11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31) - B1 - New
11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31) - B1 - New
11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31) - B1 - New
Licence Category B1
Objectives: Objectives:
• The applicant should be familiar with the basic elements of the • The applicant should know the theory of the subject and
subject. interrelationships with other subjects.
• The applicant should be able to give a simple description of the • The applicant should be able to give a detailed description of the
whole subject, using common words and examples. subject using theoretical fundamentals and specific examples.
• The applicant should be able to use typical terms. • The applicant should understand and be able to use mathematical
formulae related to the subject.
LEVEL 2 • The applicant should be able to read, understand and prepare
• A general knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the sketches, simple drawings and schematics describing the subject.
subject. • The applicant should be able to apply his knowledge in a practical
• An ability to apply that knowledge. manner using manufacturer’s instructions.
• The applicant should be able to interpret results from various
sources and measurements and apply corrective action where
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Certification statement
These Study Notes comply with the syllabus of EASA
Regulation (EU) No. 1321/2014 Annex III (Part-66) Appendix I
(as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1142), and the
associated Knowledge Levels as specified below:
Part-66 Levels
A B1
Instrument Systems (ATA 31) 11.5.1 1 2
Pitot static: altimeter, air
speed indicator, vertical
speed indicator;
Gyroscopic: artificial horizon,
attitude director, direction
indicator, horizontal situation
indicator, turn and slip
indicator, turn coordinator;
Compasses: direct reading,
remote reading;
Angle of attack indication,
stall warning systems;
Glass cockpit;
Other aircraft system
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Table of Contents
Pitot-static systems ______________________________6 Glass cockpit (EFIS) ____________________________ 64
General ______________________________________6 Introduction __________________________________ 64
Basic aircraft system ____________________________6 EFIS overview ________________________________ 66
Large aircraft system ____________________________8 Primary flight display (PFD) _____________________ 66
Pitot-static systems on aircraft with EFIS __________ 10 Multi-function display (MFD) _____________________ 66
Altimeters ___________________________________ 12 MEMS technology _____________________________ 68
Vertical speed indicator (VSI) ___________________ 18 Attitude and heading reference system ____________ 68
Airspeed indicator (ASI) ________________________ 22 Magnetometer ________________________________ 68
Speed definitions _____________________________ 26 Transponder _________________________________ 68
Mach meter _________________________________ 30 Other system variations ________________________ 70
Reversionary modes and system failures___________ 72
Gyroscopic instruments ________________________ 32
Touchscreen EFIS ____________________________ 74
Gyroscopic principles __________________________ 32
Applications of gyroscopes in aircraft _____________ 36 Other aircraft system indications _________________ 76
Heading indicator _____________________________ 42 Terrain awareness and warning systems (TAWS) ____ 78
Attitude director indicator (ADI) __________________ 48 Ground proximity warning system ________________ 80
Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) _____ 50 Synthetic vision technology (SVT) ________________ 96
Turn and slip indicator/turn coordinator ____________ 52 Traffic awareness _____________________________ 98
Traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) _________ 100
Compasses ___________________________________ 56
Vibration measurement and indication ____________ 106
Direct reading compass ________________________ 56
Engine condition monitoring ____________________ 110
Remote reading compass ______________________ 56
Temperature measurement ____________________ 112
Instrument layout______________________________ 58 Flight data recorder (FDR) _____________________ 116
Stall warning__________________________________ 60 Fuel quantity measurement and indication _________ 122
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Pitot-static systems
The flight environment data system comprises the pitot-static An altitude encoder (‘blind’ encoder) is also connected to the
system and outside air temperature sensing. This determines static pressure line. This converts air pressure signals into a
the following data from the atmosphere: digitally encoded altitude and is transmitted to the air traffic
control secondary radar, and to other aircraft (for collision
• static pressure; avoidance) via the transponder.
• total (or Pitot) pressure;
• outside air temperature. Water can be drained from pitot-static lines by opening the
drain plugs. Draining lines should only be required if the
From this raw data, instruments or computers derive: airspeed indicator or altimeter appears erratic.
• altitude; Both the static ports and the pitot tube are electrically heated,
• vertical speed; controlled by a switch in the overhead control panel.
• airspeed;
• temperature.
The two flush static ports, one on either side of the fuselage,
are connected and supply pressure to the airspeed indicator,
altimeter, and vertical speed indicator.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Large aircraft system
Older types of large aircraft have a more complex, but still
analogue, pitot-static system.
Sometimes a third (auxiliary) pitot tube picks up ram air for the
autopilot, overspeed warning system, and flight recorder.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Static ports
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The primary flight display shows the data from the ADC
An altimeter mechanism
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Drum-type altimeters
A sensitive pneumatic altimeter uses a stack of bellows, as As the aircraft climbs and air pressure falls, the capsules will
seen below, to drive the pointers. If, for example, the bellows expand; similarly, as the aircraft descends, the static pressure
change their dimensions one-quarter of an inch for the full will increase, and the capsules will contract. Since it is
35,000 feet, the tip of the long pointer will travel more than necessary to allow for different values of mean sea level
300 inches. This amplification requires a rather complex and pressure and also to allow the altimeter to be used for indicating
delicate transmission and some very small gears. The friction altitude above the aerodrome, the altimeter is similarly provided
inside the altimeter even under near-ideal conditions is such with a means of adjusting the level at which it will indicate zero
that there must be the vibration of the instrument for an feet. This is done via a barometric subscale mechanism, which
accurate reading. This is no problem in reciprocating engine adjusts the mechanical linkage and operates a set of digital
aircraft, as there is enough vibration from the engine, but jet counters, or a calibrated dial. This is displayed in a window in
aircraft often require instrument panel vibrators to keep the the face of the altimeter and is the datum pressure setting
altimeter reading accurately. above which the instrument is now displaying altitude. The
desired setting is again made using the knurled knob at the
The sensitive altimeter bottom of the instrument.
The sensitive altimeter employs a minimum of two aneroid
capsules. This provides for a more accurate measurement of Types of altitude measurement
pressure and also provides more power to drive the mechanical
linkage. Pressure altitude
Pressure altitude is the altitude above the standard datum
The capsules are stacked together with one face fastened 1013.25 hPa or mBars (29.92 inches of mercury).
down, which permits movement due to pressure changes at the
other end. Density altitude
Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for temperature.
The movement of the capsules in response to changes in Pressure and density are the same when conditions are
altitude (pressure) is transmitted via a suitable mechanical standard. As the temperature rises above standard, the density
linkage to three pointers that display (against a graduated of the air will decrease, and the density altitude will increase.
instrument scale) the aircraft altitude in tens, hundreds and
thousands of feet.
A three-pointer altimeter
An altimeter mechanism and display
Indicated altitude gives us a measure of terrain clearance at This barosetting is seldom used and has been replaced by
low altitudes. radio altimeters.
STD (standard) or QNE (nautical elevation) setting Flight level, altitude, height and elevation
For vertical separation between aircraft flying at higher
altitudes, pressure altitude or flight level is used. When the Altitude − The altitude is the vertical distance between aircraft
barometric pressure scale is adjusted to standard sea level and sea-level.
pressure, 29.92 inches of mercury or 1013.2 mBar or hPa, the
altimeter measures the height above this standard pressure The barosetting, therefore, is QNH.
level. This is not an actual point but is a constantly changing
reference. The reason is that all aircraft in the upper level have Height − The height is the vertical distance between aircraft
their altimeters set to the same reference. and the terrain.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Vertical speed indicator (VSI)
The rate-of-climb indicator is more properly called the vertical
speed indicator. Its main function is that of helping the pilot
establish a rate of ascent or descent that will allow them to
reach a specified altitude at a given time.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of one type of vertical speed indicator
is as follows:
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
A VSI mechanism
A VSI display
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Airspeed indicator (ASI)
The airspeed at which an aircraft is travelling through the air is Pitot pressure (PT) is taken into the capsule and the inside of
essential to the pilot, both for the safe and efficient handling of the case is connected to the static pressure source (PS).
the aircraft and as a basic input to the navigation calculations.
The capsule expands in proportion to the difference between
Principle of operation the pitot and the static pressure, and this expansion is
When an aircraft is stationary on the ground it is subject to measured by a mechanical linkage is displayed as a pointer
normal atmospheric or static pressure, which acts equally on moves over the dial which is graduated in miles per hour, knots
all parts of the aircraft structure. In flight the aircraft experiences or kilometres per hour.
an additional pressure due to the aircraft’s motion through the
air, which is known as dynamic pressure, and is dependent The diagram below shows that the ram air pressure is the
upon the forward motion of the aircraft and the density of the difference between total pressure and static pressure. If the
air, according to the following formula: airspeed is zero, PT is equal to PS, so the ram air pressure is
PT = ½ρV2 + PS
PT = total or pitot pressure (also known as total head
pressure or stagnation pressure)
PS = static pressure
ρ = air density
V = velocity of the aircraft – true air speed (TAS)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The airspeed indicator and pitot/static pressure inputs ASI display with VNE ‘barber pole’
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The principle of the stagnation point is used in the
measurement of airspeed. Refer to the figure below. Air is
directed from a pitot tube facing into the airflow to a flexible
diaphragm in the airspeed indicator. This flexible diaphragm, in
the form of a capsule, in fact, is a stagnation point and will feel
the full effect of dynamic pressure. Static pressure is fed to both
sides of the capsule so that it cancels out. The resultant
movement of the diaphragm can be taken by a suitable linkage
to a dial, this indicating airspeed.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The airspeed indicator uses pitot pressure inside the capsule, and static
pressure outside the capsule and thus measures dynamic pressure
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Speed definitions
Indicated airspeed (lAS) – The dynamic pressure of air • True airspeed (TAS) – The equivalent airspeed
against a vehicle, is equal to ½ ρV2, where ρ density, and corrected for density.
V = true airspeed. An airspeed indicator calibrated to ISA
mean sea level conditions records the dynamic pressure as a Density at sea level is the ISA sea level density of
speed. If, for example, the indicated reading was 200 kts, then 1.225 kg/m3 or 0.00237 slugs/ft3.
it means that the dynamic pressure is the same as it would be
at a true airspeed of 200 kts at standard conditions at mean sea Note that the ratio is equal to 1 only at sea level, and
level. reduces with altitude. Thus TAS increases with altitude
if EAS is kept constant.
• Calibrated airspeed (CAS) – The indicated airspeed,
corrected for instrument and position errors (IE and PE). At 40,000 feet, for example, the density ratio is
This is sometimes called Computed airspeed, especially approximately 0.25. Since √ 0.25 = 0.5, the TAS is
when air data computers are involved. twice the EAS.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Ground speed is quite different from airspeed. When an The figures below show a simple airspeed indicator as would
aircraft is airborne the ground speed does not determine be used in a light aircraft, indicating only IAS, and a modern
when the aircraft will stall, and it does not influence the EFIS system of a transport category aircraft, displaying IAS (on
aircraft performance such as rate of climb. the PFD) and TAS/GS/wind-speed on the navigation display.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The speed of sound decreases at decreasing outside The critical Mach number is indicated by a specially shaped
temperature (TAT). The Mach number increases if the aircraft lubber mark, which is located over the Mach meter dial. It is
climbs with constant TAS. adjustable so that the critical Mach number for the particular
type of aircraft may be displayed.
A typical Mach meter, as shown below, consists of a sealed
case containing two capsule assemblies placed at 90° to each
other, and a series of mechanical linkages.
Digital Mach
displayed on a
primary flight
display (PFD)
A gyroscope is mounted in two or three gimbals, which are A gyroscope flywheel will roll or resist about the output axis
pivoted supports that allow the rotation of the wheel about a depending upon whether the output gimbals are of a free or
single axis. A set of three gimbals, one mounted on the other fixed configuration. Examples of some free-output-gimbal
with orthogonal pivot axes, may be used to allow a wheel devices would be the attitude reference gyroscopes used to
mounted on the innermost gimbal to have an orientation sense or measure the pitch, roll and yaw attitude angles in a
remaining independent of the orientation, in space, of its spacecraft or aircraft.
The axle of the spinning wheel defines the spin axis. The rotor
is constrained to spin about an axis, which is always
perpendicular to the axis of the inner gimbal. So, the rotor
possesses three degrees of rotational freedom and its axis
possesses two. The wheel responds to a force applied to the
input axis by a reaction force to the output axis.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Toy gyroscope
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Whilst small, the rotor of a gyroscopic instrument must rotate at
a very high rpm. Giving them inertia, also called rigidity and they
maintain this alignment to a fixed point in space. This basically
happens to every rotating object: wheel, propeller, etc. For
example, this rigidity gives the moving bicycle its stability
preventing it from falling over while riding it.
When you apply a force to a point around the spinning rim of
the gyro, the rotor will tilt as if the force was 90° further in the
direction of motion as shown in the image. This apparent
displacement of the force is called precession.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Applications of gyroscopes in aircraft
The gyro instruments include the heading indicator, attitude The direction indicator or makes it possible to fly accurate turns
indicator and turn coordinator (or turn-and-slip indicator). The and headings but has their own distinctive features and
turn coordinator is not always fitted on an aircraft. characteristics the pilot needs to be aware of.
Each contains a gyro rotor driven by air or electricity and each The direction indicator, formerly called the directional gyro, and
makes use of the gyroscopic principles to display the attitude also known as the heading indicator, uses the principle of
of the aircraft. It is important that instrument pilots understand gyroscopic rigidity to provide a stable heading reference.
the gyro instruments and the principles governing their
operation. Turn coordinator
The turn coordinator indicates the rate of turn of the aircraft. It
Artificial horizon does not indicate the angle of bank.
The attitude indicator is also known as the artificial horizon.
The indicator needle is a miniature aircraft connected to a
The purpose of the attitude indicator is to present the pilot with spring-loaded gimbal of the gyroscope inside the instrument.
a continuous picture of the aircraft’s attitude in relation to the When the indicator needle is at full-scale deflection (as shown
surface of the earth. The figure below shows the face of a below), the aircraft is turning at a rate of 360° per 2-minutes.
typical attitude indicator. It should be noted that other attitude
indicators differ in the details of presentation. The instrument also includes a slip indicator. This is a simple
inertial device sensitive to sideways forces. In a ‘coordinated
The small knob near the bottom of the instrument is used for turn’ there should be no sideways forces, so the slip indicator
vertical adjustment of the miniature aircraft. During straight- should show in the centre.
and-level flight, the miniature aircraft should be adjusted so that
it is superimposed on the horizon line. Older aircraft may have a turn and slip indicator in place of the
turn coordinator. This has a slightly different presentation but
Direction indicator indicates essentially the same information as the turn
The magnetic compass is the primary direction indicator in an coordinator.
aircraft, but it is prone to a number of errors due to acceleration,
turbulence and they are sometimes difficult to read. To solve
this problem, we use a direction indicator based on a gyro.
These are stable, accurate, easy to read and can be coupled
to an autopilot and even synchronised to a magnetic compass.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The small knob near the bottom of the instrument is used for
vertical adjustment of the miniature aircraft. During straight-
and-level flight, the miniature aircraft should be adjusted so that
it is superimposed on the horizon line.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The vertical gyro has two degrees of freedom. The axle of the
wheel is always vertical.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Heading indicator
The heading indicator, formerly called the directional gyro, uses
the principle of gyroscopic rigidity to provide a stable heading
reference. The pilot should remember that real precession,
caused by manoeuvres and internal instrument errors, as well
as apparent precession caused by aircraft movement and earth
rotation, may cause the heading indicator to ‘drift’.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The most modern HSI displays are solid state LCD displays
(known as electronic horizontal situation indicator – EHSI) and
often integrated with electronic flight instrument systems
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Attitude director indicator (ADI)
When an attitude director (artificial horizon) also incorporates
command bars (operated by the flight director), the instrument
is known as an attitude director indicator (ADI).
The most modern ADI displays are solid state LCD displays
(known as electronic attitude director indicator – EADI) and
often integrated with electronic flight instrument systems
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Attitude and heading reference system (AHRS)
An attitude and heading reference system (AHRS) consists of
sensors on three axes that provide attitude information for
aircraft, including roll, pitch and yaw. They are designed to
replace traditional mechanical gyroscopic flight instruments
and provide superior reliability and accuracy.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The gyroscopic part of the turn and slip indicator is a rotor, spun
either by air or by an electric motor. This rotor has its spin axis
parallel to the lateral axis of the aircraft, and the axis of the
single gimbal is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. A
centring spring holds the gimbal level when there is no outside
force acting on it. When the rotor is spinning, and the aircraft
rotates about its vertical, or yaw, axis, a force is carried into the
rotor shaft by the gimbal in such a way that one side of the shaft
is moved forward while the other side is moved back.
Precession causes the rotor to tilt, as the force is felt, at 90° to
the point of application in the direction of rotor rotation.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Turn coordinator
A turn and slip indicator can show rotation about only the Instruments, either the turn and bank indicator or the turn
vertical axis of the aircraft yaw. But since a turn is started by coordinator, have the standard rate turn clearly marked. Light
banking the aircraft, that is, by rotating it about its longitudinal aircraft are equipped with 2-minute turn indicators while heavy
axis, a turn indicator would be of more value if it sensed this aircraft are equipped with 4-minute turn indicators. This is very
rotation also. useful to pilots who are out of visual contact with the ground
and for air traffic control when appropriate separation of aircraft
The mechanism of a turn coordinator is similar to that used in is desired. The pilot banks the aircraft such that the turn and
a turn and slip indicator, except that its gimbal axis is tilted, slip indicator points to the standard rate turn mark and then
usually about thirty degrees, so the gyro will precess when the uses a watch to time the turn. The pilot can pull out at any
aircraft rolls, as well as when it yaws. This is especially handy desired direction depending on the length of time in the turn.
since a turn and slip indicator is affected by adverse yaw at the
beginning of a turn, but a turn coordinator senses enough roll A rate half turn (1.5° per second) is normally used when flying
to cancel any deflection caused by adverse yaw. faster than 250 kt. The term rate two turn (6° per second) is
used on some low-speed aircraft.
Rather than using a needle for its indicator, the turn coordinator
uses a small symbolic aircraft with marks on the dial opposite
its wing tips. When the aircraft is turned at a standard rate to
the left, the wings of the symbolic aircraft align with the mark on
the left side of the instrument dial, the one marked ‘L’. When
the rate of yaw is correct for the bank angle, the ball will be
centred between the two lines across the inclinometer.
Turn rates
A standard rate turn for (light) aircraft is defined as a 3° per
second turn, which completes a 360° turn in 2 minutes. This is
known as a 2-minute turn, or rate one (= 180°/minute).
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Its main body is a cast aluminium housing, and one end is It requires no electrical power, except for its illumination at
covered with a glass lens. Across this is a vertical reference night. It is a mandatory requirement for all aircraft under CS-25.
mark called a ‘lubber line’. Inside the housing and riding on a
steel pivot in a jewel post is a small brass float surrounded by Remote reading compass
a graduated dial which is part of a cone. Around the full 360° of A remote reading compass is a device that measures the
the dial are 36 marks, representing the tens of degrees. Above aircraft’s heading relative to the earth’s magnetic field
every third mark is either a one or a two-digit number electrically and sends the electronic data to an electronic
representing the number of degrees with the last zero left off. display unit in the cockpit.
Zero is the same as 360° and is north. Nine is east, or 90°, 18 Early analogue devices were called flux valves, or flux gates,
is south (180°), and 27 is 270° or west. Two small bar-type and provided a three-phase signal proportional to the magnetic
permanent magnets are soldered to the bottom of the float, field direction. The output of the flux valve is used to adjust the
aligned with the zero and 18 marks, north and south. gyroscope which provides the heading change information.
The flux valve maintains the gyroscope alignment with the
The housing is filled with compass fluid, which is a hydrocarbon earth’s magnetic field.
product very similar to kerosene, but with certain additives that
keep it clear. Due to the high cost of such a system, the flux valve was fitted
to larger aircraft only. On small aircraft, the pilot must manually
The instrument is not very accurate. It is affected by magnetic adjust the heading indicator by visual reference to the direct
components in the aircraft. Next to the compass is a compass reading compass. This must be done before take-off and at
correction card. This card shows the errors that the particular least every 15 minutes during flight.
compass has, at each of the main compass headings.
Modern aircraft use a solid-state device called a magnetometer
Additionally, the compass heading is correct only if: (or magnetic heading sensor, or electronic compass). Modern
magnetometers are relatively inexpensive and very reliable.
• the aircraft is horizontal;
• there is no acceleration; and
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Data from the flux valve makes corrections to the directional gyro – the gyro drives the indicator
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Instrument layout
Flight instruments are the instruments in the cockpit of an The magnetic compass will be above the instrument panel,
aircraft that provides the pilot with information about the flight often on the windscreen centre post.
situation of that aircraft, such as altitude, airspeed and
direction. They improve safety by allowing the pilot to fly the
aircraft in level flight, and make turns, without a reference
outside the aircraft such as the horizon.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Stall warning
Lift detector system
The stall warning system is sensitive to the aircraft’s angle of When the data indicate an imminent stall, the computer
attack. It provides no indication until the angle of attack has actuates both the stick shaker and an auditory alert.
reached a critically high level, and the aircraft is close to
stalling. The shaker itself is composed of an electric motor connected
to a deliberately unbalanced flywheel. When actuated, the
The sensor is a ‘lift detector’ switch, located at the leading edge shaker induces a forceful, noisy, and entirely unmistakable
of the wing. In all normal flight angle of attacks, the airflow shaking of the control yoke. This shaking of the control yoke
forces the switch paddle down, and the circuit is switched off. matches the frequency and amplitude of the stick shaking that
At a pre-defined high angle of attack, the airflow approaches occurs due to airflow separation in low-speed aircraft as they
the switch paddle from beneath, which lifts it up, and the switch approach the stall. The stick shaking is intended to act as a
closes the electrical circuit. backup to the auditory stall alert, in cases where the flight crew
may be distracted.
The electrical circuit is connected to a speaker in the cockpit.
The audio warning is either a screeching sound or is a recorded In larger aircraft (especially in T-tailed jets that might be
voice saying “Stall!” repeatedly. Some aircraft also annunciate vulnerable to deep stall), some stall protection systems also
the stall visually on the central warning system. include a stick pusher system to automatically push forward on
the elevator control, thus reducing the aircraft’s angle of attack
Stick shaker system and preventing the stall.
Larger aircraft use a stick shaker system, in addition to an aural
and visual annunciator. Both systems have to be tested and armed before take-off and
remain armed during flight.
A stick shaker is a mechanical device to rapidly and noisily
vibrate the control yoke (the stick) of an aircraft to warn the pilot
of an imminent stall. A stick shaker is connected to the control
column of most civil jet aircraft.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Angle of attack indicator
An elaboration of the stall warning system is the simple angle
of attack indicator that uses a pickup similar to the electric stall
warning vane. But instead of a micro-switch to turn on a light or
actuate a buzzer, the vane moves a synchro position sensor
that drives the indicator.
These vanes are often called ‘alpha’ (α) vanes, and the
indicator is called an ‘alpha’ indicator.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Alpha vane
Angle of attack
(alpha angle) display
on a PFD
Analogue angle of
attack indicator
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
MFD (centre display unit) and PFD (left and right display units) of the Garmin G1000
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EFIS overview
The popular Garmin G1000 is used for the following overview G1000 system following an update, but the bottom card must
of the EFIS architecture and displays. The system is typical, stay in both the PFD and MFD to ensure accurate terrain
and all other systems are similar. awareness information.
The Garmin G1000 is an integrated flight instrument system Primary flight display (PFD)
manufactured by Garmin typically composed of two display The primary flight display shows the basic six flight instruments
units, one serving as a primary flight display, and one as a in ‘Basic-T’ configuration, including the airspeed indicator, the
multi-function display. It serves as a replacement for most altimeter, the heading indicator, and course deviation indicator.
conventional flight instruments and avionics. A small map called the ‘inset map’ can be enabled in the corner.
Beyond that, additional features are found on newer and larger The buttons on the PFD are used to set the squawk code on
G1000 installations, such as in business jets. This includes: the transponder. The PFD can also be used for entering and
activating flight plans. The PFD also has a ‘reversionary mode’
• a third display unit, to act as a co-pilot PFD which can display all information normally shown on the MFD
• an alphanumeric keyboard (for example, engine gages and navigational information). This
• an integrated flight director/autopilot (without it, the capability is provided in case of an MFD failure.
G1000 interfaces with an external autopilot)
Multi-function display (MFD)
The display unit is available in two options, one has autopilot The multi-function display typically shows a moving map on the
controls built in, the other option does not have autopilot right side and engine instrumentation on the left. Most of the
controls. For this option, an autopilot control panel can be other screens in the G1000 system are accessed by turning the
purchased separately at a later date. knob on the lower right corner of the unit. Screens available
from the MFD other than the map include the setup menus,
Both the PFD and MFD each have two slots for SD memory information about nearest airports and NAVAIDs, Mode-S
cards. The top slot is used to update the Jeppesen aviation traffic reports, terrain awareness, XM radio (where available),
database (also known as NavData) every 28 days, and to load and flight plan programming.
software and configuration to the system. The aviation
database must be current to use GPS for navigation during IFR
instrument approaches. The bottom slot houses the world
terrain and Jeppesen obstacle databases. While terrain
information rarely changes or needs to be updated, obstacle
databases can be updated every 56 days through a
subscription service. The top card can be removed from the
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Audio panel
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
MEMS technology The magnetometer provides magnetic heading information to
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) (also written as the autopilot and the display unit indications (HSI). It is normally
micro-electro-mechanical, MicroElectroMechanical or connected to the AHRS (rather than the Integrated Avionics
microelectronic and microelectromechanical systems and the Units directly) because the heading gyro (in the AHRS) is the
related micromechatronics) is the technology of very small primary heading change sensor, and the Magnetometer
devices. provides that gyro with a reference to the earth’s magnetic field.
The magnetometer measures aircraft heading and is a digital
version of a traditional compass. It does so by aligning itself
with the magnetic flux lines of the earth. It uses MEMS
technology so has no moving parts. It is located in a remote
part of the aircraft airframe, so it is far from any other aircraft
electrical components that may cause magnetic deviation.
Usually, it is located at a wing tip.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Mode-S transponder
Air data computer (ADC)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Other system variations
The Genesys Aerosystems IDU 680 EFIS provides all the same The Processor Units are effectively the video drivers. These are
functionality as the Garmin G1000, but the architecture is integrated into the back of the display units. Unlike the Garmin
slightly different. G1000, the NAV/COM and GPS are separate units. The GPS
receiver is a WAAS/SBAS enabled ‘module’ which plugs
Each EFIS consists of two display units. An aircraft can be a directly into the back of the processor units/display units.
single EFIS or a dual EFIS system (the latter is the normal
installation on training aircraft). The AHRS and ADC is a combined unit (ADAHRS) which also
plugs directly into the back of the processor units/display units.
Each Display Unit has two display areas, an upper and lower The only inputs to this module are the Pitot and Static pressure
half of the screen. The outboard display unit has the PFD on lines.
the upper half. This is fixed and cannot be moved. The other
three half displays are the MFDs, can be configured to display Both of the Display Units are identic and have the same part
any of the following data pages: number. However, the wiring harness supplies the same
information to all four screen halves. Apart from the primary
• MAP via GPS; flight instrumentation (which always displays of the PFD), the
• HSI (including CDI); other screen halves (MFDs) display only the pages that have
• NAV log; been selected by the pilot via the on-screen menus.
• stormscope indication;
• traffic indication;
• audio/radio control panel; and
• engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
A Genesys Aerosystems
IDU 680 EFIS display unit
with integrated processor
A Genesys Aerosystems IDU 680 trainer aeroplane two-EFIS units and plug-in modular
installation (MD902). Six screen-halves are configurable by the GPS and ADAHRS
pilot, two of which (upper outboard) are always PFDs.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Garmin G1000 with failed (or dimmed) PFD showing MFD in reversionary mode
Garmin G1000 PFD with failed supply LRUs Garmin G1000 MFD with failed engine/airframe unit
(AHRS, ADC and NAV/COMM receivers) and failed NAV/COM receiver
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Touchscreen EFIS
The newest EFIS from Garmin have been produced with
touchscreen LCD technology.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Touchscreen displays
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Other aircraft system indications
An EFIS overlay is any system which is an optional plug-in to For the airframe systems, the electrical parameters (voltage
the standard architecture. In most cases, these require and current) are the minimum parameters indicated, but some
additional hardware. The software may already pre-exist on the aircraft installations may process and indicate other parameters
EFIS or it may require an update from the manufacturer. such as control trim positions. This requires utilisation of
position sensors such as linear variable differential transducers
Engine/airframe systems indications (LVDT) located on the respective trim system.
Engine and airframe parameters are measured and indicated
either on a dedicated EICAS display unit or on a pilot selectable
page on the MFD (also sometimes called the EICAS page).
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Terrain awareness and warning systems (TAWS)
These ‘terrain depiction’ systems show the terrain in colour Premature descent alert. This function uses the predicted
codes just as sectional charts. This system is an optional flight path information (determined from an approach
overlay on the MFD MAP page and is called topography. navigation source) and its own airport database to determine if
the aircraft is below the normal (typically three degrees)
A true TAWS system can look ahead of the aircraft and warn approach path for the nearest runway. If a conflict is detected,
the pilot of impending impact with the ground; thus, monitoring a warning is given to the pilot.
the pilots’ actions and providing an audible and visual alert if
the aircraft is about to have a date with the ground. Hopefully, Attention alerts. The system provides appropriate visual and
the pilot of a TAWS-equipped aircraft will never hear a terrain audio alerts for both cautions and warnings and indications of
or obstacle warning, but the safety margins are there just in imminent contact with the ground.
Class-A TAWS
The TAWS computer receives position information from a GPS This Class of TAWS requires the four systems as described for
receiver (with WAAS/SBAS) and compares that position with Class B TAWS, but requires a fifth function.
the internal terrain or obstacle database.
Terrain awareness display. The TAWS equipment provides
The terrain and obstacle database is stored on an SD card, terrain information to a suitable display system − radar or
which is plugged into a slot provided on the front of the display multifunction display.
unit. If the TAWS computer detects a possible conflict between
the future flight path of the aircraft and terrain, visual and The TAWS equipment is either contained in a remote avionics
audible warnings are given to the pilot. box that feeds a multi-function display or contained entirely in
the display unit controller. The larger aircraft generally use the
Class-B TAWS remote box configuration, while the smaller aircraft use
For those aircraft that require Class-B TAWS, the systems combined units.
include a minimum of four basic functions:
A light aircraft EFIS system can include any level of terrain
Forward-looking terrain avoidance. This function looks awareness, from a very basic topography MAP overlay to a full
ahead and below the aircraft flight path to provide a suitable Class-A Taws with visual and aural warnings of conflicts.
alert if a potential threat exists.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Garmin G1000 MAP view with TOPO mode (topography) but no TAWS
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Ground proximity warning system
A Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) is a system Mode-1 warnings occur when the aircraft is below 2,450 feet
designed to alert pilots if their aircraft is in immediate danger of radio altitude and the barometric altimeter shows an excessive
flying into the ground or an obstacle. The GPWS is a type of rate of descent.
terrain awareness warning system (TAWS) used on
commercial transport aircraft. More advanced systems, When excessive descent rate is detected, the warning light will
introduced in 1996, are known as enhanced ground proximity illuminate and the aural warning sounds. “Sink rate!” or
warning systems (EGPWS). “Whoop, whoop! Pull up!”
During operation, a GPWS senses the nearness of the ground Mode-3 warnings occur when the aircraft has initiated a climb
and warns the pilot if the aircraft is too near the ground when it after takeoff or after a missed approach. If there is a loss of
is not in a configuration for landing. It does this by monitoring altitude under these conditions, the “GROUND PROXIMITY”
the radio altimeter to determine the actual height above the light will illuminate, and the aural warning will say “Don’t sink”
ground. It also monitors the air data computer, instrument http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnp-cif6kaE
landing system, and landing gear and flap position to determine
if the aircraft is properly configured for its distance from the Mode-4 warnings occur during the landing phase of a flight. If
ground. If it is too near the ground for its location or there is insufficient terrain clearance when the landing gear is
configuration, the system will warn the pilot. up, or the flaps are not in land configuration. The warning will
sound “Too low gear!” or “Too low flaps!” and the
A typical GPWS in an aircraft will warn the flight crew of five “GROUND PROXIMITY” light illuminates.
types of hazards:
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
GPWS Mode 1
GPWS Mode 4A
GPWS Mode 2a
GPWS Mode 4B
GPWS Mode 3
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Mode-5 warnings occur when the aircraft is on ILS approach.
If the aircraft sinks below the glideslope, the amber GS light will
illuminate, and the aural warning will repeat “Glideslope,
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
GPWS Mode 5
GPWS Mode 6
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Windshear alerting
Alert and warnings are provided when the level of wind shear
exceeds predetermined threshold values.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS)
Honeywell’s enhanced ground proximity warning system
(EGPWS) serves as an independent monitor of an aircraft’s
position relative to surrounding terrain.
• Terrain database;
• The display unit (e.g. weather radar display, nav display
or MFD integration); and
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EGPWS schematic
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Terrain database System block diagram
Local terrain processing extracts and formats local topographic The enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS)
terrain data from the EGPWS terrain database. This database generates aural voice and visual warnings when one of the
divides the earth’s surface into grid sets referenced horizontally following conditions occurs between radio altitudes 30 feet and
on the geographic (lat/long) coordinate. Elements of the grid 2,450 feet for Modes 2, 4, 5 and between 10 feet and 2,450 feet
sets record the highest terrain elevation. for Modes 1 and 3.
Grid sets vary in resolution depending on geographic location. • Mode 1: excessive rate of descent
Because the overwhelming majority of ‘controlled flight into • Mode 2: excessive terrain closure rate
terrain (CFIT)’ accidents occur near an airport, and the fact that • Mode 3: altitude loss after takeoff or go around
aircraft operate in close proximity to terrain near airports, higher • Mode 4: unsafe terrain clearance when not in landing
resolution grids are used around airports. Lower resolution configuration
grids are used outside of airport areas where en route aircraft • Mode 5: excessive deviation below glideslope.
altitude makes accidents unlikely and for which detailed terrain
features are not of importance to the flight crew. In addition to the basic GPWS functions the GPWS has an
enhanced function (EGPWS) which provides, based on a
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are available for most of the worldwide terrain database:
airports around the world today. The global EGPWS terrain
database is organised in a flexible and expandable manner. • A terrain awareness display (TAD), which predicts the
Using digital compression techniques, the complete database terrain conflict, and displays the terrain on the ND.
is stored in non-volatile memory of 20 MByte within the LRU. • A terrain clearance floor (TCF), which improves the low
Updates and additions are easily done by inserting a single terrain warning during landing.
PCMCIA card in a card slot on the LRU front-panel. Status
LEDs on the LRU front-panel allow the operator to monitor the The cockpit loudspeakers broadcast, even if turned off, the
database load progress and completion. aural warning or caution messages associated with each mode.
The audio volume of these messages is not controlled by the
Obstacle database loudspeaker volume knobs. (These knobs allow adjustment of
Provisions are also made for future use of an obstacle audio volume for radio communication only).
database providing obstacle data in the vicinity of major
airports. This database will provide altitude data for man-made GPWS lights come on to give a visual warning for Modes 1 to 4.
obstacles or groups of obstacles that protrude above the For Mode 5 the glideslope (G/S) lights illuminate on the captain
EGPWS terrain protection floors. and first officer instrument panel.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EGPWS terrain alerting and display EGPWS terrain picture
The enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) The ND presents the terrain picture. The terrain appears in
incorporates terrain alerting and display functions. These different colours and densities according to its relative height.
functions use aircraft geographic position, aircraft altitude, and
an internal terrain database to predict potential conflicts • Solid red warning terrain (approximately 30 seconds
between the aircraft flight path and the terrain and to provide from impact)
graphic displays of the conflicting terrain. • Solid yellow caution terrain (approximately
60 seconds from impact)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUZbOoQrlXQ • 50% red dots more than 2,000 feet above reference
The caution and warning envelopes use the terrain clearance • 50% yellow dots 1,000 to 2,000 feet above reference
floor as a baseline, and virtually look ahead of the aircraft in a altitude
volume which is calculated as a function of airspeed, roll • 25% yellow dots 500 feet below to 1,000 feet above
attitude and flight path angle. reference altitude
• 25% green dots 500 feet below to 1,000 feet below
If the aircraft penetrates the caution envelope boundary, the reference altitude
aural message “Caution terrain! Caution terrain!” is • 12.5% green dots 1,000 to 2,000 feet below reference
generated, and alert discretes are activated for visual altitude
annunciation. Simultaneously, the conflicting terrain areas are • Black no close terrain
shown in solid yellow colour on the terrain display. • Magenta unknown terrain
If the aircraft penetrates the warning envelope boundary, the
aural message “Terrain, terrain − pull up!” is generated, and
alert discretes are activated for visual annunciation.
Simultaneously the conflicting terrain areas are shown in solid
red colour on the terrain display.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Terrain clearance floor (TCF)
A number of airports throughout the world have approaches or
departures that are not entirely compatible with standard
GPWS operation. These airports are identified in the database
in such a way that when the GPWS recognises such an airport,
it modifies the profile to avoid nuisance warnings.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EGPWS architecture and interfaces
The GPWS computer receives 115 V AC from the “GND PROX When the flap inhibit switch on the GPWM is in the inhibit
WARN” circuit breaker on the circuit breaker panel. The terrain position, a flap inhibit discrete signal goes to the GPWC. This
weather relays receive 28 V DC from the “TERRAIN DISPLAY” simulates a flaps landing position in the GPWC. The GPWM
circuit breaker on the circuit breaker panel. also sends a test discrete signal to the GPWC. The GPWC
uses the test discrete to start a self-test of the GPWS.
The GPWC provides a ground discrete to energise the terrain
weather relays. This discrete lets the GPWC connect with the The PSEU sends air/ground discrete data to the GPWC for in-
DEUs so that terrain data shows on the navigation displays. air logic to inhibit BITE in the air and for flight leg counting.
The terrain select discrete can be set manually with the “TERR”
switch on the EFIS control panel or automatically by the pop- The GPWC sends an advisory inhibit discrete to the TCAS
up function. The pop-up function allows terrain data to show computer when the GPWC gives an aural message. The
automatically on the navigation displays when a terrain GPWC aural messages have a higher priority than the TCAS
awareness warning is detected. This function only occurs when aural messages. With the exception of Mode-6 aural
both of the navigation displays are not currently showing terrain messages. Mode-6 aural messages can occur at the same time
data. as TCAS aural messages.
When the terrain weather relays energise, they send 28 V DC The GPWC also sends a predictive wind shear inhibit discrete
to the GPWC relay monitors to show relay position. to the weather radar receiver-transmitter when the GPWC
gives an alert with a higher priority than the weather radar alert.
Gear position from the landing gear lever switch module in the
P2-3 goes to the gear inhibit switch in the ground proximity The GPWC sends discretes to the captain and first officer
warning module. The ground proximity warning module glideslope inhibit switch. The lights come on for GPWC Mode-5
(GPWM) sends the landing gear position discrete to the alerts. When you push the light assemblies, a discrete goes to
GPWC. The gear inhibit switch in the inhibit position sends a the GPWC to turn off the lights and stop the aural warnings.
discrete to the GPWC that simulates the landing gear in the
extended position. The GPWC sends a GPWC INOP discrete to the GPW control
module to turn on the amber INOP light.
The GPWM terrain inhibit discrete prevents the enhanced
function of the GPWS. The discrete does not affect the GPWS alert and warning aural messages go to the REU. The
operation of Modes 1 through 7. Terrain cautions, terrain REU sends the aural messages to the flight compartment.
warnings, terrain displays, and terrain aural messages are
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EGPWS schematic
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Synthetic vision technology (SVT)
Also known as synthetic vision system (SVS). Synthetic vision In order for SVT to represent a faithful view of what we see out
provides situational awareness to the operators by using of the windshield, the synthetic images must be shown relative
terrain, obstacle, geopolitical and other databases. A typical to the heading and track of the aircraft. The track is the path of
SVT application uses a set of databases stored on board the the aircraft over the ground, and heading is where the nose is
aircraft, an image generator computer, and a PFD. Navigation pointed. Those images only line up when there is zero
is obtained using GPS. crosswind and the aircraft has no crab angle. If SVT did not
consider both heading and track, a runway or obstacle would
Although synthetic vision is not intended to replace traditional not be in the proper relationship to the nose of the aircraft, and
attitude and directional cues as the primary flight reference, it that would be potentially confusing when you break out of the
clearly does augment the pilot’s view of this data – by giving it clouds or are peering through murk or darkness.
a realistic visual frame of reference. Thus, the ‘big picture’ that
pilots once struggled to mentally synthesise from a myriad of To keep the SVT display in proper orientation both laterally and
instruments on their panel is now clearly laid out right in front of vertically the system needs to calculate the aircraft’s flight path
them. in 3D. The flight path is not where the aircraft is pointed but is
its current trajectory projected ahead based on forces acting on
For example, when flying in areas or at altitudes where rising the aircraft. You need inertial sensors to calculate a flight path
terrain may pose a hazard, SVT uses its terrain-alerting because it is the inertia, or energy, that propels the aircraft on
database to colourise the landscape – clearly showing with its path, not airspeed or attitude.
yellow or red overlays those areas where potential flight-into-
terrain risks exist. Pilots will also appreciate SVT’s pathways or highway-in-the-
sky (HITS) guidance. Depicted as 3D ‘flying rectangles’,
Also, any towers or obstacles that may encroach upon the flight pathway guidance symbols help pilots stay on course when
path are colour-highlighted and clearly displayed with height- flying en route legs, VNAV legs, GPS/WAAS/SBAS vertical
appropriate symbology. approach procedures, ILS approach procedures, and arrival
and departure procedures. When on an ILS approach, pilots
The actual terrain and obstruction data are already stored in will take advantage of the system whereby SVT relies on ILS
the terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS) database. signals to position the pathway. Therefore, when pilots fly
TAWS is already a part of many EFIS systems, so the through the SVT boxes on an ILS approach, they will
information required to create the SVT images is already automatically fly the precision glideslope. Pathways may be
existing. No additional hardware is required. enabled or disabled via a PFD softkey.
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Traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS)
General Inputs
A traffic collision avoidance system or traffic alert and collision To function properly, TCAS requires the following inputs:
avoidance system (both abbreviated as TCAS) is an aircraft
collision avoidance system designed to reduce the incidence of • aircraft address code
mid-air collisions between aircraft. It monitors the airspace • air-air Mode-S transmissions received by the Mode-S
around an aircraft for other aircraft equipped with a transponder
corresponding active transponder, independent of air traffic • own aircraft’s maximum cruising true airspeed capability
control, and warns pilots of the presence of other transponder- • pressure altitude
equipped aircraft which may present a threat of mid-air collision • radio altitude
Intruder’s requirements
It is a type of airborne collision avoidance system mandated by The main problem with TCAS is that it can only detect and alert
the International Civil Aviation Organisation to be fitted to all to aircraft which have operating transponders. It can only
aircraft with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of over deconflict with aircraft which have operating and serviceable
5,700 kg (12,600 lb) or authorised to carry more than altitude reporting (Mode C) transponders. It is therefore
19 passengers. It requires that it is installed for aircraft with important that all aircraft, even those not receiving a radar
more than 30 passengers. service, have their transponders switched on in both Mode A
and Mode C.
TCAS is based on secondary surveillance radar (SSR)
transponder signals but operates independently of ground- Definitions
based equipment to provide advice to the pilot on potential
conflicting aircraft. Traffic advisory (TA) − An indication given to the flight crew
that a certain intruder is a potential threat.
It differs from the Traffic Advisory System (TAS) previously
described, in that it is able to provide vocalised instructions to Resolution advisory (RA) − An indication given to the flight
avoid danger, known as a ‘Resolution Advisory’ (RA). The crew recommending a manoeuvre intended to provide
suggestive action may be ‘corrective’, suggesting the pilot separation from all threats
change vertical speed by announcing, “Descend, descend!”,
“Climb, climb!” or “Adjust vertical, speed adjust!” (meaning
reduce vertical speed).
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
ACAS II uses two antennas, one above and one below the
aircraft. The top antenna is a direction finding one, as is often
the bottom one. Several installations may use an
omnidirectional receiver antenna on the bottom surface, but no
directional information is then available if the transponded
signal is not received by the top antenna. These antennas are
kept separate from the normal SSR antenna.
Control unit
A typical TCAS control unit is similar to an SSR controller, with
the additional functions of selecting either traffic alert or both
traffic alert and resolution advisory functions. The VFR function
allows an automatic change in transponder code to a
preselected VFR code (7000 in the UK).
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
There are four different symbols which may appear on the In modern glass cockpit aircraft, the TCAS display may be
TCAS cockpit display. These appear in a position on the integrated in the navigation display (ND) or electronic horizontal
display relating to the relative position of the other aircraft, situation indicator (EHSI); in older glass cockpit aircraft and
although if the system cannot determine the bearing of that those with mechanical instrumentation, such an integrated
aircraft it will show the relevant symbol in a convenient position TCAS display may replace the mechanical Vertical Speed
with the words “no bearing”. Manufacturers claim a bearing Indicator (which indicates the rate with which the aircraft is
accuracy of 2°. descending or climbing).
A solid diamond indicates that the other traffic is within that safe
zone (i.e. proximate), but the computer calculates it is still not
a threat.
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information on
a dedicated Display symbology
TCAS display
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Vibration measurement and indication
A turbine engine has an extremely low vibration level and a
change in vibration, due to an impending or partial failure, may
go unnoticed. Many engines are therefore fitted with vibration
indicators that continually monitor the vibration level of the
Vibration transducer
Early vibration transducers were of the moving coil type and up
to three could be located at strategic locations around the
engine (HP compressor case, LP turbine case, etc.). The units
of vibration for these systems were in terms of Relative
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Engine condition monitoring
The airborne vibration monitoring plays an important part in the
condition monitoring programme of the engine and the aircraft
as a whole.
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Temperature measurement
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
probe (Airbus
A380) with Rosemount probe with bleed air
combined alpha
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Flight data recorder (FDR)
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) requires that all • flight deck warnings;
turbine-powered aircraft with a take-off weight greater than • landing gear position; and
5,700 kg and with seating for more than nine passengers shall • radio altitude.
be equipped with a flight data recorder. The device must be
capable of retaining data recorded during at least the last The data recorded must be from essentially the same sources
25 hours of aircraft operation, although this figure may be as those which supply the information displayed to the flight
reduced to 10 hours for aircraft with a take-off weight of less crew and it must include any parameters that are peculiar to
than 5,700 kg. the operating characteristics of the aircraft design.
The data recorded must be sufficient to establish the following The flight data recorder must automatically begin recording all
flight parameters: the above data before the aircraft is capable of moving under
• altitude; its own power and must automatically cease recording after the
• airspeed; aircraft is no longer capable of moving under its own power. In
• heading; practical terms, this usually means that recording starts with the
• the attitude in pitch and roll; start of the first engine and ceases at shut-down of the last
• acceleration; engine. The recorder must be contained within a container
• thrust or power on each engine; painted in a distinctive orange or yellow colour and its recovery
• the configuration of lift or drag devices; must be assisted by reflective material and an underwater
• radio transmission keying; locating device that is automatically activated upon immersion.
• use of automatic flight control systems;
• angle of attack; and
It must be so installed in the aircraft that the probability of
• air temperature.
damage to the recorded data from shock, heat or fire is
minimised. This is usually satisfied by locating the flight data
For aircraft with a take-off weight in excess of 27,000 kg, it is recorder as far aft as practicable, typically in the vicinity of the
required that additional data must be recorded in order to be rear pressure bulkhead.
able to establish the following parameters, as well as those
listed above: The electrical supply to the recorder must be from a bus bar
• primary flight control positions;
that can be expected to provide power under all circumstances,
• pitch trim;
without jeopardising essential or emergency services. There
• primary navigation information, as displayed to the flight
must also be a pre-flight testing facility to check the
crew; serviceability of the recorder.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
System monitoring
The flight data recorder system has its own built-in test In an alternative method, the acceleration force moves a
equipment (BITE) and the serviceability of this and the recorder pendulum in the sensing mechanism. The detector always
should be checked before the first flight of the day. FDRs are forces the sensing-mass to the centre position. The current
subject to annual inspection and to calibration on a 5-year from the amplifier is proportional to the acceleration.
cycle. Dedicated airspeed and altitude sensing equipment are
subject to bi-annual inspection and calibration. Underwater locator beacon
You find the underwater locator beacon on the front panel of
Aircraft integrated data system (AIDS) the flight data recorder. The beacon has a high impact case
Many of the larger transport aircraft types are equipped with which contains; a mercury battery; a water sensitive switch; an
data gathering and retention systems for monitoring the health electronic timer module and piezoelectric transducer.
and performance of the engines and aircraft systems. The
system most commonly used is known as the aircraft integrated After water entry, it transmits a 37.5 kHz pulse every second.
data system (AIDS), which provides the option of a real-time The range of the beacon is two miles in any direction and the
display of current operating conditions or downloading and system operates for about 30 days. At one side of the beacon
printing out of the data when the aircraft is on the ground. Some is an end cap with the name “BATTERY ACCESS”, the other
operators make use of an extension to AIDS known as the end cap contains the water switch. Keep the switch end of the
aircraft communication addressing and reporting system beacon clean and replace the battery when the label
(ACARS), whereby the system can be interrogated from the “REPLACE BATTERY BY: xx/xx/2xxx ” tells you to do so.
operator’s ground base and technical data downloaded whilst
the aircraft is in flight. The data recorded and stored by AIDS
can be interchanged with the flight data recorder and the FDR
data can be printed out during aircraft maintenance.
Three-axis accelerometer
The three axes accelerometer detects acceleration along the
longitudinal, the lateral and the vertical axes. The unit is at the
centre of gravity of the aircraft.
The unit has, for each axis, a sensor. The sensor has a bar
which bends when there is acceleration. The resistance value
of the strain gauge changes when the bar bends. The strain
gauge is a part of a resistance bridge and results in a change
in the output voltage.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Typical flight data recording system
The purpose of the digital flight data recorder system (DFDRS) For test and maintenance purposes on the ground as well as
is to record various critical flight parameters in a solid-state for pre-flight check, it is possible to supply power to the FDR by
memory to fulfil the mandatory requirements of crash recording. pressing the ground control push button on the overhead panel.
The flight data recorder is located in the rear part of the aircraft.
It stores, in a solid-state memory the data of the last 25 hours
collected by the FDAU. The memory board is located in a
mechanical protected box. The front face of the FDR includes
an underwater locator beacon.
FDR system
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Fuel quantity measurement and indication
Capacitance type
Capacitance type fuel quantity measuring systems measure The dielectric constant of the fuel is approximately two, but it
the mass of the fuel, rather than just its level in the tank. This is varies according to its temperature and so a compensator is
an electronic system that measures the capacitance of the built into the bottom of one of the tank units. It is electrically in
probe, or probes, which serve as the tank sender units. A parallel with the probes and cancels the changes in dielectric
capacitor can store electrical charges, and it consists of two constant as the temperature of the fuel changes.
conductors called plates separated by some form of dielectric
or insulator. Digital technology is also incorporated into a quantity indicating
The capacity of a capacitor depends upon three variables: the
area of the plates, the separation between the plates, which is The indicator contains a power supply unit, a probe driver, an
the thickness of the dielectric, and the dielectric constant of the A/D converter and a processor unit. A combined digital read-
material between the plates. The probes in a capacitance fuel out with analogue pointer and scale provides a safe reading.
quantity indicating system are made of two concentric metal
tubes which serve as the plates of the capacitor. The area of
the plates is fixed, as well as the separation between them, so
the only variable we have is the material which separates them.
These probes are installed so they cross the tank from top to
bottom, and when the tank is empty, the plates are separated
by air which has a dielectric constant of one. When the tank is
full, the dielectric is the fuel which has a constant of
approximately two. In any condition between full and empty,
part of the dielectric is air and part is fuel, and so the capacity
of the probe varies according to the level of fuel in the tank.
One of the big advantages of this system is that the probes can
be tailored for tanks of all sizes and shapes, and all probes in
the aircraft can be connected so the system integrates their
output to show the total amount of fuel on board.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Ultrasonic type
The fundamental distinction between ultrasonic and
capacitance gauging is that ultrasonic gauging uses a
technologically different suite of in-tank sensors that is
accompanied by changes in both the signal conditioning
interface and software within the processor.
Once fuel height and the associated fuel parameters have been
accurately determined, the calculation of fuel quantity is very
similar to that of a capacitance system.
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© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The ultrasonic probe is configured as a transducer assembly at This is achieved by incorporating a labyrinth-type baffle in the
the lower end with a stillwell attached and mounted vertically transducer assembly.
above it. The probe may be constructed from metal and/or
composite materials. The overall length of the probe, for a given To help eliminate false measurement, it is important that any
location, is the same as an equivalent capacitance probe, spurious ultrasound reflections created within the stillwell are
barring any necessary mounting clearances. kept to a minimum at all times. This is achieved by ensuring the
inside surface of the stillwell is smooth by uniformly coating or
The transducer assembly features a piezoelectric ceramic disk lining the surface with acoustically suitable material. Also,
that acts as a transceiver to both generate and receive careful attention to the probe mountings should be made as the
ultrasound. The thickness and diameter of the crystal mechanical interface with the outside of the stillwell can lead to
determine the resonant frequency of the crystal. Typically, a internal reflections. To that end, the lower mounting bracket
crystal with a resonant frequency between 1 and 10 MHz is should be fixed to the bubble shroud and the upper movable
selected. The transducer assembly comprises the disk and a mounting bracket(s), with damper(s) located on the stillwell.
resistive discharge network, mounted directly on to the disk, to
safely dissipate any abnormal energy created by temperature A typical probe and an assembly view are shown below.
or mechanical shock, a mechanical labyrinth or bubble shroud,
and provision for the electrical connections to the in-tank
harness. Care must be taken in the mounting of the disk within
the transducer to ensure that resonance is not impeded. Also,
as the resonating disk will emit ultrasound not only up the
stillwell but downwards into the assembly to cause unwanted
reflections, the sound absorbent material is required to be
located under the disk.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Ultrasonic-type fuel quantity measurement stillwell sensor Ultrasonic-type fuel quantity measurement stillwell sensor
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Standby instruments
Older EFIS equipped light aircraft may have three conventional • a single instrument reduces weight and scan times vs.
mechanical analogue gages as standby instruments. reading multiple instruments; and
• its solid-state design (using MEMS technology) offers
This is the minimum requirement: increased reliability compared to electro-mechanical
• an airspeed indicator;
• an attitude indicator; The instrument contains an AHRS internally.
• an altimeter; and
• a heading indicator, The external inputs to the instrument are Pitot and static
pipelines, and a magnetometer. If the magnetometer fails,
These instruments must be provided as standby and operate heading information will not be available. If the Pitot-static
independently of aircraft power. system fails, airspeed and altitude information will not be
available. These areas of the display will be replaced with red-
For example, the Trilogy ESI provides backup for attitude, cross flags. Attitude information is provided by internal MEMS
altitude, airspeed, slip/skid and optional heading information. It gyroscopes and will be available in the event of loss of any
is 100% solid-state, integrated standby system. The Trilogy ESI other inputs.
replaces traditional electromechanical standby instruments and
combines the information into a compact and easy to read
4" x 3" LCD display. Its space-saving footprint, internal lithium-
ion battery and complete digital design make it the ideal
standby for both new aircraft, as well as those outfitted with
ageing or traditional analogue gauges.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The modern PFD displays virtually all of the information that the
pilot requires to determine basic flight parameters (altitude,
attitude, airspeed, the rate of climb, heading, etc.) plus autopilot
and auto-throttle engagement status, flight director modes and
approach status.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
PFD and ND
The two main display units that together make up the EFIS for A320 intro and EFIS
commercial aircraft are the primary flight display and the https://youtu.be/AwhbY7TvQS4
navigation display.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Primary flight display (PFD)
A primary flight display or PFD is a modern aircraft instrument The centre of the PFD contains an attitude indicator, which
dedicated to flight information. Much like multi-function gives the pilot information about the aircraft’s pitch and roll, and
displays, primary flight displays are built around an LCD or CRT the orientation of the aircraft with respect to the horizon.
display device. Representations of older six-pack or ‘steam
gauge’ instruments are combined on one compact display, Unlike a traditional attitude indicator, however, the mechanical
simplifying pilot workflow and streamlining cockpit layouts. gyroscope is not contained within the panel itself but is rather a
separate device whose information is simply displayed on the
Most airliners built since the 1980s − as well as many business PFD.
jets and an increasing number of newer general aviation
aircraft − have glass cockpits equipped with primary flight and The attitude indicator is designed to look very much like
multi-function displays. traditional mechanical attitude indicators. Other information
that may or may not appear on or about the attitude indicator
Mechanical gauges have not been completely eliminated from can include the stall angle, a runway diagram, ILS localiser and
the cockpit with the onset of the PFD; they are retained for glide-path ‘needles’, and so on. Unlike mechanical instruments,
backup purposes in the event of total electrical failure. this information can be dynamically updated as required; the
stall angle, for example, can be adjusted in real time to reflect
While the PFD does not directly use the pitot-static system to the calculated critical angle of attack of the aircraft in its current
physically display flight data, it still uses the system to make configuration (airspeed, etc.). The PFD may also show an
altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, and other measurements indicator of the aircraft’s future path (over the next few
precisely using air pressure and barometric readings. An air seconds), as calculated by onboard computers, making it
data computer analyses the information and displays it to the easier for pilots to anticipate aircraft movements and reactions.
pilot in a readable format. A number of manufacturers produce
PFDs, varying slightly in appearance and functionality, but the A320 PFD
information is displayed to the pilot in a similar fashion. https://youtu.be/6A2Kxx3yxGg
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
To the left and right of the attitude indicator are usually the Often this part of the display shows not only the current
airspeed and altitude indicators, respectively. The airspeed heading, but also the current track (an actual path over the
indicator displays the speed of the aircraft in knots, while the ground), current heading setting on the autopilot, and other
altitude indicator displays the aircraft’s altitude above mean sea indicators.
level (AMSL). These measurements are conducted through the
aircraft’s pitot system, which tracks air pressure Other information displayed on the PFD includes navigational
measurements. As in the PFD’s attitude indicator, these marker information, bugs (to control the autopilot), ILS
systems are merely displayed data from the underlying glideslope indicators, course deviation indicators, altitude
mechanical systems and do not contain any mechanical parts indicator QFE settings, and much more.
(unlike an aircraft’s airspeed indicator and altimeter).
Although the layout of a PFD can be very complex, once a pilot
Both of these indicators are usually presented as vertical is accustomed to it the PFD can provide an enormous amount
‘tapes’, which scroll up and down as altitude and airspeed of information with a single glance.
change. Both indicators may often have ‘bugs’, that is,
indicators that show various important speeds and altitudes, The great variability in the precise details of PFD layout makes
such as V speeds calculated by a flight management system, it necessary for pilots to study the specific PFD of the specific
do-not-exceed speeds for the current configuration, stall aircraft they will be flying in advance so that they know exactly
speeds, selected altitudes and airspeeds for the autopilot, and how certain data are presented. While the basics of flight
so on. parameters tend to be much the same in all PFDs (speed,
attitude, altitude), much of the other useful information
The vertical speed indicator, usually next to the altitude presented on the display is shown in different formats on
indicator, indicates to the pilot how fast the aircraft is ascending different PFDs. For example, one PFD may show the current
or descending, or the rate at which the altitude changes. This angle of attack as a tiny dial near the attitude indicator, while
is usually represented with numbers in ‘thousands of feet per another may actually superimpose this information on the
minute.’ For example, a measurement of “+2” indicates an attitude indicator itself. Since the various graphic features of the
ascent of 2,000 feet per minute, while a measurement of “-1.5” PFD are not labelled, the pilot must learn what they all mean in
indicates a descent of 1,500 feet per minute. There may also advance.
be a simulated needle showing the general direction and
magnitude of vertical movement.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Navigation display (ND) Chronometer indication
The ND is located next to the PFD and displays horizontal Displays elapsed time in white when on-side chronometer is
situation data to the pilot and is able to be superimposed with started.
the weather radar or EGPWS (terrain information from the
International Mesh Terrain database) and/or TCAS. ND display ILS marker beacon
features include: Flashes blue for the outer marker, amber for middle marker and
white for the inner marker.
Groundspeed and true airspeed
Displays aircraft speeds in green as determined by ADIRS. Runway
Displays selected runway as oriented runway symbol. Down to
Wind direction/speed scale if range 10, 20 or 40 nm is selected.
Displays wind direction and speed with respect to true north in
numeric form and wind direction in respect to magnetic north in Holding pattern
green arrow form. Dashes indicate no wind data received. Displays active holding pattern.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Left/right Navaid displays
Display the following information for the selected Navaid, the
left side for receiver one and the right side for receiver two:
Active waypoint displays white, all others green. Others
magenta when WPT display selected. Various display options
are available, selectable from the mode control panel.
A320 ND
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The display of the parameters associated with engine EICAS – engine indicating and crew alerting system
performance and airframe systems control by means of CRT- The basic system comprises two display units, a control panel,
or LCD-type display units has, like those of flight instrument and two computers supplied with analogue and digital signals
systems, become a standard feature of many types of aircraft. from engine and system sensors as shown in the schematic
The display units form part of two principal systems designated functional diagram shown below. The computers are
as engine indicating and crew alerting system (EICAS) and designated ‘left’ and ‘right’, and only one is in control at a time;
electronic centralised aircraft monitoring (ECAM) system, the other is on ‘standby’, and in the event of a failure it may be
which were first introduced in Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft and switched in either manually or automatically.
the Airbus A310 respectively. At the time of their introduction,
there were differing views on the approach to such operating Operating in conjunction with the system are discrete caution
factors as flight deck layouts and crews’ controlling functions, and warning lights, standby engine indicators and a remotely-
the extent to which normal, alerting and warning information located panel for selecting maintenance data displays. The
should be displayed, and in particular, whether engine system provides the flight crew with information on primary
operating data required to be displayed for the whole of a flight, engine parameters (full-time), with secondary engine
or only at various phases. parameters and advisory/caution warning alert messages
displayed as required.
In respect of EICAS, engine operating data is displayed on its
LCD display units (DUs), thereby eliminating the need for EICAS cam
traditional instruments. The data, as well as those relevant to https://youtu.be/8tjmIklS9A4
other systems, are not necessarily always on display but in the
event of malfunctions occurring at any time, the flight crew’s B767 Engines Overview, EICAS Indications and EEC
attention is drawn to them by an automatic display of messages https://youtu.be/BwMaAITQzL8
in the appropriate colours.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Display units
These units provide a wide variety of information relevant to
engine operation and operation of other automated systems.
The units are mounted one above the other as shown below.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Display select panel
This panel, as shown below, permits control of EICAS functions 5. Display brightness control − The inner knob controls
and displays and can be used both in flight and on the ground. the intensity of the displays, and the outer knob controls
It is normally located on the centre pedestal of an aircraft’s flight the brightness balance between displays.
deck, and its controls are as follows, although aircraft type 6. Thrust reference set switch − Pulling and rotating the
installations vary: inner knob positions the reference cursor on the thrust
indicator display (either EPR or N1) for the engine(s)
1. Engine display switch − This is of the momentary- selected by the outer knob.
push type for removing or presenting the display of 7. Maximum indicator reset switch − If any one of the
secondary information on the lower display unit. measured parameters, e.g. oil pressure, EGT, should
2. Status display switch − Also of the momentary-push exceed normal operating limits, this will be automatically
type, this is used to display the status mode information alerted on the display units. The purpose of the reset
referred to earlier, on the lower display unit. The display switch is to clear the alerts from the display when the
is known as a ‘status page’. excess limits no longer exist.
3. Event record switch − This is of the momentary-push
type and is used in the air or on the ground, to activate
the recording of fault data relevant to the environmental
control system, electrical power, hydraulic system,
performance and APU. Normally, if any malfunction
occurs in a system, it is recorded automatically (called
an ‘auto event’) and stored in a non-volatile memory of
the EICAS computer. The push switch also enables the
flight crew to record a suspect malfunction for storage,
and this is called a ‘manual event’. The relevant data can
only be retrieved from memory and displayed when the
aircraft is on the ground and by operating switches on
the maintenance control panel.
4. Computer select switch − In the “AUTO” position it
selects the left, or primary, computer and automatically
switches to the other computer in the event of failure.
The other positions are for the manual selection of the
left or right computers.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Alert messages
The system continuously monitors a large number of inputs The master warning and caution lights are located adjacent to
(typically over 400) from engine and airframe systems’ sensors the display units together with a ‘cancel’ switch and a ‘recall’
and will detect any malfunctioning of systems. If this should switch. Pushing the ‘cancel’ switch removes only the caution
occur, then appropriate messages are generated and and advisory messages from the display; the warning
displayed on the upper display unit in a sequence messages cannot be cancelled. The ‘recall’ switch is used to
corresponding to the level of urgency of action to be taken. Up bring back the caution and advisory messages into the display.
to 11 messages can be displayed, and at the following levels: At the same time, the word “RECALL” appears at the bottom of
the display.
• Level A — Warning requiring immediate corrective
A message is automatically removed from the display when the
action. They are displayed in red. Master warning
associated condition no longer exists. In this case, messages
lights are also illuminated, and aural warnings (e.g.
which appear below the deleted one each move up a line.
fire bell) from a central warning system are given.
When a new fault occurs, its associated message is inserted
on the appropriate line of the display. This may cause older
• Level B — Cautions requiring immediate crew messages to move down one line. For example, a new caution
awareness and possible action. They are displayed message would cause all existing caution and advisory
in amber, and also by message caution lights. An messages to move down one line.
aural tone is also repeated twice.
If there are more messages than can be displayed at one time,
the whole list forms what is termed a ‘page’, and the lowest
• Level C — Advisories requiring crew message is removed, and a page number appears in white on
awareness. Also displayed in amber. No the lower right side of the list. If there is an additional page of
caution lights or aural tones are associated messages, it can be displayed by pushing the cancel switch.
with this level. Warning messages are carried over from the previous page.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Display unit failure
If the lower display unit should fail when secondary information
is being displayed on it, an amber alert message appears at the
top left of the upper display unit, and the information is
transferred to it as shown below. The format of this display is
referred to as ‘compact’, and it may be removed by pressing
the “ENGINE” switch on the display select panel. Failure of a
display unit causes the function of the panel “STATUS” switch
to be inhibited so that the status page format cannot be
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
The display control switch has two positions: “ON” and “AUTO”.
In the “ON” position, the displays are permanently on. In the
“AUTO” position the internal circuits are functional, but the
displays will be automatically presented when the EICAS
displays are lost due to the failure of both display units or both
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Maintenance control panel
This panel is for use by maintenance engineers for the purpose The message “TEST IN PROGRESS” appears at the top left of
of displaying maintenance data stored in system computer display unit screens and remains in view while testing is in
memories during flight or ground operations. progress. On satisfactory completion of the test, the message
“TEST OK” will appear. If a computer or display unit failure has
The layout of the panel and the principal functions of each of occurred, the message “TEST FAIL” will appear followed by
the controls are shown below. messages indicating which of the units has failed.
The five display select switches are of the momentary-push A test may be terminated by pressing the “TEST” switch a
type, and as each one is activated, a corresponding second time or, if it is safe to do so, by releasing an aircraft’s
maintenance display page appears on the lower display unit parking brake.
The display units revert to their normal primary and secondary
System failures which have occurred in flight and have been information displays
automatically recorded (‘auto event’) in computer memory, as
also data entered as ‘manual event’, can be retrieved for
display by means of the ‘event record’ switch on the panel.
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
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Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
EICAS computers
The EICAS computer is located in the main electronic The computer will test the interface and circuits of the complete
equipment compartment. The computer unit performs all EICAS system and will display al characters and colours. The
interface, data processing, control and display generation FIM (fault isolation manual) is used for any faults noted.
function required and is software controlled.
When the test is complete, a message “TEST OK, SELF TEST
The front case has no system lights, BITE or controls. There is COMPLETED” or “TEST FAIL” is displayed.
a connector for software loading with the appropriate tool or
equipment. There is also a data loading point in the flight deck.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
ECAM – electronic centralised aircraft monitoring
The units comprising this system, as originally developed for
the Airbus A310, are shown in the functional diagram shown
below. As far as the processing and display of information are
concerned, it differs significantly from EICAS in that data
relates essentially to the primary systems of the aircraft and are
displayed in check-list and pictorial or synoptic format. Other
differences relate to display locations and selection of system
operating modes.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Display units
These units are mounted side-by-side, or upper and lower,
depending on aircraft type installation; the upper unit is
dedicated to information on the status of systems, warnings
and corrective action in a sequenced check-list format, while
the right/lower unit is dedicated to associated information in
pictorial or synoptic format.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Display modes
There are four display modes, three of which are automatically In the example considered, the warning relates to a single
selected and referred to as flight phase-related, advisory (mode system, and by convention, such warnings are signified by
and status), and failure-related modes. The fourth mode is underlining the system title displayed. In cases where a failure
manual and permits the selection of diagrams related to any can affect other subsystems, the title of the sub-system is
one of 12 of the aircraft’s systems for routine checking, and also shown boxed, as for instance in the display shown below.
the selection of status messages provided no warnings have Warnings and the associated lights are cleared by means of
been ‘triggered’ for display. The selections are made by means “CLEAR” push-button switches on either the ECAM control
of illuminated push-button switches on the system control panel or a warning light display panel.
Status messages, which are also displayed on the left/upper
In normal operation, the automatic flight phase-related mode is display unit, provide the flight crew with an operational
used, and in this case, the displays are appropriate to the summary of the aircraft’s condition, the possible downgrading
current phase of aircraft operation, i.e. pre-flight, take-off, climb, of autoland capability, and as far as possible, indications of the
cruise, descent, approach, and after landing. The left/upper aircraft status following all failures except those that do not
display unit displays an advisory memo mode, and the affect the flight.
right/lower unit displays a diagram of the aircraft’s fuselage,
doors, and arming of the escape slides deployment system. Warnings and cautions
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
A320 ECAM electrical
A320 hydraulics
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Control panel ECAM (Airbus) and EICAS (Boeing) differences
The layout of this panel is shown below; all switches, with the
exception of those for display control, are of the push-button,
illuminated caption type.
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020
Module 11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31)
Academic and Professional Aviation Center (APAC)
© Copyright 2020 Issue 2– September 2020