Biofuels 1

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What are biofuels?

A BIOFUEL is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation.

A variety of biomasses from different sources, including forestry, agricultural, and aquatic
sources have been investigated as the feedstock for the production of different biofuels
including biodiesel, bio-ethanol, bio-hydrogen, bio-oil, and bio-gas. Biofuels are made mostly
from plants that have just been harvested.

*These fuels are also formed by a biomass conversion.

*The three different ways of biomass conversion are:

1-thermal conversion,

2-chemical conversion

3-biochemical conversion.

The bad effects of biofuels production:

Techno-economic assessments indicated that cost-effectiveness of biofuel production was
achievable (1). However, burning fuels derived from existing biomass has an environmental
impact similar to the combustion of fossil fuels in terms of its impact to the carbon cycle (carbon
balance), i.e., conversion of fixed carbon into CO2. In addition, depletion of certain existing
biomasses (e.g., wood) without appropriate compensation (e.g., replanting) may result in
massive biomass deficit, resulting in serious environmental problems (e.g., deforestation).

Conventional terrestrial plants are not very efficient in capturing solar energy. It was estimated
that switchgrass, the fastest-growing terrestrial crop, can convert solar energy to biomass
energy at a yearly rate of no more than 1 W/m 2, less than 0.5% of the solar energy received at
a typical mid-latitude region (200−300 W/m 2) . On the other hand, studies have shown the
photosynthetic efficiency of microalge could well be in the range of 10−20% or higher .
Furthermore, recent studies showed that the extra N2O entering the atmosphere as a result of
using nitrogen fertilizers to produce crops for biofuels, when calculated in “CO2-equivalent”
global warming terms and compared with the quasi-cooling effect of “saving” emissions of fossil
fuel derived CO2, could contribute as much or more to global warming by N2O emissions than
cooling by fossil fuel savings . These concerns may be addressed by using fast-growing
microalgal species for biofuel production.

For this review, we define microalgae as all unicellular and simple multicellular photosynthetic
micro-organisms, be they prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) or eukaryotes (also called microalgae in a
more narrow sense). They have high growth rates and photosynthetic efficiencies due to their
simple structures. It is estimated that the biomass productivity of microalgae could be 50 times
more than that of switchgrass, which is the fastest growing terrestrial plant .

-Biofuel production using microalgal farming offers the following advantages:

(1)The high growth rate of microalgae makes it possible to satisfy the massive demand on
biofuels using limited land resources without causing potential biomass deficit.

(2) Microalgal cultivation consumes less water than land crops.

(3) The tolerance of microalgae to high CO2 content in gas streams allows high-efficiency CO2

(4) Nitrous oxide release could be minimized when microalgae are used for biofuel

(5) Micro algal farming could be potentially more cost-effective than conventional farming.

-On the other hand, one of the major disadvantages of microalgae for biofuel production is the
low biomass concentration in the microalgal culture due to the limit of light penetration, which
in combination with the small size of algal cells makes the harvest of algal biomasses relatively
costly. The large water content of harvested algal biomass also means its drying would be an
energy-consuming process. The higher capital costs of and the rather intensive care required by
a microalgal farming facility compared to a conventional agricultural farm is another factor that
impedes the commercial implementation of the biofuels from microalgae strategy.
Nevertheless, these problems are expected to be overcome or minimized by technology
development. Given the vast potential of microalgae as the most efficient primary producers of
biomass, there is little doubt that they will eventually become one of the most important
alternative energy sources.
Biofuels from Microalgae:
Algae was initially examined as a potential replacement fuel source for fossil fuels in the 1970s
amidst the gas scare , but prohibitive production costs and limitations discouraged the
commercial development of algae-based fuel production. Subsequent studies, continued
through the 1980s and heightened in the last 15 years, illustrate that research developments are
enabling the commercial potential of microalgae to shift from aquaculture, fine chemicals, and
health food to fuel production.

There are three main kinds of biofuels : Ethanol, biodiesel, and biojet fuel.

1- Biodiesel: a substitute for diesel fuel, which is used mostly in trucks in the US but also in an
increasing number of diesel cars. Most commonly made from soybeans. Based on oils.

2-Ethanol: primarily used in cars, ethanol is a type of alcohol and is most commonly made from
corn or sugarcane. Based on sugars.

3-Other biomass: mostly used for generation of electricity or heat. Examples: burning wood
chips to boil water and create steam, which spins turbines and creates electricity; collecting
methane from manure piles to generate heat or electricity

is produced from the fatty acids found in vegetable oils and is produced using a process known
as trans esterification, which involves using methanol to create a catalytic reaction. A number of
biomass types can be used in the production of biodiesel such as rapeseed, sunflower and palm
oil. Biodiesel is extremely versatile as it can be used in any diesel engine if it has been mixed
with common diesel. However, many car manufactures are now designing cars so that they can
run on 100% biodiesel. Another increasing popular section of biodiesel market is the re-use of
vegetable oils used in the catering industry. The fast food chain McDonald's now converts its
used cooking oil into biodiesel to power its fleet of delivery trucks. The oil is filtered and pre-
processed before being manufactured into biodiesel.

How does biodiesel work ?

• Biodiesel is made from vegetable oil or other natural oils, mostly derived from soy in the US.

• Can also be made from waste vegetable oil – the US Army currently produces biodiesel from
used cooking oil.
• Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to
create a biodiesel blend. It can be used in diesel engines with little or no modifications.

• Biodiesel is available in all 50 states. There are 25 places to buy biodiesel in Massachusetts
alone, out of 2300 gas stations.

• Biodiesel is superior to petroleum-based diesel fuel according to most diesel engine


• According to the U.S. EPA, biodiesel is less toxic than table salt and more biodegradable than
sugar. It has none of the toxic or environmental hazards of fossil-derived diesel fuel.

-If you were driving a diesel car – as many people in Europe do – you could just fill up with
biodiesel one day, instead of regular diesel. It is actually better for your engine, and it makes
your exhaust smell like French fries.

Benefits of Biodiesel:
1) In many ways biodiesel works better than diesel. It is better for the engine, better for the
environment, and better for human health.

2) As the industry grows it can provide a new income source for farmers, revitalizing rural

3) It is much simpler to make than ethanol, and can be done on a farm scale with soybeans
grown on the farm.

4) Replacing diesel with biodiesel also helps reduce smog, ozone, acid rain, cancer & asthma,
some of the ills associated with burning petroleum diesel.

5) Biodiesel burns up to 75% cleaner than conventional diesel fuel, substantially reduces carbon
monoxide, and eliminates sulphur dioxide emissions. Arguably the largest benefit would be a
reduction in greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.

Biodiesel is not perfect, but it is an improvement from petroleum diesel, even when you only
consider the usage of these fuels, and not the production. Issues of peak oil, climate change, and
geopolitics are the same as mentioned above for gasoline vs. ethanol.

Problems with Biodiesel:

There are sustainability issues with growing soybeans, similar to those with corn. There is a risk
that increasing biodiesel use would only expand the monocultures already existing today. For
example, Brazil has already seen an increase in deforestation as its soybean acreage expands for
biodiesel production. The efficiency of making biodiesel is better than that of ethanol, but it still
is not very efficient. Proponents suggest that new methods will increase efficiency, opponents
suggest that there is a long way to go.Like ethanol, there are limits to how much biodiesel can
be produced. Land use, water availability and competition with food crops all limit the
production levels. It would require a major technological advance for biodiesel to replace all
diesel fuel currently used in the US

is a biologically produced biofuel that although being produced throughout the world is mainly
produced in Brazil and the U.S.A. The production of bioethanol takes a number of stages. First
the biomass is anaerobically fermented for a period of time allowing the breakdown of the sugar
or starch contained in the plant material. However, a number of companies are now producing
bioethanol by converting plant cellulose into sugars, allowing a wider range of biomass to be
used. After fermenting the fuel must be distilled to allow the removal of water. However, this
stage is gradually being replaced by dehydration as it produces better results using less energy,
increasing the net energy gain of the fuel

-Ethanol can be made by a process called fermentation. This converts sugar from sugar cane or
sugar beet into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Single-celled fungi, called yeast, contain enzymes
that are natural catalysts for making this process happen:

C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

Ethanol usages:
-The use of ethanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, either alone or in combination
with other fuels, has been given much attention mostly because of its possible environmental
and long-term economic advantages over fossil fuel.

-Ethanol fuel is an alternative to gasoline, It can be combined with gasoline in any concentration
up to pure ethanol (E100).

Anhydrous ethanol, that is, ethanol without water, can be blended with gasoline in varying
quantities to reduce the consumption of petroleum fuels, as well as to reduce air pollution.

-In the US, tolerance of ethanol depends on the individual vehicle.

-In Brazil, ethanol-powered and flexible-fuel vehicles are capable of running on hydrated
ethanol, an azeotrope of ethanol and water.

-In addition, flexible-fuel vehicles can run on any mixture of hydrated ethanol and gasoline, as
long as there is at least 20% ethanol.

-A few flexible-fuel systems, like the Hi-Flex, used by Renault and Fiat, can also run with pure

-Ethanol is increasingly used as an oxygenate additive for standard gasoline, as a replacement

for methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE), the latter chemical being responsible for considerable
groundwater and soil contamination.

-Ethanol can also be used to power fuel cells and to produce biodiesel.

Benefits of Ethanol:
1) It can be used in our existing car fleet, added to gasoline at up to 10% of a tank.

2) New cars can run on a 20% mix of ethanol with gas, and only minor changes are required for
new cars to run on any mix of ethanol and gasoline, up to 85% ethanol, known as E85.

3) Transport: It can be transported easily and use the same gas stations.

4) Surplus Corn: this is a good use for surplus corn production.

5) Global Warming: the burning of fossil fuels releases CO2, a primary contributor to global
warming. Ethanol has the potential to significantly reduce our CO2 emissions.

6) Pollution & related health problems: Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline, and would reduce
problems such as asthma and some cancers.

7) Foreign Relations / Dependence on Foreign Oil: much of our economy relies on continued
supplies of oil from countries with unstable governments.

8) “Peak Oil”: Oil is not a renewable resource; it will get increasingly scarce and eventually
become too expensive to extract. This concept is known as “Peak Oil”, and while there is much
debate about when it will arrive, some analysts believe we may be close to, or already past our
peak of oil extraction.

Problems with Ethanol:

Most of the problems with ethanol are based on the current main ingredient: corn. Alternative
methods are available, but are not yet cost effective.
1) Ethanol is currently made from corn, and the way corn is grown in the US is not sustainable.
Corn is often genetically modified, and grown using fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides, which have environmental ramifications.

2) So much energy is used to grow and harvest the corn that ethanol is only marginally efficient.

3) Corn is a commodity, and as such is supported by government subsidies that distort market
signals and cause overproduction. This perpetuates poverty overseas, where our surplus crops
are dumped at below-cost prices.

4) 100% Ethanol cannot be shipped through existing pipelines, because of its chemical

5) One-fifth of the US corn crop is currently processed into ethanol at 114 biorefineries. To meet
Pres. Bush's 2017 target of producing 132 billion liters of ethanol, the entire current US crop
would need to be turned into fuel.

6) Each additional acre of corn planted for ethanol uses about 137 pounds of chemical fertilizer,
a pound of toxic herbicide, and a considerable amount of water for irrigation.

7) Although Brazil meets 40% of its transportation needs through ethanol, critics warn that
farming sugarcane used to produce ethanol encroaches on wildlife habitat, degrades soil and
causes pollution when fields are burned.

Biogas: is produced during the anaerobic digestion of biomass or during the gasification of
wood using processes such as pyrolysis. Any type of organic biomass can be used to produce
biogas as the material is simply biodegraded, during which the gas produced is siphoned off.
Materials such as manure and sewage sludge can also be used in this process but their low biogas
yield means they are an un-economical feedstock. However, the production efficiency can be
increased with the addition of energy crops and organic waste, which produce much higher yields
and improves the net energy gain of the biogas.

Bio butane: is produced in much the same way bioethanol, through the fermentation of starch.
Butane was once considered a by-product of the ABE fermentation process that was used
extensively during the Second World War to produce acetone. The ABE process uses microbes,
such as Clostridium acetobutylicum, to break down biomass producing Biobutanol. In terms of
feedstock, similar biomasses can be used in Bio butane production as is used in the production of
bioethanol. Bio butane, like many other biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels or can be
used directly in engines.

Bio hydrogen: like biogas, can be produced using a number of processes such as pyrolysis,
gasification or biological fermentation. Pyrolysis and gasification both heat biomass to produce
the hydrogen while fermentation uses either dark fermentation or photofermentaion to produce
hydrogen. Dark fermentation is an anaerobic process which through a series of biochemical
reactions breaks down biomass using bacteria. Photofermentaion is similar to dark fermentation
but it must have the presence of light for the reactions to take place. However, both processes
have low efficiencies and therefore Biohydrogen production has not yet been attempted on a large
Types of biofuels :
First Generation Biofuels:
First generation biofuels are made from sugar, starch, or vegetable oil. They differ from “second
generation biofuels” in that their feedstock (the plant or algal material from which they are
generated) is not sustainable/green or, if used in large quantity, would have a large impact on the
food supply. First generation biofuels are the “original” biofuels and constitute the majority of
biofuels currently in use.

Ex: Ethanol, Biodiesel, Other bio alcohols, Green diesel, Biofuel gasoline, Vegetable oil, Bio
ethers, Biogas, Syngas, Solid biofuels.

Second Generation Biofuels:

Second generation biofuels are “greener” in that they are made from sustainable feedstock. In this
use, the term sustainable is defined by the availability of the feedstock, the impact of its use on
greenhouse gas emissions, its impact on biodiversity, and its impact on land use (water, food
supply, etc.). At this point, most second generation fuels are under development and not widely
available for use.

Sustainable biofuels:
Biofuels in the form of liquid fuels derived from plant materials, are entering the market, driven
mainly by the need to reduce climate gas emissions, but also by factors such as oil price spikes
and the need for increased energy security. However, many of the biofuels that are currently
being supplied have been criticised for their adverse impacts on the natural environment, food
security, and land use. The challenge is to support biofuel development, including the
development of new cellulosic technologies, with responsible policies and economic instruments
to help ensure that biofuel commercialization is sustainable. Responsible commercialization of
biofuels represents an opportunity to enhance sustainable economic prospects in Africa, Latin
America and Asia.

-Integrated Pollution Control and Biofuel Production using Microalgae:
- Microalgal Farming and CO2Mitigation. One of the key advantages of using microalgae for
biofuel production lies in the ability of some microalgal species to tolerate high CO2 content in
feeding air streams , allowing efficient capturing of CO2 from high-CO2 streams such as flue
gases and flaring gases (CO2 content 5−15%) . In comparison to terrestrial plants, which typical
absorb CO2 from the atmosphere containing only 0.03−0.06% CO2, the benefit of microalgae is
evident in terms of CO2 mitigation. It was reported that using a outdoor cultivation of
Chlorellasp. in a 55 m2 culture area photobioreactor, flue gas containing 6−8% by volume of
CO2, 10−50% CO2 mitigation (flue gas decarbonization) was achievable and the residual NO2
and NO in the flue gas was found not to affect algal growth . In such a facility, employment of
appropriate flue/flaring gas pretreatment procedure and optimizing culture media is of critical
importance . A higher CO2 mitigation rate between 50.1 - 6.5% on cloudy days and 82.3 - 12.5%
on sunny days was reported by other researchers using different algal species . Depending on
the microalgal species and condition used in the facilities, algal biomass produced could be
further processed for biodiesel, bio-oil, and bio-syngas production.

Microalgal Farming using Wastewater:

- In addition to the apparent benefit of combining microalgal biomass, and therefore biofuel,
production and wastewater treatment, successful implementation of this strategy would allow
the minimizing of the use of freshwater, another precious resource especially for dry or
populous countries, for biofuel production. Extensive works have been conducted to explore the
feasibility of using microalgae for wastewater treatment, especially for the removal of nitrogen
and phosphorus from effluents , which would otherwise result in eutrophication if dumped into
lakes and rivers . Ironically enough, it is algae in the lakes and rivers that cause this problem. It is
simply a matter of allowing the consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus by microalgae in a
controlled manner that benefits rather than deteriorates the environment. Levels of several
contaminant heavy metals have also been shown to be reduced by the cultivation of microalgae,
which is a subject discussed extensively by Munoz and Guieysse . A major concern associated
with using wastewater for microalgae cultivation is contamination . This can be managed by
using appropriate pretreatment technologies to remove sediment and to deactivate (sterilize)
the wastewater.

- Microalgal Farming using Marine Microalgae:

Freshwater is another natural resource besides variable land that may cap biofuel production.
This concern is particular evident for populous countries such as China, India and dry coastal

regions such as the Middle East. It is a novel idea to employ marine microalgae for CO2
mitigation and biofuel production.

Are Biofuels Renewable Energy?

*To be renewable, an energy force must be able to be replenished easily and quickly and not
have a finite limit.

*fossil fuels are not renewable because they take so long time to be formed.

* meanwhile Biofuels are considered to be renewable, because they can be replenished as fast
as they are used.

*In other words, under normal circumstances we will not run out of energy derived from

*Some people think that biofuels are better because the carbon dioxide they produce is taken
up when new biofuels crops are grown. So, there is no net increase in carbon dioxide, which is a
greenhouse gas.

*Those people point out that energy has to be invested into growing biofuels. For instance, land
has to be plowed and fertilizer must be applied.

*But When we take all of the factors into account, biofuels actually produce more carbon
dioxide than fossil fuels.

*Right now, people are trying to figure out how to make biofuel production more efficient so
that we get more energy out than we put into growing the crops.

Are Biofuels Better for Air Quality?

-For the most part, yes. Biofuels produce less particulate like smoke and soot. They also produce
lower dangerous chemicals like sulfur,

Biofuels also produce less ozone.

Do Biofuels Use a Lot of Water?

-Depending on the crop used to produce the biofuel, they use anywhere from 2 to 84 times as
much water as fossil fuels. Scientists are currently working very hard to reduce the water needs
of biofuels.
Impacts On Sustainable Agriculture:
This is a topic that is of much debate, and only time will tell the real answer. However, in the
short term, there will be more demand for corn & soybeans, and thus higher prices. This has
both positive and negative results:


• More money to farmers, and thus less reliance on the subsidy system and fewer farmers going

• Higher prices for corn & soy feed, which will make raising cattle on grass more economically

• Less “dumping” of corn & soy surplus overseas, which distorts trade and perpetuates poverty.


• Higher prices for corn & soy will only encourage farmers to plant even more of it, increasing
the impacts on the environment. When a switch to cellulosic technology arrives, the corn
farmers could face a price crash from overproduction.

• With more money to be made and big companies already very involved in ethanol production,
this may cause more consolidation of farms in fewer hands.

Long term, the picture is quite different once corn is taken out of the equation and cellulosic
ethanol emerges:

• A major shift in acreage away from corn to something more sustainable, such as switchgrass,
would have large benefits for water quality, energy efficiency, climate change and health.

• One likely negative is the creation of genetically modified crops that are ideal for conversion to

• The big question is how long it will take to transition to cellulosic methods of ethanol
Uses of biofuels:
Nearly 30% of all energy consumed in the United States is used in transportation. To put this into
perspective, residential and commercial uses combined only account for 10%. That means that
humans in industrial nations use, on average, three times more energy to get around than they
use to cook their food and heat their homes. This number does not include electricity generation,
which accounts for 40% of all energy used. Globally, transportation accounts for 25% of energy
demand and nearly 62% of oil consumed. Most of this energy , two-thirds in fact, is burned to
operate vehicles with the rest going to maintenance, manufacturing, infrastructure, and raw
material harvesting. If we delve further into the numbers, we find that upwards of 70% of
energy consumption in this segment is used to move people around and that most of this is used
in private cars, the least efficient means of transportation. Only 12% of the energy burned by a
car goes to moving it and only about 2% is actually used to move the occupants. The rest of the
energy is lost to friction, heat, inefficient combustion, and moving about ever more heavy
vehicles. Estimates are that we have hit peak oil or if we have not, it is very near. We won’t
actually know that we have peaked until we start down the slope toward the bottom again, but
most experts agree that we are quite close. So, oil is running short and when this is combined
with the tremendous environmental impact of petroleum recovery, refining, and eventual
combustion, the drive for an alternative is clear. The problem with many alternatives, like wind,
solar, etc. is that they simply aren’t practical. Transporting enough stored electricity derived from
these mechanisms to make an average journey is very difficult. Many experts believe that
practical breakthroughs in these technologies are decades away at best. So, the challenge is to
find a fuel that can replace the practical qualities of oil (like being easy to drive around), but
which does not pollute the same way. The solution, at least for now, appears to be algal-based
biofuels, which are still years if not decades away from commercialization. The idea is simple.
Algae have lipid and lipid can be converted to a number of fuels including diesel, ethanol,
butanol, and methanol. Because algae absorb CO2 to make lipid, the net impact on the
environment should be very small. Additionally, biofuels are biodegradable, so if they do spill,
less harm is done compared to when fossil fuels spill. What is the hold-up you ask? At this point
in time, developing fuel from algae requires huge investments of water and fertilizer because the
algae must be killed in order to harvest the lipid and then a new stock is grown back up again.
The energy needed to grow algae from a seed stock to “harvest-ready” is orders of magnitude
larger than the energy obtained from harvesting them. In other words, more energy is put into the
system than is taken out, so it leads to a net loss. Until the input of energy is lower than what the
system produces (excluding energy from the sun of course), the system will not be viable.
Power Generation:
The generation of electricity is the single largest use of fuel in the world. In 2008, the world
produced about 20,261 TWh of electricity. About 41% of that energy came from coal, another
21% came from natural gas, and the rest was covered by hydro, nuclear, and oil at 16%, 13%, and
5% respectively. Of the fuel burned, only 39% went into producing energy and rest was lost as
heat. Only 3% of the heat was then used for co-generation. Of the 20,261 TWh produced, 16,430
TWh were delivered to consumers and the rest was used by the plants themselves. It is clear that a
great deal of energy goes into producing electricity, which isn’t surprising given that everything
humans do in the industrialized world, from running water to surfing the internet, requires
electricity. Most estimates suggest that about 40% of all GHG emissions come from the
production of electricity, with transportation coming in a very close second. Coal, in particular, is
highly problematic for its production of sulfur dioxide, which produces acid rain. Interestingly,
nuclear power is the least damaging in terms of pollutants produced, generating less carbon than
any form of power generation other than hydro and including solar (PV panel production uses
large amounts of water). So, if humans are not going to switch to nuclear power, then a cleaner,
more renewable form of energy is needed. Biofuels may provide at least a partial answer. Co-
generation plants often use methane derived from landfills and there is vigorous interest in the use
of syngas in many agricultural areas. Like any biofuel, the balance of the equation lies in carbon
generation. For syngas made from the agricultural waste, the net impact is lower than if the waste
were allowed to decompose on its own. This is because natural decomposition in oxygen-rich
environments produces nitrogen dioxide, with is over 300 times more potent of a greenhouse gas
than carbon dioxide, as well as methane, which is over 20 times more potent. The same benefits
exist for methane harvested from landfills. Of course, these applications are not enough to meet
our energy needs and so the conversion of crops grown specifically for energy is where most of
the research and development is occurring at this stage. Algae and other plants that grown in
harsh conditions and thus do not threaten the food supply are actively under investigation for
potential sources of biofuel. At this point, only about 13% of all electricity in the United States is
made from renewable sources (excluding hydro), but very little of this is biofuel. Most of the
electricity from biofuels is produced as a byproduct of fuel production for transportation. The
United Kingdom is the largest market for biofuel-to-electricity generation, generating enough
power for 350,000 households from landfill gas alone.


The major use of natural gas from fossil fuels is heat, though a good deal of it also goes to
energy. In the United States, a boom in hydraulic fracturing (called Fracking) has led to a huge
surge in the production of natural gas from shale (a fossil fuel) and to the prediction that this will
soon become the predominant form of energy, perhaps as soon as 2040. Of course, natural gas
need not come from fossilized plant material, it can also be produced from recently grown plant
material. Of course, the majority of biofuel used in heating is solid. Wood is both an aesthetic and
a practical method of heating and may homes use wood burning stoves as supplements to other
heating systems like natural gas or electricity. Renewed interest in solid biofuels, in part a
response to rising energy prices, as led to a surge in innovation in the industry with research
focusing on improved efficiency, reduced emissions, and enhanced convenience. Wood
gasification boilers can reach efficiencies as high as 91%. To put the cost of biofuel into
perspective, 1,000 BTUs of energy from wood cost about $1.20. Natural gas, on the other hand,
cost about $2.60 per 1,000 BTUs. Wood pellets cost around $2.16 per 1,000 BTUs, making them
less expensive than natural gas as well. The table below shows the cost of various fuels and
provides a not on efficiency.

The process of manufacturing Biofuel :

Biofuels are produced from living organisms or from metabolic by-products (organic or food
waste products). In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent
renewable materials. It is originally derived from the photosynthesis process and can therefore
often be referred to as a solar energy source.

The process of manufacturing biofuel can be classified in the following stages. These stages are:

Filtering: In this process, waste vegetable oil is filtered to remove all the food particles. This
process generally involves warming up the liquid a little. After warming up the liquid, it can be
filtered with the use of coffee filter.

Removing of water: All the water contained in the residual gangue has to be removed which
will make the reaction faster. The water can be easily removed by making the liquid boil at 100
degree C for sometime.

Titration: This process is carried out to determine the amount of lye that would be required.
This process is the most crucial and the most important stage of biofuel manufacturing.

Preparation of sodium methoxide: In this process, methanol is mixed with sodium

hydroxide to produce sodium methoxide. In most of the cases, the quantity of methanol used is
generally 20 percent of waste vegetable oil.

Heating and mixing: The residue is heated in between 120 to 130 degree F after which it is
mixed well. It should be remembered that process should be done carefully avoiding splashing of
the liquid.

Settling and separation: After mixing the liquid, it has to be allowed to cool down. After
the cooling process, the biofuel will be found floating at the top while the heavier glycerin would
be found at the bottom. The glycerin can be easily separated by allowing it to drain out from the
bottom. The person is left over with pure biofuel which can be used for various purposes.

Does biofuel threaten food resources :
Expanding demand for biofuels is only one of many factors underlying the recent price increases
the rapid growth in biofuel production will affect food security at the national and household
levels mainly through its impact on food prices and income. In terms of the four dimensions, the
discussion focuses on the impacts of higher food prices on availability and access at the national
level, as well as the household level. At both levels, the initial focus is on short- term impacts,
before moving on to address the longer-term impacts. In the medium- to-longer term, higher
agricultural prices offer the potential for a supply response and for strengthening and revitalizing
the role of agriculture as an engine of growth in developing countries. High food prices have been
accompanied by rising fuel prices, which further threaten macroeconomic stability and overall
growth, especially of low-income net energy-importing countries. Countries considered
especially vulnerable owing to a combination of high levels of chronic hunger (above 30 percent
undernourishment), high dependency on imports of petroleum products (100 percent in most
countries) and, in many cases, high dependency on imports of major cereals (rice, wheat and
maize) for domestic consumption. Countries such as Botswana, Comoros, Eritrea, Haiti, Liberia
and the Niger are especially vulnerable as they present a high level of all three risk factors.

The world’s population is growing despite hunger and diseases which spread around the globe, it
is anticipated that in 2050 more than 9 billion people have to share the limited resources which
are necessary to meet all needs of humanity. According to the many forecasts it will be especially
difficult to provide sufficient food, water and energy for a sustainable livelihood. In order to
provide sufficient food to 9 billion people the food production has to be raised by 50% compared
to the present level according to FAO( Food and Agriculture Organization) data. The increased
food production and the energy provision should rely to a great deal on environmental friendly
sustainable resources also with regard to the climate change mitigation. These two requirements
are very often considered as competing with each other because a major share of sustainable
energy should be based on biofuels, i.e. on substances originating to a large part from agricultural
resources, resources which have also to be available for securing the food supply for the world’s
huge population. The problem becomes especially evident by considering that at the present time
“first generation” biofuels are produced from soy, palm, and rape seed oils or starch and sugar
crops like maize, wheat, or sugar cane which are all valuable food resources.

Biofuel in UAE:
Lootah Biofuels, a fully owned subsidiary of S.S. Lootah Group, was founded in 2010 in Dubai
to address the growing demand for alternative fuels in the region. Keeping in line with the UAE’s
vision for sustainable development, Lootah Biofuels aims to introduce and innovate sustainable
solutions for the long-term energy requirements. By rapidly growing production capacity,
strengthening distribution channels, and redefining Biodiesel quality, Lootah Biofuels will
continue to expand the reach of Biofuels that are sustainable and environment friendly.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel formulated exclusively for diesel engines. Unlike conventional
fossil diesel, Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that burns clean resulting in a significant reduction of
the pollutants that contribute to global warming. Lootah Biofuels is pioneering Biodiesel
production in the Middle East to build a global business to recycle, produce, and trade Biodiesel.

Trans esterification:
Lootah Biofuels produces Biodiesel from used cooking oil for our customers’ individual quality
and sustainability requirements. The objective is produce Biodiesel in the most efficient and
sustainable way to deliver economic value and environmental benefits.

Abu Dhabi:
The UAE is planning to become a world leader in biofuels from the algae industry by 2020,
joining major countries which have already started practical steps in producing energy and
biofuels from the algae industry.Algae will become a source of biofuels used in car and aircraft
engines as the cost of this type of fuel will be competitive in future whereas the UAE has the
potential to become a leader in biofuels from the algae industry.

Dr Hector H. Hernandez, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering programme, Masdar

Institute, said: “The algae available in the UAE desert is unique because it is local to the UAE
and can withstand major changes in temperature. It can also live under high salinity ranges, one
of the ‘highest’ to date of any algae species, and can be used throughout the year, offering a long
harvesting season. Algae from the UAE and from deserts are a very new area of research and we
are still working with industrial partners to identify the upper limit of how much algae we can
grow in the UAE.”

Algae do not depend on being grown in the ocean. In fact, in the UAE, there is the ability to use
non-habitable land, such as the desert in the Western Region, for algae growth. As such, a
properly designed and constructed algae growth facility will not have an impact on the marine
ecosystem of the Arabian Gulf, he added.

In the biofuels-from-algae market, the UAE is uniquely positioned to make a strong impact
whereas the native algae have evolved to grow under a wide range of temperatures and salinities
and the production of biofuels using these strains of algae are not expected to compete with the
fresh water supply or with food production in the UAE, Dr Hernandez said.
The development of the algae-for-biofuels industry can be used to supplement the growth of the
aquaculture industry in the UAE. These, and other special traits, make the UAE an ideal place to
develop a world class and internationally competitive algae for biofuels industry.

“The UAE also has the potential to become a world leader in the biofuels from algae industry.
Not only is there the potential for biofuels export, but the establishment of this industry in the
UAE will create a unique knowledge base for algae growth that will allow the UAE to also export
the necessary know-how to help implement this industry in other parts the world,” Dr Hernandez

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