Drug Development and Delivery - March 2011

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March 2011 Vol 11 No 2 www.drug-dev.com




Coating Film
Permeability 20
Jinghua Yuan, PhD

Products 27
Leah R. Kendall

Syringes 48
Cindy H. Dubin

Management 55
Graham Reynolds

Technology &
Showcase 64

The science & business of drug development in specialty pharma, biotechnology, and drug delivery Disease 70
Noah Beerman
Stephen From
Joseph James Susan
Beaurline Cunningham, Banbury, PhD
The Use of Surface- PhD Fast-Dispersing
Modified Nanoparticles Dosage Forms for
Tackling the
to Facilitate the the Pediatric Market
Challenge of
Processing of Oral
Nucleic Acid
Solid Dosage
Delivery: Progress
& New Approaches
Drug Delivery Ad 4-10.qxp:Innercap Ad FINAL 3/25/10 10:31 AM Page 1

a d va n tag e s
of multi-phase, multi-compartment capsules are clear

INNERCAP® Technologies Granted

US Patent No. 7,670,612 on multi-phase,
multi-compartment capsular delivery apparatus
and methods for using the same.
March 23, 2010, Saint Petersburg, Florida USA, INNERCAP
Technologies, Inc., an international drug delivery and specialty
pharmaceutical company, recently announced the grant of US Patent
No. 7,670,612 entitled “Multi-Phase, Multi-Compartment Capsular
Delivery Apparatus and Methods for Using Same.” The delivery system
has uses for bio-pharmaceutical,
pharmaceutical, medical foods and
nutraceutical products. In addition to the
existing New Zealand patent, this
patent covers the company’s
multiphase multi-compartment
delivery system used to enable the development
of multicompartment, multi-phase delivery
forms (two piece capsule based) of
combination products that have compatibility,
formulation or targeted delivery obstacles.
“This is a significant development for
technology,” said Fred H. Miller, Chief
Executive Officer at INNERCAP.
“The continued growth of our
patent portfolio establishes
INNERCAP as one of the leading
companies in this space.”
The delivery system and
combinations covered by the
patent have the ability to deliver
therapeutic entities that have never been combined previously and now can be administered together, via an oral,
implanted, or suppository capsule, in the most advantageous pharmacokinetic profile, utilizing different physical phases.
This technology can therefore be used to enable capsule administration of compounds that are not normally administered
as a combination product. The efficacy, safety, and side-effect profiles of drugs can be substantially improved using this
delivery technology. It will also provide very significant quality-of-life improvements for patients and substantial
economic savings for hard-pressed healthcare systems.
“INNERCAP’s multi-phase, multi-compartment technology has been commercially manufactured and validated in
several products, demonstrating that INNERCAP’s delivery system creates real value to consumers and branded
manufacturers,” added Mr. Miller.
INNERCAP was represented by Cliff Davidson, Esq. of the patent firm Davidson,
Davidson & Kappel, LLC (www.ddkpatent.com) based in New York City.

For more information contact us at the telephone number and email address below: United States Patent No. 7,670,612
US and International Patents Pending

9216 Palm River Road, Suite 203 • Tampa, FL 33619 USA • (813) 837-0796 • www.innercap.com • [email protected]
© 2003–2010 INNERCAP Technologies, Inc. all rights reserved.
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March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Ralph Vitaro
[email protected]
Dan Marino, MSc
[email protected]
Shalamar Q. Eagel
Debbie Carrillo
Cindy H. Dubin
John A. Bermingham
Josef Bossart, PhD
Katheryn Symank
Mark Newland
Nicholas D. Vitaro
Kathleen Kenny

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32 Fast-Dispersing Dosage Forms for the

Pediatric Market
Susan Banbury, PhD; and Karen MacGregor, PhD; suggest
growth in the oral drug delivery market is being driven in part
by innovative oral formulations that offer the stability, dose
accuracy, and convenience of solid oral dosage forms with the
dosing ease of a liquid to facilitate patient compliance, an
important consideration in pediatric delivery.

36 Tackling the Challenge of Nucleic Acid

Delivery: Progress & New Approaches
James J. Cunningham, PhD; Louis S. Crocker, PhD; and
Anthony Leone, PhD; highlight some of the most promising
approaches in nucleic acid delivery, despite the significant
challenges facing this endeavor.

42 The Use of Surface-Modified

Nanoparticles to Facilitate the Processing
of Oral Solid Dosage Forms
Joseph Beaurline; John Hedenstrom, PhD; Jacqui Ganser,
MS; Jimmie Baran, PhD; and Fred LaPlant, PhD; conduct
experiments that prove surface-modified nanoparticles
enhance powder processing as characterized by improved
flow and increased bulk/tapped density.

48 Prefilled Syringes Pinpoint Stability,

Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

“One class of polymer-based delivery vehicle Compatibility & Safety

relies upon electrostatic complexation of RNA Contributor Cindy H. Dubin spoke with some of the PFS
to the cationic polymer. Cationic peptides may market's leading companies to find out how they are
be complexed to the negatively charged siRNA evolving the technology to tackle pharma's drug
in a similar way and may be chosen to provide performance challenges, patients' need for convenience, and
targeting or cell-penetrating characteristics to government safety requirements.
the complex. In one report, a peptide derived
from rabies virus that targets neurons was
bound to polyarginine, complexed to siRNA
through electrostatic interaction with the
protonated polyarginine, and
6 penetrated the blood-brain barrier.” p.36
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55 Lifecycle Management & Differentiation
“And the market numbers concur. In
Through Injectable Delivery Systems
2009, an estimated 2 billion prefilled Graham Reynolds believes the inter-dependence of the
packaging and delivery system needs to be carefully
syringe units were sold, and the market
considered at an early stage, and a thorough understanding
for the technology was estimated to be of both is key to ensuring a successful drug/delivery system
worth up to $2.5 billion. The biologics
sector is being credited with having the 60 Cetero Research: Addressing Today’s
most influence on the prefilled syringe Challenges in Drug Development
Drug Development Executive: Dr. Troy W. McCall, Cetero’s CEO,
market, as there is an increasing need
focuses on innovative advancements to address drug
for self-administration of these drugs for development challenges and how CROs must build capabilities
and expertise to offer value to sponsors in a constantly
chronic conditions.”
evolving, yet uncertain, industry environment.

70 RXi & EyeGate Set Their Sights on the

Retinal Disease Market
Partnership Spotlight: Contributor Cindy H. Dubin interviews
Mr. Noah Beerman, President and CEO of RXi
Pharmaceuticals, and Mr. Stephen From, President and CEO
of EyeGate Pharma, on why they believe together their
companies are well positioned to compete successfully in
the ophthalmologic market.

Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Market News & Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Excipient Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Permeability Study on the Coating Film Consisting
of CA-398-10 NF/EP & CA- 320S NF/EP

Combination Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
FDA Regulatory Update: Top 10 Policy Development
Issues for 2011 & What May Stand in the Way of
Advancing Them

p.48 Technology Showcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

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Dan Marino,
Executive Editorial
Drug Delivery

Shaukat Ali, PhD, John A. Der-Yang Lee, PhD

MSc Bermingham Research Fellow, R&D
Technical Service Manager Chief Financial Officer Technology, R&D Labs
BASF Pharma Solutions Agratech, Inc. McNeil Consumer Healthcare,
Johnson & Johnson

Sarath Chandar, MBA Derek G. Hennecke, Gary W. Cleary, PhD,

Vice President, Global MBA PharmD, MBA
Marketing & Commercial President & CEO President & CTO
Xcelience Corium International
SPI Pharma

Ms. Debra Bingham Clifford M. Davidson, John Fraher

Partner Esq. President, North America
Valeo Partners Founding Partner Eurand
Davidson, Davidson &
Kappel, LLC

Philip Green, PhD Keith Horspool, PhD Firouz Asgarzadeh,

Senior Director, Vice President, PhD
Drug Delivery Devices Pharmaceutics Melt Extrusion Strategic
Team Lead
Merck Bioventures, Boehringer Ingelheim
Merck Research Evonik-Degussa
Laboratories Corporation

Peter Thornton Uday B. Kompella, James W. McGinity,

Senior VP, Corporate PhD PhD
Development & Business Professor, Department of Professor of Pharmaceutics
Operations Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Texas
at Austin
Elan Drug Technologies University of Colorado

Josef Bossart, PhD Marc Iacobucci, Wei-Guo Dai, PhD

Managing Director MBA Fellow, Drug Delivery &
VP, Marketing & Project Device Development
Bionumbers LLC
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Management J&J Pharmaceutical R&D,

DPT Laboratories LLC

Peter Hoffmann, PhD Cornell Stamoran Matthew D. Burke, PhD

Vice President, VP, Strategy & Corporate Principal Scientist,
New Technology Development Exploratory Pharmaceutics
Catalent Pharma GlaxoSmithKline
Genzyme Corporation Solutions

James Vaughan Beth A-S. Brown, PhD, Henry Y. Wu, PhD, MS

Division Vice President MS Director of
3M Drug Delivery Director, Pharmaceutical Biopharmaceutics &
Systems Development Parenteral Delivery
Upsher-Smith Laboratories Merck Research
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Particle Sciences & HORIBA Instruments Form Strategic Relationship

article Sciences, Inc., a leading pharmaceutical CRO, recently trained to use the instruments to their fullest capability.”

P announced the establishment of a strategic alliance with “Particle Sciences is committed to remaining one of the premier

HORIBA Instruments of Irvine, CA, which is the US sales and drug delivery development services providers,” added Dr. Lee. “We

marketing division of HORIBA Limited of Kyoto, Japan. This offer a broad array of drug delivery technologies and routinely work

alliance ensures that both client bases are provided with a total on atypical dosage forms. It’s critical that our analytic and

solution, combining the most up-to-date physical characterization characterization capabilities keep pace with our formulation

tools with operational expertise in a fully GLP/GMP compliant expertise. Additionally, as our clients scale to clinical and ultimately

setting. Under the arrangement, the full array of HORIBA commercial processes, we need to ensure the methods we develop

characterization tools will be available at Particle Sciences. are phase appropriate and based on readily available techniques.

“The need for particle size analysis and physical HORIBA is the world’s largest instrument manufacturer with the

characterization in general is growing rapidly within this highly most complete product offering and can now provide the level of

regulated environment,” said Dr. Robert Lee, Vice President of security our clients deserve.”

Pharmaceutical Development at Particle Sciences. “Particle Sciences “Many pharmaceutical customers are located along the East

is a world leader in particulate formulations and drug/device Coast,” said Dr. Pohl. “The combination of our Edison, NJ,

combination products. We looked for a partner that shared the same headquarters plus the Bethlehem, PA, location of Particle Sciences,

commitment to quality and innovation, and HORIBA fit the bill.” Inc., gives HORIBA a strong one-two punch to support these

With this in place, HORIBA clients will have a resource that customers. Services ranging from sample analysis, customer support,

can both develop and perform characterization under cGLPs and and full consulting services will now be readily accessible to our
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

cGMPs. “Our client base ranges from start-ups to the largest customers.”

multinational Pharma and Biotech companies,” said Dr. Mike Pohl, Particle Sciences is an integrated provider of drug development

HORIBA’s Vice President. “For a variety of reasons, we are often services with deep expertise in micro- and nano-particulate drug

asked if we can recommend a site familiar with pharmaceutical delivery technologies and drug/device combination products with

development at which they could have work performed. We have additional specialized capabilities in topical and mucosal drug

worked with Particle Sciences for some time and have been products. Through a full range of formulation, analytic, and

impressed with their facility and their team. By entering into this manufacturing services, Particle Sciences provides pharmaceutical

relationship, we can ensure that our clients not only gain access to companies with a complete and seamless development solution that

the most advanced technology, but also that the operators are highly minimizes the time and risk between discovery and the clinic.
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Catalent Acquires Exclusive Worldwide Rights to Lyopan Fast-

Dissolve Technology
C atalent Pharma Solutions, the world’s leading provider of
advanced oral drug delivery technologies and solutions, has
entered into a license agreement with Pantec AG for the exclusive
technology offers the potential for improved taste-masking capabilities
and may increase the range of drugs and consumer products that can
be used in a fast-dissolve dosage form.
worldwide development rights to the Lyopan fast-dissolve technology The acquisition of Lyopan technology is the latest example of
for healthcare products. Catalent’s ongoing investment in advanced oral dose solutions and
“We are pleased to add the Lyopan technology to Catalent’s oral novel technologies. It advances Catalent’s oral dose capabilities,
dose technology offering, which will enable us to provide our potentially enabling the delivery of improved, compliance-enhancing
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

pharmaceutical partners with an enhanced choice of drug delivery treatments across a broad range of applications, including central
technologies to improve the performance of their treatments,” said Ian nervous system drugs, allergy medications, and dosage forms for
Muir, PhD, President, Modified Release Technologies for Catalent. pediatric and geriatric populations. Additionally, Lyopan technology
“The Lyopan technology is ideally suited to deliver a wide dose range lends itself easily to the development of both prescription and OTC
of APIs in a fast-dissolve tablet. These are key considerations for products.
situations in which patient adherence, ease of swallowing, and a lack “With its long history of developing lyophilized fast-dissolve
of access to water are important issues to address.” products, Catalent is the ideal partner to launch our innovative Lyopan
Lyopan is a proprietary technology for the development and technology,” commented Hans Peter Rohrer, Chairman of Pantec.
manufacture of fast-dissolve lyophilized tablets, including OTC The acquisition of Lyopan technology also has clear synergies
products, such as allergy treatments or travel medications. Lyopan also with several of Catalent’s existing technologies, such as Zydis fast-
requires significantly less water than existing technology, an dissolve, a unique, freeze-dried oral solid dosage form that disperses
advantage that helps reduce energy consumption, sublimation, and instantly in the mouth without requiring water.
drying time. As a result of these advanced characteristics, Lyopan
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Zogenix Announces Completion of Enrollment for ZX002 Phase III

Efficacy Study
Z ogenix, Inc. recently announced the completion of enrollment in
its pivotal Phase III efficacy study (Study 801) of ZX002.
ZX002 is a novel, oral, single-entity, controlled-release formulation of
not combined with another analgesic. This novel formulation has the
potential to address safety concerns outlined by the FDA regarding the
use of certain combination prescription pain products that contain
hydrocodone for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pain in patients acetaminophen, which can cause liver toxicity at high doses over time.
requiring around-the-clock opioid therapy for an extended period of In January 2011, the FDA announced that manufacturers of certain
time. prescription pain products containing acetaminophen will be required
Study 801 is a randomized, 12-week, double-blind, placebo- to reformulate or discontinue making these products within 3 years.
controlled trial evaluating ZX002 in opioid-experienced adult subjects "After completing enrollment in both Phase III studies, ZX002 Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

with moderate-to-severe chronic lower back pain. The primary remains positioned as the first potential single-entity, controlled-
efficacy endpoint is the mean change in average daily pain intensity release hydrocodone product,” said Stephen J. Farr, PhD, President and
scores between ZX002 and placebo. Chief Operating Officer. “Because it does not contain acetaminophen
Initial top-line data from Study 801 and an open-label Phase III and allows for convenient twice-daily dosing, ZX002 may fulfill a
safety study (Study 802) are anticipated to be available during the beneficial treatment option for both patients using immediate-release
second half of 2011. As previously announced, Zogenix has completed hydrocodone combination products on a chronic basis and an
enrollment of Study 802 to evaluate overall safety of ZX002 in alternative for patients already using extended-release opioids for the
patients for up to 1 year. management of their moderate-to-severe pain. We look forward to
Pending positive Phase III clinical results, Zogenix expects to obtaining top-line safety data from Study 802 and efficacy and safety
submit an NDA for ZX002 with the US FDA by early 2012. If data from Study 801 during the second half of this year to support a
approved, ZX002 has the potential to be the first controlled-release potential NDA submission by early-2012."
version of hydrocodone and also the first hydrocodone product that is 15
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ICIG Announces Agreement to Acquire Genzyme’s Pharmaceutical

Intermediates Business
nternational Chemical Investors Group (ICIG) recently
I announced it has entered into a purchase agreement under
which an affiliate of ICIG will acquire the pharmaceutical
production of eliglustat tartrate, an investigational treatment for
Gaucher disease Type 1 that is currently in Phase III clinical trials.
ICIG will also supply materials needed for the manufacture of
intermediates business from Genzyme Corporation. other treatments in earlier stages of development, including neo-
Under the terms of the agreement, ICIG will purchase GAA, currently in preclinical development as a potential next-
substantially all of the pharmaceutical intermediates business, generation Pompe disease therapy.
excluding the drug delivery technologies portion of the business. ICIG is a privately owned industrial holding company
ICIG has agreed to offer employment to the unit’s approximately focusing on mid-sized chemicals and pharmaceutical businesses. It
120 employees upon closing and plans to maintain operations at has acquired 15 businesses, all of which have origins in major
its primary location, a manufacturing facility in Liestal, global chemical or pharmaceutical corporations and are
Switzerland. The acquired pharmaceutical intermediates business independently managed. ICIG companies currently employ more
will be renamed Corden Pharma Switzerland LLC and will than 3,000 people and operate 15 manufacturing facilities in
operate as part of ICIG’s pharmaceutical business within the Europe and the US. Corden Pharma group companies offer
Corden Pharma platform. The companies’ goal is to close the contract development and contract manufacturing for advanced
transaction during the first quarter of 2011. Financial terms are not pharmaceutical intermediates, APIs, and drug product
disclosed. formulations with more than 1,500 individuals supporting their
As part of the agreement, ICIG will enter into a 5-year supply customers with specialized technologies in all international
contract to provide Genzyme with materials needed for the markets.

Capsugel Acquires Novel FlexTab Delivery Technology

apsugel, the world's leading hard capsule manufacturer and fewer new drug entities coming to market, our customers are
C an innovator in drug delivery systems, recently announced its
acquisition of the FlexTab technology, a novel dosage form
looking for other ways to improve the therapeutic effectiveness of
existing APIs for patients and consumers, for example, through
developed throughout the past 8 years within GlaxoSmithKline better patient compliance and convenience.”
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

(GSK). The technology uses injection-molding processes to The FlexTab technology allows for a variety of fill materials,
produce unique capsule-shaped dosage forms that offer a new including powders, pellets, liquids, micro-tablets and tablets, and
platform for formulating a wide range of new pharmaceutical and can even deliver separate liquid and powder APIs in one dose. This
consumer health products. The deal between Capsugel and GSK innovation opens the door to novel product designs and
was brokered by SR One, GSK’s corporate venture fund. customization options. It extends Capsugel’s capsule technology
“Capsugel is very excited to have this innovative technology beyond the well-established dip-molding process used today,
as part of our suite of offerings”, said Keith Hutchison, Vice expanding into higher value segments and offering enhanced value
President of Research and Development at Capsugel. “We believe for customers.
the FlexTab technology’s unique performance characteristics and Capsugel is moving forward immediately to bring the
novel presentation will enable us to formulate the next generation technology and assets in-house with plans of making the new
of pharmaceutical and biotech products for our customers. With dosage form available to customers as soon as possible.

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Amgen & Xencor to Co-

Develop Novel Antibody;
Deal Worth $500 Million
encor, Inc. and Amgen recently announced they will
X collaborate to develop XmAb5871, an Fc-engineered
monoclonal antibody dually targeting CD19 and CD32b.
XmAb5871 is currently in late-stage preclinical
development for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Under the terms of the agreement, Amgen has the
option to an exclusive worldwide license following the
completion of a predefined Phase II study. Xencor will lead
all clinical development until that time. Xencor will receive
up-front and early development milestone payments. If
Amgen does exercise its option, Amgen will assume
responsibility for future development, Xencor will receive
an option-exercise fee, which combined with the up-front
and early development milestones, will total $75 million,
and Xencor could receive up to an additional $425 million
in clinical, regulatory, and commercialization milestone
payments. Xencor will receive tiered royalties on future
sales of XmAb5871.
Xencor’s CD32b technology is a novel
immunomodulatory platform consisting of engineered Fc
domains with selective high affinity binding to FcyRIIb
(CD32b), a receptor with dominant inhibitory activity on B
cells and other immune cells. The CD32b pathway has never
been therapeutically exploited and applied to high affinity
antibodies targeting immune cells.
"XmAb5871 provides a novel approach to suppress B-
cell function, which will enhance Amgen's internal efforts in
inflammatory diseases," said Joseph P. Miletich, MD, PhD,
Senior Vice President, Research & Development at Amgen.
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
"We are delighted to have the opportunity to partner with
Xencor in exploring their novel immunomodulatory
"Amgen's long-time leadership in antibody
development for oncology and inflammatory diseases aligns
seamlessly with Xencor's pipeline development," said Bassil
Dahiyat, PhD, CEO of Xencor. "We expect that XmAb5871
will soon become the fifth XmAb-engineered antibody in
clinical development. This program is a testament to the
progress we've made expanding the XmAb platform into
autoimmune disease with our CD32b technology, which is at
the core of the XmAb5871 compound. The option deal
structure allows us to continue to lead the development of
XmAb5871 while also leveraging Amgen's experience in
developing novel biologics for unmet medical needs."
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RELISTOR is a peripherally acting mu-opioid

receptor antagonist that counteracts the constipating
effects of opioid pain medications in the gastrointestinal
tract without affecting their ability to relieve pain. The
methylnaltrexone license includes intellectual property
from the University of Chicago, Progenics
Pharmaceuticals, and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, including
patents and applications with expiration dates that will
range from 2017 through 2031. RELISTOR was
approved in the US in 2008, and currently, the drug is
approved for use in over 50 countries worldwide. In
2010, RELISTOR single-use, prefilled syringes were
approved for use in the US, Canada, and the European
Union. Worldwide net sales of RELISTOR totaled $16
million in 2010.
Financial terms of the transaction include a $60
million up-front payment and development milestones
totaling $90 million, contingent upon the achievement
of certain US regulatory milestones. Salix also will pay
sales-based milestones of up to $200 million plus
royalties on product sales in the US, as well as 60% of
all revenue received from non-US sublicensees. Salix
will fund all development, registration, and
commercialization activities for RELISTOR in markets
worldwide other than in Japan, where Progenics has
licensed to Ono Pharmaceuticals the rights to develop
and commercialize subcutaneous RELISTOR.
Salix will market RELISTOR directly through its
specialty sales force in the US, and outside the US,
RELISTOR will be marketed with sublicenses to
regional companies. The parties plan an April 2011
transition of RELISTOR commercial and development
Progenics & Salix Announce Worldwide
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

responsibility to Salix from Pfizer Inc, which acquired

License Agreement Progenics’ former RELISTOR partner, Wyeth
Pharmaceuticals. While Salix effects a country-by-
rogenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. recently
P announced they have entered into an exclusive worldwide (except Japan)
country transition of ex-US commercialization rights,
Wyeth will remain the Marketing Authorization Holder
agreement by which Salix has licensed rights to RELISTOR® (methylnaltrexone for RELISTOR and will continue to supply product. In
bromide). RELISTOR Subcutaneous Injection is indicated for the treatment of the interim, Wyeth remains responsible for all
opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in patients with advanced illness who are manufacturing, clinical, medical, and regulatory
receiving palliative care, when response to laxative therapy has not been activities for RELISTOR outside of the US and Japan.
sufficient. Use of RELISTOR beyond 4 months has not been studied.

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Merck Serono & Domain Therapeutics Announce to Develop

Drugs for Parkinson’s Disease

erck Serono, a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Merck Serono. “This partnership with Domain Therapeutics
Germany, recently announced an exclusive development reflects our long-term commitment to develop new treatments for
and licensing agreement with Domain Therapeutics, Strasbourg, neurodegenerative diseases.”
France, to develop metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (mGluR4) “This agreement is a validation of Domain Therapeutics’
Positive Allosteric Modulator (PAM) drugs targeting Parkinson’s business model of addressing difficult GPCRs and partnering
disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. compounds, with a significant deal, at an early stage of Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Domain Therapeutics will contribute optimized compounds development,” said Pascal Neuville, CEO, Domain Therapeutics.
that have been developed from their proprietary chemical series. “Merck Serono is known to set very high standards for the
Under the terms of the agreement, the company will receive EUR compounds they are licensing, and this deal is a demonstration of
2 million in up-front payment and research funding and is eligible the quality of our work. We anticipate that this agreement will
for up to EUR 132 million in milestones for the first two products, enable us to sign further deals of this kind.” mGluR4 is a
as well as undisclosed royalties. glutamate receptor, member of the G-Protein Coupled Receptor
“We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with Domain (GPCR) family, and is believed to be a potential therapeutic target
Therapeutics, which has developed great expertise in the G- for Parkinson’s disease.
Protein Coupled Receptor area,” said Bernhard Kirschbaum, Allosteric modulation of mGluR4 receptors is thought to
Executive Vice President for Global Research and Development at exert regulatory activity on glutamate-mediated neurotransmission.
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Permeability Study on the Coating Film Consisting

of CA-398-10 NF/EP & CA- 320S NF/EP
By: Jinghua Yuan, PhD; Doug G. Dunn, Nancy M. Clipse, Ray J. Newton, Jr., PhD

Cellulose esters form the most suitable semi-permeable membranes for osmotic drug delivery systems. Eastman produces
several types of cellulose esters, in which CA-398-10 NF/EP and CA-320S NF/EP are the most commonly used for the
application. CA-398-10 NF/EP and CA-320S NF/EP could be used alone or combined to form the membrane.1-4 CA-398-10 NF/EP
and CA-320S NF/EP have different acetyl content (CA-398-10 NF/EP, 39.8% vs. CA-320S NF/EP, 32.0%) and physical
properties.5 These differences in properties result in different permeability of the coating films. One would expect that the
permeability of the coating films could be tailored by adjusting the ratio of two polymers in the coating solution to fit
particular needs.
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of the ratio of CA-398-10 NF /EP to CA-320S NF/EP on the
permeability of the coating films, to investigate the effects of plasticizer level and molecular weight on the permeability of
the coating films, and to address the effect of acetyl content variation in CA-398-10 NF/EP polymer on the permeability of
the coating films.

MATERIALS Barnstead, Van Nuys, CA) were used as the NF/EP and low acetyl content of CA-398-
To determine the permeability of solvent systems. All of the materials were 10 NF/EP with PEG 400 as the plasticizer.
coating films, the designed coating solution used as received. The table is color coded so that one color
was coated on model tablets. The model region has the same ratio of CA-398-10
tablets consisted of POLYOX water-soluble METHODS NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP with changing
resins with a molecular weight of 5,000,000 plasticizer concentration. Group 2 is the
(Dow Chemical, Midland, MI), colorant Experimental Design of Coating formulations having CA-320S NF/EP and
(Sensient Technologies Corp., St. Louis, Formulation low acetyl content of CA-398-10 NF/EP
MO), and magnesium stearate Four groups of coating formulations with PEG 3350 as the plasticizer. The water
(Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., Phillipsburg, NJ). were designed. Table 1 lists one group concentration is kept at 10% in the total
For coating solutions, CA-398-10 NF/EP (Group 1) of formulations having CA-320S solution for all formulations. The other two
with an acetyl content at 39.4% (CA-NF,
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TA B L E 1

TN), CA-398-10 TG (technical grade) with
an acetyl content at 40.3% (CA-TG,
Eastman Chemical Company) and CA-
320S NF/EP (Eastman Chemical Company)
were used in the study. Plasticizers (Pz)
investigated were polyethylene glycol 400
(PEG 400) and polyethylene glycol 3350
(PEG 3350) (Sigma Aldrich, St Louis,
MO). High purity acetone (B&J Brand,
Burdick & Jackson, Muskegon, MI) and Formulations having CA-320S NF/EP and low acetyl content of CA-398-10 NF/EP with PEG 400
de-ionized water (NANOpure water system, as the plasticizer.
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groups of formulations were the same faster water uptake rate indicates the film is slower around the first 5 minutes during a
compositions as Groups 1 and 2, except high more permeable. It was observed that the water uptake experiment. The shift in uptake
acetyl content of CA-398-10 TG was used to water uptake rate changed from fast to slightly rate may be due to the change in mechanism
replace the low acetyl content CA. There were
36 formulations in total. FIGURE 1

Preparation of Model Tablets &

Coating Solutions
The model tablets and coating solutions
were prepared according to the procedures
described in a previous study.6

Procedures of Performing Coating

A quantity of 800 g of tablets was coated
with one coating solution in each run. All of
the coating runs, with a theoretical coating
weight of 10 wt% relative to the tablet weight,
were performed in a pan coater (COMPU-
LAB, Thomas Engineering, Inc., Hoffman
Estates, IL) with one spray gun under the
processing conditions indicated in a previous The ratio of CA-398-10 NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP effect on the permeability of the coating films.
(PEG400 = 11.1% in the formulations)
study. The inlet temperature was controlled at
25°C, and the bed temperature was 21°C. All
of the coating formulations were repeated

Determination of the Permeability

of Coating Films
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

The permeability of coating films was

determined by a water uptake test.7 The test
was terminated when the water uptake by the
tablet caused the internal pressure to increase
to a point at which the film coating ruptured.
The average weight gain of eight tablets was
used in the data analysis.


Permeability of the coating films is

PEG level and molecular weight effect on the permeability of the coating films.
determined by water uptake experiments. The (CA-398-10 NF/EP/CA-320S NF/EP = 50/50; acetyl in 10 NF/EP = 39.4%)
20-26-DDD March 2011-Excipient Update_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:51 AM Page 23

of water transporting through the film. In the statistical tools. Design Expert® software developed for four groups of formulations.
beginning of the testing, by capillary action, (Design Expert V7., Stat-Ease, Inc., The models are displayed in Table 2.
water will occupy the pores or small channels Minneapolis, MN) was employed to establish
formed during coating; after that water will models to predict water uptake rates. Because The Ratio of CA-398-10 NF/EP to
penetrate through the membrane by diffusion. water uptake rates changed during the course CA-320S NF/EP Effect on the



CA_NF: CA-398-10 NF/EP; CA_TG: CA-398-10 TG

CA-398-10 (%)
Acetyl Content of

PEG 3350

PEG 400

PEG 400

-4.09833E-06* CA_TG * PEG
-1.02092E-06* CA320S * PEG
-1.07434E-06 * CA320S * CA_TG
+0.000376468* PEG
+2.02306E-05 * CA_TG
+6.82472E-05* CA320S

-4.09833E-06 * CA_NF * PEG

-2.15027E-06 * CA320S * PEG
-1.07434E-06* CA320S * CA_NF
+0.000373997 * PEG
+1.71733E-05 * CA_NF
+5.89555E-05* CA320S

-4.09833E-06* CA_TG * PEG

-2.65677E-06* CA320S * PEG
-1.07434E-06 * CA320S * CA_TG
+0.00040116 * PEG
+2.02306E-05 * CA_TG
+5.71842E-05 * CA320S

-4.09833E-06 * CA_NF * PEG

-2.72024E-07* CA320S * PEG
-1.07434E-06* CA320S * CA_NF
+0.000375182 * PEG
+1.71733E-05* CA_NF
+ 5.65762E-05 * CA320S

To 5 Minutes
-2.50565E-06* CA_TG * PEG
+5.34942E-07* CA320S * CA_TG
+0.000201294* PEG
+1.73484E-06* CA_TG
-7.68814E-06* CA320S

-2.50565E-06* CA_NF * PEG

+5.34942E-07 * CA320S * CA_NF
+0.00023638 * PEG
+1.73484E-06* CA_NF
-7.68814E-06 * CA320S

-1.11611E-06* CA_TG * PEG

+5.34942E-07* CA320S * CA_TG
+0.00014694* PEG
+1.84631E-06* CA_TG
-7.68814E-06 * CA320S

-1.11611E-06* CA_NF * PEG

+5.34942E-07*CA320S *
+0.000182026* PEG
+1.84631E-06 * CA_NF
-7.68814E-06 * CA320S

Beyond 5 Minutes

Water Uptake Rate Model

Because the diffusion step is slower, the water of testing, two models were obtained to Water Uptake of the Coating Films
uptake rate governed by diffusion is slower. describe the water uptake rates for one group To study the ratio of CA-398-10 NF/EP
Water uptake results were analyzed with of formulations. There are eight models to CA-320S NF/EP effect on the permeability
of the coating films, three ratios of CA-398-
10 NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP - 90/10, 75/25,
TA B L E 2
and 50/50 (wt%), were investigated. Figure 1
shows the results having CA-398-10 NF/EP
Water Uptake Rate Model
Acetyl Content of Plasticizer with 39.4% acetyl and 11.1% of PEG 400
CA-398-10 (%) relative to the CA polymers’ weight in the
To 5 Minutes Beyond 5 Minutes
It is known that the permeability of a
0.000622234 CA film increases with decreasing acetyl
+ 5.65762E-05 * CA320S
-7.68814E-06 * CA320S
+1.71733E-05* CA_NF
+1.84631E-06 * CA_NF
39.4 PEG 400 +0.000375182 * PEG
+0.000182026* PEG
content in the polymer.5 CA-320S NF/EP has
-1.07434E-06* CA320S * CA_NF
+5.34942E-07*CA320S *
-2.72024E-07* CA320S * PEG acetyl content at 32%; its film is more
-4.09833E-06 * CA_NF * PEG
-1.11611E-06* CA_NF * PEG
permeable compared to a CA-398-10 NF/EP
film with acetyl content at 39.8%. Thus, the
0.001377644 more CA-320S NF/EP in the formulation, the
+5.71842E-05 * CA320S 0.000622234
+2.02306E-05 * CA_TG -7.68814E-06 * CA320S faster the rate of the water uptake. The trend
40.3 PEG 400 +0.00040116 * PEG +1.84631E-06* CA_TG
-1.07434E-06 * CA320S * CA_TG +0.00014694* PEG
-2.65677E-06* CA320S * PEG +5.34942E-07* CA320S * CA_TG maintains the same when PEG 3350 was used
-4.09833E-06* CA_TG * PEG -1.11611E-06* CA_TG * PEG
in the formulation.
The significant implication of this
finding is that one can readily adjust the
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

+5.89555E-05* CA320S desired rate of water uptake in an osmotic
-7.68814E-06 * CA320S
+1.71733E-05 * CA_NF
+1.73484E-06* CA_NF
39.4 PEG 3350 +0.000373997 * PEG
+0.00023638 * PEG drug delivery system by selecting the
-1.07434E-06* CA320S * CA_NF
+5.34942E-07 * CA320S * CA_NF
-2.15027E-06 * CA320S * PEG
-2.50565E-06* CA_NF * PEG
-4.09833E-06 * CA_NF * PEG appropriate ratio of CA-398-10 NF/EP to
CA-320S NF/EP to use in the coating
formulation. Thus, one can control the rate at
0.001820165 which a drug is released from an osmotic
+6.82472E-05* CA320S 0.000617775
+2.02306E-05 * CA_TG -7.68814E-06* CA320S
40.3 PEG3350 +0.000376468* PEG +1.73484E-06* CA_TG tablet by controlling the rate of internal
-1.07434E-06 * CA320S * CA_TG +0.000201294* PEG
-1.02092E-06* CA320S * PEG +5.34942E-07* CA320S * CA_TG osmotic pressure build-up, which is a direct
-4.09833E-06* CA_TG * PEG -2.50565E-06* CA_TG * PEG
function of the rate of water uptake by the
CA_NF: CA-398-10 NF/EP; CA_TG: CA-398-10 TG tablet. Indeed this concept is already used

Established models to predict water uptake rates. commercially.8

20-26-DDD March 2011-Excipient Update_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:51 AM Page 24

Effect of PEG Level & PEG level and PEG molecular weight on the water PEG molecular weight has little, if any,
Molecular Weight on the Water uptake of coating films. impact on the rate of water uptake. However,
Uptake of the Coating Films Figure 2 displays the effect of PEG level PEG level has a significant effect as is seen
PEG 400 and PEG 3350 at 0%, 11.1%, and PEG molecular weight on the water from the eight-fold increase in the water
and 25% relative to total CA polymer weight uptake, while the ratio of CA-398-10 NF/EP uptake when the PEG is increased from 0 to
were studied to investigate the effect of PEG to CA-320S NF/EP was maintained at 25% of the total CA polymer weight. Based
50/50%. The results of this study show that on past research with cast films, it is expected



Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Predicted water uptakes at 30 minutes to show the effects of PEG level and PEG molecular weight, and acetyl variation in CA-398-10 polymer on the water
uptake of the coating films. (3A) CA-398-10/CA320S = 50/50, left lines: low acetyl CA-398-10 was used; right lines: high acetyl CA-398-10 was used. (3B)
CA-398-10/CA320S = 75/25, left lines: low acetyl CA-398-10 was used; right lines: high acetyl CA-398-10 was used. (3C) CA-398-10/CA320S = 90/10, left
lines: low acetyl CA-398-10 was used; right lines: high acetyl CA-398-10 was used.
20-26-DDD March 2011-Excipient Update_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:51 AM Page 25

25 0.1063 0.0945 11.1

PEG3350 11 0.0621 0.0577 7.1

0 0.0252 0.0276 9.5

25 0.1062 0.0859 19.1

PEG400 11 0.0636 0.0534 16.0

0 0.0248 0.0256 3.2

25 0.0830 0.0693 16.5

PEG3350 11 0.0478 0.0419 12.3

0 0.0224 0.0242 8.0

25 0.0914 0.0744 18.6

PEG400 11 0.0541 0.0459 15.2

0 0.0223 0.0233 4.5

25 0.0664 0.0515 22.4

PEG3350 11 0.0359 0.0292 18.7

0 0.0166 0.0181 9.0

25 0.0799 0.0648 18.9

PEG400 11 0.0451 0.0381 15.5

0 0.0167 0.0179 7.2

39.4% acetyl acetyl due to acetyl

Ratio of NF/CA320S PEG Type PEG Level (%) (g)@30 min, (g)@30 min, 40.3% water uptake
Water uptake Water uptake % Difference in

lines in Figures 3A through 3C. When PEG is

TA B L E 3
present in the formulations and the ratio of
CA-398-10 to CA-320S is greater than 50/50,
Water uptake Water uptake % Difference in
Ratio of NF/CA320S PEG Type PEG Level (%) (g)@30 min, (g)@30 min, 40.3% water uptake the water uptake from PEG 400 plasticized
39.4% acetyl acetyl due to acetyl
films is slightly higher than those plasticized
0 0.0167 0.0179 7.2
with PEG 3350. This is consistent with prior
PEG400 11 0.0451 0.0381 15.5
published results.3 It is surprising that PEG
25 0.0799 0.0648 18.9
90/10 molecular weight doesn’t show significant
0 0.0166 0.0181 9.0

PEG3350 11 0.0359 0.0292 18.7

influence on the water uptake when the ratio
25 0.0664 0.0515 22.4 of CA-398-10 to CA-320S is at 50/50. In this
0 0.0223 0.0233 4.5 case, the water uptake is influenced mainly by
PEG400 11 0.0541 0.0459 15.2 the presence of the high level of CA-320S;
25 0.0914 0.0744 18.6
therefore, it is impossible to distinguish any
0 0.0224 0.0242 8.0
additional effect from PEG 400 versus PEG
PEG3350 11 0.0478 0.0419 12.3
25 0.0830 0.0693 16.5
The results in Figure 3 suggest that when
0 0.0248 0.0256 3.2

PEG was present in the formulations, lower
11 0.0636 0.0534 16.0

25 0.1062 0.0859 19.1

acetyl CA-398-10 results in higher water
0 0.0252 0.0276 9.5 uptake; the differences due to acetyl variation
PEG3350 11 0.0621 0.0577 7.1 are shown in Table 3.
25 0.1063 0.0945 11.1 The data in Table 3 indicate that acetyl
Difference in water uptake at 30 minutes due to acetyl variation. content variation in CA-398-10 polymer over
0.9% (within CA specification) range could
influence the rate of water uptake of the
that increasing the level of a hydrophilic Effect of Acetyl Variation in CA-
coating films to a certain degree; especially
plasticizer such as PEG would increase water 398-10 NF/EP Polymer on the
the formulations that have higher levels of
uptake because these types of plasticizers Water Uptake of Coating Films
CA-398-10 NF/EP and PEG 400 as the
make the chains of polymers more flexible In this study, two acetyl contents of CA-
plasticizer. At the 11% PEG 400 level and
and more permeable. 398-10 were used - 39.4% (CA-NF) and
when the ratio of CA-398-10 to CA- 320S was Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
The effect of PEG molecular weight on 40.3% (CA-TG). Design Expert software was
50/50, the data suggest that on average, one
the rate of water uptake of coating films is employed to establish models to predict water
would expect a 1.5% increase in the rate of
more complicated; it depends on other uptake rates (Table 2). Based on the models,
water uptake for each 0.1% decrease in the
formulation factors, such as ratio of CA-398- water uptake at 30 minutes for each
acetyl content in the CA-398-10.
10 NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP, and the acetyl formulation is predicted. The results are
content in CA-398-10 NF/EP. To better presented in Figure 3.
address the effect, consideration of the ratio of It is observed that at a fixed ratio of CA-
CA-398-10 NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP must 398-10 to CA-320S and without PEG in the
This study demonstrates that one can
be included, which is discussed further on. formulations, a 1% acetyl variation (low to
readily adjust the desired rate of water uptake
high - introduced by the CA-398-10) does not
in an osmotic drug delivery system by
have a significant impact on the rate of water
selecting the appropriate ratio of CA-398-10
uptake, which is supported by the straight
NF/EP to CA-320S NF/EP to use in the
20-26-DDD March 2011-Excipient Update_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:51 AM Page 26

coating formulation. Thus, one can control the

rate at which a drug is released from an osmotic
tablet by controlling the rate of internal osmotic
Dr. Jinghua Yuan is Principal Technical Service Representative at
pressure build-up, which is a direct function of
Eastman Chemical Company, responsible for pharmaceutical
the rate of water uptake by the tablet.
excipient products. Dr. Yuan has more than 20 years experience in
Additionally, it has been confirmed that
formulation development and drug delivery systems. Prior to
plasticizers also play a very important role in
joining Eastman, Dr. Yuan worked as a Research Associate at
determining the permeability of the coating
Purdue University and University of Virginia. She earned her PhD
films with higher levels of plasticizer in the
from Tianjin University, China in 1989.
formulation, resulting in increased permeability.
Finally, variation in acetyl content of the CA-
Doug Dunn joined Eastman Chemical Company in 2005 and has
398-10 can also contribute to the film
more than 25 years of laboratory experience, 18 of those in the
permeability with the lower acetyl levels giving
pharmaceutical industry. Prior to joining Eastman, he worked as a
increased permeability in formulations that also
Development Scientist for GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals in an
include a plasticizer. All of these factors should
R&D analytical laboratory. Mr. Dunn earned an Associate of Science
be considered when designing an osmotic drug
degree in Chemical Technology from Northeast State Technical
delivery system for tablets coated with a
Institute, Tennessee in 1981.
mixture of these two cellulose acetates.

Nancy Clipse is a Lab Analyst and has been with Eastman

Chemical Company for more than 40 years. She has more than 20

1. Mishra B, Makesh BK, Sankar C. Oral push-pull osmotic years experience in formulation and drug delivery. Ms. Clipse
pumps of pentazocine hydrochloride: development and attended East Tennessee State University in 1968 and 1982.
evaluation. Ind J Pharmaceut Sci. 2006;68(1):85-87.
2. Prabakaran D, Singh P, Kanaujia P, Jaganathan KS, Rawat
A, Vyas SP. Modified push-pull osmotic system for
simultaneous delivery of theophylline and salbutamol:
development and in vitro characterization. Int J
Pharmaceutics. 2004; 284:95-108.
3. Yuan J, Shang PP, Wu SH. Effects of polyethylene glycol Dr. Ray Newton is retired and was the Group Leader of the
on morphology, thermomechanical properties, and water
Formulation Products Lab. His career at Eastman included a wide
vapor permeability of cellulose acetate- free films. Pharm
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Tech. 2001;25(10):62-74. range of duties, including R&D, manufacturing technical support,

4. Puthli SP, Menon SG, Karajgi JS, Dharmadhikari NB, manufacturing supervision, and new business development. Dr.
Shrivastava RH, Pilgaonkar PS. Oral osmotic controlled
drug delivery system for a sparingly soluble drug. US Newton earned his BS in 1974 from Lee University and his PhD in
Patent No. 6534090 (2003). 1978 in Organic Chemistry from the University of Tennessee,
5. Eastman Cellulose Esters for Pharmaceutical Drug
Delivery. Eastman Publication PCI-105C (2005).
6. Yuan J, Dunn D, Clipse NM, Newton RJ. Formulation
effects on the thermomechanical properties and
permeability of free films and coating films:
characterization of cellulose acetate films. Pharm Tech.
7. Yuan J, Dunn D, Clipse NM, Newton RJ. CAB coating
films: permeability study on cellulose acetate butyrate
coating film. Drug Delivery Technology. 2008;8(2): 46-51.
8. Faour J. Combined diffusion/osmotic pumping drug
delivery system. US Patent No. 6352721 (2002).
27-31 DD&D March 2011-Combination Update - _Layout 1 2/25/11 11:52 AM Page 27

FDA Regulatory Update: Top 10 Policy Development Issues

for 2011 & What May Stand in the Way of Advancing Them
By: Leah R. Kendall and Bradley Merrill Thompson, MBA

he FDA’s Office of Combination Products (OCP) has for focus primarily on its regulatory responsibilities, which the Office
many years engaged on policy issues and how best to continues to perform timely and efficiently. Of late, policy-making
serve patient needs with respect to drug delivery and has had to take a back seat. Although the OCP has initiated work
other combination product products in a thoughtful and patient- on several guidance documents and other policy issues, many of
focused manner. However, it seems that in recent years, the these await the next step of publication, finalization, response to
significant increases in the OCP’s workload have created a need for industry comments, and the like. We have considered what the
additional resources specifically devoted to supporting the OCP most significant issues are and indentified the 10 most critical to
and combination product policy development, while at the same drug delivery regulation.
time preserving the OCP’s other functions, including the informal
dialogue in which the OCP engages with industry and the public. (1) GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES
This discussion will summarize that resource quandary, and then (GMPS)FOR COMBINATION PRODUCTS
will turn to highlighting the top 10 policy issues percolating in the
drug delivery and combination product area. We ranked this issue at the top of the list for several reasons.
Drug delivery and other combination products - products that In September 2009, the OCP published a proposed rule on GMPs
involve the convergence of two or more different types of FDA- for combination products. As described in the March 2010
regulated articles (drugs, medical devices, and biological products) Combination Update in Drug Delivery Technology, many issues
- represent promising advances in patient care. Patients suffering implicit in these rules impact drug delivery products and the
from serious diseases and conditions have already benefited from entities that manufacture them. As such, drug delivery product
innovative drug delivery technologies, and many more are developers and manufacturers are anxious to understand the final
currently being researched and developed. Industry estimates content of these rules. Recently, the Agency has publicly predicted
reflect this growth and development. that the proposed rules will not be finalized until the end of 2011.
In turn, as Agency data demonstrate, increases in the The Agency announced its intent to publish rules on combination
development and marketing of combination products have product GMPs in early 2006; however, prior to the proposed rule
significantly impacted the OCP’s workload, leading to more things published earlier this year, the only interpretation offered by the
like Requests for Designation, inter-agency consultations, and Agency was a draft guidance document issued in September 2004.
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

individual requests from industry for Agency meetings. The OCP Waiting until the end of 2011 continues to put a strain on
has done a great job rising to the occasion, executing these manufacturers that need to move forward with new technologies to
regulatory responsibilities in a timely and thoughtful manner. improve patient care, and the wait also leaves critical regulatory
At the same time, though, in spite of the tremendous industry issues in a state of ambiguity and flux.
growth and consequent impact on the Agency, the resources the
FDA has been able to devote to combination products has (2) POST-MARKET SAFETY REPORTING
remained nearly static. Indeed, the first annual report of the OCP
reported that the Office was staffed by 6 individuals, with one As with GMPs, we understand the Agency is predicting the
vacancy. At that time, the eventual projected staff was 10 proposed rule on post-marketing safety reporting for combination
individuals. Today, 7 years later, there is just 1 more staff member. products will not be finalized until the end of 2011. Although most
As a consequence of the growth in this field (and without developers and manufacturers probably would agree that the GMP
corresponding growth in its staff), the OCP increasingly has had to regulations should have a higher level of priority, the post-market 27
27-31 DD&D March 2011-Combination Update - _Layout 1 2/25/11 11:52 AM Page 28
27-31 DD&D March 2011-Combination Update - _Layout 1 2/25/11 11:52 AM Page 29

safety reporting requirements nevertheless are an important priority. response to those comments, the OCP has explained in public
Ideally, finalizing these rules also would be accomplished prior to forums that they are working on a second, companion autoinjector
the end of next year. guidance that should clarify the numerous ambiguities in the draft
guidance published nearly 2 years ago. Many members of the drug
(3) IMPLEMENTING GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS delivery technology industry are anxious to obtain clarification on
ON COMBINATION PRODUCT GMPS & the issues raised by the first guidance and with respect to
POST-MARKET SAFETY REPORTING autoinjector issues generally.

The Agency has acknowledged that implementing guidance will (6) NUMBER OF MARKETING SUBMISSIONS
be critical to ensure a successful and timely implementation of both
of the aforementioned proposed rules. Publishing these guidance The Agency published a Concept Paper on the number of
documents, at least in draft form, prior to issuing the final rules marketing submissions required for a combination product in 2005.
would be extremely helpful to ensure stakeholders can comply with The Agency has not produced a guidance document or responses to
the final requirements within the effective date of the rules. These the comments raised in the industry comments. Incidentally, we are
guidance documents will undoubtedly be complex and will require a also not aware that a docket was established for this issue, so the
fair amount of Agency manpower in order to issue them in a timely public is unable to access any comments submitted. Hopefully, the
manner. Agency will be able to make some progress on a guidance document
or a Concept Paper revised in response to comments at some point
The FDA has reported they have been working on a guidance
document on this topic since 2006. This is an extremely complex Currently, there is no published guidance on registration and
issue that no doubt requires a significant amount of Agency listing requirements for combination product manufacturers. We
resources, both from OCP and the Centers. It is also a topic on understand the OCP has been working on a draft guidance document
which industry has an acute need for guidance. In an industry survey for quite some time, and that registration and listing questions are
conducted a few years ago, post-market modification issues were among the most frequently asked of OCP.
among the topics industry rated highest as needing Agency
guidance. Along with the proposed rules on GMPs and adverse event (8) CLINICAL STUDY REQUIREMENTS Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
reporting, rules or guidance on the reporting of design and
manufacturing changes to marketing applications should be one of In recent times, drug delivery and other combination product
the highest ranking priorities in terms of combination product policy developers also have ranked clinical trial requirements for
development. combination products very highly among current guidance document
needs. These clinical trial issues may include such topics as
(5) AUTOINJECTOR GUIDANCE bioequivalence studies for autoinjectors, human factors as part of
Phase III studies, patient numbers required to demonstrate device
The Agency issued a draft guidance on Technical effectiveness, clinical trial designs for combination products, and
Considerations for Pen, Jet, and Related Injectors Intended for Use number of clinical studies required for medical devices. The Agency
with Drugs and Biological Products in April 2009. The September has not issued guidance on these issues since the high level guidance
2009 Combinaton Update in Drug Delivery Technology discussed on Early Development Considerations for Innovative Combination
and analyzed this draft guidance. As you may remember, industry Products in September 2006.
had a number of concerns with this draft guidance. Partly in
27-31 DD&D March 2011-Combination Update - _Layout 1 2/25/11 11:52 AM Page 30

(9) CHEMICAL ACTION additional personnel devoted to the policy-making function and who
are formally tasked with ensuring the advancement of regulatory
This is another topic on which we understand the Agency has policy concerning combination products.
been developing a guidance document for quite some time; however, These top 10 issues are at the heart of advancing drug delivery
the Agency has not yet published a draft for comment. Although it’s and other combination product policy development and regulation, as
difficult to offer a prediction without better understanding what the moving policy development forward will help provide the clarity and
Agency has in mind, the content of this guidance could be fairly far- regulatory predictability that is needed to provide patients with safer
reaching across the combination product spectrum and could well and more effective healthcare. We eagerly await progress on these
impact drug delivery technologies. issues and hope the Agency finds a way to support them in the
coming year. u

Finally, adding to all of these competing priorities is the recent

debate and controversy surrounding the contrast agent and imaging
guidance, which the OCP published in accordance with the Medical
Bradley Merrill Thompson is
a shareholder in the Health Practice
Device User Fee Amendments of 2007 (MDUFA) Commitment for
in Epstein Becker & Green’s
the Performance Goals and Procedure. This particular guidance Washington, DC, office. Mr.
document directly impacts the drug delivery industry very little, if at Thompson counsels medical device,
all. However, participating in the discussion concerning this drug, and combination product
guidance could further consume resources within the OCP and could companies on a wide range of issues
involving compliance with the laws
impact the timing of the drug delivery policy issues.
administered by the FDA, as well as
reimbursement issues. He serves as
SUMMARY General Counsel to the Combination Product Coalition and
Counsel to AdvaMed for payment issues. In addition to a law
At the time of this writing, the OCP was staffed with just 7 degree, Mr. Thompson earned an MBA and often works with
clients on strategic planning.
individuals. And as previously mentioned, in addition to these
fundamental policy issues, the OCP has on its plate a number of day-
Leah R. Kendall is a Senior
to-day functions, such as reviewing and responding to Requests for Associate in the Health Practice in
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Designation, consulting with other Agency personnel who are Epstein Becker & Green’s
responsible for marketing submissions, and participating in industry Washington, DC, office. She advises
meetings. Importantly, the OCP also engages regularly with members clients on the regulatory
requirements of the FDA and on
of industry to discuss questions concerning individual combination
reimbursement issues. Ms. Kendall
also serves as Counsel to the
With these significant issues on the horizon, the time is right for Combination Products Coalition and
the FDA to review the Agency’s prioritization of and resources develops and advocates for FDA
allocated for combination product issues. The Agency needs to policy and rule-making on issues impacting combination
consider how it can support the advancement of combination product products. She earned her BS in Chemistry and graduated first
in her class from law school.
policy development without jeopardizing the OCP’s other functions
and the current level of informal discussions with the industry on
individual product issues. At minimum, the OCP seems to need
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32-35-DD&D March 2011-Pediatric Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:53 AM Page 32

Fast-Dispersing Dosage Forms for the Pediatric
By: Susan Banbury, PhD; Karen MacGregor, PhD

Recent recognition and industry acceptance of the unique therapeutic needs of pediatric patients has led to regulatory
activity and development programs that are re-defining this market segment. The result has been a push by developers and
formulators emphasizing pediatric drug delivery–the creation of formulations engineered and packaged specifically for children
to meet the needs of pediatric patient populations.1 Several factors are driving the growth of the pediatric drug delivery as a
business strategy. The pediatric sector is forecast to be one of the fastest growing drug markets throughout the next decade,
according to Greystone Research Associates.1 The growing availability of drugs targeted for childhood illnesses is focusing
efforts on child-friendly delivery methods.
Throughout the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry has seen patent expiries for major blockbuster drugs,
resulting in losses worth billions. More blockbuster drugs are about to lose patent protection in the coming years. In such a
situation, pharmaceutical companies are increasingly adopting various drug delivery systems to enhance their product efficacy
and patient compliance, and extend patent protection through innovative repositioning and reformulations of existing drugs.
This has resulted in recent significant growth in the drug delivery market.
The oral drug delivery market, in particular, remains the largest segment of the overall drug delivery market, presently
valued at $49 billion, and is expected to reach $92 billion by 2016.2 Growth in the oral drug delivery market is being driven in
part by innovative oral formulations like orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) and fast-dissolving oral thin films (OTFs), which
offer the stability, dose accuracy, and convenience of solid oral dosage forms with the dosing ease of a liquid to facilitate
patient compliance, an important consideration in pediatric drug delivery.

COMPARING THE chewing or drinking liquids. The 2008 conventional tableting technology and
FAST-DISPERSING FAMILY FDA Guidelines on ODTs recommend a achieve the rapid disintegration by varying
disintegration time of 30 seconds or less degrees of compaction in combination
(in vitro) and maximum tablet weight of with water-soluble excipients and/or super
ODTs and OTFs have continued to
500 mg. Recent market studies indicate
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

expand in sales as the pharmaceutical

that more than half of the patient FIGURE 1
industry addresses the need for patient
population prefers ODTs to other dosage
compliance and convenience across a
forms, such as conventional tablets or
broad range of indications and patient
liquids, and according to Technology
types. ODTs gained early interest in the
Catalysts International, a technology-
pharmaceutical community because they
transfer and business consulting firm
help overcome difficulties in swallowing
based in Virginia, the market for ODTs
or chewing conventional solid oral dosage
could exceed revenues of $13 billion by
Generally, an ODT is a solid dosage
ODTs may be categorized into two
form that disintegrates rapidly in the
main groups: lyophilized formulations and
mouth (either on or beneath the tongue or
loosely compressed tablets (Table 1).
32 in the buccal cavity) without the need for Product utilizing loosely compressed
Loosely compressed ODTs are based on technology
32-35-DD&D March 2011-Pediatric Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:53 AM Page 33


disintegrants (Figure 1). Lyophilized ODTs, WHAT IS THE ZYDIS ODT?

on the other hand, exploit the highly porous
structure that results from lyophilization In December 1996, Zydis fast-dissolve
processes to achieve the rapid disintegration was the first ODT form of a drug to receive
(Figure 2). In the case of Catalent Pharma approval from the FDA and effectively
Solutions’ Zydis® ODT, a lyophilized defined this dosage form category. Catalent
formulation, disintegration occurs in less Pharma Solutions’ Zydis technology involves
than 5 seconds. A Zydis fast-dissolve can be the preparation of an aqueous solution or
formulated to incorporate up to 400 mg of suspension, from which individual units are
insoluble drug and up to approximately 60 dosed into pre-formed blister pockets,
mg of soluble drug compared to cryogenically frozen, and lyophilized. The
approximately 500 mg drug for loosely formulations are generally simple, typically Product utilizing Zydis® fast dissolve technology
compressed ODTs. incorporating two structure-forming agents
As an alternative, the OTF has evolved. conventional solid-oral dosage forms. In
with the API, in a ratio optimized for each
OTFs consist of a thin polymeric film (50 to other applications, Zydis fast-dissolve
product, plus any additives specifically
150 microns thick) incorporating drug, products have been used to achieve buccal or
required, such as flavors, sweeteners, or pH-
which dissolves rapidly on the moist sublingual absorption of certain
modifying agents. The liquid-dosing process
mucosal surface of the oral cavity or rapidly pharmaceuticals. The ability to achieve such
ensures excellent dose uniformity and
hydrates and adheres to the site of “pre-gastric” uptake is becoming
facilitates containment of the active
application. The films can be produced with increasingly desirable for drug developers
ingredient. The freezing process results in a
a manufacturing process that is competitive seeking to enhance bioavailability or to
network of ice crystals that are sublimed
with the manufacturing costs of conventional avoid first-pass metabolism. The potential
during lyophilization to produce the highly
tablets. Film production may use industrially benefits of pre-gastric absorption may
porous structure. This facilitates the
feasible and scalable solvent cast methods or include reduced dose, less frequent dosing,
penetration of moisture and quick dissolution
hot-melt extrusion technologies, though the faster onset of action, and reduction of
of the Zydis excipients, resulting in the
solvent cast method suffers the disadvantage adverse effects.
extremely rapid dispersion characteristics of
of solvent residues within the film and Taste and palatability are also
the product.
environmental risks in the case of organic important, particularly when dealing with
Following dispersion in the mouth, the
solvent. In addition to manufacturing issues,
4 pediatric patients and chronic conditions in
formulations are typically swallowed, and the
OTFs are somewhat limited in the unit dose which repeated administration is required. In
drug is absorbed in the same way as
they can offer to patients, potentially making the case of Zydis fast-dissolve, flavors and Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

dosing more frequent or limiting the

application of the technology. Nevertheless, TA B L E 1
according to Technology Catalysts, more Taste-Masking

Dose Size


Dispersion Speed


< 60 mg (Soluble)
< 400 mg (Insoluble)


~3 Seconds

Zydis Fast-Dissolve

< 500 mg


15-60 Seconds


Zydis Fast-Dissolve Loosely

than 15 companies are actively developing Technology Compressed

OTF delivery technologies, leading the Dispersion Speed ~3 Seconds 15-60 Seconds
research to forecast the market for drug
products in OTF formulations to have Mouthfeel Smooth Gritty

reached $2 billion last year. Examples of


< 400 mg (Insoluble)

commercially available fast-dispersing Dose Size < 500 mg
< 60 mg (Soluble)
dosage forms are seen in Table 2.
Taste-Masking Yes Yes

32-35-DD&D March 2011-Pediatric Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:53 AM Page 34

Dosage Form
Products (API)
Examples of Commercial


Fast-Dispersing Technology Proprietary Technology Examples of Commercial Special packaging requirements are often
Dosage Form Platform Technology Company Products (API)
Claritin Reditabs (loratadine)
necessary for ODTs because of their relative
® Zyprexa (olanzepine)
Zydis Catalent Pharma Solutions ®

Zofran (ondansetron)
Minirin Melt (desmopressin)
fragility. In the case of the Zydis ODT
Lopéramide-Lyoc (loperamide)
Lyoc CIMA Labs Paralyoc (acetaminaphen)
technology, the blister pack is an integral part
Spasfon-Lyoc (phloroglucinol)

Lamictal ODT (lamotrigine)
of the product, forming the molds for the
AdvaTab Eurand ®
Orally Disintegrating Tablets Unisom® SleepMelts (diphenhydramine HCl)
® ®
Clarinex Reditabs (desloratidine)
individual unit doses. The size, shape, and
® ®
Orasolv CIMA Labs Orapred ODT (prednisolone)
Tempra FirsTabs (acetaminophen) depth of the blister mold can be changed,
Compressed Tablets ®
® Alavert (loratidine)
Durasolv CIMA Labs ®
NuLev (hyoscyamine) depending on dose and weight requirements.
® Nurofen Meltlets (ibuprofen)
Flashtab Ethypharm
Fast-Melts (acetaminophen) Blister pockets can also be debossed with
® TM
Frosta Akina FortéCal (calcium carbonate)

Dissolvable Film
TheraFlu Thin Strips (cough/cold ingredients) letters, numbers, or simple logos, which are
ARx Triaminic Thin Strips (cough/cold ingredients)
Technology ®
Gas-X Thin Strips Anti-gas (simethicone)
then re-created on the base of the Zydis units
Sudafed PE (phenylephrine)

Buccal Wafers
LTS Lohman
Benadryl Allergy (diphenhydramine)
Listerine PocketPaks (breath-freshening wafers)
for unique identification and brand
Oral Thin Films ®
Listerine Whitening

Rapidly Dissolving Oral Amlodipine OD Film (amlodipine )

Film Tomedain OD Film (loperamide)
Zuplenz (ondansetron HCl)
Following freeze-drying, the blister
® ®
PharmFilm Monosol Rx Pedia-Lax (sennosides)
Chloraseptic (benzocaine) packs are sealed, and the units are not
Source: Technology Catalysts International / Company Information
Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. removed until the point of administration,
Examples of Commercial Products Available as Fast-Dispersing Dosage Forms thereby providing physical protection
throughout the manufacturing and distribution
sweeteners are typically used to optimize the physically and chemically sensitive, and process. The use of all-aluminum blister
taste of the finished product. Ion-exchange lyophilization processes are typically used in packs also provides effective moisture
resins, such as amberlite, or their manufacture owing to the relatively low protection throughout the product’s life cycle
microencapsulation polymers, such as stresses applied during processing (eg, low and typically gives the Zydis units 3-year
celluloses, can also taste-mask particularly temperatures). shelf-life stability.
bitter drugs. In addition, a smooth mouthfeel Typically, protein- and peptide-based The blister packs are also a small,
contributes to product palatability. This is therapeutics have limited bioavailability when convenient, and discrete packaging option for
affected by the rate of dispersion and administered by conventional oral dosage drugs taken as needed. Moreover, child-
dissolution of the ODT matrix and particle forms. The molecules have low permeability resistant features can be built into the blister
size and content of insoluble components. and degrade rapidly in the gastrointestinal design, to a range of access levels, thereby
Any insoluble components required in Zydis tract. Should next-generation drugs be avoiding unintentional exposure.
formulations are micronized, which, in predominantly protein or peptide based,
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

combination with the fast dispersion and tablets may no longer be the dominant form
dissolution of excipients, typically results in a for dosing such moieties.5 However, PEDIATRIC ODT FORMULATIONS
smooth “melt” sensation in the mouth. development of enhanced oral protein
delivery technology using ODTs, with the The portability of ODTs and ease of
potential to release these drugs in the oral administration to children make these a
ODTS & LARGE MOLECULES cavity for transmucosal absorption, is very potentially valuable aid to children’s health,
promising for the delivery of high molecular and the European Medicines Agency’s
In addition to conventional small weight protein and peptides. Committee for Medicinal Products for Human
molecules, the Zydis lyophilization process Use (CHMP) described orally dispersing
has also been shown to be suitable for the dosage forms as having “great promise for
formulation of peptide and protein drug children.”6
molecules. Protein and peptide molecules are

32-35-DD&D March 2011-Pediatric Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:53 AM Page 35


Tablet size and disintegration time are SUMMARY

particularly important in this patient group. A BIOGRAPHIES
fast disintegration time will reduce any The tablet remains the most widely used
Dr. Susan Banbury is
potential choking hazard and will make it method of drug delivery in medicine. Fast currently Project Manager
harder for less-motivated patients to spit out disintegrating tablets and thin films dissolve within Zydis Product
the dose. Taste and texture are clearly critical, quickly in the mouth and do not need to be Development at Catalent
Pharma Solutions, Swindon,
and specific consideration needs to be given taken with water or fluid. This makes them UK. She is a graduate of
to the level of excipients, including flavors particularly suitable for pediatric patients. pharmacy from the University
and sweeteners, if artificial ingredients are of Bath, UK, and earned her
PhD from the University of
used or where there are established limits for
Nottingham, UK, where she studied the mechanisms
children or lack of safety data in the required REFERENCES of intranasal peptide and protein delivery. Dr.
age group. For pediatric applications, Banbury began her industrial career in formulation
formulations may need to be adapted to a development with Cyanamid GB Ltd (subsequently
1. Pediatric Drug Delivery, Greystone
Wyeth, now part of Pfizer) in 1991, supporting a
wide range of doses to accommodate the Research Associates, December 15, 2009. range of new product developments, including
potential age/weight variations, particularly at 2. GBI Research’s report. Oral Drug topical, powder, and encapsulation technologies. Dr.
the lower end of the dose range and Banbury joined R.P.Scherer in 1995, leading the
Delivery Market--Controlled and
development of soft gelatin capsule formulations,
technologies, such as Zydis ODT, that offer Sustained Release to be Major Revenue from feasibility studies through to technology
low-dose accuracy are particularly beneficial. Generators. November 2010. transfer with international project teams. She
Ultimately, clinical trials in the pediatric age subsequently transferred to the Zydis ODT
3. Technology Catalysts International report.
development group as formulation manager with
group are required to confirm acceptable Orally Disintegrating Tablet and Film particular focus on initial product feasibility and
safety and efficacy, but selection of an orally Technologies. 6th Edition. September supported the development of several, now
dispersing dosage form would help reduce commercial products. Dr. Banbury has co-authored
several articles on ODT formulations, and, in her
the risk of long-term compliance problems. 4. Laxman Kate, Anuradha Pol, Vandana current role, provides technical support to the
ODT formulations are now available for Patravale. Advantages of Oral Fast Catalent Business Development team, including the
several indications, including those applicable Dissolving Films. PharmaBiz.com. evaluation of physico-chemical data to identify
potential candidates for the Zydis technology, in
to the pediatric market, such as allergy, September 22, 2010. addition to R&D project management.
nausea, vomiting (including motion sickness), 5. Jaysukh JH, Rathod DA, Vadalia KR.
and nocturnal enuresis. In the treatment of Orally disintegrating tablets: a review. Dr. Karen MacGregor, as a
pharmacist with a PhD in
nocturnal enuresis, the use of an ODT offers Topical J Pharmaceut Res. 2009 8(2):161- topical cytotoxic drug
a specific advantage by enabling 172. delivery, has more than 17
administration of the bedtime dose without 6. EMEA, Committee for Medicinal years experience in the
pharmaceutical industry with
water, thereby avoiding additional fluid Products for Human Use (CHMP),
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

the past 10 years being in

intake, which would otherwise be Reflection Paper: Formulations of Choice outsourcing pharma services
counterproductive to the treatment. for the Paediatric Population, Adoption by and a provider of innovative
solutions to the industry. Dr. MacGregor has had
In the treatment of nausea and vomiting, CHMP Sept 21, 2006.
functional and leadership roles in Rhone Poulenc
a study conducted by Pediatric Emergency www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/docume Rorer, Aventis, CCL Pharmaceuticals, and Cardinal
Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, nt_library/Scientific_guideline/2009/09/W Health, involved in oral, topical, and inhalation
University of Toronto, found that in children, dosage forms. Throughout this time, Dr. MacGregor
C500003782.pdf. Website accessed
has led technical teams both in the areas of
ages 6 months to 10 years old, with January 31, 2011. formulation and process development and in
gastroenteritis and dehydration, a single dose 7. Freedman SB, Adler M, Seshadri R, operational technical support. Working for Catalent
of oral ondansetron (administered as an Pharma Solutions for more than 7 years, as Director
Powell EC. Oral ondansetron for
Product Development, she is responsible for leading
ODT) reduced vomiting and facilitated oral gastroenteritis in a pediatric emergency multifunctional teams in the development of new
rehydration, and may be well suited for use in department. NEJM. 2006;354(16):1698- and existing ODT products.
the emergency department.7 1705.
36-41-DD&D March 2011-Nucleic Acid Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:54 AM Page 36

Tackling the Challenge of Nucleic Acid Delivery:
Progress & New Approaches
By: James J. Cunningham, PhD; Louis S. Crocker, PhD; Anthony Leone, PhD

It is broadly accepted that nucleic acid delivery, particularly targeted intracellular delivery following systemic
administration, remains one of the most difficult challenges facing pharmaceutical scientists today. Nucleic acids are large,
hydrophilic, charged molecules, and as such, are not easily transported across the cell membrane. Add to this the poor
stability of unmodified nucleic acids in circulation, and the desire to direct delivery to specific cell types in specific tissues,
and the complexity multiplies. Efforts to achieve such delivery have enjoyed a resurgence of interest following the discovery of
RNA interference (RNAi) in mammalian cells, which has the potential to revolutionize drug discovery and development and
provide an entirely new therapeutic modality.1,2 Despite the significant challenges facing this endeavor, major progress has
been made throughout the past several years, and the following aims to highlight some of the most promising approaches.

NUCLEIC ACID THERAPEUTICS the delivery of plasmid DNA to express without a delivery vector.9 Ocular delivery
& MODALITIES antigens, comprise another area of active is perhaps the best example of this:
investigation. Fomivirisen and Pegaptanib are both
In specific circumstances, such as delivered via intraocular injection, and
Therapeutic interest in nucleic acid
local delivery, where direct administration numerous siRNA therapeutics have been
delivery now spans many decades, dating
to the site of action is feasible and a evaluated preclinically and clinically for
back to the advent of gene therapy, as
localized effect is desired, nucleic acids indications such as age-related macular
investigators began to explore viruses,
can be successfully delivered naked, degeneration, choroidal
calcium phosphate, and other methods to
deliver DNA to restore missing or
deficient gene function.3 The field
continued to expand with the discovery
that short, single-stranded synthetic
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

oligonucleotides could inhibit gene

expression by hybridizing with the target
mRNA, creating new opportunities for
antisense therapeutics that lead to the
approval of Fomivirsen (Vitravene, ISIS)
by the FDA in 1998.4,5 Selective
oligonucleotide design created further
opportunities with the discovery of
aptamers, oligonucleotides with the ability
to bind to target molecules with high A representation of the mechanism of RNA interference. (a) Endocytosis and endosomal escape
are thought to be critical steps in the introduction of siRNA to the cytosol. (b) Combination of
specificity.6,7 Pegaptanib (Macugen,
either naturally occurring or synthetically introduced siRNA with enzymes forms the RISC (RNA
Gilead/OSI/Pfizer), a PEGylated aptamer, Induced Silencin Complex). (c) RISC binds to complementary mRNA in the cytosol, resulting in its
was approved by the FDA for treatment of destruction (d).
AMD in 2004. DNA vaccines, involving
36-41-DD&D March 2011-Nucleic Acid Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:54 AM Page 37

neovascularization, and diabetic macular

edema.10,11 Other examples of local siRNA
delivery include direct administration to
brain, respiratory system, and tumor.12,13 A
major concern of systemic administration of
nucleic acids is their instability in
circulation, unprotected by a delivery
system.14 Liver delivery via IV
administration has been demonstrated in
rodents using the technique known as
hydrodynamic injection; however,
applicability of this approach would appear
to be limited to the laboratory.15 Successful
systemic delivery typically requires a
specialized delivery vector, and such vectors
can generally be classified as viral or non-
viral. As viruses have evolved specialized Barriers to Effective Gene Delivery
mechanisms to efficiently deliver their
genetic material to target cells, they can be Therefore, the RISC complex with siRNA reducing kinetics of nuclease activity. If
highly effective vectors. Adenoviruses, provides a way to regulate the synthesis of a efficient and specific distribution of the
adeno-associated viruses, and retroviruses single protein in a cell. The goal of siRNA to the therapeutic tissue is achieved,
have all been successfully employed to therapeutic RNAi is to regulate gene successful uptake is typically accomplished
deliver nucleic acids. Their clinical utility expression by means of delivery of specific through an endocytosis mechanism. Reliance
has, however, been limited due to safety synthetic siRNA to the cytosol. A schematic on this cellular trafficking mechanism for
concerns, including disruption of cellular of the mechanism of RNAi is shown in uptake requires efficient escape from the
DNA upon viral gene insertion, mutations Figure 1. endosome and unpackaging of the cargo for
that restore replication competence, and presentation to the RNA-silencing complex
immune stimulation. As a result, in recent (RISC) in the cytosol.
years, much effort has focused on non-viral BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE
delivery vectors, including lipid-based, SIRNA DELIVERY
polymeric, and other delivery approaches. LIPID-BASED SIRNA
The remainder of this article will focus on To achieve safe passage of siRNAs to DELIVERY SYSTEMS
the application of these tools to systemic the cytosol of target cells, multiple hurdles

administration of siRNA therapeutics. must be overcome.17 These challenges are Lipofection with cationic lipids has
summarized in Figure 2. Interaction of the been in common use for many years to
siRNA or delivery vehicle with whole blood transfect cells in vitro. Cationic lipid-based
SIRNA MECHANISM & UTILITY components can result in inflammatory systems were later developed for plasmid
responses, such as cytokine elevation or DNA delivery in vivo and have since been
RNA interference (RNAi) is a highly complement activation. These responses can adapted to siRNA delivery, making them the
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
conserved cellular mechanism for regulating serve both to alter the biodistribution of the most mature of the non-viral technologies
gene expression. RNAi utilizes small siRNA and result in dose-limiting toxicity. currently used for systemic in vivo nucleic
interfering RNA (siRNA), which are short Interaction with other whole blood acid delivery.18,19 The SNALP technology
(approximately 21 base pairs) double- components, such as fibrinogen, transferrin, developed by Tekmira (formerly Protiva)
stranded RNA molecules, to induce specific lipoproteins, or nucleases, can also affect demonstrated robust silencing of ApoB
degradation of messenger RNA (mRNA). potency by manipulation of the delivery mRNA in non-human primates and has since
siRNAs are produced via the Dicer pathway, vehicle and/or components. These been evaluated in three clinical trials (ApoB
or are introduced therapeutically into the interactions and alterations may heavily SNALP, ALN-VSP, ALN-TTR01).20 Another
cell. Once in the cytosol, an siRNA molecule influence biodistribution or degrade the lipid nanoparticle technology, the AtuPlex
interacts with Argonaute and other proteins delivery vehicle (eg, nuclease activity). platform from Silence Therapeutics, is also
to form the RNA-induced silencing complex Chemical modifications of oligonucleotides, currently in clinical development for solid
(RISC), and the complex then catalytically such as 2' O-methylation, can be effective at tumors, and the lipid nanoparticle approach
cleaves the complementary mRNA. dampening immune stimulation as well as is used in much of our work at 37
36-41-DD&D March 2011-Nucleic Acid Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:54 AM Page 38

Merck/Sirna.21 implicated in mechanisms of toxicity, such as in circulation. Systemic administration of

Cationic lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), complement activation.18,30 Significant these particles results in very rapid and
such as liposomes, form a complex with medicinal chemistry efforts have since been efficient tissue uptake by lung, liver, spleen,
nucleic acids, often termed a lipoplex.22 invested to address this issue and improve the and kidney. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) and
Although these are often depicted in the in vivo tolerability of vectors containing Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are the most widely
context of classical liposomes, with nucleic cationic lipids.31 One successful approach studied polymeric systems, with the former
acid encapsulated in the aqueous core of the involved replacing the quaternary amines representing a benchmark for the field.
liposome, lipoplexes tend to form more with titratable amines, and tailoring the lipid Recent advances in development of
complex, though still ordered, structures pKa such that the lipid is uncharged at dendritics, biocompatible, and biodegradable
(Figure 3).23 In addition to the nucleic acid physiologic pH, but protonated at acidic polymers have offered substantial promise.
cargo, these systems typically contain a 32
endosomal pH. Further optimization of lipid The greatest limitation to this approach is
cationic lipid, neutral helper lipids, alkyl groups, linker, and headgroup, as well improving transfection efficiency. Endosomal
cholesterol, and a PEGylated lipid. The as lipoplex formulation, have been reported to escape and efficient release of the
cationic lipid drives encapsulation of anionic further improve potency and therapeutic oligonucleotide cargo from the polyplex into
nucleic acids and is hypothesized to interact 33
margin. In another approach, a library of the cytosolic compartment of action is widely
with anionic lipids in the cell membrane or “lipidoids” was synthesized via conjugation viewed as a limiting factor.39,40 This
endosome to promote cell association and of alkyl acrylates or alkyl acrylamides to inefficiency of delivery demands relatively
endosomal escape. Helper lipids, such as amines, formulated in LNPs, and screened in high polymer doses to achieve efficacy and
phospholipids, can be selected for bilayer- multiple models to identify potent and well- translates to increased toxicity. Additional
forming or fusogenic properties, and tolerated molecules.34,35 There are numerous challenges include the ability to definitively
cholesterol modulates the fluidity and phase reports in the literature of lipid-based siRNA reproduce and characterize the complex
behavior of the lipid phase.24-26 It is delivery systems that do not include a polymer raw material as well as polydisperse
hypothesized that upon mixing of the LNP cationic lipid component, but instead rely polyplexes. Additional challenges associated
lipids with lipids of the endosomal solely on fusogenic neutral lipids.36,37 with polyplex delivery include potential for
membrane, a phase change from lamellar to Although intriguing based on the potential for complement activation and tissue access
inverted hexagonal occurs, driving disruption improved tolerability, efficient siRNA limited to tissues with irregular fenestration.
of the endosome and escape of the siRNA.27 encapsulation could be a challenge without Conjugation of oligonucleotides to
The inclusion of a low molar percentage of a siRNA modification, and none of these polymers results in macromolecules
PEGylated lipid sterically stabilizes lipid systems have advanced to clinical testing. presenting a unique opportunity to engineer
nanoparticles by inhibiting intra-particle functionality, such as fusogenicity, tissue
aggregation and interactions with plasma targeting, and pH-dependent endosomolytic
proteins.28,29 POLYMERIC SIRNA properties.38,41,42 This approach is less likely to
Many of the cationic lipids typically DELIVERY SYSTEMS impart immunogenic properties to the
used in lipoplex formations, such as DOTAP delivery vehicle than peptide- or particle-
and DOTMA, contain quaternary amines, and Polymer-based delivery can broadly be based approaches, and is less dependent on
positive lipoplex surface charge has been divided into two major approaches: 1) high cationic character, a property that is
polyplex particle delivery and 2) polymer typically cytotoxic or results in substantial
conjugate macromolecular delivery.17,38 There interaction with blood components.
FIGURE 3 are merits and disadvantages to both
approaches, as well as some unsolved
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

challenges that remain common to both. OTHER SIRNA

These will be addressed briefly in the ensuing DELIVERY SYSTEMS
Polyplex delivery exploits the highly In addition to lipid-based and polymer-
efficient condensation characteristics of based delivery, other methods have been
polyamines for encapsulating polyanionic reported, which include complexes of
oligonucleotides. Mixtures of the two oligonucleotides, conjugates of
macromolecules at controlled amine-to- oligonucleotides, and inorganic delivery
phosphate ratios result in self-assembly of vehicles. Representative examples of these
spherical particles approximately 100 nm in delivery methods are described further; a
diameter. This encapsulation provides safe review containing references to the various
Schematic of a lipoplex.
passage of the oligonucleotide from nucleases delivery methodologies has been published.43
36-41-DD&D March 2011-Nucleic Acid Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:54 AM Page 39

COMPLEXES by a cell-penetrating peptide, a hydrophobic vehicles to enable effective mechanistic

molecule, or a polycation, any of which studies that conclusively establish structure-
One class of polymer-based delivery could be expected to help surmount a activity relationships. Taking lessons from
vehicle (described previously) relies upon particular barrier to siRNA delivery. highly evolved viruses that are exquisitely
electrostatic complexation of RNA to the Conjugates differ from complexes in that efficient at cargo delivery has resulted in
cationic polymer. Cationic peptides may be relatively stable covalent bonds attach the intense research around pH-responsive
complexed to the negatively charged siRNA siRNA to the supplementary structure, systems in which the differential pH
in a similar way and may be chosen to although that distinction is blurred to some properties of the endosome are exploited to
provide targeting or cell-penetrating extent by conjugates that are made accelerate delivery vehicle degradation,
characteristics to the complex. In one report, deliberately susceptible to cleavage by metabolism, and/or facilitate endosomal
a peptide derived from rabies virus that certain conditions, such as acidic or reducing escape. Efforts to address these key
targets neurons was bound to polyarginine, conditions. A conjugate between siRNA and challenges promise to expand the
complexed to siRNA through electrostatic cholesterol was shown to suppress gene opportunities for clinical application of
interaction with the protonated polyarginine, expression, and subsequently other RNAi, and potentially enable an entirely new
and penetrated the blood-brain barrier.44 efficacious conjugates with lipophilic therapeutic modality to address a wide range
Another complex is the cyclodextrin- molecules were identified.43,49 A review of of currently unmet medical needs.
decorated polymer described by Hu- numerous other conjugates, including those
Lieskovan et al. In this work, both siRNA with peptides and bioactive molecules, has
and a targeting ligand (transferrin) are been published.45 REFERENCES
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in 1992. He has held various management and
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containing PEG-diacylglycerols exhibit extended Pharm. 2009;6(3):659-668. drug product areas, and is now Senior
circulation lifetimes and tumor selective gene 48. Minakuchi Y, et al. Atelocollagen-mediated synthetic
Investigator in the Analytical Sciences
expression. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005;1669(2):155- small interfering RNA delivery for effective gene
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clearance from the circulation: studies with layered double hydroxide nanoparticles. J Control & Marshall College in
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oligonucleotides in lipid vesicles using ionizable intracellular delivery of siRNA and potent gene in 2003 working in Pharmaceutical R&D
aminolipids: formation of novel small multilamellar silencing. J Am Chem Soc. 2005;127(36):12492- developing solid and sterile dosage forms. He
vesicle structures. Biochim Biophys Acta. 12493.
has been a key contributor and leader of
2001;1510(1-2):152-166. 53. Jeong JH, et al. siRNA conjugate delivery systems.
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Analytical Sciences group.
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The Use of Surface-Modified Nanoparticles to

Facilitate the Processing of Oral Solid Dosage
By: Joseph Beaurline; John Hedenstrom, PhD; Jacqui Ganser, MS; Jimmie Baran, PhD; and Fred LaPlant, PhD

Surface-modified silica nanoparticles (SMNs) are a non-aggregated form of colloidal silicon dioxide (CSD) that have
been found to enhance physical attributes associated with the processing of powder blend formulations used for making oral
solid dosage forms (OSDFs). The core material, amorphous silica, has been a standard for processing pharmaceutical powder
blends to manufacture OSDFs. The SMNs can be dry-blended and readily distributed, transferring from particle to particle
during mixing with minimal energy. Counter to typical flow modifiers, these materials can simultaneously enhance flow
ability and increase tap/bulk density by as much as 50% in blends and raw materials. Improvements have been seen in many
pharmaceutical operations, including but not limited to stability on storage, powder transfer operations, solids blending,
tableting, capsule fill, and cleaning. Other excipients have been used in attempts to address these processing challenges,
yet rarely are multiple benefits simultaneously seen (eg, the typical trade-off of increased flowability at the expense of
increased bulk density). As a result, a reduction of processing steps, reduced capital equipment costs, increased rate of
tablet/capsule production due to increased tablet flow, and a reduction in unit weight variability will reduce manufacturing
costs.1 The ease of mixing and more uniform response of materials using SMNs is also anticipated to improve process

CHARACTERIZATION OF with similar results using ibuprofen as the (TGA) was performed on SMNs to obtain
MODEL APIS & SMNS API, but due to space limitations, those sample weight loss versus time and
results are not presented here. The effects temperature. The powder sample was run
The initial objective of this work was described herein are not due to the on the TGA with the following parameters:
to investigate and characterize how surface chemical composition of the nanoparticles equilibrate at 30°C, ramp at 10°C/min to
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

SMNs affect the physical attributes of a themselves. Similar effects have been 105°C, isothermal at 105°C for 10 minutes
typical pharmaceutical blend, both with and shown using metal oxide nanoparticles, and ramp at 10°C/min to 700°C. The
without the presence of a model active metal nanoparticles, phosphate-based weight loss pattern shows negligible losses
pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The nanoparticles, and the like. For comparison until temperatures greater than 400°C are
blends were then used to demonstrate the purposes to CSD, the most commonly used reached. This indicates the ligands are
improved physical processing attributes due flow aid in the industry, amorphous surface strongly attached to the core particle.
to the SMNs. Acetaminophen (APAP) was modified silica nanoparticles, were used in
chosen for specific reasons: first, its poor the studies below.
flow properties are well documented and DETERMINING DEGREE OF
lead to many difficult manufacturing issues CRYSTALLINITY OF APAP
for both tablet and capsule formulation; THERMOGRAVIMETRIC & SMNS BY X-RAY
second, it is present in relatively high ANALYSIS (TGA) OF SMNS DIFFRACTION (XRD)
proportion in a typical OSDF and; third,
because it is still a commercially important The binding strength of the surface XRD of APAP was performed to
pharmaceutical product in today’s modification to the nanoparticle core is an evaluate the form and degree of
marketplace. This work has been replicated important factor in estimating the stability crystallinity of the APAP in comparison to
of the SMNs. Thermogravimetric analysis established reference patterns. Different
42-47 -DD&D March 2011-Solid Dosage Forms_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:56 AM Page 43

crystalline forms of APAP and forms with

incomplete crystallinity are known to perform FIGURE 1A&B
differently in processes when making OSDFs.2
XRD of SMNs was performed to confirm the
amorphous form of the nanoparticle raw
material core is not altered by the surface
modification chemistry.

Sample Preparation
Samples were tested after gently milling
to reduce the size of clumps present in the “as
received” powder. Samples were placed on
glass inserts as dry powders.
SMNs - 0.25% & 0.5% on Acetaminophen (5K zoomed image)

Data Collection APAP crystals were imaged and are were weighed before and after thermal
Reflection geometry data were collected
essentially smooth and featureless, showing analysis to confirm that no change in weight
in the form of a survey scan by use of a
none of the fine particle matter observed for occurred. Results are summarized in Table 1.
Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (Bruker
the SMN-treated material. The SMNs in The concentration of SMNs on the surface of
AXS, Madison WI), copper K radiation, and
Figures 1 and 2 are clearly present and appear APAP has no significant effect on the
Vantec detector registry of the scattered
to be uniformly dispersed over the surface of duration of the melt event with 0.25% and 1%
radiation. The diffractometer is fitted with
APAP following dry blending, without any loadings yielding traces virtually identical to
variable incident beam slits and fixed
preferential localized deposition on edges, those of the native APAP. The melt onset and
diffracted beam slits. The survey scan was
cavities, crevices, etc. There appears to be a maximum temperatures and enthalpies were
conducted using a coupled continuous mode
mixture of primary and aggregated also not appreciably changed upon addition of
from 5° to 55° (2q) using a 0.015° step size
nanoparticles. Increasing the concentration of SMNs.
and 6-second dwell time. X-ray generator
SMNs from 0.25% to 0.5% appears to
settings of 40 kV and 40 mA were employed.
proportionately increase the coverage of
The powder XRD patterns of the APAP
SMNs over the surface of APAP in a uniform POWDER FLOW & DENSITY
show it to be highly crystalline and in
conformance to reported reference patterns,
with peak intensity differences attributed to
Differential Scanning The APAP/SMN blends and the
preferred orientation effects. The powder
Calorimetry (DSC) APAP/CSD (Aerosil 200, Evonik/DeGussa
XRD pattern of the SMNs indicates a
DSC of APAP/SMNs blends could give Corp., Parsippany, NJ) blends were added to a
noncrystalline amorphous form.
an indication of possible interaction between 4-quart planetary mixing bowl in separate
the APAP and SMNs such as degradation experiments; each was blended for 3 minutes
reactions. APAP was dry blended with SMNs at 60 rpm. The blend was passed though a 60-
ANALYTICAL at concentrations of 0.25% and 1%, and the mesh screen and returned to the mixer and
CHARACTERIZATION OF blends were analyzed by DSC. Mixing was blended for an additional 2 minutes at 60 rpm.
POWDER BLENDS CONTAINING done with a planetary mixer (1 min at 60 Powder flow and bulk density
SURFACE MODIFIED SILICA rpm/sieve mixture through 60 mesh measurements were performed on blends of
NANOPARTICLE & screen/mix again for 1 min at 60 rpm). Pure APAP with varying concentrations of SMNs
ACETAMINOPHEN APAP and SMNs were also measured, and CSD as a comparator on a model PTGS-3
respectively. Approximately 3 mg of each Flow Tester (Pharma Test, Hainburg,
Scanning Electron Microscopy sample were heated from 20°C to 250°C at a Germany) instrument. Five measurements
(SEM) rate of 10°C/min on a TA Q1000 (TA were made for each blend and used to Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
SEM images of the SMNs blended with
Instruments, New Castle, DE). Sample pans determine an average flow rate. Bars are used
APAP can give some indication of the
resulting distribution and a measure of the
ability to dry blend SMNs. Changes in FIGURE 2A&B
distribution of SMNs on the APAP surfaces
with changing SMNs concentration can also
be evaluated. APAP was dry blended with the
SMNs at two concentrations of SMNs
(0.25%, 0.5%). Mixing was done with a
planetary mixer (1 min at 60 rpm/sieve
mixture through 60 mesh screen/mix again for
1 min at 60 rpm). Samples were prepared for
imaging by sprinkling/dusting on carbon paint
applied to the sample holder (aluminum disc).
The instrument used was a Hitachi S-4800
SMNs - 0.25% & 0.5% on Acetaminophen (50K zoomed image) 43
UHR Field Emission SEM. The untreated
42-47 -DD&D March 2011-Solid Dosage Forms_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:56 AM Page 44

to indicate the range of flow rates. Cone angle

TA B L E 1 and cone density were also measured.
The flow rates were measured on the
PTGS-3 using a 15-mm nozzle and a stir speed
of 25 rpm.
As seen in Figure 3, the flow rate for the
APAP/SMNs blends is increased by more than
five-fold over the APAP/5% CSD blend; no
flow occurs at the lower levels of CSD blends
(1% and 3%). Cone angle and density were also
Summary of DSC Data on APAP & APAP with 1% and 0.25% SMNs Loadings measured; for the APAP/SMNs blend the cone
angle is about 10% less than the APAP/5% CSD
blend, while the cone density for the
APAP/SMNs is more than twice that the
FIGURE 3 APAP/5% CSD. This demonstrates that
incorporation of a 0.25% or a 0.5% loading of
SMNs in a powder blend with APAP
significantly increases the bulk density and
could increase the flow rate five times or more
than a similarly prepared blend with 5% CSD.
The tapped density was determined by
loading 100 g of sample sieved through a 60-
mesh screen into a 250-mL graduated cylinder.
The graduated cylinder was raised 14 mm and
dropped 200 times. The tapped density was
determined by dividing the mass by the volume
occupied by the powder in the graduated
cylinder. The results of the tapped density
experiment for blends of APAP and SMNs or
CSD are shown in Figure 4.
Comparison of Flow Rates of APAP Using Various Flow Modifiers It should be noted that although the 1%
and 3% CSD/APAP blends have tap densities
approaching the APAP/SMN blends, the
APAP/CSD blends would not flow through the
TA B L E 2 15-mm nozzle on the PTGS-3 flow apparatus.
Higher powder density is a strongly
favorable parameter during processing because
it can lead to higher fill levels in capsules,
better tablet compaction, quicker fill times,
lower flocculation, etc. However, flow
enhancers typically decrease particle-particle
interactions by decreasing the packing
efficiency of the matrix, so that improved flow
can only be achieved at the cost of powder
Effect of Capsule Fill Parameters on Ejection Force
density, and vice versa. Increasing flow and
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

density simultaneously is therefore a

fundamental advance in the capability to tune
powder flow characteristics.
TA B L E 3


A capsule-filling trial was performed at

the University of Maryland, School of
Pharmacy using a Harro Hoffliger-KFM/3
machine (Harro Hoffliger Packaging Systems,
Doylestown, PA) and size 1 hard gelatin
Effect of Compression Force on Fill Weight Using a 40-mm Powder Bed Height and a Constant 40 rpm capsules (Capsugel, Peapack, NJ). The
Machine Speed encapsulation machine employs a dosator disc
to transfer an amount of formulation from the
42-47 -DD&D March 2011-Solid Dosage Forms_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:56 AM Page 45

result was that added to the dry blend and mixed for 10
FIGURE 4 Formulations A and minutes on a planetary mixer. The lubricant
B exhibited reduced was added as a pre-mix to the formulation
ejection forces even and mixed for 3 minutes on the planetary
as machine speed mixer. A similar formulation using 1% (w/w
increased. to the formulation) CSD was prepared for
Fill weight was comparison. When CSD was used in place of
measured from SMNs, a tablet could not be made because the
capsules made at a mixture had insufficient flow to fill the die.
bed height of 40 mm The samples were compressed on a 16 station
and a machine speed Manesty Beta Press (Thomas Eng.) running at
of 40 rpm. The three speeds (40, 50, and 60 rpm); for these
results are shown studies, all 16 punch and die sets were used.
below in Table 3. The fill weight settings were not changed as
Formulations A and the speed of the press was adjusted in order to
B stand out as show the nature of the flow properties. The
having a higher tooling type (Natoli Eng. Co., St. Charles,
Comparison of Tapped Densities of APAP/SMNs or CSD Blends average fill weight MO) is described as 5/16” standard concave
with progressively with tapered dies. Tablet breaking strength
cavity to the body of the hard gelatin capsule. lower % RSD with increasing compression was measured using a KEY HT-300 hardness
To study the effect of compression force (CF) force at a fraction of the concentration tester (Englishtown, NJ). For this study, 25
on fill weight and ejection force, the machine compared to Formulation C. tablets were compressed and tested for
was run at three compression forces (50, 100, hardness at each speed. Unfortunately, the
and 150 N) at 40 rpm. transducer used to measure compressional
To study the effect of machine speed on DIRECT-COMPRESSION force was not operable at the time of this trial.
fill weight and ejection force, the machine TABLETING TRIALS The tableting results for a non-optimized
was run at three machine speeds (40, 60, and direct compression formulation of APAP are
70 rpm) at 100-N compression force. The fine The objective of this study was to assess shown in Table 4.
powder APAP (Spectrum Chem.) was blended the compaction behavior of APAP Based on the tablet trial results, it can be
with SMNs at two levels, 0.08% and 0.25% formulations by measuring breaking strength concluded that the tablets exhibited acceptable
and with CSD at 0.5%. The flow and density and weight variation. A non-optimized direct hardness. The weight variation also met USP
properties of the APAP alone did not make compression formulation containing APAP standards for content variation (USP 32-NF
the encapsulation process viable without powder, a binder, disintegrant, lubricant, and 27, <905> Uniformity of Dosage Units, pp.
blending with SMNs or CSD. Although a SMNs for process enhancements was 382). Note that for high dose drugs, the USP
capsule formulation will typically contain prepared for these trials. The SMN states that content uniformity can be
other components to ensure adequate plug concentration chosen for these tests was 1% measured by weight variation. APAP content
formation and minimize plug ejection forces, w/w with respect to the formulation. This is uniformity was measured at 147.4 mg ± 1.9
this study was intended to evaluate the filling higher than the levels used previously to show (1.3%), or 62.7% ± 1.1 (1.7%) of the
characteristics of this binary mixture in density and flow characteristics because the formulation using a drug content assay
typical capsule filling equipment and to purpose of this study was to indicate whether method similar to the USP monograph for
determine if the SMNs are capable of the presence of the SMNs would have a APAP tablets.
imparting favorable characteristics to this deleterious effect on the properties of the
process. The effects of compression force and tablets produced. Presumably lower
machine speed on the plug ejection force are concentrations of SMNs would have no more CONCLUSION
shown in Table 2.
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
pronounced effects on the tablet performance.
Compression force studies showed a The formulation was prepared by adding 1% These experiments have proven that
significant decrease in ejection force values by wt SMNs to the APAP and mixing for 5 surface-modified nanoparticles enhance
by incorporating SMNs instead of CSD in all minutes on a planetary mixer. The remainder powder processing as characterized by
cases. Best performance was observed with of the excipients, except the lubricant, were improved flow and increased bulk/tapped
Formulation A with 0.25% SMN loading at
each compression force and machine speed, TA B L E 4
although the improvement over Formulation B
with three times less SMN loading was not
substantial. The limiting concentration of
SMNs required to optimize the flow effect
will no doubt depend on morphology and
particle size of the bulk materials, and
rigorous prediction of this effect is beyond the
scope of this paper. A particularly interesting Tablet Properties of APAP/1% SMN Direct-Compression Formulation at Three Press Speeds
42-47 -DD&D March 2011-Solid Dosage Forms_Layout 1 2/25/11 11:56 AM Page 46

density. This improvement has been

demonstrated on model APIs, such as BIOGRAPHIES
acetaminophen and ibuprofen. This
technology possesses unique multifunctional
Joseph Beaurline has worked at 3M for 37 years and with
properties that enhance the flow and Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Systems Divisions for 30
bulk/tapped densities of raw materials and years. His R&D background spans early phase technology
powder blends more efficiently than CSD. The development as well as early and late-phase product
enhanced flow will permit more efficient and development in solid/liquid oral dosage forms and transdermal
faster mixing of multi-component dry blends drug delivery. He is recognized as an inventor on four patents
to attain a homogenous mixture. Capsule and has received 3M corporate recognition for Technical
formulations can be greatly simplified with Excellence. Mr. Beaurline is currently a Senior Product
minimal excipients used for granulation Development Engineer for Drug Delivery Systems Division.
purposes to provide acceptable density and
flow for manufacturing. This attribute could
Dr. John Hedenstrom is a Product Development Specialist for
also eliminate the need for capital equipment
3M Drug Delivery Systems in St. Paul, MN. He earned his PhD in
and space associated with the granulation
Pharmaceutics from the University of Minnesota. His R&D has
process. As a direct-compression formulation, involved primarily preclinical development work for 3M
the time in development is greatly reduced and Pharmaceuticals and early phase technology development for
issues with wet granulation scale-ups are transdermal drug delivery.


The authors would like to recognize the

Jacqui Ganser has worked in Drug Delivery Systems Division
for 8 years. She has a BS in Chemistry from the University of
efforts and contributions of Ann Thach, Sara
Wisconsin, Madison, and an MS in Civil Engineering from the
Piroli, Jason Heidrich, Becky McNally, University of Minnesota. Her R&D background spans early and
Professor Stephen Hoag, and his staff at the clinical phase analytical method development. She is a member
University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy. of AAPS, the Minnesota Chromatography Forum, and the
American Chemical Society. Ms. Ganser is currently a Research
Specialist in DDSD at 3M.


1. Zheng J. Development of low-dose solid

oral tablets using direct compression. In:
Jimmie Baran has worked at 3M Corporate Research in
Applied Surface Science and Nanotechnology. He has BS degrees
Zheng J, ed. Formulation and Analytical
in Chemistry and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin,
Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Madison, and a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University
Products. Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley and of Texas, Austin, with a post-doc in Surfactant Science and
Sons, Inc;2009:159-200. Microemulsion Formulation at the University of Texas, Austin.
2. Hoag SW, Lin H-P. Particle and powder He is recognized as an inventor on 19 patents and has received
bed properties. In: Augsburger LL, Hoag multiple 3M corporate recognitions for Technical Excellence and
SW, eds. Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: has 25 publications in refereed journals. Mr. Baran is currently
Tablets. 3rd ed. New York, NY:Informa a Lead Research Specialist at 3M.
Healthcare USA Inc.;2008:17-74.
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Dr. Fred LaPlant is currently the Spectroscopy Group Leader

for 3M Corporate Analytical. He joined 3M after working for 10
years in the on-line monitoring and pharmaceutical industry. He
has also been active in various capacities in the Society for
Applied Spectroscopy, and is the current national President of
the SAS. He earned his BS in Chemistry from San Diego State
University and his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Purdue.

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Special Feature
prefilled Syringes pinpoint
Stability, compatibility & Safety
By: Cindy H. Dubin, Contributor
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

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Group GmbH; Unilife Medical Solutions; and

refilled syringes and injection devices
continue to grow in importance as West Pharmaceutical Services. Despite their
means of improving administration, varied approaches to prefilled syringe
compliance, safety, costs, and accuracy of development, they all concur the market is one
drug delivery. The market for prefilled of the strongest growing segments inside the
syringes has achieved significant progression pharmaceutical primary packaging market,
in recent years. The pharmaceutical industry and the systems are an ongoing success story
accepts prefilled drug technology as a proven whose benefits will ensure commercial
format of choice for many parentally opportunities in the future.
administered drugs. Because a product’s
delivery system can affect patient compliance,
easier-to-use devices have been linked to BAXTER BIOPHARMA
higher sales and market share. SOLUTIONS–TAILORED
And the market numbers concur. In MANUFACTURING CAPABILITIES
2009, an estimated 2 billion prefilled syringe
units were sold, and the market for the
technology was estimated to be worth up to As pharmaceutical companies search for
$2.5 billion.1 The biologics sector is being increased efficiency through manufacturing
credited with having the most influence on the service collaborations, there is a greater need
prefilled syringe market, as there is an for sustainable partnerships. To this end, BD Medical offers the HypakTM family of glass
increasing need for self-administration of Baxter BioPharma Solutions, a business unit prefilled syringes.

these drugs for chronic conditions. Prefilled of Baxter, is investing in prefilled syringe
syringes offer numerous advantages here: manufacturing capabilities. Just last year,
Ease of administration, dosing accuracy, BioPharma Solutions business won the 2010
patient compliance, safety, and reduced pain. Vaccine Industry Excellence (ViE) Best
Contract Manufacturing Organization Award, According to Ms. Zinselmeier, the
However, protein-based drugs have
which recognized the company’s range of benefits of prefilled syringes to the healthcare
introduced a challenge to the prefilled syringe
services in niche and core therapeutic areas, as system are driving this method of drug
market, eg, certain vials can have a diluting
well as its client relationships. delivery development. From an end-user
affect on a drug’s potency. Both contract
“Our organizational ability to manage perspective, a prefilled syringe provides ease
manufacturers and syringe developers are
complex projects is particularly relevant to of administration and compliance benefits;
investing dollars and manpower to advance
prefilled syringes,” says Kristie Zinselmeier, from a pharmacy perspective, prefilled
construction materials.
Director of Marketing, BioPharma Solutions. syringes offer a reduction in the potential for
Some of these companies are featured in
“As we see the increased desire for, and admixture-related medication errors and
this exclusive, annual Drug Development &
relevance of, an enhanced delivery system, it contamination; and from the pharmaceutical
Delivery report. They include: Baxter
becomes even more critical to execute on company’s perspective, increased competition
BioPharma Solutions; BD Medical,
commitments, allowing the pharmaceutical for scarce economic resources within global
Pharmaceutical Solutions; Catalent Pharma
company to capitalize on opportunities that healthcare systems drives the desire to provide
Solutions; Cook Pharmica; Gerresheimer
may present themselves in this dynamic additional delivery enhancements to increase
FIGURE 1 market.” the likelihood that a product’s
In the area of prefilled syringe contract commercialization objectives will be achieved.
manufacturing, BioPharma Solutions offers “Many of our pharmaceutical partners
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

expanded small-scale through high-volume are exploring the opportunity of moving a

manufacturing. As a parenteral manufacturing product in a vial format into a prefilled
services provider, BioPharma Solutions does syringe presentation,” she explains. “In the
not focus on any one therapeutic area; past, this type of development work would be
however, its focus on scalable prefilled difficult to invest in after a product’s initial
syringe manufacturing solutions is important launch because of competing priorities.
to the company’s ability to align its objectives Additionally, we have seen an increased
with those of the pharmaceutical and biotech interest in providing prefilled syringes before
industry, explains Ms. Zinselmeier. Phase III clinical trials.”
“Biologics, for example, require tailored
Baxter BioPharma Solutions offers expanded manufacturing capabilities; thus, we continue
small-scale through high-volume manufacturing to optimize our operations to make sure we
of prefilled syringes. are ready to serve the needs of those clients.”
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instead of seasonal vaccine; seasonal vaccine through its recently opened Brussels, Belgium,
given instead of H1N1) had been reported in facility, which was built specifically to provide
nearby towns.3 While the underlying causes of high-volume, prefilled syringe filling. With
such incidents vary, the potential danger of more than 25 years of experience in filling
predrawn and unlabeled vaccine syringes vaccines, low-molecular weight heparins, and
residing in the refrigerator at a busy clinic, diluents, Catalent has expanded its focus to
side by side with other syringes is clear. include biologics and therapeutic vaccines
BD has been investing time and money to based on its customers’ pipeline needs.
better understand the differences between PFS According to Sheila Dell, PhD, Vice
and MDVs. The company recently funded President Business Development for Catalent
research conducted by John’s Hopkins Pharma Solutions, several of the company’s
University, Bloomberg School of Public customers have their pipeline products
Health, to understand the efficiency, targeted for drug/device combinations,
economic, and clinical best practice especially if the therapeutic area is for a
implications comparing PFS versus vials. In chronic ailment that requires frequent
this study, several deviations from best medication. The prefilled syringe with
practices were noted in the preparation for autoinjector is meeting those therapeutic
Catalent has the ability to handle both glass
injection, including: 1) predrawing vaccine needs.
and plastic syringes to meet the changing
needs of customers.
from vials into unmarked syringes; 2) using “In the next 3 to 5 years, we expect to see
the same alcohol swab to repeatedly sterilize more syringe products filled in specific
vials; 3) pooling vaccine remainders from drug/device combinations,” she says. “This
multiple spent vials to assemble a full dose; will improve the quality of patient care and
SYSTEMS–ENHANCING PATIENT and 4) saving leftover vaccine doses that were medication compliance in addition to reducing
OUTCOMES & OPTIMIZING predrawn from vials for the following day. medication errors.”
INJECTION EFFICIENCY With respect to the impact of Changing trends in the syringe market
time/efficiency/economy of different vaccine enabled Catalent to enter collaborative
The US predominantly uses MDVs, but packaging, the John’s Hopkins study agreements with customers to provide them
PFSs have gained market share throughout the concluded that the additional time needed for access to a range of value-added technologies
past few years. It is estimated that currently, multi-dose vaccine preparation has an impact for injectables, including the ASITM
PFSs hold approximately 30% of the market on clinic efficiency. Assuming medical autoinjector and the ProtectorTM syringe safety
for influenza vaccines.2 There are many factors assistant labor costs of approximately shield.
that continue to drive the adoption of PFS in $14/hour, for example, the extra staff time “Last year, Catalent provided support for
the US, such as the preparation of injectable required to administer 1,000 doses of MDV more than a dozen companies on more than
medications, the opportunity to extend vaccine versus PFS would add about $147 to two dozen vaccines, providing advanced
medication or vaccine supply due to the clinic costs. solutions to accelerate product development,
reduced overfill requirements (vs. vials), and “A complete cost analysis would need to to speed up time-to-market, ensure adequate
the opportunity for pharma to differentiate its factor in not only acquisition costs of the product supply, and provide new ways of
products. However, one additional factor vaccines and syringes, but the opportunity cost delivering vaccines to patients,” explains Dr.
influencing the growth of PFS is the of lost clinician or pharmacist time and, in the Dell. “Due to our substantial surge capacity
stubbornly high incidence of bloodborne event of a safety mishap, any potential costs and our vast experience at handling large-scale
pathogen transmission due to unsafe injection related to those events,” says Brian Lynch,
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

practices, and the potential opportunity for Marketing Manager for BD Prefilled Syringes. FIGURE 4
unit-dose, ready-to-administer formats, such as As a result of its own research, BD
prefilled syringes to reduce this. Human factor Medical is confident that any parenteral
errors in the administration of parenteral drugs medication can benefit from the use of a
can contribute to outbreaks due to primary prefilled syringe as it offers greater simplicity
breaches in infection control practices. in use versus alternative packaging forms.
Although not as commonly reported,
accidental administration of the wrong
injectable medication/vaccines occurs, as in a CATALENT PHARMA
2010 Wellesley, MA, incident involving a SOLUTIONS–KEEPING
school nurse giving insulin instead of H1N1
PACE WITH CUSTOMER NEEDS Cook Pharmica’s “one source-one location
vaccine to the school staff. It was revealed that model” offers comprehensive parenteral CMO
Catalent Pharma Solutions provides services at a single location, including this high-
similar injection mix-ups (eg, insulin given
50 prefilled syringe fill/finish manufacturing speed syringe line under barrier isolation.
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product launches, we were able to ensure pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical

consistent supply to our customers, despite companies. As a result, these teams may not
substantial spikes in growth in market demand collaborate, thus packaging can be treated like
for these products.” an afterthought at times. The packaging team
Meeting customer demand is also might go to one CMO, and the filling team
important when it comes to meeting might work with another, and he believes there
customers’ preference for glass or plastic is an opportunity for synergy here.
prefilled syringes. This is especially important Last year, Cook Pharmica (parent
for biologic compounds, which face stability company is Cook Medical) qualified a new
and compatibility issues. high-speed syringe line, under barrier isolator,
“The siliconization with glass syringes filling speeds up to 600 syringes per minute.
has caused sufficient concern related to The line is complimented by newly qualified
stability issues with the drug for certain secondary packaging equipment in the same
products,” says Dr. Dell. “As a result, facility. The line can handle syringe small
customers are looking at primary components molecule, biologic, vaccine, clinical, or
that either minimize or eliminate the need for commercial projects. Syringe filling and
silicone in the syringe and plunger stopper.” finished packaging is all performed at a single
Dr. Dell believes improvements will be location.
made in the glass syringe format to meet the
challenges faced with filling biotech drugs,
thus replacing plastic syringes in certain GERRESHEIMER AG– Gerresheimer developed advanced syringe
markets. THOUGHTFUL SYRINGE DESIGN closure solutions like the TELC (Tamper Evident
“However, Catalent does have the ability Luerlock Closure) systems.
to handle both glass and plastic syringes to Throughout the past couple of years,
meet the changing needs of our customers.” quality and safety attributes of prefilled silicone oils are used as a lubricant to provide
syringe systems have been adapted to evolving glass prefillable syringe systems with the
requirements especially from required functionality. However, small silicone
COOK PHARMICA–ONE STOP biopharmaceutical customers and regulatory oil droplets can contribute to the overall
FOR DRUG SUBSTANCE, agencies. For example, advanced particle load of the final drug product, and in
FILLING, AND PACKAGING manufacturing methods were established by the case of protein-based drug products, may
Gerresheimer and others to ensure cause protein aggregation.
As a contract manufacturer, Cook compatibility of syringes with highly sensitive “Syringes siliconized using our Baked-
Pharmica offers what it calls a “one source- biological molecules and self-injection devices. On Ready-To-Fill process combine functional
one location model,” which includes parenteral “The increase in quality and safety properties with significantly lowered levels of
drug product capabilities. Ryan Hawkins, Vice requirements is caused by more free silicone oil on the inside of the glass
President of Drug Product Operations for demanding/sensitive drug products, increasing barrel.”
Cook Pharmica, explains the model consists of self-administration, and the ongoing interest of Gerresheimer prefillable syringe systems
process development, clinical and commercial the pharmaceutical customers to improve their are not an off-the-shelf product, explains Ms.
mammalian cell-culture manufacturing, as process yields,” says Claudia Petersen Petersen, and therefore, customization to the
well as formulation development and Director, Business Development, requirements of various therapeutic areas is
clinical/commercial vial/syringe filling and Gerresheimer Tubular Glass. “This impacts all possible.
finishing. steps of the syringe manufacturing process,
“We believe comprehensive services at a from glass-forming and needle assembly to
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

single location can minimize wasted time, ready-to-fill processing. UNILIFE CORP.–A NEW
redundancy, and information loss. We are also To address end-user safety needs, APPROACH TO BRAND
able to minimize the number of relationships prefilled syringe suppliers, like Gerresheimer, DIFFERENTIATION
and practices a sponsor has to manage. Finally, have developed advanced syringe closure
the model allows us to help sponsors better solutions like the TELC (Tamper Evident Unilife Medical Solutions may be the new
deliver life-enhancing products to patients, in Luerlock Closure) systems. This enables kid on the block in the pharmaceutical market
a more timely manner,” he says. syringe manufacturers to mount just one for prefilled syringes, but the company has
The one source-one location model was integrated component on syringes–adapter, invested significant resources in building the
also designed to bridge a separation between closure, and tamper-evident seal. operational capabilities to make Unilife a
packaging and filling. Generally speaking, Gerresheimer has also focused on the reliable supplier of drug delivery devices that
says Mr. Hawkins, outsourcing teams tend to sensitivity of protein-based products. meet the quality assurance expectations of the
be in different departments within According to Ms. Petersen, medical-grade customer. With production of the Unifill

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Obtaining special access to our devices Reynolds, West’s Vice President, Marketing,
within target therapeutic areas, as sanofi- and Innovation, Pharmaceutical Delivery
aventis has already done for vaccines and Systems. He attributes this to the company’s
anti-thrombotics, offers pharmaceutical FluroTec® barrier film for plungers, which act
companies the opportunity to generate to minimize interactions between the piston
powerful brand differentiation against their and the drug.
competition. Many drugs are packaged in a syringe
“They are a primary drug container that with a fixed needle and can be used in
can be integrated into fill-finish lines and combination with devices, such as
have USP-compliant materials inside the autoinjectors and safety systems. Recalls of
Unifill’s ready-to-fill syringe integrates safety fluid path for biocompatibility. Yet, they are drugs packaged in glass vials and syringes,
into the glass barrel and meets needlestick not a commodity item. Obtaining special and issues of functionality between glass
prevention mandates. access to our device within target therapeutic syringes and autoinjectors are leading
areas, as Sanofi-Aventis has already done for companies to seek improved alternatives to
syringe about to commence at a new facility in
the Unifill syringe, offers pharmaceutical glass syringes, including polymeric syringes.
York, PA, Stephen Allan, Vice President,
companies the opportunity to generate brand West’s range of plastic prefillable
Marketing and Communications for Unilife,
differentiation in competitive therapeutic drug syringes use Daikyo Crystal Zenith®
which expects 2011 to be a big year for the
classes,” he says. technology, which includes the recently
Sanofi-Aventis retained the rights to introduced 1-mL long insert needle syringe
“The initial production and launch this
negotiate the exclusive purchase of the Unifill system. This cyclic olefin polymer system
year of the Unifill ready-to-fill syringe is the
syringe within therapeutic classes, including offers customers a solution for packaging
start of a new generation of innovative devices
antithrombotic agents and vaccines until June drugs in a clean, high-quality syringe system
from Unilife that will help empower
2014. without the issues caused by silicone oil,
pharmaceutical companies to harness the true
One characteristic that attracts pharma aggregation, and breakage. Biologic therapies
competitive potential of their injectable drug
companies, like Sanofi-Aventis, is the for chronic conditions, such as the various
products,” says Mr. Allan.
prospect for brand differentiation without autoimmune diseases, will be the key focus
Fully passive safety features have been
industrial disruption, explains Mr. Allan. for West’s Daikyo Crystal Zenith systems.
fully integrated within the glass barrel of the
It is this brand differentiation that will “We expect the Daikyo Crystal Zenith to
syringe to virtually eliminate the risk of
help pharma compete, he adds. become the future of prefillable syringes for
operators being exposed to blood-borne
“There is a new arms race developing in biologic drugs,” says Mr. Reynolds. “The
pathogens via potential transmission modes
the pharmaceutical market for prefilled trend toward plastic, prefillable systems that
including needlestick injuries or splatter.
syringes. It’s no longer just about just having a overcome the limitations of glass will enable
Our Unifill ready to fill syringes can
new and improved drug. It’s about how that more novel package/device combinations to
function as a safe and secure primary
drug interacts with healthcare workers and be developed and introduced, which will lead
container for injectable drugs and vaccines.
their patients to enhance the overall provision to more innovative delivery solutions for
Unilife syringes are designed for integration
of healthcare. The pharmaceutical company injectable drugs.”
into the fill-finish systems used for equivalent
that has access to the best device that is Combining a syringe with a mechanical
standard prefilled syringes. All materials
different and truly meets the needs of the device, such as an autoinjector, creates
inside the fluid path are also USP-compliant
patient will beat the competition.” additional challenges of functionality. West
materials to facilitate biocompatibility.
can help customers overcome such issues
However unlike other prefilled syringes, this
through options such as the ConfiDose®
is not a commodity item. Unifill syringes are WEST PHARMACEUTICAL autoinjector system, which has been designed
unique and available only from Unilife. SERVICES, INC.–
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

for optimum performance even given the

MINIMIZING DRUG variability of glass syringes.

In an industry resistant to change and

challenged by many regulatory hurdles, West
Pharmaceutical Services is recognizing the
1. Pre-Filled Syringes and Related Systems:
need to provide customers with a prefilled
World Market Outlook 2010-2025,
syringe solution in appropriate sterile formats
published by Visiongain, April 22, 2010.
with a demonstrated filling and handling
2. Pereira CC, Bishai D. Vaccine Presentation
capability, which can ease a drug’s transition
in the USA: Economics of Prefilled
to market and minimize risk.
West’s Daikyo Crystal Zenith 1-mL Insert Needle Syringes versus Multidose Vials for
West components are used with the
Syringe was developed for biologics. Influenza Vaccination, 12/15/2010; Expert
majority of biotech products, states Graham
54 Rev Vaccines. 2010;9(11):1343-1349.
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Lifecycle Management & Differentiation Through
Injectable Delivery Systems
By: Graham Reynolds

When pharmaceutical and biotech companies begin to develop a drug, the delivery system is often far from top of mind.
The growth of sensitive biologics and the plethora of recent drug product recalls, however, have encouraged drug
manufacturers to start thinking about container closure systems and delivery systems early in the development process. Issues
such as breakage, glass delamination, and particulate contamination have also forced the industry to rethink glass as a
standard and consider novel materials, including plastics, that offer stronger, safer, and more efficient packaging options.
Ideally, drugs will be stored first in bulk containers, then move to a standard system of vial, stopper, and seal during
clinical testing. As the drug moves to market, additional containment and delivery systems, including prefillable syringe
systems, may be developed. Some drugs, including biologics, may require a delivery device or injection system. For each new
containment system, testing is required and can often be time-consuming and costly. The development of novel materials,
such as cyclic olefin polymers, can provide ideal lifecycle management solutions. Such materials, which are typically break-
resistant and inert, can be used in a variety of containers, devices, and systems due to flexibility in molding. In addition to
standard vials and prefillable syringes, the ability to develop a custom container in the same basic materials has significant
advantages when considering an integrated system.
As the industry trends toward the use of devices or delivery systems to aid with the increased need for injection in the
healthcare and home settings, the link between packaging and delivery system manufacturers and pharmaceutical
manufacturers must be strong and start early. The inter-dependence of the packaging and delivery system needs to be carefully
considered at an early stage, and a thorough understanding of both is key to ensuring a successful drug/delivery system

AN ENVIRONMENT FOR if not all of these products are delivered established market area where devices are
INJECTABLE GROWTH through injection. These trends are driving commonly used (such as in the treatment
the need for prefillable syringe systems of various autoimmune diseases) or who
and drug delivery devices and systems that often need to enter the market directly
Growth in injectable therapies, driven
can be used in either a clinical or home- with a competitive delivery system to
by increased incidence of chronic Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
care setting. ensure competitive parity or additional
conditions, such as diabetes and
Because biologics are often large patient benefits. Such differentiation is
autoimmune diseases (including multiple
molecule products that do not transport key to competing with established
sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis), has
well through non-injectable delivery
resulted in the development and launch of
methods, delivery devices such as auto- FIGURE 1
an increasing number of new biologics
injectors are often the best choice for
designed to treat these conditions. Most of
administration. While different
these products require regular injectable
technologies, such as inhalation and
delivery, often by the patient or caregiver.
transdermal patches, have been attempted,
Evidence shows there is continued
in many therapeutic areas, injection has
growth in biological products, and that
proven to be the most effective method of
most of these require delivery by injection.
delivery. Device requirements are driven
An analysis of the top 20 biologics on the
either as a means of product lifecycle
market by revenue demonstrates that most West’s ConfiDose® Auto-Injector System
management or by companies entering an 55
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products, and partnering with a manufacturer incomplete delivery of the drug. Each of
to provide novel technology should be an these recalls may have a significant financial
important part of the product’s launch plan. impact on the pharmaceutical or biotech
A specific example could be the company.
planned launch of a drug for the treatment of Early decisions regarding containment
autoimmune disease, in which the selection materials and delivery systems may help
of a system composed of a prefillable ensure compliance and increase safety once
syringe and an auto-injector (usually the product reaches the market. In some
disposable) requires careful consideration of cases, the earliest entry of a drug to the
the primary container and the delivery market may be facilitated by the use of a
system, and the performance of the two in traditional container closure system, such as
combination with the specific drug product. a vial, with some form of reconstitution
system if the product is lyophilized. This
system is used for convenience and may not
THE NEED FOR EARLY be the final or best delivery system for the
PARTNERSHIPS drug. Many drugs move to prefilled syringe
The Daikyo Family of Products
systems that may later be used within a
Recent US FDA recalls relating to device, such as an auto-injector. The drug
potential risks with glass prefilled syringes and systems once the product hits the
molecule is the same, but the delivery
in auto-injectors highlight the need for market.
system has changed, which may require
vigilance when considering the interaction Working closely together,
costly testing to ensure the new container
between device and container in the pharmaceutical and packaging
closure system does not react with the drug.
development process. In addition, manufacturers can look for ways to
There are many examples of this type of
documented sensitivity of certain biologics differentiate a product through the packaging
lifecycle management with established
to silicone oil, tungsten, and other materials and delivery systems. There are several
products, as well as examples of newer drugs
is driving the need to select systems reasons the relationship should start early.
whereby the company may choose to launch
carefully at an early stage of development. First is to ensure that packaging is right for
in a more sophisticated system, rather than
The recalls highlight several issues that the drug product. Packaging can be a huge
in a vial format.
may occur when glass is used within a factor in the success of a drug product
In many cases, and particularly when
prefillable system. Breakage, delamination, getting through the regulatory approval
large molecule biologics are concerned, the
and particulate have resulted in a significant process smoothly and to the market quickly.
prefilled syringe system may not be an
increase in costly recalls of drug product. In How the product is going to be delivered Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
adequate match for the delivery device,
2011, lots of dexamathasone sodium should be determined based on the clinical
which can lead to safety issues, such as
phosphate and sodium bicarbonate were application. This will help the company
breakage when using glass syringes or
recalled after the drug manufacturer detected understand what type of primary packaging
incomplete delivery of highly viscous
glass particulate within the vials. Particulate is needed, and how that packaging will fit
products. Here, early planning and a stronger
contamination was also cited in the recall of with the delivery system. Ideally, the same
focus on the lifecycle management of the
lots of liver injury treatment in 2010. Glass material should be used for containment
containment system can be key to ensuring
delamination, which produces siliceous from research through to commercialization.
the earliest product launch with lower risk,
flakes, was the cause of a massive recall of Proper packaging can have an effect on
no matter what format is selected by the
certain lots of anemia drugs. In 2006, certain successful development and registration.
drug company. By ensuring a good fit early
lots of a drug product delivered by an auto- While the focus of the regulatory bodies may
in the development process, pharmaceutical
injector that contained a glass prefilled be on the drug itself, the reality is that when
companies can essentially build increased
syringe were recalled in several European that drug hits the market, it arrives inside a
compliance and ease of transition to devices
countries because of problems with slow or container closure system. Selecting the right
55-59-DD&D March 2011-Injectable Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:06 PM Page 58


system early in the process can help those with dexterity issues. Such devices may can be an area of concern for caregivers,
manufacturers not only differentiate their have both sight and sound signals to aid end family members, and downstream disposal
product in a crowded market, but also users who may have trouble determining and safety. Much of the focus for self-
increase the chances of a successful move to when the dose has been given fully, thus injection devices has been on reducing
market. aiding in compliance. Recent innovations in anxiety for the patient through improved
Often, the goal is to move from a devices have also incorporated electronics as needle technology and injection devices that
vial/stopper system to a prefilled syringe a means of providing instant user instructions, can reduce needle phobia by hiding the
system. Here again, early consideration to in cases of rarely used emergency treatments, needle both before and after injection (such as
container closure and drug delivery systems or as a means of aiding compliance. West’s ConfiDose® auto-injector system).
can mitigate risk. Use of a consistent material Diabetic insulin is available in multiple Other areas of treatment require needle-
throughout the drug’s lifecycle can minimize formats, including syringes, pens, and pumps. free systems. For example, when treating
risk. For example, cyclic olefin polymers, As these devices become more complex, hemophilia, needle-free systems and devices
such as Daikyo Crystal Zenith® packaging many utilize electronic feedback to ensure have been used extensively to eliminate
systems, provide a break-resistant, silicone- patient compliance. Information about the needles during the reconstitution process. Use
free solution that can be molded in a variety medication can be downloaded from the pen of vial adapters, needleless transfer devices,
of shapes and sizes. Already well established or pump directly to the caregiver. A physician and diluent-filled Luer lock syringes have
in the global market as a primary container can then determine quickly and easily if the helped to eliminate dangerous needles from
for approved drug products, Daikyo Crystal patient has been following his or her the reconstitution process and create a safer
Zenith packaging systems provide an medication schedule. Linking diagnosis to environment for those suffering from
excellent alternative to glass that can be used treatment, in conditions such as diabetes, is hemophilia.
throughout the drug’s lifecycle. Having the also becoming a more active area in terms of
same material for bulk storage, vials, and device development.
prefillable syringe systems provides SOLUTIONS THROUGH NEW
consistent functionality and minimizes the TECHNOLOGY
material contamination risk as the drug moves SAFER FOR CAREGIVERS
from research to clinical trials to & END USERS New technologies and novel materials,
commercialization. This is especially such as Daikyo Crystal Zenith, are helping to
important for biopharmaceuticals, which may Devices can be designed to aid not only make delivery system decisions easier and
react with particulate from silicone-oil and in patient compliance, but also patient and more effective for both the pharmaceutical
tungsten contamination. provider safety. In recent years, there has manufacturer and the end user. By developing
been an increased focus on needlestick safety. a thorough understanding of the drug’s
According to the National Institute for intended use and the patient’s needs,
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

DESIGNED FOR INCREASED Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), packaging manufacturers can lend their
PATIENT COMPLIANCE & SAFETY approximately 600,000 to 800,000 needlestick expertise to pharmaceutical manufacturers to
injuries occur annually in the US. These develop a package that differentiates the drug
Many pharmaceutical companies have injuries carry the risk of serious infection in the market and helps to ensure that the
advanced devices capable of increasing from diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis. patient’s needs are met. The key goal remains
patient compliance. Treatment for diseases, New technologies include passive the safety and effectiveness of the drug
such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis, are systems, such as West’s NovaGuardTM safety product, and a thorough knowledge of
prime for device use. In many cases, a range needle and the erisTM safety syringe system*, potential interactions with packaging,
of device options is available to support a that allow for safer injection without altering combined with an intimate knowledge of the
single drug. the caregiver’s administration technique in the regulatory and quality environment, is key in
For example, a single drug used to treat hospital and clinical setting. this area.
multiple sclerosis may be available in a ready- In the home care setting, although When designing a delivery solution,
to-use, pre-measured, prefilled syringe. In needlestick prevention has not been a pharmaceutical companies must consider the
addition, an auto-injector may be available for significant issue for self-injecting patients, it end user. This is increasingly important as
55-59-DD&D March 2011-Injectable Delivery_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:06 PM Page 59


devices are designed to be safe and effective, or other device. The insert-needle version
but also easy-to-use for those patients who also is produced without the use of adhesives BIOGRAPHY
may have limited dexterity, and who may not or tungsten, and a high level of built-in
be medically trained. For example, West has quality through novel manufacturing
created an internal group that focuses on techniques supported by multiple in-line
early stage concept development that works inspections, thereby ensuring the optimum
closely with outside partner Insight Product container for sensitive biologic products,
Development, a group of industrial designers particularly when used with an injection
who help determine a product’s external look device, such as an auto-injector.
and feel and fully understand the needs of the In addition, cyclic olefin polymers, such
patient and administrator (often the same as Daikyo Crystal Zenith, offer customers the
person). Creative concepts can be impractical benefits of low extractables, break-resistance,
if they are not combined with a fundamental and high quality in a vial or syringe system.
knowledge of how a device can be Daikyo Crystal Zenith material can be
engineered, produced, assembled, and linked molded into complex shapes, an advantage
to the primary container. West provides a over glass. Pharmaceutical companies can
fully integrated process from initial patient select a Daikyo Crystal Zenith containment
Mr. Graham Reynolds joined West in 1980 as
needs through to manufacture, always with a solution for the lifecycle of their drug, from
thorough knowledge of the requirements of development through to commercialization. a Polymer Technologist, and throughout his
the drug product, which we believe is critical When coupled with an auto-injector, such as career with West, has held a range of
to ensuring that drug products can be West’s ConfiDose auto-injector system, positions with increasing responsibility. In his
launched effectively with an optimum which works well with all syringes and high- current role as Vice President, Innovation
packaging and delivery system. viscosity drugs, pharmaceutical companies
Strategic Marketing, Mr. Reynolds works
A range of new technologies is now have a unique, easy-to-use product that is
within the Delivery Systems business
available to meet the many challenges of the safe for patients.
pharmaceutical market. In the area of By working with a packaging provider segment, where he leads initiatives and

prefillable syringe systems, West offers the who has an intimate knowledge of the develops strategies for future growth,
first silicone-oil-free product on the market, regulatory and quality requirements of the including the acquisition and development of
the ready-to-use Daikyo Crystal Zenith medical field, pharmaceutical manufacturers new technologies that enhance the West
prefillable syringe system. One of the reasons will increase their ability to create a novel
portfolio. His activities include work on key
customers choose the Daikyo Crystal Zenith device that establishes the drug product as a
strategic areas involving injection devices,
syringe system is because it offers much less leader in the market. Differentiation through
safety and administration systems, auto-
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
variability in functionality than traditional delivery system technology, as well as advice
glass systems. Coupled with a plunger with from a partner with experience and injectors, and prefillable syringes. In 2005,
Daikyo Flurotec® barrier film, the Crystal understanding of the drug packaging industry Mr. Reynolds relocated to the US from Europe,
Zenith syringe system does not require and end-user needs will not only aid in where he was responsible for European
siliconization, which leads to variability and product compliance, but also may help get Marketing and led the integration of the
can affect the gliding performance of the products to market faster.
acquired technologies from West subsidiary,
plunger. With a prefillable syringe system, *The erisTM safety syringe system is not currently available in the US.
MediMop. His experience within the core West
gliding performance can have a major impact All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of West
when you place the system into a device, Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., in the United States and other business has been complemented by several
jurisdictions, unless otherwise noted.
such as an auto-injector, which relies on the years of work in the field of devices and
Daikyo Crystal Zenith® and Daikyo Flurotec® are registered
complete delivery of a drug from a syringe. trademarks of Daikyo Seiko, Ltd.
delivery systems. Mr. Reynolds holds a degree
Gliding force, drug viscosity, and in Polymer Technology from Trowbridge
Crystal Zenith and Flurotec technologies are licensed from Daikyo
siliconization consistency can be factors in Seiko, Ltd.
College, UK.
ensuring reliable dosing from an auto-injector
60-63 DD&D March 2011-DDE Centero_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:07 PM Page 60


ith nearly 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and CRO industries, Dr.
Troy W. McCall has been responsible for product development, regulatory, sales and
Troy W. McCall, PhD business strategies that span all phases and many functional areas of the drug
Chief Executive development continuum. Leadership roles involving the development and implementation of
Officer services, processes, and technologies to enhance drug delivery, clinical trial conduct, and data
accuracy have shaped his perspectives on opportunities to improve the efficiency of clinical
Cetero Research research. Shortly after his appointment as Cetero Research’s CEO in January 2010, the company
embarked on a series of study design and operational execution approaches that focus on
efficient, expedited delivery of high-quality data. Cetero Research specializes in clinical
“Pharmaceutical and pharmacology, bioanalytical and scientific affairs for pharmaceutical, biotechnology
biotechnology companies
and generic organizations. Dr. McCall recently spoke to Drug Development & Delivery about
are re-examining all
innovative advancements to address drug development challenges and how CROs must build
aspects of their
businesses due to the
capabilities and expertise to offer value to sponsors in a constantly evolving, yet uncertain
decline in research and industry environment.
development (R&D)
Q: What are the biggest challenges The pressure to bring drugs to market faster
productivity, looming
patent expiration, and drug companies currently face? is greater than ever before. In turn, it is
diminishing sales of important for drug companies to narrow their
drugs. These challenges focus and identify which drug candidates are
A: Pharmaceutical and biotechnology
are forcing companies to
companies are re-examining all aspects of their the most viable early in the development
Vol 11 No 2

work outside the

businesses due to the decline in research and process.
traditional paradigms of
drug discovery and development (R&D) productivity, looming Sponsors can help manage these challenges
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011

development. Part of patent expirations, and diminishing sales of by investing more wisely in early-phase clinical
these changes include development, which is the most efficient stage
drugs. These challenges are forcing companies
an increase in R&D
to work outside the traditional paradigms of to determine viability. More robust trial designs
outsourcing to drive
greater productivity in a drug discovery and development. Part of these at this stage can significantly improve the speed
shorter period of time changes includes an increase in R&D and cost of the entire development process by
with fewer internal outsourcing to drive greater productivity in a more efficiently answering questions about the
resources.” viability of a drug candidate. Efficient study
shorter period of time with fewer internal
resources. conduct combined with advanced scientific
60-63 DD&D March 2011-DDE Centero_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:07 PM Page 61

techniques can provide better Using an experienced CRO can ascending dose (MAD), preliminary
decision-making and reduce the expedite a drug candidate through the drug-drug interaction and patient
probability of costly later-stage drug development process, gaining proof-of-concept into one study. This
failures. the necessary information needed to can reduce the time it takes to gain
make key go/no-go decisions. While proof-of-concept in half and reduce
this is particularly true for smaller study costs by more than 10 percent.
companies that may have limited
Q: What can Contract
resources and expertise, even large TIMELINES NEEDED TO ACHIEVE
Research Organizations
companies have seen clear and FIRST-TO-FILE: The rate-limiting step
(CROs) do to be better
measurable advantages in outsourcing of first-to-file applications for a
clinical trials to CRO partners. An generic product is the bioequivalence
experienced CRO can help streamline studies that must be completed for
A: CROs have become an integral
a sponsor’s program, allowing most products. The typical timeline
part of drug development as sponsors
multiple studies to be completed in a for the bioequivalence studies ranges
cut their internal capabilities to better
shorter timeline. from 56 to 63 days from dosing to
control costs and improve overall
CROs need to think beyond the final reports. Using a suite of
R&D productivity. CROs frequently
traditional fee-for-service approach services, dedicated lab capacity,
have a much wider range of scientific
and collaborate with their clients to enhanced project management, and
expertise from conducting thousands
develop innovative study designs, clinic resources that are bundled
of studies, and thus can often
development approaches, and together and strategically prioritized,
recommend and develop protocols
contracting agreements that help Cetero has developed a process that
that accomplish sponsors’ multiple
speed development and facilitate can condense the standard timeline to
goals and objectives. This improves
decision-making and timelines for 28 days or less. We recently began
efficiency and brings innovation to
key milestones in product offering this timeline as a premium
the clinical trial process.
development. A few brief scenarios of service offering for clients with first-
Like any good partnership,
how contracting and design to-file market opportunities.
finding the right match between the
innovation can accelerate critical
sponsor and CRO is important. Every
timelines include the following:
Vol 11 No 2
CRO has its own unique strengths
Contracting flexibility and scientific
and weaknesses. It is important for
ACCELERATED PROOF-OF-CONCEPT: collaboration in areas where
sponsor companies to properly
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011

An innovative approach to cost and standards are still evolving is critical.

evaluate the CRO to ensure that their
time-savings is accelerating the path CROs must develop or acquire the
needs and the CRO’s capabilities are
to proof-of-concept by combining internal expertise to work closely
aligned. Key accepted assessment
multiple studies into one protocol. with sponsors in exploratory areas,
criteria include relevant corporate
For example, Cetero’s Accelerated such as biomarker development and
therapeutic experience, personnel
Proof-of-Concept approach offers one applications in clinical trials. This
qualifications and experience,
study design that combines a single also requires multidisciplinary
regulatory history and performance
ascending dose (SAD), a multiple collaboration across key functional
60-63 DD&D March 2011-DDE Centero_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:07 PM Page 62

areas, scientific affairs, medical participants. combining clinical, regulatory, and

affairs, laboratory operations, and Tools and approaches to improve commercial considerations to establish
biostatistics. strategic decision-making in early critical path activities and identify key
product development must be milestones.
Q: What trends and new implemented. This includes advanced Current practices we see more
developments do you see on population pharmacokinetic/ often include design approaches that
the horizon for the year pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling provide more informative data or
ahead? and analysis and adaptive statistical improve study efficiency, such as
designs. Having a better understanding accelerated proof-of-concept and
A: Key trends that will continue to of the PK/PD relationship early in adaptive designs.
aid R&D efficiency gains in early- development will maximize the
phase drug development include chance of success in later Q: How do you recruit
access to patients and using that access development. participants for clinical
to perform early clinical studies in Recent Cetero projects research?
patients rather than healthy incorporated pharmacodynamic
participants, which provides the ability measurements in addition to A: Cetero’s clinical pharmacology
to reach proof-of-concept faster. CROs pharmacokinetic measurements in units have a proven and successful
must also offer the ability to develop early phase studies. Using track-record of using a variety of
and quickly implement protocol- pharmacodynamic measures, it may be local media for effective
specific recruitment strategies that possible to demonstrate that the recruitment. Most efforts involve a
achieve target enrollment and retention compound should work as intended, targeted mix of radio, television,
rates. increasing the chance of success in print advertisements, and internet.
Recognizing the importance of later development. Recruitment efforts take several
patient access is vital. For example, Technologies and standards to forms.
Cetero has made investments in Phase support vaccines and biologics General advertising educates
I facilities that provide access to an development, ranging from assay potential participants about the
extensive mix of populations in development to supportive logistics for breadth of studies, typical duration,
multiple locations across North clinical studies, is paramount. Another and associated schedules, such as
Vol 11 No 2

America to meet the growing demand recent Cetero project involving a availability of studies requiring
for more diverse study volunteer vaccine has spanned more than one weekday, multi-day, or weekend
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011

populations as well as inclusion and year based upon the novel study stays. Study-specific advertising
exclusion requirements. Across the design. Up-front work focused on targets specific groups of people
industry, CROs and sponsors are biomarker measurement, control of with a brief message about the
seeking to broaden their access to sample integrity, and testing of the purpose of the study, age groups,
patients through collaborations with intended clinical response. and/or gender requirements.
medical centers, patient organizations, Also important is integrated Advertising for special populations,
and specialty clinics. These efforts can program planning – determining ways such as the elderly or post-
be supported through maintenance of to reach the goal faster through an menopausal women will involve
an active research database of potential integrated development approach, targeted media and/or select
60-63 DD&D March 2011-DDE Centero_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:07 PM Page 63

community placements. Working includes explaining the function of have a lower systemic exposure than a
with local investigator sites and the Principal Investigator and tablet taken orally, but the local
physician networks to recruit and Institutional Review Board, and concentration within the nasal mucosa
screen patients, but with the study monitoring procedures in place will be higher. Therefore, the safety
conduct within one central clinical during the conduct of a study. measure for a nasal spray will be more
site. Community outreach is another Risks and benefits. All focused on the local effects rather than
method. Offering free health investigational and approved drug systemic effects. Also, because a nasal
screenings provides an opportunity products have risks. This includes a spray will be administered to healthy
for potential participants to learn full explanation of potential side subjects as well as those with
more about clinical research and effects or adverse events, even if congestion, regulators often ask for the
specific study opportunities. temporary in nature, needs to be pharmacokinetics to be examined in
One of the keys to recruiting and communicated clearly. volunteers with and without nasal
retaining participants is the ability In each of Cetero’s locations, we congestion.
to set expectations at the beginning make community-based efforts to Transdermal delivery systems, such
of a study. Participants must be help increase public awareness and as patches, are designed to remain on
clearly informed about what understanding of clinical trials. the skin for an extended period of time.
happens during a clinical study and Due to the potential for irritation or
what to expect in terms of their sensitization from this long-term
involvement. The more details that Q: Do certain dosage contact, specific studies are required to
are given, the better prepared the forms (i.e., nasal sprays, demonstrate whether this will happen
participant will be, but the study patches, injections) present with the experimental dosage form.
administration team has to ensure any special challenges (or As one of the drawbacks for vaccine is
the participant comprehends the the requirement for subcutaneous
advantages) for clinical
details given. The key topics to injections, many companies are looking
trial testing?
cover include duration of the study at sublingual dosing alternatives. These
and follow-up, how long the study studies present a variety of challenges,
A: Nearly all dosage forms present
will last, the timing of the visits and including the duration of the study. Just
their own challenges for running
flexibility, if any, in the timing and as a vaccine is intended to lead to years
Vol 11 No 2

successful clinical trials. A one-size-

the consequences for missing or of benefit, the length of studies is often
fits-all approach does not work for
being late to a visit. one year or longer.
clinical development, especially as there
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011

Study conduct. This includes the In general, before entering into a

is a transition between different delivery
treatment and control groups, the clinical development program for a
technologies. Each type of delivery
type of procedures involved, and drug to be delivered via a novel
system, such as a nasal spray, altered
how the treatment will be delivered, technology, it is important to take the
dosage form, or extended-release tablet,
particularly if invasive procedures time to ensure the program is designed
will alter how the clinical trial needs to
will be used. to address the questions that will be
be designed in order to establish safety
Participants need to know about unique to that delivery system. u
and efficacy of the product.
the controls in place that ensure no
As an example, a nasal spray will
one is put at undue risk. This
64-69 DDD March 2011-Tech Showcase_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:11 PM Page 64


Avantor Performance Materials
renamed its Mallinckrodt® Chemicals
product line MacronTM Chemicals,
effective March 7, 2011. The name
change does not involve any product
or manufacturing changes. The
Macron Chemicals product line,
identical to the previous Mallinckrodt
line, includes high-purity solvents,
Companies worldwide look to 3M Drug Delivery Systems for ingenious
acids, salts, minerals, and sugars.
transdermal systems and components as well as manufacturing
Macron brand products are produced
solutions to help accelerate development and enable success. 3M can
in the same facilities under the same
fulfill all your transdermal delivery needs, including new microneedle
manufacturing processes, and share
technology. 3M’s microneedle platform, Microstructured Transdermal
the same product numbers, names,
Systems (MTS) leverage core 3M competencies to expand the range of
and code numbers as the previous
transdermally deliverable drugs to include proteins, peptides, and
Mallinckrodt brand products. Avantor products have a legacy of safety and
vaccines. MTS can also deliver significant benefits over injection,
trust, with a 140-year tradition for delivering the highest standards of
including improved delivery efficiency and faster absorption of some
quality, purity, and consistency. Today, Macron Chemical’s focus is on
drugs and vaccines as well as the potential to induce similar maximum
providing products for cGMP pharmaceutical production and everyday
drug concentrations at a significantly lower dose. Please view our latest
laboratory use in environmental testing, university research, and industrial
poster presentation, The Transdermal Delivery of Human Growth
manufacturing. For more information visit Avantor Performance Materials
Hormone, at www.3M.com/tddpublications. For more information, call
at www.avantormaterials.com/macron-DDD.
3M DDS at (800) 643-8086 (US) or visit www.3M.com/MTS.


Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Aveva has a number of products for license from its development BD Medical - Pharmaceutical Systems provides high-quality, customized,
pipeline along with a full complement of R&D capabilities to produce clinically proven drug delivery systems and self-injection technologies to
transdermal drug delivery systems that fortify pipelines and maximize help pharmaceutical and biotechnology customers’ injectable drugs reach
product life cycles. Aveva Drug Delivery Systems is one of the world’s their full potential. BD has over 100 years of experience in manufacturing
largest manufacturers of, and a pioneer in, transdermal drug delivery and processing technology for parenteral drug delivery systems and has
systems with a rich history of providing pharmaceutical partners with developed an in-depth understanding of the pharmaceutical industry’s
fully integrated, controlled-release transdermal products that fulfill requirements. BD has leveraged this experience when developing
unmet market needs. Products for licensing include Sufentanil, advanced drug delivery systems that span from small-scale clinical
Fentanyl, Clonidine, and Nicotine. For more information, contact Robert through large-scale commercial programs. With a broad range of
Bloder, VP of Business Development, at (954) 624-1374 or visit innovative systems and services, BD Medical - Pharmaceutical Systems
www.avevadds.com. provides pharmaceutical companies with support and resources to help
them achieve their goals. For more information, contact BD at (800) 225-
3310 or visit www.bd.com/pharmaceuticals.
64-69 DDD March 2011-Tech Showcase_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:11 PM Page 65


Designed to allow
formulation scientists
the ability to better
exploit the potential of
formulations for
poorly soluble
compounds, the CFS Catalent Pharma Solutions is a world leader in patented drug delivery
1200 helps technologies. For more than 70 years, we have developed and
accelerate the manufactured advanced drug delivery systems and partnered with nearly
development every major global pharmaceutical company. We continually work to
timeframe and achieve Faster Time to First in Man. A fully automatic advance the science of drug delivery and enhance the therapeutic and
cGMP-compliant machine, it fills and seals up to 1,200 capsules per market performance of our customers’ drugs. Our advanced drug delivery
hour with liquid or semi-solid formulations without banding. It is technologies bring new options to resolve the technical challenges
designed for ease-of-use and high reliability, with the ability to quickly development scientists face every day. These patented technologies can
clean and change capsule sizes with available change parts. Product improve the odds of successful formulation by enhancing bioavailability,
integrity is ensured with gentle handling of capsules before sealing and optimizing the rate of release, and targeting the site of absorption. Our
during the drying cycle. Other features include a robust filling pump with technologies include softgel and Vegicaps® Soft capsules; Zydis® fast-
highly accurate temperature control, improved capsule manipulation dissolve dosage form; modified-release technologies; and a range of
before sealing and during drying using new “Cap-edge” handling inhaled technologies, including MDIs, DPIs, nasal sprays, and
system, and improved design of filling and sealing process that ensures solutions/suspensions for inhalation, nebulizers, and liquid inhalers. For
better control and cleanability. Fore more information, contact Capsugel more information, contact Catalent Pharma Solutions at (866) 720-3148
at (888) 783-6361 or visit www.capsugel.com. or visit www.catalent.com.


Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
is a specialty
company focused on
the development and
commercialization of
drugs specifically Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2
designed to address
limitations of current
therapies in selected
established markets. We have developed a portfolio of product
candidates utilizing our drug formulation technology (Captisol ® DPT is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO)
cyclodextrins),which are a patent protected, specifically modified specializing in semi-solid and liquid dosage forms. DPT provides fully
family of cyclodextrins designed to improve solubility, stability, integrated development, manufacturing, and packaging solutions for
bioavailability, safety, and/or dosing of a number of APIs. To maximize biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical products. DPT is the industry
our internal resources, experience, and technology, we are focusing on source for semi-solid and liquids — from concept to commercialization
the development and commercialization of product candidates for use and beyond. Drug development services range from preformulation,
in the acute care hospital setting. For those product candidates that formulation and biopharmaceutical development, analytical development,
likely will entail more extensive deve lopment and commercialization and validation through process development. Production capabilities
efforts, we partner with established pharma companies. We also include four cGMP facilities, clinical trial materials, full-scale commercial
outlicense our Captisol technology to third parties. For more production, controlled substance registration Class II-V, and complete
information, contact CyDex at (913) 685-8850 or visit supply chain management. Packaging services encompass engineering
www.cydexpharma.com. and procurement resources necessary for conventional and specialized 65
packaging. For more information, contact DPT at (866) CALL-DPT or visit
64-69 DDD March 2011-Tech Showcase_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:11 PM Page 66


Evonik Industries is a global market
leader in specialty chemicals, offering a
broad portfolio of products and services
to meet the drug delivery challenges of
the pharmaceutical market. Evonik
Pharma Polymers manufactures
EUDRAGIT® acrylic polymers used for
enteric, sustained-release, and
protective formulations. The unique
functionality of EUDRAGIT polymers can
also meet high sophisticated drug
delivery requirements (eg, pulsed drug Gateway Analytical provides quality analytical testing and consulting
release). We have adapted our services services to the pharmaceutical, forensics, and material science
to meet the requirements of the industries. Our company takes a forensic approach to scientific
pharmaceutical industry’s value chain. problem-solving, blending forensic examination practices with standard
As a result, we are able to support our and innovative analytical methods to get to the root of pharmaceutical
customers in the development process issues. With more than 15 years of experience, you can rely on our
to bring products safely and quickly to expertise in product and process development, non-conformance and
the market. From excipients supply to failure investigations, foreign particulate identification, and more to help
the development of custom tailored solve your toughest challenges. Trust Gateway Analytical to be an
drug delivery solutions, our customers benefit from our knowledge and extension of your own lab, providing personal attention, high-quality
expertise. For more information, contact Evonik Degussa Corp., Pharma results, scientific talent, and technical expertise to help you get the job
Polymers at (732) 981-5383 or visit www.eudragit.com. done. For more information, contact Gateway Analytical at (724) 443-
1900 or visit www.gatewayanalytical.com.


Services recently
announced a
scale cGMP
capacity at its
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

New Jersey facility for tablet and capsule production. High Shear Wet
and Fluid Bed Granulating/Drying, Tablet Compression and Pan
Haselmeier is a leading designer and manufacturer of pens and
Coating, Wurster HS ® Pelletizing and Coating, CPS Technology® Direct
autoinjectors for injectable pharmaceuticals with more than four decades
Pelletizing, Oven Tray Drying/Curing, Blending, Milling, and Sieving &
of experience. Combining technology, function, and design, Haselmeier
QC production capabilities have all been added. The facility is organic
offers innovative and flexible platform technologies of disposable and re-
solvent or aqueous and DEA-controlled substance (CII-CV) capable
usable self-injection delivery systems with many featuring a unique
with unrivaled Quality, Expertise, and Customer Care. For more
hidden needle design. Working with pharmaceutical companies worldwide
information, contact Glatt Pharmaceutical Services at (201) 825-6327
Haselmeier develops injection devices of outstanding quality and
or visit www.glatt.com.
performance to ensure comfortable and safe injections and meet the
requirements of the product and patient. For more information, contact
Haselmeier at [email protected] or visit www.haselmeier.com.

64-69 DDD March 2011-Tech Showcase_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:11 PM Page 67


Henkel's proprietary InnerCap offers an advanced patented
PROLOCTM Bioadhesive multi-phased, multi-
is ideal for buccal compartmentalized capsular-based
delivery and provides delivery system. The system can be
a superior means to used to enhance the value and
deliver therapeutic benefits of pharmaceutical and
agents locally or biopharmaceutical products. Utilizing
across mucosal two-piece hard shell capsules, the
membranes for technology offers the industry
systemic delivery. solutions to problems affecting
Products formulated pharmaceutical companies, patients,
with PROLOC Bioadhesive adhere within seconds and remain adhered and healthcare providers. The delivery
until fully eroded. No backing layer is required. Additional benefits include system will be licensed to enhance
increased bioadhesive properties and capacity for higher drug loading for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical
hydrophilic or hydrophobic drugs, while remaining gentle to the mucosa. products. It is a very effective way to
The material can be compressed into a tablet, utilized as a powder, cast deliver multiple active chemical compounds in different physical phases
as a film, or incorporated into a film-forming composition. PROLOC with controlled-release profiles. The delivery system provides the
Bioadhesives provide an avenue for delivery of new drug molecules or pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries with beneficial solutions
for redirection of existing drugs, offering a viable answer to your life to the industry’s highly publicized need to repackage and reformulate
cycle management strategy. For more information, contact Henkel at existing patented blockbuster drugs with expiring patents over the next 5
(908) 685-5317 or [email protected]. years. For more information, contact InnerCap Technologies, Inc., at (813)
837-0796 or visit www.innercap.com.


Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Founded in 1991, Particle Sciences is an integrated provider of both PharmaCircle is an innovative knowledge management company
standard and nanotechnology approaches to drug development and specializing in the drug delivery, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology fields,
delivery. Through a combination of preformulation, formulation, with a current client base ranging from start-up life science companies to
analytic, bioanalytic, and manufacturing services, Particle Sciences world leaders in Big Pharma. Clients choose PharmaCircle’s services and
provides clients with a powerful, integrated solution to most efficiently content for its comprehensive technical (pipeline, products, molecule, and
take a drug from discovery to the clinic. Each project has a dedicated technology) and business (deals, acquisitions, royalty, licensing, drug
team and leader to manage the project from start to finish. With years revenues, market information, etc) related information and analysis, which
of experience to draw upon, Particle Sciences can confidently handle are ideal for all segments of small and large companies. PharmaCircle
difficult APIs, complicated intellectual property terrains, and helps facilitate product life cycle management (LCM), partnering,
challenging delivery goals to arrive at the simplest, most efficient licensing, and competitive intelligence efforts as well as supplements
solution to the client's needs. For more information, contact Particl e internal efforts and costs at a fraction of the cost if performed internally.
Sciences at (610) 861-4701 or visit www.particlesciences.com. For more information, contact PharmaCircle at (847) 729-2960 or visit

64-69 DDD March 2011-Tech Showcase_Layout 1 2/25/11 12:11 PM Page 68


Unilife Medical Solutions has
a range of prefilled and
clinical safety syringes
suitable for pharmaceutical
companies, healthcare
facilities, and patients who
self-administer prescription
medication. Our products
UPM Pharmaceuticals® is an independent provider of contract
incorporate passive and fully
formulation development, analytical services, and cGMP manufacturing.
integrated safety features
We continue a legacy of intellectual distinction and uncompromising
that can help customers
performance with every new project. The talent and experience of our
comply with needlestick
team, our dedication to science-based formulation design, and our
prevention laws and encourage single-use and safe disposal practices
commitment to communication and timeliness enables us to offer the
outside of healthcare settings. The products feature a passive (automated)
highest level of customized drug development services. Our 30,000-sq-
needle retraction mechanism allowing operators to control the speed of
ft main facility in Baltimore features cGMP pharmaceutical
needle retraction directly from the body into the barrel of the syringe. The
manufacturing and packaging suites as well as analytical and R&D
Unilife Ready-to-Fill Syringe features a glass barrel and is compatible with
laboratories staffed by industry veterans. Whatever form your product
the manufacturing procedures used to fill standard prefilled syringes. The
takes, we ensure rigorous and technically sound product
Unitract 1-mL Insulin Syringe is FDA certified and now being
characterization, methods development, and QC release. Our clients
manufactured in the PA facility. For more information, contact Unilife at
enjoy service that is highly responsive and fast with total quality
(717) 938-9323 or visit www.unilife.com.
management characteristic of a customer-focused business. For more
information, contact UPM Pharmaceuticals at 410-843-3738 or visit


You need prefillable
syringe systems and
components designed to
compete in an evolving
industry. You need the
management, expertise,
and support of a
manufacturer capable of
creating systems and
Drug Delivery Technology March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

Cook Pharmica is a biopharmaceutical contract development and

components that will
manufacturing organization (CDMO) with process development, clinical
mitigate risk and
and bulk drug substance manufacturing, formulation development, clinical
differentiate your
and commercial parenteral drug product manufacturing (including liquid
product. You need West. Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers
and lyophilized vials, prefilled syringes, and secondary packaging), and an
trust West to provide prefillable syringe systems and components that help
array of supported services all at a single facility in Bloomington, IN.
bring products to market safely, reliably, and with the integrity you’ve
Founded in 2004, Cook Pharmica is a division of Cook Medical, the
come to expect from West. Our global technical expertise and services
world’s largest privately held medical manufacturing company. For more
provide solutions that are true to our core goal of reducing regulatory risk
information, contact Cook Pharmica at (877) 312-2665 or visit
while ensuring quality and patient safety. So you can rest easy. Pictured
above is West’s prefillable syringe solutions that include the Daikyo Crustal
Zenith® 1-mL long insert needle syringe system. For more information,
contact West at (800) 345-9800 or visit www.WestPFSsolutions.com.

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Partnership Spotlight
RXi & EyeGate Set Their Sights
on the Retinal Disease Market
By: Cindy H. Dubin, Contributor
Mr. Noah Beerman Mr. Stephen From
President & CEO President & CEO
RXi Pharmaceuticals EyeGate Pharma

phthalmic drugs constitute a prominent segment of the Dr. Craig Mello, and the company’s intellectual property position in
global pharmaceutical market, with sales of more than $14 RNAi chemistry and delivery.
billion in 2009, according to a new report, World And, Mr. From highlighted the fact that EyeGate Pharma is the
Ophthalmic Pharmaceutical Market 2010-2025. Eye diseases are only company to have successfully used iontophoresis to safely and
common worldwide and range from relatively mild conditions like effectively deliver medication to both the anterior and posterior
allergic conjunctivitis to vision-threatening conditions, such as segments of the human eye.
macular degeneration. A large prevalence rate, combined with a high
unmet medical need for many sight-threatening ocular diseases, Q: What are the unmet needs of the ophthalmic
provides major opportunities in this sector as seen with the recent market, and how will your collaboration meet
success of Genentech’s Lucentis for macular degeneration. these needs?
According to the report, beginning in 2010, novel drugs from
small-molecule anti-infectives to complex biological molecules will Mr. Beerman: There are significant opportunities in the
appear. These treatments will harness a range of drug delivery ocular market, particularly in retinal disease, for breakthrough
systems. Expected future benefits include restoration of vision and products. We have the potential to develop next-generation
the cessation of vision loss, with high potential gains for developers. treatments and/or improve upon existing therapies, and this
Success in the market will be characterized by products with superior collaboration with EyeGate will help us explore a route of
efficacy, safety, and tolerability. Emerging technologies that increase administration that satisfies the needs of the doctor and the needs of
clinical effectiveness and/or patient compliance will be particularly the patient. Our work in RNA interference, for which our founder
important therapeutically and commercially. won the Nobel Prize, is a natural mechanism where short, double-
RXi Pharmaceuticals is a leader in RNAi-based therapeutic stranded RNA molecules interfere with the expression of genes in
discovery and development with a therapeutic platform that includes living cells.
both RNA interference (RNAi) compounds and delivery methods. Many drugs on the market today are repositioned drugs not
The company is leveraging this broad and integrated RNAi specifically developed for ophthalmic diseases. We are developing a
therapeutic platform to build a pipeline of RNAi therapeutics for new class of therapy that has the potential to be broadly applicable to
Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

treating several disease areas, including retinal disorders. RXi multiple therapeutic areas, including diseases of the eye.
recently partnered with EyeGate Pharma to evaluate administration
of its RNAi compounds via the EyeGate drug delivery system, which Mr. From: There have been very few drugs approved in the
is based on iontophoresis. This is an active method of drug delivery area of retinal disease, and Lucentis is one. We want to give patients
in which an electrical field created by a low-level of electrical and doctors a treatment tool that as yet does not exist for retinal
current is applied to an ionizable substance or drug particle in order disease. Despite material advances in ophthalmic medicine in recent
to increase its mobility across a biological membrane. decades, there remains significant opportunity to improve patient
In a recent interview with Drug Development & Delivery, Mr. care, lower cost of services, and treat sizable unmet medical needs.
Noah Beerman, President and CEO of RXi Pharmaceuticals, and Mr. As life expectancy increases, so does the incidence of ophthalmic
Stephen From, President and CEO of EyeGate Pharma, discussed disease, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic
why they believe their companies are well positioned to compete retinopathy.
successfully in the ophthalmologic market. Mr. Beerman cited RXi’s The collaboration with RXi will explore the use of our
next-generation therapeutic platform, experienced management team, iontophoresis technology to deliver RXi’s “self-delivering” rxRNATM
70 accomplished Scientific Advisory Board, including Nobel Laureate, (or sd-rxRNATM) compounds to the eye in preclinical models.
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Iontophoresis delivers a drug across a (transmitted across the sclera, or white length of the therapeutic effect, we have seen
biological barrier, such as the ocular surface protective outer membrane of the eye) effective target silencing in the retina with
into the eye. Once inside the eye, we believe iontophoresis delivery platform, the sd-rxRNA compounds for several weeks.
the sd-rxRNA compounds will access retinal EyeGate® II Delivery System, was designed This critical result demonstrates that the
cells, and by virtue of their self-delivering by engineers and ophthalmologists and is ability of sd-rxRNAs to enter cells in the
properties, will enter these cells and silence based on more than 10 years of research and retina is significantly improved over
disease-causing genes. development, providing a strong body of conventional siRNAs. The use of sd-rxRNAs
scientific and proof-of-concept data. may change the landscape of ocular
Q: What segment of the retinal The system consists of two parts: A oligonucleotide-based therapeutics, enabling
disease market are your efforts reusable battery-powered generator and a rapid discovery and validation of a range of
being focused? disposable applicator that contains the drug. novel therapeutic targets and creating the
EyeGate’s iontophoresis technology is potential for next-generation therapeutics for
Mr. From: We are focused on wet and coulomb-controlled, which means that it the treatment of serious retinal disorders.
dry age-related macular degeneration, regulates each unit of drug used for There is also opportunity to improve on
diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic macular treatment. The annular design and electrode existing therapies, for example, extending the
edema, which together affect tens of millions composition allows for safe and effective time required between doses and using more
of people in the US. Macular degeneration transcleral delivery. The treatment is needle- effective or patient-friendly models of
affects 20 million people in the US. Two free and requires only topical anesthesia administration for delivery to the eye. The
types exist: atrophic (dry form) and administration. company intends to select a development
exudative (wet form). Wet-AMD is candidate in a retinal disorder in 2011.
responsible for 90% of blindness and affects Q: What data can you share
approximately 2 million people. The high about your individual trials so Mr. From: EyeGate Pharma’s lead
prevalence of these diseases has created far? internal clinical candidate, EGP-437
significant opportunities for companies to (dexamethasone phosphate formulated for
develop innovative medicines and technology Mr. Beerman: To date, we have iontophoresis), is currently being developed
that improve patient diagnosis and care. At seen a robust uptake of our compounds into to treat dry eye, uveitis, scleritis, and other
the core of our approach is the understanding the retina after intravitreal dosing in animal inflammatory conditions. We have completed
that for medicine to be effective, it needs to models. Most, if not all, cells take up sd- two Phase II studies (one uveitis and one dry
be able to get to the anatomy of the eye that rxRNA within minutes of exposure. eye), and we are currently enrolling for a
is responsible for the disease. Intravitreal administration of sd-rxRNA Phase III dry eye pivotal study. Results of the
shows efficient distribution and uptake of sd- Phase II dry eye study showed findings in
Q: Why is it so difficult to deliver rxRNA compounds to essentially all cell multiple symptoms and signs, and had a
drug to the eye to treat these types with complete penetration through all rapid onset of action. The EyeGate II
diseases and how does layers of the retina, including retinal pigment delivery system and EGP-437 have been
iontophoresis overcome those epithelial cells. This broad cellular studied in more than 300 subjects with more
difficulties? distribution profile allows the technology to than 1,300 treatments performed.
be applied to inhibit a wide range of ocular
Mr. From: Due to natural barriers, gene targets for different therapeutic Q: As you move forward with
topical (eye drops) instillations and systemic indications. preclinical trials and your Drug Development & Delivery March 2011 Vol 11 No 2

delivery of therapeutics to the back of the In addition to robust uptake by retinal partnership, what will be your
eye are inefficient. To overcome the low cells, target gene silencing has been observed primary objective?
bioavailability issue associated with these with sd-rxRNAs targeting two different genes
delivery modalities, more aggressive following administration to the eye Mr. From: There are 25,000
treatments like intravitreal injections are (MAP4K4 and PPIB). At 48 hours, 50% ophthalmologists in the US and approximately
performed. But as you can imagine, this is gene silencing was observed for both sd- 2,000 of them specialize in retinal disease
not ideal and comes with potential rxRNAs. When compared to more cases. They need another tool for treating
complications, such as retinal detachment, conventional, chemically stabilized siRNAs, these diseases, and we must continue to
hemorrhaging, and endophthalmitis. The confocal microscopy shows efficient sd- address their needs, as well as those of their
challenge has been to get compounds to the rxRNA retention throughout the retina, while patients. We look forward to working with
back of the eye less invasively. conventional compounds are not retained by RXi to accomplish these goals. u
EyeGate Pharma’s trans-scleral retinal cells. While we don’t yet know the
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Company Pg Phone Web Site

3M 5 800-643-8086 www.3M.com/DDS

AAPS National Biotechnology 31 www.aapspharmaceutica.com/nationalbiotech

Adhesives Research 19 800-445-6240 www.adhesivesresearch.com

Avantor 3 www.avantormaterials.com/macron-drugdevelopment

Aveva Drug Delivery Systems 7 954-624-1374 www.avevaDDS.com

BIO 47 www.convention.bio.org

BD 13 800-225-3310 www.bdpharma.com

Capsugel 14 888-783-6361 www.capsugel.com

Catalent 76 www.catalent.com

Cook Pharmica 53 877-312-2665 www.cookpharmica.com

CyDex 15 888-436-6910 www.cydexpharma.com

DPT Laboratories 2 1-866-CALL-DPT www.dptlabs.com

ExcipientFest 21 787-714-7000 www.excipientfest.com

Freedonia Group 56 www.marketresearch.com

Frost & Sullivan 73 210-247-3870 www.frost.com

Gateway Analytical 18 724-443-1900 www.gatewayanalytical.com

Haselmeier 11 410-647-7300 www.haselmeier.com

Innercap Technologies 75 813-837-0796 www.innercap.com


IPEC Americas 74 703-875-2127 www.ipecamericas.org

Particle Sciences INSERT 610-681-4701 www.particlesciences.com

PharmaCircle 9 847-729-2960 www.Pharmacircle.com

RDD 69 www.rddonline.com/rddeurope2011

Unilife 51 www.unilife.com

UPM Pharmaceuticals 17 410-843-3738 www.upm-inc.com

West Pharmaceutical Delivery Systems 28 610-594-2900 www.westpharma.com

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