The Mission of Addition

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To my brother Min our family
the numbers guy

Addition: o
o mbin ing tw
C m be rs
re nu
or mo p
to come u tal
with their
gr ow ing ings ,
is th e total of th
like bub
bles in bathtubs

or bright,
shiny rings.
6 yellow buses
were parked in a line.
3 pulled behind them,
and then there were 9.
Along came 4 more,
and that made 13.
If you got that right,
you’re an
adding machine!
To add is to make bigger
the total number of
whatever you are counting up,


ebal ls
in a glov
7 batters
plus 2 more
make 9 when they are added.
The number just gets bigger
with each one who has batted.
No amount gets smaller
when you’re working
in addition.

The numbers climb

from low to high ,
’cause that’s
addition’s mission!
The Johnsons had 1 babysitter.
n was her name.

cr ied “ H e lp ! ”

So, number 2 ,
Miss Higgenbottom,
3rd came Mrs. Klinklehorn.
4th was Mrs. Stein.
So far,
this made 4 who tried
o ep m l l
t ke the a in li ne.
5th was
Caitlyn MacNamee,
and 6th was Mr. Lee,
and 4 more
totaled 10 in all
to watch that crew of 3.
You see,
to add means to increase .
It’s a way of showing more,

counting babysitters
eth er

or br ead
cr usts on th e floor.
“ Plus ” can be used
just like “and.”
It helps us
when we count,
Combining all the numbers
till we get
the full amount.
“Equals ” can be used like “ is,”
or “totals,”
even “makes.”
It doesn’t matter if you’re
fr iends or
add birth day cakes.
So, if a hen lays 7 eggs
plus 3,
plus 4 ,
plus 10,
the total equals 24. . .
and exh austed h en!
In counting th e musicians
in the marching band at school,
you add up all the players
from each group.
Just look, it’s cool !
9 are playing trumpet,
plus 3 are on trombone.
2 more jam on flügelhorn
and 6 on saxophone.
So, 9 + 3 + 2 + 6,
that’s 20 horns,
but wait–
when you add 8
bass drummers in,
that equals 28.
So, when it comes to counting,
don’t worry, fret, or fuss.
You’ll find th at kno
how to add

i s very much a plus!

So, what is addition?
Do you know?
Text copyright © 2005 by Brian P. Cleary
Illustrations copyright © 2005 by Brian Gable
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without
the prior written permission of Millbrook Press, except for the inclusion of brief
quotations in an acknowledged review.

Millbrook Press
A division of Lerner Publishing Group
241 First Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cleary, Brian P., 1959–

The mission of addition / by Brian P. Cleary ; illustrated by Brian Gable.
p. cm.—(Math is categorical)
eISBN-10: 0–8225–6351–7
1. Arithmetic—Study and teaching (Primary) 2. Addition—Study and
teaching (Primary) I. Gable, Brian, 1949– ill. II. Title.
QA135.6.C54 2005
513.2’11—dc22 2004031105

Manufactured in the United States of America

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