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Original Article

Preclinical evaluation of antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted

preparations of capsaicin alkaloids (CP‑10), tumor necrosis
factor‑alpha, and Magnesium phosphoricum in wistar rats
Rajesh Shah1*, Sadhana Sathaye2
Department of Research and Development, Life Force, 2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, ICT, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Background: The use of animal models in the development of new medicine and research is common in the conventional medicine. Animal
model for new drug discovery and efficacy testing for preclinical research is explored in Homoeopathy only by a few. This study explores the
possibility to test in a controlled way the effects of homoeopathic remedies on experimental model of acute inflammation in rats. Methods:
Wistar rats were divided into seven groups (seventy rats of 6–8 weeks’ age); medicines were evaluated by oral administration in the Complete
Freund’s adjuvant (CFA)‑induced arthritis. Two new homoeopathic preparations, a combination of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin (CP‑10),
tumor necrosis factor‑alpha (TNF‑α), and one existing homoeopathic medicine, Magnesium phosphoricum (0.6 ml oral), were evaluated against
vehicle control using Diclofenac as a standard. Edema was measured using a water‑based plethysmometer, before and at different times after
arthritis induction. Results: Magnesium phosphoricum showed good results, almost similar to Diclofenac at days 7 and 21, whereas CP‑10
and TNF‑α showed nonsignificant results. The body processes reversed the inflammatory condition on day 7 onward indicated by similar
paw volume of all the treatments. Arthritic index was higher with negative control, which was decreased by CP‑10 although nonsignificantly
on days 7 and 21. Diclofenac and Magnesium phosphoricum showed significant reduction in arthritic index on days 7 and 21. Conclusion:
Ultra‑diluted homoeopathic preparations of Magnesium phosphoricum exhibited definite antiarthritic activity. The same could have been
confirmed studying the levels of inflammatory biomarkers in a study with longer treatment period.

Keywords: Arthritic index, Capsaicin, Complete Freund’s adjuvant, Magnesium Phosphoricum, Tumor necrosis factor‑alpha, Homoeopathy,
Ultra‑dilute potency

Introduction are the plant alkaloids, potentized up to 30c potency using

a standardized potentizer.[2] TNF‑α (cachexin or cachectin)
Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the
is a cell signaling protein (cytokine) involved in systemic
principle of “like cures like” Homoeopathy rests on the premise
inflammation. This particular preparation is sourced from
of treating diseases with extremely ultra‑diluted medicinal
human TNF‑α procured from Sigma Aldrich. Homoeopathic
agents that, in undiluted doses are deemed to produce similar
potencies were prepared by a serial dilution of 1:99, where
disease symptoms in healthy individuals. Acceptance in the
one part of the drug substance is mixed with 99 parts of
effectiveness of Homoeopathy in general is widespread and
vehicle (alcohol) and exposed to ten mechanical strokes, to
growing among the physicians and public.[1]
make 1c potency. Again, one part of 1c potency is mixed with
The present study was undertaken to investigate the antiarthritic, 99 parts of vehicle to undergo the same process to arrive at
anti‑inflammatory effect of three homoeopathic preparations in
ultra‑dilute 30C potencies in animal model: (1) a combination *Address for correspondence: Dr. Rajesh Shah,
of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin, (2) tumor necrosis Life Force, 411 Krushal Commercial Complex, GM Road, Chembur,
Mumbai ‑ 400 089, Maharashtra, India.
factor‑alpha (TNF‑α), and (3) Magnesium phosphoricum. E‑mail: [email protected]
For blinding, the formulations were coded as formulation
I, II, and III, respectively. Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
Access this article online and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new
Quick Response Code: creations are licensed under the identical terms.
For reprints contact: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Shah R, Sathaye S. Preclinical evaluation of

DOI: antiarthritic activity of ultra-diluted preparations of capsaicin alkaloids
10.4103/0974-7168.200848 (CP-10), tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and Magnesium phosphoricum in
wistar rats. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2017;11:34-40.

34 © 2017 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Shah and Sathaye: Antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted preparations

2C potency. Likewise, 30C, 200C, and more potencies were group, and 10 mg/kg of Diclofenac every day for 21 days by
prepared. oral route. Animals were kept nil by mouth for 15 minutes
before the drug administration.
In this study, the antiarthritic activity of the three
potentized (30C) medicines was compared with Diclofenac (10 Evaluation of the severity of arthritis
mg/kg, source- Sigma Aldrich). The selection of medicines Severity of arthritis was evaluated based on the following
was based on the fundamental principle of Homoeopathy “like parameters, namely, body weight, paw volume, arthritic index,
cures like” and the phenomenon of hormesis, which state that and mechanical pain threshold. All animals were treated with
the substance known to produce inflammation or pain may CFA except normal control animals, and evaluation parameters
have built‑in capacity to relieve the same, if administered in were assessed before adjuvant injection and then on days 7,
small dose. The author had done anecdotal work using the new 14, and 21 after adjuvant injection. The body weights of all
homoeopathic preparations used in this study, where he had the rats were recorded, and the paw volumes were measured
observed activity against inflammation and arthritis. using a Digital Plethysmometer (UGO Basile [SRL], biological
research apparatus, 21025 Comerio VA Italy, Model 7141).
Materials and Methods For arthritic index, the physical symptoms of arthritis were
evaluated by the Arthritic Index Grading System [Table 1].
Animals The animals were sacrificed as per the approved method of
Male and female Albino Wistar rats (180–200 g) were procured euthanasia at the end of study.
from Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical, Parel, Mumbai, and housed
under a controlled environment (room temperature: 23 ± 2°C, Arthritis index[4] for each group was calculated by adding the
relative humidity: 60  ±  5%, 12  h day/night cycle) with scores for each rat. Mechanical pain threshold was assessed
balanced diet and water ad libitum. The animals were using external mechanical force. The mechanical pain
acclimatized for a period of 1 week and were kept under threshold of hind paw was determined by compressing the paw
pathogen‑free conditions. All animal experiments were using a custom‑designed balance pressure apparatus consisting
approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), of conical tip of 1 mm diameter. The load on the conical tip
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, ICT, was gradually increased and the load cell allowed visualization
Mumbai (ICT/IAEC/2012/P‑39). on the digital display of the force applied at each moment of
the test in grams. The threshold force of rats squeaking or
Complete Freund’s adjuvant‑induced arthritis struggling was expressed in grams.
Arthritis was induced in rats by injecting 0.1  ml of fine
emulsion of complete Freund’s adjuvant  (CFA) in olive Statistical analysis
oil  (1:2, v/v)  (at a concentration of 0.25  mg heat‑killed The results were expressed as the mean for the parametric
Mycobacterium tuberculosis per milliliter of emulsion) in the data sets and as the median minimum, maximum for the
subplantar surface of rats’ left hind foot.[3-5] Equal amount of nonparametric data sets. The significant difference between
saline was injected at the same site of the right foot. Arthritis the means (parametric) was evaluated by one‑way ANOVA
was induced in all the animals except normal control. followed by Dunnett’s post hoc multiple comparison test for
A volume of 0.1 ml saline was injected in both paws of the normal data.
normal control animals. All rats were randomly divided into
seven groups each containing 5 males (M) and 5 females (F). Results
Group I: normal control (distilled water), Group II: CFA‑induced arthritis in rats is used as a model to evaluate
vehicle control (dispensing alcohol), Group III: untreated the antiarthritic activity of drugs in preclinical research. CFA
control  (CFA), Group  IV: homoeopathic formulation I induces a chronic immune‑mediated inflammation similar
Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin 30C, Group V: homoeopathic to arthritis characterized by elevation of pro‑inflammatory
formulation TNF‑α 30C, Group VI: homoeopathic formulation mediators and development of swelling, pain, and deformity of
Magnesium phosphoricum 30C, and Group VII: Diclofenac. joints. Inflammation was indicated by increase in paw volume.
Dosage preparation and administration The reduction in inflammation due to treatment was indicated
Homoeopathic formulations Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin by decreased paw volume for evaluation of therapeutic efficacy
and TNF-α in 30C potency and the vehicle control (Curative of the drug, administered in the ultra‑diluted form.
Power Lab Ltd., dispensing alcohol 91%  v/v, Batch
number: HD‑18, Mfg. date: February 2013) were supplied Table 1: Arthritic index grading system
by Life Force Homeopathy, Mumbai, India. Formulation Redness and nodules in ear None=0, visible=1
Magnesium phosphoricum in 30C potency, liquid dilution, Swelling of connective tissue of nose None=0, visible=1
was sourced from Dr.  Willmar Schwabe India Pvt Nodules in tail None=0, visible=1
Ltd. (Batch Number: 2981299, Mfg. date: November 2009) Forepaw inflammation None=0, slight=1,
CFA was obtained from Haffkine Biopharmaceuticals, Parel, moderate=2 and marked=3
Mumbai (Lot number 098K8729). The rats received 0.6 ml Hind paw inflammation None=0, slight=1,
of homoeopathic formulation or vehicle, in each respective moderate=2 and marked=3

Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy  ¦  Volume 11 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017 35

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Shah and Sathaye: Antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted preparations

Body weight on days 7 and 21 although not significantly. Diclofenac and

No significant difference was observed with respect to negative formulation Magnesium phosphoricum showed a significant
control in both male and female rats, and a good increase in weight reduction in arthritic index on days 7 and 21 [Table 2].
on days 7, 14, and 21 indicated normal growth in all the groups. Formulation Magnesium phosphoricum exhibited similar
response as that of standard Diclofenac on day 7.
Paw volume
In the acute phase of arthritic inflammation on day 1, Similar to the paw volume, a trend in nonsignificant rise in
homoeopathic formulation Magnesium phosphoricum the arthritic index was seen in all the groups, probably due
indicated a significant reduction in inflammation by reduced to the immunological process systemically. It is extremely
paw volume, similar to standard Diclofenac. Homoeopathic important to plan a further study with an increase in the
formulations Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin and II also duration of administration of the homoeopathic formulation
showed a nonsignificant reduction in inflammation similar to evaluate if on a longer administration the symptoms could
to negative control. The body processes reversed this reverse significantly.
inflammatory phase as seen by decrease in inflammation P value was calculated using paired t‑test for all the
by the negative control on day 7. A nonsignificant rise in three formulations as compared to vehicle control and
the inflammation was seen with homoeopathic formulations negative control. It was noted that the statistical significant
on day 21, especially with the formulation TNF-α, which results (P < 0.05) were obtained with formulation Magnesium
was not seen with Diclofenac, suggestive of the continued phosphoricum as compared to vehicle control in male rats. In
primary action of the formulation. Such an increase is case of Diclofenac, statistical significant results  (P  <  0.05)
peculiar of ultra‑dilute homoeopathic formulation, as per were observed in female rats as compared to vehicle control
the homoeopathic principle of “like cures like,” where and negative control.
initial effect (inflammation index) caused by the medicinal
substance gets reduced subsequently by secondary Mechanical pain
effect[6] (which could be body’s defense mechanism), leading A decreased pain threshold in negative control  (CFA)
to anti‑inflammatory effect  [Figures 1 and 2]. This study on day 7 indicated induction of arthritic process,
has demonstrated the initial (primary) effect of formulation i.e., immune‑mediated inflammation. No drug treatment could
TNF-α by increasing the inflammation, which could have reverse this significantly as compared to negative control
possibly reversed on further continuation of treatment. on day 7, indicating induction of arthritis and subsequent
pain. Reversal of mechanical pain threshold in negative
Formulation Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin 30C is an control group on day 14 indicated natural body process
alkaloid which is known to produce pain and inflammation, toward recovery although none of the drugs could alleviate
not only in crude form but also in high dilution dose as the decreased pain threshold. On day 21, negative control
seen in a Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trial  (HPT).[7] The groups almost reversed back the decreased pain threshold
same compound has also demonstrated anti‑pain and to normal. Diclofenac, too, increased the pain threshold,
anti‑inflammatory effects with 30C potency on a range of indicating good analgesic, anti‑inflammatory activity.
painful conditions in a clinical trial.[8] The current study has None of the homoeopathic formulations could alleviate
produced similar effects in an animal model. Longer study to the pain threshold to normal by day 21 [Figures 3 and 4].
explore this phenomenon can be conducted in future. Continuation of treatment further could probably alleviate
Arthritic index the pain threshold, relieving the arthritic symptoms. This
Arthritic index was higher with negative control which was corresponds to the other parameters as discussed before,
decreased by formulation Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin where a rise in paw volume and arthritic index was seen in
the homoeopathic treatment groups.

Figure 1: Male rat paw volume Figure 2: Female rat paw volume

36 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy  ¦  Volume 11  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-March 2017

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Shah and Sathaye: Antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted preparations

Discussion anti‑inflammatory activity during the acute phase of

inflammation. Administration of ultra‑dilute potency of
The medicinal substances sourced from different
TNF‑α, which is a pro‑inflammatory cytokine, exhibited
materials (herbs, minerals, and biological) are known to act
an increase in paw volume on day 21 [Figure 1]. Although
differently, as observed in clinical homoeopathic practice.
this increase is not statistically significant, a trend toward
It is a common observation that medicines from herbs have
rise in inflammation is seen as compared to the vehicle
quicker and shorter span of action; medicines from minerals
control and also to its own activity on days 7 and 14,
and metals (depending on the exact ingredient) have slow or
indicating that the formulation in ultra‑dilute potency
fast but longer duration of action; while those from animal
was capable of producing inflammation showing that it
source (many subvarieties) may take longer time to act and
acted and produced biological changes, as compared to
the action may last longer.[9,10] Of course, there are many
the control.
other factors that determine the duration of action. Usually,
the medicines sourced from biological materials take longer High‑dilution medicinal substances are known to induce
duration to set in action, as compared to the mineral and plant biological changes and hence symptoms as primary action,
materials. Different formulations having different actions need which are observed in HPTs.[7] As per the homoeopathic
further exploration.[11] principle and hypothesis, the therapeutic effect of the medicinal
substance is through the secondary action of the organism,
Our understanding about formulation Magnesium
which is observed once the primary stimulus (formulation) is
phosphoricum  (a tissue salt) is based on clinical experience,
withdrawn. The constant increase in inflammation in case of
where it is known to work quickly. It has been in use as an
TNF‑α till day 21, in comparison with the control group, could
analgesic. It seems that the primary action of this magnesium
be the continued primary action of the formulation. It may be
compound may have been quick and short, quickly followed by
hypothesized that on discontinuing the stimulus, there could
the secondary action. Formulation Magnesium phosphoricum
have been possible reduction in inflammation as a secondary
did not undergo HPT.[12] Interesting to note that magnesium
action of the organism. Further studies in this direction alone
compounds showed efficacy in pain relief when administered
could bring insight in this phenomenon.
in crude form.[13,14] Intravenous MgSO4 infusion has shown
analgesic effect. The magnesium compound showed It was noted that the homoeopathic formulations were
anti‑inflammatory efficacy in ultra‑diluted form in this study. administered three times a day, while Diclofenac was
This calls for further study. administered only once a day. Since the handling of animals is
known to tire the animals, it might affect the results. In future
The significant reduction in paw volume by homoeopathic
studies doses may be maintained identical.
formulation Magnesium phosphoricum indicated its

Figure 3: Mechanical pain (male) Figure 4: Mechanical pain (female)

Table 2: Arthritic Index for different groups

Days Normal Vehicle control Negative (Caps alkaloids (TNF-a 30C) (Mag phos 30C) Diclofenac
Control (Alcohol) control 30C)
Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Day 7 0 0 2.4 3 3.2 2.6 2.2 2 3.2 3.4 1.5 1.4 1.25 1.4
Day 14 0 0 3 2.25 2.6 2.4 3 2 3.75 2.5 2.25 2.2 2.75 1.5
Day 21 0 0 3.4 3 3.4 2 2.25 2 3.2 2.25 2 2.2 1 1.25

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Shah and Sathaye: Antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted preparations

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Magnesium phosphoricum similar to Diclofenac, demonstrating of complete Freund’s adjuvant‑induced arthritis in a Wistar rat model.
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38 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy  ¦  Volume 11  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-March 2017

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Shah and Sathaye: Antiarthritic activity of ultra‑diluted preparations

Präklinische Bewertung der anti-arthritischen Wirkung hochverdünnter Präparate von Capsaicin-Alkaloiden (CP-10),
TNF- α und Magnesium phosphoricum bei Wistar-Ratten
Hintergrund: Die Verwendung von Tiermodellen in der Entwicklung neuer Arzneimittel und in Forschung ist in der
herkömmlichen Medizin üblich. Die Homöopathie wird seit über zwei Jahrhunderten praktiziert. Tiermodellversuche zur
Entdeckung neuer Wirkstoffe und Wirksamkeitstests in der präklinischen Forschung sind in der Homöopathie nur selten
angewandt. Diese Studie untersucht die Möglichkeit, die kontrollierte Wirkung homöopathischer Mittel im experimentellen
Modell akuter Entzündungen bei Ratten zu testen.
Methoden: Wistar-Ratten wurden in sieben Gruppen (siebzig Ratten im Alter von 6-8 Wochen) aufgeteilt; Arzneimittel wurden
evaluiert durch orale Anwendung bei CFA-induzierter Arthritis. Zwei neue homöopathische Präparate, eine Kombination von
Capsaicin und Dihydrocapsaicin (CP-10), Tumornekrose-Faktor-a (TNF-&) und ein bekanntes homöopathischen Arzneimittel
– Magnesium phosphoricum (0,6 ml oral) - wurden als Standard gegenüber der Lehrprobe unter Verwendung von Diclofenac
bewertet. Ödeme wurden mit einem wasserbasierten Plethysmometer vor und während verschiedener Zeitpunkte nach der
Arthritisinduktion gemessen.
Ergebnisse: Magnesium phosphoricum zeigte gute Ergebnisse, fast ähnlich dem von Diclofenac am 7. und 21. Tag, während
CP-10 und TNF-α nicht signifikante Ergebnisse erbrachten. Der körpereigene Prozess ließ den entzündlichen Zustand vom
siebten Tag an abklingen, angezeigt durch ein ähnliches Pfotenvolumen aller Behandlungen. Der arthritische Index war höher mit
einer negativen Kontrolle, was durch CP-10, obwohl nicht signifikant, am 7. und 21. Tag abnahm. Diclofenac und Magnesium
phosphoricum zeigten eine signifikante Reduktion des arthritischen Index am 7. und 21. Tag.
Fazit: Ein hochverdünntes homöopathisches Magnesium phosphoricum Präparat zeigte definitiv eine anti-arthritische Wirkung.
Das gleiche konnte in einer Studie, die über einen längeren Behandlungszeitraum ging und bei der der Gehalt an entzündlichen
Biomarkern untersucht wurde, bestätigt werden.

Evaluación preclínica de la actividad antiartrítica de las preparaciones ultradiluidas de los alcaloides de la

Capsaicina (CP10), TNF-α y Magnesium phosphoricum en ratas wistar
El uso de modelos animales en el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos y en la investigación es una práctica habitual
en medicina convencional. El sistema de medicina homeopática se practica desde hace más de dos siglos. En
homeopatía, únicamente unos pocos investigadores aplican un modelo animal para el descubrimiento de nuevos
medicamentos y la comprobación de la eficacia en la investigación preclínica. En este estudio, se explora la
posibilidad de examinar de forma controlada los efectos de los remedios homeopáticos en un modelo experimental
de inflamación aguda en ratas.
Método: Las ratas Wistar fueron divididas en siete grupos (setenta ratas de 6 a 8 semanas de edad); los medicamentos
se evaluaron por administración oral en la artritis inducida por CFA.. Se evaluaron dos preparados homeopáticos
nuevos, una combinación de capsaicina y dihidrocapsaicina (CP-10), y el factor de necrosis tumoral α (TNF α), así
como un medicamento homeopático existente, Magnesium phosphoricum (0,6 ml por vía oral) frente al control
con vehículo, utilizando el diclofenac como control. Se midió el edema utilizando un pletismómetro de agua antes
y en diferentes momentos tras la inducción de la artritis.
Resultados: Magnesium phosphoricum mostró buenos resultados, casi similares al diclofenac en los días 7 y
21, mientras que CP-10 y TNF-α mostraron resultados no significativos. Los procesos corporales invirtieron la
inflamación a partir del día 7 en adelante, lo cual quedaba reflejado en un volumen de pata similar en todos los
tratamientos. El índice artrítico fue superior en el control negativo, lo que descendió con CP-10, aunque no de
forma significativa en los días 7 y 21. Diclofenax y Magnesium phophoricum mostraron una reducción significativa
del índice artrítico en los días 7 y 21.
Conclusiones: Uno de los preparados homeopáticos ultradiluidos of Magnesium phosphoricum mostró una
actividad antiartrítica definida. Esto mismo pudo confirmarse al estudiar los niveles de biomarcadores inflamatorios
en un estudio con un periodo de tratamiento más prolongado.

Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy  ¦  Volume 11 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017 39

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foLVkj pwgksa esa dSIlhblhu ,YdykWbM ¼lhih&10½] Vh,u,Q&α vkSj esXuhf”k;e QkslQksfjde dh vR;ar&ruqd`r fufeZfr dh izfrlaf/k”kksFk xfrfof/k
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vof/k ds lkFk lwtu ds ck;ksekdksZ ds ,d v/;;u fo”ks’k esa dj ds fd;k tk ldrk gSA

40 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy  ¦  Volume 11  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-March 2017

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