Chapter #8

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and Promotion
An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective

Chapter #8
Creative Strategy Planning and Development

Dr. Reham Farouk

One of the most important component of an
integrated marketing communication program is
the advertising message

The fundamental role of advertising message is

• Communicate information

• Source of entertainment, motivation and fantasy

• Sometime else is a source of irritation

Ads creates
◦ Problem
◦ Desire
◦ Goals

From marketing perspective the

advertising message is a way to tell
consumer how the product or service can

üsolve problem
üSatisfy a desire
üAchieve a goal
Ads creates
◦ Image
◦ Association
◦ Positioning

Of the brand in the mind of the customer

Ads transfer the experience of
◦ Buying
◦ Using
The product or service
Creative Strategy & Creative Tactics
Creative strategy: Determines what the advertising message will

Creative tactics: Determine how the message strategy will be

The importance of creativity is summarized very well by Stephan
Vogel, the chief creative officer of Ogilvy & Mather Germany:
“Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. Creative
advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less
media spending, and builds a fan community . . . faster.

An advertising campaign that is poorly conceived or executed can

be a liability.
Advertising creativity?
Is turning all of the information regarding Its
-Features and benefits
-Marketing plan
-Consumer research
-Marketing objectives

into creative concept. That will bring the

advertising message to life.
Different Perspectives on Advertising Creativity
Managers’ Perspective Creative People’s Perspective

••Advertising is creative only if it sells ••Creativity of an ad is in its artistic value

the product. and originality.

••Ads are promotional tools used to ••Ads are communication vehicles for
communicate favorable impressions promoting their own aesthetic
to the marketplace viewpoints and personal career
What constitutes creativity in advertising
Somewhere Between The Two Extremes

To break through the clutter and make an impression on the target

audience an ad must be unique and entertaining

A major determinant of whether a commercial will be successful in

changing brand preferences is: its “likability,” or the viewer’s overall
Everyone involved in planning and developing an
advertising campaign must understand the importance of

the “it’s not creative unless it sells” perspective

the novelty/uniqueness and impact position.
Marketing & Brand Managers The creative specialists

Imposing too many sales- and marketing- The goal of advertising is to assist in selling
oriented communications objectives on the the product or service
creative team
Good advertising must communicate in a
Can result in mediocre advertising, which manner that helps the client achieve this
is often ineffective in today’s competitive, goal.
cluttered media environment.

Advertising creativity is the ability to generate fresh, unique, and appropriate

or relevant ideas that can be used as solutions to communication problems.
Determinants of Creativity
Those who study as well as Divergence Relevance
work in advertising generally
agree on these two central Originality Ad-to-consumer
determinants of creativity, Flexibility Brand-to-consumer
which are often viewed in Elaboration
terms of divergence and
relevance. Synthesis
Artistic Value
Determinants of Creativity
Divergence: Refers to the extent ad contains elements that Are Novel,
Different, or Unusual
Determinants of Creativity
The ad was out of the ordinary and unique.
The ad contained ideas that moved from one subject to
The ad contained lots of details.

Synthesis (blend, composition)

The ad connected objects that are usually unrelated.
Artistic value
The ad was visually/verbally distinctive.
Determinants of Creativity
There are other ways divergence
can be achieved in developing
creative advertising such as
through the use of humor, fantasy,
emotion, and imagery.
Which reflects the Degree to which the elements of an ad are
Meaningful, Useful, Or Valuable To The Consumer.

Achieved through:

◦ Ad-to-consumer relevance.

◦ Brand-to-consumer relevance.
üAd-to-consumer relevance: Ad
contains execution elements that
are meaningful to consumers.
üBrand-to-consumer relevance – refers to a situations where the
advertised brand of a product or service is of personal interest to
Creative strategy is determining what the advertising message will say or

The creative strategy generally explains how the advertising campaign

will meet the advertising objectives of the business.

An Advertising Campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share

a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing
The creative strategy is based on several factors, including
• identification of the target audience;
• the basic problem, issue, or opportunity the advertising must address;
• the major selling idea or key benefit the message needs to
• and any supportive information that needs to be included in the ad.

Once these factors are determined, a creative strategy statement should

describe the message appeal and execution style that will be used.
Using a unique
Development of proposition
major selling idea
Creating a brand

Finding the
inherent drama

strategy CAMPAIGN THEME Positioning


These two steps are often responsibility of the creative team or specialist and form
the basis of the advertising campaign theme.
Creative Brief outline
Creative brief is a document that specifies the basic elements of the
creative strategy such as
• The basic problem or issue the advertising must address.
• The advertising objectives.
• Target audience.
• Major selling idea or key benefits to communicate.
• Campaign theme or appeal.
• Supportive information or requirements.
1-Development of Creative strategy
The theme for the advertising campaign is usually expressed through a slogan
(tagline) that reduces the key idea into a few words or a brief statement.

Slogan (or tagline) a statement or phrase consisting of a few words that express
the company or brand want to communicate.

• Apple – “Think Different”

• Subway – “Eat Fresh”
• Panasonic – “Ideas for Life”
• Skittles – “Taste the Rainbow”
• L’Oreal – “Because You’re Worth It”
1-Development of Creative strategy
The advertising slogan should serve as
•Remind and reinforce brand message

•Key elements of brand identity as it can

◦ Enhance brand image

◦ Aid recognition and recalling

◦ Help to differentiate the brand in the mind of consumer

2- Development of major selling idea
•The basis for the central message idea in an advertising campaign
•The strongest singular thing a company can say about its product or service
•Has the broadest and most meaningful appeal to the target audience

Some advertising experts argue that for an ad campaign to be effective it

must contain a BIG IDEA
•The purpose of a big idea is breaking through the advertising clutter and
delivering a message
Developing the Major Selling Idea
There are many ways that creative personal can approach the search for big
ideas & how to execute them

Using a unique selling

Creating a brand image

Finding the inherent

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Rosser Reeves
The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) was developed by Rosser Reeves,
former chair of the Ted Bates agency, and is described in his influential book Reality
in Advertising

Unique Selling Proposition: refers to the unique benefit exhibited by

a company, service, product or brand that enables it to stand out from

The unique selling proposition must be a feature that highlights

product benefits that are meaningful to consumers.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Rosser Reeves
The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) was developed by Rosser
Reeves, former chair of the Ted Bates agency, and is described in his influential
book Reality in Advertising

Unique Selling Proposition: is a brief memorable

message that identifies and highlight the unique
benefits of your product or service, that are
derived from using it as opposed to competitors.
Unique Selling Proposition
1. Each advertisement must make a proposition
to the consumer. It must say “buy the
product and you will get this benefit”

2. Proposition must be unique in brand or in


3. Proposition must be strong enough to move

the mass millions.
Six Simple Steps to Developing Your
1.) Define Your Target Audience
2.) Know Your Industry

3.) Describe What Makes Your Product Unique in The Marketplace.

4.) List the Benefits Of Your Product Or Service.

5.) Offer Proof
6.) Convert the Information To A Few Sentences You Can Easily Remember.
Advertisers must also consider whether the unique selling
proposition affords them a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
that competitors cannot easily copy.
Creating a Brand Image David Ogilvy Confessions of an Advertising Man.
Creating a Brand Image Used when competing brands
are so similar and it is difficult to find or create a unique

This creativity strategy used to sell these products is

based on a strong, memorable identity for the brand
through image advertising
Creating a Brand Image David Ogilvy Confessions of an Advertising Man.
Image advertising: creates an identity for a
product or service by emphasizing
psychological meaning or symbolic association
with creating values, lifestyle and the like

Frequently used for products such as soft

drinks, perfume, clothing.
Creating a Brand Image
To be successful:

◦ Associate the brand with certain

symbols that have cultural

◦ Use visual that convey

psychosocial associations and
Inherent Drama Leo Burnett
Advertising should be based on a foundation of consumer benefits and uses dramatic
elements to emphasize them and expressing those benefits.
An advertising approach that focus on finding the benefits or Characteristic of a
product that makes the consumer purchase it.

Hallmark emphasized the gratitude and appreciation that

can come from a small gesture like sending a card
Positioning Jack Trout
•The basic idea is that advertising is used to establishes or “position” the product or service in a
particular place in the consumer’s mind

vProduct can be positioned on the basis of

• Product attributes
• Price and quality
• Usage or application
• Product users
• Product class

• All of these can spark a major selling idea that becomes the basis of creative strategy and
results in the brands occupying a particular place in the mind of the target audience
•Positioning is often the basis of firm’s
creative strategy when it has multiple
brands competing in the same market.

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