Compito Scritto Inglese

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Magna Carta In 1215, King John of England was forced by the English barons to identify a series of freedoms and

privileges in a sacred document,

the Magna Carta libertatum. With some modifications it was again granted in 1225 and idialized by Henry III, becoming part of the fundamental laws
of the English kingdom. The Magna Carta was the first document of rights in Europe to guarantee individual freedoms, knowing the rights of feudal
lords, the Church, English cities and "free men" in comparison with the sovereign of England, limiting his powers. The king, in fact, had violated the
principles of the feudal relationship by imposing big taxes on his subjects during his wars against France. The Magna Carta libertatum is to be
considered as an evolution of the feudal contract to consecrate the principles underlying the feudal state and bring the king back to legality.

Religione: The first invaders of britain was Celtic from Northwest Germany they worshiped the natural elemens and performed human sacrifice.In 43
to 47 AD the Romans conquesd Britain and brought Christianity to this land.But when romans leave britain the Anglo-saxons came to England and
reintroduced pagan values. But to Pope Gregory 1 the pagan did not like and he wanted reintroduce Christianty to England the mission was
successful. In the following years the church has been very successful, in 602 the first Archbishop became nominated and this role is still the most
important for the Church in England. Infact the consequence of Christianisation is a joined England and Europe’s ecclesiatical culture.In the 1160
Henry introduced common law the law of administratred used everywhere. In other part of Europe the law was based on Roman Empire and the
canon law of the Church. The archbishop Thomas Becked of Canterbury tried to assert the indipendence of church from State but Henry don’t
approved this plane and kill Becket.

JW e la rivoluzione della lingua: The history of the English language begins with the settlement of the Angles, Saxons and lutes in Britain. It is
sometimes convenient to divide the history of the English language as spoken in England into three periods: Old English (ca 700-1100), Middle
English (ca 1100-1450) and Modern English (ca 1450-present day). After the Norman Conquest three languages were spoken in England: it was from
the blend of French, Old English and Latin that Middle English originated. But the Normans replaced English with French,Latin Remained for
ecclesiastical context and English survived in everyday speech.In 12 santury came John Wycliffe was an open critic of corruption in the Church and
its great wealth, Religious Reformer, preached evangelical poverty, rejected the Church hierarchy and some sacraments, and created the first English
translation of the Bible from the vernacular into English.

The Norans were the people who habited Normandy. Williamn was the lord of this land but he became the king in1066. William I also called William
the conqueror demostrated all his power in a book of registration: the Domesday Book who listed the different type of land and the productive people,
their status and animals. The Noman also introduced a new social organization: the feudal systern. To thr top of this system we found the King <the
owner of all the land> Vassals (lords or batons) obteined land becaming the king's tenants, they was in a military service to the king> Knights
<tenants of barons> and Peasants (slave.) they were half-free people and they practive agricultural work. The main weakness was that the king didn't
have an army to defend himself from theattack to the rebellious barons.

Richard Il surrendered the throme to Henry IV ( The firs Lancastrian). After his death, his son Henry V successedhim. He belived he had right to
French throne and for this reason started the Battle of Angincourt (1413). Henry VI,the son of Henry V was considered to be mentally unstable and
than Richard the duke of york was chosen to ruleEngland. This rivalry developed into a civil war: Wars of the roses (1455 to 1485 around thirty
years). The house ofyork was rappresentated by a white rose while the House of Lancastrian was rappresentated by red rose. They hadequal claim to
the throne as both.The war ended when the last Yorkist king was murdered by the Lancastrian Henry Tudor. After he maried Elizabeth of York
uniting the two roses.

Leteratura medievale: the first literature was Anglo-saxon literature and this is anonymouse and oral often accompanied by harp this literature was
exposed on occasions of grat cerimonies and festivities. During the Middle Ages the lyric became a popular form the earliest lyrics were religious in
tone but later they became secular toke about love and nature also in Middle Age was started a new genre metrical romances: they were tales in verse
about love, supernatural animales like fairies gigants dagon and another. And for last the Ballads they were text whit very simple language and it
including a mix of dialogue and narration. The example of medieval ballads was Geordie and Lord Randal. Also today we know a ballats but in
another form we listen to every day the song they have a different thems and ritms but always have a refrain.

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