Mother Touch Group of Schools: WWW - - ZW Highschoolbursar@mothertouch -

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Website - Cell - +263 772 318 890 / +263 773 835 379/
+263 732 596 161 +263 712 800 158
Email – [email protected] Tel - +263 0242 216 676
Address - 2164 Tynwald South, Harare

1 Learner’s Details (Please write clearly throughout)

First name(s) Attach
Surname_______________________________________________________ Photo
Date of birth ____ /___ /_______ (DD/MM/YYYY) Sex: M F Here
Birth Entry Number: _________________________
Religion (e.g. Christianity/ Muslim/ ATR/ others specify)
Denomination (e.g. ZAOGA/Roman Catholic/Glad Tidings/Others specify) ___________________
Address where child resides:

Application for Form Term Year

2 Parent/Legal Guardian 1
Title: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Doc/Prof/Rev):
First name: Surname: ID:
Address (if different from where child resides):

Relationship to Learner:
Telephone/Cell phone: _________________________/_____________________________
Profession: Company name:
Company Address:
Company Telephone: Company Email:
3 Parent/Legal Guardian 2
Title: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Doc/Prof/Rev):
First name: Surname: ID:
Address (if different from where child resides):

Relationship to Learner:
Telephone/Cell phone: _________________________/_____________________________
Profession: Company name:
Company Address:
Company Telephone: Company Email:
4 Parent/Legal Guardian Reference (e.g. Employer, Pastor, former School Head etc. but not Related to)
Name ID No Relationship to Child Contact No

5 In Case of Emergency (Apart from Parents)

Title: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Doc/Prof/Rev):
First name: Surname: ID:
Relationship to Learner:
Doctor’s name: ___________
Contact:_ /
Medical AID information:
In case the child gets seriously ill or injured, do you mind if we rush him/her to the nearest doctor or hospital?
Yes No
If yes, please give your suggestions:

6 Special Needs Information

Are there any special needs/issues you may want us to know about the child? Yes No
If yes specify

Other information we may need to know

Are the parents/guardians separated or out of the country? Yes No
If yes specify
Is the child single parented/orphaned? Yes No
Does the child have any medical condition like health problem(s), allergies; any learning difficulty, disability, or special
educational need; any medication or food the child should not take, any behavioral, emotional and/or social disability?
Yes No (If yes specify)

7 How did you know about Mother Touch?

Radio & TV Adverts / Social Media / Friend or Relative(s) / Others specify_______________ (tick appropriate)
What was/is the child former school
Why are you transferring the child from his/her previous school and choosing Mother Touch

How do you think you will support the child`s learning and development?
How do you think you will add value to the school?
What are your expectations from the School
8 Terms and Conditions
a) The school operates Monday to Friday from 07:00-17:00 hours, however learners may be asked to come for organized
school events during weekends.
b) Learning starts from 07:30 hours until 15:30 hours.
c) Cambridge and ZIMSEC curriculums are part of our wide and rich curriculum hence compulsory.
d) All clothing item(s) should be clearly marked for the convenience of the child and staff.
e) Personal authorized valuables, playing and learn equipment should not be brought into the center and the school’s
valuables and play and learn equipment should not be removed from the center. Please return anything brought by
the child home, which does not belong to him/her.
f) We recommend that you pack morning sandwich and afternoon snack for the child. Hot meals will be provided by
the school at a cost.
g) Sick children will not be accepted at the school. Should a child fall sick, he/she will be isolated into the isolation room
and the parent/guardian will be informed, and if urgent medical aid none is required, the child will be rushed to the
nearest doctor / hospital.
9 Rules and Guidelines for Learners
a) Learners are expected to be punctual for school and all school activities and events.
b) Learners should ensure all daily homework is done and completed.
c) Learners should participate in at least one sport and one club regularly, unless medically unfit supported with a
doctor’s letter.
d) The school is guided by Christian principles, values and morals.
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e) Learners are expected to be cultured, mannered, hands out of pockets and hats off when talking to, or greeting
the elderly.
f) All learners are expected to be courteous, respectful, helpful and obedient towards teachers, parents, visitors
and school authorities at all times.
g) Learners should be smartly and correctly dressed in correct, complete, clean and neat (with all buttons on)
school uniform daily when coming to school and going back home. Uniform includes school ID, name badge
and satchel, tie to list a few.
h) Girls’ hair should be neatly plaited and brushed while for boys it should be short (brush size) and neat.
i) Learners shall constantly maintain cleanliness in the classrooms, bathrooms and school grounds.
j) Learners are not permitted to take intoxicating liquor and drugs nor bring them into the school premises.
k) No chewing gums at school, in buses or at school events, and eating while walking in the school premises.
l) Possession of weapons and tools like knives, guns, screw drivers are not allowed in school premises.
m) Running, shouting, fighting and vulgar language is not allowed in the school premises.
n) Vandalism of school property is an offence and parents will be held liable. No banging of doors, windows,
moving of furniture without authority and correct procedures.
o) Learners are not allowed to go into restricted, prohibited and out of bounds areas without being accompanied
by staff members.
p) Learners should always follow designed foot paths no running in classrooms, passages or administration area
or playing in the lawn or areas not designated for playing.
q) Learners shall not steal or take other learners belongings.
r) No personal valuables (like cell phones, tablets, laptops etc.) are allowed into the school without school
authorization. If found with a gadget not registered with the school, the gadget will be confiscated.
s) School internet should be used for educational purposes only, social networks, watching or downloading movies
is not allowed.
a) Intimate love affairs among learners and between learners and staff members are not allowed. No hugs, kissing,
fondling and other intimate related acts.
10 Communication Policy
a) The parents/guardians of the learners at Mother Touch Group of Schools (MTGS) are encouraged to take an active
interest and active involvement in their children’s welfare, and this includes their performance in academic and
extra-curricular activities to ensure excellent results for success.
b) Parents are encouraged to know the teacher of child and the class and also develop and maintain regular healthy two-
way communication.
c) Parents should be encouraged to book to see the child class teacher and get the most convenient me like lunch or after
d) MTGS provides several communication platforms these include formal events like “Consultation day”, “meet the
teacher” to list a few. These enable face to face feedback with parents on the development of the learner. “Consultation
Day” takes place in second term and must be respected and ended fully.
e) Class teacher also uses “communication books” which parents should read and sign in acknowledgement daily.
f) The school also communicates with parents through newsletters that are sent by e-mails twice a term.
g) The school in addition communicates with parents through other social media platforms like emails, bulk sms, our
website, Facebook page, twitter, Instagram, to just list a few. Kindly note that we have a feedback platform on our
h) All important information like newsletters and upcoming events are uploaded on our website and school application.
i) Phone calls to teaching staff can only be done during breaks or after lessons.
j) Any class issues should be addressed to the class teacher and if not resolved may be referred to the Head of Department
(Teacher in Charge or senior teacher) and further to the Deputy and if not satisfied seek the Head’s audience.
k) Transport issues should be referred to the route drivers or assistant, if not resolved should be referred to the transport
manager and then lastly to the Head.
l) Fees payment and any other payments should be referred to the bursar/accountant.
m) Proper communication channels should always be followed at all times. MTGS will not entertain any communication
that does not show respect for the child’s positive learning and development. These may include false, negative or

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misrepresentation of the school, school authorities or any activities at the school on the media or any other platforms or
channels apart from the ones given by the school. No matter how serious or bad the situation, communication should be
done in a professional, respectful, constructive way from both parties. Failure to abide by this will result in withdrawal
or termination of services by the school.
11 School Fees Policy
a) All school fees for the term shall be paid in full before the opening of each respective term for smooth running of all
b) After payment of fees the parent or guardian will be issued with admission card for the child to use daily for admission
at the school gate
c) Parents/Guardians should deposit fees into the correct school bank account and present proof of payment for receipting
within a week.
d) Failure to deposit in the correct bank account will attract a 5% penalty.
e) We offer a wide rich curriculum to produce world class global leaders hence Cambridge fees are compulsory.
f) The school’s banking details are as follows:
RTGS Account Bank BancABC
Branch Heritage
Account Name Mother Touch Group of Schools
Account Number 12555355402010
12 Transport Services
Does the child need transport? Yes No
If “yes” kindly download the transport policy complete it, sign and present on payment.
13 MTGS Contact Details
Phone numbers: +263 772 318 890 or +263 773 835 379 or +263 242 216 676
E-mail address: [email protected]
Twitter page: @mtgs_Schools
Facebook page: Mother Touch Group of Schools
14 Declaration
I/We ____________________________________________________________ ID:_____________________________
being the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the above-named child do hereby consent to abide by the terms and conditions of the
enrolment, school rules and guidelines for learners, School Fees Payment Policy, Communication Policy. In the event that
any legal action arising thereof instituted against myself/ourselves, I/we do hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the
Magistrates Court sitting at Harare, notwithstanding the sum claimed exceeding the monetary jurisdiction of the aforesaid
Parent/Guardian 1
Full Name:________________________________
ID Number: _______________________________
Date: ___/___/________
Parent/Guardian 2
Full Name:________________________________
ID Number: _______________________________
Date: ___/___/________

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Please Tick Attached
Copy of birth certificate
1 passport sized photos
Copy of immunization card
Copy of latest report (if applicable)
Copy of transfer letter (if applicable)
Copy of parent/ guardian(s) ID’s
copy of proof of residence
Copy of proof of income
NB – After completing the form and having attached all the required documents book with the reception to meet the Head
and submit your application. The Head shall assess and give results within 48hours
For Official Use only
Application Approved / Not approved
Head/ Enrollment Officer name ___________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________

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