Chapter-50 Applications of Isotopes in Medicine: January 2017

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Chapter-50 Applications of Isotopes in Medicine

Chapter · January 2017

DOI: 10.5005/jp/books/13014_51

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Damodaran Vasudevan Kannan Vaidyanathan

Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre


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Chapter 53; Applications of Radio-isotopes in Medicine n 591

Applications of
53 Isotopes in Medicine
Valency: Electrons are taking part in all chemical
reactions. The electrons revolve around the nucleus at
The reader will be able to answer questions on different energy levels or in shells. Sodium has the atomic
the following topics: number 11. It contains 11 electrons, distributed as 2 in K shell,
1. Isotopes. 8 in L shell and the remaining 1 in M shell. The natural
tendency for an atom is to completely fill up the shells with
2. Radioactive decay and half life.
electrons. Hence sodium atom tends to lose the electron from
3. Units of radioactivity. +
the outermost shell, and exist as Na ion. Similarly chloride
4. Research applications. contains 17 electrons, 2 in K, 8 in L and 7 in M shells. If one
5. Diagnostic applications. more electron is accepted by the atom, the outermost shell
6. Treatment applications. will be completed. Hence the tendency for chlorine to gain
7. Biological effects of radiation. one electron to become ionized. Thus sodium can donate one
electron and chlorine can receive it. This is the basis of the
chemical reaction between sodium and chloride. In the above
example, the valency of both sodium and chlorine is said to
be one, because they exchange one electron.
Lord Ernest Rutherford (Nobel prize, 1908) put forward the
nuclear theory of atom. Accordingly, the atoms are composed
of a central dense positively charged nucleus, around which ISOTOPES
negatively charged electrons revolve. Subatomic stable particles
Isotopes are the elements having the same atomic
are proton, neutron and electron.
Proton carries one positive charge (+4.8 x 10-10 esu) (esu = number (protons) but different mass number
electrostatic unit). Proton is generally abbreviated as P+. The (varying number of neutrons). The Greek word
nucleus of hydrogen contains only one proton. Therefore ionized "iso" means equal and "tope" means place; that
hydrogen is otherwise called as proton. Although protons are
is, isotopes occupy the same place in the periodic
said to be stable in the ordinary sense, in the cosmological sense,
protons also decay. The half-life of proton is 1015 years. The body table. The accepted convention is that mass
of a person contains about 1040 protons. number is written on the upper left side of the
Neutron is abbreviated as 'n'. It carries no net charge. It symbol letters to denote the particular isotope.
has the same mass as that of proton. Protons and neutrons together
constitute the nucleus of atoms. Therefore, the atomic weight of
Atomic number may be shown on the left lower
an element will correspond to the total number of protons and corner of the symbol.
neutrons present in the nucleus. For example, H is normal hydrogen with 1
Electron is generally abbreviated as e— . It is negatively proton. It is present 99.985% of hydrogen ions in
charged (–4.8 x 10 10 esu) and revolves around the nucleus. The 2
mass of an electron is only 1/2000 of a proton. Electrons are the
nature. H is heavy hydrogen or Deuterium. It has
fundamental units of electricity. An electric current is produced 1p + 1n. It is present only 0.015% in nature. H is
by a stream of electrons. Tritium with 1p + 2n. It is not present in nature, but
592 n Textbook of Biochemistry; Section G: Advanced Biochemistry

may be produced artificially. These three isotopes chemistry, for the isolation of radium and polonium. In 1935,
of hydrogen will react similarly in chemical reactions, Nobel prize was awarded to Frederic Joliot (son-in-law of
Madam Curie) and Irene Joliot (daughter of Curie) for artificial
because all of them contain only one electron.
16 production of radioactive phosphorus from aluminium.
To take another example, O is normal oxygen,
17 18
O is unstable and O is stable isotope. Radioactive Decay
Isobars are atoms having same mass number,
but are having different atomic numbers, e.g. C
14 1. Alpha Decay
and N.
14 When the alpha particle (2p + 2n) is released, the
element changes, the atomic number is reduced
Atomic Number and Atomic Weight by 2 and mass number is lowered by 4. For example,
The number of protons (or electrons) in an atom will determine
the mass number or its place in the periodic table. The
226 222 4
presence of neutrons will add on the mass of the atom. The Radium → Radon + He ( α particle)
atomic weight or mass number is equal to the number of 88 86 2
protons plus neutrons in the atom.
The atomic weight of chlorine is actually 35.457. When The nucleus of Radium, being unstable, emits 2
calculated from the theoretical "p + n", the value should be protons and 2 neutrons (one helium nucleus) to
the round figure of 35. This difference is because, in nature, become Radon-222. The alpha particles will carry
chloride is made up of atoms having mass numbers of 35 and 2 positive charges and produce maximum ionization
37, in approximately 3:1 ratio.
in their path. Thus they are most damaging to
tissues. Alpha particles emitted have a high mass
and therefore a high momentum. They do not travel
Isotopes may be stable or unstable (radioactive),
far and can be stopped by a few layers of paper.
and the latter may be naturally occurring or artificially
However they collide with other molecules and
made. In the above example, Deuterium is stable,
cause a lot of damage, hence considered to be most
which will not alter its nuclear composition during
hazardous. The alpha radiations are not useful in
passage of time. But tritium is unstable and will
clinical medicine. In fact, radium needles are
transform by nuclear decay. The spontaneous
covered so that alpha particles are absorbed, before
degradation of nucleus and transmutation of one
applying to tissues. If not, the radiation in the vicinity
element to another with consequent emission of
of the needle will be hazardously high. The
rays or particles is known as radioactivity. Chemical
penetration power being negligible, the alpha
reactions are based on the activity of electrons,
radiation is stopped even by a few sheets of paper
while radioactivity is due to subnuclear components.
(see Table 53.1).
Elements capable of undergoing radioactive decay
are called radionucleides.
Antoine Becqueral was the pioneer in demonstrating
2. Beta Radiation
spontaneous radioactivity (Nobel prize, 1903). Marie Curie When a neutron is split, one proton, one electron
and Pierre Curie were awarded Nobel prize in 1903 in physics, (beta particle) and one nutrino are generated. The
for their study on radiation phenomena. Marie Curie was element is changed to one having a higher number
awarded the Nobel prize again in 1911, but this time in in periodic table.

Table. 53.1. Different forms of radiation

Type of Composed Mass Charge Ionization ion Range Stopped Application

radiation of pairs per cm of in air by
travel in air
Alpha 2p+2n 4 +2 20,000 3 -8 cm Few sheets of paper Radiation hazard

Beta e negli -1 100 15-100 cm Few sheets of Research/diagnosis
gible aluminum
Gamma electromag- Nil 0 1 100 m Few cm thick lead Diagnosis/treatment
netic waves
Chapter 53; Applications of Radio-isotopes in Medicine n 593

14 14
C –––––—————> N + e— + nutrino
6 7
One neutron from carbon is changed to a proton.
Therefore mass remains the same, but the element
is changed with one number more in atomic number.
The electrons thus emitted become the beta rays.
So they are negatively charged. Since their mass
is negligible, they can penetrate more distance. But
they can be absorbed by metal sheets. The
interaction with matter is less. Tritium ( H) gets Fig. 53.1. Radioactive decay and half-life of 131I
converted to helium on losing a beta particle. These
beta particles have low velocity and tritium is said release further energy in the form of gamma
to be a soft beta emitter. P on the other hand has irradiation within a fraction of second to form the
more kinetic energy is a hard beta emitter. stable xenon. A comparison of different forms of
radiation is given in Table 53.1.
3. Gamma Radiation
While alpha and beta radiations are particles, Half-life of Radioactivity
gamma radiation is in the form of electromagnetic The radioactivity is halved within a fixed time. For
waves. Gamma ray has no mass and no charge, example, if 100 mCi of 131I is kept, after 8 days the
and therefore penetration power is maximum. It is activity is seen to be 50 mCi. The half-life of 131 I is
now widely used for treatment of cancer cases. X- 8 days (Fig. 53.1). The half-life is the time taken
rays and gamma rays are similar electromagnetic for a radioactive isotope to become half of its
waves (Table 53.1). But the former is less powerful original activity. The rate of decay or the half-life
(wavelength 100 A° to 1 A°), whereas gamma rays is a constant for a particular isotope. A decay time
are more penetrating (wavelength 1A° to 1/ of 7 half lives reduces the radioactivity to < 1% and
1000 A°). The gamma radiation is produced by: that after 10 half lives is less than 0.1%. This is
131 131 131 important in planning experiments and disposal of
Iodine → Xenon (metastable) → Xenon radioactive waste. Commonly used isotopes are
53 (--β) 54 (--γ) 54 listed in Table 53.2.
The first part of the nuclear reaction is similar to
Units of Radioactivity
the beta radiation described previously. Thus the Originally the units used for expressing the radioactivity were
element with one more proton is produced. Here Curie and Rads. But the present system uses SI units,
the resulting xenon is at a metastable state. It will Becqueral and Gray
Table 53.2. Commonly used radioisotopes

Element Isotope Approximate Major Important applications

half-life radiation
Carbon C 5600 years Beta Research in metabolism, carbon dating
Hydrogen H 12 year Beta Research in cell biology
Phosphorus P 14 day Beta Nucleic acid research, treatment for polycythemia
Chromium Cr 28 day Gamma RBC kinetics in diagnosis
Iodine I 60 day Gamma Radio immunoassay
Iodine I 8 day Gamma Treating hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer
Technetium Tc 6 hour Gamma Blood flow experiments; gamma imaging
Radium Ra 1600 years Gamma Interstitial implantation for treating cancer
Cobalt Co 5.3 years Gamma Teletherapy for cancer
Caesium Cs 30 years Gamma Teletherapy for cancer
594 n Textbook of Biochemistry; Section G: Advanced Biochemistry

1. Curie (Ci) could also be studied by tracer techniques. For

One Curie, abbreviated as Ci, is equivalent to 3.7 x 1010 131
example, if I-labelled immunoglobulin is
disintegrations per second (dps) or 37 giga becquerals (gBq).
This unit is used to measure the radioactivity of the source. injected, the quantity of the labelled molecules
in the circulation will be proportional to the
2. Becqueral (Bq) catabolism of the Ig. By such methods, it is
Becqueral (Bq) is defined as decay per second,(dps). 1 Bq = shown that the half-life of IgG is 15 days, of
1 dps. It is often expressed as kilobecquerals (kBq). Since bq
is very small and Curie very large, their multiples and
albumin is about 21 days.
submultiples are used to express radioactivity. 1 micro Curie iii. 32P is useful to trace the nucleic acid synthesis
= 37 mega Bq. In clinical practice, it is not the radioactivity of in vivo and in vitro. It is therefore employed in
the source, but the effect produced in the tissue that is more genetic research. 3H-labelled thymidine is
important. Therefore for therapeutic purposes, the following incorporated in the newly synthesized DNA and
units are used.
therefore used in assessing cell division kinetics.
3. Rontgen (R) Cr is taken up by living cells and the label is
It is the measurement of exposure dose. The radioactivity liberated when the cell is lysed. Therefore it is
produces ionization in tissues. This is dependent on the used in vitro to quantitate the cell lysis by
quantity of radioactivity at the source, the distance from the immunological or pathological mechanisms.
source and the time of exposure. 1 R is the radiation which iv. The total body content of a particular substance (also
will give rise to 2 x 10 ion pairs/cc of air. One mCi source designated as the "pool" of the substance) can be
kept at a distance of 1 cm will produce 12.9 R/hour. quantitated by the isotope dilution technique. To cite
an example, 1 ml of I-labelled albumin is seen to
4. Rad and Gray have 1 million dps. This is injected intravenously to a
Rad is the absorbed dose by tissue. 1 Rad = 1.5 x 10 ion man. The radioactivity will be uniformly mixed in the total
pairs/g tissue. One Gray (Gy) = 10 ergs /kg tissue = 100 blood volume. After 10-15 minutes, a blood sample is
rads. withdrawn. One ml of blood is shown to have a
The biological effect of absorbed physical dose is radioactivity with 200 dps. The volume injected and
expressed in Rads or Kilo Gray. Biological dose in SI units is removed is the same 1 ml, but the original count is now
expressed in Sievert (Sv). diluted 5,000 times. Thus the intravascular space is
5,000 times more than the volume injected. Therefore
5. Rem the blood volume is 5,000 ml.
It is the Rontgen equivalent in man; where absorbed dose of v. Similarly extracellular volume (intravascular + interstitial
rads is multiplied by the quality factor of the type of radiation. spaces) is determined by 24 Na-labelled NaCl, and the
The biological effect of 1000 rads given as a single dose or in total body water by means of H-labelled water. From
divided doses will be different. This biological effect of radiation such experiments it is shown that intracellular
is expressed in Rem. compartment is 40%, interstitial compartment is 16%
and intravascular volume is 4% of the total body weight
(Chapter 30).
Applications of Radioactivity in Research 14
vi. C is the most widely used isotope as a tracer in
Isotopes of an element will have identical chemical biochemical research, especially to study the pathways.
reactions. Hence when a radiolabelled compound vii. Autoradiography for detection of specific nucleotide
is administered, these molecules are metabolized sequences (See Chapter 55). Radio labeling of nucleic
by the body similar to normal molecules. This is acids by nick translation using 32p.
viii. Irradiation of food for packaging is carried out under
called Tracer technique. Almost all biochemical the strict provisions of food safety procedures prescribed
research will utilise such tracer methods. A few by FDA and radiation protection agencies. The
examples are given below. radiations that can be used for irradiating food are
i. Almost all the pathways described in earlier specified. These include gamma rays from sealed units
chapters were studied by using tracers. For Cobalt and 137Caesium.
ix. Carbon dating technique is an important tool in
example, 14 C-labelled aceto acetic acid is shown paleobiology, the technique was developed by Willard
to be incorporated into palmitic acid. Suppose Libby who was awarded Nobel prize in 1960.
labelled "A" is administered to an animal. After
a few minutes, liver contains labelled "B" and Applications of Radioactivity for Diagnosis
after one hour, labelled "C" is seen in liver. Thus The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnostic
we can say that the pathway is A to B to C. applications of radioactivity is referred to as Nuclear
ii. The turnover rate of a substance in the body, Medicine. A quick and accurate diagnosis can be
that is, the rate of synthesis and breakdown made by radioimaging of organs like thyroid, liver,
Chapter 53; Applications of Radio-isotopes in Medicine n 595

bone etc. In some cases radioisotopes are used in produced on the spot by a cyclotron. The emission of
the treatment of neoplasms in these organs. positrons and their combination with an electron resulting
in the simultaneous emission of two gamma rays is
Diagnostic uses of radioactive tracers are using detected by a PET camera. PET scan is widely used in
gamma ray emitters. These are short lived isotopes Oncology with 18F as a tracer. Combination of PET and
linked to chemical compounds that permit the CT (PETCT) improves the diagnostic accuracy. The
observation of specific physiological processes. They abnormality may be either lesser uptake of the isotope
may be given by injection, inhalation or orally. The by the organ (cold spot) or more uptake (hot spot). A
series of images taken over a period of time will give
earliest application of radioisotopes was in the 1950s, specific patterns that indicate normal or malfunction of
I for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease the organ concerned. An advantage over X-ray imaging
i. RBCs can be tagged with 51Cr. These cells is that both bone and soft tissues can be studied. The
when injected back will remain in circulation mean effective dose is 4.6 mSv per procedure.
till the RBC is lysed. Therefore lifespan of viii. Targetting: A more recent use of radio nucleides is by
tagging them to monoclonal antibodies so that they can
RBC and intravascular hemolysis, if any, may
be specifically targeted to tissues.
be detected. ix. Radioimmuno Assays (RIA): Assays using 125I-labelled
ii. Thyroid uptake studies by 131I are used to antigens are used to quantitate hormones, tumor
detect functional derangements of thyroid gland. markers and other biological substances present in
About 15 mCi of 131I is given intravenously. After blood in very small quantities. Details are given in
a few hours, the patient is monitored at the neck Chapter 54. 125I with a half-life of about 60 days is used
for tagging the proteins in vitro, as in the case of RIA.
region by a movable gamma-ray counter, which Another isotope of iodine, 131I with half-life of about 8
will pick up the radiation emitted by the thyroid days is employed for in vivo purposes, such as thyroid
gland. The normal values are about 25% uptake scanning and for treatment purposes. The reduced half-
by thyroid within 2 hours and about 50% uptake life is advantageous in vivo to reduce the side effects of
within 24 hrs. In hyperthyroidism there will be radioactivity to the patient.
increased uptake and hypothyroidism shows the
Applications of Radioactivity in Treatment
reverse effect.
Radioactivity is used for treatment of cancer. The
iii. Thyroid scanning: Twenty four hours after
radiations when absorbed by the tissues, produce
administering the dose of 131I intravenously, the
ionization in the path. The nucleic acid in the cell is
patient is placed under the scanner, which
damaged, so that the next cell division is not
detects the radioactive emissions from the
possible. The radiotherapy is mainly affecting the
neck region. The actual distribution of radio-
activity, with a picture of approximate size and cells in the division phase. Since cancer tissue
shape of thyroid gland is produced. In hyper- contains more dividing cells than the normal tissue,
thyroidism, the increased radioactivity uptake cancer cells are preferentially affected by radiation.
is shown as heavily shaded areas. Sometimes The radiotherapy may be classified as:
the uptake of iodine is seen defective in certain A. Unsealed Sources
circumscribed region of the gland, such a These are radioactive substances kept in liquid form. The beta
"silent nodule" is suggestive of cancer thyroid. rays are the main effective radiation in these sources. For
iv. Bone scanning: 90Sr (radioactive strontium) thyroid cancer and secondaries of thyroid cancer, 131I (dose
is employed. Osteoblastoma (cancer arising 50–100 mCi) is administered. Similarly, 32P is used to treat
polycythemia vera.
from bone forming cells) could be detected
very early by this method, even before the B. Sealed Sources
appearance of radiological changes. They utilise gamma irradiation. The source is applied on the
v. Kidney scanning is done by injecting 131 I- cancer or sometimes implanted as a needle into the tissue.
labelled hippuran or 131I-labelled diodrast. Both Radium needles have the advantage of very long half-
life. However during the decay, radioactive gas xenon is
are excreted by kidney within a few minutes after generated which may escape out if there is a leak in the
injection. Anatomical and physiological defects covering. Because of this hazard, radium needles are now
in the renal excretion could be easily identified. rarely used.
vi. Technetium for blood flow studies: Blood flow of heart Cs (caesium) with a half-life of 30 years, is the preferred
could be analysed by 99Tc (radioactive technetium). The sealed source nowadays. Application of such sources directly
half-life of 99Tc is less than 6 hrs. The method is on cancer tissue is called Brachytherapy. Intracavitary
sometimes called "nuclear stethescope". applications (for cancer of body of uterus, cancer of cervix
vii. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan is a more uteri, cancer of vagina) and interstitial applications (buccal
precise and sophisticated technique. Here the isotope is cancer, tongue cancer) are common.
596 n Textbook of Biochemistry; Section G: Advanced Biochemistry

Table 53.3. Effect of radiotherapy differs this difference between normal and cancer cells.
Since radiotherapy affects only cells in division cycle
Day Dose Initial Fraction No. of No. of
(especially S phase), the radiation affects mainly
in number of cells in remain- cells
rads of cells division ing cells killed
the cancer cells. Recovery from radiation damage
is quicker in normal cells than in cancer cells. The
1. 400 1x1010 10% 9x109 1x109 aim is to inflict maximum damage to cancer cells,
2. 400 1x109 10% 9x108 1x108 while retaining the power of repair of the surrounding
normal tissues.
3. 400 1x108 10% 9x107 1x107
However, radiation given in a single dose is not
4. 400 1x107 10% 9x106 1x106 effective. Because dividing cells are only 5% in the
cancer population and radiation kills only this
fraction. Moreover, a single large dose will be lethal.
C. Teletherapy
The term "tele" means distant (as in the case of telescope,
Instead, small divided doses are given to the cancer
telephone, etc.). Here the source of radiation is kept at a tissue. Thus the fractionated dose is employed. By
distance from the patient. Historically, teletherapy started with the next day more cells are entering in the S phase
deep X-ray. X-ray was discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 which are killed by the second dose. A usual
(Nobel prize, 1901). Due to its inefficiency, deep radiation dose for cancer is 5,000 to 6,000 rads,
X-ray is no more used for cancer treatment. Instead, gamma given in 15-20 fractions, administered within 25-35
rays from cobalt ( 60Co) or caesium ( 137Cs) are used for days.
teletherapy. Here the energy equivalent is in the order of 2
Cellular death after radiation depends on the
MV (1 mega volt = 1 million volts). Therefore penetration power
is more, and deep-seated cancers can be irradiated
number of cells in division. This produces a curious
satisfactorily. effect, each increment in dose kills a constant
Linear Accelerator (LINAC): Caesium-based radio- fraction of the cancer cells; but not a constant
therapy is no more used in western countries. In India also, number of cells. An arbitrary example is shown in
gamma ray treatment is being slowly replaced by Linear Table 53.3. While the first dose kills 1x109 cells, the
Accelerator. Here electrons are accelerated to higher energy 3rd dose can kill 1x107 cells only. However the
levels of 8-12 MV and directed into the cancer tissue. It has percentage of cells killed is the same by each dose.
more penetrating power and accurate beam focussing
In other words, the size of tumor is rapidly
capabilities. As there is no permanent radioactive source in
the machine, the radiation hazards are minimal. LINAC) is
diminished in the initial phases of radiotherapy, but
used for external beam radiation treatments for patients with the last few cells are difficult to destroy. In fact, all
cancer. The linear accelerator can also be used in stereotactic the cancer cells cannot be eradicated by radio-
radiosurgery similar to that achieved using the gamma knife therapy. The last few residual cells are annihilated
on targets within the brain; for Intensity-Modulated Radiation by the immunological system.
Therapy (IMRT) and Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
The linear accelerator uses microwave technology to BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION
accelerate electrons, then allows these electrons to collide 1. Direct Effects on Cancer Tissues
with a heavy metal target. As a result of the collisions, high-
The radiation damages DNA molecules. No effects
energy X-rays are produced from the target. These high energy
X-rays will be directed to the patient’s tumor and shaped as are visible immediately. But the damage is observed
they exit the machine to conform to the shape of the patient’s during the next mitosis. Since new DNA cannot be
tumor. synthesized, cells die at the attempt of the next
division. Chromosome breakage is often noticed.
Radiosensitivity Radiation produces large quantities of free radicals
The effectiveness of radiotherapy varies with different tumors.
In general, lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease and neuroblastoma
in tissues. The catastrophic effects of free radicals
are highly radiosensitive. Epithelioma, cancer of oral cavity, on different biological compounds (including DNA)
cancer cervix, cancer breast and cancer lung are moderately are described in Chapter 20.
radiosensitive. Poorly radiosensitive tumors are
osteosarcoma, and malignant melanoma. 2. Indirect Effects on Cancer Tissues
Damage to local blood supply cuts off the nutrition
Fractionation of Doses and causes local necrosis and cell death.
Cancer cells are more actively dividing. In a cancer
tissue, about 5-10% cells are in division, while in 3. Effects of Radiation on Normal Tissues
normal cells only less than 1% cells are dividing at In 1904, Madam Curie went for a lecture-demon-
particular time. Radiotherapy takes advantage of stration class, keeping a few mg of impure radium
Chapter 53; Applications of Radio-isotopes in Medicine n 597

ore in her breast pocket. Within 1 hour, this caused 3-F. Carcinogenic Potential
severe dermatitis. That was the first indication of a During the period 1900-1910, people were working
health hazard by radioactivity. Madam Curie with X-rays without any precautions. This caused
non-healing ulcers in many of them. During 1910s
succumbed to radiation-induced leukemia in 1934. and 20s, lip cancer was common among painters
of watch dial with radioactive stain. Gradually, along
3-A. Effects on Skin with the increasing knowledge on radiation hazard,
Radiation will produce epilation, however hair may stringent safeguard for radiation protection was
grow after 3 months. Sweat glands may be introduced.
permanently damaged. There may be erythema and
Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)
sometimes blisters. This is called acute radio-
This may occur in accidents in nuclear reactors (e.g.,
dermatitis. Chronic radiodermatitis is seen after a Chernobyl accident) or the use of nuclear weapons in war
few months of radiotherapy. There will be atrophy (Hiroshima and Nagasaki). 15 to 25 rads will alter the blood
of skin, hypopigmentation, fibrosis, loss of elasticity, count in exposed people, whereas the threshold for death in
etc. an individual is 150 rads. Other high dose effects are skin
burns, hair loss, sterility and cataracts. Skin burns result from
3-B. Effects on Mucous Membrane erythema, desquamation and blisters. Hair loss can occur after
The gastrointestinal mucosa is very sensitive to 500 rads. Cataracts (200 rads) are produced by neutrons
radiation. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea because of the high water content in the lens.
and in severe cases ulceration and bleeding. Late
sequelae such as adhesions, fibrosis, stenosis and Radiation Protection
There is always some amount of background radiation, of
obstruction may appear many months after
about 150 m Rem/year. Out of this, about 50% is from the
cosmic rays, about 30% from terrestrial environment and 20%
from internal environment (e.g. decay of 40K). Granite and brick
3-C. Effects on Blood Cells walls will increase external background. At higher elevation,
Bone marrow and lymphoid tissues are highly radio- cosmic rays are more. At an altitude of 2000 m, (e.g., Gangtok,
sensitive because of the higher rate of cell division Sikkim state), the background irradiation is 20% more. In some
in these organs. Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia coastal areas (e.g; Kerala state) natural deposits of radioactive
is an accepted side effect of radiotherapy. If WBC thorium is seen, where background is 20-30% high. One
count is below 2,000/cu mm and platelet count is diagnostic X-ray exposure may cause 75 milliRem.
below 80,000/, the therapy is temporarily
stopped till recovery is effected. Maximum Permissible Dose
The MPD of radiation for whole body among radiation workers,
(doctors, technicians) is 5 mRem/year, and for general
3-D. Effects on Reproductive Organs
population is 0.5 mRem/year. Small doses (less than 10 cGy)
Gonads (ovary and testis) are highly radiosensitive.
of radiation may be good to living systems, while large doses
Complete sterility is effected at 1000 rads. Even are harmful; this is called Hormesis.
low doses of radiation, too low to have any obvious
effect on mitosis, can still affect the genes, so as to Radiation Monitoring and Precautions
produce genetic alterations in the offspring. This is Doctors, nurses, radiographers and research workers using
especially important when radiation is given in pelvic the radioactive substances should wear a badge containing a
region. piece of film. If radiation is reaching the film, it is blackened,
and hence exposure could be detected. The following
3-E. Radiation Sickness precautions will reduce the radiation hazards:
Dose above 700 rads given, as whole body 1. Keep the source farther away.
2. Shield the radioactive sources; cover them with lead bricks.
irradiation, is usually fatal. Even 150 rads to the
3. Handling is done by remote devices. Use lead-rubber
whole body will cause severe illness. In clinical
gloves and aprons.
practice, this is avoided by shielding the tissues in 4. Radioactive materials are to be handled with speed. The
such a way that the beam is focussed to the cancer shorter the time spent near the source, the lower the dose
tissues only. received.

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