AM8328 User Manual

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AM8328 Mirage VCF

User Manual
24dB/Octave Low Pass Filter

© AMSynths 2013
Rob Keeble, Owner & Designer
Contact: [email protected]
Web Site:
AM8328 Mirage Filter


1. Welcome

2. Front Panel

3. Connections & Controls

4. Module Description

5. Configuration

6. Warranty & Support

7. Specifications

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

1 Welcome
Thank you for purchasing an AMSynths product.

The AM8328 analog filter module has been designed and

hand built in the UK to exacting quality standards. The
module uses high quality electronic components and
particular attention has been paid to the quality of the
audio signal path, stability of the control circuits and the
long term life of the product.

This user manual explains the basic functions of the

module, as well the historic background to its development,
how to install the module and the warranty and support.

AMSynths modules are produced in low volumes, with each

module having a unique holographic serial number and a
certificate of ownership. You own a rare and beautiful
analog synthesizer module that will provide many years of
amazing sounds and musical inspiration.

Rob Keeble
Owner & Designer
February 2013

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

2 Front Panel

InA, InB



Signal A (white)
Signal B (white)
Frequency (blue)
Resonance (red)
Key Tack (green)
CV1 (blue)
CV2 (blue)
QCV (red)

The serial number is on a small silver holographic sticker

on the inside of the front panel.

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

3 Module Description
This module is based around the CEM3328 4-pole Low Pass
Filter chip that was released in 1984, as one of the last
filter chips and with some great features. It has differential
signal inputs, an accurate exponential scale over 14
octaves and voltage controlled resonance. It has a unqiue
feature, the signal level is automatically increased as the
resonance goes up, thereby avoiding the usual signal level
dropping off as resonance comes in.

The CEM3328 was late onto the analog stage, just before
digital filters appeared, so it only made it into the BIT01
and Ensoniq Mirage (and a few drum machines). So this
chip has never really seen action, and was never under
analog pot control, just lonely digital parameter access! In
the Mirage it was not even allowed to oscillate…..

We just love giving it a new lease of life in a new analog


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AM8328 Mirage Filter

4 Connections & Controls

The two uppermost jack sockets INA and INB are for
connecting audio signals into the input side of the filter,
these signals are mixed together, with the InB signal being
inverted. The level of each audio signal can be varied from
nil to maximum using the front panel rotary potentiometers
Signal A and Signal B.

The middle jack sockets CV1 and CV2 are for connecting
modulation control voltages into the filter. These signals
vary the cut off frequency of the filter, with the front panel
rotary potentiometers adjusting the amount of modulation.

The next jack socket QCV is fo connecting a modulation

control voltage to modify the resonance amount.

The lowest jack socket marked Out is the audio signal

output of the filter and it is typically connected to a VCA.

The Frequency potentiometer varies the cut off frequency

of the filter. At the minimum setting the filter will cut off all
frequencies with no audio output and at the maximum
setting the filter will pass all frequencies.

The Key Track potentiometer adjusts the amount by which

the keyboard note value control voltage on the internal
Doepfer bus controls frequency cut-off. This enables
brighter sounds as higher notes are played.

The Resonance potentiometer adjusts the resonant peak of

the filter from a minimum setting of no resonance, through
subtle resonance enhancement to a maximum setting when
the filter will break into self oscillation. The filter has been
trimmed at the factory to self oscillate at the same level as
the filter output signal to ensure that maximum resonance
settings do not create excessive signal levels.

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

5 Module Description
The AM8328 uses the chip as per the CEM datasheet, and
it’s a 4-pole OTA design. There are two signal inputs and
the usual signal output, 2x Frequency Cutoff CV inputs with
control pots, a KeyTrack pot which enables the note value
to control filter cutoff, and a resonance CV input and control
pot. The Filter Q control will take the CEM3328 into full self-
oscillation, beyond the 40 setting on the Ensoniq Mirage!

The CEM3328 has input and output buffer Op Amps to

enable it to work in a modular synthesizer, and I have used
high quality polystyrene capacitors in the filter, and they
are very large and green…..K71-7 Soviet.

The front panel has bright orange lettering, in keeping with

its name… (a mirage in the desert…), and the filter has a
very attractive sound, have a listen to the demonstration on
our web site.

Trade in your Ensoniq Mirage and get an AM8328 module

for free! Many thanks to Adam for being the first to donate
a DSK-8 to the AMSynths re-engineering saw, with a
rebirth of the CEM3328 into an analog module – hey this is
all thanks to his idea!

Web site page is here:

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

6 Configuration

The AM8328 module occupies 14HP of EuroRack space and

is fully compatible with various Euro Rack cases, especially
Doepfer. The height of the panel is 128.5 mm and there
are four mounting holes at each corner of the module.
Four 3mm diameter mounting screws and washers are
included with the AM8328 to enable you to securely mount
the module into your rack.

The module should be connected to the 12V Doepfer style

power bus within your case using the included AMSynths
multi-way power cable. Ensure the power is OFF before
connecting the module and BE VERY CAREFUL to ensure
that the power connector to the bus is connected with the
red stripe of the cable lined up with -12V (negative 12V).
This is standard Euro Rack power connection but be VERY
CAREFUL to get this right! Damaged modules will not be
replaced under warranty when the power has been
misconnected. The power socket on the AMSynths module
is keyed so that the cable can only be inserted the correct

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

7 Warranty & Support

Repairs resulting from a defect of the module or its
construction process are covered by a one year warranty,
with the customer paying transit costs to AMSynths in the

Damage to the module resulting from incorrect power

supply voltages, backwards power cable connection,
abusive usage, fluid encroachment or out-of specification
voltage input are not covered by the warranty and normal
service rates apply.

AMSynths implies and accepts no responsibility for

undesirable harm to a person or apparatus caused through
operation of this device.

If you have questions regarding the use of this module or

you need technical support please contact AMSynths via
email at [email protected].

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AM8328 Mirage Filter

8 Specifications
Power Supply:
+12V, GND and -12V standard Doepfer 10 pin connector
RED stripe on power cable is -12V (NEGATIVE 12V)

Current consumption:

128.5mm (Height) x 70.8 mm (Width)

Euro Rack Size:


2mm machined aluminum with colour photographic print.

20 Hz to 20 kHz

0 to self oscillation

Output Impedance:
1k ohm

Input Impedance:
100k ohm

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