Kick-Start To MicroPython Using ESP32 ES - Harish Kondoor

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Kick – Start

ESP32 / ESP8266

Harish Kondoor
This eBook has been written for information purposes only. Main aim for
the eBook is to educate MicroPython. Content included is at the best and
tries to minimise errors and be as accurate as possible.
The author (Mr.Harish Kondoor) shall not be responsible for any errors or
The author (Mr.Harish Kondoor) is not liable for any damage / loss caused
or alleged directly or indirectly  by this eBook.
The external links (video/ resource/ website url) provided throughout the
eBook can be removed or content can be changed / updated at any time
from third-party websites. The author shall not be responsible for that.
The Windows 10 operating system is used for course explanation along
with ESP32 Dev as a development board. Other operating systems like Mac
and Linux will support it if Thonny IDE and Python 3 is installed to the
computer. 80 % of the course also supports ESP8266 development board.
Please check the above compatibility before pursuing this course. Author
shall not be responsible for any technical issues with your computer and its
This eBook has been created with the assumption that readers have basic
knowledge in electronics.
Copyright @ 2020 Harish Kondoor, All Rights Reserved
About the Author

Mr.Harish Kondoor has more than 6 years of experience in the field of

STEM education. He is primarily  focused on robotics, 3D printing, and
IoT. He is the founder of Umydo Solutions based in Bangalore, India. He
helped different institutions to set up the STEM labs. The main hobbies are
to create DIY projects and learn new technologies.
Table of contents
Module1- Introduction to course
Why MicroPython?
Module2- Setting up software for the course
2.1 Installing Python 3
2.2 Installing Thonny IDE
2.3 Thonny IDE Interface
Module3- Flashing MicroPython firmware to ESP32
3.1 Downloading MicroPython firmware
3.2 Flashing Micropython to ESP32 using Thonny IDE
3.3 Commenting a line
Module4- Python 3 syntax, recap using Micropython
4.1 Print function
4.2 Type function
4.3 Input function
4.4 Help function
4.5 Conditional statements ( if, else, elif)
4.6 While loop
4.7 For loop
4.8 Creating your own function
Module5 - Controlling GPIO pins
5.1 Pinout diagram of ESP32
5.2 Blink an LED
5.3 Analog to digital conversion
5.4 Capacitive TouchPad
5.5 DHT11 for measuring temperature and humidity
5.6 ESP32 read internal temperature
5.7 ESP32 read internal hall effect sensor
5.8 MultiTreading
Module6- Connect to internet over WiFi
6.1 Auto connect to WiFi
6.2 Get weather data from OpenWeatherMap using API

Module1- Introduction to course
This course is a kick-start to MicroPython. This course has been divided
into different modules and includes required external links.

Why MicroPython?
MicroPython was created by Damien George from Australia and initiated
the ‘Kickstart’ project and backed in 2013 and developed STM32F4 based
development board called ‘PyBoard’ for MicroPython.
MicroPython is the recreated version of Python 3 that runs in the memory
restricted microcontrollers with a minimum of 256KB of ROM and 16KB
of RAM . MicroPython supports chips like ESP32, ESP8266, STM32,
nRF52, W600 etc . MicroPython follows Python 3 syntax which makes it
easy to programme for microcontrollers.The hardware APIs are capable of
handling GPIO pins in microcontrollers. In this course we discuss the
ESP32 dev module as the main controller which has a  high level of
flexibility in connecting with sensors, on chip capabilities with onboard
As a maker MicroPython is very easy to learn. If you know Python 3, you
can jump into embedded systems in a short time. And you can develop your
projects in a short period of time compared with other platforms.
Currently MicroPython is used in different companies ranging from STEM
based products to R&D and consumer products.
For the electronics components required for the course, visit Annexure1
Module2- Setting up software for the course
Following software is required to be installed into your PC for this course.
●     Python 3
●     Thonny IDE
Note: Mentioned software will support in Windows ,Linux and Mac
operating systems. This course mainly discusses using the Windows10
operating system.
2.1 Installing Python 3
Python 3 is mandatory to install to your PC. For the Windows operating
system follow the steps.
➢      Check python 3 is installed into your PC by opening command
➢    Type the command ‘ python --version ’

If ‘python’ is not recognized. Then Python have to install to the PC by

following steps
➢     Visit the website :

➢      From the ‘Downloads’ tab you can download the latest version of
Python 3 respective to your operating system.

➢      Once download is completed. Go to ‘Downloads’ folder in the PC
and find the downloaded ‘Python3.8.*.exe’ file.
➢    Right click on the file and click on ‘Run as an administrator’ .
➢    Tick on ‘Add Python 3.8 to PATH’ then click on  ‘Install Now’

➢    Wait for a few minutes until installation is completed.
➢    Once installation is completed click on ‘Close’ Tab

➢    Check python is installed by following step1

In command prompt if you got response ‘ Python 3.8.* ‘ , then you have
successfully installed Python to your PC.
Note: If this point of time python is not recognized in the command
prompt , then set the path of python3 properly.
2.2 Installing Thonny IDE
Thonny IDE is the one of the simplest IDE available for MicroPython. You
can create code, manage codes, debug, and will be able to flash
MicroPython firmware using Thonny IDE. Other popular  IDEs are
uPyCraft and PyCharm.
➢     Visit the website:

➢      Click on ‘Windows’ to download the .exe file to your downloads

➢      Once the download is completed. Go to ‘Downloads’ folder in the
PC and find the downloaded ‘Thonny-3.2.*.exe’ file.
➢      Right click on the ‘thonny-3.2.8.exe’ file and click on ‘Run as an
administrator’ .
➢      Accept the agreement from installation window and click  on


➢    Browse the the folder you want to install and click on ‘Next >’
➢     Wait until installation completes.
➢     Click on ‘Finish’ once the  installation is successfully completed

➢      You can find the Thonny IDE icon from the desktop or find the
application from the ‘Start menu’ . Launch the application.
2.3 Thonny IDE Interface

F5 : Save & Run the current script

Ctrl + N : New file
Ctrl + S : Save the file
Ctrl + D : Soft reboot
Ctrl + C : Keyword interrupt
Module3- Flashing MicroPython firmware to
Easy way to flash MicroPython to ESP32 / ESP8266  by using Thonny
IDE (Windows , Mac, Linux OS) . We will discuss this method. Other
widely used methods are by using ‘espress-if’ tool (only for Windows OS)
for flashing and command based esptool method (Windows , Mac, Linux
●     Downloading MicroPython firmware
●    Flashing Micropython to ESP32 using Thonny IDE

3.1 Downloading MicroPython firmware

Visit the website:   (For
ESP32) (For ESP8266)
➢      Click on the stable / unstable version of MicroPython firmware
from the list and download it. Firmware (. bin file ) will save to the
Downloads folder of your PC. Recommended stable version.
3.2 Flashing Micropython to ESP32 using Thonny IDE
➢    Connect ESP32 to PC using a good quality micro USB cable.

➢     Open Thonny IDE.
➢    Navigate to Tools → Manage plug-ins → Search for ‘esptool’ and
install it.

Note: Make sure that the PC is connected to the internet .

➢      Navigate to Tools → Options → Interpreter → select
Micropython (ESP32)
➢    If you are using ESP8266, choose Micropython (ESP8266) .

➢    From Port option select the port ( eg:- COM6)

Note: If the port number is not visible, check the quality of the USB
cable used and install the Device driver CP210x or CH340 to PC.
➢     Click on the firmware option .
➢    From the new window select the Port (ex:- COM6)
➢    Browse to downloaded .bi n file → click on ‘Open’
➢    Tick the option ‘Erase flash before installing’

➢    Press the BOOT button in the ESP32 (FLASH button in the case of 
➢    Click on the Install option in the dialog box.
➢    Few seconds(2-3 s) later release the BOOT button from ESP32.
➢    New prompt will open there and you can see the progress of flashing.
Initially it erases the flash memory then installs the MicroPython
firmware .

➢    Once firmware is 100% loaded press on the EN / RESET pin in the
ESP32 (RST in the case of ESP8266).
➢    You have successfully flashed MicroPython firmware to ESP32.
➢    Close the Thonny IDE and disconnect ESP32 from PC.
➢     Reconnect ESP32 to your PC
➢     Open Thonny IDE
➢      Go Tool s → Interpreter → Select MicroPython(ESP32 ) →
from Port select the allocated Port (ex:- COM6 )
➢    Press EN / RESET pin in the ESP32
➢      Micropython REPL ( read–eval–print loop ) prompt will load in the
Thonny IDE

➢     To test MicroPython in REPL  type your first code.

➢     print (“ Hello world ”)
➢    See the print result in the REPL prompt instantly.

3.3 Commenting a line

For commenting a line ‘#’ can be used. After  # whatever you write in the
same line will not be executed as the part of the script.
Commenting is a good tool. Later you can read and understand your code
Ex:-  c = 'hello world'    # string value to variable c
Only  c = 'hello world' will execute as the part of the script and  # string
value to variable c will not execute. It is just a comment for your code.

Module4- Python 3 syntax, recap using

In this module we will discuss Python3 syntax. It will be helpful for those
who are new to embedded systems and not coded in Python. For those who
are familiar with python,you can start Module5.
Python is an easy programming language. Understandable by reading the
code because of simple syntax of Python. Nowadays Python is one of the
promising programming languages. Python is mainly used in machine
learning, artificial intelligence and data science. Different python
frameworks and advanced libraries makes it popular in different areas
including website development, app development, scientific calculations
MicroPython gives access to embedded systems for the Python language
enthusiasts as well as those who want to learn and develop their own
embedded projects or products in a short period of time. Yes, python is not
efficient considering its execution speed compared to the embedded C. But
less complexity for developing codes for projects which saves a lot of time
for the maker to develop their projects. That is the beauty of MicroPython.
●              Print function
●              Type function
●              Input function
●              Help function
●              Conditional statements ( if, else, elif)
●              While loop
●              For loop
●              Function s
4.1 Print function
➢     Open Thonny IDE
➢       From the File tab select New (Ctrl +N) for creating a new file.
➢        Type the command in the script area.

➢     For print the number 3.

➢      For print the string- hello world , string can be provided in “ ”
double cots or in ‘ ‘ single cots.
➢      Syntax for print in the REPL is print(X) where X can be variable,
numbers, boolean etc.

For string concatenation, coma (,) or plus (+) sign can be used. See the
second line from the above example.
➢      To execute and save the script, press on the green play icon from
the toolbar of Thonny IDE or use ‘F5’ .
➢    From the Run tab ‘Run current script’ option also can be used.
➢      If the script is not saved, from the new prompt window, you can
choose where to save the script. Is it to the computer or to the device.
➢    Make sure you are providing a .py file extension to the script. (ex:- )
➢     Then click ‘OK’


➢    Output will get in the REPL as shown below

➢      After modifying the script use Ctrl + S to save the code. Or F5 to

run the script.
4.2 Type function
type()   function is used to know the type of the variable like, is that  an
integer, string, boolean etc.
➢     Syntax : type(x)
➢    Where x can be a variable. Use print() along with type() for showing
the output in the REPL
➢     Ex:- print( type(x) )

➢     Output in the REPL

4.3 Input function
Input function is used to get an input from the user and the input value can
be used later in the programme.
➢    Syntax: input( “Ask the input from user” )

Note: The input receiving from the user will save as string by default. If
you want to convert into integer or float in that case refer to line number
5 from the above script.
➢     Output in the REPL
➢     Variable name is a string
➢     Variable age is a string
➢      Variable age_1 converted as an integer using int() before input()

4.4 Help function

This function is used to know the MicroPython inbuilt modules and inbuilt
functions in the microcontroller. Inbuilt modules may vary based on the
version of the firmware and microcontroller.
➢     help(“modules”)     for findinding inbuilt modules
➢    help(machine)        to know about functions in the module machine
without double cots.

Note: before checking functions in a specific module. Always import that

module first.
Above all are the inbuilt modules for ESP32 latest version of  MicroPython

Above all are the functions from the module machine .

4.5 Conditional statements ( if, else, elif)
Conditional statements determine the flow of the programme. We will be
discussing basic conditional statements if, else ,elif .
If and else
Syntax :
if (condition1):
Statement 1
Statement 2
else :
Statement 3

Note: Indentation is very important in Python language. Line number 7

has intended to 1 Tab (or 4 space).  In Thonny IDE indentation will come
automatically if the syntax is correct.
➢    The entered value from the user is four then output will be matched
➢    If the entered value is other than 4 then output will be not matched
elif   is used to check condition one by one from the top to bottom. If any
one condition is satisfied while checking from top to bottom, then it will not
check for any remaining  conditions below.
➢    Output in the REPL if the user input is 4 .
4.6 While loop
The loop will work if a specified condition is satisfied. Make sure about
While Condition is satisfied:
Statement 2
If the condition is True then the while loop becomes an infinite loop. We
mostly use this method for creating an infinite loop.

➢      Above programme will print hello infinite time with a delay of 1

➢      Give a sleep time in the while True loop. Otherwise there is a
chance that Thonny IDE will crash.
➢    Line 1 is to import the sleep function from the time module.
➢    Line 4 is to provide a delay of 1 second. Time used here in seconds.
➢     Output in the REPL shown below.

Ctrl + C for Keyboard interrupt.

Ctrl + D for Soft reboot.
4.7 For loop
For loop mainly used to repeat a set of instructions for a certain number of
times. We will be discussing only the range() function in the for loop.
for x in range (value): 
print (x)
Where x is an integer number that will increment based on the condition.
Range can be used in different methods as follows.

➢    Line 2 and 3 make the x will start from 0, exclude 10 and print the
numbers upto 9 in REPL.
➢    Line 5 and 6 make the x will start from 2, exclude 10 and print the
numbers upto 9 in REPL.
➢    Line 8 and 9 make the x will start from 2, exclude 26 and print the
numbers in REPL with an increment of 3.

4.8 Creating your own function

Creating your own function is important in MicroPython programming. A
set of codes or tasks can be set in a function. So that you don't need to
repeat the same set of codes somewhere else in the script, instead you can
call the function just with a single line of code.
Syntax ( Creating a function ):
def    function_name (arguments):
Syntax ( Calling a function ) :
function_name (arguments)

➢     Output in the REPL

Module5 - Controlling GPIO pins
Controlling general purpose input output (GPIO) pins is comparatively
comfortable in MicroPython.
If you are using an ESP32 Dev board with a breadboard for circuits you can
only use one side of the GPIO pins. Coming examples we will be using the
left side (place EN pin on left side) of the ESP32 Dev board.
●              Pinout diagram of ESP32
●              Blink LED
●              ADC
●              Capacitive TouchPad
●              DHT11 - Temperature & humidity
●              ESP32 read Internal temperature
●              ESP32 read internal hall effect sensor
●              MultiThreading
5.1 Pinout diagram of ESP32
➢    VIN - Input voltage (maximum 10 V).
➢    3V3 - Output voltage of 3.3 V (AMS1117 IC converted i/p voltage
to 3.3V ).
➢     GND - Ground.
➢     EN button - To reboot the ESP32
➢      BOOT button- To select BOOT mode of ESP32 for flashing the
ESP32 chip works with 3.3 volt logic level. Make sure input connections
to ESP32 from sensors maintain 3.3V logic level. If sensors give a 5 V
logic level, use basic resistors based voltage divider circuits to cut down
the voltage to 3.3V .
➢    GPIO pin numbers only we use in MicroPython coding.
➢      ADC1 and ADC2 channels can be used for analog to digital
conversion. Recommended to use ADC channel 1 while using WiFi
➢    Touch0 to Touch9 are the pins with capacitive touch capability.
➢      CP320x is the communication chip that mostly comes with the
ESP32 Dev board . Please install the driver IC to your PC for
detecting the port without any fail.
➢     ESP32 comes with a power LED.
➢     Inbuilt LED is at GPIO 2.

5.2 Blink an LED

ESP32 comes with an Inbuilt LED at GPIO 2. We can start blinking this
LED as our first project in this section.
For controlling GPIO pins, based upon the project we need to import the
required modules and the functions.
For blink an LED we have to import the Pin function from the machine
module and sleep function from the time module.
➢    Upload the above code to blink the Inbuilt LED in the ESP32.
➢    Another method to turn on and to turn off the GPIO pin as follows.

If you use another GPIO pin, use a 220 ohm resistor in series to the LED.
for the same project. Which will protect the LED from burning / damage.

5.3 Analog to digital conversion

ESP32 has two ADC channels ADC1 and ADC2. By default ADC pins
have 12 bit resolution. 0 to 3.3V can map from 0 to 4095 (12 bit). By
coding we can change the resolution.
➢    LD33 voltage regulator has been used to regulate the voltage to 3.3
V for powering external components.
➢    A 10 kilo ohm potentiometer is used for ADC conversion.
➢     GPIO32 is used as an ADC pin.
By rotating the potentiometer the input voltage to GPIO 32 can vary from 0
to 3.3 V and that can be mapped using the ADC function in the ESP32.To
use ADC in ESP32 the following functions have to be imported.
Note: ESP8266 has only one ADC pin .
➢    From machine module import Pin and ADC functions
➢     From time module import sleep function

➢    .read() is used to read the analog value.

➢    By default method the maximum value will be 4095 for 3.3 V input.
➢     Output in the REPL as below.
5.4 Capacitive TouchPad
ESP32 have an interesting inbuilt capability, that is capacitive touch pins .
These pins can be used instead of push buttons to trigger some activity in
the ESP32. That means you can avoid external hardware switches, instead,
your touch will trigger the Touch Pin available in the ESP32. Refer pinout
of ESP32 to find the GPIO pins allocated as touch pins .
Note:This feature is not available in the ESP8266.
➢    Connect a male to male jumper wire to GPIO13, make sure the other
end of the wire can be used to touch.
➢    From machine module import TouchPad and Pin function
➢     From time module import sleep function
➢     GPIO13 has used as Touch Pin
➢      GPIO2 has a default LED. We can trigger it with the TouchPad

➢    Line5: creating a TouchPad object to the GPIO13

➢    Line6: creating Pin object to control LED
➢      Line9: to read the TouchPad object value and save to a variable
called value .
➢     Line10: printing the value in REPL.
➢      Line 12 to 17 will control Inbuilt LED in GPIO2 based on the
TouchPad value stored in the variable value .
➢    See the full code and output value in REPL.

➢    See the Inbuilt LED in GPIO2, how it is working in your project.
5.5 DHT11 for measuring temperature and humidity
DHT11 is an ultra-low cost temperature and humidity sensor. MicroPython
firmware for ESP32 comes with an inbuilt module for DHT11. With 5%
tolerance DHT11 can read and measure temperature from a range 0 to 50
degree celsius and humidity with 2 % tolerance and a range 20 to 80%. The
DHT11 module works in a range of 3V to 5V.  DHT11 uses 1 wire
communication. If you want to use more accuracy and range go with the
DHT22 sensor module.

➢    Signal pin is connected to GPIO14. Use GPIO2 for ESP8266

➢    Ground pin from DHT11 to GND of LD33
➢    Power pin from DHT11 to 3.3 V output of LD33
Note: You can also connect the 3V3 pin of ESP32 to power up DHT11.
LD33 is not mandatory.
➢     Import dht11 module.
➢     From machine module import Pin function.
➢     From time module import sleep function.
➢     Create a DHT11 object.
➢    Use measure() function to measure the value.
➢      Using temperature() and humidity() functions you can read out
temperature and humidity separately and save to different variables
and later on print it.
Majority of the times ESP32 shows OSError messages by using measure()
function to read the data. We have to try again and again until we measure
the value without showing errors . For that we have to use the try: and
except: method.

➢     Output in the REPL

5.6 ESP32 read internal temperature
ESP32 comes with an internal temperature sensor. Reading internal
temperature in the ESP32 is a good feature.With few lines of code the
internal temperature can read. Value will measure in fahrenheit by default.
ESP8266 didn't have this feature.
➢     Import ESP32 module.
➢     Import sleep function from module.
➢      Read directly the temperature by using the command
➢    While loop is used to display the raw temperature continuously.

➢     Output in the REPL

5.7 ESP32 read internal hall effect sensor
Another ESP32 feature is that it has an internal hall effect sensor.Following
method can be used for a magnet based switch, based on your idea it can be
integrated to your project.
➢     Import ESP32 module.
➢     Import sleep function from module.
➢      Read directly the temperature by using the command
➢    While loop is used to display the raw temperature continuously.

➢     Output in theREPL

Keep a magnet very close to the ESP32 module (top of the metal shield )
then the value will change from above shown value to closer to 25
depending on the strength of the magnet.
5.8 MultiTreading
MultiTreading is a powerful tool that can be used in efficient and high end
programming. ESP32 chips have the capability of executing different
functions virtually at the same time. Advantage is that multiple threads can
work independently at the same time. Here we will be discussing how to
control 3 LEDs blinking at different rates of speed and each and every LED
will be controlled by different threads.
_thread.start_new_tread (name of the function ,(pass parameters as tuple))
➢      Import _thread function. For the easiness of calling it _thread
function we will call it as th
➢     Import sleep function
➢     Import Pin function
➢      Created 3 LED objects to GPIO pins 25, 33, 2 (Inbuilt LED is at
➢      Created different functions using the keyword def . Functions are
function_led1, function_led2, function_led3
➢      From the multi threading documents it is mandatory to pass
➢    Two arguments ‘message ’ and ‘t ’ have been created. You can give
any name instead of ‘message’ and ‘t’ . Where ‘message’ is used to
display LED name and ‘t’ is used to determine the delay time in our
➢    Write the necessary script inside the created function. In this case the
function makes the LED turn it ON and turn it OFF with a delay.
➢     Call the function using _thread syntax.
➢    In the code used try: and except: method to avoid crashing the code.
➢    _thread.error is the possible error when we try for MultiTreading.
➢    See the output in the REPL and how the LEDs are blinking.

Note: After understanding the MultiThreading, code inside the

functions can be modified for your own requirements.
Module6- Connect to internet over WiFi
ESP32 and ESP8266 have 2.4 GHz inbuilt WiFi feature. Both chips can
work as a STATION mode or an ACCESS POINT mode or both together.
With the WiFi connectivity we can control ESP32 boards from anywhere in
the world using appropriate tools like Blynk App, IFFF platform or other
IoT platforms out there in the market. ESP32 is a great tool to experiment
with IoT technology.

6.1 Auto connect to WiFi

By default MicroPython firmware comes with a file called saved in
the chip. First MicroPython will load the file and check for another
file called . The programme wants to run automatically when the
ESP32 boots up, then your script should save to the ESP32 as .
➢    Open file in the ESP32 and uncomment for import esp and

➢      Create a new file and save to the MicroPython device( ESP32) as (You can give any name).
➢     Import the sleep function
➢     Create a new function called connect()
➢     Import the network module
➢    Assigning SSID and Password of your wifi to two variables
➢    Create a WiFi object with Station Mode (station is the object name
Syntax: network.WLAN (network.STA_IF)
➢    Activate the WiFi object using .active (True) command
➢    Connect to WiFi using .connect( ssid, password) method
➢    Check ESP32 is connected to WiFi using .isconnected method
➢    Get the local IP address using .ipconfig() method
➢      Create a new file called and save to MicroPython
➢      Import the previously created file called to using the command import ConnectWiFi
➢      Call the function connect() from ConnectWiFi using the command

Note: make sure you have saved both files and
in the ESP32 device.
➢     Disconnect ESP32 and close Thonny IDE.
➢     Reconnect ESP32 and open Thonny IDE.
➢    Select the port from tools tab of Thonny IDE
➢    Press the EN / RESET button in the ESP32 and see the output in the
REPL to get your local ip address allocated by your WiFi router to

➢    Where is the local ip address. It may be different in

your case.

6.2 Get weather data from OpenWeatherMap using API

Data received from the OpenWeatherMap will be in json (JavaScript
Object Notation) format. Json data objects consisting of attribute–value
pairs and array data types which is similar to a dictionary in the Python

➢      Create a free account in OpenWeatherMap
➢    You will receive a confirmation email from OpenWeatherMap with
an API key to the registered email.
➢    It takes 1 to 2 hours to activate your API key .
➢      Visit the link to know how to call current data using API key
➢    We can try with the first method.
➢    City name replace with your city name
➢    Your api key is replaced with the API key which you receive from
OpenWeatherMap and paste to the browser url to see the json file
from the service provider.
➢    Suggest to use firefox browser to see extracted json file
➢      Example like temperature, humidity and pressure comes under
➢     City name is under ‘name’
➢    Keep all the files from 6.1 Auto connect to WiFi in the ESP32
➢    Create another file and save in the ESP32
➢    Make sure the module named urequests or requests is present in the
modules using the command in the REPL, help(‘modules’)
➢     Follow the code

➢    Created a function called data using keyword def

➢     Importing urequest as requests
➢     Importing ujson as json
➢     Used try: and except: method
➢    Line13: variable city to save city name we want to get the data
➢    Line14: variable api_key to save your API key received in the email
➢    Line15: map_url is the string  with the API url method includes city
and your API key
➢    Line16: assigning required url format to the variable map_url
➢    Line17: using urequest , get the data from the OpenWheatherMap
using API and save the data to the weather_data variable . The
received data will be in json format.
➢      Line18: extracting temperature from received raw json data and
converting to degree celsius.
➢    Line19: extracting name of the city from received raw json data
➢    Line20 & 21: printing the temperature and name of the city

➢    Open file and connect the weatherData to data function
➢    Used while loop to print this value in a certain interval of time

➢    Save all the codes in the ESP32 and press EN/RESET button in the
➢     See the output in the REPL
Annexure 1
Components list

●              ESP32 / ESP8266 (Recommended ESP32)

●              DHT 11 sensor module
●              LD33 voltage regulator (3.3 Volt output)
●              10 kilo ohm  potentiometer
●              5mm LEDs
●              1 kilo ohm resistors
●              15 male to male jumper wires
●              Breadboard
●              Micro USB cable (Good quality)
You can purchase at cheap rates internationally from websites like 
aliexpress, banggood and amazon. Expected total cost of the mentioned
components is 15 dollars.
Installing python3 :
Installing Thonny IDE :
Flashing ESP32 :
Help function :
Blink inbuilt LED :
Auto connect to WiFi :
Website :

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