News 2006 12
News 2006 12
News 2006 12
Published by Natural Eating Co Ltd, 55, Grivas Digeni, Suite 73, 8220 Chlorakas, Paphos, Cyprus. © 2007 Geoff Bond
December 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 2 of 4
Recipe Questions milk. The co mmonest allergens are
This recipe makes delightful cow’s milk and grains. So cut those
Chocolate out of your own diet, eat like we
sweetmeats that will be popular at
the end of any meal or at any time Q. I love it but can you please tell say and thus minimize the amount
with a cup of coffee. us all the REAL TRUTH about cho co- of allergic substances that you feed
late? - Good for you? - Bad fo r to your baby.
Chocolate Petit Four you? - Aphrodisiac? - Addictive? - These are just general observations
YYYYY Carcinogenic? - Or what? based on the small information you
Yield: 25 A. Chocolate that is made with a give. So continue to work with your
Special Equipment: high percentage (at least 75%) of health professional as you try out
25-30 small fluted paper cups cocoa solids (and therefore little these ideas.
sugar) is low glycemic. It is not car-
(about 1¼ -inch diameter) Correcting B12 deficiency
cinogenic and it does contain many
useful micronutrients. Q. Blood tests suggest I am low on
Ingredients vitamin B12. My doctor suggests I
25 – 30 dried raisins Research shows that cocoa stimu- eat more red meat. I do not want
lates the “reward centers” of the to do this, never having been a
1 teaspoon dark rum
brain in regions called the right great meat eater. The doctor sug-
1 orange, preferably organic caudate nucleus and right ventral gests a B12 injection.
1 bar (3 1/2-ounces) dark choco- tegmentum. These are the same
late ones stimulated (in far greater A. It is quite rare for anyone eating
measure) by addictive drugs such the normal western diet to be defi-
3 tablespoons dark rum
as cocaine and amphetamine. So, cient in B12. It is present i n almost
3 tablespoons orange juice some people do find chocolate all foods of ani mal origin and only
mildly addictive. minuscule amounts are needed –
2 teaspoons orange extract
about 2 micrograms a day. Has
1 tablespoon unsweetened, grated From the time that the Conquista- your doctor diagnosed anything
coconut dors first brought cocoa to Euro pe, else related to B12 deficiency, e.g.
entrepreneurs and charlatans have anemia?
1 teaspoon fructose
promoted chocolate for supposed
Method aphrodisiac properties. Disappoi nt- The standard blood test for B12 is
ingly, rigorous studies find that it quite unreliable since some sub-
1. In a small bowl soak the raisins stances mimic B12 (so-called B12
has no such effect3.
in hot water for about 10 minutes. “analogues”). The most reliable test
Just consume high cocoa mass measures a compound called me-
Drain the raisins, add the rum and chocolate (in modest amounts) fo r thylmalonic acid (MMA), so ask fo r
mix well. Set aside. the pleasure it gives you – don’t an MMA test before doing anything
2. Grate the orange skin and set expect any more than that! drastic.
aside the gratings. Squeeze the Sleepless Baby If you do need to boost B12, it is
orange and set aside the juice. Q. My 9 months old sleeps badly, easy to do by taking supplements.
3. Break the chocolate into small possibly because he has food in- Personally I would not have an i n-
tolerances which cause pain, al- jection.
pieces and put into a small micro- though he is happy during the day. Over the longer term, you should
wave-proof bowl. Add the rum, 3 I breast fed him, but the professo r get plenty of B12 if your diet in-
tablespoons of the orange juice advised to stop and feed formula cludes seafood, particularly the oil y
milk, but he doesn’t like it. I am fish that I talk about in my boo k.
and the orange extract. Melt the
worried about his nourishment.. Eat a serving of those three times a
mixture at half power (about 300
A. Do you sleep with him? If not, week and you are done. Eggs a few
watts) in a microwave oven for ap- do so! Nature programmed babies times a week do the trick too.
proximately 2 minutes. Check and to panic if they sense they are Red meat is not a particularly rich
stir twice. The chocolate should be alone. It is not good enough to source of B12 – so that is a red
have him in the same room, he herring(!).
melted, but avoid overheating. Add
needs to be in your bed where he
the orange gratings. can cuddle up to you. Dad does not On the other hand almost any kind
4. Spoon the chocolate mixture make a good substitute. of liver (beef, pork, chicken etc.) is
a rich source – you would get a
into the fluted paper cups. With a Breast feeding is top p riority, week’s supply of B12 just in one
teaspoon press 1 raisin into the whether or not he takes a bottle. 3oz serving.
Keep it up as long as you can. (The
center of each cup. Seaweed and B12
female of the human species is de-
5. In a small cup, mix the grated signed to provide breast feeding for Q. As a vegan, for B12 I take 1g
coconut with the fructose and up to four years!) algae and 1g kelp [a kind of sea-
sprinkle over the top of the petit It is unlikely that food i ntolerances weed] every day. Do you advise
fours. operate only at night, so they are anything more?
only a remote possibility. Just know A. You are ill-advised: kelp and al-
that allergens consumed by the gae, in common with all other plant
mother finish up in her own breast food, are DEVOID of B12. On the