STS Midterm Quizzes Exam

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Which of the following would best describe how science affects culture?

- Science can shape the cultural views of the people, their understanding about the world
and the thoughts they have

Academic science refers to which of the following?

- The way scientific knowledge is transferred from an area of science to territory of


What is a metal-organic framework?

- It is a form of technology used for harvesting water out of thin air

It is the code which has statements that upheld the protection of human subjects, the
analysis of the risk as contrasted to the benefit of the experiments, and the performance of
experiments only by scientist.

- Declaration of Helsinki

It is an act which has a goal on protecting the researchers from acts of violence perpetrated
by groups of anti-animal research militants

- Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

It is the second stage of clinical trial where it involves testing on animals?

- Preclinical Trials

Which of the following would best explain how culture affects science?

- The society's view depends on the culture that they have and it affects what form of
technology the society will accept
Discovery science is the principle describing the quest for unconventional knowledge
through what?

- Systematic investigation and experiment

It is a new policy which is needed to guarantee that we have a harmonious future.

- Biopolicy

In 2000, all 189 member state of the United Nations adopted what to set goals for achieving
specific targets by certain dates.

- Millennium declaration

He was the one who recalled Hartsoeker's understanding and argued that the destruction of
sperm is wrong as well as masturbation.

- Pinhas Elijah

According to the article the US-centric that Maienschein adopted is disappointing because;

- It fails to appreciate the growing global anxiety that big businesses will control and
selfishly exploit the fruits of science.

Which of the following would perfectly define what an acetogenic organism is?

- It is an organism capable of producing acetate from carbon dioxide in an anaerobic


According to the article the person who believes that the sperm contains a homunculus?

- Nicolaas Hartsoeker
The following are the three generally accepted principles of the institutional Review Board
on the Use of Human Subject except:

- Aspects of Life Science

What is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)?

- It is a deep learning tool used for solving/doing visual activity

The one who believes that ensoulment occurs 40 days after conception

- Jews

Liquid Biopsy is capable of detecting which of the following?

- Cancer

It is concerned with preserving the wealth and beauty of the natural world, securing the
health of the earth's population, providing fair rules of trade, and guaranteeing equal
educational oppurtunities for every country in the world can be a source of genuine profit,
both monetary and social.

- Bio-economics

In the statement'Imitatio Dei is morally positive' what is the meaning of the italicized word?

- Imitation of God

The following are tools or technologies that is very important in precision farming

- Android Operating System

It urges the scholars, decision-makers, diplomats, business and civic leaders to actively
contribute to the development of a life-supporting society.

- International University for the Bio-environment

This refers to the action of lowering the number of animals involved in the experimentation:

- Reduction

Which of the following is the meaning of "in vitro"?

- A process performed outside the living organism

In the article who among the following is said to have an early understanding of genetics,
modern in vitro fertilization, and stem-cell biology.

- Thomas Hunt Morgan

It is the lessening of pain that an animal subject should undergo to.

- Refinement

It has the central concept of linking the protection of bios rights to the defense of the rights
of future generations

- Bio-legislation

Which of the following is included in the Belmont report?

- Three basic ethical considerations in using humans as subjects for research

It has the purpose and responsibility of uplifting the spirit of humanity in order to reverse
the crisis in values that has resulted in serious environmental deterioration.

- Bio-education
It has a concept that focuses on the interdependence of all forms of life, and calls upon
diplomats and other people of influence to engage in a collective endeavor in international
relations and act as a bridge between global communities at the national and cultural

- Bio-diplomacy

The person who argued that if science is to improve the lot of humans, then scientists must
hone their moral thinking and be more ready to listen to the opinions of ordinary people

- Jane Maienschein

Science as a social enterprise relates to science itself as an interplay between which of the

- The works of scientists and the active involvement of people examining the product of
scientific inquiry

Industrial science deals with which of the following?

- How the technology that arises from science is applied in industries

One of the members of the Institutional Animal Care Use Committee who would oversee all
aspect of animal care is required to be which of the following?

- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

The following are the required personnel for an Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee except for:

- Nurse

Which of the following is the definition of science according to the module?

- An accumulated and organized body of knowledge that is intended to solve real-world

The first step of clinical trial which is done after research and screening of the substance.

- Development Stage

Which of the following is the third principle of the nurmberg code.

- It validated the use of animals for biomedical experimentation

This refers to the use of lower species of animals as much as possible.

- Replacement

Science as a cultural resource shows which of the following?

- The impact of science on societal beliefs and values

In the process of mimicking photosynthesis what is the use of nanowires?

- They used to capture light

The person who wrote "Whose View of Life?".

- Jane Maienschein

Which of the following countries has highly contributed to the growing knowledge about
IVF and cloning where the first mammalian clone and early work on embryonic stem cells
was initiated?

- Britain

It is an unethical study where it used a hundred of African men where to be able to study

- Tuskegee Study
The Millennium Development Goals include the following except:

- Spread HIV and Malaria

It is a project which aims to identify the role of every cell in the body and their identity.

- Human Cell Atlas

One of the major challenges global agriculture faces is

- Feeding more people with less land

The following are the three principle proposed by William Russell and Rex Burch where
animal research should conform to except for:

- Resurrection

B.I.O.'s educational and awareness-raising programs are directed at which of the following?

- Restoring the stability of our human and natural environments

Which of the following is the first stage of obtaining scientific knowledge?

- Describing the natural or physical world or event through expert observation

Which of the following is not a bias in data analysis?

- Interpretation of Data

What is external responsibilities of a researcher?

- Refers to the role of the scientist or researcher not only to the scientific community but
also to the community outside of the laboratory.
Bayh-Dole act which is passed in 1980, is the

- Act granting universities and their professors automatic rights to own and commercialize
federally funded research

Transparency and objectivity of researchers can be affected by personal or financial

interests. Directly or indirectly. Research can be directly affected by the interests of the
person conducting it if the person has a direct benefit from a company such as stock
ownership, grants, and patents. And indirectly if

- The person will be given recognition, paid expert testimony, and support from sponsored
organizations of the company

To ensure that a sample is representative of the population, sampling should be or is

preferred to be

- Random

Admission bias is

- When the population studied does not reflect the general population

According to the module, the amount of research in 2006 funded by private industries

- Increased

According to the survey conducted by the Union of the Concerned Scientists in 2005 half
the scientists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed that

- Private corporations did affect the withdrawal or reversal of scientific research conclusions

It is any trend or deviation from the truth in data collection, data analysis, interpretation,
and publication which can cause false conclusions.

- Bias
The following is seen crucial for any research organization except for

- Having the right private funding for researches

Having only research with positive result and not accepting of those with negative results
would be a form of what bias?

- Publication Bias

Which of the following is not a benefit of tape recording?

- Writing down the observations is not largely the job of the researcher

It is also given in the module that scientist should have set both of its internal and external
responsibilities. How is internal responsibilities defined?

- It is the role of the of the scientist to stick to the standards of the scientific community

Reporting non-existing data, eliminating data, and using inappropriate statistical tests are all
part of what?

- Bias in Data analysis

Overall the module talks about

- The problem faced by the scientific research community in response to the conflict of
interest with different privately owned corporations funding researches.

Volunteer bias is

- When the people who are part of the study are those only interested to be part of the
study and would have a big difference to those who don't

According to the reading material that if deviation is still present the author should:

- Confess it in their articles by declaring the known limitations of their work

According to Steven Nissen, a cardiologist in Cleveland Clinic, pharmaceutical industry's has
a growing influence over what?

- Medical research

It is a kind of bias which occurs when something is poorly defined, no gold standard for
diagnosis of the disease, or when a disease might not be easily detectable for example a

- Misclassification Bias

It is a form of bias that occurs when the study is supported by the company that wouldhelp
the interest of the same company but instead of conducting a correct form of experiment
the conclusion of the study was changed or manipulated.

- Funding Bias

It refers to the legal issues related to the use of Internet.

- Cyberlaw

According to the article, cognitive self-esteem after using google gives people a sense of
thinking that google has become part of their cognitive tool set. This means that:

- They feel like they are smarter while they tend to rely on google

It is the emergence of new scientific or technological ideas that may be part of a random
exogenous process.

- Invention

The Stroop Task that they have given their subjects showed that:

- That people tend to think more about things on the internet compared to brands.
According to the article, which of the following is one of the best reason why humans rely
more on the internet than another human beings when they are in search of answers.

- Because unlike humans internet are generally easier to access nowadays and can answer
faster and more accurate than another person.

Republic Act No. 10175 is also known as

- Cybercrime Prevention Act

It is the product of laboratory scientist where it entails the conception of basic ideas

- Invention

This is the tendency to distribute information where we consider a human mind as a storage
of information.

- Transactive Memory System

In the experiment where a different group of people were told to copy 40 memorable
factoids where some of them were told that their work will be saved in a computer and
some were told that there work will not be saved, which of the following was a conclusion
they derived from the experiment.

- The group that was told that their work will not be saved is much worse at remembering
compared to the group of people who are told that their work will not be saved.

On the last part of the of the article the authors had concluded that

- The internet may lead to a great improvement in the future where it will be a part of our
memory without risking our identity.

Process innovation is defined as

- Change in the process of doing something to either lower the cost of production or to
satisfy the new ways of satisfying existing wants
Which of the following is the nearest model for a Stroop task?

- Testing a group of people by showing them a set of words with different colors where they
have to identify the colors of the word given

Rural Electrification Act is

- A law that enacted to bring electric power to most rural areas of the United States

The authors describe It as a manner of changing how people think when they start to largely
relay on the internet for some facts

- Google Effect

There are two activities involve in technical progress which is process innovation and which
of the following?

- Product Innovation

It is a complex set of knowledge, ideas and methods and is likely to be the result of a variety
of different activities.

- Technology

It is the intentional or reckless alteration or reckless hindering with the functioning of a

computer or computer network by imputing, transmitting, damaging, deleting, altering or
suppressing computer data or program.

- System Interference

It refers to the freedom of the right of having access to every data on the internet.

- Net neutrality
The first part of the article explained which of the following

- A person tends to distribute some facts he or she might not be capable of remembering
to another person that is part of the group where he belongs.

Which of the following statement would best summarize the article.

- The internet has changed the way humans think from relying on another human being to
relying on the internet which by then changed our manner of thinking.

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