Course Outline: Meng6302 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
Course Outline: Meng6302 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
Course Outline: Meng6302 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
Course Outline
1st Semester 2021/2022
MEng6302 Advanced Mechanics of Solids
Course Outline
Table of Contents
General Information................................................................................................. 3
Teaching Staff...........................................................................................................3
Course Overview......................................................................................................3
Course Learning Outcomes................................................................................... 4
Course Content........................................................................................................ 4
Course Calendar...................................................................................................... 5
Instructional Method................................................................................................ 5
Learning Resources.................................................................................................6
Other Resources...................................................................................................6
Grading Policy....................................................................................................... 7
Pass requirements................................................................................................7
Academic Integrity................................................................................................ 7
Referencing style.................................................................................................. 7
Other Requirements............................................................................................. 7
General Information
Teaching Staff
Course Overview
Graduate Attributes
PLO1 Engineering Knowledge PLO7 Environment and sustainability
PLO2 Problem Analysis PLO8 Ethics
PLO3 Design/development of PLO9 Individual and teamwork
PLO4 Investigation PLO10 Communication
PLO5 Modern tool usage PLO11 Project management and
PLO6 The engineer and PLO12 Lifelong learning
Course Content
Chapter 1 Elasticity
Location of shear center for various sections - shear flows. Stresses and
deflections in beams subjected to unsymmetrical loading-kern of a section.
Radial and tangential stresses in solid disc and ring of uniform thickness and
varying thickness allowable speeds. Methods of computing contact
stress-deflection of bodies in point and line contact applications.
Course Calendar
8 Energy Principles
Instructional Method
Class sessions are conducted in workshop mode employing active learning approach
with case studies and hands-on exercises to reinforce the key ideas. Class will involve a
variety of settings including group work, small and large group discussions,
demonstrations, reflective activities, and mini-lectures. Course content will come from a
variety of sources including class notes, texts, and journal articles. The principles and
methods learned in class will be applied through a semester long team based design
project. For the team based design project we will use cooperative learning approach. A
blended learning approach with online materials through elearning shall be used.
Learning Resources
1. Ugural, A. C., & Fenster, S. K. Advanced Strength and Applied
Elasticity (5th ed): Prentis Hall (2011).
2. Boresi, A. P., & Schmidt, R. J., Advanced Mechanics of Materials (6th
ed.): John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2002).
3. Armenàkas, A. E. Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied
Elasticity: CRC Press. (2016).
4. Timoshenko, S.P., and Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1970.
Other Resources
Lecture notes are posted on eLearning.
Grading Policy
Grading of courses will be according to the university’s rules and regulation.
Examinations are graded and the letter grading system with corresponding points
shown below.
Pass requirements
To pass this course you must:
Academic Integrity
AASTU values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses
under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. Work submitted
may be subjected to a plagiarism detection process, which may include the use of
systems such as 'Turnitin'.
Referencing style
The College of Electrical and Mechanical advises students to use the "IEEE
Referencing Style" for written work and oral presentations. However, students are
permitted to use other recognized styles that appear in the Engineering literature.
Other Requirements
As per university guideline, a minimum 80% during lecture and 100% during practical
work sessions except for some unprecedented mishaps.