural and high static stiffness.
processed raw materials. Material can be grouped
primarily into three main sectors namely metals, Lightweight body-in-white design enables optimum
polymers and ceramics [3]. The material from each vehicle packaging for an ideal balance that improves
sector also occurs in non-crystalline forms, producing driving-dynamics. Through implementation of lightweight
the variations of “glassy” materials. Lastly, composite solutions, it is possible to lower the weight, lower the
materials such as Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers and center of gravity and support equal load distribution
metal-matrix composites can be produced by combining between front and rear axles. Figure 3 illustrates
two or more materials from the different sectors, or by qualitative costs per kilogram for weight-reduction of the
combining materials with vastly differing properties. body-in-white along the longitudinal and vertical axes of
Despite the assortment of available materials, traditional a vehicle. When considering a standard front-engine
automotive structures have been designed mostly for rear-wheel drive design, lightweight design principles
low strength metallic sheet materials. Modern day efforts significantly supports equal load distribution between the
have led to the development of high-strength steel, front and rear axles when applied to the front of the
multi-phase steel and hot-forming steel grades that offer body-in-white structure to offset the mass of the front
promising results for lightweight solutions. The mounted power train. To lower the center-of-gravity,
lightweight design potential of aluminum and the ultra- greater value is obtained from lightweight solutions
light-weight potential of magnesium, carbon fiber applied above the belt line (such as in the roof and roof
composites, and metal composites have been used structure). Lightweight reduction measures in the floor
extensively for several years in the aerospace industry. structure result in a lower benefit for driving dynamics,
However, they have seldom been used in the thus resulting in a lower tolerance for increased cost.

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Nevertheless, solutions exist that incur a lower cost structure. These measures included specifying
penalty, and still deliver a reasonable mass reduction. advanced high strength and multiphase steels for
specific components. In order to reduce the center of
gravity, the roof was manufactured in carbon fiber. The
Axle load distribution
carbon fiber bumper carriers illustrate further weight
50% Front 50% Rear savings.


Acceptable Cost per Mass Reduction
The target for dynamic structural design is the
attainment of NVH (noise, vibration, harshness) comfort
levels [4]. Passive-safety and dynamic-stiffness are
Acceptable Cost per

increasingly becoming the functional requirements that

Mass Reduction

determine the configuration and dimensioning of a good

body-in-white. The criterion for dynamic stiffness is the
consideration of the power-train modulation generated at
idle revolutions of the stationary vehicle. Based on the
engine type, operating conditions and the auxiliary loads
(air-conditioning, power steering, transmission, etc), the
Vehicle Length revolutions at idle are set within a specific range. To
Figure 3: Value proposition for the implementation of avoid excitation of the first order of natural frequency for
lightweight solutions bending and torsion, the frequency of the complete
body-in-white must be defined within specific frequency
limits. By setting the limits to avoid the modulations from
Figure 4 illustrates the consequential implementation of the idling power train, the first order wheel excitation
this philosophy. Weight reduction is achieved in the front cannot excite the natural frequency of the body-in-white
structure with an aluminum front end, aluminum hood, even at speeds greatly exceeding 180 km/h, ensuring a
and thermoplastic side-panel. Thermoplastic was comfortable ride at high speeds. The application of this
selected for the side panel not due to weight alone, but philosophy results in the ideal limits expressed in
also due to manufacturing limitations of metals for the figure 5.
complex form because of the styling. Aluminum doors
provide further weight savings. 32 28

Trunk Lid Hz
(Thermosetting Mat.): - 2,0 kg
1. Bending
1. Torsion

Hood (Aluminum & 2K Bonding): 26

Al 10,0 kg + 2K 1,0 kg Roof (Carbon Fiber):
Total Assembly - 11,0 kg
approx. - 4,3 kg 24

22 20

1982 1990 1997 2004 1982 1990 1997 2004

Front End
Ideal Frequency
(Aluminum): - 20 kg

Doors (Aluminum): - 10 kg

Fenders (Thermoplastic Resin): - 4 kg

Bumper Beam (Carbon Fiber):
Front and Rear: approx. - 6,8 kg
Figure 5: Dynamic stiffness
Figure 4: Weight savings in the BMW M6 Sports car
through the consequential implementation of the value
proposition philosophy These limits were already attained by previous
generations of the BMW 3 Series, allowing the new
Due to high cost, high weight savings in the front 3 Series to be optimized to the second order of natural
structure, and keeping equal load distribution between frequency for bending and torsion.
the front and rear axle in mind, further cost and weight
saving measures were applied in the middle and rear

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STIFFNESS: STATIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN The double-torsion-ring, which provides stiffness for the
rear assembly, controls the input energy from the power
The primary goal for static design of the body-in-white is train and kinematics by uniformly routing it into the body
the optimization of the stiffness and strength for the structure.
quasi-static driving dynamics. Solid static characteristics
lay the foundation for solid dynamic structural design. When optimization of structural profile dimensions does
not provide the desired result, and packaging restricts
To keep the load on the bonded windscreen at other solutions, the material gauge can be increased in
acceptable levels, and to avoid stone damage from high order to achieve the desired stiffness, (increased
surface tension, the stiffness of the body-in-white material cross-section). However, increased gauge also
structure without glass must attain 2/3 of the target value means increased weight. Alternatively, tension struts,
with the glass bonded into place. The value of the static compression struts, and thrust plates can be utilized in
torsional stiffness is measured on a torsion test stand the underbody (figure 8) to manage the input torsional
with a torque of 4000 N/m. The static torsional stiffness loads. High compressive and shear forces in thin walled
is the rotational moment needed to rotate the body-in- profiles, such as those found in a body-in-white
white at the spring domes along its longitudinal axis. dimensioned for stiffness, tend to cause instability and
Increasing customer demands require continuous wrinkling of the profile and surfaces at the joints where
improvement of the attained values. Figure 6 illustrates high loads are transferred. The application of structural
how the static stiffness has increased from vehicle to foams is a suitable cure against this wrinkling. Since the
vehicle for the BMW 3 Series. foam also compartmentalizes the profile it adds acoustic
benefits. Structural foams are inserted during the
assembly of the body-in-white, expand through the
e-coat curing process, and when inserted at the
Nm/° cT appropriate point in the vehicle, vastly improve stiffness
for a minimum weight gain. Figure 8 shows the actual
12000 application of tension struts and thrust plates in the
Static Torsion

6 Series convertible and the implementation of structural

8000 foams in the 5 Series Touring. The implementation of
these measures notably increased the driving dynamics
Torque: 4000 Nm
and improved the noise-vibration-harshness
characteristics of the respective vehicles.
1982 1990 1997 2004

Figure 6: Static stiffness Structural Foam

Static stiffness of the body-in-white is dependant on the

stiffness, configuration and joining methods of the
primary components in the body structure. The stiffness
of primary components depends directly upon the
component dimensions (size and form), material cross-
section and the modulus of elasticity of the specified TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW
material. The torsional stiffness is further improved by
optimizing the structural profiles and joints, essentially
Cross Member
reducing the bending moments.

Thrust Plate
An example of optimized structural profiles and joints is
the double-torsion-ring in the rear floor of the
new 3 series, (SOP 2004), displayed in figure 7, Front Tension Rear Tension
resulting in very high torsional stiffness. Strut Strut

Figure 8: Structural foams in the 5 Series Touring and

struts and thrust plates in the 6 Series Cabriolet


The vehicle has to fulfill customer association and

legislative regulations from all markets where the car is
sold. For the 3 Series these are principally the
Figure 7: Double rear torsion ring regulations from the European, US and Japanese
markets. The most important regulations for passive

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safety are represented in figure 9. Today, front impact WEIGHT REDUCTION THROUGH MATERIAL
at various speeds and various barrier-offset percentages SELECTION
are standard. In particular, the requirements for rear
crash described in US-FMVSS 301 (80 km/h and 70%
offset), have recently been intensified. The increased MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION
sale of light-trucks in the USA, with a resulting increase
in side impact collisions involving light trucks, has led to A material gauge increase to improve crash
the implementation of the IIHS (Insurance Institute for performance using traditional materials increases the
Highway Safety) side impact test. With this test, the weight and cost of the body-in-white. This can be
height of the lower penetration barrier has been raised avoided by using materials with higher strength levels.
thus no longer colliding with the rocker panel but with the Recently, many high strength materials have been
door resulting in much higher loads on the B-Pillar. To developed for use in automotive design. Figure 10
fulfill this test, the B-pillar and other crucial parts along illustrates material grades suitable for application in the
the load path for side impact must be modified body-in-white along with typical elongation and yield
considerably. Market regulations and the BMW ranges for each grade. Aluminum is categorized into
philosophy require further strengthening measures to aluminum-silica alloys (6000 series) and aluminum-
fulfill the safety ideals for convertible vehicles, (such as magnesium alloys (5000 series). The 6000 series
strengthened A-Pillars). It is not only important to grades have the additional benefit of heat induced
consider safety regulations, but also the guidelines that strengthening, a characteristic not present in the 5000
express the cost of ownership of a vehicle. Following a series grades. The heat induced strengthening can
light impact, the vehicle must be repairable to its design almost double the initial strength of the material, offering
intent with minimum effort and risk, and in so doing, a benefit when laying out the body-in-white. However,
ensure that the owner is offered the lowest possible the requirement of an oven and its associated costs
insurance premium and subsequent cost-of-ownership. must be taken into consideration. Under high strain
Such requirements include those prescribed by the AZT conditions, 5000 series grades tend to cause flow lines
(“Allianz Zentrum für Technik”), where a car should not (stretcher strain lines) on the surface, and are thus not
incur structural damage for a front or rear impact of suitable for Class-A applications. The 6000 series
15 km/h. grades do not have this problem.
– BMW rear
(50 km/h, 40 %) 50 deep
- IIHS low speed, (8 km/h, others) – US-FMVSS 301 drawing TWIP-steel
- AZT-front/rear, (15 km/h, 40%) (80 km/h, 70 %) %
- FMVSS 201 stainless
40 steel
- FMVSS 208 IF
Elongation at Fracture A80

- Roof hitting test

6xxx phosphorus alloyed steel
- Roll over 30
(T4) bake wo
hardening ha
25 r de
15 DP
high strength low alloy
6xxx MnB
– JAPAN-NCAP, (55 km/h, 90°)
5 (T6)
– EURO-NCAP, (64,4 km/h, 40 %) – US-LINCAP, (62 km/h) MS
– US-NCAP, (56,3 km/h, 100%) – Pole (side), (29 km/h) 0
– Pole (front), (50 km/h, middle) – IIHS side, (50 km/h) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 N/mm² 1400
Yield Strength Rp0,2
Figure 9: Functional safety requirements
Figure 10: Stress – Elongation curves of different
The dynamic and static stiffness characteristics
previously described in Lightweight engineering provide
the foundation for continuously improved crash Various steel grades have been developed that follow
optimization of the Body-in-white. The fulfillment of the the relation of increased yield strength for decreased
newer crash requirements is attained by increasing the elongation. Exceptions are the stainless steel and TWIP
ability of the components to manage the higher input grades. There is no internationally unified opinion
loads. This can be achieved by increasing material regarding the classification of carbon steels. According
gauge or increasing the failure mode of the material. The to a BMW GROUP guideline, steels are classified into
failure mode of the material is effectively its strength. four main groups based upon elongation, namely Low
Strength Steel (LSS), High Strength Steels (HSS),
Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) and Ultra High
Strength Steels (UHSS), where AHSS have strengths
that overlap those of the HSS and UHSS, but tend to

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have greater total elongation values. When grouping the Percentage of material
(body in white incl. hang on parts)
steels according to strength, LSS are those that yield
BMW 3 series
below 180 MPa, HSS are those that yield between a
(SOP 1997)
180 MPa and 300 MPa, AHSS yield between 300 MPa
k Average min. yield
and 600 MPa and UHSS are steels that yield above i
strength: 178 N/mm²
600 MPa. This classification is similar to the suggestion l h e
d c
of the International Iron and Steel Institute, but is more
relevant to the different grades utilized by the BMW BMW 7 series
Group. The different classifications contain many grades a
b (SOP 2001)
of steel such as mild steel, interstitial free steel, bake Average min. yield
hardening steel, high strength low alloyed steel (micro l
c strength: 234 N/mm²
alloyed steel grades), isotropic steel, and phosphorous- h
e d
alloyed steel. The multiphase classification typically
includes Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) BMW 5 series
steels, complex phase steels, dual phase steels and a
(SOP 2003)
martensitic phase steels. Furthermore, there are the k
Average min. yield
manganese boron steel grades, which are mostly hot i m
strength: 237 N/mm²
formed or press hardened. Lastly, there are the stainless h f e

steel grades with only a few applications to date (see

figure 16) and the newly developed Twinning Induced b
BMW 3 series
(SOP 2004)
Plasticity (TWIP) steels that are not yet applied in a a
body-in-white. The benefits of work hardening and bake k
Average min. yield
d strength: 294 N/mm²
hardening effects for some of the aforementioned steels h g
will be dealt with in the Bake and Work Hardening e

Effects section following.

a mild Steel e 300-340 MPa i Plastics
b 180 MPa f 380-420 MPa k other Materials
c 200 -220 MPa g 500-680 MPa l AlMg Aluminum
APPLICATION OF THE MATERIALS d 260 MPa h > 900 MPa m AlSi Aluminum

The challenges to manage increased loads while Figure 11: Progressive increase of HSS and AHSS
keeping weight at low levels resulted in a significant grades
transformation in the blend of steel grades used in the
body-in-white. Figure 11 depicts this transformation
during the past decade. The pie charts represent steel BAKE AND WORK HARDENING EFFECTS
grade percentage mass for each body-in-white and the
color-coordinated body structure diagrams represent the
Traditionally, only the material properties of the
different yield strength ranges of each individual
unprocessed sheet steel were considered during
component. Analysis of figure 11 indicates the recent
component evaluations. As the material is processed
transformation from mild steels to high strength steels.
through stamping, body shop and paint shop, it
experiences an increase in mechanical properties
A noteworthy result of the transformation is the increase already started during the forming operation (figure 12).
in average yield strength from one structure to the
successive structure. The average yield strength is
calculated as follows: Work Hardening Bake Hardening
¦ R p0,2 u mi n = Number of parts N
Yield Strength Rp0,2

i 1
R p 0,2 n m = Weight of the part mm²

¦ mi Rp0,2 = Minimum yield strength

i 1 400

From 1997 to 2004, the average yield strength has

increased from 178 MPa to 294 MPa. This value 200 H300LA (High Strength Low Alloy)
H300B (Bake-Hardening Steel)
represents the body structure only and excludes the
H300X (Dual-Phase Steel)
hang-on parts (doors, hoods and fenders). For vehicles 0
(Supplier Data)

in the upper value segment, aluminum and polymers are Delivery Value Forming Paint Oven Final Value
replacing steel in the manufacture of hang on parts [5], (Before forming) (Finished products)
as these materials also offer significant weight savings.
Figure 12: Pre-strain and Bake Hardening effects

For all three evaluated steel grades, the evaluation

represented in figure 12 shows almost identical yield

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strength values of the unprocessed sheet steel. The 55 MPa compared to the 70 MPa increase determined in
yield increase potential of Bake Hardening (BH) grades figure 13. The slight differences in heat induced
from work hardening is similar to the work hardening strengthening are attributable to differences in the
effect of High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA). The work observed material batch or coil. The heat induced
hardening potential of Dual Phase (DP) grades clearly strengthening response of 55 MPa may seem small;
exceeds that of bake hardening and high-strength-low- however, it avoids the change to a stronger steel grade
alloy grades. Work hardened dual phase steel has the with lower formability.
potential to experience further strengthening when it
passes through the e-coat curing ovens during the paint 750
process. Depending on the pre-strain levels achieved in
forming and the time/temperature curve during heating,
parts formed with dual phase materials can exhibit much 650

Yield Strength R p0,2

higher material properties than that of the incoming
material. Bake hardening materials also exhibit a heat
induced strengthening effect after passing through 550
e-coat. However, unlike the dual phase steel, bake 500
hardening steels demonstrate a notable heat induced Other measurement positions:
strengthening effect even in those areas of the – Rear Longitudinal Member
– Door Outers
component where no pre-strain (work hardening) is

Bake Hardening

Bake Hardening
5% Pre-strain

5% Pre-strain +
(as delivered)
0% Pre-strain

0% Pre-strain +
– Side Frame Outers
present. This is beneficial for outer skins where there is
very little strain in large portions of the parts, yet the
parts require good forming at the flanges as well as
good buckling resistance across the larger areas. High-
strength-low-alloy steels do not exhibit a heat induced
Figure 13: Bake Hardening effects of TRIP Steel
strengthening potential, but are usually more cost
competitive than dual phase and bake hardening steels.
Heat induced strengthening of TRIP 700 is beneficial for
Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) grades also parts that must resist buckling and absorb energy. The
offer interesting work hardening and bake hardening table in figure 14 displays the properties of the
benefits. By studying the yield Rp0,2 values displayed in unprocessed sheet steel and the properties after
figure 13, it can be observed that a pre-strain of 5% temperature treatment. The process parameters were
increases the yield strength by almost 200 MPa. To selected at 180°C at 60 min to obtain an identical heat
ascertain the bake hardening effect of TRIP steel it is induced strengthening effect for all test profiles. The
imperative to know the time/temperature curve or at profile of the two deep drawn half shells, laser welded
least the time temperature value [6] to which the together, is also shown in figure 14.
components will be exposed. During a trial on a body-in-
white, 3 test pieces were placed at each location shown Mechanical Properties ± 118 mm
in figure 13, such that each test piece would be As delivered 180°C, 60 min.
exposed to the same time/temperature curve as the part

± 88 mm
Yield Strength Rp0,2 495 MPa 550 MPa
to which it was fastened. The time/temperature curve at Tensile Strength Rm 709 MPa 716 MPa
Elong. after Fracture A80 24,5 % 23,5 %
each point was measured while the body-in-white was Thickness 1,26 1,26
sent through the regular paint process under series
Test Profile
conditions. Thereafter, the mechanical properties of the 200
176,13 kN
test pieces were evaluated. The graph in figure 13
shows the results at 0% and 5% pre-strain as well as the
Deformation Force

variation (max and min) of all test pieces measured on 120

the body-in-white. Even without pre-straining, a 70 MPa Wrinkling
increase in strength in obtainable within a range of 168,58 kN

±15 MPa. The relatively small variations between 40 Energy Absorption:

- without bake hardening response: 16,2 kNm
maximum and minimum values in figure 13 are - with bake hardening response: 16,7 kNm Specimen after crash test
encouraging, yet noticeable, because of the different Deformation Time
heat sink effects in different regions of the vehicle. In the
larger panels such as door outer panels, the Figure 14: Energy absorption benefits of bake hardened
temperature rises quickly. In other areas with a higher TRIP steel
mass concentration, such as the side sills, more heat,
thus time, is required to reach the required temperature. Following joining, half of the batch was heat-treated.
The trial showed that for the current process, a relatively Five test profiles with, and five without heat treatment
small variation could be considered for all investigated were crushed in a drop test stand with a 570 kg mass at
areas. a speed of 30 km/h. After the drop test, all tested
profiles, both those with and those without heat
The TRIP steel used for the experiments in figure 14, treatment displayed split free wrinkling. The wrinkling
exhibits a heat induced strengthening response of about pattern is also visible in the resulting time / force

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diagram. Due to the higher strength of the heat-treated 100

profile, the first wrinkle resists 8 kN more than that of the Profile F
untreated profile. The higher yield strength from heat kN
treatment is also reflected in the measured energy CFC
St (t = 1,0
absorption (average value of five tests). The trial shows 60
that high strength levels as well as improved energy
absorption is achievable through heat induced Steel
strengthening of TRIP steel. Additionally, TRIP displays St (t = 2,0
good wrinkle development without splitting during 20
impact: in essence, a clear advantage for the excellent St (t = 1,0
crashworthiness of the material. 0
0 25 50 mm 100
Deformation s

CARBON FIBER COMPOSITES (CFC) Figure 15: Benefits of Carbon fiber reinforcement in
bending applications
The material gauge of parts dimensioned for strength
has decreased as the yield strength of available carbon
steels has increased. However, since the functionality of CFC is widely used in motor sport and aerospace, but
certain parts dimensioned for stiffness depends on the high costs remain a concern for mainstream use in
modulus of elasticity (E-Modulus) and material cross automotive applications. However, at BMW, CFC has
section, increasing the yield strength of the material already provided the value proposition for use in
does not benefit the eventual contribution to the stiffness production of the BMW M6 for the roof and bumper
of the body-in-white. If carbon steel parts are beams for a resultant weight savings of 11 kg,
dimensioned for stiffness in order to meet weight (figure 4). Similarly, the business case supported
requirements, but the part cannot meet strength application of CFC in the Hydrogen 7 Series structure
requirements, alternative materials that have a higher (figure 16), where it resulted in an overall weight saving
specific modulus (E/ȡ) than that of steel needs to be of 15 kg.
considered. Such cases present the ideal scenario for
consideration of carbon fiber. The E-Modulus of some
pitch based fibers reach 1000 GPa [ ] (high modulus
fibers) compared to steel with a value of 210 GPa.
However, such fibers have lower strength properties and
are more costly compared to “regular modulus” fibers.
Heavy Tow Industrial Fibers are used in the following
applications due to cost considerations of the high
modulus fiber. Heavy tow industrial fibers typically have
an E-Modulus of 227 GPa and yield strength of
3790 MPa with a density of only 1.8 g/cm³ compared to
7.8 g/cm³ for steel. Especially when compared to steel,
the low density of carbon fiber with a comparable E- Side Frame: Carbon fiber reinforcements
modulus makes the material attractive for lightweight Rear Floor: Stainless Steel components

Fibers used on their own do not benefit body-in-white Figure 16: Structural application of stainless steel and
design for automotive applications. However, fibers carbon fiber
suspended in a matrix provide the ideal scenario for
manufacturing products that complement or completely
replace conventional sheet metal parts. The composition BENEFITS OF LIGHTWEIGHT ENGINEERING
of carbon fibers suspended in a suitable matrix is
referred to as Carbon Fiber Composites (CFC). The
mechanical properties of parts produced with carbon
fiber composites are lower than the mechanical
properties of carbon fibers. Nevertheless, carbon fiber
composites offer huge weight savings with improved
In many cases, the dimensions required for part stiffness
functionality when compared to metals. This potential is
of a carbon steel part (physical dimensions and gauge)
indicated in figure 15, where a three-point bend test was
have proven to be lower than the dimensions required
conducted on various configurations of the same profile.
for strength of the same part. For such cases, the
The test profile gauges included a 1 mm steel, 2 mm
traditional approach has been to increase the material
steel and 1 mm steel/carbon-composite laminate
gauge resulting in a higher part weight. However, in
reinforced profile. The force required to bend the CFC
lightweight design, the use of a higher strength material
reinforced profile is almost double that required to bend
is considered before increasing the material gauge.
the 2 mm steel profile.

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Michigan, Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Such materials worth consideration are the High benefits are reflected in a decreased lightweight
Strength Steel (HSS) grades and the Advanced High coefficient (figure 18).
Strength Steel (AHSS) such as multiphase steel grades
previously discussed under MATERIAL 9
mGer [ Kg x 10³ ]
7 Ct x A Nm/° x m²

Light weight coefficient

Figure 17 shows the weight of the body-in-white with the
proportion of the Low Strength Steel (LSS) grades L Lightweight coefficient
(steels up to yield strengths of 180 MPa), and the mGer. Weight of body in white
proportion of the High Strength Steel (HSS) grades for (without doors and closures)
the previous BMW 3 Series (Figure 17). By adopting the ct Static torsion
size of the new 3 series, which has grown in size to (including screens)
meet market demands, the resultant mass of the body- 1
A Area (wheel base x track width)
in-white is 284 kg. However, increased customer 0
1982 1990 1997 2004
demands result in higher functional requirements (crash,
stiffness, etc) that are attained by modifying the design, Figure 18: Lightweight Coefficient
and specifying 24% more high strength steel. This
delivers a body-in-white weighing 296 kg; 12 kg more
than the body-in-white adapted for size alone. By
introducing multiphase steel grades to represent 26% of
the total mass, the weight of the body-in-white is
Driving dynamics is one of the main customer demands
reduced to 267 kg, resulting in a weight savings of
mentioned earlier. Figure 19 shows driving test results
29 kg. This clearly demonstrates the lightweight design
for the previous 3 Series, the new 3 Series and a
potential of multiphase steel grades.
modern 3 Series competitor, all with a similar engine
size, and the competitor having wider tires. The ISO test,
Low Strength Steel < 180N/mm² High Strength Steel which simulates a quick lane change, shows that the
Multiphase Steel new 3 Series has the highest speed with no loss of
control. Similarly, the New 3 Series also has the highest
Body in White Weight

26% speed for the 18 m slalom test.
strength: 294 N/mm²
strength: 178 N/mm²

Averaged min. yield

Averaged min. yield

150 ISO Lane Change 18 m Slalom
100 140 70
55% km
50 h km
31% 32%
100 h

Previous 3 Series Conceptual 3 Series New 3 Series

Weight: 284 kg, Weight: 296 kg, Weight: 267 kg, 50
Functionality: 1998 Functionality: 2004 Functionality: 2004 60
(size of new 3 series)
40 40

+ 12 kg

MY ‘97 MY '04 Comp MY ‘97 MY '04 Comp

0 1

Weight saving by multiphase steel - 17 kg VDA Double Lane Change

and high strength steel: 29 kg Legend
km MY ’97 Previous 3 Series
Figure 17: Lightweight benefits of Multiphase Steel h Tires: 225/45 R 17
MY ’04 New 3 Series

50 Tires: 225/45 R 17
40 Comp Current market Competitor
MY '04 Comp to New 3 Series
Lightweight design becomes apparent when the function VDA Start VDA End Tires: 235/45 R 17
and weight relevant body-in-white size is considered as
a quantifiable parameter. The ratio of structure weight Figure 19: Driving dynamics advantages from lightweight
mGer (excluding glass) per static torsional stiffness ct design
(with glass) and the associated footprint (track x
wheelbase) should be evaluated as a customer relevant An important indicator for vehicle dynamics is the result
parameter. from the modern day VDA (Verband der Deutsche
Autoindustie) Double Lane Change test. This test is
This lightweight coefficient, (L), i.e. the weight per similar to the so-called elk or moose test that simulates
function and mass, indicates the weight savings that the the “S” swerve required to avoid an obstacle in the road.
body-in-white has experienced. This can be achieved The test course is simulated by laying out driving cones
only by the realization of the lightweight design to simulate driving lanes and an obstacle. The test is
approaches presented in figure 2. Increased customer repeated at ever-higher speeds until the vehicle
becomes uncontrollable through the course. During the

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Michigan, Wednesday, August 01, 2018

test, the driver lifts off the gas while maneuvering Lightweight engineering provides the basis for weight
through the course. Comparing the new 3 Series to the optimization. Once the load path is defined, the optimum
competitor, it can be seen that at the beginning, the weight distribution of the vehicle can be broadly
speed of the new 3 Series is only slightly higher than the determined in order to prioritize those areas of the
speed of the competitor, but more importantly, notice the vehicle that would benefit most from the application of
exit speed. The new 3 Series completes the test at more expensive materials within the boundaries of the
55.2 km/h where the competitor manages only a speed set value proposition / cost relationship. Additionally, the
of 47.1 km/h. The competitor has to rely on electronic data from lightweight engineering provides the basis for
assistance, which brakes the vehicle as it approaches matching material properties to meet the needs of
the traction limits, resulting in the lower exit speed. The localized load path conditions of individual sub-systems
equal load distribution across the front and rear axle, and components. The selection of the appropriate
and the lightweight design, further enhances the driving materials results in the optimized configuration of the
dynamics of the New 3 Series. lightweight body-in-white. The resultant weight is lower
than the weight of vehicles designed using traditional
methods. The lower resultant weight provides a clear
CONCLUSION benefit to driving dynamics and strengthening customer
faith in the value proposition.
Ever-increasing customer demands result in increased
functional requirements for the body-in-white. Fulfilling CONTACT
the increased functional requirements with traditional
methods results in an increased body-in-white weight
Markus Pfestorf,
and ultimately to higher costs for greater material
BMW AG, Munich, Germany
consumption per vehicle.
[email protected]
Lightweight engineering techniques can be successfully Jacobus van Rensburg (Kobie)
applied to improve the static stiffness of the body-in- BMW MC, Spartanburg, USA
white. Lightweight design focuses on improving the [email protected]
joints and sections of the body-in-white, as well as
defining a homogenous path to manage the input loads.
Additionally, structural foams, tension struts and thrust
plates are engineered and implemented to manage
these loads.


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the 11th international Conference on Sheet Metal. Erlangen, 5.-8. April 2005
2 M. Fukushima: Das Projekt MAIDAS – Sicherheit auf hohem Niveau. ATZ 5(2004)106, p. 442
3 R.E. Smallman; R.J. Bishop: Modern Physical Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Butterworth Heinemannn, Sixth
Edition, 1999, ISBN 0 7506 4564 4
4 B. Lüdke: Funktionaler Rohkarosserie-Leichtbau. Von den Anforderungen an die Rohkarosserie zu den
Anforderungen an die Rohkarosseriewerkstoffe. Tagungsband „Innenhochdruck-Umformen für
Karosseriekomponenten“, 3. Chemnitzer Karosseriekolloquium, Chemnitz 2002, ISBN: 3-928921-80-0, p. 45-67
5 M. Pfestorf; M. Müller: Application of Aluminum in Automotive Structure and Hang on parts. Proceedings of
Materials Week, International Congress on Advanced Materials, their Processes and Applications, Munich, 1-4
October 2001
6 R. van Tol; M. Pfestorf: Paint bake response of aluminum alloys on the vehicle. SAE World Congress 2006, Detroit
3-6. April 2006


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