Rotoscoping Appearance Models

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Rotoscoping, the detailed delineation of scene elements through a picture, is a
painstaking task of tremendous importance in professional post-production
pipelines. While pixel-wise segmentation techniques can help for this task,
professional rotoscoping tools rely on parametric curves that offer the artists a
much better interactive control on the definition, editing and manipulation of the
segments of interest. Sticking to this prevalent rotoscoping paradigm, we propose a
novel framework to capture and track the visual aspect of an arbitrary object in a
scene, given a first closed outline of this object. This model combines a collection
of local foreground/background appearance models spread along the outline, a
global appearance model of the enclosed object and a set of distinctive foreground
landmarks. The structure of this appearance model allows simple initialization,
efficient iterative optimization with exact minimization at each step, and on-line
adaptation in videos. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively the merit of
this framework through comparisons with tools based on either dynamic
segmentation with a closed curve or pixel-wise binary labelling.
Rotoscopingis attention to the key frame and spline based workflow mentioned in
the introduction. This is the framework used currently by professional roto-artists
in film production [Bratt 2011]. As part of our research for this work, we
conducted interviews with a number of professional, roto-artists from different
post-production houses. This survey identified the actual techniques used in the
real world and the artists’ requirements for rotoscoping tool they would use.
Standard Workflow To rotoscope an element in a shot, an artist creates a set of
closed splines that define the component shapes for the element. To rotoscope a
person, for example, roto-shapes are created for each articulated element such as
the upper and lower arms, hands, fingers and face. The artist then manipulates
these shapes independently to match the movement in the shot. The rotoscoping
task starts with an analysis of the shot to understand the movement and how to
break up the scene into individual shapes.


 Standard Workflow To rotoscope an element in a shot, an artist creates a set

of closed splines that define the component shapes for the element
 This survey identified the actual techniques used in the real world and the
artists’ requirements for rotoscoping tool they would use.
 As part of our research for this work, we conducted interviews with a
number of professional
Rotoscoping is a complex and time-consuming task where an animator must
manually produce segmentation masks for a video sequence. Doing so on a frame-
by-frame basis means that a couple minutes of footage will require many hours of
work. Furthermore, most objects tend to have highly complex and irregular shapes
(e.g. people, animals, foliage, etc). This makes it difficult for an artist to use tools
such as B\'{e}zier curves to properly produce the required masks. In this article we
present a rotoscoping method that takes advantage of ubiquitous multi-core
processors such as GPUs to assist an artist with the rotoscoping process. We have
implemented this rotoscoping method as a plugin to a commercial compositing
application to demonstrate how multi-core processors can be applied to practical
 Video source footage is only used as a reference that you will draw over, so
it won't actually appear in the final product.
 Rotoscoping makes it easier to animate really difficult, complex actions.
 Rotoscoping motivates students to learn more complex software
 The process of rotoscoping teaches students about the reality of animating
as a very time intensive activity
 Learning :

After successfully completing this material, entire classroom training and

laboratory exercises, students will learn 3D animation skills in an acceptable
manner. This material covers only theoretical concepts, which will be useful to
students as a reference material for their final exams.

 Gray Scal:

Definition Gray scal is a type of optical illusion; it is the process by which we see
still pictures move. The most common method of presenting gray scal is as a
motion picture or video program, although several other forms of presenting gray
scal also exist.

 Corner :

There is a good chance that anyone involved in the early years of 3D computer
graphics has had to animate a flying logo. This use of 3D offered a new and
dynamic way of getting the message across – always important in the world of

 Rotoscoping:

While Rotoscoping actors star in movies of their own, 3D computer graphics is

changing how visual effects are used for both film and television. Smaller
productions can now afford to integrate Rotoscoping into their work, while large
film productions can now achieve effects only dreamed of in the past.
Unseeded region growing (URG) algorithm :

Their distinction is that no explicit seed selection is necessary. In the segmentation

procedure, the seeds could be generated automatically. So this method can perform
fully automatic segmentation with the added benefit of robustness from being a
region-based segmentation. The steps of URG are as below


The process initializes with cluster C1 containing a single image pixel, and the
running state of the process compose of a set of identified clusters, C1, C2, …, Cn.


We define the set of all unsigned pixels which borders at least one of those clusters
as:   1 : , n i k i S x C k N x C              (2.1) where N(x) are
current neighboring pixels of point x. Moreover, let  be a difference measure  ,
mean ,      i i y C  x C g x g y        (2.2) where g(x) denotes the pixel
value of point x, and i is an index of the cluster such that N(x) intersect Ci .


. To choose a point z S  and cluster Cj where j n 1,  such that        , 1, ,

min , . j k x S k n   z C x C    (2.3) If  z C, j is less than the predefined
threshold t, the pixel is clustered to Cj . Else, we must select the most considerable
similar cluster C such that arg min , .    k k C C z C   (2.4) If  z C t ,   ,
then we can allocate the pixel to C. If neither of two conditions conform, it is
obvious that the pixel is substantially from all the clusters found so far, so that a
new cluster Cn+1 would be generated and initialized with point z.

After the pixel has been allocated to the cluster, the mean pixel value of the cluster
must be updated.


Iterate Step2 to 4 until all pixels have been assigned to a cluster.


The project involved analyzing the design of few applications so as to make

the application more users friendly. To do so, it was really important to keep the
navigations from one screen to the other well ordered and at the same time
reducing the amount of typing the user needs to do. In order to make the
application more accessible, the browser version had to be chosen so that it is
compatible with most of the Browsers.


Functional Requirements

 Graphical User interface with the User.

Software Requirements

For developing the application the following are the Software Requirements:

1. Python

2. MySql
Operating Systems supported

1. Windows 7

2. Windows XP

3. Windows 8

Technologies and Languages used to Develop

1. Python

Debugger and Emulator

 Any Browser (Particularly Chrome)
Hardware Requirements

For developing the application the following are the Hardware Requirements:

 Processor: Pentium IV or higher

 RAM: 256 MB
 Space on Hard Disk: minimum 512MB

We have introduced rotoscoping, a model to capture the appearance of the object

defined by a closed curve. This model is well suited to conduct rotoscoping in
video shots, a difficult task of considerable importance in modern production
pipelines. We have demonstrated its merit on various competitive benchmarks.
Beside its use within a full rotoscoping pipeline, could also be useful for various
forms of object editing that require both accurate enough segmentation of arbitrary
objects in videos and tracking through time of part correspondences, Due to its
flexibility, can be easily extended; in particular, with the recent and its powerful
low-dimensional shape model.

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