Gas Turbine Engine: Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

NOVEMBER 15, 2021

Adil Sarfraz khan - Umair khalid

F2016206057 – F2016206025
Question One: For any three types of turbofan engines being used in modern airliners (choose
either narrow-body or wide-body aircrafts) use the following online simulator to:
Three type of turbofan engine:
Eurojet EJ 200 (low by-pass):

Figure 1 Euro jet EJ 200(low by-pass engine)

Rolls-Royce Trent 900 (high by-pass):

Figure 2 Rolls-Royce Trent 900 (high by-pass Engine)

Lotarev D-36 (high by-pass):

Figure 3 Lotarev D-36 (high by-pass Engine)

1) Identify the changes in design parameters for the selected engines. (CLO 2)
Following is the table of Euro jet EJ200 (low by-pass), Rolls-Royce Trent 900 (high by-pass)
and Lotarev D-36 (high by-pass):
Engines By-pass ratio Overall Fan diameter Turbine inlet Engine Major
pressure ratio (mm) temperature © length Applications
EJ 200 0.4 : 1 26 : 1 736.6mm ~ 200 Celsius 3987.8 mm Eurofighter
(4.2 : 1) typhoon
Trent 900 8.5-8.7 : 1 37–39:1 (116m) 1536 Celsius 2946.4 mm Antonov
D-36 5.6 : 1 20 : 1 1,333 mm 1,243 Celsius 3,930 mm Airbus A380

(ASME, 1990)

(engine, n.d.)

(EASA, 2019)
2) Plot the pressure and temperature values obtained for the thrust and specific fuel
consumption based on the input values of: (CLO 3)
a. Stream Conditions:
 Altitude
 Flight Mach Number
b. Engine Conditions/Geometry:
 Compressor Pressure Ratio (CPR)
 Fan Pressure Ratio (FPR)
 Bypass Ratio
 Fuel-Air Ratio
Eurojet200 (low by-pass engine):

Figure 4 Gas turbine cycle analysis

Rolls Royce trent900 (high by-pass engine):

Figure 5 gas turbine engine cycle analysis

Lotarev D-36 (high by-pass):

Figure 6 gas turbine cycle analysis

Use the plot to relate the function of Bernoulli’s and thermodynamic principles on gas
turbine processes:
Eurojet200 (low by-pass engine):

Figure 7 graphical analysis

Rolls Royce trent900 (high by-pass engine):

Figure 8 graphical analysis

Lotarev D-36 (high by-pass):

Figure 9 graphical analysis

3) For each of your engine selections, you are further required to interpret the changes in
thrust and specific fuel consumption for change in altitude and aircraft speed specifically
relating your explanation in terms of the thermodynamic principles

In first graph of euro jet 200 gas turbine engine the thermodynamic cycle shows that at point 0
the temperature rises and pressure remains same at intake after point 2 to 3 the pressure is higher
and slightly changes in temperature at compression at point 3 to 4 the pressure remains constant
and the temperature increase in combustion. At point 4 to 5 the pressure is decreasing and
temperature change at outlet of the end the pressure is decreased and the
temperature increases at exhaust.
In second graph of trent900 gas turbine engine the thermodynamic cycle shows that at point 0 the
temperature rises and pressure remains same at intake after point 2 to 3 the pressure is higher and
slightly changes in temperature at compression at point 3 to 4 the pressure remains constant and
the temperature increase in combustion. At point 4 to 5 the pressure is decreasing and
temperature change at outlet of the end the pressure is decreased rapidly and the
temperature increases at exhaust.
In third graph D-36 gas turbine engine the thermodynamic cycle shows that at point 0 the
temperature rises and pressure remains same at intake after point 2 to 3 the pressure is higher and
slightly changes in temperature at compression at point 3 to 4 the pressure remains constant and
the temperature increase in combustion. At point 4 to 5 the pressure is decreasing and
temperature change at outlet of the end the pressure is increasing and the
temperature increases at exhaust.
Explain the difference in thermodynamic cycle for a gas turbine engine with and without
an after burner. Support your answer with detailed reasoning?
The main cycle of a simple gas turbine engine the air is intake through inlet section in to the
compressor, where the pressure of air increases. The high pressure air is exit through the
compressor and enter to the combustion section, where fuel is injected in the air than burn the
fuel air mixture. After combustion the high temperature gas flow enter the turbine section and
expands through nozzle section to produce net work done (Wn). (Olympios, 2003)

Gas turbine engine without after burner:

In a gas turbine engine gases are exhausted through combustion section to the turbine because
the turbine and compressor are connected with same shaft so the net-work output is zero. The
shift in momentum that the gases endure provides push to the aircraft since they leave at a high
velocity. The airflow entering the diffuser occur decreasing velocity “the pressure of gas
increases” generally runs at excessive pressure ratio of about 10 to 25 psi.
Figure 10 Schematic of Gas Turbine Engine

Thermodynamic cycle:
1) Diffuser (1-2):
Decreases the velocity of incoming air flow as compared to the engine.
Low velocity and increase in pressure occurs which is also known as ram effect.
According to Bernoulli’s equation:
Ps + Pdyn = Constant
2) Compressor (2-3):
In this cycle 2-3 there is no heat transfer Q=0 so, that entropy remains constant in this cycle. This
cycle is known as isentropic compression.
3) Combustion (3-4):
Heat is added to the system at uniform pressure (Qin), this cycle is known as isobaric heat
addition to the system.
4) Turbine (4-5):
This process is a reversible adiabatic, no heat transfer to the system. Air flow mixture is burned
in the combustion chamber at constant pressure and leaving at low velocity that can be abandon
and expands to the turbine, this process is known as isentropic expansion.
5) Nozzle (5-6):
Gas flow exiting the turbine remarkably at higher pressure than ambient pressure. Gasses are
inflate to give accelerated air Ve >> Vi result in thrust, so that no heat is transfer to the system
occurs isentropic expansion along the nozzle in which velocity increases and decreases the

Figure 11 T-S diagram of gas turbine engine

Gas turbine engine with afterburner:

Afterburner briefing:
Afterburners are common in military aircraft and are employed whenever extra power is
required, such as during short takeoffs situations. The afterburner, like the reheater, is situated
after the turbine but before the nozzle. It raises the temperature (and pressure) at the nozzle inlet,
which causes the velocity (and thrust) to rise.
Figure 12 schematic of gas turbine engine with afterburner
(Bahrami, 2011)

Thermodynamic cycle:
Afterburner (5-6):
The addition of an afterburner 5-6 provides for higher thrust, as seen by the enlarged area of the
diagram below. The afterburner has a lesser efficiency than the base turbojet because it runs at a
greater entropy.

Figure 13 Gas turbine engine with afterburner

(wikibooks, 2017)
ASME, 1990. watermark. [Online]
Available at:

Bahrami, M., 2011. sfu. [Online]

Available at:

EASA, 2019. EASA. [Online]

Available at:

engine, M. A., n.d. MTU. [Online]

Available at:

Olympios, A. V., 2003. sciencedirect. [Online]

Available at:

wikibooks, 2017. wikibooks. [Online]

Available at:

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