Daksha's - Yagna

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Daksha's - Yagna

    Daksha, the eldest among the ten sons of Lord Brahma was renowned for his intellectual 
calibre and for displaying great skills.

    Acting on the advice of his father Lord Brahma, he sat on intense Meditation of Lord 
Civa, the 'Supreme God' on the banks of River Manasa, and he had thereby acquired innumerable 
boons to his credit.

    Invariably all his boons were connected with the enjoyment of prosperity and power 
mostly enjoyed by the Gods, and he was not so keen on reaching "Mukthi" in order to enjoy
Eternal Bliss.

    The boons conferred upon him by Lord Civa were mostly found beneficial in carrying out 
the worship of gods as well as asuras, and in acquiring certain benefits through Lord Brahma. 
"Dakshapuri" was made into a Capital City, from where he was reigning in all pomp and splendour. 
He married Vedavalli, a beautiful lady of impeccable - chastity and virtues and gave birth 
to innumerable sons. However 'Dakshas' - Sons had become the ardent - disciples of Sage 
Naradha and unlike their father, they had taken up 'Civa-Worship' meant for attaining "Mukthi"

    Later Daksha had borne Twenty seven [27] girls, - who had become 'Nakshatras',
and all of them were given in Marriage to the Moon God 'Chandran'.

    Chandran who had developed intense fascination particularly for two of his wives 
namely 'Kaarthigai and Rohini' showered all his love and affection on them, behaving 
indifferently towards his other wives.

    The girls, who had thus been neglected, approached Daksha and narrated their tales of 
suffering on account of Chandran's indifference.

    Daksha immediately pronounced a curse by which the Moon God Chandran would lose
all his radiance and wither in humiliation.

    Immediately, the Moon God approached Lord Civa, and fervently sought and got graced
by Lord Civa to absolve him from the curse.

    Since Lord Civa had helped the mitigation of the curse on Chandran, Daksha had 
developed an antagonistic attitude towards Lord Civa.
    At this juncture, Pulagar - a sage well known to Daksha had sensibly advised him to shed 
the prejudice he had developed towards Lord Civa. Daksha was also pacified when he
that as per a 'Boon' already announced Lord Civa would also become his 'Son-in Law' in due

    In accordance with the boon conferred, 'Umaa Devi' was born as daughter to Daksha 
known as Dhakshaayani and subjected herself to great penance, so as to become the 'Consort' of 
Lord Civa. Lord Civa who was greatly impressed, appeared before her, and accepted her as 'His
When the 'dazzling' wedding - function was in progress, Lord Civa had suddenly disappeared.
Again Dhakshaayani started her great penance. Once again, Lord Civa riding on His Bull
at the spot in the form of a 'Mendicant' with great serenity and took Dhakshaayani on His Bull, 
and rode away for his abode in Kailash.

    Daksha, who was intolerably angry, immediately proceeded towards Kailash to see his
daughter. Lord Civa was seated along with his consort at the 'Temple Mansion'  in Kailash, and 
when Daksha had sought entry into the 'Temple Mansion' the 'Bhootha Ganas' [Goblins] had 
flatly refused to permit him to go inside! Daksha who had become much furious returned to his 
abode developing hatred towards Lord Civa.

    Dakshan by now had decided to conduct a great 'Yagna' without inviting 'Lord Civa', 
his Son-in-Law, who had brought much humiliation to him. He planned like this, so that Lord Civa 
will not have the benefit of having the 'Avibagam' taken out of the sacred prayer (Homa
Gundam) which is considered as the super beneficial one in such Yagnas.

    Though several devas, with great reluctance attended, the 'Yagna' conducted by 
'Daksha' with due regard for his Mighty - powers acquired by 'Tapas' some Pre. Eminent Sages 
like Agasthiar, Sanagaathi Rishis (சனகாதி முனிவர்கள்) and so on, were conspicuously absent.

    Though Sage Dadhisi ( ததீசி முனிவர்) , had warned Daksha, that his line of approach, was 
quite inappropriate he had adamantly refused to invite Lord Civa to the "Great Yagna"

    Sage Dadhishi's explanations to Dakshan that Lord Civa - the 'Supreme Being' was solely 
responsible for the cosmic activities of creation, preservation and dissolution, had fallen on deaf
    The 'Great Yagna'  had commenced, and 'Kamadhenu' - the 'Fabled Cow' supplying the 
needs of Gods had brought several mouth watering - delicacies for the Yagna feast. Besides it
had arranged to provide Chintamani, Sanganidhi, Padumanidhi as well as ornaments and garments
meant for the adornment of the Divine Guests!

    The Guests comprising devas, Sages and Priests highly appreciated such wonderful 
arrangements, and hospitality shown to them on the occasion. People, everywhere displayed
boundless - joy and enthusiasm!

    The "Garuda" of "Thirumal' (Lord Vishnu) the daggling ' White Swan' of Lord Brahma, 
elephant Iravatham of Lord Indira, the 'Wild Sheep'  on which Lord Agni travels, the Buffalo 
of Lord Yama were standing in line and raised their voices in Jubilation.

    'Rambhas'- the dancing girls in the court of gods, sang melodious - songs, which 
warmed the hearts and provided much delight to the audience. In such enchanting surroundings 
the 'Main Yagna' was initiated!

    Daksha, selected the foremost 'devas' at the Hall to be honoured and had been offering 
"Avibagam" - the sacred and delicious-divine food.

    At this juncture, Goddess - Dhakshaayani entered the sacrificial hall, and in all 
seriousness pointed out how 'Daksha' her father had committed a 'great - blunder' in not 
inviting his own daughter as well as Lord Civa for the Yagna!

    On the other hand Daksha was castigating Lord Civa as well as Goddess Dhakshaayani
using harsh words.

    Goddess Dhakshaayani immediately returned to 'Kailash'.

    Lord Civa ascertaining the turn of events, had decided to put an end to such 'Yagna'
proceedings. With great indignation Lord Civa and his consort created 'Veerabhadra' and
'Bhadrakali' out of their Eyes - to teach a lesson to Dakshan.

    Veerabhadra and Bhadrakali landed in the Yagna Hall. He glanced at the devas who        
had assembled there, and remarked that an 'Yagna'- conducted in an unscrupulous manner is
being attended by Great Gods and Goddesses! Dhaksha had clearly revealed his decidedly
antagonistic attitude towards Lord Civa and to his own daughter!
    Veerabhadra took a final decision. He took his Mighty Trident and banged it over
Lord Vishnu's chest. He gave a hard stroke on Lord Brahma's head and tossed him down. 
Lord Brahma's consort's Nose had been badly mutilated!

    Devas ran helter-skelter to save themselves.

    He grabbed the Moon God Chandran, and scrubbed him against the floor. Besides Veerabhadra 
gave a heavy-blow on Sun God's cheeks, and as a result his teeth had crumbled and dropped off. 
His eyes had also been smashed. Lord Yama's head had been cut off by a deadly blow.

    Lord Indira had assumed a Cuckoo Bird's form, and on noticing this, Veerabhadra 
grabbed and smashed him.

    Lord Agni's hands and tongue were cut into slices. His wife Swaha-Devi's Nose        
was plucked-away, Lord Varuna and Lord Vayu received severe injuries, when they were 
attacked by a steel club and a battle-axe.

    Lord Kubera was forcefully attacked by a trident, and had been killed.

    Further Veerabhadra took a powerful arrow and got rid off the 'Chief of the Asuras'.
The Presiding Deity of the Great Yagna (Dakshan himself) took the form of a Deer and tried to
escape! Its (his) head was destroyed immediately.

    'Rudras' who had bowed down in reverence before Veerabhadra were forgiven, and were
asked to leave the place!

    The head of 'Dhaksha' who remained highly agitated, and depressed was smashed - 
and 'Lord Agni' was asked to burn it out.

    'Bhadrakali' - on the other hand severely handled Daksha's wife, his other daughters 
and other women in the 'Yagna Hall' and most of the participants had been assassinated! 
Thus the great destruction had been completed!

    Lord Civa accompanied by Goddess Dhakshaayani appeared at the Yagna Hall. 

Only Lord Vishnu, and Lord Brahma, who had been badly hurt in all humility paid their obeisance.

    Goddess Dhakshaayani fervently pleaded for the Resurrection of the dead. Out of 
compassion Lord Civa restored all their lives!
    Since Dhaksha's - Head, had been totally devoured by the 'Lord of Fire', Lord Civa 
arranged to fix on him a Goats' Head, and brought him back to life.

    Dhakshan, - at long last realized his great-blunder and earnestly requested Lord Civa 
to forgive him. Later Lord Civa showed mercy and showered His Grace.

    Thevaram songs of the illustrious saints of Tamil Nadu have paid glowing tributes to the 
most attractive Lord Civa, who is instrumental in the annihilation of absolutely worthless 
pursuits and functions as "Protector par Excellence" to His Devotees.

61. Installing a Drinking Water Stall

    When Paandyan Kingdom was being ruled by Rajendra Pandyan, the Chola King known as
Kaaduvetti Cholan had developed great fascination for worshipping Lord Somasundareswara
of Madurai. After worshipping the Lord, in a friendly spirit the Chola King had offered 
several gifts to the Paandyan King. Later he had decided to give his daughter in marriage 
to Rajendra Pandyan.

    Rajasimhan the younger brother of Rajendra Pandyan, who came to know of the above 
arrangement had developed intense desire to marry Kaaduvetti Cholan's daughter. He conspired
against his elder brother and reached Kancheepuram. On learning this, the Chola King extended
a warm and cordial welcome to Rajasimhan and gave his daughter in marriage.

    In addition, Kaaduvetti Cholan in treacherous co-ordination with his son-in-law planned 
to invade Paandyan Kingdom with the view to anoint Rajasimhan as 'King'

    The rival army of Chola kingdom along with Rajasimhan had established a camp at an 
adjacent place near Madurai. The emissaries of Rajendra Pandyan immediately passed on the
above information to him.

    The agitated Paandyan King immediately reached the temple, and prostrated before Lord 
Somasundarar and fervently sought divine help explaining his plight; how Kaaduvetti Cholan         
who came all alone one night, just for worship at Madurai temple, had at the outset attracted his
attention by providing gifts in a friendly fashion had later turned treacherous by invading 
his country.

     At this juncture, an ethereal voice announced: "Oh Paandyan King .. go ahead and
bravely fight against the rival army. I would ensure your victory"
    On the next day a fierce battle had ensued, and the small Paandyan army had difficulties 
in tackling the mighty army of the Chola kingdom. By Lord Somasundareswara's grace the Pandyan
was able to present an illusory effect appearing several times 'expansive' than the actual
to the enemies' eyes.

    Indefatigably, both armies clashed until the middle of the day. On account of the 
scorching 'Sun', trees had withered, and water-resources had been depleted. Both the armies
encountered great hardship combined with agonizing thirst.

    At this juncture, Lord Somasundarar appeared amidst the Paandyan army as a mendicant 
and installed a water stall. A large brass pot filled with Ganga water having several nozzles 
to provide refreshing water to the afflicted soldiers was arranged by Him by 'His Grace'.

    The soldiers of the Paandyan army after quenching their thirst, began attacking their 
enemies with renewed vigour, and great team spirit. The enemies were trounced in a short while. 
The Chola king as well as Rajasimhan were captured and subdued and were brought before 
the Paandyan king.

    In this context to ascertain the 'Divine Will', the Paandyan king appealed to Lord Civa.
On hearing this, a 'Voice' from the skies announced that the most appropriate course of action 
could be taken. On hearing this 'Divine Command', the Paandyan king sent away the Chola king 
and also arranged to expel Rajasimhan from the Royal circles.

    The Paandyan king who emerged successful led a life full of prosperity and all happiness.

62. Lord Vishnu being transformed as Rishabam to Bear Lord Civa

     At the time of universal destruction with turbulence all around, the entire universe would
be engulfed by 'Fire'. At this juncture, Lord Civa- The Supreme Destroyer – in the presence of 
Goddess Uma Devi would perform the 'Dance of Destruction'. Once even Lord Vishnu who was
agitated, approached Lord Civa, the Supreme Deity and took refuge in 'Him'. Lord Civa bestowed 
'Immortality' on Lord Vishnu and provided him a New Garb: Rishaba (a bull), which would function 
as Lord Civa's (Vahana) vehicle besides being the leader of all deities and living creatures.

66. The Dance of Civa

    Lord Civa's Dance represents the source of all movements of the universe encompassing 
primarily 'Five Acts', such as (i) creation, (ii) preservation, (iii) dissolution, 
(iv) embodiment and (v) release from bondage.

    Life pulsating in the womb of every living creature is inextricably interrelated 

to this Cosmic Dance, and every enlightened thinker is ready to accept this mysterious fact.

    After the great destruction, Lord Civa performs His dance providing a new meaning that 
all the 'Thoughts, Actions and Events' are burnt-away and the Dancer remains!

    At a certain time Goddess Kali, wearing a garland of skulls performed the most dynamic
and awe inspiring Dance shaking wildly the entire firmament. Every creature in the universe
trembled and became panicky and concluded that everything was leading towards destruction.

    At this juncture to pacify the situation, Lord Civa performed the most enchanting 
(filled with Ananda) and venerable dance and thereby saved the 'Universe' from destruction.

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