News 2006 12

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December 2006 Vol 9.


The Bond Effect The Bond Effect The Bond Effect

The Science and Art of Living the Way Nature Intended
Monthly Private Subs cription News letter – Annually: Hard Cop y $59.00 - Electronic $18.00
We are independent of commercial pressure and say exactly what we think.
Surprising Secrets: Potbelly Inflammation. Savvy Insights: Slim People Might Not Be as Healthy as They Ap-
pear. Free to be Human: Docs – Sleep Evaluation Vital. Deadly Harvest: Pre-Orders. Recipe: Chocolate Petit
Four. Q&A: Chocolate; Sleepless Baby; B12 Deficiency; Seaweed and B12; Gorilla and B12; Poppy Seed Oil;
Kidney Stones. Food-Disease Links: Cellulite. Hints & Tips: To Lose Weight, Slow Down. Editorial: Human Brain
and Behavior. Latest News: Sugar/Pancreatic Cancer; Short, Intense Exercise; Wherefore Green Eyes. Laugh-
ter: Back Seat Driving. Events: 14 March, Seminar, Rancho Mirage, California.

Surprising Secrets Savvy Insights Free to Be Human

Potbelly Inflammation Slim People Might Not Be as Docs: Sleep Evaluation Vital
This is a short extract from the Healthy as They Appear “Sleep that knits up the raveled
Obesity segment in my forthcoming sleave of care”— Macbeth
book, Dead Harvest. Scan of a slim
man. Green color Shakespeare’s Macbeth might have
... Carrying extra fat is not just a shows external been easily manipulated by an am-
cosmetic issue. Everything we fat. Yellow color bitious wife and by his own weak-
know about our biology is that it shows fat around ness for power, but he came to re-
is unhealthy to have too much internal organs. alize a thing or two about funda-
body fat—it is not how nature mentals of human well-being.
intended. Professor Jimmy
Bell at Hammer- Now Dr Phyllis Zee of Feinberg
Fat in your abdomen (a potbelly) smith Hospital, School of Medicine, Chicago writes
is not just sitting there as dead London, UK found that an assessment of sleep habits
weight—it produces all kinds of that people who should be a standard part of medi-
inflammatory chemicals called seem in good cal care2. She points out that sleep
cytokines. By eliminating fat, you shape can actually disorders and lack of sleep “are of-
also get rid of a very dangerous have large quanti- ten [linked] with a broad range of
inflammation-producing organ. ties of fat stored medical and psychiatric conditions
Inflammation is linked to many deep inside their and also have a negative i mpact on
chronic illnesses, including heart bodies. It surr- health, mood and quality of life”.
disease, syndrome X, dementia, ounds vital organs Our View? Not before time! We
depression, cancer, osteoporosis, such as the liver, are creatures like any other de-
and autoimmune diseases .1... gut, heart and signed by nature to work best in a
pancreas. Hidden particular kind of environment.
As we see in the next column, if
you have fatty organs -- or muscles fat also forms streaks in flabby Sleep is just one of many factors
like streaky bacon -- then you are muscle. which has to be right to be li ving at
harboring a source of potent Hidden fat condition typicall y full capacity. Cont: Page 4
disease-causing chemicals. affects young men who have a slim Deadly Harvest
You will not be alone. The build but do little or no exercise.
researchers consider that some Bell warns that this internal fat is Pre-Orders
40% of the American population is more harmful than chubby fat just Preview Deadly Harvest at
afflicted. under the skin. Why? See “Pot Bell y
Inflammation” alongside. Get your copy hot off the
One more reason to live like nature
intended: stay slim and exercise! Moral? We cannot improve on Prof. press! Pre-order from:
Bell’s opining: USA: (delivery end Jan.)
Quote of the Month “... it's not about looking fit or [email protected]
looking thin, it is about being UK & Europe: (end March)
The Effort of Fitness
healthy. You can look healthy but [email protected]
“It takes six months to get into have a lot of fat internally which
shape and ony two weeks to get Australasia: (end March)
can have a detrimental effect.
out of shape. Once you know this, [email protected].
you can stop being angry about When you exercise you tend to
Amazon will stock the book as soon
other things in life and only get burn the internal fat. Lifestyle
as it is published. We will stock the
angry about this.” changes have to include physical
electronic edition for purchase at:
Rita Rudner, American Comedienne activity, it’s not enough simply to

Published by Natural Eating Co Ltd, 55, Grivas Digeni, Suite 73, 8220 Chlorakas, Paphos, Cyprus. © 2007 Geoff Bond
December 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 2 of 4
Recipe Questions milk. The co mmonest allergens are
This recipe makes delightful cow’s milk and grains. So cut those
Chocolate out of your own diet, eat like we
sweetmeats that will be popular at
the end of any meal or at any time Q. I love it but can you please tell say and thus minimize the amount
with a cup of coffee. us all the REAL TRUTH about cho co- of allergic substances that you feed
late? - Good for you? - Bad fo r to your baby.
Chocolate Petit Four you? - Aphrodisiac? - Addictive? - These are just general observations
YYYYY Carcinogenic? - Or what? based on the small information you
Yield: 25 A. Chocolate that is made with a give. So continue to work with your
Special Equipment: high percentage (at least 75%) of health professional as you try out
25-30 small fluted paper cups cocoa solids (and therefore little these ideas.
sugar) is low glycemic. It is not car-
(about 1¼ -inch diameter) Correcting B12 deficiency
cinogenic and it does contain many
useful micronutrients. Q. Blood tests suggest I am low on
Ingredients vitamin B12. My doctor suggests I
25 – 30 dried raisins Research shows that cocoa stimu- eat more red meat. I do not want
lates the “reward centers” of the to do this, never having been a
1 teaspoon dark rum
brain in regions called the right great meat eater. The doctor sug-
1 orange, preferably organic caudate nucleus and right ventral gests a B12 injection.
1 bar (3 1/2-ounces) dark choco- tegmentum. These are the same
late ones stimulated (in far greater A. It is quite rare for anyone eating
measure) by addictive drugs such the normal western diet to be defi-
3 tablespoons dark rum
as cocaine and amphetamine. So, cient in B12. It is present i n almost
3 tablespoons orange juice some people do find chocolate all foods of ani mal origin and only
mildly addictive. minuscule amounts are needed –
2 teaspoons orange extract
about 2 micrograms a day. Has
1 tablespoon unsweetened, grated From the time that the Conquista- your doctor diagnosed anything
coconut dors first brought cocoa to Euro pe, else related to B12 deficiency, e.g.
entrepreneurs and charlatans have anemia?
1 teaspoon fructose
promoted chocolate for supposed
Method aphrodisiac properties. Disappoi nt- The standard blood test for B12 is
ingly, rigorous studies find that it quite unreliable since some sub-
1. In a small bowl soak the raisins stances mimic B12 (so-called B12
has no such effect3.
in hot water for about 10 minutes. “analogues”). The most reliable test
Just consume high cocoa mass measures a compound called me-
Drain the raisins, add the rum and chocolate (in modest amounts) fo r thylmalonic acid (MMA), so ask fo r
mix well. Set aside. the pleasure it gives you – don’t an MMA test before doing anything
2. Grate the orange skin and set expect any more than that! drastic.
aside the gratings. Squeeze the Sleepless Baby If you do need to boost B12, it is
orange and set aside the juice. Q. My 9 months old sleeps badly, easy to do by taking supplements.
3. Break the chocolate into small possibly because he has food in- Personally I would not have an i n-
tolerances which cause pain, al- jection.
pieces and put into a small micro- though he is happy during the day. Over the longer term, you should
wave-proof bowl. Add the rum, 3 I breast fed him, but the professo r get plenty of B12 if your diet in-
tablespoons of the orange juice advised to stop and feed formula cludes seafood, particularly the oil y
milk, but he doesn’t like it. I am fish that I talk about in my boo k.
and the orange extract. Melt the
worried about his nourishment.. Eat a serving of those three times a
mixture at half power (about 300
A. Do you sleep with him? If not, week and you are done. Eggs a few
watts) in a microwave oven for ap- do so! Nature programmed babies times a week do the trick too.
proximately 2 minutes. Check and to panic if they sense they are Red meat is not a particularly rich
stir twice. The chocolate should be alone. It is not good enough to source of B12 – so that is a red
have him in the same room, he herring(!).
melted, but avoid overheating. Add
needs to be in your bed where he
the orange gratings. can cuddle up to you. Dad does not On the other hand almost any kind
4. Spoon the chocolate mixture make a good substitute. of liver (beef, pork, chicken etc.) is
a rich source – you would get a
into the fluted paper cups. With a Breast feeding is top p riority, week’s supply of B12 just in one
teaspoon press 1 raisin into the whether or not he takes a bottle. 3oz serving.
Keep it up as long as you can. (The
center of each cup. Seaweed and B12
female of the human species is de-
5. In a small cup, mix the grated signed to provide breast feeding for Q. As a vegan, for B12 I take 1g
coconut with the fructose and up to four years!) algae and 1g kelp [a kind of sea-
sprinkle over the top of the petit It is unlikely that food i ntolerances weed] every day. Do you advise
fours. operate only at night, so they are anything more?
only a remote possibility. Just know A. You are ill-advised: kelp and al-
that allergens consumed by the gae, in common with all other plant
mother finish up in her own breast food, are DEVOID of B12. On the

Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program

December 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 3 of 4
other hand they do contain B12 Food/Disease Links Hints & Tips
“analogues” (see previous ques- Director’s cut: Deadly Harvest out-
tion). These, on simple blood tests, To Lose Weight, Slow Down
take. The references are to other
appear as B12. But they are fool’s passages of that book . We have said it before (Oct 1999),
gold: worse, they interfere with le- but now it is official. People who
gitimate B12 absorption. Cellulite bolt their food defeat satiety signals
There is a multi-million dollar cell u- and thus overeat.
Gorilla and B12 lite industry peddling all kinds of
Q. How does the gorilla get B12 fo r creams, remedies and nostrums to Dr Kathleen Melanson, of the Uni-
his hefty body? the gullible, hopeful and vulnerabl e. versity of Rhode Island, got female
volunteers first to eat without paus-
A. The gorilla, has bacteria in his The fact is that none of it works. So ing between bites. Then, in a sepa-
colon which make B12 – and which why does cellulite happen? What rate session to chew 15 to 20
his body can make use of. Humans, does work? There is still much in- times. In b oth instances the subject
seemingly do not -- as discovered vestigation to be done. But already only stopped eating when she felt
by strict vegans who often sicken of the main principles are clear. satisfied.
B12 deficiency and even die of it. The Hormone Connection: First
of all, cellulite afflicts many more The result? F ast eaters consumed
Poppy Seed Oil 646 calories in 9 minutes. Slow
women than men. Furthermore the
Q. I live in India and poppy seed oil eaters took in 579 calories in 29
cellulite develops during hormonal
is cheap and readily available. Does
changes such as puberty, preg- minutes5. The slow eaters also felt
it have any merits? sated for longer and enjoyed thei r
nancy, menstruation and meno-
A. No. it is an o mega-6 oil (like pause. food more.
corn oil) and so is to be avoided. Moral: Eat slowly and allow those
Even men who have changed thei r
Kidney Stones sex using hormone therapy are af- satiety signals time to develop!
Q. I am 30 years old and just diag- flicted by cellulite, just like a Editorial
nosed with kidney stones. After woman. This gives the most impor-
treatment, what should I do to stop tant clue of all: cellulite is, in great Human Brain and Behavior
them recurring? part, a hormonal problem. The human brain evolved over mil-
lions of years in circumstances very
A. Kidney stones are generally And, if you’ve learned nothing else
different from those today. People
formed from calcium. Believe it o r in this book, it is this: that what
lived and worked in a small band,
not, physicians often prescribe a you put in your mouth is the great-
no larger than a few dozen. They
low calcium diet in the hope that it est force, for good or for bad, that
learned to cooperate in order to
will prevent them forming again! manipulates hormones.
survive. Genes that did not pro-
Not surprisingly, this kind of diet is In particular, cellulite sufferers mote this behavior died out. In A e-
ineffective and patients risk deve l- make hormones that disrupt circu- sop’s aphorism, “United they stood,
oping osteoporosis4. . lation in the capillaries, clog up the divided they fell.”
drains of the lymphatic system,
No, the answer lies in something There were times and condi tions
stop fat cells dissolving properl y
else: calcium leaking from the when it helped for them all to come
and disrupt connective tissue.
blood into the kidneys. The chief to believe the same thing at the
culprit is an acidic diet. This hap- We do not know yet just how this same time. And these beliefs were
pens by skimping on fruits, salads happens. But that is not necessary. not only useful, but well-founded in
and vegetables (vegetation). It is enough to pull back to the big direct experience.
picture – the mismatch b etween the
Eat vegetation in place of interloper Groups of people needed to be able
way we feed ourselves and the Sa-
(and acidic) starchy foods like cere- to cooperate in o rder to hunt effec-
vanna Mo del.
als and potato. Your diet should be tively. Primitive hunters had to
no more than 25% meat and vege- The Obesity and Physical Acti v- work together to run down large
tation should be at least 75%. ity Connections: Secondly, being beasts. And when they were at-
overweight is strongly associated tacked – ei ther by animals or other
Another factor is salt. Sodium is a
with the occurrence of cellulite. And humans - they had to work to-
fearsome antagonist of calcium and
when we say ‘overweight’ we mean gether to d efend themselves.
you should reduce your intake of
a body-fat percentage more than
salted foods to as close to zero as We can imagine where our regard
22% for women and 15% for men.
you can. for military valor came from. A tribe
That means that you have to be
Finally, drinking large volumes of lean! Finally, exercise - and good whose men-folk did not rush to its
water is a red her ring. Just continue muscle tone - are essential preve n- defense – even at the price of their
to drink water normally. lives – probably was soon exterm-
tive factors. Check out Physical Ac-
inated. It made sense, too – from
In other words, live like we say and tivity, Chapter 5. an evolutionary biology point of
you should avoid kidney stone re- Cellulite is virtually unknown view - for a man to fight to the
currence. Read more in March 2002 amongst forager peoples. Save death to defend his own tribe. The
your pocket book and instead live group was related by blood. Its
your life the way nature intended. children carried his genes.
But the attitudes and genetic condi-
tioning that made him ready and

Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program

December 2006 The Bond Effect Newsletter Page 4 of 4
able to work with a small group on as 120 minutes of continuous ten to me when you're cooking!
a local scale are ill -adapted to to- moderate-intensity effort7. Never! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY?
day’s world where population num- Training time, including recovery, Have you LOST your mind?"
bers are huge and distances i n- was 1¼ hours per week for intense The wife stared at him. "What in
creased. Today, he can still use exercisers compared to 5½ hours the world is wrong with you? You
tools, organize a f amily vacation, for endurance exercisers. Both think I don't know how to fr y a
and do a decent job. He can still groups benefited from similar couple of eggs?"
cooperate with others at work. And improvements in fitness.
he is still a member of many small- The husband replied, "I wanted you
ish collective undertakings – his Our View? This technique is a to know what it feels like when I'm
work team, his clubs, his family. valuable addition to our strategies driving."
in our battle to keep healthy.
But the skills that worked in a small From Page 1
group are worthless in a large one. However, we would caution against
We are too far from the facts to relying on it entirely. The body does Free to Be Human
form a decent judgment. Nor can require more prolonged periods of
lower intensity exercise to maintain Docs: Sleep Evaluation Vital
we tell if our leaders know what
they are talking about; we’ve never healthy bones, good lower leg But we need to get healthy sleep
been in the same room with them. circulation, healthy blood-sugar arrived at naturally – not induced
control and many other factors. by medication. See “Sleep Patterns
We are ready to cooperate, even
and Campfires” and “Sleep Deficit
ready to sacrifice ourselves fo r the Wherefore Green Eyes? in “Hunger, Hormones and Life-
good of the group; but all our in- Last month we explored the ques- style” in March 2005.
stincts and good intentions onl y tion of blue or brown eye color and
mislead us. how they are inherited. But what Upcoming Events
Latest News about green eyes? Rancho Mirage, California
Sugar/Pancreatic Cancer The answer to this apparent anom- March 14, 2007 12 noon
aly lies in an over-
Dr Susanna Larsson of Karolinska “How to Repair Nature’s Defenses
simplification. It is
Institutet, Stockholm Sw eden,
extremely rare to against Cancer”
found that people who have the
have just one gene
highest consumption of sugary soft Annenberg Theater, Eisenhower
“for” any particular
drinks are 93% more likely to Hospital, Rancho Mirage.
trait. Unusually, eye color is de-
develop pancreatic cancer than Info: [email protected]
cided nevertheless by a very small
those who had the lowest
selection of genes. This makes the 2007 Community Health Educa-
consumption. The risks are onl y
simple blue-or-brown decision tion seminar sponsored by the
slightly lower for sugar consump-
mostly predictable. Desert Comprehensive Cancer Cen-
tion itself: 69%, and sweetened fruit
However, in a small number of ter & the Walter T. Stec Memorial
smoothies: 51%6.
blue-eye cases, secondary genes Education Foundation.
Short, Intense Exercise that code for a yellow pigment, be-
In December 2005 (“One Minute come activated. The blend of yellow We wish you all the best
Per Day”) we reported on Dr Mark with blue creates various shades of health, contentment
Smith’s advice that short, intense from green thru hazel.
activity once a day can do wond ers
and prosperity in 2007!
for fitness and weight loss. Laughter the Best Medicine
Now Martin Gibala of McMaster Back Seat Driving
University, Hamilton, Canada, The husband burst into the kitchen
confirms this phenomenon. He finds where his wife was preparing eggs.
that four 30-second bursts of "all "Careful," he said, "CAREFUL! Oh
out" effort separated by 4 minutes my GOD! Turn them! TURN THEM
of recovery daily were as effective NOW! They're going to STICK!
Careful . CAREFUL! You NEVER lis-
email: [email protected]; Cancer Support Site:
Tel: +357 99 45 24 68; Skype: gvlbond; fax: +1 360 851 3662
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2006 3:3 creatic cancer in a prospective study.; Am J
1 Rothenberg, R. “Is Growth Hormone Re- 476 Clin Nutr. 2006 Nov;84(5):1171 -6.
placement for Normal Aging Safe?” Anti- 4 Borghi L Comparison of two diets for the 7 Gibala MJ; Short -term sprint interval versus
Aging Therapeutics, vol. 6. Chicago: Ameri- prevention of recurrent stones in idiopathic traditional endurance training; J Physiol.
can Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, 2004, hypercalciuria. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jan 2006 Sep 15;575(Pt 3): 901-11 .
Chapter 3. 10;346(2):77-84
2 Zee PC; Sleep and health: Everywhere and 5 North American Association for the Study of
in both d irections; Arch Intern Med. 2006 Obesity; Annual Meeting; October 2006 .
Sep 18;166(16):1686 -8; PMID: 16983044 6 Larsson SC; Consumption of sugar and
3 Andrea Salonia; Chocolate and Women's sugar-sweetened foods and the risk of pan-
Sexual Health: An Intriguing Correlation;

Always consult your doctor before undertaking any health program

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