Effect of Zinc Biofortification On Soil Properties, Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Rabi Sorghum

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B.Sc. (Agri.)






B.Sc. (Agri.)

Submitted to
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the Degree of




PARBHANI - 431402 (M.S.), INDIA


I, hereby declare that the entire work embodied in

this dissertation or any part there of, has not been
previously submitted by me for a degree of any
University or Institution.

Place : Parbhani GARDI A.G.

Reg. No. 2017A/109M
Date: 31 /05 / 2019
Dr. M. S. Deshmukh
M. Sc. (Agril.) Ph. D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Parbhani- 431 402 (M.S.), India.


This is to certify that Mr. GARDI AKSHAY GORAKH has satisfactorily

prosecuted his course credits and research for a period of not less than two years and
SORGHUM” is a record of original bonafide research work prosecuted by him under
my guidance and supervision. The dissertation, in my opinion is of sufficiently high
standard to warrant its presentation for the award of the degree of MASTER OF
SCIENCE (Agriculture) in the subject of SOIL SCIENCE AND
I also certify that the dissertation or part thereof has not been previously
submitted by him for a degree of any University.

Place: Parbhani Dr. M. S. Deshmukh

Date: 31/05/ 2019 Research Guide
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “EFFECT OF ZINC
Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (Agriculture) in the
been approved by the student's advisory committee after oral examination in
collaboration with the external examiner.

External Examiner Dr. M. S. Deshmukh

( ) Research Guide

Members of Advisory committee:

Dr. Syed Ismail

Dr. P.H. Gourkhede

Dr. S. S. More
Associate Dean (P.G)
College of Agriculture,
VNMKV. Parbhani

“Gratitude takes three forms, A

feeling from the heart, an
expression In words and a giving
in return………..’’
In the difficult path of my academic journey many people showed the way
towards success. I think it is the matter of pleasure to glance back and recall the
way one traverse, the days of hard work and perseverance. It is still great at the
juncture to recall all the faces and spirits in the form of teachers, friends, near and
dears. In my opinion, this work is nothing more than incomplete, without attending
to the task acknowledging, to overwhelming help I received during this endeavor of
Inspiration is the best medicine which can make it possible to run for
crippled one and it is veritable gold of mine to get the talented and inspiring willful
guidance of Dr. M. S. Deshmukh, Assistant professor, Department of Soil Science
& Agricultural Chemistry, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Parbhani and Chairman of my advisory committee, who in his unique way, provided
me with constant encouragement inspiring, scholastic guidance, love and affection
offered to me during the course of my study and research. Words would be a poor
vehicle to communicate him my sense of gratitude.
I am highly obliged to Honorable Dr. A. S. Dhawan, Vice-Chancellor,
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani and Dr. D. N. Gokhale,
Associate Dean and Principal, College of Agriculture, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani for
providing the facilities for prosecuting the investigation.
I am immensely grateful to members of my Advisory committee Dr. Syed
Ismail. (Head, Department of soil science and Agricultural Chemistry, V.N.M.K.V.,
Parbhani), Dr. P. H. Gourkhede (Assistant Professor Department of Soil Science
and Agricultural Chemistry, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani), Dr. S. S. More Assistant
Professor, Department of Agril. Economics, V.N.M.K.V., Parbhani), for their
valuable and timely cooperation during the course of investigation.
It is incumbent upon me to express my profound sense of gratitude to Dr. A.
L. Dhamak, Dr. S. L. Waikar, Dr, S. P. Zade, Dr. R. N. Khandare and Dr. S. A.
Adkine Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, V.N.M.K.V.,
Parbhani who have been kindly navigated my ship of academic pursuit and I would
like to mention my gratitude to them.
Thanks is the worst word in friendship, yet I shall avail this opportunity to
extend my sincere heartfelt gratitude to my best friends Yogeshwar, Yogesh, Pavan,
Kiran, Satish, Arvind, Rakesh, Snehal, Rutuja, Kalpana, Suchita, and my seniors ,
Vaibhav sir, Mangesh sir, Shantanu sir, Ajinkya Sir and my lovely juniors
Megharaj,Pradip,Akash, Snehal,Anuja, Priya, Govind, Nagraj, Mangesh, Ajankya,
Vikram, and non teaching staff , Kharate mama, Shinde mama, sudam mama,Sajid .
friends Swapnil Muneshwar, Kiranmali, Pradip thorve,Vishal , samadhan paikrao
,father Gorakh, Mother Mangal, brother Ajay, Sister Ankita who have all the way
co-operated during the course of my study and I also acknowledge the moral and
material help extended to me by all my friends.
Last but not least, I thank all my friends and relatives whose names are not
listed above, but who have helped me directly or indirectly during research work.

Place : Parbhani Gardi A.G.

Date : / / 2019
Chapter Title Pages









Table Page
No. No.

1 Initial physico- chemical properties of experimental soil. 22

Weekly weather data recorded at Agro-meteorological Observatory,

2 Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,Parbhani during the 23
experimental period.
3. Effect of zinc biofortification on plant height of Rabi sorghum. 33

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on plant height of Rabi

3a. 34
4 Effect of zinc biofortification on number of leaves of Rabi sorghum. 36

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on number of leaves of Rabi

4a. 37
5. Effect of zinc biofortification on yield of Rabi sorghum. 38

5a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on yield of Rabi sorghum. 39

6. Effect of zinc biofortification on quality parameters of Rabi sorghum. 42

Interaction effect on zinc biofortification on quality parameters of

6a. 43
Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of nitrogen in
7. 44
Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of phosphorous
8. 46
in Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of potassium in
9. 48
Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of zinc in Rabi
10. 51
Interaction effect on zinc biofortification on content and uptake of
10a. 52
zinc in Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of iron in Rabi
11. 53
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of copper in
12. 55
Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of manganese in
13 57
Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on physico-chemical properties of soil
14 59
after harvest of sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on available macronutrients (N, P and
15 61
K) in soil after harvest of Rabi sorghum.
Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available macronutrients
15a 63
in soil after harvest of Rabi sorghum.
Effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA extractable micronutrients
16 64
(Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) in soil after harvest of Rabi sorghum.
Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA extractable
16a 65
available micronutrients in soil after harvest of Rabi sorghum.

Figure between
No. page

1. Plan of Layout 26-27

Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on plant height of Rabi

2. 34-35
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on straw yield of Rabi
3. 44-45
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on protein content of Rabi
4. 44-45
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on nitrogen uptake in
5. 46-47
Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on phosphorus uptake
6. 46-47
in Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on potassium uptake in
7. 52-53
Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on zinc uptake in Rabi
8. 52-53
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on available nitrogen in
9. 62-63
Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on available phosphorus in
10. 62-63
Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on available potassium in
11. 66-67
Rabi sorghum.
Interaction Effect of zinc biofortification on available zinc in
12. 66-67
Rabi sorghum.

Pages or in
Title between
No. pages
1. Sowing of experimental plot. 26-27
2. Germination of experimental plot. 26-27
3. General view of experimental plot. 28-29
4. Spraying on experimental plot. 28-29
5. Flowering stage of experimental plot. 30-31
6. Experimental plot at harvest. 30-31

% - Per cent
/ - Per
@ - At the rate of
µ - Micron
µl - Micro litre
C - Degree centigrade
AAS - Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
AM - Ante meridiem
Zn - Zinc
CD - Critical difference
DAS - Days after sowing
CGR - Crop Growth Rate
EC - Electrical conductivity
Cm - Centimeter
AE - Agronomic efficiency
FRBD - Factorial Randomized Block Design
DAP - Diammonium phosphate
ZnSO4 - ZINC sulfate
dSm-1 - Deci Siemens per meter
DTPA - Diethylene triamine penta acetic acid
EC - Electrical conductivity
EDTA - Ethylene di-amine tetra acetic acid
et al. - et alia and other
FS - Flowering stage
DS - Dough stage
Fig. - Figure
g ha-1 - Gram per hectare
i.e. - that is
K - Potassium
kg - Kilogram
kg ha - Kilogram per hectare
Max - Maximum
mg - Milligram
Mt - Metric tones
mg kg-1 - Milligram per kilogram
Mg m-3 - Mega gram per cubic meter
Min - Minimum
mm - Millimetre
Mn - Manganese
MOP - Muriate of potash
m ha - Million hectare
N - Nitrogen
No. - Number
NS - Non- significant
OC - Organic carbon
P - Phosphorus
MW - Meteorological week
PM - Post meridiem
pH - Pussance of hydrogen
ppm - Parts per million
RDF - Recommended dose of fertilizer
et al. - And others
SD - Standard deviation
SE (+m) - Standard error mean
SE+ - Standard error
Sig. - Significant
DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide organosulfur
SSP - Single super phosphate
Sr.No. - Serial Number
T - Tonne(s)
G - genotype
Viz. - Namely



Sorghum is the most important food and fodder crop of dry land
agriculture. It is one among the few resilient crops that can adapt well to future
climate change conditions, particularly drought, soil salinity and high temperatures.
The crop is drought and heat tolerant, and is especially important in arid and semi-arid
regions due to its short duration, fast growing nature, and high biomass producing
character where, the grain is the staple food for poor and rural people.
Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal crop and is the dietary
staple food of more than 500 million people in 30 countries (Kumar et al., 2011). It is
grown in the countries of Africa, Asia, Oceania and America. Among them USA,
India, Mexico, Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia are the major producers. Grain is mostly
used as food (55%), in the form of flat breads and porridges (thick or thin) in Asia and
Africa, and as feed (33%) in America (ICRISAT, 2011). Its straw is an increasingly
important source of dry season fodder for livestock, especially in Asia. But cereals are
inherently low in zinc, growing them on such potentially zinc-deficient soils further
reduces grain zinc and thus the dietary intake of zinc when eaten.

Globally grain sorghum is cultivated in 42.22 m ha with a production

of 62.29 m t (FAO, 2013). It is mostly confined to 98 countries of Africa, Asia,
Oceania and America with an average yield of 1475 kg ha-1 (FAO, 2013). Nearly 80%
of the cultivated area of sorghum in the world lies in Asia and Africa. In India it is the
third most widely grown crop after rice and wheat. The crop accounts for nearly 52%
of the area and 63% of production under millets with an area of 6.80 m ha and
production of 5.28 m t (FAO, 2013). Major sorghum growing states in India are
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamilnadu and
Madhya Pradesh.

Sorghum, the second largest grain crop in India till the green
revolution, Maharashtra stands first in area (5.14m ha), production (3.91m tones) and
productivity (761 kg/ha) followed by Karnataka .The production of sorghum in India
is about 8.71 million tones. (Source: FAO STAT citation)

Rabi sorghum is grown over a total area of 5.6 million hectares
(Dayakar rao et al, 2010) mainly in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh with average productivity of 719 kg ha-1. In spite of such low productivity,
rabi sorghum continues to be an important component of dry land farming in these
states with fairly consistent area over many years.

Most of the micronutrients are not only important for plants but also
for animals and humans. World Health Organization (WHO) reported deficiencies of
Zn, iron (Fe) and vitamin A in human population of developing countries. Human Zn
deficiency is the fifth major cause of diseases and deaths in these countries (WHO,
2002). Around the world, 2.7 billion people are Zn deficient (Muller and Krawinkel,
2005, WHO, 2002). About half of the world‟s population is under risk of Zn
deficiency and prevalence is more in developing countries of Asia and Africa (Brown
et al., 2001), where cereal grains are staple food. Low levels of Zn and Fe in the
cereal grain might be a risk factor for micronutrient malnutrition in the people who
depend much on these cereals in their diets (Musa et al., 2012). Globally Zn is now
recognized as the fifth major nutrient deficiency (Hotz and Brown, 2004) after
Protein-Calorie, Iron, Vitamin A and Iodine and according to the International Zinc
Nutrition Consultation Group (IZiNCG) as much as one third of the world‟s
population may be at risk from inadequate Zn uptake. Zinc deficiency affects two
billion people globally and more than 450,000 deaths annually in children under the
age of 5 is due to zinc deficiency (Black et al., 2008).

The required Zn intake depends on gender and growth stage.

Generally, it is 10 mg Zn per day for adult women and 12 mg Zn per day for adult
men. However, women during pregnancy and lactation require up to 14 mg Zn per
day. These intake levels are generally not fulfilled in developing countries due to high
reliance on cereal grains low in Zn for their daily calorie intake (ACC/SCN, 2004). A
diet of 330-400 g cereals per day supplies only 4-6 mg Zn per day in the case of rice
and 8-18 mg Zn per day in the case of wheat. For a better Zn nutrition in human
beings, cereal grains should contain around 40-60 mg Zn ha-1 (Prasad et al., 2012).
Moreover, the population with severe Zn deficiency is eating cereal grains produced
on Zn-deficient soils of India, Pakistan, China, Iran and Turkey (Alloway, 2008).
Supplementation, food diversification/modification and food.

Fortifications were previously recommended to solve Zn deficiency in
humans. Biofortification is a recently devised approach to correct human Zn
deficiency. It uses genetic and agronomic approaches to increase Zn bioavailability to
humans (the amount of human absorbable Zn in food is termed as „Zn bioavailability‟
in the dissertation) in edible parts of plants.

Zinc is a vital micronutrient required for the plant growth. Zinc plays
an important role in many biochemical reactions within the plant. It is important in
synthesis of protein, tryptophan and indole-acetic acid. Zinc acts as a structural
component of several enzymes in plants and an inadequate supply could result in
serious physiological disturbances. Zinc plays important role in oxidation processes in
cell and help in transformation of carbohydrates and regulation of sugar in plants
(Swaminathan and Kannan, 2001). Sorghum shows reduced photosynthetic carbon
metabolism due to zinc deficiency.

Plant breeding strategy (genetic bio-fortification) appears to be a

suitable and cost-effective approach useful in improving Zn concentration in grain.
However it is a long term process requiring sustainable effort and resources. It is
therefore essential for short term approach to improve Zn concentration in cereal
grains. Application of Zn fertilizers as Zn enriched N, P, and K fertilizers (e.g.
agronomic biofortification) to soil and /or foliage seems to be a practical approach to
improve zinc concentration in grains. Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) is the widely applied
source of Zn because of its high solubility and low cost. Combined application of soil
and foliar Zn fertilizers is the most effective way to maximize grain Zn accumulation
(Cakmak et.al. 2010). Agronomic biofortification strategy appears to be essential in
keeping sufficient amount of available Zn in soil solution and maintain adequate Zn
transport to grain during the reproductive stage.

Agronomic biofortification of food crops might be an effective tool in

combating micronutrient malnutrition in human population (Cakmak, 2008). Keeping
all the facts in view a field experiment titled “Effect of zinc biofortification on soil
properties, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of rabi sorghum” was formulated with
the following objectives:

1. To study the effect of zinc biofortification on physico-chemical properties and

nutrient availability in soil under different rabi sorghum genotypes.

2. To assess the effect of zinc biofortification on growth, yield and quality of rabi
sorghum genotypes.
3. To find out uptake of nutrients by rabi sorghum genotypes under different



Zinc biofortification has been a key area of interest for the researchers
around the world. Some key findings highlighted the human Zn deficiency problem
and suggested Zn biofortification as a feasible tool to combat with human Zn
deficiency (Cakmak et al., 2000).

The main reason for Zn malnutrition in India is cereals being the

staple food, which are low in Zn concentration and also contain phates, which reduce
bioavailability of Zn. Zinc fortification of cereals either by genetic biofortification or
ferti-fortification (fertilizing cereals with Zn fertilizers) is the best way of intervention
on Zn malnutrition (Prasad, 2009).

The agronomic and genetic approaches of Zn fortification of grains are

complimentary in nature and will reach rural as well as urban people. Such
programmers need to be implemented at a faster rate than at present (Prasad, 2009).
Available literature to ‘Effect of zinc biofortification on soil properties, yield, nutrient
uptake and quality of rabi sorghum’ has been briefly reviewed under the following
broad heads.

2.1 Functions of zinc in plants and Humans.

2.2 Extent of Zn Deficiency in soils.
2.3 Effect of zinc biofortification on soil physico-chemical properties.
2.4 Effect of zinc biofortification on nutrient availability in soil.
2.5 Effect of zinc biofortification on growth characters of crop.
2.6 Effect of zinc biofortification on yield and yield attributes of crop.
2.7 Effect of zinc levels on biofortification and grain quality.
2.8 Effect of zinc biofortification on uptake of nutrients by crops.

2.1. Functions of zinc in plants and Humans

Zinc plays a key role in controlling the generation and
detoxification of reactive oxygen species (Cakmak, 2000).
Globally Zn deficiency is now recognized as the fifth major nutrient
deficiency (Hotz and Brown, 2004) after Protein-Calorie, Iron, Vitamin A and Iodine

and according to the International Zinc Nutrition Consultation Group (IZiNCG) as
much as one-third of the world’s population may be at risk from inadequate Zn
Zn is essentially required for DNA replication, protein synthesis, cell
division and, therefore, for normal growth of human beings. Zinc is also required for
normal male and female reproductive and neurological functions. It is also necessary
for immune system and its deficiency impairs resistance to infection (Walker et al.,
Zn plays an important role in production of proteins and thus helps in
wound healing, blood formation and growth and maintenance of tissue (Stein et al.
Oxidative damage is responsible for some of the distinguishing
symptoms of Zn deficiency caused by the oxidative degradation of the growth
hormone, auxins. Zinc is also required for protein synthesis and gene regulation in
plants (Broadley et al., 2007).
Zinc is involved in the structure and function of bio-membranes and
roots have been observed to exude greater amounts of amino acids and phenolics
under Zn deficiency (Bell and Dell, 2008).
In C4 plants, such as sorghum the Zn dependent enzyme carbonic
anhydrase is required in photosynthesis to provide HCO3 as a substrate for
phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (Bell and Dell, 2008, Broadley et al., 2012).
Carbonic anhydrase does not have a specific role in photosynthesis in C3 plant
species, such as rice and wheat.
Shukla et al. (2016) showed that zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) are essential
for plants as well as humans and animals who consume plant produce. Zinc and Fe
pose critical nutritional issues as their deficiencies cause severe impairment of animal/
human health. Most of the nutrients required for animal/ human come from plants
through soil and low concentration of Zn/ Fe in plant produce is a reflectance of low
availability of Zn/Fe in soils.
Qamar uz Zaman et al. (2018) showed that cereal grains are key to
fulfill a person’s daily energy requirements, but they have very low grain zn
concentrations, especially when grown in Zn-deficient soils. Zinc deficiency can be
addressed in several ways viz., nutritional diversification, food enrichment and

biofortification. Several limitations regarding nutritional diversification and food
enrichment favoured zn biofortification as a perpetual solution of malnutrition.
Manas Denre et al. (2018) Showed that agronomic bio-fortification
explores the feasibility to control the zinc deficiency related disorders of the human
population. Field experiment was conducted in a red and lateritic soil of Ranchi on 23
wheat cultivars with soil and foliar applications of ZnSO4 ⋅ 7H2O. Zinc content of
wheat grain increased from 38.86 to 77.17 mg/kg with soil application and to 76.49
mg/kg with soil + foliar application of Zn.

2.2 Extent of Zn Deficiency in soils

According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) 50% of world’s soils growing cereal grains are deficient in zinc. Based
on soil sampling and analysis, 50 % cereal growing areas of the world are Zn
deficient, as reported by Sillanpaa (1990).
The general optimum range of plant available Zn, extracted with 0.005
M DTPA solution, is 0.75 to 1.50 mg Zn kg–1 soil, with the lower one reported for
wheat in alkaline calcareous soils of arid to semiarid regions (Bansal et al., 1990).
Based on the estimates by Takkar et al. (1997) considering the fact that
49% of Indian soils are deficient in Zn, India will need about 6 lakh tones of Zn per
year by 2025.
Minakshi et al. (2005) reported that about 11% (39369 ha.) of the total
geographical area of Patiala district of Punjab was deficient in Zn, over Mn and Fe
which accounted for 4% and 5% deficiency, respectively.
In soils, Zn may be found in relatively high concentration, but only a
small amount of the total Zn is phytoavailable (Broadley et al. 2012). Zinc deficiency
is also widespread in soil types and climatic regions where primarily dry land/rainfed
farming is practiced (Sahrawat et al., 2007, ICRISAT 2011).
According to Alloway (2008), zinc deficiency is considered as one of
the most widespread plant nutrient disorders throughout the world, particularly in
rice-wheat cropping system in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Zn deficiency has been reported as an important micronutrient
deficiency in soils and an important constraint to crop production. It is therefore not
surprising why a widespread Zn deficiency in human beings generally occurs in the

regions where soils have Zn deficiency problem and cereals are major source of daily
calorie intake (Cakmak, 2008).
Periodic assessment of soil test data also suggests that zinc deficiency
in soils of India is likely to increase from 49 to 63% by the year 2025 as most of the
marginal soils brought under cultivation are showing zinc deficiency and showing
higher response to added zinc (Singh 2009).
Soil conditions most commonly associated with the occurrence of Zn
deficiency in crops include one or more of the following, low total Zn concentration,
high CaCO3, relatively high organic matter (>3%), neutral or alkaline pH, high
available P status, high bicarbonate HCO3 and magnesium concentrations in soils or
irrigation water, prolonged water logging, and high sodium and calcium
concentrations (Alloway, 2009).
In Southern India, Zn deficiency is a predominant problem in 58%,
73% and 83% soils of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra, respectively
which was attributed to low organic matter, high clay and calcium carbonate content
(Srinivasarao and Rani, 2011), and due to extensive use of NPK without application
of micronutrients (Arunachalam et al., 2013).
Cakmak and Kutman (2018) showed that a large consumption of
cereal-based foods with small concentrations and bioavailability of zn is the major
reason behind this problem.Modern cultivars of cereals have inherently very small
concentrations zn and cannot meet the human need for zn.

2.3 Effect of zinc boifortification on soil physico-chemical properties

Anderson and Christenson (1988) concluded that soil pH is more
important than any other single property for controlling Zn mobility in soils.
Kiken (1995) reported that zinc availability is highly dependent on pH.
When pH is above 6, the availability of Zn is usually very low. The availability of Zn
in alkaline soils is reduced due to lower solubility of the soil Zn. The concentration of
zn in the soil solution decreases from 10-4 (6.5 ugg-1) to 10.10 M (0.007 ugL-1) with
an increase from pH 5 to pH 8.
Muhammad shahid et al. (2016) showed that potential of zinc sulphate
combined with bio char and poultry manure for zn biofortification of wheat grains in
pH affected calcareous soil. In first two incubation studies, rates of sulphur and zn

combined with various organic amendments for lowering pH and zn availability in
calcareous soil were optimized.
Abolfazl Baghbani Arani et al. (2018) that the Soil pH and organic
carbon (OC) were not affected by zinc treatments while soil EC increased by using
plant residues.

2.4 Effect of zinc biofortification on nutrient availability in soil

An experiment conducted by Srivastava et al. (1999) at Livestock
Research Centre Pantnagar, recorded after the harvest of the rice crop, significantly
higher content of DTPA-extractable Zn was found in the soil of the with ZnSO4
(22.7% Zn) and Zn-FYM treatments.
Kulandaivel et al. (2004) found that soil application of 40 kg ZnSO4 +
10 kg FeSO4 was found to be the most appropriate combination to improve the zinc
and iron status of soil at Indian Agriculture Research Station, New Delhi.
Hafeez-ur Rehman et al (2012) reported that the soil properties are
changed with altered soil and water management, which is likely to affect Zn
solubility and plant availability and should be considered before Zn management in
rice. In this review, we critically appraise the role of Zn in plant biology and its
dynamics in soil and rice production system.
Singh et al (2012) reported that the high fertility treatments applied (N
225 kg ha-1, P 75 kg ha-1 K 175 kg ha-1 and Zn 60 kg ha-1) had recorded maximum
organic carbon, available N, P, K and Zn status of soil after harvest of rice crop which
was statistically the same with those under rate of the treatments were 175 kg N ha-1
or more applied to rice.
The status of DTPA-extractable Zn of soil improved remarkably due
combined application Zn fertilization along with recommended NPK. The significant
and highest DTPA-Zn status (0.97 mg kg-1) of soil recorded with the application of 20
kg Zn ha-1 along with RDF, on wheat crop, at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh as reported
by Keram et al. (2012).
Rathod et al. (2012) reported DTPA-extractable micronutrient status of
the soil improved remarkably due to application of Zn-enriched organics over control
under the wheat-maize (Fodder) cropping sequence. Maximum value was observed
with 100% NPK + 5.0 kg Zn-enriched PM @ 500 kg ha-1 (1.25 mg g-1) followed by

100% NPK + 5.0 kg Zn-enriched BGS @ 500 kg ha-1 (1.18 mg g-1) as compared to
control 100% Recommended dose of NPK + 500 kg FYM ha-1 (0.64 mg kg-1)
Muhammad Imran et al (2016) studied that the response of different
levels of Zn (0, 9 mg kg–1 soil) and P (0, 40 mg kg–1 soil) on growth, nutrient uptake
and their utilization efficiency in four maize cultivars differing in their growth
behaviour (DK–6142, P1543, Neelam and Afghoi) when grown under natural
greenhouse conditions. Maize cultivars significantly differed for above given traits
and among treatments, combined Zn+P application increased dry matter, nutrient
uptake and their efficiency as compared with control.

2.5 Effect of different zinc biofortification on growth characters of crop

Soil application of Zn @ 30 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 significantly increased the
plant height of maize on red lateritic soil at pudukkotai, Tamilnadu (Srinivasan,
1992). Applying Zn fertilizers to wheat grown fields in central Anatolia, Turkey
improved plants emerging from seeds with low zn have poor seedling vigor and weak
establishment in rice field on zn-deficient soils (Yilmaz et al., 1998).
The experiment conducted during summer at progressive farmer’s field
at Dharki Saharanpu, Pakistan in low zinc soil revealed that the highest plant height of
rice variety Sakha 101 was obtained with the application of FYM 10 t ha-1 +7.5 kg
ZnSO4 ( Zayed et al., 2011).
Based on three years of experimentation, plant height of rice is
significantly affected with application of sulphur and zinc. The tallest plant (101.7
cm) was recorded with soil application of 6 kg ha-1 (Singh et al., 2012).
An experiment conducted at Gujranwala, Pakistan on rice crop, found
that foliar application of Zn and B (Zn + B @ 6+3 kg acre-1) at 30 DAT proved as
best balance fertilizer dose for plant growth and maximum plant height increased up
to 29.75% compare to other treatments. (Arif et al., 2012).
Dhaliwal et al. (2012) conducted experiments at Ludhiana and
Hoshiarpur in sandy loam and loamy sand soils respectively and reported that plant
height of wheat variety PBW 550, increased with soil application of ZnSO47H2O @
62.5 kg ha-1 and foliar spray of Zn chelates.
Srivastava et al. (2014) revealed that 5 kg Zn ha-1 through soil
application and 2 kg Zn ha-1 as foliar application (30 and 60 DAS) increased the plant

height in rice crop significantly up to 1.5 and 2.9 per cent, respectively, over no zinc
application on rice-wheat rotation.
An experiment conducted on maize crop, at Faisalabad, Pakistan,
revealed that maximum values for plant height at maturity (225 cm) was obtained
with application of 15 kg ha-1 ZnSO4 + 15 kg ha-1 MnSO4 (Khan et al., 2014).
A field experiment conducted by Prasad et al. (2014) at RGSC farm of
BHU, Mirzapur (UP) during kharif season, revealed that the combine application of
60 kg N ha-1 and 10 kg Zn ha-1 recorded significant higher plant height in Pearl millet.
Wajiha, . et al.(2014) studied that foliar application of Zn at optimum
level, through action as growth promoter, can increase the yield and ion uptake in
Field experiments conducted during rainy season at Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi, revealed that three foliar applications of Zn– EDTA
0.5% solution (at tillering, booting and grain filling stages) was the best treatment and
recorded significantly better growth in rice crop than soil application of ZnSHH or
Zn–EDTA (Shivay et al., 2015).
Choudhary et al. (2015) conducted field experiment during the rainy
(kharif) season at Udaipur, ponied that soil application of Ferrous sulphate, zinc
sulphate and borax (25, 25 and 20 kg ha-1 respectively) + foliar spray (0.5, 0.2 and
0.2 %) of Zn, Fe and boron respectively at 15 and 30 DAS, significantly increased
plant height of Sorghum, on clay loam soil with low Zinc.
Zain (2015) found in wheat crop that foliar application of
micronutrients significantly increased the plant height. The maximum plant height
(97.00 cm) was obtained with the foliar spray of FeSO4 + MnSO4 (1.6 kg FeSO4 100
L-1 water + 1 kg MnSO4 100 L-1 water) which ware applied twice, first at tillering
stage and second after 15 days before heading of wheat crop at Layyah, Pakistan.
Drissi et al. (2015) conducted experiment at Agricultural Farm (Bassita
II) located in Loukkos perimeter Morocco on wheat crop and observed increased stem
height of 7% and 8.5% respectively with supply of Zn @ 5 mg ka-1 and 1.5 mg ka-1
in field and lab experiment respectively over control.
Kumar et al. (2017) stated that application of 50% RD – NPK + 50%
N through FYM to pearl millet produced taller plants, more no. of tillers plant-1 and
dry matter production at harvest during kharif season on sandy loam soils of Hisar,
Togas et al., (2017) reported that the highest plant height, dry matter
accumulation and number of total tillers per metre row length were recorded with
application of Vermicomposts @ 2.5 t ha-1 + ½ RDF (RDF- 60:30:00) than the rest of
the treatments tried during kharif season on loamy sand soils of Jobner (Rajasthan).
Vennila and Sankaran (2017) revealed that maximum plant height and
number of tillers plant-1 were recorded with application of FYM @ 25 t ha-1 along
with 100% RDF in napier bajra hybrid grass during kharif season on sandy soils of
Madhavaram, Chennai.

2.6 Effect of zinc biofortification on yield and yield attributes of crop

The experiment laid out at Dharwad during rabi, on sorghum crop
conferred that soil application of zinc @ 10 kg ha-1 as ZnSO4 significantly increased
grain yield by 9.6% compared to no zinc (18.7 q ha-1) (Anand et al. 2008).
Habib (2009) conducted experiment on clay-loam soil in Moghan
region of Iran and found that combined application of both Zn and Fe (150 g Zn ha-1
as ZnSO4, and 150 g Fe ha-1 as Fe2O3) as foliar spray increased wheat yield, and its
quality compared with control.
Potarzycki and Grzebisz (2009) reported that maize crop responded
significantly with zinc foliar application. In two out of three years of study revealed
that optimum rate of zinc foliar spray 1.0 to 1.5 kg Zn ha-1 achieved significant
increase in grain yield as compared to the treatment fertilized only with NPK.
Reported by Narwal et al. (2010) that maximum increase in grain yield
of wheat crop was achieved with recommended dose of ZnSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 applied
as soil application and 0.5 % solution of ZnSO4 as foliar spray at Hissar Haryana.
Interactive effects of Zn and N investigated by Jan et al. (2013) on
wheat crop at Peshawar and revealed that application of N @ 150 kg ha -1 and Zn @15
kg ha-1 significantly improved crop growth and recorded highest grain yield (4044 kg
ha-1) and straw yield (5067 kg ha-1) of wheat crop.
Application of FYM @ 5 t ha-1 along with the recommended dose of
fertilizer (50 kg N + 25 kg P2O5 ha-1 + Zn @ 10 kg ha-1) recorded significantly higher
grain and Stover yield (13.04 and 35.0 q ha-1 respectively) in rabi sorghum on
Inceptisols at Sholapur, Maharashtra, as observed by Tamboli et al. (2013).

Field experiment conducted on finger millet at Vizianagaram during
kharif season indicated that soil application of ZnSO4 @ 12.5 kg ha-1 at the time of
sowing enhances the grain yield by 13.3% over control (Rani and Patro, 2014).
Dwivedi and Srivastava (2014) conducted experiment at Pantnagar and
recorded that soil application of 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 to Ist year rice crop and cyclic
incorporation of 1.5 t straw ha-1 in IInd year increased the grain yields of rice by 21.4
and 87.4% over control during Ist and IInd year, respectively.
Srivastava et al. (2014) conducted an experiment at Pantnagar and
recorded the highest mean grain yield of basmati rice (3.69 t ha -1) with the application
of 17.5 kg P ha-1 and foliar application of Zn (2 kg ha-1) twice at 30 and 60 days after
transplanting. The straw yield of basmati rice was not influenced by either P or Zn
Grace et.al. (2014) observed that combined application of Zn (11 kg
ha-1) with organic nutrient resources (5 t ha-1) and mineral fertilizers (90 kg N ha-1 and
26 kg P ha-1) gave the highest maize grain yields of 3.9 t ha-1 which translated to 1.3
times more yield than sole mineral NPK fertilizers, on eastern Zimbabwe, Southern
Preetha and Stalin (2014) observed the highest maize grain yields of
7.42, 7.45 and 7.56 t ha-1 obtained with application of 7.50 kg ha-1 for location 1 and
5.00 kg ha-1 Zn for locations 2 and 3 respectively over control. Similarly yield
increase being 39.08, 33.15 and 28.84% respectively in location 1, location 2 and 3
respectively, the over NPK control at Erode district, Tamil Nadu.
Application of 40 kg N + 20 kg P + 25 kg zinc sulphate ha−1 in
sorghum crop gave maximum yield and rain water use efficiency, during monsoon
season, under All-India Coordinated Research Project for Dry land Agriculture at
Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India, as observed by Jawahar et al. (2014).
Eteng et al. (2014) revealed that the soil application of Cu (10 kg ha-1)
and Zn (8 kg ha-1) significantly increased grain yields of maize in south eastern,
Tariq et al. (2014) conducted field experiment during spring at
Faisalabad, Pakistan, revealed that maximum grain yield (8.76 t ha-1) was obtained
with foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 9 leaf stage in the case of Monsanto-6525 variety of

Kumar et al., (2014) reported that maximum values of yield attributing
characters viz., ear length, number of ear heads per m-2, weight of grains per ear head
and 1000 grain weight were recorded in the treatment (100% NPK + 10 t FYM + 25
kg S + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 in both seasons. Grain and stover yield of pearl millet
significantly increased with 100% N, 100% NP and 100% NPK treatments over
control in both crop seasons. Among these treatments 100% NPK proved superior in
respect of grain and stover production. The yield of pearl millet increased
significantly with 10 t FYM ha-1 and 2.5 t Vermicomposts ha-1 application over
Field experiment conducted during the rainy (kharif) seasons on
sorghum crop at Udaipur, Rajasthan revealed that application of Fe+Zn+ B (25, 25,
10 kg ha-1) along with RDF proved their superiority over rest of treatments, and
increased 25.4% grain yield, 15.5% Stover yield, 17.4% biological yield and 5.9%
harvest index as reported by Choudhary et al. (2015).
Shivay et al. (2015) conducted experiment at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh,
during rainy season on Basmati rice crop and recorded the highest values of grain
(4.52 t ha-1), kernel (3.03 t ha-1), husk (1.50 t ha-1), straw (8.12 t ha-1) and biological
yield (12.63 t ha-1) of rice with soil + foliar application (5 kg Zn ha-1 + 1 kg Zn ha-1)
of zinc.
Multi location field experiments carried out on rice, wheat and
common bean by Ram et al. (2015) revealed that the significant increase in grain
yields were observed with foliar Zn or foliar Zn + pesticide (5.2-7.7% for wheat and
1.6-4.2% for rice) over no Zn treatment.
Bhawana et al., (2017) reported that application of integrated nutrient
management treatments involves 75 to 100% RDF and 5 t FYM ha-1 with or without
biofertilizers to the preceding wheat recorded significantly higher effective tillers per
meter row length, ear head length, grains weight per ear head, grain, stover and
biological yield of pearl millet. They also reported that significant increase in grain
yield i.e. 1.43 t ha-1 of pearl millet with increasing levels of fertilizer (75% RDF) due
to improvement in yield attributing characters like effective tillers per meter row
length, ear head length and grain weight per ear head

2.7 Effect of zinc levels on biofortification and grain quality
Peck et al. (2008) studied the effect of Zn nutrition on the protein
composition of flour in bread wheat at Australia, and reported that 7.5 kg Zn ha -1
applied at sowing and supplemented with a foliar spray application increased doubled
grain Zn concentration and reduced the proportion of Gliadin and SDSunextractable
polymeric protein and increased the proportion of SDS-extractable polymeric protein.
The results indicated that Zn nutrition can alter protein composition in in wheat crop.
Field studies conducted by Pareek, et al. (2009) at Udaipur, during
kharif season in forage sorghum and resulted that application of RDF in combination
with Zn and Fe significantly increased protein content compared to control.
Zhang et al. (2011) studied the effect of Zn biofortification of wheat
through fertilizer application in different locations of China and indicated that foliar
application of zn was much more effective than soil zn application in enrichment of
wheat grain with Zn. As compared to no foliar zn application, foliar application of
0.4% ZnSO4.7H2O application increased grain zn with 58% in whole grain zn,76%
increase in wheat flour zn and up to 50 % decrease in the molar ratio of phytic acid to
zn in flour.
Rice plants tested in five different countries (China, India, Lao PDR,
Thailand and Turkey) over 2 years and reported that soil application of Zn increased
crude protein content but not the foliar application of zn resulted in increased crude
protein content in rice kernels, which is important from the viewpoint of wide spread
protein malnutrition in India and other Asian countries as reported by Phattrakul et al.
Keram et al. (2012) conducted an experiment at Jabalpur, revealed that
total carbohydrate and wet gluten content on wheat grain (70.37% and 12.37%,
respectively) was recorded with application of 20 kg Zn ha-1, which was significantly
higher over the control.
Zou et al. (2012) studied the biofortification of wheat with zn through
zn fertilization in seven countries and reported that foliar zn application alone or in
combination with soil zn application resulted in significant increase in grain zn
concentrations in all locations and in all local cultivars used in those countries. On an
average, the grain Zn concentrations increased from 27.4 mg kg-1 to 48.0 mg kg-1 by
two foliar zn application (0.5%) at the heading and milk stages.

Khan et al. (2014) carried out field experiment at Faisalabad on maize
crop and found that the application of 15 kg ZnSO4 +15 kg MnSO4 ha-1 resulted in
maximum seed protein (8.96%).
Field experiment conducted during two consequent years (kharif) with
combined application of RDF+ combination of Fe+Zn+B (25, 25 and 20 kg ha-1
respectively) significantly increased protein content (8.98%) in sorghum crop on
pooled data basis over control, at Udaipur, Rajasthan (Chaudhary et al., 2015).

2.8 Effect of zinc biofortification on uptake of nutrients by crops.

Applying zn fertilizer to wheat grown in fields in central Anatolia,
Turkey revealed that improved grain zn concentration and increased zn transport from
leaves into seeds can be achieved by foliar application of zn, particularly under
environmental stress conditions (e.g. drought) and on potentially deficient Zn soils
(Yilmaz et al., 1997).
Srivastava et al. (1999) reported that zn EDTA treatment, in spite of
supplying the lowest amount of zinc, produced the highest yield of rice and the
highest zn mobilization efficiency compared to other zn sources, at Livestock
Research Center of the Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and
Technology (Pant agar, India).
Patil and Meisheri (2003) reported that application of 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1
or 10 kg chelate ha-1 significantly increased zinc content and uptake by rice grain as
well as straw on rice crop of Konkan region of Maharashtra.
Ranjbar and Bahmaniar (2007) reported the effects of soil and foliar
application of zn fertilizers in terms of increase in wheat grain zn and fe content,
higher increase in percentage of protein.
Sahrawat et al. (2008) showed that the application of s, B, and zn with
nitrogen and phosphorus significantly increased the grain N, S, and zn concentrations
in maize and sorghum compared to farmer inputs (FI) and S, B, Zn treatments alone.
The application of s, B, Zn + NP over FI increased N, S, and Zn concentration in
sorghum and maize straw compared to FI and S, B, Zn treatments, on alfisols located
in three districts (Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, and Kurnool), ICRISAT Patancheru.
Field trail conducted in Central Anatolia, at Turkey where Zn
deficiency is widespread, showed that soil and foliar applied ZnSO4 significantly
enhanced grain Zn concentration in wheat, reported that the most effective method for

increasing Zn in grain was soil and foliar application that resulted in about 3.5fold
increase in the grain Zn concentration, (Cakmak, 2008).
The experiment was laid out at Dharwad during Rabi session and
found that application of zinc @ ZnSO4 10kg ha-1 as to the soil registered significantly
higher seed zinc types (16%) than in low seed zinc types (11.6%) on sorghum crop
(Anand et al., 2008).
Habib (2009) conducted field experiment on clay-loam soil in results
showed that combined foliar application 150 g Zn ha-1 as ZnSO4, 150 g Fe ha-1 as
significantly higher concentration evaluated of wheat at Moghan Iran.
Yu-xian, et al. (2010) reported that soil application, foliar application
and soil + foliar significantly the grain Zn concentration are increased by 6.1%,
63.9% and 82.6% under the methods of soil application, foliar spray and soil+foliar
application of Zn fertilizers, and the grain Zn uptakes are increased by 3.6%, 69% and
83%, respectively, compared with control(no zinc).
Cakmak et al. (2010) Field tests in Central Anatolia, where Zn
deficiency is widespread, showed that soil- and foliar-applied ZnSO4 significantly
enhanced grain zn concentration in wheat, the largest increases in grain zn
concentration were found in the case of combined application of soil and foliar zn
fertilizers that caused more than a 3-fold increase in grain zn.
Lungu (2011) showed that foliar application of Zn was highly effective
in increasing the concentration of Zn in cereal grains. Effect of foliar application of
Zn (0.5%) was greater on wheat than maize and sorghum.
Zhang et al. (2011) studied the effect of Zn biofortification of wheat
through fertilizer application on different locations of China and resulted that foliar
Zn application was much more effective than soil Zn application in enrichment of
wheat grain with Zn as compared to no foliar Zn application. Foliar application of
0.4% ZnSO4.7H2O increased grain Zn by 58% in whole grain Zn, 76% increase in
wheat flour Zn and up to 50% decrease in the molar ratio of phytic acid to Zn in flour.
Wen et al. (2011) concluded from his experiments at China that foliar
Zn application at the early grain development stage increased grain Zn concentration
and decreased the phytic acid concentration and the phytic acid to Zn molar ratio
thereby improving the bioavailability in wheat grown on potentially Zn-deficient
calcareous soil.

Multi location trails was conducted on rice crop in five different
countries, namely, China, India, Lao PDR, Thailand and Turkey over 2 years which
revealed that average increase in Zn concentration by foliar Zn spray was about 25%
in brown rice, and 10% in white rice. While combined application of Zn (as soil and
foliar) resulted in increase in Zn concentrations of brown (about 32%) and white rice
(about 15%) over no zinc (control) (Phattrakul et al., 2012).
Impa and Johnson-Bee bout (2012) conducted an experiment on rice
crop and reported that biofortification recovery of Zn with foliar application was 8
times of that obtained with soil application.
Ahmad et al. (2012) conducted field study at Faisalabad, Pakistan, on
rice crop and, founded that the maximum Zn concentration in rice grains (13.9 mg
kg-1) and straw (19.1 mg kg−1) were obtained, with application of ZnSO4 enriched
FYM (6 mg Zn kg-1 soil) over control.
Dhaliwal et al. (2012) reported that foliar application of Zn-HEDP (C)
@ 2g per liter and Zn-HEDP (L) @ 3g per liter increased the grain concentration by
29.2% over control in wheat crop.
Hussain et al. (2012) reported from Pakistan that soil Zn application
combined with foliar spray during the grain development stage increased the Zn
concentration in grain by 95% and whole-grain estimated bioavailability by 74% in
wheat crop.
Zou et al. (2012) studied biofortification of wheat with Zn through Zn
fertilization in seven countries (China, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey
and Zambia). They reported that foliar Zn application alone or in combination with
soil Zn application significantly increased grain Zn concentrations in all locations and
in all local cultivars used in those countries. On an average, the grain Zn
concentrations increased from 27.4 mg kg-1 to 48.0 mg kg-1 by foliar Zn application.
An experiment carried out by Yadi (2013) at Sari, Mazandaran, Iran, conferred that
the most zinc content in straw, nitrogen content in grain and straw, and nitrogen
uptake in straw of rice crop was observed with application of 40 and 20 kg Zn ha-1.
Tamboli et al. (2013) found that application of zinc @ 10 kg ha-1 as
ZnSO4 to the soil registered relatively higher zinc application in high seed zinc types
(16%) than in low seed zinc types (11.6%) of sorghum during rabi season at Dharwad.
An experiment conducted at N. E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre
Pantnagar, during rabi season revealed that soil +foliar application (20 kg ZnSO4 ha-1
+ foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4) proved to be paramount for all the traits leading to an
80% increase in grain Zn content, 61.3% in methionine content and a decrease of
23.2% in phytic acid as an average of all genotypes in both the years as reported by
Bharti et al. (2013).
Reported by Kabeya and Shankar, (2013) that increased Zn supply
induced increased plant Zn uptake rate throughout the crop development in both high
zinc groups and low zinc groups the highest effect observed with 30 kg ZnSO4 ha-1
irrespective of zinc groups. However, high zinc groups showed better uptake ability in
zinc content and overall performance in growth characteristics of rice
Boonchuay et al. (2013) conducted experiment at Chiang Mai,
Thailand and found that Zinc in rice grains can be effectively increased by foliar spray
of 0.5% zinc sulfate (ZnSO4 7H2O) after flowering.
Application of 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 to Ist year rice crop and cyclic
incorporation of 1.5 t straw ha-1 in IInd year resulted in a significant increase in the
concentration of Zn in the plant tissue of both rice and wheat crops as reported by
Dwivedi and Srivastva, 2014 at rice-wheat cropping rotation at Pantnagar. A field
experiment conducted at Faisalabad, Pakistan, during spring season and reported that
foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 9 leaf stage produced 19.42% more zinc contents in maize
grains as compared to other ZnSO4 treatments (Tariq et al., 2014)
Field experiment conducted by Rani and Patro, (2014) at Vizianagaram
during kharif season resulted that soil application of ZnSO4 @ 12.5 kg ha-1 at the time
of sowing enhances grain zinc content by 8.95%, while foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.5%
increased the grain zinc content by 10.2% in finger millet crop.
Field experiments conducted by Jat et al. (2014) at Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi, and recorded that the highest N and Zn uptake was
observed with application of 2.0% ZEU (ZnSO4.7H2O) in rice wheat cropping system.
Shivay et al. (2015) reported that three foliar application of Zn-EDTA
0.5% solution (at tillering, booting and grain filling stages) recorded significantly
higher concentration and uptake of Zn in grain and straw of Basmati rice as compared
to soil application of ZnSHH or Zn–EDTA at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Mishra et al. (2015) conducted field experiment at Directorate of
Sorghum Research, Hyderabad, during the winter season with different sorghum
genotypes and recorded significantly higher Fe and Zn content in grains. Among the
genotypes, Phule Maulee had recorded the highest Fe (48.54 mg kg-1) and Zn (29.46
mg kg-1) content with combined application of ZnSO4 (50 kg ha-1) + FeSO4 (50 kg ha-
) as soil application and foliar application of ZnSO4 + FeSO4 (0.50%+1.0%) at 45
Jena et al. (2015) reported that zinc concentration in rice grain across
the treatments and cultivars varied from 23.53 mg kg-1 to 38.47 mg kg-1. zn
concentration was found to be directly related to zn application, highest zn
concentration was noticed in the treatment receiving 20 kg zn ha-1 as soil application
plus two foliar sprays at pre flowering and PI than soil application alone as observed
in case of long duration rice cultivars.
Mona E. El-Azab (2015) showed that optimal rate of zinc foliar spray
for achieving significant grain yield response ranged from 1.0 to 1.5 kg zn/ha as
compared to the treatment fertilized only with NPK. Zinc treatment increased N, P
and K uptake and grain yield.


3.1 Material
3.1.1 Location and climate
The field experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Department of
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik
Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani during 2018-2019.
Geographically, Parbhani district is situated in the Godawari drainage
basin in the central part of the India between 76046’ East longitude and 19016’North
latitude having elevation of 410 m above the mean sea level in Marathwada division
of Maharashtra state. The region has a semi-arid climate. It is under assured monsoon
rainfall agro climatic zone with an average annual precipitation of 918 mm. The major
portion of precipitation (75 per cent) being received through South-West monsoon
from June to September. The mean maximum temperature varies from 28.50 C in
winter to 43.60 C in summer and the mean minimum temperature varies from 7.50 C
to 27.70 C. The climate is suitable for crops like soybean, cotton, sorghum, green
gram, black gram, red gram etc. The soils of the region are medium to deep black

3.1.2 Soils and their mineralogy

The soils of Parbhani district belongs to Parbhani series (Typic
Haplusterts), on the basis of morphology, soil depth and texture (Malewar, 1976). The
soils are dominant in montmorillonite followed by moderate amount of kaolinite and
traces of Illite. The major soils of the district are derived from “Deccan trap” rock
(basalt) which is rich in iron, lime and magnesium (Gajbe et al., 1976). The
mineralogical studies carried out by Maniyar et al. (1981), the Parbhani series
constitute bulk of iron ores, along with augite, epidotic, chlorite, hornblend,
tourmaline, pyrite, pyroxenes, feldspar, quartz and muscovite.

3.2 Experimental site and soil nutrient status

The experimental soil is characterized by black colour dominated by
montmorillonite clay with high coefficient of expansion and shrinkage in summer
which leads to deep cracking formed from basaltic material. According to 7th

approximation, the soil was classified as Typic Halplusterts (Malewar, 1976) and are
included in Parbhani series.
The physico-chemical properties of experimental soil are given in
Table 1. The soil pH was 7.37, EC 0.31 dSm-1, organic carbon 4.36 g kg-1, calcium
carbonate 64.38 g kg available N content 125.43 kg ha-1, available P2O5 content
11.35 kg ha-1, available K2O content 660.60 kg ha-1, available zinc 0.25 mg kg-1,
available iron 5.41 mg kg-1, available manganese 6.09 mg kg-1and available copper
1.12 mg kg-1. The soil was clayey in texture, neutral in reaction, low in available
nitrogen and phosphorus and rich in available potassium and deficient in zinc.

3.2.1 Collection and preparation of initial soil sample

In order to determine the physico-chemical properties of experimental
soil, before sowing, the surface (0-15 cm depth) soil samples were collected from
randomly selected spots covering experimental area.
Table 1. Initial Physico-chemical Properties of experimental soil
Sr. No. Particular Unit Values
A) Chemical composition
1. pH 7.80
2. EC dSm 0.20
3. Organic carbon g kg-1 4.83
4. Calcium carbonate g kg-1 35.08
5. Available nitrogen kg ha-1 175.8
6. Available phosphorus kg ha-1 15.09
7. Available potassium kg ha-1 660.60
8. Available Zn mg kg-1 0.48
9. Available Fe mg kg-1 5.41
10. Available Mn mg kg-1 7.50
11 Available Cu mg kg-1 1.12

3.2.2 Experimental layout

The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design
(F-RBD) with sixteen treatments which were replicated thrice.

Table 1.1 Weekly weather data recorded at Agro meteorological Observatory,
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani during
the year 2018-19
Total Rainy Temperature
0 Humidity
M.W. Date rain fall days C
(mm) (No.)
Max. Min. Max. Min.

08-14 Oct 0.0 0 35.5 16.3 72 20

15-21 Oct 0.0 0 34.5 16.5 75 27
22-28 Oct 0.0 0 34.7 16.2 72 26
29-04 Nov 0.0 0 32.9 14.8 73 30
05-11 Nov 0.0 0 30.3 11.1 79 22
12-18 Nov. 0.0 0 27.1 14.4 74 33
19-25 Nov 0.0 0 28.5 9.6 75 27
26-02 Dec 0.0 0 30.4 9.4 77 21
03-09 Dec 0.0 0 29.5 9.3 74 24
10-16 Dec 0.0 0 30.3 13.5 75 34
17-23 Dec 0.0 0 27.1 9.9 76 34
24-31 Dec 0.0 0 28.5 8.5 75 21
01-07 Jan 0.0 0 30.4 7.9 75 19
08-14 Jan 0.0 0 29.5 9.5 76 28
15-21 Jan 0.0 0 31.0 9.7 77 25
22-28 Jan 0.0 0 30.1 13.1 75 37
29-04 Feb 0.0 0 29.4 12.5 76 22
05-11 Feb 0.0 0 30.8 9.8 73 20
12-18 Feb 0.0 0 33.7 13.1 73 21
19-25 Feb 0.0 0 36.4 16.2 70 19
26-04 Mar 0.0 0 29.9 14.6 63 18

Data on weekly weather parameters from 13 Oct 2018 to 27th Feb.
2019 are given on rainfall pattern, temperature and humidity variation during the
period of experimentation (2018-2019) are tabulated in Table 1.1. The data indicated
that during crop growth rainfall was all meteorological week i.e.0.0 mm. The
maximum temperature was in the 8th meteorological week i.e. 36.40C and minimum
temperature was during 1th meteorological week i.e. 7.90C. The data on relative
humidity was maximum during 45th meteorological week i.e. 79% and minimum
relative humidity was during 9th meteorological week i.e. 18 %.
3.3 Experimental details:
The field experiment was carried out on Sorghum crop (Var. Parbhani
Jyoti, Parbhani Moti, SPV-2407, CSV-29R) in Rabi season during years 2018-19 on
at Research Farm, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Vasantrao
Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani. After completion of preparatory
tillage operations, the experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design
comprising sixteen (16) treatments replicated three (3) times.
3.4 Details of experiment
1. Design of experiment Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD)
2. Year of experiment 2018-19 (Rabi)
3. No. of replications Three (3)
4. No. of treatments Sixteen (16)
5. Total No. of Plots 48 (Forty Eight)
7 Spacing
a) Row to row 45 cm
b) Plant to plant 15 cm
8. Crops and variety Sorghum(1) Parbhani Jyoti(2)Parbhani Moti
(3)SPV-2407 (4)CSV-29R
9 Date of sowing 13 October 2018
10. Method of sowing Dibbling
11. Seed rate 10 kg ha-1
12. Date of harvest 27 February.2019
13. Recommended dose of N P2O5 K2O
fertilizer ( kg ha-1) 80 40 40
14. Sources of fertilizer Urea, SSP and MOP
15. Plant protection measures As per recommendation

3.4.1 Schedule of agricultural operation
Date of
I Cultural operation

1 Ploughing : 22-09-2018

2 Preparation of layout : 09-10-2018

3 Sowing date : 13-10-2018

4 Fertilizer application : 13-10-2018

II Intercultural operations

1 Gap filling : 23-10-2018

2 Thinning : 27-10-2018

3 Weeding

1st weeding : 07-11-2018

2nd weeding : 21-11-2018

3rd weeding : 03-01-2019

4 Harvesting : 27-02-2019

5 Threshing : 04-03-2019

III Plant protection measures

1 Themate/ Diamethoate application against shoot fly : 02-11-2018

Seed, sowing and operations

Seed treatment was done immediately before sowing with Azotobacter
inoculants @ 250 gm /10 kg-1 seed. The crop was raised following recommended
agronomic practices. The recommended dose of chemical fertilizers were applied at
the time of sowing. Intercultural operations like thinning, weeding, spraying of
insecticides, fertilizer application and schedule of irrigation for sorghum crop was
carefully followed. Pre-harvest studies
Five plants from each plot were randomly selected for the
biometric observations, dry matter yield and plant analysis. The selected plants were
identified by tags.

25 Height of plant
The periodic height of the sorghum plants were measured from the
base of the plants i.e. ground level to the legule of the fully opened leaf. The periodic
height was recorded at Seedling stage (30 DAS), grand growth stage (60 DAS),
flowering stage (90 DAS) and at harvest (139 DAS). Number of functional leaves per plant
The progressive number of functional leaves i.e. fully opened green
leaves per plant were recorded periodically at seedling, grand growth, flowering and
at harvest. Post harvest studies
The experimental net plots of each treatment from three replication
were harvested separately and kept for sun drying for 6 days. After complete drying,
the weight of dry matter per net plot (kg) was recorded with spring balance. Threshing
was done manually by beating the inflorescence with wooden sticks and grain weight
per plant was taken on top pan electrical balance. Finally, grain yield, fodder yield per
net plot were recorded.
3.4.2 Plan of layout
The plan of layout is depicted in figure 1.
3.4.3 Treatment details
Zinc Biofortification of different levels will be evaluated in field
experiments using following treatments:
Factor - 1 :-Genotypes (4) Particulars
G1 Parbhani Jyoti
G2 Parbhani Moti
G3 SPV-2407
G4 CSV-29R
Factor - 2 Zinc levels (4)
Zn0 0 kg ZnSO4 ha-1
Zn1 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1
25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at
flowering stage.
25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at
flowering & dough stage.


29.5 m
0.5 m

G4Zn1 G1Zn2 G4Zn3 G1Zn2 G4Zno G1Zn1

4.0 m

0.5 m 4.5 m

G3Zn1 G2Zn2 G3Zn3 G2Zn2 G3Zno G2Zn1

G2Zn1 G3Zn2 G2Zn3 G3Zn2 G2Zno G3zn1

35.5 m
G1Zn1 G4Zn2 G1Zn3 G4Zn2 G1Zn0 G4Zn1

G4Zn0 G1Zn3 G4Zn1 G1Zn0 G4Zn2 G1Zn3

G3Zn0 G2Zn3 G3Zn1 G2Zn0 G3Zn2 G2Zn3

G2Zn0 G3Zn3 G2Zn1 G3Zn0 G2Zn2 G3Zn3

G1Zn0 G4Zn3 G1Zn1 G4Zn0 G1Zn2 G4zn3


Fig. 1. Plan of Layout.
Plate N0.1 Sowing of experimental plot

Plate No. 2 Germination of experimental plot

3.4.4 Biometric observations
Biometric observations were recorded under the following point.

a) Growth parameters Height of the plant (cm)

It was measured in cm with the help of meter scale from the base of the
plant i.e. from ground level to base of the terminal leaf, and observations were
recorded. Number of leaves per plant
The total number of leaves recorded on selected plant per plot sowing.

b) Yield parameters Grain yield (kg ha-1)

The ear heads harvested from each net plot were threshed,
winnowed and dried. Grains thus obtained were weighed separately in kg per plot and
converted into grain yield in kg ha-1 Straw yield (kg ha-1)
The weight of the straw from each net plot area was recorded after
leaving the straw for complete sun drying until a constant weight was recorded. The
straws were bundled and weighed in kg per plot and expressed as kg ha-1.
c) Quality parameters Chlorophyll Content

Chlorophyll content of sorghum leaf was recorded after 30, 60 and 90

days of sowing. Test weight

The weight of 100 seeds of sorghum from each net plot was recorded
and designated as test weight of sorghum. Protein content
It was determined by multiplying the percent of N in grain sample by
constant factor 6.25 as described by A, O.A.C. (1975).

3.5. Soil analysis
3.5.1 Sampling and processing of the soil.
Composite soil samples of 0-15 cm depth were collected from
individual plots after harvesting the crop. A portion of soil sample from each plot was
separated and stored a t low temperature in deep freeze for determination of microbial
population in soil and acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in soil after harvesting.
Remaining part of each soil sample was air dried, crushed with the help of wooden
roller, passed through 2 mm stainless steel sieve and stored in labeled polythene bags
which were further used for analytical purpose.
The processed soil samples were subjected to following analysis by the
3.5.2 Soil reaction (pH)

pH was determined in (1:2.5) soil water suspension using digital pH

meter Jackson (1973).

3.5.3 Electrical conductivity

Electrical conductivity was determined in (1:2.5) soil water suspension

by using conductivity bridge meter Jackson (1973).

3.5.4 Calcium carbonate

Calcium Carbonate was determined by rapid titration method as

suggested by Puri (1949).

3.5.5 Organic carbon

Organic carbon was determined by the method of Walkley and Black

Wet oxidation method by Jackson (1973).
3.5.6 Available Nitrogen
Available N was determined by the alkaline potassium permanganate
method as described by Subbiah and Asija (1956).

Plate No.3 General view of experimental plot

Plate No.4 Spraying on experimental plot

3.5.7 Available Phosphorus
Available phosphorus was extracted from the soil with 0.5 M sodium
bicarbonate (pH 8.5) as an extractant and measured spectrophotometric ally by using
420 nm wave lengths as described by Olsen et al. (1954).
3.5.8 Available Potassium
Available potassium was determined by using neutral normal
ammonium acetate as an extractant and was measured on flame photometer.
3.5.9 Micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu)
Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu were determined by using DTPA extract as
described by Lindsay and Norvell (1978).

3.6 Plant analysis

3.6.1 Collection and preparation of plant sample
Five plant samples from each plot were randomly selected and were
brought in laboratory. After cleaning, the plants were air dried under shade and
subsequently oven dried at 80o C for 12 hours. The sorghum grain were collected and
sundried. The plant and grain samples were separately grinded in an electrically
stainless steel blade grinder. Samples were stored in polythene packets with proper
labeling and used for chemical analysis.

3.6.2 Digestion of plant /grain samples

0.5 gm of fine powdered/grain sample was taken in 100 ml conical
flask. 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid was added to it and kept for overnight. On next
day, 10 ml of di- acid mixture (HNO3 and HCLO4 in 9:4) was added and digestion on
hot plate as described by Piper (1966). After completion of digestion. Digested
samples was diluted with distilled water and filtered. These extract were used for
determination of P, K, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu.

3.6.3 Nitrogen content

The nitrogen content in dry matter was determined by Micro
Kjeldhal’s method (AOAC, 1975).
3.6.4 Phosphorus content
The phosphorus in dry matter was estimated spectrophotometrically by
vanado molybdate phosphoric acid yellow color method (Piper, 1966).

3.6.5 Potassium content
Potassium content in plant drt matter was determined from the diluted
diacid extract on flame photometer (Jackson, 1973).
3.6.6 Total Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu
It was determined by plant digest obtained from digestion by HNO3
and HClO4 and measurements were taken on atomic absorption spectrophotometer as
described by (Lindsay and Norvell, 1978).

3.7 Statistical analysis

Results obtained were statistically analyzed as per the method

described by Panse and Sukhatme (1985). Appropriate standard errors (SE ±) were
worked out. The critical difference (CD) at 5 per cent level was used for interpretation
of results for their significance.

Plate No. 5 Flowering stage of experimental plot

Plate No.6 Experimental plot at harvest



The field experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Department of
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Parbhani entitled “Effect of zinc biofortification on soil properties, yield,
nutrient uptake and quality of rabi sorghum’’.

During the experimentation initial and periodical soil samples were

collected and analyzed for chemical properties (available macronutrients and DTPA
extractable micronutrients) of soil. Similarly biometric observations were recorded at
critical growth stages of sorghum. Whereas, the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium and total micronutrients in grain and straw was estimated after harvest of
sorghum and their uptake by the crops was computed. The quality aspects of sorghum like
protein content, test weight and chlorophyll content was also estimated. The data obtained
from this study was compiled and further subjected to statistical analysis. The relevant
data is tabulated, presented and discussed in this chapter under the following subheads.

4.1 Effect of zinc biofortification on biometric observations of Rabi sorghum.

4.2 Effect of zinc biofortification on grain and straw yield of Rabi sorghum.
4.3 Effect of zinc biofortification on quality parameters of Rabi sorghum.
4.4 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of nitrogen in Rabi sorghum.
4.5 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of phosphorous in Rabi
4.6 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of potassium in Rabi
4.7 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of zinc in Rabi sorghum.
4.8 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of iron in Rabi sorghum.
4.9 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of copper in Rabi sorghum.
4.10 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of manganese in Rabi

4.11 Effect of zinc biofortification on physico-chemical properties in soil after harvest
of Rabi sorghum.
4.12 Effect of zinc biofortification on available macronutrients in soil after harvest of
Rabi sorghum.
4.13 Effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA extractable micronutrients in soil after
harvest of Rabi sorghum.

4.1 Effect of zinc biofortification on biometric observations of Rabi sorghum

The results on biometric observations affected due to sorghum genotypes
and zinc biofortification are presented as under.
4.1.1 Plant height
The data on plant height of different genotypes of sorghum as influenced by
zinc treatments during the experimentation are presented in Table- 3 and depicted in Fig.2
The levels of zinc favorably influenced the plant height of sorghum genotypes at various
growth stages. Plant height increased with advance in age of the crop up to harvest. The
data on plant revealed that genotype G1 (Parbhani Moti) recorded significantly maximum
plant height over other genotypes at 30 (39.57 cm), 60 (206.46 cm), 90 (281.33 cm) DAS
and 277.76 cm at harvest. and found at par with genotype (G1) at 60 and 90 DAS.
Significantly minimum plant height was recorded in sorghum genotype (G4) i.e. CSV-
Different treatments of zinc showed significant impact on plant height of
different sorghum genotypes at all growth stages. The highest plant height was recorded
under treatment Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) at 30
(43.04 cm), 60 (225.02), 90 (275.79) DAS and 281.17 cm at harvest. Significantly lowest
plant height recorded under treatment Zn0 (control i.e. 0 kg ZnSO4 ha-1).
The interaction between sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments was
showed in Table 3a and graphically illustrated in significant with respect to plant height at
all crop growth stages. The highest plant height was recorded in combination of G2 x Zn3
i.e parbhani moti combined ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5%ZnSO4 at FS and DS.
This could be due to cell and intermodal elongation, increased plant metabolism due to zn

application thereby promoting vegetative growth which in positively correlated to
productivity of plant (Maqsood et al. 1999).
Similar results on interactions between genotypes and zinc were also
reported by Zayed et al. (2011)

Table 3. Effect of zinc biofortification on plant height of sorghum genotypes at

critical growth stages

Plant height (cm)

Treatments 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS Harvest
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 37.09 196.20 271.15 262.34
G2: Parbhani Moti 39.57 206.46 281.33 277.76
G3: SPV-2407 34.77 174.63 236.29 244.54
G4: CSV-29R 32.09 162.37 188.92 201.41
S. E m.± 0.75 5.72 8.37 9.23
C.D. at 5 % 2.16 16.49 24.13 27.69
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 27.98 144.35 218.67 212.80
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 33.29 169.90 232.22 235.47
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at 39.21 195.86 251.01 256.61
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at 43.04 225.00 275.79 281.17
FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.75 5.72 8.37 9.23
C.D. at 5 % 2.16 16.49 24.13 27.69
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 1.50 11.44 16.74 18.26
C.D. at 5 % 4.33 32.99 48.27 54.78

Table 3a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on
plant height
Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 Zn2:ZnSO4 Zn3:ZnSO4
Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1+ 25kg ha-1+ Mean
foliar spray foliar spray
@0.5% @0.5%ZnSO
ZnSO4 at FS 4 at FS+DS
30 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 29.99 34.04 40.23 44.12 37.09
G2: Parbhani Moti 32.45 36.27 42.63 46.93 39.57
G3: SPV-2407 27.33 32.08 38.33 41.34 34.77
G4: CSV-29R 22.13 30.77 35.68 39.78 32.09
Mean 27.98 33.29 39.21 43.04
Interaction G Zn G X Zn
S E m+ 0.75 0.75 1.50
CD at 5% 2.16 2.16 4.33
60 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 152.54 181.16 203.14 232.15 196.20
G2: Parbhani Moti 165.33 192.67 222.28 245.56 206.46
G3: SPV-2407 136.38 156.79 185.17 220.18 174.63
G4: CSV-29R 123.15 148.98 172.88 202.13 162.37
Mean 144.35 169.90 195.86 225.00
Interaction G Zn G X Zn
S E m+ 5.72 5.72 11.44
CD at 5% 16.49 16.49 32.99
90 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 247.10 263.15 273.19 301.17 271.15
G2: Parbhani Moti 258.19 272.14 286.12 308.90 281.33
G3: SPV-2407 218.18 222.14 243.18 261.66 236.29
G4: CSV-29R 151.23 171.45 201.57 231.44 188.92
Mean 218.67 232.22 251.01 275.79
Interaction G Zn G X Zn
S E m+ 8.37 8.37 16.74
CD at 5% 24.13 24.13 48.27
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 231.45 249.13 270.12 298.67 262.34
G2: Parbhani Moti 252.28 266.45 282.13 310.20 277.76
G3: SPV-2407 206.19 238.84 254.68 278.45 244.54
G4: CSV-29R 161.29 187.46 219.53 237.38 201.41
Mean 212.80 235.47 256.61 281.17
Interaction G Zn G X Zn
S E m+ 9.23 9.23 18.26
CD at 5% 27.69 27.69 54.78

Fig. 2 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on plant height of Rabi sorghum
4.1.2 Number of leaves plant-1

The number of leaves per plant is one of the growth parameter related to
physiological development of the crop. The data on number of leaves per plant as
influenced by sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments during year of experimentation are
presented in Table 4. The different genotypes of rabi sorghum influenced the number of
leaves per plant at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest. At 30, 60 ,90 DAS and at harvest,
number of leaves varied in the range of 5.25 to 6.45, 7.91 to 11.00, 10.11 to 14.47 and
10.10 to 15.20, respectively. G2 (Parbhani Moti) was observed to be significantly superior
over all other genotypes except G1 (Parbhani Jyoti) which is statistically at par with G2 at
all the crop growth stages. With advancement of growth, there was slight increase in the
number of leaves per plant.

The treatments of zinc also differed significantly in number of leaves per

plant. At 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest the number of leaves ranged from 5.57 to 6.27,
9.12 to 9.95, 11.65 to 13.72 and 11.80 to 14.20, respectively. The differences in number
of leaves per plant due to zinc treatments were very narrow. At all growth stages, Zn 3
(ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray of zinc sulphate @0.5% at FS and DS) recorded
maximum number of leaves which was significantly superior over control and
statistically at par with Zn2.

The interaction effect of sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments as

regards to the number of leaves per plant reach to the level of significance at all the
growth stages. The highest number of leaves per plant was recorded in combination of G2
x Zn3. The number of leaves per plant in one of the growth parameters related to
physiological development of the crop. The zinc biofortification proved significantly to
increase number of leaves per plant over control. Upon addition of zinc and ferrous in
balanced proportional increase the crop growth is more than adding only one due to the
positive interaction (Fageria,2001).This might be the probable reason of increased
number of leaves of sorghum under rain fed condition. The results are agreement with
Habbashah et al. (2015) and Rawashdeh and Florin (2015).

Table 4. Effect of zinc biofortification on number of leaves of sorghum genotypes at
critical growth stages.

Number of leaves plant-1

Treatments 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS Harvest
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 6.25 10.47 13.47 14.10
G2: Parbhani Moti 6.45 11.00 14.47 15.20
G3: SPV-2407 5.75 8.98 12.10 13.20
G4: CSV-29R 5.25 7.91 10.11 10.10
S.Em.± 0.21 0.22 0.44 0.39
C.D. at 5 % 0.61 0.63 1.27 1.13
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 5.57 9.12 11.65 11.80
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 5.80 9.70 12.45 12.70
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar 6.05 9.88 12.77 13.60
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar 6.27 9.95 13.72 14.20
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.21 0.22 0.44 0.39
C.D. at 5 % 0.61 0.63 1.27 1.13
Interaction (GxZn)
S.E m.± 0.42 0.44 0.88 0.78
C.D. at 5 % 1.22 1.27 2.54 2.26

Table 4a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on
number of leaves

Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 Zn2:ZnSO4 Zn3:ZnSO4

Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1+ 25kg ha-1+ Mean
foliar spray foliar
@0.5% [email protected]%
ZnSO4 at FS ZnSO4 at
30 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 5.93 6.22 6.43 6.54 6.25
G2: Parbhani Moti 6.10 6.39 6.66 6.83 6.45
G3: SPV-2407 5.59 5.65 5.89 6.18 5.75
G4: CSV-29R 4.83 5.10 5.45 5.79 5.25
Mean 5.57 5.80 6.05 6.27
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
S E m+ 0.21 0.21 0.42
CD at 5% 0.61 0.61 1.22
60 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.7 10.47
G2: Parbhani Moti 10.9 11.1 11.3 11.4 11.00
G3: SPV-2407 8.20 9.20 9.40 9.14 8.98
G4: CSV-29R 7.20 8.11 8.24 8.11 7.91
Mean 9.12 9.70 9.88 9.95
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.22 0.22 0.44
CD at 5% 0.63 0.63 1.27
90 DAS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 12.70 13.20 13.70 14.30 13.47
G2: Parbhani Moti 13.90 14.20 14.60 15.20 14.47
G3: SPV-2407 11.60 12.80 12.60 13.50 12.10
G4: CSV-29R 8.40 9.60 10.20 11.90 10.11
Mean 11.65 12.45 12.77 13.72
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.44 0.44 0.88
CD at 5% 1.27 1.27 2.54
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 12.70 13.80 14.60 15.30 14.10
G2: Parbhani Moti 14.20 14.70 15.80 16.10 15.20
G3: SPV-2407 11.80 12.90 `13.60 14.50 13.20
G4: CSV-29R 8.50 9.60 10.70 11.80 10.10
Mean 11.80 12.70 13.60 14.20
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.39 0.39 0.78
CD at 5% 1.13 1.13 2.26

4.2 Effect of zinc biofortification on grain and straw yield of Rabi sorghum
The data presented in Table- 5 and depicted in Fig.3 showed that both grain
and straw yield of sorghum as influenced by different genotypes and varied treatments of
zinc. Significantly highest grain and straw yield was recorded by genotypes G2 i.e 1398
and 8221 kg ha-1, respectively over other treatments and followed by genotype G1
(Parbhani Jyoti) with values 1289 and 7393 kg ha-1, respectively. Significantly lowest
grain and straw yield was recorded by genotype G4 ( CSV-29R) i.e 954 and 5124 kg ha-1,
Among various treatments of zinc, the grain and straw yield was
significantly influenced by treatment Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4
at FS and DS which recorded maximum values i.e 1385 and 8109 kg ha-1, respectively.
Significantly lowest yield was recorded under treatment Zn0 (control) i.e 1062 and 5855 kg
Table 5. Effect of zinc biofortification on yield of sorghum genotypes

Grain yield (kg ha-1) Straw yield (kg ha-1)

Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 1289 7393
G2: Parbhani Moti 1398 8221
G3: SPV-2407 1210 6671
G4: CSV-29R 954 5124
S.Em.± 24.80 210.00
C.D. at 5 % 71.70 605.60
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 1062 5855
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 1143 6360
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar
1261 7085
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and 1385 8109
S. E m.± 24.80 210.00
C.D. at 5 % 71.70 605.60
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 49.70 420.10
C.D. at 5 % NS 1211.30

The interaction effect of genotypes and zinc treatments affecting the grain
yield of sorghum was found to be non- significant. However, the interaction effect on
straw yield was synergistic. The Significantly maximum straw yield was recorded in
combination G2 x Zn3 i.e 9554 kg ha-1 over rest of combinations. Sorghum yield was
benefited by the effect of physiological process, plant metabolism, growth thereby
leading in higher grain yield. The nutrients also enhanced the carbohydrate supply to
kernels, increasing yield components like panicle length, number of grains per panicle
which directly influenced the grain yield.

Khoshgoftarmanesh et al. (2013) reported the foliar application of Zn

fertilizers is an effective agronomical practice in crop production, with substantial
influence on both yield and particularly grain quality. Similar results of higher straw
yields with application of Zn were also reported by Tariq et al. (2014) and Choudhary et
al. (2015).

Table 5a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on yield
25kg ha-1+
25 kg ha +
Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 foliar
foliar spray
-1 -1 [email protected]%
Treatments 0 kg ha 25 kg ha Mean
ZnSO4 at
ZnSO4 at FS
Straw yield (kg ha )
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 6444 6754 7908 8467 7393
G2: Parbhani Moti 6986 7890 8456 9554 8221
G3: SPV-2407 5890 6110 6790 7896 6671
G4: CSV-29R 4101 4689 5189 6520 5124
Mean 5855 6360 7085 8109
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 210.00 210.00 420.10
CD at 5% 605.60 605.60 1211.30

4.3 Effect of zinc biofortification on quality parameters of Rabi sorghum

The data presented in Table-6 and Fig.4 represented the quality parameters
of rabi sorghum as influenced by different genotypes and various zinc treatments.

4.3.1 Protein content

The protein content of different genotypes of rabi sorghum varied from

10.16 to 11.05% (Table-6 and Fig.4 ) .Significantly highest protein content was found in
genotype G2 (parbhani Moti) i.e. 11.05% over rest of the genotypes and genotype
G1(Parbhani Jyoti) found Statistically at par with genotype G2.

Among the various treatments of zinc, Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar

spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) showed maximum protein content (10.89%) over
other treatments. and treatment Zn2 ( ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at
FS) found statistically at par with Zn3 with value 10.73%. The lowest protein content was
recorded under treatment Zn0 (10.38%) i.e. control.

Interaction between sorghum genotypes and various zinc treatment was

showed in Table 6a and graphically illustrated in Fig.4 also has significant influence on
protein content of sorghum grain. The maximum protein content was recorded in
treatment combination i.e. G2 x Zn3 (11.31%) which found significantly superior over rest
of the combinations.

Cakmak (2000) also postulated that zn is responsible for gene expression

and protein synthesis in plants. Similarly, Singh et al. (2005) revealed that application of
Rhizobium + Azotobacter + PSB +FYM @ 5t ha-1 recorded maximum protein content and
protein yield. However, increase in protein content and protein yield. Might be due to
increased nitrogen uptake by soybean seed which increased protein content and yield of
protein. Similar findings were also reported by Tanwar and Shaktawat (2003).

4.3.2 Test weight

Data related to test weight of sorghum grain showed in (Table – 6) reflects
that different sorghum genotypes has significant impact on it. Among the four genotypes,

genotype G2(Parbhani moti) recorded maximum test weight (3.79 gm) which is
significantly superior over rest of genotypes and genotype G1(3.68 gm) found statistically
at par with G2.The lowest test weight was recorded in genotype G4(CSV-29R) i.e. 3.40
Among the different zinc treatments, treatment Zn3(3.75 gm) receiving
ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS which found statistically
significant over other treatments and treatment Zn2(ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS) found statistically at par with Zn3.
The interaction effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments
as regards to test weight failed to reach the level of significance.
An experiment laid out at Dharwad during Rabi season revealed that the
soil application of ZnSO4 @ 10 kg ha-1 registered significantly more 1000 seed weight of
sorghum crop as reported by Anand et al. (2008).
Two-year field experiment conducted at Faisalabad, Pakistan to evaluate
the effect of different Zn application methods on the productivity of maize hybrid on
sandy loam soil, revealed that maize hybrid Pioneer 30-Y-87, with combined application
of Zn as seed priming (2.0%) and foliar spray one month after sowing (2.0%),
significantly improved thousand grain weight (Mohsin et al., 2014).
Choudhary et al. (2015) revealed that combined application of
micronutrient (Fe+ Zn+ B) 25, 25 and 20 kg ha-1 significantly increased 1000 grain
weight of sorghum by, 13.4% over control, at field experiment during kharif season at
Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Preetha and Stalin (2014) conducted experiment at farmer’s fields in
Erode district of Tamil nadu and found that highest thousand grain weight of maize was
recorded with application of 7.50 kg Zn ha-1 in location having low initial Zn status, 5.00
kg Zn ha-1 in locations having medium and high initial Zn status respectively.
Study conducted at Sharkia Governorate, Egypt on maize crop, revealed
that the combine application Zn (1.5 %) and NPK fertilizer significantly improved 1000
grain weight as recorded by El-Azab (2015).

Zain et al. (2015) conducted an experiment on Karor, Layyah, Pakistan,
revealed that foliar application of FeSO4 + ZnSO4 + MnSO4 (1.6 kg FeSO4 100 L1 water
+ 3 kg ZnSO4 100 L-1 water + 1 kg MnSO4 100 L-1 water) twice, first at tillering stage
and second after 15 days before heading, remained comparatively better test weight of

Table 6. Effect of zinc biofortification on quality parameters of sorghum genotypes

at critical growth stages

Protein Chlorophyll content

Test (mg gm-1 )
Treatments wt. (g) Ch-a Ch-b
(%) Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 10.84 3.68 28.90 58.60 87.50
G2: Parbhani Moti 11.05 3.79 31.70 61.20 92.90
G3: SPV-2407 10.42 3.57 24.90 52.60 77.50
G4: CSV-29R 10.16 3.40 21.90 46.90 68.80
S.E m.± 0.076 0.10 0.59 0.51 0.15
C.D. at 5 % 0.22 0.28 1.70 1.47 0.44
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 10.38 3.49 23.90 51.8 75.70
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 10.47 3.56 25.83 54.60 80.40
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 10.73 3.64 28.62 57.90 86.50
at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 10.89 3.75 30.90 59.50 90.40
at FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.076 0.10 0.59 0.51 0.15
C.D. at 5 % 0.22 0.28 1.70 1.47 0.44
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 0.15 0.20 1.18 0.20 1.57
C.D. at 5 % 0.44 NS NS NS NS

4.3.3 Chlorophyll content

Chlorophyll content of sorghum at 65 DAS also influenced by sorghum

genotypes and zinc treatment are narrated in Table- 6 The genotype G2(Parbhani moti)
maximum chlorophyll content i.e. Chl-a (31.70 mg gm-1), chl-b (61.20 mg gm-1) and total
chl- (92.90 mg gm-1) over rest of the genotypes. The different zinc treatments has also
significant impact on chlorophyll content. The maximum chlorophyll content (chl-a, chl-
b and total-chl) was recorded under treatment Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +foliar spray
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) followed by Zn2 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +foliar spray @0.5%
Zn SO4 at FS ).However interaction effect on chlorophyll content between sorghum
genotypes and zinc did not reach to the levels of significance.

Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll contents were found

increased significantly due to the application of zinc. Sauerbed (1982) and Marigoudar
(2011) have found similar increase in chlorophyll content in maize and sorghum due to
application of zinc.

Table 6 a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on

quality parameters

25kg ha-1+
25 kg ha-1+
Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 Foliar
foliar spray
Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1 @0.5%
[email protected]% Mean
ZnSO4 at
ZnSO4 at FS
Protein content (%)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 10.63 10.69 11.00 11.06 10.84
G2: Parbhani Moti 10.81 10.94 11.13 11.31 11.05
G3: SPV-2407 10.19 10.25 10.50 10.75 10.42
G4: CSV-29R 9.88 10.00 10.31 10.44 10.16
Mean 10.38 10.47 10.73 10.89
Interaction G Zn GXZn
SEm+ 0.086 0.086 0.19
CD at 5% 0.29 0.29 0.45

4.4 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of nitrogen in Rabi sorghum
Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on nitrogen
content and uptake by sorghum resulted in Table 7 and depicted in Fig. 5 Among various
genotypes of rabi sorghum, genotype G2(Parbhani Moti) recorded maximum nitrogen
content in grain (1.77%) and straw (0.75%) over rest of the genotypes which reflected in a

maximum uptake by grain (24.74 kg ha-1) and straw (61.65 kg ha-1) and ultimately total
nitrogen (87.35 kg ha-1). The minimum content and uptake of nitrogen was noted in
genotype G4 (CSV-29R).
As regards to zinc treatments, treatment (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +foliar spray
ZnSO4 @0.5% at FS and DS) found to be superior in case of nitrogen content and uptake
which recorded 1.74% grain nitrogen content, 0.80% straw nitrogen content, 24.09 kg ha-1
grain nitrogen uptake, 64.87 kg ha-1 straw nitrogen uptake and 89.25 kg ha-1 total nitrogen
over rest of the zinc treatments. However interaction effect of genotypes and zinc was
found to be non-significant affecting the nitrogen content and uptake in grain and straw of
rabi sorghum genotypes.
Table 7. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of nitrogen in sorghum
N content (%) N uptake (kg ha-1)
Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 1.74 0.72 22.42 53.23 76.09
G2: Parbhani Moti 1.77 0.75 24.74 61.65 87.35
G3: SPV-2407 1.67 0.69 20.20 46.02 66.47
G4: CSV-29R 1.63 0.62 15.55 31.95 48.02
S.Em.± 0.06 0.058 0.50 1.10 1.06
C.D. at 5 % 0.18 0.17 1.44 3.17 3.05
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 1.66 0.59 17.62 34.54
41.98 61.61
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 1.68 0.66 19.20
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
52.53 74.39
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at 1.72 0.74 21.68
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 1.74 0.80 24.09 64.87 89.25
at FS and DS
S.Em.± 0.06 0.058 0.50 1.10 1.06
C.D. at 5 % 0.18 0.17 1.44 3.17 3.05
Interaction (GxZn)
S.Em.± 0.12 0.11 0.10 2.20 2.12
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

Fig. 3 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on straw yield of Rabi sorghum

Fig. 4 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on protein content of Rabi sorghum

Thirupathi et al. (2001) studied that the different treatments in relation to
Zn, soil application of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee
high stage and at flowering (F5) and soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1+ foliar
spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering (F4) were on par to each
other in terms of NPK uptake of stover and further were significantly superior over other
treatments. The higher nitrogen (74.06 kg ha-1) and uptake (68.29 kg ha-1) by stover was
recorded with F5 (soil application of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4 @
0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering) and significantly superior to F3 (soil application
of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1), F2 (soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1), F6
(foliar spray of Zn SO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering) and F1 (Control no
zinc), however it was on par with F4 (soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1+ foliar
spray of Zn SO4@ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering).

4.5 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of phosphorous in Rabi


Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc levels on phosphorous

content and uptake by sorghum are tabulated in Table 8 and Fig.6 Genotype G2
(Parbhani Moti) resulted maximum phosphorous content in a grain (0.75%) and
straw(0.22%) over rest of the genotypes which reflected maximum phosphorous uptake
by grain (10.54 kg ha-1),straw (17.84 kg ha-1) and ultimately total(28.38 kg ha-1).The
genotype G1(Parbhani Jyoti) found at par with G2 regarding both content(grain-0.71%
and straw-0.20%) and uptake (grain-9.22 kg ha-1, straw-14.92 kg ha-1 and total-24.13 kg

Among different zinc treatments, treatment Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar

spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) found to be superior incase of phosphorous content
and uptake which recorded 0.77% grain phosphorous content, 0.22% straw phosphorous
content, 10.49 kg ha-1 grain phosphorous uptake,17.44 kg ha-1 straw phosphorous uptake
and 27.92 kg ha-1 total phosphorous uptake over other treatments and treatment Zn2 found
to be statistically at par with zn3

Interaction effect of sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments failed to
influence the content and uptake of phosphorous by rabi sorghum genotypes.

Keram et al. (2012) observed highest uptake of P with the application of

20 kg Zn ha-1 along with recommended dose of NPK compared to control. Whereas the
highest total P uptake (19.27 kg ha-1) was recorded in control and was declined with
increasing levels of Zn. The increase in total N, K and Zn uptake could be attributed to
synergistic effect between N and Zn and due to the positive interaction of K and Zn,
respectively. Similarly, Zn application of 25 kg ha-1 as ZnSO4 recorded the highest
uptake of P (16.29 kg ha-1 in grain) (6.90 kg ha-1 in straw).

Table 8. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of phosphorous in

sorghum genotypes

Phosphorous uptake (kg ha-

P content (%) 1
Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 0.71 0.20 9.22 14.92 24.13
G2: Parbhani Moti 0.75 0.22 10.54 17.84 28.38
G3: SPV-2407 0.67 0.18 8.11 12.13 20.26
G4: CSV-29R 0.65 0.17 6.19 8.72 15.01
S.E m.± 0.02 0.034 0.22 1.29 1.29
C.D. at 5 % 0.05 0.10 0.63 3.72 3.73
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 0.64 0.17 6.92 10.12 17.02
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 0.68 0.18 7.83 11.83 19.67
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% 0.71 0.20 8.95 14.23 23.19
ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @ 0.5% 0.75 0.21 10.49 17.44 27.91
ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.02 0.034 0.22 1.29 1.29
C.D. at 5 % 0.05 0.10 0.63 3.72 3.73
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 0.06 0.068 0.44 2.58 2.59
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

Fig.5 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on nitrogen uptake in Rabi sorghum

Fig. 6 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on phosphorus uptake in Rabi sorghum

Hafeez et al. (2013) studied that the increase in the number of grains per
panicle with the application of Zn could be attributed to the adequate supply of Zn that
might have increased the availability and uptake of other nutrients resulting in improved
phosphorous metabolic activities.

4.6 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of potassium in Rabi

Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on potassium
content and uptake by sorghum is tabulated in Table 9 and depicted in Fig.7 Among the
genotypes, genotype G2(Parbhani Moti) showed maximum potassium content in a
grain(0.46%) and straw(0.84%) over a rest of the genotypes which reflected in a maximum
potassium uptake by grain(6.49 kg ha-1) and straw(69.62 kg ha-1) and ultimately total
(76.11 kg ha-1).
Zinc treatment also influenced the content and uptake of potassium by grain
and straw of rabi sorghum genotypes. Among various zinc treatments, treatment Zn 3
(ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) recorded highest potassium
content and uptake in grain and straw of rabi sorghum genotypes.(0.46% grain potassium
content, 0.78% straw potassium content,6.48 kg ha-1 grain potassium uptake, 64.38 kg ha-1
straw potassium uptake and 70.84 kg ha-1 total potassium uptake) over other treatments of
However, Interaction effect of genotypes and zinc did not reach to the
level of significance influence the potassium content and uptake in grain and straw of rabi
sorghum genotypes.

Table 9. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of potassium in sorghum

K content (%) Potassium uptake (kg ha-1)

Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 0.45 0.75 5.83 55.54 61.35
G2: Parbhani Moti 0.46 0.84 6.49 69.62 76.11
G3: SPV-2407 0.43 0.71 5.27 47.63 52.89
G4: CSV-29R 0.38 0.65 3.75 33.57 37.31
S.E m.± 0.03 0.033 0.14 2.16 2.11
C.D. at 5 % 0.08 0.09 0.42 6.23 6.11
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 0.39 0.69 4.26 41.13 45.40
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 0.42 0.72 4.93 46.15 51.44
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
0.44 0.76 5.65 54.34 59.97
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
0.46 0.78 6.48 64.38 70.84
@ 0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.03 0.033 0.14 2.16 2.11
C.D. at 5 % 0.08 0.09 0.42 6.23 6.11
Interaction (G x Zn)
S. E m.± 0.06 0.06 0.29 4.32 4.23
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

Dixit et al., 2012 studied that the increase in total N, K and Zn uptake
could be attributed to synergistic effect between N and Zn and due to the positive
interaction of K and Zn, respectively. Similarly, Zn application of 25 kg ha-1 as ZnSO4
recorded the highest uptake K (34.39kg ha-1 in grain) (100.50 kg ha-1 in straw), in rice the
lowest uptake was seen in control.

Thirupathi et al. (2001) studied that the different treatments in relation to

Zn, soil application of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee
high stage and at flowering (F5) and soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1+ foliar
spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering (F4) were on par to each
other in terms of NPK uptake of stover and further were significantly superior over other
treatments. The higher potassium uptake (68.29 kg ha-1) by stover was recorded with F5

(soil application of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee
high stage and at flowering) and significantly superior to F3 (soil application of zinc
sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1), F2 (soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1), F6 (foliar
spray of Zn SO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering) and F1 (Control no zinc),
however it was on par with F4 (soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1+ foliar
spray of Zn SO4@ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering). Similar results were
obtained by who reported that in both methods of Zn application (foliar application and
soil fertilization) the uptake of potassium increased with subsequent increase yield
attributes and seed yield in sesame.

4.7 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of zinc in Rabi sorghum

Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on zinc content

and uptake in a sorghum resulted in Table 10 and Fig.8 Among four sorghum genotypes ,
genotype G2 ( Parbhani moti ) showed maximum zinc content in a grain (39.65%) and
straw ( 44.27% ) over a rest of the genotypes which reflected in a maximum zinc uptake
by (grain 55.59 kg ha-1 and straw 364.32 kg ha-1) and ultimately total ( 419.91 kg ha-1).
The genotype G1 ( Parbhani Jyoti ) found at par with G2 regarding to both content (
grain- 36.51 % and straw- 43.58 %) and uptake ( grain- 47.27 kg ha-1 , straw- 322.36 kg
ha-1 and total 369.63 kg ha-1 ). Among different zinc treatments, treatment Zn3 (
ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 FS and DS ) recorded higher of zinc
content and uptake which recorded 38.29 % grain zinc content , 43.43 % straw zinc
content, 53.22 kg ha-1 grain zinc uptake, 352.14 kg ha-1 straw zinc uptake and 405.23 kg
ha-1 total zinc uptake respectively over rest of the treatments.

Interaction effect of sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments uptake was

showed in Table 10a and graphically illustrated in Fig.8 reflected significantly on a zinc
content and uptake. The zinc uptake in grain and straw found maximum in a combination
i.e.G2 xZn3. Total zinc uptake reported maximum in a combination G2 X Zn3 (493.49 kg
ha-1) over other combinations.

Yilmaz et al. (1997) reported that soil and foliar application of zinc,
increased Zn concentration in the different crops up to three times as compared with no
Zn application (Cakmak et al., 2010 and Karim et al., 2012). Foliar Zn applied is easily
absorbed and transported through phloem as shown in wheat by using radio labeled Zn
especially in plants grown under low Zn supply (Haslett et al., 2001 and Erenoglu et al.,
2002). Al though xylem transport of Zn has been indicated to be more important for Zn
accumulation in rice grain than translocation of Zn from the leaves (Palmgren et al.,

Cakmak (2008) announced that foliar Zn application alone or in

combination with soil Zn application significantly increased the Zn concentration in
wheat grain.

Shivay et al. (2008) was conducted an experiment among the varied Zn

levels tested, the highest zinc content (28.95 ppm) and uptake (82.95 kg ha-1) in harvested
grain was recorded with soil application of zinc sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1 followed by foliar
spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering (F5) which was on par with
F4 had significantly superior over rest of the treatments. Zn concentration in grain and
uptake studies revealed that combination of genotypes and varied Zn levels had
significant interaction. There was significant increase in Zn concentration (ppm) in grain
in at all Zn levels tested Regarding, Zn uptake by the grain, soil application of zinc
sulphate @ 50 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4 @ 0.2% at knee high stage and at
flowering (F5) and soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1+ foliar spray of ZnSO4
@ 0.2% at knee high stage and at flowering (F4) were on par to each other across the
genotypes tested Though the interaction effects of zinc levels and genotype for Zn
content in grains was significant. It may be concluded that the sorghum cultivars vary in
grain Zn content. These zinc concentrations in grain could be increased by genotype and
application of zinc fertilizers. Improved grain Zn concentration in rice with application of
Zn-coated urea fertilizer was also reported by Shivay et al. (2008).

Cakmak et al. (2010) showed similarly that increasing pool of Zn in the
vegetative tissue during the reproductive stage by spraying represents an important field
practice in maximizing accumulation of Zn in grain.

Table 10. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of zinc in sorghum

Zn content (mg kg-1) Zn uptake (g ha-1)

Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 36.51 43.58 47.27 322.36 369.63
G2: Parbhani Moti 39.65 44.27 55.59 364.32 419.91
G3: SPV-2407 34.17 42.58 41.61 284.27 325.88
G4: CSV-29R 33.01 41.62 31.70 213.70 245.40
S.E m.± 1.70 4.49 1.04 9.89 9.78
C.D. at 5 % 5.08 13.59 3.01 28.53 28.21
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 31.20 42.48 36.56 248.76 85.10
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 34.66 43.03 39.69 273.72 313.36
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar
36.17 43.11 45.86 305.50 351.13
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar
spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and 38.29 43.42 53.22 352.14 405.21
S.E m.± 1.70 4.49 1.04 9.89 9.78
C.D. at 5 % 4.98 NS 3.01 28.53 28.21
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 2.35 8.98 2.09 19.79 19.57
C.D. at 5 % NS NS 6.02 57.07 56.42

Dixit et al., (2012) reported that the Zn application of 25 kg ha-1 as ZnSO4

recorded the highest uptake Zn (163.52 g ha-1 in grain) (131.42g ha-1 in straw) in rice the
lowest uptake was seen in control. Similarly, Kabeya et al. (2013) studied that the
treatment receiving 30kg ZnSO4 ha-1 recorded the highest zinc uptake in rice. Straw, leaf
and seed samples recorded zinc uptake of (4.5 mG100g -1), (6.9mg 100g -1), (6.5mg 100g
) as compared

Wei et al. (2012) reported increased grain iron concentration and
bioavailability in rice with foliar application of FeSO4 and addition of ZnSO4 to foliar
iron application increased both Fe and Zn content without altering Fe content and
bioavailability. This may be due to the improvement of enzymatic function and the
metabolic function of plant which increased the plant uptake. Similar results were
obtained by Yadi et al. (2012) and Impa et al. (2013).

Zhang et al. (2012) reported that foliar Zn application significantly

increased the Zn concentration and the predicted bioavailability in both whole grain and
flour of wheat.

Table 10a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on

content and uptake of zinc

25kg ha-1+
25 kg ha-1+
Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 Foliar
foliar spray
Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1 @0.5%
[email protected]% Mean
ZnSO4 at
ZnSO4 at FS
Total Zn uptake ( g ha-1)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 318.45 337.17 396.07 426.81 369.63
G2: Parbhani Moti 353.89 400.62 431.64 493.49 419.91
G3: SPV-2407 283.24 296.61 333.06 390.61 325.88
G4: CSV-29R 191.47 224.68 249.82 315.65 245.40
Mean 285.10 313.36 351.13 405.21
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 9.78 9.78 19.57
CD at 5% 28.21 28.21 56.42

4.8 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of iron in Rabi sorghum

Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on iron content

and uptake in a sorghum narrated in Table 11. Among four sorghum genotypes ,
genotype G2 ( Parbhani moti ) showed maximum iron content in a grain (230.41 %) and
straw ( 252.06 % ) over a rest of the genotypes which reflected in a maximum iron uptake
by grain (323.47 kg ha-1) and straw (2074.82 kg ha-1) and ultimately total (2398.2kg ha-
) . The genotype G1 ( Parbhani Jyoti ) found at par with G2 regarding to both content (
Fig.7 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on potassium uptake in Rabi sorghum

Fig. 8 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on zinc uptake in Rabi sorghum

grain- 223.46 % and straw- 234 %) and uptake ( grain- 289.48 kg ha-1 , straw- 1735.33
kg ha-1 and total 2024.81 kg ha-1 ). Among different zinc treatments, treatment Zn3
(ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 FS and DS ) found to be superior in a
case of iron content and uptake which recorded 210.59 % grain iron content , 243.29 %
straw iron content, 295.72 kg ha-1 grain iron uptake, 1980.56 kg ha-1 straw iron uptake
and 2276.24 kg ha-1 total iron uptake respectively over rest of the treatments and
treatment Zn2 found to be at par with Zn3.

Interaction effect of genotypes and zinc treatments affecting the content

and uptake of iron was found to be non-significant.

Table 11. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of iron in sorghum
Fe content (mg kg-1) Fe uptake (g ha-1)
Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 223.46 234.00 289.48 1735.33 2024.81
G2: Parbhani Moti 230.41 252.06 323.47 2074.82 2398.29
G3: SPV-2407 184.56 229.46 224.00 1537.22 1761.22
G4: CSV-29R 152.50 225.52 147.36 1161.62 1308.98
S.E m.± 6.66 3.93 4.99 78.45 77.70
C.D. at 5 % 19.98 11.90 14.41 226.21 224.08
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 182.86 228.24 199.49 1346.34 1545.81
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 194.67 230.74 227.70 1479.84 1707.56
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 202.82 238.76 261.46 1702.24 1963.66
+ foliar spray @0.5%
ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 210.59 243.30 295.72 1980.56 2276.26
+ foliar spray @ 0.5%
ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 6.66 3.93 4.99 78.45 77.70
C.D. at 5 % 19.98 11.90 14.41 226.21 224.08
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 13.32 7.86 9.99 156.91 155.43
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

The concentration of Fe in plant at all stages of kharif sorghum are found
statistically significant. Similar findings were reported by Zeidan et al. (2010).

4.9 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of copper in Rabi sorghum

Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on copper

content and uptake in a sorghum presented in Table 12 . Among four sorghum genotypes
, genotype G2 ( Parbhani Moti ) showed maximum copper content in a grain (28.59%)
and straw ( 34.23 % ) over a rest of the genotypes which reflected in a maximum copper
uptake by (grain 40.08 kg ha-1 and straw 283.49 kg ha-1) and ultimately total Cu uptake (
323.57 kg ha-1 ) . The genotype G1 ( Parbhani Jyoti ) found at par with G2 regarding to
both content ( grain-24.82% and straw- 31.62 %) and uptake ( grain- 32.11 kg ha-1 ,
straw- 235.28 kg ha-1 and total 267.38 kg ha-1 ). Among different zinc treatments,
treatment Zn3 ( ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 FS and DS ) found to
be superior in a case of copper uptake which recorded 34.78 kg ha-1 grain copper uptake,
271.47 kg ha-1 straw copper uptake and 306.27 kg ha-1 total copper uptake respectively
over rest of the treatments.

Table 12. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of copper in sorghum

Cu content (mg kg-1) Cu uptake (g ha-1)

Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 24.82 31.62 32.11 235.28 267.38
G2: Parbhani Moti 28.59 34.23 40.08 283.49 323.57
G3: SPV-2407 21.85 28.29 26.59 190.74 217.33
G4: CSV-29R 17.10 24.18 16.59 125.85 142.44
S.E m.± 1.63 2.94 0.93 8.37 8.21
C.D. at 5 % 4.87 8.91 2.69 24.15 23.67
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 21.55 26.98 23.76 162.07 185.82
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 22.52 28.47 26.46 185.31 211.77
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 23.58 29.86 30.38 216.51 246.88
+ foliar spray @0.5%
ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 24.71 32.99 34.78 271.47 306.26
+ foliar spray @ 0.5%
ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 1.63 2.94 0.93 8.37 8.21
C.D. at 5 % NS NS 2.69 24.15 23.67
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 3.26 5.88 1.87 16.75 16.42
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

The interaction effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc levels as

regards to content and uptake of copper failed to reach the level of significance.

Sharma et al. (1981) reported that the Cu uptake in plant was varied from
93.98 to 175.49 g ha-1 at harvest stage (135 DAS) of crop and in grain it was varied from
15.59 to 58.25 g ha-1 respectively. The treatment T7 (RDF + 3 g CuNO3 kg-1) recorded
the highest Cu uptake followed by treatment T2 (RDF + 3 g ZnSO4 kg-1) and T8 (RDF +
3 g FeSO4 kg-1) recorded as 151.40 g ha-1 and 151.31 g ha-1 Cu respectively. Lowest
plant uptake (93.98 g ha-1) was obtained in treatment T1 (control). In grain, the maximum
Cu uptake was observed (58.27g ha-1) in treatment T7 (RDF + 3 g CuNO3 kg-1) and it
was at par with treatment T8 (RDF + 3 g FeSO4 kg-1) and T9 (RDF + 3 g Fe EDTA kg-1)
recorded as 55.79 g ha-1 and 57.81 Cu g ha-1 respectively.

4.10 Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of manganese in Rabi


Effect of different sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments on manganese

content and uptake in a sorghum reported in Table 13 . Among four sorghum genotypes ,
genotype G2 ( Parbhani Moti ) showed maximum manganese content in a grain (53.44%)
and straw ( 49.02 % ) over a rest of the genotypes which reflected in a maximum
manganese uptake by (grain 74.90 kg ha-1 and straw 405.98 kg ha-1) and ultimately total
( 480.89 kg ha-1 ) . The genotype G1 ( Parbhani Jyoti ) found at par with G2 regarding to
both content ( grain-50.82% and straw- 45.22 %) and uptake ( grain- 65.60 kg ha-1 ,
straw- 335.97kg ha-1 and total 401.57 kg ha-1 ). Among different zinc treatments,
treatment Zn3 ( ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 FS and DS ) recorded
numerically higher value of manganese content and uptake which recorded 50.47 % grain
manganese content 47.20 % straw manganese content, 70.34 kg ha-1 grain manganese
uptake, 386.58 kg ha-1 straw manganese uptake and 456.88 kg ha-1 total manganese
uptake, respectively over rest of the treatments but data did not reach to the level of

The interaction effect of genotypes and zinc treatments affecting the

manganese content and uptake was found to be non significant.

Table 13. Effect of zinc biofortification on content and uptake of manganese in
sorghum genotypes
Mn content (mg kg-
1) Mn uptake (g ha-1)
Grain Straw Grain Straw Total
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 50.81 45.22 65.60 335.97 401.57
G2: Parbhani Moti 53.48 49.09 74.90 405.98 480.89
G3: SPV-2407 45.38 42.51 55.23 285.18 340.41
G4: CSV-29R 44.50 38.26 42.74 198.87 241.61
S.E m.± 2.08 3.64 1.39 12.42 12.07
C.D. at 5 % 6.23 11.03 4.02 35.81 34.80
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 46.63 40.39 50.22 241.30 291.50
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 47.83 42.90 55.25 277.35 332.64
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1
+ foliar spray @0.5% 49.26 44.60 62.67 320.76 383.44
ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1
+ foliar spray @ 0.5% 50.45 47.19 70.34 386.58 456.89
ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 2.08 3.64 1.39 12.42 12.07
C.D. at 5 % 6.23 11.03 4.02 35.81 34.80
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 4.16 7.28 2.79 24.84 24.14
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS

Singh et al.(1985) was conducted an experiment that the Mn uptake in

plant was varied from 163.99 to 273.31 g ha-1 at harvest stage (135 DAS) and the grain
Mn uptake was varied from 46.03 to 109.87 g ha-1 respectively. The treatment T5 (RDF +
3 g MnSO4 kg-1) recorded the highest Mn uptake (273.31 g ha-1) which was followed by
treatment T7 (RDF + 3 g CuNO3 kg-1). The lowest Mn uptake was found in treatment T1
i.e. 163.99 g ha-1. In case of grain, maximum Mn uptake (109.87 g ha-1) was observed in
treatment T5 (RDF + 3 g MnSO4 kg-1) and it was at par with treatment T3 (RDF + 3 g Zn

EDTA kg-1) and T9 (RDF + 3 g Fe EDTA kg-1) and it was significantly superior over rest
of the treatments.
4.11 Effect of zinc biofortification on physico-chemical properties in soil after
harvest of Rabi sorghum
4.11.1 Soil pH and EC

The data related to soil pH and EC of soil after harvest of sorghum was
recorded in Table 14. It is clearly indicated that the genotypes of sorghum and different
treatments of zinc does not show any significant effect on soil pH and EC. Soil under
cultivation of different genotypes has pH range 7.87 to 7.90 which does not show any
significant difference, similarly EC values ranged between o.15 to 0.18 dsm-1 . The zinc
treatments also does not show significant impact on pH which ranged between 7.84 to
7.89 and EC ranged between o.16 to 0.19 dsm-1. pH is an important intrinsic property of
soil which usually does not change easily participating in Vertisol due to more soil
buffering capacity.

The non-significant results in the present investigation may be due to one

season results i.e. treatments generally not affecting the physico-chemical properties in a
single season particularly in the Vertisol.

Gupta et al (1987) reported that soil pH is one of the major factors which
control zn-bioavailability to crops. more than 90 percent variation in zn availability to
crop plants is due to differences in soil pH values (Wear,1956), reported that at higher
pH, precipitation reactions were pronounced while at lower pH,zn adsorption was a
dominant mechanism controlling zn solubility and ultimately its availability to the
growing plants. In the Indo Gangetic plains of India, high soil pH is associated with
widespread Zn-deficiency (Qadar,2002), Gabhane et al. (1998) also reported the decrease
in EC of soil with the application of NPK along with FYM.

4.11.2 Soil organic carbon

A perusal of data in Table 14 shows that the organic carbon content in soil
clearly indicated that there was build up of organic carbon over initial values of sorghum

crop due zinc biofortification. The results are presented in Table 14. Zinc biofortification
influenced the soil organic carbon which ranged from 5.23 to 5.65 g kg-1 showing
significantly higher soil organic carbon in Parbhani Moti treated plots followed by other
Similarly, various treatments of zinc also increase the soil organic carbon.
The soil organic carbon as influenced by Zn application ranged from 5.71 to 5.45 g kg-1.
Interaction effect of zinc biofortification are statistically non- significant.
There was a highly significant positive correlation existed in between
organic carbon and available zinc in soils. However, Stevenson (1991) reported Zn
deficiency as being frequently common in organic soils and noticed a strong inverse
relationship between soil organic carbon and soluble Zn in the rhizosphere (Sahoo et al
2003).Positive correlation between organic carbon and available Zn status was well
established in several studies by ( Nayak et al, 2000, Samantha et al, 2012).

Table 14. Effect of zinc biofortification on physico-chemical properties of soil after

harvest of sorghum

EC CaCO3 Organic
Treatments pH
(dSm-1) (g kg-1) carbon (g kg-1)
Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 7.89 0.17 48.38 5.46
G2: Parbhani Moti 7.90 0.18 49.74 5.65
G3: SPV-2407 7.88 0.16 47.32 5.37
G4: CSV-29R 7.87 0.15 46.49 5.23
S.Em.± 0.019 0.0038 0.39 0.027
C.D. at 5 % NS 0.011 1.13 0.078
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 7.84 0.16 45.31 5.17
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 7.86 0.17 46.37 5.20
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
7.88 0.18 49.70 5.35
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar
7.89 0.19 49.72 5.45
spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS
S.E m.± 0.019 0.0038 0.39 0.027
C.D. at 5 % NS 0.011 1.13 0.078
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 0.038 0.0076 0.78 0.054
C.D. at 5 % NS NS NS NS

4.11.3 Soil calcium carbonate

The calcium carbonate content as influenced by zinc biofortification are

documented in Table 14. The slightly increased calcium carbonate thereafter at harvest
due to various zinc level treatments over control. Zinc biofortification influenced the
calcium carbonate which ranged from 46.49 to 49.74 g kg-1 showing significantly higher
calcium carbonate in Parbhani Moti treated plots followed by other genotypes. Whereas,
significantly lower soil calcium carbonate per plot were noted in CSV-29R Plot.
Similarly, treatments of zinc also increase the calcium carbonate over control. The soil
calcium carbonate as influenced by Zn application ranged from 45.31 to 49.72 g kg-1.
Interaction effect of zinc biofortification are statistically non- significant.

Calcareous soils are more prone to Zn-deficiency possibly because they

have more quantity of carbonate-bound Zn due to the formation of sparingly soluble
ZnCo3 or strong adsorption of Zn on CaCO3 surfaces than on acidic soils Rashid and
Rayan (2004).

4.12 Effect of zinc biofortification on available macronutrients in soil after harvest

of Rabi sorghum

4.12.1 Soil available N

Perusal of data presented in Table 15 and Fig.9 indicates that available N

in soil was significantly increased with biofortification of zinc in rabi sorghum. Zinc
biofortification influenced the available nitrogen which ranged between 153.83 to 167 .70
kg ha-1 showing significantly higher available nitrogen in Parbhani Moti treated plots
follows by other genotypes. Whereas, significantly lower available nitrogen per plot were
noted in CSV-29R seeded plot. Similarly, treatments of zinc in the form of zinc sulphate
also increase the available nitrogen with each incremental dose. The available nitrogen
as influenced by Zn application ranged from 153.67 to 168.58 kg ha-1.

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available N was showed in

Table 15a and graphically illustrated in fig 9. Synergistic effect of each factor was

recorded showing significantly highest available nitrogen in G2X Zn3 (173.03 kg ha-1)
and it was found statistically at par with G1 X Zn3. However the lower values of available
nitrogen (145.83 kg ha-1) were recorded in without Zn.

Our experimental results are in zn concentration was greatly enhanced by

soil or foliar applications of Zn. When Zn supply was adequately high, both soil and
foliar N applications improved grain Zn concentration. (Baris et al 2010).

Table 15. Effect of zinc biofortification on available macronutrients (N,P and K) of

soil after harvest of sorghum
Available N (kg Available P2O5 Available K2O
Treatments ha-1) (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1)

Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 162.78 21.13 640.08
G2: Parbhani Moti 167.70 21.93 645.15
G3: SPV-2407 157.21 20.04 626.45
G4: CSV-29R 153.83 17.02 609.38
S.E m.± 2.08 0.46 6.39
C.D. at 5 % 6.01 1.32 18.32
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 153.77 18.09 621.42
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 157.06 18.91 627.10
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at 162.24 20.22 631.76
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 168.42 22.90 640.78
at FS and DS
S.E m.± 2.08 0.46 6.39
C.D. at 5 % 6.01 1.32 18.32
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 4.17 0.92 12.78
C.D. at 5 % 12.03 2.65 NS

4.12.2 Soil available P2O5

Perusal of the data Table 15 and depicted in Fig.10 shows that different
zinc biofortification effect on the available P2O5 content in soil. Zinc biofortification
influenced the available phosphorus which ranged from 17.02 to 21.93 kg ha-1 showing
significantly higher available phosphorus in Parbhani Moti treated plots follows by other
genotypes Whereas, significantly lower available phosphorus were noted in genotype
G4.Similarly treatments of zinc in the form of zinc sulphate also increase the available
phosphorus with each incremental dose. The available phosphorus as influenced by Zn
application ranged from18.09 to 22.90 kg ha-1.

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on phosphorus content was

showed in Table 15a and graphically illustrated in Fig 10. Significantly highest available
phosphorus in G2X Zn3. (21.93 kg ha-1) it was found statistically at par with G1 X Zn3.

Zinc absorption capacity is reduced by high phosphorus utilization and

zinc in plant and soil has an antagonism state with phosphorus (negative interaction),
therefore zinc utilization is essential to obtain high yield and quality in crops. (Aligoudarz
Branch et al. 2010).

4.12.3 Soil available K2O

Available K2O in soil was influenced significantly due to various
treatments of zinc biofortification in rabi sorghum are presented in Table 15 and Fig.11
Zinc biofortification influenced the available potassium which ranged from 609.38 to
645.15kg ha-1 showing significantly higher available potassium in Parbhani Moti treated
plots followed by other genotypes Whereas, significantly lower available potassium were
noted in genotype G4 (CSV-29R).Similarly, treatments of zinc in the form of zinc
sulphate also increase the available potassium. The available potassium as influenced by
Zn application ranged from 621.42 to 640.78 kg ha-1.

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available potassium from soil

did not reach to the level of significance.

Application of Zn fertilizer to the soil available potash was more effective

than the foliar spray on rice grain yield; however, the foliar spray resulted in a greater
increase in grain Zn content when compared with soil application. (Guo ea al ,2015).

Fig. 9 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available nitrogen in Rabi sorghum

Fig. 10 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available phosphorus in Rabi sorghum

Table 15 a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on
available macronutrients (N,and P) of soil after harvest.

Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 Zn2:ZnSO -1

4 Zn3:ZnSO4
Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha -1 25 kg ha + 25kg ha-1+ Mean
foliar spray Foliar
@0.5% [email protected]%
ZnSO4 at FS ZnSO4 at
Available N (kg ha-1)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 155.69 159.68 164.19 171.46 162.78
G2: Parbhani Moti 161.69 166.87 169.23 173.03 167.70
G3: SPV-2407 151.89 152.85 158.63 165.47 157.21
G4: CSV-29R 145.83 148.85 156.93 163.74 153.83
Mean 153.77 157.06 162.24 168.42
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 2.08 2.08 4.17
CD at 5% 6.01 6.01 12.03
Available P2O5 (kg ha-1)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 18.97 19.76 21.90 23.89 21.13
G2: Parbhani Moti 19.68 20.76 22.33 24.97 21.93
G3: SPV-2407 18.89 19.18 20.12 21.98 20.04
G4: CSV-29R 14.84 15.95 16.56 20.76 17.02
Mean 18.09 18.91 20.22 22.90
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.46 0.46 0.92
CD at 5% 1.32 1.32 2.65

4.13 Effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA extractable micronutrients in soil after

harvest of Rabi sorghum
4.13.1 Soil DTPA Zinc
The content of DTPA Zn in soil showed significant increase under all
biofortification levels of treatments compared to control treatment. The data pertaining to
periodical changes in DTPA Zn in soil is narrated in Table 16 and Fig.12 Zinc
biofortification effect influenced the DTPA zinc which ranged from 0.28 to 0.53 mg kg-1
showing significantly higher DTPA zinc in Parbhani Moti treated plots follows by other
genotype Whereas, significantly lower DTPA zinc were noted in CSV-29R treated plot.
Similarly, increase in zinc content in soil with application of treatments of zinc in the
form of zinc sulphate also increase the DTPA zinc. The DTPA zinc as influenced by Zn
application ranged from 0.36 mg kg-1 to 0.46 mg kg-1. The highest DTPA-Zn was noted
in treatment Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% zinc sulphate at FS and DS).

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA Zn was showed in

Table 16a and graphically illustrated in Fig 11in Table 16a. Showing significantly the
highest build-up of soil DTPA Zn was noticed under in G2X Zn3 (0.55 mg kg-1) and it
was found statistically at par with G1X Zn3.

Kulandaivel et al (2004) found that soil application of 40 kg ZnSO4 + 10

kg FeSO4 was found to be the most appropriate combination to improve the zinc and iron
status of soil. Further Keram et al (2012) reported that the status of DTPA extractable Zn
in soil improved remarkably due to combined application of zinc fertilization along with
recommended NPK.

Table 16. Effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA extractable micronutrients (Zn,

Fe, Cu and Mn) in soil after harvest of sorghum.


Treatments (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1)

Genotypes (G)
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 0.44 5.88 1.51 8.31
G2: Parbhani Moti 0.51 6.81 1.62 8.95
G3: SPV-2407 0.41 5.77 1.40 7.29
G4: CSV-29R 0.26 5.12 1.28 6.86
S.E m.± 0.011 0.17 0.022 0.15
C.D. at 5 % 0.031 0.49 0.065 0.44
Levels of ZnSO4 (Zn)
Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1 0.35 5.34 1.41 7.60
Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 0.40 5.61 1.43 7.78
Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar 0.42 6.31 1.47 7.97
spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
Zn3: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar 0.45 6.32 1.50 8.06
spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and
S.E m.± 0.011 0.17 0.022 0.15
C.D. at 5 % 0.031 0.49 0.065 0.44
Interaction (G x Zn)
S.E m.± 0.022 0.34 0.044 0.31
C.D. at 5 % 0.063 0.98 NS NS
4.13.2 Soil DTPA iron

Results narrated in Table 16. related to DTPA iron in rabi sorghum

indicate significant effect of zinc biofortification..The zinc biofortification influenced the
DTPA iron which ranged from 5.12 to 6.8 mg kg-1 showing significantly higher DTPA
iron in Parbhani Moti genotype treated plots followed by other genotype. Whereas,
significantly lower DTPA iron per plot were noted in CSV-29R treated plot. Similarly,
treatments of zinc in the form of zinc sulphate also increased the DTPA iron. The DTPA
iron as influenced by Zn application ranged between 5.36 mg kg-1 to 6.33 mg kg-1.The
maximum DTPA iron is noted in treatment Zn3(ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5%
ZnSO4 at FS and DS).

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification was showed in Table 16a and

graphically illustrated in fig 12. Interaction effect showing significantly the highest
DTPA iron was noticed under in G2 X Zn3 (7.14 mg kg-1) and it was found statistically at
par with G1X Zn3. Similar results were also reported by Kulandaivel et al (2004).

Table 16a. Interaction effect of zinc biofortification and sorghum genotypes on

DTPA extractable micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) in soil after
Zn2:ZnSO4 25 kg ha-
Zn0:ZnSO4 Zn1:ZnSO4 1
+ foliar spray 25kg ha-1+ Foliar
Treatments 0 kg ha-1 25 kg ha-1 [email protected]%ZnS Mean
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS
O4 at FS+DS
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 0.39 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.44
G2: Parbhani Moti 0.46 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.51
G3: SPV-2407 0.36 0.42 0.43 0.45 0.41
G4: CSV-29R 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.26
Mean 0.35 0.40 0.42 0.45
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.011 0.011 0.022
CD at 5% 0.031 0.031 0.063
G1: Parbhani Jyoti 5.45 5.69 6.10 6.28 5.88
G2: Parbhani Moti 6.12 6.90 7.10 7.14 6.81
G3: SPV-2407 5.41 5.44 6.06 6.20 5.77
G4: CSV-29R 4.41 4.42 5.98 5.69 5.12
Mean 5.34 5.61 6.31 6.32
Interaction G Zn GX Zn
SE m+ 0.17 0.17 0.34
CD at 5% 0.49 0.49 0.98

4.13.3 Soil DTPA copper

A perusal of data given in Table 16. revealed that DTPA extractable

copper content in soil was influenced significantly with different zinc biofortification .
Zinc biofortification influenced the DTPA copper which ranged from 1.28to 1.62 mg kg-1
showing significantly higher DTPA copper in genotype Parbhani moti treated plots
follows by other genotype Whereas, significantly lower DTPA copper per plot were
noted in genotype G4 (CSV-29R).Similarly, applied zinc treatments in the form of zinc
sulphate also increase the DTPA copper. The DTPA copper as influenced by Zn
application ranged from 1.41 mg kg-1 (Zn0) to 1.50 mg kg-1 (Zn3).

Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on DTPA Cu did not reach to

level of significance affecting soil DTPA-Cu.

4.13.4 Soil DTPA manganese

Effect of zinc biofortification enhanced the DTPA manganese content in

soil as compared to initial values. Zinc biofortification influenced the DTPA manganese
which ranged between 6.86 to 8.95 mg kg-1 showing significantly higher DTPA
manganese in Parbhani Moti treated plots follows by other genotypes. Whereas,
significantly lower DTPA manganese per plot were noted in genotype G4 (CSV-29R)
.Similarly, application of zinc in the form of zinc sulphate also increased the DTPA
manganese. The DTPA manganese as influenced by Zn application ranged from 7.60 mg
kg-1 to 8.06 mg kg-1.

Interaction effect of sorghum genotypes and zinc treatments failed to

influence the availability of DTPA extractable- Mn in soil.

Fig. 11 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available potassium in Rabi sorghum

Fig.12 Interaction effect of zinc biofortification on available zinc in Rabi sorghum



A field experiment was planned and conducted on Rabi sorghum to
evaluate the “Effect of zinc biofortification on soil properties, yield, nutrient uptake
and quality of rabi sorghum” during 2018 -2019 at experimental farm, Department of
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik
Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Parbhani.

The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block designed

with two factors – rabi sorghum genotypes and zinc levels. Four sorghum genotypes,
G1: Parbhani Jyoti, G2: Parbhani Moti, G3: SPV-2407 and G4: CSV-29R were
evaluated against four zinc treatments viz., Zn0: ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1, Zn1: ZnSO4 25 kg
ha-1, Zn2: ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1+foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage and Zn3:
ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1+ foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage. The
experiment was replicated thrice. Observations on growth parameters, yield, quality
parameters, macro and micronutrient uptake by grain and straw, physico-chemical
properties and nutrient availability were recorded and analyzed and are summarized

Rabi sorghum genotype parbhani Moti recorded significantly superior

plant height (39.57, 206.46, 281.33 and 277.76 cm) and number of leaves per plant
(6.45, 11.02, 14.47 and 15.20) at 30, 60, 90, DAS and at harvest, respectively.

Growth parameters viz., plant height and number of leaves per plant of
sorghum genotypes was higher (43.04, 225.00, 275.79 and 281.17 and 6.27, 9.95,
13.72 and 14.20 respectively) with soil application of ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
of ZnSO4 @0.5% at flowering and dough stage, respectively at 30,60,90 DAS and at

Significantly maximum grain (1398 kg ha-1) and straw (8221 kg ha-1)

yield was registered in Parbhani Moti genotype (G2) over rest of the genotypes.

Significantly higher grain (1385 kg ha-1) and straw (8109 kg ha-1) was
obtained with application of ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray of ZnSO4 @0.5% at

flowering and dough stage. Zn0 (0 kg ZnSO4 ha-1) recorded the lowest grain (1062 kg
ha-1) and straw (5855 kg ha-1) yield.

The quality parameters like protein content, test weight and

chlorophyll content improved significantly due to biofortification. Maximum values
of these quality parameters were noted with Parbhani Moti and ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage over rest of the treatments.

The nitrogen content and uptake by grain, straw and total N uptake was
highest in genotype parbhani Moti (G2) as compared to other genotypes. Out of
different zinc treatments, Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5%ZnSO4 at
flowering and dough stage) recorded highest nitrogen content and uptake by grain and
straw. The values for N content and uptake followed the order of Zn3>Zn2>Zn1>Zn0.

The Phosphorus content and uptake by grain and straw was maximum
in genotype Parbhani Moti followed by Parbhani Jyoti over rest of the genotypes.
Among the zinc treatments, Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at
FS and DS) registered higher phosphorous content by grain and straw and lower was
registered in Zn0 treatment.

The Rabi sorghum genotype parbhani Moti (G2) recorded Significantly

highest potassium content and uptake in grain and straw over other different
genotypes. As regards to various zinc treatments, Zn3 (ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
@0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS) noted higher content and uptake of potassium followed
by treatment Zn2.

Significantly higher micronutrient content and uptake (Zn, Fe ,Cu and

Mn) was obtained in parbhani Moti genotype (G2) among all the genotypes. The
maximum micronutrient content and uptake was recorded with soil application of zinc
sulphate @ 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS and significantly
superior over rest of the treatments. No zinc application recorded lowest micronutrient
content and uptake by rabi sorghum genotypes.

The interactive effect of various rabi sorghum genotypes and zinc

treatment on soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and calcium carbonate
content after harvest was statistically non-significant.

Significantly highest values of available N, P 2O5 and K2O were
recorded in sorghum genotype parbhani Moti and zinc treatment 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS over rest of the treatments.

The DTPA micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn ) in soil after harvest of

rabi sorghum were found significantly influenced by zinc biofortification. DTPA
micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) were noted maximum in genotype parbhani Moti
and zinc treatment 25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 and flowering and
dough stage.


Significantly highest plant height and number of leaves per plant was
noted in parbhani Moti with biofortification of zinc @ 25 kg ha-1 ZnSO4 + foliar spray
0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage. The genotype parbhani Moti recorded
significantly highest grain and straw yield as compared to other genotypes.
Significantly highest grain and straw yield was recorded with soil application of
ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% and flowering and dough stage as compared
to soil application of ZnSO4 kg ha-1 alone or control. The quality attributes of
parbhani Moti was improved with soil application of ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
@0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage as compared to other genotypes. The
highest macronutrient (N,P and K) and micronutrient (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) content
and uptake were recorded in grain and straw of parbhani Moti genotypes by soil
application of ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + two foliar spray at flowering and dough stage. The
interactive effect of genotypes and zinc treatments on physico-chemical properties
viz. pH, EC, organic carbon, and calcium carbonate content after harvest of sorghum
indicates non-significant results. Nutrient availability after harvest of rabi sorghum
genotypes was also recorded and significantly maximum macronutrient(N,P2O5,and
K2O) and DTPA extractable micronutrient (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) was registered in
parbhani Moti genotype plot and soil application of ZnSO4 25 kg ha-1 + foliar spray
@0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage.


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A Candidate for the Degree


Master of Science (Agriculture)



PARBHANI 431402 (M.S.), INDIA.

Research Guide : Dr.M.S.Deshmukh

Department : Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

Field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2018-19 at

Research farm, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Vasantrao
Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani to study the effect of zinc
biofortification on soil properties, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of Rabi sorghum.
Experiment consists of sixteen treatment combinations in which four genotypes i.e.
Parbhani Jyoti, Parbhani Moti , SPV-2407 and CSV-29R and four zinc treatments
viz., Zn0 ( ZnSO4 0 kg ha-1), Zn1 (25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1), Zn2 (25 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + foliar
spray@ 0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering stage ) and Zn3 (25kg ZnSO4 ha-1 + foliar spray@
0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage) were used in factorial randomized block
design replicated thrice .Significantly highest plant height and number of leaves per
plant was noted in Parbhani Moti with biofortification of zinc (25kg ha-1ZnSO4 +
foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage .Among the four genotypes
, the genotype parbhani Moti recorded significantly highest grain and straw yield as
compared to Parbhani Jyoti ,SPV-2407 and CSV-29R genotypes. significantly highest
grain and straw yield was recorded with soil application of ZnSO4 25kg ha-1 + foliar
spray @ 0.5% at FS and DS as compared soil application of ZnSO4 25kg ha-1 alone
or control. The quality attributes of Parbhani Moti was improved with soil application
of ZnSO4 25kg ha-1 +foliar spray @ 0.5% ZnSO4 at FS and DS as compared to other
genotypes. The highest macronutrients (N,P&K) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and
Mn) content and uptake were recorded in grain and straw of Parbhani Moti genotypes
by soil application of ZnSO4 25kg ha-1 + two foliar spray at FS and DS. The physico-
chemical properties viz. pH , EC, organic carbon and CaCo3 after harvest of sorghum
indicates non-significant interactive results. However, nutrient availability after
harvest of rabi sorghum crop was also recorded with biofortification. Significantly
highest value of soil macronutrients (N,P2O5 and K2O) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu
and Mn) were noted in Parbhani Moti genotypes and soil application of ZnSO4 25kg
ha-1 + foliar spray @0.5% ZnSO4 at flowering and dough stage.

GARDI A. G. Dr. M.S. Deshmukh

Student Research Guide

1. Name of student : Gardi Akshay Gorakh

2. Date of Birth : 28 March 1994

3. Name of the College : Department of Soil Science and Agricultural

Chemistry, College of Agriculture,

VNMKV, Parbhani.

4. Residential Address : Ap- Wadwani Tal- Wadwani

Dist- Beed Pin-431122.

Mobile No. 9764168092

Email ID – [email protected]

5. Academic qualification :
Sr. Name of Year in Division/ Name of Subjects
No. Degrees which Class awarding
awarded obtained University
1. B.Sc. (Agril.) June, 2017 First class V.N.M.K.V, Agriculture
Parbhani and allied

6. Research papers : NIL

published (if any)
7. Field of Interest : Teaching and Research in Agriculture and marketing
(in which you desire
to work)

Place: Parbhani
Date: / / 2019 Signature of Student

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