B.tech Cse 7th Sem Syllabus

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Course Code: BTCS 701-18 Course Title : Network Security and 3L:0T:0P 3Credits


Detailed Contents:
UNIT 1: Introduction (3 Hours)

Introduction to Cryptography, Security Threats, Vulnerability, Active and Passive attacks,

Security services and mechanism, Conventional Encryption Model, CIA model
[5hrs] (CO 1)

UNIT 2: Math Background

Modular Arithmetic, Euclidean and Extended Euclidean algorithm, Prime numbers, Fermat
and Euler’s Theorem [5hrs](CO 1)

UNIT 3: Cryptography

Dimensions of Cryptography, Classical Cryptographic Techniques Block Ciphers (DES,

AES) : Feistal Cipher Structure, Simplifies DES, DES, Double and Triple DES, Block Cipher
design Principles, AES, Modes of Operations Public-Key Cryptography : Principles Of
Public-Key Cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange,
Elgamal Algorithm, Elliptic Curve Cryptography [12hrs] (CO 2)

UNIT 4 Hash and MAC Algorithms

Authentication Requirement, Functions, Message Authentication Code, Hash Functions,

Security Of Hash Functions And Macs, MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, Secure Hash
Algorithm, Digital Signatures, Key Management : Key Distribution Techniques, Kerberos
[6hrs] (CO 3)

UNIT 5 Security in Networks

Threats in networks, Network Security Controls – Architecture, Encryption, Content Integrity,

Strong Authentication, Access Controls, Wireless Security, Honeypots, Traffic flow security,
Firewalls – Design and Types of Firewalls, Personal Firewalls, IDS, Email Security – PGP,
S/MIME [7hrs] (CO 4)

Suggested Readings/ Books:

1. Cryptography And Network Security Principles And Practice Fourth Edition, William
Stallings, Pearson Education

2. Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice, by Wenbo Mao, Prentice Hall PTR

3. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards, by William Stallings. Prentice

4. Cryptography: Theory and Practice by Douglas R. Stinson, CRC press
Course Code: BTCS Course Title: Data Warehousing and 3L: 0T: 0P Credits: 3
-702-18 Data Mining

Detailed Contents:

Data Warehousing Introduction: design guidelines for data warehouse implementation,
Multidimensional Models; OLAP- introduction, Characteristics, Architecture, Multidimensional view
Efficient processing of OLAP Queries, OLAP server Architecture ROLAP versus MOLAP Versus
HOLAP and data cube, Data cube operations, data cube computation.

Data mining: What is data mining, Challenges, Data Mining Tasks, Data: Types of Data, Data
Quality, Data Pre-processing, Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity

Data mining: Introduction, association rules mining, Naive algorithm, Apriori algorithm, direct hashing
and pruning (DHP), Dynamic Item set counting (DIC), Mining frequent pattern without candidate
generation (FP, growth), performance evaluation of algorithms

Classification: Introduction, decision tree, tree induction algorithms – split algorithm based on
information theory, split algorithm based on Gini index; naïve Bayes method; estimating predictive
accuracy of classification method [10 hrs]

Cluster analysis: Introduction, partition methods, hierarchical methods, density based methods, dealing with large
databases, cluster software

Search engines: Characteristics of Search engines, Search Engine Functionality, Search Engine Architecture,
Ranking of web pages, The search engine history, Enterprise Search, Enterprise Search Engine Software.

UNIT 4: [10 hrs]

Web data mining: Web Terminology and Characteristics, Locality and Hierarchy in the web, Web
Content Mining, Web Usage Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web mining Software. [8 hrs]

Suggested Readings / Books:

1. Carlo Vercellis, Business Intelligence: Data mining and Optimization for Decision Making, WILEY.
2. Han J., Kamber M. and Pei J. , b Data mining concepts and techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
(2011) 3rd ed.
3. Pudi V., Krishana P.R., Data Mining, Oxford University press, (2009) 1st ed.
4. Adriaans P., Zantinge D., Data mining, Pearsoneducation press (1996), 1st ed.
5. Pooniah P. , Data Warehousing Fundamentals, Willey interscience Publication, (2001), 1st ed.
Course Code: Course Title: Distributed Databases 3L: 0T: 0P Credits: 3

Detailed Contents:
Unit 1:

INTRODUCTION: Distributed data processing; What is a DDBS; Advantages and disadvantages of

DDBS; Problem areas; Overview of database and computer network concepts


distributed DBMS; Distributed DBMS architecture; Global directory issues.
6 hrs., CO1
Unit 2:

DISTRIBUTED DATABASE DESIGN: Alternative design strategies; Distributed design issues;

Fragmentation; Data allocation.

SEMANTICS DATA CONTROL: View management; Data security; Semantic Integrity Control.

QUERY PROCESSING ISSUES: Objectives of query processing; Characterization of query

processors; Layers of query processing; Query decomposition; Localization of distributed data.
10 hrs., CO1

Unit 3:

DISTRIBUTED QUERY OPTIMIZATION: Factors governing query optimization; Centralized

query optimization; Ordering of fragment queries; Distributed query optimization algorithms.

TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT: The transaction concept; Goals of transaction management;

Characteristics of transactions; Taxonomy of transaction models.

CONCURRENCY CONTROL: Concurrency control in centralized database systems; Concurrency

control in DDBSs; Distributed concurrency control algorithms; Deadlock management.

10 hrs., CO2

Unit 4:
RELIABILITY:Reliability issues in DDBSs; Types of failures; Reliability techniques; Commit
protocols; Recovery protocols.

PARALLEL DATABASE SYSTEMS : Parallel architectures; parallel query processing and

optimization; load balancing.

ADVANCED TOPICS: Databases, Distributed Object Management, Multi-databases.

10 hrs., CO2,3

1. Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M.T. Ozsu and P. Valduriez, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
2. Distributed Database Systems, D. Bell and J. Grimson, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Course Code: Course Title: Distributed Databases L: T: 2P Credits: 1
BTCS707-18 lab

Detailed list of Tasks:

Programs may be implemented using any open source tool

Expt. 1: Installation and configuration of database packages.

Expt. 2: Creating and managing database objects (Tables, views, indexes etc.)

Expt. 3: Creating and managing database security through user management.

Expt. 4: Creating and maintaining database links.

Expt. 5: Implement Partitioning on the database tables.

Expt. 6: Implement various Transaction concurrency control methods [i.e. lock’s] by executing
multiple update and queries.

Expt. 7: Performance tuning of SQL queries.

Mini Project: Student has to do a project assigned from course contents in a group of two or three
students. The team will have to demonstrate as well as have to give a presentation of the same.
Course Code: Course Title: Parallel Computing 3L: 0T: 0P Credits: 3

Detailed Contents:
Introduction: Paradigms of parallel computing: Synchronous - vector/array, SIMD, Systolic;
Asynchronous - MIMD, reduction paradigm.

Hardware taxonomy: Flynn's classifications, Handler's classifications. Software taxonomy: Kung's

taxonomy, SPMD.
Abstract parallel computational models: Combinational circuits, Sorting network, PRAM models,
Interconnection RAMs. Parallelism approaches - data parallelism, control parallelism

Performance Metrices: Laws governing performance measurements. Metrices - speedups, efficiency,

utilization, communication overheads, single/multiple program performances, bench marks.

Parallel Processors: Taxonomy and topology - shared memory mutliprocessors, distributed memory
networks. Processor organization - Static and dynamic interconnections. Embeddings and simulations.

Parallel Programming: Shared memory programming, distributed memory programming, object

oriented programming, data parallel programming, functional and dataflow programming.

Scheduling and Parallelization: Scheduling parallel programs. Loop scheduling. Parallelization of

sequential programs. Parallel programming support environments.

Books and References:

1. M. J. Quinn. Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice , McGraw Hill, New York, 1994.
2. T. G. Lewis and H. El-Rewini. Introduction to Parallel Computing , Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
3. T. G. Lewis. Parallel Programming: A Machine-Independent Approach , IEEE Computer Society
Press, Los Alamitos, 1994.
Research articles.

Course Code: Course Title: Parallel Computing lab L: T: 2P Credits: 1


The details may be designed by course instructor as per the theory.

UC-BTEC-502-18 Credits L T P Int Ext

Digital Signal Processing 4 3 1 0 40 60

Course Objective
This is one of the fundamental courses meant to know the concepts of Digital Signal Processing
and understand the commonly used digital filters and systems.
Course Outcomes
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Represent signals mathematically in continuous and discrete time and frequency domain
2. Get the response of an LSI system to different signals
3. Design of different types of digital filters for various applications

Unit 1: Discrete Time Signals & Systems

Review of Signals & System, Discrete time sequences and systems; Representation of signals on
orthogonal basis; Sampling and reconstruction of signals; Discrete systems attributes, Basic
elements of digital signal processing such as convolution, correlation and autocorrelation, Concepts
of stability, causality, linearity, difference equations. Implementation of Discrete Time Systems,
Linear Periodic and Circular convolution, Z-Transform, Inverse Z-Transform methods, Properties
of Z-Transform.

Unit 2: Analysis of Discrete LTI sytesms

Analysis of Linear time invariant systems, Frequency Analysis, Inverse Systems, Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) with their properties, Inverse DFT and FFT
methods, Goertzel Algorithm.

Unit 3: Digital filters Design

Structures of realization of discrete time system, direct form, Cascade form, parallel form and
lattice structure of FIR and IIR systems. Time Invariant and Bilinear Transformation Methods,
Rectangular, Hamming and Hanning Window methods, Park-McClellan's method. Design of IIR
Digital Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Approximations; Low pass, Band pass, Band
stop and High pass filters. Effect of finite register length in FIR filter design, Matched Z-
Transformation, Analog and Digital Transformation in the Frequency Domain.

Unit 4: Introduction to Multirate signal processing and DSP processors Concepts

of Multirate Signal Processing, need and significance, Applications of DSP, Limitations of Analog
signal processing, Advantages of Digital signal processing, Introduction to Architectures of ADSP
and TMS (C6XXX) series of processors.
Recommended Books
1. S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A computer based approach. TMH, 2001.
2. A.V. Oppenheim and Schafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1989.
3. John G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms And
Applications, Prentice Hall, 1997.
4. L.R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1992.
5. J.R. Johnson, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1992.
6. D. J. DeFatta, J. G. Lucas and W. S. Hodgkiss, Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley& Sons, 1988.

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