Modelling and Simulation of Online Partial Discharge Measurement For Medium Voltage Power Cable

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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2020, pp. 427~435

ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v9i2.2076  427

Modelling and simulation of online partial discharge

measurement for medium voltage power cable

A. Z. Abdullah1, M. Isa2, M. N. K. H. Rohani3, H. A. Hamid4, M. H. Amlus5, N. Azizan6

1,2,3,4 High
Voltage Transient & Insulation Health (HVTrans) Group, Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy
(CERE), School of Electrical System Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
5,6 Faculty Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) Padang Besar Perlis, Malaysia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper presents the modelling of the online partial discharge (PD)
measurement of the medium voltage (MV) power cable. Recently,
Received Nov 15, 2019 PD monitoring trends are rapidly increasing due to high demand on reliable
Revised Jan 4, 2019 systems. Degradation are mainly due to the presence of PD in the high
Accepted Feb 6, 2020 voltage power equipment used. PD measurement is therefore a highly
recommended task to early detection of the degradation insulation for high
voltage (HV) equipment in order to avoid breakdowns. Real network
Keywords: modelling is necessary to improvise system design in order to find
the efficiency in a real power system network. In this paper, modelling
Measurement focuses on a real distribution network by applying Rogowski coil (RC)
Modelling as a detection sensor to trigger PD activity. The simulation is performed to
Partial discharge determine the functionality and reliability of the system with the RC
Power cable application in the network. The analysis is performed in the ATP-EMTP
Rogowski coil and MATLAB Simulink software environments. In addition, this paper
Simulink contributed to justify the approach of a simplified PD sensor
and measurement system. This PD measurement system provides a complete
solution in the context of condition-oriented monitoring for the ability to
apply the RC to trigger PD activity in the power distribution network.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
A. Z. Abdullah,
School of Electrical System Engineering,
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP),
Kampus Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]

The condition monitoring system plays an important role in ensuring that the electrical supply
network operates efficiently. The electrical supply worldwide runs simultaneously at 24 hours and 7 days
a week, particularly on the side of MV. As a result, various components of MV electrical power face
environmental stress [1]. Condition-based monitoring of the power system needs the best part and equipment
infrastructure that is reliable when efficient maintenance is performed [2]. Early information on possible
breakdowns in online mode is considered to be crucial, particularly for PD in HV equipment [3-4].
As a result, utility providers continue to strive to find ways to increase the efficiency of the electricity
supply’s continuity [5-7].
One of the key components is the MV underground power cable for distribution networks.
This element is usually subjected to stress, including electrical, thermal, mechanical and environmental
stress, which contributes significantly to the deterioration of its insulation [8-9]. Degradation insulation in
MV underground cable is highly proven by PD activities [3]. PD is a localized discharge that only partially

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428  ISSN: 2302-9285

bridges the insulation between the conductor and may or may not occur adjacent to the conductor [10].
The high precision of the PD measurement system is essential for capturing PD activity as it occurs in
the short duration of current pulses, usually for only a few nanoseconds [11-13, 14]. PD usually occurs before
the breakdown indicates that PD monitoring can be a good system to install, with reference to data from [15].
The data collected through the PD monitoring system can also keep the insulation system stable in real-time.
It is therefore possible to improve reliability, performance, equipment security and costs. The traditional
method is to use off-line measurement where the routine is disrupted. It will be more economical to inspect
the equipment without interrupting the whole system. Online PD assessment is the best way to ensure
the optimum quality of PD analysis [2,7,16,17]. The standard PD measurement refers to IEC 60270 [18],
which provided a complete measure requirement. The main advantage of the PD measurement is the early
detection of PD activity, which can prevent the equipment from breaking down [19–21].
At present, the traditional PD sensors are saturated, tremendous, bulky, low sensitivity, and high
cost compared to Rogowski coils (RC), such as High-Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT) and Coupling
Capacitor (CC)[22]. The PD behavior will be measured by the current pulse when the RC is clamped around
the supply cable [6, 23]. Whereas online measurements also have drawbacks, such as the need to collect data
manually and take an enormous amount of time and human power [24-25]. Over the last few years,
PD measurement has attracted increasing attention due to the high efficiency and reliability
of the system[26-27]. In this paper, therefore, the modelling and simulation of online PD measurements for
medium voltage power cables in order to identify the capability of the RC sensor performed in a real network
has been successful with the significant PD waveform. The apparent conversion of the charge was also
introduced, indicating a good result of the simulation. It is therefore clear that the RC sensor developed
is suitable for use on-site with high advantages for the user.

Although realistic findings from PD measurements and test samples are the main source for research
and analysis of the PD phenomenon, modelling and simulation often play an important role in PD studies.
A reliable PD model can save time for realistic experiments that can be performed over hours or days and can
predict insulation life without repetitive, long term tests. This modelling system is developed by reference to
the standard IEC 60270. The RC [28] is used as a modelling measurement sensor. Figure 1(a) shows
the complete model of a 70 km power distribution network using the J-Marti model, and Figure 1(b) shows
the three phase RC model using the EMTP-ATP software. The network consists of a 33 kV power source,
a 33/11 kV step-down transformer, a 300 mm2 XLPE underground cables and loads. The network
is designed on the basis of a real network to justify the ability of the RC sensor to detect PD activity.


Figure 1. (a) Model of 70 km of real power distribution network using EMTP-ATP

Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2020 : 427 – 435
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  429


Figure 1. (b) Model of Rogowski coil for a three-phase system (continue)

The RC sensor model, as shown in Figure 1(b), has a very large frequency response and there is no
conductive coupling between the coil sensors and the test element. Furthermore, the installation of the coil
does not require the grounding leads of the test items to be disconnected and thus becomes a non-intrusive
sensor which is very useful for on-site measurement online. The PD pulse model, as shown in Figure 2,
was designed on the basis of the specific parameters indicated in Table 1 and used in the Fortran expressions
by the implemented equation (1). The simulation is then communicated to the feeder as a TACS-controlled
current source type 60 to generate multiple PD pulse [28]. The PD pulse is injected into the network at leg
four as shown in Figure 1(a), while the RC model is connected to the points P (11 km), Q (7 km), R (1.5 km)
and S (15.5 km) from the PD pulse to find the output trigger.
( 𝑡−𝑡0 ) 2.2( 𝑡−𝑡0 )
𝑖(𝑡) = 𝐴[10−1.3 𝜏 − 10− 𝜏 ] (1)

Where: A is the amplitude of the PD pulse

to is the time of PD occurrence
𝜏 is the damping factor of the PD pulse

Table 1. Parameter PD pulse

No A(mA) to(μs) 𝜏(μs)
1 14.83 30 0.08
2 13.50 60 0.08
3 12.75 90 0.08

Figure 2. The model of PD pulse

Modelling and simulation of online partial discharge… (A. Z. Abdullah)
430  ISSN: 2302-9285

2.1. Apparent charge conversion

The captured PD data is primarily an oscillatory voltage pulse that needs to be processed in order to
obtain PD characteristics such as peak value, apparent charge, phase position, repeat rate, and PD energy.
The apparent charge q(t) enters into the system due to PDs is given as:
𝑞(𝑡) = ∫ 𝑖(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 = −
∬ 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 2 (2)

Where: Vout(t) is the oscillating voltage appearing at the output terminals of the sensor
M is the mutual inductance of the RC, which is taken as 200 nH in this work
i(t) is the current flowing in the conductor due to PDs
IEC 60270 and IEEE standard states that the standard unit for measuring PD signal uses an apparent
charge instead of voltage[29]. Regular modeling and measurement only produce output in mV unit.
It is therefore necessary to convert to a charging unit. Using the above steps and the mathematical expression
of the equation (2), the following Simulink model was modelled, as shown in Figure 3, to measure the PD
magnitude of the load unit by the RC. The input (data3) is taken from simulation results in previous work,
as mention in modelling of the measurement, and from the integral process performed to obtain the charging
part. The filtering process uses a Butterworth type referring to the suggestion of previous researchers [30].
The mutual inductance of the coil is independent of its position around the cable [30]. The constant value
of M (200 nH) is therefore used for calculations and modelling.

Figure 3. modelling for PD measurement in charge unit using MATLAB simulink

Simulation is performed in EMTP-ATP and MATLAB Simulink for both measurement
and conversion. The model was run several times at each location of the RC used, and the highest and stable
values were taken into account. It was set to inject the PD pulse with 3.2 V, as shown in Figure 4 into
the network location, and was repeated at least 3 times at each detected location to ensure that a correct PD
pattern was captured.

Figure 4. Output for the PD pulse model

Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2020 : 427 – 435
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  431

As a result, the PD signal is present at all measured locations P, Q, R and S with significant value,
which is capable of clarifying the quality and distance of the PD detected from the PD source. The result
shows the amplitude of the PD signal detected in the time domain while the result of the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) is the frequency response on the PD signal. The simulation results of PD measurements
are shown in Figures 5-8 and summarised in Table 2. It is shown that the PD signal is detected at the highest
amplitude of 13.13 mV and 0.0127 in FFT at location R, as shown in Figure 5. This means that the PD signal
detected is closest to the PD source. While the amplitude value at location S is the lowest in Figure 8 with
only 0.5442 mV, since the RC distance from the PD source is very far (15.5 km) compared to location P
(7 km) with 1.089 mV and location Q (11 km) with 1.089 mV. The FFT result represents the frequency
response of the RC to the PD signal. Most of FFT result shows in range more than 10 MHz fulfil the standard
PD characteristic. This result can lead to the conclusion that RC sensors can be used in real networks capable
of showing very significant trigger value, and that data can also be used to determine the exact location
of the PD.

Figure 5. PD signal in time and frequency domain detected at point R (1.5 km)

Figure 6. PD signal in time and frequency domain detected at point Q (11 km)

Modelling and simulation of online partial discharge… (A. Z. Abdullah)

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Figure 7. PD signal in time and frequency domain detected at point P (7 km)

Figure 8. PD signal in time and frequency domain detected at point S (15.5 km)

Table 2. Result of Simulations

Location Distance Amplitude (mV) Amplitude FFT
P 11 km 1.089 0.001593
Q 7 km 2.634 0.002284
R 1.5 km 13.13 0.01271
S 15.5 km 0.5442 0.0003492

The step-by-step conversion of the apparent PD load measured using the MATLAB Simulink model
is shown in Figure 9. The input data Figure 9 (a) in the mV value is imported from the measurement data to
the model in Figure 3. Then filtering process using the Butterworth type is used at the next stage
in Figure 9 (b) to eliminate noise. Two stages of integral are used to define the average value of the PD signal
as shown in Figures 9 (c) and (d). Finally, the significant charging unit set out in Figure 9 (e) represents
the charging unit in Pico Coulomb (pC) that meets the requirements of this work. The last value
of the apparent charge in the measured cable is about 2500 pC, indicating the high enough of the discharge
activity. From this, the correct PD signal can be identified or the noise signal has been detected.

Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2020 : 427 – 435
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  433

Figure 9. Apparent charges of PD measurements using MATLAB Simulink, (a) Input data in mV,
(b) After filtering, (c) After first integral, (d) After second integral, (e) Apparent charge output

This paper presents the modelling and simulation of the online partial discharge (PD) measurement
of the medium voltage (MV) power cable. The objective of checking the ability of RC to detect PD activity
in a real distribution network has been successfully archived. The model of the RC sensors, the PD pulse
and the actual 70 km network function properly during simulation produces a clear and significant result.
It shows that the PD signal in the power cable modelled along the network can be triggered by the result
of the RC sensor. The PD amplitude detected was at the highest of 13.13 mV and the lowest at 0.54 mV,
depending on the location of the RC and the PD pulse. It was clearly indicated that the nearest RC to the PD
pulse would produce the highest amplitude and frequency response. Finally, the modelling of PD
measurement can be further improved and explore since it gave a significant result. Finally, the modelling
of the PD measurement can be further improved and explored as it has yielded significant results. This will
make the actual measurement easier to perform and will help improve the ability to detect PD in the medium
voltage power cable.

The authors are grateful to Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) for the equipment support,
and to the Ministry of Higher Education for their support through the SLAB scheme.

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Ahmad Zaidi Bin Abdullah was born in Kedah, Malaysia, in 1981. He received his B.Eng
(Hons.) degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering from the University Malaysia Perlis and his
M.Eng degree in Electrical Power from the University Tenaga Nasional. He is currently pursuing
a Ph.D. at Universiti Malaysia Perlis. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Universiti Malaysia
Perlis. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Engineer Malaysia and Institute Engineer
Malaysia. His main research interest is high-voltage engineering, power transformer, and on-line
partial discharge monitoring.

Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2020 : 427 – 435
Bulletin of Electr Eng & Inf ISSN: 2302-9285  435

Muzamir Bin Isa was born in Perlis, Malaysia, in 1979. He received a B.Eng (Hons.) degree in
Electrical Engineering from University Teknologi Malaysia, a M.Eng in Electrical Power from
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, and a Ph.D. in Power Systems and High Voltage
Engineering from Aalto University, Finland. He is a member of the board of engineers of
Malaysia. Its main research interest is high-voltage engineering, power transformer, and on-line
partial discharge monitoring.

Mohamad Nur Khairul Hafizi Rohani was born in 1989 in Johor, Malaysia. He has received
the B.Eng. (Hons.) Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering and Ph.D. from University
Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia, 2013. His research interests are the design of sensors based on partial
discharge measurements for online condition components.

Haziah Binti Abd Hamid received her first and master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 1999 and 2002 respectively. She received a Ph.D. in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Cardiff University, UK, in 2012. She is a senior
lecturer and currently holds the position of Dean at the School of Electrical Systems
Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia. Her main research interests include high
voltage transients, insulation systems and earthing systems.

Muhammad Harith Bin Amlus is a lecturer at the School of Business and Technology at
the University Malaysia Perlis. He received a Ph.D. in Management and a Masters in Science
Technology from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), B.Eng. (Hons.) Manufacturing at Universiti
Teknikal Malaysia. His research interests lie in the re-engineering and innovation
of manufacturing industries process.

Nurhafiza bt Azizan was born in 1982 in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. She’s received a B.Eng.
(Hons.) Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering and Master’s degree in Electrical Power
Engineering from University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia. She has worked at the Faculty
of Engineering Technology as a Vocational Training Official. Registered as Professional
Technology (Ts), her research interests include power systems and energy management systems.

Modelling and simulation of online partial discharge… (A. Z. Abdullah)

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