Chapter #8
Chapter #8
Chapter #8
and Promotion
An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective
Chapter #8
Creative Strategy Planning and Development
üsolve problem
üSatisfy a desire
üAchieve a goal
Ads creates
◦ Image
◦ Association
◦ Positioning
••Ads are promotional tools used to ••Ads are communication vehicles for
communicate favorable impressions promoting their own aesthetic
to the marketplace viewpoints and personal career
What constitutes creativity in advertising
Somewhere Between The Two Extremes
Imposing too many sales- and marketing- The goal of advertising is to assist in selling
oriented communications objectives on the the product or service
creative team
Good advertising must communicate in a
Can result in mediocre advertising, which manner that helps the client achieve this
is often ineffective in today’s competitive, goal.
cluttered media environment.
Achieved through:
◦ Ad-to-consumer relevance.
◦ Brand-to-consumer relevance.
üAd-to-consumer relevance: Ad
contains execution elements that
are meaningful to consumers.
üBrand-to-consumer relevance – refers to a situations where the
advertised brand of a product or service is of personal interest to
Creative strategy is determining what the advertising message will say or
Finding the
inherent drama
strategy CAMPAIGN THEME Positioning
These two steps are often responsibility of the creative team or specialist and form
the basis of the advertising campaign theme.
Creative Brief outline
Creative brief is a document that specifies the basic elements of the
creative strategy such as
• The basic problem or issue the advertising must address.
• The advertising objectives.
• Target audience.
• Major selling idea or key benefits to communicate.
• Campaign theme or appeal.
• Supportive information or requirements.
1-Development of Creative strategy
The theme for the advertising campaign is usually expressed through a slogan
(tagline) that reduces the key idea into a few words or a brief statement.
Slogan (or tagline) a statement or phrase consisting of a few words that express
the company or brand want to communicate.
• All of these can spark a major selling idea that becomes the basis of creative strategy and
results in the brands occupying a particular place in the mind of the target audience
•Positioning is often the basis of firm’s
creative strategy when it has multiple
brands competing in the same market.