IT 202 Integrative Programming and Technologies IPT

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Notre Dame Of Midsayap College

Midsayap, Cotabato
College of Information Technology and Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)
A.Y. 2019-2020


I. Vision: We envision to bring the best of the Notre Dame Spirit of Asia and the rest of the world.
II. Mission: As a Filipino Academic community, Notre Dame of Midsayap College commits herself to empower each person to lead meaningful life and
to make a positive difference through quality, relevant and liberating education.
III. Core Values: Inspired by the charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod, Notre Dame of Midsayap College formulates core values that serve as the faculty, staff
and students’ guide towards quality education (D.A.R.E.S):

Driven by Faith. We strive to serve with dignity inspired by Mary as our model and St. Eugene de Mazenod as our guide, and to be
courageous to take on the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Agile. We make sure to be flexible to take on the challenges and adapt to the changes of the 21st century by anticipating change,
generating confidence, initiating actions, liberating thinking, and evaluating results.
Respect. We foster a high regard for the environment, diversity of religion and uniqueness of each person to promote the culture of peace
and dialogue.
Excellence. We strive to be molders of the holistic development of learners for them to be globally competent by conforming to the highest
standards of performance.
Service. We take pride in providing noteworthy assistance to others and the poor in their many faces by providing exceptional service with
passion and commitment.
IV. Institutional Outcomes:

A graduate of Notre Dame of Midsayap College has the ability to:

A. Articulate and discuss the latest development in the specific field of practice.
B. Apply effective communication skills using culturally appropriate language.
C. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
D. Display respect in diversity of people, respond willingly and exhibit commitment in the stewardship of God’s creation.
E. Exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions and overcome problems.
F. Uphold the highest standard of performance to become at par with global demands.
G. Generate knowledge using research and development projects.
H. Exhibit agility and flexibility to adapt changes.
I. Exemplify integrity by taking full responsibility of his actions driven by faith.

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V. Department Outcomes:
The graduates of the College of Information Technology and Engineering have the ability to:
A. Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements needed to design an appropriate solution
B. Apply computing and other knowledge domains to address real-world problems
C. Design and develop computing solutions using a system-level perspective
D. Utilize modern computing tools.
E. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
F. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
G. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
H. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
I. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.
J. Demonstrate positive difference in his/her workplace.
K. Uphold the core values of NDMC inspired by the blessed virgin Mary and St. Eugene de Mazenod

VI. Program Outcomes:

The graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program have the ability to:
IT01. Apply knowledge of computing science and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
IT02. Understand the best practices and standards and their applications.
IT03. Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
IT04. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer
based systems.
IT05. Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to meet desired needs and
requirements under various constraints.
IT06. Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively
IT07. Apply knowledge through the use of current technique, skills, tools and practices necessary for IT profession.
IT08. Functions effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a
common goal.
IT09. Assist t in the creation of an effective IT project plan.
IT10. Communication effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities through
logical writing , presentation and clear instructions.
IT11. Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on individuals, organization and society.
IT12. Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities on individuals, organizations and society.
IT13. Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional

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I Introductory Course – an introductory course to an outcome
E Enabling Course - a course that strengthens an outcome
D Demonstrating course – a course demonstrating an outcome
Code Title IT01 IT02 IT03 IT04 IT05 IT06 IT07 IT08 IT09 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13
CC 101 Introduction to Computing I I I I I I
CC 102 Computer Programming I I I I
IT 102 Discrete Mathematics
CC 103 Computer Programming 2 E I I E E I
CC 104 Data Structures and Algorithms I I I
IT E 201 Professional Elective 1 (Integrative Prog.)) E E E E
IT E 203 Professional Elective 1 (Platform Tech)) E E E E E
IT 201 Introduction to Human Interaction E I I E E E
IT 202 Integrative Programming and E E E E E E
Technologies 1
CC 105 Information Management 1 E E E E E E E E I
IT 204 Networking 1 E E E E
IT 307 Event Driven Programming E E E I E E E
IT 301 Advance Database Systems E E E E E E E
IT 303 Networking 2 E E E E E E
IT 305 Systems Integration and Architecture 1 E E E E E E E E E E
IT 304 Information and Assurance Security 1 E E E E E E E E
IT 308 Social and Professional Issues E E E E E E E
CC 106 Application Dev. And Emerging E E E D D D
IT E 310 Professional Elective 3 (Web Systems & E E E E E E E E
IT 302 Quantitative Methods D D D
IT 306 Information and Assurance Security 2 E E E E E E
CAP 101 Capstone Project and Research 1 D D D D D D D D D D D
IT 401 Systems Administration and Maintenance D D D D D
CAP 102 Capstone Project and Research 2 D D D D D D D D D D D
PRAC 101 Practicum (486 Hours) D D D D D D D D D D D D D

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Program Outcomes Performance Indicators

IT01. Apply knowledge of computing science and mathematics appropriate to the Completed and successfully defended Capstone
discipline. Project/Thesis in line with the discipline.

IT02. Understand the best practices and standards and their applications. Documented software/hardware requirements specifications
following computing industry standards.
IT03. Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing Designed and developed a computing solution using object-
requirements appropriate to its solution. oriented approach.
IT04. Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the
selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer based systems.
IT05. Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes,
components, or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under various

IT06. Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively Used an integrated development environment.
IT07. Apply knowledge through the use of current technique, skills, tools and
practices necessary for IT profession.
IT08. Functions effectively as a member or leader of a development team Worked in a group to develop a machine project.
recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal.
IT09. Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan.
IT10. Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society Presented a proposed solution in class or in public forum.
at large about complex computing activities through logical writing, presentation
and clear instructions.
IT11. Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology Immerse/exposed in an actual working environment in
on individuals, organization and society. industry.
IT12. Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
responsibilities on individuals, organizations and society.
IT13. Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving Created a report on a conducted independent leaning
performance as a foundation for continuing professional development. activity.

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COURSE SYLLABUS in Integrative Programming and Technologies (IPT)

Course Number: IT 202

Course Title: Integrative Programming and Technologies (IPT)
Course Description: This course is to design, develop and test a program that uses (1) a messaging service that send asynchronous messages across
the network (2) write, debug and test a script using an operating scripting language to facilitate the management of an operating
system. LO1: Compare and contrast the different encrypting and decrypting techniques that ensures security of data
LO2: Recommend where an application language and a scripting language would be more appropriate and give a valid reason to
support the selection.
Number of Units: 3 units
Number of Hours: 54 hours
Pre-requisite Subject: IT E 201 & IT E 203
Course Requirements:
1. Quizzes and assignments
2. Compilation of exercises and activities
3. Officially scheduled examination
4. Research through the internet
5. Presentation of the project

Prelim Grade = [Item I + Item II] / 2 Midterm Grade = [Item I + Item II] /2 Final Grade = Trinal Grade + Midterm Grade + 2 TFG / 4
where: where: where:
Item I = 60% Item Ia + 40% Item Ib Item I = 60% Item Ia + 40% Item Ib Tentative Final Grade (TFG) = [Item I + Item II] /2
Item Ia = Quizzes, Class Recitations Item Ia = Quizzes, Class Recitations Item I = 60% Item Ia + 40% Item Ib
Item Ib = Assignments, Reports, Experiments Item Ib = Assignments, Reports, Experiments Item Ia = Quizzes, Class Recitations

Item II = Trinal Exam Equivalent Item II = Midterm Exam Equivalent Item Ib = Assignments, Reports, Experiments
Item II = Final Exam Equivalent

Numerical Equivalent Grade Interval 1.0 97 – 100

1.25 94 – 96

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1.50 91 – 93
1.75 88 – 90
2.0 85 – 87
2.25 82 – 84
2.50 79 – 81
2.75 76 – 78
3.0 75
5.0 68 – 74 (Failure)


Total (Percentage) Grade (Percentage) Total (Percentage) Grade (Percentage)

0–7 68 69 – 70 85
8 – 14 69 71 – 72 86
15 – 21 70 73 – 74 87
22 – 28 71 75 – 76 88
29 – 35 72 77 – 78 89
36 – 42 73 79 – 80 90
43 – 49 74 81 – 82 91
50 75 83 – 84 92
51 – 52 76 85 – 86 93
53 – 54 77 87 – 88 94
55 – 56 78 89 – 90 95
57 – 58 79 91 – 92 96
59 – 60 80 93 – 94 97
61 – 62 81 95 – 96 98
63 – 64 82 97 – 98 99
65 – 66 83 99 – 100 100
67 – 68 84

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• Passing Score in all Examinations is Fifty Percent (50%)

• A candidate for Cum Laude must obtain a weighted average grade ranging from [1.50 to 1.75], with no grade below 2.0
• A candidate for Magna Cum Laude must obtain a weighted average grade ranging from [1.25 to 1.49], with no grade below 1.75
• A candidate for Summa Cum Laude must obtain a weighted average grade ranging from [1.0 to 1.24], with no grade below 1.50
• A student who obtains a grade of 4.0 in any of the subjects during the Trinal and during the Midterm Exams, the teacher concern may give a re-

XVII. Course Outline and Time Frame

Weeks Course Content/Topics

Trinal (Weeks 1-6)

Week 1 Orientation
Week 1 & 2 Overview of Programming Languages
Week 3 Intersystem Communications
Week 4 & 5 Integrative Coding

Midterm (Weeks 7-12)

Week 7-8 Python Programming Overview
Weeks 9-11 Python Basic Consoles

Finals (Weeks 13-18)

Weeks 13 & 14 ASP.Net Web Framework
Week 15 Scripting Techniques
Week 16-17 Final Project

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XVIII. Course Learning Plan
ACTIVITIES (TLAs) (Core Values)
* Discuss of the school policies, Week 1 I. Orientation *Virtual Reading of Recitation Student Driven by Rubrics for
grading system, topic outline, and 1 hour a. School Policies and Guidelines School and Reflection Handbook Faith recitation
orientation, etc.) b. Classroom Protocols and laboratory laboratory Policies Agility
rules and Guidelines. Respect
c. Course Outline Excellence
d. Grading System Service
e. Course Expectations
* Contrast the differences between Week 1 II. Overview of Programming Discussion Quiz Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
the structured and object-oriented 2 hours Languages Lecture Assignment Cooperation but using a
programming paradigms. a. History of programming languages Respect grading
* Diagram and label models for both Week 2 b. Programming paradigms Independence components
a compiled program and an 3 hours c. Virtual machines Objectivity
interpretative program. d. Compiled vs. interpretative Critical Thinking Checklist for
* Describe the benefits and languages assignment
weaknesses associated with using e. Application vs. scripting languages
a virtual machine.
* Give an example where an
application language and a scripting
language would be more
appropriate and give a valid reason
to support your selection.
III. Intersystem Communications
*Describe and contrast the different Week 3 a. Architectures for integrating Discussion Quiz Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
types of architectures for integrating 5 hours systems Lecture Assignment Cooperation but using a
systems. b. Web services and middleware Respect grading
*Describe how web services are c. Network programming Message Independence components
used to integrate disparate and queuing services Objectivity
applications in an organization. d. Low level data communications Critical Thinking Checklist for
* Describe the purpose of message assignment
and queuing services and how they
work and list the protocol used by
one messaging service
* List commonly used low level
data communications protocols

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ACTIVITIES (TLAs) (Core Values)
* Define the importance of using Week 4 IV. Integrative Coding
design patterns and list the 3 hours a. Design patterns Discussion Quiz Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
motivation for using each of the b. Interfaces Lecture Assignment Cooperation but using a
following design patterns: MVC, c. Inheritance Respect grading
singleton, factory method, façade, Week 5 Independence components
proxy, decorator, and observer. 3 hours Objectivity
* Describe what a programming Critical Thinking Checklist for
interface is and why it is important assignment
to programming and give an
example of where the use of a
programming interface simplified
the development of a system.
* Define the concept of inheritance
and describe how it can be applied
to encourage code reuse.
* use Python statements V. Python Programming Overview
(if...elif..else, for, pass, continue) Week 7 a. Conditionals, loops Discussion Quiz Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
* understand the difference 3 hours b. Defining functions Lecture Assignment Cooperation but using a
between expressions and c. Strings, lists, list comprehensions Respect grading
statements Week 8 d. Recursion Independence components
* understand assignment semantics 5 hours e. Tuples, dictionaries, common Objectivity
* write and call a simple function Python mistakes Critical Thinking Checklist for
* utilize high-level data types such f. Classes assignment
as lists and dictionaries g. Inheritance
* understand the difference
between mutable and immutable
* write a simple class and access
methods and attributes

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ACTIVITIES (TLAs) (Core Values)
* Understand Django Architecture Week 9 VI. Using Django Python Web Discussion
and its take on MVC (Models, 5 hours Framework Lecture Activity Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
Views & Templates) Quiz Cooperation but using a
* Build and deploy robust Django Week 10 Assignment Respect grading
web apps 5 hours Independence components
* Integrate with RESTful web Objectivity
services Week 11 Critical Thinking Checklist for
* Unit Testing and Debugging 5 hours assignment
Django app
Week 13 VII. ASP.Net Web Frame work
*Enable to merge free web 3 hours a. Free Web Templates merging Lecture Activity Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
templates from the internet to the b. CSS Designing Assignment Cooperation but using a
platform for the easy way of web Respect grading
designing Week 14 Independence components
*Describe basic functions of CSS to 2 hours Objectivity
the Web Critical Thinking Checklist for

VIII. Scripting Techniques

*Contrast evidence-based security Week 15 a. Scripting and the role of scripting Discussion Quiz Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
and code access security. 5 hours languages Lecture Assignment Cooperation but using a
*Define the goals of secure coding. b. Creating and executing scripts Respect grading
c. Influence of scripting on Independence components
programming Objectivity
Critical Thinking Checklist for

ACTIVITIES (TLAs) (Core Values)
Week 16 IX. Final Project
IT 202 – Integrative Programming and Technologies (IPT) ` Page 10
a. Compare and contrast the 5 hours a. Presentation of Website made with Discussion Activity Textbook Honesty No Rubrics
different encrypting and decrypting ASP.Net Lecture Quiz Cooperation but using a
techniques that ensures security of Week 17 Assignment Respect grading
data. 5 hours Report Independence components
b. Recommend where an Critical Thinking Rubrics for
application language and a scripting activities
language would be more
appropriate and give a valid reason Checklist for
to support the selection. assignment


XX. Suggested Readings and References:

R1 Coronel. (2018) Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management

R2 Chua. (2015) PHP with SQL: A Web Programming Language
R2 3G-eLearning. (2015) Internet Programming
R3 Smirnow. (2015) Information Technology Project Management
R4 3G-elearning. (2015) Role of Information Technology in Front Office
R5 Hammond (2018). Information Systems: Principles and Practices

XXI. Classroom Policies:

a. All forms of the intellectual dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, lying, etc.) SHALL NOT be tolerated.
b. MOBILE PHONES are turned OFF and kept inside bag during class.
c. NO eating and drinking during class hours.
d. Students are expected to WORK in class: intelligent listening and note-taking , participation in class discussion, etc.
e. The student is held responsible for all lessons discussed and assignments given in class during his/her absence.
f. Lateness beyond 15 minutes (regardless of the duration of the course) is consider an absence. 3 “lates” = 1 absence
g. Maximum number of absences during semester: MWF = 10 absences / TTh = 7 absences
Therefore, getting 11 (MWF) or 8 (TTh) absences automatically gets the students an “DROPPED” record.
h. Absence on the date of a quiz/report, or non-submission of assigned paper automatically gets the students a “Failed Grade = 5.0”.
i. A make-up exam/paper is given only from the major requirements: TRINAL, MIDTERMS and FINALS. For this, the student should present a valid
excuse for his/her absence on the date of the exam/paper submission: e.g., medical certificate verifying a real illness, accident.
The final decision for the exam depends on the teacher. No make-up is given for missed quizzes and recitations.
j. AT ALL TIMES: Show respect to teachers, school personnel and classmates; care for school property; observe proper comportment in class;
dress appropriately.

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Ryan L. Nambong Engr. Riza Jean M. Acanto, ME-CpE Engr. Jarold A. Sumaylo, ME-ECE
Faculty, CITE Subject Coordinator/Program Head Dean, CITE

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