Stability Dynamic Characteristic of Oil-in-Water Emulsion From Alkali Surfactant Polymer Flooding
Stability Dynamic Characteristic of Oil-in-Water Emulsion From Alkali Surfactant Polymer Flooding
Stability Dynamic Characteristic of Oil-in-Water Emulsion From Alkali Surfactant Polymer Flooding
org/journal/acsodf Article
1. INTRODUCTION large well spacing, multiple good groups, and multiple oil
Petroleum has been an important strategic resource in the layers. It provides a theoretical and practical basis for the large-
world. With the ever-increasing energy competition today, how scale popularization and application of ASP flooding
to improve oil recovery is a concern of the petroleum industry. technology in the Daqing oilfield. In 2000, five industrial
After years of exploitation, most of China’s oilfields have field experiments were carried out in the Daqing oilfield to
entered the late stage of high water content. The crude oil from continue to verify that ASP flooding can increase oil recovery
water flooding is decreasing year by year, and the current by 20% compared with water flooding. In 2014, the technology
recovery rate is generally only 30−40%. The application of and management system of ASP flooding was established,
recovery enhancement technology is a necessary stage of industrial applications were promoted, and large-scale
oilfield development, and it is also an effective method for old commercial applications and complete sets of output
oilfields to suppress the decline in the production and maintain conditions were available.7,8 At present, a relatively supporting
stable production.1−4 technical system has been formed to achieve the goal of
The alkali−surfactant−polymer (ASP) flooding is a increasing oilfield recovery and improving development effects
technology that greatly enhances oil recovery based on binary and has become a new point of output growth.
floodings such as alkaline−polymer flooding and surfactant− The geological reserves suitable for ASP flooding in China
polymer flooding. The ASP flooding has been studied in the are about 83 × 108 t. As far as the Daqing oilfield is concerned,
Daqing oilfield since the 1980s and has gradually achieved the reserves are approximately 14 × 108 t. The ASP flooding
continuous innovation breakthroughs in theoretical research,
system formulations, and industrialization application. In 1997,
five pilot field experiments were carried out in the Daqing Received: May 5, 2021
oilfield. The field test results showed that ASP flooding can Accepted: July 9, 2021
increase oil recovery by 20% compared with water flooding.5,6 Published: July 18, 2021
In 1998, the world’s first industrial test of ASP flooding was
carried out in the Daqing oilfield, which further verified the oil
displacement effect of ASP flooding under the conditions of
© 2021 The Authors. Published by
American Chemical Society
19058 ACS Omega 2021, 6, 19058−19066
ACS Omega Article
production reached 4.63 million tons in 2020, and the annual for oil droplets to coalesce and grow up, which becomes a
output has been increasing year by year since 2014, as shown bottleneck restricting the implementation of demulsification.
in Figure 1.9−12 Therefore, it is of great significance for oil−water separation to
study the effects of ASP on the stabilization of emulsions. In
this study, we investigate the stability dynamic characteristic of
O/W emulsions using the lifetime model and Civan model. We
investigate the role of ASP in the emulsion stability and the
interface properties to provide quantitative insight into the
microscopic mechanism of emulsion stabilization by ASP.
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 19058−19066
ACS Omega Article
droplets have a great influence on the stability of the emulsion. film breakage and droplet coalescence. The difficulty of
Generally, the narrower the droplet size range, the more stable coalescence of oil droplets mainly depends on the strength
the emulsion is.29 of the interfacial film of the oil droplets. Usually, greater
In addition, the phase state and stability of surfactant- interfacial strength can lead to a longer lifetime of the
stabilized emulsions are affected easily by salinity. Generally interfacial film, and it is less likely that the oil droplets coalesce.
speaking, monovalent metal soaps can emulsify oil and water However, the strength of the interfacial film is not easy to be
into O/W emulsions. Adding high-valent metal ions, such as measured, and the film lifetime can be used to characterize the
Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, Cr3+, etc., will compress the diffuse electric stability of the oil droplets. The factors affecting the lifetime of
double layer at the oil−water interface, reduce the strength and the interface film are divided into two categories: one is the
thickness of the interface film, and reduce the stability of the chemical substance in the system such as alkali, surfactant,
emulsion. At the same time, after the concentration of high- polymer, and salt and the other is the nature of the oil droplet
valent metal ions dominates, the emulsifier exhibits the itself, that is, the size of the oil droplet.36,37
hydrophobicity of the high-valent metal soap, which makes The interfacial film of oil droplets is elastic and easily
the emulsion phase invert to the W/O type.30−32 deforms by applying an external force. When the oil droplets
The produced water from ASP flooding contains a large are close to each other, external forces such as buoyancy play a
amount of surfactants, polyacrylamide, alkali, and oil. The oil− leading role, and the oil droplets remain spherical, as shown in
water interface of the simulated emulsion prepared in this Figure 4a. When the distance between oil droplets is
experiment mainly adsorbs sodium dodecylbenzene (SDBS)
and HPAM, and the adsorption method is as follows: (1)
SDBS molecules are arranged on the interface to form an
interface film, and the hydrophilic groups interact with the
carboxyl anion or amide anion in the HPAM chain, thus part of
HPAM molecules can be aligned on the oil−water interface
(Figure 2, adsorption form 1). (2) The lipophilic groups of
−CH2− in the HPAM chain can connect with the oil phase,
and the hydrophilic groups of −COOH and −CONH2
dissolve in the water phase. In this adsorption form, HPAM
molecules can adsorb on the oil−water interface (Figure 2,
Figure 4. Morphological changes during the approach of oil droplets:
adsorption form 2). Also, amphiphilic HPAM and SDBS can (a) droplets are spherical and (b) droplets deform to form a flat film.
bond together through hydrophobic forces, electrostatic
interactions, hydrogen bonds, etc., to strengthen the interface
layer. The interface structure of the O/W emulsion is shown in shortened, the intermolecular forces play a dominant role
Figure 2.33−35 and the interface where the oil droplets are close to each other
The O/W emulsion from ASP flooding is a multiphase will sink inward. Thus, an interface film will be formed
dispersion system, and the key to its instability is the between the oil droplets, as shown in Figure 4.
aggregation of suspended oil droplets into larger droplets. As When the emulsion droplets approach each other driven by
shown in Figure 3, when the suspended oil droplets move a certain external force, the life of the interfacial film can be
randomly and approach each other, they will be subject to calculated from eq 137
buoyancy and intermolecular forces (van der Waals attraction, hin dh
electrostatic repulsion, steric hindrance, etc.). Due to the two τ= ∫h c V (1)
forces, the collision of droplets will produce three results: (1)
droplet rebound, (2) droplet flocculation, and (3) interfacial From the literature, eq 2 was obtained
9η ln a 9η ln(10hc) 1 3η 2 15η
τ= − + a − a
2g Δρ a 2g Δρ a 4σhc 2σ
9ηg Δρ 5 25ηg Δρ 3
+ 2 2
a − a
144σ hc 4σ 2 (2)
Based on eq 2, it can be found that the oil droplet size, oil−
water interfacial tension, and viscosity will affect the life of the
interfacial film.
2.1.1. Influence of the Droplet Size on the Lifetime of the
O/W Interfacial Film. To more intuitively study the influence
of the size on the lifetime of the interfacial film, we organize
the formula and reassign A−F
9η 9η ln(10hc) 3η 15η
A= , B= , C= , D= ,E
2g Δρ 2g Δρ 4σhc 2σ
9ηg Δρ 25ηg Δρ
= 2 2
, F=
144σ hc 4σ 2
Figure 3. Possible results of the collision of two emulsion droplets in Then, the mathematical relationship between the lifetime
connection with the droplet−droplet interaction. and the droplet radius is derived as shown in eq 3
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 19058−19066
ACS Omega Article
0.5%, 0.1%, and 0.2% SDBS, 200 mg/L NaOH, and 450 mg/L
HPAM at 1500 rpm for 10 min. The calculation steps are the
same as above, and the results are shown in Figure 9 and Table
Figure 11. Influence of alkali (a)−surfactant (b)−polymer (c) on the interfacial tension.
concentration. This is because NaOH can react with acidic a dominant role in the compression of the interfacial diffusion
substances in the oil phase, which can adsorb at the oil−water double layer, thereby increasing the ζ potential. As shown in
interface and decrease the interfacial tension. When the Figure 12b,c, surfactants and polymers have similar effects on
concentration of NaOH is higher than 200 mg/L, all acidic the ζ potential. As their concentrations increase, the ζ potential
substances react, and NaOH has no obvious effect on the decreases. This is mainly because both the surfactant molecules
interfacial tension. As shown in Figure 11b, the interfacial and polymer molecules adsorbed at the oil−water interface are
tension decreases as the surfactant concentration increases. negatively charged. As their concentrations increase, the
When the surfactant content is less than 0.1%, the interfacial repulsive force between the charges increases, making the
tension decreases sharply. While continuing to increase the polymers tightly arranged at the oil−water interface. The
surfactant content, the interfacial tension slowly decreases. ability of oil droplets to coalesce decreases, which leads to an
This is because 0.1% surfactant can make the oil−water increase in the absolute value of the ζ potential, and the
interface adsorption saturated. As shown in Figure 11c, as the influence of surfactants is greater.50
polymer concentration increases, the oil−water interfacial
tension remains unchanged, which shows that the polymer has 3. CONCLUSIONS
a small effect on the interfacial tension. Furthermore, the lower The influence of the alkali, surfactant, and polymer
interfacial tension also benefits from the salinity of the oil− concentration on the stability of droplets was analyzed using
water system, which increases the activity of the surfactant a lifetime model of the O/W interfacial film. The dynamic
molecules and helps reduce the interfacial tension.28 characteristics of the O/W emulsion from ASP flooding
2.3.3. Influence of ASP on ζ Potential. The ζ potential is conform to the emulsion stability model based on two-phase
the main parameter describing the interface charge of the separation, which is closely related to the properties of the oil−
dispersed droplets. Its absolute value characterizes the water interface. While the strength of the oil−water interfacial
magnitude of the charge on the surface of the droplets. It is film increases with the increasing alkali concentration at a low
related to the structure of the charge layer and reflects the alkali concentration (cNaOH < 200 mg/L), the rate constant kd
strength of the charge repulsion between the dispersed decreases and the emulsion stability increases. While the
droplets. It is generally believed that a larger ζ potential led strength of the oil−water interfacial film decreases with the
to a more stable emulsion.17 The influence of ASP on the ζ increasing alkali concentration at a high alkali concentration
potential is shown in Figure 12. (cNaOH > 200 mg/L), the rate constant kd increases and the
As shown in Figure 12a, as the NaOH concentration emulsion stability decreases. Furthermore, the strength of the
increases, the ζ potential first decreases and then rises slightly. oil−water interface film increases with the increasing surfactant
The reason may be that the anionic surfactant generated by and polymer concentration, the rate constant kd decreases, and
sodium hydroxide and acidic substances in the oil sample the stability of the emulsion increases. The mechanism of
increases the negative charge density at the oil−water interface stabilization of the O/W emulsion by ASP can be described as
and the ζ potential decreases at low concentrations.31 As the follows: alkali and surfactants reduce the interfacial tension and
concentration of sodium hydroxide increases, sodium ions play increase the interfacial strength, and the polymer only increases
ACS Omega 2021, 6, 19058−19066
ACS Omega Article
the strength of the interface film by increasing the Complete contact information is available at:
viscoelasticity of the oil−water interface film.
4.1. Chemicals and Materials. Diesel was supplied by a
gas station in Daqing (Heilongjiang Province, China). Sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) was purchased from Liaoning Quanrui ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Reagent Co., Ltd., China. SDBS was purchased from Aladdin This work was financially supported by the National Nature
Chemistry, Shanghai, China. Polyacrylamide (HPAM, Mw ∼ 5 Science Foundation of China (NSFC Project no. 51704076).
× 106, 99%) was obtained from the Tianjin BA Chemical
Reagent Factory. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), calcium
chloride (CaCl2), sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sulfate
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