Eee (Ece) f311 2022 Handout

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Date: 20/08/2021

Course No. : ECE/EEE F311

Course Title : Communication Systems
Instructor-in-charge : Balasubramanian M
Instructors : Balasubramanian M, Gopal Krishna Kamath M, Sandeep Kumar, Runa
Kumari and Prashant Wali.

1. Course description:
Analysis and design of communication systems; analog and digital modulation and demodulation,
frequency conversion, multiplexing, noise and distortion; spectral and signal-to-noise ratio analysis,
probability of error in digital systems, spread spectrum. Introduction to the basic principles of the design
and analysis of communication systems. Topics include source coding, channel coding, baseband and
passband modulation techniques, receiver design, and channel equalization.
2. Scope & Objective:
This course intends to cover the basic understanding of functionalities of various block-sets involved in a
communication system. Topics like Analog to Digital conversion, Pulse coding, Modulation (Analog and
Digital), source coding, channel coding, Multiple access, multiplexing techniques, will be covered with
appropriate detail and mathematical description. Important topics like Information theory and its
fundamental limits will be emphasized to appreciate the concepts of digital communication. Students will
be introduced to the functioning of analog communication systems and how they perform in the presence
of noise. Students will be given assignments on communication system modeling using MATLAB. The
laboratory component involves system design and simulation exercises using MATLAB and Simulink.
Advance/application areas like wireless, optical and satellite communication will be covered towards the
end. Students are expected to have a sound understanding of Signals and systems and be comfortable with
topics in Mathematics.
3. Text Books
T1 B.P. Lathi and Zhi Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 3rd OR 4th Edition,
Oxford University Press, 2010
T2 Simon Haykin & Michael Moher, Communication Systems, 4th OR 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
4. Reference Books
R1. Proakis John, Digital Communications, 5th Edition, TMH
R2. K. Sam Shanmugam, Digital and Analog communication systems, John Wiley & Sons
R3. DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS Fundamentals and Applications: ERNARD SKLAR and Pabitra
Kumar Ray; Pearson Education 2009, 2/e.
4. Course Plan

Sl. Topics to be covered Learning Objectives Chapter in the No. of

No Text Book Lectures

1 Overview of the course, History of electronic communications, blocks of a T1& 2

introduction to typical communication system, Electronic T2:Chapter 1
communication Communication Channels, twisted pair, cable,
systems. wave guide, wireless channels, need for
modulation, concept of a carrier, analog
communication concepts.

2 Deterministic and Signals, nature of signals, Review of energy and T1: Chapters 2 2
random signals and power signals, correlation functions, power and & 3 T2:Chapter
their properties energy spectral densities, Fourier series and 2
Fourier Transforms, signal distortions. Real world
signals, pure, distorted and noise corrupted signal
examples, typical BW of various signals.

3 Random variables, Recap of Probability, Random variables & T1:Chapter 8,9 10

processes and Noise processes, statistical averages, Power spectral T2:Chapter 5
density, Gaussian process, Noise, Nature of noise,
Sources of Noise, white noise, KTB, Noise Figure R3:Chapter 5
and Noise temperature, calculations, Signal-to-
Noise ratio.

4 Transmission and Different Amplitude Modulation Techniques: T1:Chapter 4 7

reception of analog DSB-SC, SSB-SC, VSB, AM with carrier: BW T2:Chapter 3,6
Signals: Amplitude requirements of above modulation schemes.
modulation (AM) Circuits for Generation and demodulation. Noise R2:Chapter 7
performance of different AM systems. Frequency
Division multiplexing, Super heterodyne
Receivers, Practical circuits

5 Transmission and Angle modulation, FM transmitter and receivers, T1:Chapter 5 7

reception of analog interference and bandwidth considerations, T2:Chapter 4,6
Signals: Angle comparison of AM and FM, FM generation and
Modulation Phase & demodulation, Noise performance of different R2:Chapter 7
Frequency modulation Angle Modulation systems.

6 Digital Representation Sampling theorem, aliasing, quantization and T1:Chapter 6 8

of Analog Signals and encoding, PAM, TDM, PPM, PWM, Quantization, T2:Chapter 7
Pulse Modulation PCM, Delta Modulation
R2:Chapter 10

7 Introduction to Digital Advantages of digital transmission, Block diagram T1:Chapter 7 2

Communication of a digital communication system, Overview of T2:Chapter 8
Systems all blocks, Measure of goodness of a digital
communication system, Various definitions for
bandwidth, Basics of Digital Modulation
Techniques such as line coding, ASK, FSK and

8 Introduction to Overview and necessity of information theory, T1: Chapters 2

Information Theory and Definition of self-information, Overview and an 13, 14
Coding example of source coding, Overview and an T2: Chapter 10
example of channel coding, Statement of
Shannon’s Channel Capacity Theorem and its R2: Chapters
significance. 4,9

9 Emerging Trends in A brief overview of different communication Supplementary 2

Communication technologies notes
Systems: Optical and

Total Number of Lectures 42

Laboratory component: Laboratory exercises will involve simulations using MATLAB.

6. Evaluation Scheme
Component Duration Weightage Marks Date & Time Nature of Component
18/10/2021 3.30 -
Mid-Sem Exam 90 min 30 % 90 5.00PM
Closed Book

30 min Closed Book [Best 2 out

Quizzes 10% 30 TBA
(each) of 3 for evaluation]

Take-home Assignments 15% 45 TBA Open Book

Weekly Lab Record Open Book [Best ‘n-1’

10% 30 Weekly
Submission + Attendance out of ‘n’ for evaluation]

Comprehensive Exam 2 Hrs 35% 105 13/12 FN Closed Book

Total 100% 300

7. Office Hours: Will be announced in the class by the respective faculty.

8. Notices: Notices concerning this course will be displayed on CMS.

9. Make–up Examination: Make-up will be given on genuine grounds only. Prior application should be
made for seeking the make- up examination. No make-up will be given for quizzes and the laboratory

10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the
students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.

Balasubramanian M

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