Study of Challenges in Migration To 5G Network

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1.1 Background of the Study

In the last decades, Communication networks have experienced a remarkable change. 1G

first generation was the first mobile or cellular phone to be used in the whole world and these
phones were analog. Although revolutionary in their time they offered very low levels of
spectrum efficiency and security. 2G second generation these wireless networks were based
around digital technology and offered much better spectrum efficiency, security and new features
such as text messages and low data rate communications. In 3G the third generation in this
technology aimed to provide high-speed data. The original technology was enhanced to allow
data up to 14 Mbps and more. The 4G fourth generation or IP (Internet Protocol) technology, this
IP based technology capable of providing data rates up to 1 Gbps.

5G stands for 5th Generation Mobile technology is going to be a new revolution in the mobile
market which has changed the means to use cell phones within very high bandwidth. A user
never experienced ever before such high-value technology which includes all types of advanced
features and 5G technology will be most powerful and in huge demand soon. The challenges of
5G are categorized into two technological challenges and common Challenges. Which are traffic
Management, Efficient Medium Access Control, Inter-cell Interference, Multiple Services, and
Infrastructure, Communication, Navigation, & Sensing, Security and Privacy and Legislation of
cyber law. To migrate current systems to 5G with the features mentioned above, we have to face
several challenges. In this thesis, we will discuss the challenges and grouped them into various
research areas. Each area of challenges plus the technologies which are the 5 th generation will be
examined in detail and then we will propose a strategy that will help to deploy 5G in Ethiopia.

At the highest level, 5G is an opportunity for policy-makers to empower citizens and

businesses. 5G will play a key role in supporting governments and policy-makers in transforming
their cities into smart cities, allowing citizens and communities to realize and participate in the
socio-economic benefits delivered by an advanced, data-intensive, digital economy.[1]

5G Fifth-generation, these cellular technology needs to provide significant gains over previous
systems to provide an adequate business case for mobile operators to invest in any new system.
And there are a lot of new facilities that might be seen with 5G technology include far better
levels of connectivity and coverage. 5G is not only interconnecting people but also connect and
control machines, objects, and devices empower new and more uniform user experience and
connect new industries also deliver around 20Gbps peak rates, ultra-low latency, massive
capacity, virtual reality, extreme throughput, high reality lower battery consumption with small
and chip devices. Our smartphone and other electronic devices use under 6GHZ frequency but in
the case of 5G, it needs more bandwidth at least 100 MHZ. The exponential growth of wireless
data services driven by mobile Internet and smart devices has triggered the investigation of the
5G cellular network. Around 2020, the new 5G mobile networks are expected to be deployed. [2]

There are technologies we should study the foundation for 5G which are millimeter wave, small
cell, massive MIMO, beamforming and full-duplex.

Millimeter-wave (also millimeter band) is the band of spectrum between 30 gigahertz (GHz)
and 300 GHz. Researchers are testing 5G wireless broadband technology on the millimeter-wave
spectrum. Millimeter-wave, which is also known as extremely high frequency (EHF) or very
high frequency (VHF) for high-speed wireless broadband communications. Millimeter waves
have short wavelengths that range from 10 millimeters to 1 millimeter; they have high
atmospheric attenuation and are absorbed by gases in the atmosphere, which reduces the range
and strength of the waves. Rain and humidity can impact performance and reduce signal
strength, a condition is known rain fade. Due to its short range of about a kilometer, millimeter-
wave travels by line of sight, so its high-frequency wavelengths can be blocked by physical
objects like buildings and trees. The global bandwidth shortage facing wireless carriers has
motivated the exploration of the underutilized millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequency spectrum
for future broadband cellular communication networks. There is, however, little knowledge
about cellular mm-wave propagation in densely populated indoor and outdoor environments. [3]

The mm W spectrum can be one of the best candidates to boost the user throughput along with
massive MIMO technology since it enables packing of large antenna arrays in a smaller area.
Besides, the performance of MIMO is expected to improve as the number of users increases; the
maximum number of users that can be served without affecting performance depends on the
number of BS antenna. As a result, the higher the number of antennas, the better the number of
users increases the capacity of the system.[4]

Small cells: Small cells are low power, short-range wireless transmission systems (base
stations) to cover a small geographical area or indoor/outdoor applications. However, small cells
have all the basic characteristics of conventional base stations and it is capable of handling high
data rates for individual users. In LTE advanced and 5G deployments, small cells will play a
significant role to efficiently deliver high-speed mobile broadband and other low latency
applications. As networks have matured and data traffic demands have increased exponentially,
the idea of providing localized resources, filling coverage holes and maintaining service quality
through small‐cell deployments has proven to be an attractive solution, allowing operators to
follow traffic demands more closely, and use spectrum resources more efficiently thus increasing
network capacity. [5]

Massive MIMO: Massive multiple-input multiple-output systems (massive MIMO) which will
help new mm W frequencies by giving faster data rates, with less interference.

Generally, MIMO systems utilize multiple antennas that are located at both the source and
destination. While it involves multiple technologies, MIMO can essentially consist of a
simple principle where wireless network allows the transmission and reception of multiple data
signals simultaneously over a single radio channel[6]

MIMO uses a transmission technique called spatial multiplexing or space-division multiplexing

(SDM). This means that different antennas transmit multiple data streams on the same channel.
These streams are then combined by a receiver giving multiple times faster data rates. [7]

There are a few problems that need to be solved to make this work for 5G. The transmission side
needs accurate Channel State Information (CSI), which is acquired by pilot signal
communication. This creates linearly increased overhead by the number of transmitter antennas
there are.[7]

The second problem is how massive MIMO will work in multi-cell multi-tier networks. This
will cause inter-cell interference of both pilot and data signals, which could be solved by
common pilot and data channels in multi-cell environments. [7]

Beamforming: Beamforming is a traffic-signaling system for cellular base stations that

identifies the most efficient data-delivery route to a particular user, and it reduces interference
for nearby users in the process. Depending on the situation and the technology, there are several
ways to implement it in 5G networks.

Millimeter-wave technology is a major candidate technology for the 5G network. Because of the
high path loss characteristics of the mm-Wave system, the beamforming technique is necessary
to overcome this high path loss. Beamforming technology cannot achieve perfect beam
alignment and it leads to degradation of the channel gain between the transceiver. Thus, we
examine again the degradation effect due to beam misalignment on the mm-Wave beamforming

Because of the high path loss characteristics that occur in the high-frequency band, mm-Wave is
essential for the application of beamforming techniques to overcome this characteristic. Mm
Wave technologies require a beam alignment between the base station (BS) and the mobile
station (MS). The dynamic beamforming method is advantageous in beam alignment but the
implementation complexity of the system is increased significantly. Thus, the fixed beamforming
with configuring the multiple fixed beams may be an alternative.[8]

Full duplex: with 5G, a transceiver will be able to transmit and receive data at the same time, on
the same frequency. This technology is known as full-duplex, and it could double the capacity of
wireless networks at their most fundamental physical layer

This study focus on the challenges we are going to face while migrating to the 5G network and
all these technologies together are the base for 5G technology so we will study in-depth about
each one and we will also try to see the challenges to 5G network migration concerning on these

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The 4G concepts have already proposed to the world and most of the countries around the
world are using it, also the 5G generation is proposed, so we must begin to work on the building
blocks of this generation networks. These networks will facilitate the delivery of universal and
reasonably priced broadband with very high-speed wireless connectivity.5G have so many
advantages over the 3G and 4G it has additional technologies that will simplify our life. The
main advantages of the 5G are a greater speed in the transmissions, lower latency and therefore
greater capacity of remote execution, a greater number of connected devices and the possibility
of implementing virtual networks (network slicing), providing more adjusted connectivity to
concrete needs.

So, we should study the challenges of deploying 5G and prepare a scenario and propose a
strategy to introduce this generation network for our countries development. Also in this thesis,
we will highlight the key concepts and technologies which will facilitate 5G.

1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this thesis is to identify the challenges in 5G network migration and
propose the best strategy for Ethiopia.

1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the thesis are to:

 Study about 5G network technology

 Study what researchers put as a challenge.

 Propose strategy of possible deployment of 5G by comparison of their deployment


 Describe the basic technologies which are the bases of 5G technology and the challenges
regarding the technologies.

 Describe what factors that challenge 5G technology and take into account in making
decisions and solutions to migrate to the new technology.

 Propose solutions to the research problems in each aspect.

1.4 Significance of the Thesis

This work is significant. It will provide strategies and scenarios to deploy 5G in Ethiopia. And it
will be used

 To determine the overall challenges of running toward 5G

 To determine the possibility of implementation of the 5G network.
 To estimate deploying and running challenges of 5G.
 To provide a basis for the road map to 5G.
 For telecommunication to see the future in 5G deployment in its infrastructure industry.
 For vendors who are willing to provide 5G services/ deployment.

1.5 Scope of the Thesis

This thesis is about the study of challenges in migration to the 5G network. The challenges will
be studied on the deploying process and the challenges of the key technologies of 5G.

2. Review of Literature

The increasing demand for mobile network capacity driven by the Internet of Things (IoT).
applications result in the need for understanding better the potential and limitations of 5G
networks. Vertical application areas like smart mobility, energy networks, industrial IoT
applications, and AR (Augmented Reality)/VR (Virtual Reality) (amazing real world, life-like
experiences) enhanced services all pose different requirements on the use of 5G networks. Some
applications need low latency, whereas others need high bandwidth or security support. [9]

The main challenge for 5G will be to create a network architecture that adapts to fluctuating
traffic patterns, consists of promising technologies like edge computing, software-defined
networking, virtualization, and combines wired and wireless elements to deal with the
requirements of various vertical industries. The vertical industries yield various requirements on
5G and the actual usage might fluctuate. [9]

The success of 5G still requires tackling many other challenges Technical Challenges for 5G
network operation, security is a major concern. [9] In general, IoT devices and sensors will
demand more complex authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

Challenges from Regulation and Governance as connectivity becomes a common-pool resource

(CPR), there is a need for governance to manage fair usage, ensure sufficient bandwidth and
scalability, enforce interoperability and give priority to certain vertical applications. For this
change, regulations might interfere with the role of 5G providers in the future. [9]

[9]This author review sees the challenges of 5G from the technical, regulation and governance
side and highlights the opportunities for 5G-enabled applications from both technical and
governance perspectives, which can shed light on future development for researchers, engineers
and policymakers from academia, industry, and government.

Network security and user privacy remain a big challenge for future networks. 5G will connect
critical infrastructure that will require more security to ensure the safety of not only the critical
infrastructure but the safety of the society as a whole. [10]

However, due to the limited standalone and integrated deployment of these technologies in 5G,
the security threat vectors cannot be fully realized at this time. Similarly, the communication

security and privacy challenges will be more visible when more user devices e.g. IoT are
connected and new diverse sets of services are offered in 5G. To sum it up, it is highly likely that
new types of security threats and challenges will arise along with the deployment of novel 5G
technologies and services. However, considering these challenges right from the initial design
phases to the deployment will minimize the likelihood of potential security and privacy lapses

[10]This author highlighted the main security challenges that can become more threatening in
5G unless properly addressed. And presented the security mechanisms and solutions for those

key challenges faced by telecom operators rolling out 5G networks. Particular focus is given to
how appropriate regulation and government policy might help wireless operators to deploy small
cells, fiber backhaul as well as the use of spectrum.[1]

In some countries, regulation and local authority policy have slowed the development of small
cells through excessive administrative and financial obligations on operators, thus blocking
investment. Constraints to deploying small cells include prolonged permitting processes, lengthy
procurement exercises, excessive fees and outdated regulations that prevent access. [1]

Deploying fiber backhaul networks for small cells – to support high data rates and low latency –
will be one of the largest challenges faced by operators due to the poor availability of fiber
networks in many cities.

The UK, for example, has one of the lowest fiber penetration rates in Europe at 2 percent
penetration. This compares to a European average of around 9 percent. To incentivize investment
in fiber networks, the UK Government has introduced a five-year relief from business rates on
new fiber networks infrastructure. Where it is not cost-effective to deploy fiber backhaul, [1]

The allocation and identification of globally harmonized spectrum across a range of frequencies
require coordination among the global community, regional telecommunication organizations
and NRAs (national regulatory authorities). This represents one of the largest challenges for
NRAs in the successful deployment of 5G networks. The harmonized allocation has many
advantages since it minimizes radio interference along borders, facilitates international roaming

and reduces the cost of equipment. This overall coordination is the main objective of the ITU-
R(International Telecommunication Union – Radiocommunication) in the process of World
Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs).[1]

Other challenges in rolling out 5G are Device availability. The availability of devices compatible
with 5G standards and spectrum will be vital in creating end-user demand for 5G services in the
initial launch. Manufacturers are currently developing technology that embeds 5G, 4G, 3G, and
2G onto a single chip and is expected to become available from 2019, and after 2020 for globally
harmonized standards.

Coordination of industry verticals. The telecoms industry is a well-tuned and formal ecosystem
comprising device and chip manufacturers, equipment vendors and retail and wholesale
operators. Collaboration within this ecosystem is therefore relatively straightforward when
developing new standards and services.

Net neutrality – BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), the
European telecoms regulator, has published final guidelines on how to strengthen net neutrality
by requiring Internet service providers to treat all web traffic equally, without favoring some
services over others. However, 17 mobile operators including Deutsche Telekom, Nokia,
Orange, Vodafone and BT (British Telecom) lobbied heavily for BEREC to adopt a more
relaxed interpretation of the rules, saying these “create significant uncertainties around 5G return
on investment”. Furthermore, they stated that they would not introduce high-speed 5G networks
unless BEREC took a softer approach to net neutrality(Net neutrality is the principle that
governments should mandate Internet service providers to treat all data on the Internet the same,
and not discriminate or charge differently).[1]

An overhaul of the regulatory, government and local authority approach to digital policy is
needed to boost the roll-out of 5G networks. Importantly, this includes ensuring affordable
access to public assets thereby strengthening the commercial case to invest in small cell
infrastructure and 5G spectrum.[1]

[1] Generally, the author tries to show that for the deployment of small cell fiber backhaul and
spectrum the regulation and government policy is important.

There are some real issues as follows: concerning 5G

• Increased costs of installation, maintenance, and backhaul

• Frequent authentication is required due to frequent handoff operations

• Greater inter-cell interference due to multitier architecture

• Increased signaling overhead as the number of nodes increases dramatically

• Complexity in determining appropriate associations between users and BSs(business support

system) across RATs(Radio Access Technology)[11]

Figure 1. Which 5G feature do you think will prove hardest to assure?

Figure 2. How important are the above network monitoring capabilities for the 5G

The biggest challenge for the launch of 5G will be its ability to support demanding applications
(eMBB, mMTC, URLLC) (Enhanced Mobile Broadband, Massive Machine Type
Communication, Ultra Reliability and Low Latency Communication) and deliver guaranteed
latency for mission-critical applications. To overcome these challenges, operators are likely to
need new tools for network visibility and monitoring. According to Heavy Reading service
provider surveys, unified performance management and network slice monitoring are the most
important network monitoring capabilities. QoS (Quality of service) and performance
management are the top priorities for the automation of 5G service assurance. Ultra-low latency
is seen as the toughest 5G feature to assure, followed by ultra-reliability and massive
connectivity. Overcoming the 5G Challenges of Monitoring, Assurance, and Automation [12]

[12] The author, Try to see the challenges in different perspectives and propose different
methods to overcome the challenges.

2.1 Literature Survey at International Level

The top countries with 5G include South Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the
United States. Since the first commercial launches of the fifth generation of mobile networks in
late 2018, these four countries have emerged as leaders because multiple companies in these
countries have deployed networks and are selling compatible devices. Countries including
Switzerland and Finland are up and comers in 5G development, as they have limited deployment.


The three largest Chinese network operators Oct 31, 2019, according to the state-run news
agency Xinhua. China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom all activated their networks in
less than five months after they were issued 5G licenses. Each of the network operators offered
their 5G services at $18 per month in 50 Chinese cities at the time of reporting. the three network
operators had collectively deployed nearly 86,000 5G base stations with plans to have over
130,000 by the end of 2019. The latter number breaks down into China Unicom and China
telecom, with each planning to install 40,000 base stations, and the market leader China Mobile
to install 50,000. [16]

The biggest obstacle to 5G in China is network coverage. Telecom providers are still in the
early stages of building 5G base stations, and the country will largely rely on its 4G
infrastructure for the immediate future. According to CAICT, the big three telecom operators had
built a combined 80,000 5G base stations as of the end of September, and the academy estimates
that there will be 130,000 base stations nationwide by the end of this year. [17]

In China, the current status of the 5G test is limited to technology assessment and related
technologies, including Co frequency Co time Full-Duplex (CCFD), Device-to-Device (D2D)
technology, all-spectrum access, massive MIMO, and ultra-dense network. Innovation systems
including corporations and government-supported research centers, as well as colleges, are
working on the related research for power in the standardization process. Only by satisfying
interests to each actor with actual involvement could the 5G development grow healthily. As

different scenarios require different technology approaches and to meet user’s needs, the
following issues need to be addressed.[13]

1. Smooth Evolution from 4G to 5G Requires More Private Enterprises Enrollment in

Spectrum Efficiency Research as Innovation System. Support for the development of
small and medium-sized private enterprises, for sustainable and revolutionary
innovation, especially in spectrum efficiency.
2. Standardization in a Global Context Needs Cooperation. Standardization work should
pay attention to both international and local aspects at the same time.
3. User-Oriented Architecture Requires High Throughput and Spectrum Efficiency.[13]

United Kingdom (UK)

As the 5G switch-on expands throughout the UK, some mobile operators are noticing
potential barriers holding back the next-generation network rollout. Poor infrastructure such as
minimal radio connectivity and transport signals would limit the ability for 5G to be delivered
smoothly and securely. Additional challenges also stem from a lack of suitable equipment, such
as compatible antennas, while limited access to mobile spectrum and poor collaboration between
local authorities' heap on further complexities. Access to fiber networks is another widespread
challenge in both rural and urban areas. Network providers have also suggested that 70 percent
of UK sites will need upgraded backhaul within the next four years to meet 5G requirements,
backhaul refers to the connection between base stations to a mobile operator’s core network, and
it can be transmitted across physical cabling like fiber or wireless microwave links. [18]

Lack of fiber in rural areas: -Fiber backhaul is essential for supporting 5G due to its scalability
and security requirements, which are used to manage the vast amount of mobile traffic.

Costs:-Infrastructure costs are one of the biggest barriers to 5G deployment in the UK.

Access to spectrum: - “Spectrum is also extremely important, as it always has been

Security: -Although security concerns are not new to network providers, there are some
additional challenges for 5G deployment that were not applicable to previous networks. [14]

South Korea

SK Telecom and Korea Telecom (KT) are the main competitors for the South Korean 5G
market. SK Telecom acquired spectrum in the 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz frequencies to prepare for
deploying 5G. In April of 2019, the enterprise claimed to be the first mobile carrier in the world
to launch 5G services to work on 5G smartphones. South Korean consumers have been
purchasing 5G devices so quickly that stores can’t stay in stock. It only took 69 days for South
Korea to reach one million subscribers to 5G services after the initial network launch. [16]

The 5G network holds many promises for South Korea's economy and society. However, there
are significant risks associated with the government's decision to permit the use of Chinese
equipment and technology. South Korea has attempted to manage this risk through
diversification of equipment and service providers. However, this does little to address the
vulnerabilities in the network and which can be exploited by outside actors. More stringent
regulation and oversight are critical to safeguarding South Korea's national security. [19]


In the autumn of 2016, the Federal Government launched its 5G Initiative for Germany,
which represents a framework for action that is to support the deployment of 5G networks and
the development of 5G applications at an early stage. The 5G Strategy of the Federal
Government describes the context and the fields of action with regard to the rollout of 5G
networks in Germany over the period to 2025. It is our aspiration to make Germany a lead
market for 5G applications.[15]

In 2019, Vodafone Germany and Deutsche Telekom Germany launched 5G services in several
cities. Vodafone Germany started with 20 cities and municipalities (including Cologne and
Dusseldorf), while Deutsche Telekom Germany launched in only six (including Berlin and
Munich). Vodafone plans to offer 5G services for $5.61 less per month than Deutsche Telekom.

Industrial and intelligent interconnection creates unprecedented challenges in terms of
connectivity, capacity, safety, and security as well as service quality. Mobile communications are
particularly affected by this because many of the digital applications of the future require a radio-
based mobile gigabit connection. The next generation of mobile communications (5G) represents
a key technology to bring about this digital transformation and, for this reason, is at the center of
public attention. [15]


In Sept. 2018 the FCC(Federal Communications Commission) announced its 5G fast Plan in an
effort to advance the country’s position among the countries that have deployed 5G networks.
Part of this plan includes spectrum auctions. In March 2016, prior to the official start of the 5G
FAST plan, the FCC hosted an “incentive auction" that began repurposing spectrum and opening
up a low-band spectrum for wireless broadband that can be used for 5G networks. A second
auction of the upper 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and 47 GHz bands was set for 2019. Money raised from
these auctions will be used to bring high-speed broadband to the rural U.S.

AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph)and Verizon are considered the 5G leaders in the
U.S., although it’s debated which of those two was truly first to market. In December 2018,
AT&T was the first U.S. carrier to launch a standards-based mobile 5G network servicing a
dozen cities, albeit without any 5G-enabled devices. In October 2018, Verizon was the first to
have a non-standards-based deployment that was a fixed broadband network in four cities. In
March 2019, Verizon turned on its standards-based 5G network in Minneapolis and Chicago,
also before mobile 5G devices were available. Verizon began selling Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
on May 16, 2019, and claims it will have 5G in 30 cities by the end of 2019. As of August 2019,
AT&T had deployed 5G in 21 cities and claimed the 5G network would be deployed in 30 states
by the end of 2019. [16]

2.2 Literature Survey at National Level

The increase in the number of linked devices and the wide variety of their service requirements
impose an additional burden on the already loaded under fourth-generation (4G) wireless
networks. Due to this, new enhanced capabilities must be added up in the next generation

wireless systems to those already available in 4G networks. Therefore, the 5G system could be to
overcome the band deficiency and help more number of users, beyond 4G.[4]

5G is a new technology that faces many challenges and issues that need investigation.[4]

2.3 Summary of Literature

1. 5G is more than the second generation after 4G, [9] It is Vertical application areas like
smart mobility, energy networks, industrial IoT applications, and AR (Augmented
Reality)/VR (Virtual Reality) (amazing real world, life-like experiences)
2. Challenges from Regulation and Governance as connectivity becomes a common-pool
resource (CPR), there is a need for governance to manage [9]
3. Network security and user privacy remain a big challenge for future networks [10]
4. Increased costs of installation, maintenance, and backhaul, Frequent authentication is
required due to frequent handoff operations, Greater inter-cell interference due to multitier
architecture, Increased signaling overhead as the number of nodes increases dramatically
and Complexity in determining appropriate associations between users and BSs across
RATs [11] are issues concerning 5G.
5. The biggest challenge for the launch of 5G will be its ability to support demanding
applications (eMBB, mMTC, URLLC) [12]
At the international level, five countries Deploy and trying to work with 5G but at the
national level even it is difficult to get articles on 5G technology.

3. Methodology

In this thesis we will collect data on 5G and 5G deployment in different countries to identify
the Challenges in Migration to 5G Network, also we will classify the main areas of the
challenges, list the technologies which are bases for 5G technology which are Spectrum 5G
Network Deployment Challenges, MIMO/3D beamforming Challenges, Hybrid LTE-NR( Long
term Evolution and a New Radio), and Mobility Challenges, Throughput and Latency
Performance Challenges and Device Challenges to study them all.


Data collection

Asses the deployment and

technologies of 5G

Analyze the
collected data



Prepare scenario and

propose a strategy



Figure 3. flow chart of the methodology

4. Proposed Time Schedule

December January February March April May June

2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020

Research title

Collecting literature

Study of Literature

Proposal writing and



Preparation scenario

Planning strategy


Result Formulation

Thesis Submission

Table 1. Proposed Time tentative schedule

5. Budget and Funding

Table 2. Human resource budget

S.N. Variables Unit of Unit cost Total cost

1. The data collector and supervisor ETB 4,500 4,500
training cost
2. Transportation ETB 5,500 5,500
3. Data collector per-diem ETB 6,000 6,000
4. Internet access ETB 4,000 4,000

Table 3. Stationery resource budget

S. Variables Measurement Total Unit cost Total

N unit quantity (ETB) cost
5. Paper Pack 1 2,000 2,000
6. Pen Pack 1 300 300
7. Data collection print and Cent/papers 3,000 1 3,000
8. Duplication cent 2,000 1 2,000

Table 4. Total cost

S.N item Cots (ETB)
1. Human resource cost 20,000
2. Stationary cost 7,300
3. Total 27,300
4. Allowance (10%) 2,730
5. Total (tot sum + allowance) 30,030
6. References

[1] I. Bedi, Setting the Scene for 5G: Opportunities & Challenges. 2018.

[2] Ekram Hossain, “5G Cellular Key Enabling Technologies and Research and Challenges,”

[3] T. S. Rappaport et al., “Millimeter-wave mobile communications for 5G cellular: It will

work!,” IEEE Access, vol. 1, pp. 335–349, 2013.



[5] J. R. Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networksodriguez, “Fundamentals of 5G Mobile

Networksodriguez, Jon,” Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks, pp. 1–293, 2015.

[6] S. Sivakrishna, “Design and simulation of 5G massive MIMO kernel algorithm on SIMD
vector processor - IEEE Conference Publication,” Design and Simulation Of 5G Massive
MIMO Kernel Algorithm On SIMD Vector Processor, pp. 53–57, 2018.

[7] J. Leinonen, “5G in Finland,” 2017.

[8] W. Kim, J. Bae, and S. J. Lee, “Gain degradation effect due to beam misalignment on
mmWave beamforming for 5G cellular communication,” International Conference on
ICT Convergence 2015: Innovations Toward the IoT, 5G, and Smart Media Era, ICTC

2015, pp. 1252–1256, 2015.

[9] A. Y. Ding and M. Janssen, “5G Applications: Requirements, Challenges, and Outlook,”

[10] I. Ahmad, T. Kumar, M. Liyanage, J. Okwuibe, M. Ylianttila, and A. Gurtov, “5G

security: Analysis of threats and solutions,” 2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for
Communications and Networking, CSCN 2017, pp. 193–199, 2017.

[11] C. Amali and B. Ramachandran, “Enabling Key Technologies and Emerging Research
Challenge Ahead of 5G Networks : An Extensive Survey,” vol. 2, pp. 133–146.

[12] S. Analyst and H. Reading, “Overcoming the 5G Challenges of Monitoring, Assurance,

and Automation.”

[13] Q. Liu, X. Shi, X. Wang, and J. Li, “5G Development in China: From Policy Strategy to
User-Oriented Architecture,” Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2017, no. August 2017,

[14] “Next Generation Mobile Technologies: A 5G Strategy for the UK,” Department for
Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, no. March, p. 6, 2017.

[15] B. Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, “5G Strategy for Germany,” p.
23, 2017.

trials/"The Top Countries with 5G Deployments and Trials", Connor Craven | Studios
Associate Editor, September 24, 2019, 1:00 PM

David Paulk. (Header image: A 5G promotional display is seen in Jiefangbei Square in
Chongqing, Oct. 22, 2019. Chen Chao/CNS/VCG)

uk.html, "The barriers to 5G deployment in the UK With the 5G rollout expanding across
the UK, we look at some of the potential barriers to the UK's 5G deployment, "Hannah

Williams, Online Editor, Computerworld | Aug 15, 2019, 7:00 pm PDT

of-5g/ 2019MAR21 Opportunities and Challenges for South Korea in the New Era of 5G
Issue/Region: Science and Technology, Security/Korean Peninsula Expert: J. James
Kim / Washington, D.C. Office; Center for American Politics and Policy, Hong Sanghwa /
Research Division


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