Investing in Small Cap Stocks Explained

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Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

Investing In Small Cap Stocks Explained (Definition, Indexes, Strategy, Risks & FTSE

Small Cap Stocks Investing - Introduction

I have recently analysed the complete FTSE Small Cap Stock Index. The FTSE SmallCap
Index is an index of small market capitalisation companies consisting of the 351st to the
619th largest-listed companies on the London Stock Exchange main market.
I have gone one by one and analysed the whole list. I simply follow Buffett’s advice where if
you want to find investments, simply start with the As. For those interested in my research on
the FTSE Small Cap Index, you can find the stock by stock list here, the summary on the 16
small cap stocks I found most interesting (I didn’t bother with structure of the reports –
mostly notes) and the research report on the one small cap stock that I picked as potentially
interesting to follow. Apart from the above, usually boring, research, during the research
process I have also noted some very interesting findings related to investing into small cap
stocks that I think will be very valuable to all of you who consider investing into such stocks.
I’ve been investing in small caps for the past two decades so I think this article will add value
to your investing journey.
I’ll start by defining small cap stocks, discussing their behaviour, risk and reward when it
comes to investing, I’ll explain the main fallacy when it comes to small cap indexes and
finish with probably the only strategy that works when it comes to small caps, one that I
always apply and later found also that Peter Lynch was an avid user.

Small Cap Stocks Investing - Introduction ............................................................................ 1
Small Cap Stocks Definition – Between $300 million and $2 billion ................................... 1
Small Cap Stocks Investing Rewards and Risks.................................................................... 2
Small Cap Stocks Index Funds and ETFs .............................................................................. 5
Small Cap Stocks Best Investing Strategy ............................................................................. 7
Timing your Small Cap Stocks Investment ....................................................................... 8
Small Cap Stocks FTSE Example........................................................................................ 10
Small Cap Stocks Investing Conclusion .............................................................................. 10

Small Cap Stocks Definition – Between $300 million and $2 billion

Small Cap Stocks are defined as businesses that have a market capitalisation below $1
billion. However, in some small cap stocks indexes you will find stocks with market
capitalizations of even $4 billion. Given the current exuberant market situation, the range
within something is defined as a small cap stock is also expanding. The general consensus
nowadays is that a small cap stock has a market capitalization between $300 million and $2
billion. Due to stock price fluctuation, that can vary on the upside but also on the downside.
Apart from market capitalization, small cap stocks are usually businesses that just recently
went public, operate in a really small niche or geographic location or simply have remained

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

small for a long time. This leads to significant differences when it comes to investing in such

Small Cap Stocks Investing Rewards and Risks

The upside is clear, if you buy a business that has the capacity to grow while it is small and
scale, your whole portfolio can benefit from such an investment, for the rest of your life.
Those who invested in Walmart (WMT) at its IPO did really well.
Figure 1 Walmart (WMT) was a small cap stock too

Source: Macrotrends – Walmart Stock

Similarly, if you picked Starbucks (SBUX) at its IPO 25 year ago, you would have turned
$1,000 in $178,000, not even counting dividends. Dividends would increase many times the
return because if you paid $0.47 (adjusted for splits) for a stock of Starbucks in 1992, the
dividend on that now would be $1.63. This reinvested would skyrocket your returns even

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

Figure 2 Starbucks is another small cap success story

Source: Macrotrends – Starbucks stock

However, both Starbucks and Walmart had untested business models when they started.
Many fail to grasp that Walmart’s small cap stock fell 75% from 1972 to 1974 which
perfectly explains the risks of investing in small caps. Starbucks also fell 75% in the 2009

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Figure 3 WMT fell 75% from 1972 to 1974

Source: Macrotrends – Walmart Stock

Similarly, many small cap stocks that were promising in the past, fall down but don’t rebound
like Walmart. A few examples are Tailored Brands (TLRD), Lumber Liquidators Holdings
(LL) and Fiesta Restaurant Group (FF) and AA Plc, to give an example of a recent IPO gone
Figure 4 Four bad small cap examples down more than 90% from peak

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

My FTSE Small Cap Index research shows how in a good economic environment, 4 out of 5
small cap investment turn out terribly, while only one does ok or really ok. But, then again,
out of that one doing good, only perhaps 50% do really good over the long term as recessions
often stop their growth and show their weaknesses. All of the above makes investing into
small caps really tricky. However, I think there is a strategy that works, even with small caps.
However, before discussing the strategy, let me first discuss the biggest fallacy of small cap
index funds and the reason one should never invest in them.

Small Cap Stocks Index Funds and ETFs

Small cap stocks index funds or ETFs are very attractive because you don’t have to bother to
pick the right stock to invest in, you simply invest in every small cap out there and, if small
caps deliver higher returns thanks to their higher risk, according to the efficient market
theory, you should be set.
I would strongly disagree with the above because there are a few things that don’t work that
way. When looking at the FTSE small cap index for example, a significant percentage of the
index constituents were closed end funds, trusts, holdings and other various investment
vehicles. These vehicles are just middle man so that on top of your ETF fee, that is usually
high when it comes to small caps, you indirectly pay hidden fees within such investment
vehicles, included in an index just thanks to their market capitalization.

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Figure 5 It is hard to find a real business by looking at the FTSE Small Cap Index

Perhaps the biggest fallacy is that when you invest in small caps, and those do good, their
market capitalization increases. What does an index fund do when the market capitalization

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surpasses a certain level? It sells the stock and buys something else. The key when investing
in risky small caps is to actually hold the good forever. Amazon’s current market
capitalization is $879 billion. If an index fund would have sold the stock when the market
capitalization reached $4 billion, it would have missed on a 219x increase in the stock price.
This means that the index fund would sell amazon at a price of $8 per share.

So, by investing in small cap stocks index funds or ETFs, you would have probably owned
Amazon from its IPO in 1997 at $1.7 (adjusted for splits) and sold it in 1998 when the stock
passed $8 and wasn’t a small cap anymore.
If you wish to invest in small caps, it is smart to be diversified, but when you find the one that
is really good, don’t ever sell it, you’ll regret selling. Further, by buying your own small caps
and having a diversified basket of them, you avoid the expensive index fund or ETF fees.
Peter Lynch was the one that probably had the best strategy when it comes to investing in
small cap stocks.

Small Cap Stocks Best Investing Strategy

Peter Lynch’s book, One Up On Wall Street (chapter 6 – Stalking the Tenbagger), discusses
how the best way to find 10-bagger stocks (stocks that will go up 10x) is to look around you
before Wall Street notices what is going on. By looking at what is going on close to home,
you can see the crowds in front of that new coffee shop or restaurant, you can see how the
business model works and then simply ask yourself: is there a stock? If there is, then you
perform a fundamental analysis, ask the people that work there etc.
You will probably come across the average prospect a few times per year. One of my best
investments was a small camping site in 2010. It was a small business, 95% owned by
employees, it paid a large dividend, was constantly growing alongside a high ROIC, business
was good despite the Great Recession.

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

Figure 7 A small camping site I invested in 2010

Source: Turisthotel
The company was paying an 8% dividend in 2010 and growing at 15% per year. It had no
debt and valuable land. As a local, I could easily see the long-term value that others, like the
Norwegian fund that was selling, could not understand. The investment became a 5 bagger
for me over 4 years.
Small cap investments from 2010 to 2014

Source: Mojedionice
So, look around at what is going on, understand the fundamentals of the business, talk to
employees and sometimes, you will find your great small cap investment before Wall Street
does. An important note here – don’t fall prey to the strong marketing stories small caps must
have in order to get liquidity and the necessary capital for growth, first see by yourself
whether the business is doing really great. If a business is doing really great, they don’t need
to market it at all. Further, another thing when it comes to small-cap stocks, but not only
them, is timing your investment.
Timing your Small Cap Stocks Investment
When it comes to investing, a certain asset class can be in favour or out of favour. The same
holds for small cap stocks. Given their small scale, financial instability, untested businesses,
small cap stocks can often be out of favour. Now, this doesn’t mean that you invest when

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

those are relatively undervalued and sell when those are overvalued. It simply means that you
look at them when the fundamentals look cheap to you and avoid when the fundamentals are
Some look at how small caps perform in certain economic environments. I find it a flawed
strategy. As investors, you have to look at the business, not at the market. When the business,
the dividend yield and fundamentals fit your investment style, then you invest, it doesn’t
matter how is something compared to something else.
Figure 8 Small cap performance

Source: Nasdaq Small Caps

If we take a look at the long-term chart comparing the S&P 500 and the Russel 2000 Small
Cap index, we can see that there are periods of under and over-performance. However, this
doesn’t tell you much whether it is a good time to buy or not. Fundamentals is what matters.

Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.

Figure 9 Small cap Russel 2000 compared to the S&P 500

Source: CME Group

Small Cap Stocks FTSE Example

For example, I looked at the fundamentals and business outlook for all the constituents of the
FTSE small cap index. I’ve narrowed the list down to 16 interesting stocks and then picked
only one for a deeper analysis.
Unfortunately, after more than a week of hard work, I didn’t find anything worth investing in
or following from a value investing perspective. The good businesses are really pricy, while
the bad, well what do you need them for?
The thing is that I have done the research and I’ll keep looking. At some point in time,
somewhere, at some level, there will be something interesting. In 2018 Brazil was cheap,
Russia too, some miners were cheap too in 2018. So, investing in general, and especially
investing in small caps, is about waiting for the right pitch at the right time.
Investing is small caps just because it looks like a healthy thing to do for your portfolio is
simply stupid. I don’t know in what other way to say it.

Small Cap Stocks Investing Conclusion

After all, whether a stock is a small cap, large cap, medium cap, Russian, Brazilian,
American or German, mining copper, selling tyres, software or having an online platform, it
doesn’t really matter from an investing perspective.
What matters is the quality of the business, its moat, margin of safety, cash flow generation,
scalability, the management, the environment and all the other things that make great


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