Music: Quarter 3 - Module 2: Performance Practice During The Romantic Period

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Quarter 3 - Module 2:
Performance Practice during the
Romantic Period

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Music – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Performance Practice During the Romantic Period
First Edition, 2020

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Writer: Althea Mae B. Bongcawil, Irene R. Callo

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Reviewer: Myra A. Ambalong
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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Performance Practice during the
Romantic Period
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module will help learners study and appreciate the different performance
practices during the Romantic period. The learner is expected to research about on
how the Romantic composers used elements of music to convey the unique
performance practice of the period.

At the end of this Module the learners are expected to:
1. Discuss the setting, composition, role of composers and audience during
Romantic Era;
2. Explore other sources such as media and arts that portray Romantic
period; and
3. Perform related activities.

What I Know

Online/Offline Activity
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose your answers from the box and
write them on a separate sheet of paper.

Ludwig Van Beethoven Niccolo Paganini Romantic Period Nationalism

18-19th century song cycle symphonic poem Basso continuo
concert overture Polonaise Piano music

________ 1. He is a transitional composer between Classical to Romantic era.

________ 2. It is described as a cultural movement that valued emotions over
reason, individualism, and freedom of expression.
________ 3. This ideology is commonly reflected in the music of the Romantic Era.
________ 4. The Romantic Period begun in the late ______ century.
________ 5. It is the main genre of instrumental composition during the Romantic
________ 6. Musical composition for an orchestra which is also called Tone Poem.
________ 7. It is not a characteristic of the Romantic Period music
________ 8. Frederic Chopin’s composition that shows nationalism.
________ 9. A dance composition for piano and is famous in Poland.
________ 10. It is in free form such as fantasy, rhapsody, and nocturne.

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Performance Practice
1 During Romantic Period

What’s In

The Romantic Era has produced many composers whose names and music
are still familiar and popular today. Perhaps, the most well-known is Ludwig Van
Beethoven, although he is also considered a Classical period composer. At present,
Romantic compositions are used as background music for TV and radio shows,
events, or soundtracks for movies.

Here are some of them:

1. G. Verdi - Aida March
2. G. Rossini - William Tell Overture - Finale
3. F. Chopin -Funeral March

Are you familiar with these three (3) music? Can you tell where you usually
hear the music? What do these three (3) music have in common? Can you easily
remember their melodies? Can you hum the first few lines of the music?

What’s New

Listen carefully to Peter Tchaikovsky’s “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” from
the Nutcracker Suite.

1. How does it sound? Happy? Sad? Creepy? Excited?

2. If you will describe a sugar plum fairy, how will it look based on the music?
(Draw if possible) What dance movements are the fairy making as suggested
by the music that you listened to?
3. Which element/s of the music made it sound like a dancing sugar plum
fairy – melody, rhythm and tempo? What about the instruments used
and dynamics?

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
What is It


The vast changes in politics, society, and economy during the 19th century
have greatly affected the arts. In music, those changes caused a great shift in the
way composers create music and the audience listen to it. Changes in the political
system of Europe greatly affected the way musicians made their living. The nobility
and aristocrats, who once funded composers and orchestras, gradually lost
their powers and wealth. Concerts also became more of public events rather than
private parties of the elite or the church. Composers of the period have to do
additional work and cannot rely anymore on the patronage of the wealthy upper
class. Chopin, for example, had to teach piano rather than only focus on his career
as composer and performer. In spite of this, musicians still benefited from the
widespread of music production and consumption across different levels of society.

Houses of the middle class became important places of music making in

this period. Chamber works, music for a small group of musicians, are often
performed as entertainment in these places. The piano became the favorite
instrument for both professional and amateur musicians. Middle class families often
enrolled their children to private piano lessons. Hence, the wider public became more
exposed to music and began to acquire music literacy.

Here are some famous piano works of the period:

1. F. Chopin: Etude in E major op. 10 no. 3

2. F. Liszt: Liebestraum

Are they familiar to you? Have you heard of this music over the radio, in
movies or the television? In the first minute of Chopin’s Etude no. 3, what feelings
or emotions does it express? How did Chopin’s music give you that feeling? Briefly
explain your answer.

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
In comparison to Classical composers, Romantic composers make music that
evoke emotional expression exposing their innermost thoughts in the belief that
music, particularly instrumental music, can convey ideas and feelings that cannot
be put into words. The Romantic music genre called tone poem or symphonic poem
best captured this idea. Tone poem or symphonic poem is a kind of program music
commonly written for orchestra which is inspired by ideas or scenes from stories,
poems and even sceneries. To convey these ideas, composers made use for a much
wider range of dynamics, varied articulation markings, and chromatic harmonies.
Moreover, the size of the orchestra became relatively bigger and other instrument
groups within the orchestra such as woodwinds and percussion were given main
parts of the piece. For the next succeeding years, composers preferred to compose
instrumental music over vocal music. Thus, the Romantic period paved the way for
the rise of prestige of instrumental music.

The Romantic era is also notable because of the rise of the virtuoso. The
concept of the virtuoso, one who is highly skilled in arts, was highlighted and
redefined during this period. The virtuoso became a title associated with a performer
having a highly technical and sophisticated skill in music so brilliant that he/she is
able to mesmerize the audience. Notable virtuosos of the period include violinist
Nicolo Paganini and pianist Franz Liszt.

Here is an example of a piece composed by Liszt, inspired by the virtuosic

violin playing of Paganini. It is considered to be one of the most difficult pieces written
for the piano.

1. Lizst: Etude no. 3 from the 6 Grandes Etudes de Paganini


CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
What made Niccolo Paganini a virtuoso? Research about the life and works of
Niccolo Paganini and give 5 reasons why he was considered a virtuoso. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________


What are the other works of Franz Liszt? Give 3 piano works of F. Liszt. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________

Niccolo Paganini Franz Liszt Johannes Brahms


CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
A lot of program music were composed and became famous during that time.
Some of the notable ones were set to ballet like Peter Illych Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker
Suite” and Camille Saint-Saens’ “Carnival of Animals”.

Here is an example of a ballet performance of a movement from Saint-Saens

“Carnival of Animals”

 C. Saint-Saens: The Swan from the Carnival of Animals Suite

Does the sound music depict a swan? If yes, how? If no, which animal do you think
it depicts and why?

Romantic composers felt free to stretch and twist the Classical Musical Forms.
They were searching for a way to grow their identity through their songs, one that
was familiar to the audience.

What’s More

Self-expression is popular during the Romantic Period and often came out as
patriotic love for local traditions during a time of war.
Identify the nationality of these Romantic composers:
1. Frederic Chopin-
2. Franz Lizst-
3. Johannes Brahms-
4. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky-
5. Hector Belioz-
6. Jean Sibelius-

Activity 1
Directions: Listen to Edvard Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite no. 1 -1 (Morning Mood) and
answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Is the music vocal or instrumental?

2. What kind of ensemble performed the piece?
3. Approximately how many players are there?
4. In the first few lines of the music which family of instruments is playing?
5. Is the melody easy to recognize? Can you hum it? (performance)
6. What do you think is the overall theme/story of the piece? (Describe it briefly
in 2-3 sentences.)

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Activity 2
Directions: Listen to Cecile Licad performing Frederic Chopin’s Etude op. 10 no.12
(0:00-2:30) and answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. What do you imagine upon listening to the music?

2. What instrument is used?
3. Does the music sound simple? or complex?
4. Were you amazed by how she performed the music?
5. Describe briefly the manner in which the pianist performed
(movements, appearance, gestures, etc.)
6. Would you consider her a virtuoso? why?

Activity 3
Directions: Describe in 2-3 sentences the painting below. What does the painting
say about the middle-class family during the Romantic period? Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

(James Gillray: Farmer Giles & His Wife Shewing off their Daughter Betty to their
Neighbors, on her Return from School)

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
What I Have Learned

Activity 1: My Composers Album

Directions: Make a photo album of different Romantic Period composers. Write

captions and other important facts about the composer. Explore your artistic
imagination by making your album informative and colorful.

Activity 2

Directions: Based on the information provided in the “What Is It” section of the
module (page 8), create a mind/concept map about the performance practice during
the Romantic period.

Guide questions:

1. What are the important changes in society during the Romantic period?
2. What genres of music emerged during the period?
3. How are the changes in the society related to music?
4. Who are the prominent personalities in the period?

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Rubric for Mind/Concept Map

Developing Proficient Exemplary
Criteria Proficiency
1 2 3 4
Concepts and
Knowledge of
Ability to

What I Can Do

Differentiated activity
Directions: Listen to the first 2 minutes of Camile Saint-Saëns' Symphonic Poem
“Danse Macabre” and choose one activity which you feel best suits your talent and
a. Draw/Paint what you imagine while listening to the music (visual)
b. Compose a short story or poem about the music (literary verbal)
c. Associate dance movements to the music (Kinesthetic)

Rubric for painting activity

Shows some Art work Art work reflects
evidence of reflects a great/ high
originality. originality. level of
Art work is Art work is Art work is
somewhat neat and impeccable and
CRAFTSMANSHIP messy. shows little shows no
evidence of evidence of
smudge. smudge.
Art work Art work Art work shows
lacks shows good mastery of
technique. technique. advanced

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Rubric for short story


Details and Most details Strong dialogue,
examples are are relevant in significant,
irrelevant or revealing the descriptive
are missing. setting and details reveal the
characters. character and
The writer The writer The writer sets
does not set vaguely the scene by
up what the presents the introducing the
ORGANIZATION story is characters, characters,
about. setting, or setting, or action
action. in a memorable
Common Spelling, Spelling,
words are capitalization, capitalization,
misspelled and and punctuation
CONVENTIONS and almost all punctuation are correct.
punctuation are sometimes Grammar and
is missing or incorrect. usage are
incorrect. correct.

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Rubric for dance presentation


Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
some knowledge of excellent
knowledge of movement knowledge of
movement, and performs choreography
and with few and performs
performance errors. movement free of
has many errors.
Dancer uses Dancer uses Dancer uses
little face and facial and their face and
body body body to fully
STAGE expressions expressions express the
PRESENCE when when intent of the
performing performing. movement.
Has some Shows Shows a full
knowledge of understanding understanding of
rhythm and of rhythm and rhythm and
timing, but timing by timing by staying
speeds staying on on beat for the
up/and or beat entire dance.
slows down throughout
many times most of the
throughout dance.
the dance.

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2


Online/Offline Activity.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose your answers from the box and
write them on a separate sheet of paper.

Ludwig Van Beethoven Niccolo Paganini Romantic Period Nationalism

18-19th century song cycle symphonic poem Basso continuo

concert overture Polonaise Piano music

________ 1. This ideology is commonly reflected in the music of the Romantic Era.
________ 2. He is a transitional composer between Classical to Romantic era.
________ 3. It is described as a cultural movement that valued emotions over
reason, individualism, and freedom of expression.
________ 4. It is the main genre of instrumental composition during the Romantic
________ 5. The Romantic Period begun in the late ______ century.
________ 6. It is not a characteristic of the Romantic Period music.
________ 7. Musical composition for an orchestra which is also called Tone Poem.
________ 8. It is in free form such as fantasy, rhapsody, and nocturne.
________ 9. Frederic Chopin’s composition that shows nationalism.
_______ 10. A dance composition for piano and is famous in Poland.

Additional Activities

Make a photo album of the performance practice during the Romantic period.
You may write captions and other important facts about the events, celebrations and
other intriguing information about the music of the Romantic period. Explore your
artistic imagination by making your album informative and colourful.

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
Assessment Assessment
Pre-Assessment Post-Test
1. Ludwig Van Beethoven 1. Nationalism
2. Romantic Period 2. Ludwig Van Beethoven
3. Nationalism 3. Romantic Period
4. 18th to 19th Century 4. Symphonic poem
5. Symphonic poem 5. 18th to 19th Century
6. Song Cycle 6. Basso Continuo
7. Basso Continuo 7. Song Cycle
8. Niccolo Paganini 8. Concert Overture
9. Polonaise 9. Niccolo Paganini
10. Concert Overture 10. Polonaise
Answer Key

A. Book

Learner’s Material for Music and Arts 9

B. Electronic Sources

CO_Q3_Music 9_ Module 2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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