9th Physics Full Book UNsolved MCQS Full Syllabus From Past Papers

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Student Name:___________________________________ Roll No.________/ Marks Obtained/Total Marks:________/

Class: Nine Subject Name: Physics 9 Date:________
I) Tick the Correct Option: (All questions / options - 209 / 0 ) 0 Marks
1. Density = __________.
a) Mass / volume b) Volume / mass c) Length / mass d) Weight / mass
2. Newton's first law of motion is valid only in the absence of.
a) Momentum b) Friction c) Force d) Energy
The major source of heat energy is.

a) moon b) Earth c) Sun d) Nuclear fuels

4. Accourding to the law of conservation of momentum :
b) V= M/mv c) V = m/MV d) All these

5. A force of 10 N makes an angle of 90° with x- axis. its horizontal component will be.
a) 10N b) 5N c) Zero d) Maximum
6. The weight of a body is 147 N. Its mass will be when g =
a) 1.47 kg b) 14.7 kg c) 0.147 kg d) 147 kg
7. The state of equilibrium are:
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5
8. ............ is not a vector quantity.
a) Displacement b) Velocity c) Work d) Torque
9. Which of the following is the smallest quantity?
a) 0°F b) 32° F c) -273° K d) 0° K
10. SI unit of pressure is pascal which is equal to.
a) b) c) d)

11. The energy stored in coal is:

a) Electrical energy b) Chemical energy c) Heat energy d) Nuclear energy.
12. The value of g at a height of earth's radius above the surface of the earth is:
a) 2g b) 1/2g c) 1/3g d) 1/4 g
13. The value of 'g' on Mars is.
a) b) 1.62m/s c) 10N d) Non of these
14. Which coloured is good absorber?
a) White b) Black c) Shiny d) Coloured
15. Warm clothes for winter season are:
a) Woollen b) Silky c) Plastic d) Cotton
16. One megameter is equal to:
a) m b) m c) m d) None
17. The turning effect of force is called :
a) Momentum b) Torque c) Pessure d) force
18. An interval of 200 us is equivalent to:
a) 0.2 s b) 2 × s c) 0.02 s d) 2 × s
19. The temperature 50°C on celsus scale is equal to fahrenheit scale.
a) 112°F b) 120°F c) 122 °F d) 273° F
20. Poor conductor of heat is
a) Copper b) Aluminium c) Water d) iron
21. The velocity of body became double, then cenrtipetal force will be.
a) Half b) Three time greater c) Double d) Four times greater
22. Mass of unit volume of any body ;
a) Area b) Density c) Force d) Pressure
23. Metals are good conductor of heat due to the
a) Free electrons b) Free protons c) Free icons d) All these
24. Volumeof one litter is equal to :
a) b) c) d)
25. A body has translatory motion if it moves along a:
a) straight line b) Circle c) A line without rotation d) all of these
26. The ratio between stress and Tensile strain is:
a) Elastic modulud b) Bulk Modulus c) Young's Modulus d) All These.
27. One mega watt is equal to.
a) b) c) d)
28. The acceleration of a body falling down freely is approximately.
a) b) c) 10m/s d) 20m/s
29. In which state molecules do not leave their position?
a) Liquid b) Solid c) Gass d) Plasma
30. Inertia depends upon .
a) Velocity b) Net force c) Mass d) Force
31. The boiling point of water is.
a) 98° C b) 78°C c) 100° C d) 102°C
32. The length of meter rule is:
a) 1 meter b) 0.5 meter c) 2 meter d) none of these
33. A value of gravitational field strength near the sufrace of earth is.
a) 20 Nkg b) 30 Nkg c) 5 N/kg d)

34. The centripetal acceleration is inversly proportional to :

a) Mass b) Velocity c) Radius d) Mass and radius
35. One micro meter is equal to:
a) m b) m c) m d) m
36. Which of the folllowing unit is not a derived unit:?
a) pascal b) kilogram c) newton d) watt
37. The Unit of force is :
a) Nm b) N c) Meter d) kg
38. Capability to do work is called:
a) Energy b) Power c) Torque d) Momentum
39. Product of mass and velocity of a body is called
a) Torque b) Force c) Mass d) Momentum
40. What should be the approximate length of a glass tube to construct a water barometer.
a) 0.5m b) 1m c) 2.5m d) 11m
41. The formula of torque is:
a) T = F x E b) T = F x L c) T = F/E d) None
42. The efficiency percentage of an electric lamp is:
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d) 12%
43. According to the law of gravitational 'F' is equal to.
a) b) c) d)

44. A cube has faces

a) Two b) Four c) six d) eight
45. The force that are parallel to each other and have the same direction are called:
a) Like parallel force b) Un Like parallel force c) Resultant force d) Net force
46. A body is in equilibrium when its :
a) Acceleration is zero b) Speed is uniform c) Uniform velocity d) All these
47. The value of co-efficient of friction between ice and wood is:
a) 0.29 b) 0.05 c) 0.02 d) 1.0
48. Unit of heat is.
a) Joule b) Jouleper second c) Kelvin d) Meter per seconds
49. The specific heat of iron in joules per kilogram per kelvin is.
a) 387.0 b) 920.0 c) 470.0 d) 903.0
50. The idea of gravity was put up first by .
a) Galilo b) Newton c) Hook d) Einstein
51. A ball is thrown vertically upward with the velocity of 20m/s. Its velocity at the highest point will be:
a) 10m/s b) 20m/s c) Zero d) all these
52. Unit of specific heat capacity in SI system is:
a) b) c) d)

53. One Giga Gram is equal:

a) g b) g c) g d) g
54. In solid, heat is transferred by:
a) Radiation b) Conduction c) Convetion d) Absorbtion
55. See-Saw is an example of
a) Translatory motion b) Linear motion c) Random motion d) Vibratory motion
56. One cubic meter is equal to:
a) 100 litter b) 1000 litter c) 2000 liter d) none of these
57. Ways to transfer of heat are.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
58. A couple is formed by
a) Two equal and opposite forces are not in the same b) Two equal and opposite forces are on the same c) Two like parraller d) All
line line forces these
59. The unit of rate of conduction of thermal energy is:
a) J/s b) J c) K d) J/K
60. The work done in lifting a brick of mass 2 kg through a height of 5m above the ground will be.
a) 2.5 J b) 10 J c) 50 J d) 100 J
61. Latent heat of fusion of 1kg of ice at 0°C.
a) b) c) d)

62. If the velocity of a body becames three times greater then kinetic Energy will be.
a) Three times b) Nine Times c) Foure Times d) Six Times
63. 3rd equation of motion is :
a) S = Vt b) c) 2aS = Vf2 + Vi2 d) F = ma

64. The branch of physics which deals with the study of motion of objects, its causes and effects are called:
a) sound b) kinematics c) mechanics d) none of these
65. In SI system unit of density is :
a) b) c) d) kgm
66. Speed of Falcon is:
a) 150 km/h b) 200 km/h c) 250 km/h d) 300 km/h
67. A point where an applied force causes the system to move with out rotation is called :
a) Centre of gravity b) Centre of mass c) uniform rod d) none of these
68. Molecules are very close in body of :
a) Plasma b) Solid c) Liquid d) Gases
69. The maximum value of friction is called:
a) Cold Welds b) Normal reaction c) Limiting friction. d) Kinetic friction
70. Which of the following is a vector quantity:
a) Speed b) Distance c) Displacement d) Power
71. The motion of an insects is called :
a) Random motion b) Circular motion c) viberatory motion d) All these
72. Which of the substance is the lightest one.
a) Copper b) Mercury c) Aluminium d) Lead
73. The number of perpendicular components of a vector are ...... ?
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
74. The kinetic energy of mass 2 kg is 25 J. Its speed will be.....
a) 5 m b) 15J c) 25m/s d) None
75. Which of the substnce is the lightest one?
a) Copper b) Mercury c) aluminium d) Lead
76. The base quatity is:
a) mass b) volume c) torque d) momentum
77. The orbital speed of a low orbit satellite is.
a) 80m/s b) 8m/s c) 250m/s d)

78. The resultant of alll the forces acting on a body is called:

a) Force b) Friction c) Net force d) Gravitaitonal force
79. If force is 200 N and length of spanner is 0.15 m then torque is equal to.
a) 30 Nm b) 15Nm c) 20Nm d) None
80. A straight line parallel to time axis on the distance time graph tells that the object is:
a) Random motion b) At rest c) In motion d) all these
81. The number of base quantities in SI system is:
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7
82. Work on pascal's law.
a) Vernier callipers b) Screw Guage c) Wedge d) Hydrolic press.
83. Least count of metre rod is ______:
a) 1 mm b) 0.1 mm c) 0.01 mm d) 1 cm
84. SI unit of work is:
a) Pascal b) Newton c) Joule d) Watt
85. Value of 'g' increases with the
a) Increase in mass of body b) Increase in altitude c) Decrease in altitude d) none
86. Centre of gravity of sphere is at;
a) Centre of sphere b) Solid cylinder c) Radius of sphere d) None of these
87. What happens to the thermal conductivity of a wall if its thickness is doubled?
a) Remain same b) Double c) Half d) None of these
88. One newton is equal to:
a) 1 kgm/s b) 1 kgm/ c) 1 kg/ s d) None of the above
89. In SI units, the unit of pressure is :
a) N b) Nm c) J d)

90. The value of 'g' on moon surface is What will be the weight of a 100 kg on the surface of moon.
a) 100N b) 160N c) 120N d) 200N
91. The conditions of equilibrium are.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
92. In gases heat is mainly transferred by:
a) molecular collision b) conduction c) convection d) radiation
93. Which material has large specific heat?
a) copper b) Ice c) Water d) Mercury
94. Which of the following affects evaporation?
a) Temperature b) Surface area of liquid c) Wind d) All of these
95. With the x axis direction of force will be :
a) b) c) d)

96. What is the unit of work;

a) J b) N c) NS d) M
97. The efficiency of solar cell is:
a) 3% b) 6% c) 9% d) 10%
98. Cos is equal to .
a) Perpendicular / hypoth enuse b) Perpendicular / base c) Base / Hypotenuse d) None of these.
99. When centre of gravity is at the highest position , body will be in.
a) Neutral equilibrium b) Unstable equilibrium c) Stable equilibrium d) None of these
100. Which of the following relation is correct.
a) F = m-a b) F = ma c) F = m/a d) F = a/m
101. A force which is inversely proportioanl to square of the distance between the centes of bodies is.
a) Frictional force b) Centripetal force. c) Gravitational force d) All these

Complete equation
a) F b) S c) N d) M
103. The distance covered in a unit time is called:
a) Speed b) work c) velocity d) Acceleration
104. The SI unit of torque is ;
a) Nm b) N/m c) N.S d) Non of these
105. First condition of equilibrium is:
a) d) None
F b) c)
= F Fy = 0 of
0 these

106. Which material has large value of temPerature coefficient of linear expansion.
a) Gold b) Water c) Brass d) Aluminium
107. Water freezes at:
a) 0°F b) 32° F c) -273 K d) 98.6°
108. Two equal but unlike parallel forces having different line of action produce:
a) Torque b) Couple c) Equilibrium d) Neutral Equilibrium
109. The attractive forces between the molecules of solid are
a) less weak b) very weak c) very strong d) none of these
110. The unit of weight is:
a) NS b) c) N d) kg
111. Room are heated using gas heaters by:
a) Conduction only b) Radiation only c) Convection and radiation d) All these
112. Point of intersection of medians is the centre of gravity of uniform:
a) Rod b) Circular ring c) Solid cylinder d) Triangular sheet.
113. Land breeze blows from
a) Sea to land during night b) Sea to land during day. c) Land to sea during night. d) All these
114. A measuring cylinder is used to measure:
a) Mass b) Area c) Volume d) None of above
115. The center of gravity of a uniform solid cylinder is at.
a) Middle point on its axis b) Centre of the cylinder c) The point of intersection of medians. d) Centre of plate.
116. Heat transfer through fluids by the method called:
a) Radiation b) Conduction c) Convection d) Absorption
117. Global positioning system consists of:
a) 6 earth satellites b) 12earth satellites c) 24earth satellites d) 36 earth satellites
118. Complete the equation T(K) =
a) 273 +C b) 273 +F c) 273 - C d) -273 +C
119. The mass of a body.
a) Decreases when accelerated b) Increases when accelerated c) Decreases when moving with high velocity d) None of these
120. Centripetal acceleration (ac) represents as:
a) mv/r c) V/r d) None of these

121. When the cyclist stop pedaling, bicycle stop due to .

a) Friction b) Momentum c) Force d) Weight
122. The work will be maximum when angle between force and displacement is.
a) 45° b) 0° c) 60° d) 90°
123. In a right triangle length of base is 4cm and perpendicular is 3 cm. Length of diagonal will be.
a) 2 cm b) 5 cm c) 4 cm d) 6cm
124. Thermal conductivity of rubber is.
a) b) c) d)
125. The value of 'g' at Jupitor is
a) 1.62 m/s b) 9.8 m/s c) 10m/s d)
126. The motion of a body in a straight line is called:
a) Random motion b) Simple motion c) linear motion d) all above
127. The value of universal constant of gravitational (G) is.
b) c) d)
a) 6.754×10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2

128. The Turning effect of a force is called.

a) Momentum b) Torque c) Pressure d) Work
129. The density of a substance can be found with a help of :
a) Pascal’s law b) Archimedes principle c) hook’s law d) principal of floatation
130. Racing cars are made stable by......
a) decreasing their mass b) increasing their speed c) lowering their centre of gravity d) None of these.
131. Mercury is used as thermometric Material because it has:
a) Uniform thermal expansion. b) Low freezing point c) Small heat capacity d) All given properties.
132. Weight is measured by:
a) Spring balance b) Mass c) Beam balance d) None of these
133. Normal human body temperature is:
a) 37° C b) 273° C c) 273 K d) 98.6 C
134. The number of significant figures in 0.00580 is:
a) 6 b) 5 c) 3 d) 2
135. One horse power is equal to .
a) 740W b) 746W c) 750W d) 756W
136. The work done will be zero when the angle between force and distance is :
a) 45° b) 60° c) 30° d) 90°
137. Cos 60 is :
a) 0.5 b) 0.86 c) 1.732 d) 0.577
138. Which instrument is most suitable to measure the internal diameter of a test tube?
a) meter rule b) vernier calliper c) measuring scale d) screw guage
139. _____ of crocus is natural thermometer.
a) Flower b) Seed c) Stem d) Root
140. A body is in neutral equilibrium when its center of gravity :
a) Is at its hightest position b) Is at its lowest position c) keeps its height if displaced d) is situated at its bottom
141. The least count of digital vernier callipers is:
a) 0.01 mm b) 0.001 mm c) 0.10mm d) 1 mm
142. At altitude h, the value of 'g' can be determined.
a) b) c)
d) None of these

143. The major source of heat energy is

a) Moon b) Earth c) Sun d) All these
144. The example of bad conductor is
a) Wool b) Copper c) Gold d) Iron
145. How much acceleration is produced by a force of 100 N in mass of 50 kg?
a) 0.5m/s b) 20m/s2 c) 0.05m/s d)
146. Energy stored in dams' water is.
a) Electrical energy b) Kinetic energy c) Potential Energy d) Thermal energy
147. unit of velocity is :
a) m b) m/s c) m/s2 d) ms
148. The value of tan 45° is.
a) 0.5 b) 1.723 c) 0.577 d) 1
149. An example of neutral equilibrium is:
a) Foot ball b) Block c) Pencil and its tips. d) Book and table
150. The specific heat of water is.
a) b) c) d)

151. Which device of the following converts light into electrical energy.
a) Electric bulb b) Electric generator c) Photo cell d) Electric cell
152. The moon complete its one revolution around the earth in
a) 25.3 days b) 27.3 days c) 28.3 days d) 30.3 days
153. The speed of Cheetah is :
a) 200km/h b) 70km/h c) 100km/h d) All these
154. On celsius scale, the temperature 300k will be:
a) 26° C b) 25° C c) 24° C d) 27° C
155. Example of bad conduction is :
a) Gold b) Iron c) Wool d) Graphite

In thermal expansion = _________.
a) b) c) d) None of these

157. The perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and the line of action of force is called.
a) Torque b) Moment arm c) Momentum d) Work
158. I N is equal to:
a) kgm/s b) c) kgms d) None of these
159. A change in position is called:
a) speed b) distance c) displacement d) velocity
160. Cenrtipetal force is directly proportional to:
a) m2 b) c) V d) Force
161. Accourding to hook's law
a) stress * Strain = Constant b) Stress / Stain = Constant c) Strain / Stress = constant d) Stress = Strain
162. which of the following materials lowers friction when pushed between metal plates.
a) Water b) Air c) Oil d) Milk
163. Sin =?
a) Base / Hypotenuse b) Perpendicular / Base c) Perpendicular / Hypotenuse d) None of these
164. The altitude of geostationary orbits in which communication satellite are launched above the surface of the earth is.
a) 850km b) 1000km c) 6400 km d) 42300km
165. Sin 45 =
a) 0 b) 0.5 c) 0.707 d) 1
166. One joule is equal to
b) 1N × 1m c) 1m × 2N d) None of these

167. In SI system, the unit of young modulus is:

a) Nm b) N/m c) d)
168. The motion of abody an axis is called :
a) Circular motion b) Rotational motion c) Vibratory motion d) Random motion
169. Absolute zero temerature is :
a) 0°C b) 100 K c) 100° C d) -273° C
170. Equation of momentum is :
a) P = m/v b) P = Mv2 c) P = mv d) all
171. Which of the following birds are expert thermal climbers
a) eagle b) Hwak c) vulture d) All these
172. The value of sin 90 is.
a) Zero b) 1 c) 10 d) 0.5
173. The centre of gravity of irregular shaped body can be found with help of.
a) Wedig b) Metter rod c) Plumb line d) Screw gauge.
174. Amount of a substance in terms of numbers is measured in:
a) gram b) kilogram c) newton d) mole
175. Specific heat of _____ is maximum:
a) Cooper b) Ice c) Water d) Mercury
176. In 'C' represent the speed of :
a) Sound b) Light c) Electron d) Earth
177. Spring balance used to measure:
a) Mass b) Temperature c) Weight d) Length
178. The centre of gravity of a triangle is at ;
a) Centre b) Point of intersection of medians c) Centre of axis. d) None
179. The energy in the stretched bow is:
a) Elastic P.E b) Sound energy c) Heat energy d) K.E
180. The types of mechanical energy are.
a) 10 b) 8 c) 2 d) 4
181. The distance of moon from Earth is nearly.
a) 380,000 Km b) 3800Km c) 16545 Km d) 154486 Km
182. Least count of vernier callipers is:
a) 0.01 mm b) 0.01 cm c) 1 mm d) 1 cm
183. At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is about.
a) b) c) d)
184. Which of the following is a good radiator of heat:
a) A shining surface b) A Dull black surface c) A white surface d) A green coloured surface.
185. The unit of momentum is:
a) m/s b) kgms c) NS d) Nm
186. Power is equal to:
a) W.t b) W / 2t c) W

187. co-efficient of friction is equal to :

a) b) c) FR d) All these
188. Rate of change of momentum is:
a) Torque b) Force c) Mass d) Distance
189. Formula to determine centripetal force is:
b) mv/r c) mv/2r d) None of these

190. Which surface is bad emitter :

a) White surface b) Coloured surface c) Silver surface d) Both b and c
191. What is the equation for Pressure?
a) f2/a2 b) f/a2 c) f2/a d) f/a
192. In isolated system the momentum after collision of two bodies is :
a) Increase b) Constant c) Decrease d) Zero
193. Land and sea breezes are result of :
a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) Absorption
194. Worst absorber of heat is.
a) Dull black surface b) Coloured surface c) Shining silvered surface d) White surface
195. Brownian motion is:
a) Linear motion b) Circular motion c) Vibratory motion d) Random motion
196. The symbol of sigma is :
a) b) Σ c) d) none


a) Pascal's law b) Newton's law c) Hook's law d) None of these

198. In Einstein's mass energy equation 'c' is the :
a) Speed of sound b) Speed of light c) speed of earth d) speed of electron
199. Newton is equal to.
a) 1kgm/s b) c) 1kg/s d) None
200. The velocity of geostationary satelite with respect to earth is:
a) Zero b) 5km/h c) 10km/h d) 15km/h
201. Which of the following effect evaporation.
a) Temperature b) Surface area of the liquid c) Wind d) All of above
202. 10 J work is done by machine in 5 seconds its power .
a) 2 W b) 10 W c) 25 W d) 22 W
203. Mercury is dense than water.
a) 10 times b) 12.5 times c) 13 times d) 13.6 times
204. Stored energy in coal is:
a) Thermal b) Electron c) Potential d) Kinetic
205. The up thrust froce of liquid is equal to :
a) b) c) d)

206. A string is stretched by two equal and opposite forces 10N each. The tension in the string is :
a) 10N b) 5N c) Zero d) 20N
207. Which is the smallest quantity:
a) 0.01 g b) 2 mg c) 100 ug d) 5000 ng
208. Rate of doing work is called.
a) Energy b) Torque c) Power d) Momentum
209. In gases, heat is mainly transfered by.
a) Conduction b) Molecular collision c) Convection d) Radiation

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