Basic English Grammar Oo1

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Chapter I

1.1 Noun
For nouns, we devide into 4 types. They are :

Nouns : subject and object

1. Nouns can fungsion as subject
For example: Birds fly
2. Nouns can function as object
For example: John is holding a pen

Marie student chamistry
Subject verb object

Nouns: singular and plural

Regular Nouns Irregular Nouns

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Pen Pens Water water

Apple Apples Salt salt

Cup Cups Money Money

Elephant Elephants
example :
1) I Have one pen. (REGULAR)
2) My mother bought five cups. (REGULAR)
3) I borrow the money (irregular)
4) I’m drinking water (irregular)


Irregular Nouns
Singular Plural
Child Children
Foot Feet
Man Men
Mouse Mice
Tooth Teeth
Woman Women

Measurements with nouncount

Common expressions of measure
a. A bag of rice
b. A bottle of beer
c. A box of candy
d. A glass of water
e. A piece of cheese

1.2 Pronoun
Well guys, we devide into 5 part. They are:
The position of personal pronouns in the table
I me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its - Itself
We us Our ours Ourselves

They Them Their theirs

Example :
 I give this for you.
 This is for me.
 My car is new.
 I have a pen,mine is black.
 I myself do homework.
Chapter II
Verb is words that describe action or a state of being.

a. Verb form
There are many forms in English verbs. For example, the verb to sing can be :
“to sing”, “sing”, “sang”, “sung”, “singing” or “sings”. English main verbs have only
4 up to 5 forms, exception of the verb to be. To be has 9 forms.

Forms of main verb

V1 V2 V3
Past Past Present 3rd
Infinitive Base
simple participle participle person

(to) work Work Worked worked Works

Regular working

Sing Sang Sung Singing Sings

(to) sing
Make Made Made Making Makes
Irregular (to) make
cut cut cut cuting cuts
(to) cut

(to) be Be Was,were Been being Am,is,are

In the above example :

 To cut has 4 forms : to cut, cut, cuting, cuts

 To work has 5 forms : to work, work, worked, working, works
 To sing has 6 forms : to sing, sing, sang, sung, singing, sings
 To be has 9 forms : to be, be, was, were, been, being, am, is, are

The infinitive can be with or without to. For example, tosing and sing are both
infinitives. We often call theinfinitive without to the “bare infinitive”.

* Note : "do", "have" and "be" also function as helping or auxiliary verbs, with
exactly the same forms (except that as helping verbs they are never in infinitive form).

Example sentences :

These example sentences use main verbs in different forms :

Base After modal
Infinitive Base - Imperative Base-Simple Present
auxiliary verbs
• I can work
• I want to work
• Work well! • I work in London. tomorrow.
• He has to sing.
• Have a nice day. • You sing well. • You must sing
• This exercise is
• Be quiet! • They have a lot of louder.
easy to do.
money • They might do

These example sentences use main verbs in different forms :

Past simple Past participle Present participle

• She washed her car • He needs a folder made of • I am working.
last week. plastic. • Having finished, he
• They had a good • It is done like this. went home.
time. • I have never been so happy. • You are being silly!
• They were surprised,
but I was not.

b. Helping verb

Helping verbs help the main verb describe action that happened in the
past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future.



The main verb can have up to three helping verb

 He must have been sleeping soundly to sleep through the alarm.

 She could have gone to the movies if she had finished her homework.

c. Transitive verb
Transitive verbs are verbs that take a direct object, that is, an object that is
receiving an action. An example would be "cost," "record," or "stab." "It costs"; "She
recorded"; and "I stab" are incomplete sentences. They require an object to complete
the thought. Complete versions of these sentences might be "It costs ten dollars";
"She recorded the game"; or "I stabbed my leg by accident." They need another noun,
or object, to be complete.
d. Intransitive verb
Intransitive verbs are the loners of the verb pack. The prefix "in" means "not"
or "the opposite of," so an intransitive verb is the opposite of a transitive verb.
Intransitive verbs are words like "sit" and "eat" and "cry.“ "He sits"; "I ate"; and
"That man cries" are sentences in which the verb does not require a direct object to be
complete. As "transitive" means a relationship between at least two objects, it is easy
to remember that transitive
verbs require another word to be complete and that intransitive verbs can stand alone.

Verb Example Example sentence

Transitive ask, bring, buy, clean, My neighbour has painted his wall in
explain, kick, learn, paint, broken white.
sell, want, write

Intransitive arrive, come, die, go, lie, Many city park’s visitors are sitting on the
sneeze, sit, work grass.

Transitive& eat, run The man has run his business since 1988.
intransitive (run=transitive, business=direct object)
Adventurers must run through the jungle
before night.(run=intransitive)

Regular vs Irregular verb

Regular verb
Regular verbs simply add “ed” for the past tense. Ex : sewed,zipped,played.

Irregular verb
Irregular verbs change form or spelling for past tense( no “ed”)
Chapter III

a. Adjective
 Proper adjective
The term "proper adjective" is sometimes applied to adjectives that take initial
capital letters.
Example : The Indonesia Flag ,An English Book

 Descriptives adjectives
Adjectives that describe the nature and conditions of a person, animal or object.
Example : My Friend give me a fat duck ,I Have a big car

 Quantitative adjectives
Also known as adjectives of quantity are concerned with the amount or quantity
of something.
Example : There are many books in my bag. He has five mangoes.

 Numeral adjective
Are those that express numbers. They include one, two, three, first, second, and
many others.
Numeral adjectives are divided into:
1. Definite : shows the definite amount of a noun or pronoun.
a) Cardinal : we have three cars at home.
b) Ordinal : our class in the third floor.
c) multiplication : the rooms have a single bed.
2. Indefinite: words that are included in this type is all, some, enough, many, etc.
Example : Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed.
 Demonstrative adjective
Definite : this, that, these, those.
a.This book is mine.
b.Those picture are beautiful.

Indefinite :


a.A teacher will come to teach us today.

b.They can eat the other apples.

 Distributif adjective

Example :

a. She reads every book in the library

b.I can choose either red or yellow car.

 Possesive adjective

Possesive adjective is possesive pronoun (kata ganti milik). my,your,her,his etc.

Example :

a.My dress in blue.

b.Your house is near with my house.

 Interrogative adjectives

Interrogative adjectives (kata sifat tanya) is adjective that functions as question

the nature of this type consists of:

1. As a subject
Ex: - what color is your house?

- whose book is this?

2. As a object

Ex: - I don’t know what prolem she is talking about.

- They never question which part of the novel will be summarized.

3. As a object of peposition

Ex: - with whose father do you speak?

- in which hotel do you like to stay?

b. Adverb
 Simple adverb

Simple adverbs divide into 5:

a. Adverbs of time (now,tomorrow,tonight)

ex:I’ll go to your office tomorrow

b. Adverbs of place (here,there,anywere)

ex:the office is over there

c. Adverbs of manner (slowly,quickly,well)

ex:the market runs slowly this year

d. Adverbs of degree (almost,very,so,too)

ex:the marketing program seems to be very good this week.

e. Adverbs of reason(therefore,thus,why)

ex:the customers are eager to buy our product,therefore,we need extra

time to face it.
 Interrogative adverb

Interrogative adverbs use to explain:

a.Time: when did you call me?

b.Place: where do you live?

c. Manner: how do you go to school?

d.Degree: how is the milk?

e. Reason: why do you study english?

 Relative adverbs

Relative adverbs same as with interrogative adverbs, but the relative adverbs as
relative pronoun.


I know where you live

Chapter IV

Articles is separate part of an agreement or a contract.

There are four kinds of determiner:

a. Article (a, an, the)

Use a/an (the definite article) with singular count nouns to express general
meaning. Use a/an when the thing you are referring to is not specific, and the reader
does not know to which particular thing you are referring.

Example : I borrow a book last night.(we don’t know what book)

Use a before a noun beginning with a consonant sound ( a boy, a hunter, a

university ect). Use an before a noun beginning with a vowel sound (an apple, an
honor etc). A noncount noun usually CANNOT occur with an/an.

Example : My uncle gave me a bicycle.

A singular count noun is always preceded by a/an, the, or other determiner.

Example : I ate an/the/your apple. NOT I eat apple.

b. Quantifiers ( a lot of, a few, etc)

c. Demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those)
d. Possessive adjectives (my, your, etc)
Chapter V
A preposition is a word which shows the relationship between one thing and
another.It links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence.The word
or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the sentence.
Using Preposition

preposition Usage Example

1.At Pukul/jam At 7 o’clock
Perayaan At idul fitri
Tempat tertutup At home
Titik/nama jalan At mango street
2.On Hari/tanggal On Sunday , on 21 march
Hari khusus On my birthday
Di atas (benda) On the table, on the floor
Di atas (menempel) On the wall , on the ceiling
Sarana informasi On television
3.In Bulan In january
Tahun In 2008
Musim In summer
Desa , kota , negeri In jogja
Ruang/Bangunan In the classroom
Tempat terbuka In the field
Berhubungan dengan
4.By This book was written by bambang
5.With Berhubungan dengan The letter was written with a pen
6.Except Pengecualian All failed except him
You had better work instead of waste your
7.Instead of Pengganti
8.Of Sebab/alasan He died of cancer
Kepunyaan The house of my incleb is very big
Gambaran aposisi The island of bali
9.Like Penyerupaan Andrew smiles like his mother
Chapter VI


A phrase is a grouping of related words that do NOT have a subject AND a verb.

Example : under the teacher’s desk

1) Noun phrases

Noun Phrase Is a phrase the used as noun or noun as head

Noun phrase can be:

a. Noun + noun

Example: english teacher

b. Adjective + noun

Example: smart boy

c. determiner + noun

Example: a book

d. Adverb + noun

Example: afternoon tea

2) Prepositional phrase

Prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and end with a noun

The Prepositional Phrase Consists of These Things:

1. A Preposition

2. An object (Noun or pronoun)

3. Any modifiers of that object

Example :

1. He was riding (on his skateboard).

2. I am a huge fan (of Twilight).

3. My dad enjoys hunting (in the woods).

 Adjective phrase

Adj. Phrase is: a pre. phrase that describes a Noun and Pronoun.

Example: The girl (with the pink dress).

 Adverb phrase

Adverb Phrase is: A Prepositional Phrase that describes a Verb, Adjective, or Adverb.

Example: We must finish our project (before the holidays).

3) Verbal phrase

verbal Phrase: has a form of a verb that acts as another POS.

a) gerund phrase

A gerund phrase can come at the beginning or the end of a sentence

b) infinitive phrase
 Take the infinitive verb forms
 Start with the word “to”
 Are used as nouns (subjects, objects of prepositions, direct
c) participal phrase
A participial phrase functions as an adjective and can take four
forms: present, past, perfect and passive perfect. It consists of the
participle, its modifiers and complements.

4) Appositive phrase
Appositive Phrase: Has an appositive and any modifiers. (A group of words
with an appositive) Example: I chose 1 person, the girl in the pink, to pass out the
Reasoning:“the girl in the pink” is describing person and is placed directly beside
that Noun.

Chapter VIII


Subject verb agreement

Plurals in English Grammar

i. To make a noun plural, we add –s

• Singular: my friend lives in boston

• Plural: my friends live in boston

ii. To make a verb plural, we take away the –s.

• Singular: he talks

• Plural:

Singular Plural
• I walk • We walk
• You walk • You walk
• He/She/It walk s • They walk
• Joe walk s • Joe and Maria walk
• The girl walk s • The girls walk

Remember there are irregular verbs :

Singular Plural

DO Does Do
Ex : he does , she does Ex : they do , we do
HAVE Has Have
Ex : he has , she has Ex : they have , we have
BE Is , was Are , were
Ex : he is , she was Ex : they were , we are

Tip for Subject or verb Agreement

 Generally, if the subject doesn’t end in –S, the verb will.

Example : The girl dances

 If the subject does end in –S, the verb won’t.

Example : The girls dance.

Multiple subjects joined by “and”

If there are two or more subjects joined by and, the subject must be
plural, so the verb will not get an “s”.

Example :

The boy and the girl dance.

(= They dance.)

Multiple subjects joined by “or”

If there are two or more subjects joined by or, the verb agrees with the
part of the subject closest to it.


• The professor or the students walk the halls.

• The students or the professor walks the halls.

Indefinite Pronouns

Some indefinite pronouns are always singular (anyone, everyone,

someone, no one, nobody,each)

Others can be either singular or plural (all, some)

Example :

• Everybody loves grammar.

• Some people love grammar.

• Each of my friends loves grammar.

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns (who/which/that) can be either singular or plural,

depending on the word they refer to.

Example :

• The student who works hard will succeed.

• The students who work hard will succeed.

Prepotional phrases

The subject can never be part of a prepositional phrase.

Example : The students in my class study / studies hard.

Chapter IX


Function of simple present :

- The statement always true

- The action happen all time habbitually at present,past ,future/ routine activities
- The action for present a state
- The action not only happen now

Time of use :

 Every Seldom
 Always Never
 Usually Sometimes
 Often On wednesday
a. Simple Present
Positive sentences
-The statement always true/ the fact
The sun rises in the east
Metal expands when it is heated
-The action happen all time/ routine activities
I usually go to work by car but sometimes I walk
Monica always reads Al-Qur’an after praying maghrib
-The action for present a state
We are at home
She sleeps
We speak in front of class
-The action not only happen now
The old man eats hamburger in the morning
The flowers die because the weather is bad
Negative sentences
-We use don’t / doesn’t + verb
Arsah speaks spanish but he doesn’t speak italian
Dzikri doesn’t usually have breakfast
- we use isn’t-aren’t-am not+adverb
So many students are beautiful but betty isn’t pretty
Ida and anteo aren’t here
Questions sentences
-we use do / does
Do your parents speak english?
Does hikmah work hard to finish her task?
-we use the word order
How much does it cost to fly to rome?
What do you do?
-we use to be ( is,am,are)
Are you still over there?
Is it your pen?
b. Present Pogessive
-The present progressive express an activities in the middle of action
Example :
- Ardi is travelling right now
- Hikmah and ida are playing football
- I am praying dhuhur
-We use present progresive to describe a plan or activities in the near future (this
week,this month,this year.)
Example : - Hamid is triying to improve english this morning
-Jim is leaving for Brussels this evening
-Present progressive to express actions that are repeated regularly; usually with a
negative meaning and with the time expressions: always or forever.
Example : - Her husband is always complaining about his health
- That company is always selling some cheap gadget.
Negative present progessive
The negative in the present progressive tense is created using am not, is not or
are not.
Example :
 I’m not listening to you.
 Roger isn’t eating with us tonight.
 The Smiths aren’t going to France this year. They’re going to
 He is not coming with me dressed like that!

Yes/No Questions in the Present Progressive (Continuous)

To ask a question that will be answered with either a yes or no, start
with Am, Is or Are, then choose your subject (the person or thing doing the
action), followed by the ing (present participle) form of the verb and then the
rest of your question.

Example :

 Is that your dog barking?

 Are you participating in the competition next week?

The difference of simple present and present progressive

The basic difference

-We use the simple present for a permanent routine,a state,or a fact

Ex : We eat in the canteen most days

-We use the present continous for something we are in the middle of

Ex : I’m eating a burger at the moment

- we use simple present for a permanent routine

Ex : I usually travel to work by car,but it’s off the road

-We use continous for a temporary routine

Ex : I’m traveling by bus this week

c. Present Future Tense

The PRESENT PERFECT TENSE is formed with a present tense form of “HAVE or
HAS" plus the past participle of the verb.
Has he, she, it and singular noun
Have I, you, they, we and plural noun
Example : - I have walked two miles already.
- She has run the Boston Marathon.
When a sentence is converted into negative then not is used with the
auxiliaries. You can use the short form too in which not is used with auxiliary as
one word. (haven’t or hasn’t named contraction)
Example :
-You have not understood still.
You haven’t understood still.
-She has not completed her home work.
She hasn’t completed her home work.


While making interrogative the auxiliaries are used at the beginning of sentence.
Has / have used at the beginning of the sentence.
Example :
- Have they gone out? (Interrogative sentence)
Haven’t they gone out ?
-Has he worked out the problem? (Interrogative sentence)
Hasn’t he worked out the problem ?

The difference of present perfect and past tense

The choice between Present Perfect and Simple Past is often determined by
the adverbial accompanying the verb. With adverbs referring to a period gone
by, we would use the simple past.

Example : I studied all night/yesterday/on Wednesday.

With adverbs beginning in the past and going up to present, we would use
the present perfect.Example : I have studied up to now/lately/already.

An adverbial time-marker such as "today, this month," or "for an hour" can

take either the simple past or present perfect.Example : I worked/have
worked hard today.

Chapter X


Forming the past tense of regular verbs.

In Simple Past Tense you have to add –(e)d after regular verbs.

-To a regular verb that ends in –e we only add –d.

        Move =  moved

-Y changes into –i in the end of the regular verbs if there is a consonant before it.

         try = tried

-The consonant doubles in the end of the regular verb, if it is a one-syllabled word
which is short if we pronounce it and if there is a vowel in front of the last letter (consonant).

         stop = stopped

-The ‘l’ consonant doubles in the end of the regular verb.

       travel = travelled

Example :

Infinitive Simple Simple Past Past Present

Present Participle Participle
To laugh Laugh(s) Laughed Laughed Laughing

To start Start(s) Started Started Started

To wash Wash(es) Washed Washed Washing

To wink Wink(s) Winked Winked Winking

Forming the past tense of iiregular verbs.

The formation of the irregular verbs does not follow one rule and should be

Example :

Infinitive Simple Simple Past Past Present

Present Participle Participle

To drive Drive (s) Drove Driven Driving

To feel Feel (s) Felt Felt Feeling
To put Put (s) Put Put Putting

a. Simple Past Tense

Verbs describing actions that will happen in the past are said to be in the past tense.
Time signal : last time, this morning, last year, last week, etc..


Verbal Sentence

( + ) Subject + V2 + Object (+) My sister went to campus

( - ) Subject + Did + Not + V1 + Object ( - )My sister did’nt go to campus

( ? ) Did + Subject + V1 + Object ( ? )Did my sister go to campus


Nominal Sentence

( + ) Subject + Tobe (was/ware) + C ( + ) Rudi was an artist

( - ) Subject + Tobe (was/ware )+ Not + C ( - ) Rudi wasn’t an artist

( ? ) Tobe (was/ware ) + Subject + C ( ? ) Was Rudi an artist?

-Simple Past Tense used to :

1. Completed Action in the Past : to express the idea that an action started and

finished at a specific time in the past

*I saw a movie yesterday.

*I didn't see a play yesterday.

*Last year, I traveled to Japan.

2. A Series of Completed Actions : to list a series of completed actions in the


These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.

*I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.

*He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00,

and met the others at 10:00.

3. Duration in Past : can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the

A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two
years,forfive minutes, all day, all year, etc.
* I lived in Brazil for two years.

* Shauna studied Japanese for five years.

* We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.

4. The Habits in the Past: used to describe a habit which stopped in the past.

we often add expressions such as: when I was a

child, when I was younger, etc..

* I studied French when I was a child.

* He played the violin.

* She worked at the movie theater after school.

5. Active / Pasive

* Tom repaired the car. Active

* The car was repaired by Tom. Passive

b. Past Continous Tense

is commonly used in English for actions which were going on (had not finished)

At a particular time in the past.

Time signal : yesterday night, this morning, last year, three days ago, last week, etc..

sentence in the Past Continuous, you need:

Auxiliary verb "to be“

 For the first and third person singular: "was“ ( I, He, She, it )
 For all others: "were“ ( They, We, You)


( + ) Subject + Tobe(was/were) + V1ing +Object

( - ) Subject + Tobe(was/were) + Not + V1ing +Object

( ? ) Tobe(was/were) + Subject + V1ing +Object

Examples :

( + ) I was singing yesterday night

( - ) I wasn’t singing yesterday night

( ? ) Was I singing yesterday night?


( + ) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + Complement

( - ) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + Not + Complement

( ? ) Tobe (was/were) + Subject + Complement

Examples :

( + ) She was very arrrogant

( - ) She wasn’t very arrogant

( ? ) Was she very arrogant?

Past Continous Tense Used to :

1. When one action began before another, and finished after it

* I was reading when he arrived.

* I was watching TV when my father called me Last night

* While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.

2. To talk about two or more activities happening at the same

* I was studying while he was making dinner.

* While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.

* When Bob was painting windows, Mary was working in the kitchen.


*The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the
store. Active

*The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the
store. Passive

c. Past Perfect Tense

to indicates that an action was completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the
past before something else happened.

Time signal : after, ever, before, not yet, never, all day, etc...

To form a sentence in the Past Perfect, you need :Auxiliary verb is "had": for all

Form :


( + ) Subject + Had + V3 +Object

( - ) Subject + Had + Not + V3 +Object

( ? ) Had+ Subject + V3 +Object ?

Examples : ( + ) We had left to Surabaya by plane

( - ) We had not left to Surabaya by plane

( ? ) Had we left to Surabaya by plane?


( + ) Subject + Had + Been + Complement

( - ) Subject + Had + Not + been + Complement

( ? ) Had + Subject + Been + Complement

Examples : ( + ) I had been in Jakarta

( - ) I had not been in Jakarta

( ? ) Had I been in Jakarta?

Past Perfect used to

1. A completed action before another action in the past

* I had finished my homework before I went playing football.

* John had never been to London before we went there last year.

2.Use the Past Perfect with sentences in reported speech.

* Mary said she had already seen this film.

* John said that he had never eaten sushi before.

* I thought I had sent her a birthday card, but I was wrong.

3. In if (conditional) sentences

* If I had had enough money, I would have bought you a better present

* I would have been in big trouble if you hadn't helped me
4. active / passive
* he had met them before I came. ACTIVE
* they had been met before I came. PASSIVE
Chapter XI
In English we don’t have ONE future tense. We use several forms to talk about
different ideas about the future.

1. Simple future tense(Will/shall , be going to)

The simple Future has two different forms in English: will/shall and be
going to. Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably,
they often express two different meanings as mentioned before.
Example :
- I will probably go to London next summer.
- I am going to fly to London next Saturday.

Will / shall form

1) Affirmative :

S + WILL / SHALL + VERB 1(infinitive)+ O

Ex : - He will travel to Madrid in October

- I shall travel to Madrid in October

2) Negative


Ex : - He will not (won’t) travel to Madrid in October

- I shall not (shan’t) travel to Madrid in October

3) Interrogative

WILL / SHALL + S + VERB 1 + O + ?

Ex : - Will He travel to Madrid in October?

Yes, I will / No, I will not

- Shall I travel to Madrid in October?

Yes, I shall / No, I shall not

NOTE : Will (you,He,She,It,They)

Shall (I,We)

We use will / shall :

• To express decision.
• To express intention or promise.
• To express a prediction based on opinion or beliefs.
• To make a request or an offer.
• To express willingness.

Time markers simple future :

• Tomorrow
• Tomorrow morning
• The day after tomorrow
• Tonight
• Next month
• Next year
2. Future cotunious tense
Continuous Future has two different forms: "will be doing " and "be
going to be doing." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Continuous forms are
usually interchangeable.
It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future
Continuous with little difference in meaning.
A. USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Future
Use the Future Continuous to indicate that a longer action in
the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future. Remember
this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.
Example :
• I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight.
• I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives.
• I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel,
if anything happens and you need to contact me.
in the examples above that the interruption (marked in italics)
are in Simple Present rather than Simple Future. This is because the
interruptions are in time clauses, and you cannot use future tenses in time
B. USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption in the Future
In USE 1, described above, the Future Continuous is
interrupted by a short action in the future. In addition to using short actions
as interruptions, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.
Example :
• Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to be eating dinner.
I will be in the process of eating dinner.
• At midnight tonight, we will still be driving through the
We will be in the process of driving through the desert
In the Simple Future, a specific time is used to show the time
interrupts the action.
Example :
• Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to eat dinner.
I am going to start eating at 6 PM.
• Tonight at 6 PM, I am going to be eating dinner.
I am going to start earlier and I will be in the process of eating
dinner at 6 PM.
C. USE 3 Parallel Actions in the Future
When you use the Future Continuous with two actions in the same
sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions will be happening at the
same time. The actions are parallel.
Example :
• I am going to be studying and he is going to be making
• Tonight, they will be eating dinner, discussing their plans,
and having a good time.
• While Ellen is reading, Tim will be watching television.
Notice "is reading" because of the time clause containing
"while." (See Explanation Below)
D. USE 4 Atmosphere in the Future
In English, we often use a series of Parallel Actions to describe
atmosphere at a specific point in the future.
Example :

When I arrive at the party, everybody is going to be

celebrating. Some will be dancing. Others are going to be
talking. A few people will be eating pizza, and several people
are going to be drinking beer. They always do the same thing.

3. Future perfect tense

Subject Will + have + Verb in Past Participle/Verb-3 + …

I will have will have will have

passed married checked
By + a
We / You / will have will have will have phrase or
They passed married checked before/when
+ Subject +
He / She /It will have will have will have Verb 1
passed married checked
Example : - I will have passed my examination by the end of this month

- Dessy will have got married to Robby when you come back

Negative and interrogative sentence

 Negative
S + will / shall + not + have + Verb III + O
Ex : They will not have down home work
 Interrogative
Will / shall + S + have + verb III + O + ?
Ex : Will they have done home work ?

Use 1: Completion before a specified point in the future

The first use of this tense is to talk about future actions that will be finished before
some specified point in the future.

Example : John will have eaten the whole cake, by the time the birthday party starts!

Use 2: Duration in the Future

Another use of this tense is to talk about actions will last after a given point in the

Example : Patrick will have lived in Hong Kong for 20 years by 2012.

Use 3: Certainty About the Near Past

The last use is to express conviction that something happened in the near past.

Example : The guests will have arrived at the hotel by now. (I'm sure the guests have
arrived at the hotel)

No Future in Time Clauses

Like all future forms, the Future Perfect cannot be used in clauses beginning with
time expressions such as: when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if, unless, etc.
Instead of Future Perfect, Present Perfect is used.

• I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework. Not

• I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. Correct

• By , by the time, before , by tomorrow/7 ,o'clock/next month ,until/till,by this
time next week,by next month,by next year,by 2013,when,by June.

Chapter XII


The degrees of comparison is used to compare two things or persons.

There are three degrees, or forms, of adjectives and adverbs that are used to modify and
make comparisons. Most adjectives and adverbs have different forms to show degrees of

There are three kinds of degrees of comparison :

1. Positive degree
Positive Degree is used to compare two objects or people the same level, both
the nature, form or other parts.
Ex : Nadia is as beautiful as olivia
Like and alike (sama/seperti)
Ex : - This house is like my house
- Your house and my house are alike
the same and the same as (sama/sama dengan/spt)
Ex : - This tv and that tv are the same
- My cat is the same as your car
Similar (to)…. (sama/seperti)
Ex : - You calculation is similar to hers.
- My calculation and your calculation are similar
Different (from)… (berbeda ..dengan)
Ex : Jakarta is different from Sydney

2. Comparative degree
Comparative Degree is used to compare two different objects or people. Or in
other words are used to express that some object or person that has more
properties than others.
Adjective+er…than… (lebih…daripada)
Ex : zelianty is older than olivia.

Ex : - Nadia is more beautiful than sandy
- Bali is more famous than yogyakarta
less+adjective…than… (sedikit…dibandingkan dengan)
Ex : - This taxi is less expensive than that bus
- This tv is less cheaper than that tv
Ex : - The sooner you come,the better you will be
-The higher you climb,the nicer you will fell
Ex : -The more you study, the smarter you will be
-The more he works, the richer he will become
3. Superlative degree

Superlative Degree is used to compare three or more objects or persons.



Ex : - The elephant is the largest of all land animals.

- The giraffe is the tallest of all animals.


The most+adjective….(paling…/ter…)

Ex : Susan is the most intelligent girl in the class


Comparative forms formed from the positive form coupled with the suffix –er
or –r (1- 2 syllable(s)) and more prefix (3 syllables).

Superlative forms formed from the positive form coupled with the suffix -est or
–st (1-2 syllable (s)) and most prefix (3 syllables).

For adverbs ending in –ly and for all modifiers with three or more syllables, use
more and most to form the comparative and superlative degrees.
Chapter XIII


I. Noun and pronoun

1. There is not a single bits of food in the refrigerator
False.Bits should be bit
2. Both class started on time
False.class should be classes
3. We took a new routes to the beach house
False.routes should be route
4. How many money is left?
False.many should be much
5. You need to show a little

II. Verb form

1. Please don’t make me to practising anymore
2. They avoid to driving at rush hour
False. To driving should be driving.
3. My neighbour has painted his wall
4. The man has running his business since 1998
False. Has running should be has been run.
5. He buy the car last month
False. Buy should be bought.
III. Adjective and Adverb
1. He had an accident because he was driving too fastly.
False.fastly should be fast
2. The plane will arrive soonly.
False.Soonly should be soon
3. The sun is shining bright.
False.bright should be brightly
4. The boys speak spanish fluent.
False.fluent should be fluently
5. We don’t like to drink bitter tea.

1. A house which we visited last week, is being renovated now.

False. A house should be the house

2. We don’t know the name of this street.

3. I always remember Monday when I had a trouble with my boss.
False.Monday should be the monday
4. We have linguistics one time a week.
5. Their motorcycle does 100 miles a hour.

False.a our should be an our

V. Preposition
1. The main office of the factory can be found in maple street in New York city new york should be at new york
2. Using the internet, people can buy things on other countries.
False.on other countriest should be from other countries
3. The next course will start on June 2013. on june should be in june
4. He mentioned that Japanese was presented in two types of script by this book. this book should be
In this book
5. My book is different than yours because mine has a vocabulary section at the bottom
of each page.

1. Smith, who recently spoke to the youth group, excels at motivate young people.
False. Motivate should be motivating.
2. Arnold hoped to find an answer to the funding shortfall.
3. Love is beautiful feeling.
4. To write a clear composition, the goal of any student, takes time, practice and a love
5. While prepared for the speech, Joe could not help but worry about hisentrace.

False. Prepared should be preparing

VII. Auxiliaries Verb

1. You should try to respond politely
2. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful
False.lies should be lie
3. Everyone must leaves the room immediately
False.leaves should be leave
4. Does the girls play game?
False.does should be do
5. Greg and Natalie are watch sinema. should be watching

VIII. Subject and Verb agreement

1.)It’s important for every students to have a book.

2.)One of my favorite place in the world are an island in the Carribean Sea.
False.are an island should be is an island

3.)The Japanese have a long and interesting history.

False.have a long should be has a long

4.)Two thousand dollars is a lot for him to pay for intitution.

5.)There has never been so many joggers in the race.

IX. Simple present, progressive and perfect

1.Hikmah is hearing something righyt now

False : non action verb, is hearing: hears

2. Ida woks at office,she goes to work at 7.00 am and it is going home at 5.00 pm

False : routines action, is going : goes

3. Education is essential element and it has being foundation in era globalization

False : perfect, has being : has been

4. Monday ceremony obligate in every school especially Indonesia,so that the

students always remembering the merit of patriot

False : non action verb, remembering: remember

5. Ardi has read the article about technology


X. Past tense
1) I have gone when he arrived at my home
False.have gone should be had gone
2) I am getting tired because I have driven the car for 4 hours.
3) My servant always had mopped the floor every morning.
False.had mopped should be mops
4) When we arrived, everyone was leaving.
5) Aidil and Rian worked in Astra last year.
6) They will send me letter when they arrive in Solo.
False.arrive should be arrived

XI. Future tense

1. I will graduate from Gadjah Mada University by the end of next month
Have graduated
2. The soldiers will home lastnight
Will be at to night
3. I think Diana will come home tomorrow
Will be coming at home
4. By the time I’m go th, I have will lost all my hair
5. I won’t be able to talk to you in 15 minutes because I will be doing my homework
6. I hope we aren’t going to have anymore trouble with the neighbor’s dog
False. aren’t going should be will not

XII. Degree of comparison

1. Bali is farthest than Maluku.
False. farthest Should be farther
2. She is as smartest as her sister.
False. smartest should be smart
3. My house is bigger than his house
4. He is the funniest student in this class.
5. She is the more beautiful of all the girl.
False.more beautiful should be Most beautiful

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