Investing in Small Cap Stocks Explained
Investing in Small Cap Stocks Explained
Investing in Small Cap Stocks Explained
Investing In Small Cap Stocks Explained (Definition, Indexes, Strategy, Risks & FTSE
Small Cap Stocks Investing - Introduction ............................................................................ 1
Small Cap Stocks Definition – Between $300 million and $2 billion ................................... 1
Small Cap Stocks Investing Rewards and Risks.................................................................... 2
Small Cap Stocks Index Funds and ETFs .............................................................................. 5
Small Cap Stocks Best Investing Strategy ............................................................................. 7
Timing your Small Cap Stocks Investment ....................................................................... 8
Small Cap Stocks FTSE Example........................................................................................ 10
Small Cap Stocks Investing Conclusion .............................................................................. 10
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
small for a long time. This leads to significant differences when it comes to investing in such
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
My FTSE Small Cap Index research shows how in a good economic environment, 4 out of 5
small cap investment turn out terribly, while only one does ok or really ok. But, then again,
out of that one doing good, only perhaps 50% do really good over the long term as recessions
often stop their growth and show their weaknesses. All of the above makes investing into
small caps really tricky. However, I think there is a strategy that works, even with small caps.
However, before discussing the strategy, let me first discuss the biggest fallacy of small cap
index funds and the reason one should never invest in them.
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
Figure 5 It is hard to find a real business by looking at the FTSE Small Cap Index
Perhaps the biggest fallacy is that when you invest in small caps, and those do good, their
market capitalization increases. What does an index fund do when the market capitalization
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
surpasses a certain level? It sells the stock and buys something else. The key when investing
in risky small caps is to actually hold the good forever. Amazon’s current market
capitalization is $879 billion. If an index fund would have sold the stock when the market
capitalization reached $4 billion, it would have missed on a 219x increase in the stock price.
This means that the index fund would sell amazon at a price of $8 per share.
So, by investing in small cap stocks index funds or ETFs, you would have probably owned
Amazon from its IPO in 1997 at $1.7 (adjusted for splits) and sold it in 1998 when the stock
passed $8 and wasn’t a small cap anymore.
If you wish to invest in small caps, it is smart to be diversified, but when you find the one that
is really good, don’t ever sell it, you’ll regret selling. Further, by buying your own small caps
and having a diversified basket of them, you avoid the expensive index fund or ETF fees.
Peter Lynch was the one that probably had the best strategy when it comes to investing in
small cap stocks.
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Source: Turisthotel
The company was paying an 8% dividend in 2010 and growing at 15% per year. It had no
debt and valuable land. As a local, I could easily see the long-term value that others, like the
Norwegian fund that was selling, could not understand. The investment became a 5 bagger
for me over 4 years.
Small cap investments from 2010 to 2014
Source: Mojedionice
So, look around at what is going on, understand the fundamentals of the business, talk to
employees and sometimes, you will find your great small cap investment before Wall Street
does. An important note here – don’t fall prey to the strong marketing stories small caps must
have in order to get liquidity and the necessary capital for growth, first see by yourself
whether the business is doing really great. If a business is doing really great, they don’t need
to market it at all. Further, another thing when it comes to small-cap stocks, but not only
them, is timing your investment.
Timing your Small Cap Stocks Investment
When it comes to investing, a certain asset class can be in favour or out of favour. The same
holds for small cap stocks. Given their small scale, financial instability, untested businesses,
small cap stocks can often be out of favour. Now, this doesn’t mean that you invest when
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.
those are relatively undervalued and sell when those are overvalued. It simply means that you
look at them when the fundamentals look cheap to you and avoid when the fundamentals are
Some look at how small caps perform in certain economic environments. I find it a flawed
strategy. As investors, you have to look at the business, not at the market. When the business,
the dividend yield and fundamentals fit your investment style, then you invest, it doesn’t
matter how is something compared to something else.
Figure 8 Small cap performance
Stock Market Investing Course by Sven Carlin Ph.D.