19 SITXHRM004 Student Version

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The document provides information and resources for assessing competency in recruiting, selecting and inducting staff according to industry standards.

Students must demonstrate performance through practical tasks and have supporting knowledge as outlined in the document. Conditions and expectations of assessment are also defined.

Sample documents are provided for a hospitality industry award, position description, induction checklist and interview record form to help with tasks.


Student ID:

Unit Details SITXHRM004–Recruit, select and induct

This is a summative assessment, which

Assessment Type requires each student to have adequate
practice prior to undertaking this assessment

Assessment 1 Written Task

Assessment 2 Project/Role-play
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Assessment information.......................................................................... 4
Purpose.............................................................................................. 4
Unit description.................................................................................. 4
Key competencies.............................................................................. 4
Foundation skills................................................................................ 4
Performance evidence....................................................................... 4
Knowledge evidence.......................................................................... 5
Assessment Conditions...................................................................... 7
Pre-requisites..................................................................................... 7
Terminology used............................................................................... 7
Completing the assessments/Expectations........................................ 8
Assessment........................................................................................ 8
Summary of assessment methods and tasks..................................... 8
Instructions........................................................................................ 8
Required resources............................................................................ 9
Reasonable adjustment..................................................................... 9
Plagiarism policy................................................................................ 9
Academic appeals.............................................................................. 9
Reassessment process..................................................................... 10
Assessment records......................................................................... 11
Declaration...................................................................................... 11
Assessment submissions and contact details.................................. 11
Assessment 1 – Written Questions.....................................................................14
Instructions for Students.................................................................. 14
Assessment 2 – Project/Role-play.......................................................... 40
Instructions for Students.................................................................. 40
Resources required for assessment................................................. 41
Task 1: Create a recruitment action plan...........................................................43
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 1 45
Task 2: Role play – Discuss staffing needs with colleagues and obtain approval 47
Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 2 48
Task 3 – Create an induction program................................................................50
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 3 51

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Task 4 – Analysis and selection of job candidates.............................................52
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 453
Task 5: Conduct interviews...............................................................................54
Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 5 56
Task 6: Finalise employment.............................................................................58
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 659

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Assessment information
Purpose This document represents the main assessment instrument the unit of
competency SITXHRM004–Recruit, select and induct
Unit This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
description required to coordinate the recruitment, selection and induction of new
staff members within the framework of existing human resource policies
and procedures. It requires the ability to identify recruitment needs,
develop selection criteria, process and evaluate applications, select
people according to their attitude, aptitude and fit to the position and
coordinate induction programs.
The unit applies to senior personnel who operate independently or with
limited guidance from others, including dedicated specialist staff or
operational or senior managers.
It applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative
requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Key 1. Identify recruitment needs.

competencies 2. Administer recruitment.
3. Select staff
4. Plan and organise induction programs.
Foundation Reading skills to: Evaluate job applications against selection criteria.
Interpret and follow:
Organisational policies and procedures.
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) and other
employment related legislation.
Writing skills to: Construct complex and varied documentation for
recruitment advertisements, selection criteria and
induction program content.
Oral Conduct interviews and adapt interview techniques to
communication meet the needs of social and cultural groups.
skills to:
Numeracy skills Calculate advertising costs and salary levels.
Problem solving Identify deficiencies in applications and resolve by re-
skills to: advertising or choosing different recruitment
Teamwork skills Consult team members about staffing needs and
to: select new staff members that will complement
existing workers.
Planning and Evaluate staffing requirements and plan for
organising skills recruitment
to: of appropriate numbers.
Performan Evidence of the ability to:
ce  administer the recruitment, selection and induction process for each
evidence of the following recruitment needs at least once:
o casual, contract or temporary
o full time or part-time permanent
o volunteer
 develop selection criteria for each of the above recruitment needs
 conduct fair and equitable selection interviews for each of the above
recruitment situations
 evaluate at least one applicant in each of the above selection
processes to select individuals that meet a specific organisational need
Knowledg  specific industry sector:
e o recruitment and selection practices
evidence o formats for and inclusions of selection criteria and job
o effective advertising media
o features of an effective recruitment advertisement
o roles of recruitment agencies
o relationships of job descriptions to selection criteria and
ways to develop clear and concise selection criteria
o methods of linking interview questions to selection criteria
o key elements of applicable awards
o nature and role of induction programs and typical content
 specific organisation:
o roles and responsibilities of different personnel in the recruitment
and induction process
o required make-up of interview panels
o procedures for employment checks
o full content of recruitment and human resource policies and
in particular:
 approval processes for advertised salaries and recruitment of
new personnel
 nature and content of job advertisements and
communications with applicants
 participants in interview panels
 required skills profile of potential employees for particular jobs
 role of different personnel in the recruitment and induction
 timing and nature of induction programs
 use of different media in the recruitment process
 use of government-subsidised traineeships and apprenticeships
 key elements of equal employment opportunity (EEO) employment
laws and how they must be implemented in recruitment and selection
 records required of recruitment and selection process:
o administrative documents
o interview schedules
o interviewer details
o selection panel comments, score sheets and recommendations
o records of interview
 selection process:
o checks:
 police
 reference
 working with children
 qualifications
o evaluation of portfolios
o exchange of written information
o interviews:
 by human resource specialists, department managers or
selection committees
 face-to-face
 teleconference
 telephone
 videoconference
o presentation to a selection committee
o skills tests
 special arrangements required in the organisation of selection
o access:
 parking
 security clearance
o using:
 assistive technology
 electronic presentation media
 interpreters
 special interview techniques for those with disabilities
 teleconference
 videoconference
 visual information and diagrams instead of written material
 information for inclusion in induction programs:
o conditions of employment
o contact details for various departments or colleagues
o current organisational focus or initiatives
o employee:
 benefits
 responsibilities
 rights
o enterprise:
 culture
 goals
 objectives
 responsibilities
 vision
o key organisational policies and procedures
o industrial arrangements for the organisation
o orientation of:
 departmental locations and equipment
 staff amenities
 off-site operations
 whole of business premises
o organisational charts
o payroll information:
 awards and applicable pay rates
 superannuation
 wage payments
o policies and procedures specific to the job role
o work health and safety information

Assessment Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace. This can be:

Conditions  an industry workplace
 a simulated industry
environment Assessment must
ensure access to:
 operational information about the organisation or activity subject to
 organisational specifications that are industry current:
o recruitment and induction documentation
o job descriptions, linked selection criteria and interview questions
o key human resource policies
 multiple applicants with whom the individual can interact; these can
o those in an industry workplace who are assisted by the
individual during the assessment process; or
o individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities,
set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry
environment operated within a training organisation
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training
requirements for assessors.
Pre-requisites NIL
Terminolog The following terms are used in each assessment task to guide the
y used student and assessor as to what is expected from each assessment task:
1. Instructions: Provides a brief description about the assessment task
and broadly indicates what the Student is required to do.
2. Conditions of assessment: Outlines the conditions in which the
assessment must be undertaken. In some cases, it will give options
for the student about what to base the assessment task on and
whether it is practical demonstration or project.
3. Description of task/decision making rules: Advises the student and
the assessor of the task description and the criteria that the
assessment must meet in order for a satisfactory result to be
4. Due Date - the date on which assessment falls due.
Completing Assessors must ensure that students completely understand the
the assessment process and various assessment tasks before undertaking
assessments the assessments. This assessment tool is structured in a way that each
/Ex assessment task clearly outlines the:
pectations  Instructions for completing the assessment task;
 Conditions in which the assessment must be conducted;
 Evidence that must be presented by the student; and
 Decision-making rules by which the evidence will be judged.
Every assessment task will require satisfactory completion in order for
students to be deemed Competent. The students will need to adhere to
any guidelines on length of answers required where stipulated. Please
a paragraph is three or more sentences.
Assessment Each assessment task has a section for the assessor recording the
assessment outcome as either ‘Satisfactory’ (S) or ‘Not Satisfactory’
(NS). Once the student satisfactorily completes all assessment tasks, the
assessor will complete the assessment summary cover sheet and record
either a “Competent” (C) or “Not Competent” (NC) outcome.
When awarding any assessment result, assessors must ensure that
feedback for the student is recorded in the spaces provided after each
task and on the record of assessment outcome.
Summary The assessment methods that are used in this assessment tool are:
of Assessment Method of
assessmen Task # Assessment
t methods 1 Questions You are required to answer 38 short answer
and tasks questions related to this unit.
2 Project/Role  monitor individual or team performance
-play demonstrating leadership and
management roles
 seek and respond to feedback
team members in line with
organisational goals and policies
Instructions:  You can seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be
 You can ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of
project or Assessment.
 You can seek information on additional reading material and
reference for completion of the assessments.
 If you have any special needs, you can seek assistance from
Assessors depending upon the nature of the need.
 You can seek assistance from assessor while using special diagnostic
 Review the observation checklist/decision making rules to know what
is expected of you. You may refer to the observation checklist for
observation based assessments at any stage prior to the
commencement of your assessment. You must not refer to this
checklist whilst you are being assessed.
 Your assessor will also explain to you the observation process prior to
Required Each assessment task in this assessment tool outlines specific resources
resources that the student must have access to as part of the assessment process.
Assessors must ensure that students have appropriate access to these
resources before any assessment is conducted.
Reasonable Acumen Education enables reasonable adjustments to be made to
adjustment assessment procedures for students with special needs, such as people
with disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties. Assessing
knowledge is usually assessed through written or oral, short-answer
tests where assessors seek to determine the extent of the student’s

Following are some of the examples of adjustments that can be made for
the students:
 Ask questions orally instead of in a written format
 Provide equipment such as text enlargers, image enhancers, and
voice recorders.
 Give the student more time to complete the assessment;, allocate a
different time for completion of the assessment;
 Offer a separate, quiet room.
 Modifying or providing equipment
 Adapting delivery strategies
 Ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible, providing
additional support to student where necessary
 Customising resources and activities within the training package or
accredited course
 Monitoring the adjustments to ensure student needs continue to be
Plagiaris Acumen education takes a systemic approach to the treatment of
m policy plagiarism in academic work. The policy is intended to promote honesty
in learning and assessment and respect for the work of others.
Contravention of this policy will result in students being penalized.

Please read the plagiarism policy available in your student handbook

and to be aware of the consequences and to understand your rights and
Academic  Where a student wishes to appeal an assessment they are required
appeals to notify their assessor in the first instance. Where appropriate the
assessor may decide to re-assess the student to ensure a fair and
equitable decision is gained. The assessor shall complete a written
report regarding the re-assessment outlining the reasons why
assessment was or was not granted.
 If this is still not to the student’s satisfaction the student shall formally
lodge an appeal by submitting a written letter within one week of
receiving the results using the form 10.1 for Complaints and appeals
outlining the reasons for the appeal. They shall lodge this with
student administrations department and the appeal shall be entered
into the ‘complaints and appeals register’.
 The Course coordinator shall be notified and shall seek details from
the assessor involved and any other relevant parties. A decision shall
be made regarding the appeal either indicating the assessment
decision stands or details of a possible re-assessment by another
assessor appointed by Acumen.
The student shall be notified in writing of the outcome with reasons for
the decision. The student shall also be provided the option of activating
the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome.
The student is required to notify Acumen if they wish to proceed with the
external appeals process.

Reassessm 1. Student will be assessed as being competent only upon satisfactory

ent process completion of all the assessments in a unit.
2. If a student is not able to demonstrate satisfactory completion of all
of the required assessments of the unit, the result for that unit will be
recorded as Not Competent.
3. If a student has submitted all the tasks and successfully completed
more than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be
provided with specific feedback and invited to re-submit their
4. If a student has submitted and not successfully completed more than
50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be required to
undertake the unit again.
5. In the case of re-submission, the following actions shall occur:
 The student must apply for resubmission within one week of the
result is made available to him/her. This means that the student is
responsible to acknowledge that he/she has received the result
and has been deemed NC for the units of competency
 Reassessment may need to be arranged every weekend on
Saturday evenings in order to minimize disruption.
6. If a student is assessed as “Not Competent’ after the resubmission,
he or she will be identified as a student-at-risk and an Academic
Performance Improvement (API) Plan will be created during an
Intervention Strategy Meeting between the Acumen’s Operations
Manager, Trainer & Assessor and student. The date for a third
assessment will be nominated by the student in consultation with
Trainer & Assessor, but should be no longer than 1 month from the
previous re- submission date.
7. One re-submission is allowable per unit per student free of cost.
Additional re-submissions will be charged at $200.
If the student remains ‘Not Competent’ after a third re-submission, he or
she will be notified that this result is final and he or she will be unable to
successfully complete the course in which they are enrolled at this point.

* Due to the variance in the amount of work completed for each

assessment task in a unit, 50% will be determined by the number of
assessment tasks submitted as opposed to the amount of evidence
Assessment We are required to retain a copy of your assessment and all other
records evidentiary records. If you require a copy of this assessment
please be sure to copy it prior to submitting it to us.
Declaration You must sign the student declaration confirming the authenticity of your
submitted work, understanding the requirements to complete the
assessment tasks and that the assessment process including the
provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to
you and that you understand these processes on the assessment
summary cover sheet. Acumen Education cannot assess any submitted
work until the declaration
is received.
Assessment You must submit this completed assessment tool to your trainer on the
submissions due date. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions
and contact regarding the assessment process:
details Phone: 03 9044 6402/03 84151244
For Assessor Only - ASSESSMENT
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing
on the students file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this form.
Student Name:
t ID No:
Unit Code &  
SITXHRM004 – Recruit, select and induct staf
First Submission Subsequent submission
Please attach the following documentation to this form S = Satisfactory
 NS = Not

Assessment 1 Written Task S | NS

Task 1 – Create Recruitment action Plan S | NS

Task 2 – Role Play S | NS

Task 3 – Create Induction Program S | NS
Assessment 2 
Task 4 – Complete Application Shortlisting Matrix S | NS
 Task 5 – Role Play S | NS
Task 6 – Finalise the Employment S | NS
 
Final Assessment Result for this
unit Competent Not Competent (Comments)
(Student will be assessed as being competent
only upon satisfactory completion of all the
above mentioned assessments)
The Evidence provided is:

 Valid  Sufficient  Authentic  Current

Student Declaration:
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. The assessment
process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I
understand these processes. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my
own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the
purpose of this assessment.

Student’s Signature: Date: / /

Final feedback:
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair,
valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this Signature:
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Date: / /

Administrative use
Entered onto Student
Management Database
Date Initial


Assessment Task

Competent - C Not Competent - NC

Result of Reassessment
(Please circle the Final Assessment
Feedback to Student

Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Signature Date
Assessment 1 – Written Questions

Instructions for Students

 This is the first of two assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent in this unit.
 In this task, you must answer thirty-eight (38) questions that cover the knowledge
requirements of this unit.
 Read the Assessment description carefully.
 Assessment may be submitted in Microsoft Word format or may be handwritten. Clearly
label your work with your name, unit code, unit title, Assessment Task and respective
Question number with the answer to all the documents and sheets that are attached to
your submission.
 Acknowledge clearly when and how you are drawing on the ideas or phrases of others.
 Consult your assessor when you are unsure about how to acknowledge the
contributions of others to your thought and writing.
 Read the Plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to understand the consequences
that you could face if your work is plagiarized.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not
understand the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project or Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Students with special needs can seek assistance from assessors depending upon the
nature of the need.
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.
 Assessment may be completed in your own time and is due one week after the module
end date.
Written Questions

What are the basic requirements of a job advertisement regardless of which

advertising method is chosen? 50-70 words.

Job advertisement is an announcement that informs people that a certain job position is
available. It is written in an engaging tone and it contains information not only about
the job position, but also about your company and the benefits you offer. Basic
requirements of job advertisements regardless of which advertising method are: -

 Work experience - types and amounts (years) of work experience.

 Skills (soft skills and/or technical skills)
 Specific knowledge.
 Education level and type.
 Professional licenses, accreditations and certifications.
 Personal qualities and attributes.
 Language

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

2 Indicate whether the following sentences relating to selection criteria are true or
True / False
Essential criteria are used to describe the level of skills that an
applicant should be able to do. Desirable criteria are designed
to highlight additional skills that can be used to differentiate True
between candidates with the same qualifications.
For high level positions desirable criteria are more important
than True
essential criteria.
The selection criteria must be written in plain English and
should True
simple and easy to follow without any jargons or acronyms.
An important selection criteria in TH&E is customer service
attitude and experience. You want to ensure that the candidate
has a customer service focus, as well as the particular skills True
needed for
the role and organisation.
Well written selection criteria help to provide a clear
framework for the selection process so that both the
interviewer and interviewee understand expectations when True
interviews are
For highly skilled position, selection criteria should be full of
and trade terms to ensure that only the desired candidates
will apply.
Selection criteria should be simple and clear so that the
applicants can match their qualifications, skills, qualities,
attributes and relevant work experience to the job

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List 3 pieces of information you may need to supply when making a written
submission for approval of a new position.

 The position title, responsible department and manager

 The reason the position - Has an employee resigned? Is there a new business need?
 Type of employment
 The estimated rate of pay

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

4 Explain the relationship of job description to selection criteria in 40-50 words.

A job description outlines the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a particular job. The person
specification details the skills, knowledge and personal qualities required to perform the job.
When writing the position description it is important to identify the key selection criteria.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

Why is customer service attitude and experience an important part of the selection
criteria for hospitality positions? 20-30 words.

 Exemplary Communication Skills above Anything Else

 In-depth Product Knowledge and Expertise
 Problem-Solving Attitude
 Willingness to Learn
 Ability to Empathize
 Conflict-handling Skills

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

6 How does a well written selection criterion help the selection process? 20-30 words.

The selection criteria is required to assess each applicant in terms of their ability to meet the
requirements of the position, including the selection criteria.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

When advertising for staff, there are several laws that you must be aware of. List 3
of these.

 The ACL is contained in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. It is a national, state and
territory law. Across Australia, consumers have the same protections and businesses have
the same obligations and responsibilities.
Regulators of the ACL
o the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
o the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
o each state and territory consumer protection agency (in Queensland, this is the
Office of Fair Trading)

 Age Discrimination Act. The Age Discrimination Act 2004 makes it unlawful to discriminate
against people because of their age in: employment. The provision of goods, services and

 Disability Act: - The Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights,
equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities. In relation to work, the DDA
covers all areas of employment and makes it unlawful for a person to be discriminated
against because of their disability.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List and describe 3 aspects of an applicant’s suitability for a job that can be used
to base selection criteria on.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

9 Describe the process of ‘short listing’ or ‘culling’ in 20-30 words.

Short listing is the process of identifying the candidates from your applicant pool who best meet
the required and desired criteria.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

10 What 2 pieces of information should you include in a rejection letter?

 Say thanks
 Deliver the news
 Give the main reason
 Offer hope

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List 3 examples of ‘special arrangements’ you may need to make when preparing
for interviews.

 Special parking and access to the building for disability

 Assistance of interpreters for language differences
 technological assistance for people with hearing difficulty

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

12 How can you comply with privacy laws when storing applications? 10-20 words.

To comply with privacy laws, only use a person’s personal information for the purpose for which it
was obtained.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

During an interview, how does keeping a written record of the candidate’s

suitability according to the selection criteria assist you in complying with EEO

When conducting a number of interviews all in a row, it can become difficult to remember each
individual applicant and to separate them. That is why it is important to take notes during the
interview to record the impressions of a candidate. Constructing an interview form is one way of
helping to standardize the recording and reporting of interviews.
Constructing an interview form is one way of helping to standardize the recording and reporting of

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

14 List 3 checks you may do as part of the selection process.

 Police and background checks

 Working with children check
 Reference Checks
 Veracity of qualifications and portfolios of work

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List 3 testing methods you may use to determine if the applicant has the right
attitude and aptitude for the position.

 Medical testing
 skills testing
 Psychological testing

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List 2 departments you may need to contact to help get everything set up for the
new position.

1. Administration – to set up superannuation and payroll

2. I.T. – to create email addresses, computer logins and passwords
3. Security – to create the new user on the security system
4. Purchasing officer – to order new uniforms and nametags

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

17 What is the purpose of a ‘letter of appointment’? What is it often accompanied


to provide a newly hired employee with a written letter mentioning the status of employment falling
under categories such as regular or probationary, temporary or contract employees

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

Interview questions and techniques require careful planning. How can you link
interview questions to selection criteria? 40-50 words.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

19 List 5 key things your induction program should cover.

 Addressing any new job concerns

 Increasing comfort and the feeling of belonging
 Organisation vision, goals and objectives
 Organisational charts
 Increasing knowledge of the organisation as well as its procedures and policies
 Sharing the values of the organisation, it focuses or initiatives and any job- specific
 Workplace health and safety information
 Organizational policies and procedures
 Payroll information

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

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Businesses are required to record proof that workplace health and safety
information was communicated clearly. What are some ways to achieve this?

Employers provide employees with handbooks, policies and procedures which regulate workplace
matters such as Work health and safety, Anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity,
Occupational Health and Safety

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

How does designating a colleague for assistance during the induction process help
your new employee? 10-20 words.

As the induction process can be quite time consuming and distracting it is important to liaise
with your staff. You will need to decide who is in charge of which aspects of the induction and
you will need to arrange the induction so it has minimal interference in the daily operations of
the business.

Designate a colleague to whom they can go for assistance whenever they are unsure of
something. By specifying who they should ask, the employee is more likely to speak up when
they don't understand something.
Make sure that you include a follow up time to check if the employee requires any additional
information or training.
22 Face-to-face interviews are one type of interview. Name 2 others.

 Tele conference interview

 Video conference interview

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

23 List 6 essential key aspects your induction program should cover.

 Addressing any new job concerns

 Increasing comfort and the feeling of belonging
 Organisation vision, goals and objectives
 Organisational charts
 Increasing knowledge of the organisation as well as its procedures and policies
 Sharing the values of the organisation, it focuses or initiatives and any job- specific
 Workplace health and safety information
 Organizational policies and procedures
 Payroll information
When advertising for staff, there are several legal matters that you must be aware
of. List at least 5:

 Age Discrimination Act 2004

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984
 Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

How could you adjust your interview technique to accommodate a candidate who
speaks little English or has speech difficulties?

Candidates who speak little English or having speech difficulties may require the helps of
interpreters or may need to use other forms of communication. People with hearing disability may
require technological assistance. Also, it is necessary to face the person while speaking to them
and impolite to discuss the person in their presence by facing away from them and talking, if the
candidate lip reads.
What are your obligations under Anti-discrimination law in treatment of a
candidate with special needs? 10-20 words.

For example, a wheelchair-bound person will need special parking and access to the building, or
other arrangements may be necessary if this is not possible.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

For your industry sector and/or department, list 3 effective ways of advertising

 Head Hunting
 Internet Advertising
 In-Store Advertising

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

Version: Acumen Education Pty Ltd Page 28 of

4.0 © 63
What is the advantage of using a recruitment agency over managing the
recruitment process yourself?

 A recruitment agency communicates with both employers and job seekers. They find out
what job vacancies are available, and who is best to fill them. They provide support to the
candidates as well as the clients too.

 Using a recruitment agency can speed up the time it takes to find a new employee. When
using a recruitment agency, you provide them with details about the role as well as hiring

 Satisfactory  Not SatisfactoryComments

What records are required to be created/maintained for a new employee to records
the recruitment and selection process? List 5 details it should contain.

 Personnel Files of Employee Records

 Payroll Files of Employee Records
 Medical Files of Employee Records
 Recruitments records of candidates

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

30 Name one advantage of a panel interview over a one-on-one interview.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

List 3 departments you may need to contact to help get everything set up for the
new position.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

32 Briefly describe the disadvantages of the following face-to-face interview formats:

 Difficult to obtain data on other behaviour attributes such as attitudes and
 Interviewer has to stick to the predefined questions that might vary some
 Respondents must ‘choose’ only the options provided

 More difficult to administer effectively
 The pressure will put some candidates off
 Dominant personalities will quash others
 More difficult to build rapport with individuals
 Some candidates work better individually
 It requires more staff to implement

 Some interviewers could get complacent
 It could be overwhelming for the candidate
 Interviewers could interrupt each other, striving for dominance
 There’s a risk of disagreement

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

33 Briefly describe the stages of an interview:

 STAGE 1: Introduction

Lasting approximately two to three minutes, you are meeting the interviewers and being
escorted to the interview room. It is essential that you start strong, offering a firm
handshake, standing confidently, and making good eye contact. Some reports indicate that
employers will make their decision to hire a candidate within the first 30 seconds of the
interview! Employers may take the time to share information about their organization. Feel
free to jot down notes to remember key points for future reference.

 STAGE 2: Q&A

The longest portion of the interview, this is when the employer asks you questions and
listens to your responses. If the interview is a 30-minute screening interview, this portion is
typically about 20 minutes long.

 STAGE 3: Your Questions

 The employer will ask if you have any questions. This is your chance to demonstrate your
knowledge of the organization by asking thoughtful questions. Always come prepared!
Bring at least three questions, but also feel free to modify them based on the information
you learn during the interview. Be sure to make notes as the interviewer answers your

 STAGE 4: Closing

During the last few minutes, take the time to end on a positive note. Reiterate your
interest in the position and gather business cards from everyone present. Be sure to thank
them for the invitation to interview and offer a firm handshake while making good eye

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

34 List 4 types of tests you can use during an interview process:

 Medical testing
 skills testing
 Psychological testing
 Aptitude test

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

What are the special arrangements that are required in the organisation with
respect to selection procedures

 Special parking and access to the building for disability

 Assistance of interpreters for language differences
 technological assistance for people with hearing difficulty

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

36 List the general steps involved in organizing interviews:

 Understand the job requirements

 Develop job-related interview questions
 Establish a system to evaluate candidates
 Ensure a comfortable interviewing environment
 Avoid unlawful or discriminatory questions
 Document the interview
 Allow the candidate to ask questions
 Provide the candidate with information regarding next steps
 Make your final decision and notify candidates

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

Indicate whether the following statements relating to organising an induction are

or false:
True / False
An induction timetable will not help reduce the interruption to False
staff as TH&E is a busy industry around the clock.
An induction timetable will help you to organize all of the True
required participants in the induction process.
Inductions should be arranged so there is minimal interruption True
business, e.g. in between service periods or outside
regular operating hours.
In a busy restaurant the best time for an induction would be False
around 7pm.
In a busy restaurant the best time for an induction would be True
between lunch and dinner service periods.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

38 Briefly describe the role of the following terms of engagement:

Apprentices and trainees

The purpose of working for a trainee or apprentice is to undertake training or learn new
skills. Managers must be careful when preparing the rosters for them and ensure specific
conditions attached to apprenticeship and traineeship agreements, predominantly those
relating to the number of hours the person must be employed per week, breaks, times
between shifts etc.


Volunteering is described as an unpaid activity where someone gives their time to help a
not-for-profit organisation or an individual who they are not related to.

Short contracts

Contract employees usually receive the same wage, entitlements and conditions as for
the full or part-time employees doing the same job but on a proportionate basis to the
hours worked per week.

Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryComments

Comments if the answer is not satisfactory
This form is completed by the assessor and used for comments if the answer
is not satisfactory
Q.no Comments

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:
Question 11:

Question 12:

Question 13:

Question 14:

Question 15:

Question 16:

Question 17:

Question 18:

Question 19:

Question 20:

Question 21:

Question 22:
Question 23:

Question 24:

Question 25:

Question 26:

Question 27:

Question 28:

Question 29:

Question 30:

Question 31:

Question 32:

Question 33:

Question 34:
Question 35:

Question 36:

Question 37:

Question 38:

Based on the Comments above Please Redo / Rewrite those particular

answers and resend your Completed Reassessment for correction
Assessment Outcome – Assessment 1

Student name

Unit code and SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Date of
Feedback / Comments:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Assessment 2 – Project/Role-play
Instructions for Students

 This is the second of the two assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be
deemed competent in this unit.
 There are six tasks in this assessment. The student must complete all six tasks to the
required standard, to complete this assessment satisfactorily.

Task 1
o Student must create a recruitment action plan. The recruitment plan may be
submitted in Microsoft Word format with no longer than 500 words. Student must
also draft the interview questions.

Task 2
o Students must discuss staffing needs with colleagues and obtain approval. This is a
role play.

Task 3
o Student must create an induction program. The induction program may be submitted
in Microsoft Word format with no longer than 500 words.

Task 4
o Student must complete Application Shortlisting Matrix, draft the template of an
interview letter and a letter to inform unsuccessful applicants of the recruiter’s

Task 5
o Student must conduct interviews with three applicants (one for each position – cook,
kitchen hand and volunteer), using the interview questions drafted in Task 1. This is a
role play.

Task 6
o Student must finalise the employment and prepare a letter of appointment and an
employee file for any one successful candidate.

 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and 6 are to be completed out of class, in the student’s own time.
 Tasks 2 and 5 of this assessment must be conducted in class, in a simulated workplace
environment, as role plays.
 Your assessor will observe you performing this task and record and assess your
performance in the Role Play and Performance Observation Checklist.
 Read the Assessment description carefully.
 Assessment may be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
 Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and
sheets that are attached to your submission.
 Review the Observation Checklist so that you are familiar with the behaviours that you
are expected to perform during the observation.
 Review other resources, tools, job aids that provide guidance related to the task you
are going to perform.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done.
 Acknowledge clearly when and how you are drawing on the ideas or phrases of others.
 Consult your assessor when you are unsure about how to acknowledge the
contributions of others to your thought and writing.
 Read the Plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to understand the consequences
that you could face if your work is plagiarized.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not
understand the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project or Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Students with special needs can seek assistance from assessors depending upon the
natureof the need.
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.

Resources required for assessment

The assessor must ensure that the following resources are made available to
students, for assessment:

 Appendix A: Hospitality industry award (general)

 Appendix B: Job descriptions
 Appendix C: Sample induction checklist from Fair Work Ombudsman
 Appendix D: Applicant Shortlisting Matrix
 Appendix E: Interview Record Form

You are the restaurant manager in a casual dining restaurant, Pesto’s, that has started
receiving negative reviews on social media platforms, such as Zomato, Google maps, and

Three months ago, Pesto’s extended the size of their dining area and started seating more
patrons for each service period. Since then, the restaurant, a local favourite in the North
Melbourne area, has started receiving a lot of complaints about service quality and time.

Your 4.5 stars rating has come down to 3.2 stars. Reviews on Zomato include:

“Great food as usual, however, we did not appreciate being made to wait 25 minutes for
our meals to arrive.”

“I used to love this place. They used to make my favourite pasta. But in my last two visits I
have not enjoyed the experience. The wait is long, the place is overcrowded, and the food
was cold by the time it got to me. I will not come back.”

“The wait staff were friendly and apologetic about the nearly 40 minute wait for our food,
and a mix up in our order. Yet, it does not make up for the fact that the chefs in the
kitchen are clearly not paying attention to what they need to be doing.”

Since expansion, the kitchen team has been struggling to cope with the increasing
numbers of customers. Currently, you have 1 chef and 2 cooks working full time, servicing
on an average 50 customers per hour between 5 PM – 10 PM. Your busiest days of the
week are Thursday – Saturday.

Kitchen staff start work at 3 PM and finish at 11 PM.

You need more kitchen staff (cooks and kitchen hands) for the busiest days of the week.
You also have to take on a volunteer work experience student, who is studying a cookery
course. This volunteer can assist in the capacity of a kitchen hand.

It is now April 15th. The new recruits must start work by 1st

June. You have a budget of $900 per week for wages of the

new staff.
Task 1: Create a recruitment action plan

Taking into account the needs of the business, identify how many new kitchen staff you
can employ, within the budget of $900.

Use the Hospitality Award in Appendix A to make this

calculation. Ensure that your calculation includes at least:

 1 part-time permanent staff
 1 casual staff
 1 volunteer staff – kitchen hand (unpaid, can only work 20 hours per week)

After you have made your calculations, you must research and create a recruitment action

Your plan must be a typed document, no longer than 500

words. Your plan must include:

1. Business needs analysis:

 immediate issues facing the business

 organisational changes necessary to rectify performance issues

2. Recruitment

 Staffing needs
o number of staff required
o staff costs
o job positions to be advertised

 Selection criteria for each job, based on the job descriptions provided to you in
Appendix B (criteria must be merit-based and adhering to EEO principles), including:
o job skills
o customer service skills

 A recruitment timeline that includes the duration and dates of each stage as follows:
o advertising
o shortlisting
o selection and notification of shortlisted candidates
o notification of unsuccessful candidates
o interview
o role commencement and induction/ training

Against each stage of the timeline, indicate who will be involved in the process (e.g.,
who will advertise, who will interview, etc.)
 Identify where the interviews will be held. In case your selected candidates cannot
attend the interview in person, identify one alternate arrangement that can be made.
 For each position, draft the text for a job ad.

Each ad must include:

o job title, clear description of role, location and duties
o employment type
o clear and concise key selection criteria (including job skills and experience,
and customer service skills and experience)
o customer service attitudes and experiences that applicants must have
o wages where applicable
o application deadline

 an estimate of approximate advertising costs and procedures for 3 media (such as

website, newspaper, journal, social media, etc.), using the internet for research,
presented in the following format:

Job advertising Cost of advertising Additional details of

site/newspaper product

 for each position, a sample of 5 interview questions you will ask to ensure the
applicants meet selection criteria

 for each position, 2 types of checks you will perform on shortlisted candidates

 2 strategies you can use to find more candidates if you do not get a sufficient number
of applications or suitable candidates for any job position

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit your recruitment plan as a typed document, to
your assessor.
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 1

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Did the student: Satisfactory Comments

Demonstrate understanding of the recruitment
needs of the business based on customer feedback
 Yes  No
and efficiency levels in the restaurant described in
Calculate staff numbers required based on business
 Yes  No
needs and budgets
Develop a recruitment timeline containing criteria
 Yes  No
specified in the task
Use job descriptions to create clear and concise
 Yes  No
selection criteria, and job ads for all three positions
Ensure selection criteria are merit-based and in
 Yes  No
adherence to EEO principles

Prepare drafts of job ads for each position  Yes  No

Prepare an estimate of advertising costs which

 Yes  No
include three media
Prepare sample interview questions based on
selection criteria (job skills and customer service  Yes  No
skills) for each position
Identify checks to be conducted for shortlisted
 Yes  No
candidates for each position
Identify two problem solving strategies if a suitable
number of candidates is not received in the first  Yes  No
round of recruitment

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Task 2: Role play – Discuss staffing needs with colleagues
and obtain approval

Have a meeting with the owner of Pesto’s to discuss your staffing needs and your proposed
recruitment plan.

During your meeting with the restaurant owner:

 discuss your staffing needs, including the reason for staff changes,
 identify the number of staff you wish to hire, their employment type (full time/ part
time, casual, volunteer), and staff costs;
 identify how the proposed staff changes will improve the quality of service, including
how you will allocate duties;
 describe your recruitment timeline, and who will be involved in the recruitment process;
 discuss the selection criteria you have used and your drafts of the job ads;
 discuss advertising media costs,
 discuss your sample of interview questions
 seek feedback on your plan from the restaurant owner, and seek approval to implement
your plan

At the end of the task, you must receive approval for your recruitment plan, from the
owner of the restaurant.

Your assessor will observe you participating in this role play, and will assess you based on
your ability to:
 Clearly communicate your requirements to the restaurant owner
 Seek input from the owner and actively listen to their ideas

This is a role play. Your assessor will play the role of the restaurant owner, or organise for a
classmate to play the role of the owner of Pesto’s.

Your assessor will assess your performance using the Role Play Observation Checklist Below.

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit a Role Play Observation Checklist completed by your
assessor and signed by you, to your assessor.
Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2,
Task 2

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Date of submission
Did the student Comments
Check (X)
demonstrate the following (How did the student demonstrate
skills: this?)

Consult with the restaurant owner

about the staffing needs of
Pesto’s, and rationale for hiring
Identify new job roles to be
advertised and staff costs
Discuss how the proposed staff
changes will improve the quality

Outline selection criteria of each job

Outline recruitment timeline

persons responsible for each
Present the drafts of the job ads
and seek approval for them

Discuss media costs

Present draft interview questions

for each position and seek for
Seek feedback on and approval for
implementing the recruitment
Listen attentively to inputs
of restaurant owner
Feedback / Comments:
Result:  Satisfactory Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Task 3 – Create an induction program
Pesto’s restaurant’s operating hours are Monday – Sunday, 5 PM – 10 PM.

The kitchen staff working the start working at 3 PM, prior to the restaurant

opening. The induction program that Pesto’s provides employees is 1 hour in


Prepare a plan for induction and orientation for new

employees. Your induction plan must include:

 location
 duration
 date and time (ensure the induction is conducted at a time when disruption to
operations can be minimised)
 who the induction program will be conducted by
 content and structure of induction program
 documentation the new employees must complete at induction
 where the documentation will be filed and maintained
 an induction acknowledgement form which lists all items covered in the induction
program, and which employees must sign and date to indicate they have received the
induction program

You plan must be submitted as a typed document, no longer than 500 words.

Use the Induction Checklist Template from Fair Work Ombudsman (Appendix C) to plan the
content and structure of your induction program.

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit:

 an induction plan as a typed document, including:
o outline of the induction program
o information about documentation and filing of employee records
o acknowledgment form
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 3

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Did the student: Satisfactory Comments

Research and prepare an induction and orientation
 Yes  No
plan for employees
Identify when, where, and by whom the induction will
be conducted, and ensured that the  Yes  No
program minimises disruption to operations
Prepares structure and outlines content for
the induction program, and includes:
 key organisational policies and procedures  Yes  No
 job role details
 facilities orientation
Identifies documentation that employees must
 Yes  No
complete, at the end of the induction program
Identifies procedure for filing and maintaining
 Yes  No
Prepares acknowledgement form for employees to
 Yes  No
complete after induction

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Task 4 – Analysis and selection of job candidates


You have received two applications and CVs for each position advertised. These have been
summarized in table format in the Application Shortlisting Matrix in Appendix D.

The matrix contains information about the candidates’ qualifications and work experience.

1. Complete the application shortlisting matrix by indicating, against each applicant,

whether the applicant has been shortlisted or not, and providing a rationale for your

2. Research and draft the template of an interview letter for a shortlisted applicant; ensure
o inform candidates of their progress to interview stage
o inform candidates of the location and time of their interview
o ask candidates to inform you if they cannot attend the interview, and
provide information on alternate arrangements that can be made in such a

(this is only a template of a letter and does not need to be addressed to any individuals)

3. Draft the template of a letter to inform unsuccessful applicants of your decision (this is
only a template and does not need to be addressed to any individuals)

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit:

 a completed Applicant Shortlisting Matrix
 one draft of an interview letter
 one draft of a letter informing unsuccessful applicants of your decision
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 4

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Did the student: Satisfactory Comments

Read and interpret applications, and evaluate
applications against selection criteria and  Yes  No
customer service criteria
Follow recruitment procedures by completing the
 Yes  No
Applicant Shortlisting Matrix for each applicant
Shortlist 3 applicants, one for each position, to move
to  Yes  No
interview stage
Draft the template of an interview letter to advise
successful applicants of their progress to the next
stage of recruitment, ensuring access instructions  Yes  No
and special arrangements are included in the
Draft the template of a letter to advise unsuccessful
 Yes  No
applicants of the recruiter’s decision

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Task 5: Conduct interviews

You are to conduct interviews with three applicants (one for each position), using the
interview questions you have drafted in Task 1.

Prior to the interview:

 discuss with your assessor which candidates (names) you are going to interview for
each position, so that your assessor can organise for three volunteers to play the
roles of the interviewees

 provide each interviewee with a copy of the relevant interview questions; since this
is a simulation, your interviewees will need to prepare their responses

 provide each interviewee with a copy of the selection criteria for their role

 prepare an interview Record Form for each interview using the template in
Appendix E, customising the template with your own interview questions.

Part A - During the interviews

During the interviews you must:

 Confirm that the information provided in the résumés is accurate

 Ensure the candidates have the skills and knowledge required for the job
 Ensure the candidates have the customer service attitudes and experience required for
the job

Use the Interview Record Form you have prepared to make notes of the candidates’
responses in the interviews.

Part B - After the interviews

After the interviews, you must discuss the performance of all three candidates with the
owner of the restaurant and make recommendations for recruitment based on the
outcomes of the interview, i.e. – whether the candidates were successful or not.

This is a role play.

For the interviews, your assessor will organise three volunteers to play interview

candidates. After the interview, your assessor will play the role of the restaurant


Your assessor will observe you conducting interviews and assess you on your ability to:
 use verbal and non-verbal communication skills clearly
 use questioning skills to get information about job skills, experience and customer
service attitudes
 use rapport building skills to put interviewees at ease
 quickly adapt interview techniques to meet the needs of your interviewees
(such as language and comprehension levels)

During the meeting with the restaurant owner, you will be assessed on your ability to:
 communicate your ideas clearly to your colleague and obtain their inputs and feedback
 collaboratively arrive at a decision

Your assessor will assess your performance using the Role Play Observation Checklist below.

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit:

 three Interview Record Forms (one for each interview)
 a Role Play Observation Checklist completed by your assessor and signed by you
Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2,
Task 5

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Cook: Kitchen hand: Volunteer:

Part A:
Date of submission
Part B:

Did the student Comments
demonstrate the (X) (How did the
following skills: student demonstrate
Cook Volunteer this?)


Use questioning skills to

get information about
candidate’s attitudes,
aptitude, experience and
fit for the needs of the
Demonstrate communication
skills of active listening,
clear and concise speech,
and rapport building during
the interview, and when
discussing interview
with colleagues
Adapt/ rephrase interview
techniques to meet the
needs of the interviewee
Listen attentively to inputs
of interviewees
Part B
Did the student Check (X) Comments
demonstrate the following
Y N (How did the student demonstrate
skills: this?)
Describe the outcome of each
interview, and make
recommendations for the
of staff
Demonstrate critical thinking
skills to evaluate candidature,
when describing rationale for
Seek feedback from restaurant
owner, and approval to
recruit selected staff
Listen attentively to inputs of
restaurant owner
Feedback / Comments:

Result:  Satisfactory Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /

Task 6: Finalise employment

Part A

You must prepare for any one successful candidate:

1. a letter of appointment that contains:

o terms and conditions of employment
o key dates
o an induction and orientation schedule, including date and times

2. an employee file that contains:

o Applicant Shortlist Matrix
o interview notes
o letter of appointment
o copy of induction checklist to be signed by candidate (prepared in Task 3)

Part B

Draft an email to all kitchen staff of the restaurant, advising them of the following:

 names of new employees

 start date of new employees
 induction time, location and duration
 how the induction program will affect the work of other kitchen staff (e.g.
introductions, facilities tours, etc.)
 how the induction will ensure operations are not disrupted
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Task 6

Student name

Unit code and title SITXHRM004 - Recruit, select and induct staf

Assessor name

Did the student: Satisfactory Comments

Part A
Prepare a letter of appointment for one
 Yes  No
selected candidate
Advise candidate of:
 terms of employment
 Yes  No
 key dates
 induction and orientation schedule
Prepare an employee file that contains:
 Applicant Shortlist Matrix
 interview notes  Yes  No
 letter of appointment
 copy of induction checklist to be signed
by candidate
Part B

Draft an email to staff advising of new recruits and

 Yes  No
the induction schedule

Identify staff involvement in induction program  Yes  No

Identify how disruptions to operations will be  Yes  No


Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration:
I have read and agree with this assessment record.

Student Signature: Date: / /


Appendix A:

Refer Hospitality Industry Award Sample Document

Appendix B:

Refer Position Description Sample Document

Appendix C:

Refer Induction Checklist Sample Document

Appendix E:

Refer Interview Record Form Sample Document

Assessment Tool|

Appendix D: Applicant Shortlisting Matrix

Applica Position Education Vocational Relevant Skills/ Attributes Communicati Shortl Comments
nt applied Qualificatio Work on skills ist ed – rationale
Name for ns Experienc (Y/N) for
e decision
John Dew Cook Year 10 Certificate III in  2 years  Organisationa  Excellent
Commercial Cookery as l Skills communicatio
kitchen  Willingness n skills
hand to work on  Team member
 1 year weekends as well as
as cook  Good customer leader
service skills
Bina Cook Year 12 Diploma in Hospitality 3 years’  Can handle high  Good listener
Noonan experience stress  Very good
in environments. communicatio
 Physical stamina n and
as cook
 Multitasking negotiation
 IT skills skills
 Good customer
service skills
Mary Fry Kitchen High  Certificate II  2  Flexibility  Strong
hand School in Hospitality months’  Being able to communicatio
 Food handlers experienc stand for n and
certificate e in food long hours interpersonal
and and lift skills
beverage heavy items
service  Able to work Can work as
cash register part of a team
6 months’
kitchen Can work
hand under pressure

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Ravi Singh Kitchen Year 10 None None  Able to work  Good
hand quickly and communicatio
safely n skills and
team player
Plenty of stamina
The ability to
listen and
learn quickly

Applicant Positio Education Vocational Relevant Skills/ Attributes Communication

Name n Qualification Work skills
applied s Experienc
for e
Mahi Way Kitchen Year 12  Certificate III in  Worked  Excellent  Very good
hand Commercial in customer communicatio
(volunteer Cookery- to be cafeteria service skills n skills
completed in as  Ability to  IELTS score 5.5
four months kitchen prioritise
 Barista training hand – 1 workload
course completed year  Problem
 Responsible  Working solving skills
Service of Alcohol in  Work rights
(RSA) restauran in Australia
t as wait
staff for 1
Polly Bora Kitchen VCE  Certificate 1 in  Working  Excellent  Good
hand Hospitality inSafewa customer communicatio
(volunteer (Kitchen y for 1 service skills n skills
Operations) year  Can operate POS  Ability to work
 Worked machine on a team/in a
in KFC for  Positive attitude team
1 year  Adaptability environment

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